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                a c ar
  dL     rks Te
     earning Softw
an d
Ma   Abacus Evol  ve
  tch i
        ng Charts
The MathsWorks Teaching and Learning software allows you to add an interactive dimension to your
maths lessons, making the teaching of key mathematical concepts engaging for each and every child.

Each CD-ROM contains up to 15 interactive programs, each with up to four different versions. This gives
you a wide range of motivational tools to help you bring your maths lesson to life.

There are two types of program. Explore programs are teaching tools to assist whole class or group
teaching. Some are designed to help teachers and teaching assistants model key mathematical concepts,
while others provide a problem for the class to solve together.

Challenge programs build on the Explore programs. They provide activities for children to work on
collaboratively, in pairs or small groups. Some Challenges are completely open-ended while others expect
a solution. Feedback supports children when they make errors or lets them know how they have done
when they have completed an activity.

These charts demonstrate how the innovative Teaching and Learning software can be used to complement
your Abacus Evolve lessons, helping you to slot the interactive programs in alongside your existing
planning. With engaging tools to demonstrate key concepts and a wealth of Challenge activities, this
software is perfect for enhancing whole class teaching, and adds breadth and variety for pupil practise.

Heinemann is an imprint of Pearson Education Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales, having
its registered office at Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex, CM20 2JE. Registered company number: 872828

Heinemann is a registered trademark of Pearson Education Limited

Text © Pearson Education Ltd
First published 2008
12 11 10 09 08
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN 978 0 435 16670 0

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including
photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to
some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright owner, except in accordance
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Designed and typeset by Debbie Oatley
Cover design by Debbie Oatley
Cover illustration by Per José Karlén

Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders of material reproduced in this book. Any omissions will
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MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software
    and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4
    Abacus Evolve   Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective        Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software
    Weekly Plan                                            Day and Activity
    Block A1.a      Compare two 3-digit numbers            Day 1, main         Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                                                           teaching            Sequences, Explore > start number,
                                                                               e.g. 350
                                                           Day 2, main         Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place
                                                           teaching            value, Explore
                                                           Day 2, 2-dot        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place
                                                           activity            value, Challenge > build the number
    Block A1.b      Partition 3-digit numbers into H,      Day 3 and 4,        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place
                    T and U                                main teaching       value, Explore
                                                           Day 4, 3-dot        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place
                                                           activity            value, Challenge > what number am I?
                                                           Day 5, 1-dot        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place
                                                           activity            value, Challenge > build the number
                                                           Day 5, 1-dot        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place
                                                           activity            value, Challenge > what number am I?
    Block A1.c      Count up to 100 objects by grouping    Day 1 and 2,        Teaching and Learning Y2/P3:
                    in 5s or 10s                           main teaching       Counting to 50, Explore > group into
                                                                               5s and 10s
    Block A1.d      Count on and back in 100s from any     Day 3 and 4,        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place
                    number                                 main teaching       value, Explore
                                                           Day 3, 2-dot        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                           activity or 1-dot   boards, Explore > pre-sets > numbers
                                                           activity            with a difference of, e.g. 1 or 10 >
                                                                               numbers to 50 or 100
                                                           Day 4, 3-dot        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                           activity            boards, Explore > pre-sets > numbers
                                                                               with a difference of, e.g. 1 or 10 >
                                                                               numbers to 100
    Block B1.a      Know pairs of multiples of 100 that    Day 1, 2 and 3,     Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                    total 1000                             main teaching       boards, Explore > number > pre-sets >
                                                                               choose either complements to 100 or
                                                                               totals to 10 or 20
                                                           Day 1, 1-dot        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                           activity            boards, Challenge > totals to > 10
                                                           Day 1, 3-dot        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                           activity            boards, Challenge > totals to > 20
                                                           Day 2, 2-dot        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                           activity            boards, Challenge > totals to > 20
    Block B1.b      Use pairs that total 100 to make the   Day 4 and 5,        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Addition
                    next multiple of 100                   main teaching       problems, Explore > addition grid
                                                           Day 4, 3-dot        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                                                           activity            Addition problems, Challenge > digits
                                                           Day 5, 2-dot        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                                                           activity            Addition problems, Challenge > digits

MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software
and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4
Abacus Evolve   Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective       Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software
Weekly Plan                                           Day and Activity
Block B1.c      Classify and describe 2D shapes,      Day 1, 2 and 3,   Teaching and Learning Y5/P6: 2-D and
                including quadrilaterals              main teaching     3-D shapes, Explore
                                                      Day 2, main       Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and
                                                      teaching          number sorter, Shape sorter > Explore >
                                                                        either Venn or Carroll > is a quadrilateral
                                                      Day 2, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape
                                                      activity          and number sorter, Shape sorter >
                                                                        Challenge > ensure a 2-D option is
                                                                        selected, e.g. is a quadrilateral
Block B1.d      Identify and sketch lines of          Day 4 and 5,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                symmetry in simple shapes             main teaching     Symmetry searcher, Explore
Block C1.a      Measure and compare lengths in        Day 2, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                metres and centimetres                activity          boards, Explore > measures and money
                                                                        > length > pairing lengths m/km
Block C1.b      Use decimal notation for metres and   Day 4 and 5,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                centimetres                           main teaching     boards, Explore > measures and money
                                                                        > length > pairing lengths cm/m
                                                      Day 4, 2-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                      activity          boards, Explore > measures and money
                                                                        > length > pairing lengths cm/m
                                                      Day 4, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                      activity          boards, Explore > measures and money
                                                                        > length > pairing lengths m/km
                                                      Day 5, 1-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                      activity          boards, Explore > measures and money
                                                                        > length > pairing lengths cm/m
Block C1.c      Organise and interpret data in        Day 1, 2 and 3,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Virtual
                simple lists, tally charts and        main teaching     data, Explore > select any data option
                frequency tables                                        > show tally > hide bar chart and bar
                                                                        line chart
Block C1.d      Organise and interpret data in        Day 4 and 5,      Teaching and Learning Y2/P3: Magic
                pictograms                            main teaching     data tree, Explore
Block D1.a      Add a 1-digit number to a 2- or 3-digit Day 1 and 2,    Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                number, bridging a multiple of 10       main teaching   grids, Explore
Block D1.b      Subtract a 1-digit number from a      Day 4 and 5,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                2- or 3-digit number                  main teaching     grids, Explore
Block D1.c      Read the time to 5 minutes on         Day 1, 2 and 3,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time,
                analogue clocks                       main teaching     Explore
                                                      Day 3, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time,
                                                      activity          Challenge > time differences
Block D1.d      Read the time on analogue and         Day 4 and 5,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time,
                digital clocks; solve problems        main teaching     Explore
                involving time                        Day 4, 1-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time,
                                                      activity          Challenge > setting the clock
                                                      Day 5, 2-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time,
                                                      activity          Challenge > setting the clock

MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software
    and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4
    Abacus Evolve   Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective         Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software
    Weekly Plan                                             Day and Activity
    Block E1.a      Understand multiplication/division      Day 2 and 3       Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division
                    as repeated addition/subtraction        main teaching     modeller, Explore > grouping
                                                            Day 2, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division
                                                            activity          modeller, Challenge > grouping and
                                                                              sharing without remainders
    Block E1.b      Know the multiplication facts for the   Day 4, main       Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                    2 times table                           teaching          boards, Explore > number > pre-sets >
                                                                              multiplication bonds (2)
                                                            Day 5, main       Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                            teaching          line, Explore
    Block E1.c      Recognise unit fractions; find unit     Day 1, main       Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                    fractions of numbers                    teaching          Fractions of objects, Explore > single
                                                                              fractions > select 10 of 20
                                                            Day 2, main       Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                                                            teaching          Fractions of objects, Explore > single
                                                                              fractions > select 3 of 15
                                                            Day 1, 2-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Fractions
                                                            activity          of objects, Challenge > build the wall
                                                            Day 2, 1-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Fractions
                                                            activity          of objects, Challenge > build the wall
    Block E1.d      Know doubles of numbers to 20;          Day 3, 4 and 5,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                    derive multiples of 5 and 50, and       main teaching     boards, Explore > number > pre-sets >
                    corresponding halves                                      multiplication bonds (2)
    Block A2.a      Round numbers less than 100 to the      Day 1 and 2,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Zoom
                    nearest 10                              main teaching     number line, Explore > fixed point >
                                                                              zoom +
    Block A2.b      Order numbers to 1000; say a            Day 3, 4 and 5,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place
                    number lying between two 3-digit        main teaching     value, Explore
                    numbers                                 Day 3, 1-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place
                                                            activity          value, Challenge > build the number
                                                            Day 3, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                            activity          line, Challenge > ordering
                                                            Day 4, 2-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                            activity          line, Challenge > ordering
    Block A2.c      Count on in 10s, 100s or 50s from       Day 1, 2 and 3,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                    zero                                    main teaching     line, Explore
    Block A2.d      Recognise odd and even numbers up       Day 4 and 5,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape
                    to at least 50                          main teaching     and number sorter, Number sorter >
                                                                              Explore > Venn diagram > is even
                                                            Day 4, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Target
                                                            activity          totals, Challenge > one player > odd
                                                                              or even totals
                                                            Day 4, 2-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Target
                                                            activity          totals, Challenge > one player > odd
                                                                              or even totals
    Block B2.a      Know pairs of multiples of 100 that     Day 1 and 2,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                    total 1000                              main teaching     boards, Explore > number > pre-sets
                                                                              > complements to 1000

MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software
and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4
Abacus Evolve   Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective        Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software
Weekly Plan                                            Day and Activity
Block B2.a      Know pairs of multiples of 100 that    Day 3, main       Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
(cont)          total 1000                             teaching          boards, Explore > measures and
                                                                         money > money > complements to £1
                                                       Day 1, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                       activity          boards, Explore > number > pre-sets
                                                                         > complements to 100
                                                       Day 2, 2-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                       activity          boards, Explore > number > pre-sets
                                                                         > complements to 100
                                                       Day 3, all dot    Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                       activities        boards, Explore > measures and
                                                                         money > money > complements to £1
Block B2.b      Use pairs that total 100 to make the   Day 5, main       Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                next multiple of 100                   teaching          line, Explore > make a line > start
                                                                         800, end 900, steps 10
                                                       Day 4, 1-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                       activity          boards, Explore > number > pre-sets
                                                                         > complements to 100
Block B2.c      Introduce, classify and describe       Day 1 and 2,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape
                prisms                                 main teaching     and number sorter, Shape sorter >
                                                                         Explore > Venn diagram > is a prism
                                                       Day 1, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape
                                                       activity and      and number sorter, Shape sorter >
                                                       2-dot activity    Explore > Venn diagram > is a prism
                                                       Day 2, 1-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape
                                                       activity          and number sorter, Shape sorter >
                                                                         Explore > Venn diagram > is a prism
Block B2.d      Classify and describe common 3-D       Day 3, 4 and 5,   Teaching and Learning Y5/P6: 2-D and
                shapes by properties                   main teaching     3-D shapes, Explore
                                                       Day 3, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape
                                                       activity          and number sorter, Challenge > either
                                                                         Venn or Carroll > select a 3-D shape
                                                       Day 4, 2-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape
                                                       activity          and number sorter, Challenge > either
                                                                         Venn or Carroll > select a 3-D shape
                                                       Day 5, 1-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape
                                                       activity          and number sorter, Challenge > either
                                                                         Venn or Carroll > select a 3-D shape
Block C2.a      Measure and compare capacities in      Day 1 and 2,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                litres and millilitres                 main teaching     boards, Explore > measures and money
                                                                         > capacity > pairing capacities ml/l
                                                       Day 2, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                       activity          boards, Explore > measures and money
                                                                         > capacity > pairing capacities ml/l
Block C2.b      Use units of time: days, hours,        Day 3, 4 and 5,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time,
                minutes, seconds                       main teaching     Explore > hide digital clock

MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software
    and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4
    Abacus Evolve   Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective          Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software
    Weekly Plan                                              Day and Activity
    Block C2.c      Organise and interpret data in           Day 1 and 2,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Virtual
                    frequency tables                         main teaching     data, Explore > frequency of types of
                                                                               vehicle > show tally > hide bar chart
                                                                               and bar line chart

    Block C2.d      Organise and interpret data in bar       Day 3, 4 and 5,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Virtual
                    charts                                   main teaching     data, Explore > frequency of types of
                                                                               vehicle > show tally > show bar chart

    Block D2.a      Add and subtract a multiple of 10 to     Day 1 and 2,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                    and from a 2- or 3-digit number          main teaching     Number line, Explore > make a line
    Block D2.b      Add and subtract a 2-digit number to     Day 3, 4 and 5,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                    and from a 2- or 3-digit number          main teaching     Number line, Explore > make a line

    Block D2.c      Add and subtract a multiple of 10 or     Day 1 and 2,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                    100 to and from a 3- or 4-digit number   main teaching     Number line, Explore > make a line
    Block D2.d      Add and subtract 9, 11, 19 and 29 to     Day 3, 4 and 5,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                    and from a 2- or 3-digit number          main teaching     Number boards, Explore > number >
                                                                               pre-sets > numbers with a difference
                                                                               of 9/19/29

                                                             Day 3, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                                                             activity          Number boards, Explore > number >
                                                                               pre-sets > numbers with a difference
                                                                               of 39/49

                                                             Day 4, 2-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                                                             activity          Number boards, Explore > number >
                                                                               pre-sets > numbers with a difference
                                                                               of 29/21

                                                             Day 5, 1-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                                                             activity          Number boards, Explore > number >
                                                                               pre-sets > numbers with a difference
                                                                               of 19/21

    Block E2.a      Know the multiplication facts for the    Day 1 and 2,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                    5 and 10 times tables                    main teaching     Sequences, Explore > step 5, start
                                                                               number 0
    Block E2.b      Rehearse division as the inverse of      Day 4 and 5,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                    multiplication                           main teaching     Sequences, Explore > set up a
                                                                               suitable array, e.g. 5 ≠ 6 by selecting
                                                                               ‘Trail 30’, and then hide numbers as
                                                                               these are not needed

                                                             Day 4, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                             activity          grids, Challenge > check the grid

                                                             Day 5, 2-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                             activity          grids, Challenge > check the grid

    Block E2.c      Know the multiplication facts for the    Day 1, 2 and 3,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                    3 times table                            main teaching     Sequences, Explore > step 3 (or 6),
                                                                               start number 0

MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software
and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4
Abacus Evolve   Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective         Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software
Weekly Plan                                             Day and Activity
Block E2.d      Recognise non-unit fractions; find      Day 4 and 5,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                non-unit fractions of shapes and        main teaching     Fractions of objects, Explore > compare
                numbers                                                   fractions > compare, e.g. 1 of one
                                                                          shape against 4 of another
                                                        Day 4, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                                                        activity          Fractions of objects, Challenge >
                                                                          complete the wall
                                                        Day 5, 1-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                                                        activity and      Fractions of objects, Explore >
                                                        2-dot activity    complete the wall/build the wall
Block A3.a      Round 3-digit numbers to the            Day 1, 2 and 3,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Zoom
                nearest 100 and 10; understand and      main teaching     number line, Explore > fixed point >
                use £.p notation                                          enter start number (as £.p)
Block A3.b      Solve ‘real-life’ problems involving    Day 4, main       Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Zoom
                money (comparing amounts)               teaching          number line, Explore > fixed point >
                                                                          enter start number (as £.p)
Block A3.c      Add a 2-digit number to a 2-, 3- or     Day 1, 2 and 3,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                4-digit number by partitioning into     main teaching     grids, Explore > addition grid > start
                T and U                                                   at 20 > step 1 > go > hide totals >
                                                                          ‘move’ 10 squares out (then click on
                                                                          ‘move’ again to disable this feature)
                                                                          and click on each moved square to
                                                                          reveal number. Challenge children
                                                                          to replace each one in the correct
                                                                          place on the grid using the addition
                                                                          methods explained in the lesson.
                                                        Day 1, 3-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                        activity          grids, Challenge > complete the grid
                                                                          > 10 ≠ 10
                                                        Day 2, 2-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                        activity          grids, Challenge > complete the grid
                                                        Day 3, 1-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                        activity          grids, Challenge > complete the grid
Block A3.d      Add by identifying near doubles,        Day 4, 1-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                using doubles already known             activity          boards, Explore > number > pre-sets
                                                                          > multiplication bonds (2) > 5 ≠ 5 grid
Block B3.a      Recognise odd and even numbers up Day 1, main             Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                to 100; count on in 5s and 50s    teaching                grids, Explore
                                                        Day 2 main        Teaching and learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                        teaching          line, Explore > make a line > start 0,
                                                                          step 50, end 1000
Block B3.b      Know the multiplication facts for the   Day 4 and 5,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                4 times table                           main teaching     line, Explore > make a line > start 0,
                                                                          step 4, end 40
Block B3.c      Make and describe right-angled turns; Day 1 and 2,        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time,
                identify right angles; use set squares main teaching      Explore > hide digital clock

MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software
    and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4
    Abacus Evolve   Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective        Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software
    Weekly Plan                                            Day and Activity
    Block B3.d      Recognise and use the four compass     n/a               n/a
                    directions N, S, E, W
    Block C3.a      Locate position on a grid with the     n/a               n/a
                    rows and columns labelled
    Block C3.b      Measure and compare weights in         Day 4 and 5,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Scales,
                    kilograms and grams                    main teaching     Explore > scales
                                                           Day 4, 2-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                           activity and      boards, Explore > measures and
                                                           3-dot activity    money > mass > pairing masses g/kg
    Block C3.c      Use units of time: years, months,      n/a               n/a
                    weeks, days, hours
    Block C3.d      Classify and sort data in Venn and     Day 3, 4 and 5,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and
                    Carroll diagrams                       main teaching     number sorter, Explore > any settings
                                                           Day 3, any        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape
                                                           group             and number sorter, Challenge > Venn
                                                                             diagram > set appropriate challenge
                                                           Day 4, any        Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape
                                                           group             and number sorter, Challenge > Carroll
                                                                             diagram > set appropriate challenge
    Block D3.a      Use informal written methods to record Day 1 and 2,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place
                    additions for 2- and 3-digit numbers   main teaching     value, Explore
    Block D3.b      Begin to use column addition to add    Day 3, 4 and 5,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place
                    2- and 3-digit numbers                 main teaching     value, Explore
    Block D3.c      Find a difference between two 2- or    Day 1 and 2,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                    3-digit numbers by counting on         main teaching     line, Explore
    Block D3.d      Use informal written methods to record Day 3, 4 and 5,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                    subtractions for 2- and 3-digit numbers main teaching    line, Explore
    Block E3.a      Understand division as grouping        Day 1 and 2,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division
                                                           main teaching     modeller, Explore > grouping > set
                                                                             calculation to, e.g. 13 ÷ 4 or 18 ÷ 4 to
                                                                             model division with remainders
                                                           Day 1, 2-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division
                                                           activity and      modeller, Challenge > sharing and
                                                           3-dot activity    grouping with remainders
                                                           Day 2, 1-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division
                                                           activity          modeller, Challenge > sharing and
                                                                             grouping with remainders
    Block E3.b      Multiply by 10 and 100, shifting the   Day 3, 4 and 5,   Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place
                    digits 1 or 2 places to the left       main teaching     value, Explore > model multiplying by
                                                                             10 and 100 using the place value grids
    Block E3.c      Begin to recognise simple equivalent   Day 1 and 2,      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                    fractions                              main teaching     Fractions of objects, Explore >
                                                                             compare fractions > compare halves
                                                                             with quarters and quarters with tenths
                                                           Day 1, 1-dot      Teaching and Learning Y3/P4:
                                                           activity          Fractions of objects, Challenge >
                                                                             complete the wall

MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software
and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4
Abacus Evolve   Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective     Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software
Weekly Plan                                         Day and Activity
Block E3.d      Find totals, give change and work   Day 4 and 5,    Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                out which coins to pay              main teaching   boards, Explore > measures and money
                                                                    > money > pairing amounts £/p
                                                    Day 4, 2-dot    Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                    activity        boards, Explore > measures and money
                                                                    > money > pairing amounts £/p
                                                    Day 5, 1-dot    Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number
                                                    activity        boards, Explore > measures and money
                                                                    > money > pairing amounts £/p


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Maths: Abacus Evolve Year 3 (Textbook 1, 2 and 3) – Pearson publishing

  • 1. M ath in g an sWo h e a c ar dL rks Te earning Softw an d Ma Abacus Evol ve tch i ng Charts Y3/P4
  • 2. Introduction The MathsWorks Teaching and Learning software allows you to add an interactive dimension to your maths lessons, making the teaching of key mathematical concepts engaging for each and every child. Each CD-ROM contains up to 15 interactive programs, each with up to four different versions. This gives you a wide range of motivational tools to help you bring your maths lesson to life. There are two types of program. Explore programs are teaching tools to assist whole class or group teaching. Some are designed to help teachers and teaching assistants model key mathematical concepts, while others provide a problem for the class to solve together. Challenge programs build on the Explore programs. They provide activities for children to work on collaboratively, in pairs or small groups. Some Challenges are completely open-ended while others expect a solution. Feedback supports children when they make errors or lets them know how they have done when they have completed an activity. These charts demonstrate how the innovative Teaching and Learning software can be used to complement your Abacus Evolve lessons, helping you to slot the interactive programs in alongside your existing planning. With engaging tools to demonstrate key concepts and a wealth of Challenge activities, this software is perfect for enhancing whole class teaching, and adds breadth and variety for pupil practise. Heinemann is an imprint of Pearson Education Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales, having its registered office at Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex, CM20 2JE. Registered company number: 872828 Heinemann is a registered trademark of Pearson Education Limited Text © Pearson Education Ltd First published 2008 12 11 10 09 08 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 978 0 435 16670 0 Copyright notice All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright owner, except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, Saffron House, 6-–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS ( Applications for the copyright owner’s written permission should be addressed to the publisher. Designed and typeset by Debbie Oatley Cover design by Debbie Oatley Cover illustration by Per José Karlén Acknowledgements Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders of material reproduced in this book. Any omissions will be rectified in subsequent printings if notice is given to the publishers.
  • 3. MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4 Abacus Evolve Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software Weekly Plan Day and Activity Block A1.a Compare two 3-digit numbers Day 1, main Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: teaching Sequences, Explore > start number, e.g. 350 Day 2, main Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place teaching value, Explore Day 2, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place activity value, Challenge > build the number Block A1.b Partition 3-digit numbers into H, Day 3 and 4, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place T and U main teaching value, Explore Day 4, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place activity value, Challenge > what number am I? Day 5, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place activity value, Challenge > build the number Day 5, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place activity value, Challenge > what number am I? Block A1.c Count up to 100 objects by grouping Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y2/P3: in 5s or 10s main teaching Counting to 50, Explore > group into 5s and 10s Block A1.d Count on and back in 100s from any Day 3 and 4, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place number main teaching value, Explore Day 3, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity or 1-dot boards, Explore > pre-sets > numbers activity with a difference of, e.g. 1 or 10 > numbers to 50 or 100 Day 4, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity boards, Explore > pre-sets > numbers with a difference of, e.g. 1 or 10 > numbers to 100 Block B1.a Know pairs of multiples of 100 that Day 1, 2 and 3, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number total 1000 main teaching boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > choose either complements to 100 or totals to 10 or 20 Day 1, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity boards, Challenge > totals to > 10 Day 1, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity boards, Challenge > totals to > 20 Day 2, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity boards, Challenge > totals to > 20 Block B1.b Use pairs that total 100 to make the Day 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Addition next multiple of 100 main teaching problems, Explore > addition grid Day 4, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: activity Addition problems, Challenge > digits 1–9 Day 5, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: activity Addition problems, Challenge > digits 1–9 2
  • 4. MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4 Abacus Evolve Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software Weekly Plan Day and Activity Block B1.c Classify and describe 2D shapes, Day 1, 2 and 3, Teaching and Learning Y5/P6: 2-D and including quadrilaterals main teaching 3-D shapes, Explore Day 2, main Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and teaching number sorter, Shape sorter > Explore > either Venn or Carroll > is a quadrilateral Day 2, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape activity and number sorter, Shape sorter > Challenge > ensure a 2-D option is selected, e.g. is a quadrilateral Block B1.d Identify and sketch lines of Day 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: symmetry in simple shapes main teaching Symmetry searcher, Explore Block C1.a Measure and compare lengths in Day 2, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number metres and centimetres activity boards, Explore > measures and money > length > pairing lengths m/km Block C1.b Use decimal notation for metres and Day 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number centimetres main teaching boards, Explore > measures and money > length > pairing lengths cm/m Day 4, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity boards, Explore > measures and money > length > pairing lengths cm/m Day 4, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity boards, Explore > measures and money > length > pairing lengths m/km Day 5, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity boards, Explore > measures and money > length > pairing lengths cm/m Block C1.c Organise and interpret data in Day 1, 2 and 3, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Virtual simple lists, tally charts and main teaching data, Explore > select any data option frequency tables > show tally > hide bar chart and bar line chart Block C1.d Organise and interpret data in Day 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y2/P3: Magic pictograms main teaching data tree, Explore Block D1.a Add a 1-digit number to a 2- or 3-digit Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number number, bridging a multiple of 10 main teaching grids, Explore Block D1.b Subtract a 1-digit number from a Day 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number 2- or 3-digit number main teaching grids, Explore Block D1.c Read the time to 5 minutes on Day 1, 2 and 3, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time, analogue clocks main teaching Explore Day 3, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time, activity Challenge > time differences Block D1.d Read the time on analogue and Day 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time, digital clocks; solve problems main teaching Explore involving time Day 4, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time, activity Challenge > setting the clock Day 5, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time, activity Challenge > setting the clock 3
  • 5. MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4 Abacus Evolve Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software Weekly Plan Day and Activity Block E1.a Understand multiplication/division Day 2 and 3 Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division as repeated addition/subtraction main teaching modeller, Explore > grouping Day 2, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division activity modeller, Challenge > grouping and sharing without remainders Block E1.b Know the multiplication facts for the Day 4, main Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number 2 times table teaching boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > multiplication bonds (2) Day 5, main Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number teaching line, Explore Block E1.c Recognise unit fractions; find unit Day 1, main Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: fractions of numbers teaching Fractions of objects, Explore > single 1 fractions > select 10 of 20 Day 2, main Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: teaching Fractions of objects, Explore > single 1 fractions > select 3 of 15 Day 1, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Fractions activity of objects, Challenge > build the wall Day 2, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Fractions activity of objects, Challenge > build the wall Block E1.d Know doubles of numbers to 20; Day 3, 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number derive multiples of 5 and 50, and main teaching boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > corresponding halves multiplication bonds (2) Block A2.a Round numbers less than 100 to the Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Zoom nearest 10 main teaching number line, Explore > fixed point > zoom + Block A2.b Order numbers to 1000; say a Day 3, 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place number lying between two 3-digit main teaching value, Explore numbers Day 3, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place activity value, Challenge > build the number Day 3, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity line, Challenge > ordering Day 4, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity line, Challenge > ordering Block A2.c Count on in 10s, 100s or 50s from Day 1, 2 and 3, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number zero main teaching line, Explore Block A2.d Recognise odd and even numbers up Day 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape to at least 50 main teaching and number sorter, Number sorter > Explore > Venn diagram > is even Day 4, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Target activity totals, Challenge > one player > odd or even totals Day 4, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Target activity totals, Challenge > one player > odd or even totals Block B2.a Know pairs of multiples of 100 that Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number total 1000 main teaching boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > complements to 1000 4
  • 6. MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4 Abacus Evolve Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software Weekly Plan Day and Activity Block B2.a Know pairs of multiples of 100 that Day 3, main Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number (cont) total 1000 teaching boards, Explore > measures and money > money > complements to £1 Day 1, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > complements to 100 Day 2, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > complements to 100 Day 3, all dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activities boards, Explore > measures and money > money > complements to £1 Block B2.b Use pairs that total 100 to make the Day 5, main Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number next multiple of 100 teaching line, Explore > make a line > start 800, end 900, steps 10 Day 4, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > complements to 100 Block B2.c Introduce, classify and describe Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape prisms main teaching and number sorter, Shape sorter > Explore > Venn diagram > is a prism Day 1, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape activity and and number sorter, Shape sorter > 2-dot activity Explore > Venn diagram > is a prism Day 2, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape activity and number sorter, Shape sorter > Explore > Venn diagram > is a prism Block B2.d Classify and describe common 3-D Day 3, 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y5/P6: 2-D and shapes by properties main teaching 3-D shapes, Explore Day 3, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape activity and number sorter, Challenge > either Venn or Carroll > select a 3-D shape challenge Day 4, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape activity and number sorter, Challenge > either Venn or Carroll > select a 3-D shape challenge Day 5, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape activity and number sorter, Challenge > either Venn or Carroll > select a 3-D shape challenge Block C2.a Measure and compare capacities in Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number litres and millilitres main teaching boards, Explore > measures and money > capacity > pairing capacities ml/l Day 2, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity boards, Explore > measures and money > capacity > pairing capacities ml/l Block C2.b Use units of time: days, hours, Day 3, 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time, minutes, seconds main teaching Explore > hide digital clock 5
  • 7. MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4 Abacus Evolve Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software Weekly Plan Day and Activity Block C2.c Organise and interpret data in Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Virtual frequency tables main teaching data, Explore > frequency of types of vehicle > show tally > hide bar chart and bar line chart Block C2.d Organise and interpret data in bar Day 3, 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Virtual charts main teaching data, Explore > frequency of types of vehicle > show tally > show bar chart Block D2.a Add and subtract a multiple of 10 to Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: and from a 2- or 3-digit number main teaching Number line, Explore > make a line Block D2.b Add and subtract a 2-digit number to Day 3, 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: and from a 2- or 3-digit number main teaching Number line, Explore > make a line Block D2.c Add and subtract a multiple of 10 or Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: 100 to and from a 3- or 4-digit number main teaching Number line, Explore > make a line Block D2.d Add and subtract 9, 11, 19 and 29 to Day 3, 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: and from a 2- or 3-digit number main teaching Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > numbers with a difference of 9/19/29 Day 3, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: activity Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > numbers with a difference of 39/49 Day 4, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: activity Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > numbers with a difference of 29/21 Day 5, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: activity Number boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > numbers with a difference of 19/21 Block E2.a Know the multiplication facts for the Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: 5 and 10 times tables main teaching Sequences, Explore > step 5, start number 0 Block E2.b Rehearse division as the inverse of Day 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: multiplication main teaching Sequences, Explore > set up a suitable array, e.g. 5 ≠ 6 by selecting ‘Trail 30’, and then hide numbers as these are not needed Day 4, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity grids, Challenge > check the grid Day 5, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity grids, Challenge > check the grid Block E2.c Know the multiplication facts for the Day 1, 2 and 3, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: 3 times table main teaching Sequences, Explore > step 3 (or 6), start number 0 6
  • 8. MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4 Abacus Evolve Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software Weekly Plan Day and Activity Block E2.d Recognise non-unit fractions; find Day 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: non-unit fractions of shapes and main teaching Fractions of objects, Explore > compare numbers fractions > compare, e.g. 1 of one 4 3 shape against 4 of another Day 4, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: activity Fractions of objects, Challenge > complete the wall Day 5, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: activity and Fractions of objects, Explore > 2-dot activity complete the wall/build the wall Block A3.a Round 3-digit numbers to the Day 1, 2 and 3, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Zoom nearest 100 and 10; understand and main teaching number line, Explore > fixed point > use £.p notation enter start number (as £.p) Block A3.b Solve ‘real-life’ problems involving Day 4, main Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Zoom money (comparing amounts) teaching number line, Explore > fixed point > enter start number (as £.p) Block A3.c Add a 2-digit number to a 2-, 3- or Day 1, 2 and 3, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number 4-digit number by partitioning into main teaching grids, Explore > addition grid > start T and U at 20 > step 1 > go > hide totals > ‘move’ 10 squares out (then click on ‘move’ again to disable this feature) and click on each moved square to reveal number. Challenge children to replace each one in the correct place on the grid using the addition methods explained in the lesson. Day 1, 3-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity grids, Challenge > complete the grid > 10 ≠ 10 Day 2, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity grids, Challenge > complete the grid >8≠8 Day 3, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity grids, Challenge > complete the grid >6≠6 Block A3.d Add by identifying near doubles, Day 4, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number using doubles already known activity boards, Explore > number > pre-sets > multiplication bonds (2) > 5 ≠ 5 grid Block B3.a Recognise odd and even numbers up Day 1, main Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number to 100; count on in 5s and 50s teaching grids, Explore Day 2 main Teaching and learning Y3/P4: Number teaching line, Explore > make a line > start 0, step 50, end 1000 Block B3.b Know the multiplication facts for the Day 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number 4 times table main teaching line, Explore > make a line > start 0, step 4, end 40 Block B3.c Make and describe right-angled turns; Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Time, identify right angles; use set squares main teaching Explore > hide digital clock 7
  • 9. MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4 Abacus Evolve Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software Weekly Plan Day and Activity Block B3.d Recognise and use the four compass n/a n/a directions N, S, E, W Block C3.a Locate position on a grid with the n/a n/a rows and columns labelled Block C3.b Measure and compare weights in Day 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Scales, kilograms and grams main teaching Explore > scales Day 4, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity and boards, Explore > measures and 3-dot activity money > mass > pairing masses g/kg Block C3.c Use units of time: years, months, n/a n/a weeks, days, hours Block C3.d Classify and sort data in Venn and Day 3, 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape and Carroll diagrams main teaching number sorter, Explore > any settings Day 3, any Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape group and number sorter, Challenge > Venn diagram > set appropriate challenge Day 4, any Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Shape group and number sorter, Challenge > Carroll diagram > set appropriate challenge Block D3.a Use informal written methods to record Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place additions for 2- and 3-digit numbers main teaching value, Explore Block D3.b Begin to use column addition to add Day 3, 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place 2- and 3-digit numbers main teaching value, Explore Block D3.c Find a difference between two 2- or Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number 3-digit numbers by counting on main teaching line, Explore Block D3.d Use informal written methods to record Day 3, 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number subtractions for 2- and 3-digit numbers main teaching line, Explore Block E3.a Understand division as grouping Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division main teaching modeller, Explore > grouping > set calculation to, e.g. 13 ÷ 4 or 18 ÷ 4 to model division with remainders Day 1, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division activity and modeller, Challenge > sharing and 3-dot activity grouping with remainders Day 2, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Division activity modeller, Challenge > sharing and grouping with remainders Block E3.b Multiply by 10 and 100, shifting the Day 3, 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Place digits 1 or 2 places to the left main teaching value, Explore > model multiplying by 10 and 100 using the place value grids Block E3.c Begin to recognise simple equivalent Day 1 and 2, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: fractions main teaching Fractions of objects, Explore > compare fractions > compare halves with quarters and quarters with tenths Day 1, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: activity Fractions of objects, Challenge > complete the wall 8
  • 10. MathsWorks Teaching and Learning Software and Abacus Evolve Matching Charts Y3/P4 Abacus Evolve Relevant Abacus Evolve Objective Abacus Evolve Teaching and Learning Software Weekly Plan Day and Activity Block E3.d Find totals, give change and work Day 4 and 5, Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number out which coins to pay main teaching boards, Explore > measures and money > money > pairing amounts £/p Day 4, 2-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity boards, Explore > measures and money > money > pairing amounts £/p Day 5, 1-dot Teaching and Learning Y3/P4: Number activity boards, Explore > measures and money > money > pairing amounts £/p 9