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- Refraining from undesirable debts
Wong Yew Yip
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
MODULE 1 Managing Personal Finances
MODULE 2 Getting into Undesirable Debt
MODULE 3 Staying out of Undesirable Debt
Applying Personal Finances
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
What is Managing Personal Finances?
Managing Personal Finances is about making
financial decisions to budget, save, and spend
monetary resources from time to time, taking
into account various financial risks and future life
events… it does not matter how much or how
little money you have
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Importance of Managing Personal Finances
Managing Personal Finances will
help you to:
☺ Know what you want to do with
☺ Know where your money goes
☺ Know how to save money for
your goals
☺ Plan in advance your spending
☺ Know your credit limits and how
to keep control
☺ Organize your financial records
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
A bad management of
personal finance will provide
nothing but financial trouble
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Will - Skill Matrix in Managing Personal Finances
(High Will, High Skill)
Free from
(High Will, Low Skill)
to getting
into debt
(Low Will, Low Skill)
Will get
into debt
(Low Will, High Skill)
High chance
of getting
into debt
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
What is Undesirable Debt?
 A personal debt consists of any money owed as a
result of an individual purchasing items or goods for
personal consumption
 Very few individuals do not have debt
 In fact, maintaining some level of debt is necessary
for most people, mainly because they do not have
the cash available large ticket items like house and
 Thus, personal debt is not necessarily a bad thing
 But, when the debt is too much and escalates out of
control due to inability to repay, then this is
undesirable debt
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
“Debt can turn a free, happy person into
a bitter human being.” - Michael Mihalik
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Reasons why one gets into debt
1. Get a credit card (or two or three or more)
and don't service them promptly
2. No habit to save
3. Ignore your budget or don't even have a
4. Tend to be lazy - pay for people to do
things for you, like washing car, cleaning
house, cutting grass, etc
5. Try to win big - the lottery or gambling at
the casino is by far one of the most fun
and exciting ways to blow all your money!
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Dumb ways to get into debt
1. Financing an expensive car
2. Using credit cards
3. Financing latest gadgets
4. Having expensive habits
5. Spiraling debts
6. Giving family and friends a loan
7. Stand as guarantor for loan
8. Upgrading unnecessary stuff
9. Playing lottery and gambling
10. Hire purchase on furniture and appliances
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Clues that you are in debt
1. Your credit card balances continually increase
regardless of the fact that you are making a steady
2. You are consistently making only the minimum payments
on your credit cards and the balance never goes down
3. You have to work overtime or take a second or even
third job to simply pay off all of your credit card bills in
addition to your regular monthly bills
4. You have no idea how much you owe your creditors and
you are too afraid to call them to find out
5. You start ignoring phone calls because they are from
your creditors
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Clues that you are in debt
6. Your savings account is getting lower and lower
because you have been dipping into it to pay your bills
7. You lie to your spouse about how much items cost
8. Your spouse or family has no idea how severe your
bills are & you hide your debts from them
9. You are regularly late in paying your utility and other
monthly bills
10. You are consistently worrying about money to the
point that you are losing sleep and it affects your daily
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
The Debt Cycle
First, we JUSTIFY the
need to take a new debt
Then we TAKE on the
new debt
This causes more
STRESS and financial
To RELIEVE stress, we
take on a new debt
When we start explaining,
rationalizing, defending or making
excuses why we need to add new
debt, we’re caught in the debt cycle
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Credit Card Debt Cycle
You use
your credit
You pay the
You buy
even more
You still pay
the minimum
And the
debt never
seems to
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Debt leads to Fraud & Wrongdoing
 The 1st element of the Fraud Triangle
represents pressure to resolve “non-
shareable problems” (to be kept
confidential & secret)
 This is what motivates the fraud and
wrongdoing in the first place
 The fraudster has some financial
problem that he is unable to solve
through legitimate means, so he
begins to consider committing an
illegal act, such as stealing cash, as
a way to solve his problem
The Fraud Triangle
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
If you are in debt
Assess in detail your indebtedness
Admit & Accept the fact that you have a
Acknowledge it - Don’t ignore the
problem - it won’t go away
Don't leave it until it's too
late - ACT FAST
Simple steps that can be taken to get back on
the road to debt recovery
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Recognizing Red Flags
1. Fail to save money for rainy days
2. Always financially tight and out of money
before payday
3. Longer time needed to pay or frequently
late in settling bills
4. “Juggling” payments to creditors
5. Borrow to pay fixed costs such as rental, insurance…
6. Credit card cash advance used to pay daily expenses
7. Resort to borrowing from illegal money lenders
8. Creditors often call up and send letters demanding for
payment of overdue debts
9. Unsure how much actually owing
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Living Within Your Means
 Live a comfortable life, not a
wasteful one
 Do not spend to impress others
 Do not live life trying to fool
yourself into thinking wealth is
measured in material objects
 Manage your money wisely so your
money does not manage you
 Always live well within your means
 Resisting the gratification of your
ever-growing whims and desires
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Safeguarding Your Reputation
“It takes 20 years to build a
reputation and just 5
minutes to ruin it
If you think about that, you
will do things differently”
Warren Buffett
His advice to young people:
"Stay away from credit cards & bank loans
and invest in yourself and remember:
A. Money doesn't create man but it is the man
who created money
B. Live your life as simple as possible
C. Don't do what others say - listen to them,
but do what you feel good doing
His advice to young people:
"Stay away from credit cards & bank loans
and invest in yourself and remember:
D. Don't follow brand names; just wear those
things in which you feel comfortable
E. Don't waste your money on unnecessary
things; rather just spend on those things
you really need
F. After all, it's your life so why allow others to
rule your life?"
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Tips for Living Within Your Means
1. Redefine your definition of “rich”
2. Borrow & share instead of buying all
the time
3. Refrain from going to the shopping
malls unnecessarily
4. Limit your intake of advertisements –
consciously manage excessive desire
and temptations for luxurious comfort
5. Buy on need basis with ready cash or
use credit cards prudently
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Tips for Living Within Your Means
6. Find a better deal which
results in savings
7. Stay in and relax
8. Prepare yourself for rainy
days in a realistic way
9. Stop competing with others in
material comfort – no end
10. Avoid impulsive buying - buy
things you truly need
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Avoid Credit Card Blues
 It is so easy to make purchases
when all you need to do is just
pull out the “plastic card”
 Easy, that is, until the monthly
bills arrive…
 Many use credit cards to make ends meet and then
find it difficult to make all the monthly payments
 That is when the “credit card blues” set in
 If you have trouble just meeting your monthly
payments, then it’s a warning to you to cut back on
using the credit cards
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
GIVE UP on these!!!
 GIVE UP your needs to impress others
 GIVE UP living your life to meet others’ expectation
 GIVE UP your needs to be the envy of others
 GIVE UP satisfying your desire to buy, buy and buy
 GIVE UP comparing yourself with others
 GIVE UP borrowing to maintain luxurious lifestyle
 GIVE UP gambling, sticky habits…
 GIVE UP owing more than one bank’s credit cards
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Effective Tips to stay out of undesirable debt
1. Prepaid cards - using prepaid cards for shopping
2. Good offers - on the lookout for the best deals and discounts
on products and services
3. Timely payments - paying your bills on time is a great way to
budget your spending
4. Avoid being ‘slaved’ by luxuries – even you earn good
income doesn’t mean you spend on everything that catches
your fancy…
5. Emergency fund - having a consistent and regular savings
for emergency situations is a sound choice for your family
6. Will power - last but not the least; you need to have the will
to save
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Where does your money go?
 Do you know where your money
 You may say, “house payments,
car loan, utility bills and food”
 But after that, things begin to get a
bit blurry
 You are not sure where the rest of
it goes - Right?
 You will not be sure until you learn
to manage your personal finances
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Tips to manage your Personal Finances
 Start saving today - make it a habit to save a portion of
your paycheck on a monthly basis
 When you can borrow or rent, don't buy
 Go for high down payment and low monthly installments
 Have good insurance coverage for emergencies
 Holding credit cards considered to be important for
establishing credit standing but watch your spending
 Read books on personal financial management - to learn
proper financial management skills from experts
 Save a few ringgit a day and it will snowball to become a
million some day…
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Spending Habits
1. Decide on the needed items and plan how much
can be spent BEFORE going for shopping?
2. Always use a shopping list?
3. Buy only items on your list?
4. Compare price and quality before buying, especially
on expensive purchases?
5. Use your credit cards only when necessary?
6. Make effort to return poor quality or defective items
to the seller?
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Too many people spend money
they haven’t earned, to buy things
they don’t want, to impress people
they don’t like – Will Rogers
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Spending Log (1 of 3)
1 Rent, management fees
2 Mortgage
3 Credit Card payment
4 Insurance
5 Child care/support
6 Alimony
7 Vehicle loan
8 Allowances
9 Monthly prescriptions
10 Other Fixed Expenses
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
1 Electricity, gas, oil, fuel
2 Water, Indah Water
3 Telephone, internet
4 Groceries
5 Cable TV, Satellite
6 Dry cleaning
7 Dining out
8 Other Flexible Expenses
Spending Log (2 of 3)
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
1 Education
2 Medical, Dental, Vision
3 Entertainment
4 Going out, events
5 Clothing
6 Personal Services
7 Sports, hobbies
8 Home repairs, maintenance
9 Vehicle repairs, maintenance
10 Newspapers, books, magazines
11 Other Discretionary Expenses
Spending Log (3 of 3)
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Spending Tips (1 of 3)
1. When you go for ordinary shopping, bring only cash, don’t
take credit cards…why?...
2. Buy consciously only the things you really need - before
going for shopping, make a list of your needs and stick to it
3. Save up the money to buy what you need – don’t get a
loan or use credit cards
4. Shop at thrift stores, negotiate prices whenever practical
5. Swap clothes with friends and relatives
6. Avoid trendy clothes; buy classic styles made from high-
quality fabrics
7. Look for sales and off-season bargains, compare prices…
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
8. Carefully inspect everything you buy; make sure the item
is worth the money - keep your receipts
9. Buy furniture and household appliances on cash, not on
10. Shop for food at supermarkets with a shopping list based
on menus; avoid costly convenience stores
11. Use coupons, and buy store brands at the supermarket
12. Buy larger quantities of things if you frequently use – for
better prices
13. Eat at home - make your own meals
14. Take your lunches to work
15. Share driving or use public transportation
Spending Tips (2 of 3)
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
16. Arrange baby-sitting with neighbors, friends, and relatives
17. Write letters or emails instead of calling long-distance if
these calls cost extra on your phone
18. If you use mobile phone, be sure you're not paying for
minutes you never use
19. Give home made gifts to people
20. Read books, magazines and newspapers at the library if
practical or from the internet
21. Do as much repair work as possible by yourself
22. Buy only energy-efficient appliances - you will be paying
for electricity
Spending Tips (3 of 3)
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
6 Steps to balance your Budget
Set your
Know your
your regular
income &
spending and
adjust to
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
 Set your financial goals
• Your values should be reflected
in your financial goals
• No one can tell you what your
lifestyle ought to be but every
lifestyle comes with a price tag
• Only you can decide how to
match your money with your
lifestyle and goals
6 Steps to balance your Budget
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
 Know your income
• You must know how much
money you have to work with in
order to make a plan to live
within your income/means
• Your income will be your take-
home pay (not basic) and
6 Steps to balance your Budget
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
 Estimate your monthly fixed
• Fixed expenses stay basically
the same each month and are
committed for a period of time
• You may need to adjust the
amounts to reflect any
changes, such as a rent
increase, higher insurance
premiums, new loan repayment
6 Steps to balance your Budget
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
 Estimate your regular
flexible expenses
• Flexible expenses occur each
month, but the amounts change
so you have to carefully track
expenses for items such as
food, clothing, transportation
• Unlike fixed expenses, you
generally have more control
over these amounts
6 Steps to balance your Budget
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
 Estimate your occasional
• Occasional expenses come
periodically throughout the year
such as holidays, birthdays,
home maintenance, education
• Don’t let occasional expenses
creep up on you and find
yourself without the money to
pay them
6 Steps to balance your Budget
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
 Compare income & spending &
adjust to achieve balance
• If your income and expenses
don’t balance, determine where
can you make adjustments
• If your income exceeds expenses,
consider additional savings or
investment goals
• However, if your expenses greater
exceeds income, you have 2
options - increase income or
reduce expenses
6 Steps to balance your Budget
Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
Action Learning Project on Budget Planning
 Prepare your monthly budget
for next month using the
Monthly Budget Planning tool
 Ensure that you adhere
strictly to what you have
budgeted and planned
 Determine the differences at
end of month and, if your
actual expenses exceed
budget, identify expenses you
can give up or reduce
Thank You
Contact :
for PowerPoint file

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Managing Personal Finances 2021

  • 1. MANAGING YOUR PERSONAL FINANCES - Refraining from undesirable debts Wong Yew Yip
  • 2. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Modules MODULE 1 Managing Personal Finances MODULE 2 Getting into Undesirable Debt MODULE 3 Staying out of Undesirable Debt MODULE 4 Applying Personal Finances Techniques
  • 3. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
  • 4. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 What is Managing Personal Finances? Managing Personal Finances is about making financial decisions to budget, save, and spend monetary resources from time to time, taking into account various financial risks and future life events… it does not matter how much or how little money you have
  • 5. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Importance of Managing Personal Finances Managing Personal Finances will help you to: ☺ Know what you want to do with money ☺ Know where your money goes ☺ Know how to save money for your goals ☺ Plan in advance your spending ☺ Know your credit limits and how to keep control ☺ Organize your financial records
  • 6. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 A bad management of personal finance will provide nothing but financial trouble
  • 7. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Will - Skill Matrix in Managing Personal Finances Low Low High High SKILL WILL (High Will, High Skill) Free from debt! (High Will, Low Skill) Susceptible to getting into debt (Low Will, Low Skill) Will get into debt (Low Will, High Skill) High chance of getting into debt
  • 8. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
  • 9. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 What is Undesirable Debt?  A personal debt consists of any money owed as a result of an individual purchasing items or goods for personal consumption  Very few individuals do not have debt  In fact, maintaining some level of debt is necessary for most people, mainly because they do not have the cash available large ticket items like house and car  Thus, personal debt is not necessarily a bad thing  But, when the debt is too much and escalates out of control due to inability to repay, then this is undesirable debt
  • 10. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 “Debt can turn a free, happy person into a bitter human being.” - Michael Mihalik
  • 11. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Reasons why one gets into debt 1. Get a credit card (or two or three or more) and don't service them promptly 2. No habit to save 3. Ignore your budget or don't even have a budget 4. Tend to be lazy - pay for people to do things for you, like washing car, cleaning house, cutting grass, etc 5. Try to win big - the lottery or gambling at the casino is by far one of the most fun and exciting ways to blow all your money!
  • 12. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Dumb ways to get into debt 1. Financing an expensive car 2. Using credit cards 3. Financing latest gadgets 4. Having expensive habits 5. Spiraling debts 6. Giving family and friends a loan 7. Stand as guarantor for loan 8. Upgrading unnecessary stuff 9. Playing lottery and gambling 10. Hire purchase on furniture and appliances
  • 13. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Clues that you are in debt 1. Your credit card balances continually increase regardless of the fact that you are making a steady income 2. You are consistently making only the minimum payments on your credit cards and the balance never goes down 3. You have to work overtime or take a second or even third job to simply pay off all of your credit card bills in addition to your regular monthly bills 4. You have no idea how much you owe your creditors and you are too afraid to call them to find out 5. You start ignoring phone calls because they are from your creditors
  • 14. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Clues that you are in debt 6. Your savings account is getting lower and lower because you have been dipping into it to pay your bills 7. You lie to your spouse about how much items cost 8. Your spouse or family has no idea how severe your bills are & you hide your debts from them 9. You are regularly late in paying your utility and other monthly bills 10. You are consistently worrying about money to the point that you are losing sleep and it affects your daily life
  • 15. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 The Debt Cycle First, we JUSTIFY the need to take a new debt Then we TAKE on the new debt This causes more STRESS and financial consequences To RELIEVE stress, we take on a new debt When we start explaining, rationalizing, defending or making excuses why we need to add new debt, we’re caught in the debt cycle
  • 16. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Credit Card Debt Cycle You use your credit card You pay the minimum payment You buy even more stuff You still pay the minimum payment And the debt never seems to reduce!
  • 17. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Debt leads to Fraud & Wrongdoing  The 1st element of the Fraud Triangle represents pressure to resolve “non- shareable problems” (to be kept confidential & secret)  This is what motivates the fraud and wrongdoing in the first place  The fraudster has some financial problem that he is unable to solve through legitimate means, so he begins to consider committing an illegal act, such as stealing cash, as a way to solve his problem The Fraud Triangle
  • 18. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 If you are in debt Assess in detail your indebtedness 1 Admit & Accept the fact that you have a problem 2 Acknowledge it - Don’t ignore the problem - it won’t go away 3 Don't leave it until it's too late - ACT FAST 4 Simple steps that can be taken to get back on the road to debt recovery
  • 19. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
  • 20. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Recognizing Red Flags 1. Fail to save money for rainy days 2. Always financially tight and out of money before payday 3. Longer time needed to pay or frequently late in settling bills 4. “Juggling” payments to creditors 5. Borrow to pay fixed costs such as rental, insurance… 6. Credit card cash advance used to pay daily expenses 7. Resort to borrowing from illegal money lenders 8. Creditors often call up and send letters demanding for payment of overdue debts 9. Unsure how much actually owing
  • 21. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Living Within Your Means  Live a comfortable life, not a wasteful one  Do not spend to impress others  Do not live life trying to fool yourself into thinking wealth is measured in material objects  Manage your money wisely so your money does not manage you  Always live well within your means  Resisting the gratification of your ever-growing whims and desires
  • 22. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Safeguarding Your Reputation “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and just 5 minutes to ruin it If you think about that, you will do things differently” Warren Buffett
  • 23. His advice to young people: "Stay away from credit cards & bank loans and invest in yourself and remember: A. Money doesn't create man but it is the man who created money B. Live your life as simple as possible C. Don't do what others say - listen to them, but do what you feel good doing
  • 24. His advice to young people: "Stay away from credit cards & bank loans and invest in yourself and remember: D. Don't follow brand names; just wear those things in which you feel comfortable E. Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; rather just spend on those things you really need F. After all, it's your life so why allow others to rule your life?"
  • 25. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Tips for Living Within Your Means 1. Redefine your definition of “rich” 2. Borrow & share instead of buying all the time 3. Refrain from going to the shopping malls unnecessarily 4. Limit your intake of advertisements – consciously manage excessive desire and temptations for luxurious comfort 5. Buy on need basis with ready cash or use credit cards prudently
  • 26. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Tips for Living Within Your Means 6. Find a better deal which results in savings 7. Stay in and relax 8. Prepare yourself for rainy days in a realistic way 9. Stop competing with others in material comfort – no end 10. Avoid impulsive buying - buy things you truly need
  • 27. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Avoid Credit Card Blues  It is so easy to make purchases when all you need to do is just pull out the “plastic card”  Easy, that is, until the monthly bills arrive…  Many use credit cards to make ends meet and then find it difficult to make all the monthly payments  That is when the “credit card blues” set in  If you have trouble just meeting your monthly payments, then it’s a warning to you to cut back on using the credit cards
  • 28. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 GIVE UP on these!!!  GIVE UP your needs to impress others  GIVE UP living your life to meet others’ expectation  GIVE UP your needs to be the envy of others  GIVE UP satisfying your desire to buy, buy and buy  GIVE UP comparing yourself with others  GIVE UP borrowing to maintain luxurious lifestyle  GIVE UP gambling, sticky habits…  GIVE UP owing more than one bank’s credit cards
  • 29. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Effective Tips to stay out of undesirable debt 1. Prepaid cards - using prepaid cards for shopping 2. Good offers - on the lookout for the best deals and discounts on products and services 3. Timely payments - paying your bills on time is a great way to budget your spending 4. Avoid being ‘slaved’ by luxuries – even you earn good income doesn’t mean you spend on everything that catches your fancy… 5. Emergency fund - having a consistent and regular savings for emergency situations is a sound choice for your family 6. Will power - last but not the least; you need to have the will to save
  • 30. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021
  • 31. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Where does your money go?  Do you know where your money goes?  You may say, “house payments, car loan, utility bills and food”  But after that, things begin to get a bit blurry  You are not sure where the rest of it goes - Right?  You will not be sure until you learn to manage your personal finances properly
  • 32. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Tips to manage your Personal Finances  Start saving today - make it a habit to save a portion of your paycheck on a monthly basis  When you can borrow or rent, don't buy  Go for high down payment and low monthly installments  Have good insurance coverage for emergencies  Holding credit cards considered to be important for establishing credit standing but watch your spending  Read books on personal financial management - to learn proper financial management skills from experts  Save a few ringgit a day and it will snowball to become a million some day…
  • 33. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Spending Habits DO YOU … 1. Decide on the needed items and plan how much can be spent BEFORE going for shopping? 2. Always use a shopping list? 3. Buy only items on your list? 4. Compare price and quality before buying, especially on expensive purchases? 5. Use your credit cards only when necessary? 6. Make effort to return poor quality or defective items to the seller?
  • 34. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like – Will Rogers
  • 35. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Spending Log (1 of 3) WEEKLY SPENDING LOG A FIXED EXPENSES WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 1 Rent, management fees 2 Mortgage 3 Credit Card payment 4 Insurance 5 Child care/support 6 Alimony 7 Vehicle loan 8 Allowances 9 Monthly prescriptions 10 Other Fixed Expenses TOTALS (A) FIXED EXPENSES TOTAL
  • 36. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 WEEKLY SPENDING LOG B FLEXIBLE EXPENSES WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 1 Electricity, gas, oil, fuel 2 Water, Indah Water 3 Telephone, internet 4 Groceries 5 Cable TV, Satellite 6 Dry cleaning 7 Dining out 8 Other Flexible Expenses TOTALS (B) FIXED EXPENSES TOTAL Spending Log (2 of 3)
  • 37. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 WEEKLY SPENDING LOG C DISCRETIONARY EXPENSES WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 1 Education 2 Medical, Dental, Vision 3 Entertainment 4 Going out, events 5 Clothing 6 Personal Services 7 Sports, hobbies 8 Home repairs, maintenance 9 Vehicle repairs, maintenance 10 Newspapers, books, magazines 11 Other Discretionary Expenses TOTALS (C) DISCRETIONARY EXPENSES TOTAL OVERALL EXPENSES (A, B, C) Spending Log (3 of 3)
  • 38. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Spending Tips (1 of 3) 1. When you go for ordinary shopping, bring only cash, don’t take credit cards…why?... 2. Buy consciously only the things you really need - before going for shopping, make a list of your needs and stick to it 3. Save up the money to buy what you need – don’t get a loan or use credit cards 4. Shop at thrift stores, negotiate prices whenever practical 5. Swap clothes with friends and relatives 6. Avoid trendy clothes; buy classic styles made from high- quality fabrics 7. Look for sales and off-season bargains, compare prices…
  • 39. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 8. Carefully inspect everything you buy; make sure the item is worth the money - keep your receipts 9. Buy furniture and household appliances on cash, not on HP 10. Shop for food at supermarkets with a shopping list based on menus; avoid costly convenience stores 11. Use coupons, and buy store brands at the supermarket 12. Buy larger quantities of things if you frequently use – for better prices 13. Eat at home - make your own meals 14. Take your lunches to work 15. Share driving or use public transportation Spending Tips (2 of 3)
  • 40. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 16. Arrange baby-sitting with neighbors, friends, and relatives 17. Write letters or emails instead of calling long-distance if these calls cost extra on your phone 18. If you use mobile phone, be sure you're not paying for minutes you never use 19. Give home made gifts to people 20. Read books, magazines and newspapers at the library if practical or from the internet 21. Do as much repair work as possible by yourself 22. Buy only energy-efficient appliances - you will be paying for electricity Spending Tips (3 of 3)
  • 41. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 6 Steps to balance your Budget Balancing Your Budget Set your financial goals 1 Know your income 2 Estimate your monthly fixed expenses 3 Estimate your regular flexible expenses 4 Estimate your occasional expenses 5 Compare income & spending and adjust to achieve balance 6
  • 42. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021  Set your financial goals • Your values should be reflected in your financial goals • No one can tell you what your lifestyle ought to be but every lifestyle comes with a price tag • Only you can decide how to match your money with your lifestyle and goals 6 Steps to balance your Budget
  • 43. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021  Know your income • You must know how much money you have to work with in order to make a plan to live within your income/means • Your income will be your take- home pay (not basic) and allowances 6 Steps to balance your Budget
  • 44. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021  Estimate your monthly fixed expenses • Fixed expenses stay basically the same each month and are committed for a period of time • You may need to adjust the amounts to reflect any changes, such as a rent increase, higher insurance premiums, new loan repayment 6 Steps to balance your Budget
  • 45. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021  Estimate your regular flexible expenses • Flexible expenses occur each month, but the amounts change so you have to carefully track expenses for items such as food, clothing, transportation • Unlike fixed expenses, you generally have more control over these amounts 6 Steps to balance your Budget
  • 46. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021  Estimate your occasional expenses • Occasional expenses come periodically throughout the year such as holidays, birthdays, home maintenance, education • Don’t let occasional expenses creep up on you and find yourself without the money to pay them 6 Steps to balance your Budget
  • 47. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021  Compare income & spending & adjust to achieve balance • If your income and expenses don’t balance, determine where can you make adjustments • If your income exceeds expenses, consider additional savings or investment goals • However, if your expenses greater exceeds income, you have 2 options - increase income or reduce expenses 6 Steps to balance your Budget
  • 48. Designed & Developed by : Wong Yew Yip ~ updated 17 September 2021 Action Learning Project on Budget Planning  Prepare your monthly budget for next month using the Monthly Budget Planning tool  Ensure that you adhere strictly to what you have budgeted and planned  Determine the differences at end of month and, if your actual expenses exceed budget, identify expenses you can give up or reduce