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Search Engine
What Is SEO?
 SEO Stands for Search Engine Optimization.
 SEO is the activity of optimizing Web Pages or whole website in order to
make them more search engine friendly, that getting higher position in search
 SEO is all about optimizing a web site for Search Engines.
 SEO is the process of designing and developing a web site to rank well in
search engine results.
 SEO is to improve the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from
search engines.
 SEO is a subset of search engine marketing.
 SEO is the art of ranking in the search engines.
 SEO is marketing by understanding how search algorithms work and what
human visitors might search.
 SEO is sometimes also called SEO copyrighting because most of the
techniques that are used to promote sites in search engines deal with text.
 SEO is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a
website from search engines via “organic” or “algorithmic” search results for
target keywords. SEO can also target different kinds of searches, including : -
Image Search, Local Search , Industry-specific vertical search engines
 Natural Search, Organic Ranking, Organic Search or SEO all are same.
What is Search Engine Rank?
When you search any keyword using a search engine then it displays
thousands of results found in its database. A page ranking is measured by
the position of web pages displayed in the search engine results. If Search
engine is putting your web page on first position then your web page rank
will be number 1 and it will be assumed as with a high rank.
SEO is the process of designing and developing a web site to attend a high
rank in search engine results.
 PR : Page Rank a system for ranking web pages developed by google –
What is Search Engine Rank?
Search Engine Result
Search Engine Result
How Search Engine Works
 Search engines perform several activities in order to deliver search results
 Crawling - is the process of fetching all the web pages linked to a web site. This
task is performed by a software, called a crawler or a spider (or Googlebot, as is the
case with Google).
 Indexing - is the process of creating index for all the fetched web pages and
keeping them into a giant database from where it can later be retrieved. Essentially,
the process of indexing is identifying the words and expressions that best describe
the page and assigning the page to particular keywords.
 Processing - When a search request comes, the search engine processes it . i.e. it
compares the search string in the search request with the indexed pages in the
 Calculating Relevancy - Since it is likely that more than one pages contains the
search string, so the search engine starts calculating the relevancy of each of the
pages in its index to the search string.
 Retrieving Results - The last step in search engines' activities is retrieving the best
matched results. Basically, it is nothing more than simply displaying them in the
Search engines such as Google and Yahoo! often update their relevancy algorithm
dozens of times per month. When you see changes in your rankings it is due to an
algorithmic shift or something else outside of your control.
How Search Engine Works
In Short…..
A spider or crawler which is a component of search engine gathers listings
by automatically “crawling” the web.
The spider follows links to web pages, makes copies of the pages and stores
them in the search engine’s index.
Based on the data, the search engine then indexes the pages and ranks the
In Short…..
Search engine employ intelligent program robots called crawlers or spider,
which visits thousands of websites every hour and index the pages
according to the content.
These indexes are huge database containing reference and links to the
actual websites. The search engines looks though this database and displays
the results.
Major search engines that index pages using spiders are Google, Yahoo,
AltaVista, MSN, AOL
Popular Search Engines Are…
Search Engines statistics
1. Google – 41.6%
2. Yahoo – 31.5%
3. MSN – 27.4%
4. AOL – 13.6%
5. Ask Jeeves – 7.0%
% bases on usage
Why is Search Engine Marketing
85% of all traffic on the internet is referred to by
search engines
90% of all users don’t look past the first 30
results (most only view top 10)
Search engine traffic is low and websites aren’t
indexed because they are generally poorly
Cost-effective advertising
Clear and measurable ROI (Return On
Operates under this assumption:
More (relevant) traffic + Good Conversions Rate
= More Sales/Leads
Why is Search Engine Marketing important?
 SEO is an abbreviation for search engine optimization.
 SEO is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to
a web site from search engines via search results.
 SEO aims to improve ranking for relevant keywords in search
 Search Engines are the biggest resources of your websites traffic.
 Higher traffic means more visitors.
 More visitors means more customers and higher profit.
Why is Search Engine Marketing important?
 It can increase traffic to your website with the help of search engines.
 It can make your site more search engine friendly.
 It can increase the accessibility of your site.
 It can increase the brand value of your business.
 Seo can popularize your business on social media platforms like
Facebook,Twitter,Linkedn,Myspace,Orkut etc.
 It can help you to reach niche audience.
 It can generate more sales and increase ROI(Return on Inverstment)
Why is Search Engine Marketing important?
 Achieving a high ranking of the search engines.
 Boost Sales / Increase your return on Investment.
 Improve your competitive edge.
 Expand customer base and target audience
 Growth in site traffic.
 It gives companies the ability to:
 Drive high quality customers to their website
 Increase sales leads from customers looking
for their products and services
 Build their brand online by communicating
marketing messages to their target audience
 Increase their profile against their
 Target a global audience via international
search engines
 Be accountable with ROI tracking (SEM)
Why is Search Engine Marketing important?
 Search engines are still the biggest resources of website traffic.
 Higher traffic means more visitors.
 More visitors means more customers and higher profits.
 SEO is important because it is processing of someone finding you, your
company / product / brand / information online.
 Online visibility can help your credibility and brand awareness
 Think like your customers/clients. SEO can
put you in front of the people looking for your products & services
 Your online marketing efforts should be focused on an end results.
 Make sure your website/landing pages make it easy for visitors to sign up,
join, request information, buy, or whatever else you seek.
TOOLS: Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website so
that search engines can find and rank that website for a particular set of
keyword phrases.
In Brief - SEO is the process of designing and developing a web site to attend
a high rank in search engine results.
Conceptually, there are two ways of doing SEO
 On-Page SEO Optimization - This includes providing good content, good
keywords selection, putting keywords on correct places, giving appropriate
title to every page etc.
 Off-Page SEO Optimization - This includes link building, increasing link
popularity by submitting in open directories, search engines, link exchange
SEO Process
Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques
SEO Factor
On-Page SEO Off-Page SEO
Domain name SEO Directory Submissions
File Name SEO Social Bookmarking
Title SEO Blog Commenting
Meta Tags SEO Forum Postings
Header Tag SEO Article Submisions
Anchor Text SEO Press Release Submissions
Image Tag SEO Local Business Listings
Footer SEO Search Engine Submissions
Keyword Denstiy, Proximity &
Social Networking
HTML Code Optimization
SEO Process On Page
 All the changes made on the files and servers of the website come
under on page optimization. Some common examples are changing the
title tag of the website, changing the meta tags of the website, rewriting
content, applying redirects, adding some commands in the robots.txt file
etc. In simple words, changes that one does on the website itself come
under on page optimization.
 On-page optimization (on-page SEO) is what can be done on the pages of
a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for target
keywords related to the on-page content.
 On-page optimization stands for all of the techniques and methods used
on your website that is hosted on a server.
 On-page optimization has an effect on your website listing in natural
results .
 On-page factors are controlled by coding on website pages
• on-page optimization is a technique of seo in which we done on the
pages of the website itself.
• In On Page seo design website seo friendly.
SEO Process Off Page
 The work that you do to popularize a website on the World Wide
Web comes under off page optimization. These may
include directory submission, article submission, forum posting,
blog commenting, link building, social media promotion etc.
 Off-page optimization (off-page SEO) is what can be done off the
pages of a website to maximize its performance in search engines
for target keywords related to the on-page content and keywords
in off-page direct-links.
 Off-page optimization is the most important part in search
engines optimization because it gives back links to your sites and
it requires a lot of work on a daily bases.
 It helps to maximize website performance in search engine for
target keywords
• off-page optimization is a technique of seo in which we covers activity
that takes place elsewhere (e.g. link-building) outside the website.
• In the off page seo we doesn’t change the website. We change back
linking options.
Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques
Research keywords related to your business
Identify competitors, utilize benchmarking techniques and
identify level of competition
Utilize descriptive title tags for each page
Ensure that your text is HTML-text and not image text
Use text links when ever possible
Use appropriate keywords in your content and internal
hyperlinks (don’t overdo!)
Obtain inbound links from related websites
Monitor your search engine rankings and more importantly
your website traffic statistics and sales/leads produced
Educate yourself about search engine marketing
Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques
On Page Factors: -
•Keyword Analysis
•Site Mechanics
•Content Mechanics
•Inbound and Outbound Linking
Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques
Off Page Factors:
•Link Building
•Content Generation
•Social Networking
Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques
Off Page Factors:
•Link Building
•Content Generation
•Social Networking
Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques
Any Query we
write for get
some result on
search engine
& it display
that query on
below is called
Is website Display as your keyword?
Role of Keyword Relevance
Your keywords tell what your site is about. The SERP displays the
page title and snippet of your web page. Your meta tags are an
important factor in driving the right traffic.
Role of Keyword Relevance
Content, headers, image tags should be contextual and relevant to the
search query. This is important in search rankings.
Role of Keyword Relevance
Anchor text tells the visitor and the searchbot what the linking
page is about (keyword in anchor text increases the relevance of
the linking page)
Role of Keyword Relevance
Landing page of the anchor text
Technical SEO
1.Comprehensive Website Analysis
2.Keyword Research and Analysis.
3.Baseline Ranking report.
4.Competitive analysis in Search Engines.
5.Content Analysis & SEO Copywriting.
6.Analysis of URL structure & information architecture.
7.Analysis of internal linking.
8.Analysis of source code and page layout.
9.Code validation.
10.Search Engine Saturation.
11.Link Popularity Analysis.
12.Link Relevancy & Co-Citation Analysis (Topical Relevancy).
Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques
Research keywords related to your business
Identify competitors, utilize benchmarking techniques and
identify level of competition
Utilize descriptive title tags for each page
Ensure that your text is HTML-text and not image text
Use text links when ever possible
Use appropriate keywords in your content and internal
hyperlinks (don’t overdo!)
Obtain inbound links from related websites
Monitor your search engine rankings and more importantly
your website traffic statistics and sales/leads produced
Educate yourself about search engine marketing
Technical SEO
1.Comprehensive Website Analysis
2.Keyword Research and Analysis.
3.Baseline Ranking report.
4.Competitive analysis in Search Engines.
5.Content Analysis & SEO Copywriting.
6.Analysis of URL structure & information architecture.
7.Analysis of internal linking.
8.Analysis of source code and page layout.
9.Code validation.
10.Search Engine Saturation.
11.Link Popularity Analysis.
12.Link Relevancy & Co-Citation Analysis (Topical Relevancy).
Site-Side Optimization
Technical SEO - Example of Page Elements
Page Title
Link Title Tags
Anchor Text
Technical SEO - Source Code
Title Tag
Meta data
The SEO Optimization Process
On-Page Optimization
Off-Page Optimization
On-Page SEO
On-page optimization (on-page SEO) is what can be performed on
 pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search
engines for targeted keywords related to on-page content
 On-page optimization stands for all of the techniques and
methods used on your website that is hosted on a server
 On-page optimization has an effect on your website listing in
natural results.
 On-page factors are controlled by coding on website pages
On-Page SEO
On-Page factors are related directly to the content and structure of
the website. On-page optimization involves modifying keywords
frequency in the URL, Title, Headings, Hypertext Links and Body text.
The following tags are optimized in the web pages:
Title tags: Title tags are the words that appear at the very top of
your web browser, and they they are used by search engine’s as
the title of the listing.
Description tags: META tags are HTML tags that are used to include
information about your web page.
Keyword tags: The META Keywords Tag is where you list keywords
and keyword phrases that you've targeted for that specific page.
Image Optimization: The process of adding keywords in the image
name and slicing image and resolution reduction.
PDF Optimization: Optimizing PDF files for the Web can significantly
shrink their size and boost display speed, saving bandwidth and
user frustration.
On-Page SEO Elements
 Title tags
 Meta tags
 ALT tags
 Header (H1, H2) tags
 URL structure
 Internal Linking
 Anchor text
 Relevant keywords near your inbound link
 Content
 Keyword density
 Site maps (XML & HTML)
 Usability
Title, Meta Tags in Source Code
Search Engine Optimisation
How SEO elements affect organic listings
Title tag
Meta description tag (or first para of text if no
meta des has been added)
This is the first step in SEO. In Keyword Research we choose the best
keywords for our web pages. This is the most important part of SEO.
We will choose the keywords which has good traffic volume. And we
make sure that the keyword is related to our webpage.
For example:
our website is related to online movies.
Then our keywords will be like this:
Online movies, free online movies, top online movies, watch online
So, we choose the related keywords for our web pages. In Keyword
Research we will decide the targeted keywords for our webpage. The
complete keyword Research has been clearly explained in this SEO
We use different tools for searching the keywords. Generally we prefer
the free and best tools. In my opinion the free and best of all tools are:
Google Adwords keyword suggestion tool.
Word tracker keyword tool.
Search Engine Optimization
After choosing the keywords we prepare the competition
analysis for the keywords. That means we search with the
targeted keyword in the search engine and take the top 10 SERP
listings. And prepare the analysis of each site of the top 10 list of
the targeted keywords.
The competition analysis includes the no of Backlinks, Domain
age, SERP rank, page ranketc.
We will gather the information of every webpage which are
listed in top 10 SERP lists. To gather these above details we use
different types of tools like SEO QUAKE, SEO4FIREFOX etc.
Competition analysis tells us about the competition for the
targeted keyword in the search engine. So by observing the
competition analysis we can analyze many things like
How much time will it take to optimize our webpage in the top
10 results? And many more details.
Search Engine Optimization
After choosing the best keywords we will make sure that the
targeted keywords are well optimized in the webpage.
The list of all On-Page Factors Keyword should present :
- in the title tag
- be written in meta keyword and meta description
- be available in the file name or web page name.
- be available in the content of the web page.
- be written in h1 tag at least once. and
- Keyword density of the targeted keyword should be around 2%
to 7% for better results.
Search Engine Optimization
We are discussing everything in Web context so in web terminology a keyword is a term
that a person enters into a search engine to find specific information. Most people enter
search phrases that consists of between two and five words. Such phrases may be called
search phrases, keyword phrases, query phrases, or just keywords. Good keyword
phrases are specific and descriptive.
There are following concepts related to Keywords which helps in optimizing keywords on
a web page.
A) Keyword Frequency:
This is calculated as how often does a keyword appear in a site's title or description. You
don't want to go overboard with frequency, however, since on some engines if you
repeat a word too many times, you'll be penalized for "spamming" or keyword stuffing.
In general though, repeat your keyword in the document as many times as you can get
away with, and up to 3-7 times in your META tags.
B) Keyword Weight:
This refers to the number of keywords appearing on your Web page compared to the
total number of words appearing on that same page. Some search engines consider this
when determining the rank of your Web site for a particular keyword search.
One technique that often works well is to create some smaller pages, generally just a
paragraph long, which emphasize a particular keyword. By keeping the overall number of
words to a minimum, you will increase the "weight" of the keyword you are
Search Engine Optimization
C) Keyword Proximity:
This refers to the placement of keywords on a Web page in relation
to each other or, in some cases, in relation to other words with a
similar meaning as the queried keyword.
For search engines that grade a keyword match by keyword
proximity, the connected phrase .home loans. will outrank a citation
that mentions .home mortgage loans. assuming that you are
searching only for the phrase "home loans".
D) Keyword Prominence:
A measure of how early or high up on a page the keywords are
found. Having keywords in the first heading and in the first
paragraph (first 20 words or so) on a page are best.
E) Keyword Density : The actual page content should have a
keyword density of about 10% and should weigh in at about 200
words - but there are as many opinions about this as there are SEO
experts. Some say keyword density should be 5% and some say it
should be 20%. 10% works for me.
Search Engine Optimization
F) Keyword Placement :
WHERE your keywords are placed on a page is very important. For
example, in most engines, placing the keywords in the Title of the page
or in the Heading tags will give it more relevancy. On some engines,
placing keywords in the link text, the part that is underlined on the
screen in a browser, can add more relevancy to those words.
Best Places to Put Keywords:
Here is a list of places where you should try to use your main keywords.
Keywords in the <title> tag(s).
Keywords in the <meta name="description">
Keywords in the <meta name="keyword">
Keywords in <h1> or other headline tags.
Keywords in the <a href="">keywords</a> link
Keywords in the body copy.
Keywords in alt tags.
Keywords in <!-- insert comments here> comments tags.
Keywords contained in the URL or site address, e.g.,
Search Engine Optimization
Domain Name Selection:
Domain Names does not show any negative affect in Search
Engine Optimization. In the past search engines considered
domain names in optimizing the web pages in the Search Engine
Results Page(SERP).
But now Google excluded domain name optimization in optimizing
the pages in the SERP. We can choose any domain name. It can be
your company brand name or anything. But remember the domain
name which you had chosen should not be the other company's
brand name.
If you select the domain name having two or more words then we
can use hyphen(-) in between the words. This will make easier to
remember and Search Engines can understand the domain names
easily if any related keywords search is done.
E.g. ;, ;
Search Engine Optimization
File Name Optimization in also an important factor in optimizing the webpages.
Related file name helps in optimizing the web page in the search engine results.
The file name should be the main targeted keyword of the page. We generally
select 3 or 4 targeted keywords for that web page. Select the main from the 4
keywords and keep that for the file name. whenever a query search is done
then the file name will helps us in optimizing that page in the top results.
If more than one word is used in the file name then the words should be
separated with hyphen(-) or underscore(_). We should not separate the
keywords with spaces in between the words because search engines could not
understand the words separated with spaces. hyphen(-) and underscore(_) are
treated as spaces by the search engines. To avoid those type of problems we
should takes proper care while writing the file names. The above things must be
remembered while doing file name optimization.
See this example:
Similarly The directory or folder name should be properly written. They are also very
important thing in seo. These things increase the trust for the search engines to optimize
them in the SERP.
Search Engine Optimization
When Search engines crawl the web pages first they go through the title of the
page . So title is very important factor in Search engine optimization. In On Page
SEO title plays a very important role in optimizing the page in google SERP
results. They search for the keywords in the title and understand the topic of
the webpage. The search engines decides for what keywords should the page
must be displayed in the SERP Results. Title is the introduction to your
webpage. So Title Optimization plays an very important role in SEO. Google
concentrates more in the title rather than meta keywords.
Title information is written in between the <title> ... </title> tags in head
section of the page.
images - free images - stock images - art images - cartoon images </title>
The targeted keywords should be placed in the title tag. And the keywords
should be separated with commas(,) or hyphen(-).
The number of characters in the title tag should not exceed 70. Otherwise the
search engine consider the page to be spam. Using the Targeted keywords of
that page in the title tags is a good practice and helps in seo title optimization.
Avoid using stop keywords like for, in, at, as etc in the title tag. These stop
keywords does not have any good impact in SEO title optimization. Instead of
that they decrease the limit of characters to be used in the title tag.
Search Engine Optimization
Short tail keywords are most preferred than Long tail keywords in
the title tag. Query searches(KEYWORD SEARCHES) on short tail
keywords is done more than long tail keywords. In SEO short tail
keywords are more preferred than long tail keywords.
Repeation of keywords in the title tag must avoided. Otherwise
the page will be considered as spam by the Google search engine.
images - free images - stock images - art images - cartoon images
In the above title example in every keyword the words "images" is
repeated. Avoid these types of usages in the keyword. Otherwise
this will show negative affect in SEO TITLE OPTIMIZATION
Search Engine Optimization
Meta Tags plays a very important role in Search Engine Optimization(SEO). They
are used to inform search engines about the keywords, description, author
information etc..
We will discuss about the necessary information which is required for the
search engine optimization.
An Example of a Meta Tag
Meta tag is found between <Head> and </Head> areas of an HTML document.
A good example of an HTML Meta tag is given below:-
<Meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<Title>Order food Online</title>
<Meta name="description" content="Order pizza, burgers, French fries, Milk
shakes etc online. " />
<meta name="keywords" content="pizza, order pizza online, order burger
online, order French fries online,
order milk shake online" />
Search Engine Optimization
Here, different elements of Meta tag are shown. The two most important ones
are description and keywords. These Meta tags shares information about the
content on a particular page. Just by looking at the web page you can tell that
this web page is of a restaurant which delivers pizza, burgers, French fries and
Milk shake online.
The content area consists of the information related to your web page. This is
not just a chunk of information but it should clearly indicate the usefulness of
the content in your web page. The content that you can add on description tag
is limited to 170 characters (it’s not that you cannot add beyond it but it is
usually recommended to keep it below 170 characters). The optimal length
should be between 150 and 170 characters.
Character limt for google 160, yahoo 165, MSN 200+ Characters
The Meta keyword tag shares information related to the terms that are useful in
locating that particular information. The search engines use this information for
finding relevance of the web page content with respect to
the keywords mentioned in the keyword tag. But due to excessive spamming,
search engines have devaluated the value of keyword tag while ranking a web
Search Engine Optimization
Meta Description in SEO
These are very important in optimizing. We must use meta description
in every web page. This is the best part after the title tags. The
description should be meaningful along with the inclusion of the
keywords. The character limit for the Google is 160. For Yahoo is 165.
MSN is 200+. So it would be better not to exceed 160.
<meta name="description" content="This is the description of this
webpage. The description should be included with the targetted
keywords for this page."/>
Meta Revisit
Meta revisit is used to define after how many days the crawler should
revisit the page. We will guide the crawler to update our web pages for
regular intervals. Here we define the time interval for regular updations.
<meta name="revisit& content=" 7 days" />
Search Engine Optimization
Robots Meta Tag:
The important Meta Tag that you may need sometime is the Robots Meta Tag
which looks like this:
meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
Using above meta tag you can tell to a spider or robot that you do not want
some of your pages indexed or that you do not want your links followed.
Other Attributes
Meta name revisit-after
This attribute guides the search engine robots to visit the web page after a
period of days mentioned in the content area of the tag.
<Meta name="revisit-after" content="7 days">
With this tag, the robots are indicated to visit the site after a gap of seven days.
Meta name contact
This attribute is used to add an email address.
<Meta name="contact" content="" />
Meta name copyright
This attribute defines copyright information of the document.
<Meta name="copyright" content="name of owner“>
Search Engine Optimization
Meta name distribution
This attribute is used to declare the distribution of your web content.
Distribution can be global, local or for internal use.
<META NAME="Distribution" CONTENT="Global">
Meta name expires
This attribute declares the expiration time of the current document. This tag is
useful for WebPages which are created for a specified period of time based
upon any event or happening.
<Meta name="expires" content="date">
Meta name language
This attribute defines the language of the document.
<Meta name="language" content="language">
Meta name reply-to
This attribute helps people to find out the email address of the concerned
person who needs to be contacted regarding any reference to the document.
<Meta name="reply-to" content="email address“>
Search Engine Optimization
Anchor text is a part of SEO which helps in optimizing the targetted keyword.
This carries the importance of the targeted keywords in the web page. Anchor
text is created using anchor tag.
Anchor Text are usually created for navigation purpose. It guides other
webpages from a web page. In this process we create a link to the text. The text
which is kept as a link gets some importance. Google analyses these text links in
the pages. If we use the targetted keywords as the link then it will helps our
webpages for quick optimization in google search engine.
<a href=" ">Anchor</a>
The link url
The name of the link(describing the page) , a.k.a anchor text. The point to note
here is that the name of the hyperlink can change and it can have many aliases.
How to create an Anchor Text
You can create an anchor text with the help of the <a> tag. Example is given
<a href="">Doll</a>
The href attribute specifies the link
The text “Doll” is the anchor text.
Hence, to create an anchor text you must supply text before the closing </a>
Search Engine Optimization
Anchor Text is extremely important from Seo point of view. Search Engines find
out the anchor text associated with hyperlinks and gathers data about the
relevance of that web page with respect to the anchor text.
Seo Image Optimization is also an important process in seo. If you have an
image gallery in your website. Then you have to optimize those images in the
search engines.
Crawlers(Spiders) cannot understand the Image and text which is printed in the
Image.So seo image optimization technique to optimize them in the search
engines. This is a simple technique to remember while inserting the image in
the website.
We use image as background for styling purposes. And we use the image to
show or explain the comcepts. Especially the photographers use the images to
show their image galleries.
We don't optimize the Background Images since it is used only for the styling
purpose. We optimize the images which is shown in the image gallery and the
images used to explain the concepts. It depends on our requirement whether to
optimize every image or not. We always choose on the necessity of the image
whether to be optimized or not.
Search Engine Optimization
Remember Do SEO Image Optimization to those images which needs. If
unnecessary images are also optimized We just loose the bandwith(incase if
you use limited bandwith in you hosting).
This is simple technique to remember. We use "alt" attribute for the image
which need to be optimized And if the image doesn't need the optimization we
don't use the "alt" attribute for the image.
How to use the alt attribute ?
Below is an example for using the alt attribute
<img alt="example for image optimzation" src="image/sample-image.jpg" />
In the "alt" attribute use the keywords related to the webpage and related to
the Image. Dont stuff all the keywords in the "alt" attribute thinking that it will
be optimized for all the keywords. Otherwise the page will be considered as
spam by the google. Use one to two keywords this will help in optimizing the
image easily in the search engines. (use “title” attribute instead of “alt”)
File Format of Image in SEO Optimization:
We can use any type of Image in the web page. We can optimize any image in
the webpage. It can be of any file format like bmp, jpg, gif, tiff, png
Search Engine Optimization
SEO Heading Tag Optimization (HEADER TAGS SEO)
Header Tags SEO is a part of using the header tags in the webpage while writing the
HTML code.
It is recommended to use at least one <h1> tag in every web page. Up to 3 <h1> tags
are allowed in a page. Using of header tags increases the importance of that word.
Google crawler when reads our pages it highly concentrates on the heading
texts(words written in heading tags). Keep the targeted keywords in header tags. In
SEO it is very important to keep the targeted keywords in the header tags like h1 tag.
This increases the importance of the targeted keyword and help in seo to get top
ranks in SERP results.
Header tags includes <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>. All the header tags have
importance in seo.
Off all the heading tags H1 has given more priority when compared to the other
heading tags. If the styling of the page is getting disturbed while using h1 tag use css
styles to decrease the size of the h1 tag.
Behind these header tags. bold tag (<b> or <strong>) also has very important role in
seo. Make the targeted text where every necessary. But don’t do it unnecessarily
because google follows the strict rules if every word is made bold, google may ban
your web page. So be careful while doing on page seo to your webpages.
Priority of header tags SEO:
The order of priority given to the tag by google search engine is :
h1 > h2 > h3 > h4 > h5 > h6 > b > p
Search Engine Optimization
Authority and Relevance- Seo Gold Coins
Authority and Relevance
Build authority and relevance for your web pages. Here the definition of
Gold means power. Authority and Relevance are the two most important
metrics that Google uses in order to rank webpages. If you want to see your
website pages rank like Wikipedia,, etc, then start
building these two metrics to your website. Now, lets understand how can
we grab these SEO gold coins!
Getting authority into a website takes time and effort both. You cant get
authority within days or weeks. To build authority to a website, you must
build quality backlinks to that website. Remember quality backlinks are not
FFA(Free for all) backlinks. Government and educational websites have the
highest authority and if you are able to build a backlink to your website
from any of these reputed sites , you have a very good chance of building
reputation and authority.
How to build authority ?
Authority can be build by getting lots and lots of quality backlinks to your
Search Engine Optimization
This is an important metric for search engines. You can rank for keywords
relevant to your website so relevancy is necessary. Make sure your website
is a complete relevant source of information for keywords which you are
targeting. Getting a few backlinks from local sites, local directories, local
resources etc can make your website relevant with respect to Geo location.
Also, the location of the server can also be taken into account while ranking
the websites so if your website caters to the needs of a particular country
then you should get a local server.
You should have an ideal combination of authority and relevance in your
website. Remember both these factors are essential for the ranking of
websites on Google. Trust is what Google is looking for! Build trust so that
people start trusting your website's resources, if the people start trusting
your website then Google will ultimately follow. We must understand the
fact that Google is always looking to present its users with the most relevant
results. Hence, Google searches for relevancy among the webpages and
tends to show results from authority websites first then the rest of the sites.
How to build relevance?
Getting quality content on your website that is absolutely relevant to your
keywords will help you in ranking better with respect to relevancy.
Remember content can be text, images, videos anything. All depends upon
the keywords chosen.
Search Engine Optimization
If any website on the web links back to your website then it is termed as a
"backlink" . It is an extremely important and the "most used“ seo term in
the search engine optimization industry. Google ranks webpages by
evaluating websites based on a mathematical formula known as
"PageRank" which counts the numbers and value of backlinks to a website.
The greater the quality of a backlink, the higher you will rank on Google
provided that all the other ranking factors are also maintained well. In
short, one of the most important Google ranking factor is backlink.
Other names of Backlinks
Incoming links, Inlinks, Inbound links, Inward links
How a site gets backlinks?
The web rests on content. Each and everyone out here is looking for
valuable content which provides answers to their never ending queries.
Numerous webmasters provide content on their website based on
a particular niche. Some content may be good while the others are
satisfactory. The good contents have the magical ability to get backlinks
because people are more willing to link to a website which has useful
content for its readers. In this way, site's gets backlinks either knowingly or
unknowingly. Apart from this method there are several other methods for
link building.
Search Engine Optimization
Link Building
What is Link Building?
The process of creating backlinks to your site is known as link
building. Link building is more essentially “backlink building”. If
any other site on the world wide web provides a link to your
website then this is termed as a backlink. The more the backlinks,
the more the popular is your site. This process of building
backlinks to your website is known as “link building”.
Methods of Link Building
Link building is a continuous effort and must keep going. There
are several methods of link building and these are discussed
below:- Directory Submission, Article Submission, Social
Bookmarking, Blogging, Getting Links from Business Partners
Please note:- Building too many links this way may get your site
Link Building
Inbound links : A Link from a site outside of your site. Inbound links means
send visitors to your site, generally this is seen as good think for SEO.
Outbound Links : A link to a site outside of your site. Outbound links means
send visitors away from your site. Generally avoid those things. For
example( link exchange).
What is Link Popularity?
Link Popularity refers to the number of links pointing TO your site FROM other
sites on the Web.
Building links is one of the most important factors in getting top placements
on the major search engines
Why are links so important?
Now a days, inbound links are the one of most important factors for getting a
high keyword ranking, the most search engines are ranking their search result
based on the link popularity from your site. Not the quantity of links, but the
quality of those links is important.
Link Building
Types of Link Building : The process of link building can be divided into 3 types
and these are discussed below:-
One way link building
This is the most important type of link and is the most harder to obtain. If any
site on the web is pointing back to your site without asking for any link in
return then it is called as one way link building.
Example : Site A points to B, C, D, E etc.
Two way or Reciprocal link building
Under this type of link building, two similar (websites belonging to the same
category) web sites exchange links with each other. The concept is “You point
to me and I will point to you”. This type of mutual link building is the most
common type of link building and is the most easier to obtain. This method has
become outdated and is no longer followed.
Example : Site A points to B and in return Site B points to A.
Three way link building
Under this method, a site links to your website in return for a link that is placed
on a third website.
Example : Site A points to B and in return Site B provides a link back to site A
from Site C.
Link Building
 Link Popularity refers to the number of links pointing TO your site
FROM other sites on the Web.
 Building links is one of the most important factors in getting top
placement on the major search engines.
 Inbound links are one of the most important factors for getting a
high keyword ranking,
 Outbound links to quality and pertinent site are important as long as
they add value to the site visitor experience.
 It’s not the quantity of links, but the quality of those links which is
very important.
Off-Page SEO
Off-page optimization (off-page SEO) is what can be done off the pages
of a
 website to maximize its performance in search engines for target
 related to the on-page content and keywords in off-page direct-
 Off-page optimization is a very important part in search engine
 optimization because it gives back links to you site and it requires
a lot of
 It helps to maximize website performance in search engines for
targeted key phrases.
Off-Page SEO
On page optimization is what can be done on the
pages of a website to maximize its performance in the
SE for target keywords related to the on-page content.
On-page optimization stands for all the techniques
and methods used on website that is hosted on a
On-page optimization has an effect on your website
listing in natural results.
On-page factors are controlled by coding on website
Off-Page SEO
Off-page optimization (off-page SEO) is what can be
done off the pages of a website to maximize its
performance in search engines for target keywords
related to the on-page content and keywords in off-
page direct-links.
Off-page optimization is the most important part in
search engines optimization because it gives back
links to your sites and it requires a lot of work on a
daily bases.
It helps to maximize website performance in search engine for target
Off Page SEO Services are the best way to get more website
traffic. Off page factors include relevant back links to the
website, as well as anchor text. Back links are very important for
Google for generating traffic to the website.
Off Page SEO Opportunities
 Social Networking Sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter)
 Search engine/Directory submission (DMOZ, Best of
the Web)
 Social Bookmarking submission (twitter,,
 Article submission (, GoArticles)
 Press Release submission (PRWeb, 24-7
 Blog Creation & Posting
 Forums & Comment posting (signature links)
OFF-Page Services
Blog Submission
Blogs are a way to share facts, ideas and opinions directly between
people. A blog is an online journal where users post thoughts, comments or
news in a chronological format. Updates are often frequent and done on a
regular basis.
Blog Submission benefits :
- Relevant and meaningful content plays a vital role in increasing
website traffic.
- Submitting your blog to selected reputable blog directories will
increase its visibility significantly, and will improve its ranking in
search engines.
- Through blogs you can highlight the services and products offered by
your business in the most effective way to your potential customers.
- Get quality one way links easily. Blog posting helps to generate one
way links of high quality for your website.
OFF-Page Services
Article Submissions
Articles are the better way to promote the products and services. In
the articles we can provide information to users about specific products.
Articles can be used as a promotional tool for marketing the web site. With the
help of articles the general or specific details related to the site or product or
any services that you are providing through your website can be promoted
Benefits of Article Submission:
- Article submissions are a powerful technique for adding additional
readers to your blog.
- Articles provide powerful inbound links to your blog or website,
adding strength in the search engines.
- Articles have good source of free advertising to gain more exposure to
the products & services.
OFF-Page Services
Directory Submissions
Directory submission is the process of submitting site URL to web
site directory. The process is not merely filling the form at directory
submission page but also involves more than this. It is basically a website
submission service where your website is added to the proper category in a
searchable online directory which enhances your site’s visibility and creates
relevant inbound links to your website.
Benefits of Directory Submission:
- Higher Position In The Search Engine Results
- Increased Click Through Traffic
- Directory submissions provide increased link popularity.
- Getting listed in major search engines.
- Increased visits from search engine robots.
- Increased visibility in search engines.
OFF-Page Services
Social Bookmarking
Social bookmarking is a way of sharing sites or pages of a website
that we come across with the online community. The ability to save and
categorize a personal collection of bookmarks and share them with
others, Users may also take bookmarks saved by others and add them to
their own collection, as well as to subscribe to the lists of others.
Benefits of Social Bookmarking:
- As many times Bookmark saved is better, as this add value to the
website’s products because people like it and saved it to use in
- Social Bookmarking sites help to flow visitors from all over the
- This system offers the facility to rank a particular resource on the
basis of number of times it has been bookmarked by the users
OFF-Page Services
Press Release
A public relations announcement issued to the news media
and other targeted publications for the purpose of letting the
public know of company developments.
Benefits of Press Release:
- It increases online publicity of goods & services.
- It increases your downloads and sales.
- Having press releases in the search engines will generate
more traffic to the website.
- It gives value to the website by getting links in the press
Role of Off Page Optimization Factors
What matters most..
Which websites link to you
Number of websites linking to you
Google PageRank (PR) of the website linking to
Anchor text used in the link linking to you
Number & type of links linking to the website
linking to you
 Whether or not the websites linking to you are
deemed by Google as authority website
Directory Submission
Add your website to quality web based directories to capture qualified
traffic and increase inbound links
Social Bookmarking
Bookmarking important pages help drive qualified traffic and
increase inbound links.
Search Engine Submission
Adding your website to the search engines helps you get
listed in their index.
Article & PR Submission
Articles help establish yourself as an authority in your niche and
helps build inbound links to your website through optimal anchor
Classifieds, Forum Postings
Classifieds, forum postings increase your visibility in social
media, drive traffic and build inbound links to your
Search Engine Ranking Factors
• Keyword Use in Title Tag
• Overall Popularity of Site – “Trust” & “Authority”
• Anchor Text of Inbound Link
• Age of Site
• Internal Link Structure
• Keyword use in Page Content
• Outbound Links to Quality/Relevant Sites
• Age of Page
• Key Phrase Use in Heading Tags (H1, H2, H3)
• Age of Link

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Mahesh Gangurde Seo Tutorials - Simple Steps

  • 2. What Is SEO?  SEO Stands for Search Engine Optimization.  SEO is the activity of optimizing Web Pages or whole website in order to make them more search engine friendly, that getting higher position in search results.  SEO is all about optimizing a web site for Search Engines.  SEO is the process of designing and developing a web site to rank well in search engine results.  SEO is to improve the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines.  SEO is a subset of search engine marketing.  SEO is the art of ranking in the search engines.  SEO is marketing by understanding how search algorithms work and what human visitors might search.  SEO is sometimes also called SEO copyrighting because most of the techniques that are used to promote sites in search engines deal with text.  SEO is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a website from search engines via “organic” or “algorithmic” search results for target keywords. SEO can also target different kinds of searches, including : - Image Search, Local Search , Industry-specific vertical search engines  Natural Search, Organic Ranking, Organic Search or SEO all are same.
  • 3. What is Search Engine Rank? When you search any keyword using a search engine then it displays thousands of results found in its database. A page ranking is measured by the position of web pages displayed in the search engine results. If Search engine is putting your web page on first position then your web page rank will be number 1 and it will be assumed as with a high rank. SEO is the process of designing and developing a web site to attend a high rank in search engine results.  PR : Page Rank a system for ranking web pages developed by google –
  • 4. What is Search Engine Rank?
  • 7. How Search Engine Works  Search engines perform several activities in order to deliver search results  Crawling - is the process of fetching all the web pages linked to a web site. This task is performed by a software, called a crawler or a spider (or Googlebot, as is the case with Google).  Indexing - is the process of creating index for all the fetched web pages and keeping them into a giant database from where it can later be retrieved. Essentially, the process of indexing is identifying the words and expressions that best describe the page and assigning the page to particular keywords.  Processing - When a search request comes, the search engine processes it . i.e. it compares the search string in the search request with the indexed pages in the database.  Calculating Relevancy - Since it is likely that more than one pages contains the search string, so the search engine starts calculating the relevancy of each of the pages in its index to the search string.  Retrieving Results - The last step in search engines' activities is retrieving the best matched results. Basically, it is nothing more than simply displaying them in the browser. Search engines such as Google and Yahoo! often update their relevancy algorithm dozens of times per month. When you see changes in your rankings it is due to an algorithmic shift or something else outside of your control.
  • 8. How Search Engine Works In Short….. A spider or crawler which is a component of search engine gathers listings by automatically “crawling” the web. The spider follows links to web pages, makes copies of the pages and stores them in the search engine’s index. Based on the data, the search engine then indexes the pages and ranks the websites. In Short….. Search engine employ intelligent program robots called crawlers or spider, which visits thousands of websites every hour and index the pages according to the content. These indexes are huge database containing reference and links to the actual websites. The search engines looks though this database and displays the results. Major search engines that index pages using spiders are Google, Yahoo, AltaVista, MSN, AOL
  • 10. Search Engines statistics 1. Google – 41.6% 2. Yahoo – 31.5% 3. MSN – 27.4% 4. AOL – 13.6% 5. Ask Jeeves – 7.0% % bases on usage
  • 11. Why is Search Engine Marketing important? 85% of all traffic on the internet is referred to by search engines 90% of all users don’t look past the first 30 results (most only view top 10) Search engine traffic is low and websites aren’t indexed because they are generally poorly optimized Cost-effective advertising Clear and measurable ROI (Return On Investment) Operates under this assumption: More (relevant) traffic + Good Conversions Rate = More Sales/Leads
  • 12. Why is Search Engine Marketing important?  SEO is an abbreviation for search engine optimization.  SEO is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via search results.  SEO aims to improve ranking for relevant keywords in search results.  Search Engines are the biggest resources of your websites traffic.  Higher traffic means more visitors.  More visitors means more customers and higher profit.
  • 13. Why is Search Engine Marketing important?  It can increase traffic to your website with the help of search engines.  It can make your site more search engine friendly.  It can increase the accessibility of your site.  It can increase the brand value of your business.  Seo can popularize your business on social media platforms like Facebook,Twitter,Linkedn,Myspace,Orkut etc.  It can help you to reach niche audience.  It can generate more sales and increase ROI(Return on Inverstment)
  • 14. Why is Search Engine Marketing important?  Achieving a high ranking of the search engines.  Boost Sales / Increase your return on Investment.  Improve your competitive edge.  Expand customer base and target audience  Growth in site traffic.  It gives companies the ability to:  Drive high quality customers to their website  Increase sales leads from customers looking for their products and services  Build their brand online by communicating marketing messages to their target audience  Increase their profile against their competitors  Target a global audience via international search engines  Be accountable with ROI tracking (SEM)
  • 15. Why is Search Engine Marketing important?  Search engines are still the biggest resources of website traffic.  Higher traffic means more visitors.  More visitors means more customers and higher profits.  SEO is important because it is processing of someone finding you, your company / product / brand / information online.  Online visibility can help your credibility and brand awareness  Think like your customers/clients. SEO can put you in front of the people looking for your products & services  Your online marketing efforts should be focused on an end results.  Make sure your website/landing pages make it easy for visitors to sign up, join, request information, buy, or whatever else you seek.
  • 16. TOOLS: Search Engine Optimization
  • 17. Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website so that search engines can find and rank that website for a particular set of keyword phrases. In Brief - SEO is the process of designing and developing a web site to attend a high rank in search engine results. Conceptually, there are two ways of doing SEO  On-Page SEO Optimization - This includes providing good content, good keywords selection, putting keywords on correct places, giving appropriate title to every page etc.  Off-Page SEO Optimization - This includes link building, increasing link popularity by submitting in open directories, search engines, link exchange etc.
  • 19. Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques
  • 20. SEO Factor On-Page SEO Off-Page SEO Domain name SEO Directory Submissions File Name SEO Social Bookmarking Title SEO Blog Commenting Meta Tags SEO Forum Postings Header Tag SEO Article Submisions Anchor Text SEO Press Release Submissions Image Tag SEO Local Business Listings Footer SEO Search Engine Submissions Keyword Denstiy, Proximity & Prominence Social Networking HTML Code Optimization
  • 21. SEO Process On Page  All the changes made on the files and servers of the website come under on page optimization. Some common examples are changing the title tag of the website, changing the meta tags of the website, rewriting content, applying redirects, adding some commands in the robots.txt file etc. In simple words, changes that one does on the website itself come under on page optimization.  On-page optimization (on-page SEO) is what can be done on the pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the on-page content.  On-page optimization stands for all of the techniques and methods used on your website that is hosted on a server.  On-page optimization has an effect on your website listing in natural results .  On-page factors are controlled by coding on website pages • on-page optimization is a technique of seo in which we done on the pages of the website itself. • In On Page seo design website seo friendly.
  • 22. SEO Process Off Page  The work that you do to popularize a website on the World Wide Web comes under off page optimization. These may include directory submission, article submission, forum posting, blog commenting, link building, social media promotion etc.  Off-page optimization (off-page SEO) is what can be done off the pages of a website to maximize its performance in search engines for target keywords related to the on-page content and keywords in off-page direct-links.  Off-page optimization is the most important part in search engines optimization because it gives back links to your sites and it requires a lot of work on a daily bases.  It helps to maximize website performance in search engine for target keywords • off-page optimization is a technique of seo in which we covers activity that takes place elsewhere (e.g. link-building) outside the website. • In the off page seo we doesn’t change the website. We change back linking options.
  • 23. Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques Research keywords related to your business Identify competitors, utilize benchmarking techniques and identify level of competition Utilize descriptive title tags for each page Ensure that your text is HTML-text and not image text Use text links when ever possible Use appropriate keywords in your content and internal hyperlinks (don’t overdo!) Obtain inbound links from related websites Monitor your search engine rankings and more importantly your website traffic statistics and sales/leads produced Educate yourself about search engine marketing
  • 24. Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques On Page Factors: - •Keyword Analysis •Site Mechanics •Content Mechanics •Inbound and Outbound Linking
  • 25. Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques Off Page Factors: •Link Building •Content Generation •Social Networking
  • 26. Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques Off Page Factors: •Link Building •Content Generation •Social Networking
  • 27. Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques
  • 28. Keywords Any Query we write for get some result on search engine & it display automatically that query on below is called Keyword.
  • 29. Is website Display as your keyword?
  • 30. Role of Keyword Relevance Your keywords tell what your site is about. The SERP displays the page title and snippet of your web page. Your meta tags are an important factor in driving the right traffic.
  • 31. Role of Keyword Relevance Content, headers, image tags should be contextual and relevant to the search query. This is important in search rankings.
  • 32. Role of Keyword Relevance Anchor text tells the visitor and the searchbot what the linking page is about (keyword in anchor text increases the relevance of the linking page)
  • 33. Role of Keyword Relevance Landing page of the anchor text
  • 34. Technical SEO 1.Comprehensive Website Analysis 2.Keyword Research and Analysis. 3.Baseline Ranking report. 4.Competitive analysis in Search Engines. 5.Content Analysis & SEO Copywriting. 6.Analysis of URL structure & information architecture. 7.Analysis of internal linking. 8.Analysis of source code and page layout. 9.Code validation. 10.Search Engine Saturation. 11.Link Popularity Analysis. 12.Link Relevancy & Co-Citation Analysis (Topical Relevancy).
  • 35. Basic Tips & Optimization Techniques Research keywords related to your business Identify competitors, utilize benchmarking techniques and identify level of competition Utilize descriptive title tags for each page Ensure that your text is HTML-text and not image text Use text links when ever possible Use appropriate keywords in your content and internal hyperlinks (don’t overdo!) Obtain inbound links from related websites Monitor your search engine rankings and more importantly your website traffic statistics and sales/leads produced Educate yourself about search engine marketing
  • 36. Technical SEO 1.Comprehensive Website Analysis 2.Keyword Research and Analysis. 3.Baseline Ranking report. 4.Competitive analysis in Search Engines. 5.Content Analysis & SEO Copywriting. 6.Analysis of URL structure & information architecture. 7.Analysis of internal linking. 8.Analysis of source code and page layout. 9.Code validation. 10.Search Engine Saturation. 11.Link Popularity Analysis. 12.Link Relevancy & Co-Citation Analysis (Topical Relevancy).
  • 37. Site-Side Optimization Technical SEO - Example of Page Elements Page Title Alt-Tags Link Title Tags Anchor Text Navigation
  • 38. Technical SEO - Source Code Title Tag Javascript Meta data
  • 39. The SEO Optimization Process On-Page Optimization Off-Page Optimization
  • 40. On-Page SEO On-page optimization (on-page SEO) is what can be performed on  pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for targeted keywords related to on-page content  On-page optimization stands for all of the techniques and methods used on your website that is hosted on a server  On-page optimization has an effect on your website listing in natural results.  On-page factors are controlled by coding on website pages
  • 41. On-Page SEO On-Page factors are related directly to the content and structure of the website. On-page optimization involves modifying keywords frequency in the URL, Title, Headings, Hypertext Links and Body text. The following tags are optimized in the web pages: Title tags: Title tags are the words that appear at the very top of your web browser, and they they are used by search engine’s as the title of the listing. Description tags: META tags are HTML tags that are used to include information about your web page. Keyword tags: The META Keywords Tag is where you list keywords and keyword phrases that you've targeted for that specific page. Image Optimization: The process of adding keywords in the image name and slicing image and resolution reduction. PDF Optimization: Optimizing PDF files for the Web can significantly shrink their size and boost display speed, saving bandwidth and user frustration.
  • 42. On-Page SEO Elements  Title tags  Meta tags  ALT tags  Header (H1, H2) tags  URL structure  Internal Linking  Anchor text  Relevant keywords near your inbound link  Content  Keyword density  Site maps (XML & HTML)  Usability
  • 43. Title, Meta Tags in Source Code
  • 44. Search Engine Optimisation How SEO elements affect organic listings Title tag Meta description tag (or first para of text if no meta des has been added) Keywords
  • 45. KEYWORD RESEARCH: This is the first step in SEO. In Keyword Research we choose the best keywords for our web pages. This is the most important part of SEO. We will choose the keywords which has good traffic volume. And we make sure that the keyword is related to our webpage. For example: our website is related to online movies. Then our keywords will be like this: Online movies, free online movies, top online movies, watch online movies So, we choose the related keywords for our web pages. In Keyword Research we will decide the targeted keywords for our webpage. The complete keyword Research has been clearly explained in this SEO Tutorial. We use different tools for searching the keywords. Generally we prefer the free and best tools. In my opinion the free and best of all tools are: Google Adwords keyword suggestion tool. Word tracker keyword tool. Search Engine Optimization
  • 46. COMPETITION ANALYSIS: After choosing the keywords we prepare the competition analysis for the keywords. That means we search with the targeted keyword in the search engine and take the top 10 SERP listings. And prepare the analysis of each site of the top 10 list of the targeted keywords. The competition analysis includes the no of Backlinks, Domain age, SERP rank, page ranketc. We will gather the information of every webpage which are listed in top 10 SERP lists. To gather these above details we use different types of tools like SEO QUAKE, SEO4FIREFOX etc. Competition analysis tells us about the competition for the targeted keyword in the search engine. So by observing the competition analysis we can analyze many things like How much time will it take to optimize our webpage in the top 10 results? And many more details. Search Engine Optimization
  • 47. After choosing the best keywords we will make sure that the targeted keywords are well optimized in the webpage. The list of all On-Page Factors Keyword should present : - in the title tag - be written in meta keyword and meta description - be available in the file name or web page name. - be available in the content of the web page. - be written in h1 tag at least once. and - Keyword density of the targeted keyword should be around 2% to 7% for better results. Search Engine Optimization
  • 48. We are discussing everything in Web context so in web terminology a keyword is a term that a person enters into a search engine to find specific information. Most people enter search phrases that consists of between two and five words. Such phrases may be called search phrases, keyword phrases, query phrases, or just keywords. Good keyword phrases are specific and descriptive. There are following concepts related to Keywords which helps in optimizing keywords on a web page. A) Keyword Frequency: This is calculated as how often does a keyword appear in a site's title or description. You don't want to go overboard with frequency, however, since on some engines if you repeat a word too many times, you'll be penalized for "spamming" or keyword stuffing. In general though, repeat your keyword in the document as many times as you can get away with, and up to 3-7 times in your META tags. B) Keyword Weight: This refers to the number of keywords appearing on your Web page compared to the total number of words appearing on that same page. Some search engines consider this when determining the rank of your Web site for a particular keyword search. One technique that often works well is to create some smaller pages, generally just a paragraph long, which emphasize a particular keyword. By keeping the overall number of words to a minimum, you will increase the "weight" of the keyword you are emphasizing. Search Engine Optimization
  • 49. C) Keyword Proximity: This refers to the placement of keywords on a Web page in relation to each other or, in some cases, in relation to other words with a similar meaning as the queried keyword. For search engines that grade a keyword match by keyword proximity, the connected phrase .home loans. will outrank a citation that mentions .home mortgage loans. assuming that you are searching only for the phrase "home loans". D) Keyword Prominence: A measure of how early or high up on a page the keywords are found. Having keywords in the first heading and in the first paragraph (first 20 words or so) on a page are best. E) Keyword Density : The actual page content should have a keyword density of about 10% and should weigh in at about 200 words - but there are as many opinions about this as there are SEO experts. Some say keyword density should be 5% and some say it should be 20%. 10% works for me. Search Engine Optimization
  • 50. F) Keyword Placement : WHERE your keywords are placed on a page is very important. For example, in most engines, placing the keywords in the Title of the page or in the Heading tags will give it more relevancy. On some engines, placing keywords in the link text, the part that is underlined on the screen in a browser, can add more relevancy to those words. Best Places to Put Keywords: Here is a list of places where you should try to use your main keywords. Keywords in the <title> tag(s). Keywords in the <meta name="description"> Keywords in the <meta name="keyword"> Keywords in <h1> or other headline tags. Keywords in the <a href="">keywords</a> link tags. Keywords in the body copy. Keywords in alt tags. Keywords in <!-- insert comments here> comments tags. Keywords contained in the URL or site address, e.g., Search Engine Optimization
  • 51. Domain Name Selection: Domain Names does not show any negative affect in Search Engine Optimization. In the past search engines considered domain names in optimizing the web pages in the Search Engine Results Page(SERP). But now Google excluded domain name optimization in optimizing the pages in the SERP. We can choose any domain name. It can be your company brand name or anything. But remember the domain name which you had chosen should not be the other company's brand name. If you select the domain name having two or more words then we can use hyphen(-) in between the words. This will make easier to remember and Search Engines can understand the domain names easily if any related keywords search is done. E.g. ;, ; Search Engine Optimization
  • 52. SEO FILE NAMES File Name Optimization in also an important factor in optimizing the webpages. Related file name helps in optimizing the web page in the search engine results. The file name should be the main targeted keyword of the page. We generally select 3 or 4 targeted keywords for that web page. Select the main from the 4 keywords and keep that for the file name. whenever a query search is done then the file name will helps us in optimizing that page in the top results. If more than one word is used in the file name then the words should be separated with hyphen(-) or underscore(_). We should not separate the keywords with spaces in between the words because search engines could not understand the words separated with spaces. hyphen(-) and underscore(_) are treated as spaces by the search engines. To avoid those type of problems we should takes proper care while writing the file names. The above things must be remembered while doing file name optimization. See this example: luxury-hotels.html cars-for-sale.html online_travel_bookings.html Similarly The directory or folder name should be properly written. They are also very important thing in seo. These things increase the trust for the search engines to optimize them in the SERP. Search Engine Optimization
  • 53. SEO TITLE OPTIMIZATION When Search engines crawl the web pages first they go through the title of the page . So title is very important factor in Search engine optimization. In On Page SEO title plays a very important role in optimizing the page in google SERP results. They search for the keywords in the title and understand the topic of the webpage. The search engines decides for what keywords should the page must be displayed in the SERP Results. Title is the introduction to your webpage. So Title Optimization plays an very important role in SEO. Google concentrates more in the title rather than meta keywords. Title information is written in between the <title> ... </title> tags in head section of the page. <title> images - free images - stock images - art images - cartoon images </title> The targeted keywords should be placed in the title tag. And the keywords should be separated with commas(,) or hyphen(-). The number of characters in the title tag should not exceed 70. Otherwise the search engine consider the page to be spam. Using the Targeted keywords of that page in the title tags is a good practice and helps in seo title optimization. Avoid using stop keywords like for, in, at, as etc in the title tag. These stop keywords does not have any good impact in SEO title optimization. Instead of that they decrease the limit of characters to be used in the title tag. Search Engine Optimization
  • 54. SEO TITLE OPTIMIZATION Cont….. Short tail keywords are most preferred than Long tail keywords in the title tag. Query searches(KEYWORD SEARCHES) on short tail keywords is done more than long tail keywords. In SEO short tail keywords are more preferred than long tail keywords. Repeation of keywords in the title tag must avoided. Otherwise the page will be considered as spam by the Google search engine. Example: <title> images - free images - stock images - art images - cartoon images </title> In the above title example in every keyword the words "images" is repeated. Avoid these types of usages in the keyword. Otherwise this will show negative affect in SEO TITLE OPTIMIZATION Search Engine Optimization
  • 55. SEO META TAG OPTIMIZATION Meta Tags plays a very important role in Search Engine Optimization(SEO). They are used to inform search engines about the keywords, description, author information etc.. We will discuss about the necessary information which is required for the search engine optimization. An Example of a Meta Tag Meta tag is found between <Head> and </Head> areas of an HTML document. A good example of an HTML Meta tag is given below:- <Head> <Meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <Title>Order food Online</title> <Meta name="description" content="Order pizza, burgers, French fries, Milk shakes etc online. " /> <meta name="keywords" content="pizza, order pizza online, order burger online, order French fries online, order milk shake online" /> </head> Search Engine Optimization
  • 56. Here, different elements of Meta tag are shown. The two most important ones are description and keywords. These Meta tags shares information about the content on a particular page. Just by looking at the web page you can tell that this web page is of a restaurant which delivers pizza, burgers, French fries and Milk shake online. The content area consists of the information related to your web page. This is not just a chunk of information but it should clearly indicate the usefulness of the content in your web page. The content that you can add on description tag is limited to 170 characters (it’s not that you cannot add beyond it but it is usually recommended to keep it below 170 characters). The optimal length should be between 150 and 170 characters. Character limt for google 160, yahoo 165, MSN 200+ Characters The Meta keyword tag shares information related to the terms that are useful in locating that particular information. The search engines use this information for finding relevance of the web page content with respect to the keywords mentioned in the keyword tag. But due to excessive spamming, search engines have devaluated the value of keyword tag while ranking a web page. Search Engine Optimization
  • 57. Meta Description in SEO These are very important in optimizing. We must use meta description in every web page. This is the best part after the title tags. The description should be meaningful along with the inclusion of the keywords. The character limit for the Google is 160. For Yahoo is 165. MSN is 200+. So it would be better not to exceed 160. Example: <meta name="description" content="This is the description of this webpage. The description should be included with the targetted keywords for this page."/> Meta Revisit Meta revisit is used to define after how many days the crawler should revisit the page. We will guide the crawler to update our web pages for regular intervals. Here we define the time interval for regular updations. Example: <meta name="revisit& content=" 7 days" /> Search Engine Optimization
  • 58. Robots Meta Tag: The important Meta Tag that you may need sometime is the Robots Meta Tag which looks like this: meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"> Using above meta tag you can tell to a spider or robot that you do not want some of your pages indexed or that you do not want your links followed. Other Attributes Meta name revisit-after This attribute guides the search engine robots to visit the web page after a period of days mentioned in the content area of the tag. Example <Meta name="revisit-after" content="7 days"> With this tag, the robots are indicated to visit the site after a gap of seven days. Meta name contact This attribute is used to add an email address. Example <Meta name="contact" content="" /> Meta name copyright This attribute defines copyright information of the document. Example <Meta name="copyright" content="name of owner“> Search Engine Optimization
  • 59. Meta name distribution This attribute is used to declare the distribution of your web content. Distribution can be global, local or for internal use. Example <META NAME="Distribution" CONTENT="Global"> Meta name expires This attribute declares the expiration time of the current document. This tag is useful for WebPages which are created for a specified period of time based upon any event or happening. Example <Meta name="expires" content="date"> Meta name language This attribute defines the language of the document. Example <Meta name="language" content="language"> Meta name reply-to This attribute helps people to find out the email address of the concerned person who needs to be contacted regarding any reference to the document. Example <Meta name="reply-to" content="email address“> Search Engine Optimization
  • 60. SEO ANCHOR TEXT OPTIMIZATION Anchor text is a part of SEO which helps in optimizing the targetted keyword. This carries the importance of the targeted keywords in the web page. Anchor text is created using anchor tag. Anchor Text are usually created for navigation purpose. It guides other webpages from a web page. In this process we create a link to the text. The text which is kept as a link gets some importance. Google analyses these text links in the pages. If we use the targetted keywords as the link then it will helps our webpages for quick optimization in google search engine. <a href=" ">Anchor</a> The link url The name of the link(describing the page) , a.k.a anchor text. The point to note here is that the name of the hyperlink can change and it can have many aliases. How to create an Anchor Text You can create an anchor text with the help of the <a> tag. Example is given below:- <a href="">Doll</a> The href attribute specifies the link The text “Doll” is the anchor text. Hence, to create an anchor text you must supply text before the closing </a> tag. Search Engine Optimization
  • 61. SEO ANCHOR TEXT OPTIMIZATION Anchor Text is extremely important from Seo point of view. Search Engines find out the anchor text associated with hyperlinks and gathers data about the relevance of that web page with respect to the anchor text. SEO IMAGE OPTIMIZATION Seo Image Optimization is also an important process in seo. If you have an image gallery in your website. Then you have to optimize those images in the search engines. Crawlers(Spiders) cannot understand the Image and text which is printed in the Image.So seo image optimization technique to optimize them in the search engines. This is a simple technique to remember while inserting the image in the website. We use image as background for styling purposes. And we use the image to show or explain the comcepts. Especially the photographers use the images to show their image galleries. We don't optimize the Background Images since it is used only for the styling purpose. We optimize the images which is shown in the image gallery and the images used to explain the concepts. It depends on our requirement whether to optimize every image or not. We always choose on the necessity of the image whether to be optimized or not. Search Engine Optimization
  • 62. SEO IMAGE OPTIMIZATION Remember Do SEO Image Optimization to those images which needs. If unnecessary images are also optimized We just loose the bandwith(incase if you use limited bandwith in you hosting). How to do IMAGE OPTIMIZATION - SEO ? This is simple technique to remember. We use "alt" attribute for the image which need to be optimized And if the image doesn't need the optimization we don't use the "alt" attribute for the image. How to use the alt attribute ? Below is an example for using the alt attribute <img alt="example for image optimzation" src="image/sample-image.jpg" /> In the "alt" attribute use the keywords related to the webpage and related to the Image. Dont stuff all the keywords in the "alt" attribute thinking that it will be optimized for all the keywords. Otherwise the page will be considered as spam by the google. Use one to two keywords this will help in optimizing the image easily in the search engines. (use “title” attribute instead of “alt”) File Format of Image in SEO Optimization: We can use any type of Image in the web page. We can optimize any image in the webpage. It can be of any file format like bmp, jpg, gif, tiff, png Search Engine Optimization
  • 63. SEO Heading Tag Optimization (HEADER TAGS SEO) Header Tags SEO is a part of using the header tags in the webpage while writing the HTML code. It is recommended to use at least one <h1> tag in every web page. Up to 3 <h1> tags are allowed in a page. Using of header tags increases the importance of that word. Google crawler when reads our pages it highly concentrates on the heading texts(words written in heading tags). Keep the targeted keywords in header tags. In SEO it is very important to keep the targeted keywords in the header tags like h1 tag. This increases the importance of the targeted keyword and help in seo to get top ranks in SERP results. Header tags includes <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>. All the header tags have importance in seo. Off all the heading tags H1 has given more priority when compared to the other heading tags. If the styling of the page is getting disturbed while using h1 tag use css styles to decrease the size of the h1 tag. Behind these header tags. bold tag (<b> or <strong>) also has very important role in seo. Make the targeted text where every necessary. But don’t do it unnecessarily because google follows the strict rules if every word is made bold, google may ban your web page. So be careful while doing on page seo to your webpages. Priority of header tags SEO: The order of priority given to the tag by google search engine is : h1 > h2 > h3 > h4 > h5 > h6 > b > p Search Engine Optimization
  • 64. Authority and Relevance- Seo Gold Coins Authority and Relevance Build authority and relevance for your web pages. Here the definition of Gold means power. Authority and Relevance are the two most important metrics that Google uses in order to rank webpages. If you want to see your website pages rank like Wikipedia,, etc, then start building these two metrics to your website. Now, lets understand how can we grab these SEO gold coins! Authority Getting authority into a website takes time and effort both. You cant get authority within days or weeks. To build authority to a website, you must build quality backlinks to that website. Remember quality backlinks are not FFA(Free for all) backlinks. Government and educational websites have the highest authority and if you are able to build a backlink to your website from any of these reputed sites , you have a very good chance of building reputation and authority. How to build authority ? Authority can be build by getting lots and lots of quality backlinks to your site. Search Engine Optimization
  • 65. Relevance This is an important metric for search engines. You can rank for keywords relevant to your website so relevancy is necessary. Make sure your website is a complete relevant source of information for keywords which you are targeting. Getting a few backlinks from local sites, local directories, local resources etc can make your website relevant with respect to Geo location. Also, the location of the server can also be taken into account while ranking the websites so if your website caters to the needs of a particular country then you should get a local server. You should have an ideal combination of authority and relevance in your website. Remember both these factors are essential for the ranking of websites on Google. Trust is what Google is looking for! Build trust so that people start trusting your website's resources, if the people start trusting your website then Google will ultimately follow. We must understand the fact that Google is always looking to present its users with the most relevant results. Hence, Google searches for relevancy among the webpages and tends to show results from authority websites first then the rest of the sites. How to build relevance? Getting quality content on your website that is absolutely relevant to your keywords will help you in ranking better with respect to relevancy. Remember content can be text, images, videos anything. All depends upon the keywords chosen. Search Engine Optimization
  • 66. Backlinks If any website on the web links back to your website then it is termed as a "backlink" . It is an extremely important and the "most used“ seo term in the search engine optimization industry. Google ranks webpages by evaluating websites based on a mathematical formula known as "PageRank" which counts the numbers and value of backlinks to a website. The greater the quality of a backlink, the higher you will rank on Google provided that all the other ranking factors are also maintained well. In short, one of the most important Google ranking factor is backlink. Other names of Backlinks Incoming links, Inlinks, Inbound links, Inward links How a site gets backlinks? The web rests on content. Each and everyone out here is looking for valuable content which provides answers to their never ending queries. Numerous webmasters provide content on their website based on a particular niche. Some content may be good while the others are satisfactory. The good contents have the magical ability to get backlinks because people are more willing to link to a website which has useful content for its readers. In this way, site's gets backlinks either knowingly or unknowingly. Apart from this method there are several other methods for link building. Search Engine Optimization
  • 67. Link Building What is Link Building? The process of creating backlinks to your site is known as link building. Link building is more essentially “backlink building”. If any other site on the world wide web provides a link to your website then this is termed as a backlink. The more the backlinks, the more the popular is your site. This process of building backlinks to your website is known as “link building”. Methods of Link Building Link building is a continuous effort and must keep going. There are several methods of link building and these are discussed below:- Directory Submission, Article Submission, Social Bookmarking, Blogging, Getting Links from Business Partners Please note:- Building too many links this way may get your site penalized.
  • 68. Link Building INBOUND & OUTBOUND LINKS Inbound links : A Link from a site outside of your site. Inbound links means send visitors to your site, generally this is seen as good think for SEO. Outbound Links : A link to a site outside of your site. Outbound links means send visitors away from your site. Generally avoid those things. For example( link exchange). What is Link Popularity? Link Popularity refers to the number of links pointing TO your site FROM other sites on the Web. Building links is one of the most important factors in getting top placements on the major search engines Why are links so important? Now a days, inbound links are the one of most important factors for getting a high keyword ranking, the most search engines are ranking their search result based on the link popularity from your site. Not the quantity of links, but the quality of those links is important.
  • 69. Link Building Types of Link Building : The process of link building can be divided into 3 types and these are discussed below:- One way link building This is the most important type of link and is the most harder to obtain. If any site on the web is pointing back to your site without asking for any link in return then it is called as one way link building. Example : Site A points to B, C, D, E etc. Two way or Reciprocal link building Under this type of link building, two similar (websites belonging to the same category) web sites exchange links with each other. The concept is “You point to me and I will point to you”. This type of mutual link building is the most common type of link building and is the most easier to obtain. This method has become outdated and is no longer followed. Example : Site A points to B and in return Site B points to A. Three way link building Under this method, a site links to your website in return for a link that is placed on a third website. Example : Site A points to B and in return Site B provides a link back to site A from Site C.
  • 70. Link Building WHAT IS LINK POPULARITY?  Link Popularity refers to the number of links pointing TO your site FROM other sites on the Web.  Building links is one of the most important factors in getting top placement on the major search engines. WHY ARE LINKS SO IMPORTANT?  Inbound links are one of the most important factors for getting a high keyword ranking,  Outbound links to quality and pertinent site are important as long as they add value to the site visitor experience.  It’s not the quantity of links, but the quality of those links which is very important.
  • 71. Off-Page SEO Off-page optimization (off-page SEO) is what can be done off the pages of a  website to maximize its performance in search engines for target keywords  related to the on-page content and keywords in off-page direct- links.  Off-page optimization is a very important part in search engine  optimization because it gives back links to you site and it requires a lot of work.  It helps to maximize website performance in search engines for targeted key phrases.
  • 72. Off-Page SEO . On page optimization is what can be done on the pages of a website to maximize its performance in the SE for target keywords related to the on-page content. On-page optimization stands for all the techniques and methods used on website that is hosted on a server. On-page optimization has an effect on your website listing in natural results. On-page factors are controlled by coding on website pages
  • 73. Off-Page SEO Off-page optimization (off-page SEO) is what can be done off the pages of a website to maximize its performance in search engines for target keywords related to the on-page content and keywords in off- page direct-links. Off-page optimization is the most important part in search engines optimization because it gives back links to your sites and it requires a lot of work on a daily bases. It helps to maximize website performance in search engine for target keywords. Off Page SEO Services are the best way to get more website traffic. Off page factors include relevant back links to the website, as well as anchor text. Back links are very important for Google for generating traffic to the website.
  • 74. Off Page SEO Opportunities  Social Networking Sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter)  Search engine/Directory submission (DMOZ, Best of the Web)  Social Bookmarking submission (twitter,,  Article submission (, GoArticles)  Press Release submission (PRWeb, 24-7  Blog Creation & Posting  Forums & Comment posting (signature links)
  • 75. OFF-Page Services Blog Submission Blogs are a way to share facts, ideas and opinions directly between people. A blog is an online journal where users post thoughts, comments or news in a chronological format. Updates are often frequent and done on a regular basis. Blog Submission benefits : - Relevant and meaningful content plays a vital role in increasing website traffic. - Submitting your blog to selected reputable blog directories will increase its visibility significantly, and will improve its ranking in search engines. - Through blogs you can highlight the services and products offered by your business in the most effective way to your potential customers. - Get quality one way links easily. Blog posting helps to generate one way links of high quality for your website.
  • 76. OFF-Page Services Article Submissions Articles are the better way to promote the products and services. In the articles we can provide information to users about specific products. Articles can be used as a promotional tool for marketing the web site. With the help of articles the general or specific details related to the site or product or any services that you are providing through your website can be promoted directly. Benefits of Article Submission: - Article submissions are a powerful technique for adding additional readers to your blog. - Articles provide powerful inbound links to your blog or website, adding strength in the search engines. - Articles have good source of free advertising to gain more exposure to the products & services.
  • 77. OFF-Page Services Directory Submissions Directory submission is the process of submitting site URL to web site directory. The process is not merely filling the form at directory submission page but also involves more than this. It is basically a website submission service where your website is added to the proper category in a searchable online directory which enhances your site’s visibility and creates relevant inbound links to your website. Benefits of Directory Submission: - Higher Position In The Search Engine Results - Increased Click Through Traffic - Directory submissions provide increased link popularity. - Getting listed in major search engines. - Increased visits from search engine robots. - Increased visibility in search engines.
  • 78. OFF-Page Services Social Bookmarking Social bookmarking is a way of sharing sites or pages of a website that we come across with the online community. The ability to save and categorize a personal collection of bookmarks and share them with others, Users may also take bookmarks saved by others and add them to their own collection, as well as to subscribe to the lists of others. Benefits of Social Bookmarking: - As many times Bookmark saved is better, as this add value to the website’s products because people like it and saved it to use in future. - Social Bookmarking sites help to flow visitors from all over the web. - This system offers the facility to rank a particular resource on the basis of number of times it has been bookmarked by the users
  • 79. OFF-Page Services Press Release A public relations announcement issued to the news media and other targeted publications for the purpose of letting the public know of company developments. Benefits of Press Release: - It increases online publicity of goods & services. - It increases your downloads and sales. - Having press releases in the search engines will generate more traffic to the website. - It gives value to the website by getting links in the press releases.
  • 80. Role of Off Page Optimization Factors What matters most.. Which websites link to you Number of websites linking to you Google PageRank (PR) of the website linking to you Anchor text used in the link linking to you Number & type of links linking to the website linking to you  Whether or not the websites linking to you are deemed by Google as authority website
  • 81. Directory Submission Add your website to quality web based directories to capture qualified traffic and increase inbound links
  • 82. Social Bookmarking Bookmarking important pages help drive qualified traffic and increase inbound links.
  • 83. Search Engine Submission Adding your website to the search engines helps you get listed in their index.
  • 84. Article & PR Submission Articles help establish yourself as an authority in your niche and helps build inbound links to your website through optimal anchor texts.
  • 85. Classifieds, Forum Postings Classifieds, forum postings increase your visibility in social media, drive traffic and build inbound links to your website.
  • 86. Search Engine Ranking Factors • Keyword Use in Title Tag • Overall Popularity of Site – “Trust” & “Authority” • Anchor Text of Inbound Link • Age of Site • Internal Link Structure • Keyword use in Page Content • Outbound Links to Quality/Relevant Sites • Age of Page • Key Phrase Use in Heading Tags (H1, H2, H3) • Age of Link