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Michelangelo1 Essay
Michelangelo1 Michelangelo is one of the greatest creators in the history of art. Most people
recognize the genius for his beautiful sculpture "David" and his breathtaking paintings on the walls
and ceiling of the Sistine chapel. However, along with his sculptures and paintings, Michelangelo
was an accomplished poet and architect; which is a reflection of his amazing creative ability.
Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475, in a small Italian city, Caprese, but he spent a large
portion of his life in Rome, Italy. It was there that Michelangelo created one of the most famous
works of art, the marble sculpture, Pieta. A controversially youthful Mary is seated, holding the dead
Christ across her lap. The mother holding her dead ... Show more content on ...
Also, one characteristic of every Pieta, other than Michelango's, is the awkwardness of the Mother
and child; the artist solved this common problem by draping Mary in long, flowing clothes and
arranging the two bodies to form a pyramid. Michelangelo has had many influential people persuade
his works. Hibbard states that with the Pieta,
"We sense the debt to [Michelangelo's] Early Renaissance forebears – Verrocchio and Jacopo della
Quercia – and of course this is still, chronologically a work of the Quattrocento. Highly finished and
polished, it shows a Quattrocento love of detail; linear drapery folds pile up in ornamental
abundance" (46)
Two items are peculiar about the Michelangelo's Pieta, Mary's youthful face and the artist's
signature, which is found only on the Pieta. Common knowledge shows that the artist gave Mary a
youthful face because women retain their beauty longer if they are virgins, and perhaps
Michelangelo sensed his great accomplishment and felt proud to chisel his name on the work;
certainly, it was fitting for such an immaculate work of art. The Pieta is considered untouchable by
today's art world; a work that will never be duplicated. Michelangelo's Pieta is one of the most
notable works of all time.
When Michelangelo moved back to Florence, Italy, the artist created one of his most recognizable
sculptures, the David. Unlike most works of David, which show the young boy after his victory over
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Renaissance Influence On American Culture
In my opinion one of the most monumental things to happen to the world outside of the United
States has to be the renaissance. The reason being is that it shaped to world of art to the
sophisticated way it is today. It sculpted Europe into the great country it is today.It was also the
same time the bubonic plague happened with infected and killed about 50 million people and
changed the religious belief for many people. Maybe you still don't think the death of so many
people or the growth of Europe was one of the single most important things to happen out of
America but this essay surely will change your mind. So first up let's talk about how the renaissance
changed the popularity and style of art and architecture. First of all an entirely new form of art was
created called flemish, this was where the artist would use oils to make portraits incredibly realistic.
Overall, making a painting or sculpture of someone became extremely popular thanks to artists like
Nicola Pisano and Giotto. Art was not the only thing that changed and became more popular though
architecture also became different, for example the ... Show more content on ...
People started to pay attention to the material world and nature. They also started to become
interested in recovering the heritage of ancient Greece and Rome. Vernacular literature, or, literature
not made in English or Filipino aso became much more popular. Along with that came people's
interest in the abstract world. Space was also divided into states which still exist today, had this not
happened so long ago all the countries in Europe would have drastically different shapes and sizes.
People also started living urban lives this meant more people started moving into cities, eventually a
quarter of the population lived in cities. This brought about many changes in the government, for
example thet now had to deal with fire prevention, public health, immigration and maintaining
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Exploring Corporate Strategy
ECS8C_C01.qxd 22/10/2007 11:54 Page 597 CASE STUDIES ECS8C_C01.qxd 22/10/2007
11:54 Page 598 ECS8C_C01.qxd 22/10/2007 11:54 Page 599 Guide to using the case studies The
main text of this book includes 87 short illustrations and 15 case examples which have been chosen
to enlarge specific issues in the text and/or provide practical examples of how business and public
sector organisations are managing strategic issues. The case studies which follow allow the reader to
extend this linking of theory and practice further by analysing the strategic issues of specific
organisations in much greater depth – and often providing 'solutions' to some of the problems or
difficulties identified in the case. There ... Show more content on ...
Pharmaceutical Industry – global forces at work in the ethical pharmaceutical industry. TUI –
competitive forces in the travel industry. HiFi – how can small players survive changing markets?
Amazon (B) – latest developments in a successful Formula One – developing the
capabilities for competitive success in a hi–tech industry. Manchester United – clash of expectations
in the football world. Salvation Army – strategic challenges for a global not–for–profit organisation
with a mission. Bayer MS –
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Canning Lid Research Paper
If you are a home preserver, you know this struggle is real: what to do with your collection of used
canning lids? The metal lids can only be used once for safety reasons. Yet, you can't see to bring
yourself to toss them. After a few seasons, you find yourself up to your ears with little metal lips.
Now worries, here's a simple craft that will upcycle those used lids into a fun, educational game for
little ones.
Canning lids
Chalkboard paint
Paint brush (not shown)
Scissors (not shown
Cover your work surface with paper towels or newspaper. To keep this lids from sliding around,
place a bit of masking tape on the back before you put them down on the paper. Paint the lids with
the chalkboard paint. You will need to
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Life Is Beautiful Film Analysis
Life is Beautiful Movie Analysis
Life is Beautiful, directed by Italian director Roberto Benigni, released in 1997, is a film about love,
war and death. Set just before and during WWII, the main character, Guido falls in love with the
woman of his dreams, they have a child but they get separated by the horrors of the war. Guido and
his little son strive to get reunited with his wife but their internment in a Nazi concentration camp
halts him from doing so. Nevertheless, he slyly keeps in contact with his wife so she knows they are
safe and well.
Roberto Benigni uses cinematic techniques such as music, costume and lighting to convey the
strong theme of love between two characters in the film Life is Beautiful.
In Life is Beautiful, the love between two people is a recurring theme. The music, composed by
Italian light–classical composer Nicola Piovani, is one of the major factors that helps successfully
convey this theme to the audience.
In the film, the same upbeat tune is used for many of the 'romantic' scenes between Guido and Dora.
This tune, in a more subtle tone, is the theme song for the film, and when it is repeated for the
romantic themes it gives a powerful sense of love. For example, when Dora falls out of that farm
house, and Guido catches her, the music is used for the first time in a romantic setting. The same
music is then repeated in the scene at the 11 minute mark when Guido falls off his bike into Dora
and they both fall over into a big pile of sand. This
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Euthanasia Is The Act Or Practice?
Mr Sarkozy is a poster made by ADMD( Association pour le Droit de Mourir dans la
Dignite) which is a pro euthanasia group located in Belgium. Euthanasia is the act or practice of
killing someone who is very sick or injured in order to prevent any more suffering. The poster
reveals its intention to get the society to support euthanasia despite the banning of euthanasia by the
government. Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy who are the former President of France are depicted in the photo
to show the desperation of the pro–euthanasia association to convey their messages for the public to
support euthanasia and therefore corporate interest to research why does the government banned
euthanasia and why does ADMD attempted to persuade the public to support euthanasia. Euthanasia
are the buildup of different suicide contributing factor such as financial, family, and the patient
In ADMD (French association for the right to die with dignity) 2012 pro–euthanasia advertisement
entitled "Sarkozy", President Nicolas Sarkozy (Former President of France) is seen lying down on a
hospital bed looking old and senile. He is wearing a hospital robe with a breathing tube around his
head and intravenous drip connected to his arm. His gaze is fixed to the left of the poster and he had
his hair combed back neatly. The background setting of this photo is the usual setting that is seen at
the hospital ward which consist of a monitor machine, an IV pole and a reflection of what seems to
look like an IV bag.
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Renaissance Chapter 12 Summary
HUMN 1101
Group Leader Shakela Andrews Hayat Ali
Group 1
Chapter 11 and 12
CRN 20654/Online
Chapter Eleven and Twelve The term "Renaissance" comes from the Renaissance. Several Italian
intellectuals of the late fourteenth and the early fifteenth centuries used the term rinascità ('rebirth )
to describe their own age as one in which learning, literature, and the arts were reborn after a long,
dark Middle Ages. The approach here is that the Renaissance began in Italy about 1350 and in the
rest of Europe after 1450 and that it lasted until about 1620. It was a historical era with distinctive
themes in learning, politics, literature, art, religion, social life, and music. In the view of the
humanists, the painter Giotto (d. 1337) ... Show more content on ...
It was executed by Sluter and his workshop in 1395–1403 for the Carthusian monastery of
Chartreuse de Champmol built as a burial site by the Burgundian Duke Philip the Bold just outside
the Burgundian capital of Dijon, now in France. And Brunelleschi was the father of Renaissance
architecture and the most prominent architect in Italy, during his lifetime. The other thinning the
Battle of San Romano is a set of three paintings by the Florentine painter Paolo Uccello depicting
events that took place at the Battle of San Romano between Florentine and Sienese forces in 1432.
They are significant as revealing the development of linear perspective in early Italian Renaissance
painting, and are unusual as a major secular
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Nicolas Poussin
Nicolas Poussin is born in Les Andelys, France in 15 Jun 1594. Poussin's talant was recognized
from an early age, and when successful local painter Quentin Varin visit his hometown. Very little is
known about Poussin's early years in France. Inn the spring of 1624 Poussin arrived in Rome, where
he was welcomed into the active group of intellectuals included Cassiano dal Pozzo archaeologist
and philosopher. In 1628, with Cassiano's help, Poussin received his first big agreement: "The
Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus", painted for the Church of Saint Peter (now Vatican Museums)–one of
his largest Baroque compositions. During his first years as an artist, Poussin experimented many
different artistic styles, but he was obviously impressed by the paintings ... Show more content on ...
It was common for the artist to paint several versions of a subject, rethinking the composition and
the quality of the painting in the process; this was the case with Poussin's two paintings of "The
Abduction of the Sabine Women", which he created around 1633. Both paintings, with their strongly
opposing diagonals, are illustrations of the dynamic and self–confident style that Poussin adopted
for many of his scenes from earliest history. Poussin perhaps used the small stages with wax figures
and carefully arranged curtains, described by his colleagues. In his painting "Eliezer and Rebecca at
the Well" created in 1648, he used the same technic. In his late works Poussin may well have used
such a stage to plan the rigorous composition of "Saints Peter and John Healing the Lame Man" ,a
painting from about 1655 that shows the artist responding to the striking and solid classicism of
Raphael's The School of Athens. Poussin was much precise in his work: after reading of the primary
sources, he made an initial sketch, and then constructed a small model stage upon which he could
move with actual miniature figures made of
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The Classical Style Of The Ancient Greece And The United...
Neo– Classicism in France and the United States
The classical style of the ancient Athens, derived from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome in the
15th century, has had a universal impact on many cultures during previous time periods. The
classical period reflected traditional forms focused on symmetry and elegance; it flourished during
the time of the Renaissance through artist such as Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo De Vinci.
The artists' main goal was to attain the absolute beauty in their art by showing emotion through
detail, almost through perfection. Some examples of well–known classical arts during the
Renaissance were 'Belvedere Torso' and the 'Medici Venus'. In the 17th century the classical style
was revived, now called the neo–classical style. It was born in Rome but its popularity flourished all
over Europe. The neo–classical movement clashed with the age of Enlightment and continued
through the 19th century. The neo–classical principles were based around the same characteristics as
the classical arts such as: balance, proportion, order, simplicity, clarity, and reason. It was strongest
in architect, sculpture, and decorative arts. The neo– classical style continued to spread throughout
the world and became sought after in the 17th and 18th century in countries such as France and The
United States, and it influenced some of the greatest government buildings in America.
Neoclassicism can be seen as a political movement as well as an artistic and cultural one.
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The Burqa Should Be Banned
In April 2010 president Nicolas Sarkozy of France announced the official ban of a full face veil in
France because the government believes that it symbolizes that women are being suppressed. People
tend to blame the president for the ban, but fail to understand the bicameral parliament of France
had a saying in this decision.The ban has become controversial due to S.A.S attempting to sue the
French government but France is doing what is best for all of its citizens.
The burqa should be banned due to various reasons such as the negative impact it has on an
individual, it doesn't violate citizen's rights and the burqa symbolizes oppression.
Many people believe that Nicolas Sarkozy has placed the ban in order to be re–elected, but
individuals that believe that are being misinformed. In 2004, the French parliament adopted a law
that prohibits headscarves in public schools. The ban of headscarves has been going on for many
years in France, but it is only just receiving attention due to S.A.S trying to sue the French
government. According to President Nicolas Sarkozy, the reason for the burqa ban is because, "The
problem of the burqa is not a religious problem, it's a problem of liberty and women's dignity. It's
not a religious symbol, but a sign of subservience and debasement. I want to say solemnly, the burka
is not welcome in France. In our country, we can't accept women prisoners behind a screen, cut off
from all social life, deprived of all identity. That's not our idea of
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"Without Connection to Others There Is No Me" Member of...
"Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known." Chuck
Palahniuk's quote from his book "Invisible Monsters" highlights that a human being is the collection
of experiences, influences and interactions of others within our lives. Palahniuk's quote express' that
from the moment we are brought into the world our personality is constantly shaped and refined
through the connection of others in a predisposed attempt to gain acceptance. Being devoid of this
acceptance can leave us ostracized from society, which can leave us psychologically impaired to
identify who we truly are. The strong bonding with family defines who we are through our early
stages. The community surrounding us refines who we want to become in ... Show more content on ...
This then changes as they transition into school and realize that fire has an element of danger too it.
Society then influences and refines our ideas in what we want to achieve and we then follow the
most acceptable occupation that we believe expresses our individualism. Although identity is shaped
by commitments and relationships within the confines of societies pressures, a select few stray off
the path of connecting with others which either leads to loneliness of second guessing of one's true
identities and connections.
The majorities of humans are shaped for the better through early life and are therefore refined
through society to find a place within the community. However there are cases where the early life
influences are absent and aren't able to give the crucial acceptance from an early age. This leads to
abandonment issues that make it exceedingly difficult to find a place within society. In Louis
Nowra's "Member of the wedding" we are shown a prominent example of the detrimental effects of
not being accepted. The protagonist Frankie had a mother that passed away and has a workaholic
father who spends little to no time with at home leaving her with no sense of acceptance and
struggling in finding who she is. She doesn't connect with the world outside and due to her inner
conflict she creates a new "me" in attempt to "connect". F. Jasmine, her new persona, is her attempt
of proving she no longer needs to acceptance at home as she can be accepted in the adult
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The Existence Of Life And Energy
Order Disorder
Daniel Singh
Engineering and the Profession
Dr. Leo Oriet
Friday, November 7, 2014
Singh 2 The existence of life and energy has always been questioned. It is not clear as to how life on
earth is sustained by energy and how that energy is produced. The explanation to all of this lies in
the law of conservation of energy and the amazing work done by many intelligent people. Over
many centuries, the development of new technology has furthered studies in science and advanced
the standard of life for many people. The steam engine is one example of this. The creation of the
theory on energy, the works of many scientists, and the theory of entropy explain how energy is used
to sustain life on earth. Without these ... Show more content on ...
Energy is always conserved from one item to another, meaning it cannot be created or destroyed in
any way, shape, or form. This is the law of conservation of energy. Energy from the big blast has
been conserved on the earth in plants, minerals, water, and more. Energy is extremely important to
our everyday lives as it is the basis for all life interaction. All living organisms need energy to
sustain life; this energy can be found in food and water. Plants will receive energy from the sun and
humans and animals will receive energy by eating these plants
Singh 3 as well as meat from other animals. In engineering, energy is what powers machinery,
automobiles, and equipment. Engineers have developed many successful operations to harnessing
and manipulating energy. Fossil fuels, nuclear, hydro, solar, and wind power are commonly used
processes that extract useable energy from the earth. These processes utilize refineries for fuel,
nuclear reactions between atoms, hydroelectric power stations, solar panels, and wind turbines to
convert energy from the earth to useable potential energy. This in turn powers the machinery used to
harvest food, build structures, and travel from point A to point B. The concept of energy was in full
effect for millions of years; however, it took many skilled scientists to actually conceptualize it.
Gottfried Leibniz was a
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The Birth of Venus Anaylsis Essay
Ciera Callahan
Art History II
Sfakianos The piece that I chose to write about is entitled The Birth of Venus and was painted by the
French artist Nicolas Poussin. This painting was sold to Catherine the Great of Russia in 1771. It
was sold another time by the Hermitage Museum in 1932 when the Soviet government was
desperate for western currency. It was then that it was acquired for the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
The painting was made in Italy in either the year 1635 or 1636. The medium that Poussin used was
oils on canvas, and the size of the painting is roughly around 38 by 42 inches. This painting is
considered to be included the Baroque period. (Philadelphia Museum of Art) Along side of the
painting on display is a ... Show more content on ...
A blue cloth is flowing in the wind behind him, sort of draping off of his back like a cape. Behind
him are a man and a woman farther in the background. The man is standing in the water while the
woman is sitting on what looks like a porpoise. On both sides of the center three women are two
men with wreaths on on top of their heads, and they are blowing into what looks like horns. On the
right side of the painting are three more figures. One is a woman sitting on top of a rock with a
white cloth underneath her bottom. Her back is facing towards the viewer and she seems to be
looking towards the man on the other shell. She holds a green cloth on the top of her head with her
right arm while resting on her left arm for support.There is also a tipped vase in front of the rock
that is spilling water into the ocean. To her right is a muscular man holding a woman on his back.
Behind the two is an orange yellow cloth flowing in the wind. In the front of venus is an cherub
angel laying on an orange yellow cloth with it's arms around the head of a sea creature. Above the
pink cloth that Venus is holding up are six more cherub angels. Some are dropping flowers down on
the congregation and some have their little bow and arrows out. There is a lot of clouds in the sky
behind them. On the clouds to the left is a chariot being carried by doves with another angel in it.
The women figures and the angels are pale
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The Importance Of Holidays In Francophone Cultures
The holidays in francophone cultures are Saint Jean–Baptiste, Bastille day and Mardi Gras. These
holidays represent a special event where different people celebrate their own culture. Francophone
cultures in holiday should have more in Canada. People around the world celebrate their culture to
embrace who they are and what are they doing it for. Francophone cultures in holidays means
different ethnicity celebrate different cultures on specific days. The specific dates bring people
together and celebrate there special day like Saint Jean–Baptiste, la fete du prince and Jour des
Saint Jean–Baptiste is a French event where everyone in Quebec celebrates on a special day. On the
special day everyone in Quebec and Montreal would celebrate on June 24. On June 24 when
everyone celebrates they get together with there friends, relative, family etc. Many types of events
would be held in Saint Jean–Baptiste that would like bonfire, children's entertainment, concerts,
parades and picnics. Saint Jean Batiste is known as many types that is la Saint–Jean , St John the
Baptist day, Fête nationale du Québec and Quebec's National Holiday. These are many ways that
Saint Jean Baptiste is known as. "All of Canada should be happy and proud to be celebrating its
francophone roots,"(Joly,2017). The jewish preacher who, as recounted in the bible, baptized jesus
in the Jordan river. (laflamme,2015).Saint Jean–Baptiste supposedly to be on a June 21,but since the
jewist preacher baptized jesus
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Similarities Between The Outsiders And The Outsiders
The Greasers and the Socs' Are two rival gangs who try to claim there place in a small town.
Throughout the book and movie an interesting twist occurs, Ponyboy runs away and meets with
Johnny Cade, they walk throughout a vacant lot and didn't expect to see the Socs' and their blue
Mustang . This is when the interesting twist occurs one of the greasers called Bob had tried to drown
Ponyboy and Johnny having no choice, killed him with a switch blade. The movie had quite a turn
as it included different details.
One of the major disappointments in the movie was when Darry pushed pony boy instead of hitting
him as it claimed in the book. The book "The Outsiders" clearly stated that Pony boy had gotten in
an argument with Darry after coming home late without letting anyone know where he was at Soda–
pop later on jumped in trying to stick up for pony boy then Darry started yelling at Soda–pop telling
him to mind his own business. That is when Pony boy got angry and yelled at Darry like no one else
ever has Darry then had no other reaction but to punch him so Pony boy quickly reacted and ran out
the house and met up with Johnny this scene in the book made it so suspenseful and intriguing
knowing he had a reason to have run away. In the movie it showed Darry,Soda–pop, and Pony boy
arguing ... Show more content on ...
Darry doesn't want his youngest brother known as Pony boy to participate in the rumble, as far as
Darry and the rest of the gang know Pony boy is very sensitive about fighting and fears what will
happen to him. Soda–pop, however, convinces Darry that Pony boy is needed and most definitely
wanted at the rumble. During the rumble, Darry keeps a close eye on Pony boy observing what's
happening to him. When the rumble had started the book stated that dally had gotten hit first but
throughout the movie Darry was the first to get punched in the
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Summary Of Accuracy In Island Of The Blue Dolphinss
Accuracy in Island of the Blue Dolphins Accuracy varies depending on the purpose by which an
author writes a story. Some authors may choose to base their story purely on facts, some may stick
to being entirely fictional, and the rest pick and choose facts and fiction. Island of the Blue Dolphins
entails the journey of a young native girl, Karana, who becomes stranded on her home island until
her eventual rescue. This story in particular is based on that of a Nicoleno woman, the Lone Woman.
However, facts were left out regarding what happened in real life. In Island of the Blue Dolphins,
the author, O'Dell, inaccurately depicts the Lone Woman's situational, historical, and archaeological
relevance. O'Dell undermines the Lone Woman's relevance in terms of the situations Karana, the
main character, faces throughout Island of the Blue Dolphins. Karana watches her father die , which
is an aspect O'Dell created to develop his story and is not historically evident. O'Dell's personal
views of what a mother should be affected the accuracy of his story because he felt that a mother
should not forget her child . This explains why his book shows how Karana returned to the island for
her brother instead of being like the Lone Woman who returned for her child. O'Dell even makes up
the concept of public and secret names , which furthers his inaccuracy because this shows that he
added the names as an element to build on the symbolism. Even more so, Captain Baranov's offer of
trade goods
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Humanitarian Intervention Research Paper
I. Introduction
In 2011, Operation Unified Protector performed air strikes over Libya, destabilizing the country and
enabling the murder of Libya's dictator of 42 years, Colonel Muammar al–Gaddafi. The United
Nations Security Council justified the Libya Intervention for NATO allies on the grounds of an
imminent humanitarian crisis that was thought to occur at the direction of Gaddafi. Thus, the United
States, UNSC, and NATO allies are culpable for the humanitarian catastrophe in Libya and the
killing of Gaddafi, because of their misuse of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) for their
"Humanitarian Intervention" in 2011.
In this paper I will provide a brief history of relations between the U.S. and Libya since 1979 and
give an overview of the 2011 NATO–led "Humanitarian Intervention" in Libya claimed to prevent
an anticipated humanitarian crisis. I will examine the stated motivations behind the NATO–backed
Intervention that resulted in the regime change. I will explain President Barack Obama's motivations
to move forward with the intervention, as well as his current state of mind on the matter. In addition,
I will explain Secretary of State Hillary Clinton motives at the time of the intervention, the reasons
as revealed in her recently released ... Show more content on ...
and her NATO allies performed the intervention without a post–intervention rebuilding plan in place
and asserts that they are content with this outcome (Youssef Sawani, E–Int'l Relations, The US and
Libya: Turbulent History and Uncertain Future, 2014). Referring back to Obama's current thoughts
on the Libya Intervention, he admits that there was no plan in place to re–stabilize the country after
the fall of Gaddafi. According to Recchia, an effort to share in the burden of peacekeeping and
stabilization plans is necessary for public support (p. 262) (Stefano Recchia, Soldiers, Civilians, and
Multilateral Humanitarian Intervention,
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Barack Obama Essay Outline
Barack Obama
The President Of the United States
Barack Hussein Obama II, born August 4, 1961, a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard
Law School, is the 44th and current president of the United States. For your information, he is also
the first African American to hold the office.
He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He also worked as civil–
rights lawyer and teacher before pursuing a political career. He was later elected to the Illinois State
Senate in 1996, serving from 1997 to 2004. He was elected to the U.S. presidency in 2008. President
Obama continues to enact policy changes in response to the issues of health care and economic
Early Life
Obama was born on August 4, ... Show more content on ...
As a staffer for the Developing Communities Project, Obama worked with churches on the city's
industrial South Side to organize workers who had lost their jobs due to the steel mill and factory
After three years in some of the toughest neighborhoods of Chicago, Obama decided to attend
Harvard Law School, promising to return to these same streets. After being elected the first African–
American president of the Harvard Law Review, Obama could have turned his academic success
into a six–figure job with a prestigious law firm.
Instead he chose to keep his promise.He returned to Chicago in 1991 where he joined a small civil
rights firm and ran a voter registration drive that put 150,000 new voters on the rolls, helping Bill
Clinton carry Illinois in 1992.
In 1996 he was elected state senator from his Chicago district. In the Illinois Legislature, Obama
worked with Democrats and Republicans to help working families get ahead by creating a state
Earned Income Tax Credit. He also pushed through expansion of an early childhood education
He also played an important role in drafting bipartisan ethics reform legislation that has made
Illinois one of the best states in the nation for campaign finance disclosure.
In 2004 Obama was elected U.S. senator from Illinois, where he has continued to demonstrate
exceptional leadership in confronting tough issues.
As a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, he has strongly supported
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Essay on Should the Islamic Face Veil Be Banned?
Tarzra Jones
Period 4/ AP Lang
Ms. Roos
February 1, 2010
Why the Islamic Face veil should not banned
There has been debates about whether the Islamic face veil should be banned in countries. The
arguments that governments of countries that have banned the Muslim face veil (France, Syria,
Netherlands, Spain, and Belgium) argue that the full–face veil is oppressive, degrading towards
women, and goes against values of each country. However, many Muslim women believe otherwise
and strongly disagree with the banning of the veil. I strongly believe that the Islamic face veil should
not be banned because it is a complete violation of religious and expressive freedom and forces
them to conform to an alternative culture. France decided ... Show more content on
Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, said earlier this year that the full veil, such as the niqab or the
burqa, "hurts the dignity of women and is not acceptable in French society" (Aljazeera). In
opposition to the critics' argument, Alveena Malik, a former faith adviser to the last Labour
government , believes, Britain needs to take a different direction from others in Europe and to accept
the veil as part of a modern British way of life(Ross). She also believes that the religious practice of
the Islamic face veil should be a fundamental right. By giving Muslims the fundamental right of
practicing their religion, it would give them the right to express their freedom and religion. If Britain
decided to deprive the Muslims of their fundamental right like France did, then Britain would be
trying to force the Muslims that participate in wearing the Islamic face veil to conform to their
society like France as well. The government says that the reason for the ban on the Islamic face veil
is because of security and the values or beliefs of the country in which the Muslims reside in. For
instance: France says that the ban may cause France to be a target of terrorism. If France is
concerned about the security of the citizens and knows that banning the Islamic face veil would
cause a potential problem of terrorism, it seems like France would
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Napoleon 's Rise Of Power
Napoleon's Rise to Power
Jack Knickrehm AP euro period 6 February 22, 2017
Hailed as one of the greatest rulers, military commanders and conquerors in the history of mankind,
Napoleon Bonaparte transformed a continent, and made himself a household name and a universally
admired icon, even two centuries later. As a French political leader and military general, Napoleon
Bonaparte conquered most of Europe in just 16 years. Later crowned Emperor, he transformed land
use, education, banking, agriculture, and legal codes that are still used in France today. So how did
Napoleon rise to such ... Show more content on ...
Or again when Napoleon's troops scored a victory against Egypt's military rulers, the Mamluks, at
the Battle of the Pyramids in July 1798. This was a major blow to British supply routes and a great
victory for France, and especially Napoleon. He was able to acquire direct control over an important
and profitable trade route. This is very important as not only did these conquests display Napoleon 's
capabilities and prepare him and his army for the coup as well as the Napoleonic wars that would
soon follow, but it also earned him more and more political and military power with each battle he
won. It also granted him resources and territory from which to stage his coup and seizure of power.
He used his conquered territories in Italy to fund his military campaigns and his acquired trade
routes to facilitate the influx of power and wealth into his newly conquered territories.
Taking territory also allowed him to establish his own regional governments. In 1797, he defeated
the Italians and the Austrians and created his puppet government of the Cispadane Republic. He did
similarly with his conquest of the so called low countries, which ended with his victory and the
treaty of Campo Formio. This is a very pivotal point in Napoleon 's rise to power as it is the first
instance of a territory that was completely conquered
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Millions of people around the globe immigrate into...
Millions of people around the globe immigrate into different countries every year. For some people,
moving to a new place can be about taking on a different career opportunity, following a love
interest, or reuniting with family. While for others, immigration is necessary to survive. It is not a
simple choice, but rather a struggle to escape the horrors in their own country. There are numerous
nations that welcome immigrants and refugees with open arms, but many do not. Picking up your
life and traveling to a new country is hard even in the most accepting of places. For example, in the
US, there are varieties of cultures and people from all over the world, making it one of the most
desirable places for immigrants. Yet, even still, ... Show more content on ...
While these regulations were eventually lessened by the following Prime Minister, the events led to
an increase in French nationalism among the natives and new assimilation policies. In 2003, the
French government made an attempt to integrate the immigrants by requiring them to sign a contract
when entering the country. "By signing the contract, immigrants agree to undergo language training
and instruction on the values of French society," (Zappi). If they passed, they received a ten year
permit, but if they failed then they only got a one year permit. Essentially, the French were trying to
protect their home culture by forcing the immigrants to let go of their native cultures and become
more "French." When immigrating to a new country, there are many stages of acculturation that a
person must go through. At first everything is wonderful and amazing, but soon, homesickness and
longing for the home culture sets in. The attitudes and mindsets of the host culture can play a huge
role in whether person acculturates successfully or slips into culture shock. If you are able to make
friends in your host culture who can help you assimilate, then you are more likely to be happy in
your new home. However, in France, many people are unfriendly to foreigners and very unwilling to
help them. For Americans, when going into a French restaurant, even though the waiter may know
how to speak
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Malebranche's Occasionalism: The Philosophy in the Garden...
Malebranche's Occasionalism: The Philosophy in the Garden of Eden
ABSTRACT: According to Malebranche, Adam should be considered as an occasionalist
philosopher. Not only did philosophy originate in paradise, but it in fact originated as Malebranchian
occasionalism. It was in order to be able to persist in his occasionalist belief that Adam was given
exceptional power over his body, that is, the power to detach the principal part of his brain (i.e., the
seat of the soul) from the rest of the body. It was only in continually detaching the principal part of
his brain from the rest of the body that Adam was able to persist in his occasionalist belief despite
the unmistakable testimony of his sense to the contrary. Having once sinned, he ... Show more
content on ...
Although, upon tasting a fruit with pleasure, Adam, as an occasionalist, knew that it was the
invisible God who was causing this pleasure in him, his senses were persuading him to the contrary,
namely that it was the fruit that he saw, held, and ate, that was causing this pleasure in him. Thus,
the first and most firmly convinced occasionalist philosopher was without sensible knowledge of
God's continual acting upon him, and his own philosophy must have already been, in his eyes,
directly contrary to the testimony of his senses.
Since, as an occasionalist philosopher, Adam undoubtedly knew that he could know nothing unless
God enlightened him, and sense nothing unless God modified his mind, the fact that what he knew
was never what he sensed, and vice versa, must have, in his eyes, reflected a certain contradiction in
God's conduct: First, since what Adam knew was that God was acting upon him, and since what he
sensed was that bodies were acting upon him, it must have been God Himself who wanted Adam's
sensible experience to be contrary to his knowledge of God's causal efficacy, that is, to that which
God Himself was making Adam
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The Swatch Company Lead By Nicolas G
This case begins with highlighting the success that had now gripped the Swatch Company lead by
Nicolas G. Hayek. Due to strong numbers from 2010 the company set the goal to make 10 billion.
This was only made possible by their multiple different brands across multiple different segments,
innovative technology, and coming out of a brief period of difficulty with their most profitable
flagship watch, Omega. The company now sets its sight on a new goal, surpassing the long
established brand, Rolex. In order to try and tackle this giant, the company and CEO debate how to
best attract potential customers through advertising, overall message, and through possible overseas
ventures in the United States.
As I said before Swatch wasn't always this successful. In fact, according to the case, in the 1960's
their market share fell about 41% due to competition from the then popular inexpensive watches.
Throughout this time period it is interesting to see how their strategies evolved in regards to their
competition, product placement, and brand management. First, they opted try to combat the
inexpensive watches by making an inexpensive quartz watch which they later discarded. Another
watchmaking group took their idea which forced the company to move to the more high–end market
and as a result they saw their sales drop. I don't have all the details regarding their decision of
course, but it appears that they seemed almost indecisive on how to handle the low cost alternative.
It would be
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ART 108 Assignment 1 Essay
Assignment 1
Answer the following questions and submit through the Assignments icon.
1. How does the word Renaissance reflect the changes in the world of art during the time period
discussed in Chapter 12? The word Renaissance, the French word for "rebirth", denotes a
selfconscious revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman texts and culture that is reflected in the
work of most of the artists.
2. How does Nicola Pisano in the Pulpit, Pisa Baptistry show the influence of Roman style? The
Nicola Pisano in the Pulpit, Pisa Baptistry provides a good example of the Roman heritage in
Italian medieval art that shows the influence of Etruscan and Roman Tomb Effigies.
3. Who was the last great Byzantine painter? Describe the influence of the ... Show more content on ...
7. How does Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Effects of Good Government in the City and in the Country
make reference to consequences of social disruption? Gallows represents social disruption.
Outside the city walls, people ride off into the country. There is a group of peasants tilling the soil.
There is spatial depth with the mountains. At the top of the fresco is a figure holding a scroll. The
inscription reminds the viewer that peace reigns under good government above the scroll is a
pictorial message of a gallows. Swinging from the gallows is a criminal. This reminder of the
consequences of social disruption. Also, behind the figure's foot is the she wolf, symbolic of the
story of Romulus and Remus. She makes the link between ancient Rome and Siena. She also
protects the city.
8. How does Simone Martini in the Saint Louis Altarpiece show the influence of the Byzantine
tradition? The Saint Louis Altarpiece shows the influence of the Byzantine tradition because it
identifies the French royal family. When Louis was elected to the rank of bishop, he gave the throne
to his younger brother Robert.
9. What are prayer books? Who made prayer books? What style to they reflect? Prayer books or
Books of Hours were illuminated manuscripts made for lay people, and most were commissioned by
the aristocracy and upper middle class. Prayer books were made by the three
Limbourg brothers–Paul, Herman, and
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The Importance Of Baning The Banning Of The Burqa Ban
In 2010 the French Parliament passed a law that banned the wearing of the burqas in public. The
banning of the burqa was supported by French president Nicolas Sarkozy he argued that the burqa
ban was not a religious issue it was a question of women's freedom and dignity. There is a lot of
people who disagree with the law and say they should be able to dress how they want without being
arrested or getting a fine. The fine for wearing a burqa in public is $150 euro that is 217 US dollars.
Anyone found forcing a women to cover her face or to wear a burqa is faced with a 30,000 euro fine
that is 35,529 US dollars. Data showed that from 2015 1,546 fines have been imposed. In the video
"Was France right to ban the burqa?'a couple was interviewed by a reporter and the husband states it
is the wife's choice to wear the burqa, if she doesn't wear it or does wear it he would support her. A
guy that worked for the President during the time of the ban agreed with President Sarkozy and
stated he is the victim because they are not allowing him to see the women's face if they have the
burqa on. A young Priest was interviewed and he gave his thoughts on the burqa ban. The young
Priest is all for the burqa ban because he thinks with women wearing a burqa it makes Islam look
bad. An older Priest was also interviewed and he also gave his thoughts on the burqa ban. The older
Priest agrees with the burqa ban and says men should not control what a woman wears.The older
Priest also bans
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Nicolas Poussin Essay
Nicolas Poussin
Pictori philosopho (Blunt, 3), "Painter–philosopher" was a name given to Nicolas Poussin by Serous
d' Agincourt in 1782. Agincourt later found out that the name Pictori philosopho had already been
given to the German artist Anton Raphael Mengas.
Nicolas Poussin was born in 1594 in the town of Les Andelys on the Seine. He came from a nobel
family that was ruined by religious wars according to Giovanni Pietro Bellori. No actual proof of
this has been established his father Jean Poussin was said to have had some descent of the hierarchy.
His mother was the daughter of an alderman. His father served in the military under the command of
Charles IX, Henry III, and Henry IV were he ... Show more content on ...
At the age of thirty Poussin left Paris for Rome, Italy.
Poussin arrived at his destination in March of 1624. During his journey he made a short stop in
Venice. In Rome Poussin met painter Marcello Sacchetti on of the active patrons of the arts in
Rome. During his first couple of years in Rome Poussin stayed in various homes. In 1629 he took
shelter with Jacques Dughet, a French cook, and his family. Jacques and his family took care of
Poussin when he suffered from what is called 'mal di Francia.'(Blunt, 55) After several years were
spent recovering from his illness Jacques gave his daughter Anne Marie to Poussin in marriage. The
ceremony toke place on September 1, 1630 in the city of Lucina. Jacques Dughet had two sons
named Gaspard and Jean, who were artist and worked under the supervision of their brother–in–law.
Gaspard was so inspired by Poussin that in the later years of his life he took the name of his great
teacher Gaspard Poussin.
During this time Poussin kept company with many painters who he was to keep a close friend ship
for many years. He lived close to many painters and sculptors of the time. Among these was Jean
Lemaire, who later worked with Poussin on the execution of the Long Gallery in the Louvre from
1640 to 1642. While in Rome Poussin dressed as a Frenchman, until hostile Romans attacked him
due to the anti–French sentiment at the time. He saved his
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Art History Study Guide
Periods and their Artists * Chapter 3 Egypt * Old Kingdom (2700–2190 BCE) * Imhotep – Stepped
Pyramid of Djoser * Chapter 5 Ancient Greece * Archaic (600–480 BCE) * Andokides Painter –
Achilles and Ajax * Ergotimos –[and Kleitius] Fracois Vase * Euphronios –Death of Sarpedon *
Exekias –Achilles and Ajax; Suicide of Ajax; Dionysis in a Boat * Polykleitos –Doryphoros *
Classical (480–320 BCE) * Kalikrates –Temple of Athena Nike; [ and Iktinos] Parthenon * Lysippos
–Apoxyomenos * Mnesikles –Propylaia, Erechtheion[Porch of the Maidens] * Myron –Diskobolos
* Phidias –Acropolis; 3 Seated Goddesses E. Ped. ... Show more content on ...
James Led to Execution; Dead Christ * Masaccio –Tribute Money/ Expulsion in the [and Masolono,
Filippino Lippi] Brancacci Chapel; Trinity with Virgin, St. John the Evangelist, and Donors *
Michelozzo –Palazzo Medici Ricardi * Perugino –Delivery of the Keys to St. Peter, Sistine Chapel *
Pollaiuolo –Hercules and Antaeus; Battle of the Ten Nudes * Robbia, Luca della –Madonna and
Child with Lilies, Orsanmichele * Rosselino –Tomb of Leonardo Bruni, Santa Croce * Signorelli –
Damned Cast into Hell * Uccello –Battle of San Romano * Verrocchio –David; Bartolommeo
Colleoni * Chapter 22 Italy (16th century) * High Renaissance (1500–1550) * Bellini, Giovanni –
San Zaccaria Altarpiece; [and Titian] Feast of the Gods * Bramante –St. Peter's, Rome; Tempieto *
Correggio –Assumption * Da Vinci –Virgin (Madonna) of the Rocks; Virgin and Child with St.
Anne and Infant St. John; Last Supper, Refectory; Mona Lisa * del Sarto, Andrea –Madonna of the
Harpies * Giorgione –Pastoral Symphony; The Tempest * Michelangelo –Pieta/Dome, St. Peter's,
Rome; Bacchus; David; Moses, tomb of Julius II; Bound Slave; Prisoner; Sistine Chapel Ceiling:
Creation of Adam, Creation of Eve, Temptation, Expulsion, Erythraean Sibyl, Prophet Jeremiah,
Last Judgment; Dani Tondo (aka Holy Family); Tomb of
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Multiculturalism Has Had a Rough Start
Obama once said that a multicultural society shows strong economy and a strong country. But is it
true? What about those who cannot integrate? What about all those people who look down at the
immigrants and always blame them for the bad things there happening? And is it a strong society if
it cannot provide its citizens? In Denmark we are having a hard time accepting our immigrants. We
blame them for almost everything. But it is not our immigrants in general; it is primarily those from
the Middle East. If the immigrants come from Sweden, France, England and so on, we have no
problems with them. We do not blame them for those things there going bad, but why? Is it because
of the cultural differences, or is it just easier to blame the Arabs after 9/11? In the UK and the US
they have more success by integrating the immigrants, but they do as well experience the same
problems with the immigration of Arabs. I believe that it is a result of the huge media covering of
the terror situation in the world. And as long as the media are exhibiting people from the Middle
East as terrorists there will be a general negative opinion about the Arab people, and therefore the
accepting of the people from Arabian will be difficult. The problem with the immigrants is the
missing integration of them in the society. But the Danes cannot be blamed for this, because the
immigrants are trans–national. What I mean by that is very simple: the immigrants care more for the
countries they escaped and the
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How The French Presidential Elections Will Affect The...
How the French Presidential Elections will Affect the Entire World
After rejecting the two major political parties in the first round, the French voters will choose their
new president. What will the election result mean for the world?
After the Brexit results in the UK and Trump's election in the US, France is next to face the
challenge of elections on May the 7th for their second round. Debating the subject is William
Callanan, 45, an American citizen living in Britain for the last 15 years and partner at Keysquare
Capital Management. He agreed in an interview to share his opinion on how the French elections
will have a major impact across the world. But first, let's meet the candidates.
Who are the candidates and what is their plan ... Show more content on ...
Callanan thinks Macron will align with Fillon on the centre right, making Le pen garner less votes,
suggesting the first round's outcome is an indication of what the ending bias will likely be.
Will a new president be the end of old politics in France? Just over a month after the new president
will be elected, she/he will start building their coalition in the Assembly Nationale. "It will be a real
challenge for both," says Callanan as "a new party has never gained a majority." He paused. "But
Macron has a better chance than Le Pen."
One important issue that the new president will need to address is on the national security, as
terrorist attacks are at their peek right now in France. While Le Pen is focused on immigration,
Macron is focused on adding 50,000 police and specialised training. When asked who will appeal
more to the public, Callanan said" people become more accustomed to these events and the shock
effect is mitigated. Think of what it is like living in Beirut..."
Will Le Pen's claim of deporting all foreigners suspected of a connection to radical Islamism make
France safer? "Definitely not," replied Mr. Callanan, "on the contrary, the anti–immigration and
anti–Islam stance can be taken too far and be counter–productive."
Le Pen has said that France should be "less naive" as it became a "jihadi university." Will her
presidency affect the relations with the Middle East? Which key policies should France pursue in the
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Italian Gothic Architecture Affecting The Sienese And The...
During the early Renaissance age, numerous magnum opuses were created to assess the human's
knowledge. Right now, the Gothic Design was affecting the Sienese and the Florentine. The Gothic
engineering started in French and the general population of Italy was enlivened by the way of life,
the idea and the thoughts the houses of worship. The basilica of Siena and Florence and the Town
Lobby of Siena characterized the Gothic advancement through the early ages. The beginning of the
Italian Gothic model through Nicola and Giovanni Pisano's work exhibits how much the Italian
impact was the French Gothic.
The introduction of Gothic Architecture started in France during the 13 Century with the church of
God of Our Woman of Amiens. The church building was worked ... Show more content on ...
The pillars were the tall stone that holds the cathedral together and makes it higher keeping near to
God. The point arches were the essential pieces that made to imagery the gothic Design since it is
such masterwork of workmanship. Nonetheless, the Gothic Design was on the most powerful of
craftsmanship on the grounds that through the ages Florence and Siena single out the plans to
manufacture holy places with the Gothic purpose of perspectives.
Despite everything, the Gothic Design was attempting the most powerful timeframe. Consistently,
the Gothic thoughts were spreading all over Europe. Lastly, it had arrived in Italy.Siena and
Florence are the main focus during this because those two cities are trying to bring their own
concept into it. To start with the church cathedral of Siena, it is delightful and extremely artistic. The
architectures in Siena are influential thoughts from the French with colored glass window, the
pillars, the apes and the point arches. To symbolize the ambitious aspirations of the population, they
intended to assemble the church building at the high purpose of the city. For the development of the
cathedral, both inside and outside have a remarkable
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Metastasio Opera Buffa
Eighteenth century Europe was a time of great intellectual change. The "old" scholastic thought
began to be changed out with the "new" Descartian "cogito ergo sum." This shift of intellectual
thought did not just restrict itself to the philosophers––it permeated all of western culture. During
the beginning of the eighteenth century, European opera began to shift into a new soundscape.
A split occurred in opera between Opera Seria and Opera Buffa mainly as a result of the Arcadian
Academy. This literary movement sought to return Italian poetry to its former glory, and by former
glory they meant the ancient Greek's former glory. This movement focused prominently on opera
libretti. One such librettist was Piertro Metastasio. Metastasio ... Show more content on ...
The "Enlightenment" was a time where western intellectual thought shifted from the world towards
the human person. This shift was sparked by Descartes philosophy which can be summarised by his
words, "cogito ergo sum" or "I think therefore I am." With this shift "man [became] the measure of
all things." This lead to the development of Secular Humanism. When Secular Humanism is applied
to opera there is less of an emphasis on the music––which is something that points beyond
humans––and there becomes an emphasis on the plot. Opera Seria is the product of this
"Enlightenment" thinking. Opera Seria is distinguished by its incredible emphasis on the plot over
the music. This new style of opera sought to rid opera of extraneous plot points into order to make
the plot extremely concise. This was all a result of the "Enlightenment" focus on the human person
as opposed to the
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Essay on The Success of Artisit Giotto di Bondone
Giotto di Bondone, usually referred to as Giotto, was a very well known and highly respected Italian
painter and architect from Florence in the late 13th to mid 14th centuries. He is remembered not just
for his own outstanding work, but for the lasting effects he had on the evolution of painting in
Europe. Giotto is considered one of the first of many artists who took part in the foundation the
Italian Renaissance in both painting and architecture by breaking away from traditional styles.
Giotto was born at Colle, near Florence in 1266. A late 16th century Italian painter, architect, writer
and historian known as Giorgio Vasari, best known for his book "Lives of the Artists," recounts that
Giotto was a bright and intelligent shepherd boy ... Show more content on ...
After a few years his reputation spread and he became very well known. When it was time to leave
his apprenticeship and begin working for himself, it was said that he had far surpassed the skills of
his master. Giotto's style includes figures that are monumental with a formal and slow–moving feel.
He is able to build up a organized rhythm into a incredibly powerful drama. Giotto was also able to
achieve a convincing representation of space. The technique (fresco) used by Giotto and most Italian
painters would be to paint directly onto walls with tempura paint, which required great skill and
patience. Tempura paint were powdered pigments made from the combination of items such as egg
yolks, water, and glue mixed with dangerous elements like lead and arsenic. The first step in
creating a fresco would be to cover the wall with gypsum soaked linen strips. This created the initial
surface to paint on. After the correct number of linen strip layers have been applied, artists would
then paint with a mixture of the tempura pigments mixed with wet plaster. As a result, the prepared
wall would absorb the paints. Most paintings were done in multiple phases, with one small section
completed each day. It would be difficult to complete it all at once because each section had to be
done quickly before the plaster paint dried. Giotto is known for completing many impressive and
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Differences Between America And France And The French...
Bonjour, Prime Minister, cheese, wine and affairs; these single words all come together to give you
a peek into the French way of life. There are many similarities and differences between America and
France and the way that their societies have shaped the people who live there. From the way we live,
to the morals when it comes to marriage and family. To go into greater detail, I will share with you
some of the traditions, social customs and the roles of the French society.
The French Government is set up similarly to our own. Our forefathers used the systems of
government from the French government to create what we use now in America. France is ruled by
a Republican government; also known as the French Republic. They have what is equal to a
President, but the title used more prominently is Prime Minister. The Prime Minister of France today
is Manuel Valls. In addition, the Prime Minister has a Council of Ministers at his aid to help
organize and structure the government. The French are exceedingly controlling and rule–governed
people. Their uncertainty avoidance is rated at a high level, meaning that they like to have their rules
and a foundation. As said in the article "What About France", it articulates that "The French don't
like surprises. Structure and planning are required. Before meetings and negotiations, they like to
receive all necessary information. As a consequence, the French are good in developing complex
technologies and systems in a stable environment, such
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The History of Gothic Architecture in Italy Essay
Abbott Suger wanted to make Saint Denis a magnificent showplace as the royal Abbey church of
France and burial place of French kings. Ribbed vault which were capable of spanning large areas
was designed to make gothic churches larger.
These Gothic Churches were characterized by enlarged clerestory zone, windows enormous size
with inserted new zone and triforium below the ribbed vaults and supporting of an arcade of high
piers lining of the nave. These characteristics ensured the support of the greater stress of taller,
broader interiors and to create larger window areas as well as the external supports.
There was creation greater sense of unity between the spaces of the nave and the adjacent walkway
and ambulatory chapels. In the ... Show more content on ...
Collectively, they were a force to be reckoned with, and from these Guilds, or trades was born the
establishment of our modern system of our modern building labor force infrastructure. The
establishment of secret societies, such as the Freemasons also came about as a result of the building
of cathedrals using Gothic architecture.
"The 11th to 15th centuries saw a great surge of the Christian Church within Europe which was
emphasized by the persuasiveness of the Crusades. The growing population of the Church increased
the demand for the increased presence in architectural monuments and during the Romanesque and
Gothic periods, a great cathedral construction boom occurred across Europe.
The Romanesque and Gothic architectural styles were distinctive in not only the massiveness of the
Romanesque monuments and the introduction of the cruciform plan but also for the introduction of
the Gothic era art within the Cathedrals which included the inclusion of art the radiating Rose
Window, column figures and the gargoyle among many others. Within Europe, there was a
progression of architectural styles, many of which are still evident in the monuments today. The
major styles are considered as Carolingian (800–900 AD); Ottonian (1000s); Romanesque (1000s–
1100s); Gothic (late 1100s–1400s). While Romanesque is considered as the architectural style which
preceded the Gothic, many of the distinct Romanesque features found within the great cathedrals of
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Comparing Pisa, Italy, 1259-1260, And Donatello
People began using different forms of art such as drawings, paintings, and sculptures as far back as
prehistoric times to express their thoughts and their emotions. Any form of artwork can be compared
side by side with another piece of artwork so that the viewer can relate similarities and differences in
each work of art. Although created by different artist during different periods of time and for two
different churches, the baptistery sculpted by Nicola Pisano, entitled pulpit of the baptistery, Pisa,
Italy, 1259–1260 and Donatello's baptistery entitled Feast of Herod, Siena Cathedral, Siena, Italy
1423–1427 can be compared for not only similarities that the two share, but for differences that they
possess as well (figure 1) and (figure 2).
Artwork can represent a great variety of things and a single piece of art work can be interpreted in
an assortment of ways, therefore, art is a great thing for an individual to use to express their
thoughts, emotions, or ideas. Artwork can consist of anything from a painting, carving, sculpture or
etc. The specific sculptures that are being discussed are baptisteries. Baptisteries were used then to
perform baptisms and are ... Show more content on ...
If observed closely one can see that the expressions portrayed on each individual Pisano included in
the sculpture really display the emotion that was felt at that time. While observing this sculpture the
viewer can see that he included several people in this piece of art. "Art historians have even been
able to pinpoint the models of some of the pulpit figures, including the reclining Mary, in Roman
sculptures in Pisa" (Gardner, 2016). Pisano used a variety of detail when he sculpted the figures
outside of the panel scenes on each corner of the pulpit. Pisano also used intricate detail in sculpting
the lions at the base of the pulpit as if they were the fierce piece to this
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The World Of The Middle Ages
Since the Middle Ages, Islam has been defined as a distinguishable "Other" from the European
population, as the Crusades characterized Europe as a distinctly Christian entity warring against the
Muslim identity of the Middle East. Religion has been a divisive force for centuries in these portions
of the world, but the 1905 laïcité law in France established this nation as a secular society, breaking
away from Christianity and promoting the privatization of religion in order to guarantee its free
exercise. 20th century France witnessed waves of immigration in the form of those of Islamic
descent, first with unskilled laborers from Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia coming to work in French
factories. The Algerian War between France and the Algerian National Liberation Front saw a
second massive wave of those with Muslim affiliation, as Algerians who fought with the French
Army feared the NLF's wrath after Algerian independence and migrated to France in its aftermath
during the 1960s and 1970s. Today, France is home to between 4 and 5 million Muslims, which is
the largest Muslim population in the continent of Europe, but this presence has done little to
alleviate the influence of the Othering of Muslims in French society. Terrorist attacks committed by
extremist Islamic groups in recent years, such as the Charlie Hebdo killings in January 2015, the
Paris suicide bombings of November 2015, and the truck running over crowds celebrating Bastille
Day 2016 in Nice have only heightened
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Arnolfo's Accomplishments
Arnolfo di Cambio was an Italian sculptor and architect born in Colle di Val d'Elso, Italy, around
1245 AD. There is not much known about the life of Arnolfo di Cambio other than his incredible
accomplishments. However, what is known is that Arnolfo is that he worked as a chief assiatant ot
an artist named Nicola Pisano when he was in his twenties. He worked for King Charles I of Anjou
as an architect in his thirties, and in his fifties he moved to Florence and began work on his most
important works. Florence became a great attraction because of the works of Arnolfo. In fact, the
City of Florence was made famous by the works of Arnolfo. He worked on so much that makes
Florence that makes Florence the City that it was and still is. He contributed to ... Show more
content on ...
In the 1500s, the Medici moved their entire residence to the Palazzo Vecchio and established the
centralization of power of the Palace. It had been the town hall of Florence ever since the people
wanted to make a new seat of power in Florence. It overlooks the Piazza della Signoria and it holds
a copy of Michelangelo's David in a symbol of the city. There are also a plethora of statues
surrounding the building that represent what the city is. The first stone of the building was set in
1299 and was not finished for nearly thirty years later. The bell tower is the most notable part of the
palace. The tower is a little more than 300 feet tall, which, at that time, was a very impressive
height. It was named for the architect who designed it: Torre d'Arnolfo. The three bells in the bell
tower are almost as old as the tower itself. In fact, the original bell is still inside the tower ringing
for town hall meetings and impending danger. A couple of notable fun facts: First, The Palazzo
Vecchio held the prisoner Savonarola before his execution. In 1497, Savonarola was
excommunicated by the Pope and was sentenced to death. He was held inside the Palace so that he
could be executed in the most
... Get more on ...
Similarities Between France And France
When we first think about those two countries a lot of similarities come into our minds. These two
countries are very similar between them as they are next to the other. France and Spain have the
same time zone and almost the same weather, area and population.
They are different in the way of govern; France has an unitary semi–presidential constitutional
republic as Spain has an unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy.
The French president is Françoise Hollande and the Spanish President is Mariano Rajoy. If we talk
about the way of doing business in these two countries we can see that French way of doing
business is very closely connected to the Spanish´s one, but international businessmen and women
sometimes make early mistakes ... Show more content on ...
In this aspect Spain and France disagree. In Spain the international language for business meeting is
English, it is very important to know it, even if you want to have a degree in business you have to
know a high level of English for getting it. In France, however, the situation is rather different, you
should respect the language because French people are extremely proud of their language. Perhaps
no other culture so highly regards its language as a symbol of itself. It is important to at least learn
some basic civilities prior to do business in France. When we talk about punctuality in France, it is
treated quite casually, although there are some region differences, the further South you go the more
casual the approach to time is. The French themselves have a very relaxed attitude when attending
appointments themselves, so do not be surprised to find them arriving fairly late. However, for
social event, being on time is more important. In a different way, in Spain the punctuality is
important, if you want to give a good impression, you should be on time, and can expect the Spanish
part will be on time
... Get more on ...

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Michelangelo1 Essay

  • 1. Michelangelo1 Essay Michelangelo1 Michelangelo is one of the greatest creators in the history of art. Most people recognize the genius for his beautiful sculpture "David" and his breathtaking paintings on the walls and ceiling of the Sistine chapel. However, along with his sculptures and paintings, Michelangelo was an accomplished poet and architect; which is a reflection of his amazing creative ability. Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475, in a small Italian city, Caprese, but he spent a large portion of his life in Rome, Italy. It was there that Michelangelo created one of the most famous works of art, the marble sculpture, Pieta. A controversially youthful Mary is seated, holding the dead Christ across her lap. The mother holding her dead ... Show more content on ... Also, one characteristic of every Pieta, other than Michelango's, is the awkwardness of the Mother and child; the artist solved this common problem by draping Mary in long, flowing clothes and arranging the two bodies to form a pyramid. Michelangelo has had many influential people persuade his works. Hibbard states that with the Pieta, "We sense the debt to [Michelangelo's] Early Renaissance forebears – Verrocchio and Jacopo della Quercia – and of course this is still, chronologically a work of the Quattrocento. Highly finished and polished, it shows a Quattrocento love of detail; linear drapery folds pile up in ornamental abundance" (46) Two items are peculiar about the Michelangelo's Pieta, Mary's youthful face and the artist's signature, which is found only on the Pieta. Common knowledge shows that the artist gave Mary a youthful face because women retain their beauty longer if they are virgins, and perhaps Michelangelo sensed his great accomplishment and felt proud to chisel his name on the work; certainly, it was fitting for such an immaculate work of art. The Pieta is considered untouchable by today's art world; a work that will never be duplicated. Michelangelo's Pieta is one of the most notable works of all time. When Michelangelo moved back to Florence, Italy, the artist created one of his most recognizable sculptures, the David. Unlike most works of David, which show the young boy after his victory over ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Renaissance Influence On American Culture In my opinion one of the most monumental things to happen to the world outside of the United States has to be the renaissance. The reason being is that it shaped to world of art to the sophisticated way it is today. It sculpted Europe into the great country it is today.It was also the same time the bubonic plague happened with infected and killed about 50 million people and changed the religious belief for many people. Maybe you still don't think the death of so many people or the growth of Europe was one of the single most important things to happen out of America but this essay surely will change your mind. So first up let's talk about how the renaissance changed the popularity and style of art and architecture. First of all an entirely new form of art was created called flemish, this was where the artist would use oils to make portraits incredibly realistic. Overall, making a painting or sculpture of someone became extremely popular thanks to artists like Nicola Pisano and Giotto. Art was not the only thing that changed and became more popular though architecture also became different, for example the ... Show more content on ... People started to pay attention to the material world and nature. They also started to become interested in recovering the heritage of ancient Greece and Rome. Vernacular literature, or, literature not made in English or Filipino aso became much more popular. Along with that came people's interest in the abstract world. Space was also divided into states which still exist today, had this not happened so long ago all the countries in Europe would have drastically different shapes and sizes. People also started living urban lives this meant more people started moving into cities, eventually a quarter of the population lived in cities. This brought about many changes in the government, for example thet now had to deal with fire prevention, public health, immigration and maintaining ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Exploring Corporate Strategy ECS8C_C01.qxd 22/10/2007 11:54 Page 597 CASE STUDIES ECS8C_C01.qxd 22/10/2007 11:54 Page 598 ECS8C_C01.qxd 22/10/2007 11:54 Page 599 Guide to using the case studies The main text of this book includes 87 short illustrations and 15 case examples which have been chosen to enlarge specific issues in the text and/or provide practical examples of how business and public sector organisations are managing strategic issues. The case studies which follow allow the reader to extend this linking of theory and practice further by analysing the strategic issues of specific organisations in much greater depth – and often providing 'solutions' to some of the problems or difficulties identified in the case. There ... Show more content on ... Pharmaceutical Industry – global forces at work in the ethical pharmaceutical industry. TUI – competitive forces in the travel industry. HiFi – how can small players survive changing markets? Amazon (B) – latest developments in a successful Formula One – developing the capabilities for competitive success in a hi–tech industry. Manchester United – clash of expectations in the football world. Salvation Army – strategic challenges for a global not–for–profit organisation with a mission. Bayer MS – ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Canning Lid Research Paper If you are a home preserver, you know this struggle is real: what to do with your collection of used canning lids? The metal lids can only be used once for safety reasons. Yet, you can't see to bring yourself to toss them. After a few seasons, you find yourself up to your ears with little metal lips. Now worries, here's a simple craft that will upcycle those used lids into a fun, educational game for little ones. Supplies Canning lids Chalkboard paint Magnets Paint brush (not shown) Scissors (not shown Paint Cover your work surface with paper towels or newspaper. To keep this lids from sliding around, place a bit of masking tape on the back before you put them down on the paper. Paint the lids with the chalkboard paint. You will need to ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Life Is Beautiful Film Analysis Life is Beautiful Movie Analysis Life is Beautiful, directed by Italian director Roberto Benigni, released in 1997, is a film about love, war and death. Set just before and during WWII, the main character, Guido falls in love with the woman of his dreams, they have a child but they get separated by the horrors of the war. Guido and his little son strive to get reunited with his wife but their internment in a Nazi concentration camp halts him from doing so. Nevertheless, he slyly keeps in contact with his wife so she knows they are safe and well. Roberto Benigni uses cinematic techniques such as music, costume and lighting to convey the strong theme of love between two characters in the film Life is Beautiful. In Life is Beautiful, the love between two people is a recurring theme. The music, composed by Italian light–classical composer Nicola Piovani, is one of the major factors that helps successfully convey this theme to the audience. In the film, the same upbeat tune is used for many of the 'romantic' scenes between Guido and Dora. This tune, in a more subtle tone, is the theme song for the film, and when it is repeated for the romantic themes it gives a powerful sense of love. For example, when Dora falls out of that farm house, and Guido catches her, the music is used for the first time in a romantic setting. The same music is then repeated in the scene at the 11 minute mark when Guido falls off his bike into Dora and they both fall over into a big pile of sand. This ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Euthanasia Is The Act Or Practice? Mr Sarkozy is a poster made by ADMD( Association pour le Droit de Mourir dans la Dignite) which is a pro euthanasia group located in Belgium. Euthanasia is the act or practice of killing someone who is very sick or injured in order to prevent any more suffering. The poster reveals its intention to get the society to support euthanasia despite the banning of euthanasia by the government. Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy who are the former President of France are depicted in the photo to show the desperation of the pro–euthanasia association to convey their messages for the public to support euthanasia and therefore corporate interest to research why does the government banned euthanasia and why does ADMD attempted to persuade the public to support euthanasia. Euthanasia are the buildup of different suicide contributing factor such as financial, family, and the patient mindset. In ADMD (French association for the right to die with dignity) 2012 pro–euthanasia advertisement entitled "Sarkozy", President Nicolas Sarkozy (Former President of France) is seen lying down on a hospital bed looking old and senile. He is wearing a hospital robe with a breathing tube around his head and intravenous drip connected to his arm. His gaze is fixed to the left of the poster and he had his hair combed back neatly. The background setting of this photo is the usual setting that is seen at the hospital ward which consist of a monitor machine, an IV pole and a reflection of what seems to look like an IV bag. ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Renaissance Chapter 12 Summary HUMN 1101 Group Leader Shakela Andrews Hayat Ali Group 1 Chapter 11 and 12 CRN 20654/Online Chapter Eleven and Twelve The term "Renaissance" comes from the Renaissance. Several Italian intellectuals of the late fourteenth and the early fifteenth centuries used the term rinascità ('rebirth ) to describe their own age as one in which learning, literature, and the arts were reborn after a long, dark Middle Ages. The approach here is that the Renaissance began in Italy about 1350 and in the rest of Europe after 1450 and that it lasted until about 1620. It was a historical era with distinctive themes in learning, politics, literature, art, religion, social life, and music. In the view of the humanists, the painter Giotto (d. 1337) ... Show more content on ... It was executed by Sluter and his workshop in 1395–1403 for the Carthusian monastery of Chartreuse de Champmol built as a burial site by the Burgundian Duke Philip the Bold just outside the Burgundian capital of Dijon, now in France. And Brunelleschi was the father of Renaissance architecture and the most prominent architect in Italy, during his lifetime. The other thinning the Battle of San Romano is a set of three paintings by the Florentine painter Paolo Uccello depicting events that took place at the Battle of San Romano between Florentine and Sienese forces in 1432. They are significant as revealing the development of linear perspective in early Italian Renaissance painting, and are unusual as a major secular ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Nicolas Poussin Nicolas Poussin is born in Les Andelys, France in 15 Jun 1594. Poussin's talant was recognized from an early age, and when successful local painter Quentin Varin visit his hometown. Very little is known about Poussin's early years in France. Inn the spring of 1624 Poussin arrived in Rome, where he was welcomed into the active group of intellectuals included Cassiano dal Pozzo archaeologist and philosopher. In 1628, with Cassiano's help, Poussin received his first big agreement: "The Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus", painted for the Church of Saint Peter (now Vatican Museums)–one of his largest Baroque compositions. During his first years as an artist, Poussin experimented many different artistic styles, but he was obviously impressed by the paintings ... Show more content on ... It was common for the artist to paint several versions of a subject, rethinking the composition and the quality of the painting in the process; this was the case with Poussin's two paintings of "The Abduction of the Sabine Women", which he created around 1633. Both paintings, with their strongly opposing diagonals, are illustrations of the dynamic and self–confident style that Poussin adopted for many of his scenes from earliest history. Poussin perhaps used the small stages with wax figures and carefully arranged curtains, described by his colleagues. In his painting "Eliezer and Rebecca at the Well" created in 1648, he used the same technic. In his late works Poussin may well have used such a stage to plan the rigorous composition of "Saints Peter and John Healing the Lame Man" ,a painting from about 1655 that shows the artist responding to the striking and solid classicism of Raphael's The School of Athens. Poussin was much precise in his work: after reading of the primary sources, he made an initial sketch, and then constructed a small model stage upon which he could move with actual miniature figures made of ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Classical Style Of The Ancient Greece And The United... Neo– Classicism in France and the United States The classical style of the ancient Athens, derived from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome in the 15th century, has had a universal impact on many cultures during previous time periods. The classical period reflected traditional forms focused on symmetry and elegance; it flourished during the time of the Renaissance through artist such as Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo De Vinci. The artists' main goal was to attain the absolute beauty in their art by showing emotion through detail, almost through perfection. Some examples of well–known classical arts during the Renaissance were 'Belvedere Torso' and the 'Medici Venus'. In the 17th century the classical style was revived, now called the neo–classical style. It was born in Rome but its popularity flourished all over Europe. The neo–classical movement clashed with the age of Enlightment and continued through the 19th century. The neo–classical principles were based around the same characteristics as the classical arts such as: balance, proportion, order, simplicity, clarity, and reason. It was strongest in architect, sculpture, and decorative arts. The neo– classical style continued to spread throughout the world and became sought after in the 17th and 18th century in countries such as France and The United States, and it influenced some of the greatest government buildings in America. Neoclassicism can be seen as a political movement as well as an artistic and cultural one. ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. The Burqa Should Be Banned In April 2010 president Nicolas Sarkozy of France announced the official ban of a full face veil in France because the government believes that it symbolizes that women are being suppressed. People tend to blame the president for the ban, but fail to understand the bicameral parliament of France had a saying in this decision.The ban has become controversial due to S.A.S attempting to sue the French government but France is doing what is best for all of its citizens. The burqa should be banned due to various reasons such as the negative impact it has on an individual, it doesn't violate citizen's rights and the burqa symbolizes oppression. Many people believe that Nicolas Sarkozy has placed the ban in order to be re–elected, but individuals that believe that are being misinformed. In 2004, the French parliament adopted a law that prohibits headscarves in public schools. The ban of headscarves has been going on for many years in France, but it is only just receiving attention due to S.A.S trying to sue the French government. According to President Nicolas Sarkozy, the reason for the burqa ban is because, "The problem of the burqa is not a religious problem, it's a problem of liberty and women's dignity. It's not a religious symbol, but a sign of subservience and debasement. I want to say solemnly, the burka is not welcome in France. In our country, we can't accept women prisoners behind a screen, cut off from all social life, deprived of all identity. That's not our idea of ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. "Without Connection to Others There Is No Me" Member of... "Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known." Chuck Palahniuk's quote from his book "Invisible Monsters" highlights that a human being is the collection of experiences, influences and interactions of others within our lives. Palahniuk's quote express' that from the moment we are brought into the world our personality is constantly shaped and refined through the connection of others in a predisposed attempt to gain acceptance. Being devoid of this acceptance can leave us ostracized from society, which can leave us psychologically impaired to identify who we truly are. The strong bonding with family defines who we are through our early stages. The community surrounding us refines who we want to become in ... Show more content on ... This then changes as they transition into school and realize that fire has an element of danger too it. Society then influences and refines our ideas in what we want to achieve and we then follow the most acceptable occupation that we believe expresses our individualism. Although identity is shaped by commitments and relationships within the confines of societies pressures, a select few stray off the path of connecting with others which either leads to loneliness of second guessing of one's true identities and connections. The majorities of humans are shaped for the better through early life and are therefore refined through society to find a place within the community. However there are cases where the early life influences are absent and aren't able to give the crucial acceptance from an early age. This leads to abandonment issues that make it exceedingly difficult to find a place within society. In Louis Nowra's "Member of the wedding" we are shown a prominent example of the detrimental effects of not being accepted. The protagonist Frankie had a mother that passed away and has a workaholic father who spends little to no time with at home leaving her with no sense of acceptance and struggling in finding who she is. She doesn't connect with the world outside and due to her inner conflict she creates a new "me" in attempt to "connect". F. Jasmine, her new persona, is her attempt of proving she no longer needs to acceptance at home as she can be accepted in the adult ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Existence Of Life And Energy Order Disorder Daniel Singh Engineering and the Profession Dr. Leo Oriet Friday, November 7, 2014 Singh 2 The existence of life and energy has always been questioned. It is not clear as to how life on earth is sustained by energy and how that energy is produced. The explanation to all of this lies in the law of conservation of energy and the amazing work done by many intelligent people. Over many centuries, the development of new technology has furthered studies in science and advanced the standard of life for many people. The steam engine is one example of this. The creation of the theory on energy, the works of many scientists, and the theory of entropy explain how energy is used to sustain life on earth. Without these ... Show more content on ... Energy is always conserved from one item to another, meaning it cannot be created or destroyed in any way, shape, or form. This is the law of conservation of energy. Energy from the big blast has been conserved on the earth in plants, minerals, water, and more. Energy is extremely important to our everyday lives as it is the basis for all life interaction. All living organisms need energy to sustain life; this energy can be found in food and water. Plants will receive energy from the sun and humans and animals will receive energy by eating these plants Singh 3 as well as meat from other animals. In engineering, energy is what powers machinery, automobiles, and equipment. Engineers have developed many successful operations to harnessing and manipulating energy. Fossil fuels, nuclear, hydro, solar, and wind power are commonly used processes that extract useable energy from the earth. These processes utilize refineries for fuel, nuclear reactions between atoms, hydroelectric power stations, solar panels, and wind turbines to convert energy from the earth to useable potential energy. This in turn powers the machinery used to harvest food, build structures, and travel from point A to point B. The concept of energy was in full effect for millions of years; however, it took many skilled scientists to actually conceptualize it. Gottfried Leibniz was a ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. The Birth of Venus Anaylsis Essay Ciera Callahan Art History II 10–20–13 Sfakianos The piece that I chose to write about is entitled The Birth of Venus and was painted by the French artist Nicolas Poussin. This painting was sold to Catherine the Great of Russia in 1771. It was sold another time by the Hermitage Museum in 1932 when the Soviet government was desperate for western currency. It was then that it was acquired for the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The painting was made in Italy in either the year 1635 or 1636. The medium that Poussin used was oils on canvas, and the size of the painting is roughly around 38 by 42 inches. This painting is considered to be included the Baroque period. (Philadelphia Museum of Art) Along side of the painting on display is a ... Show more content on ... A blue cloth is flowing in the wind behind him, sort of draping off of his back like a cape. Behind him are a man and a woman farther in the background. The man is standing in the water while the woman is sitting on what looks like a porpoise. On both sides of the center three women are two men with wreaths on on top of their heads, and they are blowing into what looks like horns. On the right side of the painting are three more figures. One is a woman sitting on top of a rock with a white cloth underneath her bottom. Her back is facing towards the viewer and she seems to be looking towards the man on the other shell. She holds a green cloth on the top of her head with her right arm while resting on her left arm for support.There is also a tipped vase in front of the rock that is spilling water into the ocean. To her right is a muscular man holding a woman on his back. Behind the two is an orange yellow cloth flowing in the wind. In the front of venus is an cherub angel laying on an orange yellow cloth with it's arms around the head of a sea creature. Above the pink cloth that Venus is holding up are six more cherub angels. Some are dropping flowers down on the congregation and some have their little bow and arrows out. There is a lot of clouds in the sky behind them. On the clouds to the left is a chariot being carried by doves with another angel in it. The women figures and the angels are pale ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Importance Of Holidays In Francophone Cultures The holidays in francophone cultures are Saint Jean–Baptiste, Bastille day and Mardi Gras. These holidays represent a special event where different people celebrate their own culture. Francophone cultures in holiday should have more in Canada. People around the world celebrate their culture to embrace who they are and what are they doing it for. Francophone cultures in holidays means different ethnicity celebrate different cultures on specific days. The specific dates bring people together and celebrate there special day like Saint Jean–Baptiste, la fete du prince and Jour des Aieux. Saint Jean–Baptiste is a French event where everyone in Quebec celebrates on a special day. On the special day everyone in Quebec and Montreal would celebrate on June 24. On June 24 when everyone celebrates they get together with there friends, relative, family etc. Many types of events would be held in Saint Jean–Baptiste that would like bonfire, children's entertainment, concerts, parades and picnics. Saint Jean Batiste is known as many types that is la Saint–Jean , St John the Baptist day, Fête nationale du Québec and Quebec's National Holiday. These are many ways that Saint Jean Baptiste is known as. "All of Canada should be happy and proud to be celebrating its francophone roots,"(Joly,2017). The jewish preacher who, as recounted in the bible, baptized jesus in the Jordan river. (laflamme,2015).Saint Jean–Baptiste supposedly to be on a June 21,but since the jewist preacher baptized jesus ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Similarities Between The Outsiders And The Outsiders The Greasers and the Socs' Are two rival gangs who try to claim there place in a small town. Throughout the book and movie an interesting twist occurs, Ponyboy runs away and meets with Johnny Cade, they walk throughout a vacant lot and didn't expect to see the Socs' and their blue Mustang . This is when the interesting twist occurs one of the greasers called Bob had tried to drown Ponyboy and Johnny having no choice, killed him with a switch blade. The movie had quite a turn as it included different details. One of the major disappointments in the movie was when Darry pushed pony boy instead of hitting him as it claimed in the book. The book "The Outsiders" clearly stated that Pony boy had gotten in an argument with Darry after coming home late without letting anyone know where he was at Soda– pop later on jumped in trying to stick up for pony boy then Darry started yelling at Soda–pop telling him to mind his own business. That is when Pony boy got angry and yelled at Darry like no one else ever has Darry then had no other reaction but to punch him so Pony boy quickly reacted and ran out the house and met up with Johnny this scene in the book made it so suspenseful and intriguing knowing he had a reason to have run away. In the movie it showed Darry,Soda–pop, and Pony boy arguing ... Show more content on ... Darry doesn't want his youngest brother known as Pony boy to participate in the rumble, as far as Darry and the rest of the gang know Pony boy is very sensitive about fighting and fears what will happen to him. Soda–pop, however, convinces Darry that Pony boy is needed and most definitely wanted at the rumble. During the rumble, Darry keeps a close eye on Pony boy observing what's happening to him. When the rumble had started the book stated that dally had gotten hit first but throughout the movie Darry was the first to get punched in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Summary Of Accuracy In Island Of The Blue Dolphinss Accuracy in Island of the Blue Dolphins Accuracy varies depending on the purpose by which an author writes a story. Some authors may choose to base their story purely on facts, some may stick to being entirely fictional, and the rest pick and choose facts and fiction. Island of the Blue Dolphins entails the journey of a young native girl, Karana, who becomes stranded on her home island until her eventual rescue. This story in particular is based on that of a Nicoleno woman, the Lone Woman. However, facts were left out regarding what happened in real life. In Island of the Blue Dolphins, the author, O'Dell, inaccurately depicts the Lone Woman's situational, historical, and archaeological relevance. O'Dell undermines the Lone Woman's relevance in terms of the situations Karana, the main character, faces throughout Island of the Blue Dolphins. Karana watches her father die , which is an aspect O'Dell created to develop his story and is not historically evident. O'Dell's personal views of what a mother should be affected the accuracy of his story because he felt that a mother should not forget her child . This explains why his book shows how Karana returned to the island for her brother instead of being like the Lone Woman who returned for her child. O'Dell even makes up the concept of public and secret names , which furthers his inaccuracy because this shows that he added the names as an element to build on the symbolism. Even more so, Captain Baranov's offer of trade goods ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Humanitarian Intervention Research Paper I. Introduction In 2011, Operation Unified Protector performed air strikes over Libya, destabilizing the country and enabling the murder of Libya's dictator of 42 years, Colonel Muammar al–Gaddafi. The United Nations Security Council justified the Libya Intervention for NATO allies on the grounds of an imminent humanitarian crisis that was thought to occur at the direction of Gaddafi. Thus, the United States, UNSC, and NATO allies are culpable for the humanitarian catastrophe in Libya and the killing of Gaddafi, because of their misuse of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) for their "Humanitarian Intervention" in 2011. In this paper I will provide a brief history of relations between the U.S. and Libya since 1979 and give an overview of the 2011 NATO–led "Humanitarian Intervention" in Libya claimed to prevent an anticipated humanitarian crisis. I will examine the stated motivations behind the NATO–backed Intervention that resulted in the regime change. I will explain President Barack Obama's motivations to move forward with the intervention, as well as his current state of mind on the matter. In addition, I will explain Secretary of State Hillary Clinton motives at the time of the intervention, the reasons as revealed in her recently released ... Show more content on ... and her NATO allies performed the intervention without a post–intervention rebuilding plan in place and asserts that they are content with this outcome (Youssef Sawani, E–Int'l Relations, The US and Libya: Turbulent History and Uncertain Future, 2014). Referring back to Obama's current thoughts on the Libya Intervention, he admits that there was no plan in place to re–stabilize the country after the fall of Gaddafi. According to Recchia, an effort to share in the burden of peacekeeping and stabilization plans is necessary for public support (p. 262) (Stefano Recchia, Soldiers, Civilians, and Multilateral Humanitarian Intervention, ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Barack Obama Essay Outline Barack Obama The President Of the United States Biography Barack Hussein Obama II, born August 4, 1961, a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, is the 44th and current president of the United States. For your information, he is also the first African American to hold the office. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He also worked as civil– rights lawyer and teacher before pursuing a political career. He was later elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996, serving from 1997 to 2004. He was elected to the U.S. presidency in 2008. President Obama continues to enact policy changes in response to the issues of health care and economic crisis. Early Life Obama was born on August 4, ... Show more content on ... As a staffer for the Developing Communities Project, Obama worked with churches on the city's industrial South Side to organize workers who had lost their jobs due to the steel mill and factory closings. After three years in some of the toughest neighborhoods of Chicago, Obama decided to attend Harvard Law School, promising to return to these same streets. After being elected the first African– American president of the Harvard Law Review, Obama could have turned his academic success into a six–figure job with a prestigious law firm. Instead he chose to keep his promise.He returned to Chicago in 1991 where he joined a small civil rights firm and ran a voter registration drive that put 150,000 new voters on the rolls, helping Bill Clinton carry Illinois in 1992. In 1996 he was elected state senator from his Chicago district. In the Illinois Legislature, Obama worked with Democrats and Republicans to help working families get ahead by creating a state Earned Income Tax Credit. He also pushed through expansion of an early childhood education program. He also played an important role in drafting bipartisan ethics reform legislation that has made Illinois one of the best states in the nation for campaign finance disclosure. In 2004 Obama was elected U.S. senator from Illinois, where he has continued to demonstrate exceptional leadership in confronting tough issues. As a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, he has strongly supported
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  • 37.
  • 38. Essay on Should the Islamic Face Veil Be Banned? Tarzra Jones Period 4/ AP Lang Ms. Roos February 1, 2010 Why the Islamic Face veil should not banned There has been debates about whether the Islamic face veil should be banned in countries. The arguments that governments of countries that have banned the Muslim face veil (France, Syria, Netherlands, Spain, and Belgium) argue that the full–face veil is oppressive, degrading towards women, and goes against values of each country. However, many Muslim women believe otherwise and strongly disagree with the banning of the veil. I strongly believe that the Islamic face veil should not be banned because it is a complete violation of religious and expressive freedom and forces them to conform to an alternative culture. France decided ... Show more content on ... Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, said earlier this year that the full veil, such as the niqab or the burqa, "hurts the dignity of women and is not acceptable in French society" (Aljazeera). In opposition to the critics' argument, Alveena Malik, a former faith adviser to the last Labour government , believes, Britain needs to take a different direction from others in Europe and to accept the veil as part of a modern British way of life(Ross). She also believes that the religious practice of the Islamic face veil should be a fundamental right. By giving Muslims the fundamental right of practicing their religion, it would give them the right to express their freedom and religion. If Britain decided to deprive the Muslims of their fundamental right like France did, then Britain would be trying to force the Muslims that participate in wearing the Islamic face veil to conform to their society like France as well. The government says that the reason for the ban on the Islamic face veil is because of security and the values or beliefs of the country in which the Muslims reside in. For instance: France says that the ban may cause France to be a target of terrorism. If France is concerned about the security of the citizens and knows that banning the Islamic face veil would cause a potential problem of terrorism, it seems like France would ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Napoleon 's Rise Of Power Napoleon's Rise to Power Jack Knickrehm AP euro period 6 February 22, 2017 Hailed as one of the greatest rulers, military commanders and conquerors in the history of mankind, Napoleon Bonaparte transformed a continent, and made himself a household name and a universally admired icon, even two centuries later. As a French political leader and military general, Napoleon Bonaparte conquered most of Europe in just 16 years. Later crowned Emperor, he transformed land use, education, banking, agriculture, and legal codes that are still used in France today. So how did Napoleon rise to such ... Show more content on ... Or again when Napoleon's troops scored a victory against Egypt's military rulers, the Mamluks, at the Battle of the Pyramids in July 1798. This was a major blow to British supply routes and a great victory for France, and especially Napoleon. He was able to acquire direct control over an important and profitable trade route. This is very important as not only did these conquests display Napoleon 's capabilities and prepare him and his army for the coup as well as the Napoleonic wars that would soon follow, but it also earned him more and more political and military power with each battle he won. It also granted him resources and territory from which to stage his coup and seizure of power. He used his conquered territories in Italy to fund his military campaigns and his acquired trade routes to facilitate the influx of power and wealth into his newly conquered territories. Taking territory also allowed him to establish his own regional governments. In 1797, he defeated the Italians and the Austrians and created his puppet government of the Cispadane Republic. He did similarly with his conquest of the so called low countries, which ended with his victory and the treaty of Campo Formio. This is a very pivotal point in Napoleon 's rise to power as it is the first instance of a territory that was completely conquered ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Millions of people around the globe immigrate into... Millions of people around the globe immigrate into different countries every year. For some people, moving to a new place can be about taking on a different career opportunity, following a love interest, or reuniting with family. While for others, immigration is necessary to survive. It is not a simple choice, but rather a struggle to escape the horrors in their own country. There are numerous nations that welcome immigrants and refugees with open arms, but many do not. Picking up your life and traveling to a new country is hard even in the most accepting of places. For example, in the US, there are varieties of cultures and people from all over the world, making it one of the most desirable places for immigrants. Yet, even still, ... Show more content on ... While these regulations were eventually lessened by the following Prime Minister, the events led to an increase in French nationalism among the natives and new assimilation policies. In 2003, the French government made an attempt to integrate the immigrants by requiring them to sign a contract when entering the country. "By signing the contract, immigrants agree to undergo language training and instruction on the values of French society," (Zappi). If they passed, they received a ten year permit, but if they failed then they only got a one year permit. Essentially, the French were trying to protect their home culture by forcing the immigrants to let go of their native cultures and become more "French." When immigrating to a new country, there are many stages of acculturation that a person must go through. At first everything is wonderful and amazing, but soon, homesickness and longing for the home culture sets in. The attitudes and mindsets of the host culture can play a huge role in whether person acculturates successfully or slips into culture shock. If you are able to make friends in your host culture who can help you assimilate, then you are more likely to be happy in your new home. However, in France, many people are unfriendly to foreigners and very unwilling to help them. For Americans, when going into a French restaurant, even though the waiter may know how to speak ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Malebranche's Occasionalism: The Philosophy in the Garden... Malebranche's Occasionalism: The Philosophy in the Garden of Eden ABSTRACT: According to Malebranche, Adam should be considered as an occasionalist philosopher. Not only did philosophy originate in paradise, but it in fact originated as Malebranchian occasionalism. It was in order to be able to persist in his occasionalist belief that Adam was given exceptional power over his body, that is, the power to detach the principal part of his brain (i.e., the seat of the soul) from the rest of the body. It was only in continually detaching the principal part of his brain from the rest of the body that Adam was able to persist in his occasionalist belief despite the unmistakable testimony of his sense to the contrary. Having once sinned, he ... Show more content on ... Although, upon tasting a fruit with pleasure, Adam, as an occasionalist, knew that it was the invisible God who was causing this pleasure in him, his senses were persuading him to the contrary, namely that it was the fruit that he saw, held, and ate, that was causing this pleasure in him. Thus, the first and most firmly convinced occasionalist philosopher was without sensible knowledge of God's continual acting upon him, and his own philosophy must have already been, in his eyes, directly contrary to the testimony of his senses. Since, as an occasionalist philosopher, Adam undoubtedly knew that he could know nothing unless God enlightened him, and sense nothing unless God modified his mind, the fact that what he knew was never what he sensed, and vice versa, must have, in his eyes, reflected a certain contradiction in God's conduct: First, since what Adam knew was that God was acting upon him, and since what he sensed was that bodies were acting upon him, it must have been God Himself who wanted Adam's sensible experience to be contrary to his knowledge of God's causal efficacy, that is, to that which God Himself was making Adam ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. The Swatch Company Lead By Nicolas G This case begins with highlighting the success that had now gripped the Swatch Company lead by Nicolas G. Hayek. Due to strong numbers from 2010 the company set the goal to make 10 billion. This was only made possible by their multiple different brands across multiple different segments, innovative technology, and coming out of a brief period of difficulty with their most profitable flagship watch, Omega. The company now sets its sight on a new goal, surpassing the long established brand, Rolex. In order to try and tackle this giant, the company and CEO debate how to best attract potential customers through advertising, overall message, and through possible overseas ventures in the United States. As I said before Swatch wasn't always this successful. In fact, according to the case, in the 1960's their market share fell about 41% due to competition from the then popular inexpensive watches. Throughout this time period it is interesting to see how their strategies evolved in regards to their competition, product placement, and brand management. First, they opted try to combat the inexpensive watches by making an inexpensive quartz watch which they later discarded. Another watchmaking group took their idea which forced the company to move to the more high–end market and as a result they saw their sales drop. I don't have all the details regarding their decision of course, but it appears that they seemed almost indecisive on how to handle the low cost alternative. It would be ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. ART 108 Assignment 1 Essay Assignment 1 Answer the following questions and submit through the Assignments icon. 1. How does the word Renaissance reflect the changes in the world of art during the time period discussed in Chapter 12? The word Renaissance, the French word for "rebirth", denotes a selfconscious revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman texts and culture that is reflected in the work of most of the artists. 2. How does Nicola Pisano in the Pulpit, Pisa Baptistry show the influence of Roman style? The Nicola Pisano in the Pulpit, Pisa Baptistry provides a good example of the Roman heritage in Italian medieval art that shows the influence of Etruscan and Roman Tomb Effigies. 3. Who was the last great Byzantine painter? Describe the influence of the ... Show more content on ... 7. How does Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Effects of Good Government in the City and in the Country make reference to consequences of social disruption? Gallows represents social disruption. Outside the city walls, people ride off into the country. There is a group of peasants tilling the soil. There is spatial depth with the mountains. At the top of the fresco is a figure holding a scroll. The inscription reminds the viewer that peace reigns under good government above the scroll is a pictorial message of a gallows. Swinging from the gallows is a criminal. This reminder of the consequences of social disruption. Also, behind the figure's foot is the she wolf, symbolic of the story of Romulus and Remus. She makes the link between ancient Rome and Siena. She also protects the city. 8. How does Simone Martini in the Saint Louis Altarpiece show the influence of the Byzantine tradition? The Saint Louis Altarpiece shows the influence of the Byzantine tradition because it identifies the French royal family. When Louis was elected to the rank of bishop, he gave the throne to his younger brother Robert. 9. What are prayer books? Who made prayer books? What style to they reflect? Prayer books or Books of Hours were illuminated manuscripts made for lay people, and most were commissioned by the aristocracy and upper middle class. Prayer books were made by the three Limbourg brothers–Paul, Herman, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Importance Of Baning The Banning Of The Burqa Ban In 2010 the French Parliament passed a law that banned the wearing of the burqas in public. The banning of the burqa was supported by French president Nicolas Sarkozy he argued that the burqa ban was not a religious issue it was a question of women's freedom and dignity. There is a lot of people who disagree with the law and say they should be able to dress how they want without being arrested or getting a fine. The fine for wearing a burqa in public is $150 euro that is 217 US dollars. Anyone found forcing a women to cover her face or to wear a burqa is faced with a 30,000 euro fine that is 35,529 US dollars. Data showed that from 2015 1,546 fines have been imposed. In the video "Was France right to ban the burqa?'a couple was interviewed by a reporter and the husband states it is the wife's choice to wear the burqa, if she doesn't wear it or does wear it he would support her. A guy that worked for the President during the time of the ban agreed with President Sarkozy and stated he is the victim because they are not allowing him to see the women's face if they have the burqa on. A young Priest was interviewed and he gave his thoughts on the burqa ban. The young Priest is all for the burqa ban because he thinks with women wearing a burqa it makes Islam look bad. An older Priest was also interviewed and he also gave his thoughts on the burqa ban. The older Priest agrees with the burqa ban and says men should not control what a woman wears.The older Priest also bans ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Nicolas Poussin Essay Nicolas Poussin 1594–1665 Pictori philosopho (Blunt, 3), "Painter–philosopher" was a name given to Nicolas Poussin by Serous d' Agincourt in 1782. Agincourt later found out that the name Pictori philosopho had already been given to the German artist Anton Raphael Mengas. Nicolas Poussin was born in 1594 in the town of Les Andelys on the Seine. He came from a nobel family that was ruined by religious wars according to Giovanni Pietro Bellori. No actual proof of this has been established his father Jean Poussin was said to have had some descent of the hierarchy. His mother was the daughter of an alderman. His father served in the military under the command of Charles IX, Henry III, and Henry IV were he ... Show more content on ... At the age of thirty Poussin left Paris for Rome, Italy. Poussin arrived at his destination in March of 1624. During his journey he made a short stop in Venice. In Rome Poussin met painter Marcello Sacchetti on of the active patrons of the arts in Rome. During his first couple of years in Rome Poussin stayed in various homes. In 1629 he took shelter with Jacques Dughet, a French cook, and his family. Jacques and his family took care of Poussin when he suffered from what is called 'mal di Francia.'(Blunt, 55) After several years were spent recovering from his illness Jacques gave his daughter Anne Marie to Poussin in marriage. The ceremony toke place on September 1, 1630 in the city of Lucina. Jacques Dughet had two sons named Gaspard and Jean, who were artist and worked under the supervision of their brother–in–law. Gaspard was so inspired by Poussin that in the later years of his life he took the name of his great teacher Gaspard Poussin. During this time Poussin kept company with many painters who he was to keep a close friend ship for many years. He lived close to many painters and sculptors of the time. Among these was Jean Lemaire, who later worked with Poussin on the execution of the Long Gallery in the Louvre from 1640 to 1642. While in Rome Poussin dressed as a Frenchman, until hostile Romans attacked him due to the anti–French sentiment at the time. He saved his ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Art History Study Guide Periods and their Artists * Chapter 3 Egypt * Old Kingdom (2700–2190 BCE) * Imhotep – Stepped Pyramid of Djoser * Chapter 5 Ancient Greece * Archaic (600–480 BCE) * Andokides Painter – Achilles and Ajax * Ergotimos –[and Kleitius] Fracois Vase * Euphronios –Death of Sarpedon * Exekias –Achilles and Ajax; Suicide of Ajax; Dionysis in a Boat * Polykleitos –Doryphoros * Classical (480–320 BCE) * Kalikrates –Temple of Athena Nike; [ and Iktinos] Parthenon * Lysippos –Apoxyomenos * Mnesikles –Propylaia, Erechtheion[Porch of the Maidens] * Myron –Diskobolos * Phidias –Acropolis; 3 Seated Goddesses E. Ped. ... Show more content on ... James Led to Execution; Dead Christ * Masaccio –Tribute Money/ Expulsion in the [and Masolono, Filippino Lippi] Brancacci Chapel; Trinity with Virgin, St. John the Evangelist, and Donors * Michelozzo –Palazzo Medici Ricardi * Perugino –Delivery of the Keys to St. Peter, Sistine Chapel * Pollaiuolo –Hercules and Antaeus; Battle of the Ten Nudes * Robbia, Luca della –Madonna and Child with Lilies, Orsanmichele * Rosselino –Tomb of Leonardo Bruni, Santa Croce * Signorelli – Damned Cast into Hell * Uccello –Battle of San Romano * Verrocchio –David; Bartolommeo Colleoni * Chapter 22 Italy (16th century) * High Renaissance (1500–1550) * Bellini, Giovanni – San Zaccaria Altarpiece; [and Titian] Feast of the Gods * Bramante –St. Peter's, Rome; Tempieto * Correggio –Assumption * Da Vinci –Virgin (Madonna) of the Rocks; Virgin and Child with St. Anne and Infant St. John; Last Supper, Refectory; Mona Lisa * del Sarto, Andrea –Madonna of the Harpies * Giorgione –Pastoral Symphony; The Tempest * Michelangelo –Pieta/Dome, St. Peter's, Rome; Bacchus; David; Moses, tomb of Julius II; Bound Slave; Prisoner; Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Creation of Adam, Creation of Eve, Temptation, Expulsion, Erythraean Sibyl, Prophet Jeremiah, Last Judgment; Dani Tondo (aka Holy Family); Tomb of ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Multiculturalism Has Had a Rough Start Obama once said that a multicultural society shows strong economy and a strong country. But is it true? What about those who cannot integrate? What about all those people who look down at the immigrants and always blame them for the bad things there happening? And is it a strong society if it cannot provide its citizens? In Denmark we are having a hard time accepting our immigrants. We blame them for almost everything. But it is not our immigrants in general; it is primarily those from the Middle East. If the immigrants come from Sweden, France, England and so on, we have no problems with them. We do not blame them for those things there going bad, but why? Is it because of the cultural differences, or is it just easier to blame the Arabs after 9/11? In the UK and the US they have more success by integrating the immigrants, but they do as well experience the same problems with the immigration of Arabs. I believe that it is a result of the huge media covering of the terror situation in the world. And as long as the media are exhibiting people from the Middle East as terrorists there will be a general negative opinion about the Arab people, and therefore the accepting of the people from Arabian will be difficult. The problem with the immigrants is the missing integration of them in the society. But the Danes cannot be blamed for this, because the immigrants are trans–national. What I mean by that is very simple: the immigrants care more for the countries they escaped and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. How The French Presidential Elections Will Affect The... How the French Presidential Elections will Affect the Entire World After rejecting the two major political parties in the first round, the French voters will choose their new president. What will the election result mean for the world? After the Brexit results in the UK and Trump's election in the US, France is next to face the challenge of elections on May the 7th for their second round. Debating the subject is William Callanan, 45, an American citizen living in Britain for the last 15 years and partner at Keysquare Capital Management. He agreed in an interview to share his opinion on how the French elections will have a major impact across the world. But first, let's meet the candidates. Who are the candidates and what is their plan ... Show more content on ... Callanan thinks Macron will align with Fillon on the centre right, making Le pen garner less votes, suggesting the first round's outcome is an indication of what the ending bias will likely be. Will a new president be the end of old politics in France? Just over a month after the new president will be elected, she/he will start building their coalition in the Assembly Nationale. "It will be a real challenge for both," says Callanan as "a new party has never gained a majority." He paused. "But Macron has a better chance than Le Pen." One important issue that the new president will need to address is on the national security, as terrorist attacks are at their peek right now in France. While Le Pen is focused on immigration, Macron is focused on adding 50,000 police and specialised training. When asked who will appeal more to the public, Callanan said" people become more accustomed to these events and the shock effect is mitigated. Think of what it is like living in Beirut..." Will Le Pen's claim of deporting all foreigners suspected of a connection to radical Islamism make France safer? "Definitely not," replied Mr. Callanan, "on the contrary, the anti–immigration and anti–Islam stance can be taken too far and be counter–productive." Le Pen has said that France should be "less naive" as it became a "jihadi university." Will her presidency affect the relations with the Middle East? Which key policies should France pursue in the Middle ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Italian Gothic Architecture Affecting The Sienese And The... During the early Renaissance age, numerous magnum opuses were created to assess the human's knowledge. Right now, the Gothic Design was affecting the Sienese and the Florentine. The Gothic engineering started in French and the general population of Italy was enlivened by the way of life, the idea and the thoughts the houses of worship. The basilica of Siena and Florence and the Town Lobby of Siena characterized the Gothic advancement through the early ages. The beginning of the Italian Gothic model through Nicola and Giovanni Pisano's work exhibits how much the Italian impact was the French Gothic. The introduction of Gothic Architecture started in France during the 13 Century with the church of God of Our Woman of Amiens. The church building was worked ... Show more content on ... The pillars were the tall stone that holds the cathedral together and makes it higher keeping near to God. The point arches were the essential pieces that made to imagery the gothic Design since it is such masterwork of workmanship. Nonetheless, the Gothic Design was on the most powerful of craftsmanship on the grounds that through the ages Florence and Siena single out the plans to manufacture holy places with the Gothic purpose of perspectives. Despite everything, the Gothic Design was attempting the most powerful timeframe. Consistently, the Gothic thoughts were spreading all over Europe. Lastly, it had arrived in Italy.Siena and Florence are the main focus during this because those two cities are trying to bring their own concept into it. To start with the church cathedral of Siena, it is delightful and extremely artistic. The architectures in Siena are influential thoughts from the French with colored glass window, the pillars, the apes and the point arches. To symbolize the ambitious aspirations of the population, they intended to assemble the church building at the high purpose of the city. For the development of the cathedral, both inside and outside have a remarkable ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Metastasio Opera Buffa Eighteenth century Europe was a time of great intellectual change. The "old" scholastic thought began to be changed out with the "new" Descartian "cogito ergo sum." This shift of intellectual thought did not just restrict itself to the philosophers––it permeated all of western culture. During the beginning of the eighteenth century, European opera began to shift into a new soundscape. A split occurred in opera between Opera Seria and Opera Buffa mainly as a result of the Arcadian Academy. This literary movement sought to return Italian poetry to its former glory, and by former glory they meant the ancient Greek's former glory. This movement focused prominently on opera libretti. One such librettist was Piertro Metastasio. Metastasio ... Show more content on ... The "Enlightenment" was a time where western intellectual thought shifted from the world towards the human person. This shift was sparked by Descartes philosophy which can be summarised by his words, "cogito ergo sum" or "I think therefore I am." With this shift "man [became] the measure of all things." This lead to the development of Secular Humanism. When Secular Humanism is applied to opera there is less of an emphasis on the music––which is something that points beyond humans––and there becomes an emphasis on the plot. Opera Seria is the product of this "Enlightenment" thinking. Opera Seria is distinguished by its incredible emphasis on the plot over the music. This new style of opera sought to rid opera of extraneous plot points into order to make the plot extremely concise. This was all a result of the "Enlightenment" focus on the human person as opposed to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Essay on The Success of Artisit Giotto di Bondone Giotto di Bondone, usually referred to as Giotto, was a very well known and highly respected Italian painter and architect from Florence in the late 13th to mid 14th centuries. He is remembered not just for his own outstanding work, but for the lasting effects he had on the evolution of painting in Europe. Giotto is considered one of the first of many artists who took part in the foundation the Italian Renaissance in both painting and architecture by breaking away from traditional styles. Giotto was born at Colle, near Florence in 1266. A late 16th century Italian painter, architect, writer and historian known as Giorgio Vasari, best known for his book "Lives of the Artists," recounts that Giotto was a bright and intelligent shepherd boy ... Show more content on ... After a few years his reputation spread and he became very well known. When it was time to leave his apprenticeship and begin working for himself, it was said that he had far surpassed the skills of his master. Giotto's style includes figures that are monumental with a formal and slow–moving feel. He is able to build up a organized rhythm into a incredibly powerful drama. Giotto was also able to achieve a convincing representation of space. The technique (fresco) used by Giotto and most Italian painters would be to paint directly onto walls with tempura paint, which required great skill and patience. Tempura paint were powdered pigments made from the combination of items such as egg yolks, water, and glue mixed with dangerous elements like lead and arsenic. The first step in creating a fresco would be to cover the wall with gypsum soaked linen strips. This created the initial surface to paint on. After the correct number of linen strip layers have been applied, artists would then paint with a mixture of the tempura pigments mixed with wet plaster. As a result, the prepared wall would absorb the paints. Most paintings were done in multiple phases, with one small section completed each day. It would be difficult to complete it all at once because each section had to be done quickly before the plaster paint dried. Giotto is known for completing many impressive and ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Differences Between America And France And The French... Bonjour, Prime Minister, cheese, wine and affairs; these single words all come together to give you a peek into the French way of life. There are many similarities and differences between America and France and the way that their societies have shaped the people who live there. From the way we live, to the morals when it comes to marriage and family. To go into greater detail, I will share with you some of the traditions, social customs and the roles of the French society. The French Government is set up similarly to our own. Our forefathers used the systems of government from the French government to create what we use now in America. France is ruled by a Republican government; also known as the French Republic. They have what is equal to a President, but the title used more prominently is Prime Minister. The Prime Minister of France today is Manuel Valls. In addition, the Prime Minister has a Council of Ministers at his aid to help organize and structure the government. The French are exceedingly controlling and rule–governed people. Their uncertainty avoidance is rated at a high level, meaning that they like to have their rules and a foundation. As said in the article "What About France", it articulates that "The French don't like surprises. Structure and planning are required. Before meetings and negotiations, they like to receive all necessary information. As a consequence, the French are good in developing complex technologies and systems in a stable environment, such ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. The History of Gothic Architecture in Italy Essay Abbott Suger wanted to make Saint Denis a magnificent showplace as the royal Abbey church of France and burial place of French kings. Ribbed vault which were capable of spanning large areas was designed to make gothic churches larger. These Gothic Churches were characterized by enlarged clerestory zone, windows enormous size with inserted new zone and triforium below the ribbed vaults and supporting of an arcade of high piers lining of the nave. These characteristics ensured the support of the greater stress of taller, broader interiors and to create larger window areas as well as the external supports. There was creation greater sense of unity between the spaces of the nave and the adjacent walkway and ambulatory chapels. In the ... Show more content on ... Collectively, they were a force to be reckoned with, and from these Guilds, or trades was born the establishment of our modern system of our modern building labor force infrastructure. The establishment of secret societies, such as the Freemasons also came about as a result of the building of cathedrals using Gothic architecture. "The 11th to 15th centuries saw a great surge of the Christian Church within Europe which was emphasized by the persuasiveness of the Crusades. The growing population of the Church increased the demand for the increased presence in architectural monuments and during the Romanesque and Gothic periods, a great cathedral construction boom occurred across Europe. The Romanesque and Gothic architectural styles were distinctive in not only the massiveness of the Romanesque monuments and the introduction of the cruciform plan but also for the introduction of the Gothic era art within the Cathedrals which included the inclusion of art the radiating Rose Window, column figures and the gargoyle among many others. Within Europe, there was a progression of architectural styles, many of which are still evident in the monuments today. The major styles are considered as Carolingian (800–900 AD); Ottonian (1000s); Romanesque (1000s– 1100s); Gothic (late 1100s–1400s). While Romanesque is considered as the architectural style which preceded the Gothic, many of the distinct Romanesque features found within the great cathedrals of ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Comparing Pisa, Italy, 1259-1260, And Donatello People began using different forms of art such as drawings, paintings, and sculptures as far back as prehistoric times to express their thoughts and their emotions. Any form of artwork can be compared side by side with another piece of artwork so that the viewer can relate similarities and differences in each work of art. Although created by different artist during different periods of time and for two different churches, the baptistery sculpted by Nicola Pisano, entitled pulpit of the baptistery, Pisa, Italy, 1259–1260 and Donatello's baptistery entitled Feast of Herod, Siena Cathedral, Siena, Italy 1423–1427 can be compared for not only similarities that the two share, but for differences that they possess as well (figure 1) and (figure 2). Artwork can represent a great variety of things and a single piece of art work can be interpreted in an assortment of ways, therefore, art is a great thing for an individual to use to express their thoughts, emotions, or ideas. Artwork can consist of anything from a painting, carving, sculpture or etc. The specific sculptures that are being discussed are baptisteries. Baptisteries were used then to perform baptisms and are ... Show more content on ... If observed closely one can see that the expressions portrayed on each individual Pisano included in the sculpture really display the emotion that was felt at that time. While observing this sculpture the viewer can see that he included several people in this piece of art. "Art historians have even been able to pinpoint the models of some of the pulpit figures, including the reclining Mary, in Roman sculptures in Pisa" (Gardner, 2016). Pisano used a variety of detail when he sculpted the figures outside of the panel scenes on each corner of the pulpit. Pisano also used intricate detail in sculpting the lions at the base of the pulpit as if they were the fierce piece to this ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The World Of The Middle Ages Since the Middle Ages, Islam has been defined as a distinguishable "Other" from the European population, as the Crusades characterized Europe as a distinctly Christian entity warring against the Muslim identity of the Middle East. Religion has been a divisive force for centuries in these portions of the world, but the 1905 laïcité law in France established this nation as a secular society, breaking away from Christianity and promoting the privatization of religion in order to guarantee its free exercise. 20th century France witnessed waves of immigration in the form of those of Islamic descent, first with unskilled laborers from Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia coming to work in French factories. The Algerian War between France and the Algerian National Liberation Front saw a second massive wave of those with Muslim affiliation, as Algerians who fought with the French Army feared the NLF's wrath after Algerian independence and migrated to France in its aftermath during the 1960s and 1970s. Today, France is home to between 4 and 5 million Muslims, which is the largest Muslim population in the continent of Europe, but this presence has done little to alleviate the influence of the Othering of Muslims in French society. Terrorist attacks committed by extremist Islamic groups in recent years, such as the Charlie Hebdo killings in January 2015, the Paris suicide bombings of November 2015, and the truck running over crowds celebrating Bastille Day 2016 in Nice have only heightened ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Arnolfo's Accomplishments Arnolfo di Cambio was an Italian sculptor and architect born in Colle di Val d'Elso, Italy, around 1245 AD. There is not much known about the life of Arnolfo di Cambio other than his incredible accomplishments. However, what is known is that Arnolfo is that he worked as a chief assiatant ot an artist named Nicola Pisano when he was in his twenties. He worked for King Charles I of Anjou as an architect in his thirties, and in his fifties he moved to Florence and began work on his most important works. Florence became a great attraction because of the works of Arnolfo. In fact, the City of Florence was made famous by the works of Arnolfo. He worked on so much that makes Florence that makes Florence the City that it was and still is. He contributed to ... Show more content on ... In the 1500s, the Medici moved their entire residence to the Palazzo Vecchio and established the centralization of power of the Palace. It had been the town hall of Florence ever since the people wanted to make a new seat of power in Florence. It overlooks the Piazza della Signoria and it holds a copy of Michelangelo's David in a symbol of the city. There are also a plethora of statues surrounding the building that represent what the city is. The first stone of the building was set in 1299 and was not finished for nearly thirty years later. The bell tower is the most notable part of the palace. The tower is a little more than 300 feet tall, which, at that time, was a very impressive height. It was named for the architect who designed it: Torre d'Arnolfo. The three bells in the bell tower are almost as old as the tower itself. In fact, the original bell is still inside the tower ringing for town hall meetings and impending danger. A couple of notable fun facts: First, The Palazzo Vecchio held the prisoner Savonarola before his execution. In 1497, Savonarola was excommunicated by the Pope and was sentenced to death. He was held inside the Palace so that he could be executed in the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Similarities Between France And France When we first think about those two countries a lot of similarities come into our minds. These two countries are very similar between them as they are next to the other. France and Spain have the same time zone and almost the same weather, area and population. They are different in the way of govern; France has an unitary semi–presidential constitutional republic as Spain has an unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The French president is Françoise Hollande and the Spanish President is Mariano Rajoy. If we talk about the way of doing business in these two countries we can see that French way of doing business is very closely connected to the Spanish´s one, but international businessmen and women sometimes make early mistakes ... Show more content on ... In this aspect Spain and France disagree. In Spain the international language for business meeting is English, it is very important to know it, even if you want to have a degree in business you have to know a high level of English for getting it. In France, however, the situation is rather different, you should respect the language because French people are extremely proud of their language. Perhaps no other culture so highly regards its language as a symbol of itself. It is important to at least learn some basic civilities prior to do business in France. When we talk about punctuality in France, it is treated quite casually, although there are some region differences, the further South you go the more casual the approach to time is. The French themselves have a very relaxed attitude when attending appointments themselves, so do not be surprised to find them arriving fairly late. However, for social event, being on time is more important. In a different way, in Spain the punctuality is important, if you want to give a good impression, you should be on time, and can expect the Spanish part will be on time ... Get more on ...