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It is a huge
What does your student want to be when
they grow up?
A Doctor? Teacher? Veterinarian ?
Maybe they are interested in a career field jobs such
as: working as Mechanic, Plumber or Electrician?
Maybe they want a noble and hard job of protecting
our great country? A calling in the Armed forces.
No matter what path in life your child finds
appealing, they need to have some amount of
technology skills.
“A dramatic shift is sweeping through our schools. The signs are all around us.
Third graders texting on their cell phones. Kindergarteners who can navigate an
iPod Touch better than we can(adults)…”
There is no escaping the fact that online learning is becoming more and more
More colleges, locally and around the world offer either hybrid classes or full
online classes.
When we start giving hybrid classes , at a young age even in Kindergarten, we
are preparing them for the future.
Benefits of a Hybrid Class
•According to Mr.Currie of Northeastern University Online. Hybrid
Classes offer the following benefits:
• “You get professor and classmate face time.
• Everyone's equal in online discussions.
• The learning doesn't stop when you leave the classroom”(Currie,2015).
•According to Qiuyun Lin a assistant professor at the Childhood Education
Department of Plattsburgh State University of New York, “…online
component provided them with easy access to course documents and
resources available 24 hours a day”
How to Incorporate Technology in the
We need teachers to be “pioneers”!
◦ Discover new Apps and website to share with teachers, parents and the
◦ Teachers need to be comfortable with using technology in their rooms.
◦ Teachers need to be willing to try and fail with new technology.
Hybrid in My Room
I have already started taking steps to
incorporate hybrid learning in my
◦ Kidblog
I post assignments once a month that
relate to the topic we are learning in class.
At home, students are watching lessons,
reading text, participating in assignments
and interacting with classmates.
Hybrid in My Room
My students are very inexperienced with computers and
◦ I had to teach them the basics and that was time
I have seen many good benefits:
◦ Writing is improving in the classroom.
◦ The student who never does homework is doing all
these assignments .
◦ Higher turn in rate for homework.
◦ Students are doing extra assignments.
◦ I am hoping this will help prepare them for M-Step.
Next year, I plan to start earlier in the year with hybrid
Importance of Incorporating Online/
Hybrid learning
“The number of students taking at least one online course increased by over
570,000 to a new total of 6.7 million”(Allen and Seaman, 2013, p.5).
“ In 2006 Michigan became the first state to mandate virtual learning, and that
each student should have a virtual learning experience prior to high school
graduation”( (Black, DiPietro , Ferdig & Preston, 2008, p.1).
My PowerPoint will explain the importance of
incorporating a hybrid type of learning in our students’
Technology is all around us and we need to prepare our
students for this technology world.
Our District
•Currently, our school district is inching toward becoming more technology
•According to the National Association of Elementary School Principals,
“Developing a progressive technology-infused campus is not about money; it’s
about mindset”( Blair,2012).
• Sixty percent of the teachers are using Class Dojo and Weebly as their
technology in their classroom.
• That is a huge growth compared to last year!
Many parents have concerns about their students success in a hybrid learning environment.
 The support the parent will provide to their student at home.
 Many of our parents are lacking the technology skills to help their child be successful at home.
Motivation for their student to do the work and turn the work in.
Social interaction, will their child have time to talk to other students.
I will be addressing all these concerns with solutions in my paper.
Vision Team
We need to form a team, to join together and make a vision.
Team will be made up of the following people:
◦ Teachers( technology experience and no technology experience)
◦ Staff
◦ Administrators
◦ Parents
◦ (If for high school, maybe students, but they need to be mature and serious.)
The purpose of this team is to create a vision for how and why the online learning will be
implemented in the classroom.
Vision Team
 Team needs to made up of digital natives and digital immigrants.
Digital natives: Our students who grew up with technology in their hand.
Digital Immigrants: People who have adapted to using technology in their
everyday life.
 This way we can have a fair perspective from both sides that will be using the
Digital Wisdom
According to Prensky, author of digital wisdom, it is important to have digital
wisdom in an online learning class.
After reading the article on digital wisdom, Prensky is saying to find the
wisdom for teaching in a digital world is to talk to our students and the
Many students do feel that their voice is not heard, and it is their education
after all!
Why Should we Prepare our Elementary
Students for a Hybrid Type of Learning Style?
The National Center for Education Statistics reported that 36% of public school districts had
students enrolled in distance education courses during the 2002-2003 school year”(Black,
DiPietro , Ferdig & Preston, 2008, p.1).”
According to Angeles, of Business News daily “With technology quickly and constantly
changing, employers everywhere are looking for tech-savvy job candidates for non tech related
positions.”(Angeles, 2014).
 Digital Immigrants who did not have any pervious technology skills or training are finding it
hard to find jobs.
 We do not want to do that to our students!
Supporting the Parents
Many parents are lacking technology skills, how can they help their student learn when the
material is using technology?
The best way, to make a hybrid successful, since some of the work has to be done at home is
making sure we are combining the digital native skills with skills of the immigrants.
 Writing papers are parent skills, and podcast are student skills.
Supporting the Parents
Since a hybrid has a face-to- face part, teachers will be teaching their students
how to use the LMS (Learning Management System), materials and tools in
Teachers will provide training days for the parents to come to school and learn.
Teachers will be willing to make appointments or answers emails and phone
calls during school hours to help support the learning at home.
A Learning Management System to
Incorporate Hybrids in Our Classrooms
Learning Management System(LMS) is like a Blackbaord, it is a software application that a
teacher uses to teach their online/ hybrid course.
To make sure my digital natives are engaged, socialized, challenged and successful, I am going
to use the Learning Management System (LMS) Edmodo.
My top five most important elements of online/ hybrid learning are for the instructor to provide
timely feedback, encourage student-student interaction, student’s technology access , course
design, clear to the learner what is expected of them and how they can be successful.
Edmodo does a great job creating a nurturing and successful digital classroom environment.
According to Dr. William Glasser and his choice theory “Encouraging students to self-evaluate
promotes responsibility and helps students pursue goals and become skilled decision-makers
because they are more actively involved in their education” (Funderstanding,2011). Meaning if
we allow our students to take an active role in their learning then they will take more
responsibility in their learning and it will motivate them to do better.
I would design my Edmodo by using digital wisdom, meaning I would allow my students and
parents have say about the class.
Ten Important Elements in a Digital
These are the ten Elements of Importance for a Third Graders’ digital learning
experience: navigation, learning objectives, learners support, accessibility, grading/ rubric, course
Introduction, communication and support, integration of technology and digital citizenship and
 I feel most are self explanatory
Digital Responsibility and Citizenship : Making responsible learners on the internet.
Learning Objectives: Purposeful goals of what teachers are teaching their class.
The second common concern parents have with hybrid learning is will my student be motivated
enough to do the work.
 I plan on using games in my class as a motivator, engager, positive consequence and as an
assessment tool.
In order for the student to see the next assignment for the week or following week they must
turn in their assignments when they are due.
If a student does not turn their work in on the due date, they are not going to get the next
assignment or test.
If a student does not master a test or a skill they also will not be able to move on to the next
 How to make the students more engaged in turning in their work.
 Focus on making it positive and fun.
Turn homework into a game, and students earn more work when they submit their
 I will award badge for mastering skills and test.
Mastering a skill before a test will earn students special items to help them in the
class or on the test.
A leader board will be displayed weekly, to show who has the most points.
Seven Things to Know…
There are several new ways of thinking about teaching and learning that have emerged in the
online learning arena.
Microlectures:"A microlecture is a short recorded audio or video presentation on a single,
tightly defined topic”(EDUCASE,2012).
Badges: Virtual stickers to show a student mastered a skill or subject.
Video communication: Skype type setting for the teacher and the student, great for students
on the move or out of the country
Challenge-based learning: “Through a process of discussion and research, students identify a
selection of questions that might be workable for their project” (EDUCASE, 2012). Students
work together to solve a problem in their school or area.
These are example of badges I can give my students on
Edmodo(LMS website).
Seven Things to Know About Gaming in
Gaming in learning is “Efforts to use such activities to improve learning include overlaying gaming
elements onto a course, creating gaming activities that deliver content, and, in some cases, structuring
an entire course as a game”( EDUCAUSE .2014).
Teachers use games for long and short term use.
Short term use: “Where a single class session is involved, game elements might be minimal, as when
points are awarded for correct answers given during class discussion”( EDUCAUSE ,2014).
A teacher in this school does this with Kahoots.
The long term, “In a broader application, the syllabus might be divided into “levels” where students
begin at the lowest level and work through a series of challenges with an eye to progressing through
the highest before the course ends”( EDUCAUSE ,2014).
*Star means I am doing now. Heart is where I would like to go in the future.
Long term use for gaming in learning.
◦ Made at the University of Michigan in the class of Videogames and Learning
◦ By: Barry Fishman
2014 EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Horizon Report Video Competition.
Whole class is done using GradeCraft
◦ Class worth 1,000,000 points!
◦ The students mostly do the work online and if they master or turn in assignments they earn
badges and it unlocks the next set of work.
This can be done in a hybrid
Notice this video is showing it
done as a hybrid class for college
With manipulation it can be done
for elementary students.
•One of the most promising technology for our school is gaming in education.
•According to EDCAUSE games in learning has more potential them just keeping the students
•Students become more metacognitive because they start to understand what they know and do not
know .
• Games can motivate students to learn and want to learn.
• Encourages students to turn in their work because it will unlock the next set of work.
• Since teachers have been using games in their classroom there has been increases in students
work, engagement and self-discovery.
Social Presence
What is a social presence?
According to Bentley,she defines social presence in an online class room as , “performance , that
it is conveyed by visible activities such as posting, commenting, responding, and participation in
group and community activities…” (Bentley, n.d.).
I found Edmodo has the potential to promote social presence most effectively with the students I
 Edmodo also has the ability to promote a teaching and cognitive presence in the online
classroom as well.
Social Presence with Edmodo
Edmodo will do the better job of promoting social presence because it is more user friendly
 The teachers from different schools can collaborate to build the teacher presence.
Students can post comments like a Facebook wall for the whole class to read.
Students can work in groups, and I can make a private group chat time for them to talk with their group.
 I will monitor everything, I have high security settings where I have approve anything before anyone can
see it.
◦ Technology is here in our children’s faces every day. There is no denying that our
children are more technology advance than most adults, and that is because some of
them are exposed to this technology as newborns. I saw a woman at Disney World
give her newborn a cell phone to listen to music! Our children are craving technology,
and they want to learn more about the technology because it will be used in their
educational and professional lives forever. Technology is not going away in fact it is
only going to become more dominant in our lives. If we want our children to be
successful we need to give them the skills to make that happen.
Allen. (2013, January 13). Ten Years of Tracking Online Education in the United States. Retrieved March 10, 2015, from
Annse, R. (2013, October 27). Advice for Technology Crazed Collegiettes. Retrieved April 9, 2015, from
Blair, N. (2012, January 1). National Association of Elementary School Principals: Serving all elementary and middle-level
principals. Retrieved March 27, 2015, from
Currie, K. (n.d.). 5 Reasons Hybrid Learning Might Be Right For You. Retrieved April 11, 2015, from
DiPietro, M., Ferdig, R., Black, E., & Preston, M. (2008, April 1). Best practices in teaching K-12 online: Lessons learned
from Michigan Virtual School teachers. Retrieved March 27, 2015, from
Dolby, P. (2014, August 1). Retrieved April 9, 2015, from
Introduction to Gameful Learning with GradeCraft. (2015, April 3). Retrieved April 9, 2015, from
Klien, J. (2010, September 29). Kids, careers, work and reinvention. Retrieved April 9, 2015, from
Layton, L. (2013, October 13). Elementary students learn keyboard typing ahead of new Common Core tests. Retrieved
March 27, 2015, from
Lin, Q. (2009). Student Views of Hybrid Learning: A One-Year Exploratory Study. Retrieved April 11, 2015, from
Mamchenkov, L. (2007, January 28). Img_7337. Retrieved April 9, 2015, from
Petrucelli, S. (2010, December 1). Game On. Retrieved May 2, 2015, from
Seven Thing You Should Know about Gaming and Leanring. (2014, January 1). Retrieved April 2, 2015, from
University of Michigan School of Information. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2015, from
University of Michigan School of Information. (2014, January 18). Retrieved April 2, 2015, from
2006-7-30 Wise and Otherwise Game Pieces. (2006, July 6). Retrieved May 2, 2015, from
(2011, February 11). Retrieved May 2, 2015, from
(2008, September 1). Retrieved May 2, 2015, from

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  • 1. It is a huge World! What does your student want to be when they grow up?
  • 2. A Doctor? Teacher? Veterinarian ? Maybe they are interested in a career field jobs such as: working as Mechanic, Plumber or Electrician? Maybe they want a noble and hard job of protecting our great country? A calling in the Armed forces. No matter what path in life your child finds appealing, they need to have some amount of technology skills.
  • 3. “A dramatic shift is sweeping through our schools. The signs are all around us. Third graders texting on their cell phones. Kindergarteners who can navigate an iPod Touch better than we can(adults)…” There is no escaping the fact that online learning is becoming more and more popular. More colleges, locally and around the world offer either hybrid classes or full online classes. When we start giving hybrid classes , at a young age even in Kindergarten, we are preparing them for the future.
  • 4. Benefits of a Hybrid Class •According to Mr.Currie of Northeastern University Online. Hybrid Classes offer the following benefits: • “You get professor and classmate face time. • Everyone's equal in online discussions. • The learning doesn't stop when you leave the classroom”(Currie,2015). •According to Qiuyun Lin a assistant professor at the Childhood Education Department of Plattsburgh State University of New York, “…online component provided them with easy access to course documents and resources available 24 hours a day”
  • 5. How to Incorporate Technology in the Classroom? We need teachers to be “pioneers”! ◦ Discover new Apps and website to share with teachers, parents and the students. ◦ Teachers need to be comfortable with using technology in their rooms. ◦ Teachers need to be willing to try and fail with new technology. .
  • 6. Hybrid in My Room I have already started taking steps to incorporate hybrid learning in my classroom. ◦ Kidblog I post assignments once a month that relate to the topic we are learning in class. At home, students are watching lessons, reading text, participating in assignments and interacting with classmates.
  • 7. Hybrid in My Room My students are very inexperienced with computers and technology. ◦ I had to teach them the basics and that was time consuming! I have seen many good benefits: ◦ Writing is improving in the classroom. ◦ The student who never does homework is doing all these assignments . ◦ Higher turn in rate for homework. ◦ Students are doing extra assignments. ◦ I am hoping this will help prepare them for M-Step. Next year, I plan to start earlier in the year with hybrid learning.
  • 8. Importance of Incorporating Online/ Hybrid learning “The number of students taking at least one online course increased by over 570,000 to a new total of 6.7 million”(Allen and Seaman, 2013, p.5). “ In 2006 Michigan became the first state to mandate virtual learning, and that each student should have a virtual learning experience prior to high school graduation”( (Black, DiPietro , Ferdig & Preston, 2008, p.1).
  • 9. My PowerPoint will explain the importance of incorporating a hybrid type of learning in our students’ lives. Technology is all around us and we need to prepare our students for this technology world.
  • 10. Our District •Currently, our school district is inching toward becoming more technology advance. •According to the National Association of Elementary School Principals, “Developing a progressive technology-infused campus is not about money; it’s about mindset”( Blair,2012). • Sixty percent of the teachers are using Class Dojo and Weebly as their technology in their classroom. • That is a huge growth compared to last year!
  • 11. Concerns Many parents have concerns about their students success in a hybrid learning environment.  The support the parent will provide to their student at home.  Many of our parents are lacking the technology skills to help their child be successful at home. Motivation for their student to do the work and turn the work in. Social interaction, will their child have time to talk to other students. I will be addressing all these concerns with solutions in my paper.
  • 12. Vision Team We need to form a team, to join together and make a vision. Team will be made up of the following people: ◦ Teachers( technology experience and no technology experience) ◦ Staff ◦ Administrators ◦ Parents ◦ (If for high school, maybe students, but they need to be mature and serious.) The purpose of this team is to create a vision for how and why the online learning will be implemented in the classroom.
  • 13. Vision Team  Team needs to made up of digital natives and digital immigrants. Digital natives: Our students who grew up with technology in their hand. Digital Immigrants: People who have adapted to using technology in their everyday life.  This way we can have a fair perspective from both sides that will be using the learning.
  • 14. Digital Wisdom According to Prensky, author of digital wisdom, it is important to have digital wisdom in an online learning class. After reading the article on digital wisdom, Prensky is saying to find the wisdom for teaching in a digital world is to talk to our students and the parents. Many students do feel that their voice is not heard, and it is their education after all!
  • 15. Why Should we Prepare our Elementary Students for a Hybrid Type of Learning Style? The National Center for Education Statistics reported that 36% of public school districts had students enrolled in distance education courses during the 2002-2003 school year”(Black, DiPietro , Ferdig & Preston, 2008, p.1).” According to Angeles, of Business News daily “With technology quickly and constantly changing, employers everywhere are looking for tech-savvy job candidates for non tech related positions.”(Angeles, 2014).  Digital Immigrants who did not have any pervious technology skills or training are finding it hard to find jobs.  We do not want to do that to our students!
  • 16. Supporting the Parents Many parents are lacking technology skills, how can they help their student learn when the material is using technology? The best way, to make a hybrid successful, since some of the work has to be done at home is making sure we are combining the digital native skills with skills of the immigrants.  Writing papers are parent skills, and podcast are student skills.
  • 17. Supporting the Parents Since a hybrid has a face-to- face part, teachers will be teaching their students how to use the LMS (Learning Management System), materials and tools in class. Teachers will provide training days for the parents to come to school and learn. Teachers will be willing to make appointments or answers emails and phone calls during school hours to help support the learning at home.
  • 18. A Learning Management System to Incorporate Hybrids in Our Classrooms Learning Management System(LMS) is like a Blackbaord, it is a software application that a teacher uses to teach their online/ hybrid course. To make sure my digital natives are engaged, socialized, challenged and successful, I am going to use the Learning Management System (LMS) Edmodo. My top five most important elements of online/ hybrid learning are for the instructor to provide timely feedback, encourage student-student interaction, student’s technology access , course design, clear to the learner what is expected of them and how they can be successful. Edmodo does a great job creating a nurturing and successful digital classroom environment.
  • 19. Edmodo According to Dr. William Glasser and his choice theory “Encouraging students to self-evaluate promotes responsibility and helps students pursue goals and become skilled decision-makers because they are more actively involved in their education” (Funderstanding,2011). Meaning if we allow our students to take an active role in their learning then they will take more responsibility in their learning and it will motivate them to do better. I would design my Edmodo by using digital wisdom, meaning I would allow my students and parents have say about the class.
  • 20. Ten Important Elements in a Digital Classroom. These are the ten Elements of Importance for a Third Graders’ digital learning experience: navigation, learning objectives, learners support, accessibility, grading/ rubric, course Introduction, communication and support, integration of technology and digital citizenship and responsibility.  I feel most are self explanatory Digital Responsibility and Citizenship : Making responsible learners on the internet. Learning Objectives: Purposeful goals of what teachers are teaching their class.
  • 21. Motivation The second common concern parents have with hybrid learning is will my student be motivated enough to do the work.  I plan on using games in my class as a motivator, engager, positive consequence and as an assessment tool. In order for the student to see the next assignment for the week or following week they must turn in their assignments when they are due. If a student does not turn their work in on the due date, they are not going to get the next assignment or test. If a student does not master a test or a skill they also will not be able to move on to the next lesson.
  • 22. Motivation  How to make the students more engaged in turning in their work.  Focus on making it positive and fun. Turn homework into a game, and students earn more work when they submit their homework.  I will award badge for mastering skills and test. Mastering a skill before a test will earn students special items to help them in the class or on the test. A leader board will be displayed weekly, to show who has the most points.
  • 23. Seven Things to Know… There are several new ways of thinking about teaching and learning that have emerged in the online learning arena. Microlectures:"A microlecture is a short recorded audio or video presentation on a single, tightly defined topic”(EDUCASE,2012). Badges: Virtual stickers to show a student mastered a skill or subject. Video communication: Skype type setting for the teacher and the student, great for students on the move or out of the country Challenge-based learning: “Through a process of discussion and research, students identify a selection of questions that might be workable for their project” (EDUCASE, 2012). Students work together to solve a problem in their school or area. These are example of badges I can give my students on Edmodo(LMS website).
  • 24. Seven Things to Know About Gaming in Learning Gaming in learning is “Efforts to use such activities to improve learning include overlaying gaming elements onto a course, creating gaming activities that deliver content, and, in some cases, structuring an entire course as a game”( EDUCAUSE .2014). Teachers use games for long and short term use. Short term use: “Where a single class session is involved, game elements might be minimal, as when points are awarded for correct answers given during class discussion”( EDUCAUSE ,2014). A teacher in this school does this with Kahoots. The long term, “In a broader application, the syllabus might be divided into “levels” where students begin at the lowest level and work through a series of challenges with an eye to progressing through the highest before the course ends”( EDUCAUSE ,2014). *Star means I am doing now. Heart is where I would like to go in the future.
  • 25. GradeCraft Long term use for gaming in learning. ◦ Made at the University of Michigan in the class of Videogames and Learning ◦ By: Barry Fishman 2014 EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Horizon Report Video Competition. Whole class is done using GradeCraft ◦ Class worth 1,000,000 points! ◦ The students mostly do the work online and if they master or turn in assignments they earn badges and it unlocks the next set of work.
  • 26. GradeCraft This can be done in a hybrid setting. Notice this video is showing it done as a hybrid class for college students. With manipulation it can be done for elementary students.
  • 27. Gaming •One of the most promising technology for our school is gaming in education. •According to EDCAUSE games in learning has more potential them just keeping the students quite. •Students become more metacognitive because they start to understand what they know and do not know . • Games can motivate students to learn and want to learn. • Encourages students to turn in their work because it will unlock the next set of work. • Since teachers have been using games in their classroom there has been increases in students work, engagement and self-discovery.
  • 28. Social Presence What is a social presence? According to Bentley,she defines social presence in an online class room as , “performance , that it is conveyed by visible activities such as posting, commenting, responding, and participation in group and community activities…” (Bentley, n.d.). I found Edmodo has the potential to promote social presence most effectively with the students I teach.  Edmodo also has the ability to promote a teaching and cognitive presence in the online classroom as well.
  • 29. Social Presence with Edmodo Edmodo will do the better job of promoting social presence because it is more user friendly  The teachers from different schools can collaborate to build the teacher presence. Students can post comments like a Facebook wall for the whole class to read. Students can work in groups, and I can make a private group chat time for them to talk with their group.   I will monitor everything, I have high security settings where I have approve anything before anyone can see it.
  • 30. Conclusion ◦ Technology is here in our children’s faces every day. There is no denying that our children are more technology advance than most adults, and that is because some of them are exposed to this technology as newborns. I saw a woman at Disney World give her newborn a cell phone to listen to music! Our children are craving technology, and they want to learn more about the technology because it will be used in their educational and professional lives forever. Technology is not going away in fact it is only going to become more dominant in our lives. If we want our children to be successful we need to give them the skills to make that happen.
  • 31. References Allen. (2013, January 13). Ten Years of Tracking Online Education in the United States. Retrieved March 10, 2015, from Annse, R. (2013, October 27). Advice for Technology Crazed Collegiettes. Retrieved April 9, 2015, from Blair, N. (2012, January 1). National Association of Elementary School Principals: Serving all elementary and middle-level principals. Retrieved March 27, 2015, from technology/technology-integration-new-21st-century-learner Currie, K. (n.d.). 5 Reasons Hybrid Learning Might Be Right For You. Retrieved April 11, 2015, from DiPietro, M., Ferdig, R., Black, E., & Preston, M. (2008, April 1). Best practices in teaching K-12 online: Lessons learned from Michigan Virtual School teachers. Retrieved March 27, 2015, from
  • 32. Dolby, P. (2014, August 1). Retrieved April 9, 2015, from Introduction to Gameful Learning with GradeCraft. (2015, April 3). Retrieved April 9, 2015, from Klien, J. (2010, September 29). Kids, careers, work and reinvention. Retrieved April 9, 2015, from Layton, L. (2013, October 13). Elementary students learn keyboard typing ahead of new Common Core tests. Retrieved March 27, 2015, from typing-ahead-of-new-common-core-tests/2013/10/13/d329ba66-3289-11e3-9c68-1cf643210300_story.html Lin, Q. (2009). Student Views of Hybrid Learning: A One-Year Exploratory Study. Retrieved April 11, 2015, from Mamchenkov, L. (2007, January 28). Img_7337. Retrieved April 9, 2015, from cTmMkE-6hhCaL-6hhCnN-nhd7JD-fDcWah-dRuMzt-cTmSxE-cTmTnA-ySdLn-cTmNEu-cTmUch-cTmKEh-cTmUJG- cTmKxb-cTmEeQ-cTmCBE-cTmRXo-cTmRGs-cTmE1d-cTmNPo-cTmCmS-cTmHqY-cTmB
  • 33. Petrucelli, S. (2010, December 1). Game On. Retrieved May 2, 2015, from 7p2LYx-cFVRMW-5k21JL-c8fYHA-cesimh-5QGocp-5hq5Gq-bsrdHq-bgvjug-oA7yd-apXZqg-ocx1Yd-6Lh8Vc-cQqqBb-baT5Nv- 9htPt3-7R7ShG-bdfkv2-cFVU7U-auuhoS-93X7D1 Seven Thing You Should Know about Gaming and Leanring. (2014, January 1). Retrieved April 2, 2015, from University of Michigan School of Information. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2015, from University of Michigan School of Information. (2014, January 18). Retrieved April 2, 2015, from 2006-7-30 Wise and Otherwise Game Pieces. (2006, July 6). Retrieved May 2, 2015, from uaihn-bdFiX-oDxCDh-qxSwhj-dACUKf-aiYt1y-bgVU8V-aiYkzj-adBudy-9ufyPq-6i3qkz-cufDMy-L8rwH-55wNmm-bEMNkL- ekGfMm-4vhUGv-dx4bVZ-7BVtpC-78WuiK-6Yj7DR- (2011, February 11). Retrieved May 2, 2015, from (2008, September 1). Retrieved May 2, 2015, from

Editor's Notes

  1. Photo by :Dolby, P. (2014, August 1). Retrieved April 9, 2015, from
  2. Klien, J. (2010, September 29). Kids, careers, work and reinvention. Retrieved April 9, 2015, from
  3. Annse, R. (2013, October 27). Advice for Technology Crazed Collegiettes. Retrieved April 9, 2015, from
  4. Mamchenkov, L. (2007, January 28). Img_7337. Retrieved April 9, 2015, from
  5. (2011, February 11). Retrieved May 2, 2015, from
  6. Ruttner, R. (2009, February 10). Meeting room stencil graffiti. Retrieved April 18, 2015, from
  7. (2011, February 11). Retrieved May 2, 2015, from
  8. (2011, February 11). Retrieved May 2, 2015, from
  9. Jarrett, K. (2012). Padcamp 2012. Retrieved April 18, 2015, from
  10. (2008, September 1). Retrieved May 2, 2015, from
  11. 2006-7-30 Wise and Otherwise Game Pieces. (2006, July 6). Retrieved May 2, 2015, from
  12. Introduction to Gameful Learning with GradeCraft. (2015, April 3). Retrieved April 9, 2015, from
  13. Petrucelli, S. (2010, December 1). Game On. Retrieved May 2, 2015, from