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Mental illness-Crime Relationships
• Crime in specific mental illnesses
Criminal Responsibility
Defenses for mental illness
• Insanity defense & diminished
Malaysian’s Law
• Criminal Procedure Code (CPC)
Lecture Outline
Prisoners in England and Wales (Gunn et al. 1991)
Psychosis Neurosis Personality
Alcohol dep drug dep
Psychiatric diagnosis
Psychiatric diagnosis
• All homicides and
attempted homicides in
West Germany 1955-64
• Mental disorder was
associated with 5% of these
• The rate of mental disorder
in the community was 3-
• Homicidal violence ratescz =
• Schizophrenics were 100x
more likely to commit
suicide than homicide
• Homicidal violence
rateaffective = 6/100,000
• Affective disorders were
1000x more likely to commit
suicide than homicide
Mental Illness &
Violence (Swanson et al. 1990)
abuse (SA)
Active psychotic symptoms are associated with an increased risk of violence
Possible Relationship Between Crime
And Mental Disorder
• There is an increased likelihood
of other psychiatric symptoms
and disorders
• Homicide risk is increased 10x
in someone with an antisocial
personality disorder
•Offences against
property are
associated with the
need to pay for drugs
•Rates of drug abuse
are increased among
ADNAN Mat Jusoh (kanan) dibawa ke Mahkamah
Majistret Kota Bharu semalam untuk
dihadapkan atas tuduhan membunuh dan
membakar teman wanitanya Januari lalu.
Artikel penuh
KOTA BHARU 23 Jan. - Seorang penganggur dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Majistret di sini hari ini atas tuduhan
membunuh dan membakar teman wanitanya, pada 6 Januari lepas.
Adnan Mat Jusoh, 35, dari Kampung Pasir Jelatang, Pasir Hor, Kubang Kerian, didakwa membunuh Mastura
Kamarul Jamal di sebuah rumah tanpa nombor di kampung itu kira-kira pukul 11.30 malam.
Dia dituduh melakukan kesalahan mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan iaitu membunuh dengan niat
dan jika sabit kesalahan boleh dikenakan hukuman mati mandatori.
Ketika jurubahasa mahkamah membacakan kertas pertuduhan kes, Adnan mengangguk-anggukkan kepala
sebagai tanda memahami pertuduhan ke atasnya.
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, Azman Abdullah, memohon kepada mahkamah untuk menangguhkan kes ini
selama satu bulan setengah bagi mendapatkan laporan ujian DNA daripada Jabatan Kimia.
Majistret Khairul Anuar Wahab menetapkan 8 Mac depan sebagai tarikh sebutan semula kes ini.
Mengikut laporan akhbar, Mastura yang berasal dari Jalan Pantai Irama, Bachok, dipercayai ditikam
menggunakan senjata tajam sebanyak enam kali di bahagian tengkuk, dada dan perut sebelum dibakar.
Adnan yang dikatakan bersenjatakan golok panjang mengamuk dan cuba menghalang pasukan bomba dan
penyelamat daripada mengawal kebakaran dua buah rumah yang dibakar.
Dia yang bersembunyi selama tiga jam di dalam Sungai Pasir Hor tidak jauh dari tempat kejadian ditahan
polis pukul 3.40 pagi keesokannya.
Alcohol and crime are related in 3
important ways:
1. Alcohol intoxication may lead to
charges related to public
drunkenness or to driving offences
2. Intoxication reduces
and is strongly associated with
crimes of violence, including
3. The neuropsychiatric
complications of alcoholism may
also be linked with crime
Seberang Jaya: Seorang lelaki warga asing berusia 25 tahun maut ditikam dengan pisau oleh
rakannya di Taman Sembilang, di sini, jam 11.50 malam tadi. Dalam kejadian itu, mangsa dari
Vietnam ditikam di dada kiri oleh rakannya selepas berlaku pertengkaran antara mereka. Sumber
polis berkata, sebelum kejadian mangsa dan beberapa rakannya mabuk sebelum berlaku
pergaduhan antara mereka. Beliau berkata, mangsa ditikam rakannya di dada kiri dengan pisau
pemotong sayur sebelum disahkan meninggal dunia di Hospital Seberang Jaya (HSJ). Polis
menahan suspek yang juga rakannya dari Vietnam berusia 35 tahun dan lelaki itu mengaku
menikam mangsa
• Most offences committed by those in
the borderline to mild ranges of
learning disability
• The mentally retarded are more likely
to be caught
• They may commit offences because
they do not understand the
implications of their behavior, or they
are susceptible to exploitation by
• Association with indecent exposure
and arson
Ted Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber (University
and Airline Bomber), had an IQ of 167, and is probably the
ultimate serial killer genius. A math prodigy, he was accepted
into Harvard at just 16 and later became a mathematics
professor. In 1969, he abandon his academic career to pursue
a primitive lifestyle. To take a stand against modern
technology he mailed bombs, mostly to professors, and
between 1978 and 1995, these killed 3 and injured 23.
He would leave messages encrypted with mathematical
codes that not even the FBI could crack. He managed to
escape capture for 17 years, a feat showing genuine
intelligence. What finally did him in? When his manifesto was
released, his brother and sister-in-law recognized the writing
style and tipped off the FBI.
• Severe illness may lead to
• The depressed person is usually
acting on delusions
• Family member is usually the
victim in altruistic homicides
• The killer often commits suicide
• Sometimes associated with
KUALA LUMPUR 27 Sept. – Kakak diberi racun atau dadah sementara adiknya pula
dihentak di kepala. Itu kemungkinan yang sedang disiasat polis berhubung punca
kematian dua beradik yang ditemukan maut bersama bapa mereka di sebuah rumah di
tingkat dua Apartmen Nova, Sri Sinar Segambut, di sini semalam. Difahamkan, Cheah Kai
Sze, 3, yang dipercayai telah diberi racun atau dadah, mati seminggu sebelum mayatnya
ditemukan sementara adiknya, Cheah Kai Wen yang berusia tujuh bulan dipercayai maut
akibat kepalanya dihentak dengan benda tumpul dua hari selepas kakaknya meninggal
dunia. Bapa kedua-dua beradik itu pula, Cheah Hing Soon, 34, dipercayai mati akibat
memakan racun atau dadah pada Sabtu lalu iaitu dua hari sebelum mayatnya ditemukan
oleh isterinya.
• Offending is more common than
in depression
• Manic patients may spend
excessively, hire cars and fail to
return them, or steal cars
• May be charged with fraud or
false pretenses
• Prone to irritability and
aggression, though any resulting
violence is seldom severe
• more likely to commit non-violent as
well as violent crimes
• minor offences more likely than
serious offences
• most criminal behavior followed the
onset of schizophrenia, although
crime is frequently a result of
personality difficulties and social
• risk of homicide is moderately
increased in schizophrenia
compared to the general population
• Violence in schizophrenics may be associated
with any of:
• great fear and loss of self control associated with
non-systematized delusions
• systematized paranoid delusions of persecution
• irresistible urges
• instructions from hallucinatory voices
• unaccountable frenzy
• Risk of violence is greatest where delusions are
accompanied by strong affect, and when the
person has made efforts to try to confirm the
truth of the delusions 20
Blog video
Muhdalena kongsi delusi dengan 'Imam Mahadi' 21
PUTRAJAYA - Tiada apa yang mampu diucapkan oleh Muhdalena Ahmad selain
rasa syukur apabila Mahkamah Sesyen di sini semalam melepaskannya daripada
tuduhan mengamuk menggunakan pedang samurai di pekarangan Kompleks
Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM) di sini dua tahun lalu.
Bagaimanapun, Hakim Mohamed Kamil Nizam memerintahkan bekas penuntut
jurusan Ilmu Wahyu di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa berusia 29 tahun itu ditahan
dengan selamat di Hospital Permai, Tampoi, Johor sehingga mendapat perkenan
Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Ketika ditemui, Muhdalena yang sedang mengandung lima bulan turut mengakui
yang dia tidak pernah terfikir untuk melakukan perkara pelik apatah lagi
mengamuk menggunakan pedang samurai bersama blogger, Khalil Afendi Abdul
Hamid, 47.
"Semua itu berlaku tanpa disusuli dengan fikiran waras. Saya bersyukur dengan
keputusan itu kerana sebelum ini memang saya terpengaruh dengan Khalil Afendi
yang mendakwa sebagai Imam Mahdi," kata ibu kepada dua anak itu ketika
ditemui selepas selesai prosiding di Mahkamah Sesyen di sini semalam.
Terdahulu, Hakim Mohamed Kamil Nizam ketika membacakan keputusan kes
berkata, pihak pembelaan berjaya membuktikan tertuduh mengalami kemurungan
psikotik yang menyebabkannya tidak dapat mengetahui bahawa tindakannya itu
menyalahi undang-undang mengikut Seksyen 84 Kanun Keseksaan pada
imbangan kebarangkalian.
Katanya, di peringkat membela diri, tertuduh bukan sahaja tidak menafikan
kesemua tuduhan yang dihadapinya, malah mengaku berada di tempat kejadian
selain turut memegang senjata.
Nicholas Godejohn Gypsy Rose Blanchard
Dee Dee Blanchard
• Arson is a criminal act in which
one willfully and maliciously
sets fire to or aids in setting fire
to a structure, dwelling, or
property of another.
• The likelihood that arson
offenders have a diagnosis of
schizophrenia has been
estimated to be more than 20
times greater than that in the
general population.
Parit Buntar: “Dia pernah membakar rumah sehingga menyebabkan bahagian dapur
mengalami kerosakan selain membakar rumah penduduk berhampiran sekitar lapan tahun
lalu namun api berjaya dipadamkan,” kata keluarga terdekat lelaki berusia 37 tahun yang
dipercayai mengalami masalah mental sehingga bertindak membakar rumahnya sendiri.
Dalam kejadian 9.30 malam kelmarin itu, lelaki berkenaan membakar kediamannya di
Kampung Parit Haji Tahir, Jalan Bahru, Kuala Kurau, dekat sini sehingga terbakar 80 peratus
serta memusnahkan sebuah motosikal jenis Yamaha SS.
• Exhibitionism (a type of paraphilia) involves
the deliberate and unsolicited exposure of the
genitals to an unwilling audience. It is the
most common of all sexual offenses,
accounting for over one-third of all
convictions for sexual crimes
• The reaction of the female is often important,
and an exhibitionist may go on exposing until
he produces the desired response.
• The commonest age of the victim is at, or
around, puberty.
Voyeuristic disorder
mens rhea
Evil deed
Children below 10
McNaughten Determines whether the person
understand the nature and quality
of his actions, and if so, whether
he knows that the action was
The strictest test, and
the standard criterion in
most jurisdiction
American Law
Institute (ALI)
Model Penal
•Cognitive prong – determines
whether the person appreciate the
wrongfulness of his behavior
•Volitional prong – determines
whether the person is able to
conform his conduct to the
requirements of the law
After the Hinckley case,
most jurisdiction that
used this test dropped
the volitional prong
Durham Evaluates whether the person’s
criminal behavior is the “product”
of a mental illness
The most lenient test, it
has been abandoned in
almost all jurisdictions
Reference: High-yield psychiatry, pg:146 28
1. Every man is to be presumed to be sane and to possess a
sufficient degree of reason to be responsible for his crimes, until
the contrary be proved.
2. An insane person is punishable "if he knows" at the time of crime.
3. To establish a defense on insanity, the accused, by defect of
reason or disease of mind, is not in a position to know the nature
and consequences.
4. The insane person must be considered in the same situation as to
responsibility as if the facts with respect to which the delusion
exists were real.
5. It was the jury's role to decide whether the defendant was insane.
Everyman is to be presumed to be sane
Defect of reason because disease of mind
Not knowing nature or consequence of the act
Is as if the delusions were real
Decide whether the defendant was insane
• Charge of murder → manslaughter
• Abnormality of mind as substantially impaired his mental
responsibility for his action
• If a person has no control over an act, he
cannot be held responsible for it – the
concept is like being ‘briefly insane’
• It is a legal term, and has no connection
with epileptic automatisms
• Verdicts of not guilty have been returned
when acts of violence were judged to have
been committed as ‘sane automatisms’
•Leads to a full acquittal
•Seen to be due to an
‘external cause’
• absent-mindedness (in
association with depression)
• Automatism thought to arise from a
‘disease of the mind’ – the appropriate
defence is then insanity and the
McNaghten rules apply
• Are due to an ‘internal cause’ because
the conditions may reoccur
• Includes:
• epileptic automatism
• hypoglycaemia, hyperglycaemia
• sleep-walking
• arteriosclerosis
1. Understand the nature of
2. Understand the difference
between a plea of guilty and
not guilty
3. Instruct counsel
4. Follow evidence in
presented in court
5. Challenge jurors
• In prisons
• 1/3 of sentenced prisoners have a psychiatric disorder and 2% have a
psychosis (Gunn et al 1991)
• In hospitals
• For indeterminate length of stay or under ruler’s pleasure
• In the community
• When a non-custodial sentence is passed
Criminal Procedure Code
Detention of offenders in psychiatric hospital
Section 342
Section 344
Section 348

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Mental illness & crime 2020

  • 2. Mental illness-Crime Relationships • Crime in specific mental illnesses Criminal Responsibility Defenses for mental illness • Insanity defense & diminished responsibility Malaysian’s Law • Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) Lecture Outline
  • 3. Prisoners in England and Wales (Gunn et al. 1991) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Mental retardation Psychosis Neurosis Personality disorder Alcohol dep drug dep Psychiatric diagnosis Psychiatric diagnosis 3
  • 4. • All homicides and attempted homicides in West Germany 1955-64 • Mental disorder was associated with 5% of these • The rate of mental disorder in the community was 3- 5% • Homicidal violence ratescz = 5/10,000 • Schizophrenics were 100x more likely to commit suicide than homicide • Homicidal violence rateaffective = 6/100,000 • Affective disorders were 1000x more likely to commit suicide than homicide 4
  • 5. Mental Illness & Violence (Swanson et al. 1990) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 schizophrenia (SCZ) Substance abuse (SA) SA + SCZ Violence Violence 5 Active psychotic symptoms are associated with an increased risk of violence
  • 6. Possible Relationship Between Crime And Mental Disorder Causal Coincidence 6
  • 7. • There is an increased likelihood of other psychiatric symptoms and disorders • Homicide risk is increased 10x in someone with an antisocial personality disorder 7
  • 8. •Offences against property are associated with the need to pay for drugs •Rates of drug abuse are increased among prisoners 8
  • 9. 9 ADNAN Mat Jusoh (kanan) dibawa ke Mahkamah Majistret Kota Bharu semalam untuk dihadapkan atas tuduhan membunuh dan membakar teman wanitanya Januari lalu. Artikel penuh KOTA BHARU 23 Jan. - Seorang penganggur dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Majistret di sini hari ini atas tuduhan membunuh dan membakar teman wanitanya, pada 6 Januari lepas. Adnan Mat Jusoh, 35, dari Kampung Pasir Jelatang, Pasir Hor, Kubang Kerian, didakwa membunuh Mastura Kamarul Jamal di sebuah rumah tanpa nombor di kampung itu kira-kira pukul 11.30 malam. Dia dituduh melakukan kesalahan mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan iaitu membunuh dengan niat dan jika sabit kesalahan boleh dikenakan hukuman mati mandatori. Ketika jurubahasa mahkamah membacakan kertas pertuduhan kes, Adnan mengangguk-anggukkan kepala sebagai tanda memahami pertuduhan ke atasnya. Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, Azman Abdullah, memohon kepada mahkamah untuk menangguhkan kes ini selama satu bulan setengah bagi mendapatkan laporan ujian DNA daripada Jabatan Kimia. Majistret Khairul Anuar Wahab menetapkan 8 Mac depan sebagai tarikh sebutan semula kes ini. Mengikut laporan akhbar, Mastura yang berasal dari Jalan Pantai Irama, Bachok, dipercayai ditikam menggunakan senjata tajam sebanyak enam kali di bahagian tengkuk, dada dan perut sebelum dibakar. Adnan yang dikatakan bersenjatakan golok panjang mengamuk dan cuba menghalang pasukan bomba dan penyelamat daripada mengawal kebakaran dua buah rumah yang dibakar. Dia yang bersembunyi selama tiga jam di dalam Sungai Pasir Hor tidak jauh dari tempat kejadian ditahan polis pukul 3.40 pagi keesokannya.
  • 10. Alcohol and crime are related in 3 important ways: 1. Alcohol intoxication may lead to charges related to public drunkenness or to driving offences 2. Intoxication reduces and is strongly associated with crimes of violence, including murder 3. The neuropsychiatric complications of alcoholism may also be linked with crime 10 Seberang Jaya: Seorang lelaki warga asing berusia 25 tahun maut ditikam dengan pisau oleh rakannya di Taman Sembilang, di sini, jam 11.50 malam tadi. Dalam kejadian itu, mangsa dari Vietnam ditikam di dada kiri oleh rakannya selepas berlaku pertengkaran antara mereka. Sumber polis berkata, sebelum kejadian mangsa dan beberapa rakannya mabuk sebelum berlaku pergaduhan antara mereka. Beliau berkata, mangsa ditikam rakannya di dada kiri dengan pisau pemotong sayur sebelum disahkan meninggal dunia di Hospital Seberang Jaya (HSJ). Polis menahan suspek yang juga rakannya dari Vietnam berusia 35 tahun dan lelaki itu mengaku menikam mangsa
  • 11. • Most offences committed by those in the borderline to mild ranges of learning disability • The mentally retarded are more likely to be caught • They may commit offences because they do not understand the implications of their behavior, or they are susceptible to exploitation by others • Association with indecent exposure and arson 11
  • 12. Ted Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber (University and Airline Bomber), had an IQ of 167, and is probably the ultimate serial killer genius. A math prodigy, he was accepted into Harvard at just 16 and later became a mathematics professor. In 1969, he abandon his academic career to pursue a primitive lifestyle. To take a stand against modern technology he mailed bombs, mostly to professors, and between 1978 and 1995, these killed 3 and injured 23. He would leave messages encrypted with mathematical codes that not even the FBI could crack. He managed to escape capture for 17 years, a feat showing genuine intelligence. What finally did him in? When his manifesto was released, his brother and sister-in-law recognized the writing style and tipped off the FBI. 12
  • 13. • Severe illness may lead to homicide • The depressed person is usually acting on delusions • Family member is usually the victim in altruistic homicides • The killer often commits suicide afterwards • Sometimes associated with shoplifting 13 KUALA LUMPUR 27 Sept. – Kakak diberi racun atau dadah sementara adiknya pula dihentak di kepala. Itu kemungkinan yang sedang disiasat polis berhubung punca kematian dua beradik yang ditemukan maut bersama bapa mereka di sebuah rumah di tingkat dua Apartmen Nova, Sri Sinar Segambut, di sini semalam. Difahamkan, Cheah Kai Sze, 3, yang dipercayai telah diberi racun atau dadah, mati seminggu sebelum mayatnya ditemukan sementara adiknya, Cheah Kai Wen yang berusia tujuh bulan dipercayai maut akibat kepalanya dihentak dengan benda tumpul dua hari selepas kakaknya meninggal dunia. Bapa kedua-dua beradik itu pula, Cheah Hing Soon, 34, dipercayai mati akibat memakan racun atau dadah pada Sabtu lalu iaitu dua hari sebelum mayatnya ditemukan oleh isterinya.
  • 14. 14
  • 15. • Offending is more common than in depression • Manic patients may spend excessively, hire cars and fail to return them, or steal cars • May be charged with fraud or false pretenses • Prone to irritability and aggression, though any resulting violence is seldom severe 15
  • 17.
  • 18. • more likely to commit non-violent as well as violent crimes • minor offences more likely than serious offences • most criminal behavior followed the onset of schizophrenia, although crime is frequently a result of personality difficulties and social incompetence • risk of homicide is moderately increased in schizophrenia compared to the general population
  • 19. 19
  • 20. • Violence in schizophrenics may be associated with any of: • great fear and loss of self control associated with non-systematized delusions • systematized paranoid delusions of persecution • irresistible urges • instructions from hallucinatory voices • unaccountable frenzy • Risk of violence is greatest where delusions are accompanied by strong affect, and when the person has made efforts to try to confirm the truth of the delusions 20
  • 21. Blog video Muhdalena kongsi delusi dengan 'Imam Mahadi' 21
  • 22. PUTRAJAYA - Tiada apa yang mampu diucapkan oleh Muhdalena Ahmad selain rasa syukur apabila Mahkamah Sesyen di sini semalam melepaskannya daripada tuduhan mengamuk menggunakan pedang samurai di pekarangan Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM) di sini dua tahun lalu. Bagaimanapun, Hakim Mohamed Kamil Nizam memerintahkan bekas penuntut jurusan Ilmu Wahyu di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa berusia 29 tahun itu ditahan dengan selamat di Hospital Permai, Tampoi, Johor sehingga mendapat perkenan Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Ketika ditemui, Muhdalena yang sedang mengandung lima bulan turut mengakui yang dia tidak pernah terfikir untuk melakukan perkara pelik apatah lagi mengamuk menggunakan pedang samurai bersama blogger, Khalil Afendi Abdul Hamid, 47. "Semua itu berlaku tanpa disusuli dengan fikiran waras. Saya bersyukur dengan keputusan itu kerana sebelum ini memang saya terpengaruh dengan Khalil Afendi yang mendakwa sebagai Imam Mahdi," kata ibu kepada dua anak itu ketika ditemui selepas selesai prosiding di Mahkamah Sesyen di sini semalam. Terdahulu, Hakim Mohamed Kamil Nizam ketika membacakan keputusan kes berkata, pihak pembelaan berjaya membuktikan tertuduh mengalami kemurungan psikotik yang menyebabkannya tidak dapat mengetahui bahawa tindakannya itu menyalahi undang-undang mengikut Seksyen 84 Kanun Keseksaan pada imbangan kebarangkalian. Katanya, di peringkat membela diri, tertuduh bukan sahaja tidak menafikan kesemua tuduhan yang dihadapinya, malah mengaku berada di tempat kejadian selain turut memegang senjata.
  • 23. Nicholas Godejohn Gypsy Rose Blanchard Dee Dee Blanchard
  • 24. • Arson is a criminal act in which one willfully and maliciously sets fire to or aids in setting fire to a structure, dwelling, or property of another. • The likelihood that arson offenders have a diagnosis of schizophrenia has been estimated to be more than 20 times greater than that in the general population. Parit Buntar: “Dia pernah membakar rumah sehingga menyebabkan bahagian dapur mengalami kerosakan selain membakar rumah penduduk berhampiran sekitar lapan tahun lalu namun api berjaya dipadamkan,” kata keluarga terdekat lelaki berusia 37 tahun yang dipercayai mengalami masalah mental sehingga bertindak membakar rumahnya sendiri. Dalam kejadian 9.30 malam kelmarin itu, lelaki berkenaan membakar kediamannya di Kampung Parit Haji Tahir, Jalan Bahru, Kuala Kurau, dekat sini sehingga terbakar 80 peratus serta memusnahkan sebuah motosikal jenis Yamaha SS. Pyromania
  • 25. • Exhibitionism (a type of paraphilia) involves the deliberate and unsolicited exposure of the genitals to an unwilling audience. It is the most common of all sexual offenses, accounting for over one-third of all convictions for sexual crimes • The reaction of the female is often important, and an exhibitionist may go on exposing until he produces the desired response. • The commonest age of the victim is at, or around, puberty. Voyeuristic disorder
  • 28. McNaughten Determines whether the person understand the nature and quality of his actions, and if so, whether he knows that the action was wrong The strictest test, and the standard criterion in most jurisdiction American Law Institute (ALI) Model Penal Code •Cognitive prong – determines whether the person appreciate the wrongfulness of his behavior •Volitional prong – determines whether the person is able to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law After the Hinckley case, most jurisdiction that used this test dropped the volitional prong Durham Evaluates whether the person’s criminal behavior is the “product” of a mental illness The most lenient test, it has been abandoned in almost all jurisdictions Reference: High-yield psychiatry, pg:146 28
  • 29.
  • 30. 1. Every man is to be presumed to be sane and to possess a sufficient degree of reason to be responsible for his crimes, until the contrary be proved. 2. An insane person is punishable "if he knows" at the time of crime. 3. To establish a defense on insanity, the accused, by defect of reason or disease of mind, is not in a position to know the nature and consequences. 4. The insane person must be considered in the same situation as to responsibility as if the facts with respect to which the delusion exists were real. 5. It was the jury's role to decide whether the defendant was insane. 30
  • 31. SANE Everyman is to be presumed to be sane INSANE Defect of reason because disease of mind “TEST OF KNOWING” Not knowing nature or consequence of the act RESPONSIBILITY Is as if the delusions were real JURY’S ROLE Decide whether the defendant was insane 31
  • 32. 32
  • 33.
  • 34. • Charge of murder → manslaughter • Abnormality of mind as substantially impaired his mental responsibility for his action 34
  • 35. 35
  • 36. 36
  • 37. • If a person has no control over an act, he cannot be held responsible for it – the concept is like being ‘briefly insane’ • It is a legal term, and has no connection with epileptic automatisms • Verdicts of not guilty have been returned when acts of violence were judged to have been committed as ‘sane automatisms’ 37
  • 38. •Leads to a full acquittal •Seen to be due to an ‘external cause’ •Includes: • absent-mindedness (in association with depression) 38
  • 39. • Automatism thought to arise from a ‘disease of the mind’ – the appropriate defence is then insanity and the McNaghten rules apply • Are due to an ‘internal cause’ because the conditions may reoccur • Includes: • epileptic automatism • hypoglycaemia, hyperglycaemia • sleep-walking • arteriosclerosis 39
  • 40. 1. Understand the nature of charge 2. Understand the difference between a plea of guilty and not guilty 3. Instruct counsel 4. Follow evidence in presented in court 5. Challenge jurors 40
  • 41. • In prisons • 1/3 of sentenced prisoners have a psychiatric disorder and 2% have a psychosis (Gunn et al 1991) • In hospitals • For indeterminate length of stay or under ruler’s pleasure • In the community • When a non-custodial sentence is passed 41
  • 42. Criminal Procedure Code Detention of offenders in psychiatric hospital Section 342 Section 344 Section 348 42
  • 43. 43
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  • 45. 45