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Mba Essay Examples
Crafting an essay on the topic of "MBA Essay Examples" can be a challenging task that
demands a combination of creativity, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of the subject
matter. MBA essays typically require a unique blend of personal reflection, academic prowess,
and a keen awareness of one's career goals.
The difficulty arises from the need to strike a delicate balance between showcasing your
achievements and demonstrating a profound understanding of the key principles of business and
management. Moreover, MBA essays often necessitate a thoughtful exploration of your
experiences, both professional and personal, and how they have shaped your aspirations.
Researching and selecting appropriate examples that effectively convey your skills and
accomplishments can be time-consuming. It requires a meticulous approach to ensure that each
anecdote or instance aligns with the overall narrative you aim to present. Additionally, crafting a
compelling essay involves careful consideration of language, tone, and structure to engage the
reader and leave a lasting impression.
Furthermore, the pressure to stand out in a competitive pool of applicants adds an extra layer of
difficulty. Admissions committees often review numerous essays, so it's crucial to make yours
memorable and distinctive.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "MBA Essay Examples" is no easy feat. It
demands a thoughtful blend of introspection, research, and effective communication. However,
the end result can be a powerful representation of your capabilities and aspirations in the
business world.
For those seeking assistance with such essays, various resources are available. Similar essays and
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professionals can provide guidance to help you navigate the complexities of MBA essay writing.
Mba Essay ExamplesMba Essay Examples
Shooting At Columbine High School
This paper focuses on the idea of prevention of bullying and school violence. It also
takes a look at the events leading up to the shooting at Columbine High School.
Could the tragedy have been prevented? If so, how? These boys most likely had
serious mental illness. According to Cullen (2004) Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
were radically different individuals, with vastly different motives and opposite
mental conditions. The boys were also severely bullied for being different than their
peers. Make Beats not Beat Downs (2009) made the observation that 86% of students
said, other kids picking on them, making fun of them or bullying them causes
teenagers to turn to lethal violence in the schools. We need to work together in order
to bring an end to bullying and school violence.
Why is it that we do not take action until tragedy strikes? A school should be one of
the safest environments for a child or young adult to be in. Schools should be
working harder to inforce bully free zones. Bullies are what causes students to feel
that they need to take out all their anger on others, and sometimes those results are
catastrophic. ... Show more content on ...
Baezelon (2013) says that Bullying is a particular form of harmful aggression, linked
to real psychological damage, both short and long term. A bully is someone who
feels the need to pick on others, sometimes due to his or her own inferiority. There are
four different types of bullying. Physical bullying is any type of physical harm to
someone, such as hitting, kicking, or pushing. Verbal bullying is putting someone
down through words some examples are name calling or insults. Indirect Bullying is
gossiping or spreading rumors with the intention to hurt the victim. Cyber Bullying is
hurting someone through social media. (Make Beats not Beatdowns,
Bolivia Outline
than in any other country in the world. Many still speak Quechua, the language of the
Incas. In 1975, Quechua was made one of the official languages.
I. Bolivia
A. General information
1. Bolivia has two capital cities: La Paz (the administrative capital) and Sucre (the
judicial capital).
2. Bolivia has three official languages: Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara.
3. Bolivia is a landlocked nation because it has no access to the oceans.
4. It was named in honour of independence fighter Simon Bolivar.
5. Two mountain chains run the length of Bolivia: the Cordillera Occidental, which
has many active volcanoes and Cordillera Oriental which is covered with thick forests.
6. Most people live in the west on the Altiplano, a plateau between the two mountain
ranges. On the northernmost end of the Altiplano is Lake Titicaca on the boarder of
Peru and Bolivia. ... Show more content on ...
The eastern area is lowland tropical forests in the Amazon River basin.
8. Vicunas (a relative of the llama), llamas, alpacas, and condors (vulture) are all
found in Bolivia. Llamas are used as pack animals and for meat and fleece. The
alpacas are better for fleece.
9. There are two main people groups: Mestizos, a mixed Spanish and Amerindian
ancestry and Ameridians Quechua and Aymara.
10. Salar de Uyuni in southwest Bolivia is the world s largest salt flats. It is larger
than Nova Scotia. From the flats they gather the following:
a. Sodium
The Impact Of Divorce On Family
The words from the Bible, therefore, what God has joined together, let no man
separate have been habitually used during weddings throughout history. Stepping into
the 21st century, those words have not been faithfully lived up to, evident through the
numerous counts of divorces in society. Divorce can be defined as the legal
dissolution of a marriage by a court order and in this generation, is seen as the norm.
Apart from race, other major predictors of divorce include age at marriage,
education, premarital births and religion. (Bartolic, Martin, White, 2013). Divorce
often tends to be thought of in a monolithic way, as if everyone who gets a divorce
goes through the same process. The impact of divorce on the well being of children
have been notoriously viewed with a negative lens for many years due to possible
risk factors that may affect children and their upbringing as they navigate through life
as their parents separate. However, families have the ability to strengthen and bounce
back even stronger with more knowledge through these experiences. This paper
thoroughly discusses the impacts of divorce and its effects on family structure and the
ways in which families can collectively work together to overcome crises and be
resilient. This includes the many protective factors that help families overcome their
challenges and adversities such as positive social interactions, personal protective
factors, and belief systems in which all of these aspects encompass
The Rights and Ethics of Employees with Respect to
Dania Afif El Achmar The Rights and Ethics of Employees with Respect to
Privacy at Work Widespread use of electronic communications media such as e mail
and information resources such as the Internet has prompted many employers to
engage in electronic surveillance of their employees. Employers are monitoring and
even recording employees personal phone calls, e mails, and workplace
conversations. Video cameras are trained on employee parking lots, break areas, and
other parts of the workplace. Today s employers have the legal right to conduct
search and seizure of employees personal property; monitor the employee s telephone
calls, workplace computer, Internet, fax use, and e mail; perform employee drug
testing; and conduct investigation... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, organizations that set up systems to facilitate monitoring even if they
do not actually monitor their employees breach the control and unrestricted access
that employees have over their own information, and thus the employees privacy.
There are, to be certain, certain legitimate reasons for monitoring employees. The
ethics of employee surveillance and violation of privacy are compounded by
employers demands. Companies that appreciate having employees that are willing to
work long hours should be accommodating when those employees have to make
personal arrangements over the phone or the Internet. It is unethical and unreasonable
to expect employees to work overtime especially if they are salaried employees
without allowing them to conduct brief personal business at work. It is also unethical
for companies to expect employees to safeguard proprietary company information
without providing equal protection for employees personal information. Why
Violating Employee Rights Disadvantages Companies 1
Dania Afif El Achmar Companies firmly well established in a multitude of employee
controls and monitoring practices may find it intimidating to consider allowing
employees the autonomy to use electronic technologies without surveillance.
Employees that are cognizant of employer monitoring may be unwilling to use the
electronic systems available in the workplace anymore than is
Mafalda Charlie Brown
Mafalda: The Argentine Charlie Brown? In 1963, Argentine cartoon strip artist
JoaquГn Salvador Lavado, better known as Quino, was commissioned to create a
Peanuts esk advertisement for a brand of domestic appliances (Kuntz). To familiarize
himself with Peanuts, American cartoon by Charles M. Schulz, Quino purchased all
of the Peanutsbooks that he could find in Buenos Aires (Kuntz). After studying
Schulz s work Quino adapted the general concept for an Argentine audience and
Mafalda was born (Kuntz). Unfortunately the world did not meet Mafalda in 1963
through the ad campaign because the magazine that was going to publish the
cartoons realized it was closet advertising (qtd in Kuntz). It would take another year
before Mafalda made her debut in the Argentine magazine Primera Plana (Cosse).
Mafalda went on to run parallel to Peanuts from 1964 to 1973 (Patten; Charles M.
Schulz Museum). For the decade that they were both in print how do they compare
to each other? Given that Quino originally based Mafalda of Peanuts in what ways
are they similar and different? An... Show more content on ...
In Charlie Brown the parents and teachers of the children are never shown (Charles
M. Schulz Museum). The only interactions that the children have with adults in the
comic strip show the adults saying mwa mwa mwa mwa (qtd in Molinari). In
Mafalda it is the exact opposite with Mafaldas parents and teachers not only
shown, but also play an integral part in the comic strip (see fig. 1). Quino shows
Mafalda living in a normal world populated by both adults and children (Foster).
The comparison makes Schulzs world seem strange that there are no adults, but only
children. With Mafalda we see her parents and her little brother Guille, but the only
family we see of Charlie Brown is his little sister Sally (Foster; Charles M. Schulz
Editing And Compression In Memento, By Christopher
A person s identity relies heavily on one s memories. How can one know who they
are, if they cannot remember who they were and what they experienced to get to the
present? In Memento, director Christopher Nolan highlights the importance of
memory in forming one s identity. The movie follows a man named Leonard who is
determined to track down and kill the man who raped and murdered his wife.
Unfortunately, Leonard suffers from anterograde amnesia, meaning he can remember
everything leading up to the incident, but he is incapable of forming memories of
anything which occurred after his wife s death. Throughout his investigation, Leonard
compensates for his handicap by writing himself notes which he tattoos on his body.
But as Leonard s investigation moves forward, Leonard himself cannot. With his
wife s death as his last memory, he finds himself out of sync with the rest of the
world as his identity remains stuck in the past. In Memento, Nolan uses editing and
mise en scene to reinforce the idea that a person s identity relies heavily upon their
One of the most outstanding film techniques in Memento is its use of editing. The
scenes of the movie are sequenced in reverse chronological order, with the film
beginning at the storyline s end and ending at its beginning. In doing this, Nolan is
able to mimic an experience for the viewer which is similar to Leonard s anterograde
amnesia. Without previous context for each scene, the audience is often unable to
Things Fall Apart Chapter 9-11
Burke 1 Brittany Burke Ms. Le Advance English 2, Period 4 9 September, 2014
Chapters 10 and 11 Chapter Analysis In the fictional novel, Things Fall Apart by
Chinua Achebe (1959), many things happened that included Okonkwo and any
women and children. In these chapters Achebe writes about how the village is all
gathered and put into a ceremonial gathering, the gathering is to administer
justice. The egwugwu also known as the ancestral spirits, go to a secret house and
get in trouble because no woman is supposed to step among the secret house. All of
the women and their kids are horrified because they are afraid of the egwugwu. The
first despute with the egwugwu includes a married couple and a few children.
Uzowulu and Mgbafo said the egwugwu took their children. As this happens
Uzowulu will not return the bride price. This makes Mgbafo angry and she leaves
Uzowulu. He has to beg for her to return to him. The authors purpose for writing
about marriage is to teach women and men in the world today how important it
really is to stay loyal and not to do anything bad, or there will be consequences.
Chapters 12 and 13 Chapter Analysis... Show more content on ...
Most of the villagers all contribute by bringing food to the feast. In chapter 13 the
death of Oguefi Ezeudu s death is announced to the entire village. Okonkwo
remembers that the last time he had spoken to Ezeudu, it was when Ezeudu wanted
to warn Okonkwo about Ikemefuna s death. The author writes this to foreshadow
Ezeudu s death. By killing a clansman it is a crime against the earth goddess.
Okonkwo must take him and his family into exile for seven years. With Okonkwo
killing Ezeudu s son is not just a coincidence. It is more like a punishment for
Ezeudu s violation of kinship
The Philosophy And Practice Of Assessment
Adam Crownover; Claire Schultz; Emma Thomas; Nancy Ward this is claire... i ve
gone through and highlighted some areas that may have some issues... i ll offer a
suggestion for rewording on the side
Nancy: I am good with revising anything. I think we need to get all of the sources
tied to the definitions first so as we are working, if we want to go back and look at
the original source, we can.
Definitions Relating to Assessment
1. Assessment: In education, assessment is used to refer to both the underlying
philosophical framework and methods of measurement that are used to document or
inform student readiness, progress towards objectives, and learning generally by
stakeholders with potential implications for future actions.
Allen, M. J. (2003). Assessing academic programs in higher education. San Francisco:
Jossey Bass.
Astin, A. Antonio, A. (2012). Assessment for excellence: The philosophy and
practice of assessment in higher education. (2nd ed.). Plymouth, United Kingdom:
Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Assessment (n.d.). In The Glossary of Educational Reform. Retrieved from http:/
/ Conley, D. (2015). A new era for educational assessment.
Education Policy Analysis Archives,
23(8), pp. 1 40.
Schunk, D. H. (2011). Learning theories: An educational perspective 6th ed. Boston:
2. Due process: Due process is the fundamental principle of fairness in all legal
matters. Within education, due process is largely concerned
Essay about Choosing the Best Sound Format for Production
Choosing the Best Sound Format for Production There are many issues facing an
audio professional who is considering getting into surround production, either for
music, film, DVD, Internet, or multi media. Whether you are recording, mixing,
editing, or mastering, there is a lot of information that you need to be comfortable
with before you can succeed in surround sound. Although this collection is a good
start, it is by no means an exhaustive list or in depth manual. Hopefully it will give
you a well rounded introduction and good foundation on which to build the pursuit of
your goals.
There are a number of critical issues that seem to surface every time we talk about the
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Some Dolby certified film stages alter this slightly and reference the surrounds to
82db. You would use pink noise and measure using C weighting and slow response.
This is by no means a complete guide to setting up the monitoring in your room, but
it s the basics to get you started.
5.1: spoken as five point one . This refers to a surround sound format consisting of 5
full range channels and one LFE channel (see the next entry). It consists of Left,
Center, Right, Left Surround, Right Surround.
7.1. This is reminiscent of, but not exactly the same as the old 70mm soundtracks.
The current 7.1 has L, C, R, LS, RS, and LFE like 5.1, but adds 2 more speakers
behind the screen between the center and left, and between the center and right.
These are referred to as LC and RC, or Left Center and Right Center. On large
screens, this allows better tracking of dialog and effects, and more creative options
for the mixers and director. The original 70mm 6 channel soundtrack had five across
the front like 7.1, but no subwoofer and only mono surround. Some people have also
LFE: Low Frequency Effects. Typically you use a subwoofer in this application,
the point one of 5.1. The channel does not necessarily have to be band limited, as in
the option to use it as a height channel in DVD A, but when used as an LFE, it is of
course for low frequency information. It is a discrete channel, not a
Duluth Places
Duluth has three main places to visit. Duluth has many opportunities to go and visit,
whether it is to take a vacation or just passing through. The spots that many people
visit are the Lift Bridge, Chalk Days, and the famous Glee sheen mansion. These
three are the main points in Duluth because they are great places to make amazing
memories. The Lift Bridge is a stupendous bridge that gets much attention from
tourists. The past, structure, and the visitors all make up what is special about the
Lift Bridge. History of the Lift Bridge starts off with the span beginning its life as
an extremely rare transporter bridge. It was originally built in 1905. The Lift Bridge
was then upgraded in 1929 to a vertical lift bridge, which is rather uncommon to
most, and continues to... Show more content on ...
The man who drew the designs for the bridge was John Low Waddell. The people
of Duluth were eager to build the lift bridge, which would have been about 130 feet
wide. However, the War Department declined the design that John Waddell made,
and the project was canceled before it could be built. Waddell s design went on to
be built in Chicago. New plans were later drawn up for a structure that would bring
people from one side to the other. This type of bridge was first demonstrated in
Bilbao s Vizcaya Bridge in 1893. The Lift Bridge was then finally completed in
1905. After the history is learned the structure is very important as well to know.
The height of the Lift Bridge is 180 feet when completely raised and the length is
386 feet and weighs approximately 900 tons. The bridge is very similar to the only
other one of its kind in the world, which is in Rouen, France. The last and most
important thing that
Starbucks-Part 1 Case Study
Case 1 (Starbucks Part 1) a) The nature of Starbucks business is to generate income
based on operating activities. When referencing the Statement of Cash Flows and
looking at their operating activities, you can see that Starbucks generates $2,908.3M
in net cash provided by operating activities. Investment is a significant item in this
statement as well. The company spent $785.9M in investments in the year ending
September 29th, 2013. Strong investment activities show that Starbucks is investing
through buying and selling (Sales, maturities, and calls of investments $1,040.2M)
and using their spare cash to invigorate future growth and fund future obligations.
There is also heavy investment in property, plant, and equipment with additions
totaling $1,151.2M. This type of investment show us that Starbucks is focused on
expansion using cash from operations. They have a significant amount of cash
coming in from operations, and money going out in PP E. The analyst should not be
concerned that Starbucks is borrowing money for negative reasons, and they are
looking very strong from an operating and investing standpoint. They are effectively
earning income and turning it into cash.
________________________________________ b) Commonly prepared financial
statements for external reporting purposes are: 1)Balance Sheet 2)Income Statement
3)Statement of Stockholders Equity 4)Statement of Cash Flows Starbucks Specific
Financial Statements: Consolidated Statements of Earnings
A Journal Article Review On The Effect Of Mindfulness...
A Journal Article Review on the Effects of Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is meditation lets feelings, thoughts, and sensations exists
without judgement. It is meditation that does not focus on a single word, or mantra,
one s breathing, or any one single thing (Tarrasch 2015). It is freedom to exist in the
present place in time. Mindfulness meditation is important to study because it may
have many positive effects in everyday life. These effects can go beyond just stress
relief or a general clamming experience. Indeed, perhaps the most significant
outcome of mindfulness meditation is the capacity to adopt an observing self
(Tarrasch 2015).
Tarrasch (2015) said that the students used in the study were all female master s
students enrolled in a course called Meditation: Theory, Research, and Practice at Tel
Aviv University s School of Education. The method used for the study was journal
article summaries from these students. The main body for this paper will provide
information of the meditation practices used, explain the method of the experiment,
and be a look at the changes experienced throughout the course. In the discussion, a
review of the article will be presented.
In the course many different forms of mindful meditation were used. Many were
focusing on one s own breathing and letting thoughts flow freely without judgement,
but other forms used that got significant time were yoga positions and imagining one
s own safe place (Tarrasch 2015). As
Social And Economic Issues Around Small Farms
Since the founding of America, the small family farm has been a pillar of United
States culture and economics. These small generational farms were known for
molding very capable, independent families that were known for their morality,
strong character, and high work ethic. Urbanization, industrialization, the growth of
U.S. agribusiness, and other economic factors have slowly chipped away at the
presence of the U.S. small family farm. Technology and mechanization developed by
colleges, agribusinesses, and other government sponsored research programs have
caused farm supply to increase exponentially while farm demand grows at roughly the
rate of population growth. Most modern small farmsare too commodity focused to
compete in niche... Show more content on ...
Many of these younger workers often see farming as an antiquated profession and
relatively unprofitable. The draw of higher education and the bright lights of city life
are constant distractions pulling them away from the less exciting rural life of
farming. Without a generation of farmer to replace the last many small farms are
sold and developed commercially or absorbed by larger commodity driven farms that
surround them. Technological advancements have been a strong driver of change in
agriculture over the last 100 years. Technology is, in fact, the key force driving the
shift of farm activities off farms (Smith, 1992, p. 8). After the World Wars,
mechanical advancements were made at a rapid pace. Advances in mechanization
and increasing availability of chemical inputs led to ever increasing economies of
scale that spurred rapid growth in average farm size, accompanied by an equally
rapid decline in the number of farms and in the farm and rural populations (Dimitri,
Effland, Conklin, 2005, p. 6). Essentially, the use of mechanization has dramatically
increased the supply of agricultural products while also drastically reducing the size
of the necessary workforce. The amount of capital used per farmworker increased 15
times between 1930 and 1980, permitting a fivefold increase in the amount of land
cultivated per farmer (McConnell,
The Hero s Journey In The Alchemist
The Hero s Journey is a pattern created by the American mythologist Joseph
Campbell and is a path that every hero must take in order for them to pursue their
personal legend as Paulo Coelho describes in The Alchemist, a hero can be a human,
animal or a magical creature. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines archetype as
the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations
or copies ( archetype ). During this path, the herowill encounter different obstacles
that will prevent him/her from achieving their destiny.Coco is a movie that talks
about a Mexican tradition that celebrates dead called Dia de Los Muertos.
Throughout the movie, we see families coming together, so they can honor and
remember the family... Show more content on ...
Campbell states, that Master of Two Worlds The hero returns home or continues the
journey, bearing some element of the treasure that has the power to transform the
world as the hero has been transformed (Campbell Hero). Miguel is able to return to
the land of the living before sunrise with the blessing of his dead ancestor. After
returning from the land of the death Miguel reunites with his family, a year has
passed sense Miguel adventure. The family now has accepted music back into their
lives and has continued with the celebration of Dia de Los Muertos, but has also
added grandma Coco picture to the family
A Brief Note On The Nepalese Music Band
Nepalese Music Band: Nepathya
Nepathya is a music band that was formed in the early 1990s. In 1990, nine young
boys started a band from beautiful city called Pokhara, Nepal, which is now famous
by the name Nepathya . They were nine different people but came together to achieve
a goal, met at Kathmandu during their college and formed a Nepathya . At first, they
used to sing in the concert in the street and in the restaurant. As time passed by they
began to broadcast through radio. They started to begin famous among people. Later,
in 1995 they released their first album named Tal ko Pani which was loved by the
whole country. After that, they continued their journey of musicand till date they
released 15 albums. Among them, Resham is the most popular song and also one of
my best songs. In their struggling phase, the band only sang the folk song with the
theme of nature and love, but as the time passed they started singing the song based
on patriotism, peace, and issue of the country. They started their career by singing
the song that focuses on love and nature because the type of song they used to sing
mostly loved by the audience. They sang a song which is more oriented to the
audience. At the time of the civil war, people were concerned about their own and
their families security. As the environment changed people changed the theme of the
song. The band member started to sing patriotism song as the effect of the civil war
in the life of the common people. Through
Ap European Exploration Dbq Analysis
Between the 1450 1750, European states began to embark on a series of global
explorations that prompted a new chapter in world history. It was known as the Age
of Discovery, or the Age of Exploration, this period spanned the fifteenth through the
early seventeenth century, during which time European expansion to places such as
the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Competition between European empires, such as
Spainand England, fueled the evolution and advancement of overseas exploration and
European empires during this period expanded greatly.
The economic, political, and cultural effects of Europe s global exploration impacted
both European society and the entire world. The reactions to European explorations
in different parts of the world was ... Show more content on ...
The first document is written by Antonio Vazquez de Espinosa which shows the
mite system of Indians. The Indians have to serve each and every year with great
losses and gaps in the quotas of Indians (Document 6). The author of this document
was a Spanish missionary friar possibly hired by Queen Isabella of Spain. She
actually decreed that the Indians to be treated as subjects of the Spanish empire,
and would therefore have the same rights as citizens, although this was almost
immediately ignored which led to the brutal killing of most.The European
explorations has caused many of the villages to become depopulated and many
Indians were brutally abused. Antonio Vazquez de Espinosa was a Spanish friar of
the Discalced Carmelites originally from Jerez de la Frontera whose Compendio y
DescripciГіn de las Indias Occidentales has become a source of detail for the history
of South America. The second document is written by Tokugawa Iemitsu which
shows five rules that are strict due to the European explorations (Document 7). The
author s purpose of this document was to show that these foreign politics policy
must be followed by all Japanese people or consequences will occur. The Japanese are
negatively impacted as there are now rules of forbidding Japanese ships to leave for
foreign countries, no one is allowed to go aboard and if anyone did, they were put to
death. Iemitsu ruled
Death in Cross Cultural Perspectives
Death in cross cultural perspectives
Death is inevitable part of human experience, which is often associated with fear of
unknown, separation, and spiritual connection. Death is an individual experience,
which is based on unique perceptions and beliefs. Fear of death and dying seems to
be a universal phenomenon, which is closely associated with apprehension and
uneasiness. Death is allied with permanent loss, thus personal experiences of grief are
similar in many different cultures. There are different mourning ceremonies,
traditions, and behaviors to express grief, but the concept of permanent loss remains
unchanged in cross cultural setting. With this paper I will identify cross cultural
perspectives on death and dying, and will analyze ... Show more content on ...
Spiritual connection with the dead is also one of the important elements of Latino
culture, which is demonstrated by frequent gravesite visits and praying to spirits.
Death is always associated with separation, which leads to sorrow, and grief;
however cultural perceptions and beliefs help to look at death from a different
perspective and perceive death as a natural state that can be approached with love,
respect, dignity, and tremendous family support. Latino culture supports their dying
people during the last journey, and believes in afterlife, which gives them hope and
helps to overcome unbearable grief of permanent loss.
Death rituals in Africa African culture demonstrates a strong connection with
deceased person, and believes that only a correct burial will bring a dead person
peace. People in Africa strongly believe in spiritual life, thus their main goal during
burial ceremonies is to address a spirit of a deceased person. An African funeral
begins with removal of the body from home, which is done through a previously
made hole in the wall of the home. Africans remove a dead body through the hole,
instead of a door, to confuse a spirit and make sure that a spirit of a deceased person
will not return back home, as a hole in the wall is immediately closed after removal
of the body. In effort to confuse a spirit even more, they place thorns and sticks in a
zigzag pattern along the way as body being taken to the place of burial.
East-Midland English
A project in theoretical phonetics of English
Shcherbakova Natalia, group 01
1.Introduction 2.English in East Midlands 1.Vowels 2.Consonants 3.Word Stress
4.Sentence rhythm and intonation 3.Conclusion 4.List of references
Introduction East Midlands, general facts
The East Midlands, in its broadest sense, is the eastern part of central England (and
therefore part of the United Kingdom as well).
The East Midlands covers three major landscape areas: The relatively flat coastal
plain of Lincolnshire, the river valley of the Trent, the third largest (and longest) river
in England, and the southern end of the Pennine range of hills in Derbyshire.
The second of these contains several large cities: Nottingham, ... Show more content
on ...
Lincolnshire also has a marked north south split in terms of accent. The north shares
many features with Yorkshire, such as the open a sound in car and park or the
replacement of take and make with tek and mek. The south of Lincolnshire is close to
Received Pronunciation, although it still has a short Northern a in words such as
bath. In Northamptonshire, crossed by the North South isogloss, residents of the
north of the county have an accent similar to that of Leicestershire and those in the
south an accent similar to rural Oxfordshire. The town of Corby in northern
Northamptonshire has an accent with some originally Scottish features, apparently
due to immigration of Scottish steelworkers. It is common in Corby for the GOAT
set of words to be pronounced with . This pronunciation is used across Scotland and
most of Northern England, but Corby is alone in the Midlands in using it
East Midlands accents are generally non rhotic, instead drawing out their vowels,
resulting in the Midlands Drawl, which can to non natives be mistaken for dry
sarcasm. Old and cold may be pronounced as owd and cowd (rhyming with loud in
the West Midlands and ode in the East Midlands), and in the northern Midlands home
can become wom . The West Midlands accent is often described as having a
George Orwell s The Great Gatsby
Introduction: January 1882, eleven men, though one still a boy, set sail across the
Atlantic Ocean in search of a better life. After reaching port in New York City,
spending their first night in a tavern, and numberless other difficulties over the
course next year these men send notice to the rest of their town of the wonders of
America. With the arrival of more and more Rosetans the group began to buy
develop land until they built a town. They named it Roseto after their former town
which showed surprising prosperity. Roseto would have gone largely unnoticed if
not for one man, Stewart Wolf. Wolf a physician from Oklahoma told of low heart
disease in Roseto decided to investigate. What he found was shocking, In Roseto, no
one under... Show more content on ...
For example of the twenty one players of the national Junior Soccer team of
Czechoslovakia fifteen of them were born between January first and March
thirtieth, four between the months of April first and June thirtieth, and only two
between the months that follow none after September. With similar patterns occur
in the sports of Baseball and Hockey. One may ask what is the significance of these
early birthdays and sporting success. One would have two trace back to the
beginning of one s sporting carrier to discover the answer. The typical cut off for
age groups in sporting leagues is January first. Children playing sports with
birthdays closer to the first typically do better due to maturity. This slight advantage
leads them to getting better training and coaching and ultimately giving them a
bigger advantage. This advantage grows until the later birthdays simply cannot
keep up. The early birthdays grow up to become All Stars while the later birthdays
are left in the dust. This multiple sport scenario unequivocally proves success is not
determined by personal qualities but by small advantages that grow into large ones.
3.In an early 1990 s experiment psychologists K. Anders Ericsson separated a school
of violinists into three groups. Good students who had talent on the violin but would
not have any carrier in it, Better who had somewhat better skills than the good class,
Business, Sustainability And The Natural Environment
Business, Sustainability and the Natural Environment, Daniel Katz During the past
25 years, awareness of the environment has increased tremendously. Non profit
organizations look beyond institutional goals, and instead, try to find a shared vision
that works for everyone in the society. Our society needs to stop consuming as if we
have an infinite planet; we have to have integrity for the world we live in because the
natural resources that have been sustaining us will not last forever. Companies need
to evolve with the modern age and changing consumer market. For example, Netflix
never thought they would produce their own shows, however, with the changing
consumer market, they have done just that. Also, NGO s sometimes have to partner
with bigger for profit companies in order to target a larger consumer base, thus,
solidifying the fact that the for profit and non profit sector have to team together in
order to sustain the environment in which we inhabit. Business, Sustainability and
Poverty, Jacqueline Novogratz This plenary begins by stating that a financial crisis
occurs when people in the markets do not trust each other. Trust is what makes a
society fair. Corruption flourishes upon weaknesses in economic, political, and social
institutions, and this diverts economic growth by eroding the quality of public goods.
In this age, income equality has increased across countries due to globalization and
technology; however, income inequality within countries has increased as
The Breakdown of Ithaka
In the lands of Pylos and Sparta, the kingdoms are prospering and in the favor of
the gods. However, in Ithaka, the kingdom is falling to pieces. Why are the
kingdoms so different in their success? Homer puts these three kingdoms side by
side in The Odyssey, making it easy to find similarities and differences between the
three. Pylos and Sparta, ruled by Nestor and Menelaos, could not be more
successful. Ithaka, currently has no king in its throne and chaos is resulting from the
battle for the coveted seat. Compared to the kingdoms of Nestor and Menelaos,
Ithaka is breaking down from the loss of order and their leader, Odysseus.
Sparta and Pylos are successful, thriving kingdoms, so what makes Ithaka break
down? Menelaos has a mansion that is the way the court of Zeus must be (4.72).
He has no end of riches, and Sparta is prospering right along with him. Menelaos
rules with compassion and this makes him a great ruler. In Pylos, Nestor sacrifices
an impressive heifer for Athena; his goldsmith gloved each horn in a pure foil
beaten out of the gold that Nestor gave him (3.437 438). This costly sacrifice is no
expense, because Pylos is a wealthy country. Also, what is added to the success of
Pylos, is the great rule of Nestor. He is a wise and generous soul, who strides to
keep his kingdom under the favor of the gods. Athena truly favors Nestor in which
she wishes honor to Nestor and his sons (3.58). There is no mortal half so wise
(1.64) as Odysseus, the ruler of
Yellowfin Bream Research Paper
Bream notes species
/yellowfin bream Yellowfin bream Distribution Yellowfin bream are found along
the NSW coast, as well as in Queensland and Victoria. Bream inhabit estuaries up to
the brackish water limit (the change from salt to freshwater) and inshore rocky reef
habitats near ocean beaches and rocky headlands Size Maximum weight of 4kg
and a length of 60 cm. Characteristics Yellowfin bream have a silver to olive green
body with yellowish pectoral, ventral and anal fins. They are opportunistic feeders
with their diet including small crabs, prawns, molluscs, pipis and small fish.
Confusing species Black bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri) are found in NSW waters
up to the Myall Lakes though are more common in Victoria and the south of the
state. Yellowfin bream have a deeper body and a higher snout than black bream and
have yellow ventral fins. Tarwhine have rounded, convex heads and a gold spot on
each scale giving the fish a series of longitudinal bands. Tarwhine are found along the
coast of New South Wales.
Reasons to Join the Revolutionary War as Portrayed in
Colonialists were in search of a better life in the newly discovered land of the
Americas. Ties with their mother country of Britannia, over three thousand miles
away, resulted in miscommunication and arguments. Eventually these arguments and
miscommunications lead to the Revolutionary War, provoking many American
Colonists to join the Continental Army. Each soldier from the militia to the regular
recruits had reasons to fight; many of these reasons were influenced by the first Age
of Enlightenment and other reasons were formed by personal experiences with the
conflicts of Britannia and the American Colonies. The movie, The Patriot, presented
many reasons that are supported by major historical documents, such as the
Declaration of... Show more content on ...
James Thatcher, an American militia soldier for the Continental Army, kept a journal
of his thoughts and feelings. His journal shows that he was also disgusted by the
Brittanian claim to rule the colonies as the only supreme and uncontrollable
legislative power, (John Thatcher January) when he said that the people of these
colonies consider themselves as British subjects, entitled to all the rights and
privileges of Freemen. It is inseparably essential to the freedom of a people, and the
undoubted right of Englishmen, that no taxes be imposed on them but with their own
consent, given personally or by their representatives, (John Thatcher January). This
crime against the American s natural rights was Thatcher s reason for joining the
Continental Army. John Thatcher s personal accounts, which many Continental Army
man and militia would agree upon as their motives too, supports the movie and also
shows the impact the first Age of Enlightenment had on the people in the American
The Patriot also displays this during an assembly to decide whether South Carolina
would help in the Revolutionary War by raising troops by levy. One reason
presented in this scene is when a man says, Our rights are being threatened by a tyrant
three thousand miles away. The rights this man is talking about is the natural rights
they all believe
The Role Of Women In The Renaissance, By Leon Battista...
The role of women stood the same to everyone till the years of 1400 s when a new
thinking process began, for people embarked a new role for women. During the
years of 1400 s to 1600 s in Europe, the Renaissance sparked knowledge that spread
to everyone and precipitated ideas that included individualism the beliefthat humans
were thought to be just as important as God. Humanism established these beliefs, for
it is studying the literature of the past and the faith of the past. The renaissance
generated these humanism and individualism convictions, which caused men to
begin to have confidence in themselves and build new innovations in the belief of
their own power. With these influences, women started to be impacted and many
people started to have several views of the role of women. These views commenced
the debate over women that were analyzed with the belief of women empowerment,
humanist thinkers, and religious leaders.
Given these points, the belief of women empowerment viewed the role of women
differently by promoting the idea that women should not feel suppressed by the
power of men.. The Italian Humanist writer, Leon Battista Alberti, by being one of
these believers included that a woman s role is not just by the appearance but by the
way a woman s personality and character (doc 2). Battista Alberti shows this belief by
sharing his views on the beauty of women and demonstrating that women can look
pretty, but what actually makes her beautiful is her modesty, conduct,
Challenges And Opportunities For The Government
Every invention is faced by challenges and opportunities, which need to be taken
into consideration. Innovation doesn t only look at having an idea but solving a
solution to a problem and adapting ideas, which have already existed. Innovation is
the specific tool for entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an
opportunity for a different business or service . (Joe Tidd, 1997)
This essay will deliver an outline on the challenges and opportunities for the
government digital service, in order to give a more reflective view, the essay will be
fragmented into smaller segments, considering these questions in the case study that
has been presented which can provide an easier way of understanding what
opportunities and ... Show more content on ...
Additional challenges in which the government digital services are facing is they
are trying to make services digital only, however, not everyone has access to a
digital devices such as smartphones, laptops or tablets to access digital services,
therefore excluding the general public. By excluding the general public, the
government digital service face the challenges of innovating the new service as it is
not able to understand their needs fully, therefore cannot come with better ways of
bridging the gap between the government and the citizens who are excluded from it.
Furthermore, another challenge in which is facing the government digital service
is shifting the website onto a more mobile platform such as smartphones due to the
fragile nature of the data being handled on an app, there is an issue of data being
stored and handled securely. This affects the aim of the GDS, as it wants to provide
the services in an easier and faster method. It can be disputed with the rise of
smartphones, it would be the most effected if it didn t have an issue of trust. This
would be an innovative challenge, as you cannot exploit the gap in the market for
mobile devices.
Opportunities regarding the government digital service can be examined through
services such as open data, as it allows a combination of different sources to be
accessible to the government. Instead of duplication of the data, it will enable the
data to be utilized in a more effective manner. It can
Character Analysis Of Holden Caulfield In The Catcher In...
Friendships are like goals; they are easy to make but difficult to keep. J.D Salinger
s character Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye is a lonesome sixteen
year old. Salinger s novel follows the story of Holden as he tries to rescue children
s innocence from being lost to the crippling world of adulthood. Although he
perceives his friends as fake, Holden tries to flatter his roommate Stradlater and old
friend Sally Hayes into becoming a person like Jane Gallagher: someone that will
listen to him. Ward Stradlater is Holden s smug roommate at Pencey Prep.
Conceited yet friendly, Holden often dismisses his roommate s phoniness because
Stradlater is capable of having a little intelligent conversation with Holden. While
tap dancing, Holden jokes, I m the goddamn Governor s son (Salinger, 34).
Stradlater laughs, proving that he can understand Holden s unique sense of
humor. Only around Stradlater, Mr. Antolini and Phoebe, does Holden ever
expose his aloof side, as he knows that they will be able to appreciate Holden s wit.
Contrarily, Holden reigns a superior attitude over those he does not think are
intelligent, such as his next door neighbor, Robert Ackley. However, the
approachable behavior Stradlater exhibits causes Holden to seek more of his
attention. For instance, he decides to write Stradlater s English composition.
Before agreeing to the task, a shocked Holden marvels, I m the one that s flunking
out of the goddamn place, and you re asking me to write you a goddamn
composition (Salinger, 32). Afterwards, Holden asks Stradlater about what he
should write his assignment on; this indicates that Holden does not care if he
writes Stradlater a faulty paper, he just wants to charm him. Moreover, Holden
later wonders, I wished I knew who d swiped my gloves at Pencey, because my
hands were freezing (Salinger, 99). Evidently, Holden does not appreciate lending
his clothes or doing anyone favors, yet he is incredibly generous with Stradlater.
Holden gives Stradlater his hound s tooth jacket despite knowing that Stradlater will
stretch it and then even writes his English composition. Satisfying Stradlater gains
Holden his roommate s company, as a like minded individual s presence, is what
King Stephen King Reflection
The video Stephen King on Childhood changed the way I look at things. He claims,
the things that really scare us are the things that are going on just outside the
spotlight that you can t quite see ( Stephen King on Childhood ). The video starts off
with Stephen King talking about a day he was walking and came across a little girl
on the side of the street drawing in the dirt talking to herself or an imaginary person.
Then, he thoughtto himself, If I did that, somebody would come along and say there
s a grown man sitting in the dirt, talking to himself to people who aren t there and
drawing with a stick ( Stephen Kingon Childhood ). If I saw a grown man doing that,
I would be a little creeped out. If a little kid was doing it, I would think that was a
normal thing for kids to do. He is talking about how when we are kids, we can
think, imagine, and dream about whatever we want because there are no limits.
When we start growing up, we realize what reality is. We snap into this new mode
and change the way we think, imagine, and dream. When I was a kid, I would think
the most bizarre things, like when I would connect anything to a face, like cars,
buildings, clouds, houses, etc. I would try to explain it to my parents they would
think I was crazy and had no ideawhat I was talking about. Next, the interviewer,
Thomas Smith, asks Stephen, Did you have a highly developed sense of evil
yourself as a child or were you obsessed by the nature of evil? (Stephen King on
Childhood). King then goes on to ask why people ask about his childhood. He does
not remember having an unusual childhood. Then, because of him not remembering,
something bad must have happened when he was a kid. King then goes on to talk
about, I think a lot of people make the assumption that we block memories that are
terrible. When I think what really happens is this: that we think in a different way as
children. we tend to think around corners instead of in straight lines. sometimes for a
kid, the shortest distance between two points is not a straight line and that s the way
that we think and dream (Stephen King on Childhood). He says he uses this thought
to connect childhood memories to his paranormal present time stories. I think that
Education Is A Unique Experience For Every Child Who...
Introduction Dr. Seuss once said, Don t give up. I believe in you all. A person s a
person no matter how small. I believe education is a unique experience for every
child who enters a classroom. Each child is unique and deserves a safe and secure
classroom with a teacher full of passion for each child s education. After classroom
experience and observing many inspiring educators, I have created a personal
philosophy that includes goals for my students, a method for enacting the goals, and
assessing students goals to ensure proper development of each student. I have a desire
to support each student to reach their fullest potential. I strongly believe in every
student and my students will know that.
Goals for Student Learning The ... Show more content on ...
I will encourage them to push beyond Bloom s knowledge level. Students will be
demonstrating critical thinking. They will be immersed in different activities where
they are making meaning and knowledge by asking questions, researching, inventing,
and interacting. Students will make connections with the outside world. Students will
also think creatively in order to make meaning on their own. Instead of seeking the
teacher, students will make models to answer their own questions. Students need to
know the importance of education. If they know the reason behind learning, then they
will more likely participate in learning. Participating in learning is where students are
actively engaged in the lesson. Students should be listening, participating in
discussion, and giving positive feedback to their classmates. I want my classroom to
be more student centered than teacher centered.
Enactment of Goals In order to achieve the goals for student learning, I will use a
variety of teaching methods in my classroom. I believe all students learn differently.
Therefore, differentiating instruction is imperative to reach all learning styles.
Lunenburg (2014) discusses how Gardner discovered that all students exhibit all
nine intelligences, but some of them are stronger than others. I want to be able to
focus on their stronger areas so they learn more, however; I want to focus on their
weaker areas so they can reach their full potential. I
Willie Lynch Letters
Willie Lynch Letters The Willie Lynch Letter: The Making of a Slave was a
document that was presented by a white slave owner William Lynch on the bank
of the James River in 1712. This document was written to establish how they can
keep the African Slaves enslaved for at least 300 years. William Lynch had
foolproof plan to keep the Africans in what we call today the slave mentality . His
main goal was to turn the slaves against one another. Even today the powerful
speech still enslaves black people and turns us against our brothers and sisters On
page 8 of the document he states I have outlined a number of differences among the
slaves, and make them bigger. I use FEAR, DISTRUST, and ENVY for control
purposes Willie Lynch use these... Show more content on ...
We have yet to break out of this curse that Willie Lynch and the white slave owners
have put upon us. The effects of Willie Lynch are apparent in the actions of blacks
today including myself. The way I act and some of the small things I say come
from the work of one man and the knowledge that he gave the white slave owners
to train African slaves to act and think according to their will. Whether we want to
believe if Willie Lynch was a real person or not it is apparent that the words lynch
spoke still mentally enslaved the black people of
Franz Fanon Decolonization
1) According to Frantz Fanon decolonization is a violent event. Explain what this
claim means along with why Fanon supports it. According to Fanon, decolonization
is the substitution of one species of mankind by another . (Fanon, 1) By species,
Fanon refers to the colonist and another are the colonized. It is a violent event
because it is the processes when colonized become independent from the colonizers.
The consciousness of the colonized demands freedom and change of order. At the
same time, the consciousness of the colonizers is terrified of the changes that the
colonized might want. That is where we have a mismatch and the clash of ideas that
turn into violence. He means that the colonists restrict the colonized with force, so this
... Show more content on ...
By this logic, only philosophers can become a ruling class of the society because
they are the most reasonable. (Plato, 119) The reason why a philosopher can
become the best ruler is because they possess highly developed virtues and
demonstrate high moral standards. They are more likely to be more rational and
strive for the truth because they have a love for wisdom. They are more interested in
knowledge rather than physical possessions, so they will serve the rest of the
Annotated Bibliography Ernest Hemingway
Therapy of Ernest Hemingway
Rebecca McRunnel
PSY 303: Abnormal Psychology
Professor Hillary Locke
August 13, 2015
I.Identifying Information
Ernest Hemingway was born July 21, 1989 (Ernest Hemingway Biography, 2015).
Ernest is a 40 year old white male, average build weighing no more than 180 pounds.
He was born in Cicero, Illinois. Ernest is a heterosexual male, who enjoys the
company of woman. Hemingway is an author of many novels and many publications
within newspapers.
II.Chief Complaint/Presenting Problem
Ernest Hemingway was referred to me from Dr. John in regards to his explosive
disorders and loss of sleep and appetite. Dr. John also said that he has feeling of
suicide following the death of his father. Dr. John... Show more content on ...
John. Through his referral we have discovered that Ernest has many mood changes
and anger issues that are unresolved resulting in resentment from his father s
suicide and his mother dressing him as a girl. Martha, Ernest wife, describes him
as very violent tendencies, along with not sleeping or eating. He also has expressed
thoughts that he will commit suicide like his father and two of his siblings. His
thoughts are unstable and have many mood changes from happy to sad to angry
with no reason. He was very angry with the reasons why I was asking his wife her
experience with her husband. He showed that he could have violent behaviors
through his yelling and expressed feelings of
The First Occasion When We See Elizabeth
The film begins with a sort of a preface, with Elizabeth as a young lady cruising with
her dad Representative Swann and her future fiancee Lt Norrington, and in addition
future privateer Mr. Gibbs. Representative Swann isn t only the legislative leader of
Port Regal, he s the legislative head of Elizabeth, an occupation we see him commit
more opportunity to than any genuine administering.
The first occasion when we see Elizabeth, she s singing about privateers. She s
acutely keen on the subject, far over the level of legitimacy, to the extent her dad and
Norrington are concerned. Elizabeth is by all accounts weak and inactive among
these men, however in actuality she sets the plot into movement by locating youthful
Will Turner, lost adrift, and after that taking his emblem once he s brought on
board Norrington s ship. It s practically as if Elizabeth, with her enthusiasm for
privateers, has summoned a young man privateer out of the fog by her own
particular will. The emblem is, obviously, one of the 882 bits of reviled Aztec gold
that serves as the maguffin of Revile and drives its whole plot.
(Elizabeth sees the emblem and finishes up, erroneously, that Will is a privateer.
There is a great deal of backstory in Revile, the most confounded of which is the
narrative of Will s dad, Bootstrap Bill, and how the emblem made it around youthful
Will s neck. This story is complicated to the point that I needed to sit and watch the
motion picture various times before
When Do Opportunity Costs Count
In the study When do opportunity costs count? The impact of vagueness, project
completion stage, and management accounting experience , Victoravich asks the
research question how two situational factors, vagueness of opportunity cost
presentation and stage of project completion, affect individuals tendency to attend to
opportunity costs? (2010) Opportunity costis a fundamental component of classical
economic theory , and defined as the value of the next highest valued alternative use
of that resource (Victoravich, 2010; Henderson, 2015). Opportunity costs are also
known as trade offs. The motivation behind this study stems from the fact that prior
studies investigating the impact of implicit versus explicit opportunity costs ,... Show
more content on ...
For the purposes of the study, Victoravich defines vagueness as a common pitfall of
real world situations because decision makers do not have access to exact
information about the costs and benefits of all available options (2010).
In the way in which Victoravich presents prior research findings and constructs, there
seems to a clear gray area. Victoravich s presentation showcases the importance and
need of additional research in order to conducted to elaborate, clarify, and expanding
on the previous findings and judgements. Victoravich s study incorporates prior
findings and seeks to the supplement the shortcomings of the prior research studies,
such as:
Shortcomings of Previous Research:
Prior research has typically presented opportunity costs in a precise manner, which is
inconsistent with how they would appear in a realistic setting.
Prior research has not investigated whether opportunity cost vagueness reduces
decision makers tendency to attend to this relevant information.
Prior research has yet to investigate the cognitive process by which attention to
opportunity costs influences judgment and decision making and whether it has a
decisional consequence.
In the study When do opportunity costs count? The impact of vagueness, project
completion stage, and management accounting experience , the conceptual constructs
examined in are 1) Management Accounting Experience, 2)
What Is Frederick Douglass s Determination
Frederick Douglass holds many character traits ranging from courage to logical.
But by far his most powerful character trait of all is his outstanding determination.
Through the biography Frederick Douglass by Ed Combs (the author of Frederick
Douglass) explains how Frederick was so determined to learn how to read and write
in order to escape slavery. It also talks about his life as a housemaid and working on
the plantation farms. Not only this even when he was a young boy and served as a
housemaid he realized the only way to actually escape slavery and its effects was by
becoming educated. The owner of Frederick Douglass s son in law s wife had taught
him how to read and write (This was paraphrased from Frederick Douglass). This was
a massive... Show more content on ...
Frederick was broken, but what kept him going was his outstanding determination
(This was paraphrased from Frederick Douglass). He talked about how this could
change for the better because it was an insult to America since this country was
supposed to be free. He had to escape the plantation farms and start a movement to
end slavery. As he escaped, he moved to New York city where he continued to learn
and published books and gave lectures and speeches on the reasons why slavery is
unjust and is against the foundations of the American soil (This was paraphrased
from Frederick Douglass). His determination lead to him being world famous and he
gained support from Abraham Lincoln himself. In the speech that Douglass gave on
July 5th it talked about how he does not care about 4rth of July because it s a
holiday slaves can not celebrate because those who celebrate it were the masters of
the slaves. Frederick Douglass was so determined to end slavery that he even
questioned the significance of the country and their independence. He wanted to
show slave owners and the American people that since he was darker colored he
did not have the same rights nor could he celebrate a holiday so dear to the
American and feel the same and proud to be
The River In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha
The river in Siddhartha can also symbolize the unity of the self. In the book,
Siddhartha s main goal is to find peace and nirvana. He goes far and beyond just to
experience the divine of complete mental peace. After years of working hard,
Siddhartha finally reaches his goal, His self had merged into unity... There shone on
his face the serenity of knowledge, of one who is no longer confronted with a
conflict of desires... Belonging to the unity of the people (136). As Siddharthalistens
and pays more attention to the river, he is going through all the memories of his life
and all he heard were the voices of many merge into the voice of one, and that word
was Om. This is the moment that Siddhartha s self has merged into unity. Siddhartha
s mind is much more free of stress and horrors.... Show more content on ...
To clarify his doubt that Siddhartha has reached Nirvana and so Govinda kisses
Siddhartha and in this very same moment touched with his lips. And, Govinda saw
it like this, this smile of the mask, this smile of oneness above the flowing forms,
this smile of simultaneousness above the thousand births and deaths, this smile of
Siddhartha was precisely the same, was precisely of the same kind as the quiet,
delicate, impenetrable, perhaps benevolent, perhaps mocking, wise, thousand fold
smile of Gotama, Siddhartha (152). After Siddhartha, achieved Nirvana, when
Govinda touches Siddhartha, the oneness which feels like many different people
to Govinda, but he, later on, realizes that it is just one voice which is Om. This
oneness is symbolized by the river, the water of which goes through its own life
cycle. It starts in the river and its ultimate goal is to become water vapor and after the
goal is reached, it returns back to the start and the cycle goes on. This cycle of the
river relates to Siddhartha s life as he goes through a cycle of life as
Theodore Roosevelt s Influence
Theodore Roosevelt lived through many things, experienced great events, and
lead country changing movements. From the days where he was called Teedie by
his siblings to him taking on the role of becoming our country s leader, it s safe to
say that there were many aspects of his life to look at. The years 1889 to 1900 in
his life were fundamentally the building blocks of his presidency and his many other
successes. Had it not been for these essential years, then Theodore Rooseveltmay
have not been the great historical figure that we view today. Although his
presidency decade is seen as the most influential, his military service decade is the
most superior compared to the other decades because these were the years where
he was appointed the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, lead the Rough Riders in the
Spanish American War, and was elected governor of New York. Primarily,
Roosevelt s influence began to rise when he was first appointed the Assistant
Secretary of the Navy. A paper done on Roosevelt s time in the Navy says, Roosevelt
was rewarded for his diligent service when President William McKinleymade him the
assistant to the Secretary of the Navy in 1896. While holding this position, Roosevelt
pushed President William McKinley to declare war on Spain... Show more content on ...
An article on Roosevelt s term as governor says, As governor, he improved labor
laws, outlawed racial segregation in public schools, and advanced park and
forestry programs ( Theodore Roosevelt ). This shows that even as a governor,
Roosevelt pushed to better the country as much as he could with the power that he
had. Later, this leads to TR becoming vice president, and soon after, assuming
presidency. Had it not been for these crucial points of advancement in his years of
military service, he wouldn t have become one of the greatest presidents to lead the
Organic Home Vs Manufactured Home Case Study
Manufactured Modular Homes in Dension, Iowa Why is Ida Grove Homes right
for you? Everyday people just like you search for that perfect dream home. At Ida
Grove Homes, we ve made it that search a little easier. Whether you re looking for
a new manufactured home or modular home, we can accommodate your needs in
Dension, IA. With over 20 years of experience, our experts can assist you from the
design process to the finish product. We can find a home that fits your lifestyle while
staying within your budget. Modular vs. Manufactured Homes: Know the Difference
If you need help trying to choose between modular and manufactured homes, here is
a list of differences between the two types of homes. Modular Homes Highly durable
Can be more
How Does Michael Jackson Affect Society
Overview of album and artist historical and social context
Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29,1958 June 25, 2009) was an African American
singer, songwriter, and dancer. Currently known as the King of Pop, his
contributions to music and dance made him a global figure in pop culture for over
three decades.
Jackson s 1982 album Thriller is the best selling album of all time. His other albums,
including Off the Wall (1979), Bad (1987) and Dangerous (1991) also rank among
the world s best selling albums. Jackson is one of the few artists to have been placed
into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice.
Thriller is the sixth studio album by Michael Jackson. It was released on November
30, 1982, by Epic Records, briefly after Jackson s other album ... Show more content
on ...
These songs were; Wanna be startin something, Baby be mine, The girl is mine,
Thriller, Beat it, Billie Jean, Human nature, P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing) and The Lady
in my Life.
Thriller allowed Michael Jackson to eradicate racial barriers in music, shown on
his MTV appearances and meeting the President of the United States (Ronald
Reagan at the time). Thriller was ranked number 20 on the rolling stone magazine s
Greatest 500 Albums of all time in 2003. According to Sony, Thriller album has now
sold approximately 104 million copies worldwide, making it the world s biggest
selling album of all time.
In 1981, African Americans were not entirely welcome to the white only stations and
therefore, had to resign themselves due to their thought that their music was seen to
be race music and had no place in mainstream. On the other hand, Michael Jackson
never saw his music as limited to race and ethnicity , it had no boundaries for him.
However, this music was quite threatening to the white establishment and it formed
feelings of hatred towards the African Americans.
Michael Jackson destroyed the notion that there were limitations for a black person .
There was no such thing and the staunch ideas of preventing what African Americans
could do were artificially
African Slave Trade Research Paper
The African slave trade was a product of a huge venture that lasted for more than
three centuries. Over millions of Africans crossed the three thousand mile Atlantic
Ocean into North and South Americas to become slaves of labor, considerably to
be the largest forced migration ever in history. Where they would be put to work
under the most horrific conditions ever. By the seventeen hundreds the trip across
the Atlantic came to be known as the middle passage. In the early sixteen century
Portuguese seafarers conducted the slave trade but it was on a very small scale.
Only to satisfy a tiny market in Portugal and Spain, the other European nations had
no need for slaves since their work labor was already too large. Portugal and Spain
dominated... Show more content on ...
Portugal and Spain shipped about two thousand Africans per year to the American
colonies. After 1713 the ships of England controlled the slave trade. The English
drastically changed the way Africans were brought over to the America s. Instead
of the usual two thousand per year brought over by the Spanish and Portuguese,
the English were bringing an estimate of about twenty thousand a year. It did not
come close to when the trade was at its peak when they reached up to fifty
thousand per year during the 1790s. The numbers more than doubled, due to
increase of profit made by the Americas of using slave labor and producing cash
crops that were being distributed throughout the world. The profits were just
piling in having the use of slaves which were stripped from their rights as humans,
and being looked upon as nothing more than property of one s owner. Slaves were
coming to the America s by ships. Once these slave ships arrived the African slaves
were then boarded and shipped off to the America s. The size of the ship was
measured in tonnage; a better way to look at it was two heads per ton. Eventually
the ships got bigger to be able to hold more weight and bring more
A Report On The Management Of A Training Program
US 5615 Discussion Board Ten You are contemplating correcting the lack of
knowledge of noise damage to people in your organisation and are contemplating
the use of a training programme such as the one enclosed with this Module (i.e.,
Preventing Noise Induced Hearing Loss). Prepare a report to the management of
your organisation describing the necessity of implementing a corrective action
such as this and the likely benefits. Shane Dufaur Dominion Salt CEO 89 Totara
Street Mt Maunganui Tauranga 3116 1.Summary 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Background 1.3
Recommendations. 2.Overview of methods 2.1 Method of research for the report.
3.Summary of Employers responsibilities under the Health and Safety in
Employment Act 1992 with respect to noise. 3.1 Providing a safe workplace. 3.2
Preliminary Noise Surveys; Identifying Noise Hazards. 3.3 Elimination, Isolation
or Minimising. 3.4 Monitoring the Health Effects of Noise. 3.5 Training and
Education. 3.6 Regulation 11 Noise. 4.Conclusion 1.1 Purpose. The purpose of
this report is to provide you as the CEO on Dominion Salt LTD (DSL) a proposal to
ensure that DSL is preventing harm to DSL s employees with regard to Noise
Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) in the Workplace. 1.2 Background. Dominion Salt is a
world leading manufacturer and supplier of salt products, including pharmaceutical,
food, agricultural and industrial grade salt. Exporting to a worldwide market,
delivering a premium
Dual Nature
The Dual Nature of Jesus expressed through His life, teachings, death, and
resurrection Throughout history, people around the world have had many different
views on Jesus Christ. Some people are devoted Christians and claim He is the one
who came to save the world from the fall of man introduced by Adam. Other people
are not sure who He is and have been trying to figure out who JesusChrist is. While
others just do not believe in the teachings and the life of Jesus Christ. Secular
historical texts and looking into the Bible, there is evidence that Jesus Christ was
here on earth and not just a made up fictional character. Jesus is Godand, in the flesh,
came to save the human race from this sinful world.
Part One: The life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus
In ... Show more content on ...
A relationship is strengthened by reading the Bible, spending time in prayer, and
giving praise for everything to God. We cannot find our true identity in Christ until
we build that relationship with Jesus and get to know Him. By spending time in
prayer each day with Jesus, we see that we are no longer stuck in the sinful world
we live in, but we see that God is truly on our side. When we keep developing that
relationship with God, He starts to share with us what are purpose is in this life
before we get to Heaven. Along with sharing what He wants us to do, He will show
us the correct path to take to achieve our mission. By building a relationship with
God, we gain strength through him, and he will give us that strength to finish the
work He started in us. By accepting God into our hearts we will live forever in
Heaven with Him, will learn to handle the troubles of this world this is all made
possible, because we have the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords on our side and
we can do anything through Him! That is why it is so important to worship God in
everything you
The Importance Of Friendships In High School
I lifted my backpack off of the sidewalk and kissed my mother goodbye. As I turned
to walk away she quickly grabbed my arm and twisted me around. She pulled me
in closer and softly said to me, Remember our golden rule, treat others the way you
would want to be treated and they will treat you the same. I applied the Golden Rule
every year, from the beginning of kindergarten to the end of 8th grade. The golden
rule taught me how to build friendships, see the best in people, openly accept them
for how they come, and love them for who they are. Throughout the years the
golden rule stopped being a rule and started to become a part of me. Little did I know,
there was a downside to it. It was during my first year of high schoolwhen I realized
that you could treat people the way you would like to be treated but that doesn t
mean they re obligated to treat you the same. I opened the car door, turned to blow
my mother a quick kiss goodbye and began making my way through the front doors
of the high school. I was excited to reunite with my classmates but as I walked into
the cafeteria, I noticed that everyone divided into different tables. After the first few
weeks, I slowly began to notice that these tables turned into different cliques. People
started isolating themselves within these new cliques and stopped communicating
with people from other cliques. Things were different; it was as if the golden rule
never existed. Instead of treating others with kindness and accepting

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  • 1. Mba Essay Examples Crafting an essay on the topic of "MBA Essay Examples" can be a challenging task that demands a combination of creativity, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. MBA essays typically require a unique blend of personal reflection, academic prowess, and a keen awareness of one's career goals. The difficulty arises from the need to strike a delicate balance between showcasing your achievements and demonstrating a profound understanding of the key principles of business and management. Moreover, MBA essays often necessitate a thoughtful exploration of your experiences, both professional and personal, and how they have shaped your aspirations. Researching and selecting appropriate examples that effectively convey your skills and accomplishments can be time-consuming. It requires a meticulous approach to ensure that each anecdote or instance aligns with the overall narrative you aim to present. Additionally, crafting a compelling essay involves careful consideration of language, tone, and structure to engage the reader and leave a lasting impression. Furthermore, the pressure to stand out in a competitive pool of applicants adds an extra layer of difficulty. Admissions committees often review numerous essays, so it's crucial to make yours memorable and distinctive. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "MBA Essay Examples" is no easy feat. It demands a thoughtful blend of introspection, research, and effective communication. However, the end result can be a powerful representation of your capabilities and aspirations in the business world. For those seeking assistance with such essays, various resources are available. Similar essays and more tailored writing support can be explored on platforms like, where professionals can provide guidance to help you navigate the complexities of MBA essay writing. Mba Essay ExamplesMba Essay Examples
  • 2. Shooting At Columbine High School Abstract This paper focuses on the idea of prevention of bullying and school violence. It also takes a look at the events leading up to the shooting at Columbine High School. Could the tragedy have been prevented? If so, how? These boys most likely had serious mental illness. According to Cullen (2004) Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were radically different individuals, with vastly different motives and opposite mental conditions. The boys were also severely bullied for being different than their peers. Make Beats not Beat Downs (2009) made the observation that 86% of students said, other kids picking on them, making fun of them or bullying them causes teenagers to turn to lethal violence in the schools. We need to work together in order to bring an end to bullying and school violence. Why is it that we do not take action until tragedy strikes? A school should be one of the safest environments for a child or young adult to be in. Schools should be working harder to inforce bully free zones. Bullies are what causes students to feel that they need to take out all their anger on others, and sometimes those results are catastrophic. ... Show more content on ... Baezelon (2013) says that Bullying is a particular form of harmful aggression, linked to real psychological damage, both short and long term. A bully is someone who feels the need to pick on others, sometimes due to his or her own inferiority. There are four different types of bullying. Physical bullying is any type of physical harm to someone, such as hitting, kicking, or pushing. Verbal bullying is putting someone down through words some examples are name calling or insults. Indirect Bullying is gossiping or spreading rumors with the intention to hurt the victim. Cyber Bullying is hurting someone through social media. (Make Beats not Beatdowns,
  • 3. Bolivia Outline than in any other country in the world. Many still speak Quechua, the language of the Incas. In 1975, Quechua was made one of the official languages. THE SOUTHERN COUNTRIES OF SOUTH AMERICA 8.4 I. Bolivia A. General information 1. Bolivia has two capital cities: La Paz (the administrative capital) and Sucre (the judicial capital). 2. Bolivia has three official languages: Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara. 3. Bolivia is a landlocked nation because it has no access to the oceans. 4. It was named in honour of independence fighter Simon Bolivar. 5. Two mountain chains run the length of Bolivia: the Cordillera Occidental, which has many active volcanoes and Cordillera Oriental which is covered with thick forests. 6. Most people live in the west on the Altiplano, a plateau between the two mountain ranges. On the northernmost end of the Altiplano is Lake Titicaca on the boarder of Peru and Bolivia. ... Show more content on ... The eastern area is lowland tropical forests in the Amazon River basin. 8. Vicunas (a relative of the llama), llamas, alpacas, and condors (vulture) are all found in Bolivia. Llamas are used as pack animals and for meat and fleece. The alpacas are better for fleece. 9. There are two main people groups: Mestizos, a mixed Spanish and Amerindian ancestry and Ameridians Quechua and Aymara. 10. Salar de Uyuni in southwest Bolivia is the world s largest salt flats. It is larger than Nova Scotia. From the flats they gather the following: a. Sodium b.
  • 4. The Impact Of Divorce On Family Introduction The words from the Bible, therefore, what God has joined together, let no man separate have been habitually used during weddings throughout history. Stepping into the 21st century, those words have not been faithfully lived up to, evident through the numerous counts of divorces in society. Divorce can be defined as the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court order and in this generation, is seen as the norm. Apart from race, other major predictors of divorce include age at marriage, education, premarital births and religion. (Bartolic, Martin, White, 2013). Divorce often tends to be thought of in a monolithic way, as if everyone who gets a divorce goes through the same process. The impact of divorce on the well being of children have been notoriously viewed with a negative lens for many years due to possible risk factors that may affect children and their upbringing as they navigate through life as their parents separate. However, families have the ability to strengthen and bounce back even stronger with more knowledge through these experiences. This paper thoroughly discusses the impacts of divorce and its effects on family structure and the ways in which families can collectively work together to overcome crises and be resilient. This includes the many protective factors that help families overcome their challenges and adversities such as positive social interactions, personal protective factors, and belief systems in which all of these aspects encompass
  • 5. The Rights and Ethics of Employees with Respect to Privacy... Dania Afif El Achmar The Rights and Ethics of Employees with Respect to Privacy at Work Widespread use of electronic communications media such as e mail and information resources such as the Internet has prompted many employers to engage in electronic surveillance of their employees. Employers are monitoring and even recording employees personal phone calls, e mails, and workplace conversations. Video cameras are trained on employee parking lots, break areas, and other parts of the workplace. Today s employers have the legal right to conduct search and seizure of employees personal property; monitor the employee s telephone calls, workplace computer, Internet, fax use, and e mail; perform employee drug testing; and conduct investigation... Show more content on ... Furthermore, organizations that set up systems to facilitate monitoring even if they do not actually monitor their employees breach the control and unrestricted access that employees have over their own information, and thus the employees privacy. There are, to be certain, certain legitimate reasons for monitoring employees. The ethics of employee surveillance and violation of privacy are compounded by employers demands. Companies that appreciate having employees that are willing to work long hours should be accommodating when those employees have to make personal arrangements over the phone or the Internet. It is unethical and unreasonable to expect employees to work overtime especially if they are salaried employees without allowing them to conduct brief personal business at work. It is also unethical for companies to expect employees to safeguard proprietary company information without providing equal protection for employees personal information. Why Violating Employee Rights Disadvantages Companies 1 Dania Afif El Achmar Companies firmly well established in a multitude of employee controls and monitoring practices may find it intimidating to consider allowing employees the autonomy to use electronic technologies without surveillance. Employees that are cognizant of employer monitoring may be unwilling to use the electronic systems available in the workplace anymore than is
  • 6. Mafalda Charlie Brown Mafalda: The Argentine Charlie Brown? In 1963, Argentine cartoon strip artist JoaquГn Salvador Lavado, better known as Quino, was commissioned to create a Peanuts esk advertisement for a brand of domestic appliances (Kuntz). To familiarize himself with Peanuts, American cartoon by Charles M. Schulz, Quino purchased all of the Peanutsbooks that he could find in Buenos Aires (Kuntz). After studying Schulz s work Quino adapted the general concept for an Argentine audience and Mafalda was born (Kuntz). Unfortunately the world did not meet Mafalda in 1963 through the ad campaign because the magazine that was going to publish the cartoons realized it was closet advertising (qtd in Kuntz). It would take another year before Mafalda made her debut in the Argentine magazine Primera Plana (Cosse). Mafalda went on to run parallel to Peanuts from 1964 to 1973 (Patten; Charles M. Schulz Museum). For the decade that they were both in print how do they compare to each other? Given that Quino originally based Mafalda of Peanuts in what ways are they similar and different? An... Show more content on ... In Charlie Brown the parents and teachers of the children are never shown (Charles M. Schulz Museum). The only interactions that the children have with adults in the comic strip show the adults saying mwa mwa mwa mwa (qtd in Molinari). In Mafalda it is the exact opposite with Mafaldas parents and teachers not only shown, but also play an integral part in the comic strip (see fig. 1). Quino shows Mafalda living in a normal world populated by both adults and children (Foster). The comparison makes Schulzs world seem strange that there are no adults, but only children. With Mafalda we see her parents and her little brother Guille, but the only family we see of Charlie Brown is his little sister Sally (Foster; Charles M. Schulz
  • 7. Editing And Compression In Memento, By Christopher Nolan A person s identity relies heavily on one s memories. How can one know who they are, if they cannot remember who they were and what they experienced to get to the present? In Memento, director Christopher Nolan highlights the importance of memory in forming one s identity. The movie follows a man named Leonard who is determined to track down and kill the man who raped and murdered his wife. Unfortunately, Leonard suffers from anterograde amnesia, meaning he can remember everything leading up to the incident, but he is incapable of forming memories of anything which occurred after his wife s death. Throughout his investigation, Leonard compensates for his handicap by writing himself notes which he tattoos on his body. But as Leonard s investigation moves forward, Leonard himself cannot. With his wife s death as his last memory, he finds himself out of sync with the rest of the world as his identity remains stuck in the past. In Memento, Nolan uses editing and mise en scene to reinforce the idea that a person s identity relies heavily upon their memories. One of the most outstanding film techniques in Memento is its use of editing. The scenes of the movie are sequenced in reverse chronological order, with the film beginning at the storyline s end and ending at its beginning. In doing this, Nolan is able to mimic an experience for the viewer which is similar to Leonard s anterograde amnesia. Without previous context for each scene, the audience is often unable to
  • 8. Things Fall Apart Chapter 9-11 Burke 1 Brittany Burke Ms. Le Advance English 2, Period 4 9 September, 2014 Chapters 10 and 11 Chapter Analysis In the fictional novel, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (1959), many things happened that included Okonkwo and any women and children. In these chapters Achebe writes about how the village is all gathered and put into a ceremonial gathering, the gathering is to administer justice. The egwugwu also known as the ancestral spirits, go to a secret house and get in trouble because no woman is supposed to step among the secret house. All of the women and their kids are horrified because they are afraid of the egwugwu. The first despute with the egwugwu includes a married couple and a few children. Uzowulu and Mgbafo said the egwugwu took their children. As this happens Uzowulu will not return the bride price. This makes Mgbafo angry and she leaves Uzowulu. He has to beg for her to return to him. The authors purpose for writing about marriage is to teach women and men in the world today how important it really is to stay loyal and not to do anything bad, or there will be consequences. Chapters 12 and 13 Chapter Analysis... Show more content on ... Most of the villagers all contribute by bringing food to the feast. In chapter 13 the death of Oguefi Ezeudu s death is announced to the entire village. Okonkwo remembers that the last time he had spoken to Ezeudu, it was when Ezeudu wanted to warn Okonkwo about Ikemefuna s death. The author writes this to foreshadow Ezeudu s death. By killing a clansman it is a crime against the earth goddess. Okonkwo must take him and his family into exile for seven years. With Okonkwo killing Ezeudu s son is not just a coincidence. It is more like a punishment for Ezeudu s violation of kinship
  • 9. The Philosophy And Practice Of Assessment Adam Crownover; Claire Schultz; Emma Thomas; Nancy Ward this is claire... i ve gone through and highlighted some areas that may have some issues... i ll offer a suggestion for rewording on the side Nancy: I am good with revising anything. I think we need to get all of the sources tied to the definitions first so as we are working, if we want to go back and look at the original source, we can. Definitions Relating to Assessment 1. Assessment: In education, assessment is used to refer to both the underlying philosophical framework and methods of measurement that are used to document or inform student readiness, progress towards objectives, and learning generally by stakeholders with potential implications for future actions. Allen, M. J. (2003). Assessing academic programs in higher education. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. Astin, A. Antonio, A. (2012). Assessment for excellence: The philosophy and practice of assessment in higher education. (2nd ed.). Plymouth, United Kingdom: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Assessment (n.d.). In The Glossary of Educational Reform. Retrieved from http:/ / Conley, D. (2015). A new era for educational assessment. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23(8), pp. 1 40. Schunk, D. H. (2011). Learning theories: An educational perspective 6th ed. Boston: Pearson. 2. Due process: Due process is the fundamental principle of fairness in all legal matters. Within education, due process is largely concerned
  • 10. Essay about Choosing the Best Sound Format for Production Choosing the Best Sound Format for Production There are many issues facing an audio professional who is considering getting into surround production, either for music, film, DVD, Internet, or multi media. Whether you are recording, mixing, editing, or mastering, there is a lot of information that you need to be comfortable with before you can succeed in surround sound. Although this collection is a good start, it is by no means an exhaustive list or in depth manual. Hopefully it will give you a well rounded introduction and good foundation on which to build the pursuit of your goals. There are a number of critical issues that seem to surface every time we talk about the ... Show more content on ... Some Dolby certified film stages alter this slightly and reference the surrounds to 82db. You would use pink noise and measure using C weighting and slow response. This is by no means a complete guide to setting up the monitoring in your room, but it s the basics to get you started. 5.1: spoken as five point one . This refers to a surround sound format consisting of 5 full range channels and one LFE channel (see the next entry). It consists of Left, Center, Right, Left Surround, Right Surround. 7.1. This is reminiscent of, but not exactly the same as the old 70mm soundtracks. The current 7.1 has L, C, R, LS, RS, and LFE like 5.1, but adds 2 more speakers behind the screen between the center and left, and between the center and right. These are referred to as LC and RC, or Left Center and Right Center. On large screens, this allows better tracking of dialog and effects, and more creative options for the mixers and director. The original 70mm 6 channel soundtrack had five across the front like 7.1, but no subwoofer and only mono surround. Some people have also suggested LFE: Low Frequency Effects. Typically you use a subwoofer in this application, the point one of 5.1. The channel does not necessarily have to be band limited, as in the option to use it as a height channel in DVD A, but when used as an LFE, it is of course for low frequency information. It is a discrete channel, not a
  • 11. Duluth Places Duluth has three main places to visit. Duluth has many opportunities to go and visit, whether it is to take a vacation or just passing through. The spots that many people visit are the Lift Bridge, Chalk Days, and the famous Glee sheen mansion. These three are the main points in Duluth because they are great places to make amazing memories. The Lift Bridge is a stupendous bridge that gets much attention from tourists. The past, structure, and the visitors all make up what is special about the Lift Bridge. History of the Lift Bridge starts off with the span beginning its life as an extremely rare transporter bridge. It was originally built in 1905. The Lift Bridge was then upgraded in 1929 to a vertical lift bridge, which is rather uncommon to most, and continues to... Show more content on ... The man who drew the designs for the bridge was John Low Waddell. The people of Duluth were eager to build the lift bridge, which would have been about 130 feet wide. However, the War Department declined the design that John Waddell made, and the project was canceled before it could be built. Waddell s design went on to be built in Chicago. New plans were later drawn up for a structure that would bring people from one side to the other. This type of bridge was first demonstrated in Bilbao s Vizcaya Bridge in 1893. The Lift Bridge was then finally completed in 1905. After the history is learned the structure is very important as well to know. The height of the Lift Bridge is 180 feet when completely raised and the length is 386 feet and weighs approximately 900 tons. The bridge is very similar to the only other one of its kind in the world, which is in Rouen, France. The last and most important thing that
  • 12. Starbucks-Part 1 Case Study Case 1 (Starbucks Part 1) a) The nature of Starbucks business is to generate income based on operating activities. When referencing the Statement of Cash Flows and looking at their operating activities, you can see that Starbucks generates $2,908.3M in net cash provided by operating activities. Investment is a significant item in this statement as well. The company spent $785.9M in investments in the year ending September 29th, 2013. Strong investment activities show that Starbucks is investing through buying and selling (Sales, maturities, and calls of investments $1,040.2M) and using their spare cash to invigorate future growth and fund future obligations. There is also heavy investment in property, plant, and equipment with additions totaling $1,151.2M. This type of investment show us that Starbucks is focused on expansion using cash from operations. They have a significant amount of cash coming in from operations, and money going out in PP E. The analyst should not be concerned that Starbucks is borrowing money for negative reasons, and they are looking very strong from an operating and investing standpoint. They are effectively earning income and turning it into cash. ________________________________________ b) Commonly prepared financial statements for external reporting purposes are: 1)Balance Sheet 2)Income Statement 3)Statement of Stockholders Equity 4)Statement of Cash Flows Starbucks Specific Financial Statements: Consolidated Statements of Earnings
  • 13. A Journal Article Review On The Effect Of Mindfulness... A Journal Article Review on the Effects of Mindfulness Meditation Mindfulness meditation is meditation lets feelings, thoughts, and sensations exists without judgement. It is meditation that does not focus on a single word, or mantra, one s breathing, or any one single thing (Tarrasch 2015). It is freedom to exist in the present place in time. Mindfulness meditation is important to study because it may have many positive effects in everyday life. These effects can go beyond just stress relief or a general clamming experience. Indeed, perhaps the most signiп¬Ѓcant outcome of mindfulness meditation is the capacity to adopt an observing self (Tarrasch 2015). Tarrasch (2015) said that the students used in the study were all female master s students enrolled in a course called Meditation: Theory, Research, and Practice at Tel Aviv University s School of Education. The method used for the study was journal article summaries from these students. The main body for this paper will provide information of the meditation practices used, explain the method of the experiment, and be a look at the changes experienced throughout the course. In the discussion, a review of the article will be presented. In the course many different forms of mindful meditation were used. Many were focusing on one s own breathing and letting thoughts flow freely without judgement, but other forms used that got significant time were yoga positions and imagining one s own safe place (Tarrasch 2015). As
  • 14. Social And Economic Issues Around Small Farms Since the founding of America, the small family farm has been a pillar of United States culture and economics. These small generational farms were known for molding very capable, independent families that were known for their morality, strong character, and high work ethic. Urbanization, industrialization, the growth of U.S. agribusiness, and other economic factors have slowly chipped away at the presence of the U.S. small family farm. Technology and mechanization developed by colleges, agribusinesses, and other government sponsored research programs have caused farm supply to increase exponentially while farm demand grows at roughly the rate of population growth. Most modern small farmsare too commodity focused to compete in niche... Show more content on ... Many of these younger workers often see farming as an antiquated profession and relatively unprofitable. The draw of higher education and the bright lights of city life are constant distractions pulling them away from the less exciting rural life of farming. Without a generation of farmer to replace the last many small farms are sold and developed commercially or absorbed by larger commodity driven farms that surround them. Technological advancements have been a strong driver of change in agriculture over the last 100 years. Technology is, in fact, the key force driving the shift of farm activities off farms (Smith, 1992, p. 8). After the World Wars, mechanical advancements were made at a rapid pace. Advances in mechanization and increasing availability of chemical inputs led to ever increasing economies of scale that spurred rapid growth in average farm size, accompanied by an equally rapid decline in the number of farms and in the farm and rural populations (Dimitri, Effland, Conklin, 2005, p. 6). Essentially, the use of mechanization has dramatically increased the supply of agricultural products while also drastically reducing the size of the necessary workforce. The amount of capital used per farmworker increased 15 times between 1930 and 1980, permitting a fivefold increase in the amount of land cultivated per farmer (McConnell,
  • 15. The Hero s Journey In The Alchemist The Hero s Journey is a pattern created by the American mythologist Joseph Campbell and is a path that every hero must take in order for them to pursue their personal legend as Paulo Coelho describes in The Alchemist, a hero can be a human, animal or a magical creature. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines archetype as the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies ( archetype ). During this path, the herowill encounter different obstacles that will prevent him/her from achieving their destiny.Coco is a movie that talks about a Mexican tradition that celebrates dead called Dia de Los Muertos. Throughout the movie, we see families coming together, so they can honor and remember the family... Show more content on ... Campbell states, that Master of Two Worlds The hero returns home or continues the journey, bearing some element of the treasure that has the power to transform the world as the hero has been transformed (Campbell Hero). Miguel is able to return to the land of the living before sunrise with the blessing of his dead ancestor. After returning from the land of the death Miguel reunites with his family, a year has passed sense Miguel adventure. The family now has accepted music back into their lives and has continued with the celebration of Dia de Los Muertos, but has also added grandma Coco picture to the family
  • 16. A Brief Note On The Nepalese Music Band Nepalese Music Band: Nepathya Nepathya is a music band that was formed in the early 1990s. In 1990, nine young boys started a band from beautiful city called Pokhara, Nepal, which is now famous by the name Nepathya . They were nine different people but came together to achieve a goal, met at Kathmandu during their college and formed a Nepathya . At first, they used to sing in the concert in the street and in the restaurant. As time passed by they began to broadcast through radio. They started to begin famous among people. Later, in 1995 they released their first album named Tal ko Pani which was loved by the whole country. After that, they continued their journey of musicand till date they released 15 albums. Among them, Resham is the most popular song and also one of my best songs. In their struggling phase, the band only sang the folk song with the theme of nature and love, but as the time passed they started singing the song based on patriotism, peace, and issue of the country. They started their career by singing the song that focuses on love and nature because the type of song they used to sing mostly loved by the audience. They sang a song which is more oriented to the audience. At the time of the civil war, people were concerned about their own and their families security. As the environment changed people changed the theme of the song. The band member started to sing patriotism song as the effect of the civil war in the life of the common people. Through
  • 17. Ap European Exploration Dbq Analysis Between the 1450 1750, European states began to embark on a series of global explorations that prompted a new chapter in world history. It was known as the Age of Discovery, or the Age of Exploration, this period spanned the fifteenth through the early seventeenth century, during which time European expansion to places such as the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Competition between European empires, such as Spainand England, fueled the evolution and advancement of overseas exploration and European empires during this period expanded greatly. The economic, political, and cultural effects of Europe s global exploration impacted both European society and the entire world. The reactions to European explorations in different parts of the world was ... Show more content on ... The first document is written by Antonio Vazquez de Espinosa which shows the mite system of Indians. The Indians have to serve each and every year with great losses and gaps in the quotas of Indians (Document 6). The author of this document was a Spanish missionary friar possibly hired by Queen Isabella of Spain. She actually decreed that the Indians to be treated as subjects of the Spanish empire, and would therefore have the same rights as citizens, although this was almost immediately ignored which led to the brutal killing of most.The European explorations has caused many of the villages to become depopulated and many Indians were brutally abused. Antonio Vazquez de Espinosa was a Spanish friar of the Discalced Carmelites originally from Jerez de la Frontera whose Compendio y DescripciГіn de las Indias Occidentales has become a source of detail for the history of South America. The second document is written by Tokugawa Iemitsu which shows five rules that are strict due to the European explorations (Document 7). The author s purpose of this document was to show that these foreign politics policy must be followed by all Japanese people or consequences will occur. The Japanese are negatively impacted as there are now rules of forbidding Japanese ships to leave for foreign countries, no one is allowed to go aboard and if anyone did, they were put to death. Iemitsu ruled
  • 18. Death in Cross Cultural Perspectives Death in cross cultural perspectives Death is inevitable part of human experience, which is often associated with fear of unknown, separation, and spiritual connection. Death is an individual experience, which is based on unique perceptions and beliefs. Fear of death and dying seems to be a universal phenomenon, which is closely associated with apprehension and uneasiness. Death is allied with permanent loss, thus personal experiences of grief are similar in many different cultures. There are different mourning ceremonies, traditions, and behaviors to express grief, but the concept of permanent loss remains unchanged in cross cultural setting. With this paper I will identify cross cultural perspectives on death and dying, and will analyze ... Show more content on ... Spiritual connection with the dead is also one of the important elements of Latino culture, which is demonstrated by frequent gravesite visits and praying to spirits. Death is always associated with separation, which leads to sorrow, and grief; however cultural perceptions and beliefs help to look at death from a different perspective and perceive death as a natural state that can be approached with love, respect, dignity, and tremendous family support. Latino culture supports their dying people during the last journey, and believes in afterlife, which gives them hope and helps to overcome unbearable grief of permanent loss. Death rituals in Africa African culture demonstrates a strong connection with deceased person, and believes that only a correct burial will bring a dead person peace. People in Africa strongly believe in spiritual life, thus their main goal during burial ceremonies is to address a spirit of a deceased person. An African funeral begins with removal of the body from home, which is done through a previously made hole in the wall of the home. Africans remove a dead body through the hole, instead of a door, to confuse a spirit and make sure that a spirit of a deceased person will not return back home, as a hole in the wall is immediately closed after removal of the body. In effort to confuse a spirit even more, they place thorns and sticks in a zigzag pattern along the way as body being taken to the place of burial.
  • 19. East-Midland English A project in theoretical phonetics of English Shcherbakova Natalia, group 01 Contents: 1.Introduction 2.English in East Midlands 1.Vowels 2.Consonants 3.Word Stress 4.Sentence rhythm and intonation 3.Conclusion 4.List of references Introduction East Midlands, general facts The East Midlands, in its broadest sense, is the eastern part of central England (and therefore part of the United Kingdom as well). The East Midlands covers three major landscape areas: The relatively flat coastal plain of Lincolnshire, the river valley of the Trent, the third largest (and longest) river in England, and the southern end of the Pennine range of hills in Derbyshire. The second of these contains several large cities: Nottingham, ... Show more content on ... Lincolnshire also has a marked north south split in terms of accent. The north shares many features with Yorkshire, such as the open a sound in car and park or the replacement of take and make with tek and mek. The south of Lincolnshire is close to Received Pronunciation, although it still has a short Northern a in words such as bath. In Northamptonshire, crossed by the North South isogloss, residents of the north of the county have an accent similar to that of Leicestershire and those in the south an accent similar to rural Oxfordshire. The town of Corby in northern Northamptonshire has an accent with some originally Scottish features, apparently due to immigration of Scottish steelworkers. It is common in Corby for the GOAT set of words to be pronounced with . This pronunciation is used across Scotland and most of Northern England, but Corby is alone in the Midlands in using it п‚ћ East Midlands accents are generally non rhotic, instead drawing out their vowels, resulting in the Midlands Drawl, which can to non natives be mistaken for dry sarcasm. Old and cold may be pronounced as owd and cowd (rhyming with loud in the West Midlands and ode in the East Midlands), and in the northern Midlands home can become wom . The West Midlands accent is often described as having a
  • 20. George Orwell s The Great Gatsby Introduction: January 1882, eleven men, though one still a boy, set sail across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a better life. After reaching port in New York City, spending their first night in a tavern, and numberless other difficulties over the course next year these men send notice to the rest of their town of the wonders of America. With the arrival of more and more Rosetans the group began to buy develop land until they built a town. They named it Roseto after their former town which showed surprising prosperity. Roseto would have gone largely unnoticed if not for one man, Stewart Wolf. Wolf a physician from Oklahoma told of low heart disease in Roseto decided to investigate. What he found was shocking, In Roseto, no one under... Show more content on ... For example of the twenty one players of the national Junior Soccer team of Czechoslovakia fifteen of them were born between January first and March thirtieth, four between the months of April first and June thirtieth, and only two between the months that follow none after September. With similar patterns occur in the sports of Baseball and Hockey. One may ask what is the significance of these early birthdays and sporting success. One would have two trace back to the beginning of one s sporting carrier to discover the answer. The typical cut off for age groups in sporting leagues is January first. Children playing sports with birthdays closer to the first typically do better due to maturity. This slight advantage leads them to getting better training and coaching and ultimately giving them a bigger advantage. This advantage grows until the later birthdays simply cannot keep up. The early birthdays grow up to become All Stars while the later birthdays are left in the dust. This multiple sport scenario unequivocally proves success is not determined by personal qualities but by small advantages that grow into large ones. 3.In an early 1990 s experiment psychologists K. Anders Ericsson separated a school of violinists into three groups. Good students who had talent on the violin but would not have any carrier in it, Better who had somewhat better skills than the good class, and
  • 21. Business, Sustainability And The Natural Environment Business, Sustainability and the Natural Environment, Daniel Katz During the past 25 years, awareness of the environment has increased tremendously. Non profit organizations look beyond institutional goals, and instead, try to find a shared vision that works for everyone in the society. Our society needs to stop consuming as if we have an infinite planet; we have to have integrity for the world we live in because the natural resources that have been sustaining us will not last forever. Companies need to evolve with the modern age and changing consumer market. For example, Netflix never thought they would produce their own shows, however, with the changing consumer market, they have done just that. Also, NGO s sometimes have to partner with bigger for profit companies in order to target a larger consumer base, thus, solidifying the fact that the for profit and non profit sector have to team together in order to sustain the environment in which we inhabit. Business, Sustainability and Poverty, Jacqueline Novogratz This plenary begins by stating that a financial crisis occurs when people in the markets do not trust each other. Trust is what makes a society fair. Corruption flourishes upon weaknesses in economic, political, and social institutions, and this diverts economic growth by eroding the quality of public goods. In this age, income equality has increased across countries due to globalization and technology; however, income inequality within countries has increased as
  • 22. The Breakdown of Ithaka In the lands of Pylos and Sparta, the kingdoms are prospering and in the favor of the gods. However, in Ithaka, the kingdom is falling to pieces. Why are the kingdoms so different in their success? Homer puts these three kingdoms side by side in The Odyssey, making it easy to find similarities and differences between the three. Pylos and Sparta, ruled by Nestor and Menelaos, could not be more successful. Ithaka, currently has no king in its throne and chaos is resulting from the battle for the coveted seat. Compared to the kingdoms of Nestor and Menelaos, Ithaka is breaking down from the loss of order and their leader, Odysseus. Sparta and Pylos are successful, thriving kingdoms, so what makes Ithaka break down? Menelaos has a mansion that is the way the court of Zeus must be (4.72). He has no end of riches, and Sparta is prospering right along with him. Menelaos rules with compassion and this makes him a great ruler. In Pylos, Nestor sacrifices an impressive heifer for Athena; his goldsmith gloved each horn in a pure foil beaten out of the gold that Nestor gave him (3.437 438). This costly sacrifice is no expense, because Pylos is a wealthy country. Also, what is added to the success of Pylos, is the great rule of Nestor. He is a wise and generous soul, who strides to keep his kingdom under the favor of the gods. Athena truly favors Nestor in which she wishes honor to Nestor and his sons (3.58). There is no mortal half so wise (1.64) as Odysseus, the ruler of
  • 23. Yellowfin Bream Research Paper Bream notes species /yellowfin bream Yellowfin bream Distribution Yellowfin bream are found along the NSW coast, as well as in Queensland and Victoria. Bream inhabit estuaries up to the brackish water limit (the change from salt to freshwater) and inshore rocky reef habitats near ocean beaches and rocky headlands Size Maximum weight of 4kg and a length of 60 cm. Characteristics Yellowfin bream have a silver to olive green body with yellowish pectoral, ventral and anal fins. They are opportunistic feeders with their diet including small crabs, prawns, molluscs, pipis and small fish. Confusing species Black bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri) are found in NSW waters up to the Myall Lakes though are more common in Victoria and the south of the state. Yellowfin bream have a deeper body and a higher snout than black bream and have yellow ventral fins. Tarwhine have rounded, convex heads and a gold spot on each scale giving the fish a series of longitudinal bands. Tarwhine are found along the coast of New South Wales.
  • 24. Reasons to Join the Revolutionary War as Portrayed in The... Colonialists were in search of a better life in the newly discovered land of the Americas. Ties with their mother country of Britannia, over three thousand miles away, resulted in miscommunication and arguments. Eventually these arguments and miscommunications lead to the Revolutionary War, provoking many American Colonists to join the Continental Army. Each soldier from the militia to the regular recruits had reasons to fight; many of these reasons were influenced by the first Age of Enlightenment and other reasons were formed by personal experiences with the conflicts of Britannia and the American Colonies. The movie, The Patriot, presented many reasons that are supported by major historical documents, such as the Declaration of... Show more content on ... James Thatcher, an American militia soldier for the Continental Army, kept a journal of his thoughts and feelings. His journal shows that he was also disgusted by the Brittanian claim to rule the colonies as the only supreme and uncontrollable legislative power, (John Thatcher January) when he said that the people of these colonies consider themselves as British subjects, entitled to all the rights and privileges of Freemen. It is inseparably essential to the freedom of a people, and the undoubted right of Englishmen, that no taxes be imposed on them but with their own consent, given personally or by their representatives, (John Thatcher January). This crime against the American s natural rights was Thatcher s reason for joining the Continental Army. John Thatcher s personal accounts, which many Continental Army man and militia would agree upon as their motives too, supports the movie and also shows the impact the first Age of Enlightenment had on the people in the American colonies. The Patriot also displays this during an assembly to decide whether South Carolina would help in the Revolutionary War by raising troops by levy. One reason presented in this scene is when a man says, Our rights are being threatened by a tyrant three thousand miles away. The rights this man is talking about is the natural rights they all believe
  • 25. The Role Of Women In The Renaissance, By Leon Battista... The role of women stood the same to everyone till the years of 1400 s when a new thinking process began, for people embarked a new role for women. During the years of 1400 s to 1600 s in Europe, the Renaissance sparked knowledge that spread to everyone and precipitated ideas that included individualism the beliefthat humans were thought to be just as important as God. Humanism established these beliefs, for it is studying the literature of the past and the faith of the past. The renaissance generated these humanism and individualism convictions, which caused men to begin to have confidence in themselves and build new innovations in the belief of their own power. With these influences, women started to be impacted and many people started to have several views of the role of women. These views commenced the debate over women that were analyzed with the belief of women empowerment, humanist thinkers, and religious leaders. Given these points, the belief of women empowerment viewed the role of women differently by promoting the idea that women should not feel suppressed by the power of men.. The Italian Humanist writer, Leon Battista Alberti, by being one of these believers included that a woman s role is not just by the appearance but by the way a woman s personality and character (doc 2). Battista Alberti shows this belief by sharing his views on the beauty of women and demonstrating that women can look pretty, but what actually makes her beautiful is her modesty, conduct,
  • 26. Challenges And Opportunities For The Government Digital... Every invention is faced by challenges and opportunities, which need to be taken into consideration. Innovation doesn t only look at having an idea but solving a solution to a problem and adapting ideas, which have already existed. Innovation is the specific tool for entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or service . (Joe Tidd, 1997) This essay will deliver an outline on the challenges and opportunities for the government digital service, in order to give a more reflective view, the essay will be fragmented into smaller segments, considering these questions in the case study that has been presented which can provide an easier way of understanding what opportunities and ... Show more content on ... Additional challenges in which the government digital services are facing is they are trying to make services digital only, however, not everyone has access to a digital devices such as smartphones, laptops or tablets to access digital services, therefore excluding the general public. By excluding the general public, the government digital service face the challenges of innovating the new service as it is not able to understand their needs fully, therefore cannot come with better ways of bridging the gap between the government and the citizens who are excluded from it. Furthermore, another challenge in which is facing the government digital service is shifting the website onto a more mobile platform such as smartphones due to the fragile nature of the data being handled on an app, there is an issue of data being stored and handled securely. This affects the aim of the GDS, as it wants to provide the services in an easier and faster method. It can be disputed with the rise of smartphones, it would be the most effected if it didn t have an issue of trust. This would be an innovative challenge, as you cannot exploit the gap in the market for mobile devices. Opportunities regarding the government digital service can be examined through services such as open data, as it allows a combination of different sources to be accessible to the government. Instead of duplication of the data, it will enable the data to be utilized in a more effective manner. It can
  • 27. Character Analysis Of Holden Caulfield In The Catcher In... Friendships are like goals; they are easy to make but difficult to keep. J.D Salinger s character Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye is a lonesome sixteen year old. Salinger s novel follows the story of Holden as he tries to rescue children s innocence from being lost to the crippling world of adulthood. Although he perceives his friends as fake, Holden tries to flatter his roommate Stradlater and old friend Sally Hayes into becoming a person like Jane Gallagher: someone that will listen to him. Ward Stradlater is Holden s smug roommate at Pencey Prep. Conceited yet friendly, Holden often dismisses his roommate s phoniness because Stradlater is capable of having a little intelligent conversation with Holden. While tap dancing, Holden jokes, I m the goddamn Governor s son (Salinger, 34). Stradlater laughs, proving that he can understand Holden s unique sense of humor. Only around Stradlater, Mr. Antolini and Phoebe, does Holden ever expose his aloof side, as he knows that they will be able to appreciate Holden s wit. Contrarily, Holden reigns a superior attitude over those he does not think are intelligent, such as his next door neighbor, Robert Ackley. However, the approachable behavior Stradlater exhibits causes Holden to seek more of his attention. For instance, he decides to write Stradlater s English composition. Before agreeing to the task, a shocked Holden marvels, I m the one that s flunking out of the goddamn place, and you re asking me to write you a goddamn composition (Salinger, 32). Afterwards, Holden asks Stradlater about what he should write his assignment on; this indicates that Holden does not care if he writes Stradlater a faulty paper, he just wants to charm him. Moreover, Holden later wonders, I wished I knew who d swiped my gloves at Pencey, because my hands were freezing (Salinger, 99). Evidently, Holden does not appreciate lending his clothes or doing anyone favors, yet he is incredibly generous with Stradlater. Holden gives Stradlater his hound s tooth jacket despite knowing that Stradlater will stretch it and then even writes his English composition. Satisfying Stradlater gains Holden his roommate s company, as a like minded individual s presence, is what Holder
  • 28. King Stephen King Reflection The video Stephen King on Childhood changed the way I look at things. He claims, the things that really scare us are the things that are going on just outside the spotlight that you can t quite see ( Stephen King on Childhood ). The video starts off with Stephen King talking about a day he was walking and came across a little girl on the side of the street drawing in the dirt talking to herself or an imaginary person. Then, he thoughtto himself, If I did that, somebody would come along and say there s a grown man sitting in the dirt, talking to himself to people who aren t there and drawing with a stick ( Stephen Kingon Childhood ). If I saw a grown man doing that, I would be a little creeped out. If a little kid was doing it, I would think that was a normal thing for kids to do. He is talking about how when we are kids, we can think, imagine, and dream about whatever we want because there are no limits. When we start growing up, we realize what reality is. We snap into this new mode and change the way we think, imagine, and dream. When I was a kid, I would think the most bizarre things, like when I would connect anything to a face, like cars, buildings, clouds, houses, etc. I would try to explain it to my parents they would think I was crazy and had no ideawhat I was talking about. Next, the interviewer, Thomas Smith, asks Stephen, Did you have a highly developed sense of evil yourself as a child or were you obsessed by the nature of evil? (Stephen King on Childhood). King then goes on to ask why people ask about his childhood. He does not remember having an unusual childhood. Then, because of him not remembering, something bad must have happened when he was a kid. King then goes on to talk about, I think a lot of people make the assumption that we block memories that are terrible. When I think what really happens is this: that we think in a different way as children. we tend to think around corners instead of in straight lines. sometimes for a kid, the shortest distance between two points is not a straight line and that s the way that we think and dream (Stephen King on Childhood). He says he uses this thought to connect childhood memories to his paranormal present time stories. I think that
  • 29. Education Is A Unique Experience For Every Child Who... Introduction Dr. Seuss once said, Don t give up. I believe in you all. A person s a person no matter how small. I believe education is a unique experience for every child who enters a classroom. Each child is unique and deserves a safe and secure classroom with a teacher full of passion for each child s education. After classroom experience and observing many inspiring educators, I have created a personal philosophy that includes goals for my students, a method for enacting the goals, and assessing students goals to ensure proper development of each student. I have a desire to support each student to reach their fullest potential. I strongly believe in every student and my students will know that. Goals for Student Learning The ... Show more content on ... I will encourage them to push beyond Bloom s knowledge level. Students will be demonstrating critical thinking. They will be immersed in different activities where they are making meaning and knowledge by asking questions, researching, inventing, and interacting. Students will make connections with the outside world. Students will also think creatively in order to make meaning on their own. Instead of seeking the teacher, students will make models to answer their own questions. Students need to know the importance of education. If they know the reason behind learning, then they will more likely participate in learning. Participating in learning is where students are actively engaged in the lesson. Students should be listening, participating in discussion, and giving positive feedback to their classmates. I want my classroom to be more student centered than teacher centered. Enactment of Goals In order to achieve the goals for student learning, I will use a variety of teaching methods in my classroom. I believe all students learn differently. Therefore, differentiating instruction is imperative to reach all learning styles. Lunenburg (2014) discusses how Gardner discovered that all students exhibit all nine intelligences, but some of them are stronger than others. I want to be able to focus on their stronger areas so they learn more, however; I want to focus on their weaker areas so they can reach their full potential. I
  • 30. Willie Lynch Letters Willie Lynch Letters The Willie Lynch Letter: The Making of a Slave was a document that was presented by a white slave owner William Lynch on the bank of the James River in 1712. This document was written to establish how they can keep the African Slaves enslaved for at least 300 years. William Lynch had foolproof plan to keep the Africans in what we call today the slave mentality . His main goal was to turn the slaves against one another. Even today the powerful speech still enslaves black people and turns us against our brothers and sisters On page 8 of the document he states I have outlined a number of differences among the slaves, and make them bigger. I use FEAR, DISTRUST, and ENVY for control purposes Willie Lynch use these... Show more content on ... We have yet to break out of this curse that Willie Lynch and the white slave owners have put upon us. The effects of Willie Lynch are apparent in the actions of blacks today including myself. The way I act and some of the small things I say come from the work of one man and the knowledge that he gave the white slave owners to train African slaves to act and think according to their will. Whether we want to believe if Willie Lynch was a real person or not it is apparent that the words lynch spoke still mentally enslaved the black people of
  • 31. Franz Fanon Decolonization 1) According to Frantz Fanon decolonization is a violent event. Explain what this claim means along with why Fanon supports it. According to Fanon, decolonization is the substitution of one species of mankind by another . (Fanon, 1) By species, Fanon refers to the colonist and another are the colonized. It is a violent event because it is the processes when colonized become independent from the colonizers. The consciousness of the colonized demands freedom and change of order. At the same time, the consciousness of the colonizers is terrified of the changes that the colonized might want. That is where we have a mismatch and the clash of ideas that turn into violence. He means that the colonists restrict the colonized with force, so this ... Show more content on ... By this logic, only philosophers can become a ruling class of the society because they are the most reasonable. (Plato, 119) The reason why a philosopher can become the best ruler is because they possess highly developed virtues and demonstrate high moral standards. They are more likely to be more rational and strive for the truth because they have a love for wisdom. They are more interested in knowledge rather than physical possessions, so they will serve the rest of the
  • 32. Annotated Bibliography Ernest Hemingway Therapy of Ernest Hemingway Rebecca McRunnel PSY 303: Abnormal Psychology Professor Hillary Locke August 13, 2015 I.Identifying Information Ernest Hemingway was born July 21, 1989 (Ernest Hemingway Biography, 2015). Ernest is a 40 year old white male, average build weighing no more than 180 pounds. He was born in Cicero, Illinois. Ernest is a heterosexual male, who enjoys the company of woman. Hemingway is an author of many novels and many publications within newspapers. II.Chief Complaint/Presenting Problem Ernest Hemingway was referred to me from Dr. John in regards to his explosive disorders and loss of sleep and appetite. Dr. John also said that he has feeling of suicide following the death of his father. Dr. John... Show more content on ... John. Through his referral we have discovered that Ernest has many mood changes and anger issues that are unresolved resulting in resentment from his father s suicide and his mother dressing him as a girl. Martha, Ernest wife, describes him as very violent tendencies, along with not sleeping or eating. He also has expressed thoughts that he will commit suicide like his father and two of his siblings. His thoughts are unstable and have many mood changes from happy to sad to angry with no reason. He was very angry with the reasons why I was asking his wife her experience with her husband. He showed that he could have violent behaviors through his yelling and expressed feelings of
  • 33. The First Occasion When We See Elizabeth The film begins with a sort of a preface, with Elizabeth as a young lady cruising with her dad Representative Swann and her future fiancee Lt Norrington, and in addition future privateer Mr. Gibbs. Representative Swann isn t only the legislative leader of Port Regal, he s the legislative head of Elizabeth, an occupation we see him commit more opportunity to than any genuine administering. The first occasion when we see Elizabeth, she s singing about privateers. She s acutely keen on the subject, far over the level of legitimacy, to the extent her dad and Norrington are concerned. Elizabeth is by all accounts weak and inactive among these men, however in actuality she sets the plot into movement by locating youthful Will Turner, lost adrift, and after that taking his emblem once he s brought on board Norrington s ship. It s practically as if Elizabeth, with her enthusiasm for privateers, has summoned a young man privateer out of the fog by her own particular will. The emblem is, obviously, one of the 882 bits of reviled Aztec gold that serves as the maguffin of Revile and drives its whole plot. (Elizabeth sees the emblem and finishes up, erroneously, that Will is a privateer. There is a great deal of backstory in Revile, the most confounded of which is the narrative of Will s dad, Bootstrap Bill, and how the emblem made it around youthful Will s neck. This story is complicated to the point that I needed to sit and watch the motion picture various times before
  • 34. When Do Opportunity Costs Count In the study When do opportunity costs count? The impact of vagueness, project completion stage, and management accounting experience , Victoravich asks the research question how two situational factors, vagueness of opportunity cost presentation and stage of project completion, affect individuals tendency to attend to opportunity costs? (2010) Opportunity costis a fundamental component of classical economic theory , and defined as the value of the next highest valued alternative use of that resource (Victoravich, 2010; Henderson, 2015). Opportunity costs are also known as trade offs. The motivation behind this study stems from the fact that prior studies investigating the impact of implicit versus explicit opportunity costs ,... Show more content on ... For the purposes of the study, Victoravich defines vagueness as a common pitfall of real world situations because decision makers do not have access to exact information about the costs and benefits of all available options (2010). In the way in which Victoravich presents prior research findings and constructs, there seems to a clear gray area. Victoravich s presentation showcases the importance and need of additional research in order to conducted to elaborate, clarify, and expanding on the previous findings and judgements. Victoravich s study incorporates prior findings and seeks to the supplement the shortcomings of the prior research studies, such as: Shortcomings of Previous Research: Prior research has typically presented opportunity costs in a precise manner, which is inconsistent with how they would appear in a realistic setting. Prior research has not investigated whether opportunity cost vagueness reduces decision makers tendency to attend to this relevant information. Prior research has yet to investigate the cognitive process by which attention to opportunity costs influences judgment and decision making and whether it has a decisional consequence. In the study When do opportunity costs count? The impact of vagueness, project completion stage, and management accounting experience , the conceptual constructs examined in are 1) Management Accounting Experience, 2)
  • 35. What Is Frederick Douglass s Determination Frederick Douglass holds many character traits ranging from courage to logical. But by far his most powerful character trait of all is his outstanding determination. Through the biography Frederick Douglass by Ed Combs (the author of Frederick Douglass) explains how Frederick was so determined to learn how to read and write in order to escape slavery. It also talks about his life as a housemaid and working on the plantation farms. Not only this even when he was a young boy and served as a housemaid he realized the only way to actually escape slavery and its effects was by becoming educated. The owner of Frederick Douglass s son in law s wife had taught him how to read and write (This was paraphrased from Frederick Douglass). This was a massive... Show more content on ... Frederick was broken, but what kept him going was his outstanding determination (This was paraphrased from Frederick Douglass). He talked about how this could change for the better because it was an insult to America since this country was supposed to be free. He had to escape the plantation farms and start a movement to end slavery. As he escaped, he moved to New York city where he continued to learn and published books and gave lectures and speeches on the reasons why slavery is unjust and is against the foundations of the American soil (This was paraphrased from Frederick Douglass). His determination lead to him being world famous and he gained support from Abraham Lincoln himself. In the speech that Douglass gave on July 5th it talked about how he does not care about 4rth of July because it s a holiday slaves can not celebrate because those who celebrate it were the masters of the slaves. Frederick Douglass was so determined to end slavery that he even questioned the significance of the country and their independence. He wanted to show slave owners and the American people that since he was darker colored he did not have the same rights nor could he celebrate a holiday so dear to the American and feel the same and proud to be
  • 36. The River In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha The river in Siddhartha can also symbolize the unity of the self. In the book, Siddhartha s main goal is to find peace and nirvana. He goes far and beyond just to experience the divine of complete mental peace. After years of working hard, Siddhartha finally reaches his goal, His self had merged into unity... There shone on his face the serenity of knowledge, of one who is no longer confronted with a conflict of desires... Belonging to the unity of the people (136). As Siddharthalistens and pays more attention to the river, he is going through all the memories of his life and all he heard were the voices of many merge into the voice of one, and that word was Om. This is the moment that Siddhartha s self has merged into unity. Siddhartha s mind is much more free of stress and horrors.... Show more content on ... To clarify his doubt that Siddhartha has reached Nirvana and so Govinda kisses Siddhartha and in this very same moment touched with his lips. And, Govinda saw it like this, this smile of the mask, this smile of oneness above the flowing forms, this smile of simultaneousness above the thousand births and deaths, this smile of Siddhartha was precisely the same, was precisely of the same kind as the quiet, delicate, impenetrable, perhaps benevolent, perhaps mocking, wise, thousand fold smile of Gotama, Siddhartha (152). After Siddhartha, achieved Nirvana, when Govinda touches Siddhartha, the oneness which feels like many different people to Govinda, but he, later on, realizes that it is just one voice which is Om. This oneness is symbolized by the river, the water of which goes through its own life cycle. It starts in the river and its ultimate goal is to become water vapor and after the goal is reached, it returns back to the start and the cycle goes on. This cycle of the river relates to Siddhartha s life as he goes through a cycle of life as
  • 37. Theodore Roosevelt s Influence Theodore Roosevelt lived through many things, experienced great events, and lead country changing movements. From the days where he was called Teedie by his siblings to him taking on the role of becoming our country s leader, it s safe to say that there were many aspects of his life to look at. The years 1889 to 1900 in his life were fundamentally the building blocks of his presidency and his many other successes. Had it not been for these essential years, then Theodore Rooseveltmay have not been the great historical figure that we view today. Although his presidency decade is seen as the most influential, his military service decade is the most superior compared to the other decades because these were the years where he was appointed the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, lead the Rough Riders in the Spanish American War, and was elected governor of New York. Primarily, Roosevelt s influence began to rise when he was first appointed the Assistant Secretary of the Navy. A paper done on Roosevelt s time in the Navy says, Roosevelt was rewarded for his diligent service when President William McKinleymade him the assistant to the Secretary of the Navy in 1896. While holding this position, Roosevelt pushed President William McKinley to declare war on Spain... Show more content on ... An article on Roosevelt s term as governor says, As governor, he improved labor laws, outlawed racial segregation in public schools, and advanced park and forestry programs ( Theodore Roosevelt ). This shows that even as a governor, Roosevelt pushed to better the country as much as he could with the power that he had. Later, this leads to TR becoming vice president, and soon after, assuming presidency. Had it not been for these crucial points of advancement in his years of military service, he wouldn t have become one of the greatest presidents to lead the
  • 38. Organic Home Vs Manufactured Home Case Study Manufactured Modular Homes in Dension, Iowa Why is Ida Grove Homes right for you? Everyday people just like you search for that perfect dream home. At Ida Grove Homes, we ve made it that search a little easier. Whether you re looking for a new manufactured home or modular home, we can accommodate your needs in Dension, IA. With over 20 years of experience, our experts can assist you from the design process to the finish product. We can find a home that fits your lifestyle while staying within your budget. Modular vs. Manufactured Homes: Know the Difference If you need help trying to choose between modular and manufactured homes, here is a list of differences between the two types of homes. Modular Homes Highly durable Can be more
  • 39. How Does Michael Jackson Affect Society Overview of album and artist historical and social context Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29,1958 June 25, 2009) was an African American singer, songwriter, and dancer. Currently known as the King of Pop, his contributions to music and dance made him a global figure in pop culture for over three decades. Jackson s 1982 album Thriller is the best selling album of all time. His other albums, including Off the Wall (1979), Bad (1987) and Dangerous (1991) also rank among the world s best selling albums. Jackson is one of the few artists to have been placed into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice. Thriller is the sixth studio album by Michael Jackson. It was released on November 30, 1982, by Epic Records, briefly after Jackson s other album ... Show more content on ... These songs were; Wanna be startin something, Baby be mine, The girl is mine, Thriller, Beat it, Billie Jean, Human nature, P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing) and The Lady in my Life. Thriller allowed Michael Jackson to eradicate racial barriers in music, shown on his MTV appearances and meeting the President of the United States (Ronald Reagan at the time). Thriller was ranked number 20 on the rolling stone magazine s Greatest 500 Albums of all time in 2003. According to Sony, Thriller album has now sold approximately 104 million copies worldwide, making it the world s biggest selling album of all time. In 1981, African Americans were not entirely welcome to the white only stations and therefore, had to resign themselves due to their thought that their music was seen to be race music and had no place in mainstream. On the other hand, Michael Jackson never saw his music as limited to race and ethnicity , it had no boundaries for him. However, this music was quite threatening to the white establishment and it formed feelings of hatred towards the African Americans. Michael Jackson destroyed the notion that there were limitations for a black person . There was no such thing and the staunch ideas of preventing what African Americans could do were artificially
  • 40. African Slave Trade Research Paper The African slave trade was a product of a huge venture that lasted for more than three centuries. Over millions of Africans crossed the three thousand mile Atlantic Ocean into North and South Americas to become slaves of labor, considerably to be the largest forced migration ever in history. Where they would be put to work under the most horrific conditions ever. By the seventeen hundreds the trip across the Atlantic came to be known as the middle passage. In the early sixteen century Portuguese seafarers conducted the slave trade but it was on a very small scale. Only to satisfy a tiny market in Portugal and Spain, the other European nations had no need for slaves since their work labor was already too large. Portugal and Spain dominated... Show more content on ... Portugal and Spain shipped about two thousand Africans per year to the American colonies. After 1713 the ships of England controlled the slave trade. The English drastically changed the way Africans were brought over to the America s. Instead of the usual two thousand per year brought over by the Spanish and Portuguese, the English were bringing an estimate of about twenty thousand a year. It did not come close to when the trade was at its peak when they reached up to fifty thousand per year during the 1790s. The numbers more than doubled, due to increase of profit made by the Americas of using slave labor and producing cash crops that were being distributed throughout the world. The profits were just piling in having the use of slaves which were stripped from their rights as humans, and being looked upon as nothing more than property of one s owner. Slaves were coming to the America s by ships. Once these slave ships arrived the African slaves were then boarded and shipped off to the America s. The size of the ship was measured in tonnage; a better way to look at it was two heads per ton. Eventually the ships got bigger to be able to hold more weight and bring more
  • 41. A Report On The Management Of A Training Program Essay US 5615 Discussion Board Ten You are contemplating correcting the lack of knowledge of noise damage to people in your organisation and are contemplating the use of a training programme such as the one enclosed with this Module (i.e., Preventing Noise Induced Hearing Loss). Prepare a report to the management of your organisation describing the necessity of implementing a corrective action such as this and the likely benefits. Shane Dufaur Dominion Salt CEO 89 Totara Street Mt Maunganui Tauranga 3116 1.Summary 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Background 1.3 Recommendations. 2.Overview of methods 2.1 Method of research for the report. 3.Summary of Employers responsibilities under the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 with respect to noise. 3.1 Providing a safe workplace. 3.2 Preliminary Noise Surveys; Identifying Noise Hazards. 3.3 Elimination, Isolation or Minimising. 3.4 Monitoring the Health Effects of Noise. 3.5 Training and Education. 3.6 Regulation 11 Noise. 4.Conclusion 1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this report is to provide you as the CEO on Dominion Salt LTD (DSL) a proposal to ensure that DSL is preventing harm to DSL s employees with regard to Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) in the Workplace. 1.2 Background. Dominion Salt is a world leading manufacturer and supplier of salt products, including pharmaceutical, food, agricultural and industrial grade salt. Exporting to a worldwide market, delivering a premium
  • 42. Dual Nature The Dual Nature of Jesus expressed through His life, teachings, death, and resurrection Throughout history, people around the world have had many different views on Jesus Christ. Some people are devoted Christians and claim He is the one who came to save the world from the fall of man introduced by Adam. Other people are not sure who He is and have been trying to figure out who JesusChrist is. While others just do not believe in the teachings and the life of Jesus Christ. Secular historical texts and looking into the Bible, there is evidence that Jesus Christ was here on earth and not just a made up fictional character. Jesus is Godand, in the flesh, came to save the human race from this sinful world. Part One: The life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Trinity: In ... Show more content on ... A relationship is strengthened by reading the Bible, spending time in prayer, and giving praise for everything to God. We cannot find our true identity in Christ until we build that relationship with Jesus and get to know Him. By spending time in prayer each day with Jesus, we see that we are no longer stuck in the sinful world we live in, but we see that God is truly on our side. When we keep developing that relationship with God, He starts to share with us what are purpose is in this life before we get to Heaven. Along with sharing what He wants us to do, He will show us the correct path to take to achieve our mission. By building a relationship with God, we gain strength through him, and he will give us that strength to finish the work He started in us. By accepting God into our hearts we will live forever in Heaven with Him, will learn to handle the troubles of this world this is all made possible, because we have the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords on our side and we can do anything through Him! That is why it is so important to worship God in everything you
  • 43. The Importance Of Friendships In High School I lifted my backpack off of the sidewalk and kissed my mother goodbye. As I turned to walk away she quickly grabbed my arm and twisted me around. She pulled me in closer and softly said to me, Remember our golden rule, treat others the way you would want to be treated and they will treat you the same. I applied the Golden Rule every year, from the beginning of kindergarten to the end of 8th grade. The golden rule taught me how to build friendships, see the best in people, openly accept them for how they come, and love them for who they are. Throughout the years the golden rule stopped being a rule and started to become a part of me. Little did I know, there was a downside to it. It was during my first year of high schoolwhen I realized that you could treat people the way you would like to be treated but that doesn t mean they re obligated to treat you the same. I opened the car door, turned to blow my mother a quick kiss goodbye and began making my way through the front doors of the high school. I was excited to reunite with my classmates but as I walked into the cafeteria, I noticed that everyone divided into different tables. After the first few weeks, I slowly began to notice that these tables turned into different cliques. People started isolating themselves within these new cliques and stopped communicating with people from other cliques. Things were different; it was as if the golden rule never existed. Instead of treating others with kindness and accepting