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Mars Gale Crater
On October 8, NASA released information confirming that there were once lakes on Mars,
specifically in the Gale Crater. The water helped deliver sediment to the bottom of the crater.
Mars' Gale Crater currently contains Mount Sharp, the foundation of which is provided by
aforementioned sediment delivered by the water. According to Ashwin Vasavada, Mars Science
Laboratory project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, "Observations from the rover suggest
that a series of long–lived streams and lakes existed at some point between about 3.8 to 3.3 billion
years ago, delivering sediment that slowly built up the lower layers of Mount Sharp."
This finding comes in a long string of other findings that water once existed on Mars. Just last
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Satirical Techniques Used In Andy Weir's The Martian
Andy Weir never meant for his book to become a smashing hit turned into a movie. The Martian
takes place on the planet Mars with astronaut Mark Watney stranded on the deserted planet. Mark
has a hole in his stomach, no communication with NASA, is left with no choice rationing his food to
save his life. In this edge–of–your–seat story, Andy Weir uses suspense as well as humor to make
living on Mars seem a little more bearable. Andy Weir originally wrote the novel The Martian for
his science blog readers with added elements of humor + suspense to create an award winning
novel. Before becoming a bestselling author, Andy Weir was just a science blogger who wrote The
Martian for his science blog readers, andnever dreamed of his novel evening going ... Show more
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Another instance in which Weir blends suspense into his writing is:
"Potatoes are now extinct on Mars." (Weir 171).
When the hab blows up, Marks' potatoes were exposed to the frigid temperatures of Mars, in which
they almost immediately shrivel up and die. This is showing how one little thing gone wrong results
in chain event that doesn't end well. The book would be very predictable and boring without the
element of suspense.
By creating this bestselling novel, Andy Weir has set up a formula for any science fiction novel to be
written with his incorporation of sarcasm with the added sense of fear. Weir was a child raised under
two science involved parents, so it's no wonder where he got the inspiration from. By using sarcasm,
Weir developed a sort of "Watney" style of humor. The reader doesn't just see it as joking. Humor is
one of the main things that keeps Mark alive. By keeping the readers on the edge of their seat with
twists and turns no one saw coming, it's hard to find a chance to set this book down! Because The
Martian is such a enthralling novel, Weir could be on the way to writing another
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The Occupational Characteristics of Microbiology
Graduating from The University at Albany's Biology program provides a wide selection of job
opportunities upon leaving college. While students have the option of picking from a B.A. or a B.S.,
the focus of a B.S. in biology has more scientific purposes. Graduation requirements are difficult,
but certainly not impossible, requiring 67–68 credits over 4 years. These credits include 36 biology
credits, 16 chemistry credits, 8 math credits and 8 physics credits. The job opportunities that become
open to the holder of a B.S. range across many fields, including education, health and medicine, and
a plethora of research opportunities. Just some of the many opportunities open to biology grads
include laboratory technicians, researchers, pharmacists, teachers, doctors, and microbiologists. The
opportunities change as a biology major may decide to master in a more specific science of biology,
and microbiology is one popular field to enter. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, a
microbiologist is someone who studies "microorganisms, or microbes, a diverse group of minute,
simple life forms that include bacteria, archaea, algae, fungi, protozoa and viruses" (Pg. 1). On a day
to day basis, an average microbiologist will deal with treating infections; identifying and classifying
new organisms as they are discovered; and finding new uses for already discovered organisms.
Other various tasks a microbiologist may perform are epidemiology, writing research reports and
describing new
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The Mars Exploration Rover Mission (Spirit and Opportunity...
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched two similar twin robotic rovers
which were Spirit and Opportunity toward Mars on 10 June and 7 July 2003 (NASA 2012). Spirit
and Opportunity landed in Gusev Crater on 4 January 2004 and in Meridiani Planum on 25 January
2004 respectively (NASA 2012). Opportunity is still operating and roving after 10 years on the
Martian surface while final communication of Spirit to the Earth took place on 22 March 2010,
which is around six years into its mission (NASA 2012). The rovers were thought to last 20 times
longer as compared to its original design. As part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, the Mars
Exploration Rover mission is a continuous multi–mission effort to study Mars as a possible
habitation for past or present life and to look for signs of life as well as to prepare for human
exploration. Primary objective of the Mars Exploration Rover mission is to explore and characterize
a wide range of soils and rocks that possess clues or evidences to past water activity on Mars
(NASA 2012).
It is hard to get to Mars and it is even harder to land on Mars, thus Spirit and Opportunity had to
overcome numerous challenges in order to land on Mars and to carry out their missions. These two
rovers were required to fly through approximately 483 million kilometers of deep space and a very
precise landing spot had to be targeted (Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2011). Although their flight paths
can be adjusted along the way,
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Mars Research Paper
Do you know that reddish planet that you could see through a telescope in the sky? Well everyone
knows that planet and the planet is mars. Mars is known as the red planet because of its reddish
color. Also Mars was named after the ancient romans after their god of war mars. Mars is the ninth
planets that makes up the solar system. Mars is known to be the fourth planet away from the sun.
Earth is mars neighbor the third planet from the sun. Mars diameter is about 4,200 (6,790
kilometers). Mars makes a little more than half the size of the earth. The only planets smaller than
mars is mercury and Pluto (dwarf planet). It takes mars 687 days to revolve around the sun. Mars
also rotates once every twenty–four hours and thirty–seven minutes. Mars ... Show more content on ...
Mars has a total of 43,000 craters. Mars is also close to the asteroid belt in which mars has a greater
chance getting hit and causing a crater. There is also a volcano called Arisa Mons. Arisa Mons has
various caves. The caves are known to be called "seven sisters." The cave entrance measure 100 m
to 252 m wide and are also believes to be 73 m to 96 m deep. Mars lost its magnetosphere 4 billion
years ago. It is believed that mars lost its magnetosphere because of it various asteroids strikes. Also
methane was detected in the Martian atmosphere. It is suggest the methane may last as long as 4
earth's years and as short as 0.6 earth's years. The curiosity rover landed in august of 2012. The
curiosity rover was able to make measurements that distinguished between different isotopologues
of methane. The most accurate information found on earth would have to be the 2001 Mars
Odyssey, Mars Express, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Opportunity rover, and Curiosity rover. The
curiosity rover was the first to find deep samples. When mars is close to the sun it looks yellow,
orange, or red. Mars actual color is butterscotch and the redness is mostly because of the dust. The
only other country to land a spacecraft on mars was the Soviet Union in 1971 and
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Curiosity: A Robotic Rover
On August 6, 2014, a robotic rover Curiosity, which worth about 25 million dollars, was
successfully landed on Mars and immediately sent back images of the areas around the mission's
landing site. Radioactive isotopes are used for the first time as the power source for this car–sized
robotic rover. As a part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission, Curiosity was launched on
November 26, 2011, and it was the most ambitious and expensive exploration mission on Mars in
history. (Wall, 2012) Curiosity rover takes along with a variety of advanced instruments and
equipment, planning to determine if there were conditions for life existed in the past on Mars or to
search for signs of life in rocket around landing area. It would work continuously ... Show more
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After the specific mineral elements in rock samples are determined, Curiosity grinds rock into fine
powdery sample and pours it into a chemistry and mineralogy analyze system ––– CheMin. CheMin
then directs a beam of X–rays at the powder and the crystal structure of the minerals deflects it at a
characteristic angle, which allows the scientists to distinguish the minerals being analyzed. CheMin
provided the valuable information about the varieties of the minerals exists on Mars, as well as each
mineral's reserves. Analyzing each mineral on Mars allows scientists to find major leads of
temperature, pressure and acidity of Mars' environment during the time when these minerals were
formed. Therefore, CheMin has the potential to reveal whether Gale Crater is a suitable place for life
exists. (Anderson, 2010) However, whether it is possible to find the signs of life on Mars remains
unsure, since it is an extremely difficult task to make a clear conclusion about life existence on
exterior planet. Nevertheless, by searching for organic molecules, Curious tries its best to find the
solutions to this
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The Space Mission
In addition to considering the main goals of the base, one must also consider the costs. Due to the
high cost and limited space within a spacecraft, everything aboard must serve a purpose. After the
spacecraft lands, the internal structure in which the astronauts had been living will serve as the main
building due to its capacity to sustain human life in the more extreme conditions of space. The first
spacecraft which arrived on Mars, unmanned, contained rovers to collect information about the base
site as well as assist in the construction of the laboratory and greenhouses contained within the
spacecraft. To function correctly as a laboratory and a greenhouse however the inclusion of a life
support system including water recycling, oxygen ... Show more content on ...
The lack of proper nutrients and vitamins can lead to increased bone atrophy, muscle atrophy, and
decreased energy, while creating a susceptibility to other diseases or infections which can spread to
the other crew members. The contamination of an environment leads to the psychological effect of a
ruined area or the loss of security which can affect the whole group (Enrico, C. 2013). The nature of
this risk will last in–transit as well as upon the surface of Mars. In addition, if malnutrition occurs to
one crew member, then likely the problem lies with the food stores which would be a disaster for the
mission. Therefore, a good alternative to the prevention for food contamination would be to grow
crops in space as a reserve. It would serve two purposes; it could be used to do research upon the
growth of plants in a microgravity environment, and it will serve as a preventative security measure.
A pre–flight instruction session of the symptoms of malnutrition will allow for the recognition and
increase the amount of time in which the astronauts have to address the problem. However, the
constraints in these sessions might occur when regarding the operations of the mission, and the
capability of growing food would be greatly reduced by the limited space onboard,
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Mars Research Papers
Viking 1 lander launched by NASA took the first picture of Mars on July 20, 1976. The picture has
shown a strangely familiar, yet different enough to challenge scientists to figure out more about this
planet. Mars, the Red Planet, attracts people since ancient times, the Greeks call it Ares. Mars has
stayed in the human imagination until the rise of science and technology has discovered it. Mars
appears in orange visually, and it is slightly more than half the size of Earth. Mars has about 15% of
Earth's volume and about 71% as dense as Earth. (NASA) The inner four planets – Mercury, Venus,
Earth and Mars – are made up mostly of iron and rock. Mars is composed of mostly iron–rich
basaltic rock similar to Earth's thin crust. (NASA) However, ... Show more content on ...
With the announcement in 1996 by a team of scientists that a meteorite from Mars contained what
might be the residue of ancient microbes, public interest became regalvanized by the possibility of
past or present life there. The climate of Mars changes over time. "Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
mission will determine Mars' climate change over time for the lower and upper atmosphere. The
mission will allow scientists to determine more precisely the composition of the Martian
atmosphere. Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission will investigate the composition of rocks,
soils, and land forms that might be linked with changes in the planet's atmosphere over time.
(NASA) The key to understanding whether life could have evolved on Mars, many scientists
believe, is water. (NASA) Other than water, there are many elements required to support life. For
example, suitable climate, temperature, atmosphere and more, are conditions necessary for life on
Mars, as important as water. After Earth, Mars has the most habitable climate for living in the solar
system. Geologic features of Mars are collected by the Curiosity rover and studied by scientists. For
instance, to find out has liquid water ever flowed on the surface of Mars and what caused the
climate change on Mars. Of course, there are more environmental conditions affect Mars that lead
scientists to further explore the natural environment of
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The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL): The Curiosity Crater
The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), also known as the Curiosity rover, is a NASA mission with
the goal of discovering details about past and present–day Mars. The primary purpose of the mission
is to determine if Mars once had a suitable environment for microbial life. The area of Mars chosen
to be studied is an ancient impact crater called the Gale Crater. It has many unique geologic features
that piqued the interest of astronomers and geologists and could be indicative of past water flows
and possibly habitable environments. Since landing on the crater in 2012, the rover has been very
successful and has given a lot of information about the past and present of the plant.
The Gale Crater The Gale Crater is a large, ancient impact crater found ... Show more content on ...
It has six wheels for travel, and a robotic arm used to collect samples and bore into rocks with an
attached drill. The rover generates power through radioactive decay from plutonium–283. According
to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, the rover is equipped with the most
advanced technology in order to study the present geology and environment of Gale Crater. Ten
different instruments are being by the rover. One important instrument is called Sample Analysis at
Mars (SAM) which is used to analyze materials collected by the rover and take samples of the
atmosphere in order to determine abundance of elements of different isotopes and compounds
present. The Mast Camera is used for high resolution imagining in order to view the rover's
surroundings. The CheMin instrument analyzes materials collected by the rover using X–ray
diffraction and fluorescence. The ChemCam instrument is used to vaporize rocks by using a laser,
and a telescope is then used to image plasma light from the rocks, and identify elements present.
Located on the robotic arm, the Mars Hand Lens Imager is used to take very detailed images of
small features. The Alpha Particle X–ray Spectrometer is also located on the robotic are and is used
to determine amounts of elements present. The Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) is used to
determine amounts of radiation in the crater. Another instrument is the Mars Descent Imager was
used to film video during landing in order to map geology of the landing site. The Rover
Environmental Monitoring System is used to measure environmental factors such as pressure,
humidity, temperature, and winds. Lastly, the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons instrument is for
detecting the presence of hydrogen beneath the surface (Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
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Mars 'Curiosity' Rover
1.0 Introduction Mars; the fourth planet from the sun, and considering the vast expanse of the
universe, Mars is only a mere 49 million miles from Earth. Mars has been the object of many
speculative questions and hypothesis. Over the years, many have wondered if Mars ever sustained
life, or if not, if it were possible to one day sustain life; i.e. Humans. There have been many
missions to Mars in an attempt to answer those and other questions, like the three separate rover
craft missions that will be discussed in this paper. Most recently, the idea to put humans on Mars has
gained traction and scientists have begun the process to put that plan into motion. The goal of this
paper is to provide more in–depth detail of those missions, their ... Show more content on ...
Hassler,*, Cary Zeitlin, Robert F. Wimmer–Schweingruber, Bent Ehresmann, Scot Rafkin, Jennifer
L. Eigenbrode, David E. Brinza, Gerald Weigle, Stephan Böttcher, Eckart Böhm, Soenke
Burmeister, Jingnan Guo, Jan Köhler, Cesar Martin, Guenther Reitz, Francis A. Cucinotta, Myung–
Hee Kim, David Grinspoon, Mark A. Bullock, Arik Posner, Javier Gómez–Elvira, Ashwin Vasavada,
John P. Grotzinger, MSL Science Team (2013) Mars' Surface Radiation Environment Measured with
the Mars Science Laboratory's Curiosity Rover Science, Vol. 343 no. 6169
S. P. Gorevan, T. Myrick, K. Davis, J. J. Chau, P. Bartlett, S. Mukherjee, R. Anderson, S. W.
Squyres, R. E. Arvidson, M. B. Madsen, P. Bertelsen, W. Goetz, C. S. Binau, L. Richter (2003) Rock
Abrasion Tool: Mars Exploration Rover Mission. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Volume
108, Issue E12, December 2003
Larry A. Haskin, Alian Wang, Bradley L. Jolliff, Harry Y. McSween, Benton C. Clark, David J. Des
Marais, Scott M. McLennan, Nicholas J. Tosca, Joel A. Hurowitz, Jack D. Farmer, Albert Yen, Steve
W. Squyres, Raymond E. Arvidson, Göstar Klingelhöfer, Christian Schröder, Paulo A. de Souza, Jr,
Douglas W. Ming1, Ralf Gellert, Jutta Zipfel, Johannes Brückner, James F. Bell, III, Kenneth
Herkenhoff, Phil R. Christensen, Steve Ruff, Diana Blaney, Steven Gorevan, Nathalie A. Cabrol,
Larry Crumpler, John Grant & Lawrence Soderblom (2005) Water Alteration of Rocks and Soils on
Mars at the Spirit Rover Site in Gusev Crater Nature
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History Of Mars Research Paper
History of Mars
Current evidence suggests that Mars was a planet similar to Earth, which has inspired many
different beliefs today. Currently, on Mars there are seven active probes searching for information
about the planet's environment. The two Exploration probes search for different types of rocks and
soil, which could potentially hold clues on Mars' water activity, while the Curiosity rover is
searching for signs whether or not Mars is or was suitable for life. Each of the seven probes work
together to answer the question "did life or water once exist on the red planet?"
Long ago people had many thoughts on this red planet that they saw in the sky. When seen through
telescopes in the 1800s, people saw strange markings they thought to be canals on the planet that
convinced them of an advanced alien civilization. In 1938, the ... Show more content on ...
This successful probe was fitted with instruments used to search for microorganisms on Mars.
Traveling to more recent times, the Mars Pathfinder arrived on Mars in July 4, 1997 and helped
make history by proving that missions to Mars could be accomplished on a low budget. Our most
recent rover, Curiosity, also known as the science laboratory, landed on Mars on August 6, 2012.
This rover is studying Mars for the ability to support microbial life which could greatly help us in
our search for life on Mars today. Mars gets its red appearance from the iron particles in the dust
spread around the crust and its atmosphere. The Mars main composition layers consist of no tectonic
plates and mostly a basalt crust with a dormant core. Mars' atmosphere consists of about 95%
carbon, 3% nitrogen and minute traces of Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and many other elements. This
atmosphere is 1% of the Earth's atmosphere which does not protect Mars from primarily solar
radiation making Mars a very dangerous
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The Applications of DNA Typing
DNA Typing has become more present in the world with the creation of new technology, allowing
justice to be served in courtrooms, helping to identify bodies after major devastating events have
occurred, and also in processes that the average human does not pay much attention to such as the
production of biofuels. The process of DNA Typing is not easy considering the fact one must first go
through the multi–step process of DNA extraction. Along with DNA Typing also comes the job
opportunities that are available, the organizations that have been created in respect to this subject,
and the average salary that is available to people who hold a job in this field of work. The use of
DNA Typing will become more common in the near future as the ... Show more content on ...
("Interesting Uses of DNA Profiling") The interesting subject of DNA Typing to be used in major
sporting events can be clarified by the use of this method in the marking of footballs to stop the
rising popularity of the deception of rare sporting items. ("Interesting Uses of DNA Profiling") DNA
Typing has left an important mark on the world of science since it has become a prominent part of
identifying people and one–of–a–kind items such as sports memorabilia. The process of DNA
Typing has become more common which has allowed more resources to be readily available, while
also being at a cheaper rate. DNA can now be privately found using individual kits instead of going
to research facilities. Also, DNA can be sequenced for only a few thousand dollars versus a few
billion dollars as it was just a few years ago. ("DNA and the Masses: The Science and Technology
Behind Discovering Who You Really Are") During the DNA Typing process, one must first go
through the method of DNA extraction. The first step of DNA extraction is to find a source of DNA,
and the second step is to remove the sample of DNA from the cells. After this, the sample is
deposited into a tube that contains measured chemicals. ("Hunter") The chemicals that are contained
in the tube include a buffer, which keeps the DNA from falling apart, and other substances that are
used to break down the cells and release the DNA into the buffer. If
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Research Paper On Mars Exploration Rover
ESS 102 Research Paper
Bo Wang In 2017, scientists discovered a planet hidden beyond Pluto, they named it planet X.
Twenty years has passed. In 2037, NASA decided to launch a robotic mission on planet X. The goal
of the mission is to find the existence of water and detecting the major components of atmosphere
and soil. The ultimate goal is to determine whether planet X can become our second Earth. The
science fiction paper will be in the form of a log in the perspective of the space rover landed on
Planet X. Opportunity was launched in July 2003 for an exploration on Mars. Its mission was to
search for signs of past life on Mars [1]. In particular it was searching for geological clues about the
existence of water on Mars and whether Mars was wet enough to be hospitable to life [2].
Opportunity was lucky that it landed close to a thin out crop of rocks and it was able to find the
evidence of existence of deep salty water flowed over the area from those rocks [2]. Moreover, those
rocks could also ... Show more content on ...
"Mars Exploration Rover – Opportunity". NASA. RetrievedFebruary 2, 2014.
[2] California, United States. NASA. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. NASA Facts: Mars Exploration
Rover. NASA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Oct. 2004. Web. 29
Jan. 2016.
[3] Showstack,R., (2011), Mars Opportunity rover finds gypsum veins, Eos Trans. AGU, 92(51),
[4] Hamran, S. E., et al. "The RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 Rover." AGU
Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 1. 2014.
[5] Berthling, Ivar, et al. "Rock glaciers on Prins Karls Forland. II: GPR soundings and the
development of internal structures." Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 11.4 (2000): 357–369.
[6] Rapp, Donald, et al. "The Mars oxygen ISRU experiment (MOXIE) on the Mars 2020 rover."
Space forum. 2015.
[7] Beegle, Luther, et al. "SHERLOC: scanning habitable environments with raman & luminescence
for organics & chemicals." Aerospace Conference, 2015 IEEE. IEEE,
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Nili Fossae Research Paper
Nili Fossae Trough: The Red Planet's Landing Site Is Arrayed With Fantastic Colors; Blue Color
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) reveals that Nili Fossae trough, a possible landing site in
Mars, have the most colorful spots on the Red Planet. It shows green, blue and red patches, as
shown in the photos taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).
NASA confirmed that red is not only the color of Mars. There is an array of colors under Mar's
bedrock. The blue that dominates the part of the landing is due to "homogenized dust." These
fantastic colors of the Nili Fossae are credited to the rich geologic history of the area.
The Omega spectrometer on Mars Express and the CRISM spectrometer on MRO discovered that
the Nili Fossae
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The Marti Science Fiction
Albert Camus once said, "Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth." Science Fiction movies
are based on fictional science that most often relate to unproven theories. In the movie The Martian,
there are many science related concepts present. Some of these concepts include the storm on Mars,
the plants, the rover, the time required to reach Mars, and the gravity among others. How accurate is
this movie? The movie has some true and some false representations of science.
The storm in the beginning of the movie was very powerful and devastating, which led the crew to
leave Mark Watney behind. Paul Withers, an expert on Mar's weather, says that the atmospheric
pressure on Mars is about one percent of Earth's (Rimer); this means that the ... Show more content
on ...
Nathan Phillips, professor of earth and environment, was asked if it would be possible to grow
plants on Mars and he said "as long as viable plant material has access to light, water, and nutrients,
which I imagine were filtered from waste, and the temperature that's good for a human is generally
good for plants, they should grow" (Rimer); therefore, growing plants on Mars is possible. During
the movie, the scientists mentioned that to get to Mars takes approximately nine months; it is
difficult to determine if this fact is right or wrong. The time that it takes depends on many factors,
like the distance between the two planets and the speed of the spaceship. The distance varies
because the planets orbit the sun at different speeds, and each one has a different orbit. Some of the
spaceships sent to Mars have taken between 128 days (Mariner 7 in 1969) and 333 days (Viking 2
Orbiter/Lander 1975); the last mission was in 2011 (Mars Science Laboratory) and it took 254 days
(Redd). This time ranges between four to eleven months, so even though the time cannot be
determined accurately, the movie tried to use concrete information.
The Martian surprised many scientists because of the high accuracy of science portrayed in the
movie. Although the devastating storm and the Earth–like gravity were not genuine, most of the
other things are possible or real. Planting potatoes to survive is possible under certain conditions on
Mars, which was depicted in the movie. Most of the technology shown already exists or is currently
being developed. In conclusion, The Martian is one of the most scientifically accurate movies
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NASA: The High Cost Of NASA
NASA has to spend at least five hundred million dollars per launch in space. They do quite a bit of
experiments in space, and have mission on mars and the moon. They made the International space
station, and made quite a few rockets and planes to send to space and in the air. If NASA didn't
make satellites you wouldn't be able to watch tv or call someone from long distance. NASA can do a
bundle of experiments but what is NASA. First of all they are a government agency. Anything that
might happen they are responsible for a almost all of science and technology in space and on Earth.
This program was created to oversee space exploration and find different planets to find different
planets, if we ever run out of room on Earth. NASA does space exploration and also they do
aeronautics research. NASA are a very big company, but it ... Show more content on
It costs roughly about four hundred and fifty million dollars per launch and bigger missions can cost
millions and even billions of dollars just for one launch. An average cost for a mission is four
hundred and fifty million because they haven't done super big missions but either they are already
on or on their way to mars for a mission. NASA don't just have mission for planets they also have
the International Space Station that is basically a permanent laboratory in space. The International
Space Station is used for a galore of experiments. International and technological is the largest
endeavor. It is a permanent laboratory up in space. Most of the time during experiments in space
they will use gravity, pressure and temperature in a variety of experiments that they cannot do down
on Earth. A space shuttle can travel faster than you think in space. It can travel up to seventeen
thousand and five hundred miles per hour and that is twenty eight thousand kilometers per hour. One
space shuttle or spaceship can use up to five hundred thousand gallons of fuel for only one
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Nasa Curiosity Mission
The topic of Mars has long been of interest to astronomers and science fiction enthusiast alike. The
premise of another planet supporting life excites people like no other. In 2004, The United States
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, began preliminary science experiments
and instrument proposals for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) and a robotic space probe mission
to Mars. After long testing and development stages, the mission birthed a rover, Curiosity, which
was launched in November 2011 and subsequently landed August 6th 2012. As we speak Curiosity
is collecting invaluable data for our understanding of mars including: habitability, climate and
geology, and possibly setting up a manned mission to mars in the ... Show more content on ...
The Curiosity rover is an amazing piece of machinery, and it must be to accomplish the objectives
that it plans to. NASA obviously had the greatest minds and engineers on this project as is evident
by its construction. The rover is powered by a radioisotope thermoelectric generator, akin to the
rovers of previous Mars missions. A Radioisotope power system is a generator that produces
electricity from the natural decay of plutonium–238, which is an isotope. Heat given off by the
natural decay of this isotope is converted into electricity by thermocouples, providing Curiosity with
constant power during all seasons and through the day and night. Extra heat given off called waste
heat can be used via pipes to warm systems, freeing electrical power for the operation of the vehicle
and instruments. This is crucial as the temperature on Mars can vary from –127 to 40 degrees C.
Additionally there are two computers in board the rover called the Rover Compute Element. The
computers contain radiation–hardened memory to deal with the extreme amounts of radiation in
space. The rover's computers are constantly self–monitoring to keep the rover operational, such as
by regulating the rover's temperature. Communication is also a vital part of the mission which is
why Curiosity is equipped with telecommunication by several means. The first is an X band
transmitter and receiver that can communicate directly with Earth. Another is a UHF Electra–Lite
software–defined radio
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The Curiosity Rover
Mars has long been an unachievable goal for all nations. Starting in 1969, the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) aimed to change that. With missions ranging from observing
climate to taking photos, NASA has examined the surface, atmosphere, and subsurface of Mars. In
2011, NASA launched the Curiosity rover with the goal of discovering organic compounds essential
to life on the surface of Mars (Administrator, 2017). This mission, Vit Rover, named after the prefix
meaning life, will continue the work of the Curiosity rover and answer three questions: Can the
organic compounds on Earth sustain life? What kind of life does the climate of Mars permit, if any?
Can humans and Martian life coexist without disruption? These questions ... Show more content on ...
The cruise stage will occur between July of 2022 and January of 2023. During this phase,
navigation, altitude, and trajectory will be altered and monitored. The approach phase will include
entry, descent, and landing and will occur between January and February of 2023. The last phase
before the objectives of this mission begins is rover egress. Rover egress will include an antenna
launch, taking photos of Mars' surface, calibrating scientific instruments for use, selecting a suitable
path for the rover to take, and standing the rover upright. After this stage, the rover can begin to
roam on Holden Crater and complete the objective of discovering life on Mars. The overall goal of
this mission is to locate life on Mars in preparation for future colonization. This rover will help
NASA's scientist discover what life is on Mars and whether that life can coexist with humans. With
the success of this mission, human exploration will be able to begin earlier and become
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Mission 33284 Research Paper
June 3, 1986 an adroit group of astronauts went on Mission 33284: Journey to Mars. They went on
this trip in search of life on Mars, or at least evidence of life on Mars. Five of them set out on this
precarious journey to space.. Not a single one returned home. No bodies were discovered, no calls
were sent back to base, not a single clue was given as to what happened; it was just nothing. A full
"investigation" was conducted and it was concluded that something happened to the engine and they
fell into oblivion. December 8, 2016, 30 years later, another set of astronauts were chosen to take
part in Mission 33284 once again. The fortunate group of 6 were: Kamila Hernandez, Jackson Sky,
Linda Marshall, Ronald Po, Alexandra Janet, and Jason ... Show more content on ...
For a moment the ship stayed just floating in space then it began its steep descent into the deep dark
trenches of space. The ship fell for what felt like years until it finally crashed on a hard surface.
Kamila, who had bloody nose and left leg was completely shattered, looked around at the now
wrecked ship. The entire back of the craft was flattened the only that was visible was the long trail
of blood trickling down. Kamila slowly crawled to the intercom and dialed 33284 on the intercom.
Nothing happened. She dialed again and again and again and again and once more and another,
but... nothing happened. She sat staring at the blank intercom in complete disbelief then she began to
sob. Now realizing she was stranded in space with no one to help, and little oxygen left she began to
sob harder and harder until she began hyperventilating. While wiping her tears something caught her
eye, there was a piece of a spacecraft outside. But it wasn't a piece of her spacecraft... it was another
spacecraft. "How could it be though," she thought, " what other spacecraft has cras–..." She didn't
even finish her thought before realizing. She looked down at the intercom once more and understood
that 30 years no calls were received because the calls weren't meant to be received. She realized that
the call she just made didn't go through not because it was busted but because it wasn't made to go
through. She realized what Joe meant when he said that she would find out eventually what 33284
meant. And as she sat there all bloodied and wounded, she realized she wasn't sent out to find life on
Mars she was sent to
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Zelus Research Paper
The exploration of Mars terrain is offering mankind even more incite into how our solar system was
developed in the past. There are still many sites that have yet to be explored. The region of Mawrth
Vallis is one of the oldest valleys on Mars. It was formed from cataclysmic floods and contains large
amounts of phyllosilicate. These are clay–like minerals that only form in the presence of water.
These minerals can easily preserve microscopic life.
I am going to design a rover "Zelus" for the purpose of exploring this terrain. The rover is named
after the Greek God who is the personification of the term zeal. It inspired by the meaning of having
intense passion and enthusiasm for any endeavor. The rover will collect these minerals, explore
different aspects of the terrain, and discover any other potential information. The data gathered will
in turn help determine if this environment was sustainable for life in the past.
Chassis (Body)
Damage to the wheels and body due to Mars' rugged terrain is one problem the Curiosity rover is
facing right now. Rocks and heavy winds of Mars have been causing damage to ... Show more
content on ...
I will use an altered version of the MOXIE instrument planned for the Mars 2020 rover. This will
only require the CO2 Acquisition and Compression (CAC) system component of it. The CAC will
store the carbon dioxide from the Mars air and compress it. The process will take the waste heat
from the solar panels and heat molten salts stored in the chamber. Next, it will heat the stored carbon
dioxide from the air to a physical state between a gas and liquid. This will in turn give energy to the
CO2 turbine to operate the rover and its instruments. Finally, it is cooled and repressurized once it
has passes through the turbine before coming back around. The carbon dioxide will circulate
continuously in a closed loop, and it wont produce any waste
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Unmanned Missions For Future Manned Missions
Unmanned Missions to Mars Pave the Way for Future Manned Missions
Table of Contents
I. Introduction 3
II. History
a. Cost
b. Goals and Objectives
III. Life on Mars
a. Instrumentation
i. Cameras
1. Mast Camera (Mastcam)
2. Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI)
3. Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) ii. Spectrometers
1. Alpha Particle X–Ray Spectrometer (APXS)
2. Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam)
3. Chemistry and Mineralogy X–Ray Diffraction/X–Ray Fluorescence Instrument (CheMin) iii.
Radiation Detectors
1. Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD)
2. Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) iv. Environmental Sensors
1. Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS)
v. Atmospheric Sensors
1. Mars Science Laboratory Entry Descent and Landing Instrument (MEDLI)
b. Landing site selection
i. Final Four
1. Ebersewalde
2. Holden
3. Mawrth
4. Gale ii. Other sites considered
1. Miyamoto
2. Nili Fossae Trough
3. Southern Meridiani
c. Launch
i. Launch vehicle (Atlas V 541)
IV. Discoveries
a. Landing payload
b. Atmospheric composition
c. Evidence of an ancient streambed
d. Radiation levels
e. A habitable environment
V. Conclusion
a. Cultural impact
b. Mars 2020
I. Introduction
Since the moment man became self–aware, he looked up in the night sky and basked in the splendor
of the stars and felt, what could only be described as, pure fear and loneliness. It is natural for man
to fear what he does not understand, but what of loneliness? Under the twinkling of the stars, man
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The Mars Exploration Rover Mission
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched two similar twin robotic rovers,
which were Spirit and Opportunity toward Mars on 10 June and 7 July 2003 (NASA 2012). Spirit
and Opportunity landed in Gusev Crater on 4 January 2004 and in Meridiani Planum on 25 January
2004 respectively (NASA 2012). Opportunity is still operating and roving after 10 years on the
Martian surface while final communication of Spirit to the Earth took place on 22 March 2010,
which is around six years into its mission (NASA 2012). The rovers were thought to last 20 times
longer as compared to its original design. As part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, the Mars
Exploration Rover mission is a continuing multi–mission effort to study Mars as a ... Show more
content on ...
Although Spirit and Opportunity encountered plenty of setbacks, however, they were still able to
reach Mars on schedule (Goodrich et al. 2010).
Achievements of the Mars Exploration Rover mission are impressive. Spirit found evidence of past
water through its months–long trek across different layers of hilly terrain at Columbia Hills, as each
layer consisted of clues to past environmental conditions on Mars (NASA 2013). More signs of a
wet past became obvious as the rover gained altitude. By investigating the composition and texture
of more than six different types of rocks, scientists identified that this area was once a hot, violent
place with volcanic explosions and impacts (NASA 2013). Marks on debris throughout the area
were formed by abundant water in the form of hot springs or other water features. Mineral goethite
which only forms in the presence of water was found to present in one of the rock types (NASA
2013). Therefore, it signified the first direct evidence of past water in Columbia Hills. Besides that,
spirit's wheel scraped a trench in Mars surface soil as it struggled up toward a ridgeline on Husband
Hill, disclosing light–toned material in which the salty material had water molecules bound to the
minerals, uncovering the watery pasts of Mars (NASA 2013). In addition, dust found in Gusev
Crater by Spirit was found to consist of ferrimagnetic minerals such as
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The Mars Science Laboratory Rover
The budget for the FY2017 stands at $19.5 billion. This budget breaks down into major areas as
grouped by NASA. The Science Mission Directorate with a budget of $5,601. With this money
NASA is supporting over 90 space missions with 35 being readied for launch and another
60 currently underway. Some of these being the Voyager's, still with Voyager I currently the most
distant man made object from the earth and in deep space since 2012. The Mars Science
Laboratory Rover, "Curiosity". Curiosity is a small car sized rover and after being launched in
2011 and following a successful landing on the Martian surface, has been giving us important data
on the red planet with its suite of lab like instruments and sensors. The International Space
Station ... Show more content on ...
These concepts are being pioneered or contracted out by NASA to companies like SpaceX who in
turn is monetizing space travel.
In response as to how I would set next year's budget for NASA, I would first ask NASA,
"How much is too much money for you?". While obviously I couldn't ask to raise the budget to
something unfeasible, with more aircraft carriers than every other country in the world combined
and one of the strongest standing armies and air forces to boot, (and a sister in the
Navy and brother in the Marines, I might add) I would feel comfortable transferring a couple of
tenths of a percent from our defense budget to our NASA budget, if not, a whole percent.
Reasoning for this is two–fold. One being that when NASA's budget was at its highest back in the
60's during the Apollo missions, a study was conducted examining the financial impact of the
billions spent on putting a man on the moon. The study found that the roughly $25 billion spent
during those years was $52 billion in return by 1971 and even more by a decade later. For every
technological advance and groundbreaking scientific Eureka moment, there are benefits to the
everyday person from the inventions and research NASA has put into from
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The Martian
Written over a period of 3 years, The Martian by Andy Weir became quite the success. Originally
self–published as an e–book on Amazon the book later became a huge hit in the science–fiction
genre. This is due to the fact that it appealed to both the casual readers and the hard–core science
fans. In 2014 the book was officially published by Broadway Books. It contains a total of 369 pages
The book takes place on Mars and more specifically Acidalia Planitia, a plain in the North part of
the planet. The habitation module or Hab for short is where our survivor will be spending most of
his time while not in his rover. Another location is the Hermes, the spaceship where the rest of the
crew is. The last major location is NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory ... Show more content on ...
While evacuating due to the severity of the storm the communications antenna breaks and hits Mark
Watney knocking him out. Believing him dead his crew reluctantly continue the evacuation. Waking
up to find out he is the only person on the planet Mark starts preparing his plan to survive. Using his
home made dirt and rationing his food he hopes to be able to live until the Ares 4 mission arrives a
couple of years later. Watney regains communication with NASA after bringing Pathfinder, an old
rover that died in 1997, back to life. While attempting to create water Mark creates an explosion that
causes the death of many of his crops. Realizing he will no longer have enough food to last the 3
years of wait, NASA hastily prepares a resupply mission. Cutting some corners to save time causes
some safety procedures to be overlooked. The resupply mission ends up exploding shortly after
launch. Having little to no choice the crew aboard Hermes decide to use a manoeuver to flyby Earth
and return to Mars for Mark. Watney proceeds to the Ares 4 mission site to be able to reach the
Hermes with the Ascent Vehicle. After making modifications to the vehicle to make it lighter Mark
gets ready to return home.
Mark Watney: Main Character, is a botanist and an engineer. He is a very important part of the book.
The Crew: Other than Commander Lewis, very little is said about the crew which includes Martinez,
Beck, Johanssen and Vogel.
Commander Lewis: Head of the Ares 3 mission, Lewis is responsible for everyone. She is the one
that calls the shots and decides to reroute Hermes to go back for Mark.
Mitch Henderson: Head of the Ares 3 mission. He is the one that sent the Purnell manoeuver to
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How Is Humor Used In Andy Weir's The Martian
NASA has been trying to survive on Mars for years, but in this novel, they already have. The
Martian is a science fiction novel about Mark Watney, a botanist for NASA, is involved in a mission
to Mars, until one day he is left behind on Mars with limited supplies. Watney has to persevere
through several challenges to get back home, and try not to die in the process. The Martian is a very
suspenseful book written by the interesting author, Andy Weir, who uses humor to counter the
Andy Weir has led an exciting and interesting science–filled life, for instance, when Weir was
fifteen, he got hired as a programmer for a national laboratory (BookBrowse), and later attended
college at the University of California (Lundquist). Space travel, orbital dynamics, relativistic
physics, astronomy, and the history of manned spaceflight are a few of Weir's interests, that he said
inspired The Martian (BookBrowse). Weir originally posted the novel on his website as a free serial,
but after countless people requested it, he put it on Kindle for 99¢ (Lundquist). After having a such a
science–filled life, it is no ... Show more content on ...
The main idea is that Mark Watney gets stranded on Mars with no means of communication, as
shown in this quote; "Everyone made it but me"(Weir 4). This is part of Mark telling the story of
how he got stranded, and it lets readers know he is completely alone. That is the main struggle for
Watney, but he faces numerous other huge challenges and technical issues, for example "I'm very
lucky it hasn't blown. Even a small static discharge would lead to my own private
Hindenburg.....The Hab [ The "habitat" that the astronauts live in] is now a bomb" (Weir 37). This
shows how it seems that everything is working against Watney in his struggle to stay alive. The
amazing use of suspense in this novel will keep readers entertained and
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The Pros And Cons Of Missions To Mars
Do you know all the dangers and financial problems when going to Mars? Missions to Mars are
very expensive. The federal government does not have enough fundability to fund unneeded trips to
Mars. NASA is one of the programs that the government has decided it cannot continue to finance at
its current rates, and the money being put into NASA has been cut back (Leonard) Mars has a very
harsh environment, which could harm humans if travelled there. The environment has very little
oxygen and freezing temperatures. Scientist believe that if humans go to Mars we will be able to
learn from it. Mars missions are not a good idea due to rising costs, environmental problems, and
believes that Mars will teach us.
The expense of the Mars mission will ... Show more content on ...
They also believe that money isn't an issue, due to fundraising and saving money. Lastly, that
progress will be made by sending humans to Mars. We as humans are not going to learn from Mars,
nor can Mars teach us about Earth history. Money is one of the major problems that the Mars
Missions face, if money wasn't such a problem then they could send astronauts to Mars on Mars
Missions more commonly. The money issues are very extreme, due to not having enough funding.
Fundraisers could possibly help out, with maybe one mission. However, when a series of missions is
composed, how is NASA going to be able to have even fundaments to afford the trips Mars missions
have moved into the cost category of the "flagship" missions to the outer solar system." (Leonard).
The flagship mission is a series of missions that are the most expensive and largest of three classes
of NASA Solar System Programs. The next Mars Mission is to cost around $300 million, which is a
lot to work with. NASA does not have enough money coming in to support the Mars Missions.
When progress is made to send humans to Mars, those humans life are being at risks, due to all the
hazardous environmental problems that are faced on Mars. Being in Mars for 2–3 minutes, you are
more than likely dead, due to either not having enough oxygen or freezing to death. Ionizing
Radiation is another
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The Pros And Cons Of Human Space Exploration
Human space exploration certainly has its advantages over robots in several ways. The first of such
is that humans are capable of on–the–spot decisions and critical thinking. Humans are able to adapt
and respond to unforeseen circumstances while robots simply cannot. Such a thing is evident in the
robotic Viking mission to Mars. Detailed by the article "The Future of Space Exploration –Manned
or Robotic Missions," the Viking landers on Mars were equipped with tools to sample the Martian
soil and a small chemistry lab to detect whether or not the soil contained life. The results obtained
were highly unusual, and chemical reactions from the soil were unlike any known life–form on
Earth. It was concluded that the soil was lifeless; however, the robot was designed only to detect
Earth–type life. The chemical reactions certainly could have been a sign of unknown Martian
organisms, and a trained human would have been able to test for this and reach a definitive
conclusion. If a trained human was in the same position, he/she would have been able to perform
additional tests and conclusively determine whether or not unknown Martian life existed in the soil
sample ... Show more content on ...
Human exploration is much more efficient in terms of scientific progress per mission. However,
looking strictly at monetary cost per mission, robotic exploration is much cheaper. The Mars
Science Laboratory, the latest Mars rover, cost roughly 2.5 billion dollars to build and land on Mars
(National Aeronautics and Space Administration, "Mars Science Laboratory Landing"). The exact
cost of a manned mission to Mars is uncertain, but is given a range of 80 to 100 billion dollars
(Kaufman, "A Mars Mission for Budget Travelers"). The rover is clearly a more efficient choice in
terms of monetary value; however, the scientific knowledge gained from manned versus unmanned
missions is drastically
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Space Exploration Thesis Statement
Thesis Statement: Space exploration would help achieve a better future, pursuit the economy, and
increase raw material.
Looking down the road, space exploration and the benefits it yields in medicine and information
technology should not be overlooked.
Mars exploration is one of the most important future upcoming concepts for colonization. To pursue
these goals, all of our future missions will be driven by scientific questions that will continuously
evolve as we make new discoveries. New technologies will let us explore mars in ways we have
before, concluding in higher resolution images, and even the return of Martian soil for studies in
laboratories on Earth. New technologies will let us explore mars in ways we have before. The Space
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Andy Weir's The Martian
On the red planet, one man lives. He may escape, but he may not. Mark Watney is the man on Mars,
but he is not meant to be there. Limited resources and harsh conditions may put this character in
danger, but he has some resources he can use. Mars can be a deadly place. But with the right tools,
he can survive. The author of The Martian, Andy Weir, has led an interesting life, elements of which
he incorporates into his book along with suspenseful science–fiction and well–timed humor, which
makes the book an enjoyable read.
The Author, Andy Weir, has led a life that is almost as interesting as the book he wrote. He was born
and raised in California, the only child of an accelerator physicist father and an electrical–engineer
mother who divorced when he was eight (Lundquist). He is a lifelong space nerd and a devoted
hobbyist of subjects such as relativistic physics, orbital mechanics, and the history of manned
spaceflight. His next book, ARTEMIS, is available now (Author, Andy Weir). Andy Weir was first
hired as a programmer for a national laboratory at age fifteen and has been working as a software
engineer ever since ("Menu."). As readers can see, Andy's life has been full of ... Show more content
on ...
It keeps readers laughing just the right amount the whole time. Some important information is that
Mark is a botanist, someone who studies/grows plants. "I don't want to come off as arrogant here,
but I'm the best botanist on the planet." (Weir 146). He is on Mars, and there aren't any botanists
there but him, so that makes him the best one. Secrets don't need to be shared – everyone needs to
keep them "under their hats". There are many expressions people use that aren't meant to be taken
literally. "'Keep it under your hat'... 'I don't wear a hat'..." (Weir 199) This is humor that can make
readers laugh. If someone doesn't wear a hat, that doesn't mean they can't hold anyone's – Mark's or
anyone else's – important secrets "under their
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How Is Humor Used In Andy Weir's The Martian
Happiness, sadness. Joy, fear. Humor, seriousness. These are all emotions felt when reading The
Martian. In The Martian, astronaut Mark Watney is stuck on Mars with no hope of surviving. His
crew has deserted him in a sandstorm, and he is fighting for survival. Watney has to learn to never
give up, no matter where he is. Andy Weir, a very interesting man, has crafted a book filled with
humor and suspense through his novel, The Martian.
Andy Weir is living an amazing life. At age fifteen, Andy Weir became a programmer for a national
laboratory (About Andy Weir). Weir wanted to do this because he is a long time science nerd (From
Book to Blockbuster). Weir has also enjoyed writing books. He wrote The Martian in 2011. In 2015,
The Martian became a movie starring Matt Damon as the main character Mark Watney. (The
Martian' Filming Location). Andy Weir is an accomplished writer and a very smart man. ... Show
more content on ...
One good example of humor is where Mark comes up with new name for " kilowatt–hours per sol ".
A sol is a day on Mars. "I'm gonna invent a new scientific unit name. 1 kilowatt–hour per sol is... I'll
call it a pirate–ninja" (Weir 230). This is important because it lightens the mood of the book.
Another good example of humor is when Mark is building a bedroom for his trip. He is taking a trip
here to try to get to a place to get off Mars. "Problem is (follow me closely here, the science is pretty
complicated), if I cut a hole in the Hab [the place he stays], the air won't stay inside anymore" (Weir
263). He has to do this to to get canvas for his vehicle. This is funny because anyone can understand
that. Humor is a big part of the novel because it makes it more
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Atmospheric and Terrestrial Understanding of Mars Essay
While robotic and crewed missions are similar during the space mission design process, they contain
many dissimilar characteristics that propel the way in which mission architectures are composed.
Placing human beings into the vastness of space boosts the degree of adaptability and flexibility that
cannot be achieved in robotic missions. However, crewed missions are more complex than robotic
missions. Space is a hostile, antagonist environment that necessitates life support systems and other
human factors that increase the cost of the mission in an extremely dramatic way. In addition, the
complexities and the cost increase dramatically when a surface base or an outpost is needed to be
reached. A Martian surface base will support a number ... Show more content on ...
A major part of this study is the topic of a Request for Proposals, and a concept will be created for
this purpose. Specific mission objectives are needed to define what is required to design the surface
base. The objectives of the mission fuel how the base is defined because they share several
fundamental facets. In order to outline the surface base, the needs of the mission and base, goals,
assumptions, constraints, and assessments of technology need to be clearly stated. The mission's
aspects and those of the surface base take the part of the remaining constraints and requirements of
the design. The surface base's two types of requirements, identified from the mission objectives are,
first, to support the people on the base, and second, to meet the mission objectives. The definition of
a requirement is a characteristic or statement of what is needed or wanted. Requirements in space
mission design convey the aspects that are necessitated to meet the goals and objectives of the
mission. In addition, the requirements also convey the how precise a system is needed to function
while obtaining the objectives. Many systems and elements must work together to the mission, as
well as scientific and crew activity on the surface base. Systems vary as the mission varies, but a
solid infrastructure is needed to support the base at the
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Mission To Mars Summary
A big step in search of the life existence in Solar system – that is how Dr. Louisa Preston – the
author of the article "Mission to Mars" – calls the Mars Science Laboratory rover, Curiosity, and its
promising geological results. Here is a summary of these results. In Gale Crater, Curiosity found
strata (layered rock outcrops) formed by clays and sulphates, which helped scientists to explore the
suitability of the local soils for organic life and check for presence of vital organic molecules.
According to Preston, at the beginning of last century, people considered Mars as a planet with
developed community and the water–supplies system. However, spacecrafts Viking 1 and 2 – the
only ones ever launched into space in search of alien life – disproved
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Comparing A Cage of butterflies to Mission to mars Essay
Science fiction produces a "what if" element that asks a question and prophesises the
future. There are many texts, which presents the reader or viewer with a particular way of science
fiction. The two texts, "A cage of butterflies" by Brain Caswell and "Mission to
Mars" by Brian de Palmer, both of which conform to science fiction. The technology used in
"A cage of butterflies" is of extremely high standard and produces a theme that
prophesises about experimentation and mutations occurring on humans. The theme in
"Mission to Mars" is about discovery, communication and reaching out to other life
In "A cage of butterflies", the research laboratory in NSW is covertly set, as ... Show
more content on ...
The babies communicate using pictures and emotional feelings to the others but is hard for them to
communicate in this manner so they try to use their linguistic abilities.
The "what if" of the novel represent what might happened if we continue to experiment
on life forms. A serum injected by Larsen caused mutation of the babies resulting in the fusing of the
cerebral hemispheres and the enhancement of the babies with extra abilities such as advanced
communication and telepathy. Larsen's greed was shown in his experiments on the kids and in the
future, this greed may possibly entice some people to conduct similar experiments.
The setting in "Mission to Mars" fills the audience with expectations, as it is futuristic.
Mars is presented in a red colour. The planet is rocky lifeless and barren, with storming winds
blowing dust all over it. The tremendous size of the mountains and gorges make the humans look
insignificant and vulnerable. Inside the face on the planet, a bright, blinding white light in the
background, symbolised peace and high authority eg. Navy uniform. Inside the space ship, the
camera angles give the audience an impression of weightlessness. The camera angles also show how
small and cramped the ship is and how movement is difficult. The technology used in the space ship
is also high in technology. When they voyage out into space, the music
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Mars Rover
Mars Rover
Mars is an interesting and mysterious planet. It is often referred to as the Red Planet. The Romans
named Mars after the god of war. The rocks, soil, and sky all have a red hue on account of rust. Mars
is the fourth planet from the sun at about 141 million miles (228 million kilometers) and the last
terrestrial planet from the Sun. Mars follows closely behind Earth but is comparatively smaller, with
about half the diameter of Earth (6,794–km) and about one–tenth of Earth s mass (6.419 x 1023 kg).
Thus the force of gravity on Mars is about one–third of that on Earth. Mars is probably the planet we
know the most about since it is so close to Earth, though what we know now is not even close to
everything about the planet. Over ... Show more content on ...
Spirit stumbled across rocks that pointed to an earlier, unrulier Mars that was marked by impacts,
explosive volcanism and subsurface water [source: NASA Mars]. "Water is key because almost
everywhere we find water on Earth we find life," NASA's Web site. However, we are still unsure life
existed on Mars. The rover Curiosity, finally landed on mars August 6, 2012, it was launched
November 26, 2011. Before NASA could be launched Curiosity, the rover it had to go through series
of test, drop tests, pull test, drive test, load test, stress tests, and shorting tests. So scientists had to
realize that Earth and Mars revolve around the sun at different rates meaning it takes Mars 686
earths days and the Earth 365 days. They did to figure out when Mars was closest to Earth. Curiosity
was launched from Cape Canaveral. Stage one, it reaches space and the tip of the cone opens and
fall off. During the second stage, a centuar engine starts placing the vehicle into obit. When
everything is alined the second engine starts to bring it to mars. Once Curiosity is on Mars it will do
tasks such as collecting rock, soil sampling and placing them on instruments in order to be analyzed.
What goes into the rover (Siceloff, Steven. "Mars Rover Well–Equipped for Studies." NASA's John
F. Kennedy
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7 Minutes Of Terror Essay
"Sometimes when we look at it, it looks crazy," said Adam Steltzner. Adam is an engineer who
works for NASA, a part of the United States government that explores space. Adam was talking
about landing something on Mars. "It is the result of reasoned engineering thought. But it still looks
Adam and some of the people he works with made a video called "Seven Minutes of Terror" about a
Mars landing. In the video, they introduced people around the world to one of the most daring and
creative achievements of engineering ever completed. That achievement was the pinpoint landing of
Curiosity on Mars. Curiosity is a machine called a rover, and it was built to explore the surface of
The seven minutes described in Adam's video refer to ... Show more content on ...
Instead, engineers came up with a maneuver that would allow the craft carrying Curiosity to turn
quickly. Then, rockets would turn on and allow Curiosity to make a vertical landing.
Switching from a parachute to a controlled rocket descent could have gone wrong at any time. Still,
even getting the descent right was not enough to succeed. Once the parachute was cut free, the force
from the rockets could raise so much dust that the dust itself could damage the rover.
Always thinking ahead, the engineers came up with a solution. They created a device to complete
the last step of the landing. The device was called a "sky crane." When the sky crane was close to
Mars's surface, it used a set of cables to lower Curiosity onto the ground.
At last Curiosity landed, going from 13,000 miles per hour to zero in just seven minutes. The
capsule that had been carrying Curiosity still had all its rockets firing. It blasted back into the sky
and landed somewhere else on the planet. The landing was a success.
The Ongoing Mission
NASA says that the MSL mission is part of a long–term plan. This plan uses robots to explore Mars.
The most popular question is whether there ever was life on Mars. Looking for the answer to that
question is just one piece of a bigger
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Animal Testing Should Be Banned
When using cosmetics or common house cleaning products many do not realize that they are
supporting animal cruelty. Animal testing is among the most disturbing experiments being done
today. Vivisection is the practice of animal experimentation. It can include administering drugs,
infecting animals with diseases, poisoning for toxicity testing, brain damaging, maiming, blinding,
and other painful invasive procedures. Animal testing has protocols that cause severe suffering such
as long–term social isolation, full–body restraint, electric shocks, withholding of food and water, or
repeated breeding and separating infants from mothers. It is using millions of animals in ways that
cause distress or death to test the safety of drugs and ... Show more content on ...
Animal research facilities require total fresh air exchanges for ventilation, using large volumes of
air, resulting in a high consumption of energy and carbon emissions (Cubitt and Sharp). Energy
demands are due to the environmental and space needs of the animals, barrier protection from
outside pathogens, indoor air quality, lighting, and the requirement for power intensive equipment in
research (Reynolds). A plethora of chemicals are used in every step of animal testing. They include
chemicals for sanitation, disinfection, sterilization, animal care, and research and testing procedures.
The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) helps protect laboratory workers by regulating the
handling and disposal of hazardous chemicals, as well as other toxic infectious, mutagenic, and
carcinogenic agents (National et al.). Similar to any other testing methods, animal testing and
research involves the use of many toxic substances, including irritants, corrosive substances,
asphyxiates (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, helium, ethane, nitrogen, methane), neurotoxins
(mercury and carbon disulfide), reproductive and developmental toxins, and carcinogens. In
addition, flammable, reactive, and explosive chemicals are used in research (Batton et al.). These
chemicals that are used for animal testing can affect the environment by interrupting the growth
cycle for plants. Since millions of animals are used for research, that means millions of chemicals
are being disposed of in the
... Get more on ...
Mission Control Diary
I performed the initial check on the rocket's systems. All the lights went green, the rocket was ready
and I radioed into Mission Control. "Everything's good to go. Give us the countdown when you're
ready." I looked over to Logan and Trevor, who were seated a few feet away and said, "I can't
believe this is finally happening!" Logan was a thin man with blonde hair. He was the smartest out
of all of us. Trevor was tall and also had blonde hair. I was tall and I had brown hair and brown eyes.
"Yep, ever since we went to JPL in highschool, I knew I wanted to go to Mars," Trevor said as he
buckled his safety harness. Trevor had a grin on his face that said more than his words ever could.
Trevor and I had spent all of our four years at Redwood High ... Show more content on ...
Should we run?"
"That weapon is super big! Doubt it'd just shoot at us, it'd destroy us. Besides, I can't run, my likes
are like freaking jelly!" Trevor replied melancholically.
"Mission Control...ARE YOU SEEING THIS?" My voice cracked over the microphone.
"We have detected a large energy source in your sector. Can you confirm?" Mission Control
inquired smoothly.
howled as he played through what he predicted would happen. "We are going to die," he thought.
"We are donezo!"
Mission Control,with a slight hint of urgency in their voice, said, "We, uh, we are not positive on
what the reading are providing. We think it could be–"
We could only watch as a huge laser destroyed the Earth. Everything we had ever known was gone
in an instant. Mission Control, everyone working there, deceased. How could we move on? There
was nothing left of Earth but the despair in our hearts. We only had memories to look back at.
"Sooo, uh, should we be glad that it was not us to die? Or is that not a nice point of view?" Trevor
sighed. We never imagined this could happen, it was just us three–and whatever aliens were still
... Get more on ...
The Similarities Between Mars And Mars
Mars, the red planet, and fourth planet from the sun. What is Mars really like, is it cold or hot, wet
or dry? Can humans live on Mars, and if so how? For decades scientists have been studying Mars,
they have been using rovers and from there they collected data, samples, and took pictures. These
rovers study Mars' atmosphere, temperatures, weather, if it has water, and a lot more. With all of the
data the scientists have gathered we know that Mars' atmosphere is a lot different than our, yet still
has similarities.
Even though Earth and Mars are in the same solar system and orbit the same sun, Mars' atmosphere
and the planet itself is a lot different from Earth. Mars is 142 million miles away from the sun, with
a year being 687 days long. It is about half of Earth's size, and is one tenth of Earth's mass. Mars'
atmosphere is carbon based, containing 95.3% carbon dioxide, and also it only has .3% water vapor
(Source for %). The average temperature on Mars is –81 degrees Fahrenheit which is approximately
–62 degrees Celsius (NASA). Mars' atmosphere is also very thin, so it does not "allow liquid water
to exist at the surface for long" (Newsela). Also Mars has a lot less gravity, Earth has 62.5% more
gravity than Mars does (NASA). Mars' environment would not be very hospitable for human life.
Earth also differs a lot from Mars, Earth is 78.1% nitrogen, and 20.9% oxygen, and isn't carbon
based (Source for %). While Mars only is only .3% water vapor, Earth is 1–4%
... Get more on ...
Essay on Quality Assurance for Biological Products
A biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease is known as a vaccine. A
vaccine contains an agent that would stimulate the body's immune system. The immune system will
recognize the agent as "foreign" and destroy it, once destroyed, the body will keep a record of it so
the immune system can more easily recognize and destroy any of these microorganisms that it later
encounters. The agent in the vaccine, resembling a disease–causing microorganism, is often made
from a weakened or killed form of the microbe, toxin, or one of its surface proteins (6). Vaccines
have no guarantee that it will bring complete protection for a disease. This is mainly because the
host's immune system simply does not respond enough, if not at ... Show more content on ...
Once detected, the next step would be to prepare the vaccine strain so that the virus will be adapted
for use in manufacturing vaccine. The vaccine virus is mixed with a standard laboratory virus strain
and grown together in order make the virus less dangerous and better able to grow in hen's eggs. In
about three weeks, a hybrid is formed where the inner component is the laboratory strain, and the
outer component is the pandemic strain. Once completed, the vaccine strain is distributed to vaccine
manufacturers. The manufacturers will inject the vaccine virus into thousands of eggs, eggs are
incubated for two to three days during which the virus multiplies. The egg white, which now
contains millions of vaccine virus, is then harvested, and the virus is then separated from the egg
white (7). Producing each batch, or lot, of antigen takes approximately two weeks, and a new batch
can be started every few days. The next step would be the quality control, and this can only begin
once the reagents for testing the vaccine are supplied by WHO laboratories. Quality control will test
each batch and verify the sterility the bulk antigen. Then the batch is diluted, packaged, labeled, and
shipped out. So that this production of vaccine in terms of manufacturing runs smoothly and
effectively, the WHO publishes a document on the general requirements for manufacturing
establishments and control laboratories in 1966. The aim of the document published by WHO is to
... Get more on ...

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Mars Gale Crater

  • 1. Mars Gale Crater On October 8, NASA released information confirming that there were once lakes on Mars, specifically in the Gale Crater. The water helped deliver sediment to the bottom of the crater. Mars' Gale Crater currently contains Mount Sharp, the foundation of which is provided by aforementioned sediment delivered by the water. According to Ashwin Vasavada, Mars Science Laboratory project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, "Observations from the rover suggest that a series of long–lived streams and lakes existed at some point between about 3.8 to 3.3 billion years ago, delivering sediment that slowly built up the lower layers of Mount Sharp." This finding comes in a long string of other findings that water once existed on Mars. Just last month, ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Satirical Techniques Used In Andy Weir's The Martian Andy Weir never meant for his book to become a smashing hit turned into a movie. The Martian takes place on the planet Mars with astronaut Mark Watney stranded on the deserted planet. Mark has a hole in his stomach, no communication with NASA, is left with no choice rationing his food to save his life. In this edge–of–your–seat story, Andy Weir uses suspense as well as humor to make living on Mars seem a little more bearable. Andy Weir originally wrote the novel The Martian for his science blog readers with added elements of humor + suspense to create an award winning novel. Before becoming a bestselling author, Andy Weir was just a science blogger who wrote The Martian for his science blog readers, andnever dreamed of his novel evening going ... Show more content on ... Another instance in which Weir blends suspense into his writing is: "Potatoes are now extinct on Mars." (Weir 171). When the hab blows up, Marks' potatoes were exposed to the frigid temperatures of Mars, in which they almost immediately shrivel up and die. This is showing how one little thing gone wrong results in chain event that doesn't end well. The book would be very predictable and boring without the element of suspense. By creating this bestselling novel, Andy Weir has set up a formula for any science fiction novel to be written with his incorporation of sarcasm with the added sense of fear. Weir was a child raised under two science involved parents, so it's no wonder where he got the inspiration from. By using sarcasm, Weir developed a sort of "Watney" style of humor. The reader doesn't just see it as joking. Humor is one of the main things that keeps Mark alive. By keeping the readers on the edge of their seat with twists and turns no one saw coming, it's hard to find a chance to set this book down! Because The Martian is such a enthralling novel, Weir could be on the way to writing another ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Occupational Characteristics of Microbiology Graduating from The University at Albany's Biology program provides a wide selection of job opportunities upon leaving college. While students have the option of picking from a B.A. or a B.S., the focus of a B.S. in biology has more scientific purposes. Graduation requirements are difficult, but certainly not impossible, requiring 67–68 credits over 4 years. These credits include 36 biology credits, 16 chemistry credits, 8 math credits and 8 physics credits. The job opportunities that become open to the holder of a B.S. range across many fields, including education, health and medicine, and a plethora of research opportunities. Just some of the many opportunities open to biology grads include laboratory technicians, researchers, pharmacists, teachers, doctors, and microbiologists. The opportunities change as a biology major may decide to master in a more specific science of biology, and microbiology is one popular field to enter. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, a microbiologist is someone who studies "microorganisms, or microbes, a diverse group of minute, simple life forms that include bacteria, archaea, algae, fungi, protozoa and viruses" (Pg. 1). On a day to day basis, an average microbiologist will deal with treating infections; identifying and classifying new organisms as they are discovered; and finding new uses for already discovered organisms. Other various tasks a microbiologist may perform are epidemiology, writing research reports and describing new ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. The Mars Exploration Rover Mission (Spirit and Opportunity... National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched two similar twin robotic rovers which were Spirit and Opportunity toward Mars on 10 June and 7 July 2003 (NASA 2012). Spirit and Opportunity landed in Gusev Crater on 4 January 2004 and in Meridiani Planum on 25 January 2004 respectively (NASA 2012). Opportunity is still operating and roving after 10 years on the Martian surface while final communication of Spirit to the Earth took place on 22 March 2010, which is around six years into its mission (NASA 2012). The rovers were thought to last 20 times longer as compared to its original design. As part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, the Mars Exploration Rover mission is a continuous multi–mission effort to study Mars as a possible habitation for past or present life and to look for signs of life as well as to prepare for human exploration. Primary objective of the Mars Exploration Rover mission is to explore and characterize a wide range of soils and rocks that possess clues or evidences to past water activity on Mars (NASA 2012). It is hard to get to Mars and it is even harder to land on Mars, thus Spirit and Opportunity had to overcome numerous challenges in order to land on Mars and to carry out their missions. These two rovers were required to fly through approximately 483 million kilometers of deep space and a very precise landing spot had to be targeted (Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2011). Although their flight paths can be adjusted along the way, ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Mars Research Paper Do you know that reddish planet that you could see through a telescope in the sky? Well everyone knows that planet and the planet is mars. Mars is known as the red planet because of its reddish color. Also Mars was named after the ancient romans after their god of war mars. Mars is the ninth planets that makes up the solar system. Mars is known to be the fourth planet away from the sun. Earth is mars neighbor the third planet from the sun. Mars diameter is about 4,200 (6,790 kilometers). Mars makes a little more than half the size of the earth. The only planets smaller than mars is mercury and Pluto (dwarf planet). It takes mars 687 days to revolve around the sun. Mars also rotates once every twenty–four hours and thirty–seven minutes. Mars ... Show more content on ... Mars has a total of 43,000 craters. Mars is also close to the asteroid belt in which mars has a greater chance getting hit and causing a crater. There is also a volcano called Arisa Mons. Arisa Mons has various caves. The caves are known to be called "seven sisters." The cave entrance measure 100 m to 252 m wide and are also believes to be 73 m to 96 m deep. Mars lost its magnetosphere 4 billion years ago. It is believed that mars lost its magnetosphere because of it various asteroids strikes. Also methane was detected in the Martian atmosphere. It is suggest the methane may last as long as 4 earth's years and as short as 0.6 earth's years. The curiosity rover landed in august of 2012. The curiosity rover was able to make measurements that distinguished between different isotopologues of methane. The most accurate information found on earth would have to be the 2001 Mars Odyssey, Mars Express, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Opportunity rover, and Curiosity rover. The curiosity rover was the first to find deep samples. When mars is close to the sun it looks yellow, orange, or red. Mars actual color is butterscotch and the redness is mostly because of the dust. The only other country to land a spacecraft on mars was the Soviet Union in 1971 and ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Curiosity: A Robotic Rover On August 6, 2014, a robotic rover Curiosity, which worth about 25 million dollars, was successfully landed on Mars and immediately sent back images of the areas around the mission's landing site. Radioactive isotopes are used for the first time as the power source for this car–sized robotic rover. As a part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission, Curiosity was launched on November 26, 2011, and it was the most ambitious and expensive exploration mission on Mars in history. (Wall, 2012) Curiosity rover takes along with a variety of advanced instruments and equipment, planning to determine if there were conditions for life existed in the past on Mars or to search for signs of life in rocket around landing area. It would work continuously ... Show more content on ... After the specific mineral elements in rock samples are determined, Curiosity grinds rock into fine powdery sample and pours it into a chemistry and mineralogy analyze system ––– CheMin. CheMin then directs a beam of X–rays at the powder and the crystal structure of the minerals deflects it at a characteristic angle, which allows the scientists to distinguish the minerals being analyzed. CheMin provided the valuable information about the varieties of the minerals exists on Mars, as well as each mineral's reserves. Analyzing each mineral on Mars allows scientists to find major leads of temperature, pressure and acidity of Mars' environment during the time when these minerals were formed. Therefore, CheMin has the potential to reveal whether Gale Crater is a suitable place for life exists. (Anderson, 2010) However, whether it is possible to find the signs of life on Mars remains unsure, since it is an extremely difficult task to make a clear conclusion about life existence on exterior planet. Nevertheless, by searching for organic molecules, Curious tries its best to find the solutions to this ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Space Mission In addition to considering the main goals of the base, one must also consider the costs. Due to the high cost and limited space within a spacecraft, everything aboard must serve a purpose. After the spacecraft lands, the internal structure in which the astronauts had been living will serve as the main building due to its capacity to sustain human life in the more extreme conditions of space. The first spacecraft which arrived on Mars, unmanned, contained rovers to collect information about the base site as well as assist in the construction of the laboratory and greenhouses contained within the spacecraft. To function correctly as a laboratory and a greenhouse however the inclusion of a life support system including water recycling, oxygen ... Show more content on ... The lack of proper nutrients and vitamins can lead to increased bone atrophy, muscle atrophy, and decreased energy, while creating a susceptibility to other diseases or infections which can spread to the other crew members. The contamination of an environment leads to the psychological effect of a ruined area or the loss of security which can affect the whole group (Enrico, C. 2013). The nature of this risk will last in–transit as well as upon the surface of Mars. In addition, if malnutrition occurs to one crew member, then likely the problem lies with the food stores which would be a disaster for the mission. Therefore, a good alternative to the prevention for food contamination would be to grow crops in space as a reserve. It would serve two purposes; it could be used to do research upon the growth of plants in a microgravity environment, and it will serve as a preventative security measure. A pre–flight instruction session of the symptoms of malnutrition will allow for the recognition and increase the amount of time in which the astronauts have to address the problem. However, the constraints in these sessions might occur when regarding the operations of the mission, and the capability of growing food would be greatly reduced by the limited space onboard, ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Mars Research Papers Viking 1 lander launched by NASA took the first picture of Mars on July 20, 1976. The picture has shown a strangely familiar, yet different enough to challenge scientists to figure out more about this planet. Mars, the Red Planet, attracts people since ancient times, the Greeks call it Ares. Mars has stayed in the human imagination until the rise of science and technology has discovered it. Mars appears in orange visually, and it is slightly more than half the size of Earth. Mars has about 15% of Earth's volume and about 71% as dense as Earth. (NASA) The inner four planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars – are made up mostly of iron and rock. Mars is composed of mostly iron–rich basaltic rock similar to Earth's thin crust. (NASA) However, ... Show more content on ... With the announcement in 1996 by a team of scientists that a meteorite from Mars contained what might be the residue of ancient microbes, public interest became regalvanized by the possibility of past or present life there. The climate of Mars changes over time. "Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission will determine Mars' climate change over time for the lower and upper atmosphere. The mission will allow scientists to determine more precisely the composition of the Martian atmosphere. Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission will investigate the composition of rocks, soils, and land forms that might be linked with changes in the planet's atmosphere over time. (NASA) The key to understanding whether life could have evolved on Mars, many scientists believe, is water. (NASA) Other than water, there are many elements required to support life. For example, suitable climate, temperature, atmosphere and more, are conditions necessary for life on Mars, as important as water. After Earth, Mars has the most habitable climate for living in the solar system. Geologic features of Mars are collected by the Curiosity rover and studied by scientists. For instance, to find out has liquid water ever flowed on the surface of Mars and what caused the climate change on Mars. Of course, there are more environmental conditions affect Mars that lead scientists to further explore the natural environment of ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL): The Curiosity Crater The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), also known as the Curiosity rover, is a NASA mission with the goal of discovering details about past and present–day Mars. The primary purpose of the mission is to determine if Mars once had a suitable environment for microbial life. The area of Mars chosen to be studied is an ancient impact crater called the Gale Crater. It has many unique geologic features that piqued the interest of astronomers and geologists and could be indicative of past water flows and possibly habitable environments. Since landing on the crater in 2012, the rover has been very successful and has given a lot of information about the past and present of the plant. The Gale Crater The Gale Crater is a large, ancient impact crater found ... Show more content on ... It has six wheels for travel, and a robotic arm used to collect samples and bore into rocks with an attached drill. The rover generates power through radioactive decay from plutonium–283. According to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, the rover is equipped with the most advanced technology in order to study the present geology and environment of Gale Crater. Ten different instruments are being by the rover. One important instrument is called Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) which is used to analyze materials collected by the rover and take samples of the atmosphere in order to determine abundance of elements of different isotopes and compounds present. The Mast Camera is used for high resolution imagining in order to view the rover's surroundings. The CheMin instrument analyzes materials collected by the rover using X–ray diffraction and fluorescence. The ChemCam instrument is used to vaporize rocks by using a laser, and a telescope is then used to image plasma light from the rocks, and identify elements present. Located on the robotic arm, the Mars Hand Lens Imager is used to take very detailed images of small features. The Alpha Particle X–ray Spectrometer is also located on the robotic are and is used to determine amounts of elements present. The Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) is used to determine amounts of radiation in the crater. Another instrument is the Mars Descent Imager was used to film video during landing in order to map geology of the landing site. The Rover Environmental Monitoring System is used to measure environmental factors such as pressure, humidity, temperature, and winds. Lastly, the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons instrument is for detecting the presence of hydrogen beneath the surface (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Mars 'Curiosity' Rover 1.0 Introduction Mars; the fourth planet from the sun, and considering the vast expanse of the universe, Mars is only a mere 49 million miles from Earth. Mars has been the object of many speculative questions and hypothesis. Over the years, many have wondered if Mars ever sustained life, or if not, if it were possible to one day sustain life; i.e. Humans. There have been many missions to Mars in an attempt to answer those and other questions, like the three separate rover craft missions that will be discussed in this paper. Most recently, the idea to put humans on Mars has gained traction and scientists have begun the process to put that plan into motion. The goal of this paper is to provide more in–depth detail of those missions, their ... Show more content on ... Hassler,*, Cary Zeitlin, Robert F. Wimmer–Schweingruber, Bent Ehresmann, Scot Rafkin, Jennifer L. Eigenbrode, David E. Brinza, Gerald Weigle, Stephan Böttcher, Eckart Böhm, Soenke Burmeister, Jingnan Guo, Jan Köhler, Cesar Martin, Guenther Reitz, Francis A. Cucinotta, Myung– Hee Kim, David Grinspoon, Mark A. Bullock, Arik Posner, Javier Gómez–Elvira, Ashwin Vasavada, John P. Grotzinger, MSL Science Team (2013) Mars' Surface Radiation Environment Measured with the Mars Science Laboratory's Curiosity Rover Science, Vol. 343 no. 6169 S. P. Gorevan, T. Myrick, K. Davis, J. J. Chau, P. Bartlett, S. Mukherjee, R. Anderson, S. W. Squyres, R. E. Arvidson, M. B. Madsen, P. Bertelsen, W. Goetz, C. S. Binau, L. Richter (2003) Rock Abrasion Tool: Mars Exploration Rover Mission. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Volume 108, Issue E12, December 2003 Larry A. Haskin, Alian Wang, Bradley L. Jolliff, Harry Y. McSween, Benton C. Clark, David J. Des Marais, Scott M. McLennan, Nicholas J. Tosca, Joel A. Hurowitz, Jack D. Farmer, Albert Yen, Steve W. Squyres, Raymond E. Arvidson, Göstar Klingelhöfer, Christian Schröder, Paulo A. de Souza, Jr, Douglas W. Ming1, Ralf Gellert, Jutta Zipfel, Johannes Brückner, James F. Bell, III, Kenneth Herkenhoff, Phil R. Christensen, Steve Ruff, Diana Blaney, Steven Gorevan, Nathalie A. Cabrol, Larry Crumpler, John Grant & Lawrence Soderblom (2005) Water Alteration of Rocks and Soils on Mars at the Spirit Rover Site in Gusev Crater Nature ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. History Of Mars Research Paper History of Mars Current evidence suggests that Mars was a planet similar to Earth, which has inspired many different beliefs today. Currently, on Mars there are seven active probes searching for information about the planet's environment. The two Exploration probes search for different types of rocks and soil, which could potentially hold clues on Mars' water activity, while the Curiosity rover is searching for signs whether or not Mars is or was suitable for life. Each of the seven probes work together to answer the question "did life or water once exist on the red planet?" Long ago people had many thoughts on this red planet that they saw in the sky. When seen through telescopes in the 1800s, people saw strange markings they thought to be canals on the planet that convinced them of an advanced alien civilization. In 1938, the ... Show more content on ... This successful probe was fitted with instruments used to search for microorganisms on Mars. Traveling to more recent times, the Mars Pathfinder arrived on Mars in July 4, 1997 and helped make history by proving that missions to Mars could be accomplished on a low budget. Our most recent rover, Curiosity, also known as the science laboratory, landed on Mars on August 6, 2012. This rover is studying Mars for the ability to support microbial life which could greatly help us in our search for life on Mars today. Mars gets its red appearance from the iron particles in the dust spread around the crust and its atmosphere. The Mars main composition layers consist of no tectonic plates and mostly a basalt crust with a dormant core. Mars' atmosphere consists of about 95% carbon, 3% nitrogen and minute traces of Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and many other elements. This atmosphere is 1% of the Earth's atmosphere which does not protect Mars from primarily solar radiation making Mars a very dangerous ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Applications of DNA Typing DNA Typing has become more present in the world with the creation of new technology, allowing justice to be served in courtrooms, helping to identify bodies after major devastating events have occurred, and also in processes that the average human does not pay much attention to such as the production of biofuels. The process of DNA Typing is not easy considering the fact one must first go through the multi–step process of DNA extraction. Along with DNA Typing also comes the job opportunities that are available, the organizations that have been created in respect to this subject, and the average salary that is available to people who hold a job in this field of work. The use of DNA Typing will become more common in the near future as the ... Show more content on ... ("Interesting Uses of DNA Profiling") The interesting subject of DNA Typing to be used in major sporting events can be clarified by the use of this method in the marking of footballs to stop the rising popularity of the deception of rare sporting items. ("Interesting Uses of DNA Profiling") DNA Typing has left an important mark on the world of science since it has become a prominent part of identifying people and one–of–a–kind items such as sports memorabilia. The process of DNA Typing has become more common which has allowed more resources to be readily available, while also being at a cheaper rate. DNA can now be privately found using individual kits instead of going to research facilities. Also, DNA can be sequenced for only a few thousand dollars versus a few billion dollars as it was just a few years ago. ("DNA and the Masses: The Science and Technology Behind Discovering Who You Really Are") During the DNA Typing process, one must first go through the method of DNA extraction. The first step of DNA extraction is to find a source of DNA, and the second step is to remove the sample of DNA from the cells. After this, the sample is deposited into a tube that contains measured chemicals. ("Hunter") The chemicals that are contained in the tube include a buffer, which keeps the DNA from falling apart, and other substances that are used to break down the cells and release the DNA into the buffer. If ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Research Paper On Mars Exploration Rover ESS 102 Research Paper Bo Wang In 2017, scientists discovered a planet hidden beyond Pluto, they named it planet X. Twenty years has passed. In 2037, NASA decided to launch a robotic mission on planet X. The goal of the mission is to find the existence of water and detecting the major components of atmosphere and soil. The ultimate goal is to determine whether planet X can become our second Earth. The science fiction paper will be in the form of a log in the perspective of the space rover landed on Planet X. Opportunity was launched in July 2003 for an exploration on Mars. Its mission was to search for signs of past life on Mars [1]. In particular it was searching for geological clues about the existence of water on Mars and whether Mars was wet enough to be hospitable to life [2]. Opportunity was lucky that it landed close to a thin out crop of rocks and it was able to find the evidence of existence of deep salty water flowed over the area from those rocks [2]. Moreover, those rocks could also ... Show more content on ... "Mars Exploration Rover – Opportunity". NASA. RetrievedFebruary 2, 2014. [2] California, United States. NASA. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. NASA Facts: Mars Exploration Rover. NASA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Oct. 2004. Web. 29 Jan. 2016. [3] Showstack,R., (2011), Mars Opportunity rover finds gypsum veins, Eos Trans. AGU, 92(51), 479. [4] Hamran, S. E., et al. "The RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 Rover." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 1. 2014. [5] Berthling, Ivar, et al. "Rock glaciers on Prins Karls Forland. II: GPR soundings and the development of internal structures." Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 11.4 (2000): 357–369. [6] Rapp, Donald, et al. "The Mars oxygen ISRU experiment (MOXIE) on the Mars 2020 rover." Space forum. 2015. [7] Beegle, Luther, et al. "SHERLOC: scanning habitable environments with raman & luminescence for organics & chemicals." Aerospace Conference, 2015 IEEE. IEEE, ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Nili Fossae Research Paper Nili Fossae Trough: The Red Planet's Landing Site Is Arrayed With Fantastic Colors; Blue Color Dominates NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) reveals that Nili Fossae trough, a possible landing site in Mars, have the most colorful spots on the Red Planet. It shows green, blue and red patches, as shown in the photos taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). NASA confirmed that red is not only the color of Mars. There is an array of colors under Mar's bedrock. The blue that dominates the part of the landing is due to "homogenized dust." These fantastic colors of the Nili Fossae are credited to the rich geologic history of the area. The Omega spectrometer on Mars Express and the CRISM spectrometer on MRO discovered that the Nili Fossae ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Marti Science Fiction Albert Camus once said, "Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth." Science Fiction movies are based on fictional science that most often relate to unproven theories. In the movie The Martian, there are many science related concepts present. Some of these concepts include the storm on Mars, the plants, the rover, the time required to reach Mars, and the gravity among others. How accurate is this movie? The movie has some true and some false representations of science. The storm in the beginning of the movie was very powerful and devastating, which led the crew to leave Mark Watney behind. Paul Withers, an expert on Mar's weather, says that the atmospheric pressure on Mars is about one percent of Earth's (Rimer); this means that the ... Show more content on ... Nathan Phillips, professor of earth and environment, was asked if it would be possible to grow plants on Mars and he said "as long as viable plant material has access to light, water, and nutrients, which I imagine were filtered from waste, and the temperature that's good for a human is generally good for plants, they should grow" (Rimer); therefore, growing plants on Mars is possible. During the movie, the scientists mentioned that to get to Mars takes approximately nine months; it is difficult to determine if this fact is right or wrong. The time that it takes depends on many factors, like the distance between the two planets and the speed of the spaceship. The distance varies because the planets orbit the sun at different speeds, and each one has a different orbit. Some of the spaceships sent to Mars have taken between 128 days (Mariner 7 in 1969) and 333 days (Viking 2 Orbiter/Lander 1975); the last mission was in 2011 (Mars Science Laboratory) and it took 254 days (Redd). This time ranges between four to eleven months, so even though the time cannot be determined accurately, the movie tried to use concrete information. The Martian surprised many scientists because of the high accuracy of science portrayed in the movie. Although the devastating storm and the Earth–like gravity were not genuine, most of the other things are possible or real. Planting potatoes to survive is possible under certain conditions on Mars, which was depicted in the movie. Most of the technology shown already exists or is currently being developed. In conclusion, The Martian is one of the most scientifically accurate movies ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. NASA: The High Cost Of NASA NASA has to spend at least five hundred million dollars per launch in space. They do quite a bit of experiments in space, and have mission on mars and the moon. They made the International space station, and made quite a few rockets and planes to send to space and in the air. If NASA didn't make satellites you wouldn't be able to watch tv or call someone from long distance. NASA can do a bundle of experiments but what is NASA. First of all they are a government agency. Anything that might happen they are responsible for a almost all of science and technology in space and on Earth. This program was created to oversee space exploration and find different planets to find different planets, if we ever run out of room on Earth. NASA does space exploration and also they do aeronautics research. NASA are a very big company, but it ... Show more content on ... It costs roughly about four hundred and fifty million dollars per launch and bigger missions can cost millions and even billions of dollars just for one launch. An average cost for a mission is four hundred and fifty million because they haven't done super big missions but either they are already on or on their way to mars for a mission. NASA don't just have mission for planets they also have the International Space Station that is basically a permanent laboratory in space. The International Space Station is used for a galore of experiments. International and technological is the largest endeavor. It is a permanent laboratory up in space. Most of the time during experiments in space they will use gravity, pressure and temperature in a variety of experiments that they cannot do down on Earth. A space shuttle can travel faster than you think in space. It can travel up to seventeen thousand and five hundred miles per hour and that is twenty eight thousand kilometers per hour. One space shuttle or spaceship can use up to five hundred thousand gallons of fuel for only one ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Nasa Curiosity Mission The topic of Mars has long been of interest to astronomers and science fiction enthusiast alike. The premise of another planet supporting life excites people like no other. In 2004, The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, began preliminary science experiments and instrument proposals for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) and a robotic space probe mission to Mars. After long testing and development stages, the mission birthed a rover, Curiosity, which was launched in November 2011 and subsequently landed August 6th 2012. As we speak Curiosity is collecting invaluable data for our understanding of mars including: habitability, climate and geology, and possibly setting up a manned mission to mars in the ... Show more content on ... The Curiosity rover is an amazing piece of machinery, and it must be to accomplish the objectives that it plans to. NASA obviously had the greatest minds and engineers on this project as is evident by its construction. The rover is powered by a radioisotope thermoelectric generator, akin to the rovers of previous Mars missions. A Radioisotope power system is a generator that produces electricity from the natural decay of plutonium–238, which is an isotope. Heat given off by the natural decay of this isotope is converted into electricity by thermocouples, providing Curiosity with constant power during all seasons and through the day and night. Extra heat given off called waste heat can be used via pipes to warm systems, freeing electrical power for the operation of the vehicle and instruments. This is crucial as the temperature on Mars can vary from –127 to 40 degrees C. Additionally there are two computers in board the rover called the Rover Compute Element. The computers contain radiation–hardened memory to deal with the extreme amounts of radiation in space. The rover's computers are constantly self–monitoring to keep the rover operational, such as by regulating the rover's temperature. Communication is also a vital part of the mission which is why Curiosity is equipped with telecommunication by several means. The first is an X band transmitter and receiver that can communicate directly with Earth. Another is a UHF Electra–Lite software–defined radio ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Curiosity Rover Mars has long been an unachievable goal for all nations. Starting in 1969, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) aimed to change that. With missions ranging from observing climate to taking photos, NASA has examined the surface, atmosphere, and subsurface of Mars. In 2011, NASA launched the Curiosity rover with the goal of discovering organic compounds essential to life on the surface of Mars (Administrator, 2017). This mission, Vit Rover, named after the prefix meaning life, will continue the work of the Curiosity rover and answer three questions: Can the organic compounds on Earth sustain life? What kind of life does the climate of Mars permit, if any? Can humans and Martian life coexist without disruption? These questions ... Show more content on ... The cruise stage will occur between July of 2022 and January of 2023. During this phase, navigation, altitude, and trajectory will be altered and monitored. The approach phase will include entry, descent, and landing and will occur between January and February of 2023. The last phase before the objectives of this mission begins is rover egress. Rover egress will include an antenna launch, taking photos of Mars' surface, calibrating scientific instruments for use, selecting a suitable path for the rover to take, and standing the rover upright. After this stage, the rover can begin to roam on Holden Crater and complete the objective of discovering life on Mars. The overall goal of this mission is to locate life on Mars in preparation for future colonization. This rover will help NASA's scientist discover what life is on Mars and whether that life can coexist with humans. With the success of this mission, human exploration will be able to begin earlier and become ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Mission 33284 Research Paper June 3, 1986 an adroit group of astronauts went on Mission 33284: Journey to Mars. They went on this trip in search of life on Mars, or at least evidence of life on Mars. Five of them set out on this precarious journey to space.. Not a single one returned home. No bodies were discovered, no calls were sent back to base, not a single clue was given as to what happened; it was just nothing. A full "investigation" was conducted and it was concluded that something happened to the engine and they fell into oblivion. December 8, 2016, 30 years later, another set of astronauts were chosen to take part in Mission 33284 once again. The fortunate group of 6 were: Kamila Hernandez, Jackson Sky, Linda Marshall, Ronald Po, Alexandra Janet, and Jason ... Show more content on ... For a moment the ship stayed just floating in space then it began its steep descent into the deep dark trenches of space. The ship fell for what felt like years until it finally crashed on a hard surface. Kamila, who had bloody nose and left leg was completely shattered, looked around at the now wrecked ship. The entire back of the craft was flattened the only that was visible was the long trail of blood trickling down. Kamila slowly crawled to the intercom and dialed 33284 on the intercom. Nothing happened. She dialed again and again and again and again and once more and another, but... nothing happened. She sat staring at the blank intercom in complete disbelief then she began to sob. Now realizing she was stranded in space with no one to help, and little oxygen left she began to sob harder and harder until she began hyperventilating. While wiping her tears something caught her eye, there was a piece of a spacecraft outside. But it wasn't a piece of her spacecraft... it was another spacecraft. "How could it be though," she thought, " what other spacecraft has cras–..." She didn't even finish her thought before realizing. She looked down at the intercom once more and understood that 30 years no calls were received because the calls weren't meant to be received. She realized that the call she just made didn't go through not because it was busted but because it wasn't made to go through. She realized what Joe meant when he said that she would find out eventually what 33284 meant. And as she sat there all bloodied and wounded, she realized she wasn't sent out to find life on Mars she was sent to ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Zelus Research Paper Introduction The exploration of Mars terrain is offering mankind even more incite into how our solar system was developed in the past. There are still many sites that have yet to be explored. The region of Mawrth Vallis is one of the oldest valleys on Mars. It was formed from cataclysmic floods and contains large amounts of phyllosilicate. These are clay–like minerals that only form in the presence of water. These minerals can easily preserve microscopic life. I am going to design a rover "Zelus" for the purpose of exploring this terrain. The rover is named after the Greek God who is the personification of the term zeal. It inspired by the meaning of having intense passion and enthusiasm for any endeavor. The rover will collect these minerals, explore different aspects of the terrain, and discover any other potential information. The data gathered will in turn help determine if this environment was sustainable for life in the past. Chassis (Body) Damage to the wheels and body due to Mars' rugged terrain is one problem the Curiosity rover is facing right now. Rocks and heavy winds of Mars have been causing damage to ... Show more content on ... I will use an altered version of the MOXIE instrument planned for the Mars 2020 rover. This will only require the CO2 Acquisition and Compression (CAC) system component of it. The CAC will store the carbon dioxide from the Mars air and compress it. The process will take the waste heat from the solar panels and heat molten salts stored in the chamber. Next, it will heat the stored carbon dioxide from the air to a physical state between a gas and liquid. This will in turn give energy to the CO2 turbine to operate the rover and its instruments. Finally, it is cooled and repressurized once it has passes through the turbine before coming back around. The carbon dioxide will circulate continuously in a closed loop, and it wont produce any waste ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Unmanned Missions For Future Manned Missions Unmanned Missions to Mars Pave the Way for Future Manned Missions Table of Contents I. Introduction 3 II. History a. Cost b. Goals and Objectives III. Life on Mars a. Instrumentation i. Cameras 1. Mast Camera (Mastcam) 2. Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) 3. Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) ii. Spectrometers 1. Alpha Particle X–Ray Spectrometer (APXS) 2. Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) 3. Chemistry and Mineralogy X–Ray Diffraction/X–Ray Fluorescence Instrument (CheMin) iii. Radiation Detectors 1. Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) 2. Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) iv. Environmental Sensors 1. Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) v. Atmospheric Sensors 1. Mars Science Laboratory Entry Descent and Landing Instrument (MEDLI) b. Landing site selection i. Final Four 1. Ebersewalde 2. Holden 3. Mawrth 4. Gale ii. Other sites considered 1. Miyamoto 2. Nili Fossae Trough 3. Southern Meridiani c. Launch i. Launch vehicle (Atlas V 541) IV. Discoveries a. Landing payload b. Atmospheric composition
  • 42. c. Evidence of an ancient streambed d. Radiation levels e. A habitable environment V. Conclusion a. Cultural impact b. Mars 2020 I. Introduction Since the moment man became self–aware, he looked up in the night sky and basked in the splendor of the stars and felt, what could only be described as, pure fear and loneliness. It is natural for man to fear what he does not understand, but what of loneliness? Under the twinkling of the stars, man has ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. The Mars Exploration Rover Mission National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched two similar twin robotic rovers, which were Spirit and Opportunity toward Mars on 10 June and 7 July 2003 (NASA 2012). Spirit and Opportunity landed in Gusev Crater on 4 January 2004 and in Meridiani Planum on 25 January 2004 respectively (NASA 2012). Opportunity is still operating and roving after 10 years on the Martian surface while final communication of Spirit to the Earth took place on 22 March 2010, which is around six years into its mission (NASA 2012). The rovers were thought to last 20 times longer as compared to its original design. As part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, the Mars Exploration Rover mission is a continuing multi–mission effort to study Mars as a ... Show more content on ... Although Spirit and Opportunity encountered plenty of setbacks, however, they were still able to reach Mars on schedule (Goodrich et al. 2010). Achievements of the Mars Exploration Rover mission are impressive. Spirit found evidence of past water through its months–long trek across different layers of hilly terrain at Columbia Hills, as each layer consisted of clues to past environmental conditions on Mars (NASA 2013). More signs of a wet past became obvious as the rover gained altitude. By investigating the composition and texture of more than six different types of rocks, scientists identified that this area was once a hot, violent place with volcanic explosions and impacts (NASA 2013). Marks on debris throughout the area were formed by abundant water in the form of hot springs or other water features. Mineral goethite which only forms in the presence of water was found to present in one of the rock types (NASA 2013). Therefore, it signified the first direct evidence of past water in Columbia Hills. Besides that, spirit's wheel scraped a trench in Mars surface soil as it struggled up toward a ridgeline on Husband Hill, disclosing light–toned material in which the salty material had water molecules bound to the minerals, uncovering the watery pasts of Mars (NASA 2013). In addition, dust found in Gusev Crater by Spirit was found to consist of ferrimagnetic minerals such as ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. The Mars Science Laboratory Rover The budget for the FY2017 stands at $19.5 billion. This budget breaks down into major areas as grouped by NASA. The Science Mission Directorate with a budget of $5,601. With this money NASA is supporting over 90 space missions with 35 being readied for launch and another 60 currently underway. Some of these being the Voyager's, still with Voyager I currently the most distant man made object from the earth and in deep space since 2012. The Mars Science Laboratory Rover, "Curiosity". Curiosity is a small car sized rover and after being launched in 2011 and following a successful landing on the Martian surface, has been giving us important data on the red planet with its suite of lab like instruments and sensors. The International Space Station ... Show more content on ... These concepts are being pioneered or contracted out by NASA to companies like SpaceX who in turn is monetizing space travel. In response as to how I would set next year's budget for NASA, I would first ask NASA, "How much is too much money for you?". While obviously I couldn't ask to raise the budget to something unfeasible, with more aircraft carriers than every other country in the world combined and one of the strongest standing armies and air forces to boot, (and a sister in the Navy and brother in the Marines, I might add) I would feel comfortable transferring a couple of tenths of a percent from our defense budget to our NASA budget, if not, a whole percent. Reasoning for this is two–fold. One being that when NASA's budget was at its highest back in the 60's during the Apollo missions, a study was conducted examining the financial impact of the billions spent on putting a man on the moon. The study found that the roughly $25 billion spent during those years was $52 billion in return by 1971 and even more by a decade later. For every technological advance and groundbreaking scientific Eureka moment, there are benefits to the everyday person from the inventions and research NASA has put into from ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. The Martian Written over a period of 3 years, The Martian by Andy Weir became quite the success. Originally self–published as an e–book on Amazon the book later became a huge hit in the science–fiction genre. This is due to the fact that it appealed to both the casual readers and the hard–core science fans. In 2014 the book was officially published by Broadway Books. It contains a total of 369 pages The book takes place on Mars and more specifically Acidalia Planitia, a plain in the North part of the planet. The habitation module or Hab for short is where our survivor will be spending most of his time while not in his rover. Another location is the Hermes, the spaceship where the rest of the crew is. The last major location is NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory ... Show more content on ... While evacuating due to the severity of the storm the communications antenna breaks and hits Mark Watney knocking him out. Believing him dead his crew reluctantly continue the evacuation. Waking up to find out he is the only person on the planet Mark starts preparing his plan to survive. Using his home made dirt and rationing his food he hopes to be able to live until the Ares 4 mission arrives a couple of years later. Watney regains communication with NASA after bringing Pathfinder, an old rover that died in 1997, back to life. While attempting to create water Mark creates an explosion that causes the death of many of his crops. Realizing he will no longer have enough food to last the 3 years of wait, NASA hastily prepares a resupply mission. Cutting some corners to save time causes some safety procedures to be overlooked. The resupply mission ends up exploding shortly after launch. Having little to no choice the crew aboard Hermes decide to use a manoeuver to flyby Earth and return to Mars for Mark. Watney proceeds to the Ares 4 mission site to be able to reach the Hermes with the Ascent Vehicle. After making modifications to the vehicle to make it lighter Mark gets ready to return home. Mark Watney: Main Character, is a botanist and an engineer. He is a very important part of the book. The Crew: Other than Commander Lewis, very little is said about the crew which includes Martinez, Beck, Johanssen and Vogel. Commander Lewis: Head of the Ares 3 mission, Lewis is responsible for everyone. She is the one that calls the shots and decides to reroute Hermes to go back for Mark. Mitch Henderson: Head of the Ares 3 mission. He is the one that sent the Purnell manoeuver to ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. How Is Humor Used In Andy Weir's The Martian NASA has been trying to survive on Mars for years, but in this novel, they already have. The Martian is a science fiction novel about Mark Watney, a botanist for NASA, is involved in a mission to Mars, until one day he is left behind on Mars with limited supplies. Watney has to persevere through several challenges to get back home, and try not to die in the process. The Martian is a very suspenseful book written by the interesting author, Andy Weir, who uses humor to counter the drama. Andy Weir has led an exciting and interesting science–filled life, for instance, when Weir was fifteen, he got hired as a programmer for a national laboratory (BookBrowse), and later attended college at the University of California (Lundquist). Space travel, orbital dynamics, relativistic physics, astronomy, and the history of manned spaceflight are a few of Weir's interests, that he said inspired The Martian (BookBrowse). Weir originally posted the novel on his website as a free serial, but after countless people requested it, he put it on Kindle for 99¢ (Lundquist). After having a such a science–filled life, it is no ... Show more content on ... The main idea is that Mark Watney gets stranded on Mars with no means of communication, as shown in this quote; "Everyone made it but me"(Weir 4). This is part of Mark telling the story of how he got stranded, and it lets readers know he is completely alone. That is the main struggle for Watney, but he faces numerous other huge challenges and technical issues, for example "I'm very lucky it hasn't blown. Even a small static discharge would lead to my own private Hindenburg.....The Hab [ The "habitat" that the astronauts live in] is now a bomb" (Weir 37). This shows how it seems that everything is working against Watney in his struggle to stay alive. The amazing use of suspense in this novel will keep readers entertained and ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. The Pros And Cons Of Missions To Mars Do you know all the dangers and financial problems when going to Mars? Missions to Mars are very expensive. The federal government does not have enough fundability to fund unneeded trips to Mars. NASA is one of the programs that the government has decided it cannot continue to finance at its current rates, and the money being put into NASA has been cut back (Leonard) Mars has a very harsh environment, which could harm humans if travelled there. The environment has very little oxygen and freezing temperatures. Scientist believe that if humans go to Mars we will be able to learn from it. Mars missions are not a good idea due to rising costs, environmental problems, and believes that Mars will teach us. The expense of the Mars mission will ... Show more content on ... They also believe that money isn't an issue, due to fundraising and saving money. Lastly, that progress will be made by sending humans to Mars. We as humans are not going to learn from Mars, nor can Mars teach us about Earth history. Money is one of the major problems that the Mars Missions face, if money wasn't such a problem then they could send astronauts to Mars on Mars Missions more commonly. The money issues are very extreme, due to not having enough funding. Fundraisers could possibly help out, with maybe one mission. However, when a series of missions is composed, how is NASA going to be able to have even fundaments to afford the trips Mars missions have moved into the cost category of the "flagship" missions to the outer solar system." (Leonard). The flagship mission is a series of missions that are the most expensive and largest of three classes of NASA Solar System Programs. The next Mars Mission is to cost around $300 million, which is a lot to work with. NASA does not have enough money coming in to support the Mars Missions. When progress is made to send humans to Mars, those humans life are being at risks, due to all the hazardous environmental problems that are faced on Mars. Being in Mars for 2–3 minutes, you are more than likely dead, due to either not having enough oxygen or freezing to death. Ionizing Radiation is another ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The Pros And Cons Of Human Space Exploration Human space exploration certainly has its advantages over robots in several ways. The first of such is that humans are capable of on–the–spot decisions and critical thinking. Humans are able to adapt and respond to unforeseen circumstances while robots simply cannot. Such a thing is evident in the robotic Viking mission to Mars. Detailed by the article "The Future of Space Exploration –Manned or Robotic Missions," the Viking landers on Mars were equipped with tools to sample the Martian soil and a small chemistry lab to detect whether or not the soil contained life. The results obtained were highly unusual, and chemical reactions from the soil were unlike any known life–form on Earth. It was concluded that the soil was lifeless; however, the robot was designed only to detect Earth–type life. The chemical reactions certainly could have been a sign of unknown Martian organisms, and a trained human would have been able to test for this and reach a definitive conclusion. If a trained human was in the same position, he/she would have been able to perform additional tests and conclusively determine whether or not unknown Martian life existed in the soil sample ... Show more content on ... Human exploration is much more efficient in terms of scientific progress per mission. However, looking strictly at monetary cost per mission, robotic exploration is much cheaper. The Mars Science Laboratory, the latest Mars rover, cost roughly 2.5 billion dollars to build and land on Mars (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, "Mars Science Laboratory Landing"). The exact cost of a manned mission to Mars is uncertain, but is given a range of 80 to 100 billion dollars (Kaufman, "A Mars Mission for Budget Travelers"). The rover is clearly a more efficient choice in terms of monetary value; however, the scientific knowledge gained from manned versus unmanned missions is drastically ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Space Exploration Thesis Statement Thesis Statement: Space exploration would help achieve a better future, pursuit the economy, and increase raw material. Looking down the road, space exploration and the benefits it yields in medicine and information technology should not be overlooked. Mars exploration is one of the most important future upcoming concepts for colonization. To pursue these goals, all of our future missions will be driven by scientific questions that will continuously evolve as we make new discoveries. New technologies will let us explore mars in ways we have before, concluding in higher resolution images, and even the return of Martian soil for studies in laboratories on Earth. New technologies will let us explore mars in ways we have before. The Space Exploration ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Andy Weir's The Martian On the red planet, one man lives. He may escape, but he may not. Mark Watney is the man on Mars, but he is not meant to be there. Limited resources and harsh conditions may put this character in danger, but he has some resources he can use. Mars can be a deadly place. But with the right tools, he can survive. The author of The Martian, Andy Weir, has led an interesting life, elements of which he incorporates into his book along with suspenseful science–fiction and well–timed humor, which makes the book an enjoyable read. The Author, Andy Weir, has led a life that is almost as interesting as the book he wrote. He was born and raised in California, the only child of an accelerator physicist father and an electrical–engineer mother who divorced when he was eight (Lundquist). He is a lifelong space nerd and a devoted hobbyist of subjects such as relativistic physics, orbital mechanics, and the history of manned spaceflight. His next book, ARTEMIS, is available now (Author, Andy Weir). Andy Weir was first hired as a programmer for a national laboratory at age fifteen and has been working as a software engineer ever since ("Menu."). As readers can see, Andy's life has been full of ... Show more content on ... It keeps readers laughing just the right amount the whole time. Some important information is that Mark is a botanist, someone who studies/grows plants. "I don't want to come off as arrogant here, but I'm the best botanist on the planet." (Weir 146). He is on Mars, and there aren't any botanists there but him, so that makes him the best one. Secrets don't need to be shared – everyone needs to keep them "under their hats". There are many expressions people use that aren't meant to be taken literally. "'Keep it under your hat'... 'I don't wear a hat'..." (Weir 199) This is humor that can make readers laugh. If someone doesn't wear a hat, that doesn't mean they can't hold anyone's – Mark's or anyone else's – important secrets "under their ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. How Is Humor Used In Andy Weir's The Martian Happiness, sadness. Joy, fear. Humor, seriousness. These are all emotions felt when reading The Martian. In The Martian, astronaut Mark Watney is stuck on Mars with no hope of surviving. His crew has deserted him in a sandstorm, and he is fighting for survival. Watney has to learn to never give up, no matter where he is. Andy Weir, a very interesting man, has crafted a book filled with humor and suspense through his novel, The Martian. Andy Weir is living an amazing life. At age fifteen, Andy Weir became a programmer for a national laboratory (About Andy Weir). Weir wanted to do this because he is a long time science nerd (From Book to Blockbuster). Weir has also enjoyed writing books. He wrote The Martian in 2011. In 2015, The Martian became a movie starring Matt Damon as the main character Mark Watney. (The Martian' Filming Location). Andy Weir is an accomplished writer and a very smart man. ... Show more content on ... One good example of humor is where Mark comes up with new name for " kilowatt–hours per sol ". A sol is a day on Mars. "I'm gonna invent a new scientific unit name. 1 kilowatt–hour per sol is... I'll call it a pirate–ninja" (Weir 230). This is important because it lightens the mood of the book. Another good example of humor is when Mark is building a bedroom for his trip. He is taking a trip here to try to get to a place to get off Mars. "Problem is (follow me closely here, the science is pretty complicated), if I cut a hole in the Hab [the place he stays], the air won't stay inside anymore" (Weir 263). He has to do this to to get canvas for his vehicle. This is funny because anyone can understand that. Humor is a big part of the novel because it makes it more ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Atmospheric and Terrestrial Understanding of Mars Essay While robotic and crewed missions are similar during the space mission design process, they contain many dissimilar characteristics that propel the way in which mission architectures are composed. Placing human beings into the vastness of space boosts the degree of adaptability and flexibility that cannot be achieved in robotic missions. However, crewed missions are more complex than robotic missions. Space is a hostile, antagonist environment that necessitates life support systems and other human factors that increase the cost of the mission in an extremely dramatic way. In addition, the complexities and the cost increase dramatically when a surface base or an outpost is needed to be reached. A Martian surface base will support a number ... Show more content on ... A major part of this study is the topic of a Request for Proposals, and a concept will be created for this purpose. Specific mission objectives are needed to define what is required to design the surface base. The objectives of the mission fuel how the base is defined because they share several fundamental facets. In order to outline the surface base, the needs of the mission and base, goals, assumptions, constraints, and assessments of technology need to be clearly stated. The mission's aspects and those of the surface base take the part of the remaining constraints and requirements of the design. The surface base's two types of requirements, identified from the mission objectives are, first, to support the people on the base, and second, to meet the mission objectives. The definition of a requirement is a characteristic or statement of what is needed or wanted. Requirements in space mission design convey the aspects that are necessitated to meet the goals and objectives of the mission. In addition, the requirements also convey the how precise a system is needed to function while obtaining the objectives. Many systems and elements must work together to the mission, as well as scientific and crew activity on the surface base. Systems vary as the mission varies, but a solid infrastructure is needed to support the base at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Mission To Mars Summary A big step in search of the life existence in Solar system – that is how Dr. Louisa Preston – the author of the article "Mission to Mars" – calls the Mars Science Laboratory rover, Curiosity, and its promising geological results. Here is a summary of these results. In Gale Crater, Curiosity found strata (layered rock outcrops) formed by clays and sulphates, which helped scientists to explore the suitability of the local soils for organic life and check for presence of vital organic molecules. According to Preston, at the beginning of last century, people considered Mars as a planet with developed community and the water–supplies system. However, spacecrafts Viking 1 and 2 – the only ones ever launched into space in search of alien life – disproved ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Comparing A Cage of butterflies to Mission to mars Essay Science fiction produces a "what if" element that asks a question and prophesises the future. There are many texts, which presents the reader or viewer with a particular way of science fiction. The two texts, "A cage of butterflies" by Brain Caswell and "Mission to Mars" by Brian de Palmer, both of which conform to science fiction. The technology used in "A cage of butterflies" is of extremely high standard and produces a theme that prophesises about experimentation and mutations occurring on humans. The theme in "Mission to Mars" is about discovery, communication and reaching out to other life forms. In "A cage of butterflies", the research laboratory in NSW is covertly set, as ... Show more content on ... The babies communicate using pictures and emotional feelings to the others but is hard for them to communicate in this manner so they try to use their linguistic abilities. The "what if" of the novel represent what might happened if we continue to experiment on life forms. A serum injected by Larsen caused mutation of the babies resulting in the fusing of the cerebral hemispheres and the enhancement of the babies with extra abilities such as advanced communication and telepathy. Larsen's greed was shown in his experiments on the kids and in the future, this greed may possibly entice some people to conduct similar experiments. The setting in "Mission to Mars" fills the audience with expectations, as it is futuristic. Mars is presented in a red colour. The planet is rocky lifeless and barren, with storming winds blowing dust all over it. The tremendous size of the mountains and gorges make the humans look insignificant and vulnerable. Inside the face on the planet, a bright, blinding white light in the background, symbolised peace and high authority eg. Navy uniform. Inside the space ship, the camera angles give the audience an impression of weightlessness. The camera angles also show how small and cramped the ship is and how movement is difficult. The technology used in the space ship is also high in technology. When they voyage out into space, the music ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Mars Rover Mars Rover Mars is an interesting and mysterious planet. It is often referred to as the Red Planet. The Romans named Mars after the god of war. The rocks, soil, and sky all have a red hue on account of rust. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun at about 141 million miles (228 million kilometers) and the last terrestrial planet from the Sun. Mars follows closely behind Earth but is comparatively smaller, with about half the diameter of Earth (6,794–km) and about one–tenth of Earth s mass (6.419 x 1023 kg). Thus the force of gravity on Mars is about one–third of that on Earth. Mars is probably the planet we know the most about since it is so close to Earth, though what we know now is not even close to everything about the planet. Over ... Show more content on ... Spirit stumbled across rocks that pointed to an earlier, unrulier Mars that was marked by impacts, explosive volcanism and subsurface water [source: NASA Mars]. "Water is key because almost everywhere we find water on Earth we find life," NASA's Web site. However, we are still unsure life existed on Mars. The rover Curiosity, finally landed on mars August 6, 2012, it was launched November 26, 2011. Before NASA could be launched Curiosity, the rover it had to go through series of test, drop tests, pull test, drive test, load test, stress tests, and shorting tests. So scientists had to realize that Earth and Mars revolve around the sun at different rates meaning it takes Mars 686 earths days and the Earth 365 days. They did to figure out when Mars was closest to Earth. Curiosity was launched from Cape Canaveral. Stage one, it reaches space and the tip of the cone opens and fall off. During the second stage, a centuar engine starts placing the vehicle into obit. When everything is alined the second engine starts to bring it to mars. Once Curiosity is on Mars it will do tasks such as collecting rock, soil sampling and placing them on instruments in order to be analyzed. What goes into the rover (Siceloff, Steven. "Mars Rover Well–Equipped for Studies." NASA's John F. Kennedy ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. 7 Minutes Of Terror Essay "Sometimes when we look at it, it looks crazy," said Adam Steltzner. Adam is an engineer who works for NASA, a part of the United States government that explores space. Adam was talking about landing something on Mars. "It is the result of reasoned engineering thought. But it still looks crazy." Adam and some of the people he works with made a video called "Seven Minutes of Terror" about a Mars landing. In the video, they introduced people around the world to one of the most daring and creative achievements of engineering ever completed. That achievement was the pinpoint landing of Curiosity on Mars. Curiosity is a machine called a rover, and it was built to explore the surface of Mars. The seven minutes described in Adam's video refer to ... Show more content on ... Instead, engineers came up with a maneuver that would allow the craft carrying Curiosity to turn quickly. Then, rockets would turn on and allow Curiosity to make a vertical landing. Switching from a parachute to a controlled rocket descent could have gone wrong at any time. Still, even getting the descent right was not enough to succeed. Once the parachute was cut free, the force from the rockets could raise so much dust that the dust itself could damage the rover. Always thinking ahead, the engineers came up with a solution. They created a device to complete the last step of the landing. The device was called a "sky crane." When the sky crane was close to Mars's surface, it used a set of cables to lower Curiosity onto the ground. At last Curiosity landed, going from 13,000 miles per hour to zero in just seven minutes. The capsule that had been carrying Curiosity still had all its rockets firing. It blasted back into the sky and landed somewhere else on the planet. The landing was a success. The Ongoing Mission NASA says that the MSL mission is part of a long–term plan. This plan uses robots to explore Mars. The most popular question is whether there ever was life on Mars. Looking for the answer to that question is just one piece of a bigger ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Animal Testing Should Be Banned When using cosmetics or common house cleaning products many do not realize that they are supporting animal cruelty. Animal testing is among the most disturbing experiments being done today. Vivisection is the practice of animal experimentation. It can include administering drugs, infecting animals with diseases, poisoning for toxicity testing, brain damaging, maiming, blinding, and other painful invasive procedures. Animal testing has protocols that cause severe suffering such as long–term social isolation, full–body restraint, electric shocks, withholding of food and water, or repeated breeding and separating infants from mothers. It is using millions of animals in ways that cause distress or death to test the safety of drugs and ... Show more content on ... Animal research facilities require total fresh air exchanges for ventilation, using large volumes of air, resulting in a high consumption of energy and carbon emissions (Cubitt and Sharp). Energy demands are due to the environmental and space needs of the animals, barrier protection from outside pathogens, indoor air quality, lighting, and the requirement for power intensive equipment in research (Reynolds). A plethora of chemicals are used in every step of animal testing. They include chemicals for sanitation, disinfection, sterilization, animal care, and research and testing procedures. The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) helps protect laboratory workers by regulating the handling and disposal of hazardous chemicals, as well as other toxic infectious, mutagenic, and carcinogenic agents (National et al.). Similar to any other testing methods, animal testing and research involves the use of many toxic substances, including irritants, corrosive substances, asphyxiates (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, helium, ethane, nitrogen, methane), neurotoxins (mercury and carbon disulfide), reproductive and developmental toxins, and carcinogens. In addition, flammable, reactive, and explosive chemicals are used in research (Batton et al.). These chemicals that are used for animal testing can affect the environment by interrupting the growth cycle for plants. Since millions of animals are used for research, that means millions of chemicals are being disposed of in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Mission Control Diary I performed the initial check on the rocket's systems. All the lights went green, the rocket was ready and I radioed into Mission Control. "Everything's good to go. Give us the countdown when you're ready." I looked over to Logan and Trevor, who were seated a few feet away and said, "I can't believe this is finally happening!" Logan was a thin man with blonde hair. He was the smartest out of all of us. Trevor was tall and also had blonde hair. I was tall and I had brown hair and brown eyes. "Yep, ever since we went to JPL in highschool, I knew I wanted to go to Mars," Trevor said as he buckled his safety harness. Trevor had a grin on his face that said more than his words ever could. Trevor and I had spent all of our four years at Redwood High ... Show more content on ... Should we run?" "That weapon is super big! Doubt it'd just shoot at us, it'd destroy us. Besides, I can't run, my likes are like freaking jelly!" Trevor replied melancholically. "Mission Control...ARE YOU SEEING THIS?" My voice cracked over the microphone. "We have detected a large energy source in your sector. Can you confirm?" Mission Control inquired smoothly. "Can–can we confirm? WE ARE STARING DOWN THE BARREL OF A SPACE LASER!" Logan howled as he played through what he predicted would happen. "We are going to die," he thought. "We are donezo!" Mission Control,with a slight hint of urgency in their voice, said, "We, uh, we are not positive on what the reading are providing. We think it could be–" We could only watch as a huge laser destroyed the Earth. Everything we had ever known was gone in an instant. Mission Control, everyone working there, deceased. How could we move on? There was nothing left of Earth but the despair in our hearts. We only had memories to look back at. "Sooo, uh, should we be glad that it was not us to die? Or is that not a nice point of view?" Trevor sighed. We never imagined this could happen, it was just us three–and whatever aliens were still watching ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The Similarities Between Mars And Mars Mars, the red planet, and fourth planet from the sun. What is Mars really like, is it cold or hot, wet or dry? Can humans live on Mars, and if so how? For decades scientists have been studying Mars, they have been using rovers and from there they collected data, samples, and took pictures. These rovers study Mars' atmosphere, temperatures, weather, if it has water, and a lot more. With all of the data the scientists have gathered we know that Mars' atmosphere is a lot different than our, yet still has similarities. Even though Earth and Mars are in the same solar system and orbit the same sun, Mars' atmosphere and the planet itself is a lot different from Earth. Mars is 142 million miles away from the sun, with a year being 687 days long. It is about half of Earth's size, and is one tenth of Earth's mass. Mars' atmosphere is carbon based, containing 95.3% carbon dioxide, and also it only has .3% water vapor (Source for %). The average temperature on Mars is –81 degrees Fahrenheit which is approximately –62 degrees Celsius (NASA). Mars' atmosphere is also very thin, so it does not "allow liquid water to exist at the surface for long" (Newsela). Also Mars has a lot less gravity, Earth has 62.5% more gravity than Mars does (NASA). Mars' environment would not be very hospitable for human life. Earth also differs a lot from Mars, Earth is 78.1% nitrogen, and 20.9% oxygen, and isn't carbon based (Source for %). While Mars only is only .3% water vapor, Earth is 1–4% ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Essay on Quality Assurance for Biological Products A biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease is known as a vaccine. A vaccine contains an agent that would stimulate the body's immune system. The immune system will recognize the agent as "foreign" and destroy it, once destroyed, the body will keep a record of it so the immune system can more easily recognize and destroy any of these microorganisms that it later encounters. The agent in the vaccine, resembling a disease–causing microorganism, is often made from a weakened or killed form of the microbe, toxin, or one of its surface proteins (6). Vaccines have no guarantee that it will bring complete protection for a disease. This is mainly because the host's immune system simply does not respond enough, if not at ... Show more content on ... Once detected, the next step would be to prepare the vaccine strain so that the virus will be adapted for use in manufacturing vaccine. The vaccine virus is mixed with a standard laboratory virus strain and grown together in order make the virus less dangerous and better able to grow in hen's eggs. In about three weeks, a hybrid is formed where the inner component is the laboratory strain, and the outer component is the pandemic strain. Once completed, the vaccine strain is distributed to vaccine manufacturers. The manufacturers will inject the vaccine virus into thousands of eggs, eggs are incubated for two to three days during which the virus multiplies. The egg white, which now contains millions of vaccine virus, is then harvested, and the virus is then separated from the egg white (7). Producing each batch, or lot, of antigen takes approximately two weeks, and a new batch can be started every few days. The next step would be the quality control, and this can only begin once the reagents for testing the vaccine are supplied by WHO laboratories. Quality control will test each batch and verify the sterility the bulk antigen. Then the batch is diluted, packaged, labeled, and shipped out. So that this production of vaccine in terms of manufacturing runs smoothly and effectively, the WHO publishes a document on the general requirements for manufacturing establishments and control laboratories in 1966. The aim of the document published by WHO is to provide ... Get more on ...