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Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Matter Origin and Creation (II)
The Author Authorized To Be Used By
Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous
A Student–Physics Department- Physics
& Mathematics Faculty –
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis
and Theory of Functions Department)
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Phone +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83
The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo – Egypt –31st
May 2020
Paper Hypothesis
The Matter Is A Form Of Light
The Hypothesis Explanation
- Light has different forms – for example
Light coherence (Young Experiment) produces an interference – bright
fringes and dark fringes – now the input is the sun light but the output is
bright and dark fringes and that can be considered a change in light nature
based on our vision because the input light is different from the output
The double production experiment produces electron position from Gamma
rays and this can be considered as change in light nature because the input is
different from the output – the particles creation may be done because of the
light velocity decreasing where the input is an electromagnetic wave travels
with light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) and the output are particles move
by less velocity – so may the particles are created by decreasing in the light
Means – the light provides different features by different changes may be
occurred for the light nature
Based on this analysis I suggest that – the matter is one form of the light
different forms – and the matter is created by decreasing of the light velocity
I suppose that – there's a light velocity =1.16 mkm /sec
And – I conclude that – the matter is created because this light supposed
velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) is decreased to the light known velocity (0.3
mkm/sec) where the difference in energy is seen in a matter form
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
1- Introduction
Can the matter be created of light beam or electromagnetic waves?
The double production experiment
A gamma ray with velocity 1.2 Mev can produce electron and position , means , 2
particles equal in masses and different in charges
The empirical proves tell that – It's possible to produce matter and particle from an
electromagnetic wave
What's happened to produce the matter from the electromagnetic wave?
Change in the velocity
The electromagnetic wave velocity was c velocity (light known velocity 0.3 mkm/sec)
– then
The produced particles (electron and position) were particles travel with less velocity
That means
The matter is created from electromagnetic wave by change in its velocity
or in more accurate words –
the matter (particle) is created from electromagnetic waves by decreasing the
electromagnetic waves to be less than the light velocity
It's the basic change
And it's the great barrier found in front of the matter –
Simply we distinguish the particle from the electromagnetic wave by its ability to
travel with light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec)
Now imagine there's a higher velocity than 0.3 mkm/sec
My idea suggests that
The matter is created because this higher velocity is decreased to the light known
I suppose there's a velocity =1.16 mkm /sec
So the matter is created because this velocity is decreased from 1.16 mkm/sec into the
light known velocity 0.3 mkm /sec
the supposed light beam with velocity 1.16 mkm/sec is the parent from which the
matter is created with and the light known velocity 0.3 mkm/sec
i.e. the input is 1.16 mkm/sec and the out put is (the matter + light 0.3mkm/sec) and
that's the change occurred for the light nature by which the matter is created
Paper Contents
2- Particle Motion and Mass Dependency Analysis
3- What Change In The Light Nature Causes The Matter Creation?
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2- Particle Motion and Mass Dependency Analysis
2-1 Lorentz Transformations Analysis
2-2 Planet & Light Motions Interaction Rules (3 Basic Concepts)
2-3 Mass Gravity Origin
2-1 Lorentz Transformations Analysis
Is Lorentz Length Contraction a real phenomenon occurred for particle own nature or
found by illusion of measurements?
The answer is
We Accept That Lorentz Length Contraction Is A Real Phenomenon And Can't Be
Illusion Of Measurements Why??
1- The Physics Experimental Devices measure This Contraction And In Physics
What's Measured = What's Real (By This Rule We Save The Physics
Methodology Credibility)
2- If we claim that – the length contraction is found by illusion of measurements-
that means simply – the particle data correct definition is found only when no
difference in velocity between my motion and this particle motion – by such
way I will be The Universe Reference Point – which is similar to a person
looks a at mirror
Let's analyze length contraction phenomenon as deep as possible
(1) LENGTH CONTRACTION CONCEPT can't be clear for us – where – in mass
increasing explanation we have understood that – Particle mass is increased
because more energy is provided to the particle through its acceleration – and this
energy causes the mass increasing (E=mc2
) – but why the length is contracted? If
the particle is provided with more energy that means more mass, more volume
…etc means particle length should be increased and not contracted! So why the
length is contracted?! Still the analysis point is difficult because – While particle
length and mass only are changed with this particle high velocity motion- we have
no explanation why these 2 data only are changed by such motion? why particle
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
density doesn’t change with particle high velocity motion "for example"?! And
still the analysis faces a complex question because – based on these changes we
had to have an equation expresses any particle length and its mass – also this
equation is still absent-
And at end we don't understand why Einstein didn't interest for particle length and
mass changes in his theory- instead – he used space-time geometry to explain the
distance & time changes by particle high velocity motion, ignoring the particle
length and mass as if their equations were not found?!
Still we don't understand why Lorentz and also Einstein dealt with the particle
length and distance are equivalent to each other – where one equation only
expresses any particle length contraction and & its distance – as if the particle
length is equivalent to the distance!
(2) If particle data is created as a function of its motion – as Lorentz Transformations
tell us – that will causes a serious difficulty the planet motion explanation based
on Newton Mechanics – Where Newton tells that – The planet motion is caused
by masses gravity forces – now Lorentz tells us that – the planet (particle) mass is
created as a function of its motion – means the motion was found before the mass
creation – Where we know that Newton and Lorentz both are correct – because of
that we need to solve the apparent contradiction between their theories…
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2-2 Planet & Light Motions Interaction Rules (3 Basic Concepts)
planet motion reason – but Lorentz tells that particle data (and mass) is created
1- The Planet Motion For 1 Solar Day depends On Light Motion For 1 Second
2- A Planet Matter Is Created Based On The Planet Motion For 1 Solar Day
3- The Solar System Geometrical Structure needs An Energy Equal The Planet
Motion Energy During 2 Solar Days
These concepts were discussed in details in the previous paper
Please review
Is Saturn The Last Planet Created In The Solar System? (II)
2-3 Mass Gravity Origin
After The Matter Creation The Masses Gravity Is Found – the masses gravity is the
created matter resistance to save the motion based on which this matter is created –
that means – the masses gravity does the same motion which is found before the
matter creation – why? because the matter is created as a function of this motion –
This theory is discussed in full details in my previous paper
The Origin of Gravity
Is There A Parallel Universe?
Is There A Parallel Universe? (II)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3- Can Some Change in The Light Nature….. ?
3-1 Is there a light beam its velocity =1.16 mkm/sec?
3-2 The Light Nature Change
3-1 Is there a light beam its velocity =1.16 mkm/sec
This question we have discussed frequently – how to answer it? how to know if
there's a light beam its velocity =1.16 mkm/sec regardless the empirical and
observable proves?
By Theoretical Methods Only Can We Conclude That There's A Light Velocity
=1.16 mkm/sec?
Let's summarize the answer in following:
1- The Planets Data provides a clear consistency with a value =1.16 mkm/sec
2- This value (or velocity) 1.16 mkm/sec is used frequently – and this using is in
consistency with other many data – let's provide one example to see much
a. Jupiter Energy is created by a light beam its velocity =1.16 mkm/sec
travels during 2 solar days (2 x 86400 seconds)
b. "Jupiter Energy" is the name I call the distance between Jupiter and
Pluto – where this distance is divided by very specific method – I did that
because I suppose (Space = Energy) – so when we review in full details
the distance between Pluto and Jupiter we will find that this distance is
created by specific geometrical rules and this same distance can be
created by the velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) motion during 2 solar days – I
have concluded based on that – these distance is created by this light
velocity and because of that I have supposed that there's a light beam its
velocity =1.16 mkm/sec
c. Light with supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) travels Jupiter orbital
circumference (4900 mkm) during a period =4222.6 seconds – but
Mercury Day period =4222.6 hours and Mercury moves during its day
period a distance =720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter distance – this data
pushed me to conclude that – the relationship between Mercury and
Jupiter depends on this period (4222.6 hours) and means this relationship
is created by the light beam which travels during (4222.6 seconds) and
see and 4222.6 hours (Mercury day period) – this conclusion was
supported because Jupiter energy already uses the velocity 1.16 mkm/sec
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
and Jupiter data shows a deep mutual effect between Jupiter and
Mercury – which supports this idea
d. Mercury Day period needs 5040 seconds to be = 176 solar days - now
the light beam supposed velocity 1.16 mkm/sec can travels during this
period 5040 seconds a distance = Mercury Pluto Distance – this data is
so important because (1st
) Pluto is Jupiter Partner to define "Jupiter
Energy" where this energy is seen in the distance between Jupiter and
e. Mars Migration Theory tells that Pluto was the Mercury moon and that
causes the relationship between both – and because of that – the value
5040 seconds is so effective value in the solar system geometry – where
simply this value 5040 is the connection between Mercury and Pluto
f. More data may support our discussion –
i. 5040 seconds = 84 minutes but Mercury during 84 days moves a
distance = 346.6 mkm (but 346.6 days = the nodal year)
ii. Mercury during a nodal year (346.6 days) moves a distance
=1433.5 mkm (Saturn orbital distance)
iii. Mercury during 1433.5 days moves a distance = 5848 mkm =
Mercury Pluto Distance – So there's some connection in the data
iv. Note please – the distances values are used as periods of time
because we deal with light motion – and as we know that – x=ct
and when c=1 so x=t that's why the distance values are used as
periods of time
v. Based on this data I have concluded that mercury motion follow
the light motion – this concept we have discussed frequently
This discussion we have discussed deeply and with more detailed data
Please review
Is Jupiter The Solar System Parent? (Jupiter Energy Analysis)
Light And Planet Motions Interactions (II)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3- What Change In The Light Nature Causes The Matter Creation?
The change in light nature is that
I suppose that
The light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) is decreased into light known velocity 0.3
mkm/sec – the rest of energy is created in matter form
That means
The matter is a form of The light different forms
Let's analyze that as deep as possible
- Light has different forms – for example
Light coherence (Young Experiment) produces an interference – bright
fringes and dark fringes – now the input is the sun light but the output is
bright and dark fringes and that can be considered a change in light nature
based on our vision because the input light is different from the output
Light passing through A Glass Pyramid will separate the light spectrum into
7 lights and this is change in the light nature because the input is different
from the out put
The double production experiment produces electron position from Gamma
rays and this can be considered as change in light nature because the input is
different from the output – the particles creation may be done because of the
light velocity decreasing where the input is an electromagnetic wave travels
with light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) and the output are particles move
by less velocity – so may the particles are created by decreasing in the light
Means – the light provides different features by different changes may be
occurred for the light nature
Based on this analysis I suggest that – the matter is one form of the light
different forms – and the matter is created by decreasing of the light velocity
I suppose that – there's a light velocity =1.16 mkm /sec
And – I conclude that – the matter is created because this light supposed
velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) is decreased to the light known velocity (0.3
mkm/sec) where the difference in energy is seen in a matter form
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Is There A Parallel Universe (I)
"Can The Gravity Forces Create The Moon Orbit?"
Can The Gravity Forces Create The Moon Orbit? (II)
Does Particle Data Depend on Its Motion? (Lorentz Transformations Analysis)
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005)
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt
Full list of
Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
List of publications

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Matter Origin and Creation (II)

  • 1. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 1 Matter Origin and Creation (II) The Author Authorized To Be Used By Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous A Student–Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions Department) Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Phone +201022532292 E-Mail: Curriculum Vitae Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83 E-Mail:, Website The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo – Egypt –31st May 2020 Abstract Paper Hypothesis The Matter Is A Form Of Light The Hypothesis Explanation - Light has different forms – for example Light coherence (Young Experiment) produces an interference – bright fringes and dark fringes – now the input is the sun light but the output is bright and dark fringes and that can be considered a change in light nature based on our vision because the input light is different from the output The double production experiment produces electron position from Gamma rays and this can be considered as change in light nature because the input is different from the output – the particles creation may be done because of the light velocity decreasing where the input is an electromagnetic wave travels with light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) and the output are particles move by less velocity – so may the particles are created by decreasing in the light velocity Means – the light provides different features by different changes may be occurred for the light nature Based on this analysis I suggest that – the matter is one form of the light different forms – and the matter is created by decreasing of the light velocity Specifically I suppose that – there's a light velocity =1.16 mkm /sec And – I conclude that – the matter is created because this light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) is decreased to the light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) where the difference in energy is seen in a matter form
  • 2. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 2 1- Introduction Can the matter be created of light beam or electromagnetic waves? OF COURSE YES The double production experiment A gamma ray with velocity 1.2 Mev can produce electron and position , means , 2 particles equal in masses and different in charges So The empirical proves tell that – It's possible to produce matter and particle from an electromagnetic wave What's happened to produce the matter from the electromagnetic wave? Change in the velocity The electromagnetic wave velocity was c velocity (light known velocity 0.3 mkm/sec) – then The produced particles (electron and position) were particles travel with less velocity That means The matter is created from electromagnetic wave by change in its velocity or in more accurate words – the matter (particle) is created from electromagnetic waves by decreasing the electromagnetic waves to be less than the light velocity It's the basic change And it's the great barrier found in front of the matter – Simply we distinguish the particle from the electromagnetic wave by its ability to travel with light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) Now imagine there's a higher velocity than 0.3 mkm/sec My idea suggests that The matter is created because this higher velocity is decreased to the light known velocity i.e. I suppose there's a velocity =1.16 mkm /sec So the matter is created because this velocity is decreased from 1.16 mkm/sec into the light known velocity 0.3 mkm /sec i.e. the supposed light beam with velocity 1.16 mkm/sec is the parent from which the matter is created with and the light known velocity 0.3 mkm/sec i.e. the input is 1.16 mkm/sec and the out put is (the matter + light 0.3mkm/sec) and that's the change occurred for the light nature by which the matter is created Paper Contents 2- Particle Motion and Mass Dependency Analysis 3- What Change In The Light Nature Causes The Matter Creation?
  • 3. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 3 2- Particle Motion and Mass Dependency Analysis 2-1 Lorentz Transformations Analysis 2-2 Planet & Light Motions Interaction Rules (3 Basic Concepts) 2-3 Mass Gravity Origin 2-1 Lorentz Transformations Analysis Is Lorentz Length Contraction a real phenomenon occurred for particle own nature or found by illusion of measurements? The answer is We Accept That Lorentz Length Contraction Is A Real Phenomenon And Can't Be Illusion Of Measurements Why?? Because 1- The Physics Experimental Devices measure This Contraction And In Physics What's Measured = What's Real (By This Rule We Save The Physics Methodology Credibility) 2- If we claim that – the length contraction is found by illusion of measurements- that means simply – the particle data correct definition is found only when no difference in velocity between my motion and this particle motion – by such way I will be The Universe Reference Point – which is similar to a person looks a at mirror Let's analyze length contraction phenomenon as deep as possible (1) LENGTH CONTRACTION CONCEPT can't be clear for us – where – in mass increasing explanation we have understood that – Particle mass is increased because more energy is provided to the particle through its acceleration – and this energy causes the mass increasing (E=mc2 ) – but why the length is contracted? If the particle is provided with more energy that means more mass, more volume …etc means particle length should be increased and not contracted! So why the length is contracted?! Still the analysis point is difficult because – While particle length and mass only are changed with this particle high velocity motion- we have no explanation why these 2 data only are changed by such motion? why particle
  • 4. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 4 density doesn’t change with particle high velocity motion "for example"?! And still the analysis faces a complex question because – based on these changes we had to have an equation expresses any particle length and its mass – also this equation is still absent- And at end we don't understand why Einstein didn't interest for particle length and mass changes in his theory- instead – he used space-time geometry to explain the distance & time changes by particle high velocity motion, ignoring the particle length and mass as if their equations were not found?! Still we don't understand why Lorentz and also Einstein dealt with the particle length and distance are equivalent to each other – where one equation only expresses any particle length contraction and & its distance – as if the particle length is equivalent to the distance! Now (2) If particle data is created as a function of its motion – as Lorentz Transformations tell us – that will causes a serious difficulty the planet motion explanation based on Newton Mechanics – Where Newton tells that – The planet motion is caused by masses gravity forces – now Lorentz tells us that – the planet (particle) mass is created as a function of its motion – means the motion was found before the mass creation – Where we know that Newton and Lorentz both are correct – because of that we need to solve the apparent contradiction between their theories…
  • 5. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 5 2-2 Planet & Light Motions Interaction Rules (3 Basic Concepts) planet motion reason – but Lorentz tells that particle data (and mass) is created 1- The Planet Motion For 1 Solar Day depends On Light Motion For 1 Second 2- A Planet Matter Is Created Based On The Planet Motion For 1 Solar Day 3- The Solar System Geometrical Structure needs An Energy Equal The Planet Motion Energy During 2 Solar Days These concepts were discussed in details in the previous paper Please review Is Saturn The Last Planet Created In The Solar System? (II) ystem_II_ 2-3 Mass Gravity Origin After The Matter Creation The Masses Gravity Is Found – the masses gravity is the created matter resistance to save the motion based on which this matter is created – that means – the masses gravity does the same motion which is found before the matter creation – why? because the matter is created as a function of this motion – This theory is discussed in full details in my previous paper The Origin of Gravity or Is There A Parallel Universe? Is There A Parallel Universe? (II)
  • 6. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 6 3- Can Some Change in The Light Nature….. ? 3-1 Is there a light beam its velocity =1.16 mkm/sec? 3-2 The Light Nature Change 3-1 Is there a light beam its velocity =1.16 mkm/sec This question we have discussed frequently – how to answer it? how to know if there's a light beam its velocity =1.16 mkm/sec regardless the empirical and observable proves? i.e. By Theoretical Methods Only Can We Conclude That There's A Light Velocity =1.16 mkm/sec? Let's summarize the answer in following: 1- The Planets Data provides a clear consistency with a value =1.16 mkm/sec 2- This value (or velocity) 1.16 mkm/sec is used frequently – and this using is in consistency with other many data – let's provide one example to see much better (I) a. Jupiter Energy is created by a light beam its velocity =1.16 mkm/sec travels during 2 solar days (2 x 86400 seconds) b. "Jupiter Energy" is the name I call the distance between Jupiter and Pluto – where this distance is divided by very specific method – I did that because I suppose (Space = Energy) – so when we review in full details the distance between Pluto and Jupiter we will find that this distance is created by specific geometrical rules and this same distance can be created by the velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) motion during 2 solar days – I have concluded based on that – these distance is created by this light velocity and because of that I have supposed that there's a light beam its velocity =1.16 mkm/sec (II) c. Light with supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) travels Jupiter orbital circumference (4900 mkm) during a period =4222.6 seconds – but Mercury Day period =4222.6 hours and Mercury moves during its day period a distance =720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter distance – this data pushed me to conclude that – the relationship between Mercury and Jupiter depends on this period (4222.6 hours) and means this relationship is created by the light beam which travels during (4222.6 seconds) and see and 4222.6 hours (Mercury day period) – this conclusion was supported because Jupiter energy already uses the velocity 1.16 mkm/sec
  • 7. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 7 and Jupiter data shows a deep mutual effect between Jupiter and Mercury – which supports this idea (III) d. Mercury Day period needs 5040 seconds to be = 176 solar days - now the light beam supposed velocity 1.16 mkm/sec can travels during this period 5040 seconds a distance = Mercury Pluto Distance – this data is so important because (1st ) Pluto is Jupiter Partner to define "Jupiter Energy" where this energy is seen in the distance between Jupiter and Pluto e. Mars Migration Theory tells that Pluto was the Mercury moon and that causes the relationship between both – and because of that – the value 5040 seconds is so effective value in the solar system geometry – where simply this value 5040 is the connection between Mercury and Pluto (IV) f. More data may support our discussion – i. 5040 seconds = 84 minutes but Mercury during 84 days moves a distance = 346.6 mkm (but 346.6 days = the nodal year) ii. Mercury during a nodal year (346.6 days) moves a distance =1433.5 mkm (Saturn orbital distance) iii. Mercury during 1433.5 days moves a distance = 5848 mkm = Mercury Pluto Distance – So there's some connection in the data iv. Note please – the distances values are used as periods of time because we deal with light motion – and as we know that – x=ct and when c=1 so x=t that's why the distance values are used as periods of time v. Based on this data I have concluded that mercury motion follow the light motion – this concept we have discussed frequently This discussion we have discussed deeply and with more detailed data Please review Is Jupiter The Solar System Parent? (Jupiter Energy Analysis) or Light And Planet Motions Interactions (II)
  • 8. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 8 3- What Change In The Light Nature Causes The Matter Creation? The change in light nature is that I suppose that The light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) is decreased into light known velocity 0.3 mkm/sec – the rest of energy is created in matter form That means The matter is a form of The light different forms Let's analyze that as deep as possible - Light has different forms – for example Light coherence (Young Experiment) produces an interference – bright fringes and dark fringes – now the input is the sun light but the output is bright and dark fringes and that can be considered a change in light nature based on our vision because the input light is different from the output Light passing through A Glass Pyramid will separate the light spectrum into 7 lights and this is change in the light nature because the input is different from the out put The double production experiment produces electron position from Gamma rays and this can be considered as change in light nature because the input is different from the output – the particles creation may be done because of the light velocity decreasing where the input is an electromagnetic wave travels with light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) and the output are particles move by less velocity – so may the particles are created by decreasing in the light velocity Means – the light provides different features by different changes may be occurred for the light nature Based on this analysis I suggest that – the matter is one form of the light different forms – and the matter is created by decreasing of the light velocity Specifically I suppose that – there's a light velocity =1.16 mkm /sec And – I conclude that – the matter is created because this light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) is decreased to the light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) where the difference in energy is seen in a matter form
  • 9. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 9 References Is There A Parallel Universe (I) "Can The Gravity Forces Create The Moon Orbit?" or Can The Gravity Forces Create The Moon Orbit? (II) or Does Particle Data Depend on Its Motion? (Lorentz Transformations Analysis) Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005) List of publications on Google Scholar List of publications on ZentralBlatt Full list of publications: local/prep/rj/index.php?id=2944&p=15209 Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Curriculum Vitae E-mail Linkedln Facebook Researcherid ORCID Quora Google Academia List of publications