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Memoirs Of A Geisha Essay
Crafting an essay on the theme of "Memoirs of a Geisha" can be quite challenging due to the
multifaceted nature of the subject matter. This topic demands a profound understanding of the
novel, as well as a keen awareness of the cultural and historical context in which it is set.
Analyzing the intricacies of the characters, delving into the nuances of the geisha culture, and
deciphering the underlying themes and motifs require not only a comprehensive comprehension
of the book but also a knack for insightful interpretation.
Moreover, addressing the socio-cultural aspects, such as the portrayal of women, the significance
of tradition, and the impact of historical events, adds an additional layer of complexity.
Balancing literary analysis with historical context and cultural sensitivity is a delicate task that
necessitates thorough research and critical thinking.
The challenge lies in presenting a unique perspective or argument that goes beyond surface-level
observations. Crafting a compelling thesis statement and supporting it with well-researched
evidence is pivotal in creating an essay that stands out. Moreover, maintaining a coherent
structure and ensuring a seamless flow of ideas further contributes to the difficulty.
In summary, composing an essay on the topic of "Memoirs of a Geisha" requires a deep
understanding of the novel, a nuanced grasp of cultural and historical contexts, and the ability to
synthesize information into a coherent and insightful piece. It demands a balance between
literary analysis and broader contextual considerations, making it a task that calls for both
expertise and finesse.
For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar tasks, various resources are available,
including professional writing services like, where a range of essays and
academic writing can be ordered to meet specific requirements.
Memoirs Of A Geisha EssayMemoirs Of A Geisha Essay
Summary Of Alan Turing The Enigma
Alan Turing: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges London: Burnett Books Ltd, 2000
Andrew Hodges brings Alan Turing to life in the namesake title, Alan Turing: The
Enigma. Alan Turing, a war hero in his own right, worked during World War II at
Bletchley Park in England which was the site housing British codebreakers for the
Government Code and Cypher School (GC CS). One of his main objectives was
to crack the German Enigma machine s code. Turing s work was crucial to the
war, and beyond that, he is known as the father of computer science and a brilliant
mathematician. Turing became alarmed about the war with Germany in the fall of
1937. At the time, Turing spent his time studying and working on a thesis based
on the theory of computation and on the hypothetical devices later known as
Turing machines. A Turing machine in today s sense would be a model for a
modern computer. Besides the important work with his research, he found time to
enjoyably take up the subject of cryptanalysis assuming words would be replaced
by numbers eventually to be transmitted on a binary scale: in zeros and ones, on
and off, true and false. Turing himself even spent the time building hardware to
produce ciphering machines as a hobby while at Princeton. These precursors were
a perfect setup for the work he would pursue with the GC CS and Turing a natural
recruit. During the First World War and up to this time in 1938, the GC CS grew
from a small operation of around 25 officers with a small clerical staff
Benefits And Benefits Of Social Security
In Bonnie Smith Yackel s essay My Mother Never Worked she passionately
defends her mother after Social Security refuses to grant her death benefit check.
Yackel does not realize that Social Security fairly distributes benefits to contributing
Americans. Social Security was reasonable to not granting benefits to a woman
who never contributed as a wage earner. Hence it would not be fair if benefits are
granted to a fraud who never paid wage taxes compared to wage earners who do.
Americans who abuse Social Security benefits by committing fraud is unethical and
not to mention illegal. Americans that are in desperate need for Social Security
benefits require it far more than frauds. By eliminating fraud the governmentcan
properly grant social benefits to hard working Americans. Social Security benefits
should be permitted to Americans that work and provide back to their country or they
are disabled. Also, hard working citizens that pay their duties will receive back from
benefits, including employees that are qualified as disabled. Benefits should not be
granted to any citizen that makes no contribution to their country such as, tax
deductions from their wages. Furthermore, Social Security needs to reach out to the
majority which is the povertystricken. By informing the impecunious or immigrants
of Social Security it could save them from the misfortune of poverty. Even though,
Social Security relieves some citizens from a financial burden there are still many
improvements to be
Flagg s Influence In The Kingdom
Flaggs Influence in the kingdom has brought about a huge sparking of chaos,
Flagg is a character who plays similar to Lucifer. From readings in the Bible
Lucifer is an angel who thought he was stronger than God. He wanted overthrow
God s kingdom in which caused him fool over angels with him but he was cast out
of heaven. As for Flagg he hasn t been cast out he s a wizard that is look upon by
the King as person with wisdom and Flagg has lived for 400 years. So he knows
what s going on in the kingdom, but he wants to see it crumble just for his own
excitement. In which is weird since he doesn t want to take it over, he just gets
aroused by the idea and has planned it ever since he got his position in the
kingdom. Flagg s is the advisor to King Roland and he has been around since the
four rulers (monarchs) of Delain in which were Roland s parents etc. But Flagg has
appeared in Delain 500 years ago according to the book, this information wasn t fully
explained as to why and how he affected others with his powers and trickery.... Show
more content on ...
His chaos is not what we think as something tragic but is looked upon by him as
fun. Like a hobby in which you find excitement in which in tales leaves him to lose
a heart for others and stems selfishness. As presented in the story He uses Thomas
who becomes prince as the former King Roland dies by Flagg poisoning him and
Flagg putting Peter in his scheme to become a prisoner. By making it seem as if
Peter killed his own father since Peter is the wiser one and Thomas is not all about
common sense which in turn made him perfect to be King. Besides, he didn t
really know anything, did he? He only had an Idea. And his ideas had always been
wrong. (chapter 49 pg141). Throughout most of the story people in his own
kingdom questioned if Thomas was a good fit. Since he wasn t king material and
was more of a child who is immature in a
In Mother to Mother, the author Sindiwe Magona humanizes Mxolisi by
challenging white supremacy with perspective, realism and historicize to educate
readers on the impacts of apartheid. Perspective is defined as a visible scene; a
view or prospect, esp. an extensive one (OED), and it gives an insight on what
black South Africans experience during apartheid. Realism is defined as a real fact,
experience, or situation (OED). This emphasizes the realities of the separation of
powers between the whites and the blacks. The definition of historicize is to make (a
person or thing) historical or the subject of a history; to situate in a historical context
(OED). The history of apartheid impacts Mxolisi s life and actions towards white
South... Show more content on ...
The use of imagery in this quote represents oppression, a system that is all around
them and forced into them. Magona use perspective to humanize the community of
Guguletu even though blacks were moved there against their will. The imagery of
the community gives a sense of value, the people there, a well knit community.
Knowing each other: knowing all the children (33). This quote humanizes the
community, that the people in these townships are humans too and their lives are
just as valuable. Irony and perspective is used to humanized Mxolisi during his
time in jail, I do not understand why it is that the government is giving him so
much now when it has given him nothing at all, all his life (3). The irony of this
quote is equivalent to the injustice black South Africans had to face from the day
they were born. Mxolisi was invisible before Amy s murder, now he is visible to
the government because it enforces the system of white supremacy. Mandisa s
perspective of the conditions her son is living in illustrates what apartheid is like for
the whole community. Magona humanizes Mandisa as a mother, with a mother s
heart (3), she feels the hurt of Amy s mother as her own because she is a human with
emotions and sympathy. Mandisa s perspective on the death of Amy symbolizes the
humanism in her and her son, the way she feels sadness for the Biehls even though
her own son killed Amy, shows she is human. Magona uses realism to emphasize how
the system
Things They Carried
Tim O Brien does a fantastic job of blurring the lines of what is true and what is
fiction in The Things They Carried. In fact, he often points out that he has made
entire stories up, after the fact. He defends his decisions by proposing that what he
has done is, in fact, not lie, but rather tell a storytruth. He argues that his reason for
doing this is to bring the story to life more than it could live through the happening
truth. I want you to feel what I felt. I want you to know why story truth is truer
sometimes than happening truth (O Brien, 183). O Brien believes that, when
accompanied by vivid details which essentially make the reader view the scene as a
dream, story truths can carry greater emotional truths than ever possible to... Show
more content on ...
Story telling truth, as has been defined to an extent, isn t completely real. Most
frequently, it is modeled after happening truth, where it re shapes the story. Through
the addition of details to the happening truth, the story becomes more believable.
Oftentimes, great morals come from story truths where they were not previously
evident in happening truths. One vivid example of this would be the scene where
Curt Lemon is killed. Following this is the baby water buffalo scene (O Brien, 74).
(O Brien, 80 81).
The details bring the story truth to life, as the reader can picture what is going on
more clearly through a sort of dream. Story truths bring events to life through the
imagination. The thing about a story is that you dream it as you tell it, hoping that
others might then dream along with you, and in this way memory and imagination
and language combine to make spirits in the head. There is an illusion of aliveness
(O Brien, 218).
Oftentimes, heroic instances are added to give a story morals, where they may not
have been visible to begin with. Take, for example, the scene where O Brien
describes the soldiers who come upon a killer grenade. One of the soldiers jumped
out and attempted to take the blast to save the rest of the soldiers. Right before they
all die, one of the soldiers asks why he jumped out
Ben Higgins Poverty
On a recent episode of Ben Lauren: Happily Ever After, the viewers, saw Ben
Higgins decide he wasn t quite ready to get married to Lauren Bushnell. Everyone
wondered if this meant these two would split or not. It turns out that Ben and
Lauren are now giving fans an update and things are better than ever according to
the couple. People shared what Ben and Lauren had to say recently about how
things are going. Ben and Lauren actually went on a trip Honduras this month as
part of Higgins work with the non profit organization, Humanity and Hope. This
organization is all about helping to end poverty. Ben Higgins shared a few details
about it all. It s a huge vision, but with every village and every person who is
influenced, we get closer to our goal. I ve been to Honduras eight times and every
time I go... Show more content on ...
Ben said a high point of his life was when they got engaged, but then he went on to
explain a low point in his life. My low would be knowing for certain we were right
for each other, having the blissful idea of what life would be like. ... It s also been
hard. I had this idea that life would just be easy breezy, and it s not. I don t want
you sad, I don t want you confused. I just want to see you rock this life. Ben Higgins
even admitted that he made a huge mistake by pushing off their wedding. Now the
fans are just going to have to wait and see when they actually end up tying the knot.
Hopefully, they let everyone see it on ABC. Are you shocked to hear that Lauren
Bushnell and Ben Higgins are doing so well together? Do you think that this couple
is going to make it work? Sound off in the comments section below on your
thoughts, and don t miss new episodes of The Bachelor with Nick Viall when they
start airing on January 2. [Featured Image By Isaac Brekken/Getty Images for
If Scotland Goes, Bankers Fear Britain Could Exit The...
The article If Scotland goes, bankers fear Britain could exit the European Union was
written by Jenny Anderson, published in The New York Times on 11th September
2014. This article brings out a completely new perspective regarding Scotland s
independence. Every news article nowadays has been focusing on the political aspect
of Scotland s independence, but Anderson focuses on one of the major consequences
which might occur if Scotland becomes an independent country, and that is the exit
of Britain from the European Union(EU), which most people are calling Brexit .
Brexit is not a just a political debacle, but also a great financial issue. The author
points out that it is considered to be a bigger concern than Scotland s
independence. Bankers and other financial sectors feel that Brexit can cause a
huge deal of loss, because Britain is said to be the gateway for the rest of the 28
nation European Union, a market which holds about 500 million more than what is
prevalent in the United States and Japan combined. Anderson feels that for most big
businesses like Goldman Sachs or Citigroup, London is the financial capital, which
provides a gateway for nearly all of Europe. Without the unregulated access, the free
flow of capital, resources, talent and goods and services would have to be
renegotiated, making it difficult for the European nations. The financial industry is
said to be the most affected since it accounts for about 7 percent of Britain s gross
Character Development In Hugh Garner s The Father By
The choices and decisions made control our lives and build our future. Regardless of
whether individuals see it or not, the choices did influence today, impact our
tomorrow. Once a choice made, the actions play out, and the results convey; at that
point, must choose the option to live with those outcomes. In the short story The
Father, the author, Hugh Garner utilizes character development of John Purcell to
demonstrate that one s irresponsible choices made have the ability to jeopardize an
essential relationship in one s life. A choice of not putting the effort and vitality in
building a relationship can make a person irresponsible, which impacts a relationship.
When he discovered that Johnny does not have a full scout uniform because... Show
more content on ...
Because the father was so involved with himself, he did not make the time or put
the effort to develop a proper relationship with his son. It is hard to have a healthy
relationship with someone when they are controlled by alcohol. The relationship
between John Purcell and his son had drifted apart more and more by his actions
and his choice of being alcoholic. As inconsiderate as John he says to a curate Three
dollars! Why, I could have taken Johnny to a burlesque show for less than that. There
is a little boy present and their parents do not want their children exposed to such
inappropriate jokes like John often expressed. John is inconsiderate therefore he does
things without thinking. His recklessness continued when he met another
untrustworthy father at the meeting. At that point when the outsider offered him a
drink, he expected it happily expressing You re a lifesaver, because of his
dependence on alcohol he humiliated his child much further; and had not taken his
wife s oath of being on his best conduct into thought. When he went up the stairs to
receive Johnny s reward, on the way he trips and falls making his son embarrassed
Social Work Law And Social Policy
Social work law and social policy
The children s parents both agree that they cannot provide a suitable safe home life
for their children. The children are now living with their grandmother and they are
happy and thriving. Although there is concern that her health will have an impact on
her ability to care for the children long term and the local authority has recommended
adoption for the children. However, the grandmother also has two other grown up
children, one of whom is an adult. These relatives support the grandmother and have
agreed to look after the children in the future if the grandmother can no longer do so.
This essay will focus on laws and policies that Provide framework for social work
practice and give guidance for good ... Show more content on ...
The Act mainly focuses on children s welfare and keeping families together. The acts
main focus is on keeping families together and states removing children from their
homes should always be a last resort when support and guidance has failed.
In section 1 of the Act there is a welfare checklist which consists of seven principles
that courts must give consideration to the wishes and feelings of children, their
physical, emotional and learning needs, features which will be applicable to the
court s conclusion, The possible outcome on the child if circumstances changed as a
result of the court s decision, any harm the child has suffered or may be at risk of
suffering and the capability of children s parents (inbrief helping with life s legal
issues, n.d).
Under section 17 of The Children Act (1989) it is the local authority s (LA) duty to
safeguard and promote the welfare of children in their area who are in need. The
children from the case study are both classed as in need as they were witnesses to
unsafe drug abuse and were living in a dirty home (Coram CLC Children s legal
Centre ,2014). Once there is a suitable reason for concern it is the local authority s
duty to investigate the case further under section 47 of The Children Act (1989) the
authority shall make enquiries to establish whether they should take any action to
safeguard or promote the child s welfare (, 2014). Following
Prostitution in the Victorian Era Essay
Prostitution in the Victorian Era
There were many prostitutes during the Victorian era. Most were lower class women,
with the exception of the mistresses kept by upper class men. According to Victorian
standards, respectable women did not consider sexual intercourse pleasurable. It was
their duty to be intimate with their husbands. Having affairs was disgraceful (Waters).
Prostitutes, on the other hand, were sexually intimate with men because they enjoyed
sex. Men enjoyed prostitutes because they could not enjoy their wives. Victorian
femininity was not defined by sexual pleasure, while Victorian masculinity was
defined by sexual pleasure and conquest. Prostitutes did not necessarily enjoy their
sexual ... Show more content on ...
Respectable men and women would lure young women, usually from a lower class
background, away from their homes and sell them into prostitution. Rarely did these
young women go back to their families; not because they free to go, but because the
procurators and procuresses never allowed these women a moment to be truly alone
in public. These horrible men and women controlled these young women s lives as if
they were possessions. In the off chance that a young woman escaped her bondage,
she was not welcome back into her family with open arms. She was an outcast
because she was a prostitute (by society s standards). Unfortunately, there was no help
for these young girls, or any other prostitute. The people in a position to help them,
like The Society for the Protection of Women and Children, turned a blind eye
towards these women. The Society for the Protection of Women and Children only
helped the privileged, not the needy (Wells 56). Prostitutes were not confined to one
way of presenting their services. There were many types of brothels that serviced
men from all social classes visited. Streetwalkers lived in Accommodation houses,
which is one type of brothel (Wells 56). These women did not pay a Madame for
their room and board, but accountable to themselves. Other prostitutes lived under the
watchful eyes of their procuresses. These women lived in
Close Reading The Miller s Tale
Close Reading of The Miller s Tale Geoffrey Chaucer s Canterbury Tales are some
of the most widely read and anthologized pieces of medieval poetry. These tales are
generally celebrated and enjoyed because of the author s use of wit and satire, as
Chaucer often uses word play and characterization to deliver hard hitting, yet
entertaining truths about his time period. This is the case in The Miller s Tale,
which portrays the story of a carpenter with an adulterous wife and the shenanigans
that take place during and after one of her affairs. After closely examining Absalom
s Revenge, the last section of this tale, it is clear to see that Chaucer uses language,
puns, and other writing techniques to provide a commentary on the lewdness of
some who lived during the Middle Ages. In The Miller s Tale, John, the carpenter, is
married to a lady named Alison. She is not the virtuous... Show more content on ...
By using funny descriptions and puns within his diction, he creates a satire that is
both entertaining and political in nature. For example, the imagery he uses when
describing the flatulence scene is both vulgar and timeless. He writes of Nicholas
and Absolon s interaction, This Nicholas anon leet fle a fart,/As greet as it had
been a thonder dent,/That with the strook he was almoost yblent;/And he was redy
with his iren hoot,/And Nicholas amydde the ers he smoot (lines 3806 3810).
Chaucer manages to compare the sound of Nicholas s passing gas to thunder and
says that it was so toxic that it almost blinded Absolon. The way Chaucer words this
selection is so matter of fact and simply stated, that it increases the hilarity of the
whole incident. Although Chaucer is entertaining his audience, he is also seeking to
show the immorality of the every day people who surround him. This satirical use of
language sets a tone that is both jovial and constructively
My Senior Year Of High School Essay
My senior year of high school was quickly coming to an end, and I found myself
looking for a job for the summer. College cost increase every year and I knew that
if I wanted extra spending money, I would have to contribute. Summer
employment is a great way to earn extra money plus, I am a person who likes to
stay busy, and I realized having a job during the break would help accomplish both.
Having played multiple sports in high school, I was always doing something
throughout my day and I knew I couldn t have a job like lifeguarding where you
have to sit and watch a pool for hours. Having a task to perform or a job to get done
are things that I enjoy, and now that I knew I wanted to work I started my first job
search by networking with people I thought had connections that could help me land
a good job and this search led me down my learningpath.
My job search resulted in my assistant baseball coach giving me the number of a
businessman who owned a dry walling company. Having limited work experience
and no experience working in construction I found this opportunity intriguing
because I am never afraid to work out and I know I can work hard. Sending a text
to the number quickly led to an introductory conversation with a man whom I
would come to learn a lot from in the next two months. Norm Orban, a self
employed businessman who owns a dry walling company, manages a six man crew
that does local jobs around the area I live. Norm s company responded to a variety of
Warming s Effect On Thermohaline Circulation Patterns
Thermohaline circulation patterns are the main patterns of ocean currents. In short,
thermohaline circulation patterns are a combination of both surface and deep ocean
currents. Many aspects of the world affect these patterns. These aspects may include
global warming as well as temperature change, caused by global warming.
When surface ocean currents and deep ocean currents bound together as one,
thermohaline circulation patterns are formed. These primary currents in Earth s oceans
(Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, southern oceans) are bonded together. Thermohaline
circulation, as it turns out, plays a major role in Earth s climate and can drastically
change it. Providing heat to the north and south polar regions, it also significantly
influences the rate at which ice forms near the south and north poles. In this
experiment, a change in temperature is brought upon a model of thermohaline
circulation patterns to test the effects global warming will have on these ocean
currents. Although ... Show more content on ...
People distinguish it as the rising amount of greenhouse gases in Earth s atmosphere.
The theory is known to say that the burning of fossil fuels is to blame for the gases
trapped in our atmosphere. This experiment will conduct the effects global warming
may one day have on thermohaline circulation patterns. It will show how an increase
of temperature, caused by global warming, will change the patterns of thermohaline
circulatory currents. The theory of global warming was interestingly found, as
scientists noted an unusual hike in Earth s average temperatures. With this new
information, many experiments were conducted to model what may occur if
greenhouse gases continued to build on. It was questioned what global warming
would also have an effect on. Due to this, it was eventually found that in some sort
global warming will have a significant affect on thermohaline circulation
Analysis Of Michel Foucault s The History Of Sexuality...
Michel Foucault s The History of Sexuality sheds light on the Victorian era and
how the regulation of discourses on sex reveals that Victorian society is more
perverse than contemporary society thinks of it. A similar approach can be applied
to contemporary society and political discourse. During the 2016 presidential
election, The Washington Post released a video of current President elect Donald
Trump bragging about what many consider to be sexually assaulting women.
Recorded saying comments such as, I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn t get
there. And she was married , this video has become a large part of the 2016
presidential election, attracting criticism from Democrats and Republicans alike
(Farenthold). This video has brought to light a public discourseon the boundaries of
sexual assault. Through Foucault s discussion of the repressive hypothesis, it can be
shown that, while the discourses on sex have been regulated throughout the
presidential election to gain power over Trump, the normalization of sexual assault in
mainstream society means these discourses have had little effect.
While Foucault analyzes the Victorian view of sexuality through the repressive
hypothesis, the same can be done for a contemporary view of sexuality. There are
specific concepts and ideas which are considered acceptable to the public sphere.
Foucault says that this is a policing of sex: that is, not the rigor of a taboo, but the
necessity of regulating sex through useful and
The Pros And Cons Of Anabolic Cooking
The Anabolic Cooking cookbook is a very popular cookbook and nutrition guide
online today.
In this Anabolic Cooking review we will take a look at this product, discover what
you will find inside and talk about the pros and cons of this cookbook and nutrition
Anabolic Cooking Review What Exactly Is It?
Created and written by Dave Ruel, a competitive bodybuilder, fitness coach for
famous bodybuilders and fitness models and also professional nutritionist, the
Anabolic Cooking product is a cookbook and complete nutrition guide for fitness and
Dave Ruel claims that the place most of the muscle builders get it wrong is in their
nutrition since it s very easy to know when you are training right but it s very hard to
keep ... Show more content on ...
It won t take you more time to cook those meals than you normally would.
Full Money Back Guarantee For 8 Weeks
The product comes with full money back guarantee for 8 weeks and if for any
reason you are not completely satisfied with it, you can get your money back.
The Cons
Some Of The Serving Sizes Are Not Listed
As I see it, one thing that needs a little fix in Dave Ruel s Anabolic Cooking guide is
the serving sizes.
The nutritional information is always listed but for a few recipes the serving sizes
are not listed and you need to figure out what is the best serving size.
You Can Find The Product Only Online
For now, the Anabolic Cooking cookbook can only be found online and there is no in
store option.
Just A Part Of The Puzzle
The Anabolic Cooking program by Dave Ruel won t make your muscles bigger by
itself and if you want to get the best results you will need to follow a good exercise
program and to work hard.
On the other hand, this product does solve one of the biggest problems of muscle
builders and it can help you to eat correctly and to enjoy your food.
Anabolic Cooking Review The Bottom
127 Hours Research Paper
Imagine, your right arm is trapped under an 800 pound boulder, no way of escape,
with little food or water. No one knows where you are. What do you do? Fight for
survival or give up? This is the reality of Aron Ralston on April 26, 2003. Aron
Ralston is unbelievably brave because of his perseverance and determination in the
face of life or death. I have read his book, Between a Rock and a Hard Place, and
watched his movie, 127 Hours. Therefore, I believe everyone can respect and learn
from his story of perseverance and courage. Aron Ralston s bravery can be seen by
understanding his background, his famous near death experience and how it has
affected his life and the lives of others. Aron ralston was born on October 27, 1975 to
Larry and Donna Ralston.... Show more content on ...
He was wearing running shoes with wool socks, shorts, a tee shirt, and a baseball
cap (Ralston). Little did he know this would be all he had to help him survive 127
hours of pure to torture. Aron finished his biking part of his circuit when he ran
into two women named Megan and Kristi (Ralston). They hiked together for a
little while talking about their jobs and common friends. Finally, the women tried
to convince Aron to come with them back to their camping spot but Aron, being
set on his hiking circuit, declined their request and continued on (Ralston).
However, they planed to meet up at their camping spot, Granary Spring around
dusk (Ralston). This was the second out of many mistakes to lead up to Aron s
entrapment. Aron explained his first mistake when he said, Usually, I would leave
a detailed schedule of my plans with my roommates, but since I left my home in
Aspen without knowing what I was going to do, the only word of my destination I
gave was Utah (Ralston). This was his most fatal mistake. Now if he ever got into
trouble, which he does, no one knows where he is, therefore he has a little chance of
rescue. Finally he reached the
The Taboo Of Silence
The metaphor of life as a tapestry in strands and collections of a unique handcrafted
piece can be found to be disrupted in all three texts due to the presence of religion
and mental illness. Within Kesey s Cuckoo s Nest (1962) it is the dominant imagery
of the combine which causes the reader to question what is sanity and the process in
which people with mental illnessare cured in order for them to take responsibility and
become active members of society. Highlighted in the breakdown of the taboo of
silence surrounding mental illness seen in the Community Mental illness Centers Act
of 1963 which called for more community services instead of institutionalisation.
Similarly in Plath s Ariel (1966) collection it is the brutality of the reoccurring
Holocaust metaphor and pastiche to confessional poets such Anne Sexton that asserts
the argument of both faith and mental illness being a personal relationship with the
self and effectively a struggle with identity, effecting relationships with others which
is expressed both in Plath s own poetry such as The Applicant and in Ted Hughes
Birthday Letters in poems such as Fever . Within McEwan s Enduring Love (1997) it
is the overarching motif, drawn from the secular society of the 90s, being both
unrequited and enduring , that presents the destructive nature of both mental illness
and religion, paired together in the embodiment of Jed Parry and by the intertextuality
of the novelwhich offers an argument that
Common Perceptions Toward Witches In The Late
Reginald Scot explores the common perceptions towards witches in the late sixteenth
century, which he claims they were commonly old, lame, full of wrinkles, poor
(Levack 2004: ?), although not necessarily solitary (Larner 1984: 72). Scot claims
that their appearance often caused alarm among many in the community and caused
the neighbours to find truth in witches utterings. One could argue women were often
ascribed with such stereotypes, for they were both physically and politically
weakened, and were unable to distance themselves from accusations (levack 1984:
127). It is apparent the oppression of these women could represent an attempt to
maintain hegemony in a patriarchal society in the late sixteenth century.
Coincidentally, most women accused of sorcery often lived out of the constraints of
male authority, where they would live alone, perhaps for the rest of her life. It is
apparent witches needed the belief of the local community to reinforce confidence in
their powers, just as much as the local community needed witches as means of a
scapegoat. Scot claimed the witch would visit her neighbours when needing to
procure goods, in which she would go door to door (Levack 2004:). During this visit,
the attitude of the witch was often aggressive for she believed her reputation in the
local community would secure submission from neighbours. However, more often
than that not, her neighbour would echo such hostility, and after upsetting the witch,
she would then leave.
Monitoring the Credibility and Content of Web Pages
A website is used by different people for different uses. Each website can be
evaluated for its usefulness by the general public based on certain criteria as
discussed in this article. A website discussing about particular disease like ADHD
should be evaluated on the following criteria (Engle, 2014.), ( Evaluating Web Pages,
2012), (Tillman, 2003):
1.Context Coverage of the topic: The visitor to such a website will be interested in
knowing more about the disease, its treatment, medications, local support groups, and
different events associated with disease, et al. The language of the content whether it
s too technical or elementary or too advanced should be looked into. It has to be
visually appealing and interesting to users ... Show more content on ...
It helps to give an insight into the symptoms associated with ADHD, its diagnosis
and treatment, resulting disorders, probable misuse of ADHD medications and links
to innovative programs in adults with ADHD. It has a separate section for parents
dealing with children suffering from ADHD educating them about its symptoms, its
evaluation and medication, the accompanying disorders, coping through school
related issues, discusses and gives solutions to behaviour and social skills, ways to
deal with teen and young adults, the possible medical misuse and different
innovative programs that can help parents handle children with ADHD. It gives
access to wide range of resources like finding a local support, access to their
resource pool for in depth information, online consultation with their experts, links to
various blogs of experts, et al. It inspires people by highlighting stories of successful
people who have overcome ADHD and informing about the different laws
implemented to safeguard people with such problems. It guides about the insurance
coverage available for college students and the latest amendments in them. It
enlightens about the benefits of targeted case management to coordinate services
between various sources. It updates people about the different events organized
related to ADHD and provides a platform where people dealing with ADHD can
interact and share their experiences. This website has been evaluated using the
criteria s mentioned in the previous
Predicaments Caused by Affirmative Action
College, one of the first and most important milestones individuals achieve. Many
students strive to make excellent grades, excel in varsity sports, and get involved in
extracurricular activities, solely to stand out from the crowd. Every determining
factor in college admissions is up to the individual, except for one, race. A vast
amount of students find this factor controversial. Colleges are accepting and denying
students admission based on a factor that students have no control over. This system
of admission has been implemented by the government in 1961. The system was
created due to the colossal amount of discriminationminorities have faced in the past,
it s called Affirmative Action. Affirmative Actions purpose was to create a diverse
environment, which meant, sometimes turning down the best individual for the job.
At the time, this was necessary, but now, not so much. Affirmative Action was
crucial for minorities to gain financial stability after being oppressed for decades, but
in modern society, there has to be a system to assure the best individual for the job.
Affirmative Action can cause a predicament for society in a whole. A highly qualified
student can be denied admission from their first choice college, due to their race.
They can be subjected to Affirmative Action after they graduate also. When the
individual is looking to start up their career, Affirmative Action can be a factor that
denies them from obtaining that position.
When President Kennedy
The History of Bowling
The sport of bowling has a lengthy history packed with an evolution that has
comprehensive rules; and is an indoor activity that has become one of the most
popular sports in the world. It can easily be said that over 50% of Americans have
bowled once in their lifetime, whether it was for a birthday party or on a date.
However, many people bowl routinely without knowing anything about the interesting
history of the game.
Oddly, one of the newest of professional sports, bowling is one of the most ancient. In
one form or another bowling has been around for more than 7,000 and years. First
traces of the sport were discovered in Egyptian tombs, but historians feel that
cavemen may well have had been the originator. Having the first form of ... Show
more content on ...
(Pezzano 16)
From a few hundred league bowlers in 1895, the ABC now reaches some 5 million
male bowlers and 10,000 tournaments, and certifies more than 140,000 lanes in
10,000 bowling centers today. The distaffers organized the Women s International
Bowling Congress (WIBC) in 1916 with some 40 members, that small number has
now surpassed 3 million. (Pezzano 17)
Thanks to the ABC and the WIBC the rules of the game are well defined. Everyone
can compete with everyone else because the lanes, balls, and rules are standardized
and many systems of handicapping have been developed. (Pezzano 18)
Bowling received its greatest boost with the invention of the automatic pin setter. It
was a big step in allowing the businessmen of the game, the bowling alley owner, to
remodernize both their alley and thinking. Bowling became a complete family sport
with modern, efficient equipment available at all times for men, women, and
children. (Pezzano 18)
In practically all surveys taken in the early 1970 s, bowling had reached the point
where it rated only behind football, baseball, and basketball, not only as the most
popular but as the sport people like to follow most. However, bowling has long been
the number one participant sport. There are bowling lanes in basements of private
Swot Analysis Of Kotak Mahindra
The day US met UK The Merger of ING Vysya with Kotak Mahindra
India s banking industry is largely fragmented with more than half of the
commercial banks being state run entities. It has seen one of the biggest mergers of
all time in the recent past with Kotak Mahindra taking over ING Vysya. While the
Indian banking sector is still facing tough times, Kotak Mahindra s merger with ING
Vysya will help the former to expand their presence across India.
This merger has propelled Kotak into the top ranks of India s private lenders at
number 4. The combined entity will possess assets worth $32 billion. The merger
will result into a network of more than 1,250 branches and 1,900 ATMs across the
country. Post the merger, Kotak which already has most of its branches in West and
North India, will get a strong hold in Southern India too, particularly in the states of
Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. While Kotak s strength lies in its corporate and retail
banking, ING Vysya s strength lies in its small and medium enterprise business
(SMEs) operations, which will truly complement Kotak.
I was one of the lucky ones to have witnessed this ... Show more content on ...
We can now penetrate deeper into India; can serve a lot more customers and offer a
wide range of products like tractor loans, mutual funds, insurance and more to a
larger customer base. I am a believer in deep India growth, he added.
The merger is an all stock merger. 1000 shares of Rs.10 each of ING Vysya will
receive 725 shares of Rs.5 each of Kotak Mahindra Bank. This exchange ratio
indicates an implied price of Rs.790 for each ING Vysya share based on the average
closing price of Kotak shares during one month to November 19, 2014, which is a
16% premium to a like measure of ING Vysya market price. The merger will result
in issuance of approximately 15.2% of the equity share capital of the merged
Efficient Delivery Of Cancer
The efficient delivery of drugs and energy to tumors faces several difficulties and
obstacles that need to be overcome for effective cancer treatment. Nanoparticles
administrated through intravenous injections accumulate at a tumor site due to the
enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect, but only a small quantity of the
injected particles can actually reach the tumor(Su et al, 2016). The majority of the
nanoparticles interact with cancercells at the periphery of a tumor which presents a
physiological barrier that prevents most of the injected particles from reaching the
tumor (Su et al, 2016). In addition to this barrier, there is also another significant
obstacle, cancer associated fibroblasts , which can also... Show more content on ...
This conglomerate composed of protein lipid, sponge like carbon, and reduced
graphene oxide (rGO) was administrated by the researchers to mice in order to
study the material s ability to transport the hydrophobic drug docetaxel (DTX) and
perfluorohexane (PFH) for deep tumor penetration and therapy (Su et al, 2016).
The Lf lipo GNS composite is capable of carrying large amounts of drugs in its
pores which can be released through the absorption of light by the GNS. By
applying near infrared (NIR) irradiation, the gasification of PFH occurs due to an
increase in local temperature in the graphene nanosponge which as a result damages
and ruptures tumor spheroids (Su et al, 2016). Consequently, the combined effects of
gasification and chemo and thermotherapy can substantially reduce tumors and even
completely eliminate them without future reappearance. The researchers conducted
a study on in vitro photolytic therapy on RG2 tumor spheroids incubated with the
control group (PBS only), Lf lipo US GNS/DTX, Lf lipo US GNS/DTX+NIR, and
Lflipo US GNS/DTX PFH+NIR (Su et al, 2016). Due to its tumor penetration ability,
the researchers used 10 Ојg/mL of 40 nm Lf lipo US GNS to conduct the study. After
the composite was administrated to the tumors, they were allowed to incubate for 4
h followed by NIR irradiation with a power density of 2 W cm 2 for 10 min and then
were stained with propidium iodide to
Freedom In Early America
The power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or
restraint. A word created by man to escape the bonds of tyranny to express the idea
of what it means to persist one s own ambitions. Freedom. Freedom is not the
absence of confinement but the will to achieve freedom when imprisoned. After
carefully concluding the reading done over this semester one is able to clearly
understand the confinement these early Americans felt and their decision to achieve
a form of freedom. Freedom has always existed but it is the history of this nation
that will define what actions freedom takes. Freedom at its start in America came
from the pressure to leave England. To escape the bonds of an unjust King colonist
sailed the Atlantic hoping to find a new home. During that time in England, many
British citizens were facing religious and social persecution. This is what prompted
the movement to establish the colonies in America. The colonists were free to set up
a new world in their own image. However, the colonists were still under unjust rule
even though being an ocean away from their homeland. Upset with their freedom
being restricted the 13 colonies banded together to declare their independence to
escape confinement from British imperial rule. After winning the revolutionary war
and gaining one step of freedom from England it was time to set up a new kind of
government. And so a nation was born. In the beginning, there was a constant debate
of what form there s new
The Italian Mafia And The Italian Mafia
America is known as the land of opportunity. For some, that meant the opportunity to
grab what they could with no fear of the law. In the early 1900s, the era of dizzying
social change, anything seemed possible. With the right street smarts and gumption
to pull any job off, many immigrants rushed to America to better their family s lives.
Members of each family would do whatever possible to make that household better,
no matter the cost or consequence. This shifty attitude stemmed from many years of
family loyalty, well, that was the case of many Italians from Sicily. This exuberant
can do spirit coursed through America s immigrant filled cities, industrial heartland,
and freewheeling west, all fertile ground for empires to be built and money to be
made. This was the birth of the mafia. There were four prominent mafias in the
beginning years of America, and they were the Italian mafia, Russian mafia, Irish
mafia, and the Jewish mafia. However, the focus of this paper will be solely based
on the Italian mafia, and how family honor, respect, drugs, money, and running from
the law created a fixation and aspiration on the American gangster image. When we
think of the Italian Mafia, we think of mobsters such as Joe Gallo, Tommy
Lucchese, Charles Lucky Luciano and Al Capone. These men left a legacy behind
for the mafia to succeed, and history remembers their names. Yet these sensational
depictions of these men can take us only so far. The true story of the Mafia reveals
Notre Dame Analysis
Notre Dame Football was on the rise after a 12 1 season then going 9 4 in the 2012
2013 seasons. They had their Quarterback from their 12 1 season coming back and
they were loaded. Head Coach, Brian Kelly had players believing in themselves and
the pieces were being put together. But Notre Dame has high standards for their
Academics and some pieces fell out.
In this article, you see that Brian Kelly respects the high standards at Notre Dame.
Players have tons on their plate and have to come through on the football field and in
the classroom. The article proves that Notre Dame is very prestigious and when you
want to win at Notre it s tough to get the best athletes. Notre Dame after the 12 1
season finished third overall in recruiting. ... Show more content on ...
I know that Notre Dame is one of the best academically. But it is tough to get the
best players who don t have the brightest minds. This article gives you in depth talk
from Brian Kelly and how handled it very smoothly. The players will be able to
fight it and try to get back on the team. As a Notre Dame fan, it is, tough to see
these players that could have done something special for the team be kicked out.
The thing is you have to follow the rules and be truthful in your academics. This isn
t the primary time a member of the football team has been connected to alleged
educational improprieties. Quarterback Everett Golson, a key member of the team
that went successfully within the 2012 regular season and lost the BCS national
championship game to Alabama, was asked to leave because he cheated on a test.
He was suspended for the autumn semester. Golson did take the year off but came
back for the 2014 season. The article goes on to integrity and being honest. This is
Notre Dame and it is embarrassing for people to see and hear about this. Notre
Dame cares way more about academics than for football. Notre Dame is one of the
best universities and has a tradition all around their campus. These kids are blessed
with the top teachers and tutors. The main thing is as a student you have to be,
honest and get your work
Napoleon s Buttons
The book Napoleon s buttons was an informative story that mixed slow and
confusing chemistry with history. This mix allowed a history buff like me to get
involved with the chemical make up and structure of common elements. Penny Le
Couteur and Jay Burreson used this book to explain their theories on how key
historical events are related to the chemical make up of important elements. In essay
after essay they explain the historyand events. In addition, they go further in depth to
explain the details of particular elements and why they are important. The historical
aspects of this book are what grabbed my attention. The long string of facts otherwise
would have been too confusing for even the smartest of readers. For example, the first
... Show more content on ...
From a historical perspective it was intriguing to discover how dyes affected the
hierarchy in the ancient world. The repeated use of dyes represented a transition in
humanity from simple hunting and gathering societies; to well developed structured
governments and economies where people focused less on survival and more on
status. Colors in ancient times represented political, military, and social status.
Without the discovery of dyes kings would be clothed just like the normal people
giving them a less godly appearance and less power. Even today certain connotations
exist with colors like black for evil white for good, etc... The authors include this
essay to demonstrate man s first foray into chemistry by mixing and blending dyes to
create more extravagant colors to sell. The lust for colorful clothes drove vendors
to create more eccentric dyes, thereby forcing them to utilize experimental
chemistry to create new shades and hues. The book here focuses too much on the
historical aspects. I can see the relationship but it is weak and describing the
chemical make up of colors doesn t explain why it relates to history. Essay twelve
discusses a dark time for chemists. Suddenly, in the mid 1500 s chemists went from
being priests and healers to witches and devils. Chemistry during this period is
limited and men known as alchemists ran the show. These men used herbs metals and
spices to create useful substances and herbal remedies. Helpful as they
MSD St. Paul Billet Alignment
MSD St. Paul Billet Alignment Marine Safety Detachment (MSD) St. Paul s
personnel makeup does not yield optimum efficiency. MSD St. Paul s billet
structure is not in line with the needs of the unit. The unit has a split mission of
Prevention and Response therefore currently consists of one Lieutenant (LT), two
Chief Warrant Officers, one Marine Science Technician Chief, one Boatswains
Mate, one Machinery Technician, and two Marine Science Technician Second
Classes. The unit would be more efficient if an Ensign billet replaced one Warrant
Officer billet. The primary benefit of an adding an Ensign would be increased
efficiency by allowing an extra line in the chain of command to relinquish some of
the administrative burden that is placed on the supervising LT. As it stands now, the
LT has to run a split mission office and handle the small, daunting administrative
tasks such as proofreading awards, Certificate of Inspection s, memos and other
correspondence. Supervising LT duties should not spend their valuable time being a
first reviewer of correspondence... Show more content on ...
The current vessel inspection fleet the unit is responsible for about thirty small
passenger vessels. Two Chief Warrant Officers complete these inspections over a
several state Area Of Responsibility (AOR) but the inspections are seasonal. Due to
the climate and the nature of the AOR, the Army Corp of Engineer closes river locks
for roughly three to four months a year consequently shutting down vessel traffic,
commerce and essentially the inspected vessel fleet. However, the administrative
tasking from Sector and other fascists of industry do not stop, consequently resulting
in a continuous administrative agenda. An Ensign would be able to expertly handle
all year round the administrative assignments and assist a Chief Warrant Officer on
Inspections when two inspectors are required during a seasonal vessel inspection
Lombroso s Biological Theory Of Crime
Italy is a country in Europe, well known and distinctly identified on maps by its
shape of a boot that is flanked by the neighbouring countries of France, Switzerland,
Austria and Slovenia. As of May, 2016, the current population of Italy is
approximately 60 million people. On the one hand, Italy is a country of grand culture,
scenic landscapes, rugged mountains, and rich history and art. On the other hand,
Italy is an important gateway and client of Latin American cocaine and Asian heroin
entering the European market, money laundering by organized crime, and various
smuggling operations. Italian mafia activity accounts for fourteen percent (14%) of
Italy s GDP (gross domestic product), which is one of the primary indicators ... Show
more content on ...
The Italian School of Criminology was interested in why some persons engaged in
criminal behaviour and other persons did not. The school s thinking was that some
people had a biological inclination and tendency for crime. Lombroso believed that
certain individuals with this biological trait could be identified by specific
physical deformations and disfigurements: extended jaws, drooping eyes, large
ears, flattened noses, longer arms and fingers, sloping shoulders, and a lower back
that jutted outward. Lombroso had conducted his research for this theory in the
Italian prison system, collecting detailed and specific physical measurements of
prisoners and comparing the measurements with those of regular Italian citizens.
Lombroso aimed to prove that criminals were atavists biological throwbacks from
early human evolution, who engaged in criminal activity and violence because it
was an instinctive trait. During a post mortem autopsy on a man named Giuseppe
Villella, a notorious Calabrian thief and arsonist, Lombroso wrote, At the sight of
that skull, I seemed to see all of a sudden, lighted up as a vast plain under a flaming
sky, the problem of the nature of the criminal an atavistic being who reproduces in
his person the ferocious instincts of primitive humanity and the inferior animals.
Thus were explained anatomically the enormous jaws, high cheek bones, prominent
superciliary arches, solitary lines in the palms, extreme size of the orbits, handle
shaped or sessile ears found in criminals, savages and apes, insensibility to pain,
extremely acute sight, tattooing, excessive idleness, love of orgies and the
irresistible craving for evil for its own sake, the desire not only to extinguish life in
the victim, but to mutilate the corpse, tear its flesh, and drink
The Barbary War
I claim that the Barbary war helped set the foundation for the United States military
that we have today. America has been fighting terrorism from almost the very
beginning. Barbary pirates ran the trade off the northern coast of Africa, they required
many wealthy countries to pay off the pirates to keep their merchant ships safe. The
United Stateswas not one of those countries, mainly because it didn t have enough
money to pay the pirates off. After multiple American merchant ships had been
seized by these pirates, Thomas Jefferson became fetup. Jefferson pleaded
President Washington to take action. This eventually led to the birth of the U.S.
Navy. The Barbary war started the layout of the U.S. Navy that we know today. The
Navy made its debut against the pirates it was a test, but it helped shape the Navy
and helped make it stronger. Although it was brand, the Navy stood up to widely
feared Barbary pirates, and showed just a glimmer of what it would become in the
future. Had it not been for this fight against these terrorising pirates then it might
have taken much longer for the U.S.... Show more content on ...
Navy wasn t the only expansion in the U.S. military to help fight the pirates. There
was a new addition added in the same undeclared war against the Barbary pirates,
the Marines were the newest asset in the United States military. When the blockade
of Tripoli harbor didn t workout as the U.S. had planned they decided to send troops
in,the only problem was that they didn t have enough ground troops. It wasn t until
General William Eaton and Lieutenant Presley O bannon led eight other marines and
six hundred mercenaries on an attack of Derna. While the Marines had existed before
the Barbary war, fighting in the Revolutionary war as well, it wasn t until they went
to battle against the Barbary pirates that they would become an official part of the
United States military. The Marines proved their worth during their fight against
these pirates who reigned terror on the
Essay about Theodore Roosevelt s Square Deal
Theodore Roosevelt s Square Deal Theodore Roosevelt may be one of the most
powerful presidents that attacked Trusts1 and corporations to make them just so
that everyone could prosper. Thayer, a friend of Roosevelt wrote, . . .he took the
deepest personal satisfaction in fighting the rich and the soulless corporations. . .
(Thayer). This led into the 1920 s a prosperous decade in which people received new
money. Theodore Rooseveltstressed more for people to be responsible than to be
autonomous, or, in other words, to help others besides helping yourself. He was able
to bring two separate groups together to make a better America. He brought the Trusts
that wanted the government to stay away and then the other side... Show more content
on ...
Bigness not badness was the sin (Miller). The biggest step that Roosevelt did using
the Sherman Act was stopping the Northern Securities Company from having a
monopoly on the railroad industry in the North. The Great Northern railroad
company wanted to merge with the Northern Pacific railroad company. Even though
this was a part of the railroad industry Roosevelt did not like where the merge might
lead in the future, because he wanted to insure that other corporations could compete.
He also broke up the Standard Oil Trust and the Tobacco Trust. He felt that they were
getting too large and smaller companies had no where to go. In seven and a half years
Theodore Roosevelt had 44 prosecutions using the Sherman Act (Howland). After
using the Sherman Act, Roosevelt started using new legislature to conquer the Trusts
and make labor conditions more tolerable. The first department that he made to
conquer Trusts was the Federal Department of Commerce and Labor. The Commerce
Department could not break down the Trusts, but they could make working
conditions better for all workers, and also set rates so the corporations could not over
charge. The Commerce department set a maximum rate for the railroad companies in
which they could charge companies. This way, the companies tnies could not survive
and compete. Also, the
“Academic Stress, Achievement Motivation, and
The main aim of the present study was to explore the relative contribution of
academic stress, achievement motivation and academic achievement among
adjustment of high school students. It was hypothesized that adjustment will be
significantly predicted on the basis of academic stress, achievement motivation and
academic achievement. 160 students of Sangli and Kolhapur district were selected by
random sampling method. Multiple regressions were done to analyze the collective
data. The findings of the study revealed that academic stress and adjustment is
negatively related with each other, while ... Show more content on ...
Educational adjustments are very important for academic achievement. Ramanna
Sood (1992) found significant relationship between achievement motivation and
adjustment. According to Good (1993) academic achievement means knowledge
attained or skills developed in the school subject, usually designated by test scores or
by marks assigned by teachers or by both. Best (1977) pointed out that academic
grades assigned by teachers or scores on standardized achievement test is operational
definition of academic achievement. According to George and Ravindran (2005)
many factors contribute to academic achievement. The major ones are intelligence,
adjustments, motivation, academic stress, level of aspirations and time perception
etc. In present study academic achievement is being studied with the adjustment,
achievement motivation and academic stress.
Aim of the study The main aim of the present study is that there is possibility of
prediction of adjustment of high school students on the basis of academic stress,
achievement motivation and academic achievement.
Objectives of the study 1) To measure the academic stress, achievement motivation
and adjustment of high school students and find out whether the difference between
male female, urban rural and high and low achievers is significant or not. 2) To study
the strength of association
A Parliamentary Spirit Of Discovery Persuasive Speech
A Renewed Spirit of Discovery was the title of President Bush s speech for his
vision of new Space Exploration. Since the debate was given on January 14, 2004,
it has produced viable concerns from those who support and oppose the initiative.
Arguments for and against it have appeared in all types of media, and more
importantly in the minds of Americans. This Literature Review will discuss many of
these beliefs in order to achieve a well rounded, objective analysis of the issue. But
before any opinions are put forth, it is always important to talk about the relative facts.
Why put forth a new vision?
Over past 30 years, it is hard to say that we have explored space. It is more
appropriate to say we have conquered manned flight in Earth s lower orbit. Truly,
the Apollo Missions to the moon, which ended in the mid 70 s, was also the end to
Manned Space. We have continued to build satellites and space stations to orbit the
earth, and robots and satellites to explore Mars and Deep Space. By proposing to put
humans on the Moon and Mars, the President has not changed our manned space
exploration policy; he has created one.
President George W. Bush proposed a new age in Space Exploration on January 14,
2004. The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster was only part of his reasoning for
announcing a new direction for NASA. A reason not as well known is the current
lack of any direction for NASA. Other than sending probes and robots to Deep Space
and Mars, NASA has continued to
Teenage Dating in the 1950s Essay examples
Teenage Dating in the 1950s
Teenagers in the 1950 s are so iconic that, for some, they represent the last
generation of innocence before it is lost in the sixties. When asked to imagine this
lost group, images of bobbysoxers, letterman jackets, malt shops and sock hops
come instantly to mind. Images like these are so classic, they, for a number of
people, are as American as apple pie. They are produced and perpetuated by the
media, through films like Grease and Pleasantville and television shows like Happy
Days, The Donna Reed Show, and Leave It to Beaver. Because of these entertainment
forums, these images will continue to be a pop cultural symbol of the 1950 s. After
the second World War, teenagers became much more noticeable in... Show more
content on ...
She then is given the option of accepting his call by letting him in or rejecting it by
making up an excuse as to why she cannot see him. Refreshments were often served
(though not always), and the entertainment was primarily piano playing in the parlor.
But because the lower classes were not so well endowed so that they own pianos or
even parlors, they started their own form of courtship which soon became known as
dating. This practice was soon picked up by the upper classes, and from there it
progressed into the middle class, with which it is still inherently associated today
(Bailey 17).
Calling and dating are so intrinsically different it is hard to imagine how the
transition from one to another was even made. Firstly, calling was practiced with the
intention of finding a suitable husband for a young lady; whereas, in dating, this
was, and still is, not the primary goal. People date because it is enjoyable, pleasant,
and valuable (Merrill 62), and they thought that they could gain rewarding
experiences from it. In the fifties and surrounding decades, handbooks and other
books exploring relationships described dating as a fun activity in which teens are
allowed to meet and mingle with many members of the opposite sex. Besides, dating
allowed young people to be with each other without their parents interfering.
Analysis Of Milan Kundera s Unbearable Lightness Of
In Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera uses the contrasting ideas of
lightness and weight to signify ones existence. Kundera disagrees with Frederich
Nietzsche s concept of Eternal Return, and believes that instead of one s existence
being a recurring event with little to no change in detail our lives only happen once,
meaning every action or decision in a life has a very brief existence.
The novel introduces us with Tomas, who is an extremely light character, with few
emotional ties to people, with a enormous need for many lovers. For him, love and
sex are separate entities. He loves Tereza, a single woman, but will sleep with a
large amount of other women throughout his life. The arrival of Tereza then
directly signifies a new addition of weight into Tomas life. She is described as The
two of them got into his car, which was parked in front of the house, and drove to
the station. There he claimed the suitcase (it was large and enormously heavy) and
took it and her home. (Kundera, Milan, and Michael Heim Henry. The Unbearable
Lightness of Being. page 9 10) Tereza has packed up what we consider is a large
amount of her belongings, moving her life into Tomas , in a large and enormous and
heavy suitcase. This suitcase contains her life, and the act of Tomas taking it home
shows the entrance of Tereza s heaviness into his life. Tereza and Tomas share a...
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Their relationship does not consist of love; an emotion instead shared within other
heavier relationships, and instead could be considered as being one categorized as
an affair . This relationship between two light characters seems to run into little
conflict, as Tomas and Sabina share the same ideas about life. Despite what seems
like an easy balance, they both move on to pursue heavier
General Review of Algorithms Presented for Image
Image segmentation commonly known as partitioning of an image is one of the
intrinsic parts of any image processing technique. In this image pre processing step,
the digital image of choice is segregated into sets of pixels on the basis of some
predefined and preselected measures or standards. There have been presented many
algorithms for segmenting a digital image. This paper presents a general review of
algorithms that have been presented for the purpose of image segmentation.
Segmenting or dividing a digital image into region of interests or meaningful
structures in general plays a momentous role in quite a few image processing tasks.
Image analysis, image visualization, object representation are some of them. The
prime objective of segmenting a digital image is to change its representation so that
it looks more expressive for image analysis. During the course of action in image
segmentation, each and every pixel of the image segmentation is assigned a label or
value. The pixels that share the same value also share homogeneous traits. The
examples can include color, texture, intensity or some other features. Image
segmentation can be defined as the technique to divide the an image f (x, y) into a
non empty subset f1, f2, ...., fn which is continuous and disconnected. This step
contributes in feature extraction. There are quite a few applications where image
segmentation plays a pivotal role. These applications vary from image filtering, face
recognition, medical imaging
The idea of creating a charity that gives back to wounded...
The idea of creating a charity that gives back to wounded war veterans and their
families was created by Mark Foster. Mark also wanted the families of these
soldiers to have the money to keep a healthy family while being able to pay for the
hospital depts. Thank you, Operation Home front for helping my family get back
to normal after my dad was injured in Iraq. (Jonathan) Operation Home front had
raised enough money to give Jonathan s dad replacement legs after losing them in
Iraq. Mark also wanted the families of these soldiers to have the money to keep a
healthy family while being able to pay for the hospital depts. He thought that if a
person volunteered to go to war overseas and gets badly injured should be given a
little... Show more content on ...
Operation Home front helped veteran Anthony Owens by giving him a mortgage free
home after being badly injured in Afghanistan. Without Operation Home front
Anthony wouldn t have been able to get any money or work until fully recovered so
instead of struggling to survive after fighting Operation Home front is helping him
get back on his feet.
Operation Home front gives aid to military families by holding fundraisers or
through volunteer work. The fundraisers that occur are usually large public events
so they are able to raise as much money as possible. They hold events to raise
money through concerts, golfing, and races that anyone can attend and contribute
to. Financial food assistance, repairs, help to the families of our service members
and wounded warriors (Operation Home front). This quote means that the
foundation gives money, food, and fixes cars and homes for wounded veterans
through donations. With a simple act of giving, you have the ability to make the
lives of our military families who sacrifice so much, a little better (Operation
Home front) For the people who put their lives on the line for us to have a good
life, giving back helps ease their own life. Operation Home front has many other
smaller charities like Homes on the Home front, Hearts of Valor, and Holiday Meals
for the Military. Each charity focuses on one main problem like how Meals for The
Military gives food
Extracts In Jane Austen s Northanger Abbey Is A
Jane Austen s Northanger Abbey is a Bildungsroman, a coming of age story that
focuses on the psychological development, of the protagonist Catherine Morland.
This essay will analyse the language, and narrative techniques of the extract, and
discuss how this excerpt suggests vicissitude in Catherine s personal perspectives, and
relationships. In addition, it will discuss the domestic gothic and real life abuse
ubiquitous in ordinary situations. Furthermore, it will argue how Austen s rhetorical
techniques work to encourage reader interest, and to exercise perception, when
distinguishing between appearance, and reality. Finally, it will conclude by briefly
discussing the significance of the extract within the novel s wider themes. Austen...
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Catherine s immaturity does not prepare her for her expulsion from the Abbey.
Consequently, she is not aware of his reasons and is bewildered as to the reason
for her abrupt dismissal, Have I offended the General, () and, I am very sorry if I
have offended him. It was the last thing I would willingly have done. () What
could all this mean but an intentional affront? The excerpt emphasises the Generals
patriarchal hold he has over his family, accentuating his military trained,
domineering personality, and his controlling obsession with timekeeping, Eleanor
is embarrassed to be the pained relays his demands, tomorrow morning is fixed for
your leaving us, and not even the hour is left to your choice, the very carriage is
ordered, and will be here at seven o clock. () Eleanor is embarrassed and insulted to
be the pained messenger of her father s cruel and unexpected expulsion of her
friend. The use of aposiopesis in the passage portrays Eleanor s emotions; and that
the happiness your company has hitherto given us is to be repaid by
A Comparison Of Braveheart And The 13th Warrior
According to Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 6 22, leadership is the
process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to
accomplish the mission and improve the organization . This essay will analyze two
different leaders, William Wallace from Braveheart and Ahmad ibn Fadlanfrom The
13th Warrior. After analyzing each leader, this essay will transition to compare the
leadership lessons, concepts, perspectives, and styles I observed. Then this essay will
suggest how Army leaders can employ the aforementioned perceptions to motivate
others to accomplish missions and improve their organizations. Additionally, this
essay will recommend specific groups within the Army enterprise that should watch
Braveheart and The 13th Warrior through the lens of leadership to gain a thorough
understanding of these leadership traits so they can improve their leadership styles
for others to follow and aspire.
Braveheart...William Wallace
Braveheart takes place in Scotland throughout the late 13th and early 14th centuries.
England s King Edward the Longshanks invades and conquers Scotland after
Scotland s King Alexander III dies with no heir to the throne in 1280. William
Wallace, a young Scottish commoner, learns the death of his father is due to the
atrocities of King Edward the Longshanks. His Uncle presumes guardianship of
Wallace where he is educated, trained in self defense, and travels Europe to gain an
understanding of the
The Enigma Of Capital And The Crisis Of Capitalism
A Critical Review of David Harvey s The Enigma of Capital and the Crisis of
Capitalism Sudheer Vemuru
Economics 490
10 November, 2014
In writing this paper, I have abided by the Honor Code at UNC Chapel Hill.
Signature:____________________ ______________________
The Enigma of Capital and the Crisis of Capitalism is a forum for author David
Harvey to voice his concerns on the contemporary global capitalist model. As a
Marxist geographer and anthropologist, Harvey analyzes modern capitalism
through a lens of skepticism that results in a scathing renunciation of the capitalist
goals of perpetual accumulation and creative destruction. Harvey argues that in a
world constrained by scarce resources and burgeoning social barriers, the capitalist
process produces a strange dynamic that oscillates between periods of crisis and
boom (40). In the end the capitalist may be able to hedge against her losses, but the
vast majority of the population will wallow in the doldrums, enslaved by the
power of capital and unable to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Such is the
extent of the problem we face in the wake of the Great Recession. The economy
continues to grow modestly, while median household income shrinks (Noss 2). The
capitalists are reloading once again at the expense of Main Street. As Harvey points
out, there is a great need to reevaluate of our views of modern capitalism. The
Enigma of Capital is just a starting point.
Harvey begins his analysis of capitalism with a
The Four Gospels In The Bible
The four gospels in the Bible are the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The
book that I have chosen to focus on is the book of Luke. Referencing my reading
review from earlier in this week, my favorite Biblical story is, of course, the
Christmas story. In my opinion, the book of Luke tells this story in the most
beautiful way, and has therefore long been my favorite of the four gospels. In order,
Luke is the third book, but the second longest of the four canonical gospels
The authorship of the book of Luke is widely accepted to have been written by
Luke. Luke was an associate of Paul, so it has been compared to the many works of
Paul, and the book of Luke is held mostly in conjunction with the book of Acts. The
two volume work is referred to as Luke Acts and together they account for 27.5% of
the New Testament. This is the largest contribution to the Bibleby a ... Show more
content on ...
The parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Zacchaeus, the Prodigal Son, and
the pardon of one of the robbers crucified with him are found only in the gospel of
Luke. Luke focuses on the forgiving nature of God no matter who the person may
be. The book of Luke includes stories that showed Samaritans as being the good
guys, no matter what society might have thought of them. Both the story of the
Good Samaritan and the healing of the lepers are included in the book of Luke
(MAOG 236). I have always been a kind and forgiving person, and a large part of
that is due to my study of the book of Luke. But I say to you that listen, Love your
enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those
who abuse you. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from
anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt. Give to
everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes away your goods, do not ask for
them again. Do to others as you would have them do to you (NISB
The Genetics For Mongol Migration
Maryann Steadman
ANTH 3125
2014, October 11th
Reflection Paper One
Genetics for Mongol Migration Mongolia is located in between Russia and China,
and is a neighbor to Kazakhstan. The people that live there are called Mongols.
Mongolia, which is part of Asia, is part of what composes Eurasia. When it comes to
DNA and chromosomal lineage, there are many factors that lead to how a person
will look, who they will mate with, and what decisions they make in that process.
These categories all run under the term genetics. The second week s lecture said that
there are three major types of genetic data. There is autosomal, Y chromosome, and
mitochondrial DNA. Autosomal is a combination of your mother and father s
DNA that makes you. Y chromosomes come from your father and are given to a
son, and mitochondrial DNA comes from your mother. Everyone has the
autosomal and mitochondrial aspects of genetics. The mitochondrial makeup is
just what genes you got from your mother. However, only males have the Y
chromosome aspect of genetics since males sex genes are comprised of XY while
females are XX. Mongols (and their language of Mongolic) originally came from
the Altai Mountains, which are near Mongolia (week lecture two). In the second
week s lecture it is also noted that Mongolia may have been the original location for
starting Y chromosomal lineage. In Zerial s article, The Genetic Legacy of the
Mongols, it talks about Mongols being a star cluster for other people.
Summary Of Chillingworth s Evil Nature
Journal Entry 6
In Chapter 9, Chillingworth s evil nature starts to show. As Dimmesdale suffers with
the guilt of being Pearl s father, Chillingworth acts as a physician who seems to be
taking the life out of Dimmesdale even more. The townspeople are beginning to
notice that there is something ugly and evil starting in his face (Hawthorne, 124). In
chapter 10, this theme of evil continues with Chillingworth, for he continues to get
worse. In this chapter, it is clear that Chillingworth s goal of revenge is to increase
Dimmesdale s inner pain. Hawthorne describes Chillingworth as a thief entering a
chamber where a man lies only half asleep (Hawthorne, 126) as a way to further
symbolize his evilness. Chillingworth harasses Dimmesdale constantly about his
secrets asking, why not reveal them here? (Hawthorne, 128). But even with all the
nagging, Dimmesdale refuses to reveal what s been making him sick on the inside.
In chapter 11, Dimmesdale s suffering only increases. His sermons hint at his sinful
nature, but everyone is being mislead by them for they seem to think that
Dimmesdale is even more holy. Dimmesdale is tortured by some black trouble of the
soul (Hawthorne, 137) and yet, his hidden public confessions are misunderstood.
However, Dimmesdale is aware of this, for the minister well knew subtle, but
remorseful hypocrite that he was (Hawthorne, 141). In chapter 12, during the night,
Dimmesdale stands on the scaffold, in which it can clearly be seen that
Analysis Of Punch During The Great War
I.ReynoldsВґs cartoon:
This is a cartoon published by Punch on 27th of September 1916 and realized by
Percy Reynolds. Punch was a satirical journal designed to a middle and upper class
audience that published short articles, poems or black cut illustrations as the selected
source . The title of the cartoon suggests that civilians, cartoonists and journalists
were imagining the design of the tanks because of the absence of official images in
the beginning of the war. The drawing illustrates seven different tanks that seem to be
represented as metallic animals on saw toothed wheels. Frogs, elephants, turtles, rats,
hedgehogs and reptiles are satirized and converted in armored cars.
II.Toy Fair at SelfridgeВґsВЁ:
This is an advertisement ... Show more content on ...
IV.Photograph Beattie and BabsВЁ:
This is a photograph catalogued by the IWM which shows how the singers Beattie
and Babs gave a symphonic show on the top of the tank, after investing ВЈ1300 in
March 1918. On the home front, many postcards and newspapers used photographic
records of the civilian contribution as a propaganda tool to encourage war effort to
finance the conflict.
a.Analysis of sources:
The selected sources in chronological order suggest a sequence of different
dimensions that helps to analyse a cultural approach of the tank during the Great War.
I.Tank as an imagination:
Due to the secrecy measures and the absence of photographs during the beginning of
the war, correspondents used imaginative ideas and representations. As Wright
describes, the mysterious engine has excited the imagination and the curiosity of
everybody . Allegories and drawings created by H.Robinson or Reynolds among
others were essential in the imagination of the tanks, which became behemoths,
juggernauts or elephantine tractors .
Thus, the power of the machine was inseparable from its potency as an idea and
image because it had already succeeded as a powerful symbol before it was proven as
an effective fighting vehicle. Moreover, as the MontassierВґs poster suggests, the
tank seems to promise a new kind of war in the future conflicts
Object Oriented And How It Has Gained Popularity For
Research Question: Object oriented (OO) technology in software design and
implementation has gained popularity for cost reduction and quality improvement.
Research the concept of OO. In 10 pages ( double spaced, 12 point Times Roman
font with 1 inch margins ), explain the evolution of OO, how it differs from
procedural programming, why it is more cost effective and how it can improve
software quality. The research project will be submitted through Turnitin Be sure
to locate at least 6 sources to reference. Cite your sources. Abstract This paper is
about the evolution of Object oriented technology in software design and
implementation and its role in current market for developing web based products
or server side scripting. Many Object oriented languages have come in market but
among them companies prefer to use open source OO languages such as Java,
C++, C# .NET, and Visual Basic .NET etc. The demand for these languages has
increased because the cost of licensing is very less or nothing. As these languages
are open source, it easy to find relevant libraries and source code for the developers
while developing a product. The cost of the infrastructure such as development IDE
s or testing tools are also minimal or available for free. Hence all these factors
decrease the cost of developing a product using Object oriented technology. The basic
concept of OO language is Objects. An Object is a combination of attributes and
behaviors. An object is an entity that contains
An Essay About Aruba Life
Waking up, walking outside to sun rays beaming down on my face. The palm trees
shake and stir from the constant warm breeze. Smelling the fresh, clean, crystal blue
ocean, but not your normal seaweed infested water. So clear that you can see your
feet, digging into the sand. This is Aruba, my home away from home. Ever since I
was nine years old, I have gone to Arubawith my family for vacation over the
summer. Every time I go, I find something that makes me lovethe island more than
the previous vacation. Aruba is not your typical island, it is only about seventy
miles long. It only takes about an hour to an hour and a half to get from one side of
the island to the other. Also, you do not see the type of poverty that you would in
Jamaica or... Show more content on ...
The Netherlands soccer team actually placed third in the 2014 Fifa soccer
tournament. I have been playing soccer since I was six, so the locals loved that I
was able to play with them. While we waited for Cecilia to make dinner, we
snorkeled and played soccer with the rest of her Aruban family. There were five
kids, four adults, and Cecilia s mother and father. This was such an eye opening
experience for me, because it showed me how kind some people could be. When it
came to dinner, it was one of the best meals I had eaten on that trip. We ate grouper
(the island s most popular fish), salad, jerk chicken, roasted pineapples, and for
dessert we had fried dough balls covered in cinnamon and sugar. That meal is
important in defining who I am as a person today, it was that meal that restored my
faith in humanity and I realized that there was good in this world. It is so
important to keep an open mind and be accepting to all people, especially in today s
world. Having had this experience has really helped me to be kind and have a
positive influence on people s lives. I believe this mainly because it has made me
want to be more positive, generous, and a better person all
Frederick Jackson Turner Significance Of The Frontier
Frederick Jackson Turner s The Significance of the Frontier is, in his eyes, an
accurate depiction of America s development since the Colonial Period. However,
Turner s Frontier Thesis fails to discuss the involvement of two very specific groups
of people, groups that certainly had too much of an effect on the progression of the
country for him to safely leave out. Native Americans have a pivotal role in America
s history, yet Turner s mentions of them in his thesis are extremely limited. For this
reason, Frederick Jackson Turners The Significance of the Frontier is not an accurate
depiction of the history of the United States. Unlike the image that Turner represents
in his Frontier Thesis, Native Americans played a large role in the formation of
America s history. Turner continuously undermines their presence, referring to them
mostly in passing and never giving their race much credit. When discussing the
presence of different animals and people on the frontier, he ranks them only one step
above animals, saying watch the procession of civilization marching single file the
buffalo following the trail to the salt springs, the Indian, the fur trader and hunter, the
cattle raiser, the pioneer farmer and the frontier has passed by. In saying this, Turner
is conveying the imagery that Indians are altogether their own species, not quite
animals but neither human enough to be included in what he would consider the
presence of man. Murphy s book Great Lakes
Bonnie and Clyde Film
Genre categorization is important because it helps to organize and classify movies.
People make a lot of decisions based on the genre of the film; this is one of the main
ways in which audiences select what movie to see. Most genres follow the same
theme, story formula, setting, and story formula. If every genrefollowed the same set
of rules one would think that after awhile these movies would become predictable
and therefore lose its spark. There is also the notion that people and society change
and evolve, making certain genres irrelevant and not relatable to the overall movie
lover population. So how do film makers who are known and generally stick to a
certain genre, keep audiences from losing interest? They simply evolve with
society by changing the rules of a certain genre and one way to do this is genre
breaking. Genre breaking can be defined as a film that is classified as a certain
genre but breaks the genre tradition, by keeping the traditional theme of the genre but
changing the setting, presentation, and story formula. By doing this, the film still
follows the essential idea of the genre s traditional theme, but the way it goes about
doing it is totally different and can usually be seen as a parody.
The best example of genre breaking would be the film Bonnie and Clyde made in
the 1967 by Arthur Penn. Bonnie and Clyde is seen as a gangster film, and follows
the overall theme of a gangster film. The theme of a gangster film is the American
Dream, which tries to
Examples Of Courtly Love In The Knight s Tale
Most honorable men of Ancient England practiced chivalry, and committed
themselves to a courtly love with the woman they wanted. Courtly love emphasizes
nobility and chivalry in order to wed the woman of your dreams. Some may even
say Ancient England is where chivalry was invented. Courtly love is romanticized in
the Canterbury Tale s: The Franklin s Tale, The Squire s Tale, and The Knights Tale.
These three short stories encompass Ancient England s idea of courtly lovethrough the
practices of chivalry between knights and noblemen. The Franklin s Tale discusses
the love triangle of a courageous knight named Arveragus, a beautiful young lady
named Dorigen, and the most handsome nobleman named Aurelius. Arveragus and
Dorigen wed, but Arveragus must leave for two years for work. During this time
Dorigen becomes lonely, and Aurelius decides to attempt to win her over. However,
she gives him a task that he surely can t complete in order to have her. He uses a
student s magic in order to complete the task, but when he attempts to claim his prize
of Dorigen, Arveragus than arrives back home. Dorigen explains... Show more
content on ...
The love story here is of two young knights Arcite and Palamon and their love for
Emilie. They both face challenges along the way, but agree to joust for the love of
Emilie. This explains the type of courtly love where two men agree to fight for that
of a young woman s love. The stage becomes set for not a joust but a war. Both
knights pray to two different gods. Arcite prays to Mercury the god of War, and
Palamon prays to Venus the goddess of love. Arcite indeed wins the war, but does
not win the girl as Palamon does. It is understood that because Palamon prays to the
goddess of love that he is more deserving of Emilie s love. Here courtly love is
demonstrating because Palamon fought solely for the honor of Emilie s love,
whereas Arcite fought only to win the
Newborn Bloodspot Essay
Michael Connor
Consent for Newborn Bloodspot Research
As most parents or medical students may be aware of, newborn infants have blood
samples taken shortly after birth. Their heels are pricked and blood is sptted onto a
paper which is sent for processing at a state level. These programs have been wildly
successful at detecting a panel of genetic conditions such as PKU and preventing
death or disability. Historically, researchconducted using these bloodspots was not
considered to be human subjects research that is; research defined by the Common
Rule as activities in which either the research investigator obtains samples through
direct interaction with living individuals or the samples are linked to individually
identifiable ... Show more content on ...
45 CFR part 46, subpart A
2.Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization Act of 2014, HR 1281, 113th
Cong, 2nd Sess (2014).
3.Tarini BA, Goldenberg A, Singer D, Clark SJ, Butchart A, Davis MM. Not without
my permission: parents willingness to permit use of newborn screening samples for
research. Public Health Genomics. 2010;13(3):125 130.
4.Botkin JR, Rothwell E, Anderson R, et al. Public attitudes regarding the use of
residual newborn screening specimens for research. Pediatrics. 2012;129(2):231 238.
5.Cantarel BL, Lei Y, Weaver D, et al. Analysis of archived residual newborn
screening blood spots after whole genome amplification. BMC Genomics.
6.Mladina R, Skitarelić N, Carić T, Raguž M. Type 5 and 6 nasal septal
deformities: Could we predict and prevent acute coronary syndrome attacks in the
future?. Med Hypotheses. 2015;25533753
7.Lillie SE, Tarini BA, Janz NK, Zikmund fisher BJ. Framing optional genetic testing
in the context of mandatory newborn screening tests. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak.
8.Bayefsky MJ, Saylor KW, Berkman BE. Parental Consent for the Use of Residual
Newborn Screening Bloodspots: Respecting Individual Liberty vs Ensuring Public
Health. JAMA.
War In A Separate Peace
For me, this moment four years is a moment in history was the war. The war was
and is a reality for me. I still instinctively live and think in its atmosphere (32). This
quote made by Gene encapsulates the major role World War II plays in A Separate
Peace. John Knowles, the author, utilizes the war as a spectacular backdrop for his
novel. In fact, without World WarII, this book would just be another story lost in the
churn of the millions of novels published. A Separate Peace, which would lack an
external conflict, have only a paucity of symbolisms and connections, and suffer
from a lack of explanation for many of the character s actions, would need to be
completely rewritten or scratched altogether. The absence of World War II would
jeopardize... Show more content on ...
Three of the main characters, Gene, Brinker, and Leper would all dramatically
change if there was no war. Probably the most obvious of these characters who
were impacted by the World War II was Leper. The innocent of the class, Leper
never knew what he was getting into when he enlisted to ski in the war. Leper s
life is then turned upside down, and he goes completely crazy. Without the war,
Leper s character would need to be developed in some alternative way. Brinker also
completely changes and manipulates his actions as a consequence of this war.
Known formerly as the most responsible, respectable leader on campus at Devon,
Brinker morphs into a character that seems particularly indifferent and downright
rebellious. Knowles indirectly characterizes him through Gene s thoughts,
mentioning that Brinker the Lawgiver had turned rebel for the Duration (122). It
is very difficult for one to say that without the war, Brinker would select the path of
rebellion, rather than stay serious and have a possibly brighter future. Finally, Gene
is not only affected by his internal struggles but also the struggle that is going on
overseas as he completes his years at Devon. Like most things that happen in the
protagonist s life, Gene is never concrete on his stance or the following actions he
should take on these. He desires to lose his old, murky life in
The, The Former Capital Of China
Nanjing is the former capital of China. During this time, Japan was attempting to
take over the entire nation of China. Japan had developed a plan to take over all of
China in a span of just three months, starting with the invasion of Beijing. What the
Japanese weren t expecting was for China to put down a fight. With frustration
arising and their plan falling apart, the Japanese decided to take over Chinas capital,
Nanjing. During the Battle of Shangai, Japanese army forces proved their
dominance over the Chinese and took over in November. Following the Japanses
victory at Shangai, 50,000 Japanese soldiers began their march to China s capital:
Nanking. Although the Japanese were greatly outnumbered, they fought to the death,
entering the city on December 13, 1937. They were ordered to kill all captives,
leading to 90,000 Chinese soldiers surrendering (The History Place, 2000).
Japan s history leading up to the massacre is an intriguing one. Unfriendly relations
between Japan and China had an uprising in the early 1900 s. Before this rivalry
began, Japan, growing as a military power, had intentions of taking over China and
Korea. In 1876, Japan and Korea signed the Treaty of Kanghwa, making Korea
unilaterally independent, weakening China s hold on Korea. March of 1894, a
domestic rebellion by the anti foreigner Tonghak cult against the Korean monarchy
was jointly put down by both Japanese and Chinese troops. After the revolt was
quelled, China proposed the immediate

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  • 1. Memoirs Of A Geisha Essay Crafting an essay on the theme of "Memoirs of a Geisha" can be quite challenging due to the multifaceted nature of the subject matter. This topic demands a profound understanding of the novel, as well as a keen awareness of the cultural and historical context in which it is set. Analyzing the intricacies of the characters, delving into the nuances of the geisha culture, and deciphering the underlying themes and motifs require not only a comprehensive comprehension of the book but also a knack for insightful interpretation. Moreover, addressing the socio-cultural aspects, such as the portrayal of women, the significance of tradition, and the impact of historical events, adds an additional layer of complexity. Balancing literary analysis with historical context and cultural sensitivity is a delicate task that necessitates thorough research and critical thinking. The challenge lies in presenting a unique perspective or argument that goes beyond surface-level observations. Crafting a compelling thesis statement and supporting it with well-researched evidence is pivotal in creating an essay that stands out. Moreover, maintaining a coherent structure and ensuring a seamless flow of ideas further contributes to the difficulty. In summary, composing an essay on the topic of "Memoirs of a Geisha" requires a deep understanding of the novel, a nuanced grasp of cultural and historical contexts, and the ability to synthesize information into a coherent and insightful piece. It demands a balance between literary analysis and broader contextual considerations, making it a task that calls for both expertise and finesse. For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar tasks, various resources are available, including professional writing services like, where a range of essays and academic writing can be ordered to meet specific requirements. Memoirs Of A Geisha EssayMemoirs Of A Geisha Essay
  • 2. Summary Of Alan Turing The Enigma Alan Turing: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges London: Burnett Books Ltd, 2000 Andrew Hodges brings Alan Turing to life in the namesake title, Alan Turing: The Enigma. Alan Turing, a war hero in his own right, worked during World War II at Bletchley Park in England which was the site housing British codebreakers for the Government Code and Cypher School (GC CS). One of his main objectives was to crack the German Enigma machine s code. Turing s work was crucial to the war, and beyond that, he is known as the father of computer science and a brilliant mathematician. Turing became alarmed about the war with Germany in the fall of 1937. At the time, Turing spent his time studying and working on a thesis based on the theory of computation and on the hypothetical devices later known as Turing machines. A Turing machine in today s sense would be a model for a modern computer. Besides the important work with his research, he found time to enjoyably take up the subject of cryptanalysis assuming words would be replaced by numbers eventually to be transmitted on a binary scale: in zeros and ones, on and off, true and false. Turing himself even spent the time building hardware to produce ciphering machines as a hobby while at Princeton. These precursors were a perfect setup for the work he would pursue with the GC CS and Turing a natural recruit. During the First World War and up to this time in 1938, the GC CS grew from a small operation of around 25 officers with a small clerical staff
  • 3. Benefits And Benefits Of Social Security In Bonnie Smith Yackel s essay My Mother Never Worked she passionately defends her mother after Social Security refuses to grant her death benefit check. Yackel does not realize that Social Security fairly distributes benefits to contributing Americans. Social Security was reasonable to not granting benefits to a woman who never contributed as a wage earner. Hence it would not be fair if benefits are granted to a fraud who never paid wage taxes compared to wage earners who do. Americans who abuse Social Security benefits by committing fraud is unethical and not to mention illegal. Americans that are in desperate need for Social Security benefits require it far more than frauds. By eliminating fraud the governmentcan properly grant social benefits to hard working Americans. Social Security benefits should be permitted to Americans that work and provide back to their country or they are disabled. Also, hard working citizens that pay their duties will receive back from benefits, including employees that are qualified as disabled. Benefits should not be granted to any citizen that makes no contribution to their country such as, tax deductions from their wages. Furthermore, Social Security needs to reach out to the majority which is the povertystricken. By informing the impecunious or immigrants of Social Security it could save them from the misfortune of poverty. Even though, Social Security relieves some citizens from a financial burden there are still many improvements to be
  • 4. Flagg s Influence In The Kingdom Flaggs Influence in the kingdom has brought about a huge sparking of chaos, Flagg is a character who plays similar to Lucifer. From readings in the Bible Lucifer is an angel who thought he was stronger than God. He wanted overthrow God s kingdom in which caused him fool over angels with him but he was cast out of heaven. As for Flagg he hasn t been cast out he s a wizard that is look upon by the King as person with wisdom and Flagg has lived for 400 years. So he knows what s going on in the kingdom, but he wants to see it crumble just for his own excitement. In which is weird since he doesn t want to take it over, he just gets aroused by the idea and has planned it ever since he got his position in the kingdom. Flagg s is the advisor to King Roland and he has been around since the four rulers (monarchs) of Delain in which were Roland s parents etc. But Flagg has appeared in Delain 500 years ago according to the book, this information wasn t fully explained as to why and how he affected others with his powers and trickery.... Show more content on ... His chaos is not what we think as something tragic but is looked upon by him as fun. Like a hobby in which you find excitement in which in tales leaves him to lose a heart for others and stems selfishness. As presented in the story He uses Thomas who becomes prince as the former King Roland dies by Flagg poisoning him and Flagg putting Peter in his scheme to become a prisoner. By making it seem as if Peter killed his own father since Peter is the wiser one and Thomas is not all about common sense which in turn made him perfect to be King. Besides, he didn t really know anything, did he? He only had an Idea. And his ideas had always been wrong. (chapter 49 pg141). Throughout most of the story people in his own kingdom questioned if Thomas was a good fit. Since he wasn t king material and was more of a child who is immature in a
  • 5. Mxolisi In Mother to Mother, the author Sindiwe Magona humanizes Mxolisi by challenging white supremacy with perspective, realism and historicize to educate readers on the impacts of apartheid. Perspective is defined as a visible scene; a view or prospect, esp. an extensive one (OED), and it gives an insight on what black South Africans experience during apartheid. Realism is defined as a real fact, experience, or situation (OED). This emphasizes the realities of the separation of powers between the whites and the blacks. The definition of historicize is to make (a person or thing) historical or the subject of a history; to situate in a historical context (OED). The history of apartheid impacts Mxolisi s life and actions towards white South... Show more content on ... The use of imagery in this quote represents oppression, a system that is all around them and forced into them. Magona use perspective to humanize the community of Guguletu even though blacks were moved there against their will. The imagery of the community gives a sense of value, the people there, a well knit community. Knowing each other: knowing all the children (33). This quote humanizes the community, that the people in these townships are humans too and their lives are just as valuable. Irony and perspective is used to humanized Mxolisi during his time in jail, I do not understand why it is that the government is giving him so much now when it has given him nothing at all, all his life (3). The irony of this quote is equivalent to the injustice black South Africans had to face from the day they were born. Mxolisi was invisible before Amy s murder, now he is visible to the government because it enforces the system of white supremacy. Mandisa s perspective of the conditions her son is living in illustrates what apartheid is like for the whole community. Magona humanizes Mandisa as a mother, with a mother s heart (3), she feels the hurt of Amy s mother as her own because she is a human with emotions and sympathy. Mandisa s perspective on the death of Amy symbolizes the humanism in her and her son, the way she feels sadness for the Biehls even though her own son killed Amy, shows she is human. Magona uses realism to emphasize how the system
  • 6. Things They Carried Tim O Brien does a fantastic job of blurring the lines of what is true and what is fiction in The Things They Carried. In fact, he often points out that he has made entire stories up, after the fact. He defends his decisions by proposing that what he has done is, in fact, not lie, but rather tell a storytruth. He argues that his reason for doing this is to bring the story to life more than it could live through the happening truth. I want you to feel what I felt. I want you to know why story truth is truer sometimes than happening truth (O Brien, 183). O Brien believes that, when accompanied by vivid details which essentially make the reader view the scene as a dream, story truths can carry greater emotional truths than ever possible to... Show more content on ... Story telling truth, as has been defined to an extent, isn t completely real. Most frequently, it is modeled after happening truth, where it re shapes the story. Through the addition of details to the happening truth, the story becomes more believable. Oftentimes, great morals come from story truths where they were not previously evident in happening truths. One vivid example of this would be the scene where Curt Lemon is killed. Following this is the baby water buffalo scene (O Brien, 74). (O Brien, 80 81). The details bring the story truth to life, as the reader can picture what is going on more clearly through a sort of dream. Story truths bring events to life through the imagination. The thing about a story is that you dream it as you tell it, hoping that others might then dream along with you, and in this way memory and imagination and language combine to make spirits in the head. There is an illusion of aliveness (O Brien, 218). Oftentimes, heroic instances are added to give a story morals, where they may not have been visible to begin with. Take, for example, the scene where O Brien describes the soldiers who come upon a killer grenade. One of the soldiers jumped out and attempted to take the blast to save the rest of the soldiers. Right before they all die, one of the soldiers asks why he jumped out
  • 7. Ben Higgins Poverty On a recent episode of Ben Lauren: Happily Ever After, the viewers, saw Ben Higgins decide he wasn t quite ready to get married to Lauren Bushnell. Everyone wondered if this meant these two would split or not. It turns out that Ben and Lauren are now giving fans an update and things are better than ever according to the couple. People shared what Ben and Lauren had to say recently about how things are going. Ben and Lauren actually went on a trip Honduras this month as part of Higgins work with the non profit organization, Humanity and Hope. This organization is all about helping to end poverty. Ben Higgins shared a few details about it all. It s a huge vision, but with every village and every person who is influenced, we get closer to our goal. I ve been to Honduras eight times and every time I go... Show more content on ... Ben said a high point of his life was when they got engaged, but then he went on to explain a low point in his life. My low would be knowing for certain we were right for each other, having the blissful idea of what life would be like. ... It s also been hard. I had this idea that life would just be easy breezy, and it s not. I don t want you sad, I don t want you confused. I just want to see you rock this life. Ben Higgins even admitted that he made a huge mistake by pushing off their wedding. Now the fans are just going to have to wait and see when they actually end up tying the knot. Hopefully, they let everyone see it on ABC. Are you shocked to hear that Lauren Bushnell and Ben Higgins are doing so well together? Do you think that this couple is going to make it work? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts, and don t miss new episodes of The Bachelor with Nick Viall when they start airing on January 2. [Featured Image By Isaac Brekken/Getty Images for
  • 8. If Scotland Goes, Bankers Fear Britain Could Exit The... The article If Scotland goes, bankers fear Britain could exit the European Union was written by Jenny Anderson, published in The New York Times on 11th September 2014. This article brings out a completely new perspective regarding Scotland s independence. Every news article nowadays has been focusing on the political aspect of Scotland s independence, but Anderson focuses on one of the major consequences which might occur if Scotland becomes an independent country, and that is the exit of Britain from the European Union(EU), which most people are calling Brexit . Brexit is not a just a political debacle, but also a great financial issue. The author points out that it is considered to be a bigger concern than Scotland s independence. Bankers and other financial sectors feel that Brexit can cause a huge deal of loss, because Britain is said to be the gateway for the rest of the 28 nation European Union, a market which holds about 500 million more than what is prevalent in the United States and Japan combined. Anderson feels that for most big businesses like Goldman Sachs or Citigroup, London is the financial capital, which provides a gateway for nearly all of Europe. Without the unregulated access, the free flow of capital, resources, talent and goods and services would have to be renegotiated, making it difficult for the European nations. The financial industry is said to be the most affected since it accounts for about 7 percent of Britain s gross
  • 9. Character Development In Hugh Garner s The Father By Hugh... The choices and decisions made control our lives and build our future. Regardless of whether individuals see it or not, the choices did influence today, impact our tomorrow. Once a choice made, the actions play out, and the results convey; at that point, must choose the option to live with those outcomes. In the short story The Father, the author, Hugh Garner utilizes character development of John Purcell to demonstrate that one s irresponsible choices made have the ability to jeopardize an essential relationship in one s life. A choice of not putting the effort and vitality in building a relationship can make a person irresponsible, which impacts a relationship. When he discovered that Johnny does not have a full scout uniform because... Show more content on ... Because the father was so involved with himself, he did not make the time or put the effort to develop a proper relationship with his son. It is hard to have a healthy relationship with someone when they are controlled by alcohol. The relationship between John Purcell and his son had drifted apart more and more by his actions and his choice of being alcoholic. As inconsiderate as John he says to a curate Three dollars! Why, I could have taken Johnny to a burlesque show for less than that. There is a little boy present and their parents do not want their children exposed to such inappropriate jokes like John often expressed. John is inconsiderate therefore he does things without thinking. His recklessness continued when he met another untrustworthy father at the meeting. At that point when the outsider offered him a drink, he expected it happily expressing You re a lifesaver, because of his dependence on alcohol he humiliated his child much further; and had not taken his wife s oath of being on his best conduct into thought. When he went up the stairs to receive Johnny s reward, on the way he trips and falls making his son embarrassed and
  • 10. Social Work Law And Social Policy Social work law and social policy The children s parents both agree that they cannot provide a suitable safe home life for their children. The children are now living with their grandmother and they are happy and thriving. Although there is concern that her health will have an impact on her ability to care for the children long term and the local authority has recommended adoption for the children. However, the grandmother also has two other grown up children, one of whom is an adult. These relatives support the grandmother and have agreed to look after the children in the future if the grandmother can no longer do so. This essay will focus on laws and policies that Provide framework for social work practice and give guidance for good ... Show more content on ... The Act mainly focuses on children s welfare and keeping families together. The acts main focus is on keeping families together and states removing children from their homes should always be a last resort when support and guidance has failed. In section 1 of the Act there is a welfare checklist which consists of seven principles that courts must give consideration to the wishes and feelings of children, their physical, emotional and learning needs, features which will be applicable to the court s conclusion, The possible outcome on the child if circumstances changed as a result of the court s decision, any harm the child has suffered or may be at risk of suffering and the capability of children s parents (inbrief helping with life s legal issues, n.d). Under section 17 of The Children Act (1989) it is the local authority s (LA) duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in their area who are in need. The children from the case study are both classed as in need as they were witnesses to unsafe drug abuse and were living in a dirty home (Coram CLC Children s legal Centre ,2014). Once there is a suitable reason for concern it is the local authority s duty to investigate the case further under section 47 of The Children Act (1989) the authority shall make enquiries to establish whether they should take any action to safeguard or promote the child s welfare (, 2014). Following
  • 11. Prostitution in the Victorian Era Essay Prostitution in the Victorian Era There were many prostitutes during the Victorian era. Most were lower class women, with the exception of the mistresses kept by upper class men. According to Victorian standards, respectable women did not consider sexual intercourse pleasurable. It was their duty to be intimate with their husbands. Having affairs was disgraceful (Waters). Prostitutes, on the other hand, were sexually intimate with men because they enjoyed sex. Men enjoyed prostitutes because they could not enjoy their wives. Victorian femininity was not defined by sexual pleasure, while Victorian masculinity was defined by sexual pleasure and conquest. Prostitutes did not necessarily enjoy their sexual ... Show more content on ... Respectable men and women would lure young women, usually from a lower class background, away from their homes and sell them into prostitution. Rarely did these young women go back to their families; not because they free to go, but because the procurators and procuresses never allowed these women a moment to be truly alone in public. These horrible men and women controlled these young women s lives as if they were possessions. In the off chance that a young woman escaped her bondage, she was not welcome back into her family with open arms. She was an outcast because she was a prostitute (by society s standards). Unfortunately, there was no help for these young girls, or any other prostitute. The people in a position to help them, like The Society for the Protection of Women and Children, turned a blind eye towards these women. The Society for the Protection of Women and Children only helped the privileged, not the needy (Wells 56). Prostitutes were not confined to one way of presenting their services. There were many types of brothels that serviced men from all social classes visited. Streetwalkers lived in Accommodation houses, which is one type of brothel (Wells 56). These women did not pay a Madame for their room and board, but accountable to themselves. Other prostitutes lived under the watchful eyes of their procuresses. These women lived in
  • 12. Close Reading The Miller s Tale Close Reading of The Miller s Tale Geoffrey Chaucer s Canterbury Tales are some of the most widely read and anthologized pieces of medieval poetry. These tales are generally celebrated and enjoyed because of the author s use of wit and satire, as Chaucer often uses word play and characterization to deliver hard hitting, yet entertaining truths about his time period. This is the case in The Miller s Tale, which portrays the story of a carpenter with an adulterous wife and the shenanigans that take place during and after one of her affairs. After closely examining Absalom s Revenge, the last section of this tale, it is clear to see that Chaucer uses language, puns, and other writing techniques to provide a commentary on the lewdness of some who lived during the Middle Ages. In The Miller s Tale, John, the carpenter, is married to a lady named Alison. She is not the virtuous... Show more content on ... By using funny descriptions and puns within his diction, he creates a satire that is both entertaining and political in nature. For example, the imagery he uses when describing the flatulence scene is both vulgar and timeless. He writes of Nicholas and Absolon s interaction, This Nicholas anon leet fle a fart,/As greet as it had been a thonder dent,/That with the strook he was almoost yblent;/And he was redy with his iren hoot,/And Nicholas amydde the ers he smoot (lines 3806 3810). Chaucer manages to compare the sound of Nicholas s passing gas to thunder and says that it was so toxic that it almost blinded Absolon. The way Chaucer words this selection is so matter of fact and simply stated, that it increases the hilarity of the whole incident. Although Chaucer is entertaining his audience, he is also seeking to show the immorality of the every day people who surround him. This satirical use of language sets a tone that is both jovial and constructively
  • 13. My Senior Year Of High School Essay My senior year of high school was quickly coming to an end, and I found myself looking for a job for the summer. College cost increase every year and I knew that if I wanted extra spending money, I would have to contribute. Summer employment is a great way to earn extra money plus, I am a person who likes to stay busy, and I realized having a job during the break would help accomplish both. Having played multiple sports in high school, I was always doing something throughout my day and I knew I couldn t have a job like lifeguarding where you have to sit and watch a pool for hours. Having a task to perform or a job to get done are things that I enjoy, and now that I knew I wanted to work I started my first job search by networking with people I thought had connections that could help me land a good job and this search led me down my learningpath. My job search resulted in my assistant baseball coach giving me the number of a businessman who owned a dry walling company. Having limited work experience and no experience working in construction I found this opportunity intriguing because I am never afraid to work out and I know I can work hard. Sending a text to the number quickly led to an introductory conversation with a man whom I would come to learn a lot from in the next two months. Norm Orban, a self employed businessman who owns a dry walling company, manages a six man crew that does local jobs around the area I live. Norm s company responded to a variety of projects,
  • 14. Warming s Effect On Thermohaline Circulation Patterns Thermohaline circulation patterns are the main patterns of ocean currents. In short, thermohaline circulation patterns are a combination of both surface and deep ocean currents. Many aspects of the world affect these patterns. These aspects may include global warming as well as temperature change, caused by global warming. When surface ocean currents and deep ocean currents bound together as one, thermohaline circulation patterns are formed. These primary currents in Earth s oceans (Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, southern oceans) are bonded together. Thermohaline circulation, as it turns out, plays a major role in Earth s climate and can drastically change it. Providing heat to the north and south polar regions, it also significantly influences the rate at which ice forms near the south and north poles. In this experiment, a change in temperature is brought upon a model of thermohaline circulation patterns to test the effects global warming will have on these ocean currents. Although ... Show more content on ... People distinguish it as the rising amount of greenhouse gases in Earth s atmosphere. The theory is known to say that the burning of fossil fuels is to blame for the gases trapped in our atmosphere. This experiment will conduct the effects global warming may one day have on thermohaline circulation patterns. It will show how an increase of temperature, caused by global warming, will change the patterns of thermohaline circulatory currents. The theory of global warming was interestingly found, as scientists noted an unusual hike in Earth s average temperatures. With this new information, many experiments were conducted to model what may occur if greenhouse gases continued to build on. It was questioned what global warming would also have an effect on. Due to this, it was eventually found that in some sort global warming will have a significant affect on thermohaline circulation
  • 15. Analysis Of Michel Foucault s The History Of Sexuality... Michel Foucault s The History of Sexuality sheds light on the Victorian era and how the regulation of discourses on sex reveals that Victorian society is more perverse than contemporary society thinks of it. A similar approach can be applied to contemporary society and political discourse. During the 2016 presidential election, The Washington Post released a video of current President elect Donald Trump bragging about what many consider to be sexually assaulting women. Recorded saying comments such as, I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn t get there. And she was married , this video has become a large part of the 2016 presidential election, attracting criticism from Democrats and Republicans alike (Farenthold). This video has brought to light a public discourseon the boundaries of sexual assault. Through Foucault s discussion of the repressive hypothesis, it can be shown that, while the discourses on sex have been regulated throughout the presidential election to gain power over Trump, the normalization of sexual assault in mainstream society means these discourses have had little effect. While Foucault analyzes the Victorian view of sexuality through the repressive hypothesis, the same can be done for a contemporary view of sexuality. There are specific concepts and ideas which are considered acceptable to the public sphere. Foucault says that this is a policing of sex: that is, not the rigor of a taboo, but the necessity of regulating sex through useful and
  • 16. The Pros And Cons Of Anabolic Cooking The Anabolic Cooking cookbook is a very popular cookbook and nutrition guide online today. In this Anabolic Cooking review we will take a look at this product, discover what you will find inside and talk about the pros and cons of this cookbook and nutrition guide. Anabolic Cooking Review What Exactly Is It? Created and written by Dave Ruel, a competitive bodybuilder, fitness coach for famous bodybuilders and fitness models and also professional nutritionist, the Anabolic Cooking product is a cookbook and complete nutrition guide for fitness and bodybuilding. Dave Ruel claims that the place most of the muscle builders get it wrong is in their nutrition since it s very easy to know when you are training right but it s very hard to keep ... Show more content on ... It won t take you more time to cook those meals than you normally would. Full Money Back Guarantee For 8 Weeks The product comes with full money back guarantee for 8 weeks and if for any reason you are not completely satisfied with it, you can get your money back. The Cons Some Of The Serving Sizes Are Not Listed As I see it, one thing that needs a little fix in Dave Ruel s Anabolic Cooking guide is the serving sizes. The nutritional information is always listed but for a few recipes the serving sizes are not listed and you need to figure out what is the best serving size. You Can Find The Product Only Online For now, the Anabolic Cooking cookbook can only be found online and there is no in store option. Just A Part Of The Puzzle The Anabolic Cooking program by Dave Ruel won t make your muscles bigger by itself and if you want to get the best results you will need to follow a good exercise program and to work hard.
  • 17. On the other hand, this product does solve one of the biggest problems of muscle builders and it can help you to eat correctly and to enjoy your food. Anabolic Cooking Review The Bottom
  • 18. 127 Hours Research Paper Imagine, your right arm is trapped under an 800 pound boulder, no way of escape, with little food or water. No one knows where you are. What do you do? Fight for survival or give up? This is the reality of Aron Ralston on April 26, 2003. Aron Ralston is unbelievably brave because of his perseverance and determination in the face of life or death. I have read his book, Between a Rock and a Hard Place, and watched his movie, 127 Hours. Therefore, I believe everyone can respect and learn from his story of perseverance and courage. Aron Ralston s bravery can be seen by understanding his background, his famous near death experience and how it has affected his life and the lives of others. Aron ralston was born on October 27, 1975 to Larry and Donna Ralston.... Show more content on ... He was wearing running shoes with wool socks, shorts, a tee shirt, and a baseball cap (Ralston). Little did he know this would be all he had to help him survive 127 hours of pure to torture. Aron finished his biking part of his circuit when he ran into two women named Megan and Kristi (Ralston). They hiked together for a little while talking about their jobs and common friends. Finally, the women tried to convince Aron to come with them back to their camping spot but Aron, being set on his hiking circuit, declined their request and continued on (Ralston). However, they planed to meet up at their camping spot, Granary Spring around dusk (Ralston). This was the second out of many mistakes to lead up to Aron s entrapment. Aron explained his first mistake when he said, Usually, I would leave a detailed schedule of my plans with my roommates, but since I left my home in Aspen without knowing what I was going to do, the only word of my destination I gave was Utah (Ralston). This was his most fatal mistake. Now if he ever got into trouble, which he does, no one knows where he is, therefore he has a little chance of rescue. Finally he reached the
  • 19. The Taboo Of Silence The metaphor of life as a tapestry in strands and collections of a unique handcrafted piece can be found to be disrupted in all three texts due to the presence of religion and mental illness. Within Kesey s Cuckoo s Nest (1962) it is the dominant imagery of the combine which causes the reader to question what is sanity and the process in which people with mental illnessare cured in order for them to take responsibility and become active members of society. Highlighted in the breakdown of the taboo of silence surrounding mental illness seen in the Community Mental illness Centers Act of 1963 which called for more community services instead of institutionalisation. Similarly in Plath s Ariel (1966) collection it is the brutality of the reoccurring Holocaust metaphor and pastiche to confessional poets such Anne Sexton that asserts the argument of both faith and mental illness being a personal relationship with the self and effectively a struggle with identity, effecting relationships with others which is expressed both in Plath s own poetry such as The Applicant and in Ted Hughes Birthday Letters in poems such as Fever . Within McEwan s Enduring Love (1997) it is the overarching motif, drawn from the secular society of the 90s, being both unrequited and enduring , that presents the destructive nature of both mental illness and religion, paired together in the embodiment of Jed Parry and by the intertextuality of the novelwhich offers an argument that
  • 20. Common Perceptions Toward Witches In The Late Sixteenth... Reginald Scot explores the common perceptions towards witches in the late sixteenth century, which he claims they were commonly old, lame, full of wrinkles, poor (Levack 2004: ?), although not necessarily solitary (Larner 1984: 72). Scot claims that their appearance often caused alarm among many in the community and caused the neighbours to find truth in witches utterings. One could argue women were often ascribed with such stereotypes, for they were both physically and politically weakened, and were unable to distance themselves from accusations (levack 1984: 127). It is apparent the oppression of these women could represent an attempt to maintain hegemony in a patriarchal society in the late sixteenth century. Coincidentally, most women accused of sorcery often lived out of the constraints of male authority, where they would live alone, perhaps for the rest of her life. It is apparent witches needed the belief of the local community to reinforce confidence in their powers, just as much as the local community needed witches as means of a scapegoat. Scot claimed the witch would visit her neighbours when needing to procure goods, in which she would go door to door (Levack 2004:). During this visit, the attitude of the witch was often aggressive for she believed her reputation in the local community would secure submission from neighbours. However, more often than that not, her neighbour would echo such hostility, and after upsetting the witch, she would then leave.
  • 21. Monitoring the Credibility and Content of Web Pages Essay... A website is used by different people for different uses. Each website can be evaluated for its usefulness by the general public based on certain criteria as discussed in this article. A website discussing about particular disease like ADHD should be evaluated on the following criteria (Engle, 2014.), ( Evaluating Web Pages, 2012), (Tillman, 2003): 1.Context Coverage of the topic: The visitor to such a website will be interested in knowing more about the disease, its treatment, medications, local support groups, and different events associated with disease, et al. The language of the content whether it s too technical or elementary or too advanced should be looked into. It has to be visually appealing and interesting to users ... Show more content on ... It helps to give an insight into the symptoms associated with ADHD, its diagnosis and treatment, resulting disorders, probable misuse of ADHD medications and links to innovative programs in adults with ADHD. It has a separate section for parents dealing with children suffering from ADHD educating them about its symptoms, its evaluation and medication, the accompanying disorders, coping through school related issues, discusses and gives solutions to behaviour and social skills, ways to deal with teen and young adults, the possible medical misuse and different innovative programs that can help parents handle children with ADHD. It gives access to wide range of resources like finding a local support, access to their resource pool for in depth information, online consultation with their experts, links to various blogs of experts, et al. It inspires people by highlighting stories of successful people who have overcome ADHD and informing about the different laws implemented to safeguard people with such problems. It guides about the insurance coverage available for college students and the latest amendments in them. It enlightens about the benefits of targeted case management to coordinate services between various sources. It updates people about the different events organized related to ADHD and provides a platform where people dealing with ADHD can interact and share their experiences. This website has been evaluated using the criteria s mentioned in the previous
  • 22. Predicaments Caused by Affirmative Action College, one of the first and most important milestones individuals achieve. Many students strive to make excellent grades, excel in varsity sports, and get involved in extracurricular activities, solely to stand out from the crowd. Every determining factor in college admissions is up to the individual, except for one, race. A vast amount of students find this factor controversial. Colleges are accepting and denying students admission based on a factor that students have no control over. This system of admission has been implemented by the government in 1961. The system was created due to the colossal amount of discriminationminorities have faced in the past, it s called Affirmative Action. Affirmative Actions purpose was to create a diverse environment, which meant, sometimes turning down the best individual for the job. At the time, this was necessary, but now, not so much. Affirmative Action was crucial for minorities to gain financial stability after being oppressed for decades, but in modern society, there has to be a system to assure the best individual for the job. Affirmative Action can cause a predicament for society in a whole. A highly qualified student can be denied admission from their first choice college, due to their race. They can be subjected to Affirmative Action after they graduate also. When the individual is looking to start up their career, Affirmative Action can be a factor that denies them from obtaining that position. When President Kennedy
  • 23. The History of Bowling The sport of bowling has a lengthy history packed with an evolution that has comprehensive rules; and is an indoor activity that has become one of the most popular sports in the world. It can easily be said that over 50% of Americans have bowled once in their lifetime, whether it was for a birthday party or on a date. However, many people bowl routinely without knowing anything about the interesting history of the game. Oddly, one of the newest of professional sports, bowling is one of the most ancient. In one form or another bowling has been around for more than 7,000 and years. First traces of the sport were discovered in Egyptian tombs, but historians feel that cavemen may well have had been the originator. Having the first form of ... Show more content on ... (Pezzano 16) From a few hundred league bowlers in 1895, the ABC now reaches some 5 million male bowlers and 10,000 tournaments, and certifies more than 140,000 lanes in 10,000 bowling centers today. The distaffers organized the Women s International Bowling Congress (WIBC) in 1916 with some 40 members, that small number has now surpassed 3 million. (Pezzano 17) Thanks to the ABC and the WIBC the rules of the game are well defined. Everyone can compete with everyone else because the lanes, balls, and rules are standardized and many systems of handicapping have been developed. (Pezzano 18) Bowling received its greatest boost with the invention of the automatic pin setter. It was a big step in allowing the businessmen of the game, the bowling alley owner, to remodernize both their alley and thinking. Bowling became a complete family sport with modern, efficient equipment available at all times for men, women, and children. (Pezzano 18) In practically all surveys taken in the early 1970 s, bowling had reached the point where it rated only behind football, baseball, and basketball, not only as the most popular but as the sport people like to follow most. However, bowling has long been the number one participant sport. There are bowling lanes in basements of private
  • 24. Swot Analysis Of Kotak Mahindra The day US met UK The Merger of ING Vysya with Kotak Mahindra India s banking industry is largely fragmented with more than half of the commercial banks being state run entities. It has seen one of the biggest mergers of all time in the recent past with Kotak Mahindra taking over ING Vysya. While the Indian banking sector is still facing tough times, Kotak Mahindra s merger with ING Vysya will help the former to expand their presence across India. This merger has propelled Kotak into the top ranks of India s private lenders at number 4. The combined entity will possess assets worth $32 billion. The merger will result into a network of more than 1,250 branches and 1,900 ATMs across the country. Post the merger, Kotak which already has most of its branches in West and North India, will get a strong hold in Southern India too, particularly in the states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. While Kotak s strength lies in its corporate and retail banking, ING Vysya s strength lies in its small and medium enterprise business (SMEs) operations, which will truly complement Kotak. I was one of the lucky ones to have witnessed this ... Show more content on ... We can now penetrate deeper into India; can serve a lot more customers and offer a wide range of products like tractor loans, mutual funds, insurance and more to a larger customer base. I am a believer in deep India growth, he added. The merger is an all stock merger. 1000 shares of Rs.10 each of ING Vysya will receive 725 shares of Rs.5 each of Kotak Mahindra Bank. This exchange ratio indicates an implied price of Rs.790 for each ING Vysya share based on the average closing price of Kotak shares during one month to November 19, 2014, which is a 16% premium to a like measure of ING Vysya market price. The merger will result in issuance of approximately 15.2% of the equity share capital of the merged
  • 25. Efficient Delivery Of Cancer The efficient delivery of drugs and energy to tumors faces several difficulties and obstacles that need to be overcome for effective cancer treatment. Nanoparticles administrated through intravenous injections accumulate at a tumor site due to the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) eп¬Ђect, but only a small quantity of the injected particles can actually reach the tumor(Su et al, 2016). The majority of the nanoparticles interact with cancercells at the periphery of a tumor which presents a physiological barrier that prevents most of the injected particles from reaching the tumor (Su et al, 2016). In addition to this barrier, there is also another significant obstacle, cancer associated fibroblasts , which can also... Show more content on ... This conglomerate composed of protein lipid, sponge like carbon, and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) was administrated by the researchers to mice in order to study the material s ability to transport the hydrophobic drug docetaxel (DTX) and perfluorohexane (PFH) for deep tumor penetration and therapy (Su et al, 2016). The Lf lipo GNS composite is capable of carrying large amounts of drugs in its pores which can be released through the absorption of light by the GNS. By applying near infrared (NIR) irradiation, the gasification of PFH occurs due to an increase in local temperature in the graphene nanosponge which as a result damages and ruptures tumor spheroids (Su et al, 2016). Consequently, the combined effects of gasification and chemo and thermotherapy can substantially reduce tumors and even completely eliminate them without future reappearance. The researchers conducted a study on in vitro photolytic therapy on RG2 tumor spheroids incubated with the control group (PBS only), Lf lipo US GNS/DTX, Lf lipo US GNS/DTX+NIR, and Lflipo US GNS/DTX PFH+NIR (Su et al, 2016). Due to its tumor penetration ability, the researchers used 10 Ојg/mL of 40 nm Lf lipo US GNS to conduct the study. After the composite was administrated to the tumors, they were allowed to incubate for 4 h followed by NIR irradiation with a power density of 2 W cm 2 for 10 min and then were stained with propidium iodide to
  • 26. Freedom In Early America The power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. A word created by man to escape the bonds of tyranny to express the idea of what it means to persist one s own ambitions. Freedom. Freedom is not the absence of confinement but the will to achieve freedom when imprisoned. After carefully concluding the reading done over this semester one is able to clearly understand the confinement these early Americans felt and their decision to achieve a form of freedom. Freedom has always existed but it is the history of this nation that will define what actions freedom takes. Freedom at its start in America came from the pressure to leave England. To escape the bonds of an unjust King colonist sailed the Atlantic hoping to find a new home. During that time in England, many British citizens were facing religious and social persecution. This is what prompted the movement to establish the colonies in America. The colonists were free to set up a new world in their own image. However, the colonists were still under unjust rule even though being an ocean away from their homeland. Upset with their freedom being restricted the 13 colonies banded together to declare their independence to escape confinement from British imperial rule. After winning the revolutionary war and gaining one step of freedom from England it was time to set up a new kind of government. And so a nation was born. In the beginning, there was a constant debate of what form there s new
  • 27. The Italian Mafia And The Italian Mafia America is known as the land of opportunity. For some, that meant the opportunity to grab what they could with no fear of the law. In the early 1900s, the era of dizzying social change, anything seemed possible. With the right street smarts and gumption to pull any job off, many immigrants rushed to America to better their family s lives. Members of each family would do whatever possible to make that household better, no matter the cost or consequence. This shifty attitude stemmed from many years of family loyalty, well, that was the case of many Italians from Sicily. This exuberant can do spirit coursed through America s immigrant filled cities, industrial heartland, and freewheeling west, all fertile ground for empires to be built and money to be made. This was the birth of the mafia. There were four prominent mafias in the beginning years of America, and they were the Italian mafia, Russian mafia, Irish mafia, and the Jewish mafia. However, the focus of this paper will be solely based on the Italian mafia, and how family honor, respect, drugs, money, and running from the law created a fixation and aspiration on the American gangster image. When we think of the Italian Mafia, we think of mobsters such as Joe Gallo, Tommy Lucchese, Charles Lucky Luciano and Al Capone. These men left a legacy behind for the mafia to succeed, and history remembers their names. Yet these sensational depictions of these men can take us only so far. The true story of the Mafia reveals both
  • 28. Notre Dame Analysis Notre Dame Football was on the rise after a 12 1 season then going 9 4 in the 2012 2013 seasons. They had their Quarterback from their 12 1 season coming back and they were loaded. Head Coach, Brian Kelly had players believing in themselves and the pieces were being put together. But Notre Dame has high standards for their Academics and some pieces fell out. In this article, you see that Brian Kelly respects the high standards at Notre Dame. Players have tons on their plate and have to come through on the football field and in the classroom. The article proves that Notre Dame is very prestigious and when you want to win at Notre it s tough to get the best athletes. Notre Dame after the 12 1 season finished third overall in recruiting. ... Show more content on ... I know that Notre Dame is one of the best academically. But it is tough to get the best players who don t have the brightest minds. This article gives you in depth talk from Brian Kelly and how handled it very smoothly. The players will be able to fight it and try to get back on the team. As a Notre Dame fan, it is, tough to see these players that could have done something special for the team be kicked out. The thing is you have to follow the rules and be truthful in your academics. This isn t the primary time a member of the football team has been connected to alleged educational improprieties. Quarterback Everett Golson, a key member of the team that went successfully within the 2012 regular season and lost the BCS national championship game to Alabama, was asked to leave because he cheated on a test. He was suspended for the autumn semester. Golson did take the year off but came back for the 2014 season. The article goes on to integrity and being honest. This is Notre Dame and it is embarrassing for people to see and hear about this. Notre Dame cares way more about academics than for football. Notre Dame is one of the best universities and has a tradition all around their campus. These kids are blessed with the top teachers and tutors. The main thing is as a student you have to be, honest and get your work
  • 29. Napoleon s Buttons The book Napoleon s buttons was an informative story that mixed slow and confusing chemistry with history. This mix allowed a history buff like me to get involved with the chemical make up and structure of common elements. Penny Le Couteur and Jay Burreson used this book to explain their theories on how key historical events are related to the chemical make up of important elements. In essay after essay they explain the historyand events. In addition, they go further in depth to explain the details of particular elements and why they are important. The historical aspects of this book are what grabbed my attention. The long string of facts otherwise would have been too confusing for even the smartest of readers. For example, the first ... Show more content on ... From a historical perspective it was intriguing to discover how dyes affected the hierarchy in the ancient world. The repeated use of dyes represented a transition in humanity from simple hunting and gathering societies; to well developed structured governments and economies where people focused less on survival and more on status. Colors in ancient times represented political, military, and social status. Without the discovery of dyes kings would be clothed just like the normal people giving them a less godly appearance and less power. Even today certain connotations exist with colors like black for evil white for good, etc... The authors include this essay to demonstrate man s first foray into chemistry by mixing and blending dyes to create more extravagant colors to sell. The lust for colorful clothes drove vendors to create more eccentric dyes, thereby forcing them to utilize experimental chemistry to create new shades and hues. The book here focuses too much on the historical aspects. I can see the relationship but it is weak and describing the chemical make up of colors doesn t explain why it relates to history. Essay twelve discusses a dark time for chemists. Suddenly, in the mid 1500 s chemists went from being priests and healers to witches and devils. Chemistry during this period is limited and men known as alchemists ran the show. These men used herbs metals and spices to create useful substances and herbal remedies. Helpful as they
  • 30. MSD St. Paul Billet Alignment MSD St. Paul Billet Alignment Marine Safety Detachment (MSD) St. Paul s personnel makeup does not yield optimum efficiency. MSD St. Paul s billet structure is not in line with the needs of the unit. The unit has a split mission of Prevention and Response therefore currently consists of one Lieutenant (LT), two Chief Warrant Officers, one Marine Science Technician Chief, one Boatswains Mate, one Machinery Technician, and two Marine Science Technician Second Classes. The unit would be more efficient if an Ensign billet replaced one Warrant Officer billet. The primary benefit of an adding an Ensign would be increased efficiency by allowing an extra line in the chain of command to relinquish some of the administrative burden that is placed on the supervising LT. As it stands now, the LT has to run a split mission office and handle the small, daunting administrative tasks such as proofreading awards, Certificate of Inspection s, memos and other correspondence. Supervising LT duties should not spend their valuable time being a first reviewer of correspondence... Show more content on ... The current vessel inspection fleet the unit is responsible for about thirty small passenger vessels. Two Chief Warrant Officers complete these inspections over a several state Area Of Responsibility (AOR) but the inspections are seasonal. Due to the climate and the nature of the AOR, the Army Corp of Engineer closes river locks for roughly three to four months a year consequently shutting down vessel traffic, commerce and essentially the inspected vessel fleet. However, the administrative tasking from Sector and other fascists of industry do not stop, consequently resulting in a continuous administrative agenda. An Ensign would be able to expertly handle all year round the administrative assignments and assist a Chief Warrant Officer on Inspections when two inspectors are required during a seasonal vessel inspection
  • 31. Lombroso s Biological Theory Of Crime Introduction: Italy is a country in Europe, well known and distinctly identified on maps by its shape of a boot that is flanked by the neighbouring countries of France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. As of May, 2016, the current population of Italy is approximately 60 million people. On the one hand, Italy is a country of grand culture, scenic landscapes, rugged mountains, and rich history and art. On the other hand, Italy is an important gateway and client of Latin American cocaine and Asian heroin entering the European market, money laundering by organized crime, and various smuggling operations. Italian mafia activity accounts for fourteen percent (14%) of Italy s GDP (gross domestic product), which is one of the primary indicators ... Show more content on ... The Italian School of Criminology was interested in why some persons engaged in criminal behaviour and other persons did not. The school s thinking was that some people had a biological inclination and tendency for crime. Lombroso believed that certain individuals with this biological trait could be identified by specific physical deformations and disfigurements: extended jaws, drooping eyes, large ears, flattened noses, longer arms and fingers, sloping shoulders, and a lower back that jutted outward. Lombroso had conducted his research for this theory in the Italian prison system, collecting detailed and specific physical measurements of prisoners and comparing the measurements with those of regular Italian citizens. Lombroso aimed to prove that criminals were atavists biological throwbacks from early human evolution, who engaged in criminal activity and violence because it was an instinctive trait. During a post mortem autopsy on a man named Giuseppe Villella, a notorious Calabrian thief and arsonist, Lombroso wrote, At the sight of that skull, I seemed to see all of a sudden, lighted up as a vast plain under a flaming sky, the problem of the nature of the criminal an atavistic being who reproduces in his person the ferocious instincts of primitive humanity and the inferior animals. Thus were explained anatomically the enormous jaws, high cheek bones, prominent superciliary arches, solitary lines in the palms, extreme size of the orbits, handle shaped or sessile ears found in criminals, savages and apes, insensibility to pain, extremely acute sight, tattooing, excessive idleness, love of orgies and the irresistible craving for evil for its own sake, the desire not only to extinguish life in the victim, but to mutilate the corpse, tear its flesh, and drink
  • 32. The Barbary War I claim that the Barbary war helped set the foundation for the United States military that we have today. America has been fighting terrorism from almost the very beginning. Barbary pirates ran the trade off the northern coast of Africa, they required many wealthy countries to pay off the pirates to keep their merchant ships safe. The United Stateswas not one of those countries, mainly because it didn t have enough money to pay the pirates off. After multiple American merchant ships had been seized by these pirates, Thomas Jefferson became fetup. Jefferson pleaded President Washington to take action. This eventually led to the birth of the U.S. Navy. The Barbary war started the layout of the U.S. Navy that we know today. The Navy made its debut against the pirates it was a test, but it helped shape the Navy and helped make it stronger. Although it was brand, the Navy stood up to widely feared Barbary pirates, and showed just a glimmer of what it would become in the future. Had it not been for this fight against these terrorising pirates then it might have taken much longer for the U.S.... Show more content on ... Navy wasn t the only expansion in the U.S. military to help fight the pirates. There was a new addition added in the same undeclared war against the Barbary pirates, the Marines were the newest asset in the United States military. When the blockade of Tripoli harbor didn t workout as the U.S. had planned they decided to send troops in,the only problem was that they didn t have enough ground troops. It wasn t until General William Eaton and Lieutenant Presley O bannon led eight other marines and six hundred mercenaries on an attack of Derna. While the Marines had existed before the Barbary war, fighting in the Revolutionary war as well, it wasn t until they went to battle against the Barbary pirates that they would become an official part of the United States military. The Marines proved their worth during their fight against these pirates who reigned terror on the
  • 33. Essay about Theodore Roosevelt s Square Deal Theodore Roosevelt s Square Deal Theodore Roosevelt may be one of the most powerful presidents that attacked Trusts1 and corporations to make them just so that everyone could prosper. Thayer, a friend of Roosevelt wrote, . . .he took the deepest personal satisfaction in fighting the rich and the soulless corporations. . . (Thayer). This led into the 1920 s a prosperous decade in which people received new money. Theodore Rooseveltstressed more for people to be responsible than to be autonomous, or, in other words, to help others besides helping yourself. He was able to bring two separate groups together to make a better America. He brought the Trusts that wanted the government to stay away and then the other side... Show more content on ... Bigness not badness was the sin (Miller). The biggest step that Roosevelt did using the Sherman Act was stopping the Northern Securities Company from having a monopoly on the railroad industry in the North. The Great Northern railroad company wanted to merge with the Northern Pacific railroad company. Even though this was a part of the railroad industry Roosevelt did not like where the merge might lead in the future, because he wanted to insure that other corporations could compete. He also broke up the Standard Oil Trust and the Tobacco Trust. He felt that they were getting too large and smaller companies had no where to go. In seven and a half years Theodore Roosevelt had 44 prosecutions using the Sherman Act (Howland). After using the Sherman Act, Roosevelt started using new legislature to conquer the Trusts and make labor conditions more tolerable. The first department that he made to conquer Trusts was the Federal Department of Commerce and Labor. The Commerce Department could not break down the Trusts, but they could make working conditions better for all workers, and also set rates so the corporations could not over charge. The Commerce department set a maximum rate for the railroad companies in which they could charge companies. This way, the companies tnies could not survive and compete. Also, the
  • 34. “Academic Stress, Achievement Motivation, and Academic... ACADEMIC STRESS, ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION, AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AS PREDICTORS OF ADJUSTMENT AMONG HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS. ABSTRACT The main aim of the present study was to explore the relative contribution of academic stress, achievement motivation and academic achievement among adjustment of high school students. It was hypothesized that adjustment will be significantly predicted on the basis of academic stress, achievement motivation and academic achievement. 160 students of Sangli and Kolhapur district were selected by random sampling method. Multiple regressions were done to analyze the collective data. The findings of the study revealed that academic stress and adjustment is negatively related with each other, while ... Show more content on ... Educational adjustments are very important for academic achievement. Ramanna Sood (1992) found significant relationship between achievement motivation and adjustment. According to Good (1993) academic achievement means knowledge attained or skills developed in the school subject, usually designated by test scores or by marks assigned by teachers or by both. Best (1977) pointed out that academic grades assigned by teachers or scores on standardized achievement test is operational definition of academic achievement. According to George and Ravindran (2005) many factors contribute to academic achievement. The major ones are intelligence, adjustments, motivation, academic stress, level of aspirations and time perception etc. In present study academic achievement is being studied with the adjustment, achievement motivation and academic stress. Methodology Aim of the study The main aim of the present study is that there is possibility of prediction of adjustment of high school students on the basis of academic stress, achievement motivation and academic achievement. Objectives of the study 1) To measure the academic stress, achievement motivation and adjustment of high school students and find out whether the difference between male female, urban rural and high and low achievers is significant or not. 2) To study the strength of association
  • 35. A Parliamentary Spirit Of Discovery Persuasive Speech A Renewed Spirit of Discovery was the title of President Bush s speech for his vision of new Space Exploration. Since the debate was given on January 14, 2004, it has produced viable concerns from those who support and oppose the initiative. Arguments for and against it have appeared in all types of media, and more importantly in the minds of Americans. This Literature Review will discuss many of these beliefs in order to achieve a well rounded, objective analysis of the issue. But before any opinions are put forth, it is always important to talk about the relative facts. Why put forth a new vision? Over past 30 years, it is hard to say that we have explored space. It is more appropriate to say we have conquered manned flight in Earth s lower orbit. Truly, the Apollo Missions to the moon, which ended in the mid 70 s, was also the end to Manned Space. We have continued to build satellites and space stations to orbit the earth, and robots and satellites to explore Mars and Deep Space. By proposing to put humans on the Moon and Mars, the President has not changed our manned space exploration policy; he has created one. President George W. Bush proposed a new age in Space Exploration on January 14, 2004. The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster was only part of his reasoning for announcing a new direction for NASA. A reason not as well known is the current lack of any direction for NASA. Other than sending probes and robots to Deep Space and Mars, NASA has continued to
  • 36. Teenage Dating in the 1950s Essay examples Teenage Dating in the 1950s Teenagers in the 1950 s are so iconic that, for some, they represent the last generation of innocence before it is lost in the sixties. When asked to imagine this lost group, images of bobbysoxers, letterman jackets, malt shops and sock hops come instantly to mind. Images like these are so classic, they, for a number of people, are as American as apple pie. They are produced and perpetuated by the media, through films like Grease and Pleasantville and television shows like Happy Days, The Donna Reed Show, and Leave It to Beaver. Because of these entertainment forums, these images will continue to be a pop cultural symbol of the 1950 s. After the second World War, teenagers became much more noticeable in... Show more content on ... She then is given the option of accepting his call by letting him in or rejecting it by making up an excuse as to why she cannot see him. Refreshments were often served (though not always), and the entertainment was primarily piano playing in the parlor. But because the lower classes were not so well endowed so that they own pianos or even parlors, they started their own form of courtship which soon became known as dating. This practice was soon picked up by the upper classes, and from there it progressed into the middle class, with which it is still inherently associated today (Bailey 17). Calling and dating are so intrinsically different it is hard to imagine how the transition from one to another was even made. Firstly, calling was practiced with the intention of finding a suitable husband for a young lady; whereas, in dating, this was, and still is, not the primary goal. People date because it is enjoyable, pleasant, and valuable (Merrill 62), and they thought that they could gain rewarding experiences from it. In the fifties and surrounding decades, handbooks and other books exploring relationships described dating as a fun activity in which teens are allowed to meet and mingle with many members of the opposite sex. Besides, dating allowed young people to be with each other without their parents interfering. Secondly,
  • 37. Analysis Of Milan Kundera s Unbearable Lightness Of Being In Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera uses the contrasting ideas of lightness and weight to signify ones existence. Kundera disagrees with Frederich Nietzsche s concept of Eternal Return, and believes that instead of one s existence being a recurring event with little to no change in detail our lives only happen once, meaning every action or decision in a life has a very brief existence. The novel introduces us with Tomas, who is an extremely light character, with few emotional ties to people, with a enormous need for many lovers. For him, love and sex are separate entities. He loves Tereza, a single woman, but will sleep with a large amount of other women throughout his life. The arrival of Tereza then directly signifies a new addition of weight into Tomas life. She is described as The two of them got into his car, which was parked in front of the house, and drove to the station. There he claimed the suitcase (it was large and enormously heavy) and took it and her home. (Kundera, Milan, and Michael Heim Henry. The Unbearable Lightness of Being. page 9 10) Tereza has packed up what we consider is a large amount of her belongings, moving her life into Tomas , in a large and enormous and heavy suitcase. This suitcase contains her life, and the act of Tomas taking it home shows the entrance of Tereza s heaviness into his life. Tereza and Tomas share a... Show more content on ... Their relationship does not consist of love; an emotion instead shared within other heavier relationships, and instead could be considered as being one categorized as an affair . This relationship between two light characters seems to run into little conflict, as Tomas and Sabina share the same ideas about life. Despite what seems like an easy balance, they both move on to pursue heavier
  • 38. General Review of Algorithms Presented for Image Segmentation Image segmentation commonly known as partitioning of an image is one of the intrinsic parts of any image processing technique. In this image pre processing step, the digital image of choice is segregated into sets of pixels on the basis of some predefined and preselected measures or standards. There have been presented many algorithms for segmenting a digital image. This paper presents a general review of algorithms that have been presented for the purpose of image segmentation. Segmenting or dividing a digital image into region of interests or meaningful structures in general plays a momentous role in quite a few image processing tasks. Image analysis, image visualization, object representation are some of them. The prime objective of segmenting a digital image is to change its representation so that it looks more expressive for image analysis. During the course of action in image segmentation, each and every pixel of the image segmentation is assigned a label or value. The pixels that share the same value also share homogeneous traits. The examples can include color, texture, intensity or some other features. Image segmentation can be defined as the technique to divide the an image f (x, y) into a non empty subset f1, f2, ...., fn which is continuous and disconnected. This step contributes in feature extraction. There are quite a few applications where image segmentation plays a pivotal role. These applications vary from image filtering, face recognition, medical imaging
  • 39. The idea of creating a charity that gives back to wounded... The idea of creating a charity that gives back to wounded war veterans and their families was created by Mark Foster. Mark also wanted the families of these soldiers to have the money to keep a healthy family while being able to pay for the hospital depts. Thank you, Operation Home front for helping my family get back to normal after my dad was injured in Iraq. (Jonathan) Operation Home front had raised enough money to give Jonathan s dad replacement legs after losing them in Iraq. Mark also wanted the families of these soldiers to have the money to keep a healthy family while being able to pay for the hospital depts. He thought that if a person volunteered to go to war overseas and gets badly injured should be given a little... Show more content on ... Operation Home front helped veteran Anthony Owens by giving him a mortgage free home after being badly injured in Afghanistan. Without Operation Home front Anthony wouldn t have been able to get any money or work until fully recovered so instead of struggling to survive after fighting Operation Home front is helping him get back on his feet. Operation Home front gives aid to military families by holding fundraisers or through volunteer work. The fundraisers that occur are usually large public events so they are able to raise as much money as possible. They hold events to raise money through concerts, golfing, and races that anyone can attend and contribute to. Financial food assistance, repairs, help to the families of our service members and wounded warriors (Operation Home front). This quote means that the foundation gives money, food, and fixes cars and homes for wounded veterans through donations. With a simple act of giving, you have the ability to make the lives of our military families who sacrifice so much, a little better (Operation Home front) For the people who put their lives on the line for us to have a good life, giving back helps ease their own life. Operation Home front has many other smaller charities like Homes on the Home front, Hearts of Valor, and Holiday Meals for the Military. Each charity focuses on one main problem like how Meals for The Military gives food
  • 40. Extracts In Jane Austen s Northanger Abbey Is A Bildungsroman Jane Austen s Northanger Abbey is a Bildungsroman, a coming of age story that focuses on the psychological development, of the protagonist Catherine Morland. This essay will analyse the language, and narrative techniques of the extract, and discuss how this excerpt suggests vicissitude in Catherine s personal perspectives, and relationships. In addition, it will discuss the domestic gothic and real life abuse ubiquitous in ordinary situations. Furthermore, it will argue how Austen s rhetorical techniques work to encourage reader interest, and to exercise perception, when distinguishing between appearance, and reality. Finally, it will conclude by briefly discussing the significance of the extract within the novel s wider themes. Austen... Show more content on ... Catherine s immaturity does not prepare her for her expulsion from the Abbey. Consequently, she is not aware of his reasons and is bewildered as to the reason for her abrupt dismissal, Have I offended the General, () and, I am very sorry if I have offended him. It was the last thing I would willingly have done. () What could all this mean but an intentional affront? The excerpt emphasises the Generals patriarchal hold he has over his family, accentuating his military trained, domineering personality, and his controlling obsession with timekeeping, Eleanor is embarrassed to be the pained relays his demands, tomorrow morning is fixed for your leaving us, and not even the hour is left to your choice, the very carriage is ordered, and will be here at seven o clock. () Eleanor is embarrassed and insulted to be the pained messenger of her father s cruel and unexpected expulsion of her friend. The use of aposiopesis in the passage portrays Eleanor s emotions; and that the happiness your company has hitherto given us is to be repaid by
  • 41. A Comparison Of Braveheart And The 13th Warrior Introduction According to Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 6 22, leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization . This essay will analyze two different leaders, William Wallace from Braveheart and Ahmad ibn Fadlanfrom The 13th Warrior. After analyzing each leader, this essay will transition to compare the leadership lessons, concepts, perspectives, and styles I observed. Then this essay will suggest how Army leaders can employ the aforementioned perceptions to motivate others to accomplish missions and improve their organizations. Additionally, this essay will recommend specific groups within the Army enterprise that should watch Braveheart and The 13th Warrior through the lens of leadership to gain a thorough understanding of these leadership traits so they can improve their leadership styles for others to follow and aspire. Braveheart...William Wallace Braveheart takes place in Scotland throughout the late 13th and early 14th centuries. England s King Edward the Longshanks invades and conquers Scotland after Scotland s King Alexander III dies with no heir to the throne in 1280. William Wallace, a young Scottish commoner, learns the death of his father is due to the atrocities of King Edward the Longshanks. His Uncle presumes guardianship of Wallace where he is educated, trained in self defense, and travels Europe to gain an understanding of the
  • 42. The Enigma Of Capital And The Crisis Of Capitalism A Critical Review of David Harvey s The Enigma of Capital and the Crisis of Capitalism Sudheer Vemuru Economics 490 10 November, 2014 In writing this paper, I have abided by the Honor Code at UNC Chapel Hill. Signature:____________________ ______________________ пїј The Enigma of Capital and the Crisis of Capitalism is a forum for author David Harvey to voice his concerns on the contemporary global capitalist model. As a Marxist geographer and anthropologist, Harvey analyzes modern capitalism through a lens of skepticism that results in a scathing renunciation of the capitalist goals of perpetual accumulation and creative destruction. Harvey argues that in a world constrained by scarce resources and burgeoning social barriers, the capitalist process produces a strange dynamic that oscillates between periods of crisis and boom (40). In the end the capitalist may be able to hedge against her losses, but the vast majority of the population will wallow in the doldrums, enslaved by the power of capital and unable to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Such is the extent of the problem we face in the wake of the Great Recession. The economy continues to grow modestly, while median household income shrinks (Noss 2). The capitalists are reloading once again at the expense of Main Street. As Harvey points out, there is a great need to reevaluate of our views of modern capitalism. The Enigma of Capital is just a starting point. Harvey begins his analysis of capitalism with a
  • 43. The Four Gospels In The Bible The four gospels in the Bible are the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The book that I have chosen to focus on is the book of Luke. Referencing my reading review from earlier in this week, my favorite Biblical story is, of course, the Christmas story. In my opinion, the book of Luke tells this story in the most beautiful way, and has therefore long been my favorite of the four gospels. In order, Luke is the third book, but the second longest of the four canonical gospels ( The authorship of the book of Luke is widely accepted to have been written by Luke. Luke was an associate of Paul, so it has been compared to the many works of Paul, and the book of Luke is held mostly in conjunction with the book of Acts. The two volume work is referred to as Luke Acts and together they account for 27.5% of the New Testament. This is the largest contribution to the Bibleby a ... Show more content on ... The parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Zacchaeus, the Prodigal Son, and the pardon of one of the robbers crucified with him are found only in the gospel of Luke. Luke focuses on the forgiving nature of God no matter who the person may be. The book of Luke includes stories that showed Samaritans as being the good guys, no matter what society might have thought of them. Both the story of the Good Samaritan and the healing of the lepers are included in the book of Luke (MAOG 236). I have always been a kind and forgiving person, and a large part of that is due to my study of the book of Luke. But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt. Give to everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes away your goods, do not ask for them again. Do to others as you would have them do to you (NISB
  • 44. The Genetics For Mongol Migration Maryann Steadman ANTH 3125 2014, October 11th Reflection Paper One Genetics for Mongol Migration Mongolia is located in between Russia and China, and is a neighbor to Kazakhstan. The people that live there are called Mongols. Mongolia, which is part of Asia, is part of what composes Eurasia. When it comes to DNA and chromosomal lineage, there are many factors that lead to how a person will look, who they will mate with, and what decisions they make in that process. These categories all run under the term genetics. The second week s lecture said that there are three major types of genetic data. There is autosomal, Y chromosome, and mitochondrial DNA. Autosomal is a combination of your mother and father s DNA that makes you. Y chromosomes come from your father and are given to a son, and mitochondrial DNA comes from your mother. Everyone has the autosomal and mitochondrial aspects of genetics. The mitochondrial makeup is just what genes you got from your mother. However, only males have the Y chromosome aspect of genetics since males sex genes are comprised of XY while females are XX. Mongols (and their language of Mongolic) originally came from the Altai Mountains, which are near Mongolia (week lecture two). In the second week s lecture it is also noted that Mongolia may have been the original location for starting Y chromosomal lineage. In Zerial s article, The Genetic Legacy of the Mongols, it talks about Mongols being a star cluster for other people.
  • 45. Summary Of Chillingworth s Evil Nature Journal Entry 6 In Chapter 9, Chillingworth s evil nature starts to show. As Dimmesdale suffers with the guilt of being Pearl s father, Chillingworth acts as a physician who seems to be taking the life out of Dimmesdale even more. The townspeople are beginning to notice that there is something ugly and evil starting in his face (Hawthorne, 124). In chapter 10, this theme of evil continues with Chillingworth, for he continues to get worse. In this chapter, it is clear that Chillingworth s goal of revenge is to increase Dimmesdale s inner pain. Hawthorne describes Chillingworth as a thief entering a chamber where a man lies only half asleep (Hawthorne, 126) as a way to further symbolize his evilness. Chillingworth harasses Dimmesdale constantly about his secrets asking, why not reveal them here? (Hawthorne, 128). But even with all the nagging, Dimmesdale refuses to reveal what s been making him sick on the inside. In chapter 11, Dimmesdale s suffering only increases. His sermons hint at his sinful nature, but everyone is being mislead by them for they seem to think that Dimmesdale is even more holy. Dimmesdale is tortured by some black trouble of the soul (Hawthorne, 137) and yet, his hidden public confessions are misunderstood. However, Dimmesdale is aware of this, for the minister well knew subtle, but remorseful hypocrite that he was (Hawthorne, 141). In chapter 12, during the night, Dimmesdale stands on the scaffold, in which it can clearly be seen that
  • 46. Analysis Of Punch During The Great War I.ReynoldsВґs cartoon: This is a cartoon published by Punch on 27th of September 1916 and realized by Percy Reynolds. Punch was a satirical journal designed to a middle and upper class audience that published short articles, poems or black cut illustrations as the selected source . The title of the cartoon suggests that civilians, cartoonists and journalists were imagining the design of the tanks because of the absence of official images in the beginning of the war. The drawing illustrates seven different tanks that seem to be represented as metallic animals on saw toothed wheels. Frogs, elephants, turtles, rats, hedgehogs and reptiles are satirized and converted in armored cars. II.Toy Fair at SelfridgeВґsВЁ: This is an advertisement ... Show more content on ... IV.Photograph Beattie and BabsВЁ: This is a photograph catalogued by the IWM which shows how the singers Beattie and Babs gave a symphonic show on the top of the tank, after investing ВЈ1300 in March 1918. On the home front, many postcards and newspapers used photographic records of the civilian contribution as a propaganda tool to encourage war effort to finance the conflict. a.Analysis of sources: The selected sources in chronological order suggest a sequence of different dimensions that helps to analyse a cultural approach of the tank during the Great War. I.Tank as an imagination: Due to the secrecy measures and the absence of photographs during the beginning of the war, correspondents used imaginative ideas and representations. As Wright describes, the mysterious engine has excited the imagination and the curiosity of everybody . Allegories and drawings created by H.Robinson or Reynolds among others were essential in the imagination of the tanks, which became behemoths, juggernauts or elephantine tractors . Thus, the power of the machine was inseparable from its potency as an idea and image because it had already succeeded as a powerful symbol before it was proven as an effective fighting vehicle. Moreover, as the MontassierВґs poster suggests, the tank seems to promise a new kind of war in the future conflicts
  • 47. Object Oriented And How It Has Gained Popularity For Cost... Research Question: Object oriented (OO) technology in software design and implementation has gained popularity for cost reduction and quality improvement. Research the concept of OO. In 10 pages ( double spaced, 12 point Times Roman font with 1 inch margins ), explain the evolution of OO, how it differs from procedural programming, why it is more cost effective and how it can improve software quality. The research project will be submitted through Turnitin Be sure to locate at least 6 sources to reference. Cite your sources. Abstract This paper is about the evolution of Object oriented technology in software design and implementation and its role in current market for developing web based products or server side scripting. Many Object oriented languages have come in market but among them companies prefer to use open source OO languages such as Java, C++, C# .NET, and Visual Basic .NET etc. The demand for these languages has increased because the cost of licensing is very less or nothing. As these languages are open source, it easy to find relevant libraries and source code for the developers while developing a product. The cost of the infrastructure such as development IDE s or testing tools are also minimal or available for free. Hence all these factors decrease the cost of developing a product using Object oriented technology. The basic concept of OO language is Objects. An Object is a combination of attributes and behaviors. An object is an entity that contains
  • 48. An Essay About Aruba Life Waking up, walking outside to sun rays beaming down on my face. The palm trees shake and stir from the constant warm breeze. Smelling the fresh, clean, crystal blue ocean, but not your normal seaweed infested water. So clear that you can see your feet, digging into the sand. This is Aruba, my home away from home. Ever since I was nine years old, I have gone to Arubawith my family for vacation over the summer. Every time I go, I find something that makes me lovethe island more than the previous vacation. Aruba is not your typical island, it is only about seventy miles long. It only takes about an hour to an hour and a half to get from one side of the island to the other. Also, you do not see the type of poverty that you would in Jamaica or... Show more content on ... The Netherlands soccer team actually placed third in the 2014 Fifa soccer tournament. I have been playing soccer since I was six, so the locals loved that I was able to play with them. While we waited for Cecilia to make dinner, we snorkeled and played soccer with the rest of her Aruban family. There were five kids, four adults, and Cecilia s mother and father. This was such an eye opening experience for me, because it showed me how kind some people could be. When it came to dinner, it was one of the best meals I had eaten on that trip. We ate grouper (the island s most popular fish), salad, jerk chicken, roasted pineapples, and for dessert we had fried dough balls covered in cinnamon and sugar. That meal is important in defining who I am as a person today, it was that meal that restored my faith in humanity and I realized that there was good in this world. It is so important to keep an open mind and be accepting to all people, especially in today s world. Having had this experience has really helped me to be kind and have a positive influence on people s lives. I believe this mainly because it has made me want to be more positive, generous, and a better person all
  • 49. Frederick Jackson Turner Significance Of The Frontier Thesis Frederick Jackson Turner s The Significance of the Frontier is, in his eyes, an accurate depiction of America s development since the Colonial Period. However, Turner s Frontier Thesis fails to discuss the involvement of two very specific groups of people, groups that certainly had too much of an effect on the progression of the country for him to safely leave out. Native Americans have a pivotal role in America s history, yet Turner s mentions of them in his thesis are extremely limited. For this reason, Frederick Jackson Turners The Significance of the Frontier is not an accurate depiction of the history of the United States. Unlike the image that Turner represents in his Frontier Thesis, Native Americans played a large role in the formation of America s history. Turner continuously undermines their presence, referring to them mostly in passing and never giving their race much credit. When discussing the presence of different animals and people on the frontier, he ranks them only one step above animals, saying watch the procession of civilization marching single file the buffalo following the trail to the salt springs, the Indian, the fur trader and hunter, the cattle raiser, the pioneer farmer and the frontier has passed by. In saying this, Turner is conveying the imagery that Indians are altogether their own species, not quite animals but neither human enough to be included in what he would consider the presence of man. Murphy s book Great Lakes
  • 50. Bonnie and Clyde Film Genre categorization is important because it helps to organize and classify movies. People make a lot of decisions based on the genre of the film; this is one of the main ways in which audiences select what movie to see. Most genres follow the same theme, story formula, setting, and story formula. If every genrefollowed the same set of rules one would think that after awhile these movies would become predictable and therefore lose its spark. There is also the notion that people and society change and evolve, making certain genres irrelevant and not relatable to the overall movie lover population. So how do film makers who are known and generally stick to a certain genre, keep audiences from losing interest? They simply evolve with society by changing the rules of a certain genre and one way to do this is genre breaking. Genre breaking can be defined as a film that is classified as a certain genre but breaks the genre tradition, by keeping the traditional theme of the genre but changing the setting, presentation, and story formula. By doing this, the film still follows the essential idea of the genre s traditional theme, but the way it goes about doing it is totally different and can usually be seen as a parody. The best example of genre breaking would be the film Bonnie and Clyde made in the 1967 by Arthur Penn. Bonnie and Clyde is seen as a gangster film, and follows the overall theme of a gangster film. The theme of a gangster film is the American Dream, which tries to
  • 51. Examples Of Courtly Love In The Knight s Tale Most honorable men of Ancient England practiced chivalry, and committed themselves to a courtly love with the woman they wanted. Courtly love emphasizes nobility and chivalry in order to wed the woman of your dreams. Some may even say Ancient England is where chivalry was invented. Courtly love is romanticized in the Canterbury Tale s: The Franklin s Tale, The Squire s Tale, and The Knights Tale. These three short stories encompass Ancient England s idea of courtly lovethrough the practices of chivalry between knights and noblemen. The Franklin s Tale discusses the love triangle of a courageous knight named Arveragus, a beautiful young lady named Dorigen, and the most handsome nobleman named Aurelius. Arveragus and Dorigen wed, but Arveragus must leave for two years for work. During this time Dorigen becomes lonely, and Aurelius decides to attempt to win her over. However, she gives him a task that he surely can t complete in order to have her. He uses a student s magic in order to complete the task, but when he attempts to claim his prize of Dorigen, Arveragus than arrives back home. Dorigen explains... Show more content on ... The love story here is of two young knights Arcite and Palamon and their love for Emilie. They both face challenges along the way, but agree to joust for the love of Emilie. This explains the type of courtly love where two men agree to fight for that of a young woman s love. The stage becomes set for not a joust but a war. Both knights pray to two different gods. Arcite prays to Mercury the god of War, and Palamon prays to Venus the goddess of love. Arcite indeed wins the war, but does not win the girl as Palamon does. It is understood that because Palamon prays to the goddess of love that he is more deserving of Emilie s love. Here courtly love is demonstrating because Palamon fought solely for the honor of Emilie s love, whereas Arcite fought only to win the
  • 52. Newborn Bloodspot Essay Michael Connor 8/19/15 Consent for Newborn Bloodspot Research As most parents or medical students may be aware of, newborn infants have blood samples taken shortly after birth. Their heels are pricked and blood is sptted onto a paper which is sent for processing at a state level. These programs have been wildly successful at detecting a panel of genetic conditions such as PKU and preventing death or disability. Historically, researchconducted using these bloodspots was not considered to be human subjects research that is; research defined by the Common Rule as activities in which either the research investigator obtains samples through direct interaction with living individuals or the samples are linked to individually identifiable ... Show more content on ... 45 CFR part 46, subpart A 2.Newborn Screening Saves Lives Reauthorization Act of 2014, HR 1281, 113th Cong, 2nd Sess (2014). 3.Tarini BA, Goldenberg A, Singer D, Clark SJ, Butchart A, Davis MM. Not without my permission: parents willingness to permit use of newborn screening samples for research. Public Health Genomics. 2010;13(3):125 130. 4.Botkin JR, Rothwell E, Anderson R, et al. Public attitudes regarding the use of residual newborn screening specimens for research. Pediatrics. 2012;129(2):231 238. 5.Cantarel BL, Lei Y, Weaver D, et al. Analysis of archived residual newborn screening blood spots after whole genome amplification. BMC Genomics. 2015;16(1):602.25022222 6.Mladina R, SkitareliД‡ N, CariД‡ T, RaguЕѕ M. Type 5 and 6 nasal septal deformities: Could we predict and prevent acute coronary syndrome attacks in the future?. Med Hypotheses. 2015;25533753 7.Lillie SE, Tarini BA, Janz NK, Zikmund fisher BJ. Framing optional genetic testing in the context of mandatory newborn screening tests. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2015;15:50. 8.Bayefsky MJ, Saylor KW, Berkman BE. Parental Consent for the Use of Residual Newborn Screening Bloodspots: Respecting Individual Liberty vs Ensuring Public Health. JAMA.
  • 53. War In A Separate Peace For me, this moment four years is a moment in history was the war. The war was and is a reality for me. I still instinctively live and think in its atmosphere (32). This quote made by Gene encapsulates the major role World War II plays in A Separate Peace. John Knowles, the author, utilizes the war as a spectacular backdrop for his novel. In fact, without World WarII, this book would just be another story lost in the churn of the millions of novels published. A Separate Peace, which would lack an external conflict, have only a paucity of symbolisms and connections, and suffer from a lack of explanation for many of the character s actions, would need to be completely rewritten or scratched altogether. The absence of World War II would jeopardize... Show more content on ... Three of the main characters, Gene, Brinker, and Leper would all dramatically change if there was no war. Probably the most obvious of these characters who were impacted by the World War II was Leper. The innocent of the class, Leper never knew what he was getting into when he enlisted to ski in the war. Leper s life is then turned upside down, and he goes completely crazy. Without the war, Leper s character would need to be developed in some alternative way. Brinker also completely changes and manipulates his actions as a consequence of this war. Known formerly as the most responsible, respectable leader on campus at Devon, Brinker morphs into a character that seems particularly indifferent and downright rebellious. Knowles indirectly characterizes him through Gene s thoughts, mentioning that Brinker the Lawgiver had turned rebel for the Duration (122). It is very difficult for one to say that without the war, Brinker would select the path of rebellion, rather than stay serious and have a possibly brighter future. Finally, Gene is not only affected by his internal struggles but also the struggle that is going on overseas as he completes his years at Devon. Like most things that happen in the protagonist s life, Gene is never concrete on his stance or the following actions he should take on these. He desires to lose his old, murky life in
  • 54. The, The Former Capital Of China Nanjing is the former capital of China. During this time, Japan was attempting to take over the entire nation of China. Japan had developed a plan to take over all of China in a span of just three months, starting with the invasion of Beijing. What the Japanese weren t expecting was for China to put down a fight. With frustration arising and their plan falling apart, the Japanese decided to take over Chinas capital, Nanjing. During the Battle of Shangai, Japanese army forces proved their dominance over the Chinese and took over in November. Following the Japanses victory at Shangai, 50,000 Japanese soldiers began their march to China s capital: Nanking. Although the Japanese were greatly outnumbered, they fought to the death, entering the city on December 13, 1937. They were ordered to kill all captives, leading to 90,000 Chinese soldiers surrendering (The History Place, 2000). Japan s history leading up to the massacre is an intriguing one. Unfriendly relations between Japan and China had an uprising in the early 1900 s. Before this rivalry began, Japan, growing as a military power, had intentions of taking over China and Korea. In 1876, Japan and Korea signed the Treaty of Kanghwa, making Korea unilaterally independent, weakening China s hold on Korea. March of 1894, a domestic rebellion by the anti foreigner Tonghak cult against the Korean monarchy was jointly put down by both Japanese and Chinese troops. After the revolt was quelled, China proposed the immediate