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Marketing in the Mobile Age
     2012 NSAA Winter Conferences • Squaw, January • Killington, February

                                                                   Maria Zhang
                                                                Founder & CEO - robmcm – bozzo2m

 Marketing in the Mobile Age

conditions     planning           tools             safety
  epic stats   where to go &   apps, sites, ads,   best practices,
                wayfinding      text, and more          q&a

   91.4 million US smartphones
   up 50%+ from 2010
   up 8% from last quarter
   30% of US population
comScore, Dec 2011. - eggerbraeu
Mobile Outsells Laptops + PCs

Mary Meeker, KPCB, Feb 2011
Device Landscape
                                                 “Mobile” includes tablets,
                 mobile                              but not laptops

                          connected devices
   iPhone, Galaxy,
   Droid, Blackberry
                       iPad, Galaxy

    feature phones                    ereaders
       Nokia, LG                       Kindle,
                       games &
                       DS, Touch            “Connected” = wireless
 “Feature” phones                             hookup to Internet
have fewer features
                                                                   not smart
     84% of US adults own
     mobile phone

     650,000 switch to
     smartphone every week

     Forecast 50%
     smartphones this summer

Own: Pew Internet, Dec 2011. Other data, chart: Asymco, Nov 2011
US Mobile Phone Use
                          doing more of everything everywhere

       What                                           resorts: r u engaged?                           Where
       96%       make calls*                                                                      at work   89%
       73%       text                                                         during outdoor activities     87%
       57%       take pics*                                                           at bar/nightclub      77%
       45%       use downloaded apps                                                        in bathroom     75%
       44%       browse web                                                             at dinner table     72%
       33%       use social network                                                       in restaurant     71%
       30%       play games                                                                       on date   67%
       22%       listen to music                                                               in movies    45%
                                                                                                in church   33%

What: US mobile phone data via comScore & *Pew Research, December 2011. Where: Tatango, Oct 2011
Outdoor Industry Association:
                                               mobile use increasing
                                                before – during – after

                                                                          18-24   25-44

                     Mobile makes it easier to participate                56%     50%

                     Share outdoor experiences via mobile                 52%     45%

                     Use mobile when participating                        49%     42%

                     Mobile improves experience                           46%     42%

                     Use mobile to search for activities                  47%     47%

2011 OIA/Outdoor Foundation - Outdoor Recreation Participation Report

        higher income

       better educated

Bars via Flurry Aug 2011, pie via comScore June 2011
Gone Mobile

      1:05 hours each day on mobile
                    up 30% in 2011 – jurvetson. Time: eMarketer, Dec 2011
Mobile Marketing Undervalued

                                                                             Behind: mobile spend very low
                                                                             compared to rapidly growing time
                                                                             share: 1% spend versus 10% time

                                                                             But catching up: mobile marketing
                                                                             spend forecast to grow 38%
                                                                             annually – faster than
                                                                             social, display, email, and search

         2011 Share of Average Time
         Spent per Day with Media by US
         adults, versus Ad Spending Share                                     paper & magazine spend overweight

Chart: eMarketer, Dec 2011. Marketing spend forecast: Forrester Interactive Marketing Forecast 2011-2016, Sep 2011
Growth is growing.
                            Our customers are mobile.

                            How to get there? - Paul.carroll – bozzo2m

 Marketing in the Mobile Age

conditions     planning           tools             safety
  epic stats   where to go &   apps, sites, ads,   best practices,
                wayfinding      text, and more          q&a
Mobile is

                             A Powerful Connection Tool
                             Personal phone, email, text, social, personalized
                             Commercial ads, apps, sites, search, maps
                             Payment pay with tap, swipe a card
                             Hardware link to TV, stereo, printer, car
                             Travel reservations, tickets, hotel doors, HVAC - Leo-setä
New Gear, Same Skills

                    Mobile marketing is like all other marketing. Start by asking:

                    What are my mobile objectives?
                    Who is my mobile customer?
                    What do they want?
                    Where, when, how? - kcxd
What are Your Mobile Objectives?

       Goals                                            Contraints
       Sales?                                           Identify your resources
            More dollars per guest                        People to manage project
            Get more summer guests                        Talented creatives
            Boost awareness of kid activities             Smart developers
            Reduce room inventory
       Service and loyalty?
            Track vertical
            Help guests find places
            Reward best customers
       Improve marketing ROI?                              Content
            Boost social referrals                        Budgets
            Reduce printing costs                         Timing and deadlines – Aspen/Snowmass, creative commons license
The Die Hard
                                                                all day, all conditions
                                                                gearhead & bargain hunter
                                                                healthy food

                        cook in condo
                  precise coordinators
                   do every kid activity

                                The Joneses
                                                           – Thomas Favre-Duboz

                                                 The Revelers
                                              travel in packs
après expert
hidden gem collector
                                              wake late

             The Village Connoisseur - EverJean                                                 - EverJean
snow conditions   summer activities - boolve                                      - bucklava

                 nearby shopping deals        best on-mountain bar – coolinsights                                - Leo-setä – bozzo2m

 Marketing in the Mobile Age

conditions     planning           tools             safety
  epic stats   where to go &   apps, sites, ads,   best practices,
                wayfinding      text, and more          q&a
mobile marketing tools
      lift technologies

          mobile apps &
          enabling tech
          personalization    mobile web
          mcommerce          search
          social             email
                                          augmented reality - Rennett Stowe
Mobile App Explosion

     1.2 Billion app downloads
     December 25-31, 2011

     600,000+ apps

     65 apps per device

     45% use apps (increasing)

via Flurry Analytics. Downloads: January 2012 (prior week, pre holiday, 750 million downloads). App count: Aug 2011. 45% use via comScore, Dec 2011.
More Time per Day in Apps than Web

Flurry Analytics, Jan 2012
Branded Apps Are Effective

      Improve Attitude towards Brand

      Boost Purchase Intent

                                                                          “Smartphone development
Why?                                                                      could be a better use of
• Download = affinity                                                     funds currently deployed on
                                                                          mobile ready web sites and
• Interaction = deep message processing                                   other advertising and
• More time with messages
                                                                          – Professor Robert F. Potter
• More and deeper thoughts

                        Journal of Interactive Marketing, November 2011
App Tip Be Helpful
Information apps 68% more effective than Entertainment apps

                                                Help You

                   Journal of Interactive Marketing, November 2011
Top App Platforms

 47% Google Android
 with rapid growth

 29% Apple
 iOS, ongoing growth

 Blackberry rapidly
 losing market share

 Windows, others

Charts: Asymco, Nov 2011. Share data: comScore, Dec 2011
App or Mobile Web Site?

  Native App: Best Experience             HTML5 Web Site: Widest Reach
  optimized for each platform:            runs in mobile browser, feature of all
  Android, iOs, Windows, Blackberry       smartphones

  access phone features: camera, gps,     no direct access to phone features,
  notifications, etc                      some browser incompatibilities

  rich, deep, engaging possibilities      interactive interfaces, but limited
  track individuals and personalize       track and personalize requires login
  persistent channel for notifications    alerts only when open
  performance, security                   requires constant connection
  distribute through app stores           no store, direct distribution

remember your objective: brand experience versus brand appvertising - TikTik

            Brand Happiness

Brands are defined
 by how they make
          you feel.

      – Diego Rodriguez of
IDEO, d.School @ Stanford
Mobile Location                                Starbucks
                                                  provides rich
Location will increasingly inform                 detail inside
                                                  small screen
entire engagement cycle
from ad, to purchase, to sharing


   Refer               Learn

 Repeat                Incent


           place data, social networks, coupons
               becoming platforms for new apps
Netflix, Pand
    Personalization       ora, and
                          learn taste
Concierge technology      through
learns consumer and       behavior
can recommend:
 products
 news
 restaurants
 shops
 activities
 events

   available to any app
       91% growth in 2011 to $6.7B *
       79% of smartphone consumers
       shop on mobile: compare
       price, research, locate

       70% use smartphone in store

       77% contacted business via
       mobile: called or clicked

                            Starbucks mobile in 2011:
                      $110 million, 26 million payments

                      trends in mobile ticketing,
                        gift cards, NFC payment

* eMarketer, Jan 6, 2012. SBUX news Dec 6, 2011. Other stats: Google Mobile Ads Blog, Dec 2011
Mobile Social
     Your brand’s real human voice!

     64% of mobile users use social

     350+ million active mobile
     Facebook users, 40% of total

     Model your programs on the
     experts on this list – the best
     quality of social relationships

          Weave social into branded mobile experiences you control:
          Facebook inside Coke stronger than Coke inside Facebook

64%: comScore, Dec 2011. 300MM users: Enders Analysis via L2 Blog, Jan 2012. Index: Fathom Analytics via AdAge, Jan 4, 2012.
mobile marketing tools
      lift technologies

          mobile apps &
          enabling tech
          personalization    mobile web
          mcommerce          search
          social             email
                                          augmented reality - Rennett Stowe
Mobile Web
Natural place to start for         keeps it simple
redirects, promo landing pages

Don’t just shrink your main site
  too much content
  nav too complex
                                                               POM content
   select 3-4 key actions
                                                                    goes off
   boil down your content                                       screen, has
                                                              odd behaviors
Evaluate content before reusing
Be brief, bold, clear

                                   can your read any text in your video?
Mobile Web

                    is your site
         optimized for mobile?
Mobile 20% of all search,
             Mobile Search                                          44% of 2011 holiday searches

                                                                                    did they land on your mobile page?

20% from Search Engine Watch, Dec 27, 2011. Holiday search forecast from Google Mobile Ads Blog, Sept 2011
Ski & snowboard search
                                Mobile Search               declining? What the heck?
                               4.5                                   don’t pay for undifferentiated words

                                                                              ski          snowboard
      relative search volume







                                2004   2005   2006   2007     2008     2009         2010      2011
People search for specifics.
                               Mobile Search                        Like brands. Own your brand.


                                       crocs          uggs
      relative search volume






                               2004   2005     2006          2007     2008   2009   2010   2011
Mobile Email
        See mobile web tips                      keeps it simple

        Except! Design all email for
        phone – the smallest screen
           1 column
           readable text
           big buttons

        Mobile email open rates                                            Financial Times
        increased 34% in second half                                                email is
                                                                                   busy, too
        of 2011*
                                                                           small, less likely
                                                                                      to get
                *bigger tablet screens helping                                subscription

                                                 can you read text, tap on desired link?
stats via Mobile Marketer, Dec 16, 2011
     99% of mobile phones can text

     67% of mobile users text*

     90-95% open rate, and quickly
     (email 20-30%)

      inbound calls to action
      outbound notifications
      built into digital links
      traditional print or broadcast
                                                                                  Starbucks text-based loyalty

*Pew Research, December 2011. Other data from Justin Mastrangelo of JA.TXT via
Text Tips
      personal, immediate, high
      response, and cheap

      make sure message is:

       newsworthy

       valuable

       trackable

                   may cost the customer!

via Tatango blog
Mobile Ads

             banner in NYT,
             pop-ups inside
Ad Networks – Fragmented
Blind                                                                      Premium
Large network, big reach                                  Smaller network
Independent publishers                              Well-known publishers
Run of network                                         Precision targeting
CPC $.01 to $.50 to $5+                                      CPC options
CPM options                                         CPM $5 to $20 to $75+
Rev share ~50%                                          Rev share 50%++
Self managed                                             Account manager

     CPC: for reference, estimated average CPC for Google (all channels) in 2011 is $.55
Mobile Ad Buying Basics
      Mobile Can Be Effective                                    Top Targeting Options
       Novelty                                                  1. Location (metro area)
                                                                 2. Device features, platform
       Large chunk of screen
                                                                 3. Carrier and
       Tight message & design                                      handset
       More targeting options                                   4. Age

      Click Through Rate
      .4% to 1%, varies wildly by                                 Run of network
       network                                                   By site or app
       industry                                                  Geolocation
       creative

CTR: Jumptap via, Dec 2011. – Simon-And-You
Mobile Ads Creative Tips
       Do                                         Don’t
        Place logo or name on left.               Shrink online creative
         Most effective placement,
                                                   Show only a product – show
         strong impact on advertising
                                                    the logo
                                                   Clutter with too much text or
        Strong call to action –
         a mobile action
                                                   Land on big web page (80% of
        Clear and persistent branding
                                                    ads fail here) – must be mobile

          mobile calls to action: mobile web page, app download, map, video, call, text

via DynamicLogic/Millward Brown, Oct 2011
mobile marketing tools
      lift technologies

          mobile apps &
          enabling tech
          personalization    mobile web
          mcommerce          search
          social             email
                                          augmented reality - Rennett Stowe
Mobile Barcodes


Mobile Barcodes – Jury Still Out

       Good                                                                   Bad
            Quick link to more info                                               Only 6% of mobile users do it 2
            Few thumb typing errors                                               Requires app download, start
            20 million scans in 2011 Q3                                           Printed code may outlive promos
            4% increase in scans in 2011                                          Branded options still use SMS
            Mainly magazine ads 1                                                 Ugly, branded options too
            Novelty interest                                                      Requires a 3G signal
            Branded options
                                                                              is your resort too remote?
    worth it for consumer? for marketer?

via Mobile Marketer, Dec 16, 2011. 1: 60% at home , 44% in store, ComScore Dec 19, 2011. 2: Justin Mastrangelo/JA.TXT via
Augmented Reality

   directions, offers, info in
   camera viewfinder
                            debatable value
                         usability challenges

                                      RTP Realski app
Presselite Augmented Reality app – bozzo2m

 Marketing in the Mobile Age

conditions     planning           tools             safety
  epic stats   where to go &   apps, sites, ads,   best practices,
                wayfinding      text, and more          q&a
Keys to Success
                                      Plan (covered it)
                           Compare to other companies
                                 Review your budget
                                                Adjust - manuel | MC
Forrester US Interactive Marketing Forecast, Aug 2011

           return on invested capital
              higher for digital savvy

L2 Digital IQ Index: Specialty Retail, August 2011
Typical Marketing Budgets
       Traditional / Interactive $pend                 Interactive $pend Mix
       • Low 85 / 15                                   • Search 30 - 50%
       • Mid 75 / 25                                   • Display 30 - 35%
       • High 50 / 50                                  • Mobile 5 - 25%
       • “Pure” Online 15*/ 85                         • Social 5 - 10%
                                                       • Email 5%
         * Amazon, Google, Priceline, Expedia, and
         others run TV ads

                                                     What’s your emphasis?
                                                     Search for Exposure | Mobile for Brand

         Coca Cola mobile budget:
         70% SMS & mobile web | 20% apps | 10% payment, barcodes, innovation

Budget data via Mobile Marketer, Nov 2011.

Digital           Traditional

web site          store window
social            cashier
email             in packaging
video             with a ticket
text              broadcast
banners           sales scripts

                                Victoria’s Secret ad inside Pandora:
   brand campaign also drives downloads, email signups, store traffic
Tracking Measuring Engagement
   Basics                                 Also
    Impressions                           Redemptions
    Clicks                                Time per visit
    Downloads                             Visit frequency
    Registrations                         Likes, shares, tweets
    Purchases                             Locations

understand the customer experience, not just the metrics:
problems usually aren’t the vehicle, it’s the experience delivered by the vehicle
Tracking Dashboard View
              track reach, conversion, loyalty

                                                     relative results
 compare digital and
traditional campaigns

                                                 analyze ROI
     2012 NSAA Winter Conferences • Squaw, January • Killington, February

                                                     THANK YOU!

                                                                  Maria Zhang
                                                               Founder & CEO

                                                     - robmcm
             Flickr users who shared photos used in this
             presentation under Creative Commons license:

             Thomas Favre-Duboz
             Rennett Stowe
             manuel | MC

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Marketing in the Mobile Age

  • 1. Marketing in the Mobile Age 2012 NSAA Winter Conferences • Squaw, January • Killington, February Maria Zhang Founder & CEO - robmcm
  • 2. – bozzo2m Marketing in the Mobile Age conditions planning tools safety epic stats where to go & apps, sites, ads, best practices, wayfinding text, and more q&a
  • 3. Epic 91.4 million US smartphones up 50%+ from 2010 up 8% from last quarter 30% of US population comScore, Dec 2011. - eggerbraeu
  • 4. Mobile Outsells Laptops + PCs Mary Meeker, KPCB, Feb 2011
  • 5. Device Landscape “Mobile” includes tablets, mobile but not laptops connected devices smartphones iPhone, Galaxy, laptops Droid, Blackberry tablets iPad, Galaxy feature phones ereaders Nokia, LG Kindle, games & Nook music DS, Touch “Connected” = wireless “Feature” phones hookup to Internet have fewer features
  • 6. Smartphone Shift not smart 84% of US adults own mobile phone 650,000 switch to smartphone every week Forecast 50% smartphones this summer Own: Pew Internet, Dec 2011. Other data, chart: Asymco, Nov 2011
  • 7. US Mobile Phone Use doing more of everything everywhere What resorts: r u engaged? Where 96% make calls* at work 89% 73% text during outdoor activities 87% 57% take pics* at bar/nightclub 77% 45% use downloaded apps in bathroom 75% 44% browse web at dinner table 72% 33% use social network in restaurant 71% 30% play games on date 67% 22% listen to music in movies 45% in church 33% What: US mobile phone data via comScore & *Pew Research, December 2011. Where: Tatango, Oct 2011
  • 8. Outdoor Industry Association: mobile use increasing before – during – after 18-24 25-44 Mobile makes it easier to participate 56% 50% Share outdoor experiences via mobile 52% 45% Use mobile when participating 49% 42% Mobile improves experience 46% 42% Use mobile to search for activities 47% 47% 2011 OIA/Outdoor Foundation - Outdoor Recreation Participation Report
  • 9. Smartphone Demographics higher income better educated Bars via Flurry Aug 2011, pie via comScore June 2011
  • 10. Gone Mobile 1:05 hours each day on mobile up 30% in 2011 – jurvetson. Time: eMarketer, Dec 2011
  • 11. Mobile Marketing Undervalued Behind: mobile spend very low compared to rapidly growing time share: 1% spend versus 10% time But catching up: mobile marketing spend forecast to grow 38% annually – faster than social, display, email, and search 2011 Share of Average Time Spent per Day with Media by US adults, versus Ad Spending Share paper & magazine spend overweight Chart: eMarketer, Dec 2011. Marketing spend forecast: Forrester Interactive Marketing Forecast 2011-2016, Sep 2011
  • 12. Growth is growing. Our customers are mobile. How to get there? - Paul.carroll
  • 13. – bozzo2m Marketing in the Mobile Age conditions planning tools safety epic stats where to go & apps, sites, ads, best practices, wayfinding text, and more q&a
  • 14. Mobile is Personal Immediate Engaging Trackable Flexible A Powerful Connection Tool Personal phone, email, text, social, personalized Commercial ads, apps, sites, search, maps Payment pay with tap, swipe a card Hardware link to TV, stereo, printer, car Travel reservations, tickets, hotel doors, HVAC - Leo-setä
  • 15. New Gear, Same Skills Mobile marketing is like all other marketing. Start by asking: What are my mobile objectives? Who is my mobile customer? What do they want? Where, when, how? - kcxd
  • 16. What are Your Mobile Objectives? Goals Contraints Sales? Identify your resources  More dollars per guest  People to manage project  Get more summer guests  Talented creatives  Boost awareness of kid activities  Smart developers  Reduce room inventory Service and loyalty?  Track vertical  Help guests find places  Reward best customers Improve marketing ROI?  Content  Boost social referrals  Budgets  Reduce printing costs  Timing and deadlines – Aspen/Snowmass, creative commons license
  • 17. The Die Hard all day, all conditions gearhead & bargain hunter healthy food cook in condo precise coordinators do every kid activity The Joneses – Thomas Favre-Duboz The Revelers shopaholic travel in packs après expert impulsive hidden gem collector wake late The Village Connoisseur - EverJean - EverJean
  • 18. snow conditions summer activities - boolve - bucklava nearby shopping deals best on-mountain bar – coolinsights - Leo-setä
  • 19. – bozzo2m Marketing in the Mobile Age conditions planning tools safety epic stats where to go & apps, sites, ads, best practices, wayfinding text, and more q&a
  • 20. mobile marketing tools lift technologies mobile apps & enabling tech location personalization mobile web mcommerce search social email text ads barcodes augmented reality - Rennett Stowe
  • 21. Mobile App Explosion 1.2 Billion app downloads December 25-31, 2011 600,000+ apps 65 apps per device 45% use apps (increasing) via Flurry Analytics. Downloads: January 2012 (prior week, pre holiday, 750 million downloads). App count: Aug 2011. 45% use via comScore, Dec 2011.
  • 22. More Time per Day in Apps than Web Flurry Analytics, Jan 2012
  • 23. Branded Apps Are Effective Improve Attitude towards Brand Boost Purchase Intent “Smartphone development Why? could be a better use of • Download = affinity funds currently deployed on mobile ready web sites and • Interaction = deep message processing other advertising and promotion.” • More time with messages – Professor Robert F. Potter • More and deeper thoughts Journal of Interactive Marketing, November 2011
  • 24. App Tip Be Helpful Information apps 68% more effective than Entertainment apps Boosts Purchase Intent Won’t Help You Sell Journal of Interactive Marketing, November 2011
  • 25. Top App Platforms 47% Google Android with rapid growth 29% Apple iOS, ongoing growth Blackberry rapidly losing market share Windows, others TBD Charts: Asymco, Nov 2011. Share data: comScore, Dec 2011
  • 26. App or Mobile Web Site? Native App: Best Experience HTML5 Web Site: Widest Reach optimized for each platform: runs in mobile browser, feature of all Android, iOs, Windows, Blackberry smartphones access phone features: camera, gps, no direct access to phone features, notifications, etc some browser incompatibilities rich, deep, engaging possibilities interactive interfaces, but limited track individuals and personalize track and personalize requires login persistent channel for notifications alerts only when open performance, security requires constant connection distribute through app stores no store, direct distribution remember your objective: brand experience versus brand appvertising
  • 27. - TikTik Brand Happiness Brands are defined by how they make you feel. – Diego Rodriguez of IDEO, d.School @ Stanford
  • 28. Mobile Location Starbucks provides rich location Location will increasingly inform detail inside small screen entire engagement cycle from ad, to purchase, to sharing Aware Refer Learn Repeat Incent Buy place data, social networks, coupons becoming platforms for new apps
  • 29. Netflix, Pand Personalization ora, and Amazon learn taste Concierge technology through learns consumer and behavior can recommend:  products  news  restaurants  shops  activities  events available to any app
  • 30. mCommerce 91% growth in 2011 to $6.7B * 79% of smartphone consumers shop on mobile: compare price, research, locate 70% use smartphone in store 77% contacted business via mobile: called or clicked Starbucks mobile in 2011: $110 million, 26 million payments trends in mobile ticketing, gift cards, NFC payment * eMarketer, Jan 6, 2012. SBUX news Dec 6, 2011. Other stats: Google Mobile Ads Blog, Dec 2011
  • 31. Mobile Social Your brand’s real human voice! 64% of mobile users use social 350+ million active mobile Facebook users, 40% of total Model your programs on the experts on this list – the best quality of social relationships Weave social into branded mobile experiences you control: Facebook inside Coke stronger than Coke inside Facebook 64%: comScore, Dec 2011. 300MM users: Enders Analysis via L2 Blog, Jan 2012. Index: Fathom Analytics via AdAge, Jan 4, 2012.
  • 32. mobile marketing tools lift technologies mobile apps & enabling tech location personalization mobile web mcommerce search social email text ads barcodes augmented reality - Rennett Stowe
  • 33. Mobile Web Heavenly Natural place to start for keeps it simple redirects, promo landing pages Don’t just shrink your main site too much content nav too complex Prioritize POM content select 3-4 key actions goes off boil down your content screen, has odd behaviors Evaluate content before reusing Be brief, bold, clear can your read any text in your video?
  • 34. Mobile Web is your site optimized for mobile?
  • 35. Mobile 20% of all search, Mobile Search 44% of 2011 holiday searches did they land on your mobile page? 20% from Search Engine Watch, Dec 27, 2011. Holiday search forecast from Google Mobile Ads Blog, Sept 2011
  • 36. Ski & snowboard search Mobile Search declining? What the heck? 4.5 don’t pay for undifferentiated words 4 ski snowboard 3.5 relative search volume 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
  • 37. People search for specifics. Mobile Search Like brands. Own your brand. 8 7 crocs uggs 6 relative search volume 5 4 3 2 1 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
  • 38. Mobile Email Chase See mobile web tips keeps it simple Except! Design all email for phone – the smallest screen 1 column readable text big buttons Mobile email open rates Financial Times increased 34% in second half email is busy, too of 2011* small, less likely to get *bigger tablet screens helping subscription can you read text, tap on desired link? stats via Mobile Marketer, Dec 16, 2011
  • 39. Texting 99% of mobile phones can text 67% of mobile users text* 90-95% open rate, and quickly (email 20-30%) Uses  inbound calls to action  outbound notifications  built into digital links  traditional print or broadcast Starbucks text-based loyalty *Pew Research, December 2011. Other data from Justin Mastrangelo of JA.TXT via
  • 40. Text Tips personal, immediate, high response, and cheap make sure message is:  newsworthy  valuable  trackable may cost the customer! via Tatango blog
  • 41. Mobile Ads banner in NYT, pop-ups inside Pandora
  • 42. Ad Networks – Fragmented Blind Premium Large network, big reach Smaller network Independent publishers Well-known publishers Run of network Precision targeting CPC $.01 to $.50 to $5+ CPC options CPM options CPM $5 to $20 to $75+ Rev share ~50% Rev share 50%++ Self managed Account manager CPC: for reference, estimated average CPC for Google (all channels) in 2011 is $.55
  • 43. Mobile Ad Buying Basics Mobile Can Be Effective Top Targeting Options  Novelty 1. Location (metro area) 2. Device features, platform  Large chunk of screen 3. Carrier and  Tight message & design handset  More targeting options 4. Age Also Click Through Rate .4% to 1%, varies wildly by  Run of network  network  By site or app  industry  Geolocation  creative CTR: Jumptap via, Dec 2011. – Simon-And-You
  • 44. Mobile Ads Creative Tips Do Don’t  Place logo or name on left.  Shrink online creative Most effective placement,  Show only a product – show strong impact on advertising the logo recall  Clutter with too much text or  Strong call to action – imagery a mobile action  Land on big web page (80% of  Clear and persistent branding ads fail here) – must be mobile throughout optimized mobile calls to action: mobile web page, app download, map, video, call, text via DynamicLogic/Millward Brown, Oct 2011
  • 45. mobile marketing tools lift technologies mobile apps & enabling tech location personalization mobile web mcommerce search social email text ads barcodes augmented reality - Rennett Stowe
  • 46. Mobile Barcodes response play scan
  • 47. Mobile Barcodes – Jury Still Out Good Bad  Quick link to more info  Only 6% of mobile users do it 2  Few thumb typing errors  Requires app download, start  20 million scans in 2011 Q3  Printed code may outlive promos  4% increase in scans in 2011  Branded options still use SMS  Mainly magazine ads 1  Ugly, branded options too  Novelty interest  Requires a 3G signal  Branded options is your resort too remote? worth it for consumer? for marketer? via Mobile Marketer, Dec 16, 2011. 1: 60% at home , 44% in store, ComScore Dec 19, 2011. 2: Justin Mastrangelo/JA.TXT via
  • 48. Augmented Reality Overlay directions, offers, info in camera viewfinder debatable value usability challenges RTP Realski app Presselite Augmented Reality app
  • 49. – bozzo2m Marketing in the Mobile Age conditions planning tools safety epic stats where to go & apps, sites, ads, best practices, wayfinding text, and more q&a
  • 50. Keys to Success Plan (covered it) Compare to other companies Review your budget Promote Track Test Adjust - manuel | MC
  • 51. Forrester US Interactive Marketing Forecast, Aug 2011
  • 52. Digital Marketers Perform Better return on invested capital higher for digital savvy companies L2 Digital IQ Index: Specialty Retail, August 2011
  • 53. Typical Marketing Budgets Traditional / Interactive $pend Interactive $pend Mix • Low 85 / 15 • Search 30 - 50% • Mid 75 / 25 • Display 30 - 35% • High 50 / 50 • Mobile 5 - 25% • “Pure” Online 15*/ 85 • Social 5 - 10% • Email 5% * Amazon, Google, Priceline, Expedia, and others run TV ads What’s your emphasis? Search for Exposure | Mobile for Brand Coca Cola mobile budget: 70% SMS & mobile web | 20% apps | 10% payment, barcodes, innovation Budget data via Mobile Marketer, Nov 2011.
  • 54. Promotion Digital Traditional web site store window social cashier email in packaging video with a ticket text broadcast banners sales scripts Victoria’s Secret ad inside Pandora: brand campaign also drives downloads, email signups, store traffic
  • 55. Tracking Measuring Engagement Basics Also  Impressions  Redemptions  Clicks  Time per visit  Downloads  Visit frequency  Registrations  Likes, shares, tweets  Purchases  Locations understand the customer experience, not just the metrics: problems usually aren’t the vehicle, it’s the experience delivered by the vehicle
  • 56. Tracking Dashboard View track reach, conversion, loyalty evaluate relative results compare digital and traditional campaigns analyze ROI
  • 57. Q&A 2012 NSAA Winter Conferences • Squaw, January • Killington, February THANK YOU! Maria Zhang Founder & CEO - robmcm
  • 58. THANK YOU! Flickr users who shared photos used in this presentation under Creative Commons license: robmcm bozzo2m eggerbraeu jurvetson Paul.carroll Leo-setä kcxd Aspen/Snowmass Thomas Favre-Duboz EverJean boolve bucklava coolinsights Rennett Stowe TikTik Simon-And-You manuel | MC

Editor's Notes

  1. INTROFormerly of Microsoft and ZillowNow CEO of PropeldOur company builds technology to personalize consumer experiences with mobile appsWe’re not an agency, we are platform builders and brand enhancers. There is more info about us on the pages on your seat. Personality/humor story re: Chinese accent? Being a terrible skier?
  2. Here’s the plan – I’ll talk for 45 minutes or so, and we’ll save plenty of time at the back for questionsFirst, I’ll cover the “epic conditions” we see in mobile right now – stats and trendsNext, we’ll discuss how you plan how you plot a mobile marketing strategyThen we’ll drill down into various mobile marketing tools & tactics available to you – give you some ideasAnd I’ll wrap up by summarizing some best practices. Hopefully this will be fun and informative.I’m going to cover a lot of ground very quickly, but don’t worry -- my slides are online at Slideshare for you to review, so if you miss some facts or ideas, please go to our Propeld blog where you’ll find a link to the slides. The handout on your flyer also has a link to the slides.
  3. How many of you have a smartphone?How many of you have a mobile phone?Let’s start with a look at the smartphone market. We are in the midst of a huge mobile revolution of EPIC proportions.[ review slide stats ]The future points UP.
  4. Let’s put these smartphone numbers in perspective –Smartphones and now tablets are taking off like crazy much faster than early days of Internet, or even iPod craze In fact, smartphones + tablets now are blowing past sales of laptops + PCs
  5. Let’s pause here for an orientation – I’m talking mainly about smartphones & tabletsThere’s an even larger market for ALL mobile phones, including feature phones…
  6. Although that market is shifting to smartphones, especially in US:smartphone prices are coming down, capabilities are going up
  7. So what are we all doing on our phones?Note to you resorts – almost 90% of your mobile users may be using the phone on the hillHumor: also notable in this comScore data – 67% using the phone a date? These are going to be really bad dates.
  8. More drilled down into outdoor use – the OIA did a study last year that included how people used mobile phones. Note how people use it to research and share – before, during and afterThese numbers will of course increase as smartphone penetration rises in the population
  9. Do smartphone demographicsoverlap with your demographics? If they don’t now, they will – because of the rapid growth.
  10. we’re spending more and more time on mobile…(even more time than this on smartphones)
  11. Yet we’re not spending a proportional part of our budget.There is a gap.This chart shows how we spend our time with major media, and how we spend our budgets. Mobile is undervalued – we’re spending 10% of our time, but less than 1% of our budget.Papers and magazines are overweight: 4% of our time with papers, but 15% of budget 3% of our time with magazines, but 10% of budgetTherefore – mobile marketing is forecast to be the high-growth area of interactive budgets
  12. OK, so we’re behind. We admit it! What do we do now?
  13. Next section – let’s briefly discuss marketing planning. Just like skiing, you need to do some planning before you dive in – you need to know where you’re going, what you want to accomplish, what you have, what you might need, etc.You need a direction, and guideposts to help you find you your way.By the way – bits of this section are summarized in the handout on your seat.
  14. Here’s the hard thing – mobile is filled with possibilities. It’s the Swiss Army Knife of customer engagement – you can do almost ANYTHING you imagine. It’s fastest way to your customer. It’s personal. It’s immediate. It’s real time. It’s interactive. It’s entertaining. It’s flexible. We can make calls, do email, schedule appointments, text each other, access our social networks – all in a personalized experience Businesses can use them to reach out to customers with ads, apps, mobile sites, maps, text We can pay with our phones, take credit card payment (with a Square), even split checks like the Chase TV ads show My phone can run my TV, home or car stereo (Sonos, Apple), or print to my printerTRAVELI can use my phone to make reservations, flash a mobile boarding pass, open a hotel door ( or control my hotel’s heat and A/CIt’s truly a Universal Remote ControlIncreasingly, “the answer is in your pants” !So:The possibilities are endless,The technology is complex and dynamic,You want to keep it simple.What’s the best way to go forward?
  15. FIRST, do the same thing you always do when you plan a new marketing initiative. Like skiing, mobile marketing may be brand new gear, but still requires the same skills. You tossed out your 10 year old skis and bought some new wide ones for the powder. But it’s still just skiing. Focus on the basic questions…. What do I want?Whois my customer? What do they want? Then, start thinking about the where, when and how to match those things up.At planning stage, there’s little difference between mobile marketing and doing a direct mailer… you’re just plotting strategy.
  16. Question 1. What do you want to achieve? Revenue boost? Service improvement? Better marketing ROI?Also, what are your limitations? Do you have the people to manage the project, creatives, developers, content, budgets… and what’s the timing?
  17. Question 2. Perhaps the most important: Who am I trying to reach? Who are your visitors? I don’t know how you segment your users, but these pictures represent example profiles of resort types we all know…perhaps it’s families, winter guests, summer guests, non-skier visitors, partiers, hardcore backcountry skiers or halfpipe dudes… Maybe you segment geographically or by strict demographics. Maybe you’re trying to find a mobile marketing program that will absolutely reach the most mobile users possible – you don’t care about segments, just anyone.
  18. Question 3. And what do they want from me? Perhaps you have survey data, or perhaps you’re trying to get ahead of customers and surprise them:Do they want snow conditions?Ideas for summer?Shopping deals?Insight on where to go apres-ski?
  19. When you get through planning your strategy, it’s time to evaluate mobile tools that might accomplish your objectives.
  20. Basically 3 categoriesof tools I’d like to discuss here:First – we’ll discuss mobile apps, and key enabling technologiesbehind the best applicationsSecond – we’ll go through common interactive marketing techniques, and talk about how they transfer over from the PC world into the mobile worldLastly – I’ll cover two other topics with a lot of buzz, mobile barcodes and augmented reality
  21. And look at this – mobile users spend more time in mobile apps than we do browsing the web.----------Note – if someone asks how 2 hours per day reconciles with prior slide about 1 hour per day on mobile: they are different sources hour per day is all mobile devices this is by definition smartphone
  22. These charts show USsmartphone market share. Key thing here is that Apple and Android platforms dominate Nokia and Microsoft may gain some new share with their new products And don’t bet the farm on Blackberry, which is struggling in many waysNote that recent data has Apple and Android neck-and-neck for market share in US, both around 45% after December. Apple’s numbers froze prior to release of latest iPhone 4s, then again took off during holidays. (via NPD, Jan 10, 2012 – not the best source for this type of data, comScore and others seem to have better line on this)
  23. Native apps will be best for a rich mobile experience with your brand.HTML5 will be best for your brand’s exposure, but the experience will be limited, incomplete.
  24. If you build a branded app – don’t forget your brand. Special K’s brand is about weight loss.Coke’s brand is about refreshment.Skiing is fun – your brand means HAPPINESS. Make sure your app represents the fun of skiing!
  25. PAUSE – you with me?OK, let’s talk about some key enabling technologies for apps (and other mobile marketing technologies)First, location…
  26. Personalization – We mentioned how we all personalize our own devices, and we carry them around on our person all the time…But we have the power to use location, preferences, and behavior to personalize your experiences as well – Just like Amazon hones in on my book interests, Pandora finds me music I will like, and Netflix finds cartoons for my kids… We can also tailor any content to you – product recommendations, shopping deals, news, etc For ski resorts, it could be restaurants, shops, activities, or events
  27. Mobile commerce is on the rise, but it’s early.How many of you buy things online through your computer? How many of you have purchased through your phone? Perhaps in-store like this Starbucks debit card, or on account, like I bought my last phone through Apple….Well the trends are huge. And results like Starbucks’ here will push more mcommerce.
  28. We all know social is tearing it up. My first basic tip for managing mobile social is to Follow & Emulate the best in the business. Make sure your social managers are paying attention to what these companies are doing.The second key thing here is that all the major social networks – Facebook, Twitter, Google, Foursquare…. Yelp… etc Are developer platforms as well. So you don’t have to hand over your brand control to these platforms – you can seamlessly integrate their features into your mobile experiences like apps and campaigns.Things like sharing posts, likes, tweets can be done inside your own app. And you can get posts, follower numbers, and place reviews from these platforms.Weavingsocial into your branded mobile experiences gives you back control of your brand.Facebook inside Coke stronger than Coke inside Facebook
  29. PAUSE ? How are we doing?Let’s go through common interactive marketing techniques, and talk about how they transfer over from the PC world into the mobile world
  30. OK we talked about HTML5 versus native apps. But even if you don’t build an app, what about your main web site – what’s our strategy there? You don’t need to build a fancy HTML5 site for mobile browsers. But you do need to do something simple to make small screen users happy when they go to your site. And to have trackable landing pages for mobile campaigns. Here are some brief tips on this…. [mention high points on slide]
  31. How does your site look today? Find out by testing it on Google’s
  32. Mobile search. It’s growing – 20% of search right now is mobile, and was forecast by Google to be almost half of all search during the holidays. (Haven’t seen final holiday tally here)
  33. Tips for search – here’s an example.Google searches trends for “Ski” and “snowboard” have been on the decline at Google for 8 years. (The spikes are winter seasons.) How can this be? Well, Google has taken off – both number of users and keyword buyers. Buying the word “ski” may have worked back in 2004 but would be incredibly expensive and useless today. It’s undifferentiated. So people don’t search that way. They’re smarter now.
  34. They search for specifics, like brands.You can see by this chart Google search trends for Crocs shoes and Ugg boots. Like skiing and snowboarding, Uggs go through a clear seasonal spikes.But the trend is steady, because the brand is steady. People still buying them.Crocs on the other hand, are falling out of fashion, which is reflected in declining search for Crocs brand.So my only tip here again relates back to branding: own your brand. Make sense?
  35. OK – emailNot too much to say here either, other than pay attention to your formatting, and making a brief readable message. More and more email is being read on the small screen – design for mobile users first, and your email will look just fine on PC, laptops, and tablets.
  36. Texting – the great thing here about Text is that any mobile device can get it. And 67% of people do it.And done right, it’s incredibly effective – if you have permission to text them, almost everyone you send to will open it.You can use text in a variety of ways.
  37. Pitfalls…Make sure your texts are relevant and useful! They cost you and may cost your customer!
  38. Mobile ads – there are a wide variety of types
  39. We won’t spend a lot of time on this, but buying could be challenging there are 10-20 networks to exploreThey all have different agendas.
  40. Mobile banners can work – they have some things going in their favor Novelty – users are curious! Large chunk of screen – much bigger than online banners Tight message & design – since there is a small screen, the story is necessarily tighter More targeting options – not just Metro Individual performance will vary depending on network, industry, offer, creative execution, etc…
  41. Basic tips for ads – Two key points: Keep it simple for the small screenMake sure you have a MOBILE call to action – goes to a mobile web pagego to app store to downloadgo to map of nearest locationmake a call
  42. Lastly – I’ll cover two other topics with a lot of buzz, mobile barcodes and augmented reality
  43. If you don’t know mobile barcodes (also known as QR codes, Quick Response Codes), here’s how they work, using an example from a K2 snowboard packaging:User scans it -- just like a ticketThe code generates an immediate response -- in this case, it kicks user over to YouTube to watch a video on the snowboardAnd you can watch GretchBleiler discuss the merits of the Eco Pop women’s snowboard…
  44. The jury’s still out on mobile barcodesCan people use them? Most codes requires a lot of consumer action – download, start, etc. Will they do it?Macy’s actually ran TV ads to show consumers how to scan their codes.
  45. Another mobile technology you may have heard about is Augmented Reality….Which allows you to put marketing messages inside consumer camera viewfinders: Can use for billboards, signage, coupons, directions, wayfinding…This is still a little early – difficult to use, hasn’t hit widely. If you’re leading edge, it might be worth a test. [ Be considerate of RTP audience, who make the AR app for ski resorts shown on slide! ]
  46. OK,So you’ve got ideas for the tools you want to explore. You have some direction. What else will make your mobile marketing successful? Let’s look at best practices.
  47. Here’s another analogy to skiing – your success will build on itself. It’s not so much the gear you choose, but your experience and skills. Your keys to success are:Planning – we discussed thisAlso, compare your plan to what best companies & competitors are doingPlus – 3 key things I want to discuss a bit in more detail here:Reviewing your budget, making sure it’s in line with the mobile futurePromoting your app, and tying your mobile programs togetherTracking performanceAnd two things I won’t cover but want to mention: Make sure to test at small scale, and A to BAnd make adjustments as necessary
  48. Let’s talk budgets –I mentioned previously how mobile was underweighted in most marketing budgets, and newspaper and magazines were overweight.This chart shows a Forrester chart of where CMOs are planning to spend in 2012, in relative terms. You can see here that mobile marketing is near the top of the list, going to get much more attention. Half plan to increase mobile marketing spend.And in this survey, the traditional media is forecast to lose budget share.
  49. Why is this? Because digital marketing performs better, as shown by this study: return on invested capital is higher for digital savvy companies – the higher your company’s “Digital IQ” the more effective you are spending your dollars
  50. So what should your budget look like? That’s the million dollar question of course. I can’t answer it for you. However here is what other companies are doing: Interactive budgets are gaining share, but even Google and Amazon run TV ads.As part of a the digital budget, mobile is 5-25% of spend: Mobile budgets are higher if the company has a very strong emphasis on branding Mobile budgets are lower if the company is search-centricHow does the mobile budget break down? In the example of Coca Cola, it’s mainly text and mobile web, partially apps, and 10% innovation
  51. Especially for apps, make sure you promote it. It is not “if you build it, they will come.”You have to buildawareness. You should promote digitally, but don’t forget the traditional avenues like windows, packaging, along with a ticket, call center scriptsThis Victoria’s Secret story is really interesting example: They run an ad inside Pandora mobile application They incent you to download app with a freebie To get freebie, you have to register, so they capture your email And you can pick up in storeThis is “brand appvertising.” Is it about building brand awareness? YES. Is this app about e-commerce? YES. Is it about capturing leads? YES. Is it about driving foot traffic? YES.
  52. So whatever mobile initiative you launch – make sure to track it. The metrics you need to track will depend on the program. It could be: [Read a few of the items]
  53. But whatever you trackDevelop a tracking dashboard – a spreadsheet or dynamic web page that pulls data from across all your campaignsIdeally, it shouldcomparetraditional and digital campaign metrics. For example, you might compare reach: across subscriptions, ad impressions, page views, and Facebook followers interest across both clicks and inbound calls leads via direct mail responses and web registrations. Evaluate the relative performance of each campaign and analyze the ROI
  54. So that’s all I have planned to talk about. I know we covered a lot…Can I answer any questions for you?