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Philosophy is an activity rather than a 
subject, you do philosophy rather than learn 
about it. Philosophy is thinking about 
Not a theory but a vision of life (darsan). Not 
merely “love of wisdom” but it signifies a real 
“possession” of it. 
Came from Greek words, philos “love” and 
Sophia “wisdom”
Man is gifted with his rational ability, has the 
capacity to create his ideas and express it in 
the manner he would understand and has a 
capability to organize his thoughts. 
The study of Logic is geared towards the 
honing the reasoning and critical ability of 
man as man would experience things in the 
world and as man would interact with other 
people. The study of Logic offers us the 
1. To understand the general rules or principles of 
correct reasoning. 
2. To enable man to become a critical and logical 
3. To develop the art and skill of expressing ideas 
and improve our reasoning skills. 
4. To improve judgment skills in evaluating the 
validity of an argument or soundness of an 
5. To identify and avoid the faulty and misleading 
errors of formal and informal arguments of day 
to day experience.
 Logic derived from logikewhich means 
“thought”. Aristotle, the father of logic in his 
book Analytics, he considered logic as an 
“organon”. The science in gaining knowledge 
and a tool of correct thinking. Thus, logic is 
towards developing correct thinking or 
 The science and art of correct inferential 
thinking. Logic is an art of reasoning.
An argument is a set of statements of 
which – the one being argued for – taken 
to be established as true on the basis of 
all the others. 
Supporting statements arecalled 
premises, while the statement taken to 
support are conclusion.
 Deductive is the process whereby a 
particular idea orpremise is established 
as true based from a general law or 
principle that is assumed to be true. 
 Inductiveprocess on the other hand is a 
reasoning process whereby the human 
mind processes particular instances to a 
universal/general truth.
 Logic gives emphasis on the validity of 
reasoning be it deductive or inductive. 
1. Formal Logic concerns the forms of thought 
or the very structure or pattern of our 
reasoning process. 
2. Material Logicis focused on the truth of the 
1. Simple Apprehension the simple 
understanding or grasping the meaning of an 
idea. This mental activity brings about the use 
of terms to express such idea. 
2. Judgment the comparison of two ideas whether 
there is agreement or disagreement. This 
mental activity results with formulation of a 
3. Reasoning the derivation of a new truth from 
previously established and known truth. This 
mental activity arrives at the construction of an 
The task of understanding, analyzing 
and evaluating an argument is 
considering the starting point. An 
idea is an outcome of a process. 
Known as an intellectual image or 
representation of a thin. Serves as a 
building block of the argumentative 
 Using our senses, we are able to perceive 
external realities. Such sensory experience 
creates an image in the mind. This image is 
further identified as phantasm or a mental 
picture of the external object we perceive. 
The intellect now gives attention to this 
sense-image in order to make its own 
representation of the thing. Abstraction 
which is getting the essential characteristics 
or elements of the object perceived.
1. It is a representation 
 But not a limited representation. 
2. It is a representation of an essence 
 Essence of a thing that makes it what it is. 
3. It is a representation of an essence of 
a thing in the mind 
 Not in the senses or in the imagination.
1. Empirical. The kind of idea observable 
in its nature with use of sensory 
2. Theoretical. This idea entails the use of 
extending devices to perceive such 
3. Metaphysical. This kind of idea exist 
beyond the realm of space and time.
4. Fictitious. This kind of idea which is 
believed as a creation of the mind. 
5. Abstract. An idea understood by the 
mind but not perceived by the senses. 
6. Dispositional. An idea pertains to the 
observable manifestation of a certain 
7. Evaluative. Used to signify our 
evaluative judgment on certain matters.
 An idea is just an abstract 
representation of a thing that we 
create in our mind. A sensible, 
artificial, material, arbitrary and 
conventional sign, expressive of an 
Sign is something which stands for 
something other than itself. 
Signified thing is made known. 
Signifying thing makes it known. 
Connection between the two is the 
power to signifying thing to convey 
Comprehension (designation/intention), 
is the sum total of the characteristics 
which make up an idea. Notes 
(intelligible elements) 
Extension (denotation), particular 
things were the comprehension can be 
applied to.
Greater the comprehension, 
the more specific the term 
becomes. But the greater the 
extension, the more general 
the term becomes.
1. Singular terms stands for one 
individual/group and designates it 
2. Particular terms stands for more than 
one but not all. 
3. Universal terms stand for each of the 
subjects to which is applied to.
1. Univocal terms signifies the same 
essence in at least two occurrences 
of the term. 
2. Equivocal terms are used in two or 
more different senses or meanings. 
3. Analogous terms one that is 
applied to unlike, but related things.
1. Contradictory terms if one is the 
simple negation of the other. 
2. Contrary terms belong to the same 
genus but differ from one another. 
3. Relative terms one cannot bet 
understood without the other.
A definition is a statement which 
explains what a thing is. 
Definiendum the term to be 
Definiens a cluster of words that 
defines that term.
1. To increase vocabulary 
2. To eliminate ambiguity 
3. To reduce vagueness 
4. To explain theoretically 
5. To influence attitude
Stipulative Definitions “self-definition”. 
Lexical Definitions gives 
characteristics that can be true or 
Denotative/Extensional Definitions 
giving examples of the subject.
Ostensive/Demonstrative Definitions 
points the definition instead of 
Connotative/Intentional Definitions 
giving the use of the subject. 
Synonymous Definitions using 
another word with the same meaning. 
Operational Definitions, states that 
the term is to be applied.
1. Must be complete. 
2. Must not be circular. 
3. Must neither be too broad now too 
4. Must not be expressed in ambiguous, 
obscure or figurative language. 
5. Must not be negative where it could be 
A genus: an existing definition that 
serves as a portion of the new 
definition. Genera (more than one 
The differentia: the portion of the 
new definition that is not provided 
by the genera.
 A proposition is defined as a 
statement in which anything is 
affirmed or denied. Expressed as 
a declarative sentence. A 
discourse that expresses either 
truth or falsity.
1. Subject is that about which 
something is affirmed or denied. 
2. Predicate is what is affirmed or 
denied of the subject. 
3. Copula is either “is” or “is not”. It 
connects the subject and the 
1. Singular standing for one definitely 
designated individual or group. 
2. Particular for an indeterminately 
designated portion of its absolute 
3. Universal standing for each of the 
subject of the subjects to w/c it can be 
applied to.
Affirmative is expresses a 
positive mood like the use 
Negative it expresses a 
negative mood like the use 
“is not”
Universal-Negative (E) 
Particular-Affirmative (I) 
Particular-Negative (O)
 Logical form defined as the basic 
structure of the part of a complex 
logical unit. 
 Complex logical units include 
proposition and inferences, or 
arguments but not terms.
Devised by John Venn. It 
gives us a map of the 
logical relations between 
 A proposition “all S are P” 
 Diagrammed by shading the area 
of S which is not P. 
 E proposition “no S is P” 
 Diagrammed by shading the area 
which is both S and P.
 I proposition “some S are P” 
 Diagrammed by putting an X in the 
area which is both S and P. 
 O proposition “some S is not P” 
 Diagrammed by putting an X in the 
area of S which is not P.
 Originated with Aristotle. 
Opposition is recognized when two 
proposition are the same in terms of 
their subject and predicate but 
different or the same in their 
quantity or quality.
 every S is P” and “some S is not P” are 
 “no S is P” and “some S is P” are 
 “every S is P” and “no S is P” are contraries. 
 “some S is P” and “some S is not P” are sub 
 “some S is P” is a subaltern of “every S is P”. 
 “some S is not P” is a subaltern of “no S is P”
 Contradictory 
 difference inquantity and quality. 
 Contrary 
 difference in the quantity. 
 Sub-contrary 
 difference in the quality. 
 Sub-alternation 
 difference in the quantity but the qualityisthe 
 Law of Contradictions: 
 1st rule: Contradictories cannot be true 
 2nd rule: Contradictories cannot be false 
 Law of Contrariety: 
 1st rule: contraries cannot be true together 
 2nd rule: contraries can be false together.
 Law of Sub-contrariety: 
 1st rule: both sub contraries cannot be false together 
 2nd rule: both sub contraries may be true together 
 Law of Sub-alternation: 
 1st rule: the truth of the universal involves the truth of 
the particular but the truth of the particular does not 
involve the truth of the universal. 
 2nd rule: the falsity of the universal involves the falsity 
of the particular but the falsity of the particular does 
not involve the falsity of the universal.
 Eduction is the process of 
immediate inference whereby, 
from any proposition taken as 
true, we derive other implied in 
it, though differing from the first 
in subject or predicate or both.
 Conversion 
 Obversion 
 Contraposition
It is the re-expression of a proposition 
by interchanging the places of the 
subject and predicate while preserving 
its quality. 
 Rules for Conversion 
▪ Interchange S an P 
▪ Retain quality 
▪ Do not extend any term (retain the 
quantity except for A proposition)
It is the formulation of a new proposition by 
retaining the subject and quantity of an 
original proposition, changing its quality 
and using as predicate contradictory. 
 Rules for Obversion 
▪ Retain the subject and the quantity of the 
▪ Change the quality. If the obvertend is negative, 
the obverse must be affirmative 
▪ As predicate, use the contradictory of the 
predicate of the original proposition
Combination of conversion and 
 Rules for Contraposition 
▪ Contradict the subject and the predicate 
▪ Exchange the subject and the predicate 
▪ Retain the quality 
▪ Retain the quantity except for E 
proposition (universal becomes particular)
 The derivation of a new truth from 
previously established and know 
Known as inference which is 
externally manifested with the 
construction of an argument.
 Argument 
 A set of statements of which one – the one 
being argued for – is taken to be 
established as true on the basis of all the 
▪ The supporting statements are called 
▪ The statement they are taken to support is 
called the conclusion.
Deductive is the process whereby a 
particular idea or a premise is established 
as true based from a general law or 
principle that is assumed to be true. (from 
general to specific) 
Inductive a reasoning process whereby 
the human mind processes particular 
instances to a universal/general truth. 
(from specific to general)
oConclusion-indicators signals 
what follows next is the 
oPremise-indicators are words 
or phrases serve to mark the 
To understand 
arguments and how the 
conclusion is supported 
by the premises.
A deductive argument in which a 
conclusion is inferred from two 
Two type of Syllogism: 
Categorical Syllogism and 
Hypothetical Syllogism.
1. Minor term = the subject term of 
the conclusion. 
2. Major term = the predicate term of 
the conclusion. 
3. Middle term = appears twice in the 
premises but not in the conclusion.
 – arrangement of the middle 
terms in the syllogism. 
1.MP 2. PM 3.MP 4.PM 
– order of propositions 
according to their 
quality and quantity.
 A valid standard-form categorical syllogism 
must contain exactly three terms, each which 
is used in the same sense throughout the 
 Fallacy of Four Terms. 
 In a valid standard-form categorical 
syllogism, the middle term must be 
distributed in at least one premise. 
 Fallacy of Undistributed Middle.
 If either term is distributed in the 
conclusion then it must be distributed in 
the premises. 
 Fallacy of Illicit Major Term. 
 Fallacy of Illicit Minor Term. 
 No standard-form categorical syllogism 
having two negative premises is valid. 
 Fallacy of Exclusive Premises/ Fallacy of 
Two Negative Premises.
 If either premise of a valid standard-form 
syllogism is negative, then the 
conclusion must be negative. 
 Fallacy of Drawing an Affirmative 
Conclusion from a Negative Premise. 
 No standard-form categorical syllogism 
with a particular conclusion can have 
two universal premises.
 An argument can be evaluated by using 
the rule of categorical syllogism as 
exemplified in the previous chapter. But 
another approach is the use of Venn 
diagram. The technique is simply to 
draw in the premises. If we find that we 
have drawn in the conclusion follows, 
then the argument is valid.
 A deductive argument which uses 
hypothetical propositions.They do not 
contain direct, straightforward assertion 
of agreement or disagreement between 
the subject and predicate. They express 
the disagreement of the truth or falsity 
of one statement upon the truth or 
falsity of another statement.
A syllogism which contains a conditional 
proposition as the major premise. Conditional 
propositions are “if statements.” There are 
two parts to such a proposition. 
The truth of the antecedent follows the truth 
of the consequent;The falsity of the 
antecedent follows the falsity of the 
 Antecedent (1st part) gives the ground, the 
reason, the cause. 
 Consequent (2nd part)gives the result, the 
dependent, the effect. 
 From the truth of the antecedent follows 
the truth of the consequent; the falsity of 
the consequent follows the falsity of the 
Fallacy of Denying the 
Fallacy of Accepting the 
 It is one whose major premise consists of a 
disjunctive proposition. A disjunctive proposition 
is an “either-or” statement. 
 Strict Disjunction – Proper Disjunction 
▪ Components are called disjunct, can neither be true nor false 
 Broad Disjunction – Improper Disjunction 
▪ Is a hypothetical syllogism whose major premise is broad 
disjunctive proposition. 
▪ Is a complete disjunctive proposition in which one or both 
disjuncts must be true. The disjunction must be complete. 
Otherwise, truth may be found in the missing disjunct.
 The least difficulties among the hypothetical 
syllogisms. In the major premise states that 
two or more things are impossible at the 
same time. 
 Conjuncts can be true at the same time; but 
they may all, be false together. 
 From the truth of one member follows the 
falsity of the others; but from the falsity of one 
member, the truth of the other(s) does not 
logic - workbook summary

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logic - workbook summary

  • 1.
  • 2. Philosophy is an activity rather than a subject, you do philosophy rather than learn about it. Philosophy is thinking about thinking. Not a theory but a vision of life (darsan). Not merely “love of wisdom” but it signifies a real “possession” of it. Came from Greek words, philos “love” and Sophia “wisdom”
  • 3. Man is gifted with his rational ability, has the capacity to create his ideas and express it in the manner he would understand and has a capability to organize his thoughts. The study of Logic is geared towards the honing the reasoning and critical ability of man as man would experience things in the world and as man would interact with other people. The study of Logic offers us the following:
  • 4. 1. To understand the general rules or principles of correct reasoning. 2. To enable man to become a critical and logical thinker. 3. To develop the art and skill of expressing ideas and improve our reasoning skills. 4. To improve judgment skills in evaluating the validity of an argument or soundness of an argument. 5. To identify and avoid the faulty and misleading errors of formal and informal arguments of day to day experience.
  • 5.  Logic derived from logikewhich means “thought”. Aristotle, the father of logic in his book Analytics, he considered logic as an “organon”. The science in gaining knowledge and a tool of correct thinking. Thus, logic is towards developing correct thinking or reasoning.  The science and art of correct inferential thinking. Logic is an art of reasoning.
  • 6. An argument is a set of statements of which – the one being argued for – taken to be established as true on the basis of all the others. Supporting statements arecalled premises, while the statement taken to support are conclusion.
  • 7.  Deductive is the process whereby a particular idea orpremise is established as true based from a general law or principle that is assumed to be true.  Inductiveprocess on the other hand is a reasoning process whereby the human mind processes particular instances to a universal/general truth.
  • 8.  Logic gives emphasis on the validity of reasoning be it deductive or inductive. 1. Formal Logic concerns the forms of thought or the very structure or pattern of our reasoning process. 2. Material Logicis focused on the truth of the propositions.
  • 9. 1. Simple Apprehension the simple understanding or grasping the meaning of an idea. This mental activity brings about the use of terms to express such idea. 2. Judgment the comparison of two ideas whether there is agreement or disagreement. This mental activity results with formulation of a proposition. 3. Reasoning the derivation of a new truth from previously established and known truth. This mental activity arrives at the construction of an argument.
  • 10.
  • 11. The task of understanding, analyzing and evaluating an argument is considering the starting point. An idea is an outcome of a process. Known as an intellectual image or representation of a thin. Serves as a building block of the argumentative process.
  • 12.  Using our senses, we are able to perceive external realities. Such sensory experience creates an image in the mind. This image is further identified as phantasm or a mental picture of the external object we perceive. The intellect now gives attention to this sense-image in order to make its own representation of the thing. Abstraction which is getting the essential characteristics or elements of the object perceived.
  • 13. 1. It is a representation  But not a limited representation. 2. It is a representation of an essence  Essence of a thing that makes it what it is. 3. It is a representation of an essence of a thing in the mind  Not in the senses or in the imagination.
  • 14. 1. Empirical. The kind of idea observable in its nature with use of sensory experience. 2. Theoretical. This idea entails the use of extending devices to perceive such concepts. 3. Metaphysical. This kind of idea exist beyond the realm of space and time.
  • 15. 4. Fictitious. This kind of idea which is believed as a creation of the mind. 5. Abstract. An idea understood by the mind but not perceived by the senses. 6. Dispositional. An idea pertains to the observable manifestation of a certain operation 7. Evaluative. Used to signify our evaluative judgment on certain matters.
  • 16.
  • 17.  An idea is just an abstract representation of a thing that we create in our mind. A sensible, artificial, material, arbitrary and conventional sign, expressive of an idea.
  • 18. Sign is something which stands for something other than itself. Signified thing is made known. Signifying thing makes it known. Connection between the two is the power to signifying thing to convey knowledge.
  • 19. Comprehension (designation/intention), is the sum total of the characteristics which make up an idea. Notes (intelligible elements) Extension (denotation), particular things were the comprehension can be applied to.
  • 20. Greater the comprehension, the more specific the term becomes. But the greater the extension, the more general the term becomes.
  • 21. 1. Singular terms stands for one individual/group and designates it definitely. 2. Particular terms stands for more than one but not all. 3. Universal terms stand for each of the subjects to which is applied to.
  • 22. 1. Univocal terms signifies the same essence in at least two occurrences of the term. 2. Equivocal terms are used in two or more different senses or meanings. 3. Analogous terms one that is applied to unlike, but related things.
  • 23. 1. Contradictory terms if one is the simple negation of the other. 2. Contrary terms belong to the same genus but differ from one another. 3. Relative terms one cannot bet understood without the other.
  • 24.
  • 25. A definition is a statement which explains what a thing is. Definiendum the term to be defined. Definiens a cluster of words that defines that term.
  • 26. 1. To increase vocabulary 2. To eliminate ambiguity 3. To reduce vagueness 4. To explain theoretically 5. To influence attitude
  • 27. Stipulative Definitions “self-definition”. Lexical Definitions gives characteristics that can be true or false. Denotative/Extensional Definitions giving examples of the subject.
  • 28. Ostensive/Demonstrative Definitions points the definition instead of naming. Connotative/Intentional Definitions giving the use of the subject. Synonymous Definitions using another word with the same meaning. Operational Definitions, states that the term is to be applied.
  • 29. 1. Must be complete. 2. Must not be circular. 3. Must neither be too broad now too narrow. 4. Must not be expressed in ambiguous, obscure or figurative language. 5. Must not be negative where it could be affirmative.
  • 30. A genus: an existing definition that serves as a portion of the new definition. Genera (more than one genus) The differentia: the portion of the new definition that is not provided by the genera.
  • 31.
  • 32.  A proposition is defined as a statement in which anything is affirmed or denied. Expressed as a declarative sentence. A discourse that expresses either truth or falsity.
  • 33. 1. Subject is that about which something is affirmed or denied. 2. Predicate is what is affirmed or denied of the subject. 3. Copula is either “is” or “is not”. It connects the subject and the predicate.
  • 34. 1. Singular standing for one definitely designated individual or group. 2. Particular for an indeterminately designated portion of its absolute extension. 3. Universal standing for each of the subject of the subjects to w/c it can be applied to.
  • 35. Affirmative is expresses a positive mood like the use “is” Negative it expresses a negative mood like the use “is not”
  • 36. Universal-Affirmative(A) Universal-Negative (E) Particular-Affirmative (I) Particular-Negative (O)
  • 37.  Logical form defined as the basic structure of the part of a complex logical unit.  Complex logical units include proposition and inferences, or arguments but not terms.
  • 38.
  • 39. Devised by John Venn. It gives us a map of the logical relations between classes.
  • 40.  A proposition “all S are P”  Diagrammed by shading the area of S which is not P.  E proposition “no S is P”  Diagrammed by shading the area which is both S and P.
  • 41.  I proposition “some S are P”  Diagrammed by putting an X in the area which is both S and P.  O proposition “some S is not P”  Diagrammed by putting an X in the area of S which is not P.
  • 42.
  • 43.  Originated with Aristotle. Opposition is recognized when two proposition are the same in terms of their subject and predicate but different or the same in their quantity or quality.
  • 44.  every S is P” and “some S is not P” are contradictories.  “no S is P” and “some S is P” are contradictories.  “every S is P” and “no S is P” are contraries.  “some S is P” and “some S is not P” are sub contraries.  “some S is P” is a subaltern of “every S is P”.  “some S is not P” is a subaltern of “no S is P”
  • 45.  Contradictory  difference inquantity and quality.  Contrary  difference in the quantity.  Sub-contrary  difference in the quality.  Sub-alternation  difference in the quantity but the qualityisthe same.
  • 46.  Law of Contradictions:  1st rule: Contradictories cannot be true together  2nd rule: Contradictories cannot be false together  Law of Contrariety:  1st rule: contraries cannot be true together  2nd rule: contraries can be false together.
  • 47.  Law of Sub-contrariety:  1st rule: both sub contraries cannot be false together  2nd rule: both sub contraries may be true together  Law of Sub-alternation:  1st rule: the truth of the universal involves the truth of the particular but the truth of the particular does not involve the truth of the universal.  2nd rule: the falsity of the universal involves the falsity of the particular but the falsity of the particular does not involve the falsity of the universal.
  • 48.
  • 49.  Eduction is the process of immediate inference whereby, from any proposition taken as true, we derive other implied in it, though differing from the first in subject or predicate or both.
  • 50.  Conversion  Obversion  Contraposition
  • 51. It is the re-expression of a proposition by interchanging the places of the subject and predicate while preserving its quality.  Rules for Conversion ▪ Interchange S an P ▪ Retain quality ▪ Do not extend any term (retain the quantity except for A proposition)
  • 52. It is the formulation of a new proposition by retaining the subject and quantity of an original proposition, changing its quality and using as predicate contradictory.  Rules for Obversion ▪ Retain the subject and the quantity of the obvertend ▪ Change the quality. If the obvertend is negative, the obverse must be affirmative ▪ As predicate, use the contradictory of the predicate of the original proposition
  • 53. Combination of conversion and obversion.  Rules for Contraposition ▪ Contradict the subject and the predicate ▪ Exchange the subject and the predicate ▪ Retain the quality ▪ Retain the quantity except for E proposition (universal becomes particular)
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57. Reasoning  The derivation of a new truth from previously established and know truth. Known as inference which is externally manifested with the construction of an argument.
  • 58.  Argument  A set of statements of which one – the one being argued for – is taken to be established as true on the basis of all the others. ▪ The supporting statements are called premises. ▪ The statement they are taken to support is called the conclusion.
  • 59. Deductive is the process whereby a particular idea or a premise is established as true based from a general law or principle that is assumed to be true. (from general to specific) Inductive a reasoning process whereby the human mind processes particular instances to a universal/general truth. (from specific to general)
  • 60. oConclusion-indicators signals what follows next is the conclusion. oPremise-indicators are words or phrases serve to mark the premises.
  • 61. To understand arguments and how the conclusion is supported by the premises.
  • 62.
  • 63. A deductive argument in which a conclusion is inferred from two premises. Two type of Syllogism: Categorical Syllogism and Hypothetical Syllogism.
  • 64. 1. Minor term = the subject term of the conclusion. 2. Major term = the predicate term of the conclusion. 3. Middle term = appears twice in the premises but not in the conclusion.
  • 65.  – arrangement of the middle terms in the syllogism. 1.MP 2. PM 3.MP 4.PM SM SM MS MS SP SP SP SP
  • 66. – order of propositions according to their quality and quantity.
  • 67.
  • 68.  A valid standard-form categorical syllogism must contain exactly three terms, each which is used in the same sense throughout the argument.  Fallacy of Four Terms.  In a valid standard-form categorical syllogism, the middle term must be distributed in at least one premise.  Fallacy of Undistributed Middle.
  • 69.  If either term is distributed in the conclusion then it must be distributed in the premises.  Fallacy of Illicit Major Term.  Fallacy of Illicit Minor Term.  No standard-form categorical syllogism having two negative premises is valid.  Fallacy of Exclusive Premises/ Fallacy of Two Negative Premises.
  • 70.  If either premise of a valid standard-form syllogism is negative, then the conclusion must be negative.  Fallacy of Drawing an Affirmative Conclusion from a Negative Premise.  No standard-form categorical syllogism with a particular conclusion can have two universal premises.
  • 71.
  • 72.  An argument can be evaluated by using the rule of categorical syllogism as exemplified in the previous chapter. But another approach is the use of Venn diagram. The technique is simply to draw in the premises. If we find that we have drawn in the conclusion follows, then the argument is valid.
  • 73.
  • 74.  A deductive argument which uses hypothetical propositions.They do not contain direct, straightforward assertion of agreement or disagreement between the subject and predicate. They express the disagreement of the truth or falsity of one statement upon the truth or falsity of another statement.
  • 75. A syllogism which contains a conditional proposition as the major premise. Conditional propositions are “if statements.” There are two parts to such a proposition. The truth of the antecedent follows the truth of the consequent;The falsity of the antecedent follows the falsity of the consequent.
  • 76.  Antecedent (1st part) gives the ground, the reason, the cause.  Consequent (2nd part)gives the result, the dependent, the effect.  From the truth of the antecedent follows the truth of the consequent; the falsity of the consequent follows the falsity of the antecedent.
  • 77. Fallacy of Denying the Antecedent. Fallacy of Accepting the Consequent.
  • 78.  It is one whose major premise consists of a disjunctive proposition. A disjunctive proposition is an “either-or” statement.  Strict Disjunction – Proper Disjunction ▪ Components are called disjunct, can neither be true nor false together.  Broad Disjunction – Improper Disjunction ▪ Is a hypothetical syllogism whose major premise is broad disjunctive proposition. ▪ Is a complete disjunctive proposition in which one or both disjuncts must be true. The disjunction must be complete. Otherwise, truth may be found in the missing disjunct.
  • 79.  The least difficulties among the hypothetical syllogisms. In the major premise states that two or more things are impossible at the same time.  Conjuncts can be true at the same time; but they may all, be false together.  From the truth of one member follows the falsity of the others; but from the falsity of one member, the truth of the other(s) does not follow.