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Lymph taping and seroma
formation post breast cancer
                                                                        Joyce Bosman, Neil Piller

  Background: The most common complication of breast cancer treatment is seroma formation. Lymph taping has the
  potential to prevent or reduce seroma formation, but currently its potential benefits have not been fully investigated.
  Aims: To investigate the potential of lymph taping to combat seroma formation. Methods: Nine women treated for breast
  cancer were recruited to this randomised clinical trial; four developed seromas requiring aspiration. Bio-impedance
  spectroscopy of the breast was used to assess intra and extracellular fluid levels in each of the four quadrants of the
  breast. From day one postoperatively, lymph taping was applied over the watershed between skin territories on the
  posterior thorax between the spine and axilla on those allocated to the treatment group. Measurements were repeated
  at five, nine and 16 days. Results: The extracellular fluid value at t16 was 0.1037 ± 0.0324 (15.3 % decrease) over t1 in the
  lymph taping group and 0.1066 ± 0.0227 (4.6 % decrease) in the current best practice group (n=4 in each group). After
  16 days of treatment, substantial changes were found in burning sensations, tightness and heaviness in favour of the lymph
  taping group. In particular, pain perception in the lymph taping group improved. Conclusions: This study has demonstrated
  that lymph taping has the ability to reduce extracellular fluid accumulation and improve a range of quality of life measures.

                                                               seroma formation after breast surgery    of the investigated criteria suggested
  Key words                                                    varies between 2.5% and 51% (Brayant     that:
                                                               and Baum, 1987; Barwell et al, 1997;     8 Seroma is not an accumulation of
  Breast cancer                                                Woodworth et al, 2000). Vitug and            serum, but an exudate
  Lymphoedema                                                  Newman (2007) report that 10% to         8 Exudate is an element in an acute
  Seroma formation                                             80% of ALND and mastectomy cases             inflammatory reaction, i.e. the first
  Lymph taping                                                 require seroma aspiration.                   phase of wound repair
                                                                                                        8 Seroma formation reflects
                                                                   Various methods have been                an increased intensity and a
                                                               used to prevent seroma formation.            prolongation of this repair phase.
                                                               However, the use of lymph taping

       reast cancer surgery is treated                         in this context has not been fully           Watt-Boolsen et al (1989) also
       with either modified radical                            evaluated in the current literature.     posited that the predominant white
       mastectomy (MRM), wide local                                                                     cells present in a seroma were
excision (WLE) and axillary lymph                              Seroma                                   granulocytes rather than lymphocytes,
node dissection (ALND), or sentinel                            Seroma is defined as a serous fluid      indicating that the fluid is likely to be
lymph node biopsy (SLNB). Common                               collection that develops under the       exudate. The protein concentration
complications of breast surgery                                skin flaps during mastectomy or in       in seromas was found to be more
include bleeding, infection, lymph                             the axillary dead space after axillary   consistent with that of an exudate
oedema and nerve damage (Leica and                             dissection (Pogson et al, 2003).         produced as a result of acute
Apantaku, 2002). The most common                               Seroma formation generally begins on     inflammation during wound healing
complication following breast surgery                          the seventh day post surgery, reaches    (Watt-Boolsen et al, 1989).
is seroma formation. Incidence of                              a peak rate of growth on the eighth
                                                               day and slows continuously until            Gardner et al (2005) suggests
                                                               the sixteenth day when it generally      that there are seven causative factors
Joyce Bosman is an oedematherapist at Medisch Centrum          resolves (Menton and Roemer, 1990).      contributing to seroma formation:
Zuid, Groningen, the Netherlands; Neil Piller is a Professor                                            8 Poor adherence of flaps to
and Director of the Lymphoedema Assessment Clinic,                Watt-Boolsen et al (1989) found            chest wall
Department of Surgery, Flinders University and Medical         that the composition of the fluid and    8 Division of several larger lymph
Centre, South Australia                                        aspirates and the time-related changes      trunks

  ??      Journal of Lymphoedema, 2010, Vol 5, No 2

8 Large dead space/large raw area in        when symptomatic (Anand et al,             immobilisation of the shoulder until
    the axilla                              2002). In some cases, the fluid            day seven postoperatively significantly
8   Pump action of upper limb               collection may recur so this may need      reduced the incidence of seroma.
    increasing lymph flow                   to be done more than once (Cancer          However, other authors describe
8   Local inflammatory mediators,           Society of New Zealand, 2003).             how immobilisation of the upper
8   Irregular shape of chest wall           Seromas can generally be managed by        limb generated unacceptable rates of
    and axilla                              one to six aspirations (Gonzalez et al,    frozen shoulder and, therefore, advise
8   Shear forces during respiration.        2003). However, the use of fine needle     early shoulder exercises. Evidence for a
                                            aspiration to assess changes in an         clear role of immobilisation in seroma
     Although seromas are not life-         oedematous breast can be problematic       prevention is still lacking (Gardner et
threatening, they can lead to significant   and may, in itself, produce additional     al, 2005).
morbidity (e.g. flap necrosis, wound        inflammation and oedema (Williams,
dehiscence, predisposition to sepsis,       2006).                                          Postoperative breast seroma,
impaired shoulder function [muscle                                                     therefore, is an important cause of
strength weakness], prolonged                                                          morbidity that continues to cause
recovery period and multiple physician      Although seromas are                       difficulties for surgeons and for which
visits) and may delay adjuvant therapy      not life-threatening, they                 the best treatment has long been
(Budd et al, 1978; Aitkin and Minton,       can lead to significant                    debated (Gardner et al, 2005).
1983; Gardner et al, 2005).
                                            morbidity (e.g. flap
                                                                                           The use of taping for the
    Extensive dissection generates a        necrosis, wound dehiscence,                management of seroma is gaining
considerable potential space as breast      predisposition to sepsis,                  popularity and while there is significant
tissue is removed and lymphatic             impaired shoulder                          clinical experience of this approach,
vessels are severed allowing lymph          function [muscle strength                  there is little published research.
to pass into the dead space. The            weakness], prolonged                       Lymph taping is a part of the Medical
distensibility of the skin flaps raised                                                Taping Concept, which is believed
                                            recovery period and
during the surgery further establishes                                                 to contribute to the stimulation and
a potential space in which fluid can        multiple physician visits)                 improvement of lymphatic drainage
collect. In addition, axillary lymph node   and may delay adjuvant                     (
dissection results in the division of       therapy.
several larger lymph trunks, and when                                                  Lymph taping
the arm is mobilised post-operatively,                                                 In its most common application,
the upper-limb musculature acts as a            Several interventions have been        lymph taping is applied to the poorly
pump, increasing lymph flow (Gardner        reported with the aim of reducing          draining area (lymphatic territory) of
et al, 2005).                               seroma formation including the use         the lymphoedematous limb or area.
                                            of pressure garment and prolonged          The special tape used has an elasticity
    It is common for people who have        limitation of arm activity. However, it    similar to that of the skin and is similar
had their lymph nodes removed to            has been suggested that the use of         in weight to the epidermis. By applying
experience fullness under the arm           these interventions not only reduces       the tape in a proximal to distal
after the drain(s) has been removed.        seroma formation, but may also             direction and positioning the body in
Evidence on the effect of drains on         increase the incidence of seroma           a way that the tape is stretched during
seroma formation is inconclusive            formation after removal of the drain       application, the lymphatic drainage
(Gardner et al, 2005). People often         (O’Hea et al, 1999), and even might        system is stimulated 24 hours a day.
describe seroma as like ‘having a ball      cause shoulder dysfunction (Dawson
fixed into their armpit’.                   et al, 1989).                                  The tape must be applied in
                                                                                       accordance with the anatomy of
   Following a modified radical                 Seroma formation after breast          the lymph flow. The tape lifts the
mastectomy it is also possible to           cancer surgery occurs independently        skin slightly, opening the lumen of
develop seroma on the chest wall.           of drainage duration, compression          the lymph angioma and reducing
As with a haematoma, this fluid is          dressing and other known prognostic        the pressure on the blood vessels.
reabsorbed by the body over time.           factors in breast cancer patients          Moreover, the tape acts as a conductor
                                            except the type of surgery, i.e. there     of interstitial fluid, moving fluids from
    Persistent seromas have                 is a 2.5 times higher risk of seroma       areas of higher pressure towards
traditionally been treated with             formation in patients who undergo          areas of lower pressure (Kase et al,
repeated aspirations, local pressure        a modified radical mastectomy              2003). The tape may also influence
dressings, and occasionally surgical        compared to breast-conserving              the deeper lymphatic system and
ablation (Gardner et al, 2005).             surgery (Hashemi et al, 2004). Schultz     encourage myofascial release,
Seromas should only be aspirated            et al (1997) were able to show that        enhancing drainage in the subfascial

                                                                             Journal of Lymphoedema, 2010, Vol 5, No 2        ??

lymphatics (although this remains to         Flinders University and Medical Centre      performed, tumour size, number
be proven).                                  Clinical Research Ethics Committee          of lymph nodes removed, number
                                             prior to commencing the study.              of lymph nodes infiltrated and the
    Shim et al (2003) posit that                                                         frequency and number of aspirations.
endothelium may act as a micro-valve             Nine women who had undergone            Bio-impedance and QoL was
along the walls of the initial lymphatics.   surgical treatment for their                measured on day one postoperatively
These valves open during any                 breast cancer (± radiotherapy ±             (t1), day five postoperatively (t5), day
stretching of the lymphatics and during      chemotherapy) were recruited for            nine postoperatively (t9) and day 16
the influx of interstitial fluid into the    this clinical trial. Before surgery (t0),   postoperatively (t16).
lumen, while anchoring filaments keep        participants were measured using bio-
the endothelial cells tightly attached       impedance spectroscopy and filled out
to the adjacent collagen network.            a quality of life (QoL) questionnaire.       Table 1
Expansion of the initial lymphatics          A patch test was also performed
causes the interstitial fluid to fill the    to ensure the participants were              Between subject reproducibility:
open endothelial micro-valves through        not allergic to the tape material or         bio-impedance measurements
percolation, while compression causes        adhesive.                                    (Moseley and Piller, 2008)
closure of the endothelial micro-
valves and outflow along the lumen               After surgery, participants were         Position                           Covariance
of the micro-lymphatics, with eventual       divided in two groups, a lymph taping                                              (%)
transport to collecting lymphatics.          group and a current best practice            Affected Breast
Reflux towards the initial lymphatics is     group                                        8 Upper outer quadrant (R0a)         0.34%
prevented by bicuspid valves.                                                             8 Upper inner quadrant (R0)          0.24%
                                                 Starting on day one postoperatively,     8 Lower outer quadrant (R0)          0.24%
Bio-impedance                                lymph taping was applied every five          8 Lower inner quadrant (R0)          0.53%
A promising technique in measuring           days to the lymph taping group. The          8 Upper outer quadrant (Rfb)         0.40%
breast changes is bio-impedance.             tape was cut into three strips and           8 Upper inner quadrant (Rf)          0.48%
Local bio-impedance uses electrical          applied over the watershed between           8 Lower outer quadrant (Rf)          0.86%
currents to measure the impedance            the posterior thoracic skin territories      8 Lower inner quadrant (Rf)          0.54%
of the tissue and, therefore, the fluid      and from spine to axilla (Figure 1).
volume. This type of technique has           The patient was positioned so that           Normal Breast
been previously used to measure              the skin was slightly stretched before       8 Upper outer quadrant (R0)          0.20%
arm lymphoedema (Cornish et al,              the application of the tape. Once the        8 Upper inner quadrant (R0)          0.36%
2001; Box et al, 2002), breast fluid         skin returned to its normal position, it     8 Lower outer quadrant (R0)          0.48%
volume (Mosely and Piller, 2008),            was drawn up to create an underlying         8 Lower inner quadrant (R0)          0.33%
and breast tumours (Ohmine et al,            negative pressure (Williams, 2006).          8 Upper outer quadrant (Rf)          0.38%
2000). As demonstrated in Table 1,                                                        8 Upper inner quadrant (Rf)          0.45%
the covariance for bio-impedance                 The participants were encouraged         8 Lower outer quadrant (Rf)          0.39%
measurements is quite low, ranging           to perform early arm motion, including       8 Lower inner quadrant (Rf)          0.32%
from 0.20–0.86%, demonstrating that          abduction of the arm at 90° and                a R0 represents the extracellular fluid
the between subject reproducibility          arm raising. Participants were also            measurement
is consistent and therefore reliable         encouraged to resume their normal              b Rf represents both the intra and
(Mosely and Piller, 2008).                   daily activities (Gonzalez et al, 2003).       extracellular measurement
                                             General advice was provided to
Rationale                                    participants regarding skincare, e.g.
This study was undertaken to                 how to wash and dry the skin, to avoid
determine the effect of lymph taping         using warm air to dry the tape and to
on post-operative seroma following           seek advice if problems occurred.
breast cancer surgery. Most of the
literature is based on the effect of            In both the current best practice
lymph taping in oedema of the arm.           group and the lymph taping group,
However, the use of lymph taping for         seroma aspirations were taken using
seroma management does not appear            techniques currently approved by the
to be considered, even though there          Department of Surgery, at Flinders
are similarities in the nature of the        University and Medical Centre.
fluid accumulation.
                                                Parameters collected from the            Figure 1. Lymph taping over the watershed between
Method                                       sample groups included age, body            the posterior thoracic skin territories from the
Ethical approval was obtained from           mass index (BMI), type of surgery           spine to axilla.

 ??      Journal of Lymphoedema, 2010, Vol 5, No 2

                                  Outer edge
                                  of breast        Table 2
                                 Half way point
                                                   Characteristics of the participants

                                                    Subject                       Age (years)      Weight         Height (cms)   BMI *

                            Nipple                  Mean                             57.5           66.8              162        25.5
                                                    Standard Deviation               13.0           11.5              5.8         4.1

Figure 2. Breast quadrants and halfway point.        * Body Mass Index calculated as weight (kgs) / height (m2)

   Allocation to either the treatment
group or the current best practice                their volume index and work out                  participants with a tumour diameter
group was performed by the toss of a              the actual volume (ECF volume =                  less than 25mm and in three of the
coin for the first patient — subsequent           pECF*L^2/R0). A P value of <0.05                 five with a tumour diameter greater
participants were then allocated to               was considered significant.                      than 25mm.
each group alternately.
                                                  Results                                             There were two grade I tumours
Local bio-impedance                               Nine women who had treatment                     (25%), three grade II (37.5%), and two
The fluid impedance of each breast                for their breast cancer entered the              grade III (25%). In one patient there
quadrant was measured using the                   study but one was excluded due to a              were no tumour grade details listed.
Impedimed® Imp SFB7 bio-impedance                 prolonged surgical intervention. The             There were two seromas requiring
unit (Impedimed). The electrodes                  mean age of the women was 57.5                   aspiration in the grade II tumour group
were placed in a straight line along the          years with a range of 41–79 years.               and one in the grade III tumour group.
halfway point of the breast (Figure 2)            Four participants had undergone MRM,
and a multi-frequency current (5-500Hz)           while the other four had undergone                  The model number of lymph nodes
was applied through the electrodes                WLE. Six were also treated with                  removed was 10 ± 6 (range 1–15).
to measure the fluid impedance.                   ALND, while a further two underwent              Four participants (50%) had positive
The measurement data was then                     a SLNB. Table 2 displays the group               lymph nodes, while three of the four
downloaded and stored in a laptop.                demographic and anthropometric                   developed seromas that needed
                                                  characteristics.                                 aspiration.
All data was analysed using SPSS®.                    Closed suction drainage was used                 The bio-impedance figure (see
All results are expressed as means ±              in all participants and the carcinoma            Analysis section above for explanation)
standard deviation in tables. Paired              was invasive in all of the participants.         representing the mean volume of
t-tests were used to compare the                  Four participants developed seromas              extracellular fluid (ECF) at t0 was
extracellular fluid (ECF) volume and              that required aspiration — three of              0.0868 ± 0.0106 and 0.0858 ± 0.0182
QoL with and without lymph taping.                these had undergone MRM and one                  for lymph taping and current best
The ECF volume was determined                     had undergone WLE. All were treated              practice groups respectively. At one
using the formula:                                with ALND.                                       day postoperatively the mean volume
                                                                                                   of ECF was 0.1224 ± 0.0279 (a 41%
ECF volume index = L^2/R0                             Two of the four participants who             increase) and 0.1118 ± 0.0083 (a
(where ‘L’ is the length and R0 is the            developed seromas were treated                   30% increase) respectively for the
value measured by the bio-impedance               with lymph taping, while the other               lymph taping and current best practice
device)                                           two received current best practice,              groups. Taping was commenced after
                                                  including general skin and limb                  this first postoperative measure.
    Because the resistivities for                 care advice and a gentle exercise
extracellular fluid (ECF), intracellular          programme. The mean amount of                        The mean volume of ECF on
fluid (ICF) and total body fluid (TBF)            aspirate was 175.82 ± 109.29ml                   day five was 0.1189 ± 0.0308 (2.9%
are not known, the authors could not              (range 20–335ml). The number of                  decrease) and 0.1165 ± 0.0181 (4.3%
draw interferences about the relative             aspirations ranged from 2–5.                     increase) respectively for the lymph
amounts. Nevertheless, it was possible                                                             taping and current best practice
to draw conclusions from the trend                    The mean tumour diameter of                  groups.
in each. If the resistivity of ECF in the         all participants was 33.63±14.59mm
breast quadrants is ever measured in              (range 13–50mm). Seromas required                   On day 9 this volume was 0.1302
the future, the authors could multiply            aspiration in one of the three                   ± 0.2922 (6.4% increase) and 0.1190

                                                                                       Journal of Lymphoedema, 2010, Vol 5, No 2         ??

                                                                                                                        current best practice results in an
 Table 3                                                                                                                increase in volume of ECF.

 Extracellular fluid                                                                                                        Quality of life was scored on seven
                                                                                                                        variables (Table 4). Between t1 and
                                                                                                                        t5 there was a substantial difference
  Randomisation                            ECF t0            ECF t1          ECF t5           ECF t9          ECF t16   between the lymph taping group
  by treatment                                                                                                          and current best practice group, but
  Current best        Mean                 0.0858            0.1118          0.1165           0.1190          0.1066    after t5 the variables showed large
  practice total      SD                   0.0182            0.0083          0.0181           0.2059          0.0227    improvements as shown in Figures 3–5.
  group n=4           Percentage                             30%             +4.27%           +6.48%          –4.59%
  Lymph taping    Mean                     0.0868            0.1224          0.1189           0.1302          0.1037        The subjects’ range of motion
  total group n=4 SD                       0.0106            0.0279          0.0308           0.2922          0.0324    (ROM) improved during t1 and t16 in
                  Percentage                                 +41%            –2.86%           +6.36%          –15.32%   the lymph taping group. After 16 days
                                                                                                                        of treatment, substantial improvements
  Current best        Mean                 0.0855            0.1138          0.1260           0.1259          0.1210
                                                                                                                        were found in burning sensations
  practice with       SD                   0.0235            0.0138          0.0106           0.0274          0.0228
                                                                                                                        (66.7%), tightness (50%) and heaviness
  aspirations n=2     Percentage                             +33.1%          +10.7%           +10.6%          +6.3%
                                                                                                                        (100%) in the lymph taping group.
  Lymph taping     Mean                    0.0859            0.1329          0.1409           0.1503          0.1301    However, the ‘ball-like’ feeling increased
  with aspirations SD                      0.0157            0.0344          0.0278           0.0227          0.0145    by 150% in the current best practice
  n=2              Percentage                                +54.7%          +6%              +13.1%          –2.1%     group compared to 250% in the
  ECF volume index = L^2/R0                                                                                             lymph taping group. There was a small
                                                                                                                        increase in pain (11.1%) in the current
                                                                                                                        best practice group.

 Table 4                                                                                                                    Substantial differences were
                                                                                                                        observed for the pain perception
 Quality of life (scored on 10-point visual analog scale [means shown]                                                  between the two groups at t0 (P =
                                                                                                                        .08), t1 (P < .08) and t5 (P < .08).
                              t0                 t1                   t5                 t9                   T16       However at t9 (P < .22) and t16 (P
                                                                                                                        < .18) this difference was no longer
 QoL                 LT            CBP LT             CBP LT               CBP LT             CBP LT            CBP     substantial, meaning that the pain
 Pain                2.75          1.20   4.25        2.25    5.00         1.67   4.50        3.00     4.25     2.50    perception for the lymph taping group
 Heaviness           1.50          1.00   1.50        1.00    3.25         1.00   1.75        2.25     2.00     2.00    improved (Table 5). None of these
                                                                                                                        values were statistically significantly
 Tightness           1.00          1.00   2.50        1.50    5.25         1.67   2.75        3.50     2.50     2.25
                                                                                                                        different, however, a larger study may
 Temperature         1.00          1.00   1.00        1.00    2.75         1.00   1.00        1.00     1.00     1.00    show them to be so.
 Burning             1.00          1.40   1.00        1.50    1.00         1.00   1.00        2.25     1.00     2.50
 sensations                                                                                                             Discussion
                                                                                                                        Seroma is widely accepted as a
 Ball-like feeling   2.00          1.00   1.00        1.00    4.25         1.00   2.50        2.25     3.50     1.50
                                                                                                                        normal complication following breast
 ROM                 2.75          1.00   5.00        3.50    4.00         2.83   2.50        2.88     1.88     1.75    cancer surgery. Gonzalez et al (2003)
                                                                                                                        called it a ‘necessary evil’ that occurs
                                                                                                                        unpredictably in a predictable number
± 0.2059 (6.5 % increase) for lymph                           3). By looking at the par ticipants                       of patients. The authors believe that
taping and current best practice                              requiring aspirations (two in each of                     this view of seroma should change.
respectively. On day 16 the mean                              the current best practice and lymph                       Every aspiration may cause infection
volume measurement of ECF was                                 taping groups), the mean volume of                        and, therefore, a higher risk of
0.1037 ± 0.0324 (15.3% decrease)                              ECF decreased more in the lymph                           lymphoedema. Seroma should not
and 0.1066 ± 0.0227 (4.6% decrease)                           taping group.                                             be looked upon as being a normal
respectively for the lymph taping and                                                                                   complication.
current best practice groups.                                    Table 3 shows a mean volume of
                                                              0.1301 ± 0.0145 (a 2.1% decrease)                             The incidence of lymphoedema
   These results suggest that                                 and 0.1210 ± 0.0228 (a 6.3% increase)                     has been evaluated in many
both the shor t term (five days                               respectively for the lymph taping                         studies. However, the incidence of
postoperatively) and longer term (16                          and current best practice groups on                       lymphoedema after the presence of
days postoperatively) par ticipants                           day 16. Thus lymph taping results in                      a seroma has not yet been evaluated.
benefit from lymph taping (Table                              a decrease in volume of ECF, while                        The authors suggest that more

 ??     Journal of Lymphoedema, 2010, Vol 5, No 2

research needs to be conducted into                            ROM
the incidence of lymphoedema after                             Ball-like
the presence of a seroma.                                      feeling

                                              QOL variables
    In this study, one patient had                                                                                                         Current best practice
thyroid problems and developed                                                                                                             Lymph taping

a seroma that needed aspiration.                               Tightness
Although the patient was taking                                Heaviness
medication, thyroid problems may
be a predisposing factor for seroma                            Pain

development. Because of the                                   -50           0            50         100        150          200          250          300          350
presence of an oedematherapist                                                                              Percentage
specialised in lymph taping at the
                                              Figure 3. Quality of life: percentage changes on day one post-op’ versus day five post-op’
breast care unit, this patient was
referred for treatment. In most
settings this is not the case.
                                                                Ball-like feeling
    A higher score of ‘ball-like feeling’                       Burning
was reported in the lymph taping                                sensation
                                              QOL variables

                                                                                                                                     Current best practice
group. This might be explained through                          Temperature
                                                                                                                                     Lymph taping
lymph taping pulling the fluids away                            Tightness
from one area and allowing them
to accumulate in another (resulting                             Heaviness

in the ‘ball-like feeling’). If this is the                     Pain
case it could be seen as a positive
                                                              -60            -30              0           30           60           90             120             150
development, i.e. the fluid moving away
from the affected area, but perhaps
not far enough.                               Figure 4. Quality of life: percentage changes on day one post-op’ versus day nine post-op’

    The authors continue to seek                                ROM
methods that will decrease this ‘ball-                          Ball-like feeling
like feeling’ and suggestions include
a breathing programme (i.e. to set                              sensation
                                              QOL variables

                                                                                                                                         Current best practice
up a proximal pressure gradient                                 Temperature
                                                                                                                                         Lymph taping
between this area and the drainage
points) or the placement of further
lymph tape to stimulate drainage over                           Heaviness
the watershed to other lymphatic
                                                              -100           -50              0            50         100           150            200             250
    Before the study, it was                                                                                 Percentage

hypothesised that lymph taping can            Figure 5. Quality of life: percentage changes on day one post-op’ versus day 16 post-op’
be a useful and harmless strategy for
the prevention or management of
                                                    Table 5
seroma after breast cancer surgery.
This hypothesis was supported as
                                                    Quality of life difference between groups (p values indicated)
those participants who received lymph
taping had substantially less seroma on
day 16 than those who received best                                                               QOL t0        QOL t1        QOL t5           QOL t9            QOL t16
current practice. However, the authors                  Pain                                      .080         .076          .072              .215          .180
believe that studies with higher
                                                        Heaviness                                 .264         .317          .079              .741          1.000
numbers of participants are required
to demonstrate statistically significant                Tightness                                 1.000        .508          .138              .549          1.000
changes. Nevertheless, there is still                   Temperature                               1.000        1.000         .186              1.000         1.000
a degree of practical significance to
                                                        Burning sensations                        .371         .127          1.000             .317          .317
support this hypothesis. In this study,
the authors demonstrated a decrease                     Ball-like feeling armpit                  .264         1.000         .186              .881          .225
in mean volume of extracellular fluid in

                                                                                                          Journal of Lymphoedema, 2010, Vol 5, No 2                        ??

the breast. Concurrently, the subjects       Cornish BH, Chapman M, Hirst C,
QoL improved on several variables,           Mirolo B, Bunce IH, Ward LC, Thomas BJ
                                             (2001) Early diagnosis of lymphedema
including ROM, burning sensations,
tightness and heaviness.
                                             using multiple frequency bio-impedance.            Key points
                                             Lymphology 34(1): 2–11

   These results suggest that the
                                             Gardner A, Pass HA, Prance S (2005)           	 8 Frequent complications of
                                             Techniques in the prevention and                   breast cancer treatment
outcome for participants can be              management of breast seroma: An
improved using this relatively easy          evaluation of current practice. Women’s
                                                                                                include bleeding, infection,
approach.                                    Oncology Rev 5(3): 135–43                          lymphoedema (arm and
                                                                                                breast) and nerve damage, but
                                             Cancer Society of New Zealand (2003)
Conclusion                                   Post-Operative Problems after Breast Cancer        the most common is seroma
The optimal way to manage a seroma           Surgery. Cancer Society – brief facts.             formation.
is unknown. Most clinicians will aspirate    Available at:
                                             latest/html/index.php?url=/csw-latest/html/   	 8 Lymph taping has the potential
a symptomatic seroma and thereafter          patient/cs_patient_01_facts.php (accessed
only re-aspirate if the seroma re-                                                              to reduce seroma formation
                                             27 August, 2010)
appears. Usually this is indicated by                                                           but currently its potential
the patient or the breast nurse (on
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re-examination). In our opinion, the         immobilization on wound seroma and
risk of additional inflammation and          shoulder dysfunction following modified
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acceptable with this invasive technique.
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to become a non invasive method
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Lymph taping and seroma formation post breast cancer

  • 1. Clinical RESEARCH/AUDIT Lymph taping and seroma formation post breast cancer Joyce Bosman, Neil Piller Abstract Background: The most common complication of breast cancer treatment is seroma formation. Lymph taping has the potential to prevent or reduce seroma formation, but currently its potential benefits have not been fully investigated. Aims: To investigate the potential of lymph taping to combat seroma formation. Methods: Nine women treated for breast cancer were recruited to this randomised clinical trial; four developed seromas requiring aspiration. Bio-impedance spectroscopy of the breast was used to assess intra and extracellular fluid levels in each of the four quadrants of the breast. From day one postoperatively, lymph taping was applied over the watershed between skin territories on the posterior thorax between the spine and axilla on those allocated to the treatment group. Measurements were repeated at five, nine and 16 days. Results: The extracellular fluid value at t16 was 0.1037 ± 0.0324 (15.3 % decrease) over t1 in the lymph taping group and 0.1066 ± 0.0227 (4.6 % decrease) in the current best practice group (n=4 in each group). After 16 days of treatment, substantial changes were found in burning sensations, tightness and heaviness in favour of the lymph taping group. In particular, pain perception in the lymph taping group improved. Conclusions: This study has demonstrated that lymph taping has the ability to reduce extracellular fluid accumulation and improve a range of quality of life measures. seroma formation after breast surgery of the investigated criteria suggested Key words varies between 2.5% and 51% (Brayant that: and Baum, 1987; Barwell et al, 1997; 8 Seroma is not an accumulation of Breast cancer Woodworth et al, 2000). Vitug and serum, but an exudate Lymphoedema Newman (2007) report that 10% to 8 Exudate is an element in an acute Seroma formation 80% of ALND and mastectomy cases inflammatory reaction, i.e. the first Lymph taping require seroma aspiration. phase of wound repair 8 Seroma formation reflects Various methods have been an increased intensity and a used to prevent seroma formation. prolongation of this repair phase. However, the use of lymph taping B reast cancer surgery is treated in this context has not been fully Watt-Boolsen et al (1989) also with either modified radical evaluated in the current literature. posited that the predominant white mastectomy (MRM), wide local cells present in a seroma were excision (WLE) and axillary lymph Seroma granulocytes rather than lymphocytes, node dissection (ALND), or sentinel Seroma is defined as a serous fluid indicating that the fluid is likely to be lymph node biopsy (SLNB). Common collection that develops under the exudate. The protein concentration complications of breast surgery skin flaps during mastectomy or in in seromas was found to be more include bleeding, infection, lymph the axillary dead space after axillary consistent with that of an exudate oedema and nerve damage (Leica and dissection (Pogson et al, 2003). produced as a result of acute Apantaku, 2002). The most common Seroma formation generally begins on inflammation during wound healing complication following breast surgery the seventh day post surgery, reaches (Watt-Boolsen et al, 1989). is seroma formation. Incidence of a peak rate of growth on the eighth day and slows continuously until Gardner et al (2005) suggests the sixteenth day when it generally that there are seven causative factors Joyce Bosman is an oedematherapist at Medisch Centrum resolves (Menton and Roemer, 1990). contributing to seroma formation: Zuid, Groningen, the Netherlands; Neil Piller is a Professor 8 Poor adherence of flaps to and Director of the Lymphoedema Assessment Clinic, Watt-Boolsen et al (1989) found chest wall Department of Surgery, Flinders University and Medical that the composition of the fluid and 8 Division of several larger lymph Centre, South Australia aspirates and the time-related changes trunks ?? Journal of Lymphoedema, 2010, Vol 5, No 2
  • 2. Clinical RESEARCH/AUDIT 8 Large dead space/large raw area in when symptomatic (Anand et al, immobilisation of the shoulder until the axilla 2002). In some cases, the fluid day seven postoperatively significantly 8 Pump action of upper limb collection may recur so this may need reduced the incidence of seroma. increasing lymph flow to be done more than once (Cancer However, other authors describe 8 Local inflammatory mediators, Society of New Zealand, 2003). how immobilisation of the upper 8 Irregular shape of chest wall Seromas can generally be managed by limb generated unacceptable rates of and axilla one to six aspirations (Gonzalez et al, frozen shoulder and, therefore, advise 8 Shear forces during respiration. 2003). However, the use of fine needle early shoulder exercises. Evidence for a aspiration to assess changes in an clear role of immobilisation in seroma Although seromas are not life- oedematous breast can be problematic prevention is still lacking (Gardner et threatening, they can lead to significant and may, in itself, produce additional al, 2005). morbidity (e.g. flap necrosis, wound inflammation and oedema (Williams, dehiscence, predisposition to sepsis, 2006). Postoperative breast seroma, impaired shoulder function [muscle therefore, is an important cause of strength weakness], prolonged morbidity that continues to cause recovery period and multiple physician Although seromas are difficulties for surgeons and for which visits) and may delay adjuvant therapy not life-threatening, they the best treatment has long been (Budd et al, 1978; Aitkin and Minton, can lead to significant debated (Gardner et al, 2005). 1983; Gardner et al, 2005). morbidity (e.g. flap The use of taping for the Extensive dissection generates a necrosis, wound dehiscence, management of seroma is gaining considerable potential space as breast predisposition to sepsis, popularity and while there is significant tissue is removed and lymphatic impaired shoulder clinical experience of this approach, vessels are severed allowing lymph function [muscle strength there is little published research. to pass into the dead space. The weakness], prolonged Lymph taping is a part of the Medical distensibility of the skin flaps raised Taping Concept, which is believed recovery period and during the surgery further establishes to contribute to the stimulation and a potential space in which fluid can multiple physician visits) improvement of lymphatic drainage collect. In addition, axillary lymph node and may delay adjuvant ( dissection results in the division of therapy. several larger lymph trunks, and when Lymph taping the arm is mobilised post-operatively, In its most common application, the upper-limb musculature acts as a Several interventions have been lymph taping is applied to the poorly pump, increasing lymph flow (Gardner reported with the aim of reducing draining area (lymphatic territory) of et al, 2005). seroma formation including the use the lymphoedematous limb or area. of pressure garment and prolonged The special tape used has an elasticity It is common for people who have limitation of arm activity. However, it similar to that of the skin and is similar had their lymph nodes removed to has been suggested that the use of in weight to the epidermis. By applying experience fullness under the arm these interventions not only reduces the tape in a proximal to distal after the drain(s) has been removed. seroma formation, but may also direction and positioning the body in Evidence on the effect of drains on increase the incidence of seroma a way that the tape is stretched during seroma formation is inconclusive formation after removal of the drain application, the lymphatic drainage (Gardner et al, 2005). People often (O’Hea et al, 1999), and even might system is stimulated 24 hours a day. describe seroma as like ‘having a ball cause shoulder dysfunction (Dawson fixed into their armpit’. et al, 1989). The tape must be applied in accordance with the anatomy of Following a modified radical Seroma formation after breast the lymph flow. The tape lifts the mastectomy it is also possible to cancer surgery occurs independently skin slightly, opening the lumen of develop seroma on the chest wall. of drainage duration, compression the lymph angioma and reducing As with a haematoma, this fluid is dressing and other known prognostic the pressure on the blood vessels. reabsorbed by the body over time. factors in breast cancer patients Moreover, the tape acts as a conductor except the type of surgery, i.e. there of interstitial fluid, moving fluids from Persistent seromas have is a 2.5 times higher risk of seroma areas of higher pressure towards traditionally been treated with formation in patients who undergo areas of lower pressure (Kase et al, repeated aspirations, local pressure a modified radical mastectomy 2003). The tape may also influence dressings, and occasionally surgical compared to breast-conserving the deeper lymphatic system and ablation (Gardner et al, 2005). surgery (Hashemi et al, 2004). Schultz encourage myofascial release, Seromas should only be aspirated et al (1997) were able to show that enhancing drainage in the subfascial Journal of Lymphoedema, 2010, Vol 5, No 2 ??
  • 3. Clinical RESEARCH/AUDIT lymphatics (although this remains to Flinders University and Medical Centre performed, tumour size, number be proven). Clinical Research Ethics Committee of lymph nodes removed, number prior to commencing the study. of lymph nodes infiltrated and the Shim et al (2003) posit that frequency and number of aspirations. endothelium may act as a micro-valve Nine women who had undergone Bio-impedance and QoL was along the walls of the initial lymphatics. surgical treatment for their measured on day one postoperatively These valves open during any breast cancer (± radiotherapy ± (t1), day five postoperatively (t5), day stretching of the lymphatics and during chemotherapy) were recruited for nine postoperatively (t9) and day 16 the influx of interstitial fluid into the this clinical trial. Before surgery (t0), postoperatively (t16). lumen, while anchoring filaments keep participants were measured using bio- the endothelial cells tightly attached impedance spectroscopy and filled out to the adjacent collagen network. a quality of life (QoL) questionnaire. Table 1 Expansion of the initial lymphatics A patch test was also performed causes the interstitial fluid to fill the to ensure the participants were Between subject reproducibility: open endothelial micro-valves through not allergic to the tape material or bio-impedance measurements percolation, while compression causes adhesive. (Moseley and Piller, 2008) closure of the endothelial micro- valves and outflow along the lumen After surgery, participants were Position Covariance of the micro-lymphatics, with eventual divided in two groups, a lymph taping (%) transport to collecting lymphatics. group and a current best practice Affected Breast Reflux towards the initial lymphatics is group 8 Upper outer quadrant (R0a) 0.34% prevented by bicuspid valves. 8 Upper inner quadrant (R0) 0.24% Starting on day one postoperatively, 8 Lower outer quadrant (R0) 0.24% Bio-impedance lymph taping was applied every five 8 Lower inner quadrant (R0) 0.53% A promising technique in measuring days to the lymph taping group. The 8 Upper outer quadrant (Rfb) 0.40% breast changes is bio-impedance. tape was cut into three strips and 8 Upper inner quadrant (Rf) 0.48% Local bio-impedance uses electrical applied over the watershed between 8 Lower outer quadrant (Rf) 0.86% currents to measure the impedance the posterior thoracic skin territories 8 Lower inner quadrant (Rf) 0.54% of the tissue and, therefore, the fluid and from spine to axilla (Figure 1). volume. This type of technique has The patient was positioned so that Normal Breast been previously used to measure the skin was slightly stretched before 8 Upper outer quadrant (R0) 0.20% arm lymphoedema (Cornish et al, the application of the tape. Once the 8 Upper inner quadrant (R0) 0.36% 2001; Box et al, 2002), breast fluid skin returned to its normal position, it 8 Lower outer quadrant (R0) 0.48% volume (Mosely and Piller, 2008), was drawn up to create an underlying 8 Lower inner quadrant (R0) 0.33% and breast tumours (Ohmine et al, negative pressure (Williams, 2006). 8 Upper outer quadrant (Rf) 0.38% 2000). As demonstrated in Table 1, 8 Upper inner quadrant (Rf) 0.45% the covariance for bio-impedance The participants were encouraged 8 Lower outer quadrant (Rf) 0.39% measurements is quite low, ranging to perform early arm motion, including 8 Lower inner quadrant (Rf) 0.32% from 0.20–0.86%, demonstrating that abduction of the arm at 90° and a R0 represents the extracellular fluid the between subject reproducibility arm raising. Participants were also measurement is consistent and therefore reliable encouraged to resume their normal b Rf represents both the intra and (Mosely and Piller, 2008). daily activities (Gonzalez et al, 2003). extracellular measurement General advice was provided to Rationale participants regarding skincare, e.g. This study was undertaken to how to wash and dry the skin, to avoid determine the effect of lymph taping using warm air to dry the tape and to on post-operative seroma following seek advice if problems occurred. breast cancer surgery. Most of the literature is based on the effect of In both the current best practice lymph taping in oedema of the arm. group and the lymph taping group, However, the use of lymph taping for seroma aspirations were taken using seroma management does not appear techniques currently approved by the to be considered, even though there Department of Surgery, at Flinders are similarities in the nature of the University and Medical Centre. fluid accumulation. Parameters collected from the Figure 1. Lymph taping over the watershed between Method sample groups included age, body the posterior thoracic skin territories from the Ethical approval was obtained from mass index (BMI), type of surgery spine to axilla. ?? Journal of Lymphoedema, 2010, Vol 5, No 2
  • 4. Clinical RESEARCH/AUDIT Outer edge of breast Table 2 Half way point Characteristics of the participants Subject Age (years) Weight Height (cms) BMI * (kgs) Nipple Mean 57.5 66.8 162 25.5 Standard Deviation 13.0 11.5 5.8 4.1 Figure 2. Breast quadrants and halfway point. * Body Mass Index calculated as weight (kgs) / height (m2) Allocation to either the treatment group or the current best practice their volume index and work out participants with a tumour diameter group was performed by the toss of a the actual volume (ECF volume = less than 25mm and in three of the coin for the first patient — subsequent pECF*L^2/R0). A P value of <0.05 five with a tumour diameter greater participants were then allocated to was considered significant. than 25mm. each group alternately. Results There were two grade I tumours Local bio-impedance Nine women who had treatment (25%), three grade II (37.5%), and two The fluid impedance of each breast for their breast cancer entered the grade III (25%). In one patient there quadrant was measured using the study but one was excluded due to a were no tumour grade details listed. Impedimed® Imp SFB7 bio-impedance prolonged surgical intervention. The There were two seromas requiring unit (Impedimed). The electrodes mean age of the women was 57.5 aspiration in the grade II tumour group were placed in a straight line along the years with a range of 41–79 years. and one in the grade III tumour group. halfway point of the breast (Figure 2) Four participants had undergone MRM, and a multi-frequency current (5-500Hz) while the other four had undergone The model number of lymph nodes was applied through the electrodes WLE. Six were also treated with removed was 10 ± 6 (range 1–15). to measure the fluid impedance. ALND, while a further two underwent Four participants (50%) had positive The measurement data was then a SLNB. Table 2 displays the group lymph nodes, while three of the four downloaded and stored in a laptop. demographic and anthropometric developed seromas that needed characteristics. aspiration. Analysis All data was analysed using SPSS®. Closed suction drainage was used The bio-impedance figure (see All results are expressed as means ± in all participants and the carcinoma Analysis section above for explanation) standard deviation in tables. Paired was invasive in all of the participants. representing the mean volume of t-tests were used to compare the Four participants developed seromas extracellular fluid (ECF) at t0 was extracellular fluid (ECF) volume and that required aspiration — three of 0.0868 ± 0.0106 and 0.0858 ± 0.0182 QoL with and without lymph taping. these had undergone MRM and one for lymph taping and current best The ECF volume was determined had undergone WLE. All were treated practice groups respectively. At one using the formula: with ALND. day postoperatively the mean volume of ECF was 0.1224 ± 0.0279 (a 41% ECF volume index = L^2/R0 Two of the four participants who increase) and 0.1118 ± 0.0083 (a (where ‘L’ is the length and R0 is the developed seromas were treated 30% increase) respectively for the value measured by the bio-impedance with lymph taping, while the other lymph taping and current best practice device) two received current best practice, groups. Taping was commenced after including general skin and limb this first postoperative measure. Because the resistivities for care advice and a gentle exercise extracellular fluid (ECF), intracellular programme. The mean amount of The mean volume of ECF on fluid (ICF) and total body fluid (TBF) aspirate was 175.82 ± 109.29ml day five was 0.1189 ± 0.0308 (2.9% are not known, the authors could not (range 20–335ml). The number of decrease) and 0.1165 ± 0.0181 (4.3% draw interferences about the relative aspirations ranged from 2–5. increase) respectively for the lymph amounts. Nevertheless, it was possible taping and current best practice to draw conclusions from the trend The mean tumour diameter of groups. in each. If the resistivity of ECF in the all participants was 33.63±14.59mm breast quadrants is ever measured in (range 13–50mm). Seromas required On day 9 this volume was 0.1302 the future, the authors could multiply aspiration in one of the three ± 0.2922 (6.4% increase) and 0.1190 Journal of Lymphoedema, 2010, Vol 5, No 2 ??
  • 5. Clinical RESEARCH/AUDIT current best practice results in an Table 3 increase in volume of ECF. Extracellular fluid Quality of life was scored on seven variables (Table 4). Between t1 and t5 there was a substantial difference Randomisation ECF t0 ECF t1 ECF t5 ECF t9 ECF t16 between the lymph taping group by treatment and current best practice group, but Current best Mean 0.0858 0.1118 0.1165 0.1190 0.1066 after t5 the variables showed large practice total SD 0.0182 0.0083 0.0181 0.2059 0.0227 improvements as shown in Figures 3–5. group n=4 Percentage 30% +4.27% +6.48% –4.59% Lymph taping Mean 0.0868 0.1224 0.1189 0.1302 0.1037 The subjects’ range of motion total group n=4 SD 0.0106 0.0279 0.0308 0.2922 0.0324 (ROM) improved during t1 and t16 in Percentage +41% –2.86% +6.36% –15.32% the lymph taping group. After 16 days of treatment, substantial improvements Current best Mean 0.0855 0.1138 0.1260 0.1259 0.1210 were found in burning sensations practice with SD 0.0235 0.0138 0.0106 0.0274 0.0228 (66.7%), tightness (50%) and heaviness aspirations n=2 Percentage +33.1% +10.7% +10.6% +6.3% (100%) in the lymph taping group. Lymph taping Mean 0.0859 0.1329 0.1409 0.1503 0.1301 However, the ‘ball-like’ feeling increased with aspirations SD 0.0157 0.0344 0.0278 0.0227 0.0145 by 150% in the current best practice n=2 Percentage +54.7% +6% +13.1% –2.1% group compared to 250% in the ECF volume index = L^2/R0 lymph taping group. There was a small increase in pain (11.1%) in the current best practice group. Table 4 Substantial differences were observed for the pain perception Quality of life (scored on 10-point visual analog scale [means shown] between the two groups at t0 (P = .08), t1 (P < .08) and t5 (P < .08). t0 t1 t5 t9 T16 However at t9 (P < .22) and t16 (P < .18) this difference was no longer QoL LT CBP LT CBP LT CBP LT CBP LT CBP substantial, meaning that the pain Pain 2.75 1.20 4.25 2.25 5.00 1.67 4.50 3.00 4.25 2.50 perception for the lymph taping group Heaviness 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 3.25 1.00 1.75 2.25 2.00 2.00 improved (Table 5). None of these values were statistically significantly Tightness 1.00 1.00 2.50 1.50 5.25 1.67 2.75 3.50 2.50 2.25 different, however, a larger study may Temperature 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 show them to be so. Burning 1.00 1.40 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.25 1.00 2.50 sensations Discussion Seroma is widely accepted as a Ball-like feeling 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.25 1.00 2.50 2.25 3.50 1.50 normal complication following breast ROM 2.75 1.00 5.00 3.50 4.00 2.83 2.50 2.88 1.88 1.75 cancer surgery. Gonzalez et al (2003) called it a ‘necessary evil’ that occurs unpredictably in a predictable number ± 0.2059 (6.5 % increase) for lymph 3). By looking at the par ticipants of patients. The authors believe that taping and current best practice requiring aspirations (two in each of this view of seroma should change. respectively. On day 16 the mean the current best practice and lymph Every aspiration may cause infection volume measurement of ECF was taping groups), the mean volume of and, therefore, a higher risk of 0.1037 ± 0.0324 (15.3% decrease) ECF decreased more in the lymph lymphoedema. Seroma should not and 0.1066 ± 0.0227 (4.6% decrease) taping group. be looked upon as being a normal respectively for the lymph taping and complication. current best practice groups. Table 3 shows a mean volume of 0.1301 ± 0.0145 (a 2.1% decrease) The incidence of lymphoedema These results suggest that and 0.1210 ± 0.0228 (a 6.3% increase) has been evaluated in many both the shor t term (five days respectively for the lymph taping studies. However, the incidence of postoperatively) and longer term (16 and current best practice groups on lymphoedema after the presence of days postoperatively) par ticipants day 16. Thus lymph taping results in a seroma has not yet been evaluated. benefit from lymph taping (Table a decrease in volume of ECF, while The authors suggest that more ?? Journal of Lymphoedema, 2010, Vol 5, No 2
  • 6. Clinical RESEARCH/AUDIT research needs to be conducted into ROM the incidence of lymphoedema after Ball-like the presence of a seroma. feeling Burning sensation QOL variables In this study, one patient had Current best practice Temperature thyroid problems and developed Lymph taping a seroma that needed aspiration. Tightness Although the patient was taking Heaviness medication, thyroid problems may be a predisposing factor for seroma Pain development. Because of the -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 presence of an oedematherapist Percentage specialised in lymph taping at the Figure 3. Quality of life: percentage changes on day one post-op’ versus day five post-op’ breast care unit, this patient was referred for treatment. In most ROM settings this is not the case. Ball-like feeling A higher score of ‘ball-like feeling’ Burning was reported in the lymph taping sensation QOL variables Current best practice group. This might be explained through Temperature Lymph taping lymph taping pulling the fluids away Tightness from one area and allowing them to accumulate in another (resulting Heaviness in the ‘ball-like feeling’). If this is the Pain case it could be seen as a positive -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 development, i.e. the fluid moving away Percentage from the affected area, but perhaps not far enough. Figure 4. Quality of life: percentage changes on day one post-op’ versus day nine post-op’ The authors continue to seek ROM methods that will decrease this ‘ball- Ball-like feeling like feeling’ and suggestions include Burning a breathing programme (i.e. to set sensation QOL variables Current best practice up a proximal pressure gradient Temperature Lymph taping between this area and the drainage Tightness points) or the placement of further lymph tape to stimulate drainage over Heaviness the watershed to other lymphatic Pain territories. -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 Before the study, it was Percentage hypothesised that lymph taping can Figure 5. Quality of life: percentage changes on day one post-op’ versus day 16 post-op’ be a useful and harmless strategy for the prevention or management of Table 5 seroma after breast cancer surgery. This hypothesis was supported as Quality of life difference between groups (p values indicated) those participants who received lymph taping had substantially less seroma on day 16 than those who received best QOL t0 QOL t1 QOL t5 QOL t9 QOL t16 current practice. However, the authors Pain .080 .076 .072 .215 .180 believe that studies with higher Heaviness .264 .317 .079 .741 1.000 numbers of participants are required to demonstrate statistically significant Tightness 1.000 .508 .138 .549 1.000 changes. Nevertheless, there is still Temperature 1.000 1.000 .186 1.000 1.000 a degree of practical significance to Burning sensations .371 .127 1.000 .317 .317 support this hypothesis. In this study, the authors demonstrated a decrease Ball-like feeling armpit .264 1.000 .186 .881 .225 in mean volume of extracellular fluid in Journal of Lymphoedema, 2010, Vol 5, No 2 ??
  • 7. Clinical RESEARCH/AUDIT the breast. Concurrently, the subjects Cornish BH, Chapman M, Hirst C, QoL improved on several variables, Mirolo B, Bunce IH, Ward LC, Thomas BJ (2001) Early diagnosis of lymphedema including ROM, burning sensations, tightness and heaviness. using multiple frequency bio-impedance. Key points Lymphology 34(1): 2–11 These results suggest that the Gardner A, Pass HA, Prance S (2005) 8 Frequent complications of Techniques in the prevention and breast cancer treatment outcome for participants can be management of breast seroma: An improved using this relatively easy evaluation of current practice. Women’s include bleeding, infection, approach. Oncology Rev 5(3): 135–43 lymphoedema (arm and breast) and nerve damage, but Cancer Society of New Zealand (2003) Conclusion Post-Operative Problems after Breast Cancer the most common is seroma The optimal way to manage a seroma Surgery. Cancer Society – brief facts. formation. is unknown. Most clinicians will aspirate Available at: latest/html/index.php?url=/csw-latest/html/ 8 Lymph taping has the potential a symptomatic seroma and thereafter patient/cs_patient_01_facts.php (accessed only re-aspirate if the seroma re- to reduce seroma formation 27 August, 2010) appears. Usually this is indicated by but currently its potential the patient or the breast nurse (on Dawson I, Stam L, Heslinga JM, benefits in this context have Kalsbeck HL (1989) Effect of shoulder not been fully investigated. re-examination). In our opinion, the immobilization on wound seroma and risk of additional inflammation and shoulder dysfunction following modified 8 This study used bio-impedance associated increased oedema is not radical mastectomy: a randomized prospective clinical trial. Br J Surg 76: spectroscopy of the breast, acceptable with this invasive technique. 311–12 on the side of the surgery, to This pilot study has demonstrated Gonzalez EA, Saltzstein EC, Riedner CS, assess intra and extracellular that Lymph Taping has the potential Nelson BK (2003) Seroma formation fluid levels in each of the four to become a non invasive method following breast cancer surgery. Breast J quadrants of the breast. A to manage seroma. However, further 9(5): 385–8 questionnaire measuring quality controlled trials need to be conducted Hashemi E, Kaviani A, Najafi M, Ebrahimi of life was administered. to confirm this. JL M, Hooshmand H, Montazeri A (2004) Seroma formation after surgery for breast 8 The study also used a Acknowledgement cancer. World J Surg Oncol 2: 44 questionnaire to measure The CureTape® used in this study Kase K, Wallis J, Kase T (2003) Clinical quality of life. was funded by FysioTape B.V. the Therapeutic Applications of the Kinesio Netherlands. Taping Method. Kinesio Taping Association, 8 The study showed that lymph Tokyo taping has the ability to reduce Leica M, Apantaku MD (2002) Breast- extracellular fluid accumulation References conserving surgery for breast cancer. Am and improve quality of life. Aitkin DR, Minton JP (1983) Fam Phys 66(12): 2271–8 Complications associated with mastectomy. Menton, M; Roemer, VM (1990) Seroma Surg Clin North Am 63: 1331–52 formation and drainage technic following Anand R, Skinner R, Dennison G, Pain JA mastectomy. Forschritte der Medizin seroma frequency after modified radical (2002) A prospective randomised trial of 108(18): 350–2 mastectomy: a prospective randomized two treatments for wound seroma after study. Ann Surg Oncol 4(4): 293–97 Moseley A, Piller N (2008) Reliability breast surgery. 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Breast Cancer Res Treat Iritani T, Takeuchi M, Monden Y (2000) of the nature and origin of seroma after 75(1): 51–64 Noninvasive measurement of the electrical mastectomy. Dan Med Bull 36(5): 487–9 bio-impedance of breast tumors. Anticancer Brayant M, Baum M (1987) Postoperative Williams, A (2006) Breast and trunk Res 20(3B): 1941–6 seroma following mastectomy and axillary oedema after treatment for breast cancer. J dissection. Br J Surg 74: 1187 Pogson CJ, Adwani A, Ebbs SR (2003) Lymphoedema 1(1): 32–9 Seroma following breast cancer surgery. Budd DC, Cochran RC, Sturtz DL, Fouty Woodworth PA, McBoyle MF, Helmer Eur J Surg Oncol 29: 711–17 WJ (1978) Surgical morbidity after SD, Beamer RL (2000) Seroma formation mastectomy operations. Am J Surg 135: Schultz I, Barholm M, Grondal S (1997) after breast cancer surgery: incidence and 218–20 Delayed shoulder exercises in reducing predicting factors. Am Surg 66: 444–50 52 Journal of Lymphoedema, 2010, Vol 5, No 2