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Managing Files 
with Puppet 
An introduction to configuration management 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
Who am I? 
• Walter Heck, Software engineer turned DBA, turned 
Sysadmin, turned entrepreneur 
• Founder of OlinData ( 
o Puppet Labs training partner for all of Asia and part of 
o Node.JS, OpenStack, Linux Foundation training 
o MySQL consulting 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
• What is puppet (for those not aware)? 
• Which modules to use for file management? 
• Built-in puppet resources for working with files 
• How to deal with cross-resource type conflicts 
• Exported resources and the concat module 
• Questions 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
What is Puppet and why do we care? 
• Configuration management software 
• Scales well (1-200k+ nodes) 
• Multi-platform (windows, *nix, Mac OS, BSD) 
• Commercially supported Open Source 
• Infrastructure as code 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
What options do we have? 
1. source and content attributes of the file resource type 
2. the concat module 
3. the file_line resource type from the stdlib module 
4. the inifile module 
5. the augeas tool 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
The file resource type 
• used to manage whole files (and directories and symlinks) 
• content of the file is managed in two mutually exclusive ways: 
o source => ‘puppet:///modules/apache/httpd.conf’ 
o content => template(apache/httpd.conf.erb’) 
• in heavy or large environments, split off file serving to a 
separate puppetmaster 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
The file resource type - source 
• Source attribute can use 
o local file on the agent 
• syntax: source => ‘/usr/local/myfile.txt’ 
o remote file on the master 
• syntax: source => ‘puppet://<puppetmaster>/modules/apache/httpd.conf’ 
• source attribute copies content from source non-modifiable 
o great for static files eg. init.d scripts 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
The file resource (source example) 
$master: cat mymodule/manifests/bar.pp 
class mymodule::bar { 
file { '/tmp/file01': 
ensure => file, 
owner => 'root', 
group => 'root', 
mode => '0644', 
source => 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/file01', 
file { '/tmp/file02': 
ensure => file, 
owner => 'root', 
group => 'root', 
mode => '0644', 
source => '/opt/local/file02', 
$master: cat mymodule/files/file01 
This is a static file 
$agent: cat /opt/local/file02 
This is a locally sourced static file 
OlinData Webinar 2014 - 
$agent: puppet apply -e ‘include mymodule::bar’ 
$agent: cat /tmp/file01 
This is a static file 
$agent: cat /tmp/file02 
This is a locally sourced static file
The file resource type - content 
• Content attribute assigns a static string to the content of the 
o use the template() function to parse an erb template and 
assign the result. 
• eg. content => template(‘apache/httpd.conf’) 
• erb templates: standard ruby embedded templates 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
The file resource (content example) 
$ cat mymodule/manifests/foo.pp 
class mymodule::foo { 
$say_hello_to = 'dude' 
$myname = 'file03' 
file { "/tmp/$myname": 
ensure => file, 
content => template('mymodule/polite-file.erb'), 
$ cat mymodule/templates/polite-file.erb 
<% if @say_hello_to -%> 
Hello <%= @say_hello_to %>, 
<% end -%> 
I'm <%= @myname %>, on a <%= @operatingsystem %> system, nice to meet you. 
$ puppet apply -e ‘include mymodule::foo’ 
$ cat /tmp/file03 
Hello dude, 
I'm file03, on a Ubuntu system, nice to meet you. 
Note: the @operatingsystem variable (replaced here by “Ubuntu”) value is provided by Facter 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
The concat module 
• puppet module developed by R.I.Pienaar originally in 2010 
o adopted by PuppetLabs: 
• Allows to concatenate separate sections of files 
o eg. puppet.conf on your puppet master 
• Uses a local nifty trick with a shell script 
o check out: files/ 
• Bonus: use exported resources on fragments to collect for 
instance haproxy loadbalancer backends 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
The concat module (example) 
class motd { 
$motd = '/etc/motd' 
concat { $motd: 
owner => 'root', 
group => 'root', 
mode => '0644' 
concat::fragment{ 'motd_header': 
target => $motd, 
content => "nPuppet modules on this server:nn", 
order => '01' 
# local users on the machine can append to motd by just creating 
# /etc/motd.local 
concat::fragment{ 'motd_local': 
target => $motd, 
source => '/etc/motd.local', 
order => '15' 
#Note: concat::fragment resources for a single target file can appear anywhere in your repository, across 
modules and classes 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
The stdlib module - file_line 
• used for managing single lines in a file you otherwise don’t 
care about 
o supports regex matching 
o caution: managing the same file with file_line and a file 
resource can cause flip-flopping file content 
• part of the puppetlabs/stdlib module 
• implemented as custom resource type 
o lib/puppet/provider/file_line/ruby.rb 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
file_line (example) 
class foo::bar { 
file_line { 'sudo_rule': 
path => '/etc/sudoers', 
line => '%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL', 
file_line { 'change_mount': 
path => '/etc/fstab', 
line => ' /opt/data nfs defaults 0 0', 
match => '^', 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
The inifile module 
• used for managing inifile style files 
o created by Chris Price, maintained by PuppetLabs 
• most important resource type is ini_setting 
o Auto-creates ini section headers 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
The inifile module - example 
class foo::baz { 
ini_setting { "sample setting": 
ensure => present, 
path => '/tmp/foo.ini', 
section => 'foo', 
setting => 'foosetting', 
value => 'FOO!', 
$ puppet apply -e ‘include foo::baz’ 
$ cat /tmp/foo.ini 
foosetting = FOO! 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
• Advanced parsing of config files 
• Uses so-called lenses that define the grammar of known 
config files. Many available for well known software 
o Creating your own lense possible, but tough! 
• After parsing, a configuration file will be available in tree 
format, with read/write capabilities to each node in the tree 
• Works regardless of order of lines in the file 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
Augeas (example) 
walter@web02:~$ cat -n /etc/hosts 
1 # HEADER: This file was autogenerated at Sun 
May 12 07:31:47 +0200 2013 
2 # HEADER: by puppet. While it can still be 
managed manually, it 
3 # HEADER: is definitely not recommended. 
4 ### OlinData installimage 
5 # nameserver config 
6 # IPv4 
7 localhost 
11 db01 
12 web02 
13 puppet 
OlinData Webinar 2014 - 
walter@web02:~$ augtool 
augtool> ls /files/etc/hosts/7 
ipaddr = 
canonical = 
alias = puppet 
augtool> ls /files/etc/hosts/07 
augtool> ls /files/etc/hosts/7 
ipaddr = 
canonical = 
alias = puppet 
augtool> match /files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr 
augtool> print /files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr 
/files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr = "" 
/files/etc/hosts/2/ipaddr = "" 
/files/etc/hosts/3/ipaddr = "" 
/files/etc/hosts/4/ipaddr = "" 
/files/etc/hosts/5/ipaddr = "" 
/files/etc/hosts/6/ipaddr = "" 
/files/etc/hosts/7/ipaddr = ""
Trivia - what happens? 
root@web02 /home/walter # cat test.pp 
class test { 
file { '/tmp/motd': 
ensure => present, 
content => "foo nbar n" 
file_line { 'test line': 
path => '/tmp/motd', 
line => 'baz', 
match => '^ba.', 
OlinData Webinar 2014 - 
include test 
root@web02 /home/walter # puppet apply test.pp 
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment dev in 0.06 seconds 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Test/File[/tmp/motd]/ensure: created 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Test/File_line[test line]/ensure: created 
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.71 seconds
Trivia - what happens? 
root@web02 /home/walter # cat test.pp 
class test { 
file { '/tmp/motd': 
ensure => present, 
content => "foo nbar n" 
file_line { 'test line': 
path => '/tmp/motd', 
line => 'baz', 
match => '^ba.', 
OlinData Webinar 2014 - 
root@web02 /home/walter # cat /tmp/motd 
include test 
root@web02 /home/walter # puppet apply test.pp 
Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment dev in 0.06 seconds 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Test/File[/tmp/motd]/ensure: created 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Test/File_line[test line]/ensure: created 
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.71 seconds
Exported resources 
3. Store in PuppetDB 5. Retrieve from PuppetDB 
WEB01 DB01 
@@concat::fragment{ ‘test’: 
ensure => present, 
target => ‘/etc/motd’ 
OlinData Webinar 2014 - 
concat {‘/etc/motd’: 
ensure => present, 
Concat::Fragment <<| |>> 
1. Puppet agent run 
6. Send to node 
2. Export to PM 
4. Collect on DB01
Exported resources 
3. Store in PuppetDB 5. Retrieve from PuppetDB 
WEB01 DB01 
@@concat::fragment{ ‘test’: 
ensure => present, 
target => ‘/etc/motd’ 
OlinData Webinar 2014 - 
concat {‘/etc/motd’: 
ensure => present, 
Concat::Fragment <<| |>> 
1. Puppet agent run 
6. Send to node 
2. Export to PM 
4. Collect on DB01
Exported resources 
3. Store in PuppetDB 5. Retrieve from PuppetDB 
WEB01 DB01 
@@concat::fragment{ ‘test’: 
ensure => present, 
target => ‘/etc/motd’ 
OlinData Webinar 2014 - 
concat {‘/etc/motd’: 
ensure => present, 
Concat::Fragment <<| |>> 
1. Puppet agent run 
6. Send to node 
2. Export to PM 
4. Collect on DB01
Exported resources 
3. Store in PuppetDB 5. Retrieve from PuppetDB 
WEB01 DB01 
@@concat::fragment{ ‘test’: 
ensure => present, 
target => ‘/etc/motd’ 
OlinData Webinar 2014 - 
concat {‘/etc/motd’: 
ensure => present, 
Concat::Fragment <<| |>> 
1. Puppet agent run 
6. Send to node 
2. Export to PM 
4. Collect on DB01
Exported resources 
3. Store in PuppetDB 5. Retrieve from PuppetDB 
WEB01 DB01 
@@concat::fragment{ ‘test’: 
ensure => present, 
target => ‘/etc/motd’ 
OlinData Webinar 2014 - 
concat {‘/etc/motd’: 
ensure => present, 
Concat::Fragment <<| |>> 
1. Puppet agent run 
6. Send to node 
2. Export to PM 
4. Collect on DB01
Exported resources 
3. Store in PuppetDB 5. Retrieve from PuppetDB 
WEB01 DB01 
@@concat::fragment{ ‘test’: 
ensure => present, 
target => ‘/etc/motd’ 
OlinData Webinar 2014 - 
concat {‘/etc/motd’: 
ensure => present, 
Concat::Fragment <<| |>> 
1. Puppet agent run 
6. Send to node 
2. Export to PM 
4. Collect on DB01
Exported resources 
node /^webd{3}.olindata.vm$/ { 
include role::haproxy::backend 
node 'proxy01.olindata.vm' { 
include role::haproxy 
class role::haproxy { 
concat {‘/etc/haproxy.cfg’: 
ensure => present, 
Concat::Fragment <<| |>> 
class role::haproxy::backend { 
@@concat::fragment { $::fqdn: 
ensure => 'present', 
target => '/etc/haproxy.cfg' 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
Upcoming training 
• Puppet Fundamentals Training, Vienna 
Monday, November 17, 2014 
• Puppet Fundamentals Training, Barcelona 
Monday, November 24, 2014 
• Puppet Fundamentals Training, Hyderabad 
Monday, November 24, 2014 
• Puppet Fundamentals Training, Pune 
Monday, December 1, 2014 
• Puppet Architect Training, Singapore 
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
We’re hiring! 
EU and Asia based 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -
@walterheck / @olindata 
OlinData Webinar 2014 -

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Webinar - Managing Files with Puppet

  • 1. Managing Files with Puppet An introduction to configuration management OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 2. Who am I? • Walter Heck, Software engineer turned DBA, turned Sysadmin, turned entrepreneur • Founder of OlinData ( o Puppet Labs training partner for all of Asia and part of Europe o Node.JS, OpenStack, Linux Foundation training o MySQL consulting OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 3. Overview • What is puppet (for those not aware)? • Which modules to use for file management? • Built-in puppet resources for working with files • How to deal with cross-resource type conflicts • Exported resources and the concat module • Questions OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 4. What is Puppet and why do we care? • Configuration management software • Scales well (1-200k+ nodes) • Multi-platform (windows, *nix, Mac OS, BSD) • Commercially supported Open Source • Infrastructure as code OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 5. What options do we have? 1. source and content attributes of the file resource type 2. the concat module 3. the file_line resource type from the stdlib module 4. the inifile module 5. the augeas tool OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 6. The file resource type • used to manage whole files (and directories and symlinks) • content of the file is managed in two mutually exclusive ways: o source => ‘puppet:///modules/apache/httpd.conf’ o content => template(apache/httpd.conf.erb’) • in heavy or large environments, split off file serving to a separate puppetmaster OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 7. The file resource type - source • Source attribute can use o local file on the agent • syntax: source => ‘/usr/local/myfile.txt’ o remote file on the master • syntax: source => ‘puppet://<puppetmaster>/modules/apache/httpd.conf’ • source attribute copies content from source non-modifiable o great for static files eg. init.d scripts OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 8. The file resource (source example) $master: cat mymodule/manifests/bar.pp class mymodule::bar { file { '/tmp/file01': ensure => file, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', source => 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/file01', } file { '/tmp/file02': ensure => file, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', source => '/opt/local/file02', } } $master: cat mymodule/files/file01 This is a static file $agent: cat /opt/local/file02 This is a locally sourced static file OlinData Webinar 2014 - $agent: puppet apply -e ‘include mymodule::bar’ $agent: cat /tmp/file01 This is a static file $agent: cat /tmp/file02 This is a locally sourced static file
  • 9. The file resource type - content • Content attribute assigns a static string to the content of the file o use the template() function to parse an erb template and assign the result. • eg. content => template(‘apache/httpd.conf’) • erb templates: standard ruby embedded templates • OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 10. The file resource (content example) $ cat mymodule/manifests/foo.pp class mymodule::foo { $say_hello_to = 'dude' $myname = 'file03' file { "/tmp/$myname": ensure => file, content => template('mymodule/polite-file.erb'), } } $ cat mymodule/templates/polite-file.erb <% if @say_hello_to -%> Hello <%= @say_hello_to %>, <% end -%> I'm <%= @myname %>, on a <%= @operatingsystem %> system, nice to meet you. $ puppet apply -e ‘include mymodule::foo’ $ cat /tmp/file03 Hello dude, I'm file03, on a Ubuntu system, nice to meet you. Note: the @operatingsystem variable (replaced here by “Ubuntu”) value is provided by Facter OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 11. The concat module • puppet module developed by R.I.Pienaar originally in 2010 o adopted by PuppetLabs: • Allows to concatenate separate sections of files o eg. puppet.conf on your puppet master • Uses a local nifty trick with a shell script o check out: files/ • Bonus: use exported resources on fragments to collect for instance haproxy loadbalancer backends OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 12. The concat module (example) class motd { $motd = '/etc/motd' concat { $motd: owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644' } concat::fragment{ 'motd_header': target => $motd, content => "nPuppet modules on this server:nn", order => '01' } # local users on the machine can append to motd by just creating # /etc/motd.local concat::fragment{ 'motd_local': target => $motd, source => '/etc/motd.local', order => '15' } } #Note: concat::fragment resources for a single target file can appear anywhere in your repository, across modules and classes OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 13. The stdlib module - file_line • used for managing single lines in a file you otherwise don’t care about o supports regex matching o caution: managing the same file with file_line and a file resource can cause flip-flopping file content • part of the puppetlabs/stdlib module o • implemented as custom resource type o lib/puppet/provider/file_line/ruby.rb OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 14. file_line (example) class foo::bar { file_line { 'sudo_rule': path => '/etc/sudoers', line => '%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL', } file_line { 'change_mount': path => '/etc/fstab', line => ' /opt/data nfs defaults 0 0', match => '^', } } OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 15. The inifile module • used for managing inifile style files o created by Chris Price, maintained by PuppetLabs o • most important resource type is ini_setting o Auto-creates ini section headers OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 16. The inifile module - example class foo::baz { ini_setting { "sample setting": ensure => present, path => '/tmp/foo.ini', section => 'foo', setting => 'foosetting', value => 'FOO!', } } $ puppet apply -e ‘include foo::baz’ $ cat /tmp/foo.ini [foo] foosetting = FOO! OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 17. Augeas • Advanced parsing of config files o • Uses so-called lenses that define the grammar of known config files. Many available for well known software ( o Creating your own lense possible, but tough! • After parsing, a configuration file will be available in tree format, with read/write capabilities to each node in the tree • Works regardless of order of lines in the file OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 18. Augeas (example) walter@web02:~$ cat -n /etc/hosts 1 # HEADER: This file was autogenerated at Sun May 12 07:31:47 +0200 2013 2 # HEADER: by puppet. While it can still be managed manually, it 3 # HEADER: is definitely not recommended. 4 ### OlinData installimage 5 # nameserver config 6 # IPv4 7 localhost 8 9 10 11 db01 12 web02 13 puppet [..SNIP..] OlinData Webinar 2014 - walter@web02:~$ augtool augtool> ls /files/etc/hosts/7 ipaddr = canonical = alias = puppet augtool> ls /files/etc/hosts/07 augtool> ls /files/etc/hosts/7 ipaddr = canonical = alias = puppet augtool> match /files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr /files/etc/hosts/2/ipaddr augtool> print /files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr /files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr = "" /files/etc/hosts/2/ipaddr = "" /files/etc/hosts/3/ipaddr = "" /files/etc/hosts/4/ipaddr = "" /files/etc/hosts/5/ipaddr = "" /files/etc/hosts/6/ipaddr = "" /files/etc/hosts/7/ipaddr = ""
  • 19. Trivia - what happens? root@web02 /home/walter # cat test.pp class test { file { '/tmp/motd': ensure => present, content => "foo nbar n" } file_line { 'test line': path => '/tmp/motd', line => 'baz', match => '^ba.', } OlinData Webinar 2014 - } include test root@web02 /home/walter # puppet apply test.pp Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment dev in 0.06 seconds Notice: /Stage[main]/Test/File[/tmp/motd]/ensure: created Notice: /Stage[main]/Test/File_line[test line]/ensure: created Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.71 seconds
  • 20. Trivia - what happens? root@web02 /home/walter # cat test.pp class test { file { '/tmp/motd': ensure => present, content => "foo nbar n" } file_line { 'test line': path => '/tmp/motd', line => 'baz', match => '^ba.', } OlinData Webinar 2014 - } root@web02 /home/walter # cat /tmp/motd foo baz include test root@web02 /home/walter # puppet apply test.pp Notice: Compiled catalog for in environment dev in 0.06 seconds Notice: /Stage[main]/Test/File[/tmp/motd]/ensure: created Notice: /Stage[main]/Test/File_line[test line]/ensure: created Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.71 seconds
  • 21. Exported resources PuppetDB 3. Store in PuppetDB 5. Retrieve from PuppetDB Puppet Master WEB01 DB01 @@concat::fragment{ ‘test’: ensure => present, target => ‘/etc/motd’ } OlinData Webinar 2014 - concat {‘/etc/motd’: ensure => present, } Concat::Fragment <<| |>> 1. Puppet agent run 6. Send to node 2. Export to PM 4. Collect on DB01
  • 22. Exported resources PuppetDB 3. Store in PuppetDB 5. Retrieve from PuppetDB Puppet Master WEB01 DB01 @@concat::fragment{ ‘test’: ensure => present, target => ‘/etc/motd’ } OlinData Webinar 2014 - concat {‘/etc/motd’: ensure => present, } Concat::Fragment <<| |>> 1. Puppet agent run 6. Send to node 2. Export to PM 4. Collect on DB01
  • 23. Exported resources PuppetDB 3. Store in PuppetDB 5. Retrieve from PuppetDB Puppet Master WEB01 DB01 @@concat::fragment{ ‘test’: ensure => present, target => ‘/etc/motd’ } OlinData Webinar 2014 - concat {‘/etc/motd’: ensure => present, } Concat::Fragment <<| |>> 1. Puppet agent run 6. Send to node 2. Export to PM 4. Collect on DB01
  • 24. Exported resources PuppetDB 3. Store in PuppetDB 5. Retrieve from PuppetDB Puppet Master WEB01 DB01 @@concat::fragment{ ‘test’: ensure => present, target => ‘/etc/motd’ } OlinData Webinar 2014 - concat {‘/etc/motd’: ensure => present, } Concat::Fragment <<| |>> 1. Puppet agent run 6. Send to node 2. Export to PM 4. Collect on DB01
  • 25. Exported resources PuppetDB 3. Store in PuppetDB 5. Retrieve from PuppetDB Puppet Master WEB01 DB01 @@concat::fragment{ ‘test’: ensure => present, target => ‘/etc/motd’ } OlinData Webinar 2014 - concat {‘/etc/motd’: ensure => present, } Concat::Fragment <<| |>> 1. Puppet agent run 6. Send to node 2. Export to PM 4. Collect on DB01
  • 26. Exported resources PuppetDB 3. Store in PuppetDB 5. Retrieve from PuppetDB Puppet Master WEB01 DB01 @@concat::fragment{ ‘test’: ensure => present, target => ‘/etc/motd’ } OlinData Webinar 2014 - concat {‘/etc/motd’: ensure => present, } Concat::Fragment <<| |>> 1. Puppet agent run 6. Send to node 2. Export to PM 4. Collect on DB01
  • 27. Exported resources node /^webd{3}.olindata.vm$/ { include role::haproxy::backend } node 'proxy01.olindata.vm' { include role::haproxy } class role::haproxy { concat {‘/etc/haproxy.cfg’: ensure => present, } Concat::Fragment <<| |>> } class role::haproxy::backend { @@concat::fragment { $::fqdn: ensure => 'present', target => '/etc/haproxy.cfg' } } OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 28. Upcoming training • Puppet Fundamentals Training, Vienna Monday, November 17, 2014 • Puppet Fundamentals Training, Barcelona Monday, November 24, 2014 • Puppet Fundamentals Training, Hyderabad Monday, November 24, 2014 • Puppet Fundamentals Training, Pune Monday, December 1, 2014 • Puppet Architect Training, Singapore Wednesday, December 17, 2014 OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 29. We’re hiring! EU and Asia based trainers OlinData Webinar 2014 -
  • 30. Questions? @walterheck / @olindata OlinData Webinar 2014 -