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Memory and Interpretation
Memory and Interpretation by Hsienche Liu Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation Of National Chunghua University of Education
Abstract This article mainly discusses the different categories and two different modes of interpretation. It also touches slightly on the interplay of
interpretation and memory. Short–term memory is extremely important in interpretation. This paper analyzes different kinds of memory and their
application for the interpreter's training. This paper presents three types of memories which are sensory memory, short–term memory and long–term
memory. This paper goes on discussing about the major characteristic of these three memories. Through the memory's point of view, the paper further more content...
Although an individual may only be able to remember seven random digits or letters, it may still be possible to remember more of them if they are
"chunked" or broken down into several meaningful "chunks". Consequently, the short–term span is measured in terms of items which can be enhanced
by increasing the number of items in each chunk. (Baddely 1990) 2.3 Long–Term Memory Long–term memory is memory that can last as little as 30
seconds or as long as decades. The storage capacity of long–term memory is supposed to be enormous and much more durable than that of short–term
memory. The storage of long–term memory is assumed to be mainly associative and it relates different items to one another and relates items to the
feature of the current circumstance. It takes about tens seconds– relatively long –to store a new retrievable memory trace in long–term memory (Simon
1973). The principal obstacle for retrieval form long–term memory is the lack of retrieval cues that are related by association to the desired item stored
in long–term memory. The structure and function of long–term memory are different form those of short–term memory or working memory which
apparently lasts for only around 30 seconds. Biologically, short–term memory is a transient potentiation of neural connections that can be converted
into long–term memory through the
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Historical Interpretation Essay
Historical Interpretation Essay: Luke 13:23–24
This essay will provide historical interpretations from various theologies on bible verse Luke 13:23–24. As many different theologies can provide
different interpretations, chosen for this essay will be the theological works from the Sacra Pagina Series, Anchor Bible Passages, and Commentary on
Matthew, Mark, Luke Volume 1 by John Calvin. The verse reads as: "Someone asked him, Lord, are only a few people going to be saved? He said to
them, strive to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to." (International Bible Society, 725)
The Sacra Pagina series presents a challenge to the commitment of the readers to Luke as the author of more content...
It is sought for by them, however they do not agonize for it, and therefore, they are shut out. The meaning of the passage that is more probable is that
which refers this "seeking" to a time that is determined to be "too late;" to the time when the master has arose. They neglect religion in this life, and
are involved in other things. At death, or the time of judgment, they will desire entrance; but it will be too late – the door will be shut; and because
religion is not made the primary business of their life, therefore they cannot "then" enter in.
In the Anchor Bible theology, verse 23 is considered problematic. "But it is too best explained as a question ascribed to an unnamed listener
fashioned by Luke himself to introduce the traditional material that follows." (Fitzmeyer, 1021) The question of "Lord, are only a few people going
to be saved?" (International Bible Society, 725) is a question either of curiosity or impertinence, which the answer can bring profit to no man. The
question which should be asked is, can I be saved, and if so how? Do your utmost to gain entrance through the strait and exert every power of body
and soul. Let your salvation be the
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The purpose of Text Interpretation and Analysis is a literary and linguistic commentary in which the reader explains what the text reveals under close
examination. Any literary work is unique. It is created by the author in accordance with his vision and is permeated with his idea of the world. The
reader's interpretation is also highly individual and depends to a great extent on his knowledge and personal experience. That's why one cannot lay
down a fixed "model" for a piece of critical appreciation. Nevertheless, one can give information and suggestions that may prove helpful.
The Elements of Plot
When we refer to the plot of a work of fiction, then, we are referring to the more content...
It may also introduce the characters and the conflict, or the potential for conflict. The exposition may be accomplished in a single sentence or
paragraph, or, in the case of some novels, occupy an entire chapter or more. Some plots require more exposition than others. A historical novel set in a
foreign country several centuries ago obviously needs to provide the reader with more background information than a novel with a contemporary
setting. COMPLICATION: The complication which is sometimes referred to as the rising action, breaks the existing equilibrium and introduces the
characters and underlying or inciting conflict (if they have not already been introduced by the exposition). The conflict is then developed gradually
and intensified. CRISIS: The crisis (also referred to as the climax) is that moment at which the plot reaches its point of greatest emotional intensity; it is
the turning point of the plot, directly precipitating its resolution. FALLING ACTION: Once the crisis has been reached, the tension subsides and the
plot moves toward its appointed conclusion. RESOLUTION: The final section of the plot is its resolution; it records the outcome of the conflict and
establishes some new equilibrium or stability (however tentative and momentary). The resolution is also referred to as
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Factors Affecting Interpretation Quality
Interpretation is quite specialized, especially the conference interpretation. In the early years of interpretation, people just simply believed that it is
possible for an interpreter to translate the source language into the target language soon if he is quick in thought and has excellent command of the two
languages. But in practice, people find the process of interpretation is not as simple as they expected. Only code transformation without comprehension
would lead to an obscure version which is hard to understand. Just as Danica Seleskovitch mentioned that in the process of interpreting, comprehension
of source language information should be put into a prior position while the information transmission in target language comes last. more
But owing to our special national condition, our students can not study foreign languages in an ideal bilingual environment, which leads to the
difficulty for them to improve their spoken language efficiently and directly results in the poor quality of interpretation.
Meanwhile, our interpreters could only be taken as "compound bilinguals" who cannot strike a balance between their two languages. Their mother tone
is their A language and the language learnt in school is their B language. "Since the beginning of their learning for the two languages in two cannels,
they have been equipped with two separate coding systems for semantics or other speech information and extra–speech information. The two systems
could switch into each other, but have the common surface system of sense. However, since first impressions are strongest, the surface system of their
A language is usually in a dominant position. When those interpreters receive the source language, they immediately intend to search for its
`corresponding' meaning in the target language, without consideration to whether this meaning is only a separate vocabulary meaning or one in a
certain context in reference to other speech information and extra–speech information. Under great influence of source language, those interpreters'
intellectual mechanism is usually attracted by some unfamiliar words of B language, and cannot distinguish the key words and ordinary words in
source language, because they have
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Interpretation and Report Writing
Interpretation And Report Writing
by KISHORE on FEBRUARY 8, 2010
After collecting and analyzing the data, the researcher has to accomplish the task of drawing inferences followed by report writing. This has to be
done very carefully, otherwise mi conclusions may be drawn and the whole purpose of doing research may get vitiated. It is only through interpretation
that the researcher can expose relations and processes that underlie his finding
In case of hypotheses testing studies, if hypotheses are tested and upheld several times, the researcher may arrive at generalizations. But in case the
researcher had no hypothesis to start with, he would try to explain his findings on the basis of some theory. This may at times result more
In fact, this is the technique of how generalization should be done and concepts be formulated.
2. Extraneous information, if collected during the study, must be considered while interpreting the final results of research study, for it may prove to be
a key factor in understanding the problem under consideration.
3. It is advisable, before embarking upon final interpretation, to , consult someone having insight into the study and who is frank and honest and will
not hesitate to point out omissions and errors in logical argumentation. Such a consultation will result in correct interpretation and, thus, will enhance
the utility of research results.
4. Researcher must accomplish the task of interpretation only after considering all relevant factors affecting the problem to avoid false generalization.
He must be in no hurry while interpreting results, for quite often the conclusions, which appear to be all right at the beginning, may not at all be
Precautions In Interpretation
One should always remember that even if the data are properly collected and analyzed, wrong interpretation would lead to inaccurate conclusions. It is,
therefore, absolutely essential that the task of , interpretation be accomplished with patience in an impartial manner and also in correct perspective.
Researcher must pay attention to the following points for correct interpretation:
(i) At the
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Introductory Paragraph Analysis
Introductory Paragraph
Hunger. Emptiness. Death. In the novel Night by Elie wiesel speaks about hunger as something all jews were used to, empty and deprived of nutrition
they were already dead. Hunger consumes all hope and love that people have with one another.
Body Paragraph 1
In Night, hunger devours most relationships within the vile gates of auschwitz, for example when Elie Wiesel was on the train cart he witnessed a son
kill his own father for some crust "Meir, my little Meir! Don't you recognize me... You're killing your father... I have bread... for you too..." (pg 101).
From hunger a son betrayed his own father only to fill his stomach, in the end they both died due to their desire to contain hunger. When Elie talks
about how he didn't recognize
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Dream Interpretation Essay
Dreams have been around since time began. The reason why they occur, even today, is a mystery. Debates have surrounded about whether dreams
are meaningless or important. Since early history, people have recounted their dreams believing they were secret codes or messages. (Young) In
Truman Capote's novel In Cold Blood Perry, one of the killers, dreamed that he was saved by a bird that took him to a new place described as
"paradise." (Capote 93) Though the dreams made Perry feel superior, the meaning of his dream is fascinating but still a mystery. Dream interpretation
has brought insight and knowledge to what a person's subconscious can uphold. Experts have sought to explain what dreams actually contain. Although
dream interpretation more content...
For those who don't understand how people pop up in dreams but they have never seen them before have actually seen them in a passing and their
subconscious brings them out in dreams – another fascinating thing to study about dreams. Dreams are unexplainable and that's why some are willing
to find out if what they dream about means something more than what it appears. Dreams can be used to strengthen memories, like in non–REM
dreams, or store them for comparison of old experiences with new like in REM dreams. Some believe that both types of dreams are beneficial to a
person's life. REM dreaming draws more emotions with more aggression and unknown characters while non–REM dreams more likely involve friendly
encounters with more known, familiar characters. With all this research some question whether research tarnish dreams but researchers' fight back
saying that "peering and prodding do not take away the magic." (Young)
There are others, however, who disagree that dreams are helpful for a person's mindset. Matt Walker from the University of California, Berkeley found
"sleep acting as an emotional homeostasis" to strengthen negative emotional memories during REM sleep. Along with Matt Walker, Jan Born from the
University of LГјbeck in Germany believe dreams don't have meaning and there is not much of a connection to everyday life that most researchers
claim. Born argues that dreams
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Interpreting Implied Powers
The text does not define implied and expressed powers. It only states that the Constitution includes both. After reading the information in the text
and the class study guide, I would interpret implied powers as the gray areas in which Hamilton was referring. The implied powers are the rules
that are open to different interpretations and are the ones that can be used when a new law is "necessary". Implied powers are not specific and
generally vague. Expressed powers are the concrete powers. They mean exactly what they say and little or no room for different interpretation is
allowed. An example of an expressed power is that Congress can declare war.
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Constitutional Interpretation Essay
Constitutional Interpretation
In this essay I will try to explain and critique the two dominant methods of constitutional interpretation. Which are originalism and non–originalism. I
will do this by taking help from "How to Read the Constitution" by Christopher Wolfe, and different source's from Internet. I will start by giving what
Wolfe says originalism is, and then I will give some background to other ways to interpret theconstitution, and the founders and interpretation and I will
finish up with my view on originalism and non–originalism and the critics to that.
Wolfe on Originalism
Wolfe says that originalism is a two–fold doctrine. First, it holds that the constitution is generally intelligible and with effort more content...
Certain historical considerations are essential. The words are to be understood by those for whom they were written, and therefore we must know what
those understandings where. Christopher Wolfe believes that the framers would tend to give preferences in such cases to the fair reading of the
document itself.
To summarize, the approach to constitutional interpretation employed in the early years of American government: an interpreter is to begin with the
words of the document in their ordinary popular usage and understand the in light of their context. That context includes the words of the provision of
which it is a part, but also extends to the much broader context of the document as a whole. The deeper assumption underlying these early rules of
interpretation was a fairly traditional realist epistemology: that the constitution has a fixed, determinate meaning intelligible to those who give it a fair
reading. Under modern assumption, a constitution is unavoidably made up or created by interpreters, to a greater of lesser extent, as they go along. The
framers of the constitution, on the contrary, looked at the constitution as an intelligible fixed standard that made possible a republican rule of law,
rather than of men.
Literalism – Historical
Historical literalists believe that the
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Traditional Originalism led the court as the method of constitutional interpretation until the late nineteenth century. Judges were compelled to interpret
the Constitution based on the original meaning of the provisions. The Originalism view interprets the constitution line by line exactly as the founders
would have found it. Later, during the early twentieth century, progressives in the legal community proclaimed that due to the changing social
environment as time goes on in the nation, the political system needed to be reconfigured. They thought that the political system needed increased
national government authority and a modern administrative state. They also thought that the increased national authority and modern administrative
state wouldn't work well with the traditional Originalism interpretation of the constitution. After long political battles in and out of the court, they won
the argument and the Constitution would be adapted without formally amending it. Debates were waged over whether or not the Constitution could be
changed through interpretation instead of the originalist requirement of amendment, and over whether or not the Constitution was to be viewed as
living. The notion of a "living constitution" was developed, and slowly set precedent as landmark cases made their way through the supreme court, and
the interpretation of the constitution was put to the test. Now, the Constitution is interpreted according to what it says in it's entirety, instead of line
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Constitutional Interpretation Essay
The debate on Constitutional interpretation is far from a new one. For years, the argument over how the Constitution should be read has varied, from
the strict textualist approach to the most lenient, the instrumentalist position. The Constitution has long been referred to in terms of being a living or
dead document, and its interpretation has significant ramifications on this country's legal climate. This paper will analyze and compare two different
forms of Constitutional interpretation: originalism and activism. While the intent of the Framers should certainly not be ignored in reading and
applying the Constitution's words, it is important to view the document with a certain degree of modernity. The originalist approach
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He posits that each word is the result of arduous argument between the Framers and that to take an approach that doesn't view the Constitution with the
intent of the Framers in mind is to ignore the document's meaning. Perhaps his most persuasive attack on the activist position was his argument against
the use of penumbras, a concept heavily used by the Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut. "Specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have
penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance. Various guarantees create zones of privacy. . .retained
by the people." Meese swiftly combats this idea by mocking the very nature of penumbras and their use. He writes, "Instead they have grounded their
rulings in appeals to social theories, to moral philosophies or personal notions of human dignity, or to 'penumbras,' somehow emanating ghostlike from
various provisions –identified and not identified – in the Bill of Rights." This is a logically sound point that aptly points out a major flaw of the
penumbral argument – if this interpretation doesn't come from the body of the Constitution, let alone the Framers' intent, there is no Constitutional
interpretation happening whatsoever.
Meese's argument greatly falters, however, when he admits that the Framers could not foresee all issues that would arise for judicial review. This
simple sentiment effectively invalidates the rest of his argument by admitting
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Statutory Interpretation
Statutory interpretation is process of interpreting statutes by the judges. The definition of statutes have had very specific words but indeed the judges
would still need the statutory interpretation to help them. The reason of this, even how, the words in the statutes are specific but sometimes the words
contains ambiguity and vagueness in words. On top of that, each word could give us different meaning. For example, we can find in the Oxford
Dictionary where a word would contain at least one meaning. Hence, without the statutory interpretation, a lot of judges would have trouble in deciding
their judgments in deciding a case. This essay will analyse the four rules, intrinsic aids and extrinsic aids and presumptions in the
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Instead of confining itself simply to the mischief which the statute was intended to correct, the court resolves ambiguities by reference to the statute's
overall purpose. Indeed, many modern statutes are not simply intended to correct mischiefs in the common law but have a wider social agenda. Under
the purposive approach the courts should try to give effect to this wider statutory purpose in interpreting ambiguous provisions in statutes. For the
purposive approach the example case can be Knowles v Liverpool City Council (1993). Knowles was employed by the Council and was injured at
work whilst handling a defective flagstone. He claimed damages from them under the Employers' Liability (Defective Equipment) Act 1969. The
Council claimed that they were not liable as a flagstone could not be "equipment" within the Act. The House of Lords held that it could. The purpose of
the statute was to protect employees from exposure to dangerous materials. The words "equipment" should be interpreted in this context. The Council
were therefore liable for Knowles' injuries (Paul, 2002).
To assist judges in interpreting statutes there exist various aids that they may refer to. Aids to statutory interpretation are divided into internal aids and
external aids. These are sometimes referred to as intrinsic aids and extrinsic aids to interpretation.
Intrinsic aids to interpretation are concerned, less with the overall approach to interpretation, and more with the
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Statutory Interpretation Essay
Assignment 01
The enactment of both the interim and final Constitution ushered in a new approach to statutory interpretation. In this essay I argue that the statement
made by the court in Daniels v Campbell 2003 (9) BLCR 969 (C) is true.
The interpretative approach adopted by South African courts pre–1994
Statutory interpretation pre–1994 lacked a single theoretical starting point.
There was no single methodology that was applied to interpret legislation.
Consequently the process of interpreting legislation involved a mixture of theoretical approaches that were often conflicting and inconsistent.
One of the theoretical approaches that were used pre–1994 was the text–based approach. The text–based approach accords more content...
This inevitably means that extra–textual factors are being considered before the legislative text is considered in its literal grammatical sense.
The Constitution imposes a single theoretical starting point in interpreting legislation. This was made clear by Ngcobo J in the Bato Star Fishing (Pty)
Ltd v
Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism 2004 (4) SA 490 (CC):
The Constitution is ... the starting point in interpreting any legislation. ... first, the interpretation that is placed upon a statute must, where possible, be
one that would advance at least an identifiable value enshrined in the
Bill of Rights; and, second, the statute must be capable of such interpretation... The emerging trend in statutory construction is to have regard to the
context in which the words occur, even where the words to be construed are clear and unambiguous.
Post 1994 the Constitution is the supreme law of the land consequently it makes demands on the interpretation of legislative text. The Constitution
needs to be applied in all courts in interpreting legislation to give effect the concept of the
Constitutional state. However there are still instances where courts use a hybrid
approach in interpreting legislation. For example in Shackleton Credit
Management (Pty) Ltd v Scholtz the court outlined three interpretation approaches: 1. The golden rule (the plain meaning of the text must be followed
unless it leads to an absurdity or a result not intended by the legislature);
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Interpretation of the Text
P A R T 1. A N A L Y Z I N G F I C T I O N
MODULE 1 1.1. The fictional world of a literary work Literature is writing that can be read in many ways. We can read it as a form of history,
biography, or autobiography. We can read it as an example of linguistic structures or rhetorical conventions manipulated for special effect. We can
view it as a material product of the culture that produced it. We can see it as an expression of beliefs and values of a particular class. We can also see a
work of literature as a selfcontained structure of words – as writing that calls attention to itself, to its own images and forms. Viewed in this light,
literature differs from other kinds of writing – expressive, persuasive, and expository. more content...
Yet in analyzing works of fiction it might be useful to adhere to a certain scheme, like the one given in the box below.
In studying fiction, use the following questions as a guide: What are the theme and the message? How does the title relate to them? What is the plot
structure like? What does the setting contribute to it? What central conflict drives the plot? What are other conflicts? How is the story told? What does
the particular type of narrator contribute? Which narrative modes are used? How do they relate to the plot structure elements? How does the story
reveal its main characters? What means of character drawing are used by the author? How does the language of the story contribute to the
development of the theme and character drawing? Tasks to Module 1 1. What kinds of writing are there? Give an example of each from an
authentic source. 2. How does literature differ from other kinds of writing? 3. How does the world of fiction relate to objective reality? Substantiate
your answer with examples from English fiction. 4. Give examples of an epic, a tragedy, a comedy, a novel, a short story. Are they in the genres of
prose or poetry? 5. Give definitions for creative non–fiction, satire, allegory and pastoral. Can they be called genres? In what relation do they stand to
the genres mentioned in the question above? 6.
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The Value Of Peace Of Mind Essay
There are many different interpretations of the word "need" and how it can be used in conversation. Need is a general term but can encompass
peace of mind, human companionship, feeling as if you need a material item, bare necessities, or feeling like you're in control of your health and
mind. Need can be influenced by the culture a person grew up in, how they were raised to be by their parents (or lack of), and society's view of how a
person should be. All of the definitions of the word "need" interconnect with one another to form a much broader definition. Peace of mind is a human
need, regardless of whether people deem it to be or not. The majority of people like to feel emotionally stable and can achieve this through job
security. If one is worrying over the state of how much work they have to do or whether or not they can support themselves, they tend to be unhappy.
While happiness isn't a requirement for living, most people see it as the point of their existence. Who wants to go through all of the bad in life without
the good to help them through? Another aspect of peace of mind is self – esteem. Many humans develop eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia, or
body distortion due to the negative way they think of their body. Self – esteem can additionally be impacted by a person's mindset, which can be
wrecked due to depression or other issues of the mind. Without self – esteem, people can feel as if they're unnecessary to the world going on around
them. Human
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Interpretation Of Constitution
The interpretation of the constitution was very different between the first secretary of treasury and the first secretary of state. The first secretary of
treasury was Alexander Hamilton. He supported a loose construction of the constitution. Then the first secretary of state was Thomas Jefferson. He
insisted on a strict construction of the constitution. The two men had very different ideas of how the constitution was to be interpreted, but they also
had some similarities. They both wanted the best for our new nation. Hamilton believed that "the best people" should run the country. The best people
included the educated, wealthy, public–spirited men from the federalist party. John Jay bluntly, a federalist said that" Those who own the country,
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Data Analysis and Interpretation
The objective of this chapter is to describe the procedures used in the analysis of the data and present the main findings. It also presents the different
tests performed to help choose the appropriate model for the study. The chapter concludes by providing thorough statistical interpretation of the
The research data was analyzed using a statistical software called STATA. Before running the data for the regression analysis, panel unit
–root test was
performed to see if data is stationary over time so that it can be used in estimating the variables in question. The value of the variables in the model
throughout the research period is not constant; that means, there are some periods where there are spikes. These periods of ups and downs in value of
economic variables are called shock in economic jargon. The notion behind testing for stationarity is to identify whether the effect of such shocks is
permanent or transitory. If the effect of such shocks is temporary, the subsequent values of the variables will return to their long term equilibrium
suggesting that the data is stable even with the presence of shocks.
4.1. Presentation and Interpretation of research findings
Table 4.1 presents the panel unit–root test results. There are two groups of hypotheses that are involved here. In the first four methods, the null
hypothesis is: there is panel unit–root and the alternative hypothesis is: there is no panel unit–root and the decision
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My Interpretation of Art Essay
The definition of art, according to Webster's Dictionary, is human creativity. This definition does not take into consideration our desires to analyze,
understand, and accept or reject what we see in front of us. The phrase, "art is in the eye of the beholder", is a true statement, because everyone has
an opinion on what they consider art. In my opinion, art does not need to be understood or accepted to be considered art. Art needs to invoke an
emotional response, be translatable to our lives, be expressive of a period in time, and be bold. In order to clearly understand my interpretation of art,
I decided to compare various creative works.
Jill Greenberg, a photographer, created a series of work called End Times that captures images more content...
Jackson Pollack, a renowned American painter, does not represent what I consider art. The abstract expressionist movement as a whole does little to
stir any emotion but confusion. Pollack once said, "Abstract painting is abstract. It confronts you". (Famous People and Pop Culture) I do agree
that his work is abstract but it is not confrontational. Take into consideration his work Echo, an artwork of black splatter on white canvas. The
splatter of paint does not transform itself into any meaning or purpose; it just sits waiting for completion. When I stare at Pollack's work, I am
expecting it to transform like one of those puzzle pictures seen in a mall. Is it a boat? Is it a cat? If I stare at it long enough it may actually represent
something tangible. Pollack may have expressed the non– conformist attitude of the time, but he does it without stirring my inner desires to feel
connected. I don't consider this type of art bold, or even controversial, it is just an expression of someone's unconscious. As intricate as his process is
to achieve, the results are juvenile at best. I reiterate that I don't think we have to understand or accept art to have it be considered art, but it should
make us feel something.
Ernie Barnes, an African–American artist, I believe is representative of my definition of art. Barnes is probably most famous for his 1971 "Sugar
Shack" painting that appeared on the television show Good Times. Barnes paintings are an interpretation of
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Interpretation Of Interpretation
In this week, our focus mostly drew on the interpretation of our sources, finding evidence to interoperate, and make up our strong thesis. According to
Writing Analytically, the first thing we should pay our attention is that we are supposed to concentrate on what the thing itself communicates as
opposed to what someone might have wanted it to communicate, which means that it is not bad thing to interoperate author's intension, however, we
should mainly focus on the subject itself. Also, we should avoid both the Fortune Cookie school of interpretation and the " Anything goes" school of
interpretation while unfold coherence on our source. The Fortune Cookie is that produces an interpretation containing a single, write answer. In contrast, more content...
Secondly, explain how the details you have focused on in the evidence lead your working thesis. Thirdly, locate evidence that is not adequately
accounted for by the working thesis and pursue the implications of that evidence by repeatedly asking "so what?" Explain how and why these pieces
of evidence complicate the working thesis. Fourthly, use your analysis of the complicating evidence to reformulate the thesis. Sharing with reader
your reasons for moving from your initial claim to this reformulation. Fifthly, test the adequacy of the evolved this by repeating steps two, three, and
four until you are satisfied that the thesis statement accounts for your evidence as fully and accurately as possible. The best test of a thesis is to see
how much of the relevant evidence it can reasonably account for. Finally, rewrite the draft into a more coherent and fuller analysis of evidence, while
retaining for readers the "thesis trail"–the various steps that you went through along the way to formulating the thesis you ultimately choose. I would
definitely say that these 6 steps helped me a lot to track with my thesis statement.
In this week, we kept our focus on how to make our thesis statement complex and compelling, and also we paid lots of attention on secondary source
At this time, we were require to keep on track of our papers. Which means we drew a clear conclusion on what we can change and what we should
remain constant at this time. Obviously,
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Memory And Interpretation

  • 1. Memory and Interpretation Memory and Interpretation by Hsienche Liu Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation Of National Chunghua University of Education Abstract This article mainly discusses the different categories and two different modes of interpretation. It also touches slightly on the interplay of interpretation and memory. Short–term memory is extremely important in interpretation. This paper analyzes different kinds of memory and their application for the interpreter's training. This paper presents three types of memories which are sensory memory, short–term memory and long–term memory. This paper goes on discussing about the major characteristic of these three memories. Through the memory's point of view, the paper further more content... Although an individual may only be able to remember seven random digits or letters, it may still be possible to remember more of them if they are "chunked" or broken down into several meaningful "chunks". Consequently, the short–term span is measured in terms of items which can be enhanced by increasing the number of items in each chunk. (Baddely 1990) 2.3 Long–Term Memory Long–term memory is memory that can last as little as 30 seconds or as long as decades. The storage capacity of long–term memory is supposed to be enormous and much more durable than that of short–term memory. The storage of long–term memory is assumed to be mainly associative and it relates different items to one another and relates items to the feature of the current circumstance. It takes about tens seconds– relatively long –to store a new retrievable memory trace in long–term memory (Simon 1973). The principal obstacle for retrieval form long–term memory is the lack of retrieval cues that are related by association to the desired item stored in long–term memory. The structure and function of long–term memory are different form those of short–term memory or working memory which apparently lasts for only around 30 seconds. Biologically, short–term memory is a transient potentiation of neural connections that can be converted into long–term memory through the Get more content on
  • 2. Historical Interpretation Essay Historical Interpretation Essay: Luke 13:23–24 This essay will provide historical interpretations from various theologies on bible verse Luke 13:23–24. As many different theologies can provide different interpretations, chosen for this essay will be the theological works from the Sacra Pagina Series, Anchor Bible Passages, and Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke Volume 1 by John Calvin. The verse reads as: "Someone asked him, Lord, are only a few people going to be saved? He said to them, strive to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to." (International Bible Society, 725) The Sacra Pagina series presents a challenge to the commitment of the readers to Luke as the author of more content... It is sought for by them, however they do not agonize for it, and therefore, they are shut out. The meaning of the passage that is more probable is that which refers this "seeking" to a time that is determined to be "too late;" to the time when the master has arose. They neglect religion in this life, and are involved in other things. At death, or the time of judgment, they will desire entrance; but it will be too late – the door will be shut; and because religion is not made the primary business of their life, therefore they cannot "then" enter in. In the Anchor Bible theology, verse 23 is considered problematic. "But it is too best explained as a question ascribed to an unnamed listener fashioned by Luke himself to introduce the traditional material that follows." (Fitzmeyer, 1021) The question of "Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?" (International Bible Society, 725) is a question either of curiosity or impertinence, which the answer can bring profit to no man. The question which should be asked is, can I be saved, and if so how? Do your utmost to gain entrance through the strait and exert every power of body and soul. Let your salvation be the Get more content on
  • 3. ANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS The purpose of Text Interpretation and Analysis is a literary and linguistic commentary in which the reader explains what the text reveals under close examination. Any literary work is unique. It is created by the author in accordance with his vision and is permeated with his idea of the world. The reader's interpretation is also highly individual and depends to a great extent on his knowledge and personal experience. That's why one cannot lay down a fixed "model" for a piece of critical appreciation. Nevertheless, one can give information and suggestions that may prove helpful. PLOT The Elements of Plot When we refer to the plot of a work of fiction, then, we are referring to the more content... It may also introduce the characters and the conflict, or the potential for conflict. The exposition may be accomplished in a single sentence or paragraph, or, in the case of some novels, occupy an entire chapter or more. Some plots require more exposition than others. A historical novel set in a foreign country several centuries ago obviously needs to provide the reader with more background information than a novel with a contemporary setting. COMPLICATION: The complication which is sometimes referred to as the rising action, breaks the existing equilibrium and introduces the characters and underlying or inciting conflict (if they have not already been introduced by the exposition). The conflict is then developed gradually and intensified. CRISIS: The crisis (also referred to as the climax) is that moment at which the plot reaches its point of greatest emotional intensity; it is the turning point of the plot, directly precipitating its resolution. FALLING ACTION: Once the crisis has been reached, the tension subsides and the plot moves toward its appointed conclusion. RESOLUTION: The final section of the plot is its resolution; it records the outcome of the conflict and establishes some new equilibrium or stability (however tentative and momentary). The resolution is also referred to as Get more content on
  • 4. Factors Affecting Interpretation Quality Interpretation is quite specialized, especially the conference interpretation. In the early years of interpretation, people just simply believed that it is possible for an interpreter to translate the source language into the target language soon if he is quick in thought and has excellent command of the two languages. But in practice, people find the process of interpretation is not as simple as they expected. Only code transformation without comprehension would lead to an obscure version which is hard to understand. Just as Danica Seleskovitch mentioned that in the process of interpreting, comprehension of source language information should be put into a prior position while the information transmission in target language comes last. more content... But owing to our special national condition, our students can not study foreign languages in an ideal bilingual environment, which leads to the difficulty for them to improve their spoken language efficiently and directly results in the poor quality of interpretation. Meanwhile, our interpreters could only be taken as "compound bilinguals" who cannot strike a balance between their two languages. Their mother tone is their A language and the language learnt in school is their B language. "Since the beginning of their learning for the two languages in two cannels, they have been equipped with two separate coding systems for semantics or other speech information and extra–speech information. The two systems could switch into each other, but have the common surface system of sense. However, since first impressions are strongest, the surface system of their A language is usually in a dominant position. When those interpreters receive the source language, they immediately intend to search for its `corresponding' meaning in the target language, without consideration to whether this meaning is only a separate vocabulary meaning or one in a certain context in reference to other speech information and extra–speech information. Under great influence of source language, those interpreters' intellectual mechanism is usually attracted by some unfamiliar words of B language, and cannot distinguish the key words and ordinary words in source language, because they have Get more content on
  • 5. Interpretation and Report Writing Interpretation And Report Writing by KISHORE on FEBRUARY 8, 2010 After collecting and analyzing the data, the researcher has to accomplish the task of drawing inferences followed by report writing. This has to be done very carefully, otherwise mi conclusions may be drawn and the whole purpose of doing research may get vitiated. It is only through interpretation that the researcher can expose relations and processes that underlie his finding In case of hypotheses testing studies, if hypotheses are tested and upheld several times, the researcher may arrive at generalizations. But in case the researcher had no hypothesis to start with, he would try to explain his findings on the basis of some theory. This may at times result more content... In fact, this is the technique of how generalization should be done and concepts be formulated. 2. Extraneous information, if collected during the study, must be considered while interpreting the final results of research study, for it may prove to be a key factor in understanding the problem under consideration. 3. It is advisable, before embarking upon final interpretation, to , consult someone having insight into the study and who is frank and honest and will not hesitate to point out omissions and errors in logical argumentation. Such a consultation will result in correct interpretation and, thus, will enhance the utility of research results. 4. Researcher must accomplish the task of interpretation only after considering all relevant factors affecting the problem to avoid false generalization. He must be in no hurry while interpreting results, for quite often the conclusions, which appear to be all right at the beginning, may not at all be accurate. Precautions In Interpretation One should always remember that even if the data are properly collected and analyzed, wrong interpretation would lead to inaccurate conclusions. It is, therefore, absolutely essential that the task of , interpretation be accomplished with patience in an impartial manner and also in correct perspective. Researcher must pay attention to the following points for correct interpretation: (i) At the
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  • 7. Introductory Paragraph Analysis Introductory Paragraph Hunger. Emptiness. Death. In the novel Night by Elie wiesel speaks about hunger as something all jews were used to, empty and deprived of nutrition they were already dead. Hunger consumes all hope and love that people have with one another. Body Paragraph 1 In Night, hunger devours most relationships within the vile gates of auschwitz, for example when Elie Wiesel was on the train cart he witnessed a son kill his own father for some crust "Meir, my little Meir! Don't you recognize me... You're killing your father... I have bread... for you too..." (pg 101). From hunger a son betrayed his own father only to fill his stomach, in the end they both died due to their desire to contain hunger. When Elie talks about how he didn't recognize Get more content on
  • 8. Dream Interpretation Essay Dreams have been around since time began. The reason why they occur, even today, is a mystery. Debates have surrounded about whether dreams are meaningless or important. Since early history, people have recounted their dreams believing they were secret codes or messages. (Young) In Truman Capote's novel In Cold Blood Perry, one of the killers, dreamed that he was saved by a bird that took him to a new place described as "paradise." (Capote 93) Though the dreams made Perry feel superior, the meaning of his dream is fascinating but still a mystery. Dream interpretation has brought insight and knowledge to what a person's subconscious can uphold. Experts have sought to explain what dreams actually contain. Although dream interpretation more content... For those who don't understand how people pop up in dreams but they have never seen them before have actually seen them in a passing and their subconscious brings them out in dreams – another fascinating thing to study about dreams. Dreams are unexplainable and that's why some are willing to find out if what they dream about means something more than what it appears. Dreams can be used to strengthen memories, like in non–REM dreams, or store them for comparison of old experiences with new like in REM dreams. Some believe that both types of dreams are beneficial to a person's life. REM dreaming draws more emotions with more aggression and unknown characters while non–REM dreams more likely involve friendly encounters with more known, familiar characters. With all this research some question whether research tarnish dreams but researchers' fight back saying that "peering and prodding do not take away the magic." (Young) There are others, however, who disagree that dreams are helpful for a person's mindset. Matt Walker from the University of California, Berkeley found "sleep acting as an emotional homeostasis" to strengthen negative emotional memories during REM sleep. Along with Matt Walker, Jan Born from the University of LГјbeck in Germany believe dreams don't have meaning and there is not much of a connection to everyday life that most researchers claim. Born argues that dreams Get more content on
  • 9. Interpreting Implied Powers The text does not define implied and expressed powers. It only states that the Constitution includes both. After reading the information in the text and the class study guide, I would interpret implied powers as the gray areas in which Hamilton was referring. The implied powers are the rules that are open to different interpretations and are the ones that can be used when a new law is "necessary". Implied powers are not specific and generally vague. Expressed powers are the concrete powers. They mean exactly what they say and little or no room for different interpretation is allowed. An example of an expressed power is that Congress can declare war. Get more content on
  • 10. Constitutional Interpretation Essay Constitutional Interpretation In this essay I will try to explain and critique the two dominant methods of constitutional interpretation. Which are originalism and non–originalism. I will do this by taking help from "How to Read the Constitution" by Christopher Wolfe, and different source's from Internet. I will start by giving what Wolfe says originalism is, and then I will give some background to other ways to interpret theconstitution, and the founders and interpretation and I will finish up with my view on originalism and non–originalism and the critics to that. Wolfe on Originalism Wolfe says that originalism is a two–fold doctrine. First, it holds that the constitution is generally intelligible and with effort more content... Certain historical considerations are essential. The words are to be understood by those for whom they were written, and therefore we must know what those understandings where. Christopher Wolfe believes that the framers would tend to give preferences in such cases to the fair reading of the document itself. To summarize, the approach to constitutional interpretation employed in the early years of American government: an interpreter is to begin with the words of the document in their ordinary popular usage and understand the in light of their context. That context includes the words of the provision of which it is a part, but also extends to the much broader context of the document as a whole. The deeper assumption underlying these early rules of interpretation was a fairly traditional realist epistemology: that the constitution has a fixed, determinate meaning intelligible to those who give it a fair reading. Under modern assumption, a constitution is unavoidably made up or created by interpreters, to a greater of lesser extent, as they go along. The framers of the constitution, on the contrary, looked at the constitution as an intelligible fixed standard that made possible a republican rule of law, rather than of men. Literalism – Historical Historical literalists believe that the
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  • 12. Traditional Originalism led the court as the method of constitutional interpretation until the late nineteenth century. Judges were compelled to interpret the Constitution based on the original meaning of the provisions. The Originalism view interprets the constitution line by line exactly as the founders would have found it. Later, during the early twentieth century, progressives in the legal community proclaimed that due to the changing social environment as time goes on in the nation, the political system needed to be reconfigured. They thought that the political system needed increased national government authority and a modern administrative state. They also thought that the increased national authority and modern administrative state wouldn't work well with the traditional Originalism interpretation of the constitution. After long political battles in and out of the court, they won the argument and the Constitution would be adapted without formally amending it. Debates were waged over whether or not the Constitution could be changed through interpretation instead of the originalist requirement of amendment, and over whether or not the Constitution was to be viewed as living. The notion of a "living constitution" was developed, and slowly set precedent as landmark cases made their way through the supreme court, and the interpretation of the constitution was put to the test. Now, the Constitution is interpreted according to what it says in it's entirety, instead of line Get more content on
  • 13. Constitutional Interpretation Essay The debate on Constitutional interpretation is far from a new one. For years, the argument over how the Constitution should be read has varied, from the strict textualist approach to the most lenient, the instrumentalist position. The Constitution has long been referred to in terms of being a living or dead document, and its interpretation has significant ramifications on this country's legal climate. This paper will analyze and compare two different forms of Constitutional interpretation: originalism and activism. While the intent of the Framers should certainly not be ignored in reading and applying the Constitution's words, it is important to view the document with a certain degree of modernity. The originalist approach more content... He posits that each word is the result of arduous argument between the Framers and that to take an approach that doesn't view the Constitution with the intent of the Framers in mind is to ignore the document's meaning. Perhaps his most persuasive attack on the activist position was his argument against the use of penumbras, a concept heavily used by the Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut. "Specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance. Various guarantees create zones of privacy. . .retained by the people." Meese swiftly combats this idea by mocking the very nature of penumbras and their use. He writes, "Instead they have grounded their rulings in appeals to social theories, to moral philosophies or personal notions of human dignity, or to 'penumbras,' somehow emanating ghostlike from various provisions –identified and not identified – in the Bill of Rights." This is a logically sound point that aptly points out a major flaw of the penumbral argument – if this interpretation doesn't come from the body of the Constitution, let alone the Framers' intent, there is no Constitutional interpretation happening whatsoever. Meese's argument greatly falters, however, when he admits that the Framers could not foresee all issues that would arise for judicial review. This simple sentiment effectively invalidates the rest of his argument by admitting Get more content on
  • 14. Statutory Interpretation Statutory interpretation is process of interpreting statutes by the judges. The definition of statutes have had very specific words but indeed the judges would still need the statutory interpretation to help them. The reason of this, even how, the words in the statutes are specific but sometimes the words contains ambiguity and vagueness in words. On top of that, each word could give us different meaning. For example, we can find in the Oxford Dictionary where a word would contain at least one meaning. Hence, without the statutory interpretation, a lot of judges would have trouble in deciding their judgments in deciding a case. This essay will analyse the four rules, intrinsic aids and extrinsic aids and presumptions in the more content... Instead of confining itself simply to the mischief which the statute was intended to correct, the court resolves ambiguities by reference to the statute's overall purpose. Indeed, many modern statutes are not simply intended to correct mischiefs in the common law but have a wider social agenda. Under the purposive approach the courts should try to give effect to this wider statutory purpose in interpreting ambiguous provisions in statutes. For the purposive approach the example case can be Knowles v Liverpool City Council (1993). Knowles was employed by the Council and was injured at work whilst handling a defective flagstone. He claimed damages from them under the Employers' Liability (Defective Equipment) Act 1969. The Council claimed that they were not liable as a flagstone could not be "equipment" within the Act. The House of Lords held that it could. The purpose of the statute was to protect employees from exposure to dangerous materials. The words "equipment" should be interpreted in this context. The Council were therefore liable for Knowles' injuries (Paul, 2002). To assist judges in interpreting statutes there exist various aids that they may refer to. Aids to statutory interpretation are divided into internal aids and external aids. These are sometimes referred to as intrinsic aids and extrinsic aids to interpretation. Intrinsic aids to interpretation are concerned, less with the overall approach to interpretation, and more with the Get more content on
  • 15. Statutory Interpretation Essay Assignment 01 Introduction The enactment of both the interim and final Constitution ushered in a new approach to statutory interpretation. In this essay I argue that the statement made by the court in Daniels v Campbell 2003 (9) BLCR 969 (C) is true. The interpretative approach adopted by South African courts pre–1994 Statutory interpretation pre–1994 lacked a single theoretical starting point. There was no single methodology that was applied to interpret legislation. Consequently the process of interpreting legislation involved a mixture of theoretical approaches that were often conflicting and inconsistent. One of the theoretical approaches that were used pre–1994 was the text–based approach. The text–based approach accords more content... This inevitably means that extra–textual factors are being considered before the legislative text is considered in its literal grammatical sense. The Constitution imposes a single theoretical starting point in interpreting legislation. This was made clear by Ngcobo J in the Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism 2004 (4) SA 490 (CC): The Constitution is ... the starting point in interpreting any legislation. ... first, the interpretation that is placed upon a statute must, where possible, be one that would advance at least an identifiable value enshrined in the Bill of Rights; and, second, the statute must be capable of such interpretation... The emerging trend in statutory construction is to have regard to the context in which the words occur, even where the words to be construed are clear and unambiguous. Post 1994 the Constitution is the supreme law of the land consequently it makes demands on the interpretation of legislative text. The Constitution needs to be applied in all courts in interpreting legislation to give effect the concept of the Constitutional state. However there are still instances where courts use a hybrid approach in interpreting legislation. For example in Shackleton Credit Management (Pty) Ltd v Scholtz the court outlined three interpretation approaches: 1. The golden rule (the plain meaning of the text must be followed unless it leads to an absurdity or a result not intended by the legislature); 2.
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  • 17. Interpretation of the Text P A R T 1. A N A L Y Z I N G F I C T I O N MODULE 1 1.1. The fictional world of a literary work Literature is writing that can be read in many ways. We can read it as a form of history, biography, or autobiography. We can read it as an example of linguistic structures or rhetorical conventions manipulated for special effect. We can view it as a material product of the culture that produced it. We can see it as an expression of beliefs and values of a particular class. We can also see a work of literature as a selfcontained structure of words – as writing that calls attention to itself, to its own images and forms. Viewed in this light, literature differs from other kinds of writing – expressive, persuasive, and expository. more content... Yet in analyzing works of fiction it might be useful to adhere to a certain scheme, like the one given in the box below. In studying fiction, use the following questions as a guide: What are the theme and the message? How does the title relate to them? What is the plot structure like? What does the setting contribute to it? What central conflict drives the plot? What are other conflicts? How is the story told? What does the particular type of narrator contribute? Which narrative modes are used? How do they relate to the plot structure elements? How does the story reveal its main characters? What means of character drawing are used by the author? How does the language of the story contribute to the development of the theme and character drawing? Tasks to Module 1 1. What kinds of writing are there? Give an example of each from an authentic source. 2. How does literature differ from other kinds of writing? 3. How does the world of fiction relate to objective reality? Substantiate your answer with examples from English fiction. 4. Give examples of an epic, a tragedy, a comedy, a novel, a short story. Are they in the genres of prose or poetry? 5. Give definitions for creative non–fiction, satire, allegory and pastoral. Can they be called genres? In what relation do they stand to the genres mentioned in the question above? 6. Get more content on
  • 18. The Value Of Peace Of Mind Essay There are many different interpretations of the word "need" and how it can be used in conversation. Need is a general term but can encompass peace of mind, human companionship, feeling as if you need a material item, bare necessities, or feeling like you're in control of your health and mind. Need can be influenced by the culture a person grew up in, how they were raised to be by their parents (or lack of), and society's view of how a person should be. All of the definitions of the word "need" interconnect with one another to form a much broader definition. Peace of mind is a human need, regardless of whether people deem it to be or not. The majority of people like to feel emotionally stable and can achieve this through job security. If one is worrying over the state of how much work they have to do or whether or not they can support themselves, they tend to be unhappy. While happiness isn't a requirement for living, most people see it as the point of their existence. Who wants to go through all of the bad in life without the good to help them through? Another aspect of peace of mind is self – esteem. Many humans develop eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia, or body distortion due to the negative way they think of their body. Self – esteem can additionally be impacted by a person's mindset, which can be wrecked due to depression or other issues of the mind. Without self – esteem, people can feel as if they're unnecessary to the world going on around them. Human Get more content on
  • 19. Interpretation Of Constitution The interpretation of the constitution was very different between the first secretary of treasury and the first secretary of state. The first secretary of treasury was Alexander Hamilton. He supported a loose construction of the constitution. Then the first secretary of state was Thomas Jefferson. He insisted on a strict construction of the constitution. The two men had very different ideas of how the constitution was to be interpreted, but they also had some similarities. They both wanted the best for our new nation. Hamilton believed that "the best people" should run the country. The best people included the educated, wealthy, public–spirited men from the federalist party. John Jay bluntly, a federalist said that" Those who own the country, Get more content on
  • 20. Data Analysis and Interpretation The objective of this chapter is to describe the procedures used in the analysis of the data and present the main findings. It also presents the different tests performed to help choose the appropriate model for the study. The chapter concludes by providing thorough statistical interpretation of the findings. The research data was analyzed using a statistical software called STATA. Before running the data for the regression analysis, panel unit –root test was performed to see if data is stationary over time so that it can be used in estimating the variables in question. The value of the variables in the model throughout the research period is not constant; that means, there are some periods where there are spikes. These periods of ups and downs in value of economic variables are called shock in economic jargon. The notion behind testing for stationarity is to identify whether the effect of such shocks is permanent or transitory. If the effect of such shocks is temporary, the subsequent values of the variables will return to their long term equilibrium suggesting that the data is stable even with the presence of shocks. 4.1. Presentation and Interpretation of research findings Table 4.1 presents the panel unit–root test results. There are two groups of hypotheses that are involved here. In the first four methods, the null hypothesis is: there is panel unit–root and the alternative hypothesis is: there is no panel unit–root and the decision Get more content on
  • 21. My Interpretation of Art Essay The definition of art, according to Webster's Dictionary, is human creativity. This definition does not take into consideration our desires to analyze, understand, and accept or reject what we see in front of us. The phrase, "art is in the eye of the beholder", is a true statement, because everyone has an opinion on what they consider art. In my opinion, art does not need to be understood or accepted to be considered art. Art needs to invoke an emotional response, be translatable to our lives, be expressive of a period in time, and be bold. In order to clearly understand my interpretation of art, I decided to compare various creative works. Jill Greenberg, a photographer, created a series of work called End Times that captures images more content... Jackson Pollack, a renowned American painter, does not represent what I consider art. The abstract expressionist movement as a whole does little to stir any emotion but confusion. Pollack once said, "Abstract painting is abstract. It confronts you". (Famous People and Pop Culture) I do agree that his work is abstract but it is not confrontational. Take into consideration his work Echo, an artwork of black splatter on white canvas. The splatter of paint does not transform itself into any meaning or purpose; it just sits waiting for completion. When I stare at Pollack's work, I am expecting it to transform like one of those puzzle pictures seen in a mall. Is it a boat? Is it a cat? If I stare at it long enough it may actually represent something tangible. Pollack may have expressed the non– conformist attitude of the time, but he does it without stirring my inner desires to feel connected. I don't consider this type of art bold, or even controversial, it is just an expression of someone's unconscious. As intricate as his process is to achieve, the results are juvenile at best. I reiterate that I don't think we have to understand or accept art to have it be considered art, but it should make us feel something. Ernie Barnes, an African–American artist, I believe is representative of my definition of art. Barnes is probably most famous for his 1971 "Sugar Shack" painting that appeared on the television show Good Times. Barnes paintings are an interpretation of Get more content on
  • 22. Interpretation Of Interpretation In this week, our focus mostly drew on the interpretation of our sources, finding evidence to interoperate, and make up our strong thesis. According to Writing Analytically, the first thing we should pay our attention is that we are supposed to concentrate on what the thing itself communicates as opposed to what someone might have wanted it to communicate, which means that it is not bad thing to interoperate author's intension, however, we should mainly focus on the subject itself. Also, we should avoid both the Fortune Cookie school of interpretation and the " Anything goes" school of interpretation while unfold coherence on our source. The Fortune Cookie is that produces an interpretation containing a single, write answer. In contrast, more content... Secondly, explain how the details you have focused on in the evidence lead your working thesis. Thirdly, locate evidence that is not adequately accounted for by the working thesis and pursue the implications of that evidence by repeatedly asking "so what?" Explain how and why these pieces of evidence complicate the working thesis. Fourthly, use your analysis of the complicating evidence to reformulate the thesis. Sharing with reader your reasons for moving from your initial claim to this reformulation. Fifthly, test the adequacy of the evolved this by repeating steps two, three, and four until you are satisfied that the thesis statement accounts for your evidence as fully and accurately as possible. The best test of a thesis is to see how much of the relevant evidence it can reasonably account for. Finally, rewrite the draft into a more coherent and fuller analysis of evidence, while retaining for readers the "thesis trail"–the various steps that you went through along the way to formulating the thesis you ultimately choose. I would definitely say that these 6 steps helped me a lot to track with my thesis statement. In this week, we kept our focus on how to make our thesis statement complex and compelling, and also we paid lots of attention on secondary source integration. At this time, we were require to keep on track of our papers. Which means we drew a clear conclusion on what we can change and what we should remain constant at this time. Obviously, Get more content on