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MGT 312 Entire Course
MGT 312 Week 1 Organizational Behavior in the Workplace
MGT 312 Week 2 Diversity and Personality at Work
MGT 312 Week 2 Big Five Personality Types
MGT 312 Week 3 Team Assignment Organizational Climate (Google)
MGT 312 Week 3 Using Strengths to Increase Motivation
MGT 312 Week 4 Team Assignment Five Bases of Power
MGT 312 Week 4 Individual Assignment Working in Groups and
MGT 312 Week 5 CAREER CONNECTION Socialization and
MGT 312 Week 5 Organizational Development and Human Resources
MGT 312 Final Guide 1
The interdisciplinary field dedicated to understanding and managing
people at work is called:
Management dynamics
Management theory
Organizational dynamics
Organizational behavior
The distinction between flexible and fixed individual differences:
Is that managers have little or no impact on flexible differences
Is that managers should hire people based on their attitudes and
Is that managers have little or no impact on fixed differences
Has no practical value for managers
Regarding using personality testing as part of the hiring process, experts
have concluded that:
The typical personality test is not a valid predictor of job performance
Only the Big Five should be used as predictors of job performance
The effects of personality on job performance are so large it cannot be
ignored by managers
There are many valid instruments available to managers to test for
personality types
In Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior, ___________ is(are) the key
link between _________.
Intentions; attidtudes and planned behavior
Norms; intentions and planned behavior
Intentions; norms and attitudes
Attitudes; intentions and planned behavior
According to the Ajzen model, the strongest predictor of an employee’s
behavior is (are):
The employee's intentions
The employee's attitudes
Social norms
The employee's values
The steps in the process of stereotype formation and maintenance in
order are:
Expectations, categorization, inferences, maintenance.
Categorization, inferences, expectations, maintenance.
Inferences, categorization, expectations, maintenance.
Categorization, expectations, inferences, maintenance.
Janelle, one of Abdul’s employees, has performed poorly on many
aspects of her job since she was hired four months ago. This is likely to
be attributed to:
External causes
Fundamental bias
Internal causes
Self-serving bias
The potential to understand and regulate oneself is known as:
Naturalist intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence
Kinesthetic intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence
Self-enhancement and self-transcendence are:
Personal attitudes
Endpoints of one of the dimensions of values
Workplace attitudes
Organizations with adhocracy cultures are described as:
Externally focused and valuing stability and control
Internally focused and valuing stability and control
Externally focused and valuing flexibility
Internally focused and valuing flexibility
Which of the following is the least fixed of a person’s individual
Cognitive abilities
Camilla, a manager, notes that while Wilhelm’s written reports are very
thorough and accurate, his oral presentations are not effective. Camilla is
looking at:
Explicit factors
Implicit factors
Stimulation is in the ____________ part of Schwartz’s model.
Openness to change
The contingency approach suggests that:
A manager needs to learn a set of hard-and-fast rules.
There is one best way to manage.
OB theories apply to all situations.
The best answer depends on the situation.
Research shows that, in general:
Social capital increases group conflict.
Social capital decreases work group integration.
Social capital decreases organizational performance.
Social capital can improve operations.
The corporate staff in the accounting department at ABC Corporation
went on 12-hour days during the holiday season, just like the regular
retail employees do during that season. This is an example of a(n)
_________ change.
Radically innovative
The extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and
commits to its goals is called:
Organizational satisfaction
Organizational commitment
Job involvement
Perceived organizational support
Joyce finds that the members of the project team to which she has been
assigned in her management class are all athletes on the college’s
football and basketball teams. She immediately considers dropping the
class because she thinks her experience with that team will be negative.
Joyce is likely to be reacting to a:
Self-serving bias
Semantic memory
Negativity bias
The productive potential of an individual’s knowledge, skills, and
experiences is known as:
Soft skills
Ethical capital
Human capital
Social capital
Chris, a manager, knows that one of his employees values achievement
and power. Chris should assign the employee to a job that includes:
High self-direction
High security
High influence over others
High social value
When something is _______, it stands out from its context.
A schema
A person can build his/her social capital by:
Being trained in new skills
Shadowing a higher-level manager
Getting a mentor
Learning a new language
Performance on tests like the Scholastic Aptitude Test and the Graduate
Management Admissions Test is likely to be most closely related to:
Logical-mathematical intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence
Naturalist intelligence
24.Acme Movers is a company that ships goods and cargo to all
locations in the United States. The employees understand that the
company's primary vision of timeliness, efficiency and low-cost services
is important to maintain the competitive edge over other movers in the
business. They constantly work to ensure that all deliveries reach their
destinations on schedule, and the company, in turn, rewards the
employees with performance-based awards and profit sharing. Which
function of organizational culture is exemplified here?
Facilitating collective commitment
Giving members an organizational identity
Promoting social system stability
Shaping behavior by helping members make sense of their surroundings
The process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings
is called:
Sustainable businesses tend to be run by CEOs who are:
___________ isassociated with success for managers and salespeople.
Emotional stability
28.Keyshawn is a player on a professional football team. Because of
this, his play every week is scrutinized by fans and media, as well as his
own coaches. Sometimes, their comments are very negative and even
personal. Keyshawn will handle this better if he has a high level of
_________ intelligence.
The two dimensions of the competing values framework are:
Internal-external and group-individual
Internal-external and anticipatory-retrospective
Group-individual and stable-flexible
Internal-external and stable-flexible
Which of the following mechanisms for changing organizational culture
addresses all three levels of culture?
Deliberate role modeling, training, and coaching
Workflow and organizational structure
Rites and rituals
Organizational goals
MGT 312 Final Guide 2
1 in the ________ of group development, group members try to get to
know each other and establish common understanding.
Organizational ________ is the study of the many factors that have an
impact on how people and groups act, think, feel, and respond to work
and organizations, and how organizations respond to their environments.
The highest level a group can possibly perform at is known as
In ________,managers establish the rules and reporting relationships
that allow people to achieve organizational goals.
When situational pressures are ________, personality is not a good
predictor of on-the-job performance.
6 A manager notices his task force's ideas are a little stale. He attributes
this to the fact that the group is homogeneous. He should ________.
The extent to which a leader actually does help a group or organization
to achieve its goals is best described as ________.
Which of the following statements best explains why work attitude has
little relationship to job performance?
Transactional leaders motivate followers by ________.
The management of organizational politics most often falls to ________.
What statement best describes how situational factors may affect work
The ________ of a worker's attitude reflects his thoughts about how to
act on the job.
A business owner accepts the importance of the ________ theory.
Consequently he has structured his company to fit the factors that affect
it the most in an effort to eliminate as much uncertainty as possible.
Two managers have conflicting views of how to best handle a recent
increase in funds. They have many meetings and each manager must
argue his position. After several weeks, a decision is made that results
in an efficient and effective use of the new resources. This example best
shows that ________.
The ________ describes the different types of relationships that may
develop between a leader and a follower.
On her work team, Michelle develops detailed tasks lists and work flow
charts to help her team members understand the steps involved in each
project. She also maintains the project calendar and receives periodic
updates from each team member to ensure that projects are progressing
on schedule. Which role does Michelle most likely fill on her team?
Managers engage in ________ to increase their power and pursue goals
that favor their individual and group interests.
A wealthy heiress decides to take a job as a social worker. She is
receiving a lot of news coverage because of her decision, and while she
doesn't like the media attention, she is happy that the news reporters are
seeing her as the selfless person she wants to be. Her work behavior is
best described as ________.
Organizational behavior is examined at three main levels: ________ .
A ________ is a systematic tendency to use, ignore, or interpret
information about a target in a particular way that results in inaccurate
When the business environment is ________,an organization is most
likely to decentralize authority and empower its employees to make
operating decisions.
Which element of work motivation answers the question "how hard does
a person work to perform a chosen behavior"?
The study of organizational behavior provides a set of ________ that are
useful for understanding the behavior that occurs within organizations.
The ________ function of management allows managers to diagnose
how well they have performed.
Employees who have intrinsic work values will be motivated by
Teams differ from groups in that teams ________.
In assessing intentions, cooperativeness is the degree to which
In which work situation will personality most likely play a role in job
________ is the pattern of relatively enduring ways that a person feels,
thinks, and behaves.
MGT 312 Week 1 Organizational Behavior in the Workplace
Organizational Behavior in the Workplace
Complete the matrix below with 3 to 5 job skills found in the workplace
that could lead to improved job performance.
Write a 350- to 700-word summary of what you have learned about
Organizational Behavior from your current readings. Include the
following in your summary:
· Explain the connection between organizational behavior and your
selected job skills from the matrix.
· Discuss how these job skills can lead to improved job performance.
· Explain how Organizational Behavior can aid you in decision-making
and problem-solving.
· Predict the consequences of unethical behavior in the workplace.
MGT 312 Week 2 Big Five Personality Types
Complete the “What Is My Big Five Personality Profile?” self-
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following:
· Do you agree with the results of your assessment?
· Based on the results of your assessment, what do you see as your
strengths and weaknesses?
· How might your personality type influence your job performance?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
MGT 312 Week 2 Diversity and Personality at Work
You are assigned to work on a team in the workplace with a person who
has a different personality type than you. Connect with your team
members who have a different personality than you.
Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which includes the following:
· A description of each team member’s personality type
· A description of the advantages of working with those with differing
personality types
· A discussion of the disadvantages of working with those with differing
personality types
· Examples of ways organizations can manage a diverse group of
Cite 1 to 3 business sources not including the text that support the team’s
ideas regarding personality.
Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit the assignment.
MGT 312 Week 3 Team Assignment Organizational Climate (Google)
Locate a list of the 100 best companies to work for by using a search
Research companies from that list to ensure sufficient information is
available to review the Organizational Behavior environment of that
company. Look for the following key words: amplifying effect, pro-
social behaviors, positive deviance, conscious capitalism.
Select one of the companies as a team.
Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of the team’s chosen organization and
its climate regarding organizational behavior. Include the following in
your review:
· Does this organization encourage positive Organizational Behavior?
· If yes, how do they demonstrate this?
· If not, what type of Organizational Behavior do they seem to
Peer Review: The teams will share their findings with at least one other
team in class. The teams will critically analyze the review to see if the
other team provided adequate evidence to support their claims regarding
the organizational climate of the chosen organization.
Incorporate the feedback from the peer review in the conclusion of the
Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit the assignment.
MGT 312 Week 3 Using Strengths to Increase Motivation
Complete the “What is My Level of PsyCap” self-assessment.
Write a 1050- to 1400-word paper in which you include the following:
· Explain why you agree or disagree with your results.
· Develop strategies to advance your career using your strengths.
· How can you use goal-setting to increase motivation and improve job
· How might your engagement as an employee and job satisfaction
influence job performance?
· Discuss at least 5 of the following motivational theories and explain
how these can aid in job performance.
· Extrinsic motivation
· Intrinsic motivation
· McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
· Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy
· Acquired needs theory
· Self-determination theory
· Herzberg’s theory of motivation
· Equity theory
· Expectancy theory
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
MGT 312 Week 4 Individual Assignment Working in Groups and
Complete the “Evaluate Team Member Effectiveness” self-assessment.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following:
· Do you agree with your results?
· Based on your self-assessment, what do you see as your strengths and
weaknesses regarding working on a team?
· Have you ever engaged in social loafing while on a team? Why or why
· How does working effectively on a team give you an advantage in the
· How do groups normally develop?
· How does the effectiveness of the team members influence the group’s
development process?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
MGT 312 Week 4 Team Assignment Five Bases of Power
Create a 5- to 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which
you examine the five bases of power. Include the following:
· A description of each
· An example of each as used in the workplace
· An evaluation of which are the most and least desirable
· Ways to increase positive power bases
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit the assignment.
MGT 312 Week 5 CAREER CONNECTION Socialization and
CAREER CONNECTION: This assignment builds socialization skills
and establishes the importance of mentoring to aid in career
The team has been invited to present at a conference before top
executives of Fortune 500 companies. The topic the team is presenting
on is “How Can Socialization and Mentoring Be Used For Career
Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which
you address the following as they relate to the topic:
· How can socialization and mentoring be used to advance a career?
· How can socialization and mentoring help minimize resistance to
change using the contingency approach?
· How can socialization and mentoring help people embrace these
changes as a part of career advancement?
· Include Feldman’s three-phase model of socialization and the six
socialization tactics as part of the discussion.
Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources other than your textbook.
Format the references according to APA guidelines and include as a
reference slide at the end of the presentation.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
MGT 312 Week 5 Organizational Development and Human Resources
Write a 175- to 350-word short paper that explains how Human
Resource functions relate to organizational development.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit the assignment.

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MGT 312 MENTOR Education for

  • 1. MGT 312 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT MGT 312 Week 1 Organizational Behavior in the Workplace MGT 312 Week 2 Diversity and Personality at Work MGT 312 Week 2 Big Five Personality Types MGT 312 Week 3 Team Assignment Organizational Climate (Google) MGT 312 Week 3 Using Strengths to Increase Motivation MGT 312 Week 4 Team Assignment Five Bases of Power MGT 312 Week 4 Individual Assignment Working in Groups and Teams MGT 312 Week 5 CAREER CONNECTION Socialization and Mentoring MGT 312 Week 5 Organizational Development and Human Resources --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGT 312 Final Guide 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 2. 1 The interdisciplinary field dedicated to understanding and managing people at work is called: Management dynamics Management theory Organizational dynamics Organizational behavior 2 The distinction between flexible and fixed individual differences: Is that managers have little or no impact on flexible differences Is that managers should hire people based on their attitudes and emotions Is that managers have little or no impact on fixed differences Has no practical value for managers 3 Regarding using personality testing as part of the hiring process, experts have concluded that:
  • 3. The typical personality test is not a valid predictor of job performance Only the Big Five should be used as predictors of job performance The effects of personality on job performance are so large it cannot be ignored by managers There are many valid instruments available to managers to test for personality types 4 In Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior, ___________ is(are) the key link between _________. Intentions; attidtudes and planned behavior Norms; intentions and planned behavior Intentions; norms and attitudes Attitudes; intentions and planned behavior 5 According to the Ajzen model, the strongest predictor of an employee’s behavior is (are):
  • 4. The employee's intentions The employee's attitudes Social norms The employee's values 6 The steps in the process of stereotype formation and maintenance in order are: Expectations, categorization, inferences, maintenance. Categorization, inferences, expectations, maintenance. Inferences, categorization, expectations, maintenance. Categorization, expectations, inferences, maintenance. 7 Janelle, one of Abdul’s employees, has performed poorly on many aspects of her job since she was hired four months ago. This is likely to be attributed to: External causes Fundamental bias Internal causes
  • 5. Self-serving bias 8 The potential to understand and regulate oneself is known as: Naturalist intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence Kinesthetic intelligence Interpersonal intelligence 9 Self-enhancement and self-transcendence are: Personal attitudes Endpoints of one of the dimensions of values Workplace attitudes Cognitions 10
  • 6. Organizations with adhocracy cultures are described as: Externally focused and valuing stability and control Internally focused and valuing stability and control Externally focused and valuing flexibility Internally focused and valuing flexibility 11 Which of the following is the least fixed of a person’s individual differences? Cognitive abilities Attitudes Emotions Intelligence 12 Camilla, a manager, notes that while Wilhelm’s written reports are very thorough and accurate, his oral presentations are not effective. Camilla is looking at: Explicit factors
  • 7. Implicit factors Distinctiveness Consistency 13 Stimulation is in the ____________ part of Schwartz’s model. Conservation Openness to change Self-enhancement Self-transcendence 14 The contingency approach suggests that: A manager needs to learn a set of hard-and-fast rules. There is one best way to manage. OB theories apply to all situations. The best answer depends on the situation.
  • 8. 15 Research shows that, in general: Social capital increases group conflict. Social capital decreases work group integration. Social capital decreases organizational performance. Social capital can improve operations. 16 The corporate staff in the accounting department at ABC Corporation went on 12-hour days during the holiday season, just like the regular retail employees do during that season. This is an example of a(n) _________ change. Product Radically innovative Adaptive Innovative 17
  • 9. The extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals is called: Organizational satisfaction Organizational commitment Job involvement Perceived organizational support 18 Joyce finds that the members of the project team to which she has been assigned in her management class are all athletes on the college’s football and basketball teams. She immediately considers dropping the class because she thinks her experience with that team will be negative. Joyce is likely to be reacting to a: Self-serving bias Semantic memory Negativity bias Stereotype 19 The productive potential of an individual’s knowledge, skills, and experiences is known as:
  • 10. Soft skills Ethical capital Human capital Social capital 20 Chris, a manager, knows that one of his employees values achievement and power. Chris should assign the employee to a job that includes: High self-direction High security High influence over others High social value 21 When something is _______, it stands out from its context. Semantic Salient
  • 11. A schema Stereotypical 22 A person can build his/her social capital by: Being trained in new skills Shadowing a higher-level manager Getting a mentor Learning a new language 23 Performance on tests like the Scholastic Aptitude Test and the Graduate Management Admissions Test is likely to be most closely related to: Logical-mathematical intelligence Interpersonal intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence Naturalist intelligence
  • 12. 24.Acme Movers is a company that ships goods and cargo to all locations in the United States. The employees understand that the company's primary vision of timeliness, efficiency and low-cost services is important to maintain the competitive edge over other movers in the business. They constantly work to ensure that all deliveries reach their destinations on schedule, and the company, in turn, rewards the employees with performance-based awards and profit sharing. Which function of organizational culture is exemplified here? Facilitating collective commitment Giving members an organizational identity Promoting social system stability Shaping behavior by helping members make sense of their surroundings 25 The process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings is called: Stereotyping Perception Selection Suppression
  • 13. 26 Sustainable businesses tend to be run by CEOs who are: Intelligent Controlling Target-driven People-centered 27 ___________ isassociated with success for managers and salespeople. Introversion Emotional stability Agreeableness Extraversion 28.Keyshawn is a player on a professional football team. Because of this, his play every week is scrutinized by fans and media, as well as his own coaches. Sometimes, their comments are very negative and even
  • 14. personal. Keyshawn will handle this better if he has a high level of _________ intelligence. Bodily-kinesthetic Intrapersonal Spatial Interpersonal 29 The two dimensions of the competing values framework are: Internal-external and group-individual Internal-external and anticipatory-retrospective Group-individual and stable-flexible Internal-external and stable-flexible 30 Which of the following mechanisms for changing organizational culture addresses all three levels of culture?
  • 15. Deliberate role modeling, training, and coaching Workflow and organizational structure Rites and rituals Organizational goals --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGT 312 Final Guide 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 1 in the ________ of group development, group members try to get to know each other and establish common understanding. 2 Organizational ________ is the study of the many factors that have an impact on how people and groups act, think, feel, and respond to work and organizations, and how organizations respond to their environments. 3 The highest level a group can possibly perform at is known as ________. 4
  • 16. In ________,managers establish the rules and reporting relationships that allow people to achieve organizational goals. 5 When situational pressures are ________, personality is not a good predictor of on-the-job performance. 6 A manager notices his task force's ideas are a little stale. He attributes this to the fact that the group is homogeneous. He should ________. 7 The extent to which a leader actually does help a group or organization to achieve its goals is best described as ________. 8 Which of the following statements best explains why work attitude has little relationship to job performance? 9 Transactional leaders motivate followers by ________. 10 The management of organizational politics most often falls to ________. 11 What statement best describes how situational factors may affect work mood? 12
  • 17. The ________ of a worker's attitude reflects his thoughts about how to act on the job. 13 A business owner accepts the importance of the ________ theory. Consequently he has structured his company to fit the factors that affect it the most in an effort to eliminate as much uncertainty as possible. 14 Two managers have conflicting views of how to best handle a recent increase in funds. They have many meetings and each manager must argue his position. After several weeks, a decision is made that results in an efficient and effective use of the new resources. This example best shows that ________. 15 The ________ describes the different types of relationships that may develop between a leader and a follower. 16 On her work team, Michelle develops detailed tasks lists and work flow charts to help her team members understand the steps involved in each project. She also maintains the project calendar and receives periodic updates from each team member to ensure that projects are progressing on schedule. Which role does Michelle most likely fill on her team? 17 Managers engage in ________ to increase their power and pursue goals that favor their individual and group interests.
  • 18. 19 A wealthy heiress decides to take a job as a social worker. She is receiving a lot of news coverage because of her decision, and while she doesn't like the media attention, she is happy that the news reporters are seeing her as the selfless person she wants to be. Her work behavior is best described as ________. 20 Organizational behavior is examined at three main levels: ________ . 21 A ________ is a systematic tendency to use, ignore, or interpret information about a target in a particular way that results in inaccurate perceptions. 22 When the business environment is ________,an organization is most likely to decentralize authority and empower its employees to make operating decisions. 23 Which element of work motivation answers the question "how hard does a person work to perform a chosen behavior"? 24 The study of organizational behavior provides a set of ________ that are useful for understanding the behavior that occurs within organizations.
  • 19. 25 The ________ function of management allows managers to diagnose how well they have performed. 26 Employees who have intrinsic work values will be motivated by ________. 27 Teams differ from groups in that teams ________. 28 In assessing intentions, cooperativeness is the degree to which 29 In which work situation will personality most likely play a role in job performance? 30 ________ is the pattern of relatively enduring ways that a person feels, thinks, and behaves. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGT 312 Week 1 Organizational Behavior in the Workplace FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 20. Organizational Behavior in the Workplace Complete the matrix below with 3 to 5 job skills found in the workplace that could lead to improved job performance. Write a 350- to 700-word summary of what you have learned about Organizational Behavior from your current readings. Include the following in your summary: · Explain the connection between organizational behavior and your selected job skills from the matrix. · Discuss how these job skills can lead to improved job performance. · Explain how Organizational Behavior can aid you in decision-making and problem-solving. · Predict the consequences of unethical behavior in the workplace. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGT 312 Week 2 Big Five Personality Types FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 21. Complete the “What Is My Big Five Personality Profile?” self- assessment. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following: · Do you agree with the results of your assessment? · Based on the results of your assessment, what do you see as your strengths and weaknesses? · How might your personality type influence your job performance? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGT 312 Week 2 Diversity and Personality at Work FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT You are assigned to work on a team in the workplace with a person who has a different personality type than you. Connect with your team members who have a different personality than you. Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which includes the following: · A description of each team member’s personality type · A description of the advantages of working with those with differing personality types
  • 22. · A discussion of the disadvantages of working with those with differing personality types · Examples of ways organizations can manage a diverse group of employees. Cite 1 to 3 business sources not including the text that support the team’s ideas regarding personality. Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit the assignment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGT 312 Week 3 Team Assignment Organizational Climate (Google) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Locate a list of the 100 best companies to work for by using a search engine. Research companies from that list to ensure sufficient information is available to review the Organizational Behavior environment of that company. Look for the following key words: amplifying effect, pro- social behaviors, positive deviance, conscious capitalism. Select one of the companies as a team.
  • 23. Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of the team’s chosen organization and its climate regarding organizational behavior. Include the following in your review: · Does this organization encourage positive Organizational Behavior? · If yes, how do they demonstrate this? · If not, what type of Organizational Behavior do they seem to encourage? Peer Review: The teams will share their findings with at least one other team in class. The teams will critically analyze the review to see if the other team provided adequate evidence to support their claims regarding the organizational climate of the chosen organization. Incorporate the feedback from the peer review in the conclusion of the paper. Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit the assignment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGT 312 Week 3 Using Strengths to Increase Motivation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Complete the “What is My Level of PsyCap” self-assessment. Write a 1050- to 1400-word paper in which you include the following:
  • 24. · Explain why you agree or disagree with your results. · Develop strategies to advance your career using your strengths. · How can you use goal-setting to increase motivation and improve job performance? · How might your engagement as an employee and job satisfaction influence job performance? · Discuss at least 5 of the following motivational theories and explain how these can aid in job performance. · Extrinsic motivation · Intrinsic motivation · McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y · Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy · Acquired needs theory · Self-determination theory · Herzberg’s theory of motivation · Equity theory · Expectancy theory Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 25. MGT 312 Week 4 Individual Assignment Working in Groups and Teams FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Complete the “Evaluate Team Member Effectiveness” self-assessment. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following: · Do you agree with your results? · Based on your self-assessment, what do you see as your strengths and weaknesses regarding working on a team? · Have you ever engaged in social loafing while on a team? Why or why not? · How does working effectively on a team give you an advantage in the workplace? · How do groups normally develop? · How does the effectiveness of the team members influence the group’s development process? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGT 312 Week 4 Team Assignment Five Bases of Power
  • 26. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Create a 5- to 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you examine the five bases of power. Include the following: · A description of each · An example of each as used in the workplace · An evaluation of which are the most and least desirable · Ways to increase positive power bases Click the Assignment Files tab to submit the assignment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGT 312 Week 5 CAREER CONNECTION Socialization and Mentoring FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CAREER CONNECTION: This assignment builds socialization skills and establishes the importance of mentoring to aid in career advancement. The team has been invited to present at a conference before top executives of Fortune 500 companies. The topic the team is presenting
  • 27. on is “How Can Socialization and Mentoring Be Used For Career Advancement?” Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you address the following as they relate to the topic: · How can socialization and mentoring be used to advance a career? · How can socialization and mentoring help minimize resistance to change using the contingency approach? · How can socialization and mentoring help people embrace these changes as a part of career advancement? · Include Feldman’s three-phase model of socialization and the six socialization tactics as part of the discussion. Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources other than your textbook. Format the references according to APA guidelines and include as a reference slide at the end of the presentation. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGT 312 Week 5 Organizational Development and Human Resources FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Write a 175- to 350-word short paper that explains how Human Resource functions relate to organizational development.
  • 28. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit the assignment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------