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Lucene with MySQL
Farhan “Frank” Mashraqi
Fotolog, Inc.
 Farhan Mashraqi
 Senior MySQL DBA of Fotolog, Inc.
 Known on Planet MySQL as “Frank Mash”
What is Lucene?
 Started in 1997 “self serving project”
 2001: Apache folks adopts Lucene
 Open Source Information Retrieval (IR) Library
- available from the Apache Software Foundation
- Search and Index any textual data
- Doesn’t care about language, source and format of data
 Not a turnkey search engine
 Standard
- for building open-source based large-scale search
- a high performance, scalable, cross-platform search toolkit
- Today: translated into C++, C#, Perl, Python, Ruby
- for embedded and customizable search
- widely adopted by OEM software vendors and enterprise IT
Aggregate DataFile System
Index Documents
Search Index
User Query
What types of queries it supports
 Single and multi-term queries
 Phrase queries
 Wildcards
 Result ranking
 +apple –computer +pie
 country:USA
 country:USA AND state:CA
 Need Java resources (programmers)
- JSP experience plus
 Implementation and Maintenance Cost
 By default
- No installer or wizard for setup (it’s a toolkit )
- No administration or command line tools (demo avail.)
- No spider
- Coding yourself is always an option
- No complex script language support by default
- 3rd
party tools available
Cons 2
- No built-in support for (Demos avail. for how to implement)
- HTML format
- PDF format
- Microsoft Office Documents
- Advanced XML queries
- “How tos” available.
- No database gateway
- Integrates with MySQL with little work
- Web interface
- JSP sample available
- Missing enterprise support
Lucene Libraries
1. The Lucene libraries include core search components such
as a document indexer, index searcher, query parser, and
text analyzer.
Who is behind Lucene?
 Doug Cutting (Author)
Previously at Excite
 Apache Software Foundation
Who uses Lucene?
- IBM OmniFind Yahoo! Edition
 Wikipedia
 Fedex
 Akamai’s EdgeComputing platform
 Technorati
 Sun
- Open Solaris Source Browser
When to use Lucene?
 Search applications
 Search functionality for existing applications
 Search enabling database application
When not to use?
 Not ideal for
- Adding generic search to site
- Enterprise systems needing support for proprietary formats
- Extremely high volume systems
- Through a better architecture this can be solved
- Investigate carefully if
- You need more than 100 QPS per system
- Highly volatile data
- Updates are actually Deletes and Additions
- Additions visible to new sessions only
Why Lucene?
 What problems does Lucene solve?
- Full text with MySQL
- Pros and Cons
 Powerful features
 Simple API
 Scalable, cost-effective, efficient Indexing
- Powerful Searching through multiple query types
Powerful features
 Simple API
- Sort by any field
- Simultaneous updates and searching
Core Index Classes
 IndexWriter
 Directory
 Analyzer
 Document
 Field
 IndexWriter
- Creates new index
- Adds document to new index
- Gives you “write” access but no “read” access
- Not the only class used to modify an index
- Lucene API can be used as well
 Directory
- Represents location of the Lucene Index
- Abstract class
- Allows its subclasses to store the index as they see fit
- FSDirectory
- RAMDirectory
- Interface Identical to FSDirectory
 Analyzer
- Text passed through analyzer before indexing
- Specified in the IndexWriter constructor
- Incharge of extracting tokens out of text to be indexed
- Rest is eliminated
- Several implementation available (stop words, lower case
 Document
- Collection of fields (virtual document)
- Chunk of data
- Fields of a document represent the document or meta-data
associated with that document
- -Original source of Document data (word PDF) irrelevant
- Metadata indexed and stored separately as fields of a
- Text only: java.lang.String and are the only
things handled by core
Field 1
 Field
- Document in an index contains one or more fields (in a class called Field)
- Each field represents data that is either queried against or retrieved from index during
- Four different types:
- Keyword
- Isn’t analyzed
- But indexed and stored in the index
- Ideal for:
- URLs
- Paths
- Names
- Orginal value is reserved in entirety
Field types
- Unindexed
- Neither analyzed nor indexed
- Value stored in index as is
- Fields that need to be displayed with search results (URL
- But you won’t search based on these fields
- Because original values are stored
- Don’t store fields with very large values
- Especially if index size will be an issue
Field types
- Unstored
- Opposite of UnIndexed
- Field type is analyzed and indexed but isn’t stored in the
- Suitable for indexing a large amount of text that’s not going
to be needed in original form
- E.g.
- HTML of a webpage etc
Field types
- Text
- Analyzed and indexed
- Field of this type can be searched against
- Be careful about the field size
- If data indexed is String, it will be stored
- If Data is from a Reader
- It will not be stored
 Field.Text(String, String) and Field.Text(String, Reader) are
- (String, String) stores the field data
- (String, Reader) does not
 To index a String, but not store it, use
- Field.UnStored(String, String)
Classes for Basic Search Operations
 IndexSearcher
- Opens an index in read-only mode
- Offers a number of search methods
- Some of which implemented in Searcher class
IndexSearcher is = new IndexSearcher(
FSDirectory.getDirectory("/tmp/index", false));
Query q = new TermQuery(new Term("contents",
Hits hits =;
Classes for Basic Search Operations
 Term
- Basic unit for searching
- Consists of pair of string elements: name of field and value
of field
- Term objects are involved in indexing process
- Term objects can be constructed and used with TermQUery
Query q = new TermQuery(new Term("contents",
Hits hits =;
Classes for Basic Search Operations
 Query
- A number of query subclasses
- BooleanQuery
- PhraseQuery
- PrefixQuery
- PhrasePrefixQuery
- RangeQuery
- FilteredQuery
- SpanQuery
Classes for Basic Search Operations
 TermQuery
- Most basic type of query supported by Lucene
- Used for matching documents that contain fields with
specific values
 Hits
- Simple container of pointers to ranked search results.
- Hits instances don’t load from index all documents that
match a query but only a small portion (performance)
 Multiple type indexing
- Scalable
- High Performance
- “over 20MB/minute on Pentium M 1.5GHz”
- Incremental indexing and batch indexing have same cost
- Index Size
- index size roughly 20-30% the size of text indexed
- Compare to MySQL’s FULL-TEXT index size
- Cost-effective
- 1 MB heap (small RAM needed)
Powerful Searching & Sorting
- Ranked Searching
- Multiple Powerful Query Types
- phrase queries, wildcard queries, proximity queries, range
queries and more
- Fielded Searching
- fielded searching (e.g., title, author, contents)
- Date Range Searching
- date-range searching
- Multiple Index Searching with Merged Results
- Sort by any field
How to Integrate Your Application With Lucene
 Install JDK (5 or 6)
 Testing Lucene Demo
Prerequisites: JDK
 Installing JDK
- For downloading visit the JDK5 page
- or JDK 6 download page
- Once downloaded:
- Change Permissions
- [root@srv31 jdk-install]# chmod 755 jdk-1_5_0_09-linux-
- Install
- [root@srv31 jdk-install]# ./jdk-1_5_0_09-linux-i586.bin
Testing Lucene Demo
 Step 2: Testing Lucene Demo
- Set up your environment
- vi /root/.bashrc
- export PATH=/var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/bin:$PATH
- Now get and place in /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/lib/lucene-2.1.0/
- Lucene Java
- XMLRPC Library
- [root@srv31 lib]# wget
[root@srv31 lib]# unzip
[root@srv31 lib]# cp -p lucene-2.1.0/lucene-core-2.1.0.jar ../lib/
[root@srv31 lib]# cp -p lucene-2.1.0/lucene-demos-2.1.0.jar ../lib/
[root@srv31 lib]# cp -p /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_06/lib/xmlrpc-3.0a1.jar
Now "dot" the above file:
[root@srv31 lib]# . /root/.bashrc
Testing Lucene Demo 2
- Believe it or not, we are now ready to test the Lucene Demo.
- Indexing
- I just let it loose on a randomly picked directory to give you an
[root@srv31 lib]# java org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexFiles
adding /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/include/jni.h
adding /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/include/linux/jawt_md.h
adding /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/include/linux/jni_md.h
adding /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/include/jvmti.h
adding /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/include/jvmdi.h
157013 total milliseconds
Testing Lucene Demo 3
 [root@srv31 lib]# java org.apache.lucene.demo.SearchFiles
 Query: java
 Searching for: java
 1159 total matching documents
 1. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/jre/lib/locale/zh.GBK/LC_MESSAGES/
 2. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/jre/lib/locale/zh/LC_MESSAGES/
 3. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/jre/lib/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/
 4. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/jre/lib/locale/zh_HK.BIG5HK/LC_MESSAGES/
 5. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/jre/lib/locale/zh_TW.BIG5/LC_MESSAGES/
 6. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/jre/lib/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/
 7. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/demo/jfc/Stylepad/README.txt
 8. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/demo/jfc/Notepad/README.txt
 9. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/demo/plugin/jfc/Stylepad/README.txt
 10. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/demo/plugin/jfc/Notepad/README.txt
 more (y/n) ?
Loading data from MySQL
 …
 String url = "jdbc:mysql://";
 Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, “user",
 Statement Stmt = con.createStatement();
 ResultSet RS = Stmt.executeQuery
 ("SELECT * FROM " +
 " articles" );
Loading data from MySQL 2
 while ( {
 // System.out.print(""" + RS.getString(1) + """);
 try {
 final Document doc = new Document();
 // create Document
 doc.add(Field.Text("title", RS.getString("title")));
 doc.add(Field.Text("type", "article"));
 doc.add(Field.Text("author",
 doc.add(Field.Text("body", RS.getString("body")));
 doc.add(Field.Text("extended",
 …
Loading data from MySQL 3
 …
 doc.add(Field.Text("tags", RS.getString("tags")));
 doc.add(Field.UnIndexed("permalink", RS.getString("permalink") ));
 doc.add(Field.UnIndexed("id", RS.getString("id")));
 doc.add(Field.UnIndexed("member_id", RS.getString("member_id")));
 doc.add(Field.UnIndexed("portal_id", RS.getString("portal_id")));
 //doc.add(Field.Text("id", RS.getString("id")));
 writer.addDocument(doc);
 }
 catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Unable to index student"); }
 }
 // close connection
Searching Data using XML RPC
 public static void searchArticles( final String search, final int numberOfResults)
 throws Exception
 {
 final Query query;
 Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
 query = QueryParser.parse(search, "title", analyzer);
 final ArrayList ids = new ArrayList();
 try {
 final IndexReader reader =;
 final IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);
 final Hits hits =;
 for (int i = 0; i != hits.length() && i != numberOfResults; ++i) {
 final Document doc = hits.doc(i);
 // id field needs to be added //ids.add(new Integer(doc.getField("id").stringValue()));
 …
Searching Data using XML RPC 2
 …
 ids.add(new Integer(doc.getField("id").stringValue()));
 System.out.println("Found + " + doc.getField("id").stringValue() );
 System.out.println("--Title = " + doc.getField("title").stringValue() );
 System.out.println("--Type = " + doc.getField("type").stringValue() );
 System.out.println("--Body = " + doc.getField("body").stringValue() );
 System.out.println("--Author = " + doc.getField("author").stringValue() );
 System.out.println("--Extended = " + doc.getField("extended").stringValue() );
 System.out.println("--Tags = " + doc.getField("tags").stringValue() );
 System.out.println("--Permalink = " + doc.getField("permalink").stringValue() );
 System.out.println("--Member Id = " + doc.getField("member_id").stringValue()
 System.out.println("--Portal Id = " + doc.getField("portal_id").stringValue() );
Searching Data using XML RPC 3
 }
 searcher.close();
 reader.close();
 }
 catch (IOException e) {
 System.out.println("Error while reading student data
from index");
 }
 }
Future of Lucene
 Advanced Linguistics Modules that integrate with Lucene
- Support for complex script languages
- Basis Technologies’ Rosette® Linguistics Platform
- The same linguistic software that powers multilingual web
search on Google,, Yahoo! and leading enterprise
search engines
- “allows Lucene-based applications to index and search text
in multiple languages concurrently, including complex script
languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Japanese and
Korean. “
What are the ports of Lucene
 Lucene4c - C
 CLucene - C++
 MUTIS - Delphi
 Lucene.Net - a straight C#/.NET port of Lucene by the
Apache Software Foundation, fully compatible with it.
 Plucene - Perl
 Kinosearch - Perl
 Pylucene - Lucene interfaced with a Python front-end
 Ferret and RubyLucene - Ruby
 Zend Framework (Search) - PHP
 Montezuma - Common Lisp
Where to get help about Lucene?
Books about Lucene
 Lucene in Action
- Erik Hatcher and Otis Gospodnetic

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Lucene and MySQL

  • 1. Lucene with MySQL Farhan “Frank” Mashraqi DBA Fotolog, Inc.
  • 2. Introduction  Farhan Mashraqi  Senior MySQL DBA of Fotolog, Inc.  Known on Planet MySQL as “Frank Mash”
  • 3. What is Lucene?  Started in 1997 “self serving project”  2001: Apache folks adopts Lucene  Open Source Information Retrieval (IR) Library - available from the Apache Software Foundation - Search and Index any textual data - Doesn’t care about language, source and format of data
  • 4. Lucene?  Not a turnkey search engine  Standard - for building open-source based large-scale search applications - a high performance, scalable, cross-platform search toolkit - Today: translated into C++, C#, Perl, Python, Ruby - for embedded and customizable search - widely adopted by OEM software vendors and enterprise IT departments
  • 5. Lucene DB Web Aggregate DataFile System Index Documents Index Search Index Search Results User Query LUCENE Application
  • 6. What types of queries it supports  Single and multi-term queries  Phrase queries  Wildcards  Result ranking  +apple –computer +pie  country:USA  country:USA AND state:CA
  • 7. Cons  Need Java resources (programmers) - JSP experience plus  Implementation and Maintenance Cost  By default - No installer or wizard for setup (it’s a toolkit ) - No administration or command line tools (demo avail.) - No spider - Coding yourself is always an option - No complex script language support by default - 3rd party tools available
  • 8. Cons 2 - No built-in support for (Demos avail. for how to implement) - HTML format - PDF format - Microsoft Office Documents - Advanced XML queries - “How tos” available. - No database gateway - Integrates with MySQL with little work - Web interface - JSP sample available - Missing enterprise support
  • 9. Lucene Libraries 1. The Lucene libraries include core search components such as a document indexer, index searcher, query parser, and text analyzer.
  • 10. Who is behind Lucene?  Doug Cutting (Author) Previously at Excite  Apache Software Foundation
  • 11. Who uses Lucene?  IBM - IBM OmniFind Yahoo! Edition  CNET - -  Wikipedia  Fedex  Akamai’s EdgeComputing platform  Technorati  FURL  Sun - Open Solaris Source Browser
  • 12. When to use Lucene?  Search applications  Search functionality for existing applications  Search enabling database application
  • 13. When not to use?  Not ideal for - Adding generic search to site - Enterprise systems needing support for proprietary formats - Extremely high volume systems - Through a better architecture this can be solved - Investigate carefully if - You need more than 100 QPS per system - Highly volatile data - Updates are actually Deletes and Additions - Additions visible to new sessions only
  • 14. Why Lucene?  What problems does Lucene solve? - Full text with MySQL - Pros and Cons  Powerful features  Simple API  Scalable, cost-effective, efficient Indexing - Powerful Searching through multiple query types
  • 15. Powerful features  Simple API - Sort by any field - Simultaneous updates and searching
  • 16. Core Index Classes  IndexWriter  Directory  Analyzer  Document  Field
  • 17. IndexWriter  IndexWriter - Creates new index - Adds document to new index - Gives you “write” access but no “read” access - Not the only class used to modify an index - Lucene API can be used as well
  • 18. Directory  Directory - Represents location of the Lucene Index - Abstract class - Allows its subclasses to store the index as they see fit - FSDirectory - RAMDirectory - Interface Identical to FSDirectory
  • 19. Analyzer  Analyzer - Text passed through analyzer before indexing - Specified in the IndexWriter constructor - Incharge of extracting tokens out of text to be indexed - Rest is eliminated - Several implementation available (stop words, lower case etc)
  • 20. Document  Document - Collection of fields (virtual document) - Chunk of data - Fields of a document represent the document or meta-data associated with that document - -Original source of Document data (word PDF) irrelevant - Metadata indexed and stored separately as fields of a document - Text only: java.lang.String and are the only things handled by core
  • 21. Field 1  Field - Document in an index contains one or more fields (in a class called Field) - Each field represents data that is either queried against or retrieved from index during search. - Four different types: - Keyword - Isn’t analyzed - But indexed and stored in the index - Ideal for: - URLs - Paths - SSN - Names - Orginal value is reserved in entirety
  • 22. Field types - Unindexed - Neither analyzed nor indexed - Value stored in index as is - Fields that need to be displayed with search results (URL etc) - But you won’t search based on these fields - Because original values are stored - Don’t store fields with very large values - Especially if index size will be an issue
  • 23. Field types - Unstored - Opposite of UnIndexed - Field type is analyzed and indexed but isn’t stored in the index - Suitable for indexing a large amount of text that’s not going to be needed in original form - E.g. - HTML of a webpage etc
  • 24. Field types - Text - Analyzed and indexed - Field of this type can be searched against - Be careful about the field size - If data indexed is String, it will be stored - If Data is from a Reader - It will not be stored
  • 25. Note:  Field.Text(String, String) and Field.Text(String, Reader) are different. - (String, String) stores the field data - (String, Reader) does not  To index a String, but not store it, use - Field.UnStored(String, String)
  • 26. Classes for Basic Search Operations  IndexSearcher - Opens an index in read-only mode - Offers a number of search methods - Some of which implemented in Searcher class IndexSearcher is = new IndexSearcher( FSDirectory.getDirectory("/tmp/index", false)); Query q = new TermQuery(new Term("contents", "lucene")); Hits hits =;
  • 27. Classes for Basic Search Operations  Term - Basic unit for searching - Consists of pair of string elements: name of field and value of field - Term objects are involved in indexing process - Term objects can be constructed and used with TermQUery Query q = new TermQuery(new Term("contents", "lucene")); Hits hits =;
  • 28. Classes for Basic Search Operations  Query - A number of query subclasses - BooleanQuery - PhraseQuery - PrefixQuery - PhrasePrefixQuery - RangeQuery - FilteredQuery - SpanQuery
  • 29. Classes for Basic Search Operations  TermQuery - Most basic type of query supported by Lucene - Used for matching documents that contain fields with specific values  Hits - Simple container of pointers to ranked search results. - Hits instances don’t load from index all documents that match a query but only a small portion (performance)
  • 30. Indexing  Multiple type indexing - Scalable - High Performance - “over 20MB/minute on Pentium M 1.5GHz” - Incremental indexing and batch indexing have same cost - Index Size - index size roughly 20-30% the size of text indexed - Compare to MySQL’s FULL-TEXT index size - Cost-effective - 1 MB heap (small RAM needed)
  • 31. Powerful Searching & Sorting - Ranked Searching - Multiple Powerful Query Types - phrase queries, wildcard queries, proximity queries, range queries and more - Fielded Searching - fielded searching (e.g., title, author, contents) - Date Range Searching - date-range searching - Multiple Index Searching with Merged Results - Sort by any field
  • 32. How to Integrate Your Application With Lucene  Install JDK (5 or 6)  Testing Lucene Demo
  • 33. Prerequisites: JDK  Installing JDK - For downloading visit the JDK5 page - or JDK 6 download page - Once downloaded: - Change Permissions - [root@srv31 jdk-install]# chmod 755 jdk-1_5_0_09-linux- i586.bin - Install - [root@srv31 jdk-install]# ./jdk-1_5_0_09-linux-i586.bin
  • 34. Testing Lucene Demo  Step 2: Testing Lucene Demo - Set up your environment - vi /root/.bashrc - export PATH=/var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/bin:$PATH export CLASSPATH=.:/var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09:/var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/lib:/var/www/html/jav a/jdk1.5.0_09/lib/lucene-2.1.0/lucene-core-2.1.0.jar:/var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/lib/lucene- 2.1.0/lucene-demos-2.1.0.jar:/var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/lib/xmlrpc-3.0a1.jar - Now get and place in /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/lib/lucene-2.1.0/ - Lucene Java - - XMLRPC Library - [root@srv31 lib]# wget [root@srv31 lib]# unzip [root@srv31 lib]# cp -p lucene-2.1.0/lucene-core-2.1.0.jar ../lib/ [root@srv31 lib]# cp -p lucene-2.1.0/lucene-demos-2.1.0.jar ../lib/ [root@srv31 lib]# cp -p /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_06/lib/xmlrpc-3.0a1.jar /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/lib/xmlrpc-3.0a1.jar Now "dot" the above file: [root@srv31 lib]# . /root/.bashrc
  • 35. Testing Lucene Demo 2 - Believe it or not, we are now ready to test the Lucene Demo. - Indexing - I just let it loose on a randomly picked directory to give you an idea: [root@srv31 lib]# java org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexFiles /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/ adding /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/include/jni.h adding /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/include/linux/jawt_md.h adding /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/include/linux/jni_md.h adding /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/include/jvmti.h adding /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/include/jvmdi.h Optimizing... 157013 total milliseconds
  • 36. Testing Lucene Demo 3  [root@srv31 lib]# java org.apache.lucene.demo.SearchFiles  Query: java  Searching for: java  1159 total matching documents  1. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/jre/lib/locale/zh.GBK/LC_MESSAGES/  2. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/jre/lib/locale/zh/LC_MESSAGES/  3. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/jre/lib/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/  4. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/jre/lib/locale/zh_HK.BIG5HK/LC_MESSAGES/  5. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/jre/lib/locale/zh_TW.BIG5/LC_MESSAGES/  6. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/jre/lib/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/  7. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/demo/jfc/Stylepad/README.txt  8. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/demo/jfc/Notepad/README.txt  9. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/demo/plugin/jfc/Stylepad/README.txt  10. /var/www/html/java/jdk1.5.0_09/demo/plugin/jfc/Notepad/README.txt  more (y/n) ?
  • 37. Loading data from MySQL  …  String url = "jdbc:mysql://";  Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, “user", “pass");  Statement Stmt = con.createStatement();  ResultSet RS = Stmt.executeQuery  ("SELECT * FROM " +  " articles" );
  • 38. Loading data from MySQL 2  while ( {  // System.out.print(""" + RS.getString(1) + """);  try {  final Document doc = new Document();  // create Document  doc.add(Field.Text("title", RS.getString("title")));  doc.add(Field.Text("type", "article"));  doc.add(Field.Text("author", RS.getString("author")));  doc.add(Field.Text("body", RS.getString("body")));  doc.add(Field.Text("extended", RS.getString("extended")));  …
  • 39. Loading data from MySQL 3  …  doc.add(Field.Text("tags", RS.getString("tags")));  doc.add(Field.UnIndexed("permalink", RS.getString("permalink") ));  doc.add(Field.UnIndexed("id", RS.getString("id")));  doc.add(Field.UnIndexed("member_id", RS.getString("member_id")));  doc.add(Field.UnIndexed("portal_id", RS.getString("portal_id")));  //doc.add(Field.Text("id", RS.getString("id")));  writer.addDocument(doc);  }  catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Unable to index student"); }  }  // close connection
  • 40. Searching Data using XML RPC  public static void searchArticles( final String search, final int numberOfResults)  throws Exception  {  final Query query;  Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();  query = QueryParser.parse(search, "title", analyzer);  final ArrayList ids = new ArrayList();  try {  final IndexReader reader =;  final IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);  final Hits hits =;  for (int i = 0; i != hits.length() && i != numberOfResults; ++i) {  final Document doc = hits.doc(i);  // id field needs to be added //ids.add(new Integer(doc.getField("id").stringValue()));  …
  • 41. Searching Data using XML RPC 2  …  ids.add(new Integer(doc.getField("id").stringValue()));  System.out.println("Found + " + doc.getField("id").stringValue() );  System.out.println("--Title = " + doc.getField("title").stringValue() );  System.out.println("--Type = " + doc.getField("type").stringValue() );  System.out.println("--Body = " + doc.getField("body").stringValue() );  System.out.println("--Author = " + doc.getField("author").stringValue() );  System.out.println("--Extended = " + doc.getField("extended").stringValue() );  System.out.println("--Tags = " + doc.getField("tags").stringValue() );  System.out.println("--Permalink = " + doc.getField("permalink").stringValue() );  System.out.println("--Member Id = " + doc.getField("member_id").stringValue() );  System.out.println("--Portal Id = " + doc.getField("portal_id").stringValue() );
  • 42. Searching Data using XML RPC 3  }  searcher.close();  reader.close();  }  catch (IOException e) {  System.out.println("Error while reading student data from index");  }  }
  • 43. Future of Lucene  Advanced Linguistics Modules that integrate with Lucene - Support for complex script languages - Basis Technologies’ Rosette® Linguistics Platform - The same linguistic software that powers multilingual web search on Google,, Yahoo! and leading enterprise search engines - “allows Lucene-based applications to index and search text in multiple languages concurrently, including complex script languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Japanese and Korean. “ -
  • 44. What are the ports of Lucene  Lucene4c - C  CLucene - C++  MUTIS - Delphi  Lucene.Net - a straight C#/.NET port of Lucene by the Apache Software Foundation, fully compatible with it.  Plucene - Perl  Kinosearch - Perl  Pylucene - Lucene interfaced with a Python front-end  Ferret and RubyLucene - Ruby  Zend Framework (Search) - PHP  Montezuma - Common Lisp
  • 45. Where to get help about Lucene?   IRC
  • 46. Books about Lucene  Lucene in Action - Erik Hatcher and Otis Gospodnetic