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DIALOGUE INFORMATION PACK1                                                                  
Global Transition Dialogue #2 on the New Economy, Saturday 17 and 18 March 2012
Pace University, 18th Floor, 163 William Street, New York City, 10038

Dear Delegate                                                                                              17th March 2012

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the Global Transition 2012 Dialogue on the new economy. This two day
dialogue, just ahead of the Rio +20 informal and intersessional, will bring you together with other thinkers, practitioners,
government and non-governmental stakeholders to develop ideas and generate solutions to the question of how we will
transition to the new economy. In light of the policy discussions for Rio +20, an important element of this dialogue is the
green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, and so we hope you find this Dialogue
fruitful and informative.

Enclosed you will find a number of resources for the two-day Dialogue as well as a CD with all think pieces, background
papers, and challenge papers, that will be useful from now until Rio +20 – and beyond.
The papers will offer an in depth analysis of some of the key issues that will be discussed over the next few days and will, we
hope, enrich your discussions and debates.
We thank you for joining us and our colleagues, partners, and sponsors at this, the second Dialogue in the Global Transition
2012 series. We hope you find the dialogue useful and informative which has the shared aim of developing alternative
solutions to redress inequalities and global environmental change.
Kindest regards,

Felix Dodds                                                 Stewart Wallis
Executive Director, Stakeholder Forum                       Executive Director, nef (the new economics foundation)

1   This information pack has been printed on recycled paper by the Village Group, New York City


ABOUT THE GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 INITIATIVE …………………………………………………………….                                       5
                                                              GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 DIALOGUE # 1
                                                              GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 DIALOGUE # 2
                                                                        PURPOSE OF THE DIALOGUES
DIALOGUE PANELLISTS AND SPEAKERS…………………………………………………………………………...                                            6
DIALOGUE PARTICIPANTS…………………………………………………………………………………………..                                                  7
GLOBAL TRANSITION DIALOGUE #2 AGENDA…………………………………………………………………….                                            11
                                                                          QUESTIONS to frame the day
                                                                       FORMAT of the Plenary Sessions

DAY ONE: SATURDAY 17 MARCH, 13.30 – 18.00………………………………………………………………....                                      12
SCENE SETTING: where are we in both policy terms and on the ground?
DAY TWO: 18th March, 10.30-16.00………………………………………………………………………………                                             13
THE NEW ECONOMY IN PRACTICE: Practical development of the Rio +20 green economy
GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 DIALOGUE #2 BACKGROUND PAPERS SUMMARIES……………………………                                  14
            Making the Green Economy a Tool for Equity and Sustainable Development - Danish 92 Group
            Analysis of zero draft submissions: Briefings on roadmaps and principles - Stakeholder Forum
       Information Note on proposed Principles for a Green Economy – Green Economy Coalition and ITUC
 A Green Economy Knowledge Sharing Platform: Exploring Options – United Nations Division of Sustainable
                 Thematic briefing papers on the green economy - United National Environment Programme
GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 CHALLENGE PAPERS ………………………………………………………………...                                        15
                                                   Green Economy – Tim Jenkins and Andrew Simms
                                               Global Inequality - David Woodward, Saamah Abdallah
    Beyond GDP - Charles Seaford, Sorcha Mahoney, Mathis Wackernagel, Joy Larson, Réne Ramírez
                                                                  One Planet Living - Sue Riddlestone
                                  Blue economy (oceans and fisheries) - Rupert Crilly, Aniol Esteban
                                            Global Trade and outsourced emissions - Guy Shrubsole
                         Green and Decent Jobs and Skills - Anabella Rosemberg with Philip Pearson

                                Energy resources and services - Viki Johnson, Niclas Hälström
                                   Sustainable Agriculture and Food security - Aksel Nærstad
                                                  Global Finances and Banking - Simon Zadek
              Valuing Natural Capital and Biodiversity/Ecosystems Services - Oliver Greenfield
ZERO DRAFT OF THE OUTCOME DOCUMENT FOR RIO +20 ………………………………………………………                                21
VENUE………………………………………………………………………………………………………............................... 22
                                                                           About Pace University
                                                               Catering – sustainability policies
GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 DIALOGUE #2 SUPPORTING ORGANISATIONS……………………………….....                        23
SPONSPRHIP………………………………………………………………………………………………………….                                                 23
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………………………………………………………………                                                25

ABOUT the Global Transition 2012 Initiative
The goal of the Global Transition 2012 Initiative is to achieve an outcome from the UNCSD Earth Summit 2012 that catalyses
a global transition to an economy that maximizes wellbeing, operates within environmental limits, and is capable of coping
and adapting to global environmental change in an equitable manner.
The aim of the Initiative is to build a global stakeholder movement that brings together governments and multilateral
agencies, non-governmental organisations, civil society organisations and other leading thinkers and practitioners to promote
alternative models of the economy that can deliver sustainable development to people, countries, and present and future
generations. This builds on and integrates the three pillars of sustainable development: social, environmental, and economic.
Stakeholder Forum and nef (the new economics foundation) are working in partnership with the New Economics Institute
and the Green Economy Coalition and to develop the Global Transition 2012 initiative towards the UN Conference on
Sustainable Development 2012 (Rio+20), and to bring the core concepts of achieving such a transition into the heart of the
process – through publishing ‘challenge papers’ and running dialogue workshops on the key issues.

Global Transition 2012 Dialogue # 1
New York, 13th October 2011: This one day event, hosted at the New Economics Institute, bought together 25 of the lead
authors, peer reviewers and other experts to discuss the ideas and proposals that had has been developed from the
Challenge Papers, and identify principles for the Global Transition to a Green Economy.

Following the dialogue, a core advocacy group presented initial findings from the dialogue to the Rio +20 secretariat – UN
DESA – as well as G77 missions to the UN and members of the Rio +20 bureau. This was an opportunity to test the
robustness of the outputs of the dialogue and develop the policy aspects of the

The emerging principles and policy recommendations from the day were synthesised into the Global Transition-Green
Economy element of the Stakeholder Forum submission to the UN zero draft. The zero draft will form the basis of the
negotiating text for the Rio+20 preparatory meetings, held between January and May 2012, resulting in the various outcomes
of Rio itself.
Global Transition 2012 Dialogue # 2
This weekend - March 17th and 18th - the Global Transition 2012 is hosting the second Global Transition Dialogue on the
new economy in collaboration with the following organisations:

      CIVICUS                                                        New Economics Institute
      Centre for Environment and Development (Sri Lanka)             nrg4SD
      Danish 92 Group                                                Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future
      Green Economy Coalition                                        UNDESA
      Instituto Vitae Civilis                                        UNDP
      International Trade Union Confederation                        UNEP
      new economics foundation (nef)                                 UNITAR
Purpose of the Dialogue
A Global Transition from an economy that is unsustainable to one that supports wellbeing, equality, and operates within
environmental limits equitably is essential to achieving sustainable development. In light of the ‘priority areas’ of the green
economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication that have been identified in the zero draft for Rio
+20 process so far, the Global Transition Dialogue will focus on practical and implementable approaches to these key areas.
The Dialogue will provide a forum for a range of actors to ‘cluster’ around some of the priority areas and develop thinking on
how the transition can be achieved for each.

First name     Last name       Organisation
Derek          Osborn          Co-chair of Rio +5, former DG of UK Environment Ministry

Soledad        Ghione          Latin American Center of Social Ecology
Veerle         Vandeweerd      Director, Environment and Energy Group, UNDP
Victoria       Johnson         Head of Energy and Climate, new economics foundation

Tara           Rao             Lead author, Danish 92 group
Aron           Belinky         Coordinator, International Processes, Vitae Civilis
Nicole         Leotaud         CANARI
Vijay          Chaturvedi      Development Alternatives
Liz            Thompson        Executive Coordinator, Rio +20
Oliver         Greenfield      Coordinator, Green Economy Coalition
Anabella       Rosemberg       Senior Policy Adviser, International Trade Union Confederacy
Rick           Clugstone       Earth Charter
Carina         Millstone       Program Director, New Economics Institute
Jeff           Huffines        UN Representative, CIVICUS
Daniel         Abreu           National Climate Change Council of the Dominican Republic
Paul           Dickinson       Chairman, Carbon Disclosure Project
Fulai          Sheng           Senior Economist at UNEP’s Economics and Trade Branch
Roshni         Dave            Training Associate, UNITAR
Cameron        Allen           Associate expert – Green Economy, UN DESA
Farooq         Ullah           Head of Policy and Advocacy, Stakeholder Forum
Nis            Christensen     Chief Advisor to the Minister - Head of Rio+20 Secretariat, Danish Government
Dr Greg        Julian          Professor of Political Science, Pace University
Kirsty         Schneeberger    Global Transition Coordinator, Stakeholder Forum

First Name        Last Name      Organisation
Egbowon           Moses          BELS-MIRAL.NIG.LTD
Peter             Adriance       Baha'is of the U.S.
Faisal            Alhashidi      Dar Al-Salam Organization – CSON
Onuorah           Aligbe         Fight Against Desert Encroachment (FADE) Africa
Sena              Alouka
Robynne           Anderson
Maureen           Anthony        UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW
Pauline           Augustine
Vivian            Albertini      New Economics Institute
Ed                Barry
Jim               Barton         Smith Mill Creek Institute
Marlon            Becker         Ramapo College
Emily             Benson         Green Economy Coalition
Gerard            Beralus
Genie             Birch          University of Pennsylvania
Eleanor           Blomstrom
Marcia            Borland        The Young Women's Leadership School
Flore-Anne        Bourgeois      UNDP
Alexa             Bradley        On the Commons
Jocelyn           Carino         Tebtebba
Erica             Carroll        Christian Aid
Kim               Carstensen     Fairgreensolutions
Camilla           Carstensen     Fairgreensolutions
Maria Antonieta   Castro-Cosio   The New School
Stephen           Chacha         World Society for the Protection of Animals – WSPA
Rebecca           Chan           Columbia University
                                 Voices of African Mothers/Rio+20 Women's Major Group Steering
Cecile            Charles-King   Committee
Patricia          Connolly
Betty             Cremmins       CDP
Joey              Cummings       The Joey Company
Amy               Cutter         Stakeholder Forum
Elenita           Dano           Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC Group)
Madhav            Datt           Green the Gene
Roshni            Dave           UNITAR
Eduardo           De La Torre    Permanent Mission of Mexico to the UN
Gbemiga           Djossou

Felix             Dodds          Stakeholder Forum
Lauren            Eastwood
Alf Christian     Egge           Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment
Jill              Emerson        Cornerstone Studio
Noura             Djibrilla      Association Nigérienne des Scouts de l'Environnement (ANSEN)
Olivia            Frazao         Mission Markets
Manuel            GARABITO       Permeant Mission of the Dominican Republic
Jairo             Garcia
Soledad           Ghione         Latin American Center for Social Ecology
Mary              Gilbert        Quaker Earthcare Witness
Nathan            Gilbert        B Lab
Bakari            Giorgadze
Sara              Hambleton      Amberjack solar energy
Duncan            Hanks          Baha'i Community of Canada
James             Hanusa         Stakeholder Forum
Grove             Harris         Interfaith Consortium for Ecological Civilization
Peter             Hazlewood      World Resources Institute
Johannes (John)   Hontelez       FSC International
Elisa             Hugueney       ActionAid
George            Jambiya        Danish 92 Group
Moses             Jaokoo
Newton            Jibunoh        Fight Against Desert Encroachment
Victoria          Johnson        new economics foundation
Richard           Jordan         Intl. Council for Caring Communities
Eak Bahadur       K.C.
Francis           Keya
Aashish           Khullar
Julie             Kim            U.S. Mission to the United Nations
Joan              Kirby          Temple of Understanding
Marcelo           Kos            Brazilian Chemical Industry Association – Abiquim
Georgios          Kostakos       United Nations Secretariat
Natalia           Kostus         IUCN
Plapa             Koukpamou      Young Volunteers for the Environment
Irene             Krarup         V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation
Srinivas          Krishnaswamy   Danish 92 Group
Rina              Kuusipalo      Harvard University
Krystal           Laymon         Columbia University
Bette             Levy           Soroptimist International
Jeannet           Lingan         Stakeholder Forum
David             Livingston     Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Patrick          Lokwa Dueme      INFOGROUP INTERANATIONAL
Georgie          Macdonald        Stakeholder Forum
Catherine        Marcuccio        FINRA
Laura            Martin Murillo   International Labour Foundation for Sustainable Development
Enrique          Martinez         Rhode Island School of Design
Livia            Martini          SustainAbility
Carina           Millstone        The New Economics Institute
Predrag          Milosevic        Economics
Keneilwe         Moseki           Somarelang Tikologo
Barkha           Mossae           N/A
Anil             Naidoo           Blue Planet Project
Tanya            Naiken           St. John's University
Julia            Naime            World information transfer
George           Ndungu
Augustine B.     Njamnshi         PROGRAMME
Haron            Oichoe
Jeremy           Osborn
Daniel           Perell           Baha'i International Community
Miroslav         Polzer
Kathleen         Quain
Paul             Quintos          IBON
Tara             Rao              Danish 92 Group
Patricia         Reis
Fatima           Rodrigo          International Presentation Association
Traci            Romine           Danish 92 Group
Anabella         Rosemberg        Trade Union Advisory Committee/ ITUC
Mayumi           Sakoh            World Society for the Protection of Animals
Ana Belen        Sanchez Lopez    International Labour Foundation for Sustainable Development
Andrew           Schwartz
Freya            Seath            BioRegional
Diallo           Shabazz          Radical Ideas
Fulai            Sheng            UNEP
Catarina Faria
Alves            Silveira         International Labour Foundation for Sustainable Development
Sarah            Singh            Self
Melanie          Sluyter          Human Impacts Institute, MobilizeUS!, Occupy Earth Summit
Rose             Sona Nzuanzu     INFOGROUP INTERNATIONAL
Steven           Stone            UNEP
Jan-Gustav       Strandenaes      Stakeholder Forum
Sebastian        Straube          IOB

Lo                Sze Ping      Danish 92 Group
Kirubel Teshome   Tadele        ETC Group
Kirubel           Teshome       ETC Group
Shin-Pei          Tsay          Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Farooq            Ullah         Stakeholder Forum
Katherine         Vargas        Perth Amboy Bord of education
Ashwani           Vasishth      Ramapo College of New Jersey
Russell           Weiss-Irwin   Quaker Earthcare Witness
Willice Okoth     Onyango       IYCC
Ayse              Yonder        Pratt Institute PSPD

QUESTIONS to frame the day
The two day dialogue will offer a chance for you to share your experiences as much as it will give you the chance to hear
from leading thinkers, practitioners, and experts in the field. To help frame the day, below is a list of a few questions that you
can answer in your roundtable sessions, and to also bear in mind when asking questions in the plenary sessions.

Green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication
The following questions will help to frame the overall discussions and ultimately are key elements of a transition to a
sustainable economy:

1) In what ways are green economy policies delivering poverty reduction?
2) How can we create resilient and resource-efficient sectors and industries?

Your experiences
Your experiences are very important to the dialogue, and will deepen the discussions. Please do share them with your

1. Your experience of the green economy at the national and local levels: What were the key elements of the project or
initiative you are involved in? Who else did it involve? What did you learn? What has happened since? What are the next

2. Based on your experience of the national/local level, are there any examples/glimpses of a green economy
transition already underway? E.g. valuing of ecosystems in national decision making?; introduction of more sustainable
infrastructure/transport systems?; or, natural resource management schemes that are helping to provide jobs and protect
local ecosystems?; or, introduction of new renewable energy supplies?; or green jobs schemes funded by the local council or
government?, etc.

3. In what ways are those different glimpses of a green economy helping the lives of the poorest communities? If
they are not, then what needs to change to ensure that the poor do benefit?

FORMAT of the Plenary Sessions
All plenary sessions will include presentations from a variety of speakers offering a range of perspectives. Following
presentations there will be a short Q & A from the audience participants.
After each short Q & A there will be time for participants to share reflections and reactions on their roundtables - these
breakout sessions will offer participants the chance to respond and reflect on the presentations and share their own

The host on each table will then have the opportunity to feed back to the rest of the Dialogue participants in the ‘wrap up
session’ at the end of each day.

DAY ONE: SATURDAY 17 MARCH, 13.30 – 18.00, followed by an evening reception
SCENE SETTING: where are we in both policy terms and on the ground?

                                         Welcome Refreshments from 13.00

13.30 – 14.00   Welcome                                            - Derek Osborn (Co-chair of Rio +5, former DG of UK
                Setting the scene                                  Environment Ministry)
                Overview of the two days                           - Kirsty Schneeberger (Global Transition Coordinator)

14.00 – 15.00   Panel debate                                       Panel debate, followed by roundtable discussions
                Can the ‘green economy in the context of           - Soledad Ghione (Latin American Center of Social
                sustainable development and poverty                Ecology)
                eradication’ deliver?                              - Veerle Vanderweed (Director of the Group of Energy
                                                                   and Environment, UNDP)
                                                                   - Victoria Johnson (Head of Energy and Climate, new
                                                                   economics foundation)
                                                                   - Tara Rao (Lead author, Danish 92 group)

                                                                   Chair: Aron Belinky (Coordinator, International
                                                                   Processes, Vitae Civilis)

                                              Coffee Break: 15.00 – 15.15

15.15 – 16.15   Plenary presentations                              Presentations, followed by roundtable discussions
                Stories of the emerging new economy:               - Nicole Leotaud (CANARI)
                Presenting stories of new and green economy        - Aron Belinky (Coordinator, International Processes,
                initiatives from around the world. A grass roots   Vitae Civilis)
                approach.                                          - Vijay Chaturvedi (Development Alternatives)
                                                                   - Carina Millstone (Program Director New Economics

                                                                   Chair: Liz Thompson (Executive Coordinator, Rio

16.15 – 17.30   Plenary presentations (20minutes) followed         Presentations, followed by roundtable discussions
                by roundtable breakout discussions                 - Oliver Greenfield (Green Economy Coalition)
                                                                   - Anabella Rosemberg (ITUC)
                Principles for a new economy                       _Rick Clugstone (Earth Charter)

                                                                   Chair: Jeff Huffines (CIVICUS UN Representative)

17.30 – 18.00   Plenary                                   Feedback from chairs of roundtable discussions
                Wrap up session: a synthesis of the day’s Derek Osborn: (Co-chair of Rio +5, former DG of UK
                achievements                              Environment Ministry)
                                                          Overall wrap up

    18:00 – 19:30 Evening reception and key note address from Liz Thompson, Executive Coordinator Rio +20

DAY TWO: 18th March, 10.30-16.00
THE NEW ECONOMY IN PRACTICE: Practical development of the Rio +20 green economy initiatives

                                       Welcome Refreshments from 10.00

10:30 – 10:45   Refresh of Day One                                - Derek Osborn (Co-chair of Rio +5, former DG of UK
                Overview and plan for Day Two                     Environment Ministry)
                                                                  - Kirsty Schneeberger (Global Transition Coordinator)

10.45 – 11.45   Plenary                                           Panel debate, followed by roundtable discussions
                                                                  - Daniel Abreu (National Climate Change Council of
                Enabling conditions:                              the Dominican Republic)
                How to foster a green transition, including       Learning and Skills
                learning and skills development, and              - Paul Dickinson (Chairman, Carbon Disclosure
                transparent and participatory governance? A       Project)
                systemic exploration of barriers to change and    Convention for CSRA
                addressing them.                                  - Fulai Sheng (Senior Economist at UNEP’s
                                                                  Economics and Trade Branch)
                                                                  Briefings on the thematic areas

                                                                  Chair: Roshni Dave (Training Associate UNITAR)

11.45 – 13.00   Roundtables                                  Roundtables
                Focussed roundtable discussions around key   - Facilitator offers a short presentation
                areas relating to the green economy:         - Input from table participants
                Sustainable Consumption & Production;Energy;
                Green jobs ; Financial reform; Food; Cities;
                Oceans; Water.

                                               Brunch 13.00 – 14.00

14.00 – 15.00   Plenary                                           Presentations, followed by roundtable discussions
                Knowledge sharing and mapping the green           - Cameron Allen (Associate expert – Green Economy,
                economy: Developing thinking around an            UN DESA)
                international knowledge sharing platform to       A Green Economy Knowledge Sharing Platform
                support policy and action in countries, hosting   - Farooq Ullah (Head of Policy and Advocacy,
                for example, toolkits. Do we need a roadmap?      Stakeholder Forum)

15.00 – 15.15   Reflections on the day and moving forward Nis Christensen (Chief Advisor to the Minister - Head
                into the informals and intersessionals    of Rio+20 Secretariat, Danish Government)

15.15 - 15.45   Plenary                                   Feedback from chair of roundtables
                Wrap up session: a synthesis of the day’s Derek Osborn (Co-chair of Rio +5, former DG of UK
                achievements                              Environment Ministry)

15.45 – 16.00   Closing remarks and thanks                        Dr Greg Julian (Pace University)


The Global Transition Dialogue #2 papers that will inform the discussions will be hosted at the Global Transition 2012 online
platform at
The papers are also recorded on the CD enclosed in this Global Transition 2012 Dialogue #2 pack.
Building an equitable green economy - Danish 92 Group
This paper is the product of an independent, Southern drafting group commissioned by the Danish 92 Group. It lays out a
Southern perspective on how a Green Economy as discussed in the Rio + 20 context must be designed to contribute to –
rather than distract from – sustainable development.
Analysis of zero draft submissions: Briefings on roadmaps and principles - Stakeholder Forum
Using analysis of the official submissions to the Zero Draft, these briefing papers provide insight into two key concepts that
have emerged in relation to the green economy: roadmaps and principles. The papers highlight the stakeholder groups that
are engaged with these concepts, summarise the proposals that have been put forward, and explore how the discussions
around green economy roadmaps and principles fit into the Outcome Document.
Information Note on proposed Principles for a Green Economy – Green Economy Coalition and ITUC
At the UNEP Governing Council, thirty stakeholder organisations came together to draft a set of 9 principles for a green
economy. These 9 principles were then opened up as an online consultation to generate wider input from global
stakeholders. To date, 115 organisations from across the globe have contributed. The consultation will remain an open
process until Rio 2012 whereby the Green Economy Coalition will be hosting a global workshop on how to catalyse and
ensure the implementation of the principles for a green economy. This information note summarises the 9 green economy
principles and presents some highlights from the consultation so far.
A Green Economy Knowledge-Sharing Platform: Exploring Options – United Nations Division of Sustainable
A potential deliverable that has emerged from the submissions to the Rio+20 compilation document is for the elaboration and
implementation of country-specific green economy strategies or the mainstreaming of the green economy into existing
development strategies. To assist with the development of such strategies, many submissions to the Zero Draft underline the
need to share experiences, lessons learned and good practices with regard to the implementation of green economy
policies. Some submissions go further to propose that Rio+20 should deliver a green economy knowledge-sharing platform
or a toolbox, toolkit or menu of policy options. This paper explores the aims and objectives, governance arrangements and
structural components that could make up a green economy knowledge-sharing platform.
This information note is intended to be a discussion paper around the proposal and will evolve as thinking develops in this
area during – and outside of -informal discussions and negotiations
Briefings on the green economy - United National Environment Programme
UNEP is launching a series of policy briefs on the green economy at the Global Transition 2012 Dialogue #2. These short
four page briefing papers focus on key issues for the transformation towards the Green Economy including:
Poverty Reduction
Continuing with business-as-usual is not an option in a world of increasing environmental scarcities, growing economic
uncertainty and inequalities, and the continued existence of widespread poverty. The Millennium Development Goal of
halving extreme poverty is still far from reach despite decades of economic growth and efforts for poverty eradication.

Advisory Services
For governments, having a clear assessment of resource constraints and ecological risks they face, as well as a sound
understanding of sectors of their economies that offer the largest potential for green growth, employment creation and
efficiency gains, while securing public support, are critical to orient public policy. UNEP’s green economy advisory services
are geared towards providing tailored support to countries for them to take appropriate responses
In the transition path towards the green economy, health is a powerful tool and a key precondition in harnessing sustainable
economic development, as well as in eradicating poverty and in ensuring an economically equitable and socially inclusive

Building on the existing indicators, UNEP, in consultation with national and other international agencies and stakeholders, is
developing options for measuring progress towards a green and inclusive economy
Trade has the potential to drive a green economy by fostering the exchange of environmentally friendly goods and services,
increasing resource efficiency, generating economic opportunities and employment, and contributing to poverty eradication.
If managed poorly, however, unrestrained trade can contribute to environmental degradation, unsustainable resource use,
and increased wealth disparities, all of which hinder a green economy transition and sustainable development objectives.
The financing required for a green economy transition is substantial, but it can be mobilized by smart public policy and
innovative financing mechanisms. Supportive public finance and policy, the growing green orientation of capital markets, and
the evolution of emerging market instruments are opening up the space for large-scale financing that will bolster national
initiatives to green economies. But these flows are still small compared to total volumes, and urgently need to be magnified
for the transition to be successful in the near-term
One of the key challenges facing policymakers in transforming their economies is creating decent and meaningful
employment. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), over 600 million new jobs would be needed in the next
10 years.
Valuing nature
At a more fundamental level, healthy ecosystems represent the foundation of economic activity and a prerequisite for
achieving a green economic transition. Given this, it is essential that the economic value of these services are recognized,
demonstrated and captured in the accounts and decision-making of governments, the private sector and consumers.

Dialogue #2 builds upon earlier work of the Global Transition 2012 initiative and available online. A series of peer
reviewed challenge papers are available on key themes of the Global Transition to the new economy online: and included in the CD in this pack.

Green Economy – Tim Jenkins and Andrew Simms2
Two decades after the Earth Summit in 1992, attempts to govern, sustainably, the global environment and manage the world
economy without destabilising crises, are hopelessly disconnected. Since the original Earth Summit conference we have
lived with an economic model based on debt-fuelled over consumption that co-exists with vast levels of poverty and
inequality. Comparable dynamics are visible in most economic sectors. Many working in the fields of environment and
development now find that systematic problems require a systemic solution.
This paper puts forward 6 challenges to lay the foundations for systemic change: Develop a national transition plan that puts
countries on paths to operate within planetary boundaries, and on timescales sufficiently quick to preserve key, ecological life
support functions; don’t start from a growth perspective; agree to develop and implement new measures of economic
success; commit to reduce income and wealth inequalities between and within nations; put fiscal policy and public
expenditure centre stage in managing economic transition; and recapture the financial sector for the public good. Other
worlds are possible but the task is to shape and fashion them in the course of the next decade before ‘business-as-usual’
locks in catastrophic climatic upheaval.
Global Inequality - David Woodward3, Saamah Abdallah4
This paper proposes the establishment of a “plenty line” as a counterpart to the poverty line, as a means of focusing public
and political attention on the issue of over-consumption. In other words, is there a level of income such that people with
incomes above this level have minimally greater well-being than those with incomes at this level?
While our analysis is complicated by the nature of the data available (viz. its reliance on self-reporting of income, and more
specifically self-attribution to a limited range of income bands) and the relatively small sample sizes in most relevant surveys,
we find indicative evidence for the existence of “plenty lines” ranging between household incomes of $35,000 and $107,000
in six Western European countries (and at $20,000 in one Eastern European country), where well-being is defined in terms
of life satisfaction. While the reliability of these findings for individual countries is limited by the sample sizes, the fact that in
only one of 22 countries (Switzerland) do the data appear clearly inconsistent with the existence of an (overall income) plenty
line at some level of income would appear to suggest that such a line exists in at least some European countries. So, while
we cannot yet identify where the plenty line lies with great precision, it seems clear that there is one. This is consistent with
research in the United States which showed that there was no increase in well-being (defined in terms of affect) once
household incomes reached $75,000.
This suggests a case for policies designed to limit the growth of incomes beyond societal plenty lines – primarily higher
incomes in developed countries (but also those of elites, particularly in highly unequal middle-income developing countries).
However, the implications of the plenty line concept potentially reach much further. By highlighting – and potentially allowing
us to quantify – the divergence between total income and societal well-being, the plenty line has the potential to provide a
basis for a whole new economics, directed towards the achievement of our ultimate goals as society and not merely the
maximisation of total production.

2 Independent Researcher and Fellow, nef (the new economics foundation)
3 Independent Researcher and Fellow, nef (the new economics foundation)
4 Centre for Well-Being, nef (the new economics foundation)

Beyond GDP - Charles Seaford5, Sorcha Mahoney1, Mathis Wackernagel6, Joy Larson2, Réne Ramírez Gallegos7
For decades governments have allowed a single indicator, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), to assume dominance as the
critical measure of a nation’s progress. It is now widely recognised by politicians and officials across the world that we must
move beyond GDP and recognise it for what it is – a measure of economic exchange, which is itself a means to an end; the
‘end’ being the achievement of high well-being for all within environmental limits (‘sustainable well-being’).
Here, we focus on ways of measuring environmental sustainability and well-being, as well as offering a view from the global
South which entails measures of both of these. We call for governments around the world to:
         Amend their national accounting systems to align what they measure with what really matters, and
         Use those measures as a guide for policy and political action.
First we outline the conceptual and measurement frameworks used, which draw on the work of nef, and in particular on the
Centre for Well-being’s publication Measuring our Progress. Second, we address measuring environmental sustainability.
Third we examine the measurement of human well-being. Finally, we present a proposal by René Ramirez Gallegos,
National Secretary of Planning of Development in Ecuador, for the measurement of Buen Vivir, or Good Living.
Once governments move beyond GDP to measure what matters, they can turn their attention to the equally important
business of ensuring that these new measures are used as the basis of policy and political action. Then, the global
community can be hopeful that lives really will improve and that improvements are made within environmental limits.
One Planet Living - Sue Riddlestone8
If everyone lived the global middle class lifestyle of London or Shanghai we would need three planets to support us. And yet,
the average citizen of Bangladesh consumes the equivalent of just a third of a planet. In this paper we argue that what we
need is One Planet Living, a way of life that engenders happy healthy lives within a fair share of the world’s resources, whilst
leaving sufficient space for wildlife and wilderness. Sustainable communities and businesses around the world show how
One Planet Living is attractive and achievable. And, a simple approach and framework makes it easy to deliver. We argue
that at The Earth Summit 2012, world leaders should agree to recognise planetary boundaries in world with a large, growing
human population and commit to take action through a multilateral framework to enable the world to define and deliver a safe
operating space within the time frame that science and morality tell us is necessary. Key components of this multilateral
framework would include: Global and national roadmaps to enable citizens to achieve One Planet Living supported by a new
‘Intergovernmental Panel on Resources’; a peer-reviewed ‘Solutions Bank’; and a raft of policy solutions to support the
transition to a One Planet Living with a fair and green economy.
Blue economy (oceans and fisheries) - Rupert Crilly9, Aniol Esteban 8
The marine world has been a cornerstone of human economic activity for centuries. Once the realm of inexhaustible
abundance, the Blue Economy has become one of scarcity and unsustainable human impacts. Fisheries, for example, are
plagued by endemic overfishing, discarding, and an increasingly inefficient and subsidy-dependent fishing industry. Marine
resources, from fish to broader ecosystem services, should be used for public benefit. Using profits or financial returns alone
rarely serve as complete indicators of an activity’s public value, and can in some cases be entirely misleading. Alternative
uses of marine resources must be independently weighed against each other based on their economic, social and
environmental impacts, particularly with an emphasis on sustainability. To make them comparable, it can be helpful to
monetise these impacts using an extended cost-benefit analysis framework. We illustrate this with a case study of cod fishing

5 Centre for Well-Being, nef (the new economics foundation)
6 Global Footprint Network
7 National Secretary for Planning and Development, Ecuador. See “El vivir (bien) como riqueza de las sociedades. Hacia una socio-ecología pol{itica del

tiempo”, Senplades
8 Sue Riddlestone, Director of BioRegional and Freya Seath, Researcher for the Director

9 Centre for Interdependence, Natural Economies Programme, nef (the new economics foundation)

in the North Sea, where the principles are equally applicable not just in global fisheries but all marine resources. With a
complete picture of their associated impacts, economic activities and their public resource requirements can then be planned
to ensure the most beneficial ones are prioritised with access to marine resources.
Global Trade and outsourced emissions - Guy Shrubsole10
Outsourced emissions are a major loophole in current efforts to tackle climate change and build a green economy.
International flows of carbon embedded in trade have grown considerably since the original Rio summit, with developed
northern nations benefiting unjustly from effectively outsourcing pollution to developing southern states.
Next year in Rio, the world needs to agree to the principle of Clean Trade Agreements. These arrangements, negotiated
between states and regions, would come to replace Free Trade Areas and build mutually-agreed carbon constraints into the
terms of trade.
Clean Trade Agreements would aim to halt the ‘race to the bottom’ witnessed as globalisation has unfolded – where industry
invariably migrates to regions with the least stringent environmental regulations – and reverse the growth in outsourced
Green and Decent Jobs and Skills - Anabella Rosemberg11 with Philip Pearson12
When leaders meet in Rio de Janeiro for the Earth Summit in June this year, unemployment, precarious work and inequality
will be central to their domestic agendas. At the same time, global environmental change is increasing stress on the most
vulnerable, affecting all domains of society. If the Summit is going to deliver for people, it needs to take all these elements
into account. It will also need to take concrete steps that will lead to changes on the ground.
The proposal presented in this Challenge Paper calls on all governments to take a country-based ‘policy package’ to Rio+20.
This should include a target on decent job creation in the next 5-10 years, achieved by environmentally-friendly investments
and regulations accounting for 2% of GDP, and a series of social and decent work policies which will ensure green jobs
contribute to workers’ and communities’ prosperity.
Generating millions of new green and decent jobs and transforming existing ones into more greener and more decent ones
could be one of the most positive consequences of a Rio+20 summit. This agenda could kick start the Global Transition,
giving people hope about the positive impacts of a more sustainable society, particularly those suffering from poverty,
precarious employment or unemployment.
A green/decent job pledge would also be part of a solution to environmental and social imbalances created by the current
unsustainable production mode. This would occur by driving a new kind of investments in developing countries whilst giving
them access to a new model of development.
Energy resources and services - Viki Johnson13, Niclas Hälström 14
Three perspectives frame this challenge paper: 1) energy is at the very core of sustainable development, and not just a
sector among others; 2) the combined challenges of inadequate access to energy among the world’s poor, the imperative to
avoid climate catastrophe and the need to deal with rising and volatile energy prices require an unprecedented, fundamental
transformation of the world’s energy system, and 3) that there are technological solutions that already exist that can
effectively tackle these challenges over the course of 10-15 years.
The wide development benefit from access to modern energy services, specifically electricity, implies this is a vital social

10   Director, Public Interest Research Centre (PIRC)
11 Policy Adviser, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC)
12 Climate Change policy expert and adviser, Trade Union Confederacy
13 Centre for Interdependence, Climate Change and Energy Programme, nef (the new economics foundation)
14 What Next Forum

investment. As such increase access to modern energy services should not be assessed on just the financial costs and
benefits alone, but rather a framework that takes into account the multiple additional benefits and/or costs of different energy
sources. In the following paper, we argue that it is not simply access to energy services that matters, but how that access is
delivered from the planning, installation and operation stage.
Further, we propose a bold, transformative approach to set up a global programme of national feed-in tariffs formulated by
UN-DESA and supported by an increasing number of organisations. We argue that:
         Public policies can help produce a decline in the global price of renewable energy that will make it affordable within
          a decade.
         A “big push” in investment to scale up renewable energy will lead to rapid cost reduction, technology improvement,
          and learning by doing. This will generate a “virtuous cycle” of additional investment, economic growth, employment
          generation, etc.
         In the first decade, investments will have to be subsidized through globally funded guarantees or price supports
          (e.g. feed-in tariffs). The “virtuous cycle” will then make renewable energy the default option for new energy
          investment worldwide.
         Price supports will be complemented by a global extension program: research, technical, and policy support
          designed to accelerate the process.
         Energy and the kind of solution we outline here must be at the centre of the Earth Summit 2012 process, and that,
          as a minimum, it provides an impetus to move along the lines we sketch out here.
Sustainable Agriculture and Food security - Aksel Nærstad15
Agriculture is the main problem in the nexus of food security. Industrial food systems and other unsustainable practices are
causing dramatic environmental damage, including reduction of biodiversity and soil fertility, overuse and pollution of water,
and are substantially contributing to climate change. These kinds of food systems and food production undermine the
possibilities for producing enough and healthy food for actual and future generations. At the same time these industrial food
systems impoverish millions of small-scale food producers, are creating increasingly bigger waves of poverty, hunger and
migration, and are causing health problems at a large scale. There are one billion people food insecure but at the same time
abundant unhealthy foods and diets are affecting at least 2 billion people, causing obesity, heart disease, cancer, type 2
diabetes and other diseases, and serious pandemics are likely to occur in the near future.
But, it is also the main solution. Viable food systems exist. They have evolved and adapted over millennia in traditional forms
of agriculture and are now more relevant than ever. They can be combined, if appropriate, with latest knowledge on agro
ecology and other forms of sustainable production. Small scale food producers provide the food for about 70% of the
population today, and small scale agroecological and other forms of sustainable agriculture and food production, developed
in the framework of food sovereignty, can
         eliminate most of the hunger and poverty,
         drastically reduce climate change and its impact, restore biodiversity, soil fertility and water resources,
         improve livelihoods and provide rewarding employment for billions of people,
         produce enough, high quality, diverse and nutritious food for 9 billion people or more.

Global Finances and Banking - Simon Zadek16
Current financial market reform efforts have focused on securing stable and resilient financial markets. The public purpose of
financial markets, however, concerns the resilience of the broader economic, social and ecological systems within which

15Senior policy adviser, The Development Fund, Norway (
16Senior Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation, and the Global Green Growth Institute. Views offered in this paper are exclusively
those of the author, who takes responsibility for errors and omissions.

financial markets operate, a purpose largely ignored in the current policy debate and practice. Sustainable investing has
demonstrated proof of concept but will not have systemic impacts in its current forms and trajectories. Needed is a ‘public
fiduciary’ for financial markets that reflects more effectively the interests of existing, intended beneficiaries and also those
without influential voice: future generations, excluded communities and natural capital.
Advancing a public fiduciary for the world’s invested financial assets would require a multi-faceted programme of policy
interventions, including fiscal, regulatory and voluntary. Described here are six high-potential policy proposals focused on
changes in fund managers’ basis of remuneration, investors’ fiduciary arrangements, investment principles of sovereign
wealth funds, sovereign and corporate credit rating methods, fiscal interventions and transparency requirements. These
proposals are all based on existing practice that demonstrates technically feasibility and indications of likely impacts.
Advancing such an extensive, high-impact programme to secure an alignment of financial markets to sustainability outcomes
clearly requires further debate and analysis. Crucially, its implementation raises profound governance issues resulting from
the political influence of financial market actors, and associated and competitive constraints to co-ordinated action. Financial
market reform requires action on governance internationally if serious progress is to be made in the face of plain-to-see
threats and practice of regulatory arbitrage by leading actors in today’s financial markets.
Aligning financial markets to sustainability outcomes will not be easy, but without it, too little progress, too late, will be made
in shaping a sustainable economy. Progress will require real political and business leadership without at all levels and across
geographies and forums. Internationally, such leadership can be demonstrated for example through the UN High Level

Valuing Natural Capital and Biodiversity/Ecosystems Services - Oliver Greenfield17
The natural world has a lot to teach us. Above all, it teaches us about systems and cycles; that altering one component of a
system, however small, can have wider implications within and beyond a given cycle. Human society, the planet and the
economy are all systems and are all bound together in intricate relationships. Only when we begin to understand this bigger
picture can we tackle the systemic problems facing us. Here we take a short journey through planetary science to grasp
some of the dimensions of those relationships, and posit a series of solutions for affecting the kind of systemic transformation
that we urgently need to ensure the health of the planet and of people.
Economic theory (and common sense) tells us that when something is valuable, and it is free, its use tends to infinity - this
explains why trees, biodiversity, freshwater and atmospheric space for carbon are all being used ‘like there is no tomorrow’.
It also assumes that when something is exhausted (or too expensive), a substitute is almost certain to be found.
Economic theory then takes this substitution concept up to a macro level and thinks of the ‘trade-off’ between environment
and economy. The logic is that we can have ‘more environment’ if we are prepared to put up with ‘less economy’, or we can
have ‘less environment’ if we want a bigger economy. The traditional economic world view that dominates the political
spectrum is based on infinite resources, substitution, and ultimately this trade-off between environment and economy.
In this paper we take a systemic view of natural capital and the role that it plays in sustaining the human species and our
economic system. We will start with a brief journey into planetary science then, taking stock of the solutions being offered by
current economic thinking, posit the role of green economy for transforming the current trajectory. Here, we are tackling
problems not from the perspective of ‘what is politically feasible?’ but from that of ‘what is absolutely necessary?’: what is
necessary in order to ensure that the operating system on which we all depend continues to provide people, communities
and all economic activity with a safe space in which to exist.

17   Convener, Green Economy Coalition.

The second Rio+20 Preparatory Committee Meeting of the UNCSD (Rio +20) process invited all member States,
relevant United Nations (UN) system organisations, and relevant stakeholders to provide inputs and contributions
to the Secretariat in writing by 1 November 2011, for inclusion in a compilation text to be presented by the UN
secretariat to member States and other stakeholders for their comments and further guidance. This compilation
document served as the basis for the preparation of a Zero Draft of the outcome document, which was presented
for consideration to member States and other stakeholders in January 2012.

The Global Transition 2012 Dialogue #2 will focus primarily on Section III: Green Economy in the context of
sustainable development and poverty eradication, as well as aspects of Section V: Framework for action and
follow-up. However, many of the ideas, proposals, and discussions of the Dialogue will be cross-cutting in their
nature and may apply to other sections of the Zero Draft – as well as a broader context outside of the Rio +20

I. Preamble/Stage setting

II. Renewing Political Commitment
         A. Reaffirming Rio principles and past action plans
         B. Assessing the progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of the major
         summits on sustainable development and addressing new and emerging challenges (Integration,
         Implementation, Coherence)
         C. Engaging major groups
         D. Framework for action

III. Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication
          A. Framing the context of the green economy, challenges and opportunities
          B. Toolkits and experience sharing
          C. Framework for action

IV. Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development
          A. Strengthening/reforming/integrating the three pillars
          B. GA, ECOSOC, CSD, SDC proposal
          C. UNEP, specialized agency on environment proposal, IFIs, United Nations operational activities at country level
          D. Regional, National, Local

V. Framework for action and follow-up
        A. Priority/key/thematic/cross-sectoral issues and areas
        B. Accelerating and measuring progress (SDGs, GDP and others)
        C. Means of Implementation (finance, access to and transfer of technology, capacity building)

18 As of 10 January 2012, this is the structure of the Zero Draft of the Outcome Document, see:

VENUE - About Pace University
Since 1906 Pace has produced thinking professionals by providing high quality education for the professions on a firm base
of liberal learning amid the advantages of the New York metropolitan area. A private university, Pace has campuses in New
York City and Westchester County, New York, enrolling nearly 13,000 students in bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral
programs in its Lubin School of Business, Dyson College of Arts and Sciences, College of Health Professions, School of
Education, School of Law, and Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems.
Catering – sustainability policies

The Global Transition 2012 coordinating team is extremely grateful to all the support that has been given and shown in
preparation for the Dialogue. Many people have contributed their time, expertise, thoughts and suggestions; and the
programme and panel discussions/presentations will be all the more interesting for this shared knowledge.
The Global Transition Dialogue # 2 was supported by the following partners:


The first and second Global Transition Dialogues, including supporting participants from the global south, have been made
possible by the generous support of the VELUX Foundations; the broader initiative activities are made possible by the
generous support of the Ford Foundation and the EU. The venue and catering is kindly being co-sponsored by Pace
University, NYC.




Green Economy Coalition
The Green Economy Coalition (GEC) is a diverse set of organisations and sectors from NGOs, research institutes, UN
organisations, business to trade unions. We have come together because we recognise that our economy is failing to deliver
either environmental sustainability or social equity. In short, our economic system is failing people and the planet.
Global Transition 2012 contact: Emily Benson, Programme Manager

new economics foundation (nef)
nef (the new economics foundation) is an independent think-and-do tank that inspires and demonstrates real economic well-
being. nef aims to improve quality of life by promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic,
environment and social issues. We work in partnership and put people and the planet first.
Global Transition 2012 contact: Viki Johnson, Head of Climate and Energy

New Economics Institute
The New Economics Institute is a US organization that uniquely combines vision, theory, action, and communication to effect
a transition to a new economy -- an economy that gives priority to supporting human well-being and Earth’s natural systems.
Our multidisciplinary approach employs research, applied theory, public campaigns, and educational events to describe an
alternative socio-economic system that is capable of addressing the enormous challenges of our times. Our premise is that
a fair and sustainable economy is possible and that ways must be found to realize it.
Global Transition 2012 contact: Carina Millstone, Program Director

Stakeholder Forum
Stakeholder Forum is an international organisation working to advance sustainable development and promote stakeholder
democracy at a global level. Our work aims to enhance open, accountable and participatory international decision-making on
sustainable development. Stakeholder Forum works across four key areas: Global Policy and Advocacy; Stakeholder
Engagement; Media and Communications; and Capacity Building. Our Global Transition 2012 initiative sits within our work
on Global Policy and Advocacy.
Global Transition 2012 contact: Kirsty Schneeberger, Senior Project Officer

Global Transition 2012

Global Transition online interactive map

Particular thanks to the following individuals (in no particular order)
To Chantal line Carpentier, Bernhard Frey, Flore-Anne Bourgeois, Farooq Ullah, David Payton, Yvonne Lodico, Achim
Halpaap, Felix Haas, Emily Benson, Carina Millstone, Viki Johnson, Elizabeth Cox, Jeff Huffines, Kim Carstensen, and Tara
Rao for your valuable and thoughtful contributions to the programme for the Dialogue.

All the speakers, presenters, and chairs of the sessions have offered their weekends to share with the Dialogue
participants their perspectives on and experiences of the relevant issues discussed and debated this weekend. Your input
will no doubt spark conversations that last from now until Rio +20 – and beyond!

The background papers and challenge papers are extremely useful resources and the authors and peer reviewers are to
be commended for the insight, knowledge, and thought leadership that shines throughout the papers that serve to challenge
the status quo in ways that are both inspiring and solutions focused.

The Global Transition 2012 initiative was able to sponsor 15 participants from the Green Economy Coalition and other
new economy initiatives to attend and share a global south perspective, thanks to the Velux Foundation. The Danish
government, through the Danish 92 group, has also sponsored a number of participants from the global south to attend
not only the Global Transition Dialogue, but also the informal sessions in New York from 19th March. In particular, thanks go
to Amy Cutter and Jack Cornforth for booking and organising all travel arrangements and supporting with VISA applications.

The Global Transition 2012 online platform is, we hope you agree, a useful hub of knowledge and information sharing on
the topics covered in the dialogue and many more. Thanks to Tom Harrisson, Viki Johnson and Matt Reading-Smith for
keeping it fresh and updated. Thanks also to the White October team who designed and created the website.

To Felix Dodds for his words of experience and wisdom, and for the leadership that he has shown – and will no doubt
continue to show – in the next 95 days on the road to Rio +20 (and beyond!).

The venue and catering has been expertly organised by Dr Greg Julian, Idalia Soto, and Tom Murray. You helped bring the
idea to a reality and served us delicious locally produced and organic food.

The printing has been done by the Village Group, New York; and the information pack is printed on recycled paper. Thanks
to Nicole Anderson and Tony Viola for their work on this.

Finally – to all dialogue participants; thank you for joining us and giving up your weekends. Your perspective is incredibly
valuable and your experiences will help to shape the way that we all approach the exciting opportunity that transitioning to
the new economy offers us. Please do stay in touch, keep up the excellent work, and together we will transition to the new
economy that we aspire to. After all:

If future generations are to remember us with more gratitude than sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of
technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created, not just as it looked when we go through with
                                                                                                - Lyndon B. Johnson, 1964

Sincerest thanks, once more.

Kirsty Schneeberger
Global Transition 2012 Coordinator, Stakeholder Forum

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Global transition 2012 march dialogue info pack

  • 1. 1 GLOBAL TRANSITION DIALOGUE #2 on the New Economy    
  • 2. 2 DIALOGUE INFORMATION PACK1   Global Transition Dialogue #2 on the New Economy, Saturday 17 and 18 March 2012 Pace University, 18th Floor, 163 William Street, New York City, 10038 Dear Delegate 17th March 2012 It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the Global Transition 2012 Dialogue on the new economy. This two day dialogue, just ahead of the Rio +20 informal and intersessional, will bring you together with other thinkers, practitioners, government and non-governmental stakeholders to develop ideas and generate solutions to the question of how we will transition to the new economy. In light of the policy discussions for Rio +20, an important element of this dialogue is the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, and so we hope you find this Dialogue fruitful and informative. Enclosed you will find a number of resources for the two-day Dialogue as well as a CD with all think pieces, background papers, and challenge papers, that will be useful from now until Rio +20 – and beyond. The papers will offer an in depth analysis of some of the key issues that will be discussed over the next few days and will, we hope, enrich your discussions and debates. We thank you for joining us and our colleagues, partners, and sponsors at this, the second Dialogue in the Global Transition 2012 series. We hope you find the dialogue useful and informative which has the shared aim of developing alternative solutions to redress inequalities and global environmental change. Kindest regards, Felix Dodds Stewart Wallis Executive Director, Stakeholder Forum Executive Director, nef (the new economics foundation) 1 This information pack has been printed on recycled paper by the Village Group, New York City
  • 3. 3 CONTENTS ABOUT THE GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 INITIATIVE ……………………………………………………………. 5 GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 DIALOGUE # 1 GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 DIALOGUE # 2 PURPOSE OF THE DIALOGUES DIALOGUE PANELLISTS AND SPEAKERS…………………………………………………………………………... 6 DIALOGUE PARTICIPANTS………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 GLOBAL TRANSITION DIALOGUE #2 AGENDA……………………………………………………………………. 11 QUESTIONS to frame the day FORMAT of the Plenary Sessions DAY ONE: SATURDAY 17 MARCH, 13.30 – 18.00……………………………………………………………….... 12 SCENE SETTING: where are we in both policy terms and on the ground? DAY TWO: 18th March, 10.30-16.00……………………………………………………………………………… 13 THE NEW ECONOMY IN PRACTICE: Practical development of the Rio +20 green economy initiatives GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 DIALOGUE #2 BACKGROUND PAPERS SUMMARIES…………………………… 14 Making the Green Economy a Tool for Equity and Sustainable Development - Danish 92 Group Analysis of zero draft submissions: Briefings on roadmaps and principles - Stakeholder Forum Information Note on proposed Principles for a Green Economy – Green Economy Coalition and ITUC A Green Economy Knowledge Sharing Platform: Exploring Options – United Nations Division of Sustainable Development Thematic briefing papers on the green economy - United National Environment Programme GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 CHALLENGE PAPERS ………………………………………………………………... 15 Green Economy – Tim Jenkins and Andrew Simms Global Inequality - David Woodward, Saamah Abdallah Beyond GDP - Charles Seaford, Sorcha Mahoney, Mathis Wackernagel, Joy Larson, Réne Ramírez Gallegos One Planet Living - Sue Riddlestone Blue economy (oceans and fisheries) - Rupert Crilly, Aniol Esteban Global Trade and outsourced emissions - Guy Shrubsole Green and Decent Jobs and Skills - Anabella Rosemberg with Philip Pearson
  • 4. 4 Energy resources and services - Viki Johnson, Niclas Hälström Sustainable Agriculture and Food security - Aksel Nærstad Global Finances and Banking - Simon Zadek Valuing Natural Capital and Biodiversity/Ecosystems Services - Oliver Greenfield ZERO DRAFT OF THE OUTCOME DOCUMENT FOR RIO +20 ……………………………………………………… 21 VENUE………………………………………………………………………………………………………............................... 22 About Pace University Catering – sustainability policies GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 DIALOGUE #2 SUPPORTING ORGANISATIONS………………………………..... 23 SPONSPRHIP…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23 ABOUT THE GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 COORDINATING ORGANISATIONS ……………………………….....  24 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………………………………………………… 25
  • 5. 5 ABOUT the Global Transition 2012 Initiative The goal of the Global Transition 2012 Initiative is to achieve an outcome from the UNCSD Earth Summit 2012 that catalyses a global transition to an economy that maximizes wellbeing, operates within environmental limits, and is capable of coping and adapting to global environmental change in an equitable manner. The aim of the Initiative is to build a global stakeholder movement that brings together governments and multilateral agencies, non-governmental organisations, civil society organisations and other leading thinkers and practitioners to promote alternative models of the economy that can deliver sustainable development to people, countries, and present and future generations. This builds on and integrates the three pillars of sustainable development: social, environmental, and economic. Stakeholder Forum and nef (the new economics foundation) are working in partnership with the New Economics Institute and the Green Economy Coalition and to develop the Global Transition 2012 initiative towards the UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012 (Rio+20), and to bring the core concepts of achieving such a transition into the heart of the process – through publishing ‘challenge papers’ and running dialogue workshops on the key issues. Global Transition 2012 Dialogue # 1 New York, 13th October 2011: This one day event, hosted at the New Economics Institute, bought together 25 of the lead authors, peer reviewers and other experts to discuss the ideas and proposals that had has been developed from the Challenge Papers, and identify principles for the Global Transition to a Green Economy. Following the dialogue, a core advocacy group presented initial findings from the dialogue to the Rio +20 secretariat – UN DESA – as well as G77 missions to the UN and members of the Rio +20 bureau. This was an opportunity to test the robustness of the outputs of the dialogue and develop the policy aspects of the The emerging principles and policy recommendations from the day were synthesised into the Global Transition-Green Economy element of the Stakeholder Forum submission to the UN zero draft. The zero draft will form the basis of the negotiating text for the Rio+20 preparatory meetings, held between January and May 2012, resulting in the various outcomes of Rio itself. Global Transition 2012 Dialogue # 2 This weekend - March 17th and 18th - the Global Transition 2012 is hosting the second Global Transition Dialogue on the new economy in collaboration with the following organisations: CIVICUS New Economics Institute Centre for Environment and Development (Sri Lanka) nrg4SD Danish 92 Group Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future Green Economy Coalition UNDESA Instituto Vitae Civilis UNDP International Trade Union Confederation UNEP new economics foundation (nef) UNITAR UN-NGLS Purpose of the Dialogue A Global Transition from an economy that is unsustainable to one that supports wellbeing, equality, and operates within environmental limits equitably is essential to achieving sustainable development. In light of the ‘priority areas’ of the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication that have been identified in the zero draft for Rio +20 process so far, the Global Transition Dialogue will focus on practical and implementable approaches to these key areas. The Dialogue will provide a forum for a range of actors to ‘cluster’ around some of the priority areas and develop thinking on how the transition can be achieved for each.
  • 6. 6 DIALOGUE PANELLISTS AND SPEAKERS First name Last name Organisation Derek Osborn Co-chair of Rio +5, former DG of UK Environment Ministry Soledad Ghione Latin American Center of Social Ecology Veerle Vandeweerd Director, Environment and Energy Group, UNDP Victoria Johnson Head of Energy and Climate, new economics foundation Tara Rao Lead author, Danish 92 group Aron Belinky Coordinator, International Processes, Vitae Civilis Nicole Leotaud CANARI Vijay Chaturvedi Development Alternatives Liz Thompson Executive Coordinator, Rio +20 Oliver Greenfield Coordinator, Green Economy Coalition Anabella Rosemberg Senior Policy Adviser, International Trade Union Confederacy Rick Clugstone Earth Charter Carina Millstone Program Director, New Economics Institute Jeff Huffines UN Representative, CIVICUS Daniel Abreu National Climate Change Council of the Dominican Republic Paul Dickinson Chairman, Carbon Disclosure Project Fulai Sheng Senior Economist at UNEP’s Economics and Trade Branch Roshni Dave Training Associate, UNITAR Cameron Allen Associate expert – Green Economy, UN DESA Farooq Ullah Head of Policy and Advocacy, Stakeholder Forum Nis Christensen Chief Advisor to the Minister - Head of Rio+20 Secretariat, Danish Government Dr Greg Julian Professor of Political Science, Pace University Kirsty Schneeberger Global Transition Coordinator, Stakeholder Forum
  • 7. 7 DIALOGUE PARTICIPANTS First Name Last Name Organisation Abayomi Egbowon Moses BELS-MIRAL.NIG.LTD Peter Adriance Baha'is of the U.S. Faisal Alhashidi Dar Al-Salam Organization – CSON Onuorah Aligbe Fight Against Desert Encroachment (FADE) Africa Sena Alouka Robynne Anderson Maureen Anthony UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW Pauline Augustine Barlach Vivian Albertini New Economics Institute Ed Barry Jim Barton Smith Mill Creek Institute Marlon Becker Ramapo College Emily Benson Green Economy Coalition Gerard Beralus Genie Birch University of Pennsylvania Eleanor Blomstrom Marcia Borland The Young Women's Leadership School Flore-Anne Bourgeois UNDP Alexa Bradley On the Commons Jocelyn Carino Tebtebba Erica Carroll Christian Aid Kim Carstensen Fairgreensolutions Camilla Carstensen Fairgreensolutions Maria Antonieta Castro-Cosio The New School Stephen Chacha World Society for the Protection of Animals – WSPA Rebecca Chan Columbia University Voices of African Mothers/Rio+20 Women's Major Group Steering Cecile Charles-King Committee Patricia Connolly Betty Cremmins CDP Joey Cummings The Joey Company Amy Cutter Stakeholder Forum Elenita Dano Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC Group) Madhav Datt Green the Gene Roshni Dave UNITAR Eduardo De La Torre Permanent Mission of Mexico to the UN Albert DETERVILLE THE ALDET CENTRE-SAINT LUCIA Gbemiga Djossou
  • 8. 8 Christophe Felix Dodds Stakeholder Forum Lauren Eastwood Alf Christian Egge Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment Jill Emerson Cornerstone Studio Fatchima Noura Djibrilla Association Nigérienne des Scouts de l'Environnement (ANSEN) Olivia Frazao Mission Markets Manuel GARABITO Permeant Mission of the Dominican Republic Jairo Garcia Soledad Ghione Latin American Center for Social Ecology Mary Gilbert Quaker Earthcare Witness Nathan Gilbert B Lab Bakari Giorgadze Sara Hambleton Amberjack solar energy Duncan Hanks Baha'i Community of Canada James Hanusa Stakeholder Forum Grove Harris Interfaith Consortium for Ecological Civilization Peter Hazlewood World Resources Institute Johannes (John) Hontelez FSC International Elisa Hugueney ActionAid George Jambiya Danish 92 Group Moses Jaokoo Newton Jibunoh Fight Against Desert Encroachment Victoria Johnson new economics foundation Richard Jordan Intl. Council for Caring Communities Eak Bahadur K.C. Francis Keya Aashish Khullar Julie Kim U.S. Mission to the United Nations Joan Kirby Temple of Understanding Marcelo Kos Brazilian Chemical Industry Association – Abiquim Georgios Kostakos United Nations Secretariat Natalia Kostus IUCN Plapa Koukpamou Young Volunteers for the Environment Irene Krarup V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation Srinivas Krishnaswamy Danish 92 Group Rina Kuusipalo Harvard University Krystal Laymon Columbia University Bette Levy Soroptimist International Jeannet Lingan Stakeholder Forum David Livingston Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  • 9. 9 Patrick Lokwa Dueme INFOGROUP INTERANATIONAL Georgie Macdonald Stakeholder Forum Catherine Marcuccio FINRA Laura Martin Murillo International Labour Foundation for Sustainable Development Enrique Martinez Rhode Island School of Design Livia Martini SustainAbility Carina Millstone The New Economics Institute Predrag Milosevic Economics Mitachi Mireille Kamana INFOGROUP INTERNATIONAL /SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Keneilwe Moseki Somarelang Tikologo Barkha Mossae N/A Anil Naidoo Blue Planet Project Tanya Naiken St. John's University Julia Naime World information transfer George Ndungu BIORESOURCES DEVELOPMENT AND CONSERVATION Augustine B. Njamnshi PROGRAMME Haron Oichoe Jeremy Osborn Daniel Perell Baha'i International Community Miroslav Polzer Kathleen Quain Paul Quintos IBON Tara Rao Danish 92 Group Patricia Reis Fatima Rodrigo International Presentation Association Traci Romine Danish 92 Group Anabella Rosemberg Trade Union Advisory Committee/ ITUC Mayumi Sakoh World Society for the Protection of Animals Ana Belen Sanchez Lopez International Labour Foundation for Sustainable Development Andrew Schwartz Freya Seath BioRegional Diallo Shabazz Radical Ideas Fulai Sheng UNEP Catarina Faria Alves Silveira International Labour Foundation for Sustainable Development Sarah Singh Self Melanie Sluyter Human Impacts Institute, MobilizeUS!, Occupy Earth Summit Rose Sona Nzuanzu INFOGROUP INTERNATIONAL Steven Stone UNEP Jan-Gustav Strandenaes Stakeholder Forum Sebastian Straube IOB
  • 10. 10 Lo Sze Ping Danish 92 Group Kirubel Teshome Tadele ETC Group Kirubel Teshome ETC Group Shin-Pei Tsay Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Farooq Ullah Stakeholder Forum Katherine Vargas Perth Amboy Bord of education Ashwani Vasishth Ramapo College of New Jersey Russell Weiss-Irwin Quaker Earthcare Witness Willice Okoth Onyango IYCC Ayse Yonder Pratt Institute PSPD
  • 11. 11 GLOBAL TRANSITION DIALOGUE #2 AGENDA QUESTIONS to frame the day The two day dialogue will offer a chance for you to share your experiences as much as it will give you the chance to hear from leading thinkers, practitioners, and experts in the field. To help frame the day, below is a list of a few questions that you can answer in your roundtable sessions, and to also bear in mind when asking questions in the plenary sessions. Green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication The following questions will help to frame the overall discussions and ultimately are key elements of a transition to a sustainable economy: 1) In what ways are green economy policies delivering poverty reduction? 2) How can we create resilient and resource-efficient sectors and industries? Your experiences Your experiences are very important to the dialogue, and will deepen the discussions. Please do share them with your roundtables: 1. Your experience of the green economy at the national and local levels: What were the key elements of the project or initiative you are involved in? Who else did it involve? What did you learn? What has happened since? What are the next steps? 2. Based on your experience of the national/local level, are there any examples/glimpses of a green economy transition already underway? E.g. valuing of ecosystems in national decision making?; introduction of more sustainable infrastructure/transport systems?; or, natural resource management schemes that are helping to provide jobs and protect local ecosystems?; or, introduction of new renewable energy supplies?; or green jobs schemes funded by the local council or government?, etc. 3. In what ways are those different glimpses of a green economy helping the lives of the poorest communities? If they are not, then what needs to change to ensure that the poor do benefit? FORMAT of the Plenary Sessions All plenary sessions will include presentations from a variety of speakers offering a range of perspectives. Following presentations there will be a short Q & A from the audience participants. After each short Q & A there will be time for participants to share reflections and reactions on their roundtables - these breakout sessions will offer participants the chance to respond and reflect on the presentations and share their own experiences. The host on each table will then have the opportunity to feed back to the rest of the Dialogue participants in the ‘wrap up session’ at the end of each day.
  • 12. 12 DAY ONE: SATURDAY 17 MARCH, 13.30 – 18.00, followed by an evening reception SCENE SETTING: where are we in both policy terms and on the ground? Welcome Refreshments from 13.00 13.30 – 14.00 Welcome - Derek Osborn (Co-chair of Rio +5, former DG of UK Setting the scene Environment Ministry) Overview of the two days - Kirsty Schneeberger (Global Transition Coordinator) 14.00 – 15.00 Panel debate Panel debate, followed by roundtable discussions Can the ‘green economy in the context of - Soledad Ghione (Latin American Center of Social sustainable development and poverty Ecology) eradication’ deliver? - Veerle Vanderweed (Director of the Group of Energy and Environment, UNDP) - Victoria Johnson (Head of Energy and Climate, new economics foundation) - Tara Rao (Lead author, Danish 92 group) Chair: Aron Belinky (Coordinator, International Processes, Vitae Civilis) Coffee Break: 15.00 – 15.15 15.15 – 16.15 Plenary presentations Presentations, followed by roundtable discussions Stories of the emerging new economy: - Nicole Leotaud (CANARI) Presenting stories of new and green economy - Aron Belinky (Coordinator, International Processes, initiatives from around the world. A grass roots Vitae Civilis) approach. - Vijay Chaturvedi (Development Alternatives) - Carina Millstone (Program Director New Economics Institute) Chair: Liz Thompson (Executive Coordinator, Rio +20) 16.15 – 17.30 Plenary presentations (20minutes) followed Presentations, followed by roundtable discussions by roundtable breakout discussions - Oliver Greenfield (Green Economy Coalition) - Anabella Rosemberg (ITUC) Principles for a new economy _Rick Clugstone (Earth Charter) Chair: Jeff Huffines (CIVICUS UN Representative) 17.30 – 18.00 Plenary Feedback from chairs of roundtable discussions Wrap up session: a synthesis of the day’s Derek Osborn: (Co-chair of Rio +5, former DG of UK achievements Environment Ministry) Overall wrap up 18:00 – 19:30 Evening reception and key note address from Liz Thompson, Executive Coordinator Rio +20
  • 13. 13 DAY TWO: 18th March, 10.30-16.00 THE NEW ECONOMY IN PRACTICE: Practical development of the Rio +20 green economy initiatives Welcome Refreshments from 10.00 10:30 – 10:45 Refresh of Day One - Derek Osborn (Co-chair of Rio +5, former DG of UK Overview and plan for Day Two Environment Ministry) - Kirsty Schneeberger (Global Transition Coordinator) 10.45 – 11.45 Plenary Panel debate, followed by roundtable discussions - Daniel Abreu (National Climate Change Council of Enabling conditions: the Dominican Republic) How to foster a green transition, including Learning and Skills learning and skills development, and - Paul Dickinson (Chairman, Carbon Disclosure transparent and participatory governance? A Project) systemic exploration of barriers to change and Convention for CSRA addressing them. - Fulai Sheng (Senior Economist at UNEP’s Economics and Trade Branch) Briefings on the thematic areas Chair: Roshni Dave (Training Associate UNITAR) 11.45 – 13.00 Roundtables Roundtables Focussed roundtable discussions around key - Facilitator offers a short presentation areas relating to the green economy: - Input from table participants Sustainable Consumption & Production;Energy; Green jobs ; Financial reform; Food; Cities; Oceans; Water. Brunch 13.00 – 14.00 14.00 – 15.00 Plenary Presentations, followed by roundtable discussions Knowledge sharing and mapping the green - Cameron Allen (Associate expert – Green Economy, economy: Developing thinking around an UN DESA) international knowledge sharing platform to A Green Economy Knowledge Sharing Platform support policy and action in countries, hosting - Farooq Ullah (Head of Policy and Advocacy, for example, toolkits. Do we need a roadmap? Stakeholder Forum) 15.00 – 15.15 Reflections on the day and moving forward Nis Christensen (Chief Advisor to the Minister - Head into the informals and intersessionals of Rio+20 Secretariat, Danish Government) 15.15 - 15.45 Plenary Feedback from chair of roundtables Wrap up session: a synthesis of the day’s Derek Osborn (Co-chair of Rio +5, former DG of UK achievements Environment Ministry) 15.45 – 16.00 Closing remarks and thanks Dr Greg Julian (Pace University)
  • 14. 14 GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 DIALOGUE #2 - BACKGROUND PAPER SUMMARIES The Global Transition Dialogue #2 papers that will inform the discussions will be hosted at the Global Transition 2012 online platform at The papers are also recorded on the CD enclosed in this Global Transition 2012 Dialogue #2 pack. Building an equitable green economy - Danish 92 Group This paper is the product of an independent, Southern drafting group commissioned by the Danish 92 Group. It lays out a Southern perspective on how a Green Economy as discussed in the Rio + 20 context must be designed to contribute to – rather than distract from – sustainable development. Analysis of zero draft submissions: Briefings on roadmaps and principles - Stakeholder Forum Using analysis of the official submissions to the Zero Draft, these briefing papers provide insight into two key concepts that have emerged in relation to the green economy: roadmaps and principles. The papers highlight the stakeholder groups that are engaged with these concepts, summarise the proposals that have been put forward, and explore how the discussions around green economy roadmaps and principles fit into the Outcome Document. Information Note on proposed Principles for a Green Economy – Green Economy Coalition and ITUC At the UNEP Governing Council, thirty stakeholder organisations came together to draft a set of 9 principles for a green economy. These 9 principles were then opened up as an online consultation to generate wider input from global stakeholders. To date, 115 organisations from across the globe have contributed. The consultation will remain an open process until Rio 2012 whereby the Green Economy Coalition will be hosting a global workshop on how to catalyse and ensure the implementation of the principles for a green economy. This information note summarises the 9 green economy principles and presents some highlights from the consultation so far. A Green Economy Knowledge-Sharing Platform: Exploring Options – United Nations Division of Sustainable Development A potential deliverable that has emerged from the submissions to the Rio+20 compilation document is for the elaboration and implementation of country-specific green economy strategies or the mainstreaming of the green economy into existing development strategies. To assist with the development of such strategies, many submissions to the Zero Draft underline the need to share experiences, lessons learned and good practices with regard to the implementation of green economy policies. Some submissions go further to propose that Rio+20 should deliver a green economy knowledge-sharing platform or a toolbox, toolkit or menu of policy options. This paper explores the aims and objectives, governance arrangements and structural components that could make up a green economy knowledge-sharing platform. This information note is intended to be a discussion paper around the proposal and will evolve as thinking develops in this area during – and outside of -informal discussions and negotiations Briefings on the green economy - United National Environment Programme UNEP is launching a series of policy briefs on the green economy at the Global Transition 2012 Dialogue #2. These short four page briefing papers focus on key issues for the transformation towards the Green Economy including: Poverty Reduction Continuing with business-as-usual is not an option in a world of increasing environmental scarcities, growing economic uncertainty and inequalities, and the continued existence of widespread poverty. The Millennium Development Goal of halving extreme poverty is still far from reach despite decades of economic growth and efforts for poverty eradication.
  • 15. 15 Advisory Services For governments, having a clear assessment of resource constraints and ecological risks they face, as well as a sound understanding of sectors of their economies that offer the largest potential for green growth, employment creation and efficiency gains, while securing public support, are critical to orient public policy. UNEP’s green economy advisory services are geared towards providing tailored support to countries for them to take appropriate responses Health In the transition path towards the green economy, health is a powerful tool and a key precondition in harnessing sustainable economic development, as well as in eradicating poverty and in ensuring an economically equitable and socially inclusive society. Indicators Building on the existing indicators, UNEP, in consultation with national and other international agencies and stakeholders, is developing options for measuring progress towards a green and inclusive economy Trade Trade has the potential to drive a green economy by fostering the exchange of environmentally friendly goods and services, increasing resource efficiency, generating economic opportunities and employment, and contributing to poverty eradication. If managed poorly, however, unrestrained trade can contribute to environmental degradation, unsustainable resource use, and increased wealth disparities, all of which hinder a green economy transition and sustainable development objectives. Finance The financing required for a green economy transition is substantial, but it can be mobilized by smart public policy and innovative financing mechanisms. Supportive public finance and policy, the growing green orientation of capital markets, and the evolution of emerging market instruments are opening up the space for large-scale financing that will bolster national initiatives to green economies. But these flows are still small compared to total volumes, and urgently need to be magnified for the transition to be successful in the near-term Employment One of the key challenges facing policymakers in transforming their economies is creating decent and meaningful employment. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), over 600 million new jobs would be needed in the next 10 years. Valuing nature At a more fundamental level, healthy ecosystems represent the foundation of economic activity and a prerequisite for achieving a green economic transition. Given this, it is essential that the economic value of these services are recognized, demonstrated and captured in the accounts and decision-making of governments, the private sector and consumers.
  • 16. 16 GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 CHALLENGE PAPERS Dialogue #2 builds upon earlier work of the Global Transition 2012 initiative and available online. A series of peer reviewed challenge papers are available on key themes of the Global Transition to the new economy online: and included in the CD in this pack. Green Economy – Tim Jenkins and Andrew Simms2 Two decades after the Earth Summit in 1992, attempts to govern, sustainably, the global environment and manage the world economy without destabilising crises, are hopelessly disconnected. Since the original Earth Summit conference we have lived with an economic model based on debt-fuelled over consumption that co-exists with vast levels of poverty and inequality. Comparable dynamics are visible in most economic sectors. Many working in the fields of environment and development now find that systematic problems require a systemic solution. This paper puts forward 6 challenges to lay the foundations for systemic change: Develop a national transition plan that puts countries on paths to operate within planetary boundaries, and on timescales sufficiently quick to preserve key, ecological life support functions; don’t start from a growth perspective; agree to develop and implement new measures of economic success; commit to reduce income and wealth inequalities between and within nations; put fiscal policy and public expenditure centre stage in managing economic transition; and recapture the financial sector for the public good. Other worlds are possible but the task is to shape and fashion them in the course of the next decade before ‘business-as-usual’ locks in catastrophic climatic upheaval. Global Inequality - David Woodward3, Saamah Abdallah4 This paper proposes the establishment of a “plenty line” as a counterpart to the poverty line, as a means of focusing public and political attention on the issue of over-consumption. In other words, is there a level of income such that people with incomes above this level have minimally greater well-being than those with incomes at this level? While our analysis is complicated by the nature of the data available (viz. its reliance on self-reporting of income, and more specifically self-attribution to a limited range of income bands) and the relatively small sample sizes in most relevant surveys, we find indicative evidence for the existence of “plenty lines” ranging between household incomes of $35,000 and $107,000 in six Western European countries (and at $20,000 in one Eastern European country), where well-being is defined in terms of life satisfaction. While the reliability of these findings for individual countries is limited by the sample sizes, the fact that in only one of 22 countries (Switzerland) do the data appear clearly inconsistent with the existence of an (overall income) plenty line at some level of income would appear to suggest that such a line exists in at least some European countries. So, while we cannot yet identify where the plenty line lies with great precision, it seems clear that there is one. This is consistent with research in the United States which showed that there was no increase in well-being (defined in terms of affect) once household incomes reached $75,000. This suggests a case for policies designed to limit the growth of incomes beyond societal plenty lines – primarily higher incomes in developed countries (but also those of elites, particularly in highly unequal middle-income developing countries). However, the implications of the plenty line concept potentially reach much further. By highlighting – and potentially allowing us to quantify – the divergence between total income and societal well-being, the plenty line has the potential to provide a basis for a whole new economics, directed towards the achievement of our ultimate goals as society and not merely the maximisation of total production. 2 Independent Researcher and Fellow, nef (the new economics foundation) 3 Independent Researcher and Fellow, nef (the new economics foundation) 4 Centre for Well-Being, nef (the new economics foundation)
  • 17. 17 Beyond GDP - Charles Seaford5, Sorcha Mahoney1, Mathis Wackernagel6, Joy Larson2, Réne Ramírez Gallegos7 For decades governments have allowed a single indicator, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), to assume dominance as the critical measure of a nation’s progress. It is now widely recognised by politicians and officials across the world that we must move beyond GDP and recognise it for what it is – a measure of economic exchange, which is itself a means to an end; the ‘end’ being the achievement of high well-being for all within environmental limits (‘sustainable well-being’). Here, we focus on ways of measuring environmental sustainability and well-being, as well as offering a view from the global South which entails measures of both of these. We call for governments around the world to:  Amend their national accounting systems to align what they measure with what really matters, and  Use those measures as a guide for policy and political action. First we outline the conceptual and measurement frameworks used, which draw on the work of nef, and in particular on the Centre for Well-being’s publication Measuring our Progress. Second, we address measuring environmental sustainability. Third we examine the measurement of human well-being. Finally, we present a proposal by René Ramirez Gallegos, National Secretary of Planning of Development in Ecuador, for the measurement of Buen Vivir, or Good Living. Once governments move beyond GDP to measure what matters, they can turn their attention to the equally important business of ensuring that these new measures are used as the basis of policy and political action. Then, the global community can be hopeful that lives really will improve and that improvements are made within environmental limits. One Planet Living - Sue Riddlestone8 If everyone lived the global middle class lifestyle of London or Shanghai we would need three planets to support us. And yet, the average citizen of Bangladesh consumes the equivalent of just a third of a planet. In this paper we argue that what we need is One Planet Living, a way of life that engenders happy healthy lives within a fair share of the world’s resources, whilst leaving sufficient space for wildlife and wilderness. Sustainable communities and businesses around the world show how One Planet Living is attractive and achievable. And, a simple approach and framework makes it easy to deliver. We argue that at The Earth Summit 2012, world leaders should agree to recognise planetary boundaries in world with a large, growing human population and commit to take action through a multilateral framework to enable the world to define and deliver a safe operating space within the time frame that science and morality tell us is necessary. Key components of this multilateral framework would include: Global and national roadmaps to enable citizens to achieve One Planet Living supported by a new ‘Intergovernmental Panel on Resources’; a peer-reviewed ‘Solutions Bank’; and a raft of policy solutions to support the transition to a One Planet Living with a fair and green economy. Blue economy (oceans and fisheries) - Rupert Crilly9, Aniol Esteban 8 The marine world has been a cornerstone of human economic activity for centuries. Once the realm of inexhaustible abundance, the Blue Economy has become one of scarcity and unsustainable human impacts. Fisheries, for example, are plagued by endemic overfishing, discarding, and an increasingly inefficient and subsidy-dependent fishing industry. Marine resources, from fish to broader ecosystem services, should be used for public benefit. Using profits or financial returns alone rarely serve as complete indicators of an activity’s public value, and can in some cases be entirely misleading. Alternative uses of marine resources must be independently weighed against each other based on their economic, social and environmental impacts, particularly with an emphasis on sustainability. To make them comparable, it can be helpful to monetise these impacts using an extended cost-benefit analysis framework. We illustrate this with a case study of cod fishing 5 Centre for Well-Being, nef (the new economics foundation) 6 Global Footprint Network 7 National Secretary for Planning and Development, Ecuador. See “El vivir (bien) como riqueza de las sociedades. Hacia una socio-ecología pol{itica del tiempo”, Senplades 8 Sue Riddlestone, Director of BioRegional and Freya Seath, Researcher for the Director 9 Centre for Interdependence, Natural Economies Programme, nef (the new economics foundation)
  • 18. 18 in the North Sea, where the principles are equally applicable not just in global fisheries but all marine resources. With a complete picture of their associated impacts, economic activities and their public resource requirements can then be planned to ensure the most beneficial ones are prioritised with access to marine resources. Global Trade and outsourced emissions - Guy Shrubsole10 Outsourced emissions are a major loophole in current efforts to tackle climate change and build a green economy. International flows of carbon embedded in trade have grown considerably since the original Rio summit, with developed northern nations benefiting unjustly from effectively outsourcing pollution to developing southern states. Next year in Rio, the world needs to agree to the principle of Clean Trade Agreements. These arrangements, negotiated between states and regions, would come to replace Free Trade Areas and build mutually-agreed carbon constraints into the terms of trade. Clean Trade Agreements would aim to halt the ‘race to the bottom’ witnessed as globalisation has unfolded – where industry invariably migrates to regions with the least stringent environmental regulations – and reverse the growth in outsourced emissions. Green and Decent Jobs and Skills - Anabella Rosemberg11 with Philip Pearson12 When leaders meet in Rio de Janeiro for the Earth Summit in June this year, unemployment, precarious work and inequality will be central to their domestic agendas. At the same time, global environmental change is increasing stress on the most vulnerable, affecting all domains of society. If the Summit is going to deliver for people, it needs to take all these elements into account. It will also need to take concrete steps that will lead to changes on the ground. The proposal presented in this Challenge Paper calls on all governments to take a country-based ‘policy package’ to Rio+20. This should include a target on decent job creation in the next 5-10 years, achieved by environmentally-friendly investments and regulations accounting for 2% of GDP, and a series of social and decent work policies which will ensure green jobs contribute to workers’ and communities’ prosperity. Generating millions of new green and decent jobs and transforming existing ones into more greener and more decent ones could be one of the most positive consequences of a Rio+20 summit. This agenda could kick start the Global Transition, giving people hope about the positive impacts of a more sustainable society, particularly those suffering from poverty, precarious employment or unemployment. A green/decent job pledge would also be part of a solution to environmental and social imbalances created by the current unsustainable production mode. This would occur by driving a new kind of investments in developing countries whilst giving them access to a new model of development. Energy resources and services - Viki Johnson13, Niclas Hälström 14 Three perspectives frame this challenge paper: 1) energy is at the very core of sustainable development, and not just a sector among others; 2) the combined challenges of inadequate access to energy among the world’s poor, the imperative to avoid climate catastrophe and the need to deal with rising and volatile energy prices require an unprecedented, fundamental transformation of the world’s energy system, and 3) that there are technological solutions that already exist that can effectively tackle these challenges over the course of 10-15 years. The wide development benefit from access to modern energy services, specifically electricity, implies this is a vital social 10 Director, Public Interest Research Centre (PIRC) 11 Policy Adviser, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC) 12 Climate Change policy expert and adviser, Trade Union Confederacy 13 Centre for Interdependence, Climate Change and Energy Programme, nef (the new economics foundation) 14 What Next Forum
  • 19. 19 investment. As such increase access to modern energy services should not be assessed on just the financial costs and benefits alone, but rather a framework that takes into account the multiple additional benefits and/or costs of different energy sources. In the following paper, we argue that it is not simply access to energy services that matters, but how that access is delivered from the planning, installation and operation stage. Further, we propose a bold, transformative approach to set up a global programme of national feed-in tariffs formulated by UN-DESA and supported by an increasing number of organisations. We argue that:  Public policies can help produce a decline in the global price of renewable energy that will make it affordable within a decade.  A “big push” in investment to scale up renewable energy will lead to rapid cost reduction, technology improvement, and learning by doing. This will generate a “virtuous cycle” of additional investment, economic growth, employment generation, etc.  In the first decade, investments will have to be subsidized through globally funded guarantees or price supports (e.g. feed-in tariffs). The “virtuous cycle” will then make renewable energy the default option for new energy investment worldwide.  Price supports will be complemented by a global extension program: research, technical, and policy support designed to accelerate the process.  Energy and the kind of solution we outline here must be at the centre of the Earth Summit 2012 process, and that, as a minimum, it provides an impetus to move along the lines we sketch out here. Sustainable Agriculture and Food security - Aksel Nærstad15 Agriculture is the main problem in the nexus of food security. Industrial food systems and other unsustainable practices are causing dramatic environmental damage, including reduction of biodiversity and soil fertility, overuse and pollution of water, and are substantially contributing to climate change. These kinds of food systems and food production undermine the possibilities for producing enough and healthy food for actual and future generations. At the same time these industrial food systems impoverish millions of small-scale food producers, are creating increasingly bigger waves of poverty, hunger and migration, and are causing health problems at a large scale. There are one billion people food insecure but at the same time abundant unhealthy foods and diets are affecting at least 2 billion people, causing obesity, heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and other diseases, and serious pandemics are likely to occur in the near future. But, it is also the main solution. Viable food systems exist. They have evolved and adapted over millennia in traditional forms of agriculture and are now more relevant than ever. They can be combined, if appropriate, with latest knowledge on agro ecology and other forms of sustainable production. Small scale food producers provide the food for about 70% of the population today, and small scale agroecological and other forms of sustainable agriculture and food production, developed in the framework of food sovereignty, can  eliminate most of the hunger and poverty,  drastically reduce climate change and its impact, restore biodiversity, soil fertility and water resources,  improve livelihoods and provide rewarding employment for billions of people,  produce enough, high quality, diverse and nutritious food for 9 billion people or more. Global Finances and Banking - Simon Zadek16 Current financial market reform efforts have focused on securing stable and resilient financial markets. The public purpose of financial markets, however, concerns the resilience of the broader economic, social and ecological systems within which 15Senior policy adviser, The Development Fund, Norway ( 16Senior Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation, and the Global Green Growth Institute. Views offered in this paper are exclusively those of the author, who takes responsibility for errors and omissions.
  • 20. 20 financial markets operate, a purpose largely ignored in the current policy debate and practice. Sustainable investing has demonstrated proof of concept but will not have systemic impacts in its current forms and trajectories. Needed is a ‘public fiduciary’ for financial markets that reflects more effectively the interests of existing, intended beneficiaries and also those without influential voice: future generations, excluded communities and natural capital. Advancing a public fiduciary for the world’s invested financial assets would require a multi-faceted programme of policy interventions, including fiscal, regulatory and voluntary. Described here are six high-potential policy proposals focused on changes in fund managers’ basis of remuneration, investors’ fiduciary arrangements, investment principles of sovereign wealth funds, sovereign and corporate credit rating methods, fiscal interventions and transparency requirements. These proposals are all based on existing practice that demonstrates technically feasibility and indications of likely impacts. Advancing such an extensive, high-impact programme to secure an alignment of financial markets to sustainability outcomes clearly requires further debate and analysis. Crucially, its implementation raises profound governance issues resulting from the political influence of financial market actors, and associated and competitive constraints to co-ordinated action. Financial market reform requires action on governance internationally if serious progress is to be made in the face of plain-to-see threats and practice of regulatory arbitrage by leading actors in today’s financial markets. Aligning financial markets to sustainability outcomes will not be easy, but without it, too little progress, too late, will be made in shaping a sustainable economy. Progress will require real political and business leadership without at all levels and across geographies and forums. Internationally, such leadership can be demonstrated for example through the UN High Level Panel. Valuing Natural Capital and Biodiversity/Ecosystems Services - Oliver Greenfield17 The natural world has a lot to teach us. Above all, it teaches us about systems and cycles; that altering one component of a system, however small, can have wider implications within and beyond a given cycle. Human society, the planet and the economy are all systems and are all bound together in intricate relationships. Only when we begin to understand this bigger picture can we tackle the systemic problems facing us. Here we take a short journey through planetary science to grasp some of the dimensions of those relationships, and posit a series of solutions for affecting the kind of systemic transformation that we urgently need to ensure the health of the planet and of people. Economic theory (and common sense) tells us that when something is valuable, and it is free, its use tends to infinity - this explains why trees, biodiversity, freshwater and atmospheric space for carbon are all being used ‘like there is no tomorrow’. It also assumes that when something is exhausted (or too expensive), a substitute is almost certain to be found. Economic theory then takes this substitution concept up to a macro level and thinks of the ‘trade-off’ between environment and economy. The logic is that we can have ‘more environment’ if we are prepared to put up with ‘less economy’, or we can have ‘less environment’ if we want a bigger economy. The traditional economic world view that dominates the political spectrum is based on infinite resources, substitution, and ultimately this trade-off between environment and economy. In this paper we take a systemic view of natural capital and the role that it plays in sustaining the human species and our economic system. We will start with a brief journey into planetary science then, taking stock of the solutions being offered by current economic thinking, posit the role of green economy for transforming the current trajectory. Here, we are tackling problems not from the perspective of ‘what is politically feasible?’ but from that of ‘what is absolutely necessary?’: what is necessary in order to ensure that the operating system on which we all depend continues to provide people, communities and all economic activity with a safe space in which to exist. 17 Convener, Green Economy Coalition.
  • 21. 21 ZERO DRAFT OF THE OUTCOME DOCUMENT FOR RIO +20 – THE FUTURE WE WANT18 The second Rio+20 Preparatory Committee Meeting of the UNCSD (Rio +20) process invited all member States, relevant United Nations (UN) system organisations, and relevant stakeholders to provide inputs and contributions to the Secretariat in writing by 1 November 2011, for inclusion in a compilation text to be presented by the UN secretariat to member States and other stakeholders for their comments and further guidance. This compilation document served as the basis for the preparation of a Zero Draft of the outcome document, which was presented for consideration to member States and other stakeholders in January 2012. The Global Transition 2012 Dialogue #2 will focus primarily on Section III: Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, as well as aspects of Section V: Framework for action and follow-up. However, many of the ideas, proposals, and discussions of the Dialogue will be cross-cutting in their nature and may apply to other sections of the Zero Draft – as well as a broader context outside of the Rio +20 process. I. Preamble/Stage setting Vision II. Renewing Political Commitment A. Reaffirming Rio principles and past action plans B. Assessing the progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of the major summits on sustainable development and addressing new and emerging challenges (Integration, Implementation, Coherence) C. Engaging major groups D. Framework for action III. Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication A. Framing the context of the green economy, challenges and opportunities B. Toolkits and experience sharing C. Framework for action IV. Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development A. Strengthening/reforming/integrating the three pillars B. GA, ECOSOC, CSD, SDC proposal C. UNEP, specialized agency on environment proposal, IFIs, United Nations operational activities at country level D. Regional, National, Local V. Framework for action and follow-up A. Priority/key/thematic/cross-sectoral issues and areas B. Accelerating and measuring progress (SDGs, GDP and others) C. Means of Implementation (finance, access to and transfer of technology, capacity building) 18 As of 10 January 2012, this is the structure of the Zero Draft of the Outcome Document, see:
  • 22. 22 VENUE - About Pace University Since 1906 Pace has produced thinking professionals by providing high quality education for the professions on a firm base of liberal learning amid the advantages of the New York metropolitan area. A private university, Pace has campuses in New York City and Westchester County, New York, enrolling nearly 13,000 students in bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs in its Lubin School of Business, Dyson College of Arts and Sciences, College of Health Professions, School of Education, School of Law, and Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems. Catering – sustainability policies
  • 23. 23 GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 DIALOGUE #2 SUPPORTING ORGANISATIONS The Global Transition 2012 coordinating team is extremely grateful to all the support that has been given and shown in preparation for the Dialogue. Many people have contributed their time, expertise, thoughts and suggestions; and the programme and panel discussions/presentations will be all the more interesting for this shared knowledge. The Global Transition Dialogue # 2 was supported by the following partners:   SPONSORSHIP The first and second Global Transition Dialogues, including supporting participants from the global south, have been made possible by the generous support of the VELUX Foundations; the broader initiative activities are made possible by the generous support of the Ford Foundation and the EU. The venue and catering is kindly being co-sponsored by Pace University, NYC.             
  • 24. 24 ABOUT THE GLOBAL TRANSITION 2012 COORDINATING ORGANISATIONS   Green Economy Coalition The Green Economy Coalition (GEC) is a diverse set of organisations and sectors from NGOs, research institutes, UN organisations, business to trade unions. We have come together because we recognise that our economy is failing to deliver either environmental sustainability or social equity. In short, our economic system is failing people and the planet. Global Transition 2012 contact: Emily Benson, Programme Manager new economics foundation (nef) nef (the new economics foundation) is an independent think-and-do tank that inspires and demonstrates real economic well- being. nef aims to improve quality of life by promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environment and social issues. We work in partnership and put people and the planet first. Global Transition 2012 contact: Viki Johnson, Head of Climate and Energy New Economics Institute The New Economics Institute is a US organization that uniquely combines vision, theory, action, and communication to effect a transition to a new economy -- an economy that gives priority to supporting human well-being and Earth’s natural systems. Our multidisciplinary approach employs research, applied theory, public campaigns, and educational events to describe an alternative socio-economic system that is capable of addressing the enormous challenges of our times. Our premise is that a fair and sustainable economy is possible and that ways must be found to realize it. Global Transition 2012 contact: Carina Millstone, Program Director Stakeholder Forum Stakeholder Forum is an international organisation working to advance sustainable development and promote stakeholder democracy at a global level. Our work aims to enhance open, accountable and participatory international decision-making on sustainable development. Stakeholder Forum works across four key areas: Global Policy and Advocacy; Stakeholder Engagement; Media and Communications; and Capacity Building. Our Global Transition 2012 initiative sits within our work on Global Policy and Advocacy. Global Transition 2012 contact: Kirsty Schneeberger, Senior Project Officer Global Transition 2012 Global Transition online interactive map
  • 25. 25 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Particular thanks to the following individuals (in no particular order)   To Chantal line Carpentier, Bernhard Frey, Flore-Anne Bourgeois, Farooq Ullah, David Payton, Yvonne Lodico, Achim Halpaap, Felix Haas, Emily Benson, Carina Millstone, Viki Johnson, Elizabeth Cox, Jeff Huffines, Kim Carstensen, and Tara Rao for your valuable and thoughtful contributions to the programme for the Dialogue. All the speakers, presenters, and chairs of the sessions have offered their weekends to share with the Dialogue participants their perspectives on and experiences of the relevant issues discussed and debated this weekend. Your input will no doubt spark conversations that last from now until Rio +20 – and beyond! The background papers and challenge papers are extremely useful resources and the authors and peer reviewers are to be commended for the insight, knowledge, and thought leadership that shines throughout the papers that serve to challenge the status quo in ways that are both inspiring and solutions focused. The Global Transition 2012 initiative was able to sponsor 15 participants from the Green Economy Coalition and other new economy initiatives to attend and share a global south perspective, thanks to the Velux Foundation. The Danish government, through the Danish 92 group, has also sponsored a number of participants from the global south to attend not only the Global Transition Dialogue, but also the informal sessions in New York from 19th March. In particular, thanks go to Amy Cutter and Jack Cornforth for booking and organising all travel arrangements and supporting with VISA applications. The Global Transition 2012 online platform is, we hope you agree, a useful hub of knowledge and information sharing on the topics covered in the dialogue and many more. Thanks to Tom Harrisson, Viki Johnson and Matt Reading-Smith for keeping it fresh and updated. Thanks also to the White October team who designed and created the website. To Felix Dodds for his words of experience and wisdom, and for the leadership that he has shown – and will no doubt continue to show – in the next 95 days on the road to Rio +20 (and beyond!). The venue and catering has been expertly organised by Dr Greg Julian, Idalia Soto, and Tom Murray. You helped bring the idea to a reality and served us delicious locally produced and organic food. The printing has been done by the Village Group, New York; and the information pack is printed on recycled paper. Thanks to Nicole Anderson and Tony Viola for their work on this. Finally – to all dialogue participants; thank you for joining us and giving up your weekends. Your perspective is incredibly valuable and your experiences will help to shape the way that we all approach the exciting opportunity that transitioning to the new economy offers us. Please do stay in touch, keep up the excellent work, and together we will transition to the new economy that we aspire to. After all: If future generations are to remember us with more gratitude than sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created, not just as it looked when we go through with it. - Lyndon B. Johnson, 1964 Sincerest thanks, once more. Kirsty Schneeberger Global Transition 2012 Coordinator, Stakeholder Forum