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Essay About Ice Hockey
Ice hockey is a very fun and active sport a lots of people enjoy it because they can be a little rough. You can push people over and just rough house.
In the olympics they decided to put ice hockey because they thought it was really interesting sport and they also put it in like 1875. They really like ice
hockey because you can spice up things and have fun if you know how to use skates.
The point of the game is to indicate a position in side the opposition blue line along the edges of the rings. Two teams of skates use their sticks to
shoot a rubber puck into the opponent to make a point. The team gets points of they hit the puck into the net. Well they are scored by getting the
puck in to the net from the opposite team. They are calculated by how many times the puck gets into the net. What ever team has the most points at
the end will win the game. A game is 60 min long which is broken up into 20 min of playing time. In both men and women ice hockey they have a
record. the record for the men is a slam shot. The fastest slam shot was from Denis Kulyash. It was 110.3 mph it was the fastest tell Bernie Geoffrey
bet his shot. In the women's records are the fastest score shot in Olympic more content...
They use ice skates so they can move more efficiently and quicker when they are on the ice . They will wear all this stuff to make sure that they
will not get hurt if they get hit. Playing ice hockey is a really big caution to play. Lots of people get hurt by playing ice hockey. And some people
would get hit by the puck. And also people get high sticking which is a foul. And if someone high sticks it they could hit someone in the face the
shins or the stomach. All of the padding is for their own good so they will not get hurt or cause damage to others or
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Essay History Of Hockey
For more than a century, hockey historians have found that precisely tracing the sports origin is not only a difficult task but, a virtual impossibility.
Therefore I can only try to deduce for myself, from the records, claims, and accounts, which are available to me, when, where, and by whom the first
ice hockey was played. I'll also discuss the early problems and obstacles that the NHL encountered. Plus I will also tell a little bit about early
equipment, along with early game play and ice conditions that players encountered. Lastly, the Stanley Cup, which is the most prized and oldest sports
award of the NHL. It has been won many times, by many different teams. Ice hockey is traceable to games played on fields as far back as nearly 2500 more content...
(Dolan page 21–26) Field hockey was played in 1870 in England, as well as Egypt and India. Although the rules for field hockey play a major role in
the early evolution of ice hockey in Canada. But most students of the game doubt that field hockey was the forerunner of ice hockey, for the reason
that both sports started around the same time. Despite its overwhelming popularity as primarily a woman's sport in North America, field hockey didn't
arrive in America until 1901, (when Miss Constance Applebee of England arrived at Harvard summer school and organized a game with the group of
students and teachers. (Dolan page 29–31) The English played a game called Bandy, which is a hockey–like game, who have been playing it as far
back as the late 18th century and it is still played today in Russia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and the United States (Minnesota). Many of the stars
of the early Soviet hockey teams had been Bandy players. It is played on a large sheet of ice with short sticks, a ball and large goals. The Dutch, long
known for their ice skating ability, have played the game Kolven since the 1600's. It is played with a golf–like stick, a ball, and posts stuck in the ice for
goals. Evidence of this game can be seen it in 17th century Dutch paintings. Emigrants from Holland who settled in New York City played the game in
their new locale. Another hockey–like game played on both sides of the Atlantic was shinny. It was played on the frozen pans of North
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Descriptive Essay About Hockey
As I walk into the rink for hockey practice I often think about where it all began. I push open the doors to the lobby, walk down the steps, and get
the chills as i feel that familiar cool rink air against my face. Just before walking into the locker room I'll take a quick glance over at the freshly
resurfaced sheet of ice. Knowing in the back of my head but not always thinking about how much time i've actually spent here my whole life.
Quickly reminiscing all the years of hard work and determination i've put into this single sport, and how much i've grown on and off the ice. As i go
into the locker room, the same locker room i've always walked into after every glorious win and heartbreaking loss, i can faintly hear the sound of
laughter and the bass of the music in the background, sometimes almost nervous as to what i'm about to walk in to. I'm greeted by my teammates,
already getting dressed for the upcoming practice, with big smiles on their faces. Almost immediately feeling the intense vibe of the locker room, my
heart rate increases just thinking about getting on the ice. More times than most I find myself rushing to get ready due to the fact that i get too caught
up in talking with teammates. Sometimes i sit and get dressed in silence because i have too much on my mind. But by the time i get on the ice all of
the millions of thoughts that are running through my mind throughout the day just fade away. To me that's the most important part, being able to
escape reality
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Descriptive Essay On Hockey
My hand grasped the cold metal handle and swung open the big wooden door. A gust of warm air immediately coaxed my face as I took a step into
the building. I walked down a narrow hallway, passing the concessions and the locker rooms, and made my way toward the arena. I walked through
a final set of doors and just like that, I was there. I heard the players blades carving up the ice, the coaches preparing for battle, and the glorious sound
of our student section. As I walked towards my screaming classmates, I felt disappointed that I wasn't playing in the game that night. I had played
hockey all my life and always dreamt of playing in the state playoffs. Unfortunately, I got cut from the team my junior year, so I was watching the
game more content...
I was bouncing with excitement as the opening face off drew closer and closer. My eyes lit up in excitement as I sang The Star Spangled Banner
with my fellow brothers. I was ready to be a game changer off of the ice. I was so excited to be in a student section that would finally be doing
hockey related cheers. However, when the seniors began leading cheers, it was very evident that they did not have the same vision as myself. They
repeated the same generic cheers that we used for all sporting events. Although we cheered loudly, the cheers were dull and were not improving the
morale of the team. A few minutes into the game, the opposing team scored, and the atmosphere needed to be resurrected. I attempted to teach the
senior leaders some basic hockey cheers. Unfortunately, they were not grasping the cheers very quickly, and every time they attempted to execute one;
it failed. All of the seniors realized that there was only one way to teach the students the cheers and boost the team morale. The seniors huddled
together, and when they broke, they invited me down to the front
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Essay on Ice Hockey
Ice Hockey
I. History
Around 1820 the sport started to catch on among the visitors to the frozen lakes. People had played field hockey and another game in Europe for
years, but this new version of the old sport required that it's players put on skates. Using metal blades that could be strapped to their boots, the players
would cut branches from trees to use as sticks; for pucks they would use round pieces of cork or wooden balls. In the 1870s, each team was made up of
nine players skating at the same time, and body checking was not permitted. There were no substitutions, so players were expected to play the entire 60
minutes of the game.
By 1880, the game had begun to grow into the game we know today; teams more content...
Play begins with a face–off, when the referee drops the puck between the opposing centers. Unlike most sports, player substitutions occur during
play. A goal is scored when the puck is driven into the opponent's goal. A player who scores three goals in one game is said to have scored a hat trick.
Games are divided into three 20–minute periods, and, if the score is tied, they proceed into an overtime period that varies under different sets of rules.
Penalties are assessed for various infractions, and the offending player is sent to a penalty box for two minutes for a minor infraction and five minutes
for a major one. Teams may not substitute for their penalized players during the penalty, except during a misconduct penalty, which usually requires a
player to spend ten minutes in the penalty box. No team can be at more than a two–player disadvantage at a time, and a team with a one– or two–player
advantage is said to have the power play.
III. Playing Area
Ice hockey is played on an oval ice rink about 200 ft (about 61 m) long and about 85 ft (about 25.5 m) wide and enclosed by a board wall about 4 ft
(about 1.2 m) high. Two goals, each 4 ft high and 6 ft (1.8 m) wide, are centered on goal lines at each end of the rink, not more than 15 ft (4 m) from
the end wall. Two blue lines divide the playing area into three equal–sized zones: the
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Hockey Research Paper
This research paper is going to discuss facts about hockey and rules of hockey and the history of hockey.
NHL Hockey and Olympic hockey are very different due to each league having their own style of play. In Olympic hockey Fighting is frowned
upon, those who fight receive a penalty match, and will be ejected from the game. In the NHL fighting, is what most fans come to watch fighting
allowed and after the fight is over all players involved in the scuffle will be penalized and put into the penalty box? The penalty box is where players
have to sit after a fight and other behavior infractions for a certain amount of time.
Tied games in the Olympics is followed by ten minutes of sudden death, in the NHL, the game stays in the extra more content...
All of the rosters of the twelve teams have at least one NHL player on its roster. However, the NHL is thinking about not letting its players play in the
Olympics because it cuts into the season, and there is a risk of getting there star players injured.
When Team USA beat the Soviet in 1980 it was important for the US hockey world because that team was seeded seventh entering the game
against the Soviet Union. During the 1980 Olympic run the average was 22 and all the players were that year were both amateur and college
players and the Soviet's team was mainly professional and experienced players. This win gave coach Herb Brooks a place in history because he did
something no other USA coach has done for the last twenty years and that is beat Russia, and he was named sportsman of the year in 1990.
In the Olympics for Hockey, they take the helmet and protecting the face rule very serious. During warm–ups, it has been required that all players wear
helmets. If a player is not wearing his helmet correctly during the game, the game will be stopped and the player is penalized. The NHL is a little bit
easier on players, it's not required like in the Olympics where players have to wear a helmet during pre–game and if your helmet comes off in the
during NHL play the game continues.
Works Cited
There are no sources in the current document.
Dave Lozo. "Medal Predictions for Men's Ice Hockey at the 2014
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Descriptive Essay About Hockey
Ever since the age of three, hockey has been a huge part of my life. Everyone in my family played hockey and to this day, it is still my favorite
sport. I have always viewed the sport of hockey as just a game; however, through the lessons learned in Anthropology 101, I thought it would be
interesting to use my new anthropological mindset and tools to view and analyze the game like I never have before. On Friday November 3rd, I
decided to go and watch my brothers adult league hockey game, not as a supporter, but as an anthropologist. The game was on a cold November night
at 10:00 pm located in Everett, Washington, at the "Xfinity Community Rink". The rink was very modern however it had little seating for the
spectators. One team was the first to come out for warmups. Each player wore a different style jersey with the dominate color being some shade of
green. The team had twenty–one players; all of which were Caucasian adult males. Using reasonable judgment, eighteen of the players were between
the ages of twenty to thirty–five years old, and the other three were much older; somewhere between the ages of fifty to seventy years old. One of the
older men in particular wore camo hockey shorts and had a prosthetic arm barely covered by his jersey and glove.
About two minutes after the first team stormed the ice, the other team, one player after the other, in random time increments, stumbled onto the ice.
This team wore bright pink jerseys and socks with a purple pony on the
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Hockey Essay
Hockey is a fast, exciting sport played by two teams on a sheet of ice called a rink. Each team has six players on the ice, one goalie, two
defensemen, two wingers, and one center man. The players skate up and down the ice shooting or passing a hard rubber disk called a puck with
sticks. They score points by hitting the puck into the net. Hockey is much faster and swifter than any other sport. As the players streak across the ice,
their powerful shots and passes can send the puck faster than 100 miles [160 kilometers] per hour. A goalkeeper on each team defends his net from the
puck going in. They must often make quick slides across the on their skates, stomachs, knees or backs to stop the puck from going into the net. A puck more content...
Skating is the most important hockey skill. Players must be able to turn sharply, skate backwards and perform many other maneuvers while
skating at top speed. They must be able to do this with their head up and while stick handling the puck. Passing occurs when a player who has the
puck passes it to another player. In most cases the players use their sticks to propel the puck toward the receiver. These passes are either flat passes
or flip passes. To make a flat pass the player sends the puck traveling along the surface of the ice. To make a flip pass the player causes it to rise off
the ice to avoid interception by an opponent. Sometimes the passer simply leaves the puck behind, so that a teammate can get it, this is called a
drop pass. Stick handling is the use of the stick to control the puck. The player first moves the puck with one side of the blade and then with the
other side while skating. The player makes some sweeps of the stick some wide and some narrow. In this way the player keeps the opponent
guessing as to the next move and also makes it difficult to steal the puck. Shooting is the skill needed to drive the puck into the net and score goals.
Most shots are either wrist shots or slap shots. In a wrist shot the blade does not leave the ice. The player uses strong wrist action to propel the puck.
For a slap shot the player raises the stick for a back swing and
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How To Write A Hockey Essay
Why did I come here? I was shaking when I looked at the ice cold floor but I wasn't excited. Finally I took my first step onto it and I slipped. So one of
the guys who worked there gave me a mini hockey goal thing to hold onto and skate with. I still slipped. I remember we had to rent a bunch of
gear so we could skate. I was so nervous to step into the rink I tried to hide from my parents. My cousins told me it was easy I didn't believe them.
It felt like walking for the first time again. I felt like a sloth slowly sliding with a hockey goal. My dad immediately got the hang of it. My sister was
slipping but she was doing really good. My younger sister wasn't old enough yet and had to sit with my mom. About 30 minutes later I let go of the
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How To Play Hockey Essay
While many Northern Ontario boys and girls begin their 'hockey careers' before entering pre–school, I expressed no interest in learning the
fundamentals of ice–skating, let alone hockey, until the age of seven years, for the most part late by Canadian standards. Several of my classmates
played the game and after overhearing the perpetual rave about the game of hockey, I determined it was time for me to pursue this sport. After all, if
this game could provide so much enjoyment to them, why not me. Participating in house league hockey was the apparent choice for my rudimentary
hockey skills. The camaraderie, trust and friendship attained with spending so much time together was a special experience, something so new to me.
Functioning together
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Hockey Research Paper
What would you say if I told you that hockey was no longer Canada's national sport? Although it seems that it is on a professional level, where the
game and Canada has progressed to become bigger, faster and stronger than ever, this could not be less true compared to the game we all grew up
loving. Yes, thegame that many grew up on, playing minor hockey and developing lifelong friendships through countless hours on the ice has become
less popular in recent years due to many reasons, one major one being cost. Through the alarming costs of equipment and minor hockey that are needed
to play organized hockey, it is looking like Hockey is not so much Canada's national sport, but rather one played mostly by the rich.
In Sportsnets "Game On" which addresses the main issues more content...
Number ONE on this list was affordability. Not willingness to play, not safety concerns, but affordability is the biggest barrier to entry. This is an
extremely alarming stat because hockey has never been about who can pay the costs, but rather if you want to play the sport, then you are able to
play. The direction it's trending towards is more about who can pay, and not so much about everyone being able to play. Just as the GTHL
president John Gardner said "The game has changed in this respect: It used to be that you had a right to play, now it's can you afford to pay"
(Mirtle, 2014). The alarming stats don't stop there. The average household pays $1500 per season, just for equipment. The average cost for a
player(non goalie) is $750 per season, once again just for equipment. Not only are these costs extremely high but they increase when a player plays
goalie, with just the goalie pads ranging anywhere from a few hundred dollars to $1300 for top of the line pads. Comparing these costs to other
sports, it's easy to see why some parents are opting for their kids to play other sports rather than hockey. For basketball, the cost for equipment is a
measly $325 per
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College Essay On Ice Hockey
As a University of Delaware student, I will feel most comfortable with the academics and the ice hockey rink. My high school is very rigorous
academically. There have been many nights where I have had a lot of homework and studying to do. Although I found it challenging, I am very
organized and have become accustomed to a heavy academic workload. Therefore, I think my high school has prepared me well and I will be ready to
meet the challenges at University of Delaware. When I am not hitting the books, I will be trying to hit the ice as much as I can. I have played ice hockey
since I was ten years old. I love everything about the sport and have spent many hours on the ice. I had the opportunity to play in a tournament at the
University of Delaware a few years ago. Although I won't be playing Division 1 hockey, I look forward to continue skating perhaps with club or
intramural level hockey.
I think I will find living in the dormitory and more content...
I go to an all–boys high school that has a reputation both for its academics and athletics; therefore, it attracts many strong athletes. The first day of
tryouts I couldn't believe how many people were there. Although I thought I had some talent, there were a lot of talented players and I did not
make the team. I was very disappointed. One of the reasons I chose my high school was because I hoped to play on their hockey team. Because I
did not make my schools team, I could enter the player pool of the High School Hockey League of Nassau County. I was very fortunate to be
picked up by a new team. I didn't know anyone on the team, but I decided to make the best of it. I have had four great years of high school and travel
hockey, and have made many great and lasting friendships. If I had a similar experience in college, I would try something new. I look forward to all the
new opportunities both academically and socially that University of Delaware can
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My Experience At The Hockey Team Essay
Ever sense I was a young girl I've been really into physical activities. At the age of five I started skating and instantly fell in–love. At the age of six my
dad enrolled me into hockey, and from that point on my life has never been the same. I've had numerous opportunities in sports such as: winning gold
and silver for U18 Team Canada hockey, and getting a scholarship to Wisconsin University to play on the women's hockey team. Although these
moments are surreal, it is not only the moments that I remember but the mentors and teachers that I have been fortunate to meet along the way. These
coaches have not only taught me the game but have also taught me life values such as: teamwork, leadership, discipline, time management and much
more. Without hockey, and sports in general I don't know where I would be today, but I do know one thing and that is without sports I wouldn't have
met all the amazing people that helped guided me towards wanting to become a physical education teacher. Sports have always been a huge part of
my life, and I am blessed to have sports guide me through life. Thus, I want to become a teacher to help kids have the same opportunities that I had
growing up.
In grade eleven I signed up for a cooperative education experience at my high school school, Glebe Collegiate Institute. The program allows for career
exploration with supervised work experiences in the community. For my cooperative education experience I decided to work at the fitness facility in the
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How To Start A Hockey Essay
The TAS sport I have chosen is hockey because I enjoy playing the sport and playing with friends. Some of the other reasons why I chose hockey
are in the fitness test results in which I received good results. I have also played club and school for two years. In the fitness tests I did well in the
main components needed for hockey which are endurance, agility and power. These components are ideal because you need to run for long periods
of time without a break, (endurance), you have to manoeuvre around people quickly, while keeping the ball in your possession, (agility), and you
have to hit the ball hard and far, (power). My fitness test results overall explain why I have been good at different sports in the past. In previous years
I have
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Ice Hockey Essay
Ice Hockey
This report is going to be on the game Ice hockey. A game of hockey is divided into three twenty minute time periods that are called periods. Between
each period there is a fifth teen minute intermission. In hockey there are several ways a game may end if there is a tie at the end of regulation. The
pros use one twenty sudden death period in which the first to score is the winner. In the amateurs they use a shoot out in which five players from each
team are selected and allowed to go one on one with the opposing goalie and which ever team scores the most goals after all five members for both
teams have taken their shot they are the winners. If there is a tie after this it keeps repeating until a winner is more content...
A defensemen's shift will often be slightly longer then that of a winger or a center.
There are three different types of penalties in hockey a minor, a major, and a noncontact penalties. Non contact penalties occur when a player hit's
the puck from his zone past the red goal line in the other teams zone and a member from his team does not touch it, however the goalie for the
opposing team can wave it off and keep the puck in play, this is called icing. Another non contact penalty is when a teammate passes the puck to
another teammate and it goes over a blue and red line without being touched before crossing both lines this called a two line pass. The last of the
non contact penalties is off sides and this when an opposing team is going into their defenders zone and they pass the blue line before the puck
does (the puck has to be the first thing to pass the blue line going into the zone). A minor penalty is assessed when an excessive amount of body or
equipment is used to impede the speed or shot of an opponent. The player must then sit in the penalty box for two minutes of play and his team must
play a man down (power play). If the opposing team scores during this time the man then can leave the box. A major penalty is given when most often
for fighting or a severely violent act, and results in five minutes in the penalty box and return to play. This can also result in a game misconduct in
which the player may not return to the game, but
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Hockey : The Impact Of Hockey In My Life
Hockey has defined my personality and made me into the person that I am today. It is a very demanding sport, however, I can't imagine my life
without it. With my family's rich history in hockey, it was my destiny to become a hockey player. Ever since I started playing hockey 11 years ago I
have loved it. Hockey has made major impacts on my life both positively and negatively; these effects in the community, with family, and at school
have molded me into the person I am today.
My family has a very rich history in the sport of hockey; Two of my great uncles won gold medals in 1960 and I had a cousin that was on the 1980
"Miracle on Ice" team. My grandfather started Christian Hockey Sticks, at one point they were the largest hockey stick brand in the world. All of my
first cousins played hockey in high school so as I grew up I was bred to become a hockey player.
One negative side to hockey regarding family is the commitment that hockey requires. Sadly, it has made me miss out on many family excursions.
Every Thanksgiving my family goes out to Colorado and I haven't been able to go since 8th grade. I have also missed Christmas with all of the Fink
family for the past several years due to new year's tournaments. There is also a "guys only" trip to Colorado every February and I haven't been able to
go on that since 10th grade and the only reason I got to go was that I faked being sick so Coach Larson wouldn't find out where I was! For a lot of
people, these trips would be
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Reflection Paper On Hockey
It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child and I can say that my village is the ice hockey community. Hockey in the United States is
relatively small when compared to the other team sports, but it is a tight knit community. Having played hockey since I was seven years old, I
have spent more time in ice rinks, hotels, and traveling to tournaments than just about anywhere else and the lessons I have learned along the way
have shaped me into the person I am today. I learned to play hockey at a free program that was hosted by the Dallas Stars. Professional players, that
make millions of dollars a year, volunteered their spare time to share their passion for hockey and taught us kids how to skate and the
fundamentals of the game. Keeping with the spirit of the volunteerism I learned from the players that helped me, I donate as much time as I can,
helping people discover the love of hockey, from young children, individuals with disabilities and even adults. Ironically, I was selected to help
coach in this same Dallas Stars program and there is nothing more rewarding than seeing the smiles on a little kids face they lace up their skates and
hit the ice for the first time. Hockey is a grind, even for young players. It is a long season, spanning from August to March. Practices can be early in
the morning, before school or late in the evening. Tournaments were on all of the major holidays, so traveling over Thanksgiving, Christmas and New
Year was the norm. This is
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Hockey Research Essay
What is lacrosse? That is a question a lot of people are still wondering, but a question that a lot more people are figuring out. Lacrosse has been
around forever, but it is just now starting to get big. It would be a stretch to say that nobody really likes lacrosse, however it is more the case that
not many people really know much about the sport. Lacrosse is one of the the largest growing sports in Ohio, and the more people learn about the
sport, the faster the sport grows. Lacrosse is growing more and more each day. According to the article The Rapid Rise of Lacrosse in theUnited States
by, nearly three quarters of a million people played Lacrosse in the past season. It was also mentioned that the sport grew by about 47%
just in the last season. more content...
Each game is played differently depending on the opponent. It requires a lot of hand–eye coordination, and also a lot of athleticism. With that being
said, it is one of the hardest sports to pick up. Referring to what was said earlier, there are quite a few new teams in Ohio. Often you see the new
teams playing some of the older, more experienced team, so you see a lot more passing by the better team to kind of "stall" the clock. On the other
hand, in the event you see two newer teams playing, the game is played much differently. The game is played a lot more sloppy, you will see a lot
more turnovers and not as many goals. In the game of lacrosse you will never see two different teams play the exact same way. One team may want
to play more defense and get quick goals to keep the game more up–tempo. However you may also see a team want to slow the game down on offense
to avoid playing defense, to slow the game down and not play as much defense. Although the game of lacrosse still has the same basic goal, no matter
the opponent, every team has different strategies for how they will control the
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Hockey: Hockey As A Team Game On Hockey
Hockey is a game of stick and ball with origins going back to thousands of years. It is conventionally played on grass, but more frequently it is played
on man–made surfaces. Two teams play using hooked sticks to push, hit, pass and dribble a small, hard ball with single aim in mind i.e. to notch a
goal by receiving the ball past the goalkeeper. Hockey is a team game played on a very large surface of field or ice or may be on street. With the
Hockey stick in hand, players clash to strike the puck past the goalie into the opposite teams' goal net. Every team has somewhere from 12 to 30
plus players with at least one labeled goalie. Players are chosen as either defensive or offensive players. Every team has three forwards on the field or
ice, a center, right wing and left wing, has two defensive players and a goalie. That is without a team is shorthanded due to a penalty.
Structure of the Game
Normally there are three, 20 minute periods in a normal hockey game. If the more content...
The supplementary 10 players are called field players, and are categorized into three namely attackers, midfielders and defenders.
Stick handling
Hockey players need be able to pass, push, control, stop and hit the ball with the given hockey stick. This is well–known as stick work or stick
handling. Keeping the ball below close control is termed dribbling. The head of a hockey stick has a curved side i.e. the right side and a flat side i.e.
the left side. It is one with the flat, left–hand side of the stick and the boundaries of that side which can be used to hit the ball.
No feet
Field players are not permitted to use their feet or any of the body parts to track the ball. Just the goalkeeper is permitted to make use hands, feet, etc.
to halt or push the ball away from the net when guarding in his or her own circle.
Ball in the
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Essay About Ice Hockey

  • 1. Essay About Ice Hockey Ice hockey is a very fun and active sport a lots of people enjoy it because they can be a little rough. You can push people over and just rough house. In the olympics they decided to put ice hockey because they thought it was really interesting sport and they also put it in like 1875. They really like ice hockey because you can spice up things and have fun if you know how to use skates. The point of the game is to indicate a position in side the opposition blue line along the edges of the rings. Two teams of skates use their sticks to shoot a rubber puck into the opponent to make a point. The team gets points of they hit the puck into the net. Well they are scored by getting the puck in to the net from the opposite team. They are calculated by how many times the puck gets into the net. What ever team has the most points at the end will win the game. A game is 60 min long which is broken up into 20 min of playing time. In both men and women ice hockey they have a record. the record for the men is a slam shot. The fastest slam shot was from Denis Kulyash. It was 110.3 mph it was the fastest tell Bernie Geoffrey bet his shot. In the women's records are the fastest score shot in Olympic more content... They use ice skates so they can move more efficiently and quicker when they are on the ice . They will wear all this stuff to make sure that they will not get hurt if they get hit. Playing ice hockey is a really big caution to play. Lots of people get hurt by playing ice hockey. And some people would get hit by the puck. And also people get high sticking which is a foul. And if someone high sticks it they could hit someone in the face the shins or the stomach. All of the padding is for their own good so they will not get hurt or cause damage to others or Get more content on
  • 2. Essay History Of Hockey For more than a century, hockey historians have found that precisely tracing the sports origin is not only a difficult task but, a virtual impossibility. Therefore I can only try to deduce for myself, from the records, claims, and accounts, which are available to me, when, where, and by whom the first ice hockey was played. I'll also discuss the early problems and obstacles that the NHL encountered. Plus I will also tell a little bit about early equipment, along with early game play and ice conditions that players encountered. Lastly, the Stanley Cup, which is the most prized and oldest sports award of the NHL. It has been won many times, by many different teams. Ice hockey is traceable to games played on fields as far back as nearly 2500 more content... (Dolan page 21–26) Field hockey was played in 1870 in England, as well as Egypt and India. Although the rules for field hockey play a major role in the early evolution of ice hockey in Canada. But most students of the game doubt that field hockey was the forerunner of ice hockey, for the reason that both sports started around the same time. Despite its overwhelming popularity as primarily a woman's sport in North America, field hockey didn't arrive in America until 1901, (when Miss Constance Applebee of England arrived at Harvard summer school and organized a game with the group of students and teachers. (Dolan page 29–31) The English played a game called Bandy, which is a hockey–like game, who have been playing it as far back as the late 18th century and it is still played today in Russia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and the United States (Minnesota). Many of the stars of the early Soviet hockey teams had been Bandy players. It is played on a large sheet of ice with short sticks, a ball and large goals. The Dutch, long known for their ice skating ability, have played the game Kolven since the 1600's. It is played with a golf–like stick, a ball, and posts stuck in the ice for goals. Evidence of this game can be seen it in 17th century Dutch paintings. Emigrants from Holland who settled in New York City played the game in their new locale. Another hockey–like game played on both sides of the Atlantic was shinny. It was played on the frozen pans of North Get more content on
  • 3. Descriptive Essay About Hockey As I walk into the rink for hockey practice I often think about where it all began. I push open the doors to the lobby, walk down the steps, and get the chills as i feel that familiar cool rink air against my face. Just before walking into the locker room I'll take a quick glance over at the freshly resurfaced sheet of ice. Knowing in the back of my head but not always thinking about how much time i've actually spent here my whole life. Quickly reminiscing all the years of hard work and determination i've put into this single sport, and how much i've grown on and off the ice. As i go into the locker room, the same locker room i've always walked into after every glorious win and heartbreaking loss, i can faintly hear the sound of laughter and the bass of the music in the background, sometimes almost nervous as to what i'm about to walk in to. I'm greeted by my teammates, already getting dressed for the upcoming practice, with big smiles on their faces. Almost immediately feeling the intense vibe of the locker room, my heart rate increases just thinking about getting on the ice. More times than most I find myself rushing to get ready due to the fact that i get too caught up in talking with teammates. Sometimes i sit and get dressed in silence because i have too much on my mind. But by the time i get on the ice all of the millions of thoughts that are running through my mind throughout the day just fade away. To me that's the most important part, being able to escape reality Get more content on
  • 4. Descriptive Essay On Hockey My hand grasped the cold metal handle and swung open the big wooden door. A gust of warm air immediately coaxed my face as I took a step into the building. I walked down a narrow hallway, passing the concessions and the locker rooms, and made my way toward the arena. I walked through a final set of doors and just like that, I was there. I heard the players blades carving up the ice, the coaches preparing for battle, and the glorious sound of our student section. As I walked towards my screaming classmates, I felt disappointed that I wasn't playing in the game that night. I had played hockey all my life and always dreamt of playing in the state playoffs. Unfortunately, I got cut from the team my junior year, so I was watching the game more content... I was bouncing with excitement as the opening face off drew closer and closer. My eyes lit up in excitement as I sang The Star Spangled Banner with my fellow brothers. I was ready to be a game changer off of the ice. I was so excited to be in a student section that would finally be doing hockey related cheers. However, when the seniors began leading cheers, it was very evident that they did not have the same vision as myself. They repeated the same generic cheers that we used for all sporting events. Although we cheered loudly, the cheers were dull and were not improving the morale of the team. A few minutes into the game, the opposing team scored, and the atmosphere needed to be resurrected. I attempted to teach the senior leaders some basic hockey cheers. Unfortunately, they were not grasping the cheers very quickly, and every time they attempted to execute one; it failed. All of the seniors realized that there was only one way to teach the students the cheers and boost the team morale. The seniors huddled together, and when they broke, they invited me down to the front Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Ice Hockey Ice Hockey I. History Around 1820 the sport started to catch on among the visitors to the frozen lakes. People had played field hockey and another game in Europe for years, but this new version of the old sport required that it's players put on skates. Using metal blades that could be strapped to their boots, the players would cut branches from trees to use as sticks; for pucks they would use round pieces of cork or wooden balls. In the 1870s, each team was made up of nine players skating at the same time, and body checking was not permitted. There were no substitutions, so players were expected to play the entire 60 minutes of the game. By 1880, the game had begun to grow into the game we know today; teams more content... Play begins with a face–off, when the referee drops the puck between the opposing centers. Unlike most sports, player substitutions occur during play. A goal is scored when the puck is driven into the opponent's goal. A player who scores three goals in one game is said to have scored a hat trick. Games are divided into three 20–minute periods, and, if the score is tied, they proceed into an overtime period that varies under different sets of rules. Penalties are assessed for various infractions, and the offending player is sent to a penalty box for two minutes for a minor infraction and five minutes for a major one. Teams may not substitute for their penalized players during the penalty, except during a misconduct penalty, which usually requires a player to spend ten minutes in the penalty box. No team can be at more than a two–player disadvantage at a time, and a team with a one– or two–player advantage is said to have the power play. III. Playing Area Ice hockey is played on an oval ice rink about 200 ft (about 61 m) long and about 85 ft (about 25.5 m) wide and enclosed by a board wall about 4 ft (about 1.2 m) high. Two goals, each 4 ft high and 6 ft (1.8 m) wide, are centered on goal lines at each end of the rink, not more than 15 ft (4 m) from the end wall. Two blue lines divide the playing area into three equal–sized zones: the
  • 6. Get more content on
  • 7. Hockey Research Paper This research paper is going to discuss facts about hockey and rules of hockey and the history of hockey. NHL Hockey and Olympic hockey are very different due to each league having their own style of play. In Olympic hockey Fighting is frowned upon, those who fight receive a penalty match, and will be ejected from the game. In the NHL fighting, is what most fans come to watch fighting allowed and after the fight is over all players involved in the scuffle will be penalized and put into the penalty box? The penalty box is where players have to sit after a fight and other behavior infractions for a certain amount of time. Tied games in the Olympics is followed by ten minutes of sudden death, in the NHL, the game stays in the extra more content... All of the rosters of the twelve teams have at least one NHL player on its roster. However, the NHL is thinking about not letting its players play in the Olympics because it cuts into the season, and there is a risk of getting there star players injured. When Team USA beat the Soviet in 1980 it was important for the US hockey world because that team was seeded seventh entering the game against the Soviet Union. During the 1980 Olympic run the average was 22 and all the players were that year were both amateur and college players and the Soviet's team was mainly professional and experienced players. This win gave coach Herb Brooks a place in history because he did something no other USA coach has done for the last twenty years and that is beat Russia, and he was named sportsman of the year in 1990. In the Olympics for Hockey, they take the helmet and protecting the face rule very serious. During warm–ups, it has been required that all players wear helmets. If a player is not wearing his helmet correctly during the game, the game will be stopped and the player is penalized. The NHL is a little bit easier on players, it's not required like in the Olympics where players have to wear a helmet during pre–game and if your helmet comes off in the during NHL play the game continues. Works Cited There are no sources in the current document. Dave Lozo. "Medal Predictions for Men's Ice Hockey at the 2014 Get more content on
  • 8. Descriptive Essay About Hockey Ever since the age of three, hockey has been a huge part of my life. Everyone in my family played hockey and to this day, it is still my favorite sport. I have always viewed the sport of hockey as just a game; however, through the lessons learned in Anthropology 101, I thought it would be interesting to use my new anthropological mindset and tools to view and analyze the game like I never have before. On Friday November 3rd, I decided to go and watch my brothers adult league hockey game, not as a supporter, but as an anthropologist. The game was on a cold November night at 10:00 pm located in Everett, Washington, at the "Xfinity Community Rink". The rink was very modern however it had little seating for the spectators. One team was the first to come out for warmups. Each player wore a different style jersey with the dominate color being some shade of green. The team had twenty–one players; all of which were Caucasian adult males. Using reasonable judgment, eighteen of the players were between the ages of twenty to thirty–five years old, and the other three were much older; somewhere between the ages of fifty to seventy years old. One of the older men in particular wore camo hockey shorts and had a prosthetic arm barely covered by his jersey and glove. About two minutes after the first team stormed the ice, the other team, one player after the other, in random time increments, stumbled onto the ice. This team wore bright pink jerseys and socks with a purple pony on the Get more content on
  • 9. Hockey Essay Hockey is a fast, exciting sport played by two teams on a sheet of ice called a rink. Each team has six players on the ice, one goalie, two defensemen, two wingers, and one center man. The players skate up and down the ice shooting or passing a hard rubber disk called a puck with sticks. They score points by hitting the puck into the net. Hockey is much faster and swifter than any other sport. As the players streak across the ice, their powerful shots and passes can send the puck faster than 100 miles [160 kilometers] per hour. A goalkeeper on each team defends his net from the puck going in. They must often make quick slides across the on their skates, stomachs, knees or backs to stop the puck from going into the net. A puck more content... Skating is the most important hockey skill. Players must be able to turn sharply, skate backwards and perform many other maneuvers while skating at top speed. They must be able to do this with their head up and while stick handling the puck. Passing occurs when a player who has the puck passes it to another player. In most cases the players use their sticks to propel the puck toward the receiver. These passes are either flat passes or flip passes. To make a flat pass the player sends the puck traveling along the surface of the ice. To make a flip pass the player causes it to rise off the ice to avoid interception by an opponent. Sometimes the passer simply leaves the puck behind, so that a teammate can get it, this is called a drop pass. Stick handling is the use of the stick to control the puck. The player first moves the puck with one side of the blade and then with the other side while skating. The player makes some sweeps of the stick some wide and some narrow. In this way the player keeps the opponent guessing as to the next move and also makes it difficult to steal the puck. Shooting is the skill needed to drive the puck into the net and score goals. Most shots are either wrist shots or slap shots. In a wrist shot the blade does not leave the ice. The player uses strong wrist action to propel the puck. For a slap shot the player raises the stick for a back swing and Get more content on
  • 10. How To Write A Hockey Essay Why did I come here? I was shaking when I looked at the ice cold floor but I wasn't excited. Finally I took my first step onto it and I slipped. So one of the guys who worked there gave me a mini hockey goal thing to hold onto and skate with. I still slipped. I remember we had to rent a bunch of gear so we could skate. I was so nervous to step into the rink I tried to hide from my parents. My cousins told me it was easy I didn't believe them. It felt like walking for the first time again. I felt like a sloth slowly sliding with a hockey goal. My dad immediately got the hang of it. My sister was slipping but she was doing really good. My younger sister wasn't old enough yet and had to sit with my mom. About 30 minutes later I let go of the thing Get more content on
  • 11. How To Play Hockey Essay While many Northern Ontario boys and girls begin their 'hockey careers' before entering pre–school, I expressed no interest in learning the fundamentals of ice–skating, let alone hockey, until the age of seven years, for the most part late by Canadian standards. Several of my classmates played the game and after overhearing the perpetual rave about the game of hockey, I determined it was time for me to pursue this sport. After all, if this game could provide so much enjoyment to them, why not me. Participating in house league hockey was the apparent choice for my rudimentary hockey skills. The camaraderie, trust and friendship attained with spending so much time together was a special experience, something so new to me. Functioning together Get more content on
  • 12. Hockey Research Paper What would you say if I told you that hockey was no longer Canada's national sport? Although it seems that it is on a professional level, where the game and Canada has progressed to become bigger, faster and stronger than ever, this could not be less true compared to the game we all grew up loving. Yes, thegame that many grew up on, playing minor hockey and developing lifelong friendships through countless hours on the ice has become less popular in recent years due to many reasons, one major one being cost. Through the alarming costs of equipment and minor hockey that are needed to play organized hockey, it is looking like Hockey is not so much Canada's national sport, but rather one played mostly by the rich. In Sportsnets "Game On" which addresses the main issues more content... Number ONE on this list was affordability. Not willingness to play, not safety concerns, but affordability is the biggest barrier to entry. This is an extremely alarming stat because hockey has never been about who can pay the costs, but rather if you want to play the sport, then you are able to play. The direction it's trending towards is more about who can pay, and not so much about everyone being able to play. Just as the GTHL president John Gardner said "The game has changed in this respect: It used to be that you had a right to play, now it's can you afford to pay" (Mirtle, 2014). The alarming stats don't stop there. The average household pays $1500 per season, just for equipment. The average cost for a player(non goalie) is $750 per season, once again just for equipment. Not only are these costs extremely high but they increase when a player plays goalie, with just the goalie pads ranging anywhere from a few hundred dollars to $1300 for top of the line pads. Comparing these costs to other sports, it's easy to see why some parents are opting for their kids to play other sports rather than hockey. For basketball, the cost for equipment is a measly $325 per Get more content on
  • 13. College Essay On Ice Hockey As a University of Delaware student, I will feel most comfortable with the academics and the ice hockey rink. My high school is very rigorous academically. There have been many nights where I have had a lot of homework and studying to do. Although I found it challenging, I am very organized and have become accustomed to a heavy academic workload. Therefore, I think my high school has prepared me well and I will be ready to meet the challenges at University of Delaware. When I am not hitting the books, I will be trying to hit the ice as much as I can. I have played ice hockey since I was ten years old. I love everything about the sport and have spent many hours on the ice. I had the opportunity to play in a tournament at the University of Delaware a few years ago. Although I won't be playing Division 1 hockey, I look forward to continue skating perhaps with club or intramural level hockey. I think I will find living in the dormitory and more content... I go to an all–boys high school that has a reputation both for its academics and athletics; therefore, it attracts many strong athletes. The first day of tryouts I couldn't believe how many people were there. Although I thought I had some talent, there were a lot of talented players and I did not make the team. I was very disappointed. One of the reasons I chose my high school was because I hoped to play on their hockey team. Because I did not make my schools team, I could enter the player pool of the High School Hockey League of Nassau County. I was very fortunate to be picked up by a new team. I didn't know anyone on the team, but I decided to make the best of it. I have had four great years of high school and travel hockey, and have made many great and lasting friendships. If I had a similar experience in college, I would try something new. I look forward to all the new opportunities both academically and socially that University of Delaware can Get more content on
  • 14. My Experience At The Hockey Team Essay Ever sense I was a young girl I've been really into physical activities. At the age of five I started skating and instantly fell in–love. At the age of six my dad enrolled me into hockey, and from that point on my life has never been the same. I've had numerous opportunities in sports such as: winning gold and silver for U18 Team Canada hockey, and getting a scholarship to Wisconsin University to play on the women's hockey team. Although these moments are surreal, it is not only the moments that I remember but the mentors and teachers that I have been fortunate to meet along the way. These coaches have not only taught me the game but have also taught me life values such as: teamwork, leadership, discipline, time management and much more. Without hockey, and sports in general I don't know where I would be today, but I do know one thing and that is without sports I wouldn't have met all the amazing people that helped guided me towards wanting to become a physical education teacher. Sports have always been a huge part of my life, and I am blessed to have sports guide me through life. Thus, I want to become a teacher to help kids have the same opportunities that I had growing up. In grade eleven I signed up for a cooperative education experience at my high school school, Glebe Collegiate Institute. The program allows for career exploration with supervised work experiences in the community. For my cooperative education experience I decided to work at the fitness facility in the Get more content on
  • 15. How To Start A Hockey Essay The TAS sport I have chosen is hockey because I enjoy playing the sport and playing with friends. Some of the other reasons why I chose hockey are in the fitness test results in which I received good results. I have also played club and school for two years. In the fitness tests I did well in the main components needed for hockey which are endurance, agility and power. These components are ideal because you need to run for long periods of time without a break, (endurance), you have to manoeuvre around people quickly, while keeping the ball in your possession, (agility), and you have to hit the ball hard and far, (power). My fitness test results overall explain why I have been good at different sports in the past. In previous years I have Get more content on
  • 16. Ice Hockey Essay Ice Hockey This report is going to be on the game Ice hockey. A game of hockey is divided into three twenty minute time periods that are called periods. Between each period there is a fifth teen minute intermission. In hockey there are several ways a game may end if there is a tie at the end of regulation. The pros use one twenty sudden death period in which the first to score is the winner. In the amateurs they use a shoot out in which five players from each team are selected and allowed to go one on one with the opposing goalie and which ever team scores the most goals after all five members for both teams have taken their shot they are the winners. If there is a tie after this it keeps repeating until a winner is more content... A defensemen's shift will often be slightly longer then that of a winger or a center. There are three different types of penalties in hockey a minor, a major, and a noncontact penalties. Non contact penalties occur when a player hit's the puck from his zone past the red goal line in the other teams zone and a member from his team does not touch it, however the goalie for the opposing team can wave it off and keep the puck in play, this is called icing. Another non contact penalty is when a teammate passes the puck to another teammate and it goes over a blue and red line without being touched before crossing both lines this called a two line pass. The last of the non contact penalties is off sides and this when an opposing team is going into their defenders zone and they pass the blue line before the puck does (the puck has to be the first thing to pass the blue line going into the zone). A minor penalty is assessed when an excessive amount of body or equipment is used to impede the speed or shot of an opponent. The player must then sit in the penalty box for two minutes of play and his team must play a man down (power play). If the opposing team scores during this time the man then can leave the box. A major penalty is given when most often for fighting or a severely violent act, and results in five minutes in the penalty box and return to play. This can also result in a game misconduct in which the player may not return to the game, but Get more content on
  • 17. Hockey : The Impact Of Hockey In My Life Hockey has defined my personality and made me into the person that I am today. It is a very demanding sport, however, I can't imagine my life without it. With my family's rich history in hockey, it was my destiny to become a hockey player. Ever since I started playing hockey 11 years ago I have loved it. Hockey has made major impacts on my life both positively and negatively; these effects in the community, with family, and at school have molded me into the person I am today. My family has a very rich history in the sport of hockey; Two of my great uncles won gold medals in 1960 and I had a cousin that was on the 1980 "Miracle on Ice" team. My grandfather started Christian Hockey Sticks, at one point they were the largest hockey stick brand in the world. All of my first cousins played hockey in high school so as I grew up I was bred to become a hockey player. One negative side to hockey regarding family is the commitment that hockey requires. Sadly, it has made me miss out on many family excursions. Every Thanksgiving my family goes out to Colorado and I haven't been able to go since 8th grade. I have also missed Christmas with all of the Fink family for the past several years due to new year's tournaments. There is also a "guys only" trip to Colorado every February and I haven't been able to go on that since 10th grade and the only reason I got to go was that I faked being sick so Coach Larson wouldn't find out where I was! For a lot of people, these trips would be Get more content on
  • 18. Reflection Paper On Hockey It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child and I can say that my village is the ice hockey community. Hockey in the United States is relatively small when compared to the other team sports, but it is a tight knit community. Having played hockey since I was seven years old, I have spent more time in ice rinks, hotels, and traveling to tournaments than just about anywhere else and the lessons I have learned along the way have shaped me into the person I am today. I learned to play hockey at a free program that was hosted by the Dallas Stars. Professional players, that make millions of dollars a year, volunteered their spare time to share their passion for hockey and taught us kids how to skate and the fundamentals of the game. Keeping with the spirit of the volunteerism I learned from the players that helped me, I donate as much time as I can, helping people discover the love of hockey, from young children, individuals with disabilities and even adults. Ironically, I was selected to help coach in this same Dallas Stars program and there is nothing more rewarding than seeing the smiles on a little kids face they lace up their skates and hit the ice for the first time. Hockey is a grind, even for young players. It is a long season, spanning from August to March. Practices can be early in the morning, before school or late in the evening. Tournaments were on all of the major holidays, so traveling over Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year was the norm. This is Get more content on
  • 19. Hockey Research Essay What is lacrosse? That is a question a lot of people are still wondering, but a question that a lot more people are figuring out. Lacrosse has been around forever, but it is just now starting to get big. It would be a stretch to say that nobody really likes lacrosse, however it is more the case that not many people really know much about the sport. Lacrosse is one of the the largest growing sports in Ohio, and the more people learn about the sport, the faster the sport grows. Lacrosse is growing more and more each day. According to the article The Rapid Rise of Lacrosse in theUnited States by, nearly three quarters of a million people played Lacrosse in the past season. It was also mentioned that the sport grew by about 47% just in the last season. more content... Each game is played differently depending on the opponent. It requires a lot of hand–eye coordination, and also a lot of athleticism. With that being said, it is one of the hardest sports to pick up. Referring to what was said earlier, there are quite a few new teams in Ohio. Often you see the new teams playing some of the older, more experienced team, so you see a lot more passing by the better team to kind of "stall" the clock. On the other hand, in the event you see two newer teams playing, the game is played much differently. The game is played a lot more sloppy, you will see a lot more turnovers and not as many goals. In the game of lacrosse you will never see two different teams play the exact same way. One team may want to play more defense and get quick goals to keep the game more up–tempo. However you may also see a team want to slow the game down on offense to avoid playing defense, to slow the game down and not play as much defense. Although the game of lacrosse still has the same basic goal, no matter the opponent, every team has different strategies for how they will control the Get more content on
  • 20. Hockey: Hockey As A Team Game On Hockey Introduction Hockey is a game of stick and ball with origins going back to thousands of years. It is conventionally played on grass, but more frequently it is played on man–made surfaces. Two teams play using hooked sticks to push, hit, pass and dribble a small, hard ball with single aim in mind i.e. to notch a goal by receiving the ball past the goalkeeper. Hockey is a team game played on a very large surface of field or ice or may be on street. With the Hockey stick in hand, players clash to strike the puck past the goalie into the opposite teams' goal net. Every team has somewhere from 12 to 30 plus players with at least one labeled goalie. Players are chosen as either defensive or offensive players. Every team has three forwards on the field or ice, a center, right wing and left wing, has two defensive players and a goalie. That is without a team is shorthanded due to a penalty. Structure of the Game Normally there are three, 20 minute periods in a normal hockey game. If the more content... The supplementary 10 players are called field players, and are categorized into three namely attackers, midfielders and defenders. Stick handling Hockey players need be able to pass, push, control, stop and hit the ball with the given hockey stick. This is well–known as stick work or stick handling. Keeping the ball below close control is termed dribbling. The head of a hockey stick has a curved side i.e. the right side and a flat side i.e. the left side. It is one with the flat, left–hand side of the stick and the boundaries of that side which can be used to hit the ball. No feet Field players are not permitted to use their feet or any of the body parts to track the ball. Just the goalkeeper is permitted to make use hands, feet, etc. to halt or push the ball away from the net when guarding in his or her own circle. Ball in the Get more content on