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Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Jupiter Motion Analysis
The Author Authorized To Be Used By
Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous
A Student–Physics Department- Physics
& Mathematics Faculty –
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis
and Theory of Functions Department)
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Phone +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83
The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo – Egypt –3rd
June 2020
Paper Hypothesis
Jupiter Motion Causes The Solar System Motion Harmony
Jupiter causes The Solar Planets To Revolve Around The Sun In
Harmony Motions.
The Hypothesis Explanation
- Pluto was The Mercury Moon before The Sun Creation
- Mars was the second planet after Mercury (with orbital distance =84 mkm) before
the sun creation
- After The Sun Creation Mars and Pluto had to migrate from their original points
- Mars and Pluto Migration could destroy the solar system geometrical structure
- Jupiter motion causes to connect between Mercury, Mars and Pluto
- By That Jupiter Motion causes to rescue The Solar System Geometry
Paper Main Concept
- Because Planet motion depends on light motion – Jupiter motion causes the solar
system harmony motions
- That means
- If The Planet Motion doesn’t depend on light motion Jupiter couldn't do its job.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
1- Introduction
We still discuss the same concept which is
"Planet Motion depends on Light Motion"
It's hard to perform a progress in the solar system Geometry Understanding without
this Concept using
Simply – the solar system geometrical features are created by light motions and
because of that – many data in the solar system can't be explained unless we use the
light motion geometrical features
Shortly – The Solar System Geometry Is Near To Light Motion Geometry than the
rigid body geometry – simply we have to suppose that the solar system motions
depend on light motion
In this paper we try to see as deep as possible the connection between Jupiter at one
side and Mercury, Mars and Pluto at the other side – that makes Jupiter as the
connection point between these 3 planets –
Now this connection point is required because of the planets Migration which could
cause the solar system geometrical structure to be destroyed
That means – Jupiter saves the solar system after the planets migration
But to see this deep effect of Jupiter on the other planets motions we have to see the
light motion based on which Jupiter moves
This idea I have tried to explain frequently – let's try again here –
We see Jupiter moves as a planet moves but this vision is limited and can't discover
the truth – there's a network of light motions – some light beam moves an reflects
many times inside this network and then based on this light motion Jupiter Matter and
Motion is created and because of that we see the planet motion before us – the light
network motions causes the planet matter creation and the distance creation and by
that the planet (matter) moves through the distance (we see that) but both the planet
matter and distance are created by the same light beam –
Imagine a tailor made a shirt and a shoe from the same cloth – that's the matter and
space is created by the light motion energy – So the light motion is the distance
creator and energy provider – the paper tries to analyze Jupiter motion as deep as
Paper Contents
2- Jupiter Motion unifies the planets motions
3- Mars Migration Theory (Revision)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2- Jupiter Motion Unifies The Planets Motions
2-1 Preface 2-2 Jupiter Motion Analysis
2-1 Preface
"Planet Motion depends on Light Motion"
- This concept is our Point to analyze – the concept tells that – we have 2 motions –
both motions are done for equal distances – means – the light and planet motions
pass equal distances – but with different rates of time – so – the light (0.3mkm/sec)
passes a distance 25920 mkm during a solar day but the planets pass the distance
25920 mkm during 1461 days
- 2 equal distances but 2 different rates of time – the period 1 solar day of light
motion should be = 1461 days of the planet motions because through both rates of
time the 2 motions pass equal distances
- It's The Golden Rule based on which the solar system is created – Equal
Distances And Different Rates Of Time – why? because The Solar System Is A
Great Clock – equal distances with different rates of time to create the solar day
parts (seconds – minutes – hours – days …etc) – It's A great Clock
- How to understand that??
- The light beam creates a network of motions – and this network creates the matter
and distance – so we see the result which is a planet moves through some distance
– we don't see the kitchen – We don't see the matter creation process neither the
distance creation- the moving matter (moving planet) is the final result of the
process which started with a light beam motion
- Why do we need to discuss that??
- Because the planets motions show rules and data can't be explained by the rigid
body motion – on the contrary – this data can be explained only by light motion
features – this is the basic question behind- Why does the planet motion show light
motion features? That's why we analyze the motion so deeply – because what we
see doesn't tell what happens behind – the light motion the universe creator and
energy provider – where the planet motion follows the light motion –
- Based on that the dependency in planets data can't be created by any pure
coincidences – on the contrary – this dependency is an original feature of the
planets motions because a light beam motion connect these planets motions
together and created this dependency between each other –
- So what a big deal of this hard discussion?
- (Jupiter orbital period = Mars orbital period x 2π)- based on this data – the
question was (Does Jupiter orbital period depend on Mars orbital period?) the
answer usually is NOT – it's pure coincidence of numbers – this answer is wrong!
Because there's a light motion connect Jupiter and Mars motions and creats this
dependency between both.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2-2 Jupiter Motion Analysis
Let's move with Jupiter motion step by step
We have to remember 2 concepts only which are
Concept) Jupiter motion for 1 solar day = light motion for 1 second – but – I
suppose there's a light velocity =1.16 mkm/sec and that means – Jupiter motion for 1
solar day is equivalent light motion for 1 second (1.16 mkm/sec)
In fact Jupiter moves a distance =1.1318 mkm per solar day – which is very near to
the number 1.16 mkm ( error 2.2%)
Concept) Jupiter energy shows that – the light beam with supposed velocity 1.16
mkm/sec is used frequently in Jupiter data
Let's Start in following
(Step No.1)
- Jupiter moves during a solar day a distance = a light motion for 1 second (light
with supposed velocity =1.16 mkm/sec) – means – Jupiter moves per a solar day a
distance =1.16 mkm/sec (error 2.2%) – Let's neglect this error and accept –
temporarily that - Jupiter moves per solar day a distance =1.16 mkm
- Jupiter Orbital Period =4331 solar days– that means – Jupiter during 4331 days
moves a distance = 4331 days x 1.16 mkm = 5040 mkm (error 0.3%)
Let's see as deep as possible
- Based on that – Jupiter during its orbital period moves a distance = 5040 mkm
- Mercury moves during Mercury Day Period (175.94 solar days) a distance =720
mkm = Mercury Jupiter Distance
- 5040 mkm / 720 mkm = 7 and Mercury orbital inclination =7 degrees
The previous equation is important because the 2 values are full cycles –
means Jupiter Orbital Period and Mercury Day Period – Both are Full
Cycles and these 2 cycles produces Mercury orbital inclination- and that
tells Mercury motion almost depends on this equation
- Note Please
- Mercury Day needs 5040 seconds to be = 176 solar days
- The geometrical mechanism is unclear but we see the data is transported from
point to another which tells that there's interaction of motions here
- How the 5040 mkm (Jupiter motion distance) is seen as 5040 seconds in Mercury
day data? This question is hard to answer
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
(Step No.2)
- Light with supposed velocity 1.16 mkm/sec travels during 5040 seconds a distance
= 5848 mkm = Mercury Pluto Distance
- We know that Mercury moves this same distance (5848 mkm) – how? The period
5040 seconds =84 minutes – Now Mercury during 84 days moves a distance
=346.6 mkm but mercury during 346.6 days (the nodal year) moves a distance =
1433.5 mkm and Mercury moves during this period 1433.5 days a distance =5848
mkm (Mercury Pluto distance)
- So the value 5040 mkm which is a distance passed by Jupiter motion during its
orbital period – this distance which is seen in Mercury Day Period as 5040 seconds
– this period 5040 seconds is used by the light supposed velocity 1.16 mkm/sec to
pass 5848 mkm (Mercury Pluto Distance) – that connects Mercury & Pluto
- The connection between Mercury and Pluto is done by light motion- but we don't
see it – we see the planets motions – I want to say that – the planets same data is
used by light motions in different jobs –
- So here we don't deal with three planets (Mercury – Jupiter – Pluto) but we deal
with one Trajectory of Energy and this Trajectory has 3 points called (Mercury –
Jupiter – Pluto)
Note Please
- The interaction between Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto still complicated – for example
– 720 mkm (Mercury Jupiter Distance) = 5040 x Jupiter Diameter
- I try to show that – the planets data is used for different jobs we don't understand
or expect that because the light motion uses this data and what we see is the result
(the final cook) but the process is completely hidden because this process depends
on light motions
(Step No.3)
- 5040 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec = 1512 mkm
- 1512 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec = 2 x 227.9 mkm (Mars orbital distance)
- Light known velocity (0.3mkm/sec) uses the period 5040 seconds to produce a
distance (1512 mkm) and uses this same distance as a period of time (1512
seconds) to produce the distance 227.9 mkm x 2 (Mars Orbital Diameter) – as
we see it's a complex process – but
- Why the result is Mars Orbital Diameter? the input is 5040 seconds which is
produced as 5040 mkm by Jupiter motion during its orbital period 4331 days so
this value (5040 mkm) should express a full cycle of Jupiter motion (because
Jupiter uses its orbital period 4331 days)- the produced distance is Mars orbital
diameter (360 degrees) it's a light motion complex process may need more analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- But we move with the same value (5040 seconds) because of that we feel there's
some unification between the different planets
- Now let's see as deep as possible
- Jupiter moves a distance = 1.1318 mkm and not 1.16 mkm where the error is 2.2%
between both values – why?
- Jupiter motion per a solar day depends on light motion per 1 second- But the
difference 2.2% isn't found as an error of measurements but found for a
geometrical necessity!
That means
- The basic concept is correct – Jupiter moves per a solar day a distance = light
motion distance per 1 second =1.16 mkm/sec
- But This value 1.16 mkm is decreased to be 1.1318 mkm with error 2.2% because
of some geometrical necessity-
- As we have seen in Mercury Day period – light beam with supposed velocity 1.16
mkm/sec travels during 4224 seconds a distance = 4900 mkm = Jupiter orbital
distance – so Mercury day uses this value 4224 seconds in different form 4224
hours – but6 this is NOT True – Because Mercury day = 4222.6 hours – now the
explanation is correct but there's one more geometrical reason used the value 4224
hours to produce the value 4222.6 hours
- Similar to that – Jupiter moves really 1.16 mkm per solar day but this value is
decreased to be 1.1318 mkm for a geometrical necessity – so we have 2 different
motions done by Jupiter – the first motion is 1.16 per solar day which we
discussed in the previous data and the second motion is 1.1318 mkm per solar day
– why?
- Because the solar system is one building and one geometrical structure – one
system is created by one light motion for that reason this motion can create some
reflected or refraction – some interaction or coherence – for that reason the
geometrical necessities are seen in the solar system –
- 1.1318 mkm x 687 days (Mars orbital Period) =778.6 mkm Jupiter orbital distance
- The previous data shows that – the light motion which started with 5040 seconds
and finished with Mars orbital diameter 2x 227.9 mkm – this motion effect deeply
on Jupiter Mars relationship and because of that the previous data is seen where
Jupiter orbital period = Mars orbital period x 2π
- The previous data is very few of a similar sea of data – where we have discussed
before that Jupiter orbital Circumference depends on the inner planets orbital
circumferences total – and that shows deep mutual effect and dependency between
Jupiter and the inner planets motions
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
(Step No.4)
- Why Jupiter velocity per solar day = 1.1318 mkm/ day?
- (5040 mkm /1622.7 mkm) =3.1
- 3.1 degrees = Jupiter Axial Tilt AND 1622 mkm= Neptune Uranus Distance
- We remember that 5040 mkm/720 mkm = 7 (Where 7 degrees = Mercury orbital
inclination) –
- Now the previous equation shows that Jupiter axial tilt is produced as a rate
between our distance 5040 mkm and Neptune Uranus Distance 1622 mkm! Why?
- 1622.7 mkm (Neptune Uranus Distance) = 1.1318 mkm (Jupiter motion per solar
day) x 1433.5 days
- We remember that Saturn orbital distance =1433.5 mkm and this value is used as a
time period 1433.5 days (as we have seen with Mercury – Where Mercury moves
during this period 1433.5 days distance = 5848 mkm- as we have seen in the
previous point)
- That means – both Mercury and Jupiter uses the same value (1433.5 days) which
shows that both depend on one source (light motion)
- Jupiter during 1433.5 days moves a distance =1622.7 mkm = Neptune Uranus
Distance and Jupiter axial tilt is produced as a rate between these 2 distances - but
– in Mercury Case - the distances rate (5040/720) produced Mercury orbital
inclination but here with Jupiter the result is Jupiter axial tilt 3.1 deg – why not
Jupiter orbital inclination?
- Because 1.8 degrees (Neptune orbital inclination) = 3.1 degrees (Jupiter axial tilt)
– 1.3 degrees (Jupiter orbital inclination) – that means – Jupiter produces its axial
tilt because it contains also Neptune orbital inclination! Why? because Neptune
orbital circumference is produced by Jupiter energy –
for details please review
Is Jupiter The Solar System Parent? (Jupiter Energy Analysis)
Note Please
Because Jupiter moves with 1.16 mkm per solar day and we see it as 1.1318 mkm per
solar day – based on that
The distance 5040 mkm = 1.16 mkm x 4331 days = 1.1318 mkm x 4437 days
(Where 4437 mkm = Mercury Neptune Distance) that explains how the solar system
geometry is created based on each other where the distances usually used as time
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Note Please
- As in Mars data
- The period 5040 seconds is used by light (0.3mkm/sec) to produce 1512 mkm and
1512 seconds is used by light (0.3mkm/sec) to produce 2x 227.9 mkm (Mars
orbital diameter)
Similar to that
- 6939.75 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec = 2090 mkm (Jupiter Uranus Distance)
- 2090 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec = 627 mkm (Earth Jupiter Distance)
- I want to say that – this process in which the light uses the time value to produce a
distance and then use this same distance as a time period to produce another
distance – this process is a systematic rule in the solar system and used frequently
- The distance 778.6 mkm (Jupiter orbital distance) = 1.0725 x 720.7 mkm (Mercury
Jupiter Distance)
- Also 720.7 mkm = 1.0725 x 670 mkm (Venus Jupiter Distance)
- 778.6 mkm (Jupiter orbital distance) = 670 seconds x 1.16 mkm/sec
- 720.7 mkm (Mercury Jupiter distance) = 627 seconds x 1.16 mkm/sec
- (where 670 mkm = Venus Jupiter distance and 627 mkm = Earth Jupiter distance)
- The previous data aims to show that there's a dependency between the planets data
and this dependency is a complex process because it depends on the light motion
which create the planet motion and matter
Also note
- (Jupiter orbital period 4331 days / Mercury day period 175.94 days) =24.6 where
24.6 hours = Mars rotation period
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3- Mars Migration Theory (Revision)
- Mars original orbital distance was 84 mkm. and Mars had migrated to 227.9 mkm
- Through Mars Motion from 84 mkm to 227.9 mkm, Mars had collided with Venus
and then Mars had collided with Earth also.
- From the Collisions debris The Earth Moon was created –and Mars had found its
moons. And the rest debris had attracted by Jupiter and created The Asteroid Belt
The Giant-Impact Hypothesis is in consistency with Mars migration theory
But Instead of the (Supposed Planet) Theia, Mars itself made the collisions.
Mars migration Theory solves The Giant-Impact Hypothesis difficulties:
I. Why Venus has No Moon? – Because Mars had migrated and moved from 84
mkm to 227.9 mkm and pushed all debris in its motion direction – far from Venus
– So Venus had found no debris around to create its own Moon - But Earth has a
greater Mass and the debris lost their motion high momentum at Earth Position– so
Earth could attract some debris and create its moon
II. The Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) Origin– is Venus – because the moon is
created by 3 planets debris (Venus – Earth – Mars) – So their rocks are found in it
III. Why The Iron Oxide (Feo) of the Moon= (13%)? Because The rate (13%) is a
middle between Mars rate (18%) and the terrestrial mantle (8%).
IV. Why Mars diameter (and Mass) are decreased through the history? Because
of the collisions – Mars diameter lost around ( 4.1 %) (And Mars mass also which
causes difficulties for Mars gravitation equation)
V. Mars migration is done Because of The Sun Creation Process
VI. Is there a possibility that Mars will return to its original point (84 mkm)? Yes
VII. Why? Because the Planet orbital distance is defined relative to its diameter (and
Mass) Mars now is in the wrong Position- but forced to it because of the sun effect
Conclusion The Giant-impact hypothesis supports Mars migration Theory
Now Let's provide a list concerning the changes happened in the solar system as result
of the sun creation in following…
Before The Sun Creation
The Solar Planets Order Was As Following
- Mercury (where Pluto was The Mercury Moon) – then Mars –then Venus – Then
Earth- The Uranus – Then Neptune – Then Jupiter –
- The orbital distances of Mercury – Venus – Earth - aren't changed.
The Solar System Before Sun Creation
- Mercury Axial Tilt was 1 degree
- Mercury Day Period was 176 Solar Days
- Venus Axial Tilt was 1.774 degrees (= π1/2
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Mars Orbital Distance was 84 mkm
- Pluto was The Mercury Moon
- Saturn Was Created After The Sun Creation
The Solar System After The Sun Creation
- Mercury Axial Tilt becomes 0.01 degree
- Venus Axial Tilt received The lost value (from 1 to 0.01) – to save the inner
planets energy – So Venus axial tilt changed from 1.774 deg to 177.4 deg
- Pluto had to move far from Mercury – with a distance = 57.9 mkm (Mercury
orbital distance) for each point (from 1 degrees to 0.01 degrees) –that forced Pluto
to move far from Mercury with a distance =(100 x 57.9 mkm) = 5906 mkm Pluto
orbital distance
- Mars had migrated from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm)
- As a result of Mars Migration the Earth Moon was created.
- Mercury Day was decreased by 84 minutes =5040 seconds
- The inner Planets changes are recorded with Uranus Data
- Uranus hold the solar system to prevent its destruction-
- Uranus depended on Earth basically and Venus to save the solar system.
- Uranus caused Saturn to be created to help the solar system rescue.
- Saturn & Jupiter unified their power to save the solar system.
- Uranus & Earth Connection is the first basic connection to save the solar system
and the next one is the relationship between Venus and Saturn.
- The Cycle 2737 years is a real cycle found to record the events.
- The planets data analysis shows that Uranus effects vertically on the solar system –
and Uranus by this effect prevent any overturn motion can be done by any planet
and by that Uranus help to unify the planets general motion around the sun.
- Uranus Data Analysis shows that – there's a perpendicularity in the solar system
motion – based on that we conclude – "The is on vertical line relative to Uranus –
means – There's 180 degrees between the sun and Uranus on the vertical level.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Mars Migration Theory (Proves)
proof) The Giant –Impact Hypothesis (The Geological Proves)
proof) The Planets Order Analysis
proof) Mars migration Results
a- The Earth Moon Creation
b- Mars Moons Creation
c- Mars Diameter (and Mass) decreasing
d- The Asteroid Belt Creation
proof) Planet Effect On Its Neighbor
proof) Mar migration Motion Direction
proof) The Giant –Impact Hypothesis (The Geological proves)
As the paper abstract shows how Mars theory is in consistency with The Giant-
Impact hypothesis – also Mars migration theory answers many basic questions face
the giant –impact hypothesis –as we have discussed–
Why Venus has no moon?
because Mars Motion was from the point (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm)– so the direction
of Motion is defined - and Mars Motion pushed all debris to move with Mars that
made a wave pushed all debris far from Venus – So Venus Couldn't create a moon for
it. then these debris lost their high motions momentum when reach to Earth position
and because Earth mass is greater than Venus – Earth could attracted some debris and
created from them its moon –
Mars Moons supports this description because Mars with small mass could attracted
2 moons – How?
Because the debris high momentum is lost already, and its motion became so weak
even Mars could attracted its moons –
Also the rest debris was attracted by Jupiter and created The Asteroid Belt.
Please review The Giant –Impact Hypothesis -
The Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) Origin– is Venus –
This solution is so important, it solves a serious difficulty – as explained before
Now the question is why Mars had migrated when the sun is created? we have to
discuss that later…
Why Mars original orbital distance was 84 mkm?
Because the planet orbital distance depends on its diameter and mass – but the order is
disturbed by Mars migration and we don't see it now – the planets order analysis we
should discuss in the following point…
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
proof) The Planets Order Analysis
Mars migration theory is born basically based on the planets order analysis
(Mercury – Venus – Earth)
This order of planets shows an order in planets diameters, masses and orbital distance
– the order rule is
A Greater Diameter Or Mass Needs A Greater Orbital Distance
If this order controls all planets so Mars should be the second planet after Mercury –
But –
(Jupiter – Saturn –Uranus – Neptune – Pluto)
the outer planets order shows that the rule depends on planet diameter (and not mass
because Uranus Diameter is greater than Neptune but less Mass) and the rule is
reversed from the previous one
A Greater Diameter Needs A Shorter Orbital Distance –
This analysis refers to that Mars may be found in a wrong position in the planets order
and this wrong position causes a disturbance for the planets order – based on this
analysis Mars migration theory can be concluded … to get the correct answer we
need to know if There's A Real Relationship Between Planet Diameter And
Orbital Distance. –
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
proof) Mars migration Results
a- The Earth Moon Creation
b- Mars Moons Creation
c- The Asteroid Belt Creation
d- Mars diameter Decreasing (4.1%)
e- Mars Mass Decreasing (4.1%)
Simply we have a reason to answer Why Venus has no moon but Mars (mass =1/13)
has 2 moons?!
The fact shows itself clearly – there were no debris around Venus to create a moon!
But Mars had!? Why? because of the Motion Direction
Mars had moved from the Point (84 mkm) to the point (227.9 mkm) from the sun and
pushed all debris with it in the same motion direction – so no debris left around Venus
– because all debris had moved with Mars in its Motion Direction
Now if we practice such event – what expectation we may conclude?
Mars Diameter (and Mass) must be decreased
Mars Diameter (and Mass) must be decreased than their values when Mars was in its
original orbital distance (84 mkm)
Can this conclusion be proved?
The gravitation Equation works only with Saturn and Jupiter Masses – where
If Mars Mass is increased by 4.1% the gravitation equation can work
(Equation Error 3.4%)
Question (1)
Why don't all planets follow the gravitation equation?!
Because of Mars migration which caused disturbance for the planets order
Question (2)
Is there any proof that Mars Diameter is decreased by the same rate (4.1%) Yes
Mercury orbital distance 57.9 mkm = Mercury Diameter 4879 km x 1092
Earth orbital distance 149.6 mkm = Earth Diameter 12756 km x 1092
Satrun orbital distance 1433.5 mkm = Satrun Diameter 120536 km x 1092
Mars (org) orbital distance 84 mkm = Mars (org) Diameter 7070km x 1092
(Mars Diameter 7070 km is increased than the Mars registered diameter 6792 km
with 4.1%)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
proof) Planet Effect On Its Neighbor
Let's summarize the idea in following…
- I claim each planet effect on its neighbor planet data and motion
- I provide data shows such effect (for example Earth effects on Mars Motion)
- If we have found data claiming that – Mars Motion is effected by Mercury Data –
so this data may refer to that – Mars was a neighbor of Mercury
I- Data
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) x 1.9
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 27.3 days (The moon orbital period) x 25.2
But 25.2 degrees = Mars axial tilt and 1.9 degrees = Mars orbital incaution
Also 25.2 deg (Mars axial tilt and) = (1.9 deg. Mars orbital incaution) x 13.18 deg.
The moon motion degrees daily =13.18 degrees
We should not limit our discussion for just Data consistency – let's see its depth
Mars moves per solar day = 0.524 degrees (=360 degrees /687 days)
The value 0.524 degrees = (1/1.9) where 1.9 degrees = Mars orbital incaution
Mars Data (25.2, 1.9, 0.524 …etc) depends on the solar day period of time
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 687 days (Mars orbital period) x 2 π
The previous data shows that Earth and moon on one side and Jupiter on the other
side all of them effect on Mars orbital period (i.e. effect on Mars Motion)
More Data
Equation No. (1)
Equation No. (2)
Equation No. (3)
Equation No. (5)
7 deg. (Mercury Orbital Inclination)= 1.9 deg. (Mars Orbital Inclination)+ 5.1
deg. (Earth Moon Orbital Inclination)
( 2
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
proof) Mar migration Motion Direction
Let's summarize the idea in following
- The solar system has one defined motion which is the planets revolution around
the sun
- Mars Motion from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm) is a new direction of Motion is
unknown in the solar system
- In this point I refer to another motion started from Jupiter to Pluto – and this
motion is in the same direction of Mars migration Motion which makes Mars
migration Motion is a defined motion in the solar system and not a unique one
Please review Jupiter Data Analysis in my previous paper
Please review
The Sun Creation Reason And Effect (II)
The Earth is Older Than The Sun
The Solar Planets Order Still Shows More Puzzles
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Is There A Parallel Universe (I)
"Can The Gravity Forces Create The Moon Orbit?"
Can The Gravity Forces Create The Moon Orbit? (II)
Does Particle Data Depend on Its Motion? (Lorentz Transformations Analysis)
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005)
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt
Full list of
Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
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Gerges francis
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Solar Planet Motion Depends On Light Motion
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Is There A Parallel Universe
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Why does Earth Moon Orbit regress? (Part II)
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The Solar System Doesn't Move By The Sun Mass Gravity
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Mercury Day Period (Short Discussion)
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Solar system motion analysis (ii)
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The Solar System Doesn't Move By The Sun Mass Gravity (Revised)
Is There A Parallel Universe (II)
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Earth Moon moves with 2 Rates Of Time (Part V)
The Sun Gravity Concept is Incorrect (Newton was wrong)
The Sun Gravity Concept is Incorrect (Newton was wrong)The Sun Gravity Concept is Incorrect (Newton was wrong)
The Sun Gravity Concept is Incorrect (Newton was wrong)
Can Earth Motion effect on Pluto Motion?
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Can Earth Motion effect on Pluto Motion?
Does Planet Day Period Depend On Its Circumference (IV)
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Does The Solar System Geometry depend on Light Motion Features
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Does The Solar System Geometry depend on Light Motion Features
The Solar System Doesn't Move By The Sun Mass Gravity
The Solar System Doesn't Move By The Sun Mass Gravity The Solar System Doesn't Move By The Sun Mass Gravity
The Solar System Doesn't Move By The Sun Mass Gravity

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Jupiter Motion Analysis

  • 1. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 1 Jupiter Motion Analysis The Author Authorized To Be Used By Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous A Student–Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions Department) Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Phone +201022532292 E-Mail: Curriculum Vitae Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83 E-Mail:, Website The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo – Egypt –3rd June 2020 Abstract Paper Hypothesis Jupiter Motion Causes The Solar System Motion Harmony i.e. Jupiter causes The Solar Planets To Revolve Around The Sun In Harmony Motions. The Hypothesis Explanation - Pluto was The Mercury Moon before The Sun Creation - Mars was the second planet after Mercury (with orbital distance =84 mkm) before the sun creation - After The Sun Creation Mars and Pluto had to migrate from their original points - Mars and Pluto Migration could destroy the solar system geometrical structure - Jupiter motion causes to connect between Mercury, Mars and Pluto - By That Jupiter Motion causes to rescue The Solar System Geometry Paper Main Concept - Because Planet motion depends on light motion – Jupiter motion causes the solar system harmony motions - That means - If The Planet Motion doesn’t depend on light motion Jupiter couldn't do its job.
  • 2. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 2 1- Introduction We still discuss the same concept which is "Planet Motion depends on Light Motion" It's hard to perform a progress in the solar system Geometry Understanding without this Concept using Simply – the solar system geometrical features are created by light motions and because of that – many data in the solar system can't be explained unless we use the light motion geometrical features Shortly – The Solar System Geometry Is Near To Light Motion Geometry than the rigid body geometry – simply we have to suppose that the solar system motions depend on light motion In this paper we try to see as deep as possible the connection between Jupiter at one side and Mercury, Mars and Pluto at the other side – that makes Jupiter as the connection point between these 3 planets – Now this connection point is required because of the planets Migration which could cause the solar system geometrical structure to be destroyed That means – Jupiter saves the solar system after the planets migration But to see this deep effect of Jupiter on the other planets motions we have to see the light motion based on which Jupiter moves This idea I have tried to explain frequently – let's try again here – We see Jupiter moves as a planet moves but this vision is limited and can't discover the truth – there's a network of light motions – some light beam moves an reflects many times inside this network and then based on this light motion Jupiter Matter and Motion is created and because of that we see the planet motion before us – the light network motions causes the planet matter creation and the distance creation and by that the planet (matter) moves through the distance (we see that) but both the planet matter and distance are created by the same light beam – Imagine a tailor made a shirt and a shoe from the same cloth – that's the matter and space is created by the light motion energy – So the light motion is the distance creator and energy provider – the paper tries to analyze Jupiter motion as deep as possible Paper Contents 2- Jupiter Motion unifies the planets motions 3- Mars Migration Theory (Revision)
  • 3. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 3 2- Jupiter Motion Unifies The Planets Motions 2-1 Preface 2-2 Jupiter Motion Analysis 2-1 Preface "Planet Motion depends on Light Motion" - This concept is our Point to analyze – the concept tells that – we have 2 motions – both motions are done for equal distances – means – the light and planet motions pass equal distances – but with different rates of time – so – the light (0.3mkm/sec) passes a distance 25920 mkm during a solar day but the planets pass the distance 25920 mkm during 1461 days - 2 equal distances but 2 different rates of time – the period 1 solar day of light motion should be = 1461 days of the planet motions because through both rates of time the 2 motions pass equal distances - It's The Golden Rule based on which the solar system is created – Equal Distances And Different Rates Of Time – why? because The Solar System Is A Great Clock – equal distances with different rates of time to create the solar day parts (seconds – minutes – hours – days …etc) – It's A great Clock - How to understand that?? - The light beam creates a network of motions – and this network creates the matter and distance – so we see the result which is a planet moves through some distance – we don't see the kitchen – We don't see the matter creation process neither the distance creation- the moving matter (moving planet) is the final result of the process which started with a light beam motion - Why do we need to discuss that?? - Because the planets motions show rules and data can't be explained by the rigid body motion – on the contrary – this data can be explained only by light motion features – this is the basic question behind- Why does the planet motion show light motion features? That's why we analyze the motion so deeply – because what we see doesn't tell what happens behind – the light motion the universe creator and energy provider – where the planet motion follows the light motion – - Based on that the dependency in planets data can't be created by any pure coincidences – on the contrary – this dependency is an original feature of the planets motions because a light beam motion connect these planets motions together and created this dependency between each other – - So what a big deal of this hard discussion? - (Jupiter orbital period = Mars orbital period x 2π)- based on this data – the question was (Does Jupiter orbital period depend on Mars orbital period?) the answer usually is NOT – it's pure coincidence of numbers – this answer is wrong! Because there's a light motion connect Jupiter and Mars motions and creats this dependency between both.
  • 4. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 4 2-2 Jupiter Motion Analysis Let's move with Jupiter motion step by step We have to remember 2 concepts only which are (1st Concept) Jupiter motion for 1 solar day = light motion for 1 second – but – I suppose there's a light velocity =1.16 mkm/sec and that means – Jupiter motion for 1 solar day is equivalent light motion for 1 second (1.16 mkm/sec) In fact Jupiter moves a distance =1.1318 mkm per solar day – which is very near to the number 1.16 mkm ( error 2.2%) (2nd Concept) Jupiter energy shows that – the light beam with supposed velocity 1.16 mkm/sec is used frequently in Jupiter data Let's Start in following (Step No.1) - Jupiter moves during a solar day a distance = a light motion for 1 second (light with supposed velocity =1.16 mkm/sec) – means – Jupiter moves per a solar day a distance =1.16 mkm/sec (error 2.2%) – Let's neglect this error and accept – temporarily that - Jupiter moves per solar day a distance =1.16 mkm - Jupiter Orbital Period =4331 solar days– that means – Jupiter during 4331 days moves a distance = 4331 days x 1.16 mkm = 5040 mkm (error 0.3%) Let's see as deep as possible - Based on that – Jupiter during its orbital period moves a distance = 5040 mkm But - Mercury moves during Mercury Day Period (175.94 solar days) a distance =720 mkm = Mercury Jupiter Distance Now - 5040 mkm / 720 mkm = 7 and Mercury orbital inclination =7 degrees The previous equation is important because the 2 values are full cycles – means Jupiter Orbital Period and Mercury Day Period – Both are Full Cycles and these 2 cycles produces Mercury orbital inclination- and that tells Mercury motion almost depends on this equation - Note Please - Mercury Day needs 5040 seconds to be = 176 solar days - The geometrical mechanism is unclear but we see the data is transported from point to another which tells that there's interaction of motions here - How the 5040 mkm (Jupiter motion distance) is seen as 5040 seconds in Mercury day data? This question is hard to answer
  • 5. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 5 (Step No.2) - Light with supposed velocity 1.16 mkm/sec travels during 5040 seconds a distance = 5848 mkm = Mercury Pluto Distance - We know that Mercury moves this same distance (5848 mkm) – how? The period 5040 seconds =84 minutes – Now Mercury during 84 days moves a distance =346.6 mkm but mercury during 346.6 days (the nodal year) moves a distance = 1433.5 mkm and Mercury moves during this period 1433.5 days a distance =5848 mkm (Mercury Pluto distance) - So the value 5040 mkm which is a distance passed by Jupiter motion during its orbital period – this distance which is seen in Mercury Day Period as 5040 seconds – this period 5040 seconds is used by the light supposed velocity 1.16 mkm/sec to pass 5848 mkm (Mercury Pluto Distance) – that connects Mercury & Pluto Motions. - The connection between Mercury and Pluto is done by light motion- but we don't see it – we see the planets motions – I want to say that – the planets same data is used by light motions in different jobs – - So here we don't deal with three planets (Mercury – Jupiter – Pluto) but we deal with one Trajectory of Energy and this Trajectory has 3 points called (Mercury – Jupiter – Pluto) Note Please - The interaction between Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto still complicated – for example – 720 mkm (Mercury Jupiter Distance) = 5040 x Jupiter Diameter - I try to show that – the planets data is used for different jobs we don't understand or expect that because the light motion uses this data and what we see is the result (the final cook) but the process is completely hidden because this process depends on light motions (Step No.3) - 5040 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec = 1512 mkm - 1512 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec = 2 x 227.9 mkm (Mars orbital distance) - Light known velocity (0.3mkm/sec) uses the period 5040 seconds to produce a distance (1512 mkm) and uses this same distance as a period of time (1512 seconds) to produce the distance 227.9 mkm x 2 (Mars Orbital Diameter) – as we see it's a complex process – but - Why the result is Mars Orbital Diameter? the input is 5040 seconds which is produced as 5040 mkm by Jupiter motion during its orbital period 4331 days so this value (5040 mkm) should express a full cycle of Jupiter motion (because Jupiter uses its orbital period 4331 days)- the produced distance is Mars orbital diameter (360 degrees) it's a light motion complex process may need more analysis
  • 6. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 6 - But we move with the same value (5040 seconds) because of that we feel there's some unification between the different planets - Now let's see as deep as possible - Jupiter moves a distance = 1.1318 mkm and not 1.16 mkm where the error is 2.2% between both values – why? - Jupiter motion per a solar day depends on light motion per 1 second- But the difference 2.2% isn't found as an error of measurements but found for a geometrical necessity! That means - The basic concept is correct – Jupiter moves per a solar day a distance = light motion distance per 1 second =1.16 mkm/sec - But This value 1.16 mkm is decreased to be 1.1318 mkm with error 2.2% because of some geometrical necessity- - As we have seen in Mercury Day period – light beam with supposed velocity 1.16 mkm/sec travels during 4224 seconds a distance = 4900 mkm = Jupiter orbital distance – so Mercury day uses this value 4224 seconds in different form 4224 hours – but6 this is NOT True – Because Mercury day = 4222.6 hours – now the explanation is correct but there's one more geometrical reason used the value 4224 hours to produce the value 4222.6 hours - Similar to that – Jupiter moves really 1.16 mkm per solar day but this value is decreased to be 1.1318 mkm for a geometrical necessity – so we have 2 different motions done by Jupiter – the first motion is 1.16 per solar day which we discussed in the previous data and the second motion is 1.1318 mkm per solar day – why? - Because the solar system is one building and one geometrical structure – one system is created by one light motion for that reason this motion can create some reflected or refraction – some interaction or coherence – for that reason the geometrical necessities are seen in the solar system – Now - 1.1318 mkm x 687 days (Mars orbital Period) =778.6 mkm Jupiter orbital distance - The previous data shows that – the light motion which started with 5040 seconds and finished with Mars orbital diameter 2x 227.9 mkm – this motion effect deeply on Jupiter Mars relationship and because of that the previous data is seen where Jupiter orbital period = Mars orbital period x 2π - The previous data is very few of a similar sea of data – where we have discussed before that Jupiter orbital Circumference depends on the inner planets orbital circumferences total – and that shows deep mutual effect and dependency between Jupiter and the inner planets motions
  • 7. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 7 (Step No.4) - Why Jupiter velocity per solar day = 1.1318 mkm/ day? - (5040 mkm /1622.7 mkm) =3.1 - 3.1 degrees = Jupiter Axial Tilt AND 1622 mkm= Neptune Uranus Distance - We remember that 5040 mkm/720 mkm = 7 (Where 7 degrees = Mercury orbital inclination) – - Now the previous equation shows that Jupiter axial tilt is produced as a rate between our distance 5040 mkm and Neptune Uranus Distance 1622 mkm! Why? - 1622.7 mkm (Neptune Uranus Distance) = 1.1318 mkm (Jupiter motion per solar day) x 1433.5 days - We remember that Saturn orbital distance =1433.5 mkm and this value is used as a time period 1433.5 days (as we have seen with Mercury – Where Mercury moves during this period 1433.5 days distance = 5848 mkm- as we have seen in the previous point) - That means – both Mercury and Jupiter uses the same value (1433.5 days) which shows that both depend on one source (light motion) - Jupiter during 1433.5 days moves a distance =1622.7 mkm = Neptune Uranus Distance and Jupiter axial tilt is produced as a rate between these 2 distances - but – in Mercury Case - the distances rate (5040/720) produced Mercury orbital inclination but here with Jupiter the result is Jupiter axial tilt 3.1 deg – why not Jupiter orbital inclination? - Because 1.8 degrees (Neptune orbital inclination) = 3.1 degrees (Jupiter axial tilt) – 1.3 degrees (Jupiter orbital inclination) – that means – Jupiter produces its axial tilt because it contains also Neptune orbital inclination! Why? because Neptune orbital circumference is produced by Jupiter energy – for details please review Is Jupiter The Solar System Parent? (Jupiter Energy Analysis) or Note Please Because Jupiter moves with 1.16 mkm per solar day and we see it as 1.1318 mkm per solar day – based on that The distance 5040 mkm = 1.16 mkm x 4331 days = 1.1318 mkm x 4437 days (Where 4437 mkm = Mercury Neptune Distance) that explains how the solar system geometry is created based on each other where the distances usually used as time periods
  • 8. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 8 Note Please (1) - As in Mars data - The period 5040 seconds is used by light (0.3mkm/sec) to produce 1512 mkm and 1512 seconds is used by light (0.3mkm/sec) to produce 2x 227.9 mkm (Mars orbital diameter) Similar to that - 6939.75 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec = 2090 mkm (Jupiter Uranus Distance) - 2090 seconds x 0.3 mkm/sec = 627 mkm (Earth Jupiter Distance) - I want to say that – this process in which the light uses the time value to produce a distance and then use this same distance as a time period to produce another distance – this process is a systematic rule in the solar system and used frequently (2) - The distance 778.6 mkm (Jupiter orbital distance) = 1.0725 x 720.7 mkm (Mercury Jupiter Distance) - Also 720.7 mkm = 1.0725 x 670 mkm (Venus Jupiter Distance) (3) - 778.6 mkm (Jupiter orbital distance) = 670 seconds x 1.16 mkm/sec - 720.7 mkm (Mercury Jupiter distance) = 627 seconds x 1.16 mkm/sec - (where 670 mkm = Venus Jupiter distance and 627 mkm = Earth Jupiter distance) - The previous data aims to show that there's a dependency between the planets data and this dependency is a complex process because it depends on the light motion which create the planet motion and matter (4) Also note - (Jupiter orbital period 4331 days / Mercury day period 175.94 days) =24.6 where 24.6 hours = Mars rotation period
  • 9. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 9 3- Mars Migration Theory (Revision) - Mars original orbital distance was 84 mkm. and Mars had migrated to 227.9 mkm - Through Mars Motion from 84 mkm to 227.9 mkm, Mars had collided with Venus and then Mars had collided with Earth also. - From the Collisions debris The Earth Moon was created –and Mars had found its moons. And the rest debris had attracted by Jupiter and created The Asteroid Belt The Giant-Impact Hypothesis is in consistency with Mars migration theory But Instead of the (Supposed Planet) Theia, Mars itself made the collisions. Mars migration Theory solves The Giant-Impact Hypothesis difficulties: I. Why Venus has No Moon? – Because Mars had migrated and moved from 84 mkm to 227.9 mkm and pushed all debris in its motion direction – far from Venus – So Venus had found no debris around to create its own Moon - But Earth has a greater Mass and the debris lost their motion high momentum at Earth Position– so Earth could attract some debris and create its moon II. The Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) Origin– is Venus – because the moon is created by 3 planets debris (Venus – Earth – Mars) – So their rocks are found in it III. Why The Iron Oxide (Feo) of the Moon= (13%)? Because The rate (13%) is a middle between Mars rate (18%) and the terrestrial mantle (8%). IV. Why Mars diameter (and Mass) are decreased through the history? Because of the collisions – Mars diameter lost around ( 4.1 %) (And Mars mass also which causes difficulties for Mars gravitation equation) V. Mars migration is done Because of The Sun Creation Process VI. Is there a possibility that Mars will return to its original point (84 mkm)? Yes VII. Why? Because the Planet orbital distance is defined relative to its diameter (and Mass) Mars now is in the wrong Position- but forced to it because of the sun effect Conclusion The Giant-impact hypothesis supports Mars migration Theory Now Let's provide a list concerning the changes happened in the solar system as result of the sun creation in following… Before The Sun Creation The Solar Planets Order Was As Following - Mercury (where Pluto was The Mercury Moon) – then Mars –then Venus – Then Earth- The Uranus – Then Neptune – Then Jupiter – - The orbital distances of Mercury – Venus – Earth - aren't changed. The Solar System Before Sun Creation - Mercury Axial Tilt was 1 degree - Mercury Day Period was 176 Solar Days - Venus Axial Tilt was 1.774 degrees (= π1/2 degrees)
  • 10. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 10 - Mars Orbital Distance was 84 mkm - Pluto was The Mercury Moon - Saturn Was Created After The Sun Creation The Solar System After The Sun Creation - Mercury Axial Tilt becomes 0.01 degree - Venus Axial Tilt received The lost value (from 1 to 0.01) – to save the inner planets energy – So Venus axial tilt changed from 1.774 deg to 177.4 deg - Pluto had to move far from Mercury – with a distance = 57.9 mkm (Mercury orbital distance) for each point (from 1 degrees to 0.01 degrees) –that forced Pluto to move far from Mercury with a distance =(100 x 57.9 mkm) = 5906 mkm Pluto orbital distance - Mars had migrated from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm) - As a result of Mars Migration the Earth Moon was created. - Mercury Day was decreased by 84 minutes =5040 seconds - The inner Planets changes are recorded with Uranus Data - Uranus hold the solar system to prevent its destruction- - Uranus depended on Earth basically and Venus to save the solar system. - Uranus caused Saturn to be created to help the solar system rescue. - Saturn & Jupiter unified their power to save the solar system. - Uranus & Earth Connection is the first basic connection to save the solar system and the next one is the relationship between Venus and Saturn. - The Cycle 2737 years is a real cycle found to record the events. - The planets data analysis shows that Uranus effects vertically on the solar system – and Uranus by this effect prevent any overturn motion can be done by any planet and by that Uranus help to unify the planets general motion around the sun. - Uranus Data Analysis shows that – there's a perpendicularity in the solar system motion – based on that we conclude – "The is on vertical line relative to Uranus – means – There's 180 degrees between the sun and Uranus on the vertical level.
  • 11. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 11 Mars Migration Theory (Proves) (1st proof) The Giant –Impact Hypothesis (The Geological Proves) (2nd proof) The Planets Order Analysis (3rd proof) Mars migration Results a- The Earth Moon Creation b- Mars Moons Creation c- Mars Diameter (and Mass) decreasing d- The Asteroid Belt Creation (4th proof) Planet Effect On Its Neighbor (5th proof) Mar migration Motion Direction (1st proof) The Giant –Impact Hypothesis (The Geological proves) As the paper abstract shows how Mars theory is in consistency with The Giant- Impact hypothesis – also Mars migration theory answers many basic questions face the giant –impact hypothesis –as we have discussed– Why Venus has no moon? because Mars Motion was from the point (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm)– so the direction of Motion is defined - and Mars Motion pushed all debris to move with Mars that made a wave pushed all debris far from Venus – So Venus Couldn't create a moon for it. then these debris lost their high motions momentum when reach to Earth position and because Earth mass is greater than Venus – Earth could attracted some debris and created from them its moon – Mars Moons supports this description because Mars with small mass could attracted 2 moons – How? Because the debris high momentum is lost already, and its motion became so weak even Mars could attracted its moons – Also the rest debris was attracted by Jupiter and created The Asteroid Belt. Please review The Giant –Impact Hypothesis - The Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) Origin– is Venus – This solution is so important, it solves a serious difficulty – as explained before Now the question is why Mars had migrated when the sun is created? we have to discuss that later… Why Mars original orbital distance was 84 mkm? Because the planet orbital distance depends on its diameter and mass – but the order is disturbed by Mars migration and we don't see it now – the planets order analysis we should discuss in the following point…
  • 12. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 12 (2nd proof) The Planets Order Analysis Mars migration theory is born basically based on the planets order analysis (Mercury – Venus – Earth) This order of planets shows an order in planets diameters, masses and orbital distance – the order rule is A Greater Diameter Or Mass Needs A Greater Orbital Distance If this order controls all planets so Mars should be the second planet after Mercury – But – (Jupiter – Saturn –Uranus – Neptune – Pluto) the outer planets order shows that the rule depends on planet diameter (and not mass because Uranus Diameter is greater than Neptune but less Mass) and the rule is reversed from the previous one i.e. A Greater Diameter Needs A Shorter Orbital Distance – This analysis refers to that Mars may be found in a wrong position in the planets order and this wrong position causes a disturbance for the planets order – based on this analysis Mars migration theory can be concluded … to get the correct answer we need to know if There's A Real Relationship Between Planet Diameter And Orbital Distance. –
  • 13. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 13 (3rd proof) Mars migration Results a- The Earth Moon Creation b- Mars Moons Creation c- The Asteroid Belt Creation d- Mars diameter Decreasing (4.1%) e- Mars Mass Decreasing (4.1%) Simply we have a reason to answer Why Venus has no moon but Mars (mass =1/13) has 2 moons?! The fact shows itself clearly – there were no debris around Venus to create a moon! But Mars had!? Why? because of the Motion Direction Mars had moved from the Point (84 mkm) to the point (227.9 mkm) from the sun and pushed all debris with it in the same motion direction – so no debris left around Venus – because all debris had moved with Mars in its Motion Direction Now if we practice such event – what expectation we may conclude? Mars Diameter (and Mass) must be decreased i.e. Mars Diameter (and Mass) must be decreased than their values when Mars was in its original orbital distance (84 mkm) Can this conclusion be proved? The gravitation Equation works only with Saturn and Jupiter Masses – where If Mars Mass is increased by 4.1% the gravitation equation can work (Equation Error 3.4%) Question (1) Why don't all planets follow the gravitation equation?! Because of Mars migration which caused disturbance for the planets order Question (2) Is there any proof that Mars Diameter is decreased by the same rate (4.1%) Yes Mercury orbital distance 57.9 mkm = Mercury Diameter 4879 km x 1092 Earth orbital distance 149.6 mkm = Earth Diameter 12756 km x 1092 Satrun orbital distance 1433.5 mkm = Satrun Diameter 120536 km x 1092 Mars (org) orbital distance 84 mkm = Mars (org) Diameter 7070km x 1092 (Mars Diameter 7070 km is increased than the Mars registered diameter 6792 km with 4.1%) 4.3 MassSatrun MassJupiter distance)orbital(Jupiter distance)orbital(Saturn 2 2 == 0.33MassMercury 0.668MassMars mkm)84distanceorbitaloriginal(Mars mkm)57.9distanceorbital(Mercury 2 2 =
  • 14. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 14 (4th proof) Planet Effect On Its Neighbor Let's summarize the idea in following… - I claim each planet effect on its neighbor planet data and motion - I provide data shows such effect (for example Earth effects on Mars Motion) So - If we have found data claiming that – Mars Motion is effected by Mercury Data – so this data may refer to that – Mars was a neighbor of Mercury I- Data (1) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) x 1.9 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 27.3 days (The moon orbital period) x 25.2 But 25.2 degrees = Mars axial tilt and 1.9 degrees = Mars orbital incaution Also 25.2 deg (Mars axial tilt and) = (1.9 deg. Mars orbital incaution) x 13.18 deg. Where The moon motion degrees daily =13.18 degrees We should not limit our discussion for just Data consistency – let's see its depth Because Mars moves per solar day = 0.524 degrees (=360 degrees /687 days) The value 0.524 degrees = (1/1.9) where 1.9 degrees = Mars orbital incaution i.e. Mars Data (25.2, 1.9, 0.524 …etc) depends on the solar day period of time (2) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 687 days (Mars orbital period) x 2 π II-Discussion The previous data shows that Earth and moon on one side and Jupiter on the other side all of them effect on Mars orbital period (i.e. effect on Mars Motion) More Data Equation No. (1) Equation No. (2) Equation No. (3) Equation No. (5) 7 deg. (Mercury Orbital Inclination)= 1.9 deg. (Mars Orbital Inclination)+ 5.1 deg. (Earth Moon Orbital Inclination) 524.0 MassMercury MassMars ) DiameterMars DiameterMercury ( 2 == 93.3 mkm57.9DistanceOrbitalMercury mkm227.9DistanceOrbitalMars days175.94DayMercury days687PeriodOrbitalMars == 029.1 days354.36YearSynodicMoon days365.25PeriodOrbitalEarth hours24DayEarth hours24.7DayMars ==
  • 15. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 15 (5th proof) Mar migration Motion Direction Let's summarize the idea in following - The solar system has one defined motion which is the planets revolution around the sun - Mars Motion from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm) is a new direction of Motion is unknown in the solar system - In this point I refer to another motion started from Jupiter to Pluto – and this motion is in the same direction of Mars migration Motion which makes Mars migration Motion is a defined motion in the solar system and not a unique one Please review Jupiter Data Analysis in my previous paper Please review The Sun Creation Reason And Effect (II) The Earth is Older Than The Sun The Solar Planets Order Still Shows More Puzzles
  • 16. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 16 References Is There A Parallel Universe (I) "Can The Gravity Forces Create The Moon Orbit?" or Can The Gravity Forces Create The Moon Orbit? (II) or Does Particle Data Depend on Its Motion? (Lorentz Transformations Analysis) Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate professor - Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005) List of publications on Google Scholar List of publications on ZentralBlatt Full list of publications: local/prep/rj/index.php?id=2944&p=15209 Mr.Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Curriculum Vitae E-mail Linkedln Facebook Researcherid ORCID Quora Google Academia List of publications