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Meta Title Hormone
Page Title Hormone Therapies Meta Description Not all hormone therapies are created equal. At our
functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we offer high quality bioidentical hormones. Meta Title
Hormone Therapies at Our Functional Medicine Clinic Near Milwaukee Comments Ryan–this
replaces the current Hormone Landing Page. Also, please remove the Hormone Therapies page that
is under the Hormone–Women's Health tab. Thanks! Here is the link for the quiz.–content/uploads/2014/03/assement–hormone.pd The
link for "Who Should Use Bioidentical Hormones" in the text box is:–center/ Shannon/Jynjer/Dr. Muth–I put the
Hormone Balance Questionnaire link in a ... Show more content on ...
It begins with the raw materials. Our hormone supplements meet pharmaceutical grade standards.
Pharmaceutical grade supplements must be 99% pure and contain no dyes, binders, fillers,
excipients or other unknown substances. PCCA accredited pharmacies ensures quality Bioidentical
hormones are manufactured in compounding pharmacies. All of our hormone supplements are
created in PCCA–accredited pharmacies. Since 1981, this organization has provided its member
compounding pharmacies with training, high–quality chemicals and lab equipment and devices. Our
expert providers strive to ensure that our patients' supplements will provide the most effective care.
Our providers know the best methods of administering hormone supplements Some patients have
come to our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee after having a bad experience with hormone
supplement pellets. Pellets can cause side effects, and they are expensive. Our providers believe that
pellets are not the best way to administer our hormone supplements. Instead, we prefer creams, gels,
oral medications or the transdermal
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Tropic Hormone Essay
The tropic hormone stimulates an endocrine gland to grow and secrete it's hormones. They are
secreted by the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary gland) (Taylor, 2016). Examples are FSH–
follicle stimulating hormones which help the female ovaries to mature and to ovulate.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates the adrenal cortex and secretes cortisol (Taylor,
Compare the intercellular (cell to cell) communications of the endocrine and nervous systems Which
is the most effective and why? Please explain by providing specific examples to support your
The nervous system and endocrine systems both work to maintain a constant internal environment,
while also being able to respond and adapt to external events (Boundless, 2016).
By sending electrical action potentials along neurons, the nervous system responds fast to stimuli.
Then transmits these actions to their targets using neurotransmitters, the chemical of the nervous
nervous system reacts rapidly to stimuli by ... Show more content on ...
The nervous system reacts quickly to stimuli by sending electrical action potential to stimuli by the
nervous system is near instantaneous but the effects are normally short lived. An example is the the
recoil mechanism of an arm when touching something hot (Boundless, 2016). The endocrine system
depends on hormones to obtain responses from target calls. These hormones are produced in
specialized glands at a distance from the target, hormones can influence cellular responses at a
protein or genetic level. This process takes quite a while longer then that of the nervous system.
Endocrine hormones must first be synthesized, then transported to their target cells and either enters
or signals the cell. Since these hormones act much slower their effects are usually longer lasting . An
example is the growth hormone that is secreted by pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is responsible
growth during
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Thyroid Hormones, Thyroxine ( T4 ) And Triiodothyronine (...
PPL 7. Thyroid function
Thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), are implicated in numerous process,
including growth and development of muscle, bones and the central nervous system (CNS);
metabolism by increasing basal metabolic rate, calorigenesis and appetite; and have cardiovascular
effects due to they make the heart beats faster and harder. Deregulation of the correct function of the
thyroid can lead to different pathological process such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism,
thyroiditis, goiters, thyroid cancer and solitary thyroid nodules. The determination of thyroid
hormones, especially FT4, together with TSH is an important element in clinical routine diagnosis.
It is useful when thyroid disorders are suspected and also for the monitoring of therapy.
Before this learning unit, I was aware of general aspect of thyroid structure and function. But I
found it helpful to adequate myself into the synthesis and control of hormone production. The
transport of thyroid hormones along the body was new to me, as well as, the methods of
measurement of thyroid hormones. Some of the thyroid disorders are quite common, so as a health
worker, it is important to be aware of the different tests used to assess the thyroid, such as, plasma
T3, T4 and TSH; besides the tests that establish the cause of the dysfunction, including thyroid
autoantibodies (anti–thyroid peroxidase and anti–thyroglobulin), serum thyroid binding globulin
(TBG), thyroid enzyme activities,
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What Are Tropic Hormones
Hormone Properties
Once hormones have been produced by glands, they are distributed through the body via the
bloodstream. As hormones travel through the body, they pass through cells or along the plasma
membranes of cells until they encounter a receptor for that particular hormone. Hormones can only
affect target cells that have the appropriate receptors. This property of hormones is known as
specificity. Hormone specificity explains how each hormone can have specific effects in widespread
parts of the body.
The hormones produced by the endocrine system are classified as tropic hormones. A tropic
hormone is a hormone that is able to trigger the release of another hormone in another gland. Tropic
hormones provide a pathway of control for hormone
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Aldosterone and Hormone Replacement Therapy and Renal...
Aldosterone and Hormone Replacement Therapy
Aldosterone falls in the class of hormone called mineralocorticoids, produces by the adrenal glands
and is found near the kidneys. It sustains blood pressure, water and salt balance within the body.
This procedure is assisting the kidneys to preserve sodium and excrete potassium in order to
maintain a balance. If Aldosterone production falls, there isn't enough regulation of salt and water
balance (as aldosterone is being lost through urination) triggering blood pressure and blood volume
to decline as a result of the kidneys not functioning properly. If body is in need of salt, water is not
retained and adrenals release more Aldosterone and salt is reabsorbed from the tubule.
Addison's ... Show more content on ...
Women who fall pregnant and suffer from Addison's disease may need to also alter their medications
depending on the individual. During delivery of the baby, similar treatment is applied as to surgery
and after there is monitoring of what the dosage requirements need to change to.
In having the hormone replacement therapy, there are long–term and short–term benefits. In the long
term estrogen levels will be higher than average reducing vaginal dryness and urethritis. Preventions
of fractures, heart disease, colon cancer, or dementia and most commonly reduce breast and uterine
The prognosis for people with Addison's disease can be uncertain. If untreated, it will be fatal, if
diagnosed it requires a lifelong treatment. In some cases there is an increased chance of a 'premature
death'. In most cases, with hormone replacement therapy, most people with Addison's disease are
able to live normal lives.
Brotherton J. & Mudie K. (2010), Heinemann Biology HSC, Pearson Australia. Victoria
Corrigan E. K., Addison's Disease, Retrieved December 19, 2012, from
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (2013) Hormone Replacement Therapy. Retrieved
December 19, 2012, from
NIDDK, Adrenal Insufficiency and Addison's Disease.
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Thyroid Hormone Research Paper
The thyroid is the gland responsible for taking control of the body's metabolism, protein production,
and other processes related to growth and development. The hormone, produced by this gland is an
important hormone that the body needs to grow and properly develop.
Iodine and Its Role in the Body
To produce the hormone, the thyroid needs iodine. However, iodine is a trace element and the body
cannot produce it on its own. Having a sufficient amount of iodine in the body is essential for the
production of the thyroid hormone. Lack of iodine in the body can cause problems that specifically
affect the thyroid gland.
There are two leading problems experienced by the thyroid; hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
These conditions lead to over production or an underactive thyroid gland respectively. Symptoms
vary but ... Show more content on ...
The irregularity of thyroid hormone production is not good but when the thyroid is destroyed, it is
What is Thyroid Hormone Replacement?
The good thing is that hormone replacement is available for individuals who need help with thyroid
issues. Some conditions of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can last for long periods of time
and during this period, it is best to consult a doctor to see if hormone replacement is an option that
an individual can have.
Hormone replacement therapy is done when an individual has permanent or long term need of
thyroid hormones that the gland is failing to produce. Hormone replacement is done by using
synthetic hormones similar to the thyroid hormone of the body. The synthetic hormone will then
make up for the low or overproduction of hormones from the malfunctioning thyroid gland.
When a person's thyroid is not functioning normally, a blood workup can be done to determine
whether that person will need thyroid hormone replacement therapy, especially is the hormones are
already too high or too
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What Does Thyroid Hormones Cause?
The thyroid gland is a two lobed gland that is situated in the neck region on either side of and
anterior to the trachea, it also has the parathyroid glands located posteriorly on the thyroid gland.
The thyroid gland secretes the Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3) and Calcitonin. The
thyroid gland plays a very important part in metabolism, growth and maturation of the human body,
to put it simply it regulates the speed with which your body cells work. For the remaining of this
paper the focus will be on what the deficiency of the thyroid hormones cause.
The sequence for the release of Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3) to get Thyroxine (T4) and
Triiodothyronine (T3) it all starts from a region of the brain called the hypothalamus that produces
and releases Thyrotropin–releasing hormone (TRH), which monitors and regulates thyrotropin
levels. Following ... Show more content on ...
Thyroxine (T4) is the key hormone produced in the thyroid gland. Low levels of T4 produce
hypothyroidism, and high levels produce hyperthyroidism. Thyroxine converts to triiodothyronine
(T3), which is a more biologically active hormone. Only about 20% of triiodothyronine is actually
formed in the thyroid gland. The rest is manufactured from circulating thyroxine in tissues outside
the thyroid, such as those in the liver and kidney. Once Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine are in
circulation, they typically bind to substances called thyroid hormone transport proteins, after which
they become inactive. The follicular cells of the thyroid gland perform all the necessary functions
required to make and secrete the thyroid hormones.
The follicular cells of the thyroid gland trap dietary iodine and the enzyme thyroid peroxidase and
transport it into the colloid (enlargement of the thyroid tissue containing thyroglobulin – a protein).
Thyroid peroxidase combined with thyroglobulin produces the thyroid hormones Thyroxine (T4)
and Triiodothyronine
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Effects Of Steroid Hormones And Neuropeptides On Social...
A Review of the Effects of Steroid Hormones and Neuropeptides on Social–Emotional Behavior
Bos, Peter A., Panksepp, Jaak, Bluthé, Rose–Marie, & van Honk, Jack (2011). Acute effects of
steroid hormones and neuropeptides on human social–emotional behavior: A review of single
administration studies. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 33 (2012) 17–35.
1. Introduction/Background Information The discovery of hormones and their function has been
relatively recent. The term was first coined by Professor Earnest Starling in 1905. He derived the
word from the Greek meaning "to arouse or excite." However, the idea of the role hormones could
be traced back as far as ancient Greece. Though Hippocrates' theory on humors has been refuted, the
... Show more content on ...
The neuro–developmental effects of these chemicals are comparatively well–known, while their
impact on human conduct has yet to be fully comprehended.
2. Goals of the study The main goal of this study was to review all of the placebo–controlled single
hormone administration studies addressing human social–emotional behavior, involving the peptides
oxytocin and vasopressin, and the steroids testosterone and estradiol. This research gives insight into
the underlying neural mechanisms and also demonstrates substantial hormonal control over human
behavior. After reviewing and discussing the placebo–controlled studies, they proposed a theoretical
model that synthesized detailed knowledge of neuroendocrinology of social–emotional behavior in
animals, as–well–as the recently gained data on humans. The study of emotional and behavioral
disorders have become more popular in the last twenty years. Characteristics of these irregularities
include: learning disabilities that are not explainable by either sensory, health, or intellectual factors;
persistently inappropriate feelings and conduct; and/or chronic unhappiness or depression
( The authors of this study thoroughly analyzed the underlying neural mechanisms of
supplemental hormones and how they affect participants as opposed to using a placebo. Research
into human behavior as it relates to neuroendocrinology will be crucial to future generations and
their interrelations.
3. Methods and
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Effects Of Steroid Hormones And Neuropeptides On Social...
A Review of the Effects of Steroid Hormones and Neuropeptides on Social–Emotional Behavior
Bos, Peter A., Panksepp, Jaak, Bluthé, Rose–Marie, & van Honk, Jack (2011). Acute effects of
steroid hormones and neuropeptides on human social–emotional behavior: A review of single
administration studies. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 33 (2012) 17–35.
1. Introduction/Background Information The discovery of hormones and their function has been
relatively recent. The term was first coined by Professor Earnest Starling in 1905. He derived the
word from the Greek meaning "to arouse or excite." However, the idea of the role hormones could
be traced back as far as ancient Greece. Though Hippocrates' theory on humors has been refuted, the
concept of "bodily fluids," or in this case, the amount of hormones circulating in the blood directly
affecting temperament and emotions are related. Scientists continue to research the relevance of
hormones, as well as neuropeptides on human behavior (J.R. Tata). Amazingly, throughout
evolutionary history, both neuropeptides and steroid hormones were able to preserve their molecular
structure, and their effect on cross–species sexuality. An estimated 450 million years ago, the
neurotransmitter oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (AVT) were present in the earliest phyla, and their
varied functions are similar in both animals and humans. Much like OT and AVP, the steroid
hormones, testosterone (T) and estradiol (E) play a significant role in
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Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy is very common for women as they reach their menopausal years. There has been
much debate as to whether a woman should use hormonal treatment to replace those hormones that
her body is not readily producing after menopause. Estrogen is a hormone produced by a woman's
ovaries. It is probably the most discussed and debated hormone. It is also produced in the adrenal
glands and fat tissues. Estrogen thickens the lining of the uterus, preparing it for the possibility of
implantation of a fertilized egg. In women, estrogen circulates in the bloodstream and binds to
estrogen receptors on cells in targeted tissues, affecting not only the breasts and uterus, but also the
brain, bone, liver, heart and other tissues. Estrogen causes ... Show more content on
The most common types are pills, cream, vaginal rings, vaginal tablets and patches. There are some
groups of women who are advised not to use hormone therapy. They are women who have or have
had breast cancer, have or have had endometrial cancer, have abnormal vaginal bleeding, have had
blood clots, have a history of stroke, have liver disease, or may be pregnant. There are also some
side effects associated with hormone therapy besides the risks such as monthly bleeding, irregular
spotting and breast tenderness.
Hormones are often referred to as "chemical messengers" because they take information and
instructions from one group of cells to another. Hormones influence almost every cell, organ and
function in the human body. They regulate growth, development, tissue function, sexual function,
reproduction, metabolism, the way our bodies use food, the reaction of our bodies to emergencies
and even our
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Human Growth Hormone Essay
Human Growth Hormone
Human growth hormone, a substance produced in the human body, is now being sold over the
Internet. Companies are marketing the product as an anti–aging product. At the web–site,, the company claims that there is a possibility that one can "stop the
aging process." On the home page, they claim that the product can reduce fat and cellulite, increase
energy and muscle tone, elevate mood, improve sexual performance and sleep, remove wrinkles,
balance cholesterol, re–grow and re–color hair, and more. The product is a dietary oral spray that
they claim contains a product that is "identical to the growth hormone manufactured in the human
body" and is designed for oral consumption. They also ... Show more content on ...
In addition, they claim that their product will result in the elimination of panic attacks, a reversal of
the aging process, and rapid healing of wounds and broken bones. The presentation of scientific
information before the sales pitch seemingly increases the credibility of the company with the
customer. They quote Dr. William Regelson, who uses hormone therapy in his work, as saying, "it
has some amazing powers, but its benefits must be carefully weighed against its costs and potential
side effects." He also states that a product may eventually be available that provides all the benefits,
but has no side–effects, which is now available through "Health and Energy." They also have a
disclaimer that the FDA does not approve the information they provide about the product.
These web–sites are all created by companies trying to sell something. They are not going to provide
any medical research that does not support their product claims to sell their product. This is why it is
important to review scientific data when thinking about starting a new, possibly controversial,
dietary supplement. Researchers and doctors are much more biased when examining a product than
a group that has a stake in the possible positive or negative results. The purpose of research is to
inform the public, not sell
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Drug Hormones Have On Animals Essay
Effects Drug Hormones Have on Animals
The smell of pork chops or hamburger on the grill tends to make people's mouth water. Did you
know that farmers feed animals drug hormones? Farmers feed animals drug hormones that effect
their growth and get into the meat source? People will look at food labels and sees the FDA stamp.
As customers we tend to think that if the FDA approves the meat then we can eat the product safely.
However, many drug hormones have not only effected animals growth but also may cause harm to
Farmer try to ensure the best quality meat. Then why every thirty days are farmers injecting our
animals with drugs that could kill them or even possibly get into their meat. Researchers were
finding that ractopamine could cause animals to become sick, unhealthy or possibly could even die
(Minton). Farmers were using the drug ractopamine for animals to help animals grow faster. If
animals gain weight faster, when they go to slaughter they tend to make more money for the
farmers. Growth promotion is one of the main reason why farmers give them hormone drugs.
According to Dan Charles farmers tend too feed animals to many antibiotics, so they will later
become immune to the antibiotic. Results from research have showed that ... Show more content on ...
In 2004 a study showed that there were more people saying they got breast cancer cause of the
quality of the meat. In 2009 a study showed that kids who consumed more meat and milk could
possibly get cancer from the drugs in the product (Storrs). About 40% of breast cancer is caused by
the risk factors from women eating meat that contains the drug hormones. According to Harvard
research has shown that women aged 26–46 are beginning to want to learn more about the amount
of fat in animals that could possibly lead to breast cancer. These women are using this research to
find a way to lower the risk of breast cancer
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Explain The Three Categories Of Hormones
The three categories of hormones are amino acid derivatives, peptide hormones, and lipid
derivatives. The amino acid derivatives come from the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan. Peptide
hormones are broken down into two groups. One of them has glycoproteins, while the second has
short polypeptides and small proteins. Lipid derivatives are also made up of two groups that are
referred to as eicosanoids and steroid hormones. The hormones are typically released into the blood
stream and leave the blood stream by either diffusing out to bind with receptors, broken down by the
kidneys or liver, or broken down by enzymes that can be found in the blood or interstitial fluids.
These tropic hormones are the hormones that
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Plant Hormones
Plant hormones are specialized chemical substances produced by plants. They are the main internal
factors controlling growth and development. Hormones are produced in one part of a plant and
transported to others, where they are effective in very small amounts. Depending on the target
tissue, a given hormone may have different effects.
Plant hormones play an integral role in controlling the growth and development of plants. A plant
hormone is generally described as an organic compound synthesized in one part of the plant and
translocated to another part, where in low concentrations elicits a physiological response.
There are five generally recognized classes of plant hormones; some of the classes are represented
by only one compound, ... Show more content on ...
There have been over 90 GA's isolated, all of which are most likely not essential to the plant.
Instead, these forms are probably inactive precursors or breakdown products of active gibberellins.
Active gibberellins show many physiological effects, each depending on the type of gibberellin
present as well as the species of plant. Some of the physiological processes stimulated by
gibberellins are:
1. Stimulate stem elongation by stimulating cell division and elongation.
2. Stimulates bolting/flowering in response to long days.
3. Breaks seed dormancy in some plants which require stratification or light to induce germination.
4. Stimulates enzyme production (a–amylase) in germinating cereal grains for mobilization of seed
5. Induces maleness in dioecious flowers (sex expression).
6. Can cause parthenocarpic (seedless) fruit development.
7. Can delay senescence in leaves and citrus fruits.
Cytokinins: Nature of Cytokinins
Cytokinins are compounds with a structure resembling adenine which promote cell division and
have other similar functions to kinetin. Kinetin was the first cytokinin discovered and so named
because of the compounds ability to promote cytokinesis. Though it is a natural compound, It is not
made in plants, and is therefore usually considered a "synthetic" cytokinin (meaning that the
hormone is
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Hormone Growth Promotants in Meat
Biology Report
Hormone Growth Promotants in Meat
Implantation of HGP in meat– is a highly controversial issue not only in New Zealand but also
around the world. There is also many myths and misconceptions surrounding added HPG's in the
meat that we consume. In this report I will be discussing the effects of HGP in meat, the opinions for
and against this procedure and also my own personal stance and proposed societal action.
Hormones are certain chemicals that are naturally present in all organisms. These hormones are
heavily involved in an organisms body functions and are essential for reproduction, development
and growth. (a1) Hormones ability to stimulate growth is the reason that they are implanted in meat.
These hormones are ... Show more content on ...
(A6)(A7) The residue levels in the meat produced must be less than one percent of the daily
hormone production of children for it so be safe. (A8).
Through the development of this process there has been many subsequent effects on the animals,
human health, the economy and the environment. Many of these effects cause controversy and need
more research to be conducted to substantiate claims.
Our first area of immediate effect is on the animals who are being injected. The biological effects of
these hormonal implantations on the cattle is quite circumstantial as there is no serious detrimental
effects to the animals health in a properly conducted implantation. However, it is errors in this
process that lead to negative effects. Firstly the correct dosage must be administered because a high
dosage may cause blockage of the intestinal and reproductive systems. A high amount of hormones
can also cause weight to be gain too rapidly which can become painful for the animal and cause
crippling. Secondly, the age, weight and condition of the cattle must be taken into consideration. The
animal should be in the final fattening stage and mature enough to cope with the increase of
hormones. The correct dosage must be given to an
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Hormone Replacement Therapy Essay
Hormone Replacement Therapy in Transgendering the FTM Transsexual
Gender may well be the most defining factor in the spectrum of elements that comprise the human
persona. In fact gender is so basic to our identity, most people mistakenly assume that our sense of
being male or female is defined with absolute certainty by our anatomical sex. Contrary to popular
belief, our sense of gender and anatomical sex are two distinct elements; each developing at
different times in different parts of the body. While my research is limited to hormone replacement
therapy involved in masculinizing a biological female, it should be noted that the psychiatric,
psychological, and medical factors that contribute to cases of gender dysforia are major ... Show
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Overview of Hormone Replacement Therapy for the FTM Transexual
Fundamental to sex reassignment treatment of transsexuals is the acquisition of the sex
characteristics of the other sex to the fullest extent possible. With the exception of the internal and
external genitalia, sex characteristics are contingent of the biological effects of the respective sex
steroids. Hormonal reassignment has therefore two aims: 1) to eliminate, in so far as possible, the
hormonally induced secondary sex characteristics of the natal sex and 2) to induce those of the new
Biologic females treated with testosterone experience the following permanent changes: a deepening
of the voice, clitoral enlargement, mild breast atrophy, increased facial and body hair and male
pattern baldness. Reversible changes include increased upper body strength, weight gain, increased
social and sexual interest and arousability, and decreased hip mass.
Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Hormones are long–range chemical messengers of the body, manufactured and controlled by the
endocrine system. The hypothalamus produces gonadotropin–releasing hormone (GnRH). This
signals the anterior pituitary gland to synthesize and release luteinizing hormone (LH). To a lesser
degree, GnRH also triggers the synthesis and release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).
Subsequently, LH and FSH signal the gonads (ovaries in females, testes in males) to synthesize and
release hormones that cause
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The Female Sex Hormone Estrogen
Throughout history, women have had different roles, most were enforced. Women have long since
been viewed as the opposite of men, a view carried by both men and women. Among many others,
the most prevalent responsibility of women is to carry her child during fetal development, this does
not make it her duty to rear the child once it is born. However, it is imposed upon her by internal and
predominantly external male influences in life and with this the assumptions on how women are
different from men such as caring, protective, emotional, loving, etc. These assumptions could
perhaps be described as a byproduct of the female sex hormone estrogen (Logan). Estrogen has been
known to be a neural stimulant that has been described as ... Show more content on
This was the role expected by women that at the same time were treated as property, married women
were usually referred to as, "Mrs.", followed by her husband's name. They were traded, sold, and
often due to their gender aborted, they were viewed as inferior burdens whose only duties were to
work, make strong preferably male babies and suitable mates and be happy and never complain. It
was not uncommon for an older bachelor of the late 1800's to buy a man's daughter for marriage,
and at the time the prime marriage and child bearing years for a woman were from the start of their
menstrual cycle to her late thirties. Seeing how most young men could not afford a dowry, most
marriages of the time were between older men and significantly younger women. This also being the
practice so that a man who is fertile until his closing years could have many heirs due to more years
for birthing until a woman's menopause and also so the woman could take care of the husband in his
late years and be young enough to work and take care of her children. Also, it was not uncommon to
sell a woman in a business deal to be a mistress, maid, adoptive daughter, laborer, anything viewed
as beneficial to the deal. This is entirely different from today, the idea of a woman, though a
diamond in the rough is way more progressive than it was in the late 1800's, women are no longer
treated like property, have greater value and
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The Discovery Of Hormones And Their Function
1. Introduction/Background Information The discovery of hormones and their function has been
relatively recent. The term was first coined by Professor Earnest Starling in 1905. He derived the
word from the Greek meaning "to arouse or excite." However, the idea of the role hormones could
be traced back as far as ancient Greece. Though Hippocrates' theory on humors has been refuted, the
concept of "bodily fluids," or in this case, the amount of hormones circulating in the blood directly
affecting temperament and emotions are related. Scientists continue to research the relevance of
hormones, as well as neuropeptides on human behavior. Amazingly, throughout evolutionary
history, both neuropeptides and steroid hormones were able to preserve ... Show more content on ...
This research gives insight into the underlying neural mechanisms and also demonstrates substantial
hormonal control over human behavior. After reviewing and discussing the placebo–controlled
studies, they proposed a theoretical model that synthesized detailed knowledge of
neuroendocrinology of social–emotional behavior in animals, as–well–as the recently gained data on
humans. The study of emotional and behavioral disorders have become more popular in the last
twenty years. Characteristics of these irregularities include: learning disabilities that are not
explainable by either sensory, health, or intellectual factors; persistently inappropriate feelings and
conduct; and/or chronic unhappiness or depression ( The authors of this study thoroughly
analyzed the underlying neural mechanisms of supplemental hormones and how they affect
participants as opposed to using a placebo. Research into human behavior as it relates to
neuroendocrinology will be crucial to future generations and their interrelations.
3. Methods and Results For the purpose of this paper, the authors did not do their own research.
They used a collection of studies that looked at behaviors and their specific connections to
hormones and neuropeptides. The first studies the authors reviewed attempted to make a connection
between evolution and naturally occurring hormones. This portion of the paper, paragraph 2,
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The Five Major Plant Hormones
Hormones are a type of cell signaling used for long distance communication between cells. Only
target cells have the ability to respond to particularly hormones. In plants, hormones will typically
travel by vessels, diffusion across the cell, or in the air.
Auxins is one of the five major classes of plant hormones. The functions of auxins include
elongation of the stem, as well as promoting root growth, and another function includes acting in
phototropism and gravitropism. Phototropism is essentially response to a light stimulates;
gravitropism is response to gravity. Plants have the capacity to detect light and sense gravity. The
cells furthest from the light have auxin which reacts to phototropism. The plant furthest from the
light will have elongated cells. The auxin hormones bind to plasma membrane receptors, this will
activate the proton pump. This proton pump will diffuse hydrogen ions out of the cell which in turn
has many effects. The effects include the cell wall loosening, the turgor pressure of the cell will
increase because water is entering the cell, and the cells will enlarge. ... Show more content on ...
Cytokinins move up the plant through the xylem. Whereas, auxins move down the plant. Cytokinins
works with Auxin to control cell differentiation. The many functions of cytokinins include
stimulation of germination, promote cell division, and plant growth. This hormone helps result in
plant growth because they are able to release buds from apical dominance. Essentially, if a plant
contains more cytokinins that means more mitosis is occurring and if more mitosis is occurring that
means more cells are being produced and if more cells are being produced that means the plants
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Growth Hormone Research Paper
Hormones have been with you since birth. They helped you grow when you were a child. They
transitioned you from childhood to adulthood when you hit puberty. They help you regulate your
body temperature and blood sugar levels. The fact is that you would not be alive without them.
As your body begins to age, the levels of certain key hormones begin to decline also. With the
decline of these hormones, the body begins to show signs of aging. Declining muscle mass and a
lack of sex drive are just two signs that hormone levels are decreasing. The good news is that
selective hormone therapy can help reverse the signs of aging and begin to restore your youthful
The Hormones That Decline
There are a number of hormones which start to decline as you age. Each plays a ... Show more
content on ...
As this hormone declines, it can cause sleeping problems, mood swings, and clouded thinking. It
also leads to higher levels of cortisol and lower levels of sex hormones. Therapy helps to reverse
these problems.
Growth hormone, also known as HGH, is necessary for the development and maintenance of various
organs and tissues. It helps increase muscle mass and strengthens bone structure. This hormone is
often used with children who have growth issues or anyone who has hormone deficiencies.
Testosterone serves functions in men. A man's body uses testosterone to stimulate the growth of
facial hair, increase sex drive, and produce sperm. Testosterone therapy helps men get more energy,
improved memory, better moods, improved muscle mass, and increase sexual stamina.
Testosterone is also critical for women. As testosterone levels decline as a woman ages, body mass
begins to decline, making it harder to keep a healthy weight. It also plays a role in sex drive and
Estrogen levels are critical for women as they age. This hormone helps regulate bone growth,
cholesterol levels, and sex drive. Estrogen therapy can help women, especially during
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Human Growth Hormones In Children
Human growth hormones. What is really know about them? The average person probably never give
human growth hormones a second thought. Accordingly, they are what help children to grow. The
internal workings are developing to be viable and healthy organs. By the time a child reaches
puberty, the production of HGH comes to a peak. It's not until he or she turns a quarter century that
the HGH levels winds up being at or around 600ug. This number greatly decreases to equal less than
20% of that 600ug.
On the other hand, if a child or baby has low levels of Somatropin or somatotropin (GH or HGH),
he or she may not develop at the same pace as other children with high levels of HGH. HGH affects
the child's growth. The child would end ... Show more content on ...
Know that there are countless imitators manufacturing faux products and claiming to be the original
human growth hormone, however, nothing compares to an authentic and reputable brand of this
unbelievable product. Others claiming to be a superior product, are guilty of making false
representations and promises to produce quick and unreasonable results. They carry the weight of
empty promises and could possibly harm the person taking the supplement with their shenanigans.
This could be the reason for the controversy surrounding HGH and its value.
The Controversy
What "he" said or what "she" said is always going to cause conflict, especially when two or more
people have different results using the same products or eating the same foods or whatever the case
maybe. There is evidence to support HGH as being effective as an anti–aging treatment. People refer
to it as the infamous "fountain of youth." Nevertheless, there aren't any case studies to back this
claim up. It can be confusing and difficult to know who to believe. A good suggestion is to make
sure the product contains the critical elements of a legitimate growth hormone
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The Endocrine System: Glands That Create And Secrete Hormones
The Endocrine System is composed of glands that create and secrete hormones.
Hormones are chemical messengers that are sent out in the body to control many
different bodily functions. Hormones are used for things such as regulating body temperature and
giving the body a "hunger feeling".
One of the glands in the endocrine system is the hypothalamus, which is located in the brain, it is
responsible for controlling homeostatic systems such as thirst and body temperature. The
hypothalamus also is involved in controlling sex drive and sleep. The parathyroid is another, it is
located in the anterior neck, it is responsible for controlling the amount of calcium in the body. The
thymus is located behind the sternum, between the left and right lung. It is responsible for
stimulating the development of T–cells in a ... Show more content on ...
Another gland in the immune system is the pancreas, it is located in the abdomen, it is responsible
for regulating blood sugar. The adrenal glands are located at the top of both kidneys, it produces
hormones that affect the body's heart rate, burn fat and proteins, and help the body respond to stress.
The ovaries, produce female sex hormones and is located in the lower abdomen in women. The
testes are held by the scrotum in men and are responsible for producing the male sex hormone.
One of the most important glands in the endocrine system is the Pituitary gland.
The pituitary gland produces hormones that control the other glands in the system as well as key
body functions such as metabolism. It is located at the base of the brain, is only about the size of a
single pea. It is known as the " master control
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Anterior Pituitary Hormone
The thyroid gland is different; the hormones are stored in cavities, surrounded by secretory cells,
which make up a follicle. In order to secrete the hormone, the hormone is re–absorbed from the
cavity and then released into the interstitial spaces.
There are two parts to the pituitary gland, the anterior pituitary and the posterior pituitary. The
anterior pituitary has two types of chromophils, acidophilus and basophils. These two are separated
into different classes of cells that have differing secretory products and aim for different organs. The
anterior pituitary discharges five different types of hormone, somatotrophs, mammotrophs,
corticotrophs, tyrotrophs, and gonadotrophs. The posterior pituitary only releases two hormones,
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Hormones Lab Report
1. Background/Introductions: Hormones are a regulatory substance produced in an organism and
transported in blood to stimulate target cells or tissues into action. There are many glands and lobes
in the endocrine system that produce hormones, but for this experiment we are particularly
interested in the pituitary gland and the intermediate lobe because those are the two parts of it that
produce Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MHS). These hormones are peptide hormones that are
produced in response to UV light, but are not a direct feedback mechanism. When the hormones are
secreted out of the glands, they travel through the bloodstream until they reach melanocytes located
in the skin between the epidermal and dermal layers, where they transport ... Show more content on ...
Specifically in red hair, light skin people and in dogs.
2. Specific Aim(s): Questions that will be answered: How particular SNP's ultimately affect the
structure and function of the MSH receptor, leading to decreased signaling by the receptor. What is
the normal structure and function of the MHS receptor? Where within the structure do normal amino
acids reside? What is the side chain structure of the variant and non–variant amino acids at the
polymorphic sites? How might the variant amino acids alter the structure and/or function of the
A. The goal of this project is to find a correlation between the MSHR amino acid variation and skin
type. Then use the correlation to explore the effects of amino acid variants on the structure and
function of the MSH receptor.
B. Hypothesis: If we can perform the PCR reaction of a dogs DNA, then we will be able to compare
its amino acid structure to its hair color, as well as simply compare it to a humans.
C. We will test this hypothesis by attempting to see if we can perform the PCR reaction for dogs,
since the primers are optimized for humans. If we can we will sequence them with human DNA.
Additionally, we will also see if we can modify the PCR reaction in order to obtain a PCR product
from the dog DNA. If we get a product from the PCR reaction, it will be
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Follicle Stimulating Hormone Research Paper
Hormones released from the anterior pituitary are gonadotropins and it has two FSH and LH.
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) has to do with the ovaries, stimulates the development of eggs
and follicles for females. In males the testes are involved and stimulates production of sperm.
Luteinizing hormone (LH) functions to tell the ovaries and testes to make other hormones. For
example, in females it stimulates ovulation and secretes estrogen. In males the stimulation of
interstitial cells of testes secretes testosterone. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates
growth of thyroid gland and the secretion of thyroid hormone T3 and T4. Adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH) deals with regulating the response to stress, adrenal gland cortex to release ...
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In the posterior pituitary hormones released are ADH and Oxytocin. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
targets the kidneys to raise water retention to reduce urine for stable blood pressure. Oxytocin is the
release of labor contractions, lactation of milk from mothers when they feel their baby close to them
and emotional bonding. 8. They both affect cells trying to bind to receptors but in different ways
hydrophobic hormones are intracellular receptors that are inside the cell. Hydrophilic hormones act
as via membrane–bound receptors that are outside the cell. They are polypeptides and proteins,
water loving, and modify existing metabolic proteins. Hydrophobic contain lipids and fats, it also
turns on gene transcription. 9. They are all located in the pancreas and deal with glucose. Insulin is a
hypoglycemic hormone which decreases blood glucose and glucagon is the opposite it's a
hyperglycemic. Glucagon increases glucose and causes the liver to break down glycogen. 10. The
thyroid gland is located in the neck below the larynx, the hormone it contains is T4 and T3 which
affects metabolism, growth and has widespread
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Effects Of Hormones And Antibiotics On Animals And Humans
The Effects of Consuming Hormones and Antibiotics to Animals and Humans Not everyone knows
what they are eating on a daily basis. Some believe what they read from the label on a package.
While another will go with what a commercial that they heard on the television said. The truth of the
matter is that you can not go around believing everything that someone has said. The only way that
you can be certain as to what you are eating is if you actually know what has gone into the process
of preparing that meal. There are many ways that someone can protect themselves and their family
from getting these possibly life threatening illnesses that could harm not just your life, but also a
future child that could possibly be consumed later on down the road. Throughout the past couple
decades, researches have discovered the causes of consuming of hormones and antibiotics in both
animals and humans. Nine out of ten calves in the United States are given hormonal growth
stimulators. Some of the reasons why farmers would give their animals hormone growth stimulators
and antibiotics would be so the animals would grow faster than they normally would. Since the
animals are growing faster, the farmers are making more money. The way that they are making more
than what they would be without using hormones and antibiotics is because the animals tend to eat
more the longer they are alive. If the animals are getting a boost in their growing process, they will
not be consuming as much food,
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The Human Growth Hormone
Human Growth hormone (GH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide produced by the anterior
pituitary gland from somatotroph cells. GH has come to the forefront in the sports world for doping
and anti–aging promoters. In adults, the most prominent effects of GH are decreased fat mass and
increased lean body mass. The increase in lean body mass is associated with increased protein
synthesis, muscle mass, and muscle function (1). GH plays an important role in the linear
development of bone growth in children and adolescents. After the body stops growing, GH levels
decrease dramatically and remain low throughout the remainder of adult life (2).
GH is a single chain peptide with 191 amino acids that is stabilized by two disulfide bridges. The
molecular weight is 22,000 Daltons (3). GH–1 and GH–2 are genes for GH that are located on
chromosome 17 in the q22–24 region (4). GH secretion is regulated by growth hormone releasing
hormone (GHRH). GHRH is a peptide released from the hypothalamus that stimulates the release of
GH. The hypothalamus also secretes somatostatin, which inhibits the release of GH through back
regulation. GHRH and somatostatin are released from the hypothalamus through the hypophyseal
portal and are transported to the anterior pituitary. GH is released in a pulsatile fashion that is
determined by the concentration of GHRH and somatostatin (5). Levels of GH are slightly higher in
women than in men and the highest amounts of GH secretion is during puberty in
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Hormone Adjustment Therapy Research Paper
Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men and Women
Fountain of Youth
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), or also known as hormone therapy (HT) is a government
approved treatment that has seen a resurgence in popularity due to it benefits for men and women.
From menopause to osteoporosis, HRT can help treat and prevent medical ailments that affect
thousands of people in a variety of age groups.
Managing Menopause
HRT is one of the most effective practices used to help women manage the discomfort they may
experience during menopause. Reduced levels of estrogen and progesterone can cause hot flashes,
mood swings, night sweats, vaginal dryness and sleep disturbances. An estrogen only therapy (ET)
will give most women the relief they need from these issues. Women who have had a hysterectomy
are usually prescribed ... Show more content on ...
The addition of progestogen will help protect the uterus from developing uterine (endometrial)
Women receiving HRT containing estrogen will not only see a reduction of their menopausal
symptoms but there is also the benefit of improved brain function, thicker hair and bone density, as
well as better sleep and muscle function.
When estrogen levels decrease, a woman's chances for developing osteoporosis increases following
menopause. Studies have shown that women who receive HRT during menopause have had a greater
bone density in the early and late postmenopausal stage.
Men receiving a testosterone replacement therapy will also see the benefit of increased bone density
and will be at a much lower risk of developing osteoporosis as well.
Reverse the Aging Process? Possibly
Another type of HRT is human growth hormone (HGH) treatment. While this may not be the
fountain of youth, receiving this injection form of HRT can produce tighter and firmer skin. Stronger
nails and a better functioning immune system are other added
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Mineralocorticoids: The Role Of Hormones In The Human Body
One of the many ways your body maintains correct functionality is through hormones. There are
many types of hormones and many hormone producing glands in the body, but one main one is the
adrenal gland (Robinson). The adrenal gland's job is to produce the following hormones:
mineralocorticoids, which help the body maintain its salt and water levels; glucocorticoids, which
regulate response to stress, your metabolism, and it mobilizes amino acids and fatty acids; and
adrenal androgens, which maintains male sex hormones, and early development of male and female
sex organs (Robinson). While the adrenal glad has a big responsibility, there are some unfortunate
cases when it does not work properly due to there being. Pathological and clinical
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Food Hormones and the Onset of Early Puberty
Hormones found in food is causing early puberty in adolescents. In recent news article published by
NBC News an eight year old girl started developing acne and breast. Her parents didn't know how to
cope with their daughter maturing at such an early age so they decided to take her to the doctor.
There the little girl was diagnosed with early puberty and had to be treated with drug implants to
slow down her sudden growth. Recent studies have shown that meat industry animals injected with
synthetic growth hormones such as Zeranol, Trenbolone, and Melengestrol that leads to negatives
effects to the people that consume the foods that the animals produce. Some of these hormones
found in animals can throw off the natural chemical balance and affect your hormones. If children
are consuming these foods with added hormones their natural balance may be thrown off which
causes them to endure early puberty. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
steroid implants used for animal growth are healthy for the animals and humans who eat the meat
produced from the slaughtered animals. The FDA reports "People are not at risk from eating food
from animals treated with these drugs because the amount of additional hormone following drug
treatment is very small compared with the amount of natural hormones that are normally found in
the meat of untreated animals and that are naturally produced in the human body."(par.3) If people
are not at risk then why are kids suffering
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Activity 1 Metabolism And Thyroid Hormone
physioex 9.0
Review Sheet
Exercise 4
Endocrine System Physiology
Name Laura Bauer
Lab Time/Date Thursday 5:30–7:30
Activity 1 Metabolism and Thyroid Hormone
Part 1
1 Which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate (BMR)?
The Normal rat had the fastest BMR.
2 Why did the metabolic rates differ between the normal rat and the surgically altered rats? How
well did the results compare with your prediction? ___
The BMRs differed because the surgically altered rats were missing either the Pituitary or Thryoid
gland that release thyroid hormones.
3 If an animal has been thyroidectomized, what hormone(s) would be missing in its blood?
The animal will be missing trioodythronine and thyroxine.
4 If an animal ... Show more content on ...
3. Describe the diagnosis for patient 3, who was also pregnant at the time of this assay. ***
This patient would be diagnosed with gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that typically
disappears after pregnancy.
4. Which patient(s) had normal glucose reading(s)? ___
Patients 1 and 2 were in the normal range.
5. What are some lifestyle choices these patients with normal plasma glucose readings might
recommend to the borderline impaired patients? ___
A change of diet in which simple sugars are limited might assist borderline patients. Similarly, fiber
and good carbohydrates could be helpful.
Activity 3 Hormone Replacement Therapy
** We could not carry out the third experiment there was an issue with the software.
Activity 4 Measuring Cortisol and Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
1 Which patient would most likely be diagnosed with Cushing's disease? Why? ___
Patient number 3 would most likely be at risk due to high levels of both cortisol and ACTH
2 Which two patients have hormone levels characteristic of Cushing's syndrome? ___
Patients 2 and 5 have high levels of cortisol which is a characteristic of Cushing's syndrome.
3 Patient 2 is being treated for rheumatoid arthritis with prednisone. How does this information
change the diagnosis? ___
Because of the treatment for the arthritis, the Cushing's syndrome would have been induced by
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Menopause And Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the use of manmade (synthetic) hormones to replace
hormones that your body stops producing during menopause.
Menopause is the normal time of life when menstrual periods stop completely and your ovaries stop
producing the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. This can affect your health and cause
undesirable symptoms. HRT can relieve some of those symptoms.
HRT may consist of the hormones estrogen and progestin, or it may consist of estrogen only
(estrogen–only therapy). You and your health care provider must decide which form of HRT is best
for you.
If you chose to do ... Show more content on ...
It is important to:
Begin HRT with the lowest possible dosage.
Stop HRT as soon as your health care provider tells you to.
Work with your health care provider so that you feel informed and comfortable with your decisions.
HRT can reduce the frequency and severity of menopausal symptoms. Benefits of HRT vary for
each woman, depending on what menopausal symptoms you have, how severe they are, and your
overall health.
HRT may help to improve the following menopausal symptoms:
Hot flashes and night sweats. These are sudden feelings of heat that spread over the face and body.
The skin may turn red, like a blush. Night sweats are hot flashes that happen when you are sleeping
or trying to sleep.
Bone loss (osteoporosis). The body loses calcium more quickly after menopause, causing your
bones to become weaker. This can make bone breaks (fractures) more likely.
Vaginal dryness. The lining of the vagina can become thin and dry, which can cause pain during
sexual intercourse, infection, burning, or itching.
Urinary tract
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Assignment : Bioassay Of Androgenic Hormones
Faculty of Pharmacy
Pharmacology Department
Assignment Topic: Bioassay of androgenic hormones
Course Title: Bioassay
Course Code: PO411
Lab Group: A1
Submitted to: Dr Mona
Prepared by: Rahma Ahmed Ahmed – 141191
Due date: 10–27–2016
– Fall 2016 –
Androgen Bioassays
During the recent decades, athletes were trying to enhance their performance by using exogenous
hormones such as; androgens, erythropoietin and growth hormone.
The most potent form of sports steroids is the Androgens and it is the most common type of steroids
that enhances the performance that can be detected in screening tests.
Detection of androgens is through urine screening to detect even trace amounts of androgens.
Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) is a highly specific and sensitive method for
detection of steroids in the screening urine samples.
In a trial to pass the screening methods, designer androgens was created with different chemical
structures to known androgens so it cannot be easily detected by GC–MS. Designer androgens can
be detected by androgen bioassays because they can activate the androgen receptor (AR).
Therefore, androgen bioassays maybe a suitable tool for screening of biological samples suspected
to contain an androgen.
Receptor binding assays:
Principle: The ligand competes for binding to AR.
Receptor binding assays have been developed to measure compounds, including hormones, that are
able to bind specifically to receptors.
Procedure: the
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Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Research Paper
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
Stimulate the secretion of thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland by binding to a receptor on the
surface of the cells of the thyroid (G protein –coupled receptors).TSH is stimulated by TRH
hormone of the hypothalamus and is inhibited by Somatostatin hormone, as well as by thyroid
hormones in a negative feedback loop.
Is a peptide hormone which causes synthesis in milk after birth, while it assists in preparation of
breasts for milk production after birth. It is stimulated by TRH hormone of the hypothalamus and is
inhibited by dopamine and estrogens. Another function of this hormone is counteracting dopamine
which causes sexual arousal.
Growth hormone Is a peptide hormone that's stimulated by the
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Hormones Involved In The Endocrine System
The endocrine system is the body system that deals with hormones and controls the body's daily
activities by producing specific chemicals. The endocrine system is also in charge of making sure
that the body's functions are coordinated and working properly. An example of this would be having
the same body temperature at all times and falling asleep and waking up. Hormones play a major
part in the endocrine system. Hormones are the chemical product of an endocrine gland. There are
different hormones that have different jobs. Certain hormones can turn on, turn off, speed up, or
slow down the activities that different organs and tissues take part in. Other hormones can regulate
metabolism, growth, mood, and organ function. All of the organs involved in this body system work
together but are located in different ... Show more content on ...
The major organs involved in the endocrine system are glands. A gland is an organ that can produce
as well as release chemicals. With this body system, endocrine glands make and distribute the
chemicals into the bloodstream. There are multiple types of glands that have specific jobs involving
the endocrine system. These endocrine glands are: the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid,
adrenal, thymus, pancreas, and finally ovaries in females and testes in males. Together, these glands
make up more than 30 types of hormones. Each gland has its own job in the body. The
hypothalamus, located in the brain, links the nervous system and the endocrine system. It also
controls the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is also located in the brain and it receives
information from the hypothalamus about the body. This gland controls other endocrine glands and
regulates growth, blood pressure, and water balance. The thyroid gland controls the release of
energy from food molecules inside cells. The parathyroid controls and regulates the amount of
calcium in the blood. The adrenal gland
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Endocrine Systems : Hormones And The Endocrine System
Endocrine System: Hormones are chemical substances that act as messengers in the body. They are
produced in endocrine glands scattered throughout the body. Together all these glands form the
endocrine system. The endocrine system is coordinated by the pituitary gland, which responds to
information from the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is a portion of the brain and is made of
nervous tissue. It constantly checks the internal environment – that is, the conditions within the
tissues, organs and systems of your body. If these conditions change, the hypothalamus responds.
The most important function of the hypothalamus is to link the nervous system and the endocrine
system. It secretes hormones that act on the pituitary gland. The ... Show more content on ...
These are the target cells. Different hormones have different chemical structures. This means that
their shape varies. It is the shape of the hormone that makes it specific. Within cells are receptors. A
hormone is only active in cells that have receptors that fit the shape of the hormone. Controlling
the internal environment: Your body works most efficiently when the internal environment is
reasonably constant. This means that factors such as temperature, water content, available energy,
availably oxygen and concentration of wastes in the blood are all controlled. The process of
maintaining a constant internal environment is known as homeostasis. Homeostasis involves
receptors that are sensitive to a particular stimulus, and effectors that have an effect on the same
stimulus. Controlling Body Temperature: Digestion, growth and repair, respiration and
manufacture of hormones are some of the chemical reactions taking place inside your body. All
these reactions together are known as your metabolism. The heat they produce as a by–product
maintains your body temperature regardless of the temperature regardless of the temperature of your
surroundings. Because humans can maintain a constant body temperature, they are said to be
endothermic. However, if the temperature inside your body was to increase by more than a few
degrees above 37°C, your metabolism would stop, and you would die. If your body temperature
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What Are The Three Types Of Lash Hormones
1. Endocrine is ductless and move hormones to the blood while exocrine move their substances
through the duct to the outside of the body.
2. The adrenal cortex is stimulated via adrenocortotropic hormone, thyroid gland secretes by thyroid
stimulating hormone, pituitary secretes these hormones, pancreas, and ovary and testis secretes FSH
and LSH. These are major endocrine glands.
3. A. Amines: hormones that come from the adrenal medulla or the pineal gland. B. Steriods: are
hormones that come from cholesterol and are made by the gonads. An example is progesterone. C.
Glycoprpoteins: are polypetides. They make LH, TSH,FSH. D. Polypetides and proteins: hormones
that are growth or ADH hormones.
4. A. The hypothalamus releasing growth releasing hormone and the pituitary hormone secretes the
growth hormone that targets bone, muscle and fat. ... Show more content on ...
The hypothalamus releasing thyrotropin releasing hormone where the pituitary gland stimulates by
the thyroid stimulating hormone. This then targets the thyroid gland.
5. The three types of hormone effects are synergistic, permissive, and antagonistic. A. Synergistic
happens when hormones collaborate to produce the same effect. B. Permissive is when a particular
hormone makes another hormone work better for the target
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Prenatal Levels Of Cortisol And Placental Corticotropin...
During pregnancy, the positive feedback loop that plays a part in regulating products of the HPA
axis is altered. Prenatal levels of cortisol and placental corticotropin–releasing hormone (pCRH)
have been shown to be elevated during pregnancy. Placental corticotropin–releasing hormone is
considered a "placental clock" that changes the development of the onset of parturition (Glynn,
Davis Sandman, 2013). According to Glynn et al., these elevations have been linked to changes in
the sensitivity of cortisol in the anterior pituitary and also to a decline in corticotropin–releasing
hormone secretion centrally. Also, the HPA refractory period is shown to increase when additions of
more extreme adrenal insufficiencies occur. A longer refractory ... Show more content on ...
This is in contrast with the low levels of CRH immunoreactivity in plasma found in women who are
not pregnant. Women with higher levels of pCRH during pregnancy were more likely to display
symptoms of postpartum depression three months after giving birth (Glynn et al., 2013).
Also, the HPA axis experiences a diminished response across different stressors in pregnancy.
Cortisol levels have been found to decrease quickly after birth. Also, many areas of the body are
dampened due to the diminished response experienced. These include more areas than the HPA axis,
including a dampened blood pressure and a dampened heart rate (Glynn, Davis, Sandman, 2013).
The Glynn et al. study found that administration of CRH during the third trimester actually produced
no response in the women studied (2013). In addition to parts of the body being dampened,
weakened psychological responses to stress have been shown. It is believed that these act as an
adaptive value that protects the mother and benefits the child. One of the HPA axis alterations
postpartum is hyporesponsivity. With this hyporesponsivity in the HPA axis, two different causes
have been proposed. One proposed cause is that a mild adrenal suppression could be due to the
sensitivity at the hypothalamus or its regulatory inputs associated with a decrease in CRH secretion
(Glynn & Sandman, 2014). The second proposed cause is that high levels of CRH in pregnancy may
desensitize the anterior pituitary to
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Endocrine System And Non-Steroid Hormones
Then Endocrine System
The endocrine system consists of a variety of glands and clusters of hormone secreting cells in
various organs throughout the body. These glands produce chemicals called hormones, which are
secreted directly into the bloodstream. They determine a number of things, including when you're
hungry, your weight, how you handle stress, and even how well you sleep. The body produces many
different hormones, which can either be classified as steroid or non–steroid. Steroid hormones are
synthesized from cholesterol, including male and female sex hormones, as well as aldosterone.
Non–steroid hormones, also known as protein–based hormones, are synthesized from amino acids.
Protein–based hormones are further divided into protein ... Show more content on ...
They produce sex hormones which stimulates the production of sperm in males, and eggs in
females. Sex hormones also influence the development of secondary sex characteristics during
puberty. The ovaries secrete estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen promotes the development of
female characteristics and contributes to the development of the reproductive system. Progesterone
is secreted after ovulation, and helps maintain uterine lining during pregnancy. The testes secrete
testosterone, which triggers the development of male sexual characteristics, and sustains sperm
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Meta Title Hormone

  • 1. Meta Title Hormone Page Title Hormone Therapies Meta Description Not all hormone therapies are created equal. At our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee, we offer high quality bioidentical hormones. Meta Title Hormone Therapies at Our Functional Medicine Clinic Near Milwaukee Comments Ryan–this replaces the current Hormone Landing Page. Also, please remove the Hormone Therapies page that is under the Hormone–Women's Health tab. Thanks! Here is the link for the quiz.–content/uploads/2014/03/assement–hormone.pd The link for "Who Should Use Bioidentical Hormones" in the text box is:–center/ Shannon/Jynjer/Dr. Muth–I put the Hormone Balance Questionnaire link in a ... Show more content on ... It begins with the raw materials. Our hormone supplements meet pharmaceutical grade standards. Pharmaceutical grade supplements must be 99% pure and contain no dyes, binders, fillers, excipients or other unknown substances. PCCA accredited pharmacies ensures quality Bioidentical hormones are manufactured in compounding pharmacies. All of our hormone supplements are created in PCCA–accredited pharmacies. Since 1981, this organization has provided its member compounding pharmacies with training, high–quality chemicals and lab equipment and devices. Our expert providers strive to ensure that our patients' supplements will provide the most effective care. Our providers know the best methods of administering hormone supplements Some patients have come to our functional medicine clinic near Milwaukee after having a bad experience with hormone supplement pellets. Pellets can cause side effects, and they are expensive. Our providers believe that pellets are not the best way to administer our hormone supplements. Instead, we prefer creams, gels, oral medications or the transdermal ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Tropic Hormone Essay examples. The tropic hormone stimulates an endocrine gland to grow and secrete it's hormones. They are secreted by the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary gland) (Taylor, 2016). Examples are FSH– follicle stimulating hormones which help the female ovaries to mature and to ovulate. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates the adrenal cortex and secretes cortisol (Taylor, 2016). Compare the intercellular (cell to cell) communications of the endocrine and nervous systems Which is the most effective and why? Please explain by providing specific examples to support your choice. The nervous system and endocrine systems both work to maintain a constant internal environment, while also being able to respond and adapt to external events (Boundless, 2016). By sending electrical action potentials along neurons, the nervous system responds fast to stimuli. Then transmits these actions to their targets using neurotransmitters, the chemical of the nervous nervous system reacts rapidly to stimuli by ... Show more content on ... The nervous system reacts quickly to stimuli by sending electrical action potential to stimuli by the nervous system is near instantaneous but the effects are normally short lived. An example is the the recoil mechanism of an arm when touching something hot (Boundless, 2016). The endocrine system depends on hormones to obtain responses from target calls. These hormones are produced in specialized glands at a distance from the target, hormones can influence cellular responses at a protein or genetic level. This process takes quite a while longer then that of the nervous system. Endocrine hormones must first be synthesized, then transported to their target cells and either enters or signals the cell. Since these hormones act much slower their effects are usually longer lasting . An example is the growth hormone that is secreted by pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is responsible growth during ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Thyroid Hormones, Thyroxine ( T4 ) And Triiodothyronine (... PPL 7. Thyroid function Thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), are implicated in numerous process, including growth and development of muscle, bones and the central nervous system (CNS); metabolism by increasing basal metabolic rate, calorigenesis and appetite; and have cardiovascular effects due to they make the heart beats faster and harder. Deregulation of the correct function of the thyroid can lead to different pathological process such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, goiters, thyroid cancer and solitary thyroid nodules. The determination of thyroid hormones, especially FT4, together with TSH is an important element in clinical routine diagnosis. It is useful when thyroid disorders are suspected and also for the monitoring of therapy. Before this learning unit, I was aware of general aspect of thyroid structure and function. But I found it helpful to adequate myself into the synthesis and control of hormone production. The transport of thyroid hormones along the body was new to me, as well as, the methods of measurement of thyroid hormones. Some of the thyroid disorders are quite common, so as a health worker, it is important to be aware of the different tests used to assess the thyroid, such as, plasma T3, T4 and TSH; besides the tests that establish the cause of the dysfunction, including thyroid autoantibodies (anti–thyroid peroxidase and anti–thyroglobulin), serum thyroid binding globulin (TBG), thyroid enzyme activities, ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. What Are Tropic Hormones Hormone Properties Once hormones have been produced by glands, they are distributed through the body via the bloodstream. As hormones travel through the body, they pass through cells or along the plasma membranes of cells until they encounter a receptor for that particular hormone. Hormones can only affect target cells that have the appropriate receptors. This property of hormones is known as specificity. Hormone specificity explains how each hormone can have specific effects in widespread parts of the body. The hormones produced by the endocrine system are classified as tropic hormones. A tropic hormone is a hormone that is able to trigger the release of another hormone in another gland. Tropic hormones provide a pathway of control for hormone ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Aldosterone and Hormone Replacement Therapy and Renal... Aldosterone and Hormone Replacement Therapy Aldosterone falls in the class of hormone called mineralocorticoids, produces by the adrenal glands and is found near the kidneys. It sustains blood pressure, water and salt balance within the body. This procedure is assisting the kidneys to preserve sodium and excrete potassium in order to maintain a balance. If Aldosterone production falls, there isn't enough regulation of salt and water balance (as aldosterone is being lost through urination) triggering blood pressure and blood volume to decline as a result of the kidneys not functioning properly. If body is in need of salt, water is not retained and adrenals release more Aldosterone and salt is reabsorbed from the tubule. Addison's ... Show more content on ... Women who fall pregnant and suffer from Addison's disease may need to also alter their medications depending on the individual. During delivery of the baby, similar treatment is applied as to surgery and after there is monitoring of what the dosage requirements need to change to. In having the hormone replacement therapy, there are long–term and short–term benefits. In the long term estrogen levels will be higher than average reducing vaginal dryness and urethritis. Preventions of fractures, heart disease, colon cancer, or dementia and most commonly reduce breast and uterine cancer. The prognosis for people with Addison's disease can be uncertain. If untreated, it will be fatal, if diagnosed it requires a lifelong treatment. In some cases there is an increased chance of a 'premature death'. In most cases, with hormone replacement therapy, most people with Addison's disease are able to live normal lives. Bibliography Brotherton J. & Mudie K. (2010), Heinemann Biology HSC, Pearson Australia. Victoria Corrigan E. K., Addison's Disease, Retrieved December 19, 2012, from National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (2013) Hormone Replacement Therapy. Retrieved December 19, 2012, from NIDDK, Adrenal Insufficiency and Addison's Disease. ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Thyroid Hormone Research Paper The thyroid is the gland responsible for taking control of the body's metabolism, protein production, and other processes related to growth and development. The hormone, produced by this gland is an important hormone that the body needs to grow and properly develop. Iodine and Its Role in the Body To produce the hormone, the thyroid needs iodine. However, iodine is a trace element and the body cannot produce it on its own. Having a sufficient amount of iodine in the body is essential for the production of the thyroid hormone. Lack of iodine in the body can cause problems that specifically affect the thyroid gland. There are two leading problems experienced by the thyroid; hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. These conditions lead to over production or an underactive thyroid gland respectively. Symptoms vary but ... Show more content on ... The irregularity of thyroid hormone production is not good but when the thyroid is destroyed, it is permanent. What is Thyroid Hormone Replacement? The good thing is that hormone replacement is available for individuals who need help with thyroid issues. Some conditions of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can last for long periods of time and during this period, it is best to consult a doctor to see if hormone replacement is an option that an individual can have. Hormone replacement therapy is done when an individual has permanent or long term need of thyroid hormones that the gland is failing to produce. Hormone replacement is done by using synthetic hormones similar to the thyroid hormone of the body. The synthetic hormone will then make up for the low or overproduction of hormones from the malfunctioning thyroid gland. When a person's thyroid is not functioning normally, a blood workup can be done to determine whether that person will need thyroid hormone replacement therapy, especially is the hormones are already too high or too ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. What Does Thyroid Hormones Cause? The thyroid gland is a two lobed gland that is situated in the neck region on either side of and anterior to the trachea, it also has the parathyroid glands located posteriorly on the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland secretes the Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3) and Calcitonin. The thyroid gland plays a very important part in metabolism, growth and maturation of the human body, to put it simply it regulates the speed with which your body cells work. For the remaining of this paper the focus will be on what the deficiency of the thyroid hormones cause. The sequence for the release of Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3) to get Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3) it all starts from a region of the brain called the hypothalamus that produces and releases Thyrotropin–releasing hormone (TRH), which monitors and regulates thyrotropin levels. Following ... Show more content on ... Thyroxine (T4) is the key hormone produced in the thyroid gland. Low levels of T4 produce hypothyroidism, and high levels produce hyperthyroidism. Thyroxine converts to triiodothyronine (T3), which is a more biologically active hormone. Only about 20% of triiodothyronine is actually formed in the thyroid gland. The rest is manufactured from circulating thyroxine in tissues outside the thyroid, such as those in the liver and kidney. Once Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine are in circulation, they typically bind to substances called thyroid hormone transport proteins, after which they become inactive. The follicular cells of the thyroid gland perform all the necessary functions required to make and secrete the thyroid hormones. The follicular cells of the thyroid gland trap dietary iodine and the enzyme thyroid peroxidase and transport it into the colloid (enlargement of the thyroid tissue containing thyroglobulin – a protein). Thyroid peroxidase combined with thyroglobulin produces the thyroid hormones Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Effects Of Steroid Hormones And Neuropeptides On Social... Acephalia A Review of the Effects of Steroid Hormones and Neuropeptides on Social–Emotional Behavior Bos, Peter A., Panksepp, Jaak, Bluthé, Rose–Marie, & van Honk, Jack (2011). Acute effects of steroid hormones and neuropeptides on human social–emotional behavior: A review of single administration studies. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 33 (2012) 17–35. 1. Introduction/Background Information The discovery of hormones and their function has been relatively recent. The term was first coined by Professor Earnest Starling in 1905. He derived the word from the Greek meaning "to arouse or excite." However, the idea of the role hormones could be traced back as far as ancient Greece. Though Hippocrates' theory on humors has been refuted, the ... Show more content on ... The neuro–developmental effects of these chemicals are comparatively well–known, while their impact on human conduct has yet to be fully comprehended. 2. Goals of the study The main goal of this study was to review all of the placebo–controlled single hormone administration studies addressing human social–emotional behavior, involving the peptides oxytocin and vasopressin, and the steroids testosterone and estradiol. This research gives insight into the underlying neural mechanisms and also demonstrates substantial hormonal control over human behavior. After reviewing and discussing the placebo–controlled studies, they proposed a theoretical model that synthesized detailed knowledge of neuroendocrinology of social–emotional behavior in animals, as–well–as the recently gained data on humans. The study of emotional and behavioral disorders have become more popular in the last twenty years. Characteristics of these irregularities include: learning disabilities that are not explainable by either sensory, health, or intellectual factors; persistently inappropriate feelings and conduct; and/or chronic unhappiness or depression ( The authors of this study thoroughly analyzed the underlying neural mechanisms of supplemental hormones and how they affect participants as opposed to using a placebo. Research into human behavior as it relates to neuroendocrinology will be crucial to future generations and their interrelations. 3. Methods and ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Effects Of Steroid Hormones And Neuropeptides On Social... A Review of the Effects of Steroid Hormones and Neuropeptides on Social–Emotional Behavior Bos, Peter A., Panksepp, Jaak, Bluthé, Rose–Marie, & van Honk, Jack (2011). Acute effects of steroid hormones and neuropeptides on human social–emotional behavior: A review of single administration studies. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 33 (2012) 17–35. 1. Introduction/Background Information The discovery of hormones and their function has been relatively recent. The term was first coined by Professor Earnest Starling in 1905. He derived the word from the Greek meaning "to arouse or excite." However, the idea of the role hormones could be traced back as far as ancient Greece. Though Hippocrates' theory on humors has been refuted, the concept of "bodily fluids," or in this case, the amount of hormones circulating in the blood directly affecting temperament and emotions are related. Scientists continue to research the relevance of hormones, as well as neuropeptides on human behavior (J.R. Tata). Amazingly, throughout evolutionary history, both neuropeptides and steroid hormones were able to preserve their molecular structure, and their effect on cross–species sexuality. An estimated 450 million years ago, the neurotransmitter oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (AVT) were present in the earliest phyla, and their varied functions are similar in both animals and humans. Much like OT and AVP, the steroid hormones, testosterone (T) and estradiol (E) play a significant role in ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Hormone Therapy Hormone therapy is very common for women as they reach their menopausal years. There has been much debate as to whether a woman should use hormonal treatment to replace those hormones that her body is not readily producing after menopause. Estrogen is a hormone produced by a woman's ovaries. It is probably the most discussed and debated hormone. It is also produced in the adrenal glands and fat tissues. Estrogen thickens the lining of the uterus, preparing it for the possibility of implantation of a fertilized egg. In women, estrogen circulates in the bloodstream and binds to estrogen receptors on cells in targeted tissues, affecting not only the breasts and uterus, but also the brain, bone, liver, heart and other tissues. Estrogen causes ... Show more content on ... The most common types are pills, cream, vaginal rings, vaginal tablets and patches. There are some groups of women who are advised not to use hormone therapy. They are women who have or have had breast cancer, have or have had endometrial cancer, have abnormal vaginal bleeding, have had blood clots, have a history of stroke, have liver disease, or may be pregnant. There are also some side effects associated with hormone therapy besides the risks such as monthly bleeding, irregular spotting and breast tenderness. Hormones are often referred to as "chemical messengers" because they take information and instructions from one group of cells to another. Hormones influence almost every cell, organ and function in the human body. They regulate growth, development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, metabolism, the way our bodies use food, the reaction of our bodies to emergencies and even our ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Human Growth Hormone Essay Human Growth Hormone Human growth hormone, a substance produced in the human body, is now being sold over the Internet. Companies are marketing the product as an anti–aging product. At the web–site,, the company claims that there is a possibility that one can "stop the aging process." On the home page, they claim that the product can reduce fat and cellulite, increase energy and muscle tone, elevate mood, improve sexual performance and sleep, remove wrinkles, balance cholesterol, re–grow and re–color hair, and more. The product is a dietary oral spray that they claim contains a product that is "identical to the growth hormone manufactured in the human body" and is designed for oral consumption. They also ... Show more content on ... In addition, they claim that their product will result in the elimination of panic attacks, a reversal of the aging process, and rapid healing of wounds and broken bones. The presentation of scientific information before the sales pitch seemingly increases the credibility of the company with the customer. They quote Dr. William Regelson, who uses hormone therapy in his work, as saying, "it has some amazing powers, but its benefits must be carefully weighed against its costs and potential side effects." He also states that a product may eventually be available that provides all the benefits, but has no side–effects, which is now available through "Health and Energy." They also have a disclaimer that the FDA does not approve the information they provide about the product. These web–sites are all created by companies trying to sell something. They are not going to provide any medical research that does not support their product claims to sell their product. This is why it is important to review scientific data when thinking about starting a new, possibly controversial, dietary supplement. Researchers and doctors are much more biased when examining a product than a group that has a stake in the possible positive or negative results. The purpose of research is to inform the public, not sell ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Drug Hormones Have On Animals Essay Effects Drug Hormones Have on Animals The smell of pork chops or hamburger on the grill tends to make people's mouth water. Did you know that farmers feed animals drug hormones? Farmers feed animals drug hormones that effect their growth and get into the meat source? People will look at food labels and sees the FDA stamp. As customers we tend to think that if the FDA approves the meat then we can eat the product safely. However, many drug hormones have not only effected animals growth but also may cause harm to customers. Farmer try to ensure the best quality meat. Then why every thirty days are farmers injecting our animals with drugs that could kill them or even possibly get into their meat. Researchers were finding that ractopamine could cause animals to become sick, unhealthy or possibly could even die (Minton). Farmers were using the drug ractopamine for animals to help animals grow faster. If animals gain weight faster, when they go to slaughter they tend to make more money for the farmers. Growth promotion is one of the main reason why farmers give them hormone drugs. According to Dan Charles farmers tend too feed animals to many antibiotics, so they will later become immune to the antibiotic. Results from research have showed that ... Show more content on ... In 2004 a study showed that there were more people saying they got breast cancer cause of the quality of the meat. In 2009 a study showed that kids who consumed more meat and milk could possibly get cancer from the drugs in the product (Storrs). About 40% of breast cancer is caused by the risk factors from women eating meat that contains the drug hormones. According to Harvard research has shown that women aged 26–46 are beginning to want to learn more about the amount of fat in animals that could possibly lead to breast cancer. These women are using this research to find a way to lower the risk of breast cancer ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Explain The Three Categories Of Hormones The three categories of hormones are amino acid derivatives, peptide hormones, and lipid derivatives. The amino acid derivatives come from the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan. Peptide hormones are broken down into two groups. One of them has glycoproteins, while the second has short polypeptides and small proteins. Lipid derivatives are also made up of two groups that are referred to as eicosanoids and steroid hormones. The hormones are typically released into the blood stream and leave the blood stream by either diffusing out to bind with receptors, broken down by the kidneys or liver, or broken down by enzymes that can be found in the blood or interstitial fluids. These tropic hormones are the hormones that ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Plant Hormones Plant hormones are specialized chemical substances produced by plants. They are the main internal factors controlling growth and development. Hormones are produced in one part of a plant and transported to others, where they are effective in very small amounts. Depending on the target tissue, a given hormone may have different effects. Plant hormones play an integral role in controlling the growth and development of plants. A plant hormone is generally described as an organic compound synthesized in one part of the plant and translocated to another part, where in low concentrations elicits a physiological response. There are five generally recognized classes of plant hormones; some of the classes are represented by only one compound, ... Show more content on ... There have been over 90 GA's isolated, all of which are most likely not essential to the plant. Instead, these forms are probably inactive precursors or breakdown products of active gibberellins. Function: Active gibberellins show many physiological effects, each depending on the type of gibberellin present as well as the species of plant. Some of the physiological processes stimulated by gibberellins are: 1. Stimulate stem elongation by stimulating cell division and elongation. 2. Stimulates bolting/flowering in response to long days. 3. Breaks seed dormancy in some plants which require stratification or light to induce germination. 4. Stimulates enzyme production (a–amylase) in germinating cereal grains for mobilization of seed reserves. 5. Induces maleness in dioecious flowers (sex expression). 6. Can cause parthenocarpic (seedless) fruit development. 7. Can delay senescence in leaves and citrus fruits. Cytokinins: Nature of Cytokinins Cytokinins are compounds with a structure resembling adenine which promote cell division and have other similar functions to kinetin. Kinetin was the first cytokinin discovered and so named because of the compounds ability to promote cytokinesis. Though it is a natural compound, It is not made in plants, and is therefore usually considered a "synthetic" cytokinin (meaning that the hormone is ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Hormone Growth Promotants in Meat Biology Report Hormone Growth Promotants in Meat Implantation of HGP in meat– is a highly controversial issue not only in New Zealand but also around the world. There is also many myths and misconceptions surrounding added HPG's in the meat that we consume. In this report I will be discussing the effects of HGP in meat, the opinions for and against this procedure and also my own personal stance and proposed societal action. Hormones are certain chemicals that are naturally present in all organisms. These hormones are heavily involved in an organisms body functions and are essential for reproduction, development and growth. (a1) Hormones ability to stimulate growth is the reason that they are implanted in meat. These hormones are ... Show more content on ... (A6)(A7) The residue levels in the meat produced must be less than one percent of the daily hormone production of children for it so be safe. (A8). Through the development of this process there has been many subsequent effects on the animals, human health, the economy and the environment. Many of these effects cause controversy and need more research to be conducted to substantiate claims. Our first area of immediate effect is on the animals who are being injected. The biological effects of these hormonal implantations on the cattle is quite circumstantial as there is no serious detrimental effects to the animals health in a properly conducted implantation. However, it is errors in this process that lead to negative effects. Firstly the correct dosage must be administered because a high dosage may cause blockage of the intestinal and reproductive systems. A high amount of hormones can also cause weight to be gain too rapidly which can become painful for the animal and cause crippling. Secondly, the age, weight and condition of the cattle must be taken into consideration. The animal should be in the final fattening stage and mature enough to cope with the increase of hormones. The correct dosage must be given to an ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Hormone Replacement Therapy Essay Hormone Replacement Therapy in Transgendering the FTM Transsexual Gender may well be the most defining factor in the spectrum of elements that comprise the human persona. In fact gender is so basic to our identity, most people mistakenly assume that our sense of being male or female is defined with absolute certainty by our anatomical sex. Contrary to popular belief, our sense of gender and anatomical sex are two distinct elements; each developing at different times in different parts of the body. While my research is limited to hormone replacement therapy involved in masculinizing a biological female, it should be noted that the psychiatric, psychological, and medical factors that contribute to cases of gender dysforia are major ... Show more content on ... Overview of Hormone Replacement Therapy for the FTM Transexual Fundamental to sex reassignment treatment of transsexuals is the acquisition of the sex characteristics of the other sex to the fullest extent possible. With the exception of the internal and external genitalia, sex characteristics are contingent of the biological effects of the respective sex steroids. Hormonal reassignment has therefore two aims: 1) to eliminate, in so far as possible, the hormonally induced secondary sex characteristics of the natal sex and 2) to induce those of the new sex. Biologic females treated with testosterone experience the following permanent changes: a deepening of the voice, clitoral enlargement, mild breast atrophy, increased facial and body hair and male pattern baldness. Reversible changes include increased upper body strength, weight gain, increased social and sexual interest and arousability, and decreased hip mass. Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT) Hormones are long–range chemical messengers of the body, manufactured and controlled by the endocrine system. The hypothalamus produces gonadotropin–releasing hormone (GnRH). This signals the anterior pituitary gland to synthesize and release luteinizing hormone (LH). To a lesser degree, GnRH also triggers the synthesis and release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Subsequently, LH and FSH signal the gonads (ovaries in females, testes in males) to synthesize and release hormones that cause ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Female Sex Hormone Estrogen Throughout history, women have had different roles, most were enforced. Women have long since been viewed as the opposite of men, a view carried by both men and women. Among many others, the most prevalent responsibility of women is to carry her child during fetal development, this does not make it her duty to rear the child once it is born. However, it is imposed upon her by internal and predominantly external male influences in life and with this the assumptions on how women are different from men such as caring, protective, emotional, loving, etc. These assumptions could perhaps be described as a byproduct of the female sex hormone estrogen (Logan). Estrogen has been known to be a neural stimulant that has been described as ... Show more content on ... This was the role expected by women that at the same time were treated as property, married women were usually referred to as, "Mrs.", followed by her husband's name. They were traded, sold, and often due to their gender aborted, they were viewed as inferior burdens whose only duties were to work, make strong preferably male babies and suitable mates and be happy and never complain. It was not uncommon for an older bachelor of the late 1800's to buy a man's daughter for marriage, and at the time the prime marriage and child bearing years for a woman were from the start of their menstrual cycle to her late thirties. Seeing how most young men could not afford a dowry, most marriages of the time were between older men and significantly younger women. This also being the practice so that a man who is fertile until his closing years could have many heirs due to more years for birthing until a woman's menopause and also so the woman could take care of the husband in his late years and be young enough to work and take care of her children. Also, it was not uncommon to sell a woman in a business deal to be a mistress, maid, adoptive daughter, laborer, anything viewed as beneficial to the deal. This is entirely different from today, the idea of a woman, though a diamond in the rough is way more progressive than it was in the late 1800's, women are no longer treated like property, have greater value and ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Discovery Of Hormones And Their Function 1. Introduction/Background Information The discovery of hormones and their function has been relatively recent. The term was first coined by Professor Earnest Starling in 1905. He derived the word from the Greek meaning "to arouse or excite." However, the idea of the role hormones could be traced back as far as ancient Greece. Though Hippocrates' theory on humors has been refuted, the concept of "bodily fluids," or in this case, the amount of hormones circulating in the blood directly affecting temperament and emotions are related. Scientists continue to research the relevance of hormones, as well as neuropeptides on human behavior. Amazingly, throughout evolutionary history, both neuropeptides and steroid hormones were able to preserve ... Show more content on ... This research gives insight into the underlying neural mechanisms and also demonstrates substantial hormonal control over human behavior. After reviewing and discussing the placebo–controlled studies, they proposed a theoretical model that synthesized detailed knowledge of neuroendocrinology of social–emotional behavior in animals, as–well–as the recently gained data on humans. The study of emotional and behavioral disorders have become more popular in the last twenty years. Characteristics of these irregularities include: learning disabilities that are not explainable by either sensory, health, or intellectual factors; persistently inappropriate feelings and conduct; and/or chronic unhappiness or depression ( The authors of this study thoroughly analyzed the underlying neural mechanisms of supplemental hormones and how they affect participants as opposed to using a placebo. Research into human behavior as it relates to neuroendocrinology will be crucial to future generations and their interrelations. 3. Methods and Results For the purpose of this paper, the authors did not do their own research. They used a collection of studies that looked at behaviors and their specific connections to hormones and neuropeptides. The first studies the authors reviewed attempted to make a connection between evolution and naturally occurring hormones. This portion of the paper, paragraph 2, ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Five Major Plant Hormones Hormones are a type of cell signaling used for long distance communication between cells. Only target cells have the ability to respond to particularly hormones. In plants, hormones will typically travel by vessels, diffusion across the cell, or in the air. Auxins is one of the five major classes of plant hormones. The functions of auxins include elongation of the stem, as well as promoting root growth, and another function includes acting in phototropism and gravitropism. Phototropism is essentially response to a light stimulates; gravitropism is response to gravity. Plants have the capacity to detect light and sense gravity. The cells furthest from the light have auxin which reacts to phototropism. The plant furthest from the light will have elongated cells. The auxin hormones bind to plasma membrane receptors, this will activate the proton pump. This proton pump will diffuse hydrogen ions out of the cell which in turn has many effects. The effects include the cell wall loosening, the turgor pressure of the cell will increase because water is entering the cell, and the cells will enlarge. ... Show more content on ... Cytokinins move up the plant through the xylem. Whereas, auxins move down the plant. Cytokinins works with Auxin to control cell differentiation. The many functions of cytokinins include stimulation of germination, promote cell division, and plant growth. This hormone helps result in plant growth because they are able to release buds from apical dominance. Essentially, if a plant contains more cytokinins that means more mitosis is occurring and if more mitosis is occurring that means more cells are being produced and if more cells are being produced that means the plants ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Growth Hormone Research Paper Hormones have been with you since birth. They helped you grow when you were a child. They transitioned you from childhood to adulthood when you hit puberty. They help you regulate your body temperature and blood sugar levels. The fact is that you would not be alive without them. As your body begins to age, the levels of certain key hormones begin to decline also. With the decline of these hormones, the body begins to show signs of aging. Declining muscle mass and a lack of sex drive are just two signs that hormone levels are decreasing. The good news is that selective hormone therapy can help reverse the signs of aging and begin to restore your youthful vigor. The Hormones That Decline There are a number of hormones which start to decline as you age. Each plays a ... Show more content on ... As this hormone declines, it can cause sleeping problems, mood swings, and clouded thinking. It also leads to higher levels of cortisol and lower levels of sex hormones. Therapy helps to reverse these problems. Growth hormone, also known as HGH, is necessary for the development and maintenance of various organs and tissues. It helps increase muscle mass and strengthens bone structure. This hormone is often used with children who have growth issues or anyone who has hormone deficiencies. Testosterone serves functions in men. A man's body uses testosterone to stimulate the growth of facial hair, increase sex drive, and produce sperm. Testosterone therapy helps men get more energy, improved memory, better moods, improved muscle mass, and increase sexual stamina. Testosterone is also critical for women. As testosterone levels decline as a woman ages, body mass begins to decline, making it harder to keep a healthy weight. It also plays a role in sex drive and mood. Estrogen levels are critical for women as they age. This hormone helps regulate bone growth, cholesterol levels, and sex drive. Estrogen therapy can help women, especially during ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Human Growth Hormones In Children Human growth hormones. What is really know about them? The average person probably never give human growth hormones a second thought. Accordingly, they are what help children to grow. The internal workings are developing to be viable and healthy organs. By the time a child reaches puberty, the production of HGH comes to a peak. It's not until he or she turns a quarter century that the HGH levels winds up being at or around 600ug. This number greatly decreases to equal less than 20% of that 600ug. On the other hand, if a child or baby has low levels of Somatropin or somatotropin (GH or HGH), he or she may not develop at the same pace as other children with high levels of HGH. HGH affects the child's growth. The child would end ... Show more content on ... Know that there are countless imitators manufacturing faux products and claiming to be the original human growth hormone, however, nothing compares to an authentic and reputable brand of this unbelievable product. Others claiming to be a superior product, are guilty of making false representations and promises to produce quick and unreasonable results. They carry the weight of empty promises and could possibly harm the person taking the supplement with their shenanigans. This could be the reason for the controversy surrounding HGH and its value. The Controversy What "he" said or what "she" said is always going to cause conflict, especially when two or more people have different results using the same products or eating the same foods or whatever the case maybe. There is evidence to support HGH as being effective as an anti–aging treatment. People refer to it as the infamous "fountain of youth." Nevertheless, there aren't any case studies to back this claim up. It can be confusing and difficult to know who to believe. A good suggestion is to make sure the product contains the critical elements of a legitimate growth hormone ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Endocrine System: Glands That Create And Secrete Hormones The Endocrine System is composed of glands that create and secrete hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers that are sent out in the body to control many different bodily functions. Hormones are used for things such as regulating body temperature and giving the body a "hunger feeling". One of the glands in the endocrine system is the hypothalamus, which is located in the brain, it is responsible for controlling homeostatic systems such as thirst and body temperature. The hypothalamus also is involved in controlling sex drive and sleep. The parathyroid is another, it is located in the anterior neck, it is responsible for controlling the amount of calcium in the body. The thymus is located behind the sternum, between the left and right lung. It is responsible for stimulating the development of T–cells in a ... Show more content on ... Another gland in the immune system is the pancreas, it is located in the abdomen, it is responsible for regulating blood sugar. The adrenal glands are located at the top of both kidneys, it produces hormones that affect the body's heart rate, burn fat and proteins, and help the body respond to stress. The ovaries, produce female sex hormones and is located in the lower abdomen in women. The testes are held by the scrotum in men and are responsible for producing the male sex hormone. One of the most important glands in the endocrine system is the Pituitary gland. The pituitary gland produces hormones that control the other glands in the system as well as key body functions such as metabolism. It is located at the base of the brain, is only about the size of a single pea. It is known as the " master control ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Anterior Pituitary Hormone The thyroid gland is different; the hormones are stored in cavities, surrounded by secretory cells, which make up a follicle. In order to secrete the hormone, the hormone is re–absorbed from the cavity and then released into the interstitial spaces. There are two parts to the pituitary gland, the anterior pituitary and the posterior pituitary. The anterior pituitary has two types of chromophils, acidophilus and basophils. These two are separated into different classes of cells that have differing secretory products and aim for different organs. The anterior pituitary discharges five different types of hormone, somatotrophs, mammotrophs, corticotrophs, tyrotrophs, and gonadotrophs. The posterior pituitary only releases two hormones, antidiuretic ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Hormones Lab Report 1. Background/Introductions: Hormones are a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in blood to stimulate target cells or tissues into action. There are many glands and lobes in the endocrine system that produce hormones, but for this experiment we are particularly interested in the pituitary gland and the intermediate lobe because those are the two parts of it that produce Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MHS). These hormones are peptide hormones that are produced in response to UV light, but are not a direct feedback mechanism. When the hormones are secreted out of the glands, they travel through the bloodstream until they reach melanocytes located in the skin between the epidermal and dermal layers, where they transport ... Show more content on ... Specifically in red hair, light skin people and in dogs. 2. Specific Aim(s): Questions that will be answered: How particular SNP's ultimately affect the structure and function of the MSH receptor, leading to decreased signaling by the receptor. What is the normal structure and function of the MHS receptor? Where within the structure do normal amino acids reside? What is the side chain structure of the variant and non–variant amino acids at the polymorphic sites? How might the variant amino acids alter the structure and/or function of the protein? A. The goal of this project is to find a correlation between the MSHR amino acid variation and skin type. Then use the correlation to explore the effects of amino acid variants on the structure and function of the MSH receptor. B. Hypothesis: If we can perform the PCR reaction of a dogs DNA, then we will be able to compare its amino acid structure to its hair color, as well as simply compare it to a humans. C. We will test this hypothesis by attempting to see if we can perform the PCR reaction for dogs, since the primers are optimized for humans. If we can we will sequence them with human DNA. Additionally, we will also see if we can modify the PCR reaction in order to obtain a PCR product from the dog DNA. If we get a product from the PCR reaction, it will be ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Follicle Stimulating Hormone Research Paper Hormones released from the anterior pituitary are gonadotropins and it has two FSH and LH. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) has to do with the ovaries, stimulates the development of eggs and follicles for females. In males the testes are involved and stimulates production of sperm. Luteinizing hormone (LH) functions to tell the ovaries and testes to make other hormones. For example, in females it stimulates ovulation and secretes estrogen. In males the stimulation of interstitial cells of testes secretes testosterone. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates growth of thyroid gland and the secretion of thyroid hormone T3 and T4. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) deals with regulating the response to stress, adrenal gland cortex to release ... Show more content on ... In the posterior pituitary hormones released are ADH and Oxytocin. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) targets the kidneys to raise water retention to reduce urine for stable blood pressure. Oxytocin is the release of labor contractions, lactation of milk from mothers when they feel their baby close to them and emotional bonding. 8. They both affect cells trying to bind to receptors but in different ways hydrophobic hormones are intracellular receptors that are inside the cell. Hydrophilic hormones act as via membrane–bound receptors that are outside the cell. They are polypeptides and proteins, water loving, and modify existing metabolic proteins. Hydrophobic contain lipids and fats, it also turns on gene transcription. 9. They are all located in the pancreas and deal with glucose. Insulin is a hypoglycemic hormone which decreases blood glucose and glucagon is the opposite it's a hyperglycemic. Glucagon increases glucose and causes the liver to break down glycogen. 10. The thyroid gland is located in the neck below the larynx, the hormone it contains is T4 and T3 which affects metabolism, growth and has widespread ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Effects Of Hormones And Antibiotics On Animals And Humans The Effects of Consuming Hormones and Antibiotics to Animals and Humans Not everyone knows what they are eating on a daily basis. Some believe what they read from the label on a package. While another will go with what a commercial that they heard on the television said. The truth of the matter is that you can not go around believing everything that someone has said. The only way that you can be certain as to what you are eating is if you actually know what has gone into the process of preparing that meal. There are many ways that someone can protect themselves and their family from getting these possibly life threatening illnesses that could harm not just your life, but also a future child that could possibly be consumed later on down the road. Throughout the past couple decades, researches have discovered the causes of consuming of hormones and antibiotics in both animals and humans. Nine out of ten calves in the United States are given hormonal growth stimulators. Some of the reasons why farmers would give their animals hormone growth stimulators and antibiotics would be so the animals would grow faster than they normally would. Since the animals are growing faster, the farmers are making more money. The way that they are making more than what they would be without using hormones and antibiotics is because the animals tend to eat more the longer they are alive. If the animals are getting a boost in their growing process, they will not be consuming as much food, ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. The Human Growth Hormone Human Growth hormone (GH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide produced by the anterior pituitary gland from somatotroph cells. GH has come to the forefront in the sports world for doping and anti–aging promoters. In adults, the most prominent effects of GH are decreased fat mass and increased lean body mass. The increase in lean body mass is associated with increased protein synthesis, muscle mass, and muscle function (1). GH plays an important role in the linear development of bone growth in children and adolescents. After the body stops growing, GH levels decrease dramatically and remain low throughout the remainder of adult life (2). GH is a single chain peptide with 191 amino acids that is stabilized by two disulfide bridges. The molecular weight is 22,000 Daltons (3). GH–1 and GH–2 are genes for GH that are located on chromosome 17 in the q22–24 region (4). GH secretion is regulated by growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH). GHRH is a peptide released from the hypothalamus that stimulates the release of GH. The hypothalamus also secretes somatostatin, which inhibits the release of GH through back regulation. GHRH and somatostatin are released from the hypothalamus through the hypophyseal portal and are transported to the anterior pituitary. GH is released in a pulsatile fashion that is determined by the concentration of GHRH and somatostatin (5). Levels of GH are slightly higher in women than in men and the highest amounts of GH secretion is during puberty in ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Hormone Adjustment Therapy Research Paper Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men and Women Fountain of Youth Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), or also known as hormone therapy (HT) is a government approved treatment that has seen a resurgence in popularity due to it benefits for men and women. From menopause to osteoporosis, HRT can help treat and prevent medical ailments that affect thousands of people in a variety of age groups. Managing Menopause HRT is one of the most effective practices used to help women manage the discomfort they may experience during menopause. Reduced levels of estrogen and progesterone can cause hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, vaginal dryness and sleep disturbances. An estrogen only therapy (ET) will give most women the relief they need from these issues. Women who have had a hysterectomy are usually prescribed ... Show more content on ... The addition of progestogen will help protect the uterus from developing uterine (endometrial) cancer. Women receiving HRT containing estrogen will not only see a reduction of their menopausal symptoms but there is also the benefit of improved brain function, thicker hair and bone density, as well as better sleep and muscle function. Osteoporosis When estrogen levels decrease, a woman's chances for developing osteoporosis increases following menopause. Studies have shown that women who receive HRT during menopause have had a greater bone density in the early and late postmenopausal stage. Men receiving a testosterone replacement therapy will also see the benefit of increased bone density and will be at a much lower risk of developing osteoporosis as well. Reverse the Aging Process? Possibly Another type of HRT is human growth hormone (HGH) treatment. While this may not be the fountain of youth, receiving this injection form of HRT can produce tighter and firmer skin. Stronger nails and a better functioning immune system are other added ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Mineralocorticoids: The Role Of Hormones In The Human Body One of the many ways your body maintains correct functionality is through hormones. There are many types of hormones and many hormone producing glands in the body, but one main one is the adrenal gland (Robinson). The adrenal gland's job is to produce the following hormones: mineralocorticoids, which help the body maintain its salt and water levels; glucocorticoids, which regulate response to stress, your metabolism, and it mobilizes amino acids and fatty acids; and adrenal androgens, which maintains male sex hormones, and early development of male and female sex organs (Robinson). While the adrenal glad has a big responsibility, there are some unfortunate cases when it does not work properly due to there being. Pathological and clinical ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Food Hormones and the Onset of Early Puberty Hormones found in food is causing early puberty in adolescents. In recent news article published by NBC News an eight year old girl started developing acne and breast. Her parents didn't know how to cope with their daughter maturing at such an early age so they decided to take her to the doctor. There the little girl was diagnosed with early puberty and had to be treated with drug implants to slow down her sudden growth. Recent studies have shown that meat industry animals injected with synthetic growth hormones such as Zeranol, Trenbolone, and Melengestrol that leads to negatives effects to the people that consume the foods that the animals produce. Some of these hormones found in animals can throw off the natural chemical balance and affect your hormones. If children are consuming these foods with added hormones their natural balance may be thrown off which causes them to endure early puberty. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) steroid implants used for animal growth are healthy for the animals and humans who eat the meat produced from the slaughtered animals. The FDA reports "People are not at risk from eating food from animals treated with these drugs because the amount of additional hormone following drug treatment is very small compared with the amount of natural hormones that are normally found in the meat of untreated animals and that are naturally produced in the human body."(par.3) If people are not at risk then why are kids suffering ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Activity 1 Metabolism And Thyroid Hormone physioex 9.0 Review Sheet Exercise 4 Endocrine System Physiology Name Laura Bauer Lab Time/Date Thursday 5:30–7:30 Activity 1 Metabolism and Thyroid Hormone Part 1 1 Which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate (BMR)? The Normal rat had the fastest BMR. 2 Why did the metabolic rates differ between the normal rat and the surgically altered rats? How well did the results compare with your prediction? ___ The BMRs differed because the surgically altered rats were missing either the Pituitary or Thryoid gland that release thyroid hormones. 3 If an animal has been thyroidectomized, what hormone(s) would be missing in its blood? The animal will be missing trioodythronine and thyroxine. 4 If an animal ... Show more content on ... 3. Describe the diagnosis for patient 3, who was also pregnant at the time of this assay. *** This patient would be diagnosed with gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that typically disappears after pregnancy. 4. Which patient(s) had normal glucose reading(s)? ___ Patients 1 and 2 were in the normal range.
  • 122. 5. What are some lifestyle choices these patients with normal plasma glucose readings might recommend to the borderline impaired patients? ___ A change of diet in which simple sugars are limited might assist borderline patients. Similarly, fiber and good carbohydrates could be helpful. Activity 3 Hormone Replacement Therapy ** We could not carry out the third experiment there was an issue with the software. Activity 4 Measuring Cortisol and Adrenocorticotropic Hormone 1 Which patient would most likely be diagnosed with Cushing's disease? Why? ___ Patient number 3 would most likely be at risk due to high levels of both cortisol and ACTH ___ 2 Which two patients have hormone levels characteristic of Cushing's syndrome? ___ Patients 2 and 5 have high levels of cortisol which is a characteristic of Cushing's syndrome. 3 Patient 2 is being treated for rheumatoid arthritis with prednisone. How does this information change the diagnosis? ___ Because of the treatment for the arthritis, the Cushing's syndrome would have been induced by ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Menopause And Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy WHAT IS HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY? Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the use of manmade (synthetic) hormones to replace hormones that your body stops producing during menopause. Menopause is the normal time of life when menstrual periods stop completely and your ovaries stop producing the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. This can affect your health and cause undesirable symptoms. HRT can relieve some of those symptoms. WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS FOR HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY? HRT may consist of the hormones estrogen and progestin, or it may consist of estrogen only (estrogen–only therapy). You and your health care provider must decide which form of HRT is best for you. If you chose to do ... Show more content on ... It is important to: Begin HRT with the lowest possible dosage. Stop HRT as soon as your health care provider tells you to. Work with your health care provider so that you feel informed and comfortable with your decisions. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY? HRT can reduce the frequency and severity of menopausal symptoms. Benefits of HRT vary for each woman, depending on what menopausal symptoms you have, how severe they are, and your overall health. HRT may help to improve the following menopausal symptoms: Hot flashes and night sweats. These are sudden feelings of heat that spread over the face and body. The skin may turn red, like a blush. Night sweats are hot flashes that happen when you are sleeping or trying to sleep. Bone loss (osteoporosis). The body loses calcium more quickly after menopause, causing your bones to become weaker. This can make bone breaks (fractures) more likely. Vaginal dryness. The lining of the vagina can become thin and dry, which can cause pain during sexual intercourse, infection, burning, or itching. Urinary tract ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Assignment : Bioassay Of Androgenic Hormones Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmacology Department Assignment Topic: Bioassay of androgenic hormones Course Title: Bioassay Course Code: PO411 Lab Group: A1 Submitted to: Dr Mona Prepared by: Rahma Ahmed Ahmed – 141191 Due date: 10–27–2016 – Fall 2016 – Androgen Bioassays Introduction: During the recent decades, athletes were trying to enhance their performance by using exogenous hormones such as; androgens, erythropoietin and growth hormone. The most potent form of sports steroids is the Androgens and it is the most common type of steroids that enhances the performance that can be detected in screening tests. Detection of androgens is through urine screening to detect even trace amounts of androgens. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) is a highly specific and sensitive method for detection of steroids in the screening urine samples. In a trial to pass the screening methods, designer androgens was created with different chemical structures to known androgens so it cannot be easily detected by GC–MS. Designer androgens can be detected by androgen bioassays because they can activate the androgen receptor (AR). Therefore, androgen bioassays maybe a suitable tool for screening of biological samples suspected to contain an androgen. . Receptor binding assays: Principle: The ligand competes for binding to AR. Receptor binding assays have been developed to measure compounds, including hormones, that are able to bind specifically to receptors. Procedure: the ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Research Paper Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) Stimulate the secretion of thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland by binding to a receptor on the surface of the cells of the thyroid (G protein –coupled receptors).TSH is stimulated by TRH hormone of the hypothalamus and is inhibited by Somatostatin hormone, as well as by thyroid hormones in a negative feedback loop. Prolactine Is a peptide hormone which causes synthesis in milk after birth, while it assists in preparation of breasts for milk production after birth. It is stimulated by TRH hormone of the hypothalamus and is inhibited by dopamine and estrogens. Another function of this hormone is counteracting dopamine which causes sexual arousal. Growth hormone Is a peptide hormone that's stimulated by the ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Hormones Involved In The Endocrine System The endocrine system is the body system that deals with hormones and controls the body's daily activities by producing specific chemicals. The endocrine system is also in charge of making sure that the body's functions are coordinated and working properly. An example of this would be having the same body temperature at all times and falling asleep and waking up. Hormones play a major part in the endocrine system. Hormones are the chemical product of an endocrine gland. There are different hormones that have different jobs. Certain hormones can turn on, turn off, speed up, or slow down the activities that different organs and tissues take part in. Other hormones can regulate metabolism, growth, mood, and organ function. All of the organs involved in this body system work together but are located in different ... Show more content on ... The major organs involved in the endocrine system are glands. A gland is an organ that can produce as well as release chemicals. With this body system, endocrine glands make and distribute the chemicals into the bloodstream. There are multiple types of glands that have specific jobs involving the endocrine system. These endocrine glands are: the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, thymus, pancreas, and finally ovaries in females and testes in males. Together, these glands make up more than 30 types of hormones. Each gland has its own job in the body. The hypothalamus, located in the brain, links the nervous system and the endocrine system. It also controls the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is also located in the brain and it receives information from the hypothalamus about the body. This gland controls other endocrine glands and regulates growth, blood pressure, and water balance. The thyroid gland controls the release of energy from food molecules inside cells. The parathyroid controls and regulates the amount of calcium in the blood. The adrenal gland ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Endocrine Systems : Hormones And The Endocrine System Endocrine System: Hormones are chemical substances that act as messengers in the body. They are produced in endocrine glands scattered throughout the body. Together all these glands form the endocrine system. The endocrine system is coordinated by the pituitary gland, which responds to information from the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is a portion of the brain and is made of nervous tissue. It constantly checks the internal environment – that is, the conditions within the tissues, organs and systems of your body. If these conditions change, the hypothalamus responds. The most important function of the hypothalamus is to link the nervous system and the endocrine system. It secretes hormones that act on the pituitary gland. The ... Show more content on ... These are the target cells. Different hormones have different chemical structures. This means that their shape varies. It is the shape of the hormone that makes it specific. Within cells are receptors. A hormone is only active in cells that have receptors that fit the shape of the hormone. Controlling the internal environment: Your body works most efficiently when the internal environment is reasonably constant. This means that factors such as temperature, water content, available energy, availably oxygen and concentration of wastes in the blood are all controlled. The process of maintaining a constant internal environment is known as homeostasis. Homeostasis involves receptors that are sensitive to a particular stimulus, and effectors that have an effect on the same stimulus. Controlling Body Temperature: Digestion, growth and repair, respiration and manufacture of hormones are some of the chemical reactions taking place inside your body. All these reactions together are known as your metabolism. The heat they produce as a by–product maintains your body temperature regardless of the temperature regardless of the temperature of your surroundings. Because humans can maintain a constant body temperature, they are said to be endothermic. However, if the temperature inside your body was to increase by more than a few degrees above 37°C, your metabolism would stop, and you would die. If your body temperature ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. What Are The Three Types Of Lash Hormones 1. Endocrine is ductless and move hormones to the blood while exocrine move their substances through the duct to the outside of the body. 2. The adrenal cortex is stimulated via adrenocortotropic hormone, thyroid gland secretes by thyroid stimulating hormone, pituitary secretes these hormones, pancreas, and ovary and testis secretes FSH and LSH. These are major endocrine glands. 3. A. Amines: hormones that come from the adrenal medulla or the pineal gland. B. Steriods: are hormones that come from cholesterol and are made by the gonads. An example is progesterone. C. Glycoprpoteins: are polypetides. They make LH, TSH,FSH. D. Polypetides and proteins: hormones that are growth or ADH hormones. 4. A. The hypothalamus releasing growth releasing hormone and the pituitary hormone secretes the growth hormone that targets bone, muscle and fat. ... Show more content on ... The hypothalamus releasing thyrotropin releasing hormone where the pituitary gland stimulates by the thyroid stimulating hormone. This then targets the thyroid gland. 5. The three types of hormone effects are synergistic, permissive, and antagonistic. A. Synergistic happens when hormones collaborate to produce the same effect. B. Permissive is when a particular hormone makes another hormone work better for the target ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Prenatal Levels Of Cortisol And Placental Corticotropin... During pregnancy, the positive feedback loop that plays a part in regulating products of the HPA axis is altered. Prenatal levels of cortisol and placental corticotropin–releasing hormone (pCRH) have been shown to be elevated during pregnancy. Placental corticotropin–releasing hormone is considered a "placental clock" that changes the development of the onset of parturition (Glynn, Davis Sandman, 2013). According to Glynn et al., these elevations have been linked to changes in the sensitivity of cortisol in the anterior pituitary and also to a decline in corticotropin–releasing hormone secretion centrally. Also, the HPA refractory period is shown to increase when additions of more extreme adrenal insufficiencies occur. A longer refractory ... Show more content on ... This is in contrast with the low levels of CRH immunoreactivity in plasma found in women who are not pregnant. Women with higher levels of pCRH during pregnancy were more likely to display symptoms of postpartum depression three months after giving birth (Glynn et al., 2013). Also, the HPA axis experiences a diminished response across different stressors in pregnancy. Cortisol levels have been found to decrease quickly after birth. Also, many areas of the body are dampened due to the diminished response experienced. These include more areas than the HPA axis, including a dampened blood pressure and a dampened heart rate (Glynn, Davis, Sandman, 2013). The Glynn et al. study found that administration of CRH during the third trimester actually produced no response in the women studied (2013). In addition to parts of the body being dampened, weakened psychological responses to stress have been shown. It is believed that these act as an adaptive value that protects the mother and benefits the child. One of the HPA axis alterations postpartum is hyporesponsivity. With this hyporesponsivity in the HPA axis, two different causes have been proposed. One proposed cause is that a mild adrenal suppression could be due to the sensitivity at the hypothalamus or its regulatory inputs associated with a decrease in CRH secretion (Glynn & Sandman, 2014). The second proposed cause is that high levels of CRH in pregnancy may desensitize the anterior pituitary to ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Endocrine System And Non-Steroid Hormones Then Endocrine System The endocrine system consists of a variety of glands and clusters of hormone secreting cells in various organs throughout the body. These glands produce chemicals called hormones, which are secreted directly into the bloodstream. They determine a number of things, including when you're hungry, your weight, how you handle stress, and even how well you sleep. The body produces many different hormones, which can either be classified as steroid or non–steroid. Steroid hormones are synthesized from cholesterol, including male and female sex hormones, as well as aldosterone. Non–steroid hormones, also known as protein–based hormones, are synthesized from amino acids. Protein–based hormones are further divided into protein ... Show more content on ... They produce sex hormones which stimulates the production of sperm in males, and eggs in females. Sex hormones also influence the development of secondary sex characteristics during puberty. The ovaries secrete estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen promotes the development of female characteristics and contributes to the development of the reproductive system. Progesterone is secreted after ovulation, and helps maintain uterine lining during pregnancy. The testes secrete testosterone, which triggers the development of male sexual characteristics, and sustains sperm ... Get more on ...