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Mark Bowman
Occupation: Virtual Instructor/Designer
Text Based
Still & Time-Based
Impact on
Text is the least age exclusive and continues to be
essential with the 3 ecologies of learning. Content
is more important than the text itself regarding its’
affect on Gender. Text can leave some ESE
ethnic groups, as well as lower level learners
behind in learning. Text is also less flexible with
variant learning types/styles.
STBM is less age and gender exclusive
only due to the difficulty younger and
older age groups may have with
operating the hardware necessary to
access the STBM. STBM is an effective
equalizer pertaining to Diverse
languages, learning levels and styles.
I learned the difference between IM and
Digital IM in my studies of the ecologies.
All 3 of these ecologies have the ability to
be immersive. However, DIM is still quite
age exclusive do the lack of time
interactive and virtual DIM has been in
production. DIM as a similar impact on
diversity as STBM. However, it does have
the potential to reach all levels/styles of
learners in a unique way.
Cognitive Load
I no longer look at text as having the ability to
overload the user even though the content can be
overwhelming making knowledge acquisition more
difficult. Having said that, text is limited in its’
ability to lessen cognitive load. Learners can
control pace, but past that they have little recourse
to affect how efficiently the information is
processed from working memory to long term
Placement of text can also affect cognitive load
and knowledge acquisition by drawing mental
focus on certain highlighted information such as a
news paper or magazine format. In addition
information has less cognitive load when
presented in a more organized fashion ie outlines,
venn diagrams, charts, graphs and other cognitive
STBM offers Instructional Designers
digital tools that seemingly impact
working memory. These tools decrease
extraneous and germane cognitive load
allowing leaners to store more in long
term memory. This makes STBM more
effective with knowledge acquisition for
the learner.
STBM can also enhance the text
placement with coloring and graphics.
DIM advances the digital tools available to
IDs where the Intrinsic, Extraneous and
Germane cognitive load would likely be
decreased. This is due to the learner
having more freedom of choice via digital
interactivity and immersion.
Placement is not only important but
necessary in order for interactive
platforms of learning like articulate. The
presentation of text or STBM material
reduces cognitive load.
Media Comparison Chart
Including a Summary of Iterative
Text Based
Still & Time-
Mass Transmission
It has been traditionally easier to enforce
copyright laws with physical text-based media
and less so with digital text. However there have
been improvements in encrypting and preventing
public sites from posting copyrighted text.
Non digital text is slower to send information to
the masses. However, it is very portable and
durable to the extent that it is robust when left in
dry elements.
It is still a continual challenge to prevent
STBM from being down-loaded without
permission. Well known content
websites are improving their encryption,
there is software available to do an end
STBM is vastly faster when transmitting
information and can be preserved for a
long period of time protected from the
elements. The hardware is becoming
more portable as device sizes decrease
over time.
DIM seems difficult to take online and
therefore is more inherently protected.
DIM requires purchased software and
often additional hardware. Even online
games are quite difficult to illegally
download. DIM currently is less of a
concern than STBM.
The Portability and Durability of DIM is
virtually the same as STBM. Gamification
can engage learners as far as the internet
will reach. However, Transmission of
virtual DIM can be limited depending on
the complexity of the hardware necessary.
Social Interaction
Text is geared more for individual use. It is
difficult to work with others to interact and
collaborate on a text-based project. Text is less
affective in group settings when used alone.
Even if copies of the text are provided to each
member of a group, the information is less
engaging cooperative.
There are studies that show that users do better
with certain content dealing with the printed word
on paper. However, that does not resolve the
low level of engagement with text.
STBM offers digital tools that can
engage a group more effectively.
These tools also allow for group
members to create different parts of a
digital project and then share them
easily via computer. user manipulation.
STBM is effective with individuals and
also allows a a group to engage with
one another more than they may if
seated at a table with text. The options
for different style learners intimidate a
Virtual communication-based technology
enhances the STBM environment. Virtual
meetings and gamification offers more
options for learners to engage from a
distance or even when in a physical setting.
DIM creates a collaborative social interaction
because every learner can engage in some
way. Learners are not forced to conform to
one method but rather the various methods
allow the learner to conform to individual or
group tasks.
Media Comparison Chart
Including A Summary Of Iterative
Macluhan’s view of hot/cold media is a bit
antiquated and too binary.
A pure Macluahanian view of text would be that
it is hot media because the information is
delivered without much effort by the user.
However, when a user text messages via phone
or social media, an immediate dialogue is
Benefits Drawbacks
Age Effect
Level of Impact on
Various Age Groups
Text can be used by all age groups. It is difficult
if not impossible to communicate without text
being used at some point. Text is versatile and
has shown longevity with its’ ability to impact a
large population through time with less
technological requirements.
Younger Generations, especially beginning with
generation X grew up with more video/audio stimulation
than any other generation causing the decline in text only
learning. Text only communication resonates less and
less with Millennials and Generation Z.
In order to remain useful while instructing
future age groups text must include digital
enhancements. Unless we learn how to
telepathically communicate wit one another
future age groups will still need text, but
facilitators will need to use digital technology
more effectively in conjunction with text.
Cognitive Load
Text has the ability to challenge the mind and
may overload at times. The benefit is that the
user is always in control of the pace and can stop
and re-read at any time.
The negative impact of text on cognitive load is that its’
impact on users has wide variance. If a user is not literate
or has a low level of literacy and education, then text will
have more of a cognitive load and less of an impact. Our
culture’s education has been text only based, thus placing
different level learners on un-equal footing(UDL). While
text is an easy tool to use in its simplest form, the user
must have a specific cognitive aptitude in order to benefit.
Text only can over-load a different style learner.
Until the 1960s/70s, educators have been
forced to almost entirely rely on text. Only
until this millennium has digital technology
advanced and become affordable enough for
widespread use in education. This is a game
changer. Text must be used in more creative
ways to continue to challenge learners
cognitively as well as draw in learners who
have lower aptitudes and practice with text.
Moreover, technology should be used to
instruct students the art of text from the
Until 40 years ago text was difficult to illegally
use because of limited publishing companies and
the necessity of using such for widespread sale.
This is not true anymore.
Written text is now easy to publish and sell individually
creating obstacles with copyrighting. Digital technology
is good because mass information can be spread
instantly. However, even if one can find copyright
violation it is not easily prosecuted. The increased volume
of both written and digital text has made copywriting
There is a limit of how much unique
knowledge exists at a moment on time. Due
to digital technology there may be a constant
regurgitation of similar content. There is
software to help with this but at this point I
do not see how copyrighting can remain
Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration
As mentioned in some of the reading, Written words are
powerful and when used effectively they become rhetoric
and knowledge. The right text/words can change
attitudes of people around the world and move people to
become better than the sum of their parts. Knowledge
becomes power just as text became the catalyst of the
Renaissance. If the user has the Propper education and
social resources, then text is and has been the most
versatile form of communicating to the most people.
If the user has not been fortunate enough to
have the social resourced or motivated enough
to make use of those resources, then they will
be unable to acquire knowledge and therefore
they are destined to be unaffected and
changed. Furthermore, if a user’s aptitude or
style of learning is not aligned with text only
then it will be equally ineffective.
Text only knowledge must be substituted or
enhanced with other mediums, especially via
digital technology.
Gender Effect
While text has been used more in history by male group
with the resources to write and disperse the information
most effectively, Females have been empowered by the
use of education and then the disbursement of their
views as well as the fallacies of how females have been
defined through time.
While Plato and Michelangelo could have never
predicted, gender has become a loaded word.
Text can be limiting to sensitive people who feel
that certain formerly non offensive text
negatively impacts them. For instance, Text will
likely never produce enough pro nouns to give
the countless new genders and or life forms the
ability to feel validated.
Every life form and subjectively perceived
gender, so to speak, can empower themselves
with text, but when constant universally
understood definitions of words are changed, we
may need to create new less descriptive words.
Freedom to write text clearly and freely may be
impeded as writers become ever more careful
not to offend. Ironically, in order for text to
remain gender relevant it must change in such a
way that will cause text in general to become
less relevant
Level of Subjective
Ability to conform to
Modern Digital Media and
ie Social Media
The receiver’s subjective interpretation is often based on
the creator’s rigidity in their words. Text is nimble
enough to be delivered with the intention of subjective
interpretation as well as the user receiving the
information in a factual or clear opinionated way. ‘Text
only’ can be used with social media for good.
Like many other forms of communication, text
can be misinterpreted if the creator is sloppy
with their delivery or if the user is looking for
something that is not there. The speed of
digital text delivery has caused information to
flow without being vetted even by the creator.
Impulse text creation causes careless mis-
interpretation and divisiveness especially with
social media.
Improvements in writing education including the
responsibility and importance of words. Text
only can be easily conformed to digital media. In
fact as much as many would not like to rely on
text it is difficult to communicate information
without text being involved at some point.
Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant
Affect on Engagement
Level of Participation
Personal Attention?
Ability to Allow
Users to manipulate
The Medium
Text can be quite engaging if the subject matter is
interesting and pulls the reader in. The level of
affect is often subjective to the user. There are
studies that users do better with certain content
dealing with the printed word on paper. At the same
time text can be enhanced digitally as well.
Text does not do well with topics not
subjectively interesting to the user. It is difficult
to pull a user in when there is initial reluctance
or lack of interest. Some learners do not do
well with text in general and therefor will be
less likely to participate and take ownership of
their learning. A limited amount of users can
manipulate text only so that they may learn.
Text Only does not allow information to be
tailor fit for individual attention.
Similar to other considerations, text can
be effective when enhanced using
digital media. This the key to virtual
education. Offering multiple options
will engage otherwise disinterested or
discouraged students to drive their own
Affect on…
Co-Develop Social
Ability of Consensus
Mutual Negotiation
It is possible for text to have impact on collaboration
and everyone has access to it.
Text is ineffective when used to engage
interactivity amongst a group of users. While
text can be used to stimulate collaboration, it
puts the onus on the users to inspire one
another. Often only 1 or 2 group members will
be engaged. This causes text only education to
impede negotiating, sharing of ideas and any
ability to truly form social structures.
Text should be used and accompanied
by multiple other mediums so that
multipole levels of learners in a group
can be engaged.
Affect on Interactivity
And Immersion
Individual vs
Group effect
Similar to the above 2 considerations, text has the
ability to immerse some individual users.
As stated above, text(only) is limited to specific
users causing some in a group to disengage
making a text only situation to be more
individual in its instruction with less
Same as above.
Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration
Impact on Diversity
Variant Learners
UDL use?
No advantages over so many other options. Low functioning ESE students as well as
ESL students are unlikely to benefit from
too much text and less so from text only.
While some ESE students are higher
functioning with more socializing problems,
text only will little chance of engaging
Digital media may have the most impact
with this group of students by addressing
multiple levels of learners. This is where
UDL shines.
Affect on…
Placement and
Physical Location
Text can be easily manipulated by changing fonts, size
and location on a medium. This allows the creator to
emphasize and draw in a user’s attention. This also
breaks the information up to be better understood.
No matter how much the font, size and
locations are manipulated it will become
redundant over time and less stimulating.
Adding digital media to enhance text is very
effective. Animations and photos with
music can enhance the placement of text.
Addition of video and audio stimulates
learning symbiotically.
Level of …
Impact on…
mass Transmission
Text portability has changed over time. Text was only
available, quite often, at fixed locations due to illiteracy,
low status, poverty and the importance of preserving
delicate print on delicate pages. This text was created
over a long period of time and therefore was less likely to
be transported. The printing press, computers, printers,
risiographs, copy machines and now digital text. is more
portable than Gutenburg could have imagined. Digital
text has allowed for instant mass transmission. Text is
quite durable in physical book form.
The durability of text is more difficult to
ascertain as technology advances. As more
data is stored on digital clouds/servers, the
less that physical copies of text exist. Not
only is technology dependent on electricity
and intricate electronics, it can be attacked
virtually via virus’s and cyber theft. Digital
text information is duplicated thousands of
times over in the virtual world wasting
server space. How many servers will be
needed as time goes on?
I believe the alterations are where they need
to be other than improvements in cyber
security as well some sorting of purging
duplicate information to allow for multiple
back ups.
Benefits Drawbacks
Relevant Alteration
for Viability
Age Effect
Level of Impact on
Various Age Groups
STBM is helpful with all ages from early
childhood to the elderly. The younger
generation is particularly partial to this container
of information as it is more natural to them.
Children and teens need to be monitored as there is a
tendency to spend too much time with digital media. The
older generation may have difficulties with navigating
through digital media especially via the internet. In
addition televisions, wifi, Bluetooth and even vehicles can
be intimidating to those who did not grow up with this
tech. Young people are more susceptible to
overstimulation on a developing mind possibly causing
long term negative effects including ADD, anxiety and
STBM has made strides in becoming ever
more user friendly, thus allowing a wider age
range to make use of the tech. Now STBM
has become more than relevant; Necessary
even. This progress has allowed UDL to move
from concept to implementation.
Cognitive Load
The STBM ecology has allowed information to be
delivered in ways text never could. This vehicle
has the ability to tap into multiple cognitive
levels allowing learning to be more inclusive.
There are many studies about the negative impact from
spending too much time in front of STBM be it digital or
otherwise. It has become more difficult to pace our use of
this ecological container. One study has shown an
increase in negative impact on people over time. The
most interesting finding is that the content, be it Andy
Griffen or The Walking Dead, matters little contrary to
previous thought. There does seem to be less of a
negative impact with less stimulation such Mr. Rogers vs
something like sponge bob.
More research is necessary to develop the
most effective method of content delivery
causing the least harm to the brain.
Sharing STBM is continuing to become and
easier process with the addition of the digital
content and the web. Many users are happy to
make their content freely available to others.
It is also becoming easier to use other’s STBM without
permission. Not only is it difficult to stop this on the
internet, the copyright laws are not always clear
moreover users are unaware of violations and unwilling to
care enough to research the laws.
Educating learners and especially
professionals that use STBM content is
essential. Even with education many will be
unwilling to comply with copyright laws so
there must continue to be improvements in
digital encryption and protection.
Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration
Just like with cognitive load STBM
opens new portals into he mind that
a text only education could not do.
This content enhancement allows
for users’ dispositions to be altered
and moved in positive ways.
Content is still important, but the
vessel enhances that content like
no other. The milk must still be
good, and the type of truck can
more effectively transport it to our
There is a power to being able to move
people using STBM. STBM was used
effectively during WWII on all sides.
Users must be aware of the potential to
be maliciously manipulated by this
content. Unfortunately STBM can be
used in this way by educators as well.
As digital tech improves the ability to
alter video and images seamlessly the
danger of mis-information increases.
Content Matters
Continued education on the power of STBM and the possibly of abuse is
necessary as it has been shown to be difficult to moderate. All viewpoints must
be allowed to be unscored as it is too the ability to decide was is true or not
true can be subjective. Media needs to clearly identify their journalistic
reporting from their opinionated pundants while bringing in pundants from all
sides for fair and honest vigorous debate. Media should be a venue that allows
users to make their own decions as opposted to being steared by selective
STBM. The lines of journalistic reporting have been blurred more than ever.
Less and less people trust media representing bias from all sides. This is leading
to tribal group think as opposed to free speech. Journalists were supposed to
represent the and protect we the people by slowly and methodically
investigating verified facts without bias.
Gender Effect
STBM appears to be equally
beneficial to both genders as well as
all other self identified life forms.
Being as the female and male minds
are inherently different, as any
married person will admit, it would
be interesting to study the different
ways STBM may affect genders
Educators need to be more aware and
sensitive to the ever changing and
confusing viewpoints of what gender is
or is not. As it becomes more difficult
to not offend someone, educators need
to be more selective when using certain
contend in the STBM ecological
container. . Good educators may be
lost due to these gender confusion
issues. Presentation off non binary
gender roles to vulnerable developing
children can have negative impacts
The degree in which alterations are necessary based on gender are
unfortunately controversial in our time. It is important to not show favor to
males or females but to accept the differences and embrace the strengths of
both like yin/yang balance. The reality is that the overwhelming community of
LBGTQ who make up 10% of the population identify as male or female
including transsexuals which make up .6 of that percentage. Of that .6 approx
.15 Tans-gender consider themselves non-binary. Society must come to terms
with what constitutes a change in educational presentation. If .15 % of our
population identifies as animals, should educators then have to include that
thus losing more focus on learning at the detriment of the vast majority?
These are the complicated considerations that must be determined going
forward. We may be feeding a self-fulfilling gender prophesy thus creating the
existence of more confusion that would not have otherwise existed.
Level of Subjective
Ability to conform to
Modern Digital Media
Like other media ecologies, the
ability for subjective user
interpretation is driven be the
STBM producer. STBM is by far the
easies to conform.
The producer needs to be cognoscente
of the degree in which they wish to
allow subjective interpretation. This
should be toggled accordingly.
STBM has a unique ability to conform with modern digital media and should
continue on this path for the foreseeable future. The educator should be aware
that fact based information should be presented with less subjective
interpretation while still allowing the user to challenge the information.
Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration
Affect on Engagement
Level of Participation
Personal Attention?
Ability to Allow
Users to manipulate
The Medium
STBM has a high degree of impact on the level of
engagement. STBM offers a tool to increase the
level of participation and user manipulation.
Interactive platforms offer a venue to combine
STBM content with user interaction. While STBM
allows a user to rely less on text, it is at least as
effective and seemingly more so for many different
There are still limitations on the degree of
user interaction with STBM. While the jury
is still out, there seems to be benefit to text
based information. Many studies also show
that text on physical paper is more
impactful than digital text. While nostalgia
makes some of us to feel writing in cursive
is necessary, it likely is not. The reading
revealed that cursive writing was created
out of convenience and efficiency.
In my opinion this area is the most
important area for digital STBM. User
interaction must be developed more for a
UDL environment. Interactive platforms are
the key to effective use of STBM in
education. While the of print is declining
and giving way to STBM, text is not going
anywhere in fact it boggles the mind to
think what communication would be like
without text. Like this chart, text is a
necessity but is much better when
enhanced by STBM.
Affect on…
Co-Develop Social
Ability of Consensus
Mutual Negotiation
The ability to share STBM on the internet allows
groups to see the same content and collaborate with
others based on that information. STBM works
effectively in a physical and in person setting. Users
can mutually affect and manipulate the content
There are still drawbacks on virtual
collaborative learning with STBM. I have
experienced difficulty developing STBM
content for presentation in a virtual group
setting. There is often an unwillingness or
in ability to effectively communicate in real
time via video/audio. It is difficult to
replace working in person.
Virtual communication based technology
needs to advance further to enhance that
environment while using STBM. It seems
our society is collaborating virtually more
and more so this zoom type interface is the
forefront of education.
Affect on Interactivity
And Immersion
Individual vs
Group effect
This information is similar to above regarding
interactivity and group effect. STBM is more
impactful individually at this time and even more so
in the past. However, the ability for group
interaction with STBM is increasing quickly. STBM
has a profound impact on immersing the user.
Studies have showing a remarkable impact on the
user’s physical/emotional reaction to many forms of
An educator should aware of the possibility
of over immersion and under interactivity.
As above, educators need to find more
effective uses of virtual technologies for
group immersion especially on a virtual
Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration
Impact on Diversity
Variant Learners
UDL use?
Variant learning is STBM’s playground and diversity is
where it shines most. Digital STBM has revolutionized
the ability to implement UDL.
Some STBM tech can be over-stimulating
and complicated. Educators need to be
careful which STBM tech is used for specific
learning as opposed to implementing
digital STBM for its own sake.
Educators should continue to study and
develop the best use for STBM for various
learner types. We have only begun to use
these new tools.
Affect on…
Placement and
Physical Location
Creating and cutting STBM impacts the message. How
images, video, text and audio are combined makes a
distinct difference with the intended content being
conveyed. This is even more important when combined
with something like articulate where buttons dials and
background placement are added.
Wrongful placement can become
distracting to the learner and even more so
if too much is added to a given physical
space. Sometimes less is more.
The implementation of interactive learning
tools is the most effective way to use
placement virtually.
Level of …
Impact on…
mass Transmission
STBM is more portable than ever. Technology continues
to shrink hardware, time and space. The addition of
digital to STBM has allowed instant mass transmission of
large data amounts. Digital storage withstands the test
of time more than physical media.
The fact that more data is stored on servers
and drives means that electricity is a
constant necessity. Security is also
important as digital STBM can be
compromised from great distances.
Data speed and bandwidth are the most
important element with portability and
mass transmission. The internet began as
mostly an exchange in text. The internet is
a large ecological environment that contains
many other ecologies. The content of these
digital ecological environments is what
makes the internet what it is. Digital STBM
arguable the strongest pillar of the world
wide web.
• Immersive media may have caused
McLuhan to change the structure of hot vs
cold media. At first glance McLuhan may
have been tempted to place Immersive
Media in the hot category due to the high
• However, McLuhan would realize how
much the user participates at the same
time. Immersive Media blends all the
media and technology together. I don’t
think McLuhan would even call IM warm.
It’s a whole new category.
Benefits Drawbacks
Age Effect
Level of Impact on
Various Age Groups
Younger Generations, especially beginning with
the digital generation around 2005, grew up
with more STBM making the transition to IM
much easier. However, IM can have also have
an equal impact on the millennial generation. I
can see some Generation Xers being impacted
on their job but not nearly as much as those
that will come after them.
IM can be used by all age groups. Having Said that, the
higher in age the more unfamiliar the user may be with
IM. IM is less common and therefore less familiar to
many users. This can potentially limit the impact on
some older age groups.
Educational Institutions have to expediently
implement more IM so that those students
are properly prepared to introduce the
world to a new way of accomplishing tasks.
Educational Facilitators need to be brought
up to speed so that current students can
benefit from its educational use.
Cognitive Load
IM has the capability to challenge the user’s
cognition by drawing the mind in and allowing
the user to SUSPEND DISBELIEF. Even a good
book can cause part of the reader’s mind to
believe its actually taking part in the story.
Moreover, digital IM has the ability to
use many and possibly all senses such as 4D
and 5D virtual experiences. IM has the potential
to take the user into a true ENCHANTED STATE.
There do not appear to be many drawbacks of non-
digital IM. However, there are many studies showing the
potential negative impact of repeated and constant total
digital emersion. Part of the brain does not differentiate
especially when all a users senses are engaged.
Neuroscience is only now beginning to understand
some of the impacts of our digital culture and there is
possible less understanding of the IM on the brain. This
constant over-stimulation of the brain is likely damaging
in many ways, even to learning.
Neuroscience must continue studies on the
effects of IM on the human mind so that
educators can safely use this tool without
hurting learners in the long run. Society
needs to have a better understanding of
what tool helps with what learning goal as
opposed to throwing digital IM
IM is much like STBM where sharing the ideas
and software is becoming an easier process
with the addition of the digital content and the
web. Many users are happy to make their
content available to others. In a addition is
becoming easier to do the right thing online as
in checking if certain material is copyrighted.
There are also improvements in the ability to
protect digital work using digital tech.
Unfortunately, the ability to share information freely
comes at a cost. It is also easy to use information
without information. Also most users are not aware or
concerned with copyright online.
There needs to be more of an effort to
educate and create digital protection for
information who’s creators are not willing to
freely give. There then also needs a more
streamlined way for users to understand and
pay for its use. There are currently ways to
pay for licenses for medica registered with
certain companies. This would be a good
way to go and improve upon.
Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration
Just like with cognitive load IM creates an opportunity to
completely immerse the learner. When this happens,
learning is at its optimum. When digital IM is included
the user is even more immersed. Content continues to
be important, but the delivery container allows for prime
access. Virtual reality, interactive storyline learning and
gamification have the ability to engage and reward a
learner in a way that has not been seen for hundreds of
years. The art of the story continues to be most
There does not appear to be drawbacks with
non digital immersion and knowledge
acquisition as long as the right content is used
relating the to material needed to be learned.
Educators and learners must be careful not to
sacrifice being human and living in the present
while interacting with real people
Educators should be careful not to become lazy
by overly-relying on the digital immersive
technology by sacrificing the information and
equally important, the story. Storytelling
remains a window into the mind of a learner.
This reminds me of an movie with well done
effects, but still fails to remain interesting due
to lack of story. The digital IM should be used
to enhance the story and conetent.
Gender Effect
IM seems to be beneficial to both genders due to the
commonality of how the brain operates. Males and
Females can be equally immersed regardless of digital
or non digital IM. Having said that, there are some
contenet interests that may be indicative of gender or
perceived gender. When combined with other interests
and personalities it would be difficult to pin down if any
IM should be modified for gender. Furthermore, it
would likely be unfairly presumptuous to assign and
limit information and method solely based on gender.
There do not appear to be any drawbacks for
either gender when using any form of IM as
long as the content is responsibly chosen.
Technology seems to be an effective gender
equalizer. Contemporary educators are
generally aware that
Level of Subjective
Ability to conform to
Modern Digital Media and
ie Social Media
Subjective interpretation is an interesting consideration
as it relates to IM. On one side, the very nature of
immersion allows the user to feel and identify as the
protagonist which allows the user to feel a level of
control and interpretation. This brings to mind choose
your own adventure books. The user has the ability to
interpret the information and make a limited choice,
much like digital IM. With DIM, the user can manipulate
the ecology thus impacting their own interpretation.
DIM conforms easily.
Like STBM, there is a possibility for nefarious
producers of IM to manipulate the learner;
Likely more so with DIM.
There is a risk for future DIM use to keep the
population distracted either by purpose or
self-inflicted happenstance.
I believe that there are many unforeseeable
implications with increased use of DIM.
Educators and learners need to remain aware
of the difference between perceived subjective
interpretation and real subjective interpretation
(RED/BLUE pill).
I view modern DM as having to conform to
DIM. DIM is MDM so there is no concern for
DIM conforming to MDM.
Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant
Affect on Engagement
Level of Participation
Personal Attention?
Ability to Allow
Users to manipulate
The Medium
IM has the most level of impact on engagement.
IM Interactive platforms offer a venue to combine
STBM content with user interaction. DIM offers a
unique opportunity for users to be personally
involved while controling their environment within
the set parameters.
This ecology may be used to change a learners
preconceived perspectives for the better.
The drawbacks I see are the same stated for
cognition. There may be more of a danger
with virtual DIM in that the medium has the
ability to simultaneously manipulate the user
just as the user can manipulate the medium.
Being as the Transportation Scale il quite high
for DIM there is a risk for misuse. Good and
bad manipulation can be subjective.
Similar to STBM. User interaction must be
developed for a UDL environment. DIM
should not be randomly implemented.
Educators must clearly define their objective
and justify why the media will support that
Affect on… Collaboration/
Co-Develop Social Structures?
Ability of Consensus
Mutual Negotiation
IM allows multiple users to enter a virtual world
simultaneously. Users can mutually affect and
manipulate the content smoothly. IM makes STBM
more effective in social settings due to the
improved interactivity. This is especially true in a
physical setting.
Virtual settings may still prove difficult in a
virtual setting Like STBM. Gamification and
virtual collaboration are possible on specific
taskes. However in a purely communicative
setting, exchanging ideas can still feel
awkward or distant
There are several studies and acedotal
evidence that DIM social interaction does not
necessarily equate to a feeling of meaningful
personal connection.
IM does a lot for STBM advancing to the
next step. With society, virtually
collaborating on IM seems to be the next
step. Educators need to familiarize learners
with virtual to increase their comfort level.
Unfortunately, virtual social interaction often
leads to a feeling of isolation. The
development of trust over time appears to
be more difficult to replicate in the virtual
Affect on Interactivity
And Immersion
Individual vs
Group effect
This information is similar to above regarding
interactivity and group effect. Unlike STBM, IM is
significantly more impactful cooperatively. DIM is
the pinnacle of Immersion and interactivity.
An educator should aware of the possibility of
over immersion at the expense of reality and
personal attention to one another.
There is a danger of the user never having
enough stimulation. With STBM looking was
not enough. I wonder what will happen when
DIM is not enough.
As above, educators need to find more
effective uses of virtual technologies for
group immersion especially on a virtual
Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration
Impact on Diversity
Variant Learners
UDL use?
Much like STBM Variant learning can strategically
impacted with DIM. DIM now offers effective ways to
engage learners who were left behind in the past. DIM is
a game changer for UDL.
Educators need to be weary of over
stimulation with some special needs
categories who have some health- related
neurological activity as well.
Continued exploration in the
implementation of specific DIM tools for a
diverse set of learners.
The technology and education field need to
focus on ways virtual DIM ecology can create
an environment of real personal connection.
Personal care and interaction is essential for
UDL to work.
Affect on…
Placement and
Physical Location
Interactive DIM can be changed using Placement.
Interactive learning platforms should be designed for ease
of use and learner appeal. DIM can help the content
appeal to a learner.
There is a temptation to over-use and mis-
use DIM resulting the learner to be
cognitively turned off.
The implementation of interactive and IM
learning tools should continue on its current
pay with emphasis on physical designs that
appeal to learners.
Level of …
Impact on…
mass Transmission
Interactive IM is equally as portable as STBM when
transferring information. Real time and space decrease as
Virtual worlds increase. The addition of digital to STBM
has allowed instant mass transmission of large data
amounts. Digital storage can withstand the test of time
better than physical media if stored in a controlled
environment. There is no doubt that more data can be
stored in less space by far within a digital storage
There are weaknesses with some of the
hardware used with virtual IM including
expense and availability in the education
setting. There are still weaknesses with
anything Digital as it requires complex
technology to access the data. The
hardware required for DIM also requires
clean and dry conditions to remain durable.
I’m reluctant to believe a server could
survive in a sandy hot cave like the dead sea
scrolls. Having said that, IM does not have
to be digital.
Data speed and bandwidth are even more
important for mass transmission of virtual
There is a question as to whether the world
wide web will continue to be able to serve
the kind data exchange necessary for
interconnected DIM with an ever-increasing
population. There also need to be
improvements in the cost of implementing
these technologies in an educational

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Media Ecology

  • 2. Consideration s Text Based Media Still & Time-Based Media Immersive Media Impact on Diversity including… Age Gender Diversity Text is the least age exclusive and continues to be essential with the 3 ecologies of learning. Content is more important than the text itself regarding its’ affect on Gender. Text can leave some ESE ethnic groups, as well as lower level learners behind in learning. Text is also less flexible with variant learning types/styles. STBM is less age and gender exclusive only due to the difficulty younger and older age groups may have with operating the hardware necessary to access the STBM. STBM is an effective equalizer pertaining to Diverse languages, learning levels and styles. I learned the difference between IM and Digital IM in my studies of the ecologies. All 3 of these ecologies have the ability to be immersive. However, DIM is still quite age exclusive do the lack of time interactive and virtual DIM has been in production. DIM as a similar impact on diversity as STBM. However, it does have the potential to reach all levels/styles of learners in a unique way. Cognitive Load Knowledge Acquisition Placement I no longer look at text as having the ability to overload the user even though the content can be overwhelming making knowledge acquisition more difficult. Having said that, text is limited in its’ ability to lessen cognitive load. Learners can control pace, but past that they have little recourse to affect how efficiently the information is processed from working memory to long term memory. Placement of text can also affect cognitive load and knowledge acquisition by drawing mental focus on certain highlighted information such as a news paper or magazine format. In addition information has less cognitive load when presented in a more organized fashion ie outlines, venn diagrams, charts, graphs and other cognitive organizers. STBM offers Instructional Designers digital tools that seemingly impact working memory. These tools decrease extraneous and germane cognitive load allowing leaners to store more in long term memory. This makes STBM more effective with knowledge acquisition for the learner. STBM can also enhance the text placement with coloring and graphics. DIM advances the digital tools available to IDs where the Intrinsic, Extraneous and Germane cognitive load would likely be decreased. This is due to the learner having more freedom of choice via digital interactivity and immersion. Placement is not only important but necessary in order for interactive platforms of learning like articulate. The presentation of text or STBM material reduces cognitive load. Media Comparison Chart Including a Summary of Iterative Modifications
  • 3. Considerations Text Based Media Still & Time- based Media Immersive Media LEVEL OF… Portability Durability Mass Transmission Copyright It has been traditionally easier to enforce copyright laws with physical text-based media and less so with digital text. However there have been improvements in encrypting and preventing public sites from posting copyrighted text. Non digital text is slower to send information to the masses. However, it is very portable and durable to the extent that it is robust when left in dry elements. It is still a continual challenge to prevent STBM from being down-loaded without permission. Well known content websites are improving their encryption, there is software available to do an end around. STBM is vastly faster when transmitting information and can be preserved for a long period of time protected from the elements. The hardware is becoming more portable as device sizes decrease over time. DIM seems difficult to take online and therefore is more inherently protected. DIM requires purchased software and often additional hardware. Even online games are quite difficult to illegally download. DIM currently is less of a concern than STBM. The Portability and Durability of DIM is virtually the same as STBM. Gamification can engage learners as far as the internet will reach. However, Transmission of virtual DIM can be limited depending on the complexity of the hardware necessary. INDIVIDUAL VS COOPERATIVE… Collaboration Engagement Interpretation Conformation Social Interaction Text is geared more for individual use. It is difficult to work with others to interact and collaborate on a text-based project. Text is less affective in group settings when used alone. Even if copies of the text are provided to each member of a group, the information is less engaging cooperative. There are studies that show that users do better with certain content dealing with the printed word on paper. However, that does not resolve the low level of engagement with text. STBM offers digital tools that can engage a group more effectively. These tools also allow for group members to create different parts of a digital project and then share them easily via computer. user manipulation. STBM is effective with individuals and also allows a a group to engage with one another more than they may if seated at a table with text. The options for different style learners intimidate a Virtual communication-based technology enhances the STBM environment. Virtual meetings and gamification offers more options for learners to engage from a distance or even when in a physical setting. DIM creates a collaborative social interaction because every learner can engage in some way. Learners are not forced to conform to one method but rather the various methods allow the learner to conform to individual or group tasks. Media Comparison Chart Including A Summary Of Iterative Modifications
  • 4. Macluhan’s view of hot/cold media is a bit antiquated and too binary. A pure Macluahanian view of text would be that it is hot media because the information is delivered without much effort by the user. However, when a user text messages via phone or social media, an immediate dialogue is created. HOT or COLD ?
  • 5. Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration Age Effect Level of Impact on Various Age Groups Text can be used by all age groups. It is difficult if not impossible to communicate without text being used at some point. Text is versatile and has shown longevity with its’ ability to impact a large population through time with less technological requirements. Younger Generations, especially beginning with generation X grew up with more video/audio stimulation than any other generation causing the decline in text only learning. Text only communication resonates less and less with Millennials and Generation Z. In order to remain useful while instructing future age groups text must include digital enhancements. Unless we learn how to telepathically communicate wit one another future age groups will still need text, but facilitators will need to use digital technology more effectively in conjunction with text. Cognitive Load Text has the ability to challenge the mind and may overload at times. The benefit is that the user is always in control of the pace and can stop and re-read at any time. The negative impact of text on cognitive load is that its’ impact on users has wide variance. If a user is not literate or has a low level of literacy and education, then text will have more of a cognitive load and less of an impact. Our culture’s education has been text only based, thus placing different level learners on un-equal footing(UDL). While text is an easy tool to use in its simplest form, the user must have a specific cognitive aptitude in order to benefit. Text only can over-load a different style learner. Until the 1960s/70s, educators have been forced to almost entirely rely on text. Only until this millennium has digital technology advanced and become affordable enough for widespread use in education. This is a game changer. Text must be used in more creative ways to continue to challenge learners cognitively as well as draw in learners who have lower aptitudes and practice with text. Moreover, technology should be used to instruct students the art of text from the beginning. Copyrights Until 40 years ago text was difficult to illegally use because of limited publishing companies and the necessity of using such for widespread sale. This is not true anymore. Written text is now easy to publish and sell individually creating obstacles with copyrighting. Digital technology is good because mass information can be spread instantly. However, even if one can find copyright violation it is not easily prosecuted. The increased volume of both written and digital text has made copywriting difficult. There is a limit of how much unique knowledge exists at a moment on time. Due to digital technology there may be a constant regurgitation of similar content. There is software to help with this but at this point I do not see how copyrighting can remain viable.
  • 6. Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration Dispositions vs Knowledge Acquisition As mentioned in some of the reading, Written words are powerful and when used effectively they become rhetoric and knowledge. The right text/words can change attitudes of people around the world and move people to become better than the sum of their parts. Knowledge becomes power just as text became the catalyst of the Renaissance. If the user has the Propper education and social resources, then text is and has been the most versatile form of communicating to the most people. If the user has not been fortunate enough to have the social resourced or motivated enough to make use of those resources, then they will be unable to acquire knowledge and therefore they are destined to be unaffected and changed. Furthermore, if a user’s aptitude or style of learning is not aligned with text only then it will be equally ineffective. Text only knowledge must be substituted or enhanced with other mediums, especially via digital technology. Gender Effect While text has been used more in history by male group with the resources to write and disperse the information most effectively, Females have been empowered by the use of education and then the disbursement of their views as well as the fallacies of how females have been defined through time. While Plato and Michelangelo could have never predicted, gender has become a loaded word. Text can be limiting to sensitive people who feel that certain formerly non offensive text negatively impacts them. For instance, Text will likely never produce enough pro nouns to give the countless new genders and or life forms the ability to feel validated. Every life form and subjectively perceived gender, so to speak, can empower themselves with text, but when constant universally understood definitions of words are changed, we may need to create new less descriptive words. Freedom to write text clearly and freely may be impeded as writers become ever more careful not to offend. Ironically, in order for text to remain gender relevant it must change in such a way that will cause text in general to become less relevant Level of Subjective Interpretation Ability to conform to Modern Digital Media and communication ie Social Media The receiver’s subjective interpretation is often based on the creator’s rigidity in their words. Text is nimble enough to be delivered with the intention of subjective interpretation as well as the user receiving the information in a factual or clear opinionated way. ‘Text only’ can be used with social media for good. Like many other forms of communication, text can be misinterpreted if the creator is sloppy with their delivery or if the user is looking for something that is not there. The speed of digital text delivery has caused information to flow without being vetted even by the creator. Impulse text creation causes careless mis- interpretation and divisiveness especially with social media. Improvements in writing education including the responsibility and importance of words. Text only can be easily conformed to digital media. In fact as much as many would not like to rely on text it is difficult to communicate information without text being involved at some point.
  • 7. Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration Affect on Engagement Level of Participation Personal Attention? Ability to Allow Users to manipulate The Medium Text can be quite engaging if the subject matter is interesting and pulls the reader in. The level of affect is often subjective to the user. There are studies that users do better with certain content dealing with the printed word on paper. At the same time text can be enhanced digitally as well. Text does not do well with topics not subjectively interesting to the user. It is difficult to pull a user in when there is initial reluctance or lack of interest. Some learners do not do well with text in general and therefor will be less likely to participate and take ownership of their learning. A limited amount of users can manipulate text only so that they may learn. Text Only does not allow information to be tailor fit for individual attention. Similar to other considerations, text can be effective when enhanced using digital media. This the key to virtual education. Offering multiple options will engage otherwise disinterested or discouraged students to drive their own education. Affect on… Collaboration/ Consensus Co-Develop Social Structures? Ability of Consensus Mutual Negotiation Sharing? It is possible for text to have impact on collaboration and everyone has access to it. Text is ineffective when used to engage interactivity amongst a group of users. While text can be used to stimulate collaboration, it puts the onus on the users to inspire one another. Often only 1 or 2 group members will be engaged. This causes text only education to impede negotiating, sharing of ideas and any ability to truly form social structures. Text should be used and accompanied by multiple other mediums so that multipole levels of learners in a group can be engaged. Affect on Interactivity And Immersion Individual vs Group effect Similar to the above 2 considerations, text has the ability to immerse some individual users. As stated above, text(only) is limited to specific users causing some in a group to disengage making a text only situation to be more individual in its instruction with less interactivity. Same as above.
  • 8. Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration Impact on Diversity Variant Learners UDL use? No advantages over so many other options. Low functioning ESE students as well as ESL students are unlikely to benefit from too much text and less so from text only. While some ESE students are higher functioning with more socializing problems, text only will little chance of engaging them. Digital media may have the most impact with this group of students by addressing multiple levels of learners. This is where UDL shines. Affect on… Placement and Physical Location Text can be easily manipulated by changing fonts, size and location on a medium. This allows the creator to emphasize and draw in a user’s attention. This also breaks the information up to be better understood. No matter how much the font, size and locations are manipulated it will become redundant over time and less stimulating. Adding digital media to enhance text is very effective. Animations and photos with music can enhance the placement of text. Addition of video and audio stimulates learning symbiotically. Level of … Portability Durability Impact on… mass Transmission Text portability has changed over time. Text was only available, quite often, at fixed locations due to illiteracy, low status, poverty and the importance of preserving delicate print on delicate pages. This text was created over a long period of time and therefore was less likely to be transported. The printing press, computers, printers, risiographs, copy machines and now digital text. is more portable than Gutenburg could have imagined. Digital text has allowed for instant mass transmission. Text is quite durable in physical book form. The durability of text is more difficult to ascertain as technology advances. As more data is stored on digital clouds/servers, the less that physical copies of text exist. Not only is technology dependent on electricity and intricate electronics, it can be attacked virtually via virus’s and cyber theft. Digital text information is duplicated thousands of times over in the virtual world wasting server space. How many servers will be needed as time goes on? I believe the alterations are where they need to be other than improvements in cyber security as well some sorting of purging duplicate information to allow for multiple back ups.
  • 9.
  • 10. Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration for Viability Age Effect Level of Impact on Various Age Groups STBM is helpful with all ages from early childhood to the elderly. The younger generation is particularly partial to this container of information as it is more natural to them. Children and teens need to be monitored as there is a tendency to spend too much time with digital media. The older generation may have difficulties with navigating through digital media especially via the internet. In addition televisions, wifi, Bluetooth and even vehicles can be intimidating to those who did not grow up with this tech. Young people are more susceptible to overstimulation on a developing mind possibly causing long term negative effects including ADD, anxiety and depression. STBM has made strides in becoming ever more user friendly, thus allowing a wider age range to make use of the tech. Now STBM has become more than relevant; Necessary even. This progress has allowed UDL to move from concept to implementation. Cognitive Load The STBM ecology has allowed information to be delivered in ways text never could. This vehicle has the ability to tap into multiple cognitive levels allowing learning to be more inclusive. There are many studies about the negative impact from spending too much time in front of STBM be it digital or otherwise. It has become more difficult to pace our use of this ecological container. One study has shown an increase in negative impact on people over time. The most interesting finding is that the content, be it Andy Griffen or The Walking Dead, matters little contrary to previous thought. There does seem to be less of a negative impact with less stimulation such Mr. Rogers vs something like sponge bob. More research is necessary to develop the most effective method of content delivery causing the least harm to the brain. Copyrights Sharing STBM is continuing to become and easier process with the addition of the digital content and the web. Many users are happy to make their content freely available to others. It is also becoming easier to use other’s STBM without permission. Not only is it difficult to stop this on the internet, the copyright laws are not always clear moreover users are unaware of violations and unwilling to care enough to research the laws. Educating learners and especially professionals that use STBM content is essential. Even with education many will be unwilling to comply with copyright laws so there must continue to be improvements in digital encryption and protection.
  • 11. Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration Dispositions vs Knowledge Acquisition Just like with cognitive load STBM opens new portals into he mind that a text only education could not do. This content enhancement allows for users’ dispositions to be altered and moved in positive ways. Content is still important, but the vessel enhances that content like no other. The milk must still be good, and the type of truck can more effectively transport it to our brains. There is a power to being able to move people using STBM. STBM was used effectively during WWII on all sides. Users must be aware of the potential to be maliciously manipulated by this content. Unfortunately STBM can be used in this way by educators as well. As digital tech improves the ability to alter video and images seamlessly the danger of mis-information increases. Content Matters Continued education on the power of STBM and the possibly of abuse is necessary as it has been shown to be difficult to moderate. All viewpoints must be allowed to be unscored as it is too the ability to decide was is true or not true can be subjective. Media needs to clearly identify their journalistic reporting from their opinionated pundants while bringing in pundants from all sides for fair and honest vigorous debate. Media should be a venue that allows users to make their own decions as opposted to being steared by selective STBM. The lines of journalistic reporting have been blurred more than ever. Less and less people trust media representing bias from all sides. This is leading to tribal group think as opposed to free speech. Journalists were supposed to represent the and protect we the people by slowly and methodically investigating verified facts without bias. Gender Effect STBM appears to be equally beneficial to both genders as well as all other self identified life forms. Being as the female and male minds are inherently different, as any married person will admit, it would be interesting to study the different ways STBM may affect genders differently. Educators need to be more aware and sensitive to the ever changing and confusing viewpoints of what gender is or is not. As it becomes more difficult to not offend someone, educators need to be more selective when using certain contend in the STBM ecological container. . Good educators may be lost due to these gender confusion issues. Presentation off non binary gender roles to vulnerable developing children can have negative impacts The degree in which alterations are necessary based on gender are unfortunately controversial in our time. It is important to not show favor to males or females but to accept the differences and embrace the strengths of both like yin/yang balance. The reality is that the overwhelming community of LBGTQ who make up 10% of the population identify as male or female including transsexuals which make up .6 of that percentage. Of that .6 approx .15 Tans-gender consider themselves non-binary. Society must come to terms with what constitutes a change in educational presentation. If .15 % of our population identifies as animals, should educators then have to include that thus losing more focus on learning at the detriment of the vast majority? These are the complicated considerations that must be determined going forward. We may be feeding a self-fulfilling gender prophesy thus creating the existence of more confusion that would not have otherwise existed. Level of Subjective Interpretation Ability to conform to Modern Digital Media Like other media ecologies, the ability for subjective user interpretation is driven be the STBM producer. STBM is by far the easies to conform. The producer needs to be cognoscente of the degree in which they wish to allow subjective interpretation. This should be toggled accordingly. STBM has a unique ability to conform with modern digital media and should continue on this path for the foreseeable future. The educator should be aware that fact based information should be presented with less subjective interpretation while still allowing the user to challenge the information.
  • 12. Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration Affect on Engagement Level of Participation Personal Attention? Ability to Allow Users to manipulate The Medium STBM has a high degree of impact on the level of engagement. STBM offers a tool to increase the level of participation and user manipulation. Interactive platforms offer a venue to combine STBM content with user interaction. While STBM allows a user to rely less on text, it is at least as effective and seemingly more so for many different learners. There are still limitations on the degree of user interaction with STBM. While the jury is still out, there seems to be benefit to text based information. Many studies also show that text on physical paper is more impactful than digital text. While nostalgia makes some of us to feel writing in cursive is necessary, it likely is not. The reading revealed that cursive writing was created out of convenience and efficiency. In my opinion this area is the most important area for digital STBM. User interaction must be developed more for a UDL environment. Interactive platforms are the key to effective use of STBM in education. While the of print is declining and giving way to STBM, text is not going anywhere in fact it boggles the mind to think what communication would be like without text. Like this chart, text is a necessity but is much better when enhanced by STBM. Affect on… Collaboration/ Consensus Co-Develop Social Structures? Ability of Consensus Mutual Negotiation Sharing? The ability to share STBM on the internet allows groups to see the same content and collaborate with others based on that information. STBM works effectively in a physical and in person setting. Users can mutually affect and manipulate the content smoothly. There are still drawbacks on virtual collaborative learning with STBM. I have experienced difficulty developing STBM content for presentation in a virtual group setting. There is often an unwillingness or in ability to effectively communicate in real time via video/audio. It is difficult to replace working in person. Virtual communication based technology needs to advance further to enhance that environment while using STBM. It seems our society is collaborating virtually more and more so this zoom type interface is the forefront of education. Affect on Interactivity And Immersion Individual vs Group effect This information is similar to above regarding interactivity and group effect. STBM is more impactful individually at this time and even more so in the past. However, the ability for group interaction with STBM is increasing quickly. STBM has a profound impact on immersing the user. Studies have showing a remarkable impact on the user’s physical/emotional reaction to many forms of STBM. An educator should aware of the possibility of over immersion and under interactivity. As above, educators need to find more effective uses of virtual technologies for group immersion especially on a virtual platform.
  • 13. Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration Impact on Diversity Variant Learners UDL use? Variant learning is STBM’s playground and diversity is where it shines most. Digital STBM has revolutionized the ability to implement UDL. Some STBM tech can be over-stimulating and complicated. Educators need to be careful which STBM tech is used for specific learning as opposed to implementing digital STBM for its own sake. Educators should continue to study and develop the best use for STBM for various learner types. We have only begun to use these new tools. Affect on… Placement and Physical Location Creating and cutting STBM impacts the message. How images, video, text and audio are combined makes a distinct difference with the intended content being conveyed. This is even more important when combined with something like articulate where buttons dials and background placement are added. Wrongful placement can become distracting to the learner and even more so if too much is added to a given physical space. Sometimes less is more. The implementation of interactive learning tools is the most effective way to use placement virtually. Level of … Portability Durability Impact on… mass Transmission STBM is more portable than ever. Technology continues to shrink hardware, time and space. The addition of digital to STBM has allowed instant mass transmission of large data amounts. Digital storage withstands the test of time more than physical media. The fact that more data is stored on servers and drives means that electricity is a constant necessity. Security is also important as digital STBM can be compromised from great distances. Data speed and bandwidth are the most important element with portability and mass transmission. The internet began as mostly an exchange in text. The internet is a large ecological environment that contains many other ecologies. The content of these digital ecological environments is what makes the internet what it is. Digital STBM arguable the strongest pillar of the world wide web.
  • 14. • Immersive media may have caused McLuhan to change the structure of hot vs cold media. At first glance McLuhan may have been tempted to place Immersive Media in the hot category due to the high resolution. • However, McLuhan would realize how much the user participates at the same time. Immersive Media blends all the media and technology together. I don’t think McLuhan would even call IM warm. It’s a whole new category. HOT or COLD ?
  • 15. Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration Age Effect Level of Impact on Various Age Groups Younger Generations, especially beginning with the digital generation around 2005, grew up with more STBM making the transition to IM much easier. However, IM can have also have an equal impact on the millennial generation. I can see some Generation Xers being impacted on their job but not nearly as much as those that will come after them. IM can be used by all age groups. Having Said that, the higher in age the more unfamiliar the user may be with IM. IM is less common and therefore less familiar to many users. This can potentially limit the impact on some older age groups. Educational Institutions have to expediently implement more IM so that those students are properly prepared to introduce the world to a new way of accomplishing tasks. Educational Facilitators need to be brought up to speed so that current students can benefit from its educational use. Cognitive Load IM has the capability to challenge the user’s cognition by drawing the mind in and allowing the user to SUSPEND DISBELIEF. Even a good book can cause part of the reader’s mind to believe its actually taking part in the story. Moreover, digital IM has the ability to use many and possibly all senses such as 4D and 5D virtual experiences. IM has the potential to take the user into a true ENCHANTED STATE. There do not appear to be many drawbacks of non- digital IM. However, there are many studies showing the potential negative impact of repeated and constant total digital emersion. Part of the brain does not differentiate especially when all a users senses are engaged. Neuroscience is only now beginning to understand some of the impacts of our digital culture and there is possible less understanding of the IM on the brain. This constant over-stimulation of the brain is likely damaging in many ways, even to learning. Neuroscience must continue studies on the effects of IM on the human mind so that educators can safely use this tool without hurting learners in the long run. Society needs to have a better understanding of what tool helps with what learning goal as opposed to throwing digital IM Copyrights IM is much like STBM where sharing the ideas and software is becoming an easier process with the addition of the digital content and the web. Many users are happy to make their content available to others. In a addition is becoming easier to do the right thing online as in checking if certain material is copyrighted. There are also improvements in the ability to protect digital work using digital tech. Unfortunately, the ability to share information freely comes at a cost. It is also easy to use information without information. Also most users are not aware or concerned with copyright online. There needs to be more of an effort to educate and create digital protection for information who’s creators are not willing to freely give. There then also needs a more streamlined way for users to understand and pay for its use. There are currently ways to pay for licenses for medica registered with certain companies. This would be a good way to go and improve upon.
  • 16. Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration Dispositions vs Knowledge Acquisition Just like with cognitive load IM creates an opportunity to completely immerse the learner. When this happens, learning is at its optimum. When digital IM is included the user is even more immersed. Content continues to be important, but the delivery container allows for prime access. Virtual reality, interactive storyline learning and gamification have the ability to engage and reward a learner in a way that has not been seen for hundreds of years. The art of the story continues to be most important. There does not appear to be drawbacks with non digital immersion and knowledge acquisition as long as the right content is used relating the to material needed to be learned. Howe Educators and learners must be careful not to sacrifice being human and living in the present while interacting with real people Educators should be careful not to become lazy by overly-relying on the digital immersive technology by sacrificing the information and equally important, the story. Storytelling remains a window into the mind of a learner. This reminds me of an movie with well done effects, but still fails to remain interesting due to lack of story. The digital IM should be used to enhance the story and conetent. Gender Effect IM seems to be beneficial to both genders due to the commonality of how the brain operates. Males and Females can be equally immersed regardless of digital or non digital IM. Having said that, there are some contenet interests that may be indicative of gender or perceived gender. When combined with other interests and personalities it would be difficult to pin down if any IM should be modified for gender. Furthermore, it would likely be unfairly presumptuous to assign and limit information and method solely based on gender. There do not appear to be any drawbacks for either gender when using any form of IM as long as the content is responsibly chosen. Technology seems to be an effective gender equalizer. Contemporary educators are generally aware that Level of Subjective Interpretation Ability to conform to Modern Digital Media and communication ie Social Media Subjective interpretation is an interesting consideration as it relates to IM. On one side, the very nature of immersion allows the user to feel and identify as the protagonist which allows the user to feel a level of control and interpretation. This brings to mind choose your own adventure books. The user has the ability to interpret the information and make a limited choice, much like digital IM. With DIM, the user can manipulate the ecology thus impacting their own interpretation. DIM conforms easily. Like STBM, there is a possibility for nefarious producers of IM to manipulate the learner; Likely more so with DIM. There is a risk for future DIM use to keep the population distracted either by purpose or self-inflicted happenstance. I believe that there are many unforeseeable implications with increased use of DIM. Educators and learners need to remain aware of the difference between perceived subjective interpretation and real subjective interpretation (RED/BLUE pill). I view modern DM as having to conform to DIM. DIM is MDM so there is no concern for DIM conforming to MDM.
  • 17. Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration Affect on Engagement Level of Participation Personal Attention? Ability to Allow Users to manipulate The Medium IM has the most level of impact on engagement. IM Interactive platforms offer a venue to combine STBM content with user interaction. DIM offers a unique opportunity for users to be personally involved while controling their environment within the set parameters. This ecology may be used to change a learners preconceived perspectives for the better. The drawbacks I see are the same stated for cognition. There may be more of a danger with virtual DIM in that the medium has the ability to simultaneously manipulate the user just as the user can manipulate the medium. Being as the Transportation Scale il quite high for DIM there is a risk for misuse. Good and bad manipulation can be subjective. Similar to STBM. User interaction must be developed for a UDL environment. DIM should not be randomly implemented. Educators must clearly define their objective and justify why the media will support that goal. Affect on… Collaboration/ Consensus Co-Develop Social Structures? Ability of Consensus Mutual Negotiation Sharing? IM allows multiple users to enter a virtual world simultaneously. Users can mutually affect and manipulate the content smoothly. IM makes STBM more effective in social settings due to the improved interactivity. This is especially true in a physical setting. Virtual settings may still prove difficult in a virtual setting Like STBM. Gamification and virtual collaboration are possible on specific taskes. However in a purely communicative setting, exchanging ideas can still feel awkward or distant There are several studies and acedotal evidence that DIM social interaction does not necessarily equate to a feeling of meaningful personal connection. IM does a lot for STBM advancing to the next step. With society, virtually collaborating on IM seems to be the next step. Educators need to familiarize learners with virtual to increase their comfort level. Unfortunately, virtual social interaction often leads to a feeling of isolation. The development of trust over time appears to be more difficult to replicate in the virtual world. Affect on Interactivity And Immersion Individual vs Group effect This information is similar to above regarding interactivity and group effect. Unlike STBM, IM is significantly more impactful cooperatively. DIM is the pinnacle of Immersion and interactivity. An educator should aware of the possibility of over immersion at the expense of reality and personal attention to one another. There is a danger of the user never having enough stimulation. With STBM looking was not enough. I wonder what will happen when DIM is not enough. As above, educators need to find more effective uses of virtual technologies for group immersion especially on a virtual platform.
  • 18. Consideration Benefits Drawbacks Relevant Alteration Impact on Diversity Variant Learners UDL use? Much like STBM Variant learning can strategically impacted with DIM. DIM now offers effective ways to engage learners who were left behind in the past. DIM is a game changer for UDL. Educators need to be weary of over stimulation with some special needs categories who have some health- related neurological activity as well. Continued exploration in the implementation of specific DIM tools for a diverse set of learners. The technology and education field need to focus on ways virtual DIM ecology can create an environment of real personal connection. Personal care and interaction is essential for UDL to work. Affect on… Placement and Physical Location Interactive DIM can be changed using Placement. Interactive learning platforms should be designed for ease of use and learner appeal. DIM can help the content appeal to a learner. There is a temptation to over-use and mis- use DIM resulting the learner to be cognitively turned off. The implementation of interactive and IM learning tools should continue on its current pay with emphasis on physical designs that appeal to learners. Level of … Portability Durability Impact on… mass Transmission Interactive IM is equally as portable as STBM when transferring information. Real time and space decrease as Virtual worlds increase. The addition of digital to STBM has allowed instant mass transmission of large data amounts. Digital storage can withstand the test of time better than physical media if stored in a controlled environment. There is no doubt that more data can be stored in less space by far within a digital storage environment. There are weaknesses with some of the hardware used with virtual IM including expense and availability in the education setting. There are still weaknesses with anything Digital as it requires complex technology to access the data. The hardware required for DIM also requires clean and dry conditions to remain durable. I’m reluctant to believe a server could survive in a sandy hot cave like the dead sea scrolls. Having said that, IM does not have to be digital. Data speed and bandwidth are even more important for mass transmission of virtual DIM. There is a question as to whether the world wide web will continue to be able to serve the kind data exchange necessary for interconnected DIM with an ever-increasing population. There also need to be improvements in the cost of implementing these technologies in an educational environment.