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Marketing to Various Consumer Groups
What motivates consumers to make the decisions they do? How
do health care organizations market to specific groups of
consumers? In this Discussion, you will explore these questions
and the connection between them.
Prepare for this Discussion as follows:
Review Exhibit 4-6 "The Traditional Family Life Cycle" on
page 144 in Essentials of Health Care Marketing. Then, look at
Figure 4-6 "The Modernized Family Life Cycle" on page 145 of
this text. In addition, you may have additional modifications to
these two diagrams that you would like to make based on
contemporary conceptions of individuals and families. Where
would you place yourself in a contemporary life cycle? With
this in mind, consider what is important to you as a health care
consumer. Reflect on insights from the Learning Resources
regarding buyer behavior and think about various sociocultural
influences that may affect your choices. How do you think
decision-making sequences might differ for you as opposed to a
selection of other consumer types?
Next, change your perspective from one of a consumer to one of
a provider. Bring to mind an actual health care organization that
offers a particular product or service of interest to you. Suppose
this organization wanted to appeal to you as a consumer. How
would you expect this organization to apply the information on
market segmentation presented in Chapter 6 of the text? What
elements of product strategy outlined in Chapter 8 of the text
are relevant for the product or service you have selected?
Describe where you would place yourself within a contemporary
life cycle. Explain how your personal characteristics as well as
sociocultural dimensions influence the choices you make as a
health care consumer. Also discuss how decisions might differ
for other groups of consumers.
Identify a particular product or service, and explain how an
organization might engage in market segmentation and product
strategy to appeal to you as a potential customer.
Exhibit 4-6 The Traditional Family Life Cycle from the book
1. Bachelors’ stage: young single people not living at home.
Few financial burdens. Fashion opinion leaders. Recreation
oriented. Buy : basic kitchen equipment basic furniture, cars,
equipment for the mating game, vacations.
2. Newly married couples young no children
Better off financially than they will be in the near
future. Highest purchase rate and highest average purchase of
durables. Buy cars, refrigerators, stove, sensible and durable
furniture, vacations.
3. Full nest 1; youngest child under six
Home purchasing at peak. Liquid assets low.
Dissatisfied with financial position and amount of money saved.
Interested in new products. Like advertised products. Buy:
washers, dryers, TV, baby food, chest rubs and cough
medicines, vitamins, dolls, wagons, sleds, skates.
4. Full nest II; youngest child six or over six
Financial position better. Some wives work. Less influenced by
advertising. Buy larger sized packages, multiple unit deals.
Buy: Many foods, cleaning materials, bicycles, music lessons,
5. Full nest III; older married couples with dependent
Financial position still better. More wives work. Some
children gets jobs. Hard to influence with advertising. High
average purchase of durables. Buy: New, more tasteful
furniture, auto travel, non-necessary appliances, boats, dental
services, magazines.
6. Empty nest I; older married couples, no children living
with them, head in labor force
Homeownership at peak, most satisfied with financial
position and money saved. Interested in travel, recreation, self
education. Make gifts and contributions. Not interested in new
products. Buy: vacations, luxuries, home improvements.
7. Empty nest II; older married couples, no children living
at home, head retired
Drastic cut in income. Keep home. Buy: Medical
appliances, medical care, products which aid health, sleep, and
8. Solitary survivor, in labor force
Income still good but likely to sell home
9. Solitary survivor, retired
Same medical and product needs as other retired group; drastic
cut in income. Special need for attention, affection and security.
DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS 345 Data Analysis for Decision Making
Lab 3 Student Answer Sheet
Student Name:
Using Lab 3, answer the questions and provide copies of your
SQL Statements and/or results for each Section listed below
Part AJoin two tables (4 points)
a. Paste your SQL Statement here:
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part B: Join two tables and apply WHERE clause (4 points)
a. Paste your SQL Statement here:
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part C: Inner join two tables (4 points)
a. Paste your SQL Statement here:
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part D: Inner join two tables and apply WHERE clause -
Practice # 1 (5 points)
c. Paste your SQL Statement here:
d. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part E: Inner join two tables - Practice #2 (5 points)
a. Paste your SQL Statement here:
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part F:Inner join two tables - Practice #3 (5 points)
a. Paste your SQL Statement here:
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part G: Join two tables with sub-query - Practice # 1 (5 points)
a. Paste your SQL Statement here:
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part H: Join two tables with sub-query -Practice #2 (5 points)
a. Paste your SQL Statement here:
b. Screen print your results and paste here
Part I: Single table join (5 points)
c. Paste your SQL Statement here:
d. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part J: Complex join (5 points)
a. Paste your SQL Statement here:
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or
used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, Web
distribution or information storage and retrieval systems –
without the prior consent of DeVry Educational Development
Lab3_Questions.docxPage 2 of 2
DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS 345 Data Analysis for Decision Making
Lab 2 Student Answer Sheet
Student Name:
Using Lab 2, answer the questions and provide copies of your
SQL Statements and/or results for each Section listed below
Part A: Employee List (4 points)
a. What does Left function do?
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part B: Date Function (4 points)
a. How do you display the year part of a date?
b. Paste your SQL Statement here:
c. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part C: Using a Calculation in a Query (4 points)
a. Paste your SQL Statement here
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part D:Practice SUM function (5 points)
a. Paste your SQL Statement here:
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part E: Practice Average, Maximum, and Minimum function (5
a. Paste your SQL Statement here:
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part F: Practice function when value is NULL (5 points)
a. Paste your SQL Statement here:
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part G: Using GROUP BY clause (5 points)
a. Paste your SQL Statement here:
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part H: Using function on WHERE clause (5 points)
a. Paste your SQL Statement here:
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part I: Using function to calculate date difference (5 points)
a. Paste your SQL Statement here:
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part J:Using conversion function (5 points)
a. What do you use to convert the numerical data into
VARCHAR data type?
b. Paste your SQL Statement here:
c. Screen print your results and paste here:
Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or
used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, Web
distribution or information storage and retrieval systems –
without the prior consent of DeVry Educational Development
Lab2_Questions.docxPage 2 of 2
DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS 345 Data Analysis for Decision Making
Lab 1 Student Answer Sheet
Student Name:
Using Lab 1, answer the questions and provide copies of your
SQL Statements and/or results for each Section listed below
Part A: Customer List (4 points)
a. What does the ORDER BY clause do?
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part B: Customer List with only customers In France or
Germany (4 points)
a. What do you need to fill in the WHERE clause?
b. Paste your SQL Statement here:
c. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part C: Using a Calculation in a Query (5 points)
a. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part D:Products that are discontinued (5 points)
a. What condition should you put on WHERE clause?
b. Paste your SQL Statement here:
c. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part E: Practice using the BETWEEN operator(5 points)
a. What condition should you put after the WHERE clause when
using the BETWEEN operator?
b. Paste your SQL Statement here:
c. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part F: Practice using the “IN” operator (5 points)
a. What does the “IN” operator do?
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part G: Understanding “NULL” (5 points)
a. What is NULL?
b. How is NULL different from blank spaces?
c. Can NULL only be used with IS operator?
d. What if you change the “IS” operator to “=”?
e. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part H: Using a composite condition (5 points)
a. What did you put in the where clause?
b. Is ShipCountry = ‘France’ the same as SHIPCOUNTRY =
c. Is ShipCountry= ‘France’ the same as ShipCountry=
d. Are the column, table and value parts of the SQL script case
e. Paste your SQL Statement here:
f. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part I: Using a “DATE” type variable and Concatenating
Column Output (5 points)
a. In the Select Statement, how does SELECT FirstName + ' ' +
LastName as "Name" affect the output results?
b. Screen print your results and paste here:
Part J: Using the “LIKE” operator and the “%” wildcard(6
a. What did you put in the WHERE clause's LIKE operator?
b. What would happen if you did not use the “%” wildcard with
the LIKE operator?
c. Paste your SQL Statement here:
d. Screen print your results and paste here:
Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or
used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, Web
distribution or information storage and retrieval systems –
without the prior consent of DeVry Educational Development
Lab1_Questions.docxPage 3 of 3
Answers for Lab1:
Question 1. Customer List
Answer: Select CompanyName, ContactName, Phone, Address,
City from Customers
Order By CompanyName, Country;
Question 2. Customer List with only Customers in France or
Answer: Select CompanyName, ContactName, phone from
Where country in ('France', 'Germany')
Order By CompanyName, Country;
Question 3. Using a Calcution a in Query
Answer: Select ProductName, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock,
to_char(UnitPrice*UnitsInStock, '$99999') as
"Total Value" from Product
Order By "Total Value" DESC;
Question 4. Products that are discontinued
Answer: Select ProductName, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock,
to_char(UnitPrice*UnitsInStock, '$99999') as
"Total Value" from Product
Where Discounted='True'
Order By "Total Value" DESC;
Question 5. Practice Using the between operator
Answer: Select ProductName, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock,
to_char(UnitPrice*UnitsInStock, '$99999') as
"Total Value" from Product
Where Discounted='True' and UnitsInStock Between 100 and
Order By "Total Value" DESC;
Question 6. Practice using the IN operator
Answer: Select CompanyName, ContactName, Address, City,
Region, PostalCode, Country, Phone, Fax
From Suppliers
Where Country IN ('Canada','Brazil','USA')
Order By CompanyName;
Question 7. Understanding NULL
Answer: Select CompanyName, ContactName, Phone from
Where Fax is Null
Order By CompanyName;
Question 8. Using a Composite condition
Answer: Select OrderID, OrderDate, ShipVia, Freight,
ShipCountry from Orders
Where Freight >50 and ShipCountry='USA';
Question 9. Using a date type variable and Concatenating
Answer: Select FirstName+' '+LastName as "Name", Title,
HireDate from Employees
Where HireDate>'1/1/1994'
Order By LastName;
Question 10.Using the like operator and the %wildcard
Answer: Select ProductName from Products
Where ProductName LIKE '%tofu%';
Answers for Lab2:
Question 1. Employee List
Answer: Select TitleOfCourtesy + ' ' + Left(FirstName,1) + '. '
+ LastName as FullName, Title, HireDate
From Employees Order by FullName;
Question 2. Date function
Answer: Select TitleOfCourtesy + ' ' + Left(FirstName,1) + '. '
+ LastName as FullName, Title,
DatePart(yy,HireDate) as Year From Employees Order by
Question 3.Using a Calculation in query
Answer: Select Country, Count(CustomerID) as Total from
Group by Country Order by Total DESC;
Question 4. Practice SUM function
Answer: Select Count(ProductID) as Products,
SUM(unitinstock) as QUantity from Products
Where Discontinued ='True';
Question 5. Practice Average, Maximum, Minimum function
Answer: Select AVG(DateDiff(YY,BirthDate, GetDate())) as
"AVG AGE", MAX(DateDiff(YY,BirthDate,
GetDate())) as "Oldest", MIN(DateDiff(YY,BirthDate,
GetDate())) as "Youngest" from Employees;
Question 6. Practice function when value is null
Answer: Select CompanyName, City, IsNull(Region, 'N/A') as
Region, Country From Customers;
Question 7. Using Group By clause
Answer: Select CategoryID, Count(ProductID) as "No of
Products" from Products
Group By CategoryID;
Question 8. Using the HAVING function on WHERE clause
Answer: Select CategoryID, Count(ProductID) as "No of
Products" from Products
Group By CategoryID
Having Count(ProductID)<10;
Question 9. Using function calculating date difference
Answer: Select AVG(DateDiff(d, OrderDate,ShippedDate)) as
"Avg Days to Ship" from Orders;
Question 10: Using conversion function
Answer: Select OrderID, ProductID, UnitPrice, Quantity,
Discount)),1) as "Ext Price" from [Order Details];
Answers for Lab3:
Question 1. Join two tables
Answer: Select R.RegionDescription, T.TerritoryDescription
from Region R
INNER JOIN Territory T
ON R.RegionID=T.RegionID Order BY
Question 2. Join two tables and apply WHERE clause
Answer: Select C.CategoryName, P.ProductName, P.UnitPrice,
P.UnitsInStock, P.ReorderLevel From
Categories C INNER JOIN Products P
ON C.CategoryID=P.CategoryID
Where P.UnitsInStock<P.ReorderLevel Order By
Question 3. Inner join two tables
Answer: Select
D.Quantity From Orders OR
INNER JOIN [Order Details] ORD
ON OR.OrderID=ORD.OrderID;
Question 4. Inner join two tables and apply WHERE clause
Answer: Select E.LastName, E.FirstName, O.OrderID,
O.OrderDate From Employees E
ON E.EmployeeID=O.EmployeeID
Where E.LastName='Callahan' AND E.FirstName='Laura';
Question 5. Inner join two tables
Answer: Select P.ProductID, P.ProductName,S.CompanyName
as "Supplier", S.City From Products P
INNER JOIN Suppliers S
ON P.SupplierID=S.SupplierID;
Question 6. Inner join two tables
Answer: Select O.OrderID,O.ShippedDate,S.CompanyName
From Orders O
INNER JOIN Shippers S ON O.ShipVia=S.ShipperID;
Question 7. Join two tables with sub query
Answer: Select ProductName, UnitPrice From Products
Where UnitPrice < (Select AVG(UnitPrice) as AvgPrice From
Question 8. Join two tables with sub query
Answer: Select ProductName, ProductID, UnitPrice From
Where UnitPrice<(Select UnitPrice From Products Where
Question 9. Single table join
Answer: Select
CompanyName,OrderID,RequiredDate,ShippedDate From
[Orders Qry]
where RequiredDate<ShippedDate;
Question 10. Complex join
Answer: Select CategoryID, CategoryName, Max(ProductSales)
as MaxSales, Min(ProductSales) as
MinSales, Avg(ProductSales) as AvgSales from [Sales by
Group By CategoryID, CategoryName
Order By CategoryName;
BIS345: Data Analysis for Business
Lab 3: Table Joins, SubQueries, and Views
Using the Northwind database, you have been requested to
select data for specific needs. Once selected, your data will be
presented to management. You will have to determine which
fields are the most appropriate ones to be selected. Do not
include any fields that management does not need to see.
Below is a screenshot of the Northwind database schema:
You will log into our Citrix Server, access the SQL Server and
the Northwind database, and then write some queries using
SQL. These queries extract information from a single table.
Review the Guide to SQL Server Management Studio 2008,
located in the Doc Sharing tab of the course. Your instructor
will provide you with the server name.
Now you are in the SQL Server Management Studio.
1. Expand the Databases folder by clicking on the plus sign to
its left; the number and names of the databases in the image
may differ from the ones in your environment. You should have
a database named either Northwind, or BIS345_Northwind.
Locate the Northwind database and expand it to see the tables;
you can further expand a table to see the columns in each table:
2. Click on the New Query tool on the far left-hand side of the
toolbar to open the Query Window. If you are asked to connect
to the database again, just click connect. You will enter your
SQL statements in this window.
Before you begin, you need to select the correct database.
Currently, the Master database is selected. Click on the
dropdown of available databases on the toolbar (it currently
says master) and select the Northwind database:
Now you’re ready to write some SQL Queries, starting with Part
Part A
Northwind Traders has divided the sales area into territories.
Produce a list of regions and all territories in each region. The
list must be in alphabetical order.
As you prepare to create this query, decide what information
needs to be displayed – these details will be listed in the
SELECT clause. Review the tables to determine what tables to
use – these will be listed in the FROM clause. Determine the
field(s) needed to order the output – this will be listed in the
ORDER BY clause. If more than one table is needed, how will
these tables be joined?
1. Using the query window, type the SELECT statement needed
to produce the desired results. The SQL is given below. After
you’ve typed your query, click on the Execute button to run the
query and see the results
The first rows of your result set should look like this:
2. Open up the Lab 3 Student Answer Sheet located in the Doc
Sharing, and answer the questions related to this part of the lab.
3. You must provide copies of your SQL statement and/or
results. You may be asked to take a screenshot or cut and paste
the SQL into the Word document. Follow the instructions on
your Lab Answer Sheet.
(To take a screenshot, press CTRL-ALT-PRINTSCREEN.
Nothing appears to happen on your screen, but this set of
keystrokes places a picture of your screen on the clipboard. In
Word, just put your mouse where you want the screenshot to go,
and then right click and press Paste. The screenshot will appear
in your Word document after a few seconds).
Part B
Each product is assigned to a specific category. Produce a list
showing category name, product name, unit price, the number of
items in stock, and the reorder level. Only show the products in
which the number of items in stock is less than the reorder
level. Order the list in category-name order, and then in
product-name order.
This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem
statement carefully and then review the tables.
1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting
the existing statement that has already been pasted into your
Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the
New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing
the Northwind database.
2. The SQL that accomplishes this task is listed below. Type it
into your SQL Window:
3. Press the Execute Button. A partial result set is displayed
4. Answer the questions under Part B of your Lab Answer
Sheet, and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of
the result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must
be cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a
screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result
set as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should
show at least the first 10 rows of the results.
Part C
The 'Orders' and 'Order Details' tables contain the data relating
to current invoices. Provide a list showing order id, order date,
product id, unit price, and quantity ordered.
This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem
statement carefully and then review the tables.
1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting
the existing statement that has already been pasted into your
Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the
New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing
the Northwind database.
2. Build the statement step-by step:
a. From what tables will this information come? Order id and
order date are in Orders; product id, unit price, and quantity
ordered are in Order Details.
b. What is the joining field between these tables? OrderID.
A partial list of results returned will be:
Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the
solution at the end of this document.
3. Answer the questions under Part C of your Lab Answer
Sheet, and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of
the result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must
be cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a
screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result
set as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should
show at least the first 10 rows of the results.
Part D
Show all orders for employee, Laura Callahan. Include Order
ID, order date, employee last name, and first name.
This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem
statement carefully and then review the tables.
1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting
the existing statement that has already been pasted into your
Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the
New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing
the Northwind database.
2. Build the statement step-by step:
a. From what tables will this information come? Order id and
order date come from the Orders table; the employee last name
and first name fields come from Employees.
b. What is the joining field between these tables? EmployeeID.
c. The problem is asking for the orders for one particular
d. What field(s) will the WHERE clause need to test?
A partial list of results returned will be:
Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the
solution at the end of this document.
3. Answer the questions under Part D of your Lab Answer
Sheet, and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of
the result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must
be cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a
screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result
set as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should
show at least the first 10 rows of the results.
Part E
Produce a list of all products and the name of the supplier of
each product; also list the city where the supplier is based.
This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem
statement carefully and then review the tables.
1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting
the existing statement that has already been pasted into your
Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the
New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing
the Northwind database.
2. Build the statement step-by step:
a. From what tables will this information come? Product name
comes from the Products table; the supplier name and city fields
come from the Suppliers table.
b. What is the joining field between these tables? SupplierID.
A partial list of results returned will be:
Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the
solution at the end of this document.
3. Answer the questions under Part E of your Lab Answer Sheet,
and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of the
result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must be
cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a
screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result
set as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should
show at least the first 10 rows of the results.
Part F
Produce a list showing all order ids and the date that they were
shipped. Include the name of the shipping company.
This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem
statement carefully and then review the tables.
1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting
the existing statement that has already been pasted into your
Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the
New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing
the Northwind database.
2. Build the statement step-by step:
a. From what tables will this information come? Order ID and
order date comes from the Orders table; the shipping company
name comes from the Shippers table.
b. What is the joining field between these tables? ShipVia.
(This time, the join field is not the same name in both tables).
A partial list of results returned will be:
Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the
solution at the end of this document.
3. Answer the questions under Part F of your Lab Answer Sheet,
and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of the
result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must be
cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a
screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result
set as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should
show at least the first 10 rows of the results.
Part G
Produce a list of products in which the product price is less than
the average product price.
This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem
statement carefully and then review the tables.
1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting
the existing statement that has already been pasted into your
Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the
New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing
the Northwind database.
2. Build the statement step-by-step:
a. There are two questions in this problem – what is the average
price of all products and what products have a price that is less
than the average? To answer both questions in one statement,
we will need a subquery.
b. The subquery will return the average price.
c. The main query will list all products in which the price is less
than the average price returned from the subquery.
d. What fields have been requested? These fields will be in the
field list of the main query.
A partial list of results returned will be:
Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the
solution at the end of this document.
3. Answer the questions under Part G of your Lab Answer
Sheet, and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of
the result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must
be cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a
screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result
set as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should
show at least the first 10 rows of the results.
Part H
List all of the products that have a price less than the price of
Chai. List product id, product name, and price fields.
This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem
statement carefully and then review the tables.
1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting
the existing statement that has already been pasted into your
Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the
New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing
the Northwind database.
2. Build the statement step-by-step:
a. There are two questions in this problem – what is the price of
Chai and what other products are less than that price? To
answer both questions in one statement, we will need a
b. The subquery will return the price of Chai.
c. The main query will list all products in which the price is less
than the price returned from the subquery.
d. What fields have been requested? These will be in the field
list of the main query.
A partial list of results returned will be:
Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the
solution at the end of this document.
3. Answer the questions under Part H of your Lab Answer
Sheet, and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of
the result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must
be cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a
screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result
set as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should
show at least the first 10 rows of the results.
Part I
The company would like to check the efficiency of our shipping
department. Provide a list of all orders that were shipped after
their required date. Use the [Orders Qry] view; display the
company name, order id, date that the order was required, and
the date that it was shipped.
This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem
statement carefully and then review the tables.
1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting
the existing statement that has already been pasted into your
Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the
New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing
the Northwind database.
2. Build the statement step-by-step:
a. From what table will this information come? Orders Qry
b. What fields are required from the view?
c. Only certain rows are required. What will the WHERE clause
A partial list of results returned will be:
Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the
solution at the end of this document.
3. Answer the questions under Part I of your Lab Answer Sheet,
and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of the
result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must be
cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a
screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result
set just as you did in the previous question. The screenshot
should show at least the first 10 rows of the results.
Part J
The [Sales by Category] view contains a list of total product
sales for each product in each category. Using this view,
provide a list showing the average, maximum, and minimum
sales amount for each category. Include the category id and the
category name in the result. Order the result by category name.
1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting
the existing statement that has already been pasted into your
Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the
New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing
the Northwind database.
2. Read the problem statement carefully and then review the
tables. Build the statement step-by-step:
a. This statement will use a view and no tables. (FROM clause)
b. What fields have been requested? The average, maximum,
and minimum sales for each category, so include both category
id and name. (SELECT clause)
c. What aggregate functions will you need?
d. What field will you group on?
A partial result set will be:
Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the
solution at the end of this document.
3. Answer the questions under Part J of your Lab Answer Sheet,
and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of the
result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must be
cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a
screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result
set just as you did in the previous question. The screenshot
should show at least the first 10 rows of the results.
You have now completed Lab 3. Well done! Submit your Word
document to the Week 3 iLab Dropbox.
s to Problems 3-10 are listed below).

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  • 1. Marketing to Various Consumer Groups What motivates consumers to make the decisions they do? How do health care organizations market to specific groups of consumers? In this Discussion, you will explore these questions and the connection between them. Prepare for this Discussion as follows: Review Exhibit 4-6 "The Traditional Family Life Cycle" on page 144 in Essentials of Health Care Marketing. Then, look at Figure 4-6 "The Modernized Family Life Cycle" on page 145 of this text. In addition, you may have additional modifications to these two diagrams that you would like to make based on contemporary conceptions of individuals and families. Where would you place yourself in a contemporary life cycle? With this in mind, consider what is important to you as a health care consumer. Reflect on insights from the Learning Resources regarding buyer behavior and think about various sociocultural influences that may affect your choices. How do you think decision-making sequences might differ for you as opposed to a selection of other consumer types? Next, change your perspective from one of a consumer to one of a provider. Bring to mind an actual health care organization that offers a particular product or service of interest to you. Suppose this organization wanted to appeal to you as a consumer. How would you expect this organization to apply the information on market segmentation presented in Chapter 6 of the text? What elements of product strategy outlined in Chapter 8 of the text are relevant for the product or service you have selected? APA GUIDELINES IN CITE CITATION 1 PAGE THIS IS A QUESTION ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Describe where you would place yourself within a contemporary life cycle. Explain how your personal characteristics as well as sociocultural dimensions influence the choices you make as a
  • 2. health care consumer. Also discuss how decisions might differ for other groups of consumers. Identify a particular product or service, and explain how an organization might engage in market segmentation and product strategy to appeal to you as a potential customer. Exhibit 4-6 The Traditional Family Life Cycle from the book THE TRADITIONAL FAMILY CYCLE Stage 1. Bachelors’ stage: young single people not living at home. Characteristics Few financial burdens. Fashion opinion leaders. Recreation oriented. Buy : basic kitchen equipment basic furniture, cars, equipment for the mating game, vacations. Stage 2. Newly married couples young no children Characteristics Better off financially than they will be in the near future. Highest purchase rate and highest average purchase of durables. Buy cars, refrigerators, stove, sensible and durable furniture, vacations. Stage 3. Full nest 1; youngest child under six Characteristics Home purchasing at peak. Liquid assets low. Dissatisfied with financial position and amount of money saved. Interested in new products. Like advertised products. Buy: washers, dryers, TV, baby food, chest rubs and cough medicines, vitamins, dolls, wagons, sleds, skates. Stage 4. Full nest II; youngest child six or over six Characteristics Financial position better. Some wives work. Less influenced by advertising. Buy larger sized packages, multiple unit deals. Buy: Many foods, cleaning materials, bicycles, music lessons, pianos.
  • 3. Stage 5. Full nest III; older married couples with dependent children Characteristics Financial position still better. More wives work. Some children gets jobs. Hard to influence with advertising. High average purchase of durables. Buy: New, more tasteful furniture, auto travel, non-necessary appliances, boats, dental services, magazines. Stage 6. Empty nest I; older married couples, no children living with them, head in labor force Characteristics Homeownership at peak, most satisfied with financial position and money saved. Interested in travel, recreation, self education. Make gifts and contributions. Not interested in new products. Buy: vacations, luxuries, home improvements. Stage 7. Empty nest II; older married couples, no children living at home, head retired Characteristics Drastic cut in income. Keep home. Buy: Medical appliances, medical care, products which aid health, sleep, and digestion. Stage 8. Solitary survivor, in labor force Characteristics Income still good but likely to sell home Stage 9. Solitary survivor, retired Characteristics Same medical and product needs as other retired group; drastic cut in income. Special need for attention, affection and security.
  • 4. DeVry University Student Lab Activity BIS 345 Data Analysis for Decision Making Lab 3 Student Answer Sheet Student Name: Using Lab 3, answer the questions and provide copies of your SQL Statements and/or results for each Section listed below Part AJoin two tables (4 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here: b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part B: Join two tables and apply WHERE clause (4 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here: b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part C: Inner join two tables (4 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here: b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part D: Inner join two tables and apply WHERE clause - Practice # 1 (5 points) c. Paste your SQL Statement here: d. Screen print your results and paste here: Part E: Inner join two tables - Practice #2 (5 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here: b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part F:Inner join two tables - Practice #3 (5 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here: b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part G: Join two tables with sub-query - Practice # 1 (5 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here: b. Screen print your results and paste here:
  • 5. Part H: Join two tables with sub-query -Practice #2 (5 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here: b. Screen print your results and paste here Part I: Single table join (5 points) c. Paste your SQL Statement here: d. Screen print your results and paste here: Part J: Complex join (5 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here: b. Screen print your results and paste here: Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry Educational Development Corporation. . Lab3_Questions.docxPage 2 of 2 DeVry University Student Lab Activity BIS 345 Data Analysis for Decision Making Lab 2 Student Answer Sheet Student Name: Using Lab 2, answer the questions and provide copies of your SQL Statements and/or results for each Section listed below Part A: Employee List (4 points) a. What does Left function do? b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part B: Date Function (4 points)
  • 6. a. How do you display the year part of a date? b. Paste your SQL Statement here: c. Screen print your results and paste here: Part C: Using a Calculation in a Query (4 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part D:Practice SUM function (5 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here: b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part E: Practice Average, Maximum, and Minimum function (5 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here: b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part F: Practice function when value is NULL (5 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here: b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part G: Using GROUP BY clause (5 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here: b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part H: Using function on WHERE clause (5 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here: b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part I: Using function to calculate date difference (5 points) a. Paste your SQL Statement here: b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part J:Using conversion function (5 points) a. What do you use to convert the numerical data into VARCHAR data type? b. Paste your SQL Statement here: c. Screen print your results and paste here: Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.
  • 7. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry Educational Development Corporation. . Lab2_Questions.docxPage 2 of 2 DeVry University Student Lab Activity BIS 345 Data Analysis for Decision Making Lab 1 Student Answer Sheet Student Name: Using Lab 1, answer the questions and provide copies of your SQL Statements and/or results for each Section listed below Part A: Customer List (4 points) a. What does the ORDER BY clause do? b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part B: Customer List with only customers In France or Germany (4 points) a. What do you need to fill in the WHERE clause? b. Paste your SQL Statement here: c. Screen print your results and paste here: Part C: Using a Calculation in a Query (5 points) a. Screen print your results and paste here: Part D:Products that are discontinued (5 points) a. What condition should you put on WHERE clause? b. Paste your SQL Statement here: c. Screen print your results and paste here: Part E: Practice using the BETWEEN operator(5 points) a. What condition should you put after the WHERE clause when
  • 8. using the BETWEEN operator? b. Paste your SQL Statement here: c. Screen print your results and paste here: Part F: Practice using the “IN” operator (5 points) a. What does the “IN” operator do? b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part G: Understanding “NULL” (5 points) a. What is NULL? b. How is NULL different from blank spaces? c. Can NULL only be used with IS operator? d. What if you change the “IS” operator to “=”? e. Screen print your results and paste here: Part H: Using a composite condition (5 points) a. What did you put in the where clause? b. Is ShipCountry = ‘France’ the same as SHIPCOUNTRY = ‘France’? c. Is ShipCountry= ‘France’ the same as ShipCountry= ‘FRANCE’? d. Are the column, table and value parts of the SQL script case sensitive? e. Paste your SQL Statement here: f. Screen print your results and paste here: Part I: Using a “DATE” type variable and Concatenating Column Output (5 points) a. In the Select Statement, how does SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName as "Name" affect the output results? b. Screen print your results and paste here: Part J: Using the “LIKE” operator and the “%” wildcard(6 points) a. What did you put in the WHERE clause's LIKE operator? b. What would happen if you did not use the “%” wildcard with the LIKE operator? c. Paste your SQL Statement here: d. Screen print your results and paste here:
  • 9. Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry Educational Development Corporation. . Lab1_Questions.docxPage 3 of 3 Answers for Lab1: Question 1. Customer List Answer: Select CompanyName, ContactName, Phone, Address, City from Customers Order By CompanyName, Country; Question 2. Customer List with only Customers in France or Germany Answer: Select CompanyName, ContactName, phone from Customers Where country in ('France', 'Germany') Order By CompanyName, Country; Question 3. Using a Calcution a in Query Answer: Select ProductName, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, to_char(UnitPrice*UnitsInStock, '$99999') as "Total Value" from Product Order By "Total Value" DESC; Question 4. Products that are discontinued
  • 10. Answer: Select ProductName, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, to_char(UnitPrice*UnitsInStock, '$99999') as "Total Value" from Product Where Discounted='True' Order By "Total Value" DESC; Question 5. Practice Using the between operator Answer: Select ProductName, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, to_char(UnitPrice*UnitsInStock, '$99999') as "Total Value" from Product Where Discounted='True' and UnitsInStock Between 100 and 200 Order By "Total Value" DESC; Question 6. Practice using the IN operator Answer: Select CompanyName, ContactName, Address, City, Region, PostalCode, Country, Phone, Fax From Suppliers Where Country IN ('Canada','Brazil','USA') Order By CompanyName; Question 7. Understanding NULL Answer: Select CompanyName, ContactName, Phone from Customers Where Fax is Null Order By CompanyName; Question 8. Using a Composite condition Answer: Select OrderID, OrderDate, ShipVia, Freight, ShipCountry from Orders Where Freight >50 and ShipCountry='USA'; Question 9. Using a date type variable and Concatenating column
  • 11. Answer: Select FirstName+' '+LastName as "Name", Title, HireDate from Employees Where HireDate>'1/1/1994' Order By LastName; Question 10.Using the like operator and the %wildcard Answer: Select ProductName from Products Where ProductName LIKE '%tofu%'; Answers for Lab2: Question 1. Employee List Answer: Select TitleOfCourtesy + ' ' + Left(FirstName,1) + '. ' + LastName as FullName, Title, HireDate From Employees Order by FullName; Question 2. Date function Answer: Select TitleOfCourtesy + ' ' + Left(FirstName,1) + '. ' + LastName as FullName, Title, DatePart(yy,HireDate) as Year From Employees Order by FullName; Question 3.Using a Calculation in query Answer: Select Country, Count(CustomerID) as Total from Customers Group by Country Order by Total DESC; Question 4. Practice SUM function Answer: Select Count(ProductID) as Products, SUM(unitinstock) as QUantity from Products Where Discontinued ='True';
  • 12. Question 5. Practice Average, Maximum, Minimum function Answer: Select AVG(DateDiff(YY,BirthDate, GetDate())) as "AVG AGE", MAX(DateDiff(YY,BirthDate, GetDate())) as "Oldest", MIN(DateDiff(YY,BirthDate, GetDate())) as "Youngest" from Employees; Question 6. Practice function when value is null Answer: Select CompanyName, City, IsNull(Region, 'N/A') as Region, Country From Customers; Question 7. Using Group By clause Answer: Select CategoryID, Count(ProductID) as "No of Products" from Products Group By CategoryID; Question 8. Using the HAVING function on WHERE clause Answer: Select CategoryID, Count(ProductID) as "No of Products" from Products Group By CategoryID Having Count(ProductID)<10; Question 9. Using function calculating date difference Answer: Select AVG(DateDiff(d, OrderDate,ShippedDate)) as "Avg Days to Ship" from Orders; Question 10: Using conversion function Answer: Select OrderID, ProductID, UnitPrice, Quantity, COnvert(Varchar,convert(money,Quantity*UnitPrice*(1- Discount)),1) as "Ext Price" from [Order Details]; Answers for Lab3: Question 1. Join two tables Answer: Select R.RegionDescription, T.TerritoryDescription from Region R
  • 13. INNER JOIN Territory T ON R.RegionID=T.RegionID Order BY R.R.RegionDescription,T.TerritoryDescription; Question 2. Join two tables and apply WHERE clause Answer: Select C.CategoryName, P.ProductName, P.UnitPrice, P.UnitsInStock, P.ReorderLevel From Categories C INNER JOIN Products P ON C.CategoryID=P.CategoryID Where P.UnitsInStock<P.ReorderLevel Order By C.CategoryName,P.ProductName; Question 3. Inner join two tables Answer: Select OR.OrderID,OR.OrderDate,ORD.ProductID,ORD.UnitPrice,OR D.Quantity From Orders OR INNER JOIN [Order Details] ORD ON OR.OrderID=ORD.OrderID; Question 4. Inner join two tables and apply WHERE clause Answer: Select E.LastName, E.FirstName, O.OrderID, O.OrderDate From Employees E INNER JOIN Orders O ON E.EmployeeID=O.EmployeeID Where E.LastName='Callahan' AND E.FirstName='Laura'; Question 5. Inner join two tables Answer: Select P.ProductID, P.ProductName,S.CompanyName as "Supplier", S.City From Products P INNER JOIN Suppliers S ON P.SupplierID=S.SupplierID; Question 6. Inner join two tables
  • 14. Answer: Select O.OrderID,O.ShippedDate,S.CompanyName From Orders O INNER JOIN Shippers S ON O.ShipVia=S.ShipperID; Question 7. Join two tables with sub query Answer: Select ProductName, UnitPrice From Products Where UnitPrice < (Select AVG(UnitPrice) as AvgPrice From Products); Question 8. Join two tables with sub query Answer: Select ProductName, ProductID, UnitPrice From Products Where UnitPrice<(Select UnitPrice From Products Where ProductName='Chai'); Question 9. Single table join Answer: Select CompanyName,OrderID,RequiredDate,ShippedDate From [Orders Qry] where RequiredDate<ShippedDate; Question 10. Complex join Answer: Select CategoryID, CategoryName, Max(ProductSales) as MaxSales, Min(ProductSales) as MinSales, Avg(ProductSales) as AvgSales from [Sales by Category] Group By CategoryID, CategoryName Order By CategoryName; BIS345-3/3_iLab_instructions.docx 19
  • 15. BIS345: Data Analysis for Business Lab 3: Table Joins, SubQueries, and Views Overview Using the Northwind database, you have been requested to select data for specific needs. Once selected, your data will be presented to management. You will have to determine which fields are the most appropriate ones to be selected. Do not include any fields that management does not need to see. Below is a screenshot of the Northwind database schema: You will log into our Citrix Server, access the SQL Server and the Northwind database, and then write some queries using SQL. These queries extract information from a single table. Review the Guide to SQL Server Management Studio 2008, located in the Doc Sharing tab of the course. Your instructor will provide you with the server name. Now you are in the SQL Server Management Studio. 1. Expand the Databases folder by clicking on the plus sign to its left; the number and names of the databases in the image may differ from the ones in your environment. You should have a database named either Northwind, or BIS345_Northwind. Locate the Northwind database and expand it to see the tables; you can further expand a table to see the columns in each table:
  • 16. 2. Click on the New Query tool on the far left-hand side of the toolbar to open the Query Window. If you are asked to connect to the database again, just click connect. You will enter your SQL statements in this window. Before you begin, you need to select the correct database. Currently, the Master database is selected. Click on the dropdown of available databases on the toolbar (it currently says master) and select the Northwind database: Now you’re ready to write some SQL Queries, starting with Part A. Part A Northwind Traders has divided the sales area into territories. Produce a list of regions and all territories in each region. The list must be in alphabetical order. As you prepare to create this query, decide what information needs to be displayed – these details will be listed in the SELECT clause. Review the tables to determine what tables to use – these will be listed in the FROM clause. Determine the field(s) needed to order the output – this will be listed in the ORDER BY clause. If more than one table is needed, how will these tables be joined? 1. Using the query window, type the SELECT statement needed
  • 17. to produce the desired results. The SQL is given below. After you’ve typed your query, click on the Execute button to run the query and see the results The first rows of your result set should look like this: 2. Open up the Lab 3 Student Answer Sheet located in the Doc Sharing, and answer the questions related to this part of the lab. 3. You must provide copies of your SQL statement and/or results. You may be asked to take a screenshot or cut and paste the SQL into the Word document. Follow the instructions on your Lab Answer Sheet. (To take a screenshot, press CTRL-ALT-PRINTSCREEN. Nothing appears to happen on your screen, but this set of keystrokes places a picture of your screen on the clipboard. In Word, just put your mouse where you want the screenshot to go, and then right click and press Paste. The screenshot will appear in your Word document after a few seconds). Part B Each product is assigned to a specific category. Produce a list showing category name, product name, unit price, the number of items in stock, and the reorder level. Only show the products in which the number of items in stock is less than the reorder level. Order the list in category-name order, and then in product-name order. This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem
  • 18. statement carefully and then review the tables. 1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting the existing statement that has already been pasted into your Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing the Northwind database. 2. The SQL that accomplishes this task is listed below. Type it into your SQL Window: 3. Press the Execute Button. A partial result set is displayed below: 4. Answer the questions under Part B of your Lab Answer Sheet, and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of the result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must be cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result set as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should show at least the first 10 rows of the results. Part C The 'Orders' and 'Order Details' tables contain the data relating to current invoices. Provide a list showing order id, order date, product id, unit price, and quantity ordered. This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem statement carefully and then review the tables.
  • 19. 1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting the existing statement that has already been pasted into your Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing the Northwind database. 2. Build the statement step-by step: a. From what tables will this information come? Order id and order date are in Orders; product id, unit price, and quantity ordered are in Order Details. b. What is the joining field between these tables? OrderID. A partial list of results returned will be: Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the solution at the end of this document. 3. Answer the questions under Part C of your Lab Answer Sheet, and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of the result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must be cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result set as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should show at least the first 10 rows of the results. Part D Show all orders for employee, Laura Callahan. Include Order ID, order date, employee last name, and first name. This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem statement carefully and then review the tables.
  • 20. 1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting the existing statement that has already been pasted into your Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing the Northwind database. 2. Build the statement step-by step: a. From what tables will this information come? Order id and order date come from the Orders table; the employee last name and first name fields come from Employees. b. What is the joining field between these tables? EmployeeID. c. The problem is asking for the orders for one particular employee. d. What field(s) will the WHERE clause need to test? A partial list of results returned will be: Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the solution at the end of this document. 3. Answer the questions under Part D of your Lab Answer Sheet, and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of the result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must be cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result set as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should show at least the first 10 rows of the results. Part E Produce a list of all products and the name of the supplier of each product; also list the city where the supplier is based.
  • 21. This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem statement carefully and then review the tables. 1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting the existing statement that has already been pasted into your Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing the Northwind database. 2. Build the statement step-by step: a. From what tables will this information come? Product name comes from the Products table; the supplier name and city fields come from the Suppliers table. b. What is the joining field between these tables? SupplierID. A partial list of results returned will be: Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the solution at the end of this document. 3. Answer the questions under Part E of your Lab Answer Sheet, and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of the result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must be cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result set as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should show at least the first 10 rows of the results. Part F Produce a list showing all order ids and the date that they were shipped. Include the name of the shipping company.
  • 22. This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem statement carefully and then review the tables. 1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting the existing statement that has already been pasted into your Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing the Northwind database. 2. Build the statement step-by step: a. From what tables will this information come? Order ID and order date comes from the Orders table; the shipping company name comes from the Shippers table. b. What is the joining field between these tables? ShipVia. (This time, the join field is not the same name in both tables). A partial list of results returned will be: Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the solution at the end of this document. 3. Answer the questions under Part F of your Lab Answer Sheet, and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of the result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must be cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result set as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should show at least the first 10 rows of the results. Part G Produce a list of products in which the product price is less than
  • 23. the average product price. This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem statement carefully and then review the tables. 1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting the existing statement that has already been pasted into your Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing the Northwind database. 2. Build the statement step-by-step: a. There are two questions in this problem – what is the average price of all products and what products have a price that is less than the average? To answer both questions in one statement, we will need a subquery. b. The subquery will return the average price. c. The main query will list all products in which the price is less than the average price returned from the subquery. d. What fields have been requested? These fields will be in the field list of the main query. A partial list of results returned will be: Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the solution at the end of this document. 3. Answer the questions under Part G of your Lab Answer Sheet, and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of the result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must be cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result set as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should show at least the first 10 rows of the results.
  • 24. Part H List all of the products that have a price less than the price of Chai. List product id, product name, and price fields. This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem statement carefully and then review the tables. 1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting the existing statement that has already been pasted into your Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing the Northwind database. 2. Build the statement step-by-step: a. There are two questions in this problem – what is the price of Chai and what other products are less than that price? To answer both questions in one statement, we will need a subquery. b. The subquery will return the price of Chai. c. The main query will list all products in which the price is less than the price returned from the subquery. d. What fields have been requested? These will be in the field list of the main query. A partial list of results returned will be: Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the solution at the end of this document. 3. Answer the questions under Part H of your Lab Answer Sheet, and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of
  • 25. the result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must be cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result set as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should show at least the first 10 rows of the results. Part I The company would like to check the efficiency of our shipping department. Provide a list of all orders that were shipped after their required date. Use the [Orders Qry] view; display the company name, order id, date that the order was required, and the date that it was shipped. This problem requires a new SQL statement. Read the problem statement carefully and then review the tables. 1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting the existing statement that has already been pasted into your Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing the Northwind database. 2. Build the statement step-by-step: a. From what table will this information come? Orders Qry view. b. What fields are required from the view? c. Only certain rows are required. What will the WHERE clause be? A partial list of results returned will be: Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the
  • 26. solution at the end of this document. 3. Answer the questions under Part I of your Lab Answer Sheet, and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of the result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must be cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result set just as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should show at least the first 10 rows of the results. Part J The [Sales by Category] view contains a list of total product sales for each product in each category. Using this view, provide a list showing the average, maximum, and minimum sales amount for each category. Include the category id and the category name in the result. Order the result by category name. 1. You can either work in the current query window by deleting the existing statement that has already been pasted into your Word document, or open a new query window by clicking on the New Query tool on the toolbar. You should still be accessing the Northwind database. 2. Read the problem statement carefully and then review the tables. Build the statement step-by-step: a. This statement will use a view and no tables. (FROM clause) b. What fields have been requested? The average, maximum, and minimum sales for each category, so include both category id and name. (SELECT clause) c. What aggregate functions will you need? d. What field will you group on? A partial result set will be:
  • 27. Try the statement on your own; if you have problems, check the solution at the end of this document. 3. Answer the questions under Part J of your Lab Answer Sheet, and paste the first SELECT statement and a screenshot of the result set into a Microsoft Word document. Your SQL must be cut and pasted from your SQL window, and should NOT be a screenshot. However, you should use a screenshot of the result set just as you did in the previous question. The screenshot should show at least the first 10 rows of the results. You have now completed Lab 3. Well done! Submit your Word document to the Week 3 iLab Dropbox. ( Solution s to Problems 3-10 are listed below). SQL