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Elasticsearch and
 Who am I?
 Text searching
 Full text based
 Term based
 Databases vs. Search engines
 Why not simple SQL?
 Why need Lucene?
 Elasticsearch
 Concepts/APIs
 Network/Discovery
 Split-brain Issue
 Solutions
 Data Structure
 Inverted Index
 SOLR – Dataverse’s Search
 Why not SOLR for Consilience?
 Elasticsearch – Consilience’s Search
 Language integration
 Python
 Java
 Scala
 Why Spark?
 Where Spark?
 When Spark?
 Language support
 Conclusion and Questions
Who am I?
 Animesh Pandey
 Computer Science grad student @
Northeastern University, Boston
 Intern for Project Consilience for
Summer 2015
 Job: integration of Elasticsearch and
Spark into the existing project
Text Searching
 Text – a from of data
 Text – available from various resources
 Internet, books, articles etc.
 We are concerned with digital text or converting the traditional text to digital
 Digital text – internet, news articles, blogs, research papers
 Traditional text – any text from a physical book, manuscript, typed papers,
newspapers etc.
 Traditional text conversion to digital text
 Automatic - Optical Character Recognizers (OCR) e.g. Tesseract by Google Inc.
 Manual - type to a system
Full text based vs. Term based
 Full text based search
 Most general kind of search
 Used everyday when using
Google, Bing or Yahoo
 In the background it is much more
than a simple character by
character match
 Lot of pre-processing involved for
a Full text search
 Term based search
 Generally comprises of exact term
 You can think of it as a SQL query
where try to find documents that
contain the exact match of a
specified word
Databases vs. Search Engines
The both have unique strengths but also have overlapping capabilities
 Similarities:
 Both can be stored as data stores
 Basic updates and modifications can be done using both
 Differences:
 Search Engines
 Used for both structured as well
as unstructured data
 The results are ordered as per
the relevance of the result to
the query
 Databases
 Used for structured data
 There is relevance
matching between the
query and results
Why not simple SQL?
 MySQL provides us some ways to perform a full text search along with term
based searches BUT …..
 Needs MyISAM storage engine. It was the default storage engine of MySQL.
 MyISAM is optimized for read operations with few write operations or may be
 But you cannot avoid write (update/modify) operations.
 MyISAM creates one index for one table.
 No. of tables = No. of index => more tables more complexity.
 Relational DBs have locks. They won’t read/write operations if already one
operation is being executed.
How does a search engine help?
 Efficient indexing of data
 You don’t need multiple indices like you needed in Databases
 Index is on all fields/combinations of fields
 Analyzing data
 Text search
 Tokenzing => splitting of text
 Stemming => converting words to their root forms
 Filtering => removal of certain words
 Relevance Scoring
In order to solve the problems mentioned before there are several
Open Source search engines….
 Information Retrieval Software Library
 Free/Open Source
 Supported by Apache Foundation
 Created by Doug Cutting
 Since 1999
In order to use it there are two Java libraries available…..
 Built on Lucene
 Perfect for single server search
 Part of the Lucene project (Lucene comes with Solr)
 Large user and developer base
 This is Dataverse’s Search engine. Later will talk why using
Elasticsearch here won’t make a big difference
"status" : 200,
"name" : "Fafnir",
"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
"version" : {
"number" : "1.4.2",
"build_hash" : "927caff6f05403e936c20bf4529f144f0c89fd8c",
"build_timestamp" : "2014-12-16T14:11:12Z",
"build_snapshot" : false,
"lucene_version" : "4.10.2"
"tagline" : "You Know, for Search"
 Free/Open source
 Built on top of Lucene
 Created by Shay Banon @kimchy
 Current stable version is 1.6.0
 Has wrappers in many languages
 RESTful Service
 Chrome Plugins – Marvel Sense and POSTman
 Can be used from Java, Python and many other languages
 High availability and clustering is very easy to set up
 Long term persistence
What does Elasticsearch add to Lucene?
Elasticsearch is a “download and use” distro
Log files
Node Configs
Data Storage
├── bin
│ ├── elasticsearch
│ ├──
│ └── plugin
├── config
│ ├── elasticsearch.yml
│ └── logging.yml
├── data
│ └── cluster1
├── lib
│ ├── elasticsearch-x.y.z.jar
│ ├── ...
│ └──
└── logs
├── elasticsearch.log
└── elasticsearch_index_search_slowlog.log
└── elasticsearch_index_indexing_slowlog.log
 Here we can initialize the basic configuration
required to start an ES node. Following are the
config types that are generally changed.
 – the cluster to which it’ll join
 – specify name of the node
 node.master – whether the node is a master
 – whether this node will hold data
 – path of the index
 path.conf – path of the config folder (scripts or
any file put in this folder)
 path.logs – path of the logs
elasticsearch.yml – Config file of Elasticsearch
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/social_media/" -d'
"settings": {
"node": {
"master": true
"path": {
"conf": "D:/social_media/config/"
"index": {
"number_of_shards": 3,
"number_of_replicas": 1
Underlying Lucene Inverted Index
 This is term to document mapping
 Inverted index contains terms mapped to
all documents in which it occurred
 Every document is paired with the term
frequency of the term being considered
 Sum all term frequencies to get corpus
frequency of the term
Shards and Replicas
 Primary Shard
 Created when indexing
 Index has 1..N primary shards
 Persistent
 This is the actual data
 Replica Shard
 Index has 0..N primary replicas
 Not persistent
 The is copy of the data
 Promoted to Primary shard if the node fails
Nodes discovery
 Nodes discovery in ES is using multicast
 Unicast is also possible
 Can be modified by changing elasticsearch.yml
 In multicast the master node will send requests to all nodes to check
which are waiting for connection false [“host1", "host2:port", "host3"]
Split-brain Issue
 Suppose we have three node cluster which has 1 master and 2 slaves
 Suppose due to some reason connection to NODE 2 fails
 NODE 2 will promote its replica shards to primary shards and will convert itself to a
 Cluster will be in an inconsistent state
 Indexing request to NODE 2 won’t be reflected to NODE 1 – NODE 3
 This will result in two different indices => different results
Solving the Split-brain issue
 Specify the number of masters in a cluster
 discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes = (N/2 + 1), where N is the number of nodes in a
 In the three node cluster, the cluster with one node will fail and the production will come to
know about such issue
 should be increased in a slow network so that nodes get
extra time to ping to each other
 Default value is 3 seconds
Elasticsearch APIs
 There are certain number of APIs provided by elasticsearch. We will
be covering the ones useful to us:
Processing of Text using Analyzers (Settings API)
 Analyzers help in manipulating the
text that is to be indexed.
 Tokenizers, stemmers, token-filters are
the most used Analyzers.
 Analyzers are usually given a name/id
so that they can be used in future with
any type of text.
 There are other analyzers as well that
are based on term-replacement,
regular-expression pattern,
punctuation characters.
 Custom analyzers can also be
created in ES.
curl -XPUT
"http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/_settings" -d'
"settings": {
"index": {
"number_of_shards": 3,
"number_of_replicas": 1
"analysis": {
"analyzer": {
"my_english": {
"type": "custom",
"tokenizer": "whitespace",
"filter": [
"filter": {
"cust_stop": {
"type": "stop",
"stopwords_path": "stoplist.txt",
Mapping of Documents to be indexed (Mappings API)
curl -XPUT
"http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/_mapping" -d
"tweet": {
"properties": {
"_id": {
"type": "string",
"store": True,
"index": "not_analyzed"
"text": {
"type": "multi_field",
"fields": {
"text": {
"include_in_all": False,
"type": "string",
"store": False,
"index": "not_analyzed"
"_analyzed": {
"type": "string",
"store": True,
"index": "analyzed",
"analyzer": “my_english”
 Elasticsearch auto-maps fields but we
can also specify the types.
 Data types provided by ES:
 String
 Number
 Boolean
 Date-time
 Geo-point (coordinates)
 Attachment (requires plugin)
 Consilience uses this for indexing PDF
Creation of Index
 Specifying setting and mapping and sending a PUT request to
Elasticsearch initializes the index
 Now the task is to send documents to Elasticsearch
 We have to keep in mind the mappings of each field in the document
 Document Metadata fields
 _id : identifier of the document
 _index : index name
 _type : mapping type
 _source : enabled/disabled
 _timestamp
 _ttl
 _size : size of uncompressed _source
 _version
Indexing a document (Index API)
curl -XPOST
012165183" -d '{
"_source": {
"text": "random text",
"exact_text": "random text"
For ES 1.6.0+
curl -XPOST
012165183" -d '{
"text": "random text",
"exact_text": "random text"
'_index': 'social_media',
'_type': 'tweet',
'_id': ‘616272192012165120',
'_source': {
'text': '@bshor Thanks for the info; this will
help us. Are these the 2 datasets you were
'exact_text': '@bshor Thanks for the info; this
will help us. Are these the 2 datasets you were
Document structure Indexing new document
Retrieving term vectors (Termvector API)
 termvector or mtermvector APIs are used for
getting the term-vectors
 We can change the above DSL according to
our needs
curl -XGET
ctor" -d'
"fields" : ["text"],
"offsets" : true,
"payloads" : true,
"positions" : true,
"term_statistics" : true,
"field_statistics" : true
"_index": "social_media",
"_type": "tweet",
"_id": "616272192012165183",
"_version": 1,
"found": true,
"term_vectors": {
"text": {
"field_statistics": {
"sum_doc_freq": 65,
"doc_count": 6,
"sum_ttf": 66
"terms": {
"random": {
"doc_freq": 1,
"ttf": 1,
"term_freq": 1,
"tokens": [
"position": 0,
"start_offset": 0,
"end_offset": 6,
"payload": "d29yZA=="
"text": {
"doc_freq": 1,
"ttf": 1,
"term_freq": 1,
"tokens": [
"position": 1,
"start_offset": 7,
"end_offset": 11,
"payload": "d29yZA=="
Processing independent documents
 This can be done by using Analyze API
 The analyzer my_english was defined in Slide 16
 The above DSL results in where document was
“Text to analyze”
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/social_media/_analyze?analyzer=my_english&text=Text to analyze"
"tokens": [
"token": "text",
"start_offset": 0,
"end_offset": 4,
"type": "word",
"position": 1
"token": "analyze",
"start_offset": 8,
"end_offset": 15,
"type": "word",
"position": 3
Working with Shingles
 Shingles are a way to index group of
tokens like unigrams, bigrams etc.
"shingle_filter" : {
"type" : "shingle",
"min_shingle_size" : 2, // for bigrams
"max_shingle_size" : 2,
"output_unigrams": True
curl -XGET
to analyze"
"tokens": [
"token": "text",
"start_offset": 0,
"end_offset": 4,
"type": "word",
"position": 1
"token": "text _",
"start_offset": 0,
"end_offset": 8,
"type": "shingle",
"position": 1
"token": "_ analyze",
"start_offset": 8,
"end_offset": 15,
"type": "shingle",
"position": 2
"token": "analyze",
"start_offset": 8,
"end_offset": 15,
"type": "word",
"position": 3
 This filter can be used in
termvector API to get
vectors containing both
unigram and bigrams
Searching in Index (Search API)
 Default search
 Exact phrase matching
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/_search" -d'
"query": {
"match": {
"text._analyzed": “some Texts“ // will search for “some text”, “some” and “text”
"explain": true
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/_search" -d'
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"text": “some Texts“ // will search for “some Texts” as a phrase
"explain": true
Recommended Design Patterns
 Keep the number of nodes odd
 Take pre-cautions to avoid Split-brain issue
 Regularly refresh indices
 Add refresh_interval to settings
 Manage heap size
 ES_HEAP_SIZE <= ½ of the system’s RAM but not more than 32GB
 export ES_HEAP_SIZE=10g
 ./bin/elasticsearch -Xmx10g -Xms10g
 Use Aliases
 Searches are made using an index created from the original index
 This prevents cluster down time or delays that may occur during the updation/modification of the index
 Delete aliases when they become old and create new one
 You can create time-based aliases as well
 Use Routing
 A way to know which shard contains what document
 Reduces the lookup time during searches
 When bulk indexing
 Timeout after every push
 Push should be of maximum size 2-3MB
Why not SOLR?
 SOLR is a better search engine than Elasticsearch
 But we require Term_vectors and analysis more than a search
 ES provides better APIs for analytics
 termvector with field and term statistics
 mtermvector
 search with explain enabled
 function_scoring (Didn’t mention before)
 If you need only a search engine, go for SOLR. If you need something more
than that Elasticsearch is the best choice.
Language Support
 We have
 JAVA wrappers : org.elasticsearch.*
 Python wrapper: py-elasticsearch
 Scala wrapper : elastic4s
 Domain Specific Language (DSL) : cURL/JSON as shown in every
example previously
Lets add some SPARK to ES…
 Apache Spark is an engine for large scale data processing
 It runs programs nearly 100 times faster than Hadoop
 Has language support for Python, Java, Scala and R
 For Project Consilience:
 Earlier I had thought of keeping the starting and end point of the whole
application to be Spark
 i.e. read files using spark, index them using Elasticsearch and apply clustering
using Spark’s MLlib
 Flat file reading is very direct in Spark
 spark.textfile() => parallel reading of the file in chunks
 spark.wholetextfile() => loads complete file into memory
Lets add some SPARK to ES…
 Earlier experiments were done in
 Scala gave us the advantage
of Functional programming
along with the Parallel
 Now Java 8 also provides with
Functional programming so
Scala and Java won’t make
much difference
import org.elasticsearch.spark._ //ES-Spark connector
val conf = new SparkConf()
.set("spark.executor.memory", "1g")
.set("spark.rdd.compress", "true")
.set("", "1")
.set("", "true")
.set(“es.node”, 9200)
// other configurations can be added as well
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
// parallel reading for arrays. Same syntax in Java and Python
val data = sc.parallelize(1 to 10000).collect().filter(_ < 100)
val textFile = sc.textFile("/home/cloudera/Documents/pg2265.txt")
val counts = textFile
.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")) // all tokens in an array
.filter(_ != ' ') // remove all empty tokens
.map(word => (word.replaceAll("p{P}", "") // remove
.toLowerCase(), 1)) // convert to lower case
.reduceByKey(_ + _) // add as per key values
val thing = counts.collect()
sc.makeRDD(<put a Mapping here>).saveToEs("spark/docs")
 Tried the Spark-Hadoop-Elasticsearch connector but noticed some
overhead and unnecessary computations
 The project currently won’t accept large volumes of data and that too
frequently. So fast computation isn’t really required
 What we want is features to do clustering. Those features can easily be
provided by Elasticsearch
 May be in future, Spark will be added in the first phase of the project.
 As of now Spark will be used for Clustering of the documents. The
library MLlib provides APIs for this
Lets add some SPARK to ES…
 Learning Elasticsearch – Anurag Patel (Red Hat)
 Introduction to Elasticsearch – Roy Russo
 Apache Spark and Elasticsearch – Holden Karau UMD 2014
 Streamlining Search Indexing using Elastic Search and Spark (Holden
 Video Link :

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Elasticsearch and Spark

  • 2. Agenda  Who am I?  Text searching  Full text based  Term based  Databases vs. Search engines  Why not simple SQL?  Why need Lucene?  Elasticsearch  Concepts/APIs  Network/Discovery  Split-brain Issue  Solutions  Data Structure  Inverted Index  SOLR – Dataverse’s Search  Why not SOLR for Consilience?  Elasticsearch – Consilience’s Search  Language integration  Python  Java  Scala  SPARK  Why Spark?  Where Spark?  When Spark?  Language support  Conclusion and Questions
  • 3. Who am I?  Animesh Pandey  Computer Science grad student @ Northeastern University, Boston  Intern for Project Consilience for Summer 2015  Job: integration of Elasticsearch and Spark into the existing project
  • 4. Text Searching  Text – a from of data  Text – available from various resources  Internet, books, articles etc.  We are concerned with digital text or converting the traditional text to digital  Digital text – internet, news articles, blogs, research papers  Traditional text – any text from a physical book, manuscript, typed papers, newspapers etc.  Traditional text conversion to digital text  Automatic - Optical Character Recognizers (OCR) e.g. Tesseract by Google Inc.  Manual - type to a system
  • 5. Full text based vs. Term based  Full text based search  Most general kind of search  Used everyday when using Google, Bing or Yahoo  In the background it is much more than a simple character by character match  Lot of pre-processing involved for a Full text search  Term based search  Generally comprises of exact term matching  You can think of it as a SQL query where try to find documents that contain the exact match of a specified word
  • 6. Databases vs. Search Engines The both have unique strengths but also have overlapping capabilities  Similarities:  Both can be stored as data stores  Basic updates and modifications can be done using both  Differences:  Search Engines  Used for both structured as well as unstructured data  The results are ordered as per the relevance of the result to the query  Databases  Used for structured data  There is relevance matching between the query and results
  • 7. Why not simple SQL?  MySQL provides us some ways to perform a full text search along with term based searches BUT …..  Needs MyISAM storage engine. It was the default storage engine of MySQL.  MyISAM is optimized for read operations with few write operations or may be none.  But you cannot avoid write (update/modify) operations.  MyISAM creates one index for one table.  No. of tables = No. of index => more tables more complexity.  Relational DBs have locks. They won’t read/write operations if already one operation is being executed.
  • 8. How does a search engine help?  Efficient indexing of data  You don’t need multiple indices like you needed in Databases  Index is on all fields/combinations of fields  Analyzing data  Text search  Tokenzing => splitting of text  Stemming => converting words to their root forms  Filtering => removal of certain words  Relevance Scoring
  • 9. In order to solve the problems mentioned before there are several Open Source search engines….
  • 10.  Information Retrieval Software Library  Free/Open Source  Supported by Apache Foundation  Created by Doug Cutting  Since 1999 In order to use it there are two Java libraries available….. APACHE LUCENE
  • 11.  Built on Lucene  Perfect for single server search  Part of the Lucene project (Lucene comes with Solr)  Large user and developer base  This is Dataverse’s Search engine. Later will talk why using Elasticsearch here won’t make a big difference APACHE SOLR
  • 12. { "status" : 200, "name" : "Fafnir", "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch", "version" : { "number" : "1.4.2", "build_hash" : "927caff6f05403e936c20bf4529f144f0c89fd8c", "build_timestamp" : "2014-12-16T14:11:12Z", "build_snapshot" : false, "lucene_version" : "4.10.2" }, "tagline" : "You Know, for Search" } ELASTICSEARCH  Free/Open source  Built on top of Lucene  Created by Shay Banon @kimchy  Current stable version is 1.6.0  Has wrappers in many languages
  • 13.  RESTful Service  JSON API over HTTP  Chrome Plugins – Marvel Sense and POSTman  Can be used from Java, Python and many other languages  High availability and clustering is very easy to set up  Long term persistence What does Elasticsearch add to Lucene?
  • 14. Elasticsearch is a “download and use” distro Executables Log files Node Configs Data Storage ├── bin │ ├── elasticsearch │ ├── │ └── plugin ├── config │ ├── elasticsearch.yml │ └── logging.yml ├── data │ └── cluster1 ├── lib │ ├── elasticsearch-x.y.z.jar │ ├── ... │ └── └── logs ├── elasticsearch.log └── elasticsearch_index_search_slowlog.log └── elasticsearch_index_indexing_slowlog.log Jar Distributions
  • 15.  Here we can initialize the basic configuration required to start an ES node. Following are the config types that are generally changed.  – the cluster to which it’ll join  – specify name of the node  node.master – whether the node is a master  – whether this node will hold data  – path of the index  path.conf – path of the config folder (scripts or any file put in this folder)  path.logs – path of the logs elasticsearch.yml – Config file of Elasticsearch curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/social_media/" -d' { "settings": { "node": { "master": true }, "path": { "conf": "D:/social_media/config/" }, "index": { "number_of_shards": 3, "number_of_replicas": 1 } } }'
  • 16. Underlying Lucene Inverted Index  This is term to document mapping  Inverted index contains terms mapped to all documents in which it occurred  Every document is paired with the term frequency of the term being considered  Sum all term frequencies to get corpus frequency of the term
  • 17. Shards and Replicas  Primary Shard  Created when indexing  Index has 1..N primary shards  Persistent  This is the actual data  Replica Shard  Index has 0..N primary replicas  Not persistent  The is copy of the data  Promoted to Primary shard if the node fails
  • 18. Nodes discovery  Nodes discovery in ES is using multicast  Unicast is also possible  Can be modified by changing elasticsearch.yml  In multicast the master node will send requests to all nodes to check which are waiting for connection false [“host1", "host2:port", "host3"]
  • 19. Split-brain Issue  Suppose we have three node cluster which has 1 master and 2 slaves  Suppose due to some reason connection to NODE 2 fails  NODE 2 will promote its replica shards to primary shards and will convert itself to a Master  Cluster will be in an inconsistent state  Indexing request to NODE 2 won’t be reflected to NODE 1 – NODE 3  This will result in two different indices => different results
  • 20. Solving the Split-brain issue  Specify the number of masters in a cluster  discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes = (N/2 + 1), where N is the number of nodes in a cluster  In the three node cluster, the cluster with one node will fail and the production will come to know about such issue  should be increased in a slow network so that nodes get extra time to ping to each other  Default value is 3 seconds
  • 21. Elasticsearch APIs  There are certain number of APIs provided by elasticsearch. We will be covering the ones useful to us:  INDEX API  SETTING API  MAPPING API  TERMVECTOR/MTERMVECTOR API  BULK API  SEARCH API
  • 22. Processing of Text using Analyzers (Settings API)  Analyzers help in manipulating the text that is to be indexed.  Tokenizers, stemmers, token-filters are the most used Analyzers.  Analyzers are usually given a name/id so that they can be used in future with any type of text.  There are other analyzers as well that are based on term-replacement, regular-expression pattern, punctuation characters.  Custom analyzers can also be created in ES. curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/_settings" -d' { "settings": { "index": { "number_of_shards": 3, "number_of_replicas": 1 }, "analysis": { "analyzer": { "my_english": { "type": "custom", "tokenizer": "whitespace", "filter": [ "lowercase", "type_as_payload", "cust_stop" ] } }, "filter": { "cust_stop": { "type": "stop", "stopwords_path": "stoplist.txt", } } } } }’
  • 23. Mapping of Documents to be indexed (Mappings API) curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/_mapping" -d '{ "tweet": { "properties": { "_id": { "type": "string", "store": True, "index": "not_analyzed" }, "text": { "type": "multi_field", "fields": { "text": { "include_in_all": False, "type": "string", "store": False, "index": "not_analyzed" }, "_analyzed": { "type": "string", "store": True, "index": "analyzed", "term_vector": "with_positions_offsets_payloads", "analyzer": “my_english” } } } }}}  Elasticsearch auto-maps fields but we can also specify the types.  Data types provided by ES:  String  Number  Boolean  Date-time  Geo-point (coordinates)  Attachment (requires plugin)  Consilience uses this for indexing PDF files
  • 24. Creation of Index  Specifying setting and mapping and sending a PUT request to Elasticsearch initializes the index  Now the task is to send documents to Elasticsearch  We have to keep in mind the mappings of each field in the document  Document Metadata fields  _id : identifier of the document  _index : index name  _type : mapping type  _source : enabled/disabled  _timestamp  _ttl  _size : size of uncompressed _source  _version
  • 25. Indexing a document (Index API) curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/616272192 012165183" -d '{ "_source": { "text": "random text", "exact_text": "random text" } }‘ For ES 1.6.0+ curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/616272192 012165183" -d '{ "text": "random text", "exact_text": "random text" }' { '_index': 'social_media', '_type': 'tweet', '_id': ‘616272192012165120', '_source': { 'text': '@bshor Thanks for the info; this will help us. Are these the 2 datasets you were uploading?', 'exact_text': '@bshor Thanks for the info; this will help us. Are these the 2 datasets you were uploading?' } } Document structure Indexing new document
  • 26. Retrieving term vectors (Termvector API)  termvector or mtermvector APIs are used for getting the term-vectors  We can change the above DSL according to our needs curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/616272192012165183/_termve ctor" -d' { "fields" : ["text"], "offsets" : true, "payloads" : true, "positions" : true, "term_statistics" : true, "field_statistics" : true }' { "_index": "social_media", "_type": "tweet", "_id": "616272192012165183", "_version": 1, "found": true, "term_vectors": { "text": { "field_statistics": { "sum_doc_freq": 65, "doc_count": 6, "sum_ttf": 66 }, "terms": { "random": { "doc_freq": 1, "ttf": 1, "term_freq": 1, "tokens": [ { "position": 0, "start_offset": 0, "end_offset": 6, "payload": "d29yZA==" } ] }, "text": { "doc_freq": 1, "ttf": 1, "term_freq": 1, "tokens": [ { "position": 1, "start_offset": 7, "end_offset": 11, "payload": "d29yZA==" } ] } } } } }
  • 27. Processing independent documents  This can be done by using Analyze API  The analyzer my_english was defined in Slide 16  The above DSL results in where document was “Text to analyze” curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/social_media/_analyze?analyzer=my_english&text=Text to analyze" { "tokens": [ { "token": "text", "start_offset": 0, "end_offset": 4, "type": "word", "position": 1 }, { "token": "analyze", "start_offset": 8, "end_offset": 15, "type": "word", "position": 3 } ] }
  • 28. Working with Shingles  Shingles are a way to index group of tokens like unigrams, bigrams etc. "shingle_filter" : { "type" : "shingle", "min_shingle_size" : 2, // for bigrams "max_shingle_size" : 2, "output_unigrams": True } curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/social_media/_anal yze?analyzer=my_english_shingle&text=Text to analyze" { "tokens": [ { "token": "text", "start_offset": 0, "end_offset": 4, "type": "word", "position": 1 }, { "token": "text _", "start_offset": 0, "end_offset": 8, "type": "shingle", "position": 1 }, { "token": "_ analyze", "start_offset": 8, "end_offset": 15, "type": "shingle", "position": 2 }, { "token": "analyze", "start_offset": 8, "end_offset": 15, "type": "word", "position": 3 } ] }  This filter can be used in termvector API to get vectors containing both unigram and bigrams
  • 29. Searching in Index (Search API)  Default search  Exact phrase matching curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/_search" -d' { "query": { "match": { "text._analyzed": “some Texts“ // will search for “some text”, “some” and “text” } }, "explain": true }‘ curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/social_media/tweet/_search" -d' { "query": { "match_phrase": { "text": “some Texts“ // will search for “some Texts” as a phrase } }, "explain": true }‘
  • 30. Recommended Design Patterns  Keep the number of nodes odd  Take pre-cautions to avoid Split-brain issue  Regularly refresh indices  Add refresh_interval to settings  Manage heap size  ES_HEAP_SIZE <= ½ of the system’s RAM but not more than 32GB  export ES_HEAP_SIZE=10g  ./bin/elasticsearch -Xmx10g -Xms10g  Use Aliases  Searches are made using an index created from the original index  This prevents cluster down time or delays that may occur during the updation/modification of the index  Delete aliases when they become old and create new one  You can create time-based aliases as well  Use Routing  A way to know which shard contains what document  Reduces the lookup time during searches  When bulk indexing  Timeout after every push  Push should be of maximum size 2-3MB
  • 31. Why not SOLR?  SOLR is a better search engine than Elasticsearch  But we require Term_vectors and analysis more than a search  ES provides better APIs for analytics  termvector with field and term statistics  mtermvector  search with explain enabled  function_scoring (Didn’t mention before)  If you need only a search engine, go for SOLR. If you need something more than that Elasticsearch is the best choice.
  • 32. Language Support  We have  JAVA wrappers : org.elasticsearch.*  Python wrapper: py-elasticsearch  Scala wrapper : elastic4s  Domain Specific Language (DSL) : cURL/JSON as shown in every example previously
  • 33. Lets add some SPARK to ES…  Apache Spark is an engine for large scale data processing  It runs programs nearly 100 times faster than Hadoop  Has language support for Python, Java, Scala and R  For Project Consilience:  Earlier I had thought of keeping the starting and end point of the whole application to be Spark  i.e. read files using spark, index them using Elasticsearch and apply clustering using Spark’s MLlib  Flat file reading is very direct in Spark  spark.textfile() => parallel reading of the file in chunks  spark.wholetextfile() => loads complete file into memory
  • 34. Lets add some SPARK to ES…  Earlier experiments were done in Scala  Scala gave us the advantage of Functional programming along with the Parallel processing  Now Java 8 also provides with Functional programming so Scala and Java won’t make much difference import org.elasticsearch.spark._ //ES-Spark connector val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(“super_spark") .setMaster("local[2]") .set("spark.executor.memory", "1g") .set("spark.rdd.compress", "true") .set("", "1") .set("", "true") .set(“es.node”, 9200) // other configurations can be added as well val sc = new SparkContext(conf) // parallel reading for arrays. Same syntax in Java and Python val data = sc.parallelize(1 to 10000).collect().filter(_ < 100) data.foreach(println) val textFile = sc.textFile("/home/cloudera/Documents/pg2265.txt") val counts = textFile .flatMap(line => line.split(" ")) // all tokens in an array .filter(_ != ' ') // remove all empty tokens .map(word => (word.replaceAll("p{P}", "") // remove punctuations .toLowerCase(), 1)) // convert to lower case .reduceByKey(_ + _) // add as per key values val thing = counts.collect() sc.makeRDD(<put a Mapping here>).saveToEs("spark/docs")
  • 35.  Tried the Spark-Hadoop-Elasticsearch connector but noticed some overhead and unnecessary computations  The project currently won’t accept large volumes of data and that too frequently. So fast computation isn’t really required  What we want is features to do clustering. Those features can easily be provided by Elasticsearch  May be in future, Spark will be added in the first phase of the project.  As of now Spark will be used for Clustering of the documents. The library MLlib provides APIs for this Lets add some SPARK to ES…
  • 37. REFERENCES  Learning Elasticsearch – Anurag Patel (Red Hat)  Introduction to Elasticsearch – Roy Russo  Apache Spark and Elasticsearch – Holden Karau UMD 2014  Streamlining Search Indexing using Elastic Search and Spark (Holden Karau)  Video Link :