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Mass Communication : Strength
and Limitation
Presented By:
Ashok Rawal
MPH(STD) PU, Nepal
12/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Outline of the Presentation
Components of Mass communication
 Types of Mass communication
Mass Media and its types
Function of Mass communication
Role of Mass Media in Health communication
Strengths and Limitation of Mass Communication
22/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
 Mass Communication is a process in which a person, a
group of people, or an organization sends a message
through a channel of communication to a large group of
anonymous and heterogeneous people and
organizations. Channels of communication include
broadcast Television, Radio, Social media and print
In other words, mass communication refers to imparting
and exchanging information on a large scale to a wide
range of people.
32/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Components of Mass Communication
Two basic components :
1.The Mass
2.The Communication Media
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The Mass
Large means we can’t exactly count the number of the
members of audience. It is relatively large but it doesn’t mean
that the audience includes all people.
Heterogeneous means the audience of mass media includes
all types of people – the rich, the poor, farmers, bureaucrats,
politicians and so on.
Assorted means the audience of mass media is not necessarily
limited to a particular geographical sector. They may be
scattered everywhere. For example, a newspaper may have a
reader in every nook and corner of the world.
Anonymous means we can’t specifically identify a reader of a
newspaper of newspaper with his certain characteristics.
Today he may be reader of a particular newspaper. Tomorrow,
he may change his media habit. Anybody at any time may be a
member of mass media audience. 52/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
The Communication Media:
The channels of communication that produce and
distribute news, entertainment content, visuals and other
cultural products to a large number of people.
 Print Media
 Electronic Media
 New Media
62/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Elements of mass communication
Public who has to be communicated with
Media (Medium) which is the means of
Message because of which the process has been
Sender of the message
Marketing, advertising, Public relations extra
can be termed as the sub elements of mass
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Mass Communication Process
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Mass Communication Process
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Types of Mass Communication
1. Advertising :Advertising is a mass communication
which is used to market a product through mass media.
2. Journalism : Journalism is the collection, interpretation
and editing news.
3. Public Relations : It is the process of providing
information to the public in order to present a specific
view of a product
4. Social Media: Social media is used mostly in mobile
devices and people can communicate through images,
messages or emails etc…for example, Whats App,
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc
102/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
5. Audio Media : Audio media are of two types (
Recorded music and Radio). Audio media is nothing
but the messages that are conveyed through recorded
audio for example news getting passed through radio
6. Convergence :Convergence is a type where all the
telecommunications come together as forms of mass
communication in a digital media environment.
7. Film and Television : In the late 1970s, television began
to change and gained a large number of audience.
Television was/is an important source of entertainment
to more than 90% of the world’s population. Not only
for entertainment television was also an important
source of current affairs/news.
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8. Photography: Photography also plays a vital role in mass
communication, it is a way of expressing/showing some
incidents through photographs.
9. Interactive Media: It is a form of communication techniques
that is related to services on computer-based systems.
10. E-books : E-Books has become one of the most important
sources for students. Nowadays the education system is
changing everything is changing into digital form. Therefore,
students are studying in eBooks (i.e.) in digital form.
122/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Theories of Mass Communication
132/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Bullet theory
It has been described as a properly prepared message
according to the need of the receiver or the audience
It should be so prepared that it is immediately received
The message is compared to the bullet which strikes at the
aimed, target or audience
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Trickle down theory
According to this theory the communication goes from
the top to bottom and finds a horizontal communication at
the lowest level of trickling among the people of equal
It actually means that when a message has reached to the
community through mass communication, the
communication further finds a trickle effect within the
community by mouth to ear transfer.
152/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Cultivation theory
Cultivation theory, developed by George Gerbner and
Marshall McLuhan
Discusses the long-term effects of watching television,
and hypothesizes that the more television an individual
consumes, the more likely that person is to believe the
real world is similar to what they have seen on television.
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Individual difference theory
The content of the communication is so prepared that it
takes account the individual needs, attitudes etc.
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Agenda setting theory
 Agenda-setting theory describes the ability (of the news
media) to influence the importance placed on the topics of
the public agenda
 Agenda setting hypothesizes that media have the power
to influence the public discourse, and tell people what are
important issues facing society.
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Mass Media
 Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a
mass audience.
It is the primary means of communication used to reach the
vast majority of the general public.
The most common platforms for mass media are
newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet.
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Types of Mass Media
Print Media: News papers,
Magazines books, Poster, Pamphlet,
Leaflet, Brochure ,other textual
Electronic Media: Radio, Movies,
Television Audio and Video records
New Media: CD-RoMs, DVDs,
Internet facilities like World Wide
Web, email etc.
202/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Newspapers, magazines,
classifieds, circulars,
journals, yellow pages,
billboards, posters,
brochures, and catalogues
Gramophone records,
magnetic tapes,
cassettes, cartridges,
Comedy, Drama, Horror,
Action, Children's,
Fantasy, Crime,
Romance, Science
Fiction, Documentary,
Family, Mystery
College, Commercial, Community,
International broadcasting, Music,
Pirate, Public
News, Movies, Situation comedy,
Sports events,
Audience participation,
Talk/conversation, Music,
Reality-based show,
(news, blogs,
social networking,
Internet telephony
(e.g. VoIP)
Email, Instant
messaging and
Streaming audio
Streaming video
•The first personal mass media
•Permanently carried
•Always on
•Built-in payment mechanism
•The most accurate audience
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Strengths and limitations of various media
 Daily delivery – frequency opportunity
 Geographic selectivity
 Some special interest selectivity
 Intensive coverage of specific
geographic market
 Reach well-educated audience
 Wide range of editorial material aimed
at a broad audience
 Great flexibility in size
 Complex information can be
 Pass-along audience in household
 Can read at leisure
Print Media :News paper
 Short life
 Low quality color
 Cannot deliver
sound and motion
 Messages compete
with one another
Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Strengths and limitations of various media
 Audience selectivity/specific audience
 Durability – long life
 High quality color reproduction
 Complex information can be
 Interested readers
 Influential readers
 Read at leisure
Print Media: Magazines
Long lead time
Cannot deliver
sound and motion
Low frequency
Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Strengths and limitations of various media
Allows for active demonstration of
Large audience reach
Some audience targeting
Prime source of news
High impact
Spectacular medium – sound,
animation, motion, colour etc.
Broadcast media: Television
Messages have
short life plus time
Long lead time
Not portable
High production
Most stations
Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Strengths and limitations of various media
Low Cost
Good supplementary medium
Great flexibility
Universal coverage
Inside and outside home
Selective audiences
Urban and rural
Prime source of local information
Broadcast media: Radio
Short life
No visuals
No motion
Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Strengths and limitations of various media
Excellent reach (mass audience)
Geographic flexibility
High impact message
Good for product awareness
Reaches audience 24 hours a day
Quality reproduction
Outdoor Advertising: Hoarding Board, Wall painting,
 Creative limitations –
instant visual impact
must be made
 Production costs are
 Environmental
 Weather can restrict
communication of the
 Cannot deliver sound
and motion
 Cannot provide details
Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Function of Mass Communication
272/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Function of Mass Communication
Surveillance of the
Transmission of heritage
Interpretation of information
Catalyst for Development
Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Information function
 Mass media carry a lot of information which are
essential for our day to day life. We know exam
results, weather forecasts, current affairs, traffic
regulations, precautions, government policies etc.
Information should be accurate, objective and
Biased or incomplete reports will keep the audience
away from the media.
Advertising is also mass media’s information
292/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Education function
 Education is systematically organized information with
predefined objectives.
The primary source of education in our society is schools
or colleges and Media also perform the functions that
educational institutions do.
Media are life-long educators for the society, They give
us comprehensive knowledge of selected topics. news-
based content like editorials, articles, columns in
newspapers provide us with complete idea of a subject-
Health Magazines,
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Entertainment function
 Mass media are wonderful entertainers.
All media have entertainment content. Newspapers
publish cartoons, comics, puzzles, special weekend
supplements for amusing people and magazine content
such as short stories, novels, satires and cartoons are for
Movies are another big stock for entertainment.
Audio-Visual media such as television and radio are also
primarily concentrate on entertainment function through
their programmes based on sports, film, and fashion
shows etc.
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 Persuasion means influencing attitudes or opinions. Mass
media have many ways to persuade people. Most people
form their opinion from information they get from mass
Media have direct and indirect methods for persuasion.
For public opinion formation, mass media use editorials,
news analysis and commentaries.
The most obvious method of persuasion is advertising.
Advertisements are direct methods to influence
purchasing behavior of the public.
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Surveillance of the environment
 Mass media observe the society and its activities and
report them to make people aware of their socio-cultural
 In other words, we as social animals are always under the
close observations of mass media. Media are our
watchdogs. It always watches who do good things and
who do bad things, and report them to encourage or
correct our deeds.
Media as the Fourth Estate of our democratic political
332/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Function of Mass communication..
Transmission of heritage:
Mass media are the bridge between our past and
present. They report day to day affairs which will
become history of tomorrow. The best records of
modern history are newspapers of yesteryears.
Interpretation of information
 Mass media provide us with information from every
nook and corner of the world. They do not just report
facts and figures of the events, rather they interpret
events to make us aware of what happens, and why,
where, when and how it happens
Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Catalyst for Development
 Media’s contributions to national development are
mainly in two ways : As advocates for development and
as carriers of development messages.
Mass media find out problems faced by people in
different walks of their life and make the administrators
aware of them.
352/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Role of Mass Media in Health communication
 Expanding Reach & Health Promotion : The mass media
helps health workers expand their audience reach, which
is crucial considering the fact that face-to face channels of
communication often require too many human resources
and reach only a small number of people in large,
underserved rural areas.
The mass media provides an important link between the
rural residents and vital health information.
Printed Media : The distribution of pamphlets and leaflets
created by specialized health bodies can disseminate vital
health information reliably.
362/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Role of Mass Media in Health communication
 The Internet Revolution : As Internet access continues to
expand, it will increasingly serve as a rich health resource in
environments that lack health expertise. Regardless of
location, the Internet allows people to gain access to a wide
array of health-related information from worldwide at a mouse
 Reaching Out to Rural Communities: Radio Spots In places
where radios are still popular, they can be used, with great
success, as health communication tools. Not only are they
cheaper and more readily available in rural areas, their
programs can also be adapted to suit local needs in terms of
language, culture and values. In Africa, radio spots or
advertisements are used to combat malaria.
372/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Mass Media exposure and internet usage
 Overall, 23% of women
and 47% of men age
15-49 reported having
used the Internet in the
past 12 months.
 Among those who had
used the Internet in the
past 12 months, more
than half of women and
men tended to use it on
a daily basis during the
past month (56% and
54%, respectively)
Source : NDHS, 2016
Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
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402/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
Strength and limitations Of Mass communication
– Reach many people quickly
– They are believable especially when the source is a
credible one
– Effective in emergency condition
– Cost effective
– One sided
– Informative rather than behavioral change
– Difficult to evaluate
412/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
1. Introduction to mass communication, University of Calicut
distance Education Kerala India- 2011
2. US Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
(2004). “Health Communication’’HealthyPeopl2010 (vol.1)
7. NDHS, 2016 Nepal
422/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
7. Wakefield, M. A., Loken, B., & Hornik, R. C. (2010). Use of
mass media campaigns to change health behaviour. Lancet
(London, England), 376(9748), 1261-71.
8. Piotrow, P.T., Kincaid, D.L., Rimon, J.G., Rinehart, W. and
Samson, K., 1997. Health communication: lessons from
family planning and reproductive health.
9. Bertrand, J.T., O'reilly, K., Denison, J., Anhang, R. and
Sweat, M., 2006. Systematic review of the effectiveness of
mass communication programs to change HIV/AIDS-related
behaviors in developing countries. Health education
research, 21(4), pp.567-597
432/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD

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Mass communication rawal a.

  • 1. Mass Communication : Strength and Limitation Presented By: Ashok Rawal MPH(STD) PU, Nepal 12/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 2. Outline of the Presentation Introduction Components of Mass communication  Types of Mass communication Mass Media and its types Function of Mass communication Role of Mass Media in Health communication Strengths and Limitation of Mass Communication Conclusion 22/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 3. Introduction  Mass Communication is a process in which a person, a group of people, or an organization sends a message through a channel of communication to a large group of anonymous and heterogeneous people and organizations. Channels of communication include broadcast Television, Radio, Social media and print In other words, mass communication refers to imparting and exchanging information on a large scale to a wide range of people. 32/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 4. Components of Mass Communication Two basic components : 1.The Mass 2.The Communication Media 42/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 5. The Mass Large means we can’t exactly count the number of the members of audience. It is relatively large but it doesn’t mean that the audience includes all people. Heterogeneous means the audience of mass media includes all types of people – the rich, the poor, farmers, bureaucrats, politicians and so on. Assorted means the audience of mass media is not necessarily limited to a particular geographical sector. They may be scattered everywhere. For example, a newspaper may have a reader in every nook and corner of the world. Anonymous means we can’t specifically identify a reader of a newspaper of newspaper with his certain characteristics. Today he may be reader of a particular newspaper. Tomorrow, he may change his media habit. Anybody at any time may be a member of mass media audience. 52/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 6. The Communication Media: The channels of communication that produce and distribute news, entertainment content, visuals and other cultural products to a large number of people.  Print Media  Electronic Media  New Media 62/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 7. Elements of mass communication Public who has to be communicated with Media (Medium) which is the means of communication Message because of which the process has been created Sender of the message Marketing, advertising, Public relations extra can be termed as the sub elements of mass communication. 72/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 10. Types of Mass Communication 1. Advertising :Advertising is a mass communication which is used to market a product through mass media. 2. Journalism : Journalism is the collection, interpretation and editing news. 3. Public Relations : It is the process of providing information to the public in order to present a specific view of a product 4. Social Media: Social media is used mostly in mobile devices and people can communicate through images, messages or emails etc…for example, Whats App, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc 102/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 11. TYPES OF MASS COMMUNICATION…. 5. Audio Media : Audio media are of two types ( Recorded music and Radio). Audio media is nothing but the messages that are conveyed through recorded audio for example news getting passed through radio 6. Convergence :Convergence is a type where all the telecommunications come together as forms of mass communication in a digital media environment. 7. Film and Television : In the late 1970s, television began to change and gained a large number of audience. Television was/is an important source of entertainment to more than 90% of the world’s population. Not only for entertainment television was also an important source of current affairs/news. 112/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 12. TYPES OF MASS COMMUNICATION…. 8. Photography: Photography also plays a vital role in mass communication, it is a way of expressing/showing some incidents through photographs. 9. Interactive Media: It is a form of communication techniques that is related to services on computer-based systems. 10. E-books : E-Books has become one of the most important sources for students. Nowadays the education system is changing everything is changing into digital form. Therefore, students are studying in eBooks (i.e.) in digital form. Source: 122/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 13. Theories of Mass Communication 132/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 14. Bullet theory It has been described as a properly prepared message according to the need of the receiver or the audience It should be so prepared that it is immediately received The message is compared to the bullet which strikes at the aimed, target or audience 142/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 15. Trickle down theory According to this theory the communication goes from the top to bottom and finds a horizontal communication at the lowest level of trickling among the people of equal status. It actually means that when a message has reached to the community through mass communication, the communication further finds a trickle effect within the community by mouth to ear transfer. 152/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 16. Cultivation theory Cultivation theory, developed by George Gerbner and Marshall McLuhan Discusses the long-term effects of watching television, and hypothesizes that the more television an individual consumes, the more likely that person is to believe the real world is similar to what they have seen on television. 162/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 17. Individual difference theory The content of the communication is so prepared that it takes account the individual needs, attitudes etc. 172/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 18. Agenda setting theory  Agenda-setting theory describes the ability (of the news media) to influence the importance placed on the topics of the public agenda  Agenda setting hypothesizes that media have the power to influence the public discourse, and tell people what are important issues facing society. 182/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 19. Mass Media  Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary means of communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public. The most common platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet. 192/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 20. Types of Mass Media Print Media: News papers, Magazines books, Poster, Pamphlet, Leaflet, Brochure ,other textual documents Electronic Media: Radio, Movies, Television Audio and Video records New Media: CD-RoMs, DVDs, Internet facilities like World Wide Web, email etc. 202/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 21. Mass Media Mobile Phone Print Recording Cinema Radio Television Internet Newspapers, magazines, classifieds, circulars, journals, yellow pages, billboards, posters, brochures, and catalogues Gramophone records, magnetic tapes, cassettes, cartridges, CDs, DVDs Comedy, Drama, Horror, Action, Children's, Suspense/Thriller, Fantasy, Crime, Romance, Science Fiction, Documentary, Family, Mystery College, Commercial, Community, International broadcasting, Music, Pirate, Public News, Movies, Situation comedy, Sports events, Audience participation, Talk/conversation, Music, Reality-based show, Devotional/religious WWW Websites (news, blogs, social networking, wiki) Forums/message board Internet telephony (e.g. VoIP) Email, Instant messaging and chat Streaming audio Streaming video •The first personal mass media •Permanently carried •Always on •Built-in payment mechanism •The most accurate audience measurement 212/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 22. Strengths and limitations of various media Strengths  Daily delivery – frequency opportunity  Geographic selectivity  Some special interest selectivity  Intensive coverage of specific geographic market  Reach well-educated audience  Wide range of editorial material aimed at a broad audience  Great flexibility in size  Complex information can be communicated  Pass-along audience in household  Can read at leisure Print Media :News paper Limitations  Short life  Low quality color reproduction  Cannot deliver sound and motion  Messages compete with one another Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 23. Strengths and limitations of various media Strengths  Audience selectivity/specific audience targeting  Durability – long life  High quality color reproduction  Complex information can be communicated  Interested readers  Influential readers  Read at leisure Print Media: Magazines Limitations Long lead time required Cannot deliver sound and motion Comparatively expensive Low frequency Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 24. Strengths and limitations of various media Strengths Allows for active demonstration of product Large audience reach Some audience targeting Prime source of news High impact Spectacular medium – sound, animation, motion, colour etc. Broadcast media: Television Limitations Messages have short life plus time shifting Long lead time Not portable High production costs Most stations urban Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 25. Strengths and limitations of various media Strengths Low Cost Good supplementary medium Great flexibility Universal coverage Inside and outside home Selective audiences Urban and rural Prime source of local information Broadcast media: Radio Limitations Short life No visuals No motion Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 26. Strengths and limitations of various media Strengths Excellent reach (mass audience) Geographic flexibility High impact message Good for product awareness /recognition Reaches audience 24 hours a day Quality reproduction Outdoor Advertising: Hoarding Board, Wall painting, etc. Limitations  Creative limitations – instant visual impact must be made  Production costs are high  Environmental clutter  Weather can restrict communication of the message  Cannot deliver sound and motion  Cannot provide details Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 27. Function of Mass Communication Information Education Entertainment Persuasion 272/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 28. Function of Mass Communication Information Education Entertainment Persuasion Surveillance of the environment Transmission of heritage Interpretation of information Catalyst for Development Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 29. Information function  Mass media carry a lot of information which are essential for our day to day life. We know exam results, weather forecasts, current affairs, traffic regulations, precautions, government policies etc. Information should be accurate, objective and complete. Biased or incomplete reports will keep the audience away from the media. Advertising is also mass media’s information function.. 292/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 30. Education function  Education is systematically organized information with predefined objectives. The primary source of education in our society is schools or colleges and Media also perform the functions that educational institutions do. Media are life-long educators for the society, They give us comprehensive knowledge of selected topics. news- based content like editorials, articles, columns in newspapers provide us with complete idea of a subject- Health Magazines, 302/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 31. Entertainment function  Mass media are wonderful entertainers. All media have entertainment content. Newspapers publish cartoons, comics, puzzles, special weekend supplements for amusing people and magazine content such as short stories, novels, satires and cartoons are for entertainment. Movies are another big stock for entertainment. Audio-Visual media such as television and radio are also primarily concentrate on entertainment function through their programmes based on sports, film, and fashion shows etc. 312/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 32. Persuasion  Persuasion means influencing attitudes or opinions. Mass media have many ways to persuade people. Most people form their opinion from information they get from mass media. Media have direct and indirect methods for persuasion. For public opinion formation, mass media use editorials, news analysis and commentaries. The most obvious method of persuasion is advertising. Advertisements are direct methods to influence purchasing behavior of the public. 322/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 33. Surveillance of the environment  Mass media observe the society and its activities and report them to make people aware of their socio-cultural environment.  In other words, we as social animals are always under the close observations of mass media. Media are our watchdogs. It always watches who do good things and who do bad things, and report them to encourage or correct our deeds. Media as the Fourth Estate of our democratic political system. 332/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 34. Function of Mass communication.. Transmission of heritage: Mass media are the bridge between our past and present. They report day to day affairs which will become history of tomorrow. The best records of modern history are newspapers of yesteryears. Interpretation of information  Mass media provide us with information from every nook and corner of the world. They do not just report facts and figures of the events, rather they interpret events to make us aware of what happens, and why, where, when and how it happens Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 35. Catalyst for Development  Media’s contributions to national development are mainly in two ways : As advocates for development and as carriers of development messages. Mass media find out problems faced by people in different walks of their life and make the administrators aware of them. 352/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 36. Role of Mass Media in Health communication  Expanding Reach & Health Promotion : The mass media helps health workers expand their audience reach, which is crucial considering the fact that face-to face channels of communication often require too many human resources and reach only a small number of people in large, underserved rural areas. The mass media provides an important link between the rural residents and vital health information. Printed Media : The distribution of pamphlets and leaflets created by specialized health bodies can disseminate vital health information reliably. 362/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 37. Role of Mass Media in Health communication  The Internet Revolution : As Internet access continues to expand, it will increasingly serve as a rich health resource in environments that lack health expertise. Regardless of location, the Internet allows people to gain access to a wide array of health-related information from worldwide at a mouse click.  Reaching Out to Rural Communities: Radio Spots In places where radios are still popular, they can be used, with great success, as health communication tools. Not only are they cheaper and more readily available in rural areas, their programs can also be adapted to suit local needs in terms of language, culture and values. In Africa, radio spots or advertisements are used to combat malaria. 372/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 38. Mass Media exposure and internet usage INTERNET USAGE  Overall, 23% of women and 47% of men age 15-49 reported having used the Internet in the past 12 months.  Among those who had used the Internet in the past 12 months, more than half of women and men tended to use it on a daily basis during the past month (56% and 54%, respectively) Source : NDHS, 2016 38 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 41. Strength and limitations Of Mass communication Strength – Reach many people quickly – They are believable especially when the source is a credible one – Effective in emergency condition – Cost effective Limitation – One sided – Informative rather than behavioral change – Difficult to evaluate 412/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 42. Bibliography 1. Introduction to mass communication, University of Calicut distance Education Kerala India- 2011 2. US Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2004). “Health Communication’’HealthyPeopl2010 (vol.1) 3. 4. limitations-of-various-media/ 5. mass-communication.html 6. mass-communication.html 7. NDHS, 2016 Nepal 422/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD
  • 43. Bibliography 7. Wakefield, M. A., Loken, B., & Hornik, R. C. (2010). Use of mass media campaigns to change health behaviour. Lancet (London, England), 376(9748), 1261-71. 8. Piotrow, P.T., Kincaid, D.L., Rimon, J.G., Rinehart, W. and Samson, K., 1997. Health communication: lessons from family planning and reproductive health. 9. Bertrand, J.T., O'reilly, K., Denison, J., Anhang, R. and Sweat, M., 2006. Systematic review of the effectiveness of mass communication programs to change HIV/AIDS-related behaviors in developing countries. Health education research, 21(4), pp.567-597 10. 432/16/2020 Ashok_Rawal _ MPH-STD

Editor's Notes

  1. There has been a decreasing trend in exposure to mass media over the past 5 years. Seven percent of women and 20% of men were exposed to the three mass media at least once a week in 2011, as compared with 3% and 9%, respectively, in 2016.