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How to lobby
Presenter Felix Dodds and Jan Gustav Strandenaes
Felix Dodds Jan Gustav Strandenaes
• Felix Dodds is an Adjunct Professor at the University of North
Carolina and an Associate Fellow at the Tellus Institute. He was co-
director of the 2014 & 2018 Nexus Conference on Water, Food,
Energy and Climate.
• Felix was the Executive Director of Stakeholder Forum for a
Sustainable Future (1992-2012). He has been active at the UN
since 1990 and has advised the Danish, UK Governments & EU
• From 1997-2001 he co-chaired the UN Commission on Sustainable
Development NGO Steering Committee.
• He has coordinated some of the most innovative stakeholder
dialogues Bonn Water (2001), Energy (2004), Nexus (2011).
• In 2011 he chaired the United Nations DPI 64th NGO conference -
'Sustainable Societies Responsive Citizens’. The first meeting to put
forward a set of sustainable development goals
• He has written or edited eighteen books the latest is Stakeholder
Democracy and his first comic Santa’s Green Christmas: Father
Christmas battles Climate Change
• This years major project the Bigfoot SDG Adventure
• Follow me on and my web site is Twitter @felixdodds
• Jan-Gustav Strandenaes is senior adviser on governance to Pure Consulting
in Norway and an Associate with Stakeholder Forum. Pure Consulting is a
central and trendsetting company in Norway working on the SDGs and
advising authorities, national and at municipal level, the private sector and
civil society on the 2030 agenda.
• After his first assignments for the UN in Latin America in the 70’s, Jan-Gustav
has worked and lived in Botswana, Uganda, the US and Sweden in addition
to Norway.
• Between 1985 and 2005, Jan-Gustav reorganised, coordinated and helped
build as working Chair of the Board in a development-environment NGO
(Utviklingsfondet) in Norway from scratch to be one of the largest ones in
Norway with projects in more than 20 countries in the developing world and
a total turnover of some 15 US million dollars. While working there he also
helped to establish the Rainforest Alliance, today a major handler of UNREDD
programmes. From 2001 to 2011 he served as the Organising Partner for the
Major Groups at CSD in New York.
• In 1983-85 Jan-Gustav lived in Botswana, working for the Norwegian Aid
Agency, NORAD, under the auspices of the Norwegian Foreign Office. While
there he was commissioned to write an early study of the carrying capacity of
Botswana, that among others was discussed during an intergovernmental
conference on the environment in 1984.
• During 2003-04 he served as a Norwegian diplomat with the Norwegian
embassy in Kampala, Uganda, having a special portfolio to work with and
develop relations with NGOs/civil society there with a particular focus on
governance structures.
• In 2017, he was appointed by the German Government to be a member of a n
international peer group to assess and analyse the official German National
Strategy on Sustainable Development handed over to Chancellor Merkel and
the German government in 2018.
• Jan-Gustav has authored several articles and books on the environment,
sustainable development and the UN, taught about the UN for three decades,
has crossed the Kalahari desert in an old Land Rover, and lives in Norway
Today what we will cover
• Handbook for Stakeholder Engagement in
• A little on MEAs
• NGOs and other stakeholders
• Why attend UN meetings – some case studies
• SWOT and other tools
• National preparation
• Understanding the countries, bureau and
• What to do at the UN meetings
• Media
• SDG Landscape
• Summary
UN Env.
Mohamed Abdelraouf
Civil Society Engagement at UN Environment:
Basis for Engagement
• ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31 on Consultative relationship between
the United Nations and non-governmental organizations
• Rio+20 Outcome Document “The Future We Want”: “ensure the
active participation of all relevant stakeholders drawing on best
practices and models from relevant multilateral institutions and
exploring new mechanisms to promote transparency and the
effective engagement of civil society”
• Rule 70 of the Rules of Procedure of the United Nations
Environment Assembly
The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)
and Its Subsidiary Organs
Accreditation with UN Environment
• Consultative Status with UN Environment
• Criteria:
1. Registered Non-governmental organization
2. Not-for profit
3. In existence for at least 2 years
4. Interest in the field of environment
5. International scope
For more information:
Accredited Organizations at meetings of the United Nations
Environment Assembly and its subsidiary bodies
•Accredited organizations only, reserved seats for the
nine Major Groups
•Opportunity for written and oral interventions
•Accredited organizations receive relevant
documentation and have access to the CPR portal
•Interactive online participation
Major Groups Engagement at UN Environment
Major Group Facilitating Committee (elected by
accredited organizations for a 2 year term)
Facilitate Major Group and Stakeholder Engagement
with UN Environment
Major Group
representatives (2
representatives per
major group, total of
Regional facilitators (2
representatives per region,
total of 12)
Observer status
• ECOSOC Resolution:
• Update on Stakeholder Engagement to CPR and UNEA
• Resources for Major Groups:
• Accreditation:
• Stakeholder Engagement Handbook:
• Regional consultative meeting African and AMCEN Conference:
A little on MEAs
Multilateral Agreements
Legally binding and non-legally binding agreements come in many shapes and forms .
Legally binding Non-legally binding
Treaties Accords Resolutions
Conventions Pacts Decisions
Agreements Charters Declarations
Protocols Recommendations
How does a multilateral agreement enter into force internationally
• Adoption: Upon finalising the negotiation of text, a treaty will be first “adopted.
• Signature: A country begins a process of endorsing a treaty by “signing” it.This action is at
times called “Signature Subject to Ratification, Acceptance or Approval.”
• Ratification, acceptance, or approval: Action by which a nation specifies its assent to being
bound by the treaty after completion of required national constitutional procedures for
ratification or accession or approval depending upon the country’s legal system.
• Entry into force: Normally, multilateral treaties enter into force after an established period
has elapsed subsequent to a set number of nations ratifying or acceding to the agreement.
Some agreements have other terms that must be met so that it enters into force.
• Accession: This is the act by which a nation accepts to become a party to an agreement
whose text has been negotiated, adopted and signed by other countries.
• Withdrawal or denouncing: Countries can (and do) withdraw or denounce themselves from
some international agreements in accordance with the procedure set in that instrument.
Designation of documents
-/INF/ Information series
-/L… Limited distribution, generally of draft
-/NGO/ Statements by NGOs
-/CONF/ Conference
-/WG… Working Group
-/PC… Preparatory Committee
-/RES/ Resolutions
-/SR… Summary of meetings
-/TP… Technical Papers
-/WP… Working Papers
-/Add… Addendum
Amendment to the document
-/Corr… Corrigendum (i.e., an error to be
corrected or reorganization of the
-/Rev… Revision (supersedes a previously
issued document)
The final letters indicate the number sequence 1, 2, 3 etc. or a modification of the
‘Non-papers’ will also be distributed informally during sessions to facilitate negotiations.
These usually contain proposed text amendments from government negotiators.
NGOs and Other
Defining Non-Governmental Organisations with JG
How do you describe an NGO? One survey found 48 different
terms and acronyms. Here is a sample:
In short, there is no agreed terminology for describing the NGO sector.
In some ways, it is easier to describe what NGOs are not, rather than what
they are. It is generally agreed that NGOs are not:
• part of government, or
• organized primarily for private profit.
BINGOs Big International NGOs
BONGOs Business Organized NGOs
CBOs Community Based Organizations
CSOs Civil Society Organizations
ENGOs Environmental NGOs
GONGOs Government Organized NGOs
IPOs Indigenous Peoples Organizations
GROs Grassroots Organizations
GSCOs Global Social Change
NPOs Nonprofit Organizations
Vos Voluntary Organizations
Stakeholder engagement in the UN -WITH JG
1992 Earth Summit
Agenda 21 the first UN document to give ‘rights
and responsibilities for stakeholders to engage in
the development and implementation of the UN
Action Plan.
There were nine chapters representing different
sectors of society which were called ‘Major Groups’
1. Youth and Children
2. NGOs
3. Women
4. Indigenous Peoples
5. Local Authorities
6. Trade Unions
7. Business and Industry
8. Science andTechnological Community
9. Role of Farmers
Definitions and players JG
• Stakeholders:Those impacted by a decision
or impact on a decision - it enables a unique
space for each stakeholder group
• Social movements: are a type of group
action.They are large, sometimes informal,
groupings of individuals or organizations
which focus on specific political or social
issues. In other words, they carry out, resist, or
undo a social change.
• Civil society: is the "aggregate of non-
governmental organizations and institutions
that manifest interests and will of citizens. It
excludes Indigenous Peoples, Academics,
Local Government, Foundations etc and
aggregates views of others as opposed to
enabling them to have their own space
• Global citizenship: defines a person who
places their identity with a "global community"
above their identity as a citizen of a particular
nation or place.
• The idea is that one’s identity transcends
geography or political borders and that the
planetary human community is
interdependent and whole; humankind is
essentially one
NGOs, civil society, or stakeholders and major groups? JG
“Major Groups” is a term that was
introduced in Agenda 21, agreed by
governments at the Rio Earth
Summit. It describes nine sectors of
society identified as having a
significant role in sustainable
1. Women
2. Children and youth
3. Indigenous people
4. NGOs (Civil Society Organizations)
5. Local authorities
6. Workers and trade unions
7. Business and industry
8. The scientific and technical community (Research &
9. Farmers
10.Grass roots organizations
12.Foundations and philanthropies
15.Older Persons
Rio+5 & the Commission on Sustainable Development 1997-2001
1996 the UN General Assembly agreed that
at Rio+5 each of the nine major groups would
have half a day to present on what they are
doing to implement Agenda 21
1998-2001 – two days of the Commission on
Sustainable Development (4 sessions of 3
hours – 12 hours in total) were given over to
a multi-stakeholder dialogue with member
states which drew experience on what has
happening on implementing Agenda 21 and
what policy changes might be needed to
enhance implementation
Why attend UN
Stakeholders in Intergovernmental Processes JG
FOUR important
• Setting agendas
• Negotiating outcomes
• Conferring legitimacy
• Implementing solutions
Setting Agendas – Example 1: Rio+20 – the Donostia Declaration
2006 President Mbeki
2007 President Lula
2008 Stakeholder Forum IAB ask SF to lead on
2008 – September G77 call for a Rio+20
2008 – November Donostia Declaration
• Green Economy
• Emerging Issues
• Institutional Framework for sustainable
2009 – February Ri0+20 dinner
2009 – Feb-August campaign in European and US
2009 – October workshop with Member States
Setting Agendas Example 2: Sustainable Development Goals
•May 2011 UNDG Develop a more
comprehensive idea to replace the MDGs
•July 2011 Colombia suggest SDGs at meeting
in Solo Indonesia
•September 2011 The UN DPI NGO Conference
proposed 17 SDGs
•October 2011 UNDESA Briefs for Rio+20 pick
up the DPI NGO Suggestions
•November 2011 Colombia host government
retreat in Bogota – main document given out
to governments is the DPI NGO outcome
Negotiating Outcomes Example 1: Habitat II (1996)
•Informals in Paris treat stakeholders at the
same level as governments
•Text entered into the negotiations become
alive if a government picks it up
•Joint government-stakeholder text
•This practice continues at Habitat II in Istanbul
•The NGO suggested amendments come out
as an official UN information document for the
first time
Negotiating outcomes Example 2: Anti-biotic resistance
• Never give up example – anti biotic resistance
• SDG OWG – Sweden only promoter
• April 2014 WHO Report comes out saying that millions of
people will be impacted
• July 2014 UK government commissioned the review on
Antimicrobial Resistance sets
• July 2014 push for UK to join the call at SDG-OWG – using
• September 2014 USA launch their national strategy for
combating Antibiotic Resistance
• NO target on Antimicrobial Resistance
• July 2015 last INC negotiations
• Para 26 “we will equally accelerate the pace of progress made
in fighting …including by addressing growing anti-microbial
Negotiating outcomes Example 3:
Providing Content and influencing the system JG
• By always being present, and always providing substantive and
relevant input, the network of NGOs working on chemical issues,
IPEN, helped create SAICEM, Strategic Approach
to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) is a policy
framework to promote chemical safety around the world.Which is
part of UNEP
• IPEN also helped develop the Minamata Convention on mercury
• After providing substantive and relevant input in refugee matters,
UNOCHA and UNAIDS now have representatives of NGOs at the
highest level
• Greenpeace provided substantive input on the ocean’s chapter in
the Rio+20 Outcome document
Photo by
Author is
under CC
Conferring Legitimacy: Commission on Sustainable Development JG
• 1992 NGOs and G77 create CSD
• 2003 – two year cycle
• 2005 Reform of the CSD first raised
• 2007 CSD for first time doesn’t agree any policy
(it did the same in 2011)
• UNDESA paper by SF on institutional framework
for Sustainable Development tabled a UN Council
on Sustainable Development (July 2011)
• Stakeholders made it clear that the CSD had to
be reformed at the CSD in 2010 (June) and 2011
(June) and the DPI NGO Conference 2011
Implementing Solutions in Partnerships JG
• The Global Alliance ForVaccines And
Immunization (Gavi): increasing the numbers
vaccinated but less successful influencing
vaccine pricing.
• The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI):
Launched byWHO in 1998 at theWorld Health
Assembly – Objective to eradicate Polio by 2000;
today polio reduced by 99% globally.
• The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC): 8% of
global forest is certified and 25% of all industrial
round-wood production.
UNEP Structure JG
• United Nations Environment Assembly every 2 years.
• UNEA replaced the UNEP Governing Council (a 58-
member body founded in 1972) and the former Global
Ministerial Environment Forum from 1999.
• UNEA is the central governing body of UNEP, has
universal membership. Its functions are it:
sets the priorities for global environmental policy,
advises the UN system on environmental policy issues,
Identifies new environmental challenges, examines
existing practices,
organises dialogues with Major Groups and Stakeholders
promotes partnerships on environment and mobilise
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC
The Committee of Permanent Representatives
(CPR), is part of the UNEP structure JG
• The Committee of Permanent Representatives
(CPR), the permanent subsidiary body of
UNEA, comprises representatives from
countries accredited (embassies) in Nairobi,
• CPR monitors the work of UNEP between
UNEA sessions, advises UNEA and stimulate
programme-related discussions
• CPR with representatives from capitals and
stakeholder groups holds a preparatory
meeting every two years in the run-up to the
UNEA session.
UNEP Management Structure JG
• UNEP has an Executive Office, a leadership level and the
following seven main divisions:
Communications Division
Economy Division
Ecosystems Division
Law Division
Science Division
Policy and Programme Division
Corporate Services Division
• UNEP also has six regional offices for Africa, Asia and
Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North
America, and West Asia,
• The basis for UNEP activities is the Medium-Term Strategy,
which always covers a period of four years and sets out
priorities and goals with indicators and expected results
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
How to put together a lobbying strategy
1. Goal and Objectives: Agreeing what your overall Goal is and your objectives -
these might include broad objectives such as increasing awareness of your issue.
2. Research: Researching material to help develop your position
3. Policy position: Develop the particular policy position
4. Mapping: Mapping out:
• Which other organizations supports your position.
• Which organizations oppose your position
• Which policy makers you need to influenced and the relationship they
have to you
eg on a 1 to 5 where 1 being well known to you Policymakers are
typically government officials or people with formal political power
(e.g., parliamentarians, ministers or agency officials, and their staff)
• Which policy makers are against your position
SWOT analysis
a. What is the unique nature
of the campaign?
b. What does the team do
c. What do other people see
as your strengths?
a. What can you improve?
b. What are your resource
c. What do you do badly?
d. How do others perceive your
e. Do you know what all the key
governments think of your
SWOT analysis (cont.)
a. Where is the campaign’s support?
b. What academic evidence is there
in support of your campaign?
c. What are the key media chances
you could utilise in the future to
support your campaign?
d. Who is seeing key government
officials in the short term
a. What are the obstacles facing the
b. What funds do you have to
support the campaign?
c. What are the views of other
d. Which of the key country blocks
oppose your campaign?
Political Will
• EU approach very positive
• US does not block
• G77 approaches positively
• Business engages positively
• Stakeholders engage
• EU approach positive
• US not engaged
• G77 approaches positively
• Business does not block
• Stakeholders engage apologist
 EU approach less positive
 US does no interest
 G77 gives up sustainable
 Business is obstructive
 Stakeholders slam
conference as a failure
• EU approach less positive
• US blocks
• G77 replay failures of the last
ten years
• Business not interested
• Stakeholders criticise
National Preparation
National Preparations What CanYou Do? With JG
• What do you want?
• What does the text that is being negotiated say?
• Are you working with other groups who are engaged in the
UN process?
• If not.Why not?
• Have a briefing paper no longer than two pages
• Have some paragraphs ready
• Know the government officials in charge in capital and
meet with them
• Utilize parliament to raise the issue to the Minister
• Write article/articles for national newspaper
• Town Hall Meetings – Citizens Charter
• Follow up – start a conversation with government on what
you want in the follow up now – do you have projects to
Understanding the
Countries, Bureau
and Secretariat
Understanding the countries
• European Union Romania (Jan-June 19), Finland (July- Dec 19)
• G77 (134) and China Chair: Ecuador ( )
Palestine (2019)
• Key G77 countries: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, China,
Cuba, Egypt, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria,
Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa,Tanzania
• Key EU 27 countries: Denmark, Germany, France, Czech
Republic (President of ECOSOC), Netherlands, Sweden, Slovak
Republic (President of UNGA)
• Single decision countries: eg Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea,
Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Monaco, Russia, Switzerland,
Ukraine United States,
• AOSIS (43 countries) Bureau Ahmed Sareer (Chair) from the
Maldives; Mahe ’Uli’uli SandhurstTupouniua fromTonga; and
LoisYoung from Belize.
Understanding the countries, ECOSOC and the PGA
• Regional Blocks
• Africa (chair Egypt 2019) (54) UNGA President 4 and 9 Uganda (2014 and 2019) Mr.
Sam Kutesa (2014) 2019???
• Asia (53) UNGA President 1 and 6) Fiji (2016) PeterThompson
• Latin America and the Caribbean (33) UNGA President 3 and 8 Ecuador Ms. María
Fernanda Espinosa Garcés (2018)
• Eastern Europe (23) UNGA President 2 and 7 Slovak Republic (2017) Miroslav Lajčák
• Western Europe and Other Group (28) UNGA President 00 and 05 – Denmark (2015)
Presidents of UNGA
• 2019 actual Heads of State HLPF Heads of State HLPF (Africa) Nigeria?? Morocco??
President of ECOSOC
President of the ECOSOC is Inga Rhonda King, Permanent Representative of Saint Vincent and the
The Bureau
• The Bureau plays a critical role in managing the process.
They can guide the direction of the negotiations
through the structuring of the text and the inclusion
in first drafts of certain ideas and then control the text
as it moves to agreement.
Bureau members are in touch with thinking in the
different groups and discussing ideas with them
You should find out who the Bureau members are
and meet with them well before the relevant meeting.
An early visit to NewYork before the UN meeting to
meet Bureau members, key government
representatives in the Missions and the UN Secretariat
is well worth doing.
Share your positions with Bureau members if they are
sympathetic to your views.
UN Secretariat
• For any UN process the Secretariat will play a critical
role.This will include:
• Analysing the national, regional and thematic
• Preparing the background documents and zero
• They can be asked to produce negotiating text
arising from the discussions.
• Making available all official documents.
• Servicing the negotiations.
• Producing or updating a website for the meeting.
• Producing promotional material for the meeting.
• Accrediting stakeholders.
Understanding the agenda & the magnetism of the microphone JG
• What kind of conference and meeting
are you at?
• What will be the outcome document?
Its status?
• Which are the important elements of
the agenda?
Do they deal with resolutions? If so
your topics?
Work programmes?
Access issues?
• Are you aware of background papers
and what they say?
• Who authored these papers?
• How do you address the agenda
In plenary?
In contact groups?
In friends groups?
Over coffee?
Only with your own kind?
What to do at UN
ATypical Day – with JG
8-9:00 a.m. Individual Government delegations will usually meet internally
to prepare their own country lobbying position and to review the previous day.
Stakeholder morning sessions
9-10:00 a.m. Governments will usually attend meetings of the relevant groupings they are members
of, e.g., G77 or European Union. NGOs and other stakeholders will also usually hold
their consultations to prepare for the day.
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Meeting sessions.
1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch time – side events, an opportunity to spend time with government officials.
Sometimes, if the venue is difficult to access, Stakeholders may hold their own
consultations over lunch (try to avoid this if possible).
3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Meeting sessions (additional sessions will be added when they are needed, often into
the night or even through the night).
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Side Events can also be held at this time.
Before the meeting
Government Strong
Not yet
New York
For key governments
The world of brackets
• Alternative brackets
• Contentious brackets
• Suspicious brackets
• Tactical or trading brackets
• Uncertain brackets
• Waiting brackets
• Weary brackets
 Who put the bracket in?
 When you know who put
it forward, ask why.
 The ‘why’ may not be
clear to other delegations
and you can play an
important role in
highlighting the ‘why’ in
your lobbying.
Why have they bracketed?
• If it was because they are waiting for instructions from the capital, then phone
your colleagues in the capital and get them to raise the issue with relevant
civil servants or ministers.This only works if you are completely on top of the
negotiations and can act immediately.
• If it involves trading brackets with somewhere else in the text, then you need
to be able to work with the stakeholders who are trying to lobby on that
• If it is because of exhaustion brackets, then make some text suggestions.
This can be a very opportunistic time as officials are tired and looking for a
way through the darkness – or even to go home for the night!
• If there are suspicious brackets, then it is important to work out why and try
to help build trust.
Why go on a government delegation?
• You will have access to the brief of your country;
• You may be able to sit in on delegation meetings within
• You may be able to sit in on delegation meetings between
• You will be able to push for the NGO or stakeholder
position during the appropriate meetings of the
• You can be asked to act as the intermediary between the
NGOs and the government;
• You will be aware of where there is possible movement in
a negotiation and may be asked to draft text for your
delegation to put forward;
• You will be able to cultivate relationships with the
delegation for future work.
The downside of being on a delegation
• If you do join a government delegation you will lose some
independence. Some governments will require NGOs on a
delegation to sign an official document saying they will not
divulge what they have heard in delegation meetings;
• You will have limited time available for being with other NGOs
if you are an active member of the delegation;
• You may be seen as the doorkeeper for NGOs with the
• You may be viewed as having ‘switched sides’ and joined the
government team more than what is expected;
• You may not be allowed to speak publicly on a position – if you
find this something that you cannot agree to, do not join a
delegation or resign when it becomes difficult for you. Some
delegations allow their NGOs to speak but they just have to first
ask the Head of delegations permission.
What participation and influence mechanisms should
stakeholders employ ?
 Game plan for the whole negotiation – Coalition should be asking national
partners to before you arrive at a UN meeting
organize several meeting in capitals with key governments
 brief the media, place early stories in the media
Meet with key parliamentarians/ representatives of your national body
before leaving – initiated a debate in parliament
Set up a rapid response mechanism in the capital in case you need it
Try to get an NGOs on delegation and allowed to attend pre inter-
departmental meetings before the event
What participation and influence mechanisms should you employ ?
 At the UN event a coalition/stakeholder should:
 have a photo booklet of key negotiators and UN
staff so they are easy to find
Designate point contacts for all key people eg G77,
EU, US, key countries, Bureau members, UN
officials (Bella)
There should be floor managers in each negotiation
Use coffee bar diplomacy, receptions
Use any informal possibilities drinks/dinner/dancing
If you are spending more than 20% of your time
with other Stakeholders you are not doing your
UNEA 4 Bureau and CPR Chair
Siim Kiisler,Minister
of Environment of
Ms. Nomvula Mokonyane
Vice President and Minister of
Environment Affairs of the
Republic of South Africa
Jacques Denis Tsanga
Vice President Minister of
Waters,Forest, SDGs
Republic of Gabon
H.E. Mr. Molwyn Joseph
Vice President and Minister of
Health and the Environment of
Antigua and Barbuda
Mr. Kimmo Tiilikainen
Vice President and Minister of
the Environment, Energy and
Housing of Finland
Felix Wertli
Vice President Head of
Global Affairs, Switzerland
H.E. Mr. Vladislav Smrž, Vice
President and Deputy Minister
of the Ministry of the
Environment of the Czech
H.E. Dr.
Naser Moghaddasi
Vice President Deputy
Head od Department of
Environment the Islamic
Republic of Iran
H.E. Mrs. Francisca Ashietey-
Chair, High Commissioner and
Permanent Representative of
Key UNEP Staff
Joyce Msuya
UNEP Deputy Executive
Inger Andersen
UNEP Executive Director
Satya Tripathi appointed as UNEP
Assistant Secretary General and Head of
New York Office
Jorge Laguna-Celis
Director, Governance Affairs
Gary Lewis
Director, Programme and
Policy Division
Elizabeth Mrema
Director, Law Division
Susan Gardner
Director, Ecosystems Division
Ligia Noronha
Director, Economy Division
What levers of influence do they have in the negotiation stages ?
 Much less as the process moves to end game
 Offer to support smaller states eg FIELD helped AOSIS in the climate change negotiations
 Organize side events
 Talking with your own government daily
 Be there until 4am to offer text changes
 Key G77 countries: For G77 Egypt, Palestine, Nigeria, India, Pakistan Kenya and Colombia,
 Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chad, Colombia, Chile, China, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, Fiji, Guatemala, India, Indonesia,
Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Singapore, Senegal, South Africa,Tanzania, UEA
 Key EU countries: Romania, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, France,
Czech Republic
 Single decision countries: eg Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway,
Monaco, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, United States,
• Do not go up to a government when they are
• Do not sit in a government seat – unless you are on
that government’s delegation
• Do not interrupt the meeting
• Do not target a government in your intervention
• Do not wear inappropriate clothes
• Do not do a demonstration inside the venue
• Do not take a countries flag/name
• Do not deviate from your message when you are
speaking as a representative of the caucus
Traditional Media
Traditional media tends to be one way
where you read an article, listen to a radio
programme or watch a TV news item. You
have a very limited range of engagement
with traditional media you can write a letter
to the editor and sometimes join a phone in
for a radio programme.
• Press releases
• News items
• Fact sheets for the media
• Video news releases
• Opinion articles – which could be
• Editorials
Social Media
Social News: Twitter, Digg, Propeller, Reddit. Interact by
short messaging, voting for articles and commenting on
Social Networking: Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn (which
now enables blog placements too) Hi5, Last.FM, MySpace.
Interaction by adding friends and colleagues, commenting on
profiles, joining groups and having discussions.
Social Photo andVideo Sharing: YouTube, Pinterest, Flickr.
Interact by sharing photos or videos and commenting on user
Wikis: Wikipedia, Wikia. Interact by adding articles and
editing existing articles.
Website: Easily accessible explaining what you are doing
Blogging : A regular blog posting where you share the
responsibility to do this over the year – possibly with a blog
every month to start with.
E-newsletters –These now can be created very easily
working with others generating content
Lets recap why you are attending UN meetings? JG
• To influence the text that will be
• To build and cultivate alliances for
future work;
• To show case studies of successes that
your organization has achieved;
• To learn about how intergovernmental
negotiations work;
• To raise funds for your work.
The SDG landscape
From environment to sustainable development JG
1972 1987 1992 2000 2015
UNEP The Brundtland
Commission and
Agenda 21; the
Commission for
The Millennium
Declaration and
the MDGs
Rio+20, (2012)The
Future WeWant
The 2030 agenda
and the 17 SDGs
Environment and
development and
an explicit
reference to the
environment, the
27 Rio principles
are an effort to
build SD; the
Polluter pays
The 8 MDGs,
environment is
weak and
subservient to
MDGs is a
Finally there is an
action plan and a
framework for a
totally integrated
Goal 7 Renewables: Global
Status Report
Goal 8
Global Review of Aid
for Trade
ILO World of Work Report
Legal instrument and
related monitoring/
review mechanism
Sustainable Development Goals & Monitoring
UN Report (includes
World Bank, IEA)
UN agency/ UN joint
monitoring process
consultation & UN
interagency processes
Goal 9
ILO Committee of Experts
on the Application of
Conventions and
Programme of Action
for the LDCs, 2011-2020
WIPO Indicators
Goal 10 UNHCR Global Trends
Goal 11
World Heritage
State of the World's
Cities Report
Goal 12
10-year framework of
programmes on SCP Strategic Approach
to International
Global Tracking
Framework report
for "Sustainable
Energy for All"
ILO Statistical
Information and
Programme on Child
IMF World Economic
Outlook and Databases
Programme of Action for
LLDCs, 2014-2024
Global Innovation Index
UNIDO Industrial
Development Report
Measuring the Information
Society Report
World Social Protection
Intern. Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural
Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of
Racial Discrimination
Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities
Framework for the
Development of
Environment Statistics
David LeBlanc
IRENA Multi-
stakeholder Forum
ILO is a Tripartite
body (Industry,
Trade Unions)
World Urban
Goal 13
Vienna Convention /
Montreal Protocol
Global Framework
for Climate Services
Goal 14
First Global Integrated
Marine Assessment
State of World Fisheries
and Aquaculture (SOFIA)
Legal instrument and
related monitoring/
review mechanism
Sustainable Development Goals & Monitoring
UN Report (includes
World Bank, IEA)
UN agency/ UN joint
monitoring process
consultation & UN
interagency processes
Goal 15
National reports to the
UNCBD United Nations
Forum on Forests
Global Biodiversity
Goal 16
Universal Periodic
Goal 17
Committee on the Rights of
the Child
United Nations
Online Network in
Administration and
Finance (UNPAN)
Trade Policy Review
Data base on non-
tariff measures
UNFCCC National
UNFCCC Annex I Parties
GHG Inventories
UN Convention on the
Law of the Sea
Review Conference on
the United Nations Fish
Stocks Agreement Global Ocean Observing
FAO Committee on
PRAIS for the UNCCD Global Forest Resources
Kimberley Process
Freedom House's Freedom in
the World Survey
UN Survey of Crime Trends
and Operations of Criminal
Justice Systems
The Global Study on Homicide
Working Group on the
Right to Development
UN Convention against
Corruption Review
Aarhus Convention
UN Convention against
Transnational Organized
MDG Gap Report
David LeBlanc
The 2030 SD Portfolio JG
• The 17 SDGs with their 169 targets/2030
• The Addis Ababa Action Agenda
• The Paris Climate Agreement (December
• The 232 review indicators (2017)
• The Reviews, national, regional, global
• The annual High Level Political Forum,
• The Sendai Outcome document, Disaster
• The Samoa Pathway (SIDS agreement)
• The UN Environment Assembly, every 2
To be followed
• World Data Forum,
• Review of indicators 2020 and 2024
• HLPF review 2019/2020
• SDG High Level meeting, 2019/23/27
• 2027 – a kick off process to replace
the SDGs (?)
• Annual FfD forums – Addis High Level
Sept 2019
• UNEP Geo 2019
• UNEA 2019/21/23
• The Global Sustainable Development
Report 2019
• SAICM 2020 target/beyond 2020 conf
What are the conditions needed for a coalition to succeed ?
 KnowYour Own Goals
 Know the Decision-making Process inYour Country
 KnowWhenToWork atWhat Level
 Know the Decision-making Context
 Know theTools atYour Disposal
 KnowWhenTo MakeYour Position
 Know the Government Officials
 Know the Key UN Officials
 KnowYour Allies
 KnowYour Adversaries
 KnowYour Limits
 KnowYour Brackets andTerms
Is this where we are going?
Now its up to you

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Lobbying Workshop UNEA 4

  • 1. How to lobby Presenter Felix Dodds and Jan Gustav Strandenaes
  • 2. Felix Dodds Jan Gustav Strandenaes • Felix Dodds is an Adjunct Professor at the University of North Carolina and an Associate Fellow at the Tellus Institute. He was co- director of the 2014 & 2018 Nexus Conference on Water, Food, Energy and Climate. • Felix was the Executive Director of Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future (1992-2012). He has been active at the UN since 1990 and has advised the Danish, UK Governments & EU • From 1997-2001 he co-chaired the UN Commission on Sustainable Development NGO Steering Committee. • He has coordinated some of the most innovative stakeholder dialogues Bonn Water (2001), Energy (2004), Nexus (2011). • In 2011 he chaired the United Nations DPI 64th NGO conference - 'Sustainable Societies Responsive Citizens’. The first meeting to put forward a set of sustainable development goals • He has written or edited eighteen books the latest is Stakeholder Democracy and his first comic Santa’s Green Christmas: Father Christmas battles Climate Change • This years major project the Bigfoot SDG Adventure • Follow me on and my web site is Twitter @felixdodds 2 • Jan-Gustav Strandenaes is senior adviser on governance to Pure Consulting in Norway and an Associate with Stakeholder Forum. Pure Consulting is a central and trendsetting company in Norway working on the SDGs and advising authorities, national and at municipal level, the private sector and civil society on the 2030 agenda. • After his first assignments for the UN in Latin America in the 70’s, Jan-Gustav has worked and lived in Botswana, Uganda, the US and Sweden in addition to Norway. • Between 1985 and 2005, Jan-Gustav reorganised, coordinated and helped build as working Chair of the Board in a development-environment NGO (Utviklingsfondet) in Norway from scratch to be one of the largest ones in Norway with projects in more than 20 countries in the developing world and a total turnover of some 15 US million dollars. While working there he also helped to establish the Rainforest Alliance, today a major handler of UNREDD programmes. From 2001 to 2011 he served as the Organising Partner for the Major Groups at CSD in New York. • In 1983-85 Jan-Gustav lived in Botswana, working for the Norwegian Aid Agency, NORAD, under the auspices of the Norwegian Foreign Office. While there he was commissioned to write an early study of the carrying capacity of Botswana, that among others was discussed during an intergovernmental conference on the environment in 1984. • During 2003-04 he served as a Norwegian diplomat with the Norwegian embassy in Kampala, Uganda, having a special portfolio to work with and develop relations with NGOs/civil society there with a particular focus on governance structures. • In 2017, he was appointed by the German Government to be a member of a n international peer group to assess and analyse the official German National Strategy on Sustainable Development handed over to Chancellor Merkel and the German government in 2018. • Jan-Gustav has authored several articles and books on the environment, sustainable development and the UN, taught about the UN for three decades, has crossed the Kalahari desert in an old Land Rover, and lives in Norway
  • 3. Today what we will cover • Handbook for Stakeholder Engagement in UNEA • A little on MEAs • NGOs and other stakeholders • Why attend UN meetings – some case studies • SWOT and other tools • National preparation • Understanding the countries, bureau and secretariat • What to do at the UN meetings • Media • SDG Landscape • Summary 3
  • 5. Civil Society Engagement at UN Environment: Basis for Engagement • ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31 on Consultative relationship between the United Nations and non-governmental organizations • Rio+20 Outcome Document “The Future We Want”: “ensure the active participation of all relevant stakeholders drawing on best practices and models from relevant multilateral institutions and exploring new mechanisms to promote transparency and the effective engagement of civil society” • Rule 70 of the Rules of Procedure of the United Nations Environment Assembly
  • 7. SECTION 1: The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) and Its Subsidiary Organs
  • 8. Accreditation with UN Environment • Consultative Status with UN Environment • Criteria: 1. Registered Non-governmental organization 2. Not-for profit 3. In existence for at least 2 years 4. Interest in the field of environment 5. International scope For more information:
  • 9. Accredited Organizations at meetings of the United Nations Environment Assembly and its subsidiary bodies •Accredited organizations only, reserved seats for the nine Major Groups •Opportunity for written and oral interventions •Accredited organizations receive relevant documentation and have access to the CPR portal •Interactive online participation
  • 10. Major Groups Engagement at UN Environment Major Group Facilitating Committee (elected by accredited organizations for a 2 year term) Facilitate Major Group and Stakeholder Engagement with UN Environment Major Group representatives (2 representatives per major group, total of 18) Regional facilitators (2 representatives per region, total of 12) Observer status
  • 11. Resources • ECOSOC Resolution: • Update on Stakeholder Engagement to CPR and UNEA Bureaus: • Resources for Major Groups: • Accreditation: • Stakeholder Engagement Handbook: • Regional consultative meeting African and AMCEN Conference: rica_AMCEN_UNEA.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y; ministerial-conference-environment
  • 13. A little on MEAs
  • 14. Multilateral Agreements Synonyms Legally binding and non-legally binding agreements come in many shapes and forms . Legally binding Non-legally binding Treaties Accords Resolutions Conventions Pacts Decisions Agreements Charters Declarations Protocols Recommendations Amendments 14
  • 15. How does a multilateral agreement enter into force internationally • Adoption: Upon finalising the negotiation of text, a treaty will be first “adopted. • Signature: A country begins a process of endorsing a treaty by “signing” it.This action is at times called “Signature Subject to Ratification, Acceptance or Approval.” • Ratification, acceptance, or approval: Action by which a nation specifies its assent to being bound by the treaty after completion of required national constitutional procedures for ratification or accession or approval depending upon the country’s legal system. • Entry into force: Normally, multilateral treaties enter into force after an established period has elapsed subsequent to a set number of nations ratifying or acceding to the agreement. Some agreements have other terms that must be met so that it enters into force. • Accession: This is the act by which a nation accepts to become a party to an agreement whose text has been negotiated, adopted and signed by other countries. • Withdrawal or denouncing: Countries can (and do) withdraw or denounce themselves from some international agreements in accordance with the procedure set in that instrument. 15
  • 16. Designation of documents -/INF/ Information series -/L… Limited distribution, generally of draft documents -/NGO/ Statements by NGOs -/CONF/ Conference -/WG… Working Group -/PC… Preparatory Committee -/RES/ Resolutions -/SR… Summary of meetings -/TP… Technical Papers -/WP… Working Papers -/Add… Addendum - /Amend … Amendment to the document -/Corr… Corrigendum (i.e., an error to be corrected or reorganization of the text) -/Rev… Revision (supersedes a previously issued document) 16 The final letters indicate the number sequence 1, 2, 3 etc. or a modification of the document: ‘Non-papers’ will also be distributed informally during sessions to facilitate negotiations. These usually contain proposed text amendments from government negotiators.
  • 18. Defining Non-Governmental Organisations with JG How do you describe an NGO? One survey found 48 different terms and acronyms. Here is a sample: In short, there is no agreed terminology for describing the NGO sector. In some ways, it is easier to describe what NGOs are not, rather than what they are. It is generally agreed that NGOs are not: • part of government, or • organized primarily for private profit. BINGOs Big International NGOs BONGOs Business Organized NGOs CBOs Community Based Organizations CSOs Civil Society Organizations ENGOs Environmental NGOs GONGOs Government Organized NGOs MONGO IPOs Indigenous Peoples Organizations GROs Grassroots Organizations GSCOs Global Social Change Organizations NPOs Nonprofit Organizations Vos Voluntary Organizations NGI 18
  • 19. Stakeholder engagement in the UN -WITH JG WIT H JG 1992 Earth Summit Agenda 21 the first UN document to give ‘rights and responsibilities for stakeholders to engage in the development and implementation of the UN Action Plan. There were nine chapters representing different sectors of society which were called ‘Major Groups’ 1. Youth and Children 2. NGOs 3. Women 4. Indigenous Peoples 5. Local Authorities 6. Trade Unions 7. Business and Industry 8. Science andTechnological Community 9. Role of Farmers
  • 20. Definitions and players JG • Stakeholders:Those impacted by a decision or impact on a decision - it enables a unique space for each stakeholder group • Social movements: are a type of group action.They are large, sometimes informal, groupings of individuals or organizations which focus on specific political or social issues. In other words, they carry out, resist, or undo a social change. • Civil society: is the "aggregate of non- governmental organizations and institutions that manifest interests and will of citizens. It excludes Indigenous Peoples, Academics, Local Government, Foundations etc and aggregates views of others as opposed to enabling them to have their own space • Global citizenship: defines a person who places their identity with a "global community" above their identity as a citizen of a particular nation or place. • The idea is that one’s identity transcends geography or political borders and that the planetary human community is interdependent and whole; humankind is essentially one 20
  • 21. NGOs, civil society, or stakeholders and major groups? JG “Major Groups” is a term that was introduced in Agenda 21, agreed by governments at the Rio Earth Summit. It describes nine sectors of society identified as having a significant role in sustainable development: 1. Women 2. Children and youth 3. Indigenous people 4. NGOs (Civil Society Organizations) 5. Local authorities 6. Workers and trade unions 7. Business and industry 8. The scientific and technical community (Research & Academia) 9. Farmers 10.Grass roots organizations 11.Parliamentarians 12.Foundations and philanthropies 13.Professionals 14.Media 15.Older Persons 21
  • 22. Rio+5 & the Commission on Sustainable Development 1997-2001 22 1996 the UN General Assembly agreed that at Rio+5 each of the nine major groups would have half a day to present on what they are doing to implement Agenda 21 1998-2001 – two days of the Commission on Sustainable Development (4 sessions of 3 hours – 12 hours in total) were given over to a multi-stakeholder dialogue with member states which drew experience on what has happening on implementing Agenda 21 and what policy changes might be needed to enhance implementation
  • 24. Stakeholders in Intergovernmental Processes JG FOUR important functions: • Setting agendas • Negotiating outcomes • Conferring legitimacy • Implementing solutions 24
  • 25. Setting Agendas – Example 1: Rio+20 – the Donostia Declaration 2006 President Mbeki 2007 President Lula 2008 Stakeholder Forum IAB ask SF to lead on Rio+20 2008 – September G77 call for a Rio+20 2008 – November Donostia Declaration • Green Economy • Emerging Issues • Institutional Framework for sustainable development 2009 – February Ri0+20 dinner 2009 – Feb-August campaign in European and US capitals 2009 – October workshop with Member States 25
  • 26. Setting Agendas Example 2: Sustainable Development Goals •May 2011 UNDG Develop a more comprehensive idea to replace the MDGs •July 2011 Colombia suggest SDGs at meeting in Solo Indonesia •September 2011 The UN DPI NGO Conference proposed 17 SDGs •October 2011 UNDESA Briefs for Rio+20 pick up the DPI NGO Suggestions •November 2011 Colombia host government retreat in Bogota – main document given out to governments is the DPI NGO outcome document 26
  • 27. Negotiating Outcomes Example 1: Habitat II (1996) •Informals in Paris treat stakeholders at the same level as governments •Text entered into the negotiations become alive if a government picks it up •Joint government-stakeholder text suggestions •This practice continues at Habitat II in Istanbul •The NGO suggested amendments come out as an official UN information document for the first time 27
  • 28. Negotiating outcomes Example 2: Anti-biotic resistance • Never give up example – anti biotic resistance • SDG OWG – Sweden only promoter • April 2014 WHO Report comes out saying that millions of people will be impacted • July 2014 UK government commissioned the review on Antimicrobial Resistance sets • July 2014 push for UK to join the call at SDG-OWG – using parliamentarians • September 2014 USA launch their national strategy for combating Antibiotic Resistance • NO target on Antimicrobial Resistance • July 2015 last INC negotiations • Para 26 “we will equally accelerate the pace of progress made in fighting …including by addressing growing anti-microbial resistance” 28
  • 29. Negotiating outcomes Example 3: Providing Content and influencing the system JG • By always being present, and always providing substantive and relevant input, the network of NGOs working on chemical issues, IPEN, helped create SAICEM, Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) is a policy framework to promote chemical safety around the world.Which is part of UNEP • IPEN also helped develop the Minamata Convention on mercury • After providing substantive and relevant input in refugee matters, UNOCHA and UNAIDS now have representatives of NGOs at the highest level • Greenpeace provided substantive input on the ocean’s chapter in the Rio+20 Outcome document 29 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA- NC
  • 30. Conferring Legitimacy: Commission on Sustainable Development JG • 1992 NGOs and G77 create CSD • 2003 – two year cycle • 2005 Reform of the CSD first raised • 2007 CSD for first time doesn’t agree any policy (it did the same in 2011) • UNDESA paper by SF on institutional framework for Sustainable Development tabled a UN Council on Sustainable Development (July 2011) • Stakeholders made it clear that the CSD had to be reformed at the CSD in 2010 (June) and 2011 (June) and the DPI NGO Conference 2011 (September) 30
  • 31. Implementing Solutions in Partnerships JG • The Global Alliance ForVaccines And Immunization (Gavi): increasing the numbers vaccinated but less successful influencing vaccine pricing. • The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI): Launched byWHO in 1998 at theWorld Health Assembly – Objective to eradicate Polio by 2000; today polio reduced by 99% globally. • The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC): 8% of global forest is certified and 25% of all industrial round-wood production. 31
  • 32. UNEP Structure JG • United Nations Environment Assembly every 2 years. • UNEA replaced the UNEP Governing Council (a 58- member body founded in 1972) and the former Global Ministerial Environment Forum from 1999. • UNEA is the central governing body of UNEP, has universal membership. Its functions are it: sets the priorities for global environmental policy, advises the UN system on environmental policy issues, Identifies new environmental challenges, examines existing practices, organises dialogues with Major Groups and Stakeholders promotes partnerships on environment and mobilise resources. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
  • 33. The Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR), is part of the UNEP structure JG • The Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR), the permanent subsidiary body of UNEA, comprises representatives from countries accredited (embassies) in Nairobi, • CPR monitors the work of UNEP between UNEA sessions, advises UNEA and stimulate programme-related discussions • CPR with representatives from capitals and stakeholder groups holds a preparatory meeting every two years in the run-up to the UNEA session.
  • 34. UNEP Management Structure JG • UNEP has an Executive Office, a leadership level and the following seven main divisions: Communications Division Economy Division Ecosystems Division Law Division Science Division Policy and Programme Division Corporate Services Division • UNEP also has six regional offices for Africa, Asia and Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, and West Asia, • The basis for UNEP activities is the Medium-Term Strategy, which always covers a period of four years and sets out priorities and goals with indicators and expected results This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
  • 36. How to put together a lobbying strategy 1. Goal and Objectives: Agreeing what your overall Goal is and your objectives - these might include broad objectives such as increasing awareness of your issue. 2. Research: Researching material to help develop your position 3. Policy position: Develop the particular policy position 4. Mapping: Mapping out: • Which other organizations supports your position. • Which organizations oppose your position • Which policy makers you need to influenced and the relationship they have to you eg on a 1 to 5 where 1 being well known to you Policymakers are typically government officials or people with formal political power (e.g., parliamentarians, ministers or agency officials, and their staff) • Which policy makers are against your position 36
  • 37. SWOT analysis Strengths a. What is the unique nature of the campaign? b. What does the team do well? c. What do other people see as your strengths? Weaknesses a. What can you improve? b. What are your resource limitations? c. What do you do badly? d. How do others perceive your campaign? e. Do you know what all the key governments think of your campaign? 37
  • 38. SWOT analysis (cont.) Opportunities a. Where is the campaign’s support? b. What academic evidence is there in support of your campaign? c. What are the key media chances you could utilise in the future to support your campaign? d. Who is seeing key government officials in the short term Threats a. What are the obstacles facing the campaign? b. What funds do you have to support the campaign? c. What are the views of other stakeholders? d. Which of the key country blocks oppose your campaign? 38
  • 39. 39 Economy RecessionGrowth Political Will High Low • EU approach very positive • US does not block • G77 approaches positively • Business engages positively • Stakeholders engage positively - NEW DEAL • EU approach positive • US not engaged • G77 approaches positively • Business does not block • Stakeholders engage apologist - DELAY  EU approach less positive  US does no interest  G77 gives up sustainable development  Business is obstructive  Stakeholders slam conference as a failure - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT DISPLACED • EU approach less positive • US blocks • G77 replay failures of the last ten years • Business not interested • Stakeholders criticise STATUS QUO
  • 41. National Preparations What CanYou Do? With JG • What do you want? • What does the text that is being negotiated say? • Are you working with other groups who are engaged in the UN process? • If not.Why not? • Have a briefing paper no longer than two pages • Have some paragraphs ready • Know the government officials in charge in capital and meet with them • Utilize parliament to raise the issue to the Minister • Write article/articles for national newspaper • Town Hall Meetings – Citizens Charter • Follow up – start a conversation with government on what you want in the follow up now – do you have projects to implement 41
  • 42. Understanding the Countries, Bureau and Secretariat 42
  • 43. Understanding the countries • European Union Romania (Jan-June 19), Finland (July- Dec 19) • G77 (134) and China Chair: Ecuador ( ) Palestine (2019) • Key G77 countries: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, China, Cuba, Egypt, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa,Tanzania • Key EU 27 countries: Denmark, Germany, France, Czech Republic (President of ECOSOC), Netherlands, Sweden, Slovak Republic (President of UNGA) • Single decision countries: eg Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Monaco, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine United States, • AOSIS (43 countries) Bureau Ahmed Sareer (Chair) from the Maldives; Mahe ’Uli’uli SandhurstTupouniua fromTonga; and LoisYoung from Belize. 43
  • 44. Understanding the countries, ECOSOC and the PGA • Regional Blocks • Africa (chair Egypt 2019) (54) UNGA President 4 and 9 Uganda (2014 and 2019) Mr. Sam Kutesa (2014) 2019??? • Asia (53) UNGA President 1 and 6) Fiji (2016) PeterThompson • Latin America and the Caribbean (33) UNGA President 3 and 8 Ecuador Ms. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés (2018) • Eastern Europe (23) UNGA President 2 and 7 Slovak Republic (2017) Miroslav Lajčák • Western Europe and Other Group (28) UNGA President 00 and 05 – Denmark (2015) Presidents of UNGA • 2019 actual Heads of State HLPF Heads of State HLPF (Africa) Nigeria?? Morocco?? President of ECOSOC President of the ECOSOC is Inga Rhonda King, Permanent Representative of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 44
  • 45. The Bureau • The Bureau plays a critical role in managing the process. They can guide the direction of the negotiations through the structuring of the text and the inclusion in first drafts of certain ideas and then control the text as it moves to agreement. Bureau members are in touch with thinking in the different groups and discussing ideas with them You should find out who the Bureau members are and meet with them well before the relevant meeting. An early visit to NewYork before the UN meeting to meet Bureau members, key government representatives in the Missions and the UN Secretariat is well worth doing. Share your positions with Bureau members if they are sympathetic to your views. 45
  • 46. UN Secretariat • For any UN process the Secretariat will play a critical role.This will include: • Analysing the national, regional and thematic reports. • Preparing the background documents and zero draft. • They can be asked to produce negotiating text arising from the discussions. • Making available all official documents. • Servicing the negotiations. • Producing or updating a website for the meeting. • Producing promotional material for the meeting. • Accrediting stakeholders. 46
  • 47. Understanding the agenda & the magnetism of the microphone JG • What kind of conference and meeting are you at? • What will be the outcome document? Its status? • Which are the important elements of the agenda? Do they deal with resolutions? If so your topics? Work programmes? Access issues? Budgets? • Are you aware of background papers and what they say? • Who authored these papers? • How do you address the agenda issues? In plenary? In contact groups? In friends groups? Over coffee? Only with your own kind? 47
  • 48. What to do at UN meetings 48
  • 49. ATypical Day – with JG 8-9:00 a.m. Individual Government delegations will usually meet internally to prepare their own country lobbying position and to review the previous day. Stakeholder morning sessions 9-10:00 a.m. Governments will usually attend meetings of the relevant groupings they are members of, e.g., G77 or European Union. NGOs and other stakeholders will also usually hold their consultations to prepare for the day. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Meeting sessions. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch time – side events, an opportunity to spend time with government officials. Sometimes, if the venue is difficult to access, Stakeholders may hold their own consultations over lunch (try to avoid this if possible). 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Meeting sessions (additional sessions will be added when they are needed, often into the night or even through the night). 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Side Events can also be held at this time. 49
  • 50. Before the meeting Government Strong For Weak For Not yet declared Weak Against Strong Against Capital New York Other Venues For key governments 50
  • 51. The world of brackets • Alternative brackets • Contentious brackets • Suspicious brackets • Tactical or trading brackets • Uncertain brackets • Waiting brackets • Weary brackets 51
  • 52. Brackets  Who put the bracket in?  When you know who put it forward, ask why.  The ‘why’ may not be clear to other delegations and you can play an important role in highlighting the ‘why’ in your lobbying. 52
  • 53. : Why have they bracketed? • If it was because they are waiting for instructions from the capital, then phone your colleagues in the capital and get them to raise the issue with relevant civil servants or ministers.This only works if you are completely on top of the negotiations and can act immediately. • If it involves trading brackets with somewhere else in the text, then you need to be able to work with the stakeholders who are trying to lobby on that section. • If it is because of exhaustion brackets, then make some text suggestions. This can be a very opportunistic time as officials are tired and looking for a way through the darkness – or even to go home for the night! • If there are suspicious brackets, then it is important to work out why and try to help build trust. 53
  • 54. Why go on a government delegation? • You will have access to the brief of your country; • You may be able to sit in on delegation meetings within blocks; • You may be able to sit in on delegation meetings between blocks; • You will be able to push for the NGO or stakeholder position during the appropriate meetings of the delegation; • You can be asked to act as the intermediary between the NGOs and the government; • You will be aware of where there is possible movement in a negotiation and may be asked to draft text for your delegation to put forward; • You will be able to cultivate relationships with the delegation for future work. 54
  • 55. The downside of being on a delegation • If you do join a government delegation you will lose some independence. Some governments will require NGOs on a delegation to sign an official document saying they will not divulge what they have heard in delegation meetings; • You will have limited time available for being with other NGOs if you are an active member of the delegation; • You may be seen as the doorkeeper for NGOs with the delegation; • You may be viewed as having ‘switched sides’ and joined the government team more than what is expected; • You may not be allowed to speak publicly on a position – if you find this something that you cannot agree to, do not join a delegation or resign when it becomes difficult for you. Some delegations allow their NGOs to speak but they just have to first ask the Head of delegations permission. 55
  • 56. What participation and influence mechanisms should stakeholders employ ?  Game plan for the whole negotiation – Coalition should be asking national partners to before you arrive at a UN meeting organize several meeting in capitals with key governments  brief the media, place early stories in the media Meet with key parliamentarians/ representatives of your national body before leaving – initiated a debate in parliament Set up a rapid response mechanism in the capital in case you need it Try to get an NGOs on delegation and allowed to attend pre inter- departmental meetings before the event 56
  • 57. What participation and influence mechanisms should you employ ?  At the UN event a coalition/stakeholder should:  have a photo booklet of key negotiators and UN staff so they are easy to find Designate point contacts for all key people eg G77, EU, US, key countries, Bureau members, UN officials (Bella) There should be floor managers in each negotiation room Use coffee bar diplomacy, receptions Use any informal possibilities drinks/dinner/dancing If you are spending more than 20% of your time with other Stakeholders you are not doing your job. 57
  • 58. UNEA 4 Bureau and CPR Chair 58 Siim Kiisler,Minister of Environment of Estonia Ms. Nomvula Mokonyane Vice President and Minister of Environment Affairs of the Republic of South Africa Jacques Denis Tsanga Vice President Minister of Waters,Forest, SDGs Republic of Gabon H.E. Mr. Molwyn Joseph Vice President and Minister of Health and the Environment of Antigua and Barbuda Mr. Kimmo Tiilikainen Vice President and Minister of the Environment, Energy and Housing of Finland Felix Wertli Vice President Head of Global Affairs, Switzerland H.E. Mr. Vladislav Smrž, Vice President and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic H.E. Dr. Naser Moghaddasi Vice President Deputy Head od Department of Environment the Islamic Republic of Iran H.E. Mrs. Francisca Ashietey- Odunton Chair, High Commissioner and Permanent Representative of Ghana.
  • 59. Key UNEP Staff 59 Joyce Msuya UNEP Deputy Executive Director Inger Andersen UNEP Executive Director Satya Tripathi appointed as UNEP Assistant Secretary General and Head of New York Office Jorge Laguna-Celis Director, Governance Affairs Office Gary Lewis Director, Programme and Policy Division Elizabeth Mrema Director, Law Division Susan Gardner Director, Ecosystems Division Ligia Noronha Director, Economy Division
  • 60. What levers of influence do they have in the negotiation stages ?  Much less as the process moves to end game  Offer to support smaller states eg FIELD helped AOSIS in the climate change negotiations  Organize side events  Talking with your own government daily  Be there until 4am to offer text changes  Key G77 countries: For G77 Egypt, Palestine, Nigeria, India, Pakistan Kenya and Colombia,  Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chad, Colombia, Chile, China, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, Fiji, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Singapore, Senegal, South Africa,Tanzania, UEA  Key EU countries: Romania, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, France, Czech Republic  Single decision countries: eg Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Monaco, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, United States, 60
  • 61. WHAT NOTTO DO (AT A MEETING) JG • Do not go up to a government when they are speaking • Do not sit in a government seat – unless you are on that government’s delegation • Do not interrupt the meeting • Do not target a government in your intervention • Do not wear inappropriate clothes • Do not do a demonstration inside the venue • Do not take a countries flag/name • Do not deviate from your message when you are speaking as a representative of the caucus 61
  • 63. Traditional Media Traditional media tends to be one way where you read an article, listen to a radio programme or watch a TV news item. You have a very limited range of engagement with traditional media you can write a letter to the editor and sometimes join a phone in for a radio programme. • Press releases • News items • Fact sheets for the media • Video news releases • Opinion articles – which could be syndicated • Editorials 63
  • 64. Social Media Social News: Twitter, Digg, Propeller, Reddit. Interact by short messaging, voting for articles and commenting on them. Social Networking: Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn (which now enables blog placements too) Hi5, Last.FM, MySpace. Interaction by adding friends and colleagues, commenting on profiles, joining groups and having discussions. Social Photo andVideo Sharing: YouTube, Pinterest, Flickr. Interact by sharing photos or videos and commenting on user submissions. Wikis: Wikipedia, Wikia. Interact by adding articles and editing existing articles. Website: Easily accessible explaining what you are doing Blogging : A regular blog posting where you share the responsibility to do this over the year – possibly with a blog every month to start with. E-newsletters –These now can be created very easily working with others generating content 64
  • 65. Lets recap why you are attending UN meetings? JG • To influence the text that will be negotiated; • To build and cultivate alliances for future work; • To show case studies of successes that your organization has achieved; • To learn about how intergovernmental negotiations work; • To raise funds for your work. 65
  • 67. From environment to sustainable development JG 1972 1987 1992 2000 2015 UNEP The Brundtland Commission and sustainable development UNCED and Agenda 21; the Commission for Sustainable Development The Millennium Declaration and the MDGs Rio+20, (2012)The Future WeWant The 2030 agenda and the 17 SDGs Environment and environment protection Sustainable development and an explicit reference to the future Development trumps environment, the 27 Rio principles are an effort to build SD; the precautionary principle; Polluter pays The 8 MDGs, environment is weak and subservient to Development.The MDGs is a development agenda Finally there is an action plan and a framework for a totally integrated sustainable development paradigm
  • 68. Goal 7 Renewables: Global Status Report Goal 8 Global Review of Aid for Trade ILO World of Work Report Legal instrument and related monitoring/ review mechanism Other intergovernmental process Sustainable Development Goals & Monitoring UN Report (includes World Bank, IEA) UN agency/ UN joint monitoring process Multi-stakeholder consultation & UN interagency processes Goal 9 ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations Programme of Action for the LDCs, 2011-2020 WIPO Indicators Goal 10 UNHCR Global Trends report Goal 11 World Heritage Convention State of the World's Cities Report Goal 12 10-year framework of programmes on SCP Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management Global Tracking Framework report for "Sustainable Energy for All" ILO Statistical Information and Monitoring Programme on Child Labour IMF World Economic Outlook and Databases Programme of Action for LLDCs, 2014-2024 Global Innovation Index UNIDO Industrial Development Report Measuring the Information Society Report World Social Protection Report Intern. Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics David LeBlanc UNDSD IRENA Multi- stakeholder Forum ILO is a Tripartite body (Industry, Government, Trade Unions) World Urban Forum 68
  • 69. Goal 13 Vienna Convention / Montreal Protocol Global Framework for Climate Services Goal 14 First Global Integrated Marine Assessment Report State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) Legal instrument and related monitoring/ review mechanism Other intergovernmental process Sustainable Development Goals & Monitoring UN Report (includes World Bank, IEA) UN agency/ UN joint monitoring process Multi-stakeholder consultation & UN interagency processes Goal 15 National reports to the UNCBD United Nations Forum on Forests Global Biodiversity Outlook Goal 16 Universal Periodic Review Goal 17 Committee on the Rights of the Child United Nations Online Network in Public Administration and Finance (UNPAN) Trade Policy Review Mechanism UNCTAD/WTO/ITC Data base on non- tariff measures UNFCCC National Communications UNFCCC Annex I Parties GHG Inventories UN Convention on the Law of the Sea Review Conference on the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement Global Ocean Observing System FAO Committee on Fisheries PRAIS for the UNCCD Global Forest Resources Assessment Kimberley Process Freedom House's Freedom in the World Survey UN Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems The Global Study on Homicide Intergovernmental Working Group on the Right to Development UN Convention against Corruption Review Mechanism Aarhus Convention UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime MDG Gap Report David LeBlanc UNDSD Multi-stakeholder Dialogues 69
  • 70. The 2030 SD Portfolio JG Current • The 17 SDGs with their 169 targets/2030 agenda • The Addis Ababa Action Agenda • The Paris Climate Agreement (December 2015) • The 232 review indicators (2017) • The Reviews, national, regional, global • The annual High Level Political Forum, HLPF • The Sendai Outcome document, Disaster reduction • The Samoa Pathway (SIDS agreement) • The UN Environment Assembly, every 2 years To be followed • World Data Forum, 2019/21/23/25/27 • Review of indicators 2020 and 2024 • HLPF review 2019/2020 • SDG High Level meeting, 2019/23/27 • 2027 – a kick off process to replace the SDGs (?) • Annual FfD forums – Addis High Level Sept 2019 • UNEP Geo 2019 • UNEA 2019/21/23 • The Global Sustainable Development Report 2019 • SAICM 2020 target/beyond 2020 conf
  • 72. What are the conditions needed for a coalition to succeed ?  KnowYour Own Goals  Know the Decision-making Process inYour Country  KnowWhenToWork atWhat Level  Know the Decision-making Context  Know theTools atYour Disposal  KnowWhenTo MakeYour Position  Know the Government Officials  Know the Key UN Officials  KnowYour Allies  KnowYour Adversaries  KnowYour Limits  KnowYour Brackets andTerms 72
  • 73. Is this where we are going?
  • 74. Now its up to you

Editor's Notes

  1. Although, decision-making at UN Environment remains a prerogative of member states, Accredited organizations receive a consultative status. Environment: International scope: having an office in another country, dealing with an environment issue that affects more than one country, regular participation in international meetings
  2. In order to facilitate major group engagement, UN Environment has set up a Major Groups Facilitating Committee (MGFC) which “facilitates Major Groups and Stakeholders engagement with UN Environment”. The Major Groups Facilitating Committee (MGFC) is not a decision-making body, but provides guidance and coordinates the engagement of Major Groups  Self-organized The MGFC is composed of Major Groups’ representatives from MGS accredited to UNEP, supported by Regional Representatives from the six UNEP regions who have observer status (see below). Each of the nine Major Groups selects two representatives for a two-year period after consultation and a bidding process with their constituents. These 18 representatives from the MGFC and three co-chairs are elected from within the MGFC. The Committee is supported by two Regional Representatives from each region, 12 altogether, elected for a one-year term during the Regional Consultative Meetings (RCMs) taking place once a year in each of the regions. Members of the Major Groups Facilitating Committee and the Regional Representatives must come from accredited organizations. Regional meetings