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Some Impressionistic Take away from the Book of
Kevan Hall
Making the Matrix Work
About the Authors
 Kevan Hall is the founder and CEO of Global
Integration Ltd. , a consultancy specializing in
skills required to work in complex, international
organizations, with offices in the UK and
 He works with companies around the world
including Microsoft, Coca-Cola, GlaxoSmithKline,
and Vodafone.
 He has practical experience in line management,
manufacturing operations, HR, training, and
strategic and market planning, mostly at Mars
where he worked in Strasbourg as head of
training and education from Vladivostock to
Ireland. He manages his own cross-cultural and
remote organization and is a regular speaker at
international conferences.
 In a matrix organization your skills matter more than your status,
your role does not define your reach, and you may wake up
every morning with “multiple bosses, competing goals, influence
without authority and accountability without control.”
 A “matrix organizational structure” slices horizontally. It cuts
across the up-and-down chain of command, severing silos,
stretching to multiple locations and combining functions that
used to be delineated.
 That new mind-set calls for new skills. For example, because
companies now can sprawl across national borders, managers
need strong intercultural communication skills, openness and
flexibility. You’ll interact with “colleagues from different locations”
and you’ll affect people in various units and cultures.
 Traditional “vertical structures” with clear lines of responsibility
seem simpler, but they don’t fit today’s collaborative business
 In a horizontal “matrix organizational structure,” formal titles
mean less and divisions are permeable. Managers may have
less formal, defined authority.
 The matrix’s positive and negative qualities merge in how
people work together, though the apparent negatives can be
daunting: Within a matrix, your accountability may decrease,
your goals may be less clear, and you may face
more uncertainty..”
“Both the advantages and disadvantages of the matrix are
fundamentally about people and the way they work together
– why matrix
Creating clarity
& embracing
Being connected
& effective
Balancing trust
and control
The Matrix
Mindset & skillset
 A Matrix Structure is where we have more than
one formal reporting line.
 Matrix working is where we are working or
managing “horizontally” across the traditional
“vertical” silos of function, geography and other
organizational boundaries. It can include managing
external stakeholders, multi-functional and virtual
Context – What is Matrix ?
Why Matrix ?
Drivers – Internal & External
 To meet the needs of Global or Regional Business
 Improved Global or Regional projects & systems
 Improved access to shared resources, skills &
technologies across the organization.
 Improved cooperation & communication across
the old functional & geographic silos.
 Flexibility through faster decision making
 Broader & more multi-skilled people development
• Because work runs horizontally across the
organization, it no longer fits within the traditional
vertical silos of function and geography.
Matrix working is everywhere in managerial &
professional roles in major organizations.
Why Matrix ?
Why move to a matrix
Matrix working represents a significant increase in
complexity in leadership, collaboration and personal
Multiple bosses
Competing goals
Higher levels of complexity
Influence without authority
Accountability without control
Success requires a new “Matrix Mind-set” & The skills
to back this up
A Step up in Complexity
Creating Clarity & Embracing Flexibility
A matrix trades clarity for flexibility
We need to do what we can to bring Clarity, but we also need
to be comfortable with higher levels of ambiguity
If we could have complete Clarity, we would not need a
Top Few Matrix Middle Local many
High Clear Strategy &
Clear Goals
& Workflow
Competing “Whats”
Clarity about WHAT we need to do
Top Few Matrix Middle Local many
Most conflict is
about how
& less visible to
senior managers
Debate about HOW we should do it
Top Few Matrix Middle Local many
Middle Managers get squeezed
Competing “Whats”
Conflict about
Question – What do the matrix middle need?
Question - “What knowledge, skills, authority or
information do people in the “matrix middle need in
order to be successful?
Clarity and Flexibility
 When you have 2 or more bosses you may be the
only person with a compete view of your goals and
 You should certainly be the person with the most
motivation to sort out any lack of clarity or conflicts.
 A matrix requires much higher levels of personal
ownership of goal and role clarity.
Clarity and Flexibility
 Create clarity where you can – goals, roles and alignment.
 But not everything will be clear so don’t obsess on RASCI
 Trade-offs and dilemmas are normal
 Metrics and incentives need to reflect this
 Conflict is OK so long as we have the skills to resolve it.
 Concentrate on escalations as a signal of problems.
Decision Making –Expertise vs. Authority
Based on authority /DOP
Boss feels the need to reserve to him –
or herself
Boss will consult others
Responsible for final decision
Within the area of responsibility of
the expert, confident & empowered
Made on basis of expertise
More than one person
Process through discussion, Consensus
Collective process .Not Hierarchy
To Summarize –Matrix & “Clarity”
 Functioning in a matrix demands “clarity,” “flexibility” and
continual renegotiation of the balance between them.
 Most organizations define clarity in terms of goals, but most
goals aren’t as clear as executives like to think.
 Leaders /Managers torn between two clear but conflicting
goals need to handle such trade-offs themselves without
taking questions up to the executive level.
 To reach those self-governing choices, managers need the
data, skills “and confidence to make good decisions.”
 “Communities are about creating opportunities for connection
and dialogue and seeing what emerges. They are not about
forcing collaboration.”
 People working in matrix organizations often complain that
their goals and their roles are not aligned.
 Be aware of this issue if people regularly make “poor
judgment calls,” if they duplicate one another’s efforts, if
tasks don’t get done, if processes aren’t synchronized or if
people clash over resources.
 To achieve greater alignment, communicate the firm’s
“vision, mission” and core strategies.
 Create a strong culture and share it. Set up a balanced
scorecard to show that different aspects of the company –
customer relations, finances, learning, organizational
development, administration and more – create value. Make
sure everyone knows what your leaders value.
The Matrix & Alignment
 “Effective organizational change flows from strategy to
structure to systems to skills.”
 Use “cross-business campaigns” to promote alignment by
building a sense of shared purpose.
 Show employees why they need “vertical goals” for their
jobs – based on strategic concerns – and “horizontal goals”
for facilitating the work of the overall organization.
 If you belong to a team, work with your members to boost
the group’s coordination and collaboration.
The Matrix & Alignment
“Research shows that role clarity is highly correlated with
engagement, performance and retention, so it is
important to get this right.”
To Summarize –Matrix & “Clarity”
 The different levels that hierarchical management structures
once kept strictly separated now must communicate with each
other until executives and managers share the same reality. That
seldom happens in traditional structures where 78% of senior
managers think that their middle managers’ roles are well
defined, while 85% of middle managers believe their roles are not
 “A lack of alignment of goals and roles is one of the most
common complaints in matrix working.”
 Goals often compete and “change quickly,” complicating the
issue of clarity in a matrix organization. When goals can come
from different parts of the corporation, and from offices in
different places that work on mismatched timelines and have
diverse perspectives, the result can be complex and frustrating.
Matrix organizations have many tools to deal with this,
To Summarize –Matrix & “Clarity”
 “Line of sight” – Align all employees’ objectives with “high-
level strategic goals.” This can help individuals gain clarity,
and support “overall organizational alignment.”
 “Cascade” – Goals and communication flow from the highest
level down to the next, and the next, and so on. This structure
can suffer from lack of feedback if communication flows in only
one direction.
 “Focusing” – Concentrate on increasing clarity about a few
main goals.
 “In reality, talented Leaders have always used a wide range of
influence techniques and sources of power to get things
To Summarize –Matrix & “Clarity”
 People who are clear about their roles are more engaged and
perform better.
 To assess clarity, ask each person at a meeting to write the
top three goals for the firm, the division and the department.
 Share those goals to ensure that people’s perceptions are
correct. Have them define their goals, creating “islands of
clarity” and finding the answers they need to make the matrix
work for them.
 You may change how you define goals.
 Older models, like SMART (“specific, measurable, achievable,
realistic, and time-bounded”) goals, may be “too simplistic for
the matrix.”
To Summarize –Matrix & “Clarity”
 “The key challenge to matrix success is creating a mind-set and a
skillset in our people that allows them to cope with the new level of
 Clarify your goals with “RASCI” analysis, which reviews what you
are “ Responsible “ “Accountable” for, what you are “Consulted”
about and what you need to be “Supported “ & “Informed” about.
 Each category entails different duties. For example, only one person
is accountable for a project, but several people may be responsible
for completing increments of the work involved.
 Figure out what you have to deliver and “how you are expected to
work.” Set your priorities and determine what “consequences and
implications” your work carries for others. Outline who makes
decisions: each person, the group or a boss.
 “Cooperation is vital to the success of a matrix organization.
However, cooperation has become more complex and expensive
Being Connected and Effective
Verticals - Functions / Businesses /
We introduce a
matrix to increase
cooperation and
across the traditional
Being Connected and Effective
Verticals - Functions / Businesses /
We introduce a matrix
to increase cooperation
and communication
across the traditional
But be careful what you wish for!
One Team
Four Modes of Cooperation
Spaghetti Team Star Group
Cloud Community Purposeful Network
Star Groups and Spaghetti Teams
Star Group Spaghetti Team
• People can work on individual
• Roles do not overlap
• People have unique skills
• Communication is needed relatively
• People can normally complete their daily
work without information or service from
others in the group
• Information is shared for learning and
• Objectives require cooperation of all
members of the team
• Individual roles overlap
• People have complementary skills
• Communication is needed relatively
• People are dependent on others in the
team to get their daily work done
• Information is shared to get things done
The Question - Cooperation – the size of the prize
Q1 - What % of your typical week do you spend in meetings,
conference calls and web meetings (with more than 2 people)
Q2 – Of that time that you spend in meetings, calls etc.. What
% of the content is relevant and necessary for you to do your
Note - Answers should be a number between zero and 100 – or
you could use bands 0-25%, 26-40%, 41% to 60%, 61-80%,
more than 80%
Streamline your meetings
Discuss this in your regular “team” meeting or call
What topics do you cover?
Are these star, sub-team or full team spaghetti topics?
Does everyone need to be involved in these topics?
How else could you meet the objectives of the call or
 Be clear about the mode of cooperation you need.
 Use the simplest mode you can to achieve your goals
– its not all about teams.
 Involve as few people as you can.
 Clarify decision rights.
 Focus your synchronous time on “spaghetti”.
 Support the mode of working with the appropriate
technology (including social media)
“Set up the matrix so that anyone in the organization could
contact any other individual to get things done, not so that
everyone in between had to come to the meeting”
Balancing Trust and Control
Balancing Trust Control
Factors such as
distance, cultures, time
zones, working through
technology, competing
goals and multiple
bosses can subtly
undermine trust in a
matrix and lead to a
“vicious circle”.
Balancing Trust and Control
 Take explicit steps to build trust in distributed teams and
groups – its no longer a free by-product of proximity.
 Use escalation as a signal of a lack or capability or confidence
and an opportunity to build both and increase empowerment.
 Push decisions down to the lowest level possible.
 Review your control mechanisms – the “carriers of control”.
 What should the vertical stop doing to allow space for the
horizontal to succeed – reviews, meetings, controls, approvals
Accountability without Control
Situation What behaviors does
this lead to?
Accountability < Control
Accountability = Control
Accountability> Control
Accountability without Control -3 Possibilities
Situation What behaviors does this
lead to?
Accountability < Control 16% of jobs in Harvard Study >
Poor performance
Accountability = Control 14% of jobs >
Accountability > Control
70% of jobs >
Exploring and
Accountability without Control -3 Possibilities
Vertical Accountabilities
• Individual
• Functional
• Control over most resources needed
• Focus on efficiency A=C
Horizontal accountabilities
• Shared
• Cross-functional activity or process
• Needs others’ resources
• Focus on exploration and cooperation A>C
Accountability without Control
The Matrix Mind-Set & Skillset
( Be a Matrix Leader, Not a Matrix Victim)
Creating clarity and alignment.
Dealing with ambiguity, trade-
offs and dilemmas.
Working across distance, cultures,
time zones, through technology and
organizational boundaries.
Being connected and effective –
avoiding the “over-connection trap”
Leading in a Matrix
Why matrix?
Demystifying the Matrix.
Balancing Trust & Control.
Empowering people in a matrix.
Accountability without control..
The Matrix victim waits for someone else to bring Clarity; the matrix Leader
relishes the Flexibility, Autonomy & Breadth that Matrix gives them
 Self-Leadership – taking control and ownership of your goals,
role and skills.
 Breadth – think beyond your role and function. Take
ownership for the delivery of results that cross organizational
 Comfortable with ambiguity – bring clarity, structure
and control to bear when necessary but embrace ambiguity,
flexibility and trust.
 Adaptive – flexible and open to learning new ideas and new
ways of working.
 Influential – don’t fall back on traditional power and authority
to get things done, use a wide range of influence techniques
The Matrix Mind-set
The Question to debate
My organization provides specific skills training for our people
1.Matrix management
2.Matrix teams
3.Working in a matrix
4.None of the above
Please select any that apply
Matrix Skillset
Leadership Collaboration Personal Effectiveness
• Demystify the matrix for their
• Build clarity and organizational
• Streamline cooperation
• Create and support
accountability without control
• Communicate effectively to
diverse groups and through
• Exercise power and influence
without authority
• Lead others toward
empowerment and freedom
• Find the right balance of trust
and control
• Build a culture that supports
matrix working
• Building and aligning matrix
team goals
• Managing competing goals and
priorities within the team
• Choosing and using spaghetti
teams, star groups, cloud
communities and purposeful
• Building Matrix teams –
building, improving and running
teams across barriers of
distance, cultures, time zones,
technology and organizational
• Supporting cooperation through
technology – creating relevance
in communication and building
participation and engagement
• Building, maintaining and
repairing trust in the matrix
• Managing team celebration and
learning remotely
• Define and clarify their own
• Manage alignment with others
• Deal with competing goals and
higher levels of ambiguity
• Own and shape their own role
• Manage multiple bosses and
divided loyalties
• Build and engage a matrix
network to get things done
• Manage trade-offs, choices and
• Influence without authority
• Build trust with colleagues
across distance and cultures
• Escalate positively
• Manage conflict
• Communicate through
• Work in matrix, virtual and
global teams
• Work across time zones
• Stay visible when working
Matrix Skillset
Some thoughts from me on
Behavioural Patterns
( Not in the Book)
The Mind-set :Relationship & Trust Investment
The Mind-set : Borderless Communication
The Mind-set : Influence over Power
The Mind-set : Negotiation based Decisions
The Mind-set : Realistic Goal Alignment
The Mind-set : Learning Paradigm
 When you recruit people for matrix roles, do you look for the
Matrix Mind-set?
 What evidence can you collect during recruitment about
people’s past experience of operating this way?
 Are you rewarding successful matrix behaviours through
your recognition & career-development systems ?
 Do individuals in your organization have the skills necessary
to be successful in the matrix ?
 Do your training & development support people in building
the Matrix Skillset ?
The Questions ……
 You can be a “matrix victim” who suffers passively and
complains. Or you can be a “matrix manager” who
embraces the flexibility of a horizontal structure.
 Before you can help your employees develop their roles,
you must develop the consciousness to live amid greater
 A matrix mind-set calls for Self-leadership as you define
your goals and your role in the company.
 You need to be “comfortable with ambiguity,” able to change
and able to lead through influence, not control.
 The matrix Mind-set calls for a set of related skills, including
leadership, collaboration and “personal effectiveness.”
To Summarize -The “Matrix Mind-Set” and the “Matrix Skillset
“Ensuring that individuals have access to
communications technologies and the skills
necessary to use them properly is essential
for effective cooperation in distributed
teams and organizations.”
 The “matrix organizational structure” cuts across “traditional
vertical structures of function and geography.”
 Matrix management flows horizontally, across departments
and locations – not vertically, up and down a hierarchy. It
destroys silos.
 A matrix structure provides flexibility and cooperation,
demands greater internal communication, and can cope with
ambiguity and uncertainty.
 Managers in traditional organizations rely on formal
command structures.
 Matrix managers exert influence through cooperation and
 Most people need their managers’ help to understand their
roles and goals in the matrix.
Key Take Aways
 “Horizontal accountability” calls for cooperating “across
 “Vertical accountability” calls for finishing your own defined
 To align employees’ objectives, share “high-level strategic
goals,” approach alignment as a “cascade” flowing through
levels, or focus with intensity on a few main goals.
 Cooperate within four-to-six person “spaghetti teams,” 10-to-
15 person “star groups,” “cloud communities” of up to 50
people or “purposeful networks” of as many as 150.
Key Take Aways
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Making the matrix work

  • 1. Some Impressionistic Take away from the Book of Kevan Hall Making the Matrix Work Ramki
  • 2. About the Authors  Kevan Hall is the founder and CEO of Global Integration Ltd. , a consultancy specializing in skills required to work in complex, international organizations, with offices in the UK and California.  He works with companies around the world including Microsoft, Coca-Cola, GlaxoSmithKline, and Vodafone.  He has practical experience in line management, manufacturing operations, HR, training, and strategic and market planning, mostly at Mars where he worked in Strasbourg as head of training and education from Vladivostock to Ireland. He manages his own cross-cultural and remote organization and is a regular speaker at international conferences.
  • 3. Prelude  In a matrix organization your skills matter more than your status, your role does not define your reach, and you may wake up every morning with “multiple bosses, competing goals, influence without authority and accountability without control.”  A “matrix organizational structure” slices horizontally. It cuts across the up-and-down chain of command, severing silos, stretching to multiple locations and combining functions that used to be delineated.  That new mind-set calls for new skills. For example, because companies now can sprawl across national borders, managers need strong intercultural communication skills, openness and flexibility. You’ll interact with “colleagues from different locations” and you’ll affect people in various units and cultures.
  • 4. Prelude  Traditional “vertical structures” with clear lines of responsibility seem simpler, but they don’t fit today’s collaborative business environment.  In a horizontal “matrix organizational structure,” formal titles mean less and divisions are permeable. Managers may have less formal, defined authority.  The matrix’s positive and negative qualities merge in how people work together, though the apparent negatives can be daunting: Within a matrix, your accountability may decrease, your goals may be less clear, and you may face more uncertainty..” “Both the advantages and disadvantages of the matrix are fundamentally about people and the way they work together
  • 5. Context – why matrix Creating clarity & embracing flexibility Being connected & effective Balancing trust and control The Matrix Mindset & skillset Process
  • 6.  A Matrix Structure is where we have more than one formal reporting line.  Matrix working is where we are working or managing “horizontally” across the traditional “vertical” silos of function, geography and other organizational boundaries. It can include managing external stakeholders, multi-functional and virtual teams. Context – What is Matrix ?
  • 7. Why Matrix ? Drivers – Internal & External  To meet the needs of Global or Regional Business needs  Improved Global or Regional projects & systems  Improved access to shared resources, skills & technologies across the organization.  Improved cooperation & communication across the old functional & geographic silos.  Flexibility through faster decision making  Broader & more multi-skilled people development
  • 8. • Because work runs horizontally across the organization, it no longer fits within the traditional vertical silos of function and geography. Matrix working is everywhere in managerial & professional roles in major organizations. Why Matrix ?
  • 9. Why move to a matrix
  • 11. Matrix working represents a significant increase in complexity in leadership, collaboration and personal effectiveness. Multiple bosses Competing goals Higher levels of complexity Influence without authority Accountability without control Success requires a new “Matrix Mind-set” & The skills to back this up A Step up in Complexity
  • 12. Creating Clarity & Embracing Flexibility A matrix trades clarity for flexibility We need to do what we can to bring Clarity, but we also need to be comfortable with higher levels of ambiguity If we could have complete Clarity, we would not need a Matrix
  • 13. Top Few Matrix Middle Local many Low High Clear Strategy & Goals Clear Goals & Workflow Competing “Whats” Clarity about WHAT we need to do
  • 14. Top Few Matrix Middle Local many Low High Most conflict is about how & less visible to senior managers Debate about HOW we should do it
  • 15. Top Few Matrix Middle Local many Low High Middle Managers get squeezed Competing “Whats” Conflict about how
  • 16. Question – What do the matrix middle need? Question - “What knowledge, skills, authority or information do people in the “matrix middle need in order to be successful?
  • 17. Clarity and Flexibility  When you have 2 or more bosses you may be the only person with a compete view of your goals and role.  You should certainly be the person with the most motivation to sort out any lack of clarity or conflicts.  A matrix requires much higher levels of personal ownership of goal and role clarity.
  • 18. Clarity and Flexibility  Create clarity where you can – goals, roles and alignment.  But not everything will be clear so don’t obsess on RASCI etc.  Trade-offs and dilemmas are normal  Metrics and incentives need to reflect this  Conflict is OK so long as we have the skills to resolve it.  Concentrate on escalations as a signal of problems.
  • 19. Decision Making –Expertise vs. Authority Based on authority /DOP Boss feels the need to reserve to him – or herself Boss will consult others Responsible for final decision Within the area of responsibility of the expert, confident & empowered Made on basis of expertise More than one person Process through discussion, Consensus Collective process .Not Hierarchy
  • 20. To Summarize –Matrix & “Clarity”  Functioning in a matrix demands “clarity,” “flexibility” and continual renegotiation of the balance between them.  Most organizations define clarity in terms of goals, but most goals aren’t as clear as executives like to think.  Leaders /Managers torn between two clear but conflicting goals need to handle such trade-offs themselves without taking questions up to the executive level.  To reach those self-governing choices, managers need the data, skills “and confidence to make good decisions.”  “Communities are about creating opportunities for connection and dialogue and seeing what emerges. They are not about forcing collaboration.”
  • 21.  People working in matrix organizations often complain that their goals and their roles are not aligned.  Be aware of this issue if people regularly make “poor judgment calls,” if they duplicate one another’s efforts, if tasks don’t get done, if processes aren’t synchronized or if people clash over resources.  To achieve greater alignment, communicate the firm’s “vision, mission” and core strategies.  Create a strong culture and share it. Set up a balanced scorecard to show that different aspects of the company – customer relations, finances, learning, organizational development, administration and more – create value. Make sure everyone knows what your leaders value. The Matrix & Alignment
  • 22.  “Effective organizational change flows from strategy to structure to systems to skills.”  Use “cross-business campaigns” to promote alignment by building a sense of shared purpose.  Show employees why they need “vertical goals” for their jobs – based on strategic concerns – and “horizontal goals” for facilitating the work of the overall organization.  If you belong to a team, work with your members to boost the group’s coordination and collaboration. The Matrix & Alignment “Research shows that role clarity is highly correlated with engagement, performance and retention, so it is important to get this right.”
  • 23. To Summarize –Matrix & “Clarity”  The different levels that hierarchical management structures once kept strictly separated now must communicate with each other until executives and managers share the same reality. That seldom happens in traditional structures where 78% of senior managers think that their middle managers’ roles are well defined, while 85% of middle managers believe their roles are not clear.  “A lack of alignment of goals and roles is one of the most common complaints in matrix working.”  Goals often compete and “change quickly,” complicating the issue of clarity in a matrix organization. When goals can come from different parts of the corporation, and from offices in different places that work on mismatched timelines and have diverse perspectives, the result can be complex and frustrating. Matrix organizations have many tools to deal with this, including…………..
  • 24. To Summarize –Matrix & “Clarity”  “Line of sight” – Align all employees’ objectives with “high- level strategic goals.” This can help individuals gain clarity, and support “overall organizational alignment.”  “Cascade” – Goals and communication flow from the highest level down to the next, and the next, and so on. This structure can suffer from lack of feedback if communication flows in only one direction.  “Focusing” – Concentrate on increasing clarity about a few main goals.  “In reality, talented Leaders have always used a wide range of influence techniques and sources of power to get things done.”
  • 25. To Summarize –Matrix & “Clarity”  People who are clear about their roles are more engaged and perform better.  To assess clarity, ask each person at a meeting to write the top three goals for the firm, the division and the department.  Share those goals to ensure that people’s perceptions are correct. Have them define their goals, creating “islands of clarity” and finding the answers they need to make the matrix work for them.  You may change how you define goals.  Older models, like SMART (“specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bounded”) goals, may be “too simplistic for the matrix.”
  • 26. To Summarize –Matrix & “Clarity”  “The key challenge to matrix success is creating a mind-set and a skillset in our people that allows them to cope with the new level of complexity.”  Clarify your goals with “RASCI” analysis, which reviews what you are “ Responsible “ “Accountable” for, what you are “Consulted” about and what you need to be “Supported “ & “Informed” about.  Each category entails different duties. For example, only one person is accountable for a project, but several people may be responsible for completing increments of the work involved.  Figure out what you have to deliver and “how you are expected to work.” Set your priorities and determine what “consequences and implications” your work carries for others. Outline who makes decisions: each person, the group or a boss.  “Cooperation is vital to the success of a matrix organization. However, cooperation has become more complex and expensive
  • 28. Being Connected and Effective Verticals - Functions / Businesses / Geography We introduce a matrix to increase cooperation and communication across the traditional silos. You
  • 29. Being Connected and Effective Verticals - Functions / Businesses / Geography Horizontal–BU/Functions We introduce a matrix to increase cooperation and communication across the traditional silos. But be careful what you wish for! You
  • 31. Four Modes of Cooperation Spaghetti Team Star Group Cloud Community Purposeful Network
  • 32. Star Groups and Spaghetti Teams Star Group Spaghetti Team • People can work on individual objectives • Roles do not overlap • People have unique skills • Communication is needed relatively infrequently • People can normally complete their daily work without information or service from others in the group • Information is shared for learning and interest • Objectives require cooperation of all members of the team • Individual roles overlap • People have complementary skills • Communication is needed relatively frequently • People are dependent on others in the team to get their daily work done • Information is shared to get things done
  • 33. The Question - Cooperation – the size of the prize Q1 - What % of your typical week do you spend in meetings, conference calls and web meetings (with more than 2 people) Q2 – Of that time that you spend in meetings, calls etc.. What % of the content is relevant and necessary for you to do your job? Note - Answers should be a number between zero and 100 – or you could use bands 0-25%, 26-40%, 41% to 60%, 61-80%, more than 80%
  • 34. Streamline your meetings Discuss this in your regular “team” meeting or call What topics do you cover? Are these star, sub-team or full team spaghetti topics? Does everyone need to be involved in these topics? How else could you meet the objectives of the call or meeting?
  • 35. Cooperation  Be clear about the mode of cooperation you need.  Use the simplest mode you can to achieve your goals – its not all about teams.  Involve as few people as you can.  Clarify decision rights.  Focus your synchronous time on “spaghetti”.  Support the mode of working with the appropriate technology (including social media) “Set up the matrix so that anyone in the organization could contact any other individual to get things done, not so that everyone in between had to come to the meeting”
  • 38. Balancing Trust Control Trust Undermined Factors such as distance, cultures, time zones, working through technology, competing goals and multiple bosses can subtly undermine trust in a matrix and lead to a “vicious circle”.
  • 39. Balancing Trust and Control  Take explicit steps to build trust in distributed teams and groups – its no longer a free by-product of proximity.  Use escalation as a signal of a lack or capability or confidence and an opportunity to build both and increase empowerment.  Push decisions down to the lowest level possible.  Review your control mechanisms – the “carriers of control”.  What should the vertical stop doing to allow space for the horizontal to succeed – reviews, meetings, controls, approvals etc...
  • 41. Situation What behaviors does this lead to? Accountability < Control Accountability = Control Accountability> Control Accountability without Control -3 Possibilities
  • 42. Situation What behaviors does this lead to? Accountability < Control 16% of jobs in Harvard Study > Poor performance Accountability = Control 14% of jobs > Efficiency Accountability > Control 70% of jobs > Exploring and Collaboration Accountability without Control -3 Possibilities
  • 43. Vertical Accountabilities • Individual • Functional • Control over most resources needed • Focus on efficiency A=C Horizontal accountabilities • Shared • Cross-functional activity or process • Needs others’ resources • Focus on exploration and cooperation A>C Accountability without Control
  • 44. 4 The Matrix Mind-Set & Skillset ( Be a Matrix Leader, Not a Matrix Victim)
  • 45. Context Clarity Cooperation Creating clarity and alignment. Dealing with ambiguity, trade- offs and dilemmas. Working across distance, cultures, time zones, through technology and organizational boundaries. Being connected and effective – avoiding the “over-connection trap” Leading in a Matrix Why matrix? Demystifying the Matrix. Balancing Trust & Control. Empowering people in a matrix. Accountability without control.. Control Mindset & Skillset
  • 46. The Matrix victim waits for someone else to bring Clarity; the matrix Leader relishes the Flexibility, Autonomy & Breadth that Matrix gives them
  • 47.  Self-Leadership – taking control and ownership of your goals, role and skills.  Breadth – think beyond your role and function. Take ownership for the delivery of results that cross organizational boundaries  Comfortable with ambiguity – bring clarity, structure and control to bear when necessary but embrace ambiguity, flexibility and trust.  Adaptive – flexible and open to learning new ideas and new ways of working.  Influential – don’t fall back on traditional power and authority to get things done, use a wide range of influence techniques The Matrix Mind-set
  • 48. The Question to debate My organization provides specific skills training for our people on… 1.Matrix management 2.Matrix teams 3.Working in a matrix 4.None of the above Please select any that apply Matrix Skillset
  • 49. Leadership Collaboration Personal Effectiveness • Demystify the matrix for their people • Build clarity and organizational alignment • Streamline cooperation • Create and support accountability without control • Communicate effectively to diverse groups and through technology • Exercise power and influence without authority • Lead others toward empowerment and freedom • Find the right balance of trust and control • Build a culture that supports matrix working • Building and aligning matrix team goals • Managing competing goals and priorities within the team • Choosing and using spaghetti teams, star groups, cloud communities and purposeful networks. • Building Matrix teams – building, improving and running teams across barriers of distance, cultures, time zones, technology and organizational complexity • Supporting cooperation through technology – creating relevance in communication and building participation and engagement online • Building, maintaining and repairing trust in the matrix environment • Managing team celebration and learning remotely • Define and clarify their own goals • Manage alignment with others • Deal with competing goals and higher levels of ambiguity • Own and shape their own role • Manage multiple bosses and divided loyalties • Build and engage a matrix network to get things done • Manage trade-offs, choices and dilemmas • Influence without authority • Build trust with colleagues across distance and cultures • Escalate positively • Manage conflict • Communicate through technology • Work in matrix, virtual and global teams • Work across time zones • Stay visible when working remotely Matrix Skillset
  • 50. Some thoughts from me on Behavioural Patterns ( Not in the Book)
  • 51. The Mind-set :Relationship & Trust Investment
  • 52. The Mind-set : Borderless Communication
  • 53. The Mind-set : Influence over Power
  • 54. The Mind-set : Negotiation based Decisions
  • 55. The Mind-set : Realistic Goal Alignment
  • 56. The Mind-set : Learning Paradigm
  • 57.  When you recruit people for matrix roles, do you look for the Matrix Mind-set?  What evidence can you collect during recruitment about people’s past experience of operating this way?  Are you rewarding successful matrix behaviours through your recognition & career-development systems ?  Do individuals in your organization have the skills necessary to be successful in the matrix ?  Do your training & development support people in building the Matrix Skillset ? The Questions ……
  • 58.  You can be a “matrix victim” who suffers passively and complains. Or you can be a “matrix manager” who embraces the flexibility of a horizontal structure.  Before you can help your employees develop their roles, you must develop the consciousness to live amid greater complexity.  A matrix mind-set calls for Self-leadership as you define your goals and your role in the company.  You need to be “comfortable with ambiguity,” able to change and able to lead through influence, not control.  The matrix Mind-set calls for a set of related skills, including leadership, collaboration and “personal effectiveness.” To Summarize -The “Matrix Mind-Set” and the “Matrix Skillset
  • 59. “Ensuring that individuals have access to communications technologies and the skills necessary to use them properly is essential for effective cooperation in distributed teams and organizations.”
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62.  The “matrix organizational structure” cuts across “traditional vertical structures of function and geography.”  Matrix management flows horizontally, across departments and locations – not vertically, up and down a hierarchy. It destroys silos.  A matrix structure provides flexibility and cooperation, demands greater internal communication, and can cope with ambiguity and uncertainty.  Managers in traditional organizations rely on formal command structures.  Matrix managers exert influence through cooperation and empowerment.  Most people need their managers’ help to understand their roles and goals in the matrix. Key Take Aways
  • 63.  “Horizontal accountability” calls for cooperating “across functions.”  “Vertical accountability” calls for finishing your own defined tasks.  To align employees’ objectives, share “high-level strategic goals,” approach alignment as a “cascade” flowing through levels, or focus with intensity on a few main goals.  Cooperate within four-to-six person “spaghetti teams,” 10-to- 15 person “star groups,” “cloud communities” of up to 50 people or “purposeful networks” of as many as 150. Key Take Aways
  • 64. Mail your comments to