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India-Rain Harrison
Product 1
Billboard has put their
masthead on the left side of the
page going downwards, as
opposed to other magazines
that put their masthead going
across. The font style is bold,
with a bright dominant colour to
make the title bounce off the
page. The masthead is seen to
be all in lowercase, showing a
sign of informality, meaning that
it is more of a “chilled out”
styled magazine that you can
read for leisure rather than
formal information.
Cover Lines:
The main cover line in this
magazine pairs up with the main
image used. The text is a soft
colour; white and fits in well
with the calm colour scheme
Billboard have used for this issue
of the magazine. They’ve used a
bold font, however with this title
they have kept it all in
uppercase, opposite the actual
masthead of the magazine.
Cover Image:
The cover image of the Billboard
magazine issue is of
singer/songwriter/model Niall
Horan, who ties in well with the
theme of the audience fro
Billboard as the main cause of
the magazine is to attract music
fans, therefore each issue they
select a different musician (
someone else in the industry ).
The colour scheme of the
magazine is based from this
image as they use colours the
reflect well with the suit Horan is
wearing and the water below.
The image they have used is very
bright in places, making the
remainder of the cover stand out
against others.
The other text boxes with this
magazine cover are additional
information within the magazine.
Some of the time they are tod do
with giveaways that are in the
magazine or the pack it comes in,
however in this issues case, they
have additional information
showing what to expect within
this issue.
Article Title:
Within this double page spread, the main titles of the two articles are speech bubbles taken from the
conducted interview. The editors selected a specific piece of text to blow up to put to the top of the
page, as a way of showing what is within the interview, highlighting the fact they are in quotation
marks to show it is a quote rom the interviewee. The text has been given a bold font with white
colouring, standing out against the grey background.
Colour scheme:
Billboard have
used specific
colours within this
DPS that match
the clothing of the
Zayn and Harry.
They have used a
grey backdrop that
complements the
colours of the
words as it makes
them standout
against the grey.
Pull Quote:
Pull quotes are commonly used in magazines to show what content is within the
article. They’re there to inform the reader what the conducted interview is about
to see if they’re interested in what said interviewee has to say. They’re not
always quotes from an actual person, sometimes they’re just quotes from the
article i.e. what sort of content the target audience is going to be reading about.
There are only two
images used for
this article, those
being the
interviewees; Zayn
Malik and Harry
Styles. The outfits
they have been
dressed in have
similar colour
sequences to the
main colour
scheme of the
page. Whether
Billboard did this
purposely or not is
however it is likely
they got the ideas
for colours based
on the boys
Page Numbers:
Page numbers are
useful to anyone
reading a
magazine either
on paper or
digitally so they
are able to see
what page
number they’re on
and is easy to find
specific articles
they are looking
for that they have
seen via the
contents page.
As seen within the screenshot of the front page of the Billboard website, a banner is seen to be at
the very top of the page, advertising a product. Websites do this for the purpose of advertising
someone else’s product via an affiliate link, thus meaning Billboard will receive some of the income
each time their audience click on the product link and buy. The adverts are seen to change each
time the site is visited by someone new or even just once a day.
The logo seen at the top of
the page is a way of telling
the audience what site they
are currently visiting,
usually you are able to click
on that logo from another
page within the website
that takes you straight back
to the home page.
As seen on the right
hand side of the page,
there are a series of
articles / music
playlists visitors are
able to click on and be
directed to another
page / area of the
website to read the
information given
there. Sometimes
they are links to music
playlists, meaning
they take them
straight to the source
e.g. Spotify, where it
gives you an option to
log into your own
account or create
one. As Billboard is a
publication / site
about music, most of
the time the articles
seen on the front
page are to do with
the music industry
and what is
happening within the
Social Media
At the top right corner
of the site, there are
Facebook and Twitter
logos, as well as a
subscribe option to
receive digital versions
of Billboards
magazines. This
encourages the
audience to follow
them on social media
to receive updates on
anything up and
coming within the
music industry or other
news from around the
Leading Article:
The leading article seen in the middle of the
site includes a large picture as well as a link
to what the article is about below. This is
typically to do with music, as Billboard is a
magazine for the music industry. As the
Brits Awards are seen as a big award
ceremony within the UK, this is a leading
headline for the Billboard site, despite them
being an American company.
All websites include a
search bar so if there is
a specific article or
magazine the audience
are wanting to view,
they can find it quickly
and efficiently.
Product 2
The Masthead from this magazine
cover is seen to be spread across the
top of the screen. This is typically the
way most magazines have their
Masthead as, in terms of advertising
a magazine brand, it is proven that if
the Masthead starts on the left hand
side of the page at the top it is likely
to sell better within news agencies /
shops. As you can see, above the
Masthead of this magazine there is
some additional information
regarding the magazine, one of the
pieces of writing looks to be a quote
of some form from an equestrian
rider. The font for this Masthead is
seen to be bold, yet have curly
edges, however still seen formal. The
colour scheme is simple, yet fits in
well with the magazine style.
Cover Lines:
It seems that within this magazine issue, there isn’t a specific main
headline, more so articles that will deem popular within the
equestrian audience. However, looking at the front page, this
magazine is seen to be more about the horse show ‘Badminton’, thus
meaning the articles included on the front are to do with this said
eventing competition. Underneath the title marking ‘Badminton’ it is
noted that this magazine is in fact a special preview edition, meaning
that this magazine issue gives insights to what the competition is like
for riders.
Cover Image:
For this issue’s Cover Image it is seen to
be a very bright image of top event
rider William Fox-Pitt. This can be
confirmed by the cover line next to the
image stating his name. The image
clearly ties in well with the genre of this
magazine, especially because of using
such a well known rider as the cover
means they will attract an audience
that enjoy his style of riding and what
his opinions are on the sport, therefore
meaning they would want to read the
article that has been written about him.
For this Horse and Country magazine
issue, you could say that some of the
cover line titles could be considered
blobs as there isn't a specific article
that is the main contender for this
magazine. However, looking on the
bottom row of the magazine, there are
three blobs that hold some useful
information for equestrians. It isn’t
stated whether this is the only
information or if the is in fact another
part of the magazine that holds a full
article. Although, due to the way they
have been written, one could assume
there is a full article that holds more
Article Title:
The title of this
article is, again,
seen to be at the
top left corner of
the page. The title
is seen to be bold
and stand put
against the page,
more mix in with
the text, however
it is seen to be a
bigger size than
the rest, thru
making it clear
that it is the title.
For this DPS, it is noticed that the are only three pictures, however the main image, situated at the bottom of the page, has
had an effect be placed on it to make it look like there are several horse and riders going over the jump at the same time,
however there is only one that was either pictured / filmed at the same moment, the images were just moulded together to
show the transition of show jumping easily without using several images in a row. The images used in the DPS match the
front cover; bright with a good use of bold colouring. It is also noted that there is some writing next to the rider. This is
some additional information for the reader so they are able to understand the technique they need in order for their riding
position to be perfect when going over jumps.
Colour scheme:
The colours used for
the actual magazine
paper are a simple
white background,
with black writing a
green to emphasise
the country genre of
the magazine. The
green is there to add
colour to the
magazine, as well as
highlight the ‘Lesson
6’ text the top left
side of the page. The
bottom section of
writing is seen to
have a beige colour.
The typography for this magazine DPS is set out with one column at the top left of the page just under the title, two small
columns just below, as well as four along the bottom section of the magazine. The four along the bottom section are step by
step instructions on how to show jump, each paragraph goes with a different area of the picture, hence why they’re placed
just below. The other text is there to explain the art of show jumping and what the jump is about.
Horse and Hound
has the company
logo on the top left
side of the site.
They are seen to
have taken the
company colour,
green, and made
the article
headlines the same
The articles on
this site are seen
to be left and
centre of the
page, which is
proven to be the
best places to
advertise. On
the left side they
have the news,
which could be
the most visited
section of their
site; the middle
is highlights.
These could be
considered to be
the second most
viewed type of
article on this
There are two different types of search for this website, a general sight search and also a buying /
selling horses section which is seen to be more apparent with this site. Horse and Hound magazine are
known to have horses for sale within their issues, therefor when creating the website decided to widen
their search engine and have a separate area where their audience can search and look for horses via
their site. The other search bar is seen to be at the top right corner. As well as search engines, they also
have drop down tabs that if hover over them they give options to other options that you can click on.
These are usually situated at the top of the screen next to / under the logo. For this websites case its
both, they have drop down tabs at the side of and under the logo of the magazine.
There doesn’t seem
to be
advertisement on
the Horse and
Hound site except
for them
advertising their
latest issue of the
magazine and
advertisement of
horses under the
search bar.
Social Media:
The social media for this site is placed at the bottom of the page to the right. It is
seen that they have the logos to the sites as hyperlinks, so once clicked on, takes
the audience member straight to the site they are looking for. They are also seen
to have a YouTube channel that viewers can subscribe to the watch videos Horse
and Hound have uploaded of tips and tricks of the horse trade. The other sites are
for viewers to click like / follow so they can see updates for their favourite horse
shows around their area.
Product 3
The Masthead fro this
magazine issue, is seen to be
behind the models head, thus
resulting in the name being cut
off a little. However, though
the Masthead is covered via
Cara Delevingne’s head, as an
audience you are able to
identify which fashion
magazine this is purely by the
layout and the few letters that
are on show. The way the
Masthead has been designed
is very sophisticated and
female orientated, it is easily
known that this magazine was
written for a more feminine
audience member to read.
Cover Lines:
Similarly with the Masthead,
the cover lines are very
feminine, “soft” and
sophisticated. The whole style
of the fonts and text written is
formal in the sense that it
would make a sophisticated,
fashion interested lady want to
pick it up to read / possibly
buy because the style is so
Cover Image:
The Cover Image for this
Vogue issue is of model Cara
Delevingne. She was chosen
as the main focus in an
attempt to attract a younger
audience to the magazine. As
seen in the picture she is
dressed almost like a queen,
with a crown and a coat worn
like a cloak would be. This is
top emphasise that the
magazine is more for a female
audience, as if pushing the
female agenda by turning Cara
into a queen.
The plugs for this magazine
don’t “jump out” of the page
at the audience but are rather
kept “low key”. However the
main sub-headings have been
designed in a bigger font to
than the rest in order to
attract the audience to that
headline rather than the
smaller, possibly less
“interesting” articles within
the magazine.
There is only one image
within this DPS. Again, it
is of model Cara
Delevingne. The colours
used for this image are
definitely bold and
extravagant against the
white background of the
page. They stand out
against the page which
isn't commonly done
within magazines as they
tend to keep the colours
modest and ”calming”.
The image of Cara also
appears to be bigger
than A4 size, resulting in
it having to seep onto
the other page.
All three paragraphs
written for this DPS have
been designed in 3
different fonts and sizes,
which is uncommon for a
magazine company,
especially one as formal
and sophisticated as
Vogue. However, despite
there bing three different
font styles, the magazine
still manages to with hold
the sophisticated look.
How? The layout. They
have chosen to have the
top paragraph in an
average styled font, such as
the ‘Helvetica’ font you can
get on computers. The
middle paragraph is seen
to be a quote and seems to
have a similar block style
font similar to the ‘Cara’ at
the top of the page. The
bottom paragraph is again
a simple font, however
smaller text size,
advertising what Cara is
wearing, plus the make-up
artist and hair stylist used.
Article Title:
The title of this article has been designed with two different fonts
and size, the ‘Chasing’ has been printed with a curvy style, the name
‘Cara’ has been designed with a block style writing. The letter C in
‘Cara’ is seen to be covering the area of the picture that has seeped
to the other page.
Page Numbers:
It is noted that there are no page numbers within this magazine
issue, this could relate to the publishers not wanting to ruin the
essence of the pages with numbers, however on other pages of
the magazine, there will be page numbers so the audience are
able to see what page they’re looking for if they saw an article
they liked the look of on the contents page.
Colour Scheme:
The colours used for the
full page aren’t
flamboyant, but rather a
simple black and white.
The emphasis of reason
why page looks so bright
and full of colour is
because of the primary
image used on the left
side of the page.
Social Media:
As seen on the right
side of the screen,
there is a drop down
tab that shows all of
the social media sites
that you can follow /
subscribe to for Vogue
magazine. There is
even a ‘newsletter sign
up’ tab that you can
entre your email
address into to get
updates on the next
issue and possibly
offers off clothes that
they use when
There is a search bar
next to where the social
media site links are
situated, for audience
members to search for a
specific area of the site
they’re looking for.
There are also other
drop down tabs that
have the Vogue blog,
Fashion, Catwalk etc.
that Vogue will know is
all appealing to their
audience members.
The articles for this site
are all situated along the
middle section of the
website; there are four
in a row. The articles are
all about clothing and
fashion, as well as a
little information on the
world outside of that.
Underneath the articles
are the writers names of
them, giving full credit
to those who wrote
The logo for Vogue isn’t like the other sites I reviewed, with the logo to
the left of the site, but it is situated in the centre of the top row. This
technique works well with this style of website because of its
simplicity. The site is very straight forward, much like the magazine,
there aren’t any complicated structures to the site, it’s very easy to
find what your looking for just on the first page.
There is no advertisement within this website, unlike the others where
they have it on the top of the page. However, they are showing their
recent magazine issue at the top left corner with a subscription bar
just below for readers to be able to subscribe to a newsletter giving
them chance to receive paper copies of the magazine or digital copies
to read on their phones / tablets.
Leading Article:
As seen, there is no
main article for people
to read, but there are
‘TOP STORIES’ that are
clearly the most
searched for topics on
Vogues site, hence why
they’ve chosen to
include those top 4.
Niall Horan Billboard Cover:
Billboard. (.). Niall Horan Billboard Cover.
65065&selectedIndex=. Last accessed
Zayn Malik and Harry Styles
Billboard Double Page Spread:
Billboard. (.). Zayn and Harry Billboard DPS.
ead&simid=608042817202162771&s. Last
accessed 20.02.2018.
Billboard Official Website:
Billboard. (.). Billboard Official Website.
Last accessed 20.02.2018.
Horse and Hound Double Page Spread:
Amanda Lunn. (.). .. Available:
ead&simid=60801850764302. Last accessed
Horse and Hound Cover:
.. (.). .. Available:
wjumping+cover&simid=607995. Last accessed
Horse and Hound Official Website:
Horse and Hound. (.). Horse and Hound Official
Website. Available: Last accessed
Vogue Cover:
.. (.). Cara Delevingne is the queen of cool.
7997131633266003&se. Last accessed
Vogue Double Page Spread: (). Cara
Delevingne covers the 2014 issue of
Vogue. Available:
02.jpg. Last accessed 22.02.2018
Vogue Official Website:
Vogue. (.). Vogue Official Website.
Last accessed 22.02.2018.
The audience I'm aiming for mainly with my
product is mid to late teens who enjoy
music; specifically chart music. The gender I
am hoping to attract with this is mainly
female, however it will be purchasable for
males also. I feel my magazine will attract a
female audience mainly because of the
music genre I am going to be publishing
within the magazine. For research, I will have
to look at chart updates to see what girls are
listening to within this age range in order to
find out what to publish within my magazine
in order for it to be popular when available
to purchase each month. As my magazine is
for a younger age range, the price wouldn’t
be higher than £5 as young, school age,
students wouldn’t be able to afford to spend
a lot each month.
Since starting this project, my skills in
Photoshop have developed greatly.
Since not using InDesign as often, I’m
not as knowledgeable using it
anymore, similarly with web design.
However I am looking forward to
developing my skills in all of the
above. As I have some experience
with creating magazines and
designing websites, I am looking
forward to using my current
knowledge to create a website /
magazine and developing what I
know and creating something better
than I already can currently.
The concept for my main project is to create a
pop music magazine, that informs audience
members of up coming concerts, bands (old and
new), quizzes, chart updates, interviews with
bands and other musicians etc. On the front
cover of my magazine there will be the
masthead, that I am hoping to cut out the person
from the main image and cover part of the title,
giving it a bit of a different design (similar to the
Vogue cover reviewed earlier). In order for my
audience to want to purchase my magazine
regularly, I will have to look at what musicians
are proving popular at the time and look at chart
updates to see what sort of music is deeming
more popular amongst a younger audience so I
know that what I’m printing in the magazine is
relevant to current trends.
In terms of evaluating my work, I will
compare it to current music
magazines that are popular when
they’re distributed and sold. I will
have to research these magazines and
look at their good and bad points in
order to compare to my own. I feel my
past magazines are of a professional
layout and look realistic enough to sell
in shops, however there are some
editing techniques I didn’t know
about it the past, however know now
so I will use those new skills to make
my new magazine cover / DPS better
than before.
For the front cover, the first thing I did was find an image that looked good enough to
be on a front page of a magazine. I wanted to ensure that the front cover of my
magazine was appealing enough for my audience. I made sure to use colours that
were samples take from the actual image. Example: the wording ‘Niall Horan’, the
colour green was taken from a section of the plant in the background. I made sure to
include subheadings that are currently in news headlines, although it is only a draft. As
the main article of the magazine is to do with Niall Horan, that concludes as to why I
have chosen to have him as my main image, so it is obvious to readers what celebrity
this particular magazine issue is about. If I were to create this front cover again, I
would have the other three subheadings in a more readable colour, as I feel they fade
into the background a little. I would also choose to cut out Niall from the original
background image and place him over the top of my Masthead, rather than have the
Masthead over his hair. I would prefer for him to stand out more than the Masthead
as he is the main attraction to the magazine.
For the process of this double page spread I, again, focused on the image that would
fit best on the left side page of my DPS so it was easy for my audience to find the
page. I made the main headline of the article a big, bold font so it is easily identifiable
when flicking through the magazine. I put a subtitle just below the main headline in
order for readers to see what the article is about and for people to decide if it is an
article they’re interested in reading. As for typography, I looked up ‘Lorum Ipsum’ 5to
get some fake wording to fill in the black as to where the wording would go. When it
comes to creating my actual magazine, I will replace this with my own written article
that I have come up with and typed out myself. Similarly with the image, I will choose
an image that I have take myself to use for the double page spread image. If I were to
create this DPS again, I would include another image on the front page and maybe
have the text size for the subheading below the headline in order to make it more
Upon creation of my website, I used to free website creator ‘WIX’ which is a familiar
application to me as I have created a webpage on there in previous Media lessons.
When creating my webpage, I tried to choose a website layout that suited the genre of
the music I would be writing about. I feel that the webpage I chose was good,
however could be more colourful rather than grey as I feel that is too professional for
a fun magazine for young people. For the images used for the slide screen, I used
pictures that related to the first news headline that can be seen just below. I feel I
could have chosen pictures that fit the shape of the slide screen or even edited them
myself to make sure they fit, if I were to change anything when making my actual
website, I will edit my images so they fit in the appropriate places. For the about page,
I chose to write about what sort of magazine it is, keeping it a little informal however
informational so it is easy for my young audience to read. If I were to change anything,
I would change the image at the top of the screen to one that was of the RHYTHM
logo and have it, again, as a slide screen and show different images from live concerts
and artists.
• Have the cover of an artist performing on stage
(maybe with a guitar in hand)
• Actual photo shoot with artist strategically posing
for the photo.
• Have a picture of an artist doing something
• The masthead would be placed in the to left
corner of the page.
• The subheadings and plugs lining the sides of the
• Well known person wearing next seasons fashion
• Have a model wearing a half and half outfit (one
side being girly, the other more “tomboy”)
• Have a line of models wearing clothes from the
last 50 years (the background of the image being
• Put the masthead along the top third of the
magazine, the model on the covers head would
cover part of the lettering.
• Have a picture of a cake or something sweet.
• Have an image of something healthy.
• Image of a milkshake or some form of drink.
• (for pancake day) have an image of decorated
• The masthead would be along the top of the
page, in front of the image that would be used as
the front cover.
• The subheadings would be placed along the left
and right side of the page, with a plug along the
bottom section of the magazine.
• Have the cover image of a well known show
• Cover of just a horses head.
• Horse and rider “posing in front” of the camera.
• The masthead would be placed on the top third
of the magazine, depending on which type of
cover image is used, I would put the image on
front of the writing if it were of the horses head,
if it were show jumping I would the image
behind the masthead.
• Subheadings would be placed around the shape
of the horse showjumping, plugs lining the
bottom of the screen.
• One of the DPS pages would have an image
either on the left or right hand page, the other
side would have two columns with text of an
interview or article written buy someone else
about said person.
• Another way I could do this is to have two full
pages of text (from an interview or article
written by the artist) and have pictures featuring
between paragraphs.
• For the DPS of this magazine I would have one
side of the spread full of pictures, those being a
collage of fashion through the years, showing how
the fashion and clothing industry has changed
over the last few decades. On the other side of
the page, there would be paragraphs (the years as
the subheadings) describing each outfit, who
would wear it and why it was seen as fashion that
• For this DPS I would have one side of the page of
a food product, recently prepared, with a
sequence on other images in the process of
being prepared. On the other side would be a
step by step recipe and ingredients to bake/cook
said food item yourself from scratch. The recipes
would fit in with what time of year it is. For
example, if it were pancake day, the recipe would
be to create your own pancakes from scratch in
your own home.
• For the equestrian magazine DPS I would have
one large image of a show jumping arena, with a
someone going over the jumps with their horse.
At the top corner of each page I will have different
ways you can set up show jumps in order to help
teach your horse how to go over them properly.
Typography wise, I would have different hints and
tips as to how to train your horse to show jump,
whether that’s to bring them back into work or to
teach them from scratch after breaking them in.
• For my music site I will have a blog page where
writers for my magazine can put their concert
experiences, with original images and videos,
for fans of that artist to read and see what it
would be like to go to that concert.
• I would also have a link to a YouTube channel
where there would be a series of vlogs for
people to watch to do with recent celebrity
news and hints and tips on what to do when
attending a gig.
• For this site, again, I would have a blog page for
people to share recipes with each other, with
step by step instructions on how to create your
own meal.
• I would also have a link for diet/allergy advice,
meaning if someone were to go vegetarian or
vegan, they can read up on other peoples
comment on how they coped with the change
of diet and how they’re doing now. They could
also share meals they cook for themselves now
with a step by step guide on how they did that
• With this page, I would have a link to another area
of the site where you can buy and sell
horse/supplies for your horse
• I would have a chat room that was always live for
people to discuss issues with their own horse or
those who wanted advice for buying a first horse
and what tack they would need for them etc.
• I would also have a dropdown tab where people
could look for local horse shows in their area
either to compete in or to attend as a guest that
day to look round and enjoy a day out watching
show jumping/ dressage ect.
• For the fashion site, I would again have a link to a
blog page where people discussed their favourite
styles and why they chose to pair an outfit
together complete with pictures and where you
can buy the exact outfit (or similar) for yourself.
• I would also have a news link where readers can
have a look at the latest trends, what their
favourite model is doing and fashion shows coming
up around their area that they can attend.
TOP 100
Niall Horan is no stranger to the music world. At just the age of 16 he auditioned for hit reality show The X Factor, where he
wowed the judges with his cover of Neyo’s “So Sick”. Guest judge definitely had a soft spot for Horan, being the judge who
decided on his fate to go in the competition. At boot camp Horan was rejected as a solo artist. However, everything changed
when Horan plus four other solo acts were put in a band together. It is still up in debate which judge decided to create the
group, although almost 8 years later, that doesn’t seem to be an issue anymore as the band has taken the music industry by
storm. In March 2015 the band announced that they would be taking a hiatus, thus resulting in thousands of hearts
breaking at the thought of the band not being together anymore. That never seemed to be an issue for Niall though, as
since the band took their break in December 2015, Horan never stopped creating music. He took a little time to himself in
the early months of 2016 to go backpacking around Australia and Asia, claiming “it was one of the most amazing
experiences of my entire life and would I never say no to going again.” Niall Horan kicked off his solo career by releasing his
debut single ‘This Town’ the folky, finger picking song written about his hometown of Mullingar. In a recent interview with
the Irish man he claimed “I never intended of making a solo career for myself, I just wanted people to know I was actually
doing something and not just watching football and playing golf. I never expected the song to blow up as much as it did.”
Since then, Horan has never looked back, 8 months after he released This town, the singer announced that he was releasing
his second single ‘Slow Hands’. Upon release, the song skyrocketed through the charts, winning awards and breaking
records s it went, thus resulting in Horan being the first member of his band to have a solo record reach number one in the
US. “ I was delighted when I heard,” Horan exclaimed in a recent interview. “I remember my manager ringing me and saying,
you’ve done it, and I just knew what he was talking about right there and then. I found out about 5 minutes before I was
due on stage that night so that show was just mad. I won’t ever forget that day.” Since then Horan has released a solo
album, being the second member of One Direction to do so, as well as embarking on his second world tour. “I'm excited to
get back on the road. I love touring that’s my favourite part of it all. We don’t get much chance to see the cities we go to,
because of the risk of being spotted when you're out and about which is a shame.” We asked Niall if we would be getting a
second record anytime son, and his response did not go unnoticed. “I don’t know about recording a second album just yet,
but I will probably come up with a few lines or verses on tour and I will definitely come up with riffs when me and the lad
are messing about during the sound check and backstage, so I'll have to say no at the minute, I’m afraid.” If you haven’t
already, head to Niall Horan’s official online store and get yourself some concert tickets for his tour this year, kicking off at
the INEC, Killarney on the 10th of March, it definitely is not one to miss.
Story One:
Robbie Williams is set to
bring charity football game,
Soccer Aid, back for an 11th
year. The game comes
around every two years and
celebrities from all over the
world come up to
Manchester Old Trafford to
take part in the match. Last
year they had the likes of
Olly Murs, Mark Wright and
Paddy McGuinness as well as
Niall Horan and Louis
Tomlinson, ½ of the worlds
biggest boyband One
Leading article:
Niall Horan speaks to
Rhythm’s India-Rain about
how his second world tour is
going. “I started it in Ireland,
obviously, and its probably
the best decision I’ve ever
made in my life.” Horan went
on to explain why he is so
excited to embark on the
second leg of his world tour,
“Well I only did one date in
Europe last year, so it’ll be
good to get back out on the
road properly and explore
each city. Hopefully anyway,
depend show much time I
have between dates.”
Story Two:
Is Busted’s fourth album
underway? Guitarist and singer
for the band, James Bourne,
seems to be dropping hints to
fans the the lads are back in
the studio writing and
recording for another record!
Matt Willis and Charlie
Simpson, fellow band mates,
seem to be keeping on the DL
when it comes to album news,
however fans are convinced
the new record is coming, and
they think its coming faster
than we all expect.

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Magazine research

  • 3. Masthead: Billboard has put their masthead on the left side of the page going downwards, as opposed to other magazines that put their masthead going across. The font style is bold, with a bright dominant colour to make the title bounce off the page. The masthead is seen to be all in lowercase, showing a sign of informality, meaning that it is more of a “chilled out” styled magazine that you can read for leisure rather than formal information. Cover Lines: The main cover line in this magazine pairs up with the main image used. The text is a soft colour; white and fits in well with the calm colour scheme Billboard have used for this issue of the magazine. They’ve used a bold font, however with this title they have kept it all in uppercase, opposite the actual masthead of the magazine. Cover Image: The cover image of the Billboard magazine issue is of singer/songwriter/model Niall Horan, who ties in well with the theme of the audience fro Billboard as the main cause of the magazine is to attract music fans, therefore each issue they select a different musician ( someone else in the industry ). The colour scheme of the magazine is based from this image as they use colours the reflect well with the suit Horan is wearing and the water below. The image they have used is very bright in places, making the remainder of the cover stand out against others. Plug: The other text boxes with this magazine cover are additional information within the magazine. Some of the time they are tod do with giveaways that are in the magazine or the pack it comes in, however in this issues case, they have additional information showing what to expect within this issue.
  • 4. Article Title: Within this double page spread, the main titles of the two articles are speech bubbles taken from the conducted interview. The editors selected a specific piece of text to blow up to put to the top of the page, as a way of showing what is within the interview, highlighting the fact they are in quotation marks to show it is a quote rom the interviewee. The text has been given a bold font with white colouring, standing out against the grey background. Colour scheme: Billboard have used specific colours within this DPS that match the clothing of the Zayn and Harry. They have used a grey backdrop that really complements the colours of the words as it makes them standout against the grey. Pull Quote: Pull quotes are commonly used in magazines to show what content is within the article. They’re there to inform the reader what the conducted interview is about to see if they’re interested in what said interviewee has to say. They’re not always quotes from an actual person, sometimes they’re just quotes from the article i.e. what sort of content the target audience is going to be reading about. Images: There are only two images used for this article, those being the interviewees; Zayn Malik and Harry Styles. The outfits they have been dressed in have similar colour sequences to the main colour scheme of the page. Whether Billboard did this purposely or not is unknown, however it is likely they got the ideas for colours based on the boys clothing. Page Numbers: Page numbers are useful to anyone reading a magazine either on paper or digitally so they are able to see what page number they’re on and is easy to find specific articles they are looking for that they have seen via the contents page.
  • 5. Advertisement: As seen within the screenshot of the front page of the Billboard website, a banner is seen to be at the very top of the page, advertising a product. Websites do this for the purpose of advertising someone else’s product via an affiliate link, thus meaning Billboard will receive some of the income each time their audience click on the product link and buy. The adverts are seen to change each time the site is visited by someone new or even just once a day. Logo: The logo seen at the top of the page is a way of telling the audience what site they are currently visiting, usually you are able to click on that logo from another page within the website that takes you straight back to the home page. Articles: As seen on the right hand side of the page, there are a series of articles / music playlists visitors are able to click on and be directed to another page / area of the website to read the information given there. Sometimes they are links to music playlists, meaning they take them straight to the source e.g. Spotify, where it gives you an option to log into your own account or create one. As Billboard is a publication / site about music, most of the time the articles seen on the front page are to do with the music industry and what is happening within the charts. Social Media At the top right corner of the site, there are Facebook and Twitter logos, as well as a subscribe option to receive digital versions of Billboards magazines. This encourages the audience to follow them on social media to receive updates on anything up and coming within the music industry or other news from around the world. Leading Article: The leading article seen in the middle of the site includes a large picture as well as a link to what the article is about below. This is typically to do with music, as Billboard is a magazine for the music industry. As the Brits Awards are seen as a big award ceremony within the UK, this is a leading headline for the Billboard site, despite them being an American company. Search: All websites include a search bar so if there is a specific article or magazine the audience are wanting to view, they can find it quickly and efficiently.
  • 7. Masthead: The Masthead from this magazine cover is seen to be spread across the top of the screen. This is typically the way most magazines have their Masthead as, in terms of advertising a magazine brand, it is proven that if the Masthead starts on the left hand side of the page at the top it is likely to sell better within news agencies / shops. As you can see, above the Masthead of this magazine there is some additional information regarding the magazine, one of the pieces of writing looks to be a quote of some form from an equestrian rider. The font for this Masthead is seen to be bold, yet have curly edges, however still seen formal. The colour scheme is simple, yet fits in well with the magazine style. Cover Lines: It seems that within this magazine issue, there isn’t a specific main headline, more so articles that will deem popular within the equestrian audience. However, looking at the front page, this magazine is seen to be more about the horse show ‘Badminton’, thus meaning the articles included on the front are to do with this said eventing competition. Underneath the title marking ‘Badminton’ it is noted that this magazine is in fact a special preview edition, meaning that this magazine issue gives insights to what the competition is like for riders. Cover Image: For this issue’s Cover Image it is seen to be a very bright image of top event rider William Fox-Pitt. This can be confirmed by the cover line next to the image stating his name. The image clearly ties in well with the genre of this magazine, especially because of using such a well known rider as the cover means they will attract an audience that enjoy his style of riding and what his opinions are on the sport, therefore meaning they would want to read the article that has been written about him. Plug: For this Horse and Country magazine issue, you could say that some of the cover line titles could be considered blobs as there isn't a specific article that is the main contender for this magazine. However, looking on the bottom row of the magazine, there are three blobs that hold some useful information for equestrians. It isn’t stated whether this is the only information or if the is in fact another part of the magazine that holds a full article. Although, due to the way they have been written, one could assume there is a full article that holds more information.
  • 8. Article Title: The title of this article is, again, seen to be at the top left corner of the page. The title is seen to be bold and stand put against the page, more mix in with the text, however it is seen to be a bigger size than the rest, thru making it clear that it is the title. Images: For this DPS, it is noticed that the are only three pictures, however the main image, situated at the bottom of the page, has had an effect be placed on it to make it look like there are several horse and riders going over the jump at the same time, however there is only one that was either pictured / filmed at the same moment, the images were just moulded together to show the transition of show jumping easily without using several images in a row. The images used in the DPS match the front cover; bright with a good use of bold colouring. It is also noted that there is some writing next to the rider. This is some additional information for the reader so they are able to understand the technique they need in order for their riding position to be perfect when going over jumps. Colour scheme: The colours used for the actual magazine paper are a simple white background, with black writing a green to emphasise the country genre of the magazine. The green is there to add colour to the magazine, as well as highlight the ‘Lesson 6’ text the top left side of the page. The bottom section of writing is seen to have a beige colour. Typography: The typography for this magazine DPS is set out with one column at the top left of the page just under the title, two small columns just below, as well as four along the bottom section of the magazine. The four along the bottom section are step by step instructions on how to show jump, each paragraph goes with a different area of the picture, hence why they’re placed just below. The other text is there to explain the art of show jumping and what the jump is about.
  • 9. Logo: Horse and Hound has the company logo on the top left side of the site. They are seen to have taken the company colour, green, and made the article headlines the same shade. Articles: The articles on this site are seen to be left and centre of the page, which is proven to be the best places to advertise. On the left side they have the news, which could be the most visited section of their site; the middle is highlights. These could be considered to be the second most viewed type of article on this website. Search: There are two different types of search for this website, a general sight search and also a buying / selling horses section which is seen to be more apparent with this site. Horse and Hound magazine are known to have horses for sale within their issues, therefor when creating the website decided to widen their search engine and have a separate area where their audience can search and look for horses via their site. The other search bar is seen to be at the top right corner. As well as search engines, they also have drop down tabs that if hover over them they give options to other options that you can click on. These are usually situated at the top of the screen next to / under the logo. For this websites case its both, they have drop down tabs at the side of and under the logo of the magazine. Advertisement: There doesn’t seem to be advertisement on the Horse and Hound site except for them advertising their latest issue of the magazine and advertisement of horses under the search bar. Social Media: The social media for this site is placed at the bottom of the page to the right. It is seen that they have the logos to the sites as hyperlinks, so once clicked on, takes the audience member straight to the site they are looking for. They are also seen to have a YouTube channel that viewers can subscribe to the watch videos Horse and Hound have uploaded of tips and tricks of the horse trade. The other sites are for viewers to click like / follow so they can see updates for their favourite horse shows around their area.
  • 11. Masthead: The Masthead fro this magazine issue, is seen to be behind the models head, thus resulting in the name being cut off a little. However, though the Masthead is covered via Cara Delevingne’s head, as an audience you are able to identify which fashion magazine this is purely by the layout and the few letters that are on show. The way the Masthead has been designed is very sophisticated and female orientated, it is easily known that this magazine was written for a more feminine audience member to read. Cover Lines: Similarly with the Masthead, the cover lines are very feminine, “soft” and sophisticated. The whole style of the fonts and text written is formal in the sense that it would make a sophisticated, fashion interested lady want to pick it up to read / possibly buy because the style is so Cover Image: The Cover Image for this Vogue issue is of model Cara Delevingne. She was chosen as the main focus in an attempt to attract a younger audience to the magazine. As seen in the picture she is dressed almost like a queen, with a crown and a coat worn like a cloak would be. This is top emphasise that the magazine is more for a female audience, as if pushing the female agenda by turning Cara into a queen. Plug: The plugs for this magazine don’t “jump out” of the page at the audience but are rather kept “low key”. However the main sub-headings have been designed in a bigger font to than the rest in order to attract the audience to that headline rather than the smaller, possibly less “interesting” articles within the magazine.
  • 12. Image: There is only one image within this DPS. Again, it is of model Cara Delevingne. The colours used for this image are definitely bold and extravagant against the white background of the page. They stand out against the page which isn't commonly done within magazines as they tend to keep the colours modest and ”calming”. The image of Cara also appears to be bigger than A4 size, resulting in it having to seep onto the other page. Typography: All three paragraphs written for this DPS have been designed in 3 different fonts and sizes, which is uncommon for a magazine company, especially one as formal and sophisticated as Vogue. However, despite there bing three different font styles, the magazine still manages to with hold the sophisticated look. How? The layout. They have chosen to have the top paragraph in an average styled font, such as the ‘Helvetica’ font you can get on computers. The middle paragraph is seen to be a quote and seems to have a similar block style font similar to the ‘Cara’ at the top of the page. The bottom paragraph is again a simple font, however smaller text size, advertising what Cara is wearing, plus the make-up artist and hair stylist used. Article Title: The title of this article has been designed with two different fonts and size, the ‘Chasing’ has been printed with a curvy style, the name ‘Cara’ has been designed with a block style writing. The letter C in ‘Cara’ is seen to be covering the area of the picture that has seeped to the other page. Page Numbers: It is noted that there are no page numbers within this magazine issue, this could relate to the publishers not wanting to ruin the essence of the pages with numbers, however on other pages of the magazine, there will be page numbers so the audience are able to see what page they’re looking for if they saw an article they liked the look of on the contents page. Colour Scheme: The colours used for the full page aren’t flamboyant, but rather a simple black and white. The emphasis of reason why page looks so bright and full of colour is because of the primary image used on the left side of the page.
  • 13. Social Media: As seen on the right side of the screen, there is a drop down tab that shows all of the social media sites that you can follow / subscribe to for Vogue magazine. There is even a ‘newsletter sign up’ tab that you can entre your email address into to get updates on the next issue and possibly offers off clothes that they use when shooting. Search: There is a search bar next to where the social media site links are situated, for audience members to search for a specific area of the site they’re looking for. There are also other drop down tabs that have the Vogue blog, Fashion, Catwalk etc. that Vogue will know is all appealing to their audience members. Articles: The articles for this site are all situated along the middle section of the website; there are four in a row. The articles are all about clothing and fashion, as well as a little information on the world outside of that. Underneath the articles are the writers names of them, giving full credit to those who wrote them. Logo: The logo for Vogue isn’t like the other sites I reviewed, with the logo to the left of the site, but it is situated in the centre of the top row. This technique works well with this style of website because of its simplicity. The site is very straight forward, much like the magazine, there aren’t any complicated structures to the site, it’s very easy to find what your looking for just on the first page. Advertisement: There is no advertisement within this website, unlike the others where they have it on the top of the page. However, they are showing their recent magazine issue at the top left corner with a subscription bar just below for readers to be able to subscribe to a newsletter giving them chance to receive paper copies of the magazine or digital copies to read on their phones / tablets. Leading Article: As seen, there is no main article for people to read, but there are ‘TOP STORIES’ that are clearly the most searched for topics on Vogues site, hence why they’ve chosen to include those top 4.
  • 14. Niall Horan Billboard Cover: Billboard. (.). Niall Horan Billboard Cover. Available: w=detailV2&ccid=xadj866P&id=F074975F9 03EE37FCDAA50B39C2EB2FFAF1D0214&t hid=OIP.xadj866PpAwqtFpsMbfnWgDaEe& q=billboard+cover&simid=6080428257860 65065&selectedIndex=. Last accessed 20.02.2018. BIBLIOGRPAHY Zayn Malik and Harry Styles Billboard Double Page Spread: Billboard. (.). Zayn and Harry Billboard DPS. Available: w=detailV2&ccid=dpY3C36r&id=5E8401D7 34BA92C3752CF2D308811D6D2587C0F9& thid=OIP.dpY3C36rrymAsjPS- cdqswHaFP&q=billboard+double+page+spr ead&simid=608042817202162771&s. Last accessed 20.02.2018. Billboard Official Website: Billboard. (.). Billboard Official Website. Available: Last accessed 20.02.2018. Horse and Hound Double Page Spread: Amanda Lunn. (.). .. Available: 2&ccid=p581l96e&id=B5736790207FA543BDB3D76 77FE57A6FBD57F7D4&thid=OIP.p581l96er7fJG3xpu FkeFgHaEo&q=horse+and+hound+double+page+spr ead&simid=60801850764302. Last accessed 22.02.2018. Horse and Hound Cover: .. (.). .. Available: 2&ccid=QElhIKB2&id=DEFC90D1155F87746B4091F D7715044B4DEA9B75&thid=OIP.QElhIKB2kPnXNNxe MYM2tADPEs&q=horse+and+hound+magazine+sho wjumping+cover&simid=607995. Last accessed 21.02.2018. Horse and Hound Official Website: Horse and Hound. (.). Horse and Hound Official Website. Available: Last accessed 21.02.2018. Vogue Cover: .. (.). Cara Delevingne is the queen of cool. Available: w=detailV2&ccid=sLzqNvOc&id=6D8F8904 B6F9E4F38C3D67EF25DF30643007E59A&t hid=OIP.sLzqNvOcv1xnUtGjrO_SpgHaJ2&q =cara+delevingne+vogue+cover&simid=60 7997131633266003&se. Last accessed 22.02.2018. Vogue Double Page Spread: (). Cara Delevingne covers the 2014 issue of Vogue. Available: content/uploads/2013/03/Cara- Delevingne-Vogue-UK-March-2013- 02.jpg. Last accessed 22.02.2018 Vogue Official Website: Vogue. (.). Vogue Official Website. Available: Last accessed 22.02.2018.
  • 16. AUDIENCE The audience I'm aiming for mainly with my product is mid to late teens who enjoy music; specifically chart music. The gender I am hoping to attract with this is mainly female, however it will be purchasable for males also. I feel my magazine will attract a female audience mainly because of the music genre I am going to be publishing within the magazine. For research, I will have to look at chart updates to see what girls are listening to within this age range in order to find out what to publish within my magazine in order for it to be popular when available to purchase each month. As my magazine is for a younger age range, the price wouldn’t be higher than £5 as young, school age, students wouldn’t be able to afford to spend a lot each month. Since starting this project, my skills in Photoshop have developed greatly. Since not using InDesign as often, I’m not as knowledgeable using it anymore, similarly with web design. However I am looking forward to developing my skills in all of the above. As I have some experience with creating magazines and designing websites, I am looking forward to using my current knowledge to create a website / magazine and developing what I know and creating something better than I already can currently. RATIONALE
  • 17. PROJECT CONCEPT The concept for my main project is to create a pop music magazine, that informs audience members of up coming concerts, bands (old and new), quizzes, chart updates, interviews with bands and other musicians etc. On the front cover of my magazine there will be the masthead, that I am hoping to cut out the person from the main image and cover part of the title, giving it a bit of a different design (similar to the Vogue cover reviewed earlier). In order for my audience to want to purchase my magazine regularly, I will have to look at what musicians are proving popular at the time and look at chart updates to see what sort of music is deeming more popular amongst a younger audience so I know that what I’m printing in the magazine is relevant to current trends. In terms of evaluating my work, I will compare it to current music magazines that are popular when they’re distributed and sold. I will have to research these magazines and look at their good and bad points in order to compare to my own. I feel my past magazines are of a professional layout and look realistic enough to sell in shops, however there are some editing techniques I didn’t know about it the past, however know now so I will use those new skills to make my new magazine cover / DPS better than before. EVALUATION
  • 19.
  • 20. REFLECTION For the front cover, the first thing I did was find an image that looked good enough to be on a front page of a magazine. I wanted to ensure that the front cover of my magazine was appealing enough for my audience. I made sure to use colours that were samples take from the actual image. Example: the wording ‘Niall Horan’, the colour green was taken from a section of the plant in the background. I made sure to include subheadings that are currently in news headlines, although it is only a draft. As the main article of the magazine is to do with Niall Horan, that concludes as to why I have chosen to have him as my main image, so it is obvious to readers what celebrity this particular magazine issue is about. If I were to create this front cover again, I would have the other three subheadings in a more readable colour, as I feel they fade into the background a little. I would also choose to cut out Niall from the original background image and place him over the top of my Masthead, rather than have the Masthead over his hair. I would prefer for him to stand out more than the Masthead as he is the main attraction to the magazine.
  • 22.
  • 23. REFLECTION For the process of this double page spread I, again, focused on the image that would fit best on the left side page of my DPS so it was easy for my audience to find the page. I made the main headline of the article a big, bold font so it is easily identifiable when flicking through the magazine. I put a subtitle just below the main headline in order for readers to see what the article is about and for people to decide if it is an article they’re interested in reading. As for typography, I looked up ‘Lorum Ipsum’ 5to get some fake wording to fill in the black as to where the wording would go. When it comes to creating my actual magazine, I will replace this with my own written article that I have come up with and typed out myself. Similarly with the image, I will choose an image that I have take myself to use for the double page spread image. If I were to create this DPS again, I would include another image on the front page and maybe have the text size for the subheading below the headline in order to make it more readable.
  • 27. REFLECTION Upon creation of my website, I used to free website creator ‘WIX’ which is a familiar application to me as I have created a webpage on there in previous Media lessons. When creating my webpage, I tried to choose a website layout that suited the genre of the music I would be writing about. I feel that the webpage I chose was good, however could be more colourful rather than grey as I feel that is too professional for a fun magazine for young people. For the images used for the slide screen, I used pictures that related to the first news headline that can be seen just below. I feel I could have chosen pictures that fit the shape of the slide screen or even edited them myself to make sure they fit, if I were to change anything when making my actual website, I will edit my images so they fit in the appropriate places. For the about page, I chose to write about what sort of magazine it is, keeping it a little informal however informational so it is easy for my young audience to read. If I were to change anything, I would change the image at the top of the screen to one that was of the RHYTHM logo and have it, again, as a slide screen and show different images from live concerts and artists.
  • 29. COVER IDEAS MUSIC MAGAZINE: • Have the cover of an artist performing on stage (maybe with a guitar in hand) • Actual photo shoot with artist strategically posing for the photo. • Have a picture of an artist doing something charitable. • The masthead would be placed in the to left corner of the page. • The subheadings and plugs lining the sides of the page. FASHION MAGAZINE: • Well known person wearing next seasons fashion trend. • Have a model wearing a half and half outfit (one side being girly, the other more “tomboy”) • Have a line of models wearing clothes from the last 50 years (the background of the image being white) • Put the masthead along the top third of the magazine, the model on the covers head would cover part of the lettering. FOOD MAGAZINE: • Have a picture of a cake or something sweet. • Have an image of something healthy. • Image of a milkshake or some form of drink. • (for pancake day) have an image of decorated pancakes. • The masthead would be along the top of the page, in front of the image that would be used as the front cover. • The subheadings would be placed along the left and right side of the page, with a plug along the bottom section of the magazine. EQUESTRIAN MAGAZINE: • Have the cover image of a well known show jumper. • Cover of just a horses head. • Horse and rider “posing in front” of the camera. • The masthead would be placed on the top third of the magazine, depending on which type of cover image is used, I would put the image on front of the writing if it were of the horses head, if it were show jumping I would the image behind the masthead. • Subheadings would be placed around the shape of the horse showjumping, plugs lining the bottom of the screen.
  • 30.
  • 31. DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD IDEAS MUSIC MAGAZINE: • One of the DPS pages would have an image either on the left or right hand page, the other side would have two columns with text of an interview or article written buy someone else about said person. • Another way I could do this is to have two full pages of text (from an interview or article written by the artist) and have pictures featuring between paragraphs. FASHION MAGAZINE: • For the DPS of this magazine I would have one side of the spread full of pictures, those being a collage of fashion through the years, showing how the fashion and clothing industry has changed over the last few decades. On the other side of the page, there would be paragraphs (the years as the subheadings) describing each outfit, who would wear it and why it was seen as fashion that decade. FOOD MAGAZINE: • For this DPS I would have one side of the page of a food product, recently prepared, with a sequence on other images in the process of being prepared. On the other side would be a step by step recipe and ingredients to bake/cook said food item yourself from scratch. The recipes would fit in with what time of year it is. For example, if it were pancake day, the recipe would be to create your own pancakes from scratch in your own home. EQUESTRIAN MAGAZINE: • For the equestrian magazine DPS I would have one large image of a show jumping arena, with a someone going over the jumps with their horse. At the top corner of each page I will have different ways you can set up show jumps in order to help teach your horse how to go over them properly. Typography wise, I would have different hints and tips as to how to train your horse to show jump, whether that’s to bring them back into work or to teach them from scratch after breaking them in.
  • 32.
  • 33. WEBSITE IDEAS MUSIC WEBSITE: • For my music site I will have a blog page where writers for my magazine can put their concert experiences, with original images and videos, for fans of that artist to read and see what it would be like to go to that concert. • I would also have a link to a YouTube channel where there would be a series of vlogs for people to watch to do with recent celebrity news and hints and tips on what to do when attending a gig. FOOD WEBSITE: • For this site, again, I would have a blog page for people to share recipes with each other, with step by step instructions on how to create your own meal. • I would also have a link for diet/allergy advice, meaning if someone were to go vegetarian or vegan, they can read up on other peoples comment on how they coped with the change of diet and how they’re doing now. They could also share meals they cook for themselves now with a step by step guide on how they did that also. EQUESTRIAN WEBSITE: • With this page, I would have a link to another area of the site where you can buy and sell horse/supplies for your horse • I would have a chat room that was always live for people to discuss issues with their own horse or those who wanted advice for buying a first horse and what tack they would need for them etc. • I would also have a dropdown tab where people could look for local horse shows in their area either to compete in or to attend as a guest that day to look round and enjoy a day out watching show jumping/ dressage ect. FASHION WEBSITE: • For the fashion site, I would again have a link to a blog page where people discussed their favourite styles and why they chose to pair an outfit together complete with pictures and where you can buy the exact outfit (or similar) for yourself. • I would also have a news link where readers can have a look at the latest trends, what their favourite model is doing and fashion shows coming up around their area that they can attend.
  • 34.
  • 42. DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD Niall Horan is no stranger to the music world. At just the age of 16 he auditioned for hit reality show The X Factor, where he wowed the judges with his cover of Neyo’s “So Sick”. Guest judge definitely had a soft spot for Horan, being the judge who decided on his fate to go in the competition. At boot camp Horan was rejected as a solo artist. However, everything changed when Horan plus four other solo acts were put in a band together. It is still up in debate which judge decided to create the group, although almost 8 years later, that doesn’t seem to be an issue anymore as the band has taken the music industry by storm. In March 2015 the band announced that they would be taking a hiatus, thus resulting in thousands of hearts breaking at the thought of the band not being together anymore. That never seemed to be an issue for Niall though, as since the band took their break in December 2015, Horan never stopped creating music. He took a little time to himself in the early months of 2016 to go backpacking around Australia and Asia, claiming “it was one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life and would I never say no to going again.” Niall Horan kicked off his solo career by releasing his debut single ‘This Town’ the folky, finger picking song written about his hometown of Mullingar. In a recent interview with the Irish man he claimed “I never intended of making a solo career for myself, I just wanted people to know I was actually doing something and not just watching football and playing golf. I never expected the song to blow up as much as it did.” Since then, Horan has never looked back, 8 months after he released This town, the singer announced that he was releasing his second single ‘Slow Hands’. Upon release, the song skyrocketed through the charts, winning awards and breaking records s it went, thus resulting in Horan being the first member of his band to have a solo record reach number one in the US. “ I was delighted when I heard,” Horan exclaimed in a recent interview. “I remember my manager ringing me and saying, you’ve done it, and I just knew what he was talking about right there and then. I found out about 5 minutes before I was due on stage that night so that show was just mad. I won’t ever forget that day.” Since then Horan has released a solo album, being the second member of One Direction to do so, as well as embarking on his second world tour. “I'm excited to get back on the road. I love touring that’s my favourite part of it all. We don’t get much chance to see the cities we go to, because of the risk of being spotted when you're out and about which is a shame.” We asked Niall if we would be getting a second record anytime son, and his response did not go unnoticed. “I don’t know about recording a second album just yet, but I will probably come up with a few lines or verses on tour and I will definitely come up with riffs when me and the lad are messing about during the sound check and backstage, so I'll have to say no at the minute, I’m afraid.” If you haven’t already, head to Niall Horan’s official online store and get yourself some concert tickets for his tour this year, kicking off at the INEC, Killarney on the 10th of March, it definitely is not one to miss.
  • 43. WEBSITE Story One: Robbie Williams is set to bring charity football game, Soccer Aid, back for an 11th year. The game comes around every two years and celebrities from all over the world come up to Manchester Old Trafford to take part in the match. Last year they had the likes of Olly Murs, Mark Wright and Paddy McGuinness as well as Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson, ½ of the worlds biggest boyband One Direction. Leading article: Niall Horan speaks to Rhythm’s India-Rain about how his second world tour is going. “I started it in Ireland, obviously, and its probably the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.” Horan went on to explain why he is so excited to embark on the second leg of his world tour, “Well I only did one date in Europe last year, so it’ll be good to get back out on the road properly and explore each city. Hopefully anyway, depend show much time I have between dates.” Story Two: Is Busted’s fourth album underway? Guitarist and singer for the band, James Bourne, seems to be dropping hints to fans the the lads are back in the studio writing and recording for another record! Matt Willis and Charlie Simpson, fellow band mates, seem to be keeping on the DL when it comes to album news, however fans are convinced the new record is coming, and they think its coming faster than we all expect.