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Lucky Number Slevin


The institutions is the information about the Director, Production Company, Release Date, Box
Office Returns, Etc. I have gathered all the information I need from the internet, because of it is
quicker and easier and I have collected the information below from the website IMDb.

Paul McGuigan
                     Throughout McGuiganʼs career he has worked in both TV and Film giving him
                     an extra experience with putting together this film. He is also working on two
                     films that will be released in 2010 they are, T-Leaf and Four Knights.

Jason Smilovic
                    Smilovic works on two side of the film industry as a Producer and Writer, he
                 has worked on both side for the TV show Bionic Women, however never for a film.
                 This was Silovicʼs first time writing a film.

Production Company
There where five production companies that helped with making the film:
  •     Capitol Films (presents)
  •     Ascendant Pictures (presents)
  •     FilmEngine
  •     VIP 4 Medienfonds (as VIP 4)
  •     Lucky Number Slevin Productions Inc.
All of these companies have worked with big films, this could be hinting at the film being well

Release Date
24 February 2006

Crime / Thriller, the genre is given away by the poster of the film as of the character pointing two
guns in to the lookers direction.

Country of making
The film was made in the USA and Germany, I was not shocked by this as there are some big
American actor on the poster.

The film has received four awards and has been nominated three times, so far my expectations of
the film are very high I am hoping that it reaches them.

Now knowing what the awards are I am really looking forward to watching the film.

                                  Directors Guild of Canada
   Year     Result          Award                       Category/Recipient(s)
                                          Outstanding Sound Editing - Feature Film
                                          Kevin Banks
   2006   Nominated     DGC Craft Award   Lee de Lang
                                          Jill Purdy
                                          Nathan Robitaille
                               Milan International Film Festival (I)
   Year     Result          Award                         Category/Recipient(s)
                                          Best Film
                         Audience Award
                                          Paul McGuigan

                           Best Actor     Josh Hartnett
   2006      Won                          Tied with Peter Falk for The Thing About My Folks (2005).

                          Best Editing
                                          Andrew Hulme
                            Best Film
                                          Paul McGuigan
                               Motion Picture Sound Editors, USA
   Year     Result          Award                       Category/Recipient(s)
                                         Best Sound Editing for Music in a Feature Film
                                         Kevin Banks (music editor)
                                         Arthur Pingrey (music editor)
                                         Best Sound Editing for Sound Effects and Foley in a Foreign Film
                                         Paula Fairfield (supervising sound editor/sound designer)
   2007   Nominated    Golden Reel Award
                                         Jill Purdy (supervising adr/dialogue editor)
                                         Carla Murray (sound designer/sound effects editor)
                                         Nathan Robitaille (sound effects editor)
                                         Lee de Lang (sound effects editor)
                                         Steve Baine (foley artist)

I have split the Money section into two sections - Budget and Gross, I have done this so that I can
see if they have made a profit or a loss.

The estimated budget is $30 million, I hope that they have used the money resourcefully to make
the movie.

The worldwide gross that the film got is $56,308,881, the overall profit is only about $25 million,
this is clearly not as much as Hannibal Rising got so maybe you don’t need a large profit to get a
good movie.

In this audience section I will go though the intend audience and the reception of the film, I will be
using ratings and user comments from IMDb.
Intended Audience
The information that I have researched on the IMDb website, I can
assume that the intended audience of the film would be people that
enjoy watching crime thrillers. I presume that this is the intend audience
because of the poster that they have used to promote the film, showing
a character pointing guns towards the viewer as well as the silhouetted
man, in the poster, is also holding a gun, giving a strong description of
the film genre.

The age for this intended audience is most likely to be from the age of
18- 30, I believe that this was the intended audience because this the
biggest age group that goes to watch films like this. Further more they
would have wanted to make a bigger profit because the famous actors
acting in the film, as they would be expecting a high pay roll.

Audiences Reception
To get the audiences reception to the film I have used IMDb to receive the research for this section.
I have used quotes to back up my opinions of the film opening and the average rating of the film.
                                                                  This is the average rating of
                   Votes            Average                       everyone that rated the film, as
Males              65,709                                   7.9
Females            7,616                                    8.0
                                                                  you can see the average rating of
Aged under 18      1,333                                      8.5 the film is 7.8, which shows it had
Males under 18     1,135                                      8.5 a good affect on the audience.
Females under 18   198                                           8.8
Aged 18-29         54,368                                     8.0
Males Aged 18-29   48,670                                     8.0      I am surprised by the findings, I
Females Aged 18-29 5,587                                       8.2     thought this film would be a guys
Aged 30-44         14,481                                   7.5        film but to my disbelief the females
Males Aged 30-44   13,005                                  7.5         rated it higher in all of the sections
Females Aged 30-44 1,372                                    7.7
Aged 45+           3,009                                   7.5         that I thought where the target
Males Aged 45+     2,558                                   7.5         audience.
Females Aged 45+   418                                     7.3
IMDb staff         5                                         7.9
Top 1000 voters    534                                    7.1
                                                                       My prediction of the target
US users           19,960                                    7.9       audeince was correct as you can
Non-US users       53,290                                    7.9       see the under 29s gave it a higher
                                                                       rating than the 30s and over giving
IMDb users         81,469                                   7.8        me the impression that the
younger generation enjoyed it more then the older.

This was the same through the comments for the film, most people giving positive quotes like user
sweethoneyhan, who said “I strongly recommend this film to anyone.” giving me the impression of
how well made the film was, however he could have been looking directly at this as just a story, not
as a film.

The user werewolf966 said “unfortunately this is an ordinary vengeance story” this comment gives
the idea that the film is like all the other crime films, just guns, women and murder, not giving you
any reason to watch the film.

In this section I will talk about how the technology has increased the audiences knowledge and
access of the film.

The Audiences Knowledge
In this film the audiences knowledge of what is happening, is set by the titles that are shown at the
beginning of the film. To be honest the opening to this film was very confusing it took a while to get
into the film but by then the film had raised some very important questions, good enough questions
to keep me watching until I realised I was half way through the film (the make of a good film).
The opening was very easy to understand as the film gave the date, it
also had a fantastic set of 70s clothes making it again very easy to get
captured in to the film. The clothes consisted of being bright, but
however they would wear something that would dull down the colour
of it. This is what is done with the father and his bright green shirt, they
cover it up with the dull red jacket. This sort of thing was done in the
70s giving the film the authenticity that is needed in a good film.

To the audiences knowledge the character Good Cat is just telling a
story of a child but this is done to confuse the audience into what is
about to happen, leading them in to a false sense of security. This is
done to mislead the audience so the they get a bit shocked at what
happens in the movie.

Audiences Access
When it comes to the audiences way of watching the film there are various ways of doing this, the
audience could watch the film on DVD, Blu-ray or VHS by easily renting or purchasing the movie.

The new way of renting films that has become very popular in the last couple of years is by ordering
a rental film off the internet, the companies that do this are Lovefilm, Amazon and iTunes.

The way of renting a film of iTunes is that you download it from the software you then have it for
about 30 days after the 30 day it automatically deletes it self. This is a great way of renting films as
you can put the film on to your iPod letting you watch it when you are out.
Codes/Forms & Conventions of the Thriller Genre

For this section I am going to go through a wide range of techniques that give a purpose and an
effect to the thriller genre.

Lucky Number Slevin doesnʼt exactly follow the conventions of other thriller films that I have
watched, this is mainly because of not showing some of the main characters until twenty minutes
into the movie.
However it does add some conventions hinting at the plot of the
film, this is shown in the title sequence. The title sequence starts
with a normal text saying the directors name as the camera does
a pan to the right the text starts to change into numbers, this
could be hinting that the film has a plot that has a reference to
money. The text then cut to some shots of a man being killed,
after this it then shows a background of a paying in booklet, it
then shows the title of the film this could be showing the plot of
the film.
                                       As you can see the name of the character is coloured in red
                                       this could show that the character has a dangerous past or that
                                       he is going to get into trouble.

                                     However it could represent that the character is in a lot of debt
                                     which would explain why his name is written in red and in the
                                     slot where the money they owe goes in.

 here is a shot of one, of the main characters killing a person, after this the sequence of titles
changes to a different background of a log book, which now has stains of blood and blood spatters
on the pages, showing the film is going to be about money and violence giving the impression of it
being a gangster movie.
 There is one thing that I adore about the thriller films is the way they hid weapons and the way
 they turn a harmless object into a weapons.

                               The first one is a hidden object that is concealed in the glasses
                               frame, the person does some fiddling and pulls out a needle. At
                               this point you start to think what is he going to do with that and
                               what can he do? The character then takes out two of the
                               bodyguards with the object, giving a great mise en scene effect as
                               it gives the character the atmosphere of being a man on a

                                     To kill an old man who is pulling out a gun from his desk draw,
                                     the character grabs a baseball and throws it directly at the old
                                     manʼs eye killing him. I find this a little odd but to make it
                                     seem more believable, the film makers use a POV shot from
                                     behind the glasses, bluring out the character to add the
                                     mysteriousness of the character.
Codes/Forms & Conventions of the Thriller Genre

For the sound section I will split it up into non-diegetic and diegetic sounds.

During the title sequences my guess about the plot is built upon by the sound of racing horses and
of commentators commenting on the race, giving me the impression that the plot is about

All the way through the title there is the sound of a piano playing a mysterious sound by only using
the high pitch, it is then followed by the a drum making a thudding sound and a violin. These
instruments are used to give the opening a mysterious theme, it may also be used to hint at what
the film is going to about, as it raises questions.

The sound doesnʼt change while the character is killing the people in the opening, this could be to
show that the killer is a pro and is calm about killing the other characters.

The sound only changes when a new character is introduced to the film, there is a shot of a long
white waiting room with blue chairs; as the character starts to move up the room the sound of a
flute is played, which later shows how tired the character is.

There is not much diegetic sound during the opening, it is only in place when the killer is going to
kill someone. During the first kill the sound of the victims footsteps are amplified to be louder than
the background music, to add the effect of the characters last footsteps. At the second murder the
main victim asks the question “so...what do want?” this gives the impression that the victim doesnʼt
know his killer, leaving the audience to assume that the killer has been hired.

The next piece of important sound is when a man in a wheel chair ask a stranger “do you know the
Kansas City shuffle?……. Donʼt worry, it normally falls on deaf ears” this part hints that the man in
the wheel chair is a killer, as the only people he would tell it to would die.

                                    From the first kill I can tell that they are in a city, I can assume
                                    this by the multi story car park, I can also assume that it is a
                                    rundown car park due to the fact that the roof is leaking and they
                                    are on the bottom floor.

                                    However the next setting confuse me a little because it looks
                                    more like an airport than a train station that it is revealed to be
                                                 later on in the movie. DOP has selected a great
                                                 shot for this scene as it gives the effect of never

The character shown in the photograph is represented as the
keeper who organises a log-book which conceits of names
and the bets that they have put on and the money that they
may owe.

This is shown by the large amount of papers and items that
are stuck on the wall, a stereotypical base of a betting

The owner doesnʼt really fit the stereotypical betting person
due to him wearing smart clothing whereas the stereotypical
version would be wearing a leather jacket and a hat that has
tickets in the top
                                      This character is represented as an average person having
                                      no distinguishing features. One thing that the character
                                      kept repeating was blinking and rubbing his eyes, giving
                                      the impression that the character has been running away
                                      from something.

                                      From this shot and the characters facial expressions, I get
                                      the impression that he is worried about something, maybe
                                      a debt that he is in which would explain the horse racing
                                      commentary at the start.

                                      The character is also dressed completely in black making
                                      him stand out from the set. However this could be done to
                                      hint at his death or the death of someone he knows which
                                      would explain the sad appearance.

                                                From the way that this new character is shown I get
                                                the impression he is the wise person who makes
                                                the main character of the film act on any given
                                                situation. He is also shown to be the wise person
                                                from the dialogue he uses to make the man
                                                dressed in black think about things clearly.

                                                This character is shown to be in a wheel chair and
                                                a question is quickly raised, asking how he came to
                                                be in the wheel chair. The man is represented as a
                                                stereotypical cripple as he has the very colourful
                                                blanket over his legs. Another thing is the layers of
                                                clothing that they seem to wear, which always has
                                                a jacket or a coat at the top, as shown on the
The silhouette in the background has all the faces in the mist of it
                 suggesting that maybe this person is controlling the people, a puppet

                 It could also represent that the character has a hidden past that he is
                 trying to keep hidden, that is why its a silhouette and why he has a
The three
characters at                                                                              This sentence
the top may                                                                                ʻluck has
have hidden                                                                                nothing to do
pasts I                                                                                    with itʼ could
assume this                                                                                suggest that
because                                                                                    the film is
they have                                                                                  about a plan, I
half their                                                                                 assume this
faces in                                                                                   because of
shade.                                                                                     the cliché
                                                                                           making me
However the                                                                                think that the
women looks                                                                                film is about
like she is                                                                                fulfilling a plan
moving away
from the
darkness this                                                                              The guns that
could                                                                                      are being
represent                                                                                  pointed at the
that she is                                                                                viewer could
trying to get                                                                              suggest that
away from                                                                                  the film is
the danger                                                                                 about gun
or trouble                                                                                 crime and
she is in.                                                                                 gangsters
Whereas the                                                                                 The man
two men look                                                                                holding the
as if they are                                                                              guns, has
trying to hide                                                                              half of his
them selves                                                                                 face shaded
in the shade,                                                                               suggesting
maybe trying                                                                                that he has
to become                                                                                   a different
better                                                                                      side.
gangsters or
trying to hid
The title “lucky number slevin” could be irony as for the cliche above say luck has nothing to do with it,
gives the impression that the film has nothing to do with luck, just chance. However the title could have
some secret meaning behind it, I assume this because of the number part being in red maybe be
hinting at blood or danger. Also it could be possible to do with a debt that hasn't been paid, and it being
in red could be hinting this.

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Media Case Study pt2

  • 1. Lucky Number Slevin Institutions The institutions is the information about the Director, Production Company, Release Date, Box Office Returns, Etc. I have gathered all the information I need from the internet, because of it is quicker and easier and I have collected the information below from the website IMDb. Director Paul McGuigan Throughout McGuiganʼs career he has worked in both TV and Film giving him an extra experience with putting together this film. He is also working on two films that will be released in 2010 they are, T-Leaf and Four Knights. Writer Jason Smilovic Smilovic works on two side of the film industry as a Producer and Writer, he has worked on both side for the TV show Bionic Women, however never for a film. This was Silovicʼs first time writing a film. Production Company There where five production companies that helped with making the film: • Capitol Films (presents) • Ascendant Pictures (presents) • FilmEngine • VIP 4 Medienfonds (as VIP 4) • Lucky Number Slevin Productions Inc. All of these companies have worked with big films, this could be hinting at the film being well made. Release Date 24 February 2006 Genre Crime / Thriller, the genre is given away by the poster of the film as of the character pointing two guns in to the lookers direction. Country of making The film was made in the USA and Germany, I was not shocked by this as there are some big American actor on the poster. Awards The film has received four awards and has been nominated three times, so far my expectations of the film are very high I am hoping that it reaches them. Now knowing what the awards are I am really looking forward to watching the film.
  • 2. Institutions Directors Guild of Canada Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s) Outstanding Sound Editing - Feature Film Kevin Banks 2006 Nominated DGC Craft Award Lee de Lang Jill Purdy Nathan Robitaille Milan International Film Festival (I) Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s) Best Film Audience Award Paul McGuigan Best Actor Josh Hartnett 2006 Won Tied with Peter Falk for The Thing About My Folks (2005). Best Editing Andrew Hulme Best Film Paul McGuigan Motion Picture Sound Editors, USA Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s) Best Sound Editing for Music in a Feature Film Kevin Banks (music editor) Arthur Pingrey (music editor) Best Sound Editing for Sound Effects and Foley in a Foreign Film Paula Fairfield (supervising sound editor/sound designer) 2007 Nominated Golden Reel Award Jill Purdy (supervising adr/dialogue editor) Carla Murray (sound designer/sound effects editor) Nathan Robitaille (sound effects editor) Lee de Lang (sound effects editor) Steve Baine (foley artist) Money I have split the Money section into two sections - Budget and Gross, I have done this so that I can see if they have made a profit or a loss. Budget The estimated budget is $30 million, I hope that they have used the money resourcefully to make the movie. Gross The worldwide gross that the film got is $56,308,881, the overall profit is only about $25 million, this is clearly not as much as Hannibal Rising got so maybe you don’t need a large profit to get a good movie.
  • 3. Audience In this audience section I will go though the intend audience and the reception of the film, I will be using ratings and user comments from IMDb. Intended Audience The information that I have researched on the IMDb website, I can assume that the intended audience of the film would be people that enjoy watching crime thrillers. I presume that this is the intend audience because of the poster that they have used to promote the film, showing a character pointing guns towards the viewer as well as the silhouetted man, in the poster, is also holding a gun, giving a strong description of the film genre. The age for this intended audience is most likely to be from the age of 18- 30, I believe that this was the intended audience because this the biggest age group that goes to watch films like this. Further more they would have wanted to make a bigger profit because the famous actors acting in the film, as they would be expecting a high pay roll. Audiences Reception To get the audiences reception to the film I have used IMDb to receive the research for this section. I have used quotes to back up my opinions of the film opening and the average rating of the film. This is the average rating of Votes Average everyone that rated the film, as Males 65,709 7.9 Females 7,616 8.0 you can see the average rating of Aged under 18 1,333 8.5 the film is 7.8, which shows it had Males under 18 1,135 8.5 a good affect on the audience. Females under 18 198 8.8 Aged 18-29 54,368 8.0 Males Aged 18-29 48,670 8.0 I am surprised by the findings, I Females Aged 18-29 5,587 8.2 thought this film would be a guys Aged 30-44 14,481 7.5 film but to my disbelief the females Males Aged 30-44 13,005 7.5 rated it higher in all of the sections Females Aged 30-44 1,372 7.7 Aged 45+ 3,009 7.5 that I thought where the target Males Aged 45+ 2,558 7.5 audience. Females Aged 45+ 418 7.3 IMDb staff 5 7.9 Top 1000 voters 534 7.1 My prediction of the target US users 19,960 7.9 audeince was correct as you can Non-US users 53,290 7.9 see the under 29s gave it a higher rating than the 30s and over giving IMDb users 81,469 7.8 me the impression that the younger generation enjoyed it more then the older. This was the same through the comments for the film, most people giving positive quotes like user sweethoneyhan, who said “I strongly recommend this film to anyone.” giving me the impression of how well made the film was, however he could have been looking directly at this as just a story, not as a film. The user werewolf966 said “unfortunately this is an ordinary vengeance story” this comment gives the idea that the film is like all the other crime films, just guns, women and murder, not giving you any reason to watch the film.
  • 4. Technology In this section I will talk about how the technology has increased the audiences knowledge and access of the film. The Audiences Knowledge In this film the audiences knowledge of what is happening, is set by the titles that are shown at the beginning of the film. To be honest the opening to this film was very confusing it took a while to get into the film but by then the film had raised some very important questions, good enough questions to keep me watching until I realised I was half way through the film (the make of a good film). The opening was very easy to understand as the film gave the date, it also had a fantastic set of 70s clothes making it again very easy to get captured in to the film. The clothes consisted of being bright, but however they would wear something that would dull down the colour of it. This is what is done with the father and his bright green shirt, they cover it up with the dull red jacket. This sort of thing was done in the 70s giving the film the authenticity that is needed in a good film. To the audiences knowledge the character Good Cat is just telling a story of a child but this is done to confuse the audience into what is about to happen, leading them in to a false sense of security. This is done to mislead the audience so the they get a bit shocked at what happens in the movie. Audiences Access When it comes to the audiences way of watching the film there are various ways of doing this, the audience could watch the film on DVD, Blu-ray or VHS by easily renting or purchasing the movie. The new way of renting films that has become very popular in the last couple of years is by ordering a rental film off the internet, the companies that do this are Lovefilm, Amazon and iTunes. The way of renting a film of iTunes is that you download it from the software you then have it for about 30 days after the 30 day it automatically deletes it self. This is a great way of renting films as you can put the film on to your iPod letting you watch it when you are out.
  • 5. Codes/Forms & Conventions of the Thriller Genre For this section I am going to go through a wide range of techniques that give a purpose and an effect to the thriller genre. Conventions Lucky Number Slevin doesnʼt exactly follow the conventions of other thriller films that I have watched, this is mainly because of not showing some of the main characters until twenty minutes into the movie. However it does add some conventions hinting at the plot of the film, this is shown in the title sequence. The title sequence starts with a normal text saying the directors name as the camera does a pan to the right the text starts to change into numbers, this could be hinting that the film has a plot that has a reference to money. The text then cut to some shots of a man being killed, after this it then shows a background of a paying in booklet, it then shows the title of the film this could be showing the plot of the film. As you can see the name of the character is coloured in red this could show that the character has a dangerous past or that he is going to get into trouble. However it could represent that the character is in a lot of debt which would explain why his name is written in red and in the slot where the money they owe goes in. here is a shot of one, of the main characters killing a person, after this the sequence of titles T changes to a different background of a log book, which now has stains of blood and blood spatters on the pages, showing the film is going to be about money and violence giving the impression of it being a gangster movie. There is one thing that I adore about the thriller films is the way they hid weapons and the way they turn a harmless object into a weapons. The first one is a hidden object that is concealed in the glasses frame, the person does some fiddling and pulls out a needle. At this point you start to think what is he going to do with that and what can he do? The character then takes out two of the bodyguards with the object, giving a great mise en scene effect as it gives the character the atmosphere of being a man on a mission. To kill an old man who is pulling out a gun from his desk draw, the character grabs a baseball and throws it directly at the old manʼs eye killing him. I find this a little odd but to make it seem more believable, the film makers use a POV shot from behind the glasses, bluring out the character to add the mysteriousness of the character.
  • 6. Codes/Forms & Conventions of the Thriller Genre Sound For the sound section I will split it up into non-diegetic and diegetic sounds. During the title sequences my guess about the plot is built upon by the sound of racing horses and of commentators commenting on the race, giving me the impression that the plot is about gambling. All the way through the title there is the sound of a piano playing a mysterious sound by only using the high pitch, it is then followed by the a drum making a thudding sound and a violin. These instruments are used to give the opening a mysterious theme, it may also be used to hint at what the film is going to about, as it raises questions. The sound doesnʼt change while the character is killing the people in the opening, this could be to show that the killer is a pro and is calm about killing the other characters. The sound only changes when a new character is introduced to the film, there is a shot of a long white waiting room with blue chairs; as the character starts to move up the room the sound of a flute is played, which later shows how tired the character is. There is not much diegetic sound during the opening, it is only in place when the killer is going to kill someone. During the first kill the sound of the victims footsteps are amplified to be louder than the background music, to add the effect of the characters last footsteps. At the second murder the main victim asks the question “so...what do want?” this gives the impression that the victim doesnʼt know his killer, leaving the audience to assume that the killer has been hired. The next piece of important sound is when a man in a wheel chair ask a stranger “do you know the Kansas City shuffle?……. Donʼt worry, it normally falls on deaf ears” this part hints that the man in the wheel chair is a killer, as the only people he would tell it to would die. Setting From the first kill I can tell that they are in a city, I can assume this by the multi story car park, I can also assume that it is a rundown car park due to the fact that the roof is leaking and they are on the bottom floor. However the next setting confuse me a little because it looks more like an airport than a train station that it is revealed to be later on in the movie. DOP has selected a great shot for this scene as it gives the effect of never ending.
  • 7. Representation The character shown in the photograph is represented as the keeper who organises a log-book which conceits of names and the bets that they have put on and the money that they may owe. This is shown by the large amount of papers and items that are stuck on the wall, a stereotypical base of a betting company. The owner doesnʼt really fit the stereotypical betting person due to him wearing smart clothing whereas the stereotypical version would be wearing a leather jacket and a hat that has tickets in the top This character is represented as an average person having no distinguishing features. One thing that the character kept repeating was blinking and rubbing his eyes, giving the impression that the character has been running away from something. From this shot and the characters facial expressions, I get the impression that he is worried about something, maybe a debt that he is in which would explain the horse racing commentary at the start. The character is also dressed completely in black making him stand out from the set. However this could be done to hint at his death or the death of someone he knows which would explain the sad appearance. From the way that this new character is shown I get the impression he is the wise person who makes the main character of the film act on any given situation. He is also shown to be the wise person from the dialogue he uses to make the man dressed in black think about things clearly. This character is shown to be in a wheel chair and a question is quickly raised, asking how he came to be in the wheel chair. The man is represented as a stereotypical cripple as he has the very colourful blanket over his legs. Another thing is the layers of clothing that they seem to wear, which always has a jacket or a coat at the top, as shown on the image.
  • 8. The silhouette in the background has all the faces in the mist of it suggesting that maybe this person is controlling the people, a puppet master. It could also represent that the character has a hidden past that he is trying to keep hidden, that is why its a silhouette and why he has a gun. The three characters at This sentence the top may ʻluck has have hidden nothing to do pasts I with itʼ could assume this suggest that because the film is they have about a plan, I half their assume this faces in because of shade. the cliché making me However the think that the women looks film is about like she is fulfilling a plan moving away from the darkness this The guns that could are being represent pointed at the that she is viewer could trying to get suggest that away from the film is the danger about gun or trouble crime and she is in. gangsters Whereas the The man two men look holding the as if they are guns, has trying to hide half of his them selves face shaded in the shade, suggesting maybe trying that he has to become a different better side. gangsters or trying to hid from something. The title “lucky number slevin” could be irony as for the cliche above say luck has nothing to do with it, gives the impression that the film has nothing to do with luck, just chance. However the title could have some secret meaning behind it, I assume this because of the number part being in red maybe be hinting at blood or danger. Also it could be possible to do with a debt that hasn't been paid, and it being in red could be hinting this.