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Mars Red Planet
Mars, The "Red Planet" Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. Mars is also the second–smallest
planet in the Solar System. Mars was named after the Roman God of War. This planet is sometimes
referred to as the "Red Planet." The shade of Mars is red, because of all the iron oxide present on its
surface. Mars is a terrestrial planet. This means it is a planet that is mainly created out of silicate
rocks or metals. The terrestrial planets in our Solar System, along with Mars, are the inner planets
closer to the sun. They include; Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The "Red Planet" has a mixture of
appearances on its surface. It has craters like the moon and assorted valleys, deserts, and polar ice
caps similar to our planet, known as Earth. ... Show more content on ...
Is there life on Mars? Can we live here on this Red Planet? NASA believes we can send "Martians"
to Mars. The word "Martian" would refer to an astronaut that they would be sending to Mars.
NASA's plan is to send a rover to Mars by the year 2020 that is specially equipped for studying the
availability of Martian resources, including oxygen. By 2030, NASA is expected to send the
"Martians" to Mars in hope to make ground breaking discoveries about this interesting planet.
Currently, scientists are unsure about inhabiting Mars, but they believe it is very possible. Scientists
have recently discovered frozen water on this mysterious planet. This water is leading them to
believe that there was inhabitance on Mars long ago. Scientists are working diligently research as
much as they can before launching the astronaut to
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Venus's Planet Venus
Mercury is a rocky planet, similar in surface to Earth's Moon. The planet lacks day to night
variations in solar heating, it also has an unsteady climate as a result of this. Temperatures range
from 90– Kelvin to 700– Kelvin. It is considered geologically dead and has been for a long time.
There are no signs of weather, such as clouds, rain etc. It is suggested that the strong magnetic field
is generated by the core. Because of it's climate it is not deemed an inhabitable planet. Venus
Venus is considered Earth's sister planet, it has the same size, gravity level, composition and other
characteristics. 80 percent of it's surface is covered in volcanic plains,
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The Planets Of The Solar System
"The Nine Planets of the Solar System", which is an article posted on the NASA website, portrays
Earth as a planet that is caring yet still mortal. Interestingly enough, Earth has many characteristics
that can be analyzed and compared to human emotions. In the article, NASA states, many
characteristics, and those being: moderate temperature, a hot core, an atmospheric field that burns
projectiles before hitting Earth 's surface, a moon, and multiple natural activities which damages the
Earth 's internal and external characteristics.Therefore, Earth's beauty and vast miles of calm
appearance, makes it feel like there is a complete resemblance to me(of course not the green and
serenity of it). Out of every single planet in the article the most common and familiar characteristics
is Earth. Earth is our home planet which makes it even better because it's so comfortable to be in
Earth as how people are comfortable Although that Earth's magnificent qualities have a similarity to
me if you ever want to learn more about me and continue to pursue an amazing companion("friend",
I have a girlfriend) for life. Future friends, and future family members should research Earth more to
discover many of its comparable qualities to me. First, Explaining my comparable traits can you
give more of a broader idea. I will start off by saying, Earth has a very unique trait, of course parts
of the earth are extremely cold or hot, but, the most common temperature is moderate you can also
say a very
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Planet Neptune
Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System. It is the fourth–largest
planet by diameter and the third–largest by mass. Neptune is 17 times the mass of Earth and is
somewhat more massive than its near–twin Uranus, which is 15 times the mass of Earth but not as
dense.[12] On average, Neptune orbits the Sun at a distance of 30.1 AU, approximately 30 times the
Earth–Sun distance. Named for the Roman god of the sea, its astronomical symbol is ♆, a stylised
version of the god Neptune's trident.
Neptune was the first planet found by mathematical prediction rather than by empirical observation.
Unexpected changes in the orbit of Uranus ledAlexis Bouvard to deduce that its orbit was subject to
gravitational ... Show more content on ...
Via James Challis, he requested extra data from Sir George Airy, the Astronomer Royal, who
supplied it in February 1844. Adams continued to work in 1845–46 and produced several different
estimates of a new planet.[25][26]
In 1845–46, Urbain Le Verrier, independently of Adams, developed his own calculations but also
experienced difficulties in stimulating any enthusiasm in his compatriots. In June 1846, upon seeing
Le Verrier's first published estimate of the planet's longitude and its similarity to Adams's estimate,
Airy persuaded Cambridge Observatorydirector James Challis to search for the planet. Challis
vainly scoured the sky throughout August and September.[24][27]
Meantime, Le Verrier by letter urged Berlin Observatory astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle to
search with the observatory's refractor. Heinrich d'Arrest, a student at the observatory, suggested to
Galle that they could compare a recently drawn chart of the sky in the region of Le Verrier's
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Planets In Star Wars
Most of the planets in Star Wars are similar to planets that scientists have found in the milky way
galaxy like Hoth super Earth in deep freeze. Also think that distant world with double sunsets can't
help but think of Tatooine. Well both of these planets exist even Kamino grey water­
world with its
own superocean exist. How about the lava planet Mustafar yes it exists but there will not be any
lightsaber duels here. The planet's temperature gets up to 3,600 degrees fahrenheit. All these planets
have different names mostly consisted of numbers and letters. No indications of life have yet been
detected on any of the nearly 2,000 scientifically confirmed exoplanets. So we don't know if any of
them are inhabited by Wookiees or mynocks, or play
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Planet Comparison Essay
Each planet is greatly different to each other in many different ways. There are planets with almost
no atmospheres, like Mercury, to those with a large atmosphere, like Jupiter. There are moons with
more volcanic action, Io, then there are on some planets, Mars. There are even more differences
between all of the celestial body's in the sky. The key thing is, how do we this? When it comes to
finding the atmosphere of a planet we can use a form of emission line testing if we are in space, to
get an idea of what it is comprised off. This testing uses the idea that if we focus on the planet from
the distance of space, we can observe a rough idea of the atmosphere on that planet. When that does
not work we could always send a probe on the planet ... Show more content on ...
This meant that the planet had a sulfur rich atmosphere. Some geological activity can be found just
by watching. This means we can see the volcanoes on Io erupting or the change in formation on a
mountain in mars can happen with Erosion. Although not as accurate as being there and watching it
unfold it is still accurate to a degree. When it comes to measuring the composition of a planet we
can see how the seismic waves of a planet affect the other side of the planet. By studying how the
core develops and changes the seismic actives from one side to another we have been able to find
the Iron core the Earth has. Most other terrestrial planets have a similar core structure but what
about Jovian Planets? These are thought to have a liquid metallic hydrogen cores. These cores are
similar to Iron ones in the development of the magnetic fields it is created. The reason these planets
has a liquid hydrogen core is because of how far they are away from the sun. The distance is enough
where gases can be liquids or solids so it would make sense that these gas giants have gas cores.
Now unless we send a probe on the planet we will not have an accurate answer to the
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Is Pluto Be A Planet
Did you know that Pluto used to be a planet but then scientists said that it failed the
planet test to see if it was a planet or a dwarf planet? Well I believe that Pluto should be a planet
for a number of reasons. One it has three moons two it orbits the sun and three it is in our solar
system. In this writing I will be telling you why I think Pluto should be named as a planet again.
Reason one is that Pluto has THREE moons and we have only seen moons orbiting
planets. If Pluto isn't a planet then how does it have three moons? I think that if something has a
moon that is decently big that it should be called a planet also we know that it is in the solar
system. Scientists say that it is not a planet but look at the other planets in
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Uranus: A False Planet
The faintly visible, blue–green, gas planet is called Uranus. Although only visited once,
Astronomers have come a long way since ancient times with the research of this extraordinary
planet. Most people only remember Uranus as "the sideways planet", but in reality, Uranus is
unfathomably unique. Until the late 1700's, Uranus was often mistaken as just another ordinary star.
Even though Uranus had been seen quite often by ancient astronomers through telescopes, it was not
yet classified as a planet. Uranus was then discovered on March 13, 1781, by a persnickety
individual by the name of Sir William Herschel. This was the first planet to be discovered after the
prehistoric time. This planet had had a few different titles before ... Show more content on ...
It's obliquity is about 98 degrees. According to evolution, it is believed that the tilt is caused from a
large spherical mass colliding with Uranus during the beginning stages of formation, but there is no
definite reason for its tilt. This tilt also causes very unusual variations in its seasons. Uranus's year is
the equivalent to eighty–four earth years. This means it has forty–two years in light followed by
forty–two years of darkness. The rotation period is about seventeen and one–fourth hours, but since
it is so far from the sun, the day temperatures and the night temperatures are very close. Uranus's
Gravity is less than the gravity of earth, being at 8.69 meters per second squared. Meaning that if
you weighed 100 pounds on earth, you would weigh 86 pounds on Uranus. Being the the seventh
planet and nearly twenty astronomical units from the sun, it is expected for it it to be very cold on
Uranus. The average temperature is negative 350 degrees Farenheit. This knowledge disproves the
idea of water or life on this planet, but it did aid in the discovery of Uranus's icy rings in 1977.
Voyager 2 found ten moons and two more rings in 1986. There are currently twenty–seven moons
that have been discovered. Before Voyager 2, we knew of the five largest moons which are the
following: Titania, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, and
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The Angels And The Planets
There exists in the created universe, a so called chain of being, that stretches from the creator into all
that exists. There is a connection between even the largest objects fathomable in the universe, all the
way down to the smallest particle on our own planet. Likewise, our soul, thoughts, the angels and
the planets, our instincts, and our very human nature are inseparable from this cosmic order of
being. We are eternally united with our creator, the universe, and to all beings in it. (Tillyard, 25–27)
The universe was intended to work cohesively. Every tiny piece of the big picture works together.
All things, big and small, arid and humid, high and low, work in unison to create this equilibrium.
We as humans follow the same pattern. In the workplace, our home life, in our countries, most all of
us have inferiors and superiors. It is seemingly impossible to escape this chain as it was the way the
universe was created. In this same way the angels are ordered, the planets, all spiritual beings, down
to humanity, the animals, plant life, including the minerals rock and earth. (Tillyard, 26–27)
In the lower links of the chain you find mere existence, the elements, liquids, metals, minerals.
Inanimate objects with no apparent life. Then secondly we find existence and life together. This is
the vegetative world. Which is obviously a living organism, only apparently lacking cognition.
Lastly we group together creatures and animals, those with existence, life, and feeling.
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Planet Properties
Sarah O'Hara
Planet Properties
In this report, I will explaining the properties of objects in our solar system and how they are
grouped. Before this investigation, I had barely any knowledge about the properties of planets and
objects in our solar system, but I learned valuable information through research from different
websites, and discussions within my group and my entire class. My report will answer the question,
"How can we group objects in the Solar System according to their properties?"
Methods of Collecting Data
Throughout my investigation, I was required to collect data in order to make sure that my findings,
claim, and evidence were as accurate as possible. There are different ways in which I recorded my
data. In order to ... Show more content on ...
When reviewing the distance, mass, density, and diameter planets and the objects in our Solar
System it becomes clear why they are in each group. For example, Mercury is a planet in group 1
and it is closer to the sun, has a high density, is composed of rock and heavy metals, and has a low
Anomalies/Inconsistencies in Data: When investigating the other dwarf planets, many of them had
several similarities, however, there were two that were slightly different than the others. Both Ceres
and Vesta had different distances compared to the other dwarf planets. Ceres's distance was 2.8 AU
while Vesta's was 2.36 AU. This is different compared to the other dwarf planets which have a much
larger distance. For example, Sedna has 86 AU, Eris has a distance of 96.4 AU, and Haumea has a
distance of 43.13 AU. This became an inconsistency, however, we did group these two planets in the
third group. Despite this anomaly, all of their other properties fit the requirements for group three,
such as mass, diameter, and density. Placing both Ceres and Vesta into group three was the best
option compared to group 1 or 2 because the distance would be the only inconsistency when placed
in group 3. If we were to place them into another group, factors such as diameter, density, and mass
wouldn't be
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Kepler's Planet
Present first in the movie star wars, planet of this type is not just fiction, it turns out that the largest
planet ever found and seen with two orbit the Sun
Team leading by astronomers from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland,
and San Diego State University (SDSU) in California, using NASA'S Kepler Space Telescope to
identify the planet, and at the end of the planet in the name of his or her right of Kepler–1647b.
Kepler planet 1647b it lies 3700 light years and 4.4 billion years old, not much of his age such as
planet Earth. The two stars orbiting kepler – 1647b similar to the Sun. It's just that one is larger than
our Sun, and the other smaller.
This type of planet has nearly the same radius and period with the planet
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In the outer limits of our solar system there is a planet unlike any other, Pluto. Pluto was discovered
in February of 1930 by an American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh. It is the only planet to have been
discovered by an American. All though we have known of the existence of Pluto for over thirty
years now, there are still many mysteries surrounding this celestial body. Being the farthest planet
has made it difficult to study Pluto, Adding to the obscurity of this strange planet is that the
capability to send spacecraft such distances has never been achieved. Through the wonders of
science and astronomy, there are many things that can be determined, concluded, and hypothesized
about this obscure planet. Pluto's discovery was actually a ... Show more content on
This gives Pluto the appearance that it is tipped on its side, which, in essence, it virtually is. Pluto's
rotation also has notable qualities. Pluto's rotation period is 6.387 days, the same as its
satellite/moon Charon. Although it is common for a moon to travel in a synchronous orbit with its
planet, Pluto is the only planet to rotate synchronously with the orbit of its satellite. Thus being
tidally locked, Pluto and Charon continuously face each other as they travel through space. From
1985 to 1990, the Earth lined up with Pluto and Charon to cause and eclipse every Pluto day. This
occurrence allowed astronomers to gather a multitude of valuable information about Pluto and its
moon. The eclipses lasted as much as four hours and by carefully timing their beginning and ending,
measurements for their diameters were taken. Photograph's later taken by the Hubble telescope
confirms Pluto's diameter of 1413 miles, and Charon's, at nearly half the size, 728 miles across
within one percent accuracy.
Astronomers where also able to determine the density of Pluto during the daily eclipses. By
discovering the density to be approximately two grams per cubic centimeter, astronomers where
able to hypothesize the make up of the planet. They concluded that Pluto is fifty to seventy percent
rock with mixed with ice. Astronomers are also confident in the density of Charon. If correct, the
approximate density of one gram per cubic centimeter would mean that Charon
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Terrestrial Planet Lab
I) Explain how we can deduce each of the properties and summarize the range of each property that
we see in the Solar System.
Terrestrial Planets
 This planet consists of differentiated layers containing different levels of density.
1. Large metallic core, contains the highest level of this planets density.
2. A less dense rocky mantle
3. Surrounding the planet is an even less dense crust
 Clear almost vacant atmosphere, which makes this planet easier to view, but unable to disburse
heat or cold. Making it difficult to control the exceptionally hot temperatures, during the day, and
very cold temperatures at night. This planet uses hydrogen and helium atoms from the solar winds.
Also, hovering above this planet is a low–density
cloud ... Show more content on ...
This planet is mostly liquid, having a core of heavier elements. The composition of Saturn, is less
dense than water, and would literally float. Its mass is about 1/3 the of Jupiter's, and 16% smaller.
Having rings which contain pieces of icy water. The magnetic field is not determined by its axis of
rotation and is not fully understood. One of Saturn's moon is Titan .Made up of a rock like core
and a large amount of ice, its density is not compromised. This moon is almost as large as
Jupiter's Ganymede and has a thick atmosphere. Another one of Saturn's larger moons is
Phoebe. It orbits outside of Saturn, and has a dark surface and a significant number of craters. The
smaller moons of Saturn, are mostly rock and ice, and are heavily cratered.
Scientists suspect most of these moons are geologically dead. Saturn's rings are restricted by small
moons, whose collisions restock the supply. Thus, dust is found lurking of the outer rings of this
 This planet's atmosphere is mostly hydrogen, with 15% helium and a little bit of methane,
ammonia, and water vapor, and has no surface. Small, Uranus lacks
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Is The Planet Venus, The Most Brightest Star In The Planet?
Venus is an extremely chaotic and hellish planet. Even though it is called earth's twin because of
how alike their size, mass, and density are so much alike, they have nothing else in common. Venus
is the third brightest star in the sky, which has something to do with its name. It has one of the most
unique orbital characteristics in our solar system. There are phenomenons in its atmosphere that
happen nowhere else in our solar system. Venus also has a rich history of exploration.
The planet Venus is one of the brightest objects in our solar system, and is named after the roman
goddess of love and beauty. The planet "may have been named for the most beautiful deity of her
pantheon because it shone the brightest of the five planets known to ancient astronomers" (Choi, C
2017). Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system, even though it is not the closest planet to the
sun. Temperatures on the planet can get up to 870 degrees Fahrenheit, which is hot enough to melt
lead. Venus is often called earth's twin because its "size, mass, and density are so much like Earth's",
but that's where the similarities end (Wyzant 2017). The planet's atmosphere consists of carbon
dioxide and sulfuric acid, and scientist have found trace amounts of water in the atmosphere since
the surface is too hot for water to be in a liquid or solid state. Roughly ⅔ of the surface of Venus is
flat, with many volcanoes that emit a blue lava from the high amounts of sulfuric acid on the planet.
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The Planet By Gustav Holst
Gustav Holst: The Planets, Op. 32
Performed by Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Conducted by Andrè Previn Gustav Holst (1874–1934)
was an English composer well known for his orchestral suite The Planets. Holst began his trip into
the musical world as a young pianist. His father, Adolph Holst, was a skilled pianist who wanted
Gustav to succeed at playing as he did. Gustav, however, was impaired by neuritis making it
difficult to play for long hours. As Gustav aged he began trying to compose music instead. Gustav
failed to gain scholarships to any colleges and his father, after hearing one of Gustav's small town
operettas, borrowed money to pay for his college. Gustav's influences were pieces such as Wagner's
Götterdämmerung and Tristan and ... Show more content on ...
Holst borrowed ideas from composers such as Scheonberg, Stravinsky, and Debussy. The Planets
became Holst's most well renowned composition. Nevertheless, Holst despised the popularity the
composition gained. He swore off astrology (until he read friends horoscopes in later life) and
refused to sign autographs. His later music disappointed the public. The Planets was composed from
1914–1916. It was the time of the World War I. Adrian Boult did not conduct it until 1918 in a
private concert for Henry Balfour Gardiner, who helped Holst earlier on with his composing career.
It was not until 1920 that Albert Coates performed it in its entirety to Queen's Hall. It is an
orchestral piece arranged into seven movements. Each movement dedicates itself to the planets
known at the time besides Earth. "Holst considered each movement a progression of life." (Taylor)
The first movement is "Mars, the Bringer of War." It begins moderately quiet with mainly
percussion and strings attacking the ostinato in a march like 5/4 meter. Brass begins to crescendo its
way in before the terraced dynamics of the upper woodwinds begin. It is a moderately fast piece.
The main goal of the piece is to create a war–like sound. The beginning creates a sound that feels
like troops are gathering and it continues until both sides attack, recuperate, and attack again with
full force (during the coda). The tenor tuba carries the melody while the march–like rhythm keeps
reappearing. As the piece
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The Planet Of The Sun
Past the pale blue skies and fluffy white clouds are the brilliantly bright stars in an amazing place
called Outer Space. Countless stars, galaxies, and planets drift off into the vast area known as the
Universe. Each tiny speck of light out in the distance could be a galaxy, or maybe even planets.
Truly, the Universe is huge, holding every wonder in existence. In this Universe, though, was a little
gathering of planets, known as the Solar System. In the Solar System, were two planets. One was a
very big one, one bigger than the sun. It was a very beautiful golden yellow planet, who shined
brighter than the sun it revolved around. This planet was named Child of the Sun, because it shined
so bright. The second planet in the Solar ... Show more content on ...
Finally, the idea came to them! Easily Child of the Sun could break out of orbit in the Solar System
and travel to distant lands; they could meet new planets and swallow them right up until they were
the biggest planet! Sure they would have to leave Small Blue One behind, but they were sure that
Small Blue One would be fine. The only catch was that Child of the Sun had to come up with a good
excuse of why they would have to leave Little Blue One all by themself in the Solar System. "Small
Blue One," Child of the Sun spoke up with a voice just as smooth as the golden color on its surface.
"Yes, Child of the Sun?" Small Blue One answered happily while gazing up at the golden giant in
wonder, just like they did every day. "I have been thinking long, and I have been thinking hard,
Small Blue One," Child of the Sun explained gracefully. "And I have come to the conclusion that I
wish to travel throughout the Universe. It will be a long, dangerous, and daring trip, but I have
decided that it will be worth seeing all of the wonderful things out there." Child of the Sun paused
for a moment as they waited for Small Blue One to answer them. Sure enough, after a few moments
of waiting, a very nervous voice came from the small, ocean blue planet. "Oh, travel across the
Universe? Are you asking me to accompany you along this dangerous and long trip, Child of the
Sun?" Small Blue One questioned while trying to keep the terror out of their
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Venus's Emission Of The Planet
Around three years ago was the first time in 115 years that Venus's path brought it right in the
middle of Earth and the sun. This led to a rare chance to take unique photographs of the planet and
study its atmosphere as well as how the sun's solar radiation affects it. This is the planet's time to
shine to show us brand new information.
Venus was backlit so extraordinarily well by Sol that pictures could be taken of it with a clarity
unrivaled by any before. These new pictures will help researchers and scientists study the planet, its
atmosphere, and how various elements of the planet react and change to the sunlight.
It's Time to Shine for NASA & JAXA
The photographs taken were then examined by NASA as well as the Japanese Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA) ( The images will give an insight into finer
details of the planet which have been unknown to scientists as of yet. This information's time to
shine is now as it could be useful to any future missions to Venus as well as identifying similar
planets as they cross in front of distant stars. ... Show more content on ...
If they are, it would be easier to classify and catalogue the other planets, and, assuming the desire
for space travel grows, officials would know how to go about visiting the planet in the distant future.
Upon the discovery and confirmation of the types of planets, their time to shine will only be
shadowed by the spacecraft that is landing on their
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Mars: The Eight Planets Of The Red Planet
Mars Ever since the beginning of physics and Astronomy man has pondered the question, "Are we
alone?" Scientists have studied and collected data from the eight Planets. However, mostly all of
them lack the key nutrients needed. Except when we took a closer look at the red planet (Mars), one
can see a couple of those nutrients on Mars. The most outstanding features of the red planet are its
water, Atmosphere, and extreme storms.
The closest planet in our Solar system to being suitable for life is Mars; containing the most
valuable resource, water. On the surface of Mars are large valley networks that can only be created
by the disturbance of large bodies of liquid water. In the northern pole (north pole), an ice deposit
can be seen; this ice deposit contains frozen ice equivalent to the size of Lake ... Show more content
on ...
In Fact, Mars' atmosphere is similar to that of the Earth, sharing many resemblances in size, and
density. However, centuries ago, Mars lost a majority of its atmosphere due to solar rays. Mars still
has an atmosphere, it is just quite thick now. Due to this, Mars' atmosphere is mostly composed of
Carbon Dioxide (95%), and having very little oxygen (0.13), and water levels . Mars' atmospheric
pressure is only one hundred fifteenth that of Earth's at sea level . Before Mars' loss, planetary
scientists said that its Atmosphere would have been very similar to ours.
Mars is basically a vast frozen wasteland, undergoing varying weather patterns. Mars undergoes
more sandstorms and dust devils than all of the deserts on Earth combined . Plus dust clouds on
Mars can reach up to three thousand feet. in height and last several weeks. Even its windstorms can
be quite violent, reaching up fifty to sixty mph, and having the potential to cover a large majority of
the planet itself . With these winds and dust devils in mind it would be very hard to make a
civilization or even live on this mysterious red
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Pluto Planet
Saul Reyes
May 9, 2018
Is Pluto a Planet?
In 1929 Tombaugh used the calculations of Powell and W.H. Pickering as a guide to search for the
planet Pluto. On February 18, 1930, Tombaugh discovered the tiny, distant planet which we call
Pluto by using a new astronomic technique of photographic plates combined with a blink
microscope. With the help of other astronomers he was able to confirm that he had discovered the
planet and later went on to publicly announce that he had made the discovery of Pluto on March 13,
Before Pluto was discovered in 1930, in 1905 Lowell believed that there was a ninth planet because
there was a wobble in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune white was stated in an article on "The existence of ... Show more content on ...
Some might wonder what the difference between a dwarf planet and a regular planet is. There is
basically only one difference between the two. That one key difference is that a dwarf planet has not
cleared the neighborhood around its orbit. What that means is that it is not gravitationally dominant
and that it is sharing orbital space with other bodies of the similar size. It is a very controversial
subject as they still try to change the definition.
So, these are the three criteria of the IAU to be considered a planet:
1. It is in orbit around the Sun.
2. It has sufficient mass to assume hydrostatic equilibrium (a nearly round shape).
3. It has "cleared the neighborhood" around its orbit
Most people my age and older likely grew up learning that Pluto was a planet their whole lives. In
elementary we were always taught that Pluto was the ninth, smallest, and farthest planet in our solar
system. It seemed odd when the planet was reclassified because you had been taught something for
so long and it just changed out of nowhere. Even though Pluto does not meet the requirements and is
no longer considered a planet I feel like most people still consider it a planet and have been taught
that for most of their lives and it will always be a planet in their minds for as long as they live. The
way they keep trying to define what it means to be a planet maybe one day we will be able to call
Pluto a planet
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The Planet Of Earth : Planet Earth
Descriptions of the 8 planets including a dwarf planet:
Mercury: Mercury is only slightly larger than earth's moon and the sun is the closest to this planet
than any other planet. This planet can reach 840 degrees Fahrenheit (450 Celsius). Its diameter is
3,031 miles (4,878 km), its orbit is 88 earth days and mercury's full day lasts 58.6 earth days.
Venus: Venus takes first place when it comes to the hottest planet. Venus is substantially hot with an
atmosphere that is toxic. The diameter is 7,521 miles (12,104km), it orbits 225 earth days and its full
day lasts 241 earth days.
Earth: Earth is covered in water mostly rather than land (1/3 of earth is only land). This planet is the
only known world that is the home to life. The ... Show more content on ...
Its diameter is 86,881 miles (139,822 km), an orbit of 11.9 Earth years and it has a full day that lasts
9.8 earth hours.
Saturn: This planet is known for its ring, the rig is made of ice and rock. The gases that are in the
atmosphere of this planet are hydrogen and helium. Its diameter is 74,900 miles (120,500 km), an
orbit is 29.5 earth days with a full day lasting 10.5 earth hours.
Uranus: This planet orbits on its side. This planet is basically the same size as Neptune. The blue
green tint is produced by the gas methane in the atmosphere. Its diameter is 31,763 miles
(51,120km), an orbit is 84 earth days and the planets full day lasts 18 earth hours.
Neptune: This planet is known for its winds being faster than sound. Neptune is the furthest planet
which helps it to have a cold temperature. The sun is 30x as far as way from Neptune than it from
Earth. Its diameter is 30,775 miles (49,530 km); an orbit is 165 earth years and Neptune's full day
lasts 19 earth hours.
Pluto (Dwarf Planet): This 'planet' is smaller than Earth's moon. Pluto is a cold rocky planet. Pluto's
status was once a planet but recently it was relegated to a dwarf planet. Its diameter is 1,430 miles
(2,301 km), it has an orbit of 248 earth years and Pluto's full day lasts 6.4 earth days.–solar–system–planets.html (This link shows where I got the facts and
figures from about the descriptions of the planets).
Fig 1 is our universe, as you can see;
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The Planet Of Saturn
There are a total of 8 planets as of 2014, because Pluto is not considered a planet. Earth is described
as the planet that has a lot of energy and is said to be average out of all the other planets. When the
Earth tilts, it makes the seasons change every 3–4 months. Earth is described like the planet who
protects the other planets from dangerous situations. Next, there is the planet, Venus, which is
described that has similar features as Earth. On the planet of Venus, it is as hot as a desert, or maybe
even hotter. It has clouds covering the surface, and it also has many volcanoes unlike planet Earth.
Also, Venus has many dents and holes because of meteorites and asteroids hitting the surface of it.
Venus also, spins the opposite direction, and slower than all the ... Show more content on ...
Fifth, there is the planet, Jupiter which is the largest planet in the Solar System. It usually changes
colors and gives off more heat than it gets from the sun. Jupiter has swirling gases which are found
in the atmosphere of Jupiter. It has many moons, but one of them, Io has some dangerous volcanoes
that are said to be very hot. Again, there is another large planet, Saturn that spins very fast on its
axis. Saturn consists of many rings that is made of ice and dust. There are at least 18 moons on the
planet of Saturn. Seventh, there is the planet, Neptune which is very much alike to Uranus, because
they look the same. Neptune consists of large dark circles on the surface of itself, and is actually the
farthest planet from the Sun. Eighth, the planet, Uranus is said to be unique because it is tilted 98
degrees. There is many rings but they have not been discovered since 1977, and also has 20
satellites. Finally, there is the planet, Pluto, which is technically not a planet as of right now, but it
was in the past. Pluto is the smallest planet, and is farthest away from the sun. The atmosphere
freezes and then returns back to normal. It is said from some astronomers
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Geography: The Planet Jupiter
The largest planet in the solar system, with a equatorial distance of approximately 143,00km. it is so
large that it can fit all the other planets in the solar system inside of it, or it could fit over 1,300
Earths inside it.
It is the fifth planet from the sun, with an average distance from the sun at 5.2 astronomical units
Like the Sun, Jupiter's atmosphere is mainly made up of hydrogen and helium gases.
Jupiter is blanketed in thick red, brown, yellow and white clouds. These clouds are what gives
Jupiter's the look like it has stripes.
Jupiter is extremely windy, with wind gusts ranging from 310km/h to 640km/h.
One of Jupiter's more well known features is its Giant Red Spot, which is located in its southern
hemisphere. The spot is ... Show more content on ...
It is also the sixth largest moon in the solar system (approximately 3,120km) , being only slightly
smaller than the Moon (approximately 3,475km).
It is primarily made up of silicate rock, whilst have a water–ice crust, and most likely a iron–nickel
It has a very weak atmosphere composed mainly of oxygen.
The surface is marked by cracks and streaks, however craters are relatively rare.
Europa has the smoothest known surface of any body in the Solar System.
This apparent youthfulness and smoothness of its surface has led to the hypothesis that a water
ocean exists underneath the icy surface. This could possibly serve adobe for extra–terrestrial life.
The predominant model suggest that heat caused by tidal flexing has allowed the oceans to remain
liquid and propels ice moment similar to plate tectonics. Which allows for the absorbing of
chemicals from the surface into the ocean below.
Also it seems that se salt from a subsurface ocean may be coating some geological features of
Europa, indicating the ocean and seafloor are interacting.
This may be important in finding out if Europa may in fact be habitable or
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Venus : The Planet Venus
The Planet Venus is named after the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty. It is the second planet
from the sun. Very similar in size and mass as the Earth. Some distinctive features of Venus are its
rotation, Its brightness and its hot temperatures, Venus rotates in the opposite direction of the other
planets. Astronomers believe that this was caused by a collision with and object such as an asteroid.
It takes Venus 225 days to orbit around the sun once. The brightness of Venus is greater than all the
other planets. Only the moon is brighter. Venus can be seen during the day on a clear day. During
early civilization Greeks thought that Venus was two different objects. When the orbit around the
sun passes the earth's orbit Venus' visibility changes from being visible after sunset to being visible
before sunrise. With a temperature of 462 C, Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. Due to
its rotation and the fact that it has no tilt, Venus has no seasons. The temperature is always hot.
Venus' similarities with the planet earth make scientists believe that they also have the same type of
structure, with an interior core, mantle and crust. The structure of Venus was shaped by volcanic
activity. The surface is about 300 to 600 million years old. In 1970 the European space Agency
performed missions on Venus that gave indication of volcanic activities in Venus. They have
indicated that since there is no rainfall in Venus the volcanic eruptions are cause of the lightning.
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The Planet, And Jovian Planets In The Solar System
The term planet is originated from the ancient Greek word planetes which translates to wanderer.
This is a fitting characterisation as the planets in our Solar System and others "wander" or orbit
around central point – a star. A planet is a celestial body which moves in an elliptical orbit around a
star. Our Solar System which is located in the outer arms of the spiral galaxy, the Milky Way, has a
unique and diverse composition. The Solar System consists of our star, the Sun, eight planets, and
the dwarf planet, Pluto. The diverseness of our solar system is constituted to the planets and their
structure. The planets are classified as either terrestrial or Jovian planets, however, these
classifications do not apply to Pluto as it is neither. terrestrial planets are the four planets located
closest to the Sun. The root cause for Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars to be categorized as terrestrial
planets, is that they are all similar in composition. Due to the rest of the planets being Earth–like,
they gained their name from the Latin word terra meaning land or Earth. The Jovian planets: Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are the four planets furthest from the Sun. The three most outer planets
are categorized as Jovian planets due to their Jupiter–like composition. In contrast to the terrestrial
planets, the Jovian planets differ greatly in general structure, size and density due to their elemental
A terrestrial planet is a planet that is composed primarily of
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The Blicentian Planet Essay
When two planets collide, they formed Blicentia. In outer space laid planet Bluce and planet Cential.
Bluce and Celtial were planets that did not conatin any human life. Bluce was a planet that was all
blue and was made out of ice. Cential was a ball of fire. It was red colored and looked like the sun.
People from the so called "Earth" believed that these planets were a threat to them. They thought
that if the planets ever got near Earth it would be the end of the "Green Planet." However, that was
not the case. Bluce and Cential were stable planets, until comet Jansten disturbed their orbit. Making
the planets lose their orbit was the cause of them colliding. When they collided they both got
destroyed, but a new planet was born. This ... Show more content on ...
They are beautiful organisms that are smart, peaceful, and talented. They don't like taking anything
for granted. In Blicentia there is no work. Everyone depends on one another. The children don't go
to school. This is because Blucians are incredibly intelligent from the moment they are born. There
are musicians, painters, singers and soccer players in Blicentia. In this planet the main focus is
soccer. There is not a kid, boy or girl, that's doesn't enjoy to play soccer. Soccer fanatics are what
make Blicentia an incredible planet. Knowing how to play soccer and knowing how to enjoy and
appreciate music, makes these kids successful in life. The sun rays touch the ice on the ground and
the ice freezes even more. Leafs of trees talk as the wind blows through them and the trees come to
life. The rivers and streams scream as they rush on a hurry. The clouds cry as the rain falls down day
after day. Kids play soccer nonstop as if there is no tomorrow. Soccer balls sore up in the air like
airplanes. Then the girls take headers and the boys take corner kicks. The sun shines brightly trough
the transparent clouds. Blucians use their telepathy to communicate with one another and to be able
to help each other. They always consider what's right and wrong. Blicentia is a clean and healthy
planet. There is no pollution and there is not one disease in this planet. It is disrespectful for
Blucians to lie. They all must be honest with one another because they don't have consciences
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Mars The Red Planet
A number of things have been attributed to the red planet in contemporary times, much of it
research–based, some cartoon–based. One's childhood could have been filled with various science
fiction novels about humanity colonizing the red planet or watching Bugs Bunny outsmart the
Martian and his dog.
Regardless of how you know the red planet, it does not change what is known about the red planet
and what secrets it continues to unveil to us. Recently, our present understanding of Mars has been
complemented with the organization of Mars imagery, which can be seen on NASA's webpage.
There, you can actually take a tour of the planet.
Space news is always exciting to keep up with
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Planet Earth Is Doomed
Planet Earth is Doomed!
Happy New Year! Lim, Zelda and Mateo were having a celebration as it was New Year's Eve, 2241,
and they were meeting up at Mateo's house. When they had all had something to eat and drink they
decided to put the TV on to watch some of the annual rocket and boulder race. Lim turned the TV on
to Star channel. All of a sudden, there became an urgent news bulletin at the bottom of the TV which
said, "DANGER" in big red letters. The newsreader looked horrified and bewildered, he looked like
he had seen a ghost. The bulletin said that there was a meteorite coming to hit planet Earth. When all
three boys saw the bulletin they looked at each other with stunned faces. What was going to happen
to planet Earth?
After very little sleep, the next morning Mateo quickly switched on the TV to see what the update
was about the meteorite. When the Star News came up there was a journalist talking to four
scientists about their discovery of the ... meteorite. The scientists' idea ...... was to put a laser beam
around Earth. As Zelda and Lim woke up, Mateo was sitting on the edge of the couch. Zelda
nervously asked Mateo what the news was about the meteorite and Mateo informed him about what
was going on.
At 7:00 that night the laser beam was due to be switched on. All three boys went outside and
hopefully gazed at the night sky. All of a sudden, a bright green shine lit the horizon of the Earth. All
three boys let out a sigh of relief. But no sooner had they begun to
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Planet KF-15
It was the year 3956. Thousands of people lived happily trapped on the planet KF–15.
It was a society where you could do everything from the palm of your hand. You could move
whatever you wanted with just thinking about it. You could create every object just by mentioning
its elements.
The society of the planet KF–15 lived comfortably without seeing what was really happening on the
planet. Every day the planet came a little closer to the star mother "Gobata" which in addition, was
the star that gave them the heat that needed to survive.
The leaders will be creating a way to hide the information about what was going on and that they
were in great danger by doing nothing against the deadly approach to the star mother. However, they
were the ... Show more content on ...
Zaid, the great God of computers, created everything he imagined with his mind as same as
everyone but, in addition, he was a perfectionist which is the reason why he is the one who
programmed the database that contains the information and restrictions of every object created on
that planet.
The government called experts to offer a possibility to create a team due to the need of finding a
way to save their planet, the team accept the offer and started to work together to find a possible
They started by thinking why is the planet getting attracted to Gobata? The reason is that Gobata is
getting into a age that this star is going to die and when stars die they use to implode but before this
happens the star attract the planets to the center and then everyone dies. Zaid start to think how they
could survive, but the reality was that everyone is going to die, furthermore, there is no time to
create a project to save the entire world, even if they created a small drone that could evade the force
that attracts the planets, the only way he can survive is by putting his ideas, his secrets, his
technology and the creations that make his planet the most productive and happiest society, he send
instructions and a videotape that explains what happened to his planet. The constellation implode
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Planet Nine
Since Pluto was subjected to reclassification in the year 2006, our planetary family has possessed
eight official members although there is tantalizing new evidence that gives the suggestion that a
ninth world, ten times the mass of the Earth, might linger at the extreme, cold edges of the solar
Astronomers Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin, of the California Institute of Technology, think
they've found evidence of this long–sought Planet X in the odd, slanted orbits of several chunks of
rock and ice in the Kuiper belt, and it is this new world that is referred to by the duo as Planet Nine
and informally as "Phattie," reports Alexandra Witze for Nature.
The investigation was initiated in 2014 after the announcement of the discovery ... Show more
content on ...
Though it has been discovered that these particulars wobbling behaviors were to be inaccurate
measurements, searches have been conducted by many more scientifically traned investigators.
While it is not possible to for this latest report to be considered infallible, it is the strongest yet claim
for Planet X, writes Eric Hand for Science.
Based on calculations made by the aforementioned two scientists, without a ninth planet, there is
only a 0.007% chance, or one in 15,000, that the way the six Kuiper belt objects cluster could be
found coincidental, Hand reports. Despite this conditional context, Planet Nine itself has not been
detected–just the intriguing orbits because there would be too much distance between this planet and
the Sun for there to be reflection of much light and there would be nearly impossible potential for
being spotted with most telescopic equipment of dedicated–research quality and power of
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Planet Puff
Butter Brickle From Space
BOOM! Today was the day that all of the cotton balls pulverized. There were cotton balls from all
over the universe. Slowly all of them came together to make PLANET PUFF. Gilgamesh, Okega,
and Ala were the only aliens left of their breed of alien. Their species of alien was the most
interesting. They were a mix of omari and mathia aliens. They lived on Planet Puff with all kinds of
different alien species. Planet Puff was the most visited planet in the milky way. Every kind of non–
human life form wanted to go there. Today was one of the most celebrated days on the planet. All of
the aliens stepped out of their mushroom houses and waited for the emperor to walk down their leaf.
This was one of the traditions ... Show more content on ...
Gilgamesh had decided it was time to settle down at a planet. This planet was different from any
other planet. It was a dirt looking planet from afar, but when they got closer they were
dismayed.They had just passed a floating sign that said Planet Hoffe. Gilgamesh said, "Planet Hoffe
here we come!" WSSSHHHH! The ship had just landed. Before they got out they checked to see
where the asteroid was and there was no sign of it. They decided to set up camp right where they
landed so in case there was an emergency they would be safe. Okega waddled off the ship and onto
the ground. He was amazed when he found mountains of toffee and chocolate. He was flabbergasted
at the beautiful sight. The other 2 came out and looked around with him. They had picked a cool
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Terrestrial Planets Essay
1. What are the terrestrial planets?
The terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These planets are composed primarily
of silicate rocks with structures consisting of a central metallic core, mostly iron, with a surrounding
silicate mantle.
2. How were Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune formed?
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune were formed by different types of rock and frozen materials
(water, ammonia, and methane). These materials were once planetesmals, which formed from the
rocky, metallic solid materials that were able to survive the collapse of the solar nebula which
formed our solar system.
3. What role do impact craters play on Venus? Which planet is Earth most like? In what ways is this
planet like Earth?
Venus' ... Show more content on ...
Specifically, Mercury was once volcanically active, but no longer is. Eighty–five percent of Venus'
surface is made up of low lying volcanic plains. As we know, Earth has volcanoes. Mars has two
large volcanic systems, with the largest, the Tharsis region, stretching across 8,000 kilometers of the
planet. Volcanoes exist due to the buildup of pressure in the outer core. This forces the molten core
up to the surface of a planet, in the form of lava.
4. What are the characteristics of the inner planets? How do these vary from the outer planets?
Inner planets all contain a core, mantle, and crust. These planets are very dense and rocky. In
comparison to outer planets, inner planets are smaller, denser, and rockier.
5. What evidence is there to support that planets exist outside of our Solar System?
The discovery of other stars in early stages of formation support the fact that planets exist outside of
our solar system. These stars, surrounded by disks of gas and dust, are called proplyds. According to
astronomers, these disks are like that which the solar nebula was believed to be like, providing a
good source of evidence of other planets. Extrasolar planets, or planets outside of our solar system,
are believed to have formed from the distortion of the proplyd
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Jupiter: The Biggest Planet
Review of Literature
I. Introduction– History of Jupiter Jupiter is the most massive planet in our solar system. The planet
was named after the kings of gods in Roman mythology. In a related way, the ancient Greeks named
it after Zeus, the king of the Greek pantheon. Jupiter has helped transform the way we saw the
universe in 1610 when Galileo discovered Jupiter's four largest moons. This project will describe
Jupiter's characteristics. Some of these characteristics include size, Great Red Spot, colorful bands,
magnetic field, distance from the sun and Earth, and its orbit and rotation. It will also explain the
composition and structure of Jupiter. The last thing this project will describe is the planet's four
largest moons. Thus, this project will give an in depth explanation of the planet Jupiter.
II. Jupiter's Characteristics As mentioned earlier Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is
more than twice the size of all the other planets combined. A way to show its colossal size is that it
could hold 1,300 Earths. In fact if Jupiter was 80 times larger it would have been a star. Jupiter's
diameter is greater than 88,700 miles (143,000 kilometers). This is enormous compared to Earth
which nearly has a diameter of 8,000 miles (13,000 kilometers). Its radius is 43,441 miles (69,911
kilometers). Jupiter has a mass of 1.898E27 kilograms which is equivalent to 317.83 in Earth mass.
As you can see, Jupiter is a very huge planet in all aspects.
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The Planet Of Planet Mercury
The planet Mercury is very difficult to study from the Earth because of its proximity to the Sun.
It is the second smallest planet (it was believed to be the smallest until the discovery that Pluto is
actually much smaller than originally thought), and also the fastest in its orbit since it is the
innermost planet.
Solar System Records
Highest uncompressed density.
Highest diurnal variation in temperature.
Only Solar System object with a 3:2 spin–orbit resonance. it rotates on its axis exactly three times
for every two revolutions it makes around the Sun
Geological history ended the earliest among terrestrial planets.
Smallest planet with global magnetic field.
Most Earth–like magnetosphere.
Named after the Roman messenger god who was known for his ability to travel quickly with wings
on his feet. Mercury travels in orbit the shortest time of all planets
Distance From The Sun
Mercury is located 57, 910, 000km (0.38AU) from the Sun.
Mercury is the inner most planet in our solar system.
The orbit of Mercury is the most eccentric of the planets in the solar system.
At perihelion it is 46,001,200km from the Sun
At aphelion it is 69,816,200km from the Sun
A difference of 23,815,700km giving it an eccentricity of 0.21
Mercury is the only object Solar System with a 3:2 spin–orbit resonance. This means it rotates on its
axis exactly three times for every two revolutions it makes around the Sun
The length of a day on Mercury 58.63 Earth days.
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Neptune: The Perfect Planet
Neptune is the eighth and final planet from the sun. Discovered in 1846, it was a mystery to all,
being that it is invisible to the naked eye. Neptune formed like a terrestrial planet with a solid core,
but then it captured gases like hydrogen and helium when in the nebula of the original and early sun,
making this planned a jovian planet. Neptune was discovered using mathematics, unlike all the other
planets. The path of Uranus was not traveling like everyone though it should have been, from there
on mathematician Urbain Joseph Le Verrier proposed that there was a unknown planet in a position
with a mass that was causing Uranus to be so off of the predicted course. His predictions were not
taken seriously by French astronomers, so he took ... Show more content on ...
Did you know when Galileo was looking through his telescope between 1612 or 1613 he thought
that it was just a star. Another fact is that the orbit path of Neptune is 30 AUs from the sun. Neptune
was also not known to the ancients like other planets. The Great Dark Spot on Neptune is very
similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot. The last fact is that Neptune is the smallest of the ice giants the
other ice giant is
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Pluto Is Not A Planet
Pluto is not a planet because it does not meet the requirements to be one and it is different from the
other planets. First, "Pluto is usually farthest from the Sun. However, its
orbit "crosses" inside of Neptune's orbit." Unlike the other planets which orbit the sun in a circle,
Pluto's orbit around the sun is an oval shape. This makes it go into Neptune's orbit for 20 years
every 248 years. Although they will never collide it is way different than any other planet. This
shows that it does not meet the third requirement because it does not have a cleared out region of the
sun. Next, says "It is much smaller than any of the official planets and now
classified as a "dwarf planet". Due to its size it is
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The Four Planets Of Jupiter
The four planets that are furthest from our sun are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. They are
called the outer planets. They are separated from the four inner planets by something referred to as
the asteroid belt, which is filled with big chunks of rock that are called asteroids. The asteroid belt
lies between Mars and Jupiter. All the outer planets are gas giants. They also take longer to orbit the
sun than the four inner planets, because they are much further away from the sun. Let's explore each
of the four outer planets.
The four outer planets are much larger than the inner planets, and their surfaces are mostly made of
gases, such as hydrogen. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun, or the first outer planet. It's also the
largest planet in the entire solar system. It's 300 times larger than Earth! It takes 12 Earth years for
Jupiter to completely orbit the sun one time. A very thick layer of hydrogen clouds covers the
surface of Jupiter. The mass of Jupiter is more than all the masses of the other planets combined,
which means that it has a lot more gravity than the other planets, and even more than the sun.
There is an area on Jupiter called the "Great Red Spot," and it's where lots of violent storms occur.
Just this one area of storms is three times larger than Earth! Jupiter has at least 63 moons, and new
ones are still being discovered. Each moon is unique. Ganymede is the largest moon in our solar
system, and it's even bigger than Mercury. Europa is
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Should Pluto Be A Planet
Should Pluto be a planet?
Should there be eight or nine planets in the solar system? Some. people agree that Pluto should
become a planet, but researchers and scientists know better. An example of this is that Pluto only
two of the three rules to be classified as a planet. Scientists including International Astronomical
Union's president and astronomer Mike Brown have gladly accepted this idea and even have
evidence to support it. Third, people already have a hard time learning all the planets in our solar
system, we would have to make all the celestial bodies in the Kuiper belt planets. It is right that
Pluto is not considered a planet, and it never should be one either.
One important reason the small planet, Pluto, is not a planet is it
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Neptune, The Ice Planet
Neptune:the ice planet
When was Neptune discovered?"Neptune was the very first planet to be discovered by using math!
(mathematics). After the discovery of Uranus in 1781, astronomers noticed that the planet was being
pulled a little bit out of its normal orbit. John Couch Adams of Britain and Urbain Jean Joseph
Leverrier of France, used math to figure out that the gravity from another planet beyond Uranus was
affecting the orbit of Uranus. They figured out not only where the planet was, but also how much
mass it had. A young astronomer, Johann Gottfried Galle, decided to search for the predicted planet
and observed Neptune for the first time in 1846." –––
"WHAT IS THE SURFACE OF NEPTUNE LIKE"? "As a gas giant (or ... Show more content on ...
Neptune was only discovered on September 23, 1846. That was only 163 years ago in other words,
since its discovery, Neptune has made one single orbit around the Sun! The orbit was in 2011" ––long–does–it–take–neptune–to–orbit–the–sun/
Let's see what Neptune is made of. The outermost layer of Neptune is the atmosphere, forming
about 5–10% of the planet's mass, and extending up to 20% of the way down to its core. Neptune's
atmosphere is about 80%hydrogen, 19% helium, with trace amounts of other ices, like methane,
ammonia and water– ice–is–neptune–made–of/
It takes Neptune 164.8 Earth years to orbit the Sun. On 11 July 2011, Neptune completed its first
full orbit since its discovery in 1846.
Neptune was discovered by Jean Joseph Le Verrier. The planet was not known to ancient
civilizations because it is not visible to the naked eye. The planet was initially called Le Verrier after
its discoverer. This name, however, quickly was abandoned and the name Neptune was chosen
Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea. In Greek, Neptune is called
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Uranus, The Planet Of Planet
Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun, right behind Saturn, and in front of Neptune. Uranus is
considered a Jovian planet alongside with Jupiter, Saturn & Neptune. In 1781, a British astronomer
named William Hershel discovered the planet of Uranus. Hershel discovered the planet through his
6–inch telescope and thought it moved relative to the star, but noticed it traveled rather slow to be a
star of some sort. Hershel originally wanted to name the planet Georgium Sidus, which is Latin for
"George's Star". Astronomer Johann Bode suggested to Hershel that he shall name the planet
"Uranus" which is the father of Saturn, in that way using the names from ancient mythology is
continued on. It's not easy to see Uranus from Earth; you need to have specific equipment to observe
it closely. Even through a telescope, Uranus looks like a tiny, bluish, greenish disk. Uranus' distance
from the sun is approximately 2.9 billion km, which is about 1.8 billion miles. It has one of the
lowest densities of about, on average, 710(kg/m3). As you may already know, there is never a
definite explanation on how the planets we see today were formed. There are a couple of theories
that explain how it may have come about. 2 theories that are known about are Core accretion and the
disk instability method. The core accretion explains the terrestrial planets better rather than giant
planets like Uranus. An estimated 4 billion years ago the solar system was a cloud of dust and gas
which we know as the
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Mars Red Planet

  • 1. Mars Red Planet Mars, The "Red Planet" Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. Mars is also the second–smallest planet in the Solar System. Mars was named after the Roman God of War. This planet is sometimes referred to as the "Red Planet." The shade of Mars is red, because of all the iron oxide present on its surface. Mars is a terrestrial planet. This means it is a planet that is mainly created out of silicate rocks or metals. The terrestrial planets in our Solar System, along with Mars, are the inner planets closer to the sun. They include; Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The "Red Planet" has a mixture of appearances on its surface. It has craters like the moon and assorted valleys, deserts, and polar ice caps similar to our planet, known as Earth. ... Show more content on ... Is there life on Mars? Can we live here on this Red Planet? NASA believes we can send "Martians" to Mars. The word "Martian" would refer to an astronaut that they would be sending to Mars. NASA's plan is to send a rover to Mars by the year 2020 that is specially equipped for studying the availability of Martian resources, including oxygen. By 2030, NASA is expected to send the "Martians" to Mars in hope to make ground breaking discoveries about this interesting planet. Currently, scientists are unsure about inhabiting Mars, but they believe it is very possible. Scientists have recently discovered frozen water on this mysterious planet. This water is leading them to believe that there was inhabitance on Mars long ago. Scientists are working diligently research as much as they can before launching the astronaut to ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Venus's Planet Venus Mercury is a rocky planet, similar in surface to Earth's Moon. The planet lacks day to night variations in solar heating, it also has an unsteady climate as a result of this. Temperatures range from 90– Kelvin to 700– Kelvin. It is considered geologically dead and has been for a long time. There are no signs of weather, such as clouds, rain etc. It is suggested that the strong magnetic field is generated by the core. Because of it's climate it is not deemed an inhabitable planet. Venus Venus is considered Earth's sister planet, it has the same size, gravity level, composition and other characteristics. 80 percent of it's surface is covered in volcanic plains, ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Planets Of The Solar System "The Nine Planets of the Solar System", which is an article posted on the NASA website, portrays Earth as a planet that is caring yet still mortal. Interestingly enough, Earth has many characteristics that can be analyzed and compared to human emotions. In the article, NASA states, many characteristics, and those being: moderate temperature, a hot core, an atmospheric field that burns projectiles before hitting Earth 's surface, a moon, and multiple natural activities which damages the Earth 's internal and external characteristics.Therefore, Earth's beauty and vast miles of calm appearance, makes it feel like there is a complete resemblance to me(of course not the green and serenity of it). Out of every single planet in the article the most common and familiar characteristics is Earth. Earth is our home planet which makes it even better because it's so comfortable to be in Earth as how people are comfortable Although that Earth's magnificent qualities have a similarity to me if you ever want to learn more about me and continue to pursue an amazing companion("friend", I have a girlfriend) for life. Future friends, and future family members should research Earth more to discover many of its comparable qualities to me. First, Explaining my comparable traits can you give more of a broader idea. I will start off by saying, Earth has a very unique trait, of course parts of the earth are extremely cold or hot, but, the most common temperature is moderate you can also say a very ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Planet Neptune Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System. It is the fourth–largest planet by diameter and the third–largest by mass. Neptune is 17 times the mass of Earth and is somewhat more massive than its near–twin Uranus, which is 15 times the mass of Earth but not as dense.[12] On average, Neptune orbits the Sun at a distance of 30.1 AU, approximately 30 times the Earth–Sun distance. Named for the Roman god of the sea, its astronomical symbol is ♆, a stylised version of the god Neptune's trident. Neptune was the first planet found by mathematical prediction rather than by empirical observation. Unexpected changes in the orbit of Uranus ledAlexis Bouvard to deduce that its orbit was subject to gravitational ... Show more content on ... Via James Challis, he requested extra data from Sir George Airy, the Astronomer Royal, who supplied it in February 1844. Adams continued to work in 1845–46 and produced several different estimates of a new planet.[25][26] In 1845–46, Urbain Le Verrier, independently of Adams, developed his own calculations but also experienced difficulties in stimulating any enthusiasm in his compatriots. In June 1846, upon seeing Le Verrier's first published estimate of the planet's longitude and its similarity to Adams's estimate, Airy persuaded Cambridge Observatorydirector James Challis to search for the planet. Challis vainly scoured the sky throughout August and September.[24][27] Meantime, Le Verrier by letter urged Berlin Observatory astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle to search with the observatory's refractor. Heinrich d'Arrest, a student at the observatory, suggested to Galle that they could compare a recently drawn chart of the sky in the region of Le Verrier's ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Planets In Star Wars Most of the planets in Star Wars are similar to planets that scientists have found in the milky way galaxy like Hoth super Earth in deep freeze. Also think that distant world with double sunsets can't help but think of Tatooine. Well both of these planets exist even Kamino grey water­ world with its own superocean exist. How about the lava planet Mustafar yes it exists but there will not be any lightsaber duels here. The planet's temperature gets up to 3,600 degrees fahrenheit. All these planets have different names mostly consisted of numbers and letters. No indications of life have yet been detected on any of the nearly 2,000 scientifically confirmed exoplanets. So we don't know if any of them are inhabited by Wookiees or mynocks, or play ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Planet Comparison Essay Each planet is greatly different to each other in many different ways. There are planets with almost no atmospheres, like Mercury, to those with a large atmosphere, like Jupiter. There are moons with more volcanic action, Io, then there are on some planets, Mars. There are even more differences between all of the celestial body's in the sky. The key thing is, how do we this? When it comes to finding the atmosphere of a planet we can use a form of emission line testing if we are in space, to get an idea of what it is comprised off. This testing uses the idea that if we focus on the planet from the distance of space, we can observe a rough idea of the atmosphere on that planet. When that does not work we could always send a probe on the planet ... Show more content on ... This meant that the planet had a sulfur rich atmosphere. Some geological activity can be found just by watching. This means we can see the volcanoes on Io erupting or the change in formation on a mountain in mars can happen with Erosion. Although not as accurate as being there and watching it unfold it is still accurate to a degree. When it comes to measuring the composition of a planet we can see how the seismic waves of a planet affect the other side of the planet. By studying how the core develops and changes the seismic actives from one side to another we have been able to find the Iron core the Earth has. Most other terrestrial planets have a similar core structure but what about Jovian Planets? These are thought to have a liquid metallic hydrogen cores. These cores are similar to Iron ones in the development of the magnetic fields it is created. The reason these planets has a liquid hydrogen core is because of how far they are away from the sun. The distance is enough where gases can be liquids or solids so it would make sense that these gas giants have gas cores. Now unless we send a probe on the planet we will not have an accurate answer to the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Is Pluto Be A Planet Did you know that Pluto used to be a planet but then scientists said that it failed the planet test to see if it was a planet or a dwarf planet? Well I believe that Pluto should be a planet for a number of reasons. One it has three moons two it orbits the sun and three it is in our solar system. In this writing I will be telling you why I think Pluto should be named as a planet again. Reason one is that Pluto has THREE moons and we have only seen moons orbiting planets. If Pluto isn't a planet then how does it have three moons? I think that if something has a moon that is decently big that it should be called a planet also we know that it is in the solar system. Scientists say that it is not a planet but look at the other planets in ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Uranus: A False Planet The faintly visible, blue–green, gas planet is called Uranus. Although only visited once, Astronomers have come a long way since ancient times with the research of this extraordinary planet. Most people only remember Uranus as "the sideways planet", but in reality, Uranus is unfathomably unique. Until the late 1700's, Uranus was often mistaken as just another ordinary star. Even though Uranus had been seen quite often by ancient astronomers through telescopes, it was not yet classified as a planet. Uranus was then discovered on March 13, 1781, by a persnickety individual by the name of Sir William Herschel. This was the first planet to be discovered after the prehistoric time. This planet had had a few different titles before ... Show more content on ... It's obliquity is about 98 degrees. According to evolution, it is believed that the tilt is caused from a large spherical mass colliding with Uranus during the beginning stages of formation, but there is no definite reason for its tilt. This tilt also causes very unusual variations in its seasons. Uranus's year is the equivalent to eighty–four earth years. This means it has forty–two years in light followed by forty–two years of darkness. The rotation period is about seventeen and one–fourth hours, but since it is so far from the sun, the day temperatures and the night temperatures are very close. Uranus's Gravity is less than the gravity of earth, being at 8.69 meters per second squared. Meaning that if you weighed 100 pounds on earth, you would weigh 86 pounds on Uranus. Being the the seventh planet and nearly twenty astronomical units from the sun, it is expected for it it to be very cold on Uranus. The average temperature is negative 350 degrees Farenheit. This knowledge disproves the idea of water or life on this planet, but it did aid in the discovery of Uranus's icy rings in 1977. Voyager 2 found ten moons and two more rings in 1986. There are currently twenty–seven moons that have been discovered. Before Voyager 2, we knew of the five largest moons which are the following: Titania, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, and ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Angels And The Planets There exists in the created universe, a so called chain of being, that stretches from the creator into all that exists. There is a connection between even the largest objects fathomable in the universe, all the way down to the smallest particle on our own planet. Likewise, our soul, thoughts, the angels and the planets, our instincts, and our very human nature are inseparable from this cosmic order of being. We are eternally united with our creator, the universe, and to all beings in it. (Tillyard, 25–27) The universe was intended to work cohesively. Every tiny piece of the big picture works together. All things, big and small, arid and humid, high and low, work in unison to create this equilibrium. We as humans follow the same pattern. In the workplace, our home life, in our countries, most all of us have inferiors and superiors. It is seemingly impossible to escape this chain as it was the way the universe was created. In this same way the angels are ordered, the planets, all spiritual beings, down to humanity, the animals, plant life, including the minerals rock and earth. (Tillyard, 26–27) In the lower links of the chain you find mere existence, the elements, liquids, metals, minerals. Inanimate objects with no apparent life. Then secondly we find existence and life together. This is the vegetative world. Which is obviously a living organism, only apparently lacking cognition. Lastly we group together creatures and animals, those with existence, life, and feeling. ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Planet Properties Sarah O'Hara Planet Properties In this report, I will explaining the properties of objects in our solar system and how they are grouped. Before this investigation, I had barely any knowledge about the properties of planets and objects in our solar system, but I learned valuable information through research from different websites, and discussions within my group and my entire class. My report will answer the question, "How can we group objects in the Solar System according to their properties?" Methods of Collecting Data Throughout my investigation, I was required to collect data in order to make sure that my findings, claim, and evidence were as accurate as possible. There are different ways in which I recorded my data. In order to ... Show more content on ... When reviewing the distance, mass, density, and diameter planets and the objects in our Solar System it becomes clear why they are in each group. For example, Mercury is a planet in group 1 and it is closer to the sun, has a high density, is composed of rock and heavy metals, and has a low mass. Anomalies/Inconsistencies in Data: When investigating the other dwarf planets, many of them had several similarities, however, there were two that were slightly different than the others. Both Ceres and Vesta had different distances compared to the other dwarf planets. Ceres's distance was 2.8 AU while Vesta's was 2.36 AU. This is different compared to the other dwarf planets which have a much larger distance. For example, Sedna has 86 AU, Eris has a distance of 96.4 AU, and Haumea has a distance of 43.13 AU. This became an inconsistency, however, we did group these two planets in the third group. Despite this anomaly, all of their other properties fit the requirements for group three, such as mass, diameter, and density. Placing both Ceres and Vesta into group three was the best option compared to group 1 or 2 because the distance would be the only inconsistency when placed in group 3. If we were to place them into another group, factors such as diameter, density, and mass wouldn't be ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Kepler's Planet Present first in the movie star wars, planet of this type is not just fiction, it turns out that the largest planet ever found and seen with two orbit the Sun Team leading by astronomers from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and San Diego State University (SDSU) in California, using NASA'S Kepler Space Telescope to identify the planet, and at the end of the planet in the name of his or her right of Kepler–1647b. Kepler planet 1647b it lies 3700 light years and 4.4 billion years old, not much of his age such as planet Earth. The two stars orbiting kepler – 1647b similar to the Sun. It's just that one is larger than our Sun, and the other smaller. This type of planet has nearly the same radius and period with the planet ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Planet In the outer limits of our solar system there is a planet unlike any other, Pluto. Pluto was discovered in February of 1930 by an American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh. It is the only planet to have been discovered by an American. All though we have known of the existence of Pluto for over thirty years now, there are still many mysteries surrounding this celestial body. Being the farthest planet has made it difficult to study Pluto, Adding to the obscurity of this strange planet is that the capability to send spacecraft such distances has never been achieved. Through the wonders of science and astronomy, there are many things that can be determined, concluded, and hypothesized about this obscure planet. Pluto's discovery was actually a ... Show more content on ... This gives Pluto the appearance that it is tipped on its side, which, in essence, it virtually is. Pluto's rotation also has notable qualities. Pluto's rotation period is 6.387 days, the same as its satellite/moon Charon. Although it is common for a moon to travel in a synchronous orbit with its planet, Pluto is the only planet to rotate synchronously with the orbit of its satellite. Thus being tidally locked, Pluto and Charon continuously face each other as they travel through space. From 1985 to 1990, the Earth lined up with Pluto and Charon to cause and eclipse every Pluto day. This occurrence allowed astronomers to gather a multitude of valuable information about Pluto and its moon. The eclipses lasted as much as four hours and by carefully timing their beginning and ending, measurements for their diameters were taken. Photograph's later taken by the Hubble telescope confirms Pluto's diameter of 1413 miles, and Charon's, at nearly half the size, 728 miles across within one percent accuracy. Astronomers where also able to determine the density of Pluto during the daily eclipses. By discovering the density to be approximately two grams per cubic centimeter, astronomers where able to hypothesize the make up of the planet. They concluded that Pluto is fifty to seventy percent rock with mixed with ice. Astronomers are also confident in the density of Charon. If correct, the approximate density of one gram per cubic centimeter would mean that Charon ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Terrestrial Planet Lab I) Explain how we can deduce each of the properties and summarize the range of each property that we see in the Solar System. Terrestrial Planets Mercury  This planet consists of differentiated layers containing different levels of density. 1. Large metallic core, contains the highest level of this planets density. 2. A less dense rocky mantle 3. Surrounding the planet is an even less dense crust  Clear almost vacant atmosphere, which makes this planet easier to view, but unable to disburse heat or cold. Making it difficult to control the exceptionally hot temperatures, during the day, and very cold temperatures at night. This planet uses hydrogen and helium atoms from the solar winds. Also, hovering above this planet is a low–density cloud ... Show more content on ... This planet is mostly liquid, having a core of heavier elements. The composition of Saturn, is less dense than water, and would literally float. Its mass is about 1/3 the of Jupiter's, and 16% smaller. Having rings which contain pieces of icy water. The magnetic field is not determined by its axis of rotation and is not fully understood. One of Saturn's moon is Titan .Made up of a rock like core and a large amount of ice, its density is not compromised. This moon is almost as large as Jupiter's Ganymede and has a thick atmosphere. Another one of Saturn's larger moons is Phoebe. It orbits outside of Saturn, and has a dark surface and a significant number of craters. The smaller moons of Saturn, are mostly rock and ice, and are heavily cratered. Scientists suspect most of these moons are geologically dead. Saturn's rings are restricted by small moons, whose collisions restock the supply. Thus, dust is found lurking of the outer rings of this planet. Uranus  This planet's atmosphere is mostly hydrogen, with 15% helium and a little bit of methane, ammonia, and water vapor, and has no surface. Small, Uranus lacks ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Is The Planet Venus, The Most Brightest Star In The Planet? Venus is an extremely chaotic and hellish planet. Even though it is called earth's twin because of how alike their size, mass, and density are so much alike, they have nothing else in common. Venus is the third brightest star in the sky, which has something to do with its name. It has one of the most unique orbital characteristics in our solar system. There are phenomenons in its atmosphere that happen nowhere else in our solar system. Venus also has a rich history of exploration. The planet Venus is one of the brightest objects in our solar system, and is named after the roman goddess of love and beauty. The planet "may have been named for the most beautiful deity of her pantheon because it shone the brightest of the five planets known to ancient astronomers" (Choi, C 2017). Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system, even though it is not the closest planet to the sun. Temperatures on the planet can get up to 870 degrees Fahrenheit, which is hot enough to melt lead. Venus is often called earth's twin because its "size, mass, and density are so much like Earth's", but that's where the similarities end (Wyzant 2017). The planet's atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid, and scientist have found trace amounts of water in the atmosphere since the surface is too hot for water to be in a liquid or solid state. Roughly ⅔ of the surface of Venus is flat, with many volcanoes that emit a blue lava from the high amounts of sulfuric acid on the planet. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Planet By Gustav Holst Gustav Holst: The Planets, Op. 32 Performed by Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Conducted by Andrè Previn Gustav Holst (1874–1934) was an English composer well known for his orchestral suite The Planets. Holst began his trip into the musical world as a young pianist. His father, Adolph Holst, was a skilled pianist who wanted Gustav to succeed at playing as he did. Gustav, however, was impaired by neuritis making it difficult to play for long hours. As Gustav aged he began trying to compose music instead. Gustav failed to gain scholarships to any colleges and his father, after hearing one of Gustav's small town operettas, borrowed money to pay for his college. Gustav's influences were pieces such as Wagner's Götterdämmerung and Tristan and ... Show more content on ... Holst borrowed ideas from composers such as Scheonberg, Stravinsky, and Debussy. The Planets became Holst's most well renowned composition. Nevertheless, Holst despised the popularity the composition gained. He swore off astrology (until he read friends horoscopes in later life) and refused to sign autographs. His later music disappointed the public. The Planets was composed from 1914–1916. It was the time of the World War I. Adrian Boult did not conduct it until 1918 in a private concert for Henry Balfour Gardiner, who helped Holst earlier on with his composing career. It was not until 1920 that Albert Coates performed it in its entirety to Queen's Hall. It is an orchestral piece arranged into seven movements. Each movement dedicates itself to the planets known at the time besides Earth. "Holst considered each movement a progression of life." (Taylor) The first movement is "Mars, the Bringer of War." It begins moderately quiet with mainly percussion and strings attacking the ostinato in a march like 5/4 meter. Brass begins to crescendo its way in before the terraced dynamics of the upper woodwinds begin. It is a moderately fast piece. The main goal of the piece is to create a war–like sound. The beginning creates a sound that feels like troops are gathering and it continues until both sides attack, recuperate, and attack again with full force (during the coda). The tenor tuba carries the melody while the march–like rhythm keeps reappearing. As the piece ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Planet Of The Sun Past the pale blue skies and fluffy white clouds are the brilliantly bright stars in an amazing place called Outer Space. Countless stars, galaxies, and planets drift off into the vast area known as the Universe. Each tiny speck of light out in the distance could be a galaxy, or maybe even planets. Truly, the Universe is huge, holding every wonder in existence. In this Universe, though, was a little gathering of planets, known as the Solar System. In the Solar System, were two planets. One was a very big one, one bigger than the sun. It was a very beautiful golden yellow planet, who shined brighter than the sun it revolved around. This planet was named Child of the Sun, because it shined so bright. The second planet in the Solar ... Show more content on ... Finally, the idea came to them! Easily Child of the Sun could break out of orbit in the Solar System and travel to distant lands; they could meet new planets and swallow them right up until they were the biggest planet! Sure they would have to leave Small Blue One behind, but they were sure that Small Blue One would be fine. The only catch was that Child of the Sun had to come up with a good excuse of why they would have to leave Little Blue One all by themself in the Solar System. "Small Blue One," Child of the Sun spoke up with a voice just as smooth as the golden color on its surface. "Yes, Child of the Sun?" Small Blue One answered happily while gazing up at the golden giant in wonder, just like they did every day. "I have been thinking long, and I have been thinking hard, Small Blue One," Child of the Sun explained gracefully. "And I have come to the conclusion that I wish to travel throughout the Universe. It will be a long, dangerous, and daring trip, but I have decided that it will be worth seeing all of the wonderful things out there." Child of the Sun paused for a moment as they waited for Small Blue One to answer them. Sure enough, after a few moments of waiting, a very nervous voice came from the small, ocean blue planet. "Oh, travel across the Universe? Are you asking me to accompany you along this dangerous and long trip, Child of the Sun?" Small Blue One questioned while trying to keep the terror out of their ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Venus's Emission Of The Planet Around three years ago was the first time in 115 years that Venus's path brought it right in the middle of Earth and the sun. This led to a rare chance to take unique photographs of the planet and study its atmosphere as well as how the sun's solar radiation affects it. This is the planet's time to shine to show us brand new information. Venus was backlit so extraordinarily well by Sol that pictures could be taken of it with a clarity unrivaled by any before. These new pictures will help researchers and scientists study the planet, its atmosphere, and how various elements of the planet react and change to the sunlight. It's Time to Shine for NASA & JAXA The photographs taken were then examined by NASA as well as the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) ( The images will give an insight into finer details of the planet which have been unknown to scientists as of yet. This information's time to shine is now as it could be useful to any future missions to Venus as well as identifying similar planets as they cross in front of distant stars. ... Show more content on ... If they are, it would be easier to classify and catalogue the other planets, and, assuming the desire for space travel grows, officials would know how to go about visiting the planet in the distant future. Upon the discovery and confirmation of the types of planets, their time to shine will only be shadowed by the spacecraft that is landing on their ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Mars: The Eight Planets Of The Red Planet Mars Ever since the beginning of physics and Astronomy man has pondered the question, "Are we alone?" Scientists have studied and collected data from the eight Planets. However, mostly all of them lack the key nutrients needed. Except when we took a closer look at the red planet (Mars), one can see a couple of those nutrients on Mars. The most outstanding features of the red planet are its water, Atmosphere, and extreme storms. The closest planet in our Solar system to being suitable for life is Mars; containing the most valuable resource, water. On the surface of Mars are large valley networks that can only be created by the disturbance of large bodies of liquid water. In the northern pole (north pole), an ice deposit can be seen; this ice deposit contains frozen ice equivalent to the size of Lake ... Show more content on ... In Fact, Mars' atmosphere is similar to that of the Earth, sharing many resemblances in size, and density. However, centuries ago, Mars lost a majority of its atmosphere due to solar rays. Mars still has an atmosphere, it is just quite thick now. Due to this, Mars' atmosphere is mostly composed of Carbon Dioxide (95%), and having very little oxygen (0.13), and water levels . Mars' atmospheric pressure is only one hundred fifteenth that of Earth's at sea level . Before Mars' loss, planetary scientists said that its Atmosphere would have been very similar to ours. Mars is basically a vast frozen wasteland, undergoing varying weather patterns. Mars undergoes more sandstorms and dust devils than all of the deserts on Earth combined . Plus dust clouds on Mars can reach up to three thousand feet. in height and last several weeks. Even its windstorms can be quite violent, reaching up fifty to sixty mph, and having the potential to cover a large majority of the planet itself . With these winds and dust devils in mind it would be very hard to make a civilization or even live on this mysterious red ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Pluto Planet Saul Reyes PLSC 21 May 9, 2018 Is Pluto a Planet? In 1929 Tombaugh used the calculations of Powell and W.H. Pickering as a guide to search for the planet Pluto. On February 18, 1930, Tombaugh discovered the tiny, distant planet which we call Pluto by using a new astronomic technique of photographic plates combined with a blink microscope. With the help of other astronomers he was able to confirm that he had discovered the planet and later went on to publicly announce that he had made the discovery of Pluto on March 13, 1930. Before Pluto was discovered in 1930, in 1905 Lowell believed that there was a ninth planet because there was a wobble in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune white was stated in an article on "The existence of ... Show more content on ... Some might wonder what the difference between a dwarf planet and a regular planet is. There is basically only one difference between the two. That one key difference is that a dwarf planet has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit. What that means is that it is not gravitationally dominant and that it is sharing orbital space with other bodies of the similar size. It is a very controversial subject as they still try to change the definition. So, these are the three criteria of the IAU to be considered a planet: 1. It is in orbit around the Sun. 2. It has sufficient mass to assume hydrostatic equilibrium (a nearly round shape). 3. It has "cleared the neighborhood" around its orbit Most people my age and older likely grew up learning that Pluto was a planet their whole lives. In elementary we were always taught that Pluto was the ninth, smallest, and farthest planet in our solar system. It seemed odd when the planet was reclassified because you had been taught something for so long and it just changed out of nowhere. Even though Pluto does not meet the requirements and is no longer considered a planet I feel like most people still consider it a planet and have been taught that for most of their lives and it will always be a planet in their minds for as long as they live. The way they keep trying to define what it means to be a planet maybe one day we will be able to call Pluto a planet ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Planet Of Earth : Planet Earth Descriptions of the 8 planets including a dwarf planet: Mercury: Mercury is only slightly larger than earth's moon and the sun is the closest to this planet than any other planet. This planet can reach 840 degrees Fahrenheit (450 Celsius). Its diameter is 3,031 miles (4,878 km), its orbit is 88 earth days and mercury's full day lasts 58.6 earth days. Venus: Venus takes first place when it comes to the hottest planet. Venus is substantially hot with an atmosphere that is toxic. The diameter is 7,521 miles (12,104km), it orbits 225 earth days and its full day lasts 241 earth days. Earth: Earth is covered in water mostly rather than land (1/3 of earth is only land). This planet is the only known world that is the home to life. The ... Show more content on ... Its diameter is 86,881 miles (139,822 km), an orbit of 11.9 Earth years and it has a full day that lasts 9.8 earth hours. Saturn: This planet is known for its ring, the rig is made of ice and rock. The gases that are in the atmosphere of this planet are hydrogen and helium. Its diameter is 74,900 miles (120,500 km), an orbit is 29.5 earth days with a full day lasting 10.5 earth hours. Uranus: This planet orbits on its side. This planet is basically the same size as Neptune. The blue green tint is produced by the gas methane in the atmosphere. Its diameter is 31,763 miles (51,120km), an orbit is 84 earth days and the planets full day lasts 18 earth hours. Neptune: This planet is known for its winds being faster than sound. Neptune is the furthest planet which helps it to have a cold temperature. The sun is 30x as far as way from Neptune than it from Earth. Its diameter is 30,775 miles (49,530 km); an orbit is 165 earth years and Neptune's full day lasts 19 earth hours. Pluto (Dwarf Planet): This 'planet' is smaller than Earth's moon. Pluto is a cold rocky planet. Pluto's status was once a planet but recently it was relegated to a dwarf planet. Its diameter is 1,430 miles (2,301 km), it has an orbit of 248 earth years and Pluto's full day lasts 6.4 earth days.–solar–system–planets.html (This link shows where I got the facts and figures from about the descriptions of the planets). Fig 1 is our universe, as you can see; ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Planet Of Saturn There are a total of 8 planets as of 2014, because Pluto is not considered a planet. Earth is described as the planet that has a lot of energy and is said to be average out of all the other planets. When the Earth tilts, it makes the seasons change every 3–4 months. Earth is described like the planet who protects the other planets from dangerous situations. Next, there is the planet, Venus, which is described that has similar features as Earth. On the planet of Venus, it is as hot as a desert, or maybe even hotter. It has clouds covering the surface, and it also has many volcanoes unlike planet Earth. Also, Venus has many dents and holes because of meteorites and asteroids hitting the surface of it. Venus also, spins the opposite direction, and slower than all the ... Show more content on ... Fifth, there is the planet, Jupiter which is the largest planet in the Solar System. It usually changes colors and gives off more heat than it gets from the sun. Jupiter has swirling gases which are found in the atmosphere of Jupiter. It has many moons, but one of them, Io has some dangerous volcanoes that are said to be very hot. Again, there is another large planet, Saturn that spins very fast on its axis. Saturn consists of many rings that is made of ice and dust. There are at least 18 moons on the planet of Saturn. Seventh, there is the planet, Neptune which is very much alike to Uranus, because they look the same. Neptune consists of large dark circles on the surface of itself, and is actually the farthest planet from the Sun. Eighth, the planet, Uranus is said to be unique because it is tilted 98 degrees. There is many rings but they have not been discovered since 1977, and also has 20 satellites. Finally, there is the planet, Pluto, which is technically not a planet as of right now, but it was in the past. Pluto is the smallest planet, and is farthest away from the sun. The atmosphere freezes and then returns back to normal. It is said from some astronomers ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Geography: The Planet Jupiter Jupiter The largest planet in the solar system, with a equatorial distance of approximately 143,00km. it is so large that it can fit all the other planets in the solar system inside of it, or it could fit over 1,300 Earths inside it. It is the fifth planet from the sun, with an average distance from the sun at 5.2 astronomical units (AU). Like the Sun, Jupiter's atmosphere is mainly made up of hydrogen and helium gases. Jupiter is blanketed in thick red, brown, yellow and white clouds. These clouds are what gives Jupiter's the look like it has stripes. Jupiter is extremely windy, with wind gusts ranging from 310km/h to 640km/h. One of Jupiter's more well known features is its Giant Red Spot, which is located in its southern hemisphere. The spot is ... Show more content on ... It is also the sixth largest moon in the solar system (approximately 3,120km) , being only slightly smaller than the Moon (approximately 3,475km). It is primarily made up of silicate rock, whilst have a water–ice crust, and most likely a iron–nickel core. It has a very weak atmosphere composed mainly of oxygen. The surface is marked by cracks and streaks, however craters are relatively rare. Europa has the smoothest known surface of any body in the Solar System. This apparent youthfulness and smoothness of its surface has led to the hypothesis that a water ocean exists underneath the icy surface. This could possibly serve adobe for extra–terrestrial life. The predominant model suggest that heat caused by tidal flexing has allowed the oceans to remain liquid and propels ice moment similar to plate tectonics. Which allows for the absorbing of chemicals from the surface into the ocean below. Also it seems that se salt from a subsurface ocean may be coating some geological features of Europa, indicating the ocean and seafloor are interacting. This may be important in finding out if Europa may in fact be habitable or ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Venus : The Planet Venus The Planet Venus is named after the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty. It is the second planet from the sun. Very similar in size and mass as the Earth. Some distinctive features of Venus are its rotation, Its brightness and its hot temperatures, Venus rotates in the opposite direction of the other planets. Astronomers believe that this was caused by a collision with and object such as an asteroid. It takes Venus 225 days to orbit around the sun once. The brightness of Venus is greater than all the other planets. Only the moon is brighter. Venus can be seen during the day on a clear day. During early civilization Greeks thought that Venus was two different objects. When the orbit around the sun passes the earth's orbit Venus' visibility changes from being visible after sunset to being visible before sunrise. With a temperature of 462 C, Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. Due to its rotation and the fact that it has no tilt, Venus has no seasons. The temperature is always hot. Venus' similarities with the planet earth make scientists believe that they also have the same type of structure, with an interior core, mantle and crust. The structure of Venus was shaped by volcanic activity. The surface is about 300 to 600 million years old. In 1970 the European space Agency performed missions on Venus that gave indication of volcanic activities in Venus. They have indicated that since there is no rainfall in Venus the volcanic eruptions are cause of the lightning. ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Planet, And Jovian Planets In The Solar System The term planet is originated from the ancient Greek word planetes which translates to wanderer. This is a fitting characterisation as the planets in our Solar System and others "wander" or orbit around central point – a star. A planet is a celestial body which moves in an elliptical orbit around a star. Our Solar System which is located in the outer arms of the spiral galaxy, the Milky Way, has a unique and diverse composition. The Solar System consists of our star, the Sun, eight planets, and the dwarf planet, Pluto. The diverseness of our solar system is constituted to the planets and their structure. The planets are classified as either terrestrial or Jovian planets, however, these classifications do not apply to Pluto as it is neither. terrestrial planets are the four planets located closest to the Sun. The root cause for Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars to be categorized as terrestrial planets, is that they are all similar in composition. Due to the rest of the planets being Earth–like, they gained their name from the Latin word terra meaning land or Earth. The Jovian planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are the four planets furthest from the Sun. The three most outer planets are categorized as Jovian planets due to their Jupiter–like composition. In contrast to the terrestrial planets, the Jovian planets differ greatly in general structure, size and density due to their elemental composition. A terrestrial planet is a planet that is composed primarily of ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Blicentian Planet Essay When two planets collide, they formed Blicentia. In outer space laid planet Bluce and planet Cential. Bluce and Celtial were planets that did not conatin any human life. Bluce was a planet that was all blue and was made out of ice. Cential was a ball of fire. It was red colored and looked like the sun. People from the so called "Earth" believed that these planets were a threat to them. They thought that if the planets ever got near Earth it would be the end of the "Green Planet." However, that was not the case. Bluce and Cential were stable planets, until comet Jansten disturbed their orbit. Making the planets lose their orbit was the cause of them colliding. When they collided they both got destroyed, but a new planet was born. This ... Show more content on ... They are beautiful organisms that are smart, peaceful, and talented. They don't like taking anything for granted. In Blicentia there is no work. Everyone depends on one another. The children don't go to school. This is because Blucians are incredibly intelligent from the moment they are born. There are musicians, painters, singers and soccer players in Blicentia. In this planet the main focus is soccer. There is not a kid, boy or girl, that's doesn't enjoy to play soccer. Soccer fanatics are what make Blicentia an incredible planet. Knowing how to play soccer and knowing how to enjoy and appreciate music, makes these kids successful in life. The sun rays touch the ice on the ground and the ice freezes even more. Leafs of trees talk as the wind blows through them and the trees come to life. The rivers and streams scream as they rush on a hurry. The clouds cry as the rain falls down day after day. Kids play soccer nonstop as if there is no tomorrow. Soccer balls sore up in the air like airplanes. Then the girls take headers and the boys take corner kicks. The sun shines brightly trough the transparent clouds. Blucians use their telepathy to communicate with one another and to be able to help each other. They always consider what's right and wrong. Blicentia is a clean and healthy planet. There is no pollution and there is not one disease in this planet. It is disrespectful for Blucians to lie. They all must be honest with one another because they don't have consciences ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Mars The Red Planet MARS, THE RED PLANET A number of things have been attributed to the red planet in contemporary times, much of it research–based, some cartoon–based. One's childhood could have been filled with various science fiction novels about humanity colonizing the red planet or watching Bugs Bunny outsmart the Martian and his dog. Regardless of how you know the red planet, it does not change what is known about the red planet and what secrets it continues to unveil to us. Recently, our present understanding of Mars has been complemented with the organization of Mars imagery, which can be seen on NASA's webpage. There, you can actually take a tour of the planet. NEW INFORMATION ABOUT MARS' ANCIENT LAKES Space news is always exciting to keep up with ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Planet Earth Is Doomed Planet Earth is Doomed! Happy New Year! Lim, Zelda and Mateo were having a celebration as it was New Year's Eve, 2241, and they were meeting up at Mateo's house. When they had all had something to eat and drink they decided to put the TV on to watch some of the annual rocket and boulder race. Lim turned the TV on to Star channel. All of a sudden, there became an urgent news bulletin at the bottom of the TV which said, "DANGER" in big red letters. The newsreader looked horrified and bewildered, he looked like he had seen a ghost. The bulletin said that there was a meteorite coming to hit planet Earth. When all three boys saw the bulletin they looked at each other with stunned faces. What was going to happen to planet Earth? After very little sleep, the next morning Mateo quickly switched on the TV to see what the update was about the meteorite. When the Star News came up there was a journalist talking to four scientists about their discovery of the ... meteorite. The scientists' idea ...... was to put a laser beam around Earth. As Zelda and Lim woke up, Mateo was sitting on the edge of the couch. Zelda nervously asked Mateo what the news was about the meteorite and Mateo informed him about what was going on. At 7:00 that night the laser beam was due to be switched on. All three boys went outside and hopefully gazed at the night sky. All of a sudden, a bright green shine lit the horizon of the Earth. All three boys let out a sigh of relief. But no sooner had they begun to ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Planet KF-15 It was the year 3956. Thousands of people lived happily trapped on the planet KF–15. It was a society where you could do everything from the palm of your hand. You could move whatever you wanted with just thinking about it. You could create every object just by mentioning its elements. The society of the planet KF–15 lived comfortably without seeing what was really happening on the planet. Every day the planet came a little closer to the star mother "Gobata" which in addition, was the star that gave them the heat that needed to survive. The leaders will be creating a way to hide the information about what was going on and that they were in great danger by doing nothing against the deadly approach to the star mother. However, they were the ... Show more content on ... Zaid, the great God of computers, created everything he imagined with his mind as same as everyone but, in addition, he was a perfectionist which is the reason why he is the one who programmed the database that contains the information and restrictions of every object created on that planet. The government called experts to offer a possibility to create a team due to the need of finding a way to save their planet, the team accept the offer and started to work together to find a possible solution. They started by thinking why is the planet getting attracted to Gobata? The reason is that Gobata is getting into a age that this star is going to die and when stars die they use to implode but before this happens the star attract the planets to the center and then everyone dies. Zaid start to think how they could survive, but the reality was that everyone is going to die, furthermore, there is no time to create a project to save the entire world, even if they created a small drone that could evade the force that attracts the planets, the only way he can survive is by putting his ideas, his secrets, his technology and the creations that make his planet the most productive and happiest society, he send instructions and a videotape that explains what happened to his planet. The constellation implode ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Planet Nine Since Pluto was subjected to reclassification in the year 2006, our planetary family has possessed eight official members although there is tantalizing new evidence that gives the suggestion that a ninth world, ten times the mass of the Earth, might linger at the extreme, cold edges of the solar system. Astronomers Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin, of the California Institute of Technology, think they've found evidence of this long–sought Planet X in the odd, slanted orbits of several chunks of rock and ice in the Kuiper belt, and it is this new world that is referred to by the duo as Planet Nine and informally as "Phattie," reports Alexandra Witze for Nature. The investigation was initiated in 2014 after the announcement of the discovery ... Show more content on ... Though it has been discovered that these particulars wobbling behaviors were to be inaccurate measurements, searches have been conducted by many more scientifically traned investigators. While it is not possible to for this latest report to be considered infallible, it is the strongest yet claim for Planet X, writes Eric Hand for Science. Based on calculations made by the aforementioned two scientists, without a ninth planet, there is only a 0.007% chance, or one in 15,000, that the way the six Kuiper belt objects cluster could be found coincidental, Hand reports. Despite this conditional context, Planet Nine itself has not been detected–just the intriguing orbits because there would be too much distance between this planet and the Sun for there to be reflection of much light and there would be nearly impossible potential for being spotted with most telescopic equipment of dedicated–research quality and power of ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Planet Puff Butter Brickle From Space BOOM! Today was the day that all of the cotton balls pulverized. There were cotton balls from all over the universe. Slowly all of them came together to make PLANET PUFF. Gilgamesh, Okega, and Ala were the only aliens left of their breed of alien. Their species of alien was the most interesting. They were a mix of omari and mathia aliens. They lived on Planet Puff with all kinds of different alien species. Planet Puff was the most visited planet in the milky way. Every kind of non– human life form wanted to go there. Today was one of the most celebrated days on the planet. All of the aliens stepped out of their mushroom houses and waited for the emperor to walk down their leaf. This was one of the traditions ... Show more content on ... Gilgamesh had decided it was time to settle down at a planet. This planet was different from any other planet. It was a dirt looking planet from afar, but when they got closer they were dismayed.They had just passed a floating sign that said Planet Hoffe. Gilgamesh said, "Planet Hoffe here we come!" WSSSHHHH! The ship had just landed. Before they got out they checked to see where the asteroid was and there was no sign of it. They decided to set up camp right where they landed so in case there was an emergency they would be safe. Okega waddled off the ship and onto the ground. He was amazed when he found mountains of toffee and chocolate. He was flabbergasted at the beautiful sight. The other 2 came out and looked around with him. They had picked a cool ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Terrestrial Planets Essay 1. What are the terrestrial planets? The terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These planets are composed primarily of silicate rocks with structures consisting of a central metallic core, mostly iron, with a surrounding silicate mantle. 2. How were Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune formed? Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune were formed by different types of rock and frozen materials (water, ammonia, and methane). These materials were once planetesmals, which formed from the rocky, metallic solid materials that were able to survive the collapse of the solar nebula which formed our solar system. 3. What role do impact craters play on Venus? Which planet is Earth most like? In what ways is this planet like Earth? Venus' ... Show more content on ... Specifically, Mercury was once volcanically active, but no longer is. Eighty–five percent of Venus' surface is made up of low lying volcanic plains. As we know, Earth has volcanoes. Mars has two large volcanic systems, with the largest, the Tharsis region, stretching across 8,000 kilometers of the planet. Volcanoes exist due to the buildup of pressure in the outer core. This forces the molten core up to the surface of a planet, in the form of lava. 4. What are the characteristics of the inner planets? How do these vary from the outer planets? Inner planets all contain a core, mantle, and crust. These planets are very dense and rocky. In comparison to outer planets, inner planets are smaller, denser, and rockier. 5. What evidence is there to support that planets exist outside of our Solar System? The discovery of other stars in early stages of formation support the fact that planets exist outside of our solar system. These stars, surrounded by disks of gas and dust, are called proplyds. According to astronomers, these disks are like that which the solar nebula was believed to be like, providing a good source of evidence of other planets. Extrasolar planets, or planets outside of our solar system, are believed to have formed from the distortion of the proplyd ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Jupiter: The Biggest Planet Review of Literature I. Introduction– History of Jupiter Jupiter is the most massive planet in our solar system. The planet was named after the kings of gods in Roman mythology. In a related way, the ancient Greeks named it after Zeus, the king of the Greek pantheon. Jupiter has helped transform the way we saw the universe in 1610 when Galileo discovered Jupiter's four largest moons. This project will describe Jupiter's characteristics. Some of these characteristics include size, Great Red Spot, colorful bands, magnetic field, distance from the sun and Earth, and its orbit and rotation. It will also explain the composition and structure of Jupiter. The last thing this project will describe is the planet's four largest moons. Thus, this project will give an in depth explanation of the planet Jupiter. II. Jupiter's Characteristics As mentioned earlier Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is more than twice the size of all the other planets combined. A way to show its colossal size is that it could hold 1,300 Earths. In fact if Jupiter was 80 times larger it would have been a star. Jupiter's diameter is greater than 88,700 miles (143,000 kilometers). This is enormous compared to Earth which nearly has a diameter of 8,000 miles (13,000 kilometers). Its radius is 43,441 miles (69,911 kilometers). Jupiter has a mass of 1.898E27 kilograms which is equivalent to 317.83 in Earth mass. As you can see, Jupiter is a very huge planet in all aspects. ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Planet Of Planet Mercury Introduction The planet Mercury is very difficult to study from the Earth because of its proximity to the Sun. It is the second smallest planet (it was believed to be the smallest until the discovery that Pluto is actually much smaller than originally thought), and also the fastest in its orbit since it is the innermost planet. Solar System Records Highest uncompressed density. Highest diurnal variation in temperature. Only Solar System object with a 3:2 spin–orbit resonance. it rotates on its axis exactly three times for every two revolutions it makes around the Sun Geological history ended the earliest among terrestrial planets. Smallest planet with global magnetic field. Most Earth–like magnetosphere. Name Named after the Roman messenger god who was known for his ability to travel quickly with wings on his feet. Mercury travels in orbit the shortest time of all planets Distance From The Sun Mercury is located 57, 910, 000km (0.38AU) from the Sun. Mercury is the inner most planet in our solar system. Orbit The orbit of Mercury is the most eccentric of the planets in the solar system. At perihelion it is 46,001,200km from the Sun At aphelion it is 69,816,200km from the Sun A difference of 23,815,700km giving it an eccentricity of 0.21 Orbit Mercury is the only object Solar System with a 3:2 spin–orbit resonance. This means it rotates on its axis exactly three times for every two revolutions it makes around the Sun The length of a day on Mercury 58.63 Earth days. ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Neptune: The Perfect Planet Neptune is the eighth and final planet from the sun. Discovered in 1846, it was a mystery to all, being that it is invisible to the naked eye. Neptune formed like a terrestrial planet with a solid core, but then it captured gases like hydrogen and helium when in the nebula of the original and early sun, making this planned a jovian planet. Neptune was discovered using mathematics, unlike all the other planets. The path of Uranus was not traveling like everyone though it should have been, from there on mathematician Urbain Joseph Le Verrier proposed that there was a unknown planet in a position with a mass that was causing Uranus to be so off of the predicted course. His predictions were not taken seriously by French astronomers, so he took ... Show more content on ... Did you know when Galileo was looking through his telescope between 1612 or 1613 he thought that it was just a star. Another fact is that the orbit path of Neptune is 30 AUs from the sun. Neptune was also not known to the ancients like other planets. The Great Dark Spot on Neptune is very similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot. The last fact is that Neptune is the smallest of the ice giants the other ice giant is ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Pluto Is Not A Planet Pluto is not a planet because it does not meet the requirements to be one and it is different from the other planets. First, "Pluto is usually farthest from the Sun. However, its orbit "crosses" inside of Neptune's orbit." Unlike the other planets which orbit the sun in a circle, Pluto's orbit around the sun is an oval shape. This makes it go into Neptune's orbit for 20 years every 248 years. Although they will never collide it is way different than any other planet. This shows that it does not meet the third requirement because it does not have a cleared out region of the sun. Next, says "It is much smaller than any of the official planets and now classified as a "dwarf planet". Due to its size it is ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Four Planets Of Jupiter The four planets that are furthest from our sun are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. They are called the outer planets. They are separated from the four inner planets by something referred to as the asteroid belt, which is filled with big chunks of rock that are called asteroids. The asteroid belt lies between Mars and Jupiter. All the outer planets are gas giants. They also take longer to orbit the sun than the four inner planets, because they are much further away from the sun. Let's explore each of the four outer planets. The four outer planets are much larger than the inner planets, and their surfaces are mostly made of gases, such as hydrogen. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun, or the first outer planet. It's also the largest planet in the entire solar system. It's 300 times larger than Earth! It takes 12 Earth years for Jupiter to completely orbit the sun one time. A very thick layer of hydrogen clouds covers the surface of Jupiter. The mass of Jupiter is more than all the masses of the other planets combined, which means that it has a lot more gravity than the other planets, and even more than the sun. There is an area on Jupiter called the "Great Red Spot," and it's where lots of violent storms occur. Just this one area of storms is three times larger than Earth! Jupiter has at least 63 moons, and new ones are still being discovered. Each moon is unique. Ganymede is the largest moon in our solar system, and it's even bigger than Mercury. Europa is ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Should Pluto Be A Planet Should Pluto be a planet? Should there be eight or nine planets in the solar system? Some. people agree that Pluto should become a planet, but researchers and scientists know better. An example of this is that Pluto only two of the three rules to be classified as a planet. Scientists including International Astronomical Union's president and astronomer Mike Brown have gladly accepted this idea and even have evidence to support it. Third, people already have a hard time learning all the planets in our solar system, we would have to make all the celestial bodies in the Kuiper belt planets. It is right that Pluto is not considered a planet, and it never should be one either. One important reason the small planet, Pluto, is not a planet is it ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Neptune, The Ice Planet Neptune:the ice planet When was Neptune discovered?"Neptune was the very first planet to be discovered by using math! (mathematics). After the discovery of Uranus in 1781, astronomers noticed that the planet was being pulled a little bit out of its normal orbit. John Couch Adams of Britain and Urbain Jean Joseph Leverrier of France, used math to figure out that the gravity from another planet beyond Uranus was affecting the orbit of Uranus. They figured out not only where the planet was, but also how much mass it had. A young astronomer, Johann Gottfried Galle, decided to search for the predicted planet and observed Neptune for the first time in 1846." ––– When–was–Neptune–discovered– "WHAT IS THE SURFACE OF NEPTUNE LIKE"? "As a gas giant (or ... Show more content on ... Neptune was only discovered on September 23, 1846. That was only 163 years ago in other words, since its discovery, Neptune has made one single orbit around the Sun! The orbit was in 2011" ––long–does–it–take–neptune–to–orbit–the–sun/ WHAT ARE NEPTUNE'S GASES MADE OF Let's see what Neptune is made of. The outermost layer of Neptune is the atmosphere, forming about 5–10% of the planet's mass, and extending up to 20% of the way down to its core. Neptune's atmosphere is about 80%hydrogen, 19% helium, with trace amounts of other ices, like methane, ammonia and water– ice–is–neptune–made–of/ It takes Neptune 164.8 Earth years to orbit the Sun. On 11 July 2011, Neptune completed its first full orbit since its discovery in 1846. Neptune was discovered by Jean Joseph Le Verrier. The planet was not known to ancient civilizations because it is not visible to the naked eye. The planet was initially called Le Verrier after its discoverer. This name, however, quickly was abandoned and the name Neptune was chosen instead. Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea. In Greek, Neptune is called ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Uranus, The Planet Of Planet Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun, right behind Saturn, and in front of Neptune. Uranus is considered a Jovian planet alongside with Jupiter, Saturn & Neptune. In 1781, a British astronomer named William Hershel discovered the planet of Uranus. Hershel discovered the planet through his 6–inch telescope and thought it moved relative to the star, but noticed it traveled rather slow to be a star of some sort. Hershel originally wanted to name the planet Georgium Sidus, which is Latin for "George's Star". Astronomer Johann Bode suggested to Hershel that he shall name the planet "Uranus" which is the father of Saturn, in that way using the names from ancient mythology is continued on. It's not easy to see Uranus from Earth; you need to have specific equipment to observe it closely. Even through a telescope, Uranus looks like a tiny, bluish, greenish disk. Uranus' distance from the sun is approximately 2.9 billion km, which is about 1.8 billion miles. It has one of the lowest densities of about, on average, 710(kg/m3). As you may already know, there is never a definite explanation on how the planets we see today were formed. There are a couple of theories that explain how it may have come about. 2 theories that are known about are Core accretion and the disk instability method. The core accretion explains the terrestrial planets better rather than giant planets like Uranus. An estimated 4 billion years ago the solar system was a cloud of dust and gas which we know as the ... Get more on ...