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Lighting In The Italian Job
Director Federico Fellini once said, "Light is everything. It expresses ideology, emotion, colour,
depth, style. It can efface, narrate, describe. With the right lighting, the ugliest face, the most idiotic
expression can radiate with beauty or intelligence." Some might say that lighting is key to all of
cinema. Lighting is not only used for simple illumination. It can create textures and shape,
highlights and shadows. Light can be altered to guide our attention to certain areas and add to the
overall narrative of a film (Bordwell & Thompson, 2013). Lighting is crucial to every film, and it is
certainly pivotal in dramatic–crime–thrillers, The Italian Job and The Bank Job. These two films fall
under the same genre and are both successful at ... Show more content on ...
Immediately, the film commences with a series of speedboat chase scenes. The chase is during the
broad daylight, and everything is visible due to frontal and top lighting (see visual 1). In this
sequence of scenes, the viewer can hear the non–digetic fast paced soundtrack playing behind the
digetic sounds of speedboat engines roaring and the Venetian gang members shouting in anger.
Cutting in between the chase scenes, there is an underwater scene where the characters try to unlock
the safe. It is in this scene that shadows are first used to make the scene look and feel like a reality
(see visual 2). The only light being produced is the light coming from the characters sleds, as well as
some backlighting, which allows for the blue coloring to be seen, making clear that they are in fact
underwater. During this underwater scene, there is no soundtrack, only the faint sound of breathing
from the oxygen tanks. The film cuts back and forth from underwater to the speedboat chase, and
the fast paced soundtrack and loud digetic sound effects prove to contrast the muted and seemingly
peaceful scene
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Holes: The Italian Job Comparison Essay
The Italian job comparison
The Italian job and its remake have almost nothing to do with each other but they have something
alike and say this is because both of the movies are about heisting gold. The problem is that the first
one is more Italian oriented than the newer version. First I will talk about the first movie and then
the remake. All right the first now that is somewhat more planning than actually doing.
The plot is the main character Charlie Croker played by Michael Caine is just getting out of prison
for stealing cars. But when he was in prison he made friends with an inmate who was very rich and
powerful and had a lot of connections with people.
And Charlie Croker used to be very close with the mafia but now the word ... Show more content on ...
Now the characters are the same except the new Charlie Croker is way smarter than the old one.
Also the new one did not get out of prison like the old one. Also this is a little off the plot from the
first movie the new one is about deception and greed one of the people that were in on the job was a
traitor named Steve and tricked them in to helping him steal the gold.
But after he got what he wanted he tried to kill his partners but they had jumped in the water to
escape from him but one of them he shot and killed. So now they are out for revenge the good part is
he thinks that his partners are dead. But with the help of the murdered guy's daughter they plan on
getting the gold from Steve's safe and now he moved to New York. The problem is he has it in
almost impossible to break into safe so that is where the murdered mans daughter comes in to play.
And sense Steve had never really met her before so she goes in under cover to see where the gold is
and how they can get it out. But once her cover is blown Steve moves the gold out by three different
vans and the only choice they have left is to pull the heist off once more except in daylight with
Steve watching over the van that has the gold.
Then Charlie with all his smarts blows a hole In the middle of the road and then moves the gold
under ground. But then they get a little side tracked and it turns out that Steve had switched to a
different safe than
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Essay about Analysis of Media Devices in The Italian Job
Analysis of Media Devices in The Italian Job
Both films show an insight into technology; the modern version is more technologically advanced.
All this is due to the availability of technology in the two eras. Donald Sutherland known as John
Bridger in the later version of the film uses a mobile phone and whilst carrying out the mission the
use of infer–red devices, laptops and other technology is also significantly used. In contrast to this
the 1969 version Michael Cain gets the main idea from the slideshow left by Beckerman. Also
whilst Seth Green hacks into the traffic network system in the 2003 version the tapes are manually
switched in the previous edition. The technology element is effective ... Show more content on ...
In spite of the brilliant use of music and sound effects, spectator's debate there was a lot of
stereotyping in the two films. In the Italian Job 2003, Mark Wahlberg starring as Charlie the leading
character, who plans a mission without the use of a gun is typical stereotyping, John Bridger pulls
out of retirement "for one last job" and in addition to this Stella a beautiful blond woman who ran a
legal business is suddenly talked into helping avenge her father's death by coming in on the revenge
heist. This same norm is used in the 1969 Italian Job but in different ways, all the blonde girls as
bimbos falling at the feet of Cain. The effectiveness is genuinely moral but it seems unrealistic
especially in the modern era because the similar releases contain a lot of stereotyping i.e. Oceans
Eleven carry out a robbery with no gun in three biggest casinos in Los Angels.
In contrast to stereotyping the editing was a major media device of the film. The editing links up
quite well with pace, an excellent example is when in the contemporary Italian Job there's a
speedboat chase, and the scenes keeps alternating between the cracking of the safe in a calm, quiet
environment underwater and on the other hand a mirror reflection were the Italian Mafiosi are
shouting and
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Rudolph Valentino And Al Jolson Are Immigrants From Europe
During the lecture, Prof Kuntz mentioned how both Rudolph Valentino and Al Jolson are
immigrants from Europe. And because of that, Valentino has trouble finding jobs at first so he
started acting as villains; Al Jolson invested his early career in Burlesque and Vaudeville, which
greatly affected his acting style in the movie, The Jazz Singer (1927). The brief acknowledgement
got me interested in more research on what effect immigration played on both stars' paths to
stardom. After examining the childhood and diverse background of both Al Jolson and Rudolph
Valentino, I reached the conclusion that immigrants brought innovative expressions to American
Film Industry in the 1920s because of their different upbringings and their early non–ideal jobs,
which provided them with a non–mainstream approach to acting, along with their diverse
ethnicities. First of all, the Italian immigrant, Rudolph Valentino, marched his way into ... Show
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Penniless, Rudolph Valentino arrived in New York at the age of 18. He had trouble finding jobs at
first until he started working as a gardener on grand estates. If it weren't for his immigrant status and
financial situation, he would not have gotten the opportunity to observe and emulate the rich and
elegant. Soon enough, talented as a dancer, the handsome boy found a job as a taxi dancer, in which
the service of a gigolo is often implied. Rodolfo met Bonnie Glass and finally advanced to the ranks
of exhibition dancer, a job far more suitable to a gentleman than taxi–dancing, according to a
dissertation by Villalobos (154).1 Exhibition dancers are embraced by high society, lauded for their
taste and culture, and regularly featured on Vaudeville. The new excitement came with endless self–
doubt until
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Italian Immigration And New Immigration
From 1890 onward became a part of what is known as "New Immigration," which became known as
the third and largest wave of immigration to America from Europe. This wave consisted of Slavs,
Jews, and Italians. Three million Italians, which was the largest new immigrants, immigrated to
America. These immigrants represented all regions of Italy most of them being from Southern Italy.
Italian immigrants were driven from their homelands for the many hardships they faced and hoped
that America would benefit to their cause only to find that they were faced with new struggles.
Many Italians were often referred to as "birds of passage" because they had only planned on staying
in the United States temporarily just until they could gain enough money to support their life back in
Italy. Poverty, overpopulation, politics, and natural disasters have had Italians packing but only
temporarily. Poverty was the main reason that Italians felt the need to leave. With northern Italians
in control of the government high taxes and protective tariffs on northern industries hurt southern
Italians. Along with that, roughly eighty percent of Italians lived off of agriculture. Many farming
tools were inefficient due to the lack of modern technology, which did not allow for improvement.
Farmers often lived in a one–room house with no plumbing or even privacy which were harsh
conditions in comparison to others. These people were isolated being that there were no roads,
making it extremely hard to make
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The Italian Americans: La Famigli Documentary Analysis
Italian Immigration The documentary "The Italian Americans: La Famiglia" explains the
circumstances that led to early Italians migrating to America. In the mid–1800s, the people who
lived in the southern part of what would become Italy were living in abject poverty. The citizens
there could not prosper because they did not own their own land and they were mistreated by the
rich (Maggio, 2014). However, there appeared to be hope for the southern Italians, in the 1860s,
when Garibaldi fought for Italy to become a nation. Sadly, once that happened the peasants were
then forced to pay taxes that they already could not afford. So, after 1870, many of the poor fled to
America in the hopes of finding jobs. And fortunately, due to the end of the Civil
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How Immigration Changed America
Grace MacCallum Period A–FAA USH Mr Picillo Gilded Age Research How Immigration Changed
America Post Civil War During the late 1800s, inhabitants from all parts of the world made the
decision to leave their jobs and homes to immigrate to the United States. They fled rising taxes,
famine, crop failure, land and job shortages, to come to the United States. Perceived to be one of the
greater countries for economic opportunity, many sought freedom from religious and political
persecution. Around twelve million immigrants arrived in the United States between 1870 and 1900.
Before the Civil War, the majority of immigrants were from Germany, Ireland, and England. There
would be a drastic change in the next three decades. After the Civil War, immigrants ... Show more
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Economically, they filled a significant need for cheap labor in booming American industries. The
large numbers of immigrants helped keep labor cost down for Big Business and different groups
were often put against each other in competition for the cheapest workers. Politically, different
immigrant groups became active members of various labor organizations and unions, pushing to
change pro–business laws and establish regulations governing working conditions and wages. And
socially, American culture as it is known now was formed by this influx of immigrants. People from
all over the planet brought with them not only their labor but also their cultures, helping to
contribute to the mosaic that is the American way of life. These immigrants, as shown by the
prejudice and discrimination directed towards them, were not always welcome. In economic hard
times, immigrants were blamed for job shortages and family hardships, used as scapegoats for larger
problems. Nativist movements were directed against the Chinese, Japanese, Italians, and others,
especially during the 1880s and 90s. As evidenced by the Chinese Exclusion Act and later
legislation that limited immigration from Japan and other regions, this anti–immigrant sentiment
went as high up as the nation's capital. This history was simply a repeat of the nativism and hatred
directed against the Irish and Germans of the 1840s and 1850s and is similar to that experienced in
America today by immigrants from Mexico and Latin America. In the area of immigration, history
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The Integration Of Italians Into American Culture
Italian–American culture has been immortalized in movies, literature, and songs. One of the movies
that shows the integration of Italians into American culture comes from the 20th century and was
well acclaimed for its acting and cinematography. The 1955 film Marty accurately portrays Italian–
American lifestyles and stigmas, specifically males, in that time period and demonstrates how the
Italian people assimilated into American culture.
Getting married was one of the most important things that an Italian man can do. At 35 years old,
Marty has yet to marry or have children, and is living with his mother in his childhood home. In this
time period, it was critical to marry someone who was also Italian. This custom was practiced more
before the time period of Marty but it was still an important factor to consider when picking a bride.
The viewer sees how important this is to Marty's mother, as she asks questions of Clara before
Mrs. Pilletti: "She 's more than twenty–nine years old, Marty. That 's what she tells you...She looked
thirty–five, forty years old. She do not look like an Italian girl...What family she comes from? I do
not know. Something about her I–I do not like...The first time you meet the girl, she comes to your
empty house alone. These college girls. They 're only one step from the street."
Marty:" What are ya talkin ' about? She 's a nice girl."
Mrs. Pilletti: "She do not look Italian to me. I do not like her...Do not bring her up to the house no
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Italian Immigrants Essay
Italian immigrants were not welcomed with open arms into the land of opportunity. They had to
adapt to the new lifestyle without forgetting theirs. Throughout the years, American citizens would
be accustomed to having foreigners living in their neighborhoods. The Italian immigrants
established communities where they managed to keep la via vecchia alive.
The American population viewed the Italian immigrants as an inferior race. People who made rude
comments about Italians specifically directed it to them and made sure they knew. They still regard
Italian Americans as racially inferior "dagos", "wops," "guineas," and "greasers." 1 Like most
immigrants that migrated to the Land of Liberty at the time, Italian immigrants were seen as
foreigners to those that were born and raised in America. Particularly, Italian immigrants were
placed at the lowest level of the economy and social class. The American population viewed them as
uneducated people who were destined to be laborers. There were people that despise the idea of
immigrants coming to the United States and there is no space for them. "America for Americans
should be the motto of every citizen." 2 They were not needed because they were unskilled and
uneducated. Thus, the American population never sought to treat foreigners with respect. First,
second, and third generations had to live with discrimination and horrible working and living
conditions. Most Italian immigrants had to live in tenements which were crowded and small
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Breaking Away Reflection
The movie Breaking Away, by Steve Tesich, is a story of a nineteen year old boy, Dave Stoller, who
lives in Bloomington, Indiana. After graduating high school, Dave is struggling with his identity.
Instead of going to college or getting a job, he spends his time trying to become a Cinzano Italian
biker. However, Dave's father is very against Dave pretending he is Italian and not becoming an
adult, yet Dave ignores him and continues to be just like the the Cinzano's. Specifically, Dave does
not want to go to college because if he is worried to leave his friends. Additionally, he can't get a job
in Bloomington because many of the jobs are closing down. His solution is to give himself a good
life by pretending to be Italian. Later in the movie, Dave finds out that the Cinzano's bikers cheat
and he realizes that does not need to be just like them to be happy, so he decides to go to college.
Dave's life choices are impacted throughout the story by his point of view on his identity. In the
beginning of the film, from Dave's point of view, identity is when you try to be someone else who
you wish you were, but in reality you are not. Dave is trying to create his own identity for himself
by living his life as an Italian biker. Dave's point of view is influenced by the Italian culture. He
wants to be just like the Italian bike racers because he thinks they are absolutely perfect and the only
way he will be satisfied is by being just like them. Therefore he does the same things as
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Italian Immigrants In America
Since it declared independence from Great Britain in 1776, the United States has been called a land
of opportunity for immigrants. Predating the founding of the nation itself, Italians have been drawn
to the new world. Starting in 1492 with Christopher Columbus, and even leading up to the American
Civil War, Italians have come to this country in search of a new life. However, it was not until the
20th century that Italians, similar to other Europeans and Asians, began to arrive in the United States
in waves, and social impact the nation. After the Italians had left economically unstable and famine–
ridden Italy, they arrived in America hoping to find a prosperous land. Yet, their idea of life in
America got derailed by the way people socially ... Show more content on ...
These forms of entertainment consist of everything from the arts to sporting events. The Italians
dominated the arts in both Europe and America. The Italian language itself has been known as the
language of music for centuries since all musical terms are written in the Italian language. When
Italians immigrated to the United States, they brought along with them their love and talent for the
arts. This naturally included the opera, which has been widely associated with a popular outing for
people of the upper class. Yet, the opera doesn't have to be viewed in this way, for the opera is for
everybody and tells stories through music. In fact, famous plays and songs are turned opera
including that of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Art is another thing that comes with the
Italian heritage, and Florence is regarded as the birthplace of the Renaissance and the resurgence of
art. It was these works of the time that inspired many other Americans of Italian descent to create
their own artwork such as Ralph Fasanella. Many musicians are regarding as being Italian. One
musician, Frank Sinatra, has been known for his music career and is widely regarded as a popular
musician. However, according to sources Sinatra has been viewed as a mafia member by many
people who were prejudice towards the Italian race. This ethnic prejudice can largely be associated
with the novel and film The Godfather. The 1969
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Italianamerican American Culture Analysis
Documentaries are a form of realistic cinema that is often used to deliver emotional messages based
upon the elements of truth and genuineness as opposed to beauty through manipulation.
Italianamerican, a traditional film directed by Martin Scorsese, aims to depict the lives of his parents
as they grew up in their neighborhood on Elizabeth Street through a series of questions answered by
Catherine and Charlie Scorsese themselves. From these personal recounts, sociological and
ethnological issues such as the struggles of Italian immigration and assimilation to American soil
along with the similarities and differences between second–generation Italian–Americans and their
immigrant parents are gradually revealed. The discussed traditions and customs ... Show more
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While reminiscing their honeymoon trip to Italy, Scorseses's parents described Sicily as a beautiful
place with delicious foods. Despite this however, economic conditions in the southern countryside
where they resided were extremely unstable. Scorsese's mother mentions how movement in society
was very stagnant regardless of one's level of skill or talent. As a result of limited jobs and unsteady
income, many families, including Scorseses's parents', yearned to move to America. Writers Edvige
Giunta and Kathleen Zamboni McCormick wholly support Catherine Scorsese's explanation of how
terrible the quality of life was in the Old Country in their article, "The Italian American Immigrant
Experience." Most Italians who left for America did not consider themselves as Italians. "Their
cultural identities were tied to the villages and towns from which they came." (Giunta &
McCormick, 5) This statement is evident as references of places in the elder Scorseses' dialogues are
made to specific regions of Sicily, never to Italy as a whole. Unlike Sicily, America's economy was
growing at a rapid rate in part of the industrialism that was taking place at the time. Thus, in the eyes
of many immigrants, America was seen as a promising place with greater
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Irish Stereotypes
Throughout the years of American history there has been an abundance of groups that have decided
to immigrate to the United States from other countries. The Irish people, Italian and Jewish groups
moved over and experienced a numerous amounts of stereotypes, discrimination, and then
assimilated into American culture.
The Irish people came to the United States to attempt to start a new life and attempt to succeed.
Once arrived, the Irish lived in ethnic enclaves that contained a lot of Irish individuals because they
could continue to practice their culture and be amongst individuals whom were also from Ireland.
Based of their culture, the Irish experienced many stereotypes. The Irish were called immoral, lazy,
and uneducated. They were immoral ... Show more content on ...
Currently, the Jews are assimilated into American culture because of reforming their religion,
embracing their opportunities, moving from "blue to white collar", and political impacts. The Jews
having different beliefs about religion led them to be discriminated against with jobs, housing, and
public facilities. When The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was published, it led to massive
discrimination for the Jewish people. This publication included lies about Jews wanting to take over
the world and destroying Western Civilization. Henry Ford circulated the book in his factory and led
to immigrants reading this piece. The immigrants would read the book and develop major
stereotypes against the Jews that would lead to more discrimination versus them. Today, Jewish
Americans are assimilated into American society through reforming their religion. Reformed
Judaism meant that Jews would abandon visible and customary aspects of their life, and not be
pointed out as easily. Jewish American would embrace their opportunities by willing to work in
unskilled jobs in order to move up to more skilled jobs, they earned citizenship, and would work
hard to pursue a higher education. The Jewish people moved from "blue to white collar" because of
their strong work ethic, major support in the enclave, and they would chase more schooling. Lastly,
the Jews participated in the Students for a Democratic
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Essay about Italian Immigration
After experiencing hardships like poverty, a series of natural disasters, civil war and oppression
from Northern Italy the Southern Italians started coming to America in flocks between 1876 and
1976. The most concentrated migrations of Italians happened between 1880 and 1920. Italians came
to America not to escape these hardships, but to work and send money home to Italy in order to get
their families out of poverty. Seventy percent of Italian immigrants were men and less than ten
percent of them worked in agriculture, a sign that their stay in America was a temporary one. While
here they worked in factories, construction and opened businesses. Coming to America, Italians
were faced with racism, poverty, discrimination, corrupt ... Show more content on ...
Like seventy–five percent of Italian men who would come to the United States of America, Angelo
left his fiancé and family behind thinking that he would find limitless opportunities and return home
after a few short years. He showed up in 1900 in Boston, Massachusetts with some Italian coins
equal to about $2.50, some food, two changes of clothes and an optimistic attitude. The average
Southern–Italian came to America with about $8.67 in their pocket. This was a big difference
compared to the $17.10 that the average Irish person brought or the $23.53 that the average
Northern–Italian brought.
Most Italians worked in construction or in factories and the unskilled laborers worked on the
railways and other tedious jobs that no one else would do such as shoe shinning, rag picking and
sewer cleaning. Italians typically took low paying jobs and worked their way up the ladder. It was
that willingness to do these jobs for less that other white Americans resented because they said that
the Italians were stealing jobs from them. Angelo took a job at a shoe factory. Even though he was
not illiterate, he was at a disadvantage because he had not learned English before arriving in
America. Angelo lived at first with some roommates he had met on the boat ride over to the "New
Country" in a two room Apartment in Malden, Massachusetts. They saved money to send home by
carrying on their
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Italian Culture and Society Essays
As the world evolves so do the people within it, but without much surprise some things do not
change that drastically and one of those things is the culture in which a person was born and raised.
Even though ones culture or way of life may progress in some ways, it does not totally change. The
topic of discussion for this paper will be that of the Italian culture. Who are they really? What types
of challenges do they face? Many other topics will be discussed about the Italian society, but first we
begin with the basic facts as to who they were. The first few questions that must be answered in
order to understand the Italian culture entirely is who they are, where they are located, how they live
their everyday lives, and how they are ... Show more content on ...
People of the Italian culture are very proud of their way of life and do not see any need to change it.
Certain traditions that Italians have lived by for hundreds of years are still maintained with
provincial pride due to the fact that this community is so closely knit to their ancestors and the way
life was lived before them.
There is basis on which the Italian culture can be viewed as a single group of people. That basis
would be there diverse ways of living from all other cultures and their patriotism for their country.
Some aspects of Italian culture may pertain to other cultures but the uniqueness of this exact culture
give it its own ability to strive as just one group. With closely knit communities, families, old
loyalties to hometowns, and a striving economy people of the Italian culture are a single group of
people that have survived using the same techniques as their cultural ancestors before them. On the
other hand this culture does face challenges and prospects as a community and that is to be
discussed next.
No one community is perfect, each as their ups and downs. The Italian community suffers severally
from sexism and it affects this society tremendously. In this type of society it is not unnatural for
women to be a housewife or to have a job, but if a woman does have a job they do risk the chance of
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Analysis Of 97 Orchard By Jane Ziegelman
The United States is made up of two different types of immigrants: those who are born on U.S. soil
and those who travel to settle here. However, despite whether one is born in the United States or not
for most their lineage runs back to other countries. It is evident that a majority of the U.S. first
immigration wave was around the late 1800's to the 1920's. This was a time in which many
immigrants where leaving their countries due to different reasons and finding prosperity in the U.S.
In the book 97 Orchards: An Edible History of Five Immigrant Families in One New York Tenement
(97 Orchard) by Jane Ziegelman she explores and paints the history of five different immigrant
families. The book goes into great detail sharing stories of daily ... Show more content on ...
This lead to an increase in imports from Italy and many finding jobs selling these items. As people
found jobs selling imports there grew to be tiny shops on the streets to which became Little Italy. An
important staple within the community was bread. When reviewing the Baldizzi's meals each one
consisted of bread. Often times the Italians would make a stew of some sorts and would dip their
bread in it completing their meal. Bread for the Italians is like tortillas for Latinos, it is a common
reliable food that enhances their meal. There is a proverb by Mary Taylor Simeti that states "If I had
a saucepan, water and salt, I'd make a bread stew–if I had bread."
The Italians viewed bread as gold where one might say "good as gold" the Italian phrase would be
"good as bread". The basic mercy of life would be a loaf of bread to the extent that if a piece fell to
the ground it was to be kissed as if a child hurt themselves. This shows the significant relationship
they hold to this particular item. During this specific time many immigrant families including the
Baldizzi's had a difficult time supplying food weekly. Although it was considered a walk of shame
they went down each week to the food shelter. Bread was a holy staple food due to its reliability and
accessibility. This was something that paired easily with other foods and was able to give a sense of
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Italian Neo Realism During World War II
Introduction Italian Neo–Realism is a movement and trend in Italian film based on the changed
social and economic realities forced upon Italy by WWII. It is a style of film characterized by stories
set amongst the poor and working class, filmed on location, frequently using nonprofessional actors.
Italian Neo–Realism relates closely to the war realities in Italy at the end of World War II and after
World War II. "Italian neorealist films mostly contend with the difficult economical and moral
conditions of post–World War II Italy, reflecting the changes in the Italian psyche and the conditions
of everyday life: poverty and desperation. The neorealist movement began in Italy at the end of
World War II as an urgent response to the political ... Show more content on ...
(Film making techniques used to reflect the reality), The harsh reality of war torn Italy is presented
in the texts Rome, Open City and Bicycle Thieves through specific film techniques that the directors
of the non–professional films and actors have chosen. The main techniques used were Non diegetic
sound: Music is used throughout the film to transition the mood and atmosphere. "Cinematography
is used through the choices of shots in the film to influence the meaning through showing the harsh
postwar realities in Italy after the world war. Shot sizes influences the meaning to the audience.
Close up shots/extreme close ups shots and long shots. "4 In Bicycle Thieves non–diegetic sound:
Slow music was used to show that there was a sad mood and atmosphere in the movie when Antonio
gets his bike stolen and while they walk with the crowd at the end of the movie. Upbeat, happy
music was used to show there was a good mood and atmosphere in the film when Antonio received
the job, when he got his new bike and was working. Close up shots are taken of Antonio during
tough times when he is trying to find his bike, it helps the audience gain access to the mind and
thought process of him when he figures out he will never find his bike in the end, lose his job and
have no family income. Long shot is taken at the start of the film when mass crowds of people were
trying to get jobs to feed and provide for their families. These camera shots play an important role in
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The Challenges Of Immigrants In The 19th Century
The United State of America has been a place of opportunities where one can easily achieve his or
her dreams. Critiques have shown that even a few who are brought up from a poor family have to
turn out becoming great people on earth. It is a country that was built by immigrants. It is well
known that "America's first European settlers were America's first immigrants. These first citizens
were welcome by Native Americans, and they were seen as a threat. By the 19th century, the pattern
had been repeated many times, with each new wave of immigrants encountering mixed reactions
from already established Americans." Turner, Laura Leddy. "Challenges Faced by Immigrants in the
19th Century." Synonym. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 June 2017. After the British took over the land from the
Native American and started to develop the land, there were other European countries who also
migrated to seek greener pastures. They were not accepted easily but had to be screened in order for
them to be welcome into the system. The early settlers were so threatened after they were able to get
rid of the natives of the land "The German, Irish and Italian immigrants who arrived in America
during the 1800s often faced prejudice and mistrust. Many had to overcome language barriers.
Others discovered that the challenges they had fled from, such as poverty or religious persecution,
were to be encountered in America as well. A mass migration of Germans began in the mid–1830s
and continued into the 1880s when
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Essay on Film Analysis of the Italian Job
Our analysis is on the film The Italian Job. While we view the movie and determine the various
norms, behaviors, roles and interaction between group members, as well as individuals the
examination within the realm of film can present many of the same components. Thus, our group
selected this movie to analyze based on its formation of a cohesive problem–solving group full of
unforgettable characters. The Italian Job portray many different theories and aspects of small group
communication. This analysis will examine the following elements. First we will establish the group
background by describing the development of the characters and major plot lines in The Italian Job.
Second, we will describe the techniques/methods our group used to ... Show more content on ...
Thus, our group selected this movie to analyze based on its formation of a cohesive problem–
solving group full of unforgettable characters. The Italian Job portray many different theories and
aspects of small group communication. This analysis will examine the following elements. First we
will establish the group background by describing the development of the characters and major plot
lines in The Italian Job. Second, we will describe the techniques/methods our group used to analyze
the film to provide the reader with insight into the development of this analysis. The major focus of
this analysis examines five major areas of small group communication. Specifically we will identify
a) the various group roles that develop throughout the duration of the movie and the relevance they
have to the development of the group, b) the gender differences that exist between the members of
the Italian Job and impact they have on member role and leadership emergence, c) the verbal and
nonverbal interaction between members and the impact the various elements have on the
development of first impressions of the group members, d) the development of the group as they
progress through the primary and secondary tensions, and e) the problem solving techniques used by
the group to accomplish their tasks. In addition, we will also compare the Italian Job to our own
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Essay about The Italian Immigrants of Post-1880
"Between 1880 and 1920 more than 4.1 million Italians were recorded as entering the United States"
(Daniels, p. 188). The Italian immigrants of post–1880 were different from other immigrant groups
by these topics of religion, labor, family orientation, politics, and education. The 1880s brought a
change not only in the amount of Italian immigrants but also the characteristic of them as a group.
This group of immigrants was incredibly male dominated, in comparison to the other immigrants of
this time, most settling in New York and Chicago. The living conditions that these Italians
encountered were not pleasant. It was common for them to live in very crowded four bedroom
apartments. Compared to other immigrants, they had one of the worsts ... Show more content on ...
The padrone system faded out as family networks grew. The relationships of their family were
essentially the only connection they had. They did not rely on politics or get involved in public
office. They tended to only associate with family or fellow Italians in the area. For this reason,
mafias emerged in America because of the strong devotion to family and eventually family business.
The Italians were mostly Catholic with the belief that "priests were agents of the pope and bishops"
(Daniels, p. 197). As more Italians arrived, they began to form distinct enclaves in neighborhoods
first settled by earlier immigrants. Interestingly the issue of diet among immigrant workers received
attention during this time. Italian Laborers, Padrones, and Pernicious Pasta reads, "In the process,
Italian foods were redefined as a "problem" for the fitness, health, and future prosperity of the
Italian worker and therefore a threat to workplace efficiency and productivity" (Slideshow 7:
Additional Links). The padrone system became concerned with the foods their workers ate because
it could affect the way they worked and essentially the way the padroni was paid. In 1890, Jacob
Riis, a Danish immigrant and police reporter published How the Other Half Lives where he wrote
about a mixed impression from the Italian immigrants in New York City. In the excerpt regarding
Italians, Riis judged them on their unsanitary living conditions and
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Problems Faced By French Migration To North America
The French were an important old immigrant group. The French immigrated to North America
during a religious movement known as the Reformation. The Reformation created problems
throughout Europe, which divided the church into Catholics and Protestants. French immigrants also
typically came to the United States as families seeking change or opportunity. These immigrants
typically went to the areas where these opportunities were likely to be found. France faced problems
in taking in large numbers of immigrants from different cultures. The Seven Years' War (French and
Indian War), also affected immigration to North America. This war was fought in 1763 between
France and England. France lost the war and gave up to England's control over the colonies ... Show
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This act decreased the restrictions on non–European immigration. It increased the ethnic makeup of
immigrants entering America, and it resulted in an increase in total immigration. It added an overall
limit to the number of immigrants that were admitted. This lead to discrimination because only a
certain percent of immigrants from each country were allowed in America, so it wasn't completely
fair to everyone wanting to immigrate. This act affected the French, Chinese, and Italian immigrants
because not all of them would be able to enter America, so they wouldn't all get economic
opportunities and new jobs. They also wouldn't get to be able to do the same things as the
immigrants that were allowed into America could
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Italian Immigration To California Essay
Drawn by the prospects of job opportunities, agriculture, land, and gold Italians began immigrating
to California in the mid 19th century. At this time many Italians had settled on the east coast,
causing "California [to be free] from the threat of large–scale immigration, because few Italian
peasants were able to afford the additional travel expenses" (Giovinco 198). However, the Italians
coming to California were mostly from the northern parts of Italy, while those that settled on the east
coast were from the southern parts of Italy. Once arriving in California, the Italians settled in the
North Beach area of San Francisco, Monterey, and southern California between the cities of Los
Angeles and San Diego. The immigration of Italians to California came in three main waves with
the first wave arriving between "the mid–19th century until shortly before World War II, and were
driven by poverty and struggle," (Yollin) while the second wave, arriving during the period just
before the war until 1970, "were mainly middle–class Italians who wanted to join their relatives or
escape postwar ruins" (Yollin). The final ... Show more content on ...
This northern California winescape is "dotted with Italian surnames that suggest traditional roots of
pioneering viticulturists" (Helzer 49). For Italians, they adapted their "old–world winemaking
traditions to new lands" (Helzer 49), and their success can be partially attributed to the "similarities
in landscape, ecology, and climate between California and the rolling countryside of northwestern
Italy" (Vaught 885). Furthermore, the success of these immigrants can be attributed to their plethora
of access to social capital listed
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Impact Of Atlantic Crossing Immigrants On U.s. Education
Impact of Atlantic Crossing Immigrants on U.S. Education
From the 19th century to present many immigrants have come to the United States seeking a better
life. These immigrants have had a profound impact on the United States. The school system was
especially affected by these immigrants and was faced with the difficulty of integrating the influx of
immigrants into the educational system. The effects of integrating these immigrants such as the
Irish, German and Italian immigrants has had a profound and far reaching impact on education, even
up to the present day. Their experiences in coming to the United States helped us to develop private
Catholic schools and establish kindergarten classrooms,
In the early 19th century many Irish people immigrated to the United States. There were several
reasons why Irish people came to live in America. During the American Industrial Revolution, many
immigrants from all over, including Ireland, came to The New World to find new opportunities.
There were also great religious opportunities from the largely Roman Catholic influence in Irish
culture to the various Protestant religions here. All was well and good as Americans and immigrants
worked together to expand the railroad and canals in the New England States, primarily New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, and New York (Irish American Journey). In 1819, 43 percent of immigrants to
America were Irish (Immigration). In Ireland at the time, most people were farmers and lived off
potato crops for
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Italian Immigration In The Late 1800s
Italian immigration became very prevalent during the time of 1880 to 1899 as 900,000 immigrants
fled to America because Italy suffered from overpopulation, poverty and natural disasters. In the
1870s, "Italian birthrates rose and death rates fell" (Digital History). In the poor southern provinces
of Italy, over population became severe. By the late 1890s, the illiteracy rate in southern Italy raised
to 70 percent, which was ten times the rate in England, France, or Germany. "The Italian
government was dominated by northerners, and southerners were hurt by high taxes and high
protective tariffs on northern industrial goods. Southerners also suffered from a scarcity of
cultivable land, soil erosion and deforestation, and a lack of coal and iron ... Show more content on ...
Many Italian immigrants were known as birds of passage because they came to the United States
seeking temporary work without any intention of living permanently. Because the economy was
suffering in Italy, the Italians were "unable to earn a livelihood in their home countries" (Digital
History). Most of the laborers who came to the United States were young men in their teens and
twenties, who left behind their parents, wives, and children to work and save money. Before 1900,
an estimated 78 percent of Italian immigrants were men. "Many of them traveled to America in the
early spring, worked until late fall, and then returned to the warmer climates of their southern
European homes winter" (Digital History). Because the Italians were looking for high wages and not
long term residency, they migrated to the cities where wages were relatively high despite the poor
living conditions. The Italians "lived as inexpensively as possible under conditions that native–born
families considered intolerable" (Digital History). The immigrants took heavy construction jobs
such as digging tunnels, laying railroad tracks, constructing bridges and roads, and erecting
skyscrapers. "As early as 1890, 90 percent of New York City's public works employees and 99
percent of Chicago's street workers were Italian" (Digital History). The Italians played a major role
in the development of big United States cities as they were the labor force of the construction jobs.
While the Italians migrated to these large cities together, they formed ethnic enclaves and left Italian
culture in these
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Comparing the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (1969)...
Comparing the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (1969) and the Opening Sequence of The
Italian Job (2003)
In this essay I will be comparing the opening sequences of 'The Italian Job (1969) and its modern–
day remake 'The Italian Job' (2003). The original was directed by Peter Collinson and starred
famous actors such as Michael Caine. It was a huge success and gained a massive cult following.
The remake in 2003 was directed by Gary Gray and stared Mark Wahlberg and Seth Green. Again
this was a huge success and introduced the film to a new generation. The opening sequence is a very
important one as it gives the viewer a feel for the movie and what's to be expected from the film.
Keep in mind that the ... Show more content on ...
One minor flaw is the amount of damage actually done to the car, all the paint work seems to be in
immaculate condition with some light body damage– not what you would expect from a massive
explosion. You then see Charlie Crocker getting released from prison. This immediately gives you
ideas on this person's personality as he has been in jail.
In the 2003 version the action is quite different; as the credits are rolling, fast paced orchestral music
is playing in the back ground with shots of plans of what you presume are for some type of crime.
The music builds up to a climax before stopping and going into the movie. A man in his mid sixties
walks out of the shop on the phone to his daughter as they talk about where he is and if his Parole
Officer knows about it. Within the first few sentences you can tell that the man has something to do
with the plot as he talks about breaking out of prison which makes the viewer feel suspicious about
his past. He informs you that he's in Venice and the cameras pan towards the trademark features
such as the gondolas and Rialto Bridge. He meets up with work colleagues and they begin to initiate
their plan. All of this creates a sense of anticipation, you are expecting something to happen shortly.
During the boat chase scene, there is a dramatic difference in the music. Loud and fast paced music
is being
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Immigration to the Land of Opportunity Essay examples
Immigration to America is often a decision made in order to discover a better life for a family or
individual. America's founding ideals are usually what compel foreigners to move to the US. The
stories of America being the "Land of Opportunity" have continued to persuade people to immigrate.
Although immigration in the 20th century is much different from recent immigration, the underlying
reasons for moving to the US are usually quite similar.
Anna Romano was 24 years old when she, her husband Gino, and her expected daughter moved
from Ponza, Italy to the United States in 1971. Her sister–in–law was the first of her relatives to
move to the United States, in hopes of finding opportunity for her family. After hearing great things
about ... Show more content on ...
Although they had exceedingly high expectations for life in America, these expectations were met
when they arrived.
The lifestyle changes that came along with the transition from the small island of Ponza to the city
of Boston were quite drastic. When they first arrived in America, Anna and Gino lived with Gino's
sister and her husband. Shortly after their arrival, Anna gave birth to her first daughter. Seeing as
Anna and Gino did not know any English, it was difficult for them to adjust to the American culture
and lifestyle. Fortunately, Gino quickly found a job that had many Italian employees, so he was able
to communicate with them without difficulty. Anna, on the other hand, did not have similar luck. In
Ponza, most women did not work. Therefore, she did not have any experience or specific skill in
addition to speaking only Italian. This made it incredibly difficult for Anna to find work. However,
she came across a job as a housekeeper, and did this for several years. In Ponza, employment was
much different than it is in America. Fishing and owning small shops were most of what the jobs
consisted of on the small island. These jobs did not pay much. In America, Anna and Gino were paid
weekly and consistently, which was a huge benefit for them despite the fact that they were not paid
very much. This
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The Rise Of Benito Mussolini And Adolf Hitler
"There was no contemporary politician Hitler venerated more than Benito Mussolini, Italy's Fascist
dictator" – Wolfgang Schieder. The period following World War I (WWI) saw the rise of two
dictators in Europe, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. Hitler's Nazi beliefs were entirely based off
of Mussolini's fascists ideologies in both domestic and foreign policies, through collectivism and
expansion. As Hitler admired Mussolini's style of leadership in Italy, he strove to achieve the same
style of government in Germany. These two dictators would eventually form a strong alliance, the
Pact of Steel, because of their similar ideologies. It was after observing how Mussolini rose to
power and ran his Fascist government that Hitler learned how he should run his own. As
traditionalist historian Wolfgang Schieder stated in Fatal Attraction: The German Right and Italian
Fascism, a section in Hans Mommsen's The Third Reich between Vision and Reality: New
Perspectives on German History, 1918–1945, "Hitler's rise to power would not have occurred so
easily without Mussolini's precedent". In terms of domestic policies, one principle that Mussolini
focussed on was collectivism. As such, Mussolini got all Italians working for the state so that more
could be achieved in less time, as the citizens are no longer divided by individual interests. In doing
so, Mussolini also brought Italians closer together and began to abolish regionalism and shift
towards intense nationalism that the country
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Racially Inferior Character Analysis
From the mid–1800s to the mid–1900s, several immigrant group had their eyes turned to America.
These group included the Germans, Irish, and the Southern Italians. The lack of economic
opportunities, overpopulation, and political struggle in their respective countries, they immigrated to
America in search of a better life. To be accepted by the White–Anglo Saxon Protestants (WASPs),
four factor of success needed to be passed. This included coming in small number, being widely
spread out, having money, and displaying positive stereotypes. As a result of failing in these
criterias, the WASPs implemented the "Racially Inferior" stereotype to portray these immigrant
groups in order to protect their economic and political influence in their country. In the 1500s, the
English invaded Ireland. During the colonization, the English exploited the Irish by seizing their
lands and exporting majority of the cultivated crops. As a result, famine and mass unemployment
arose. The Irish left their country to come to America in order to support their families. In the United
States (US), the WASPs illustrated the Irish as "Racially Inferior". This particular stereotype placed
the Irish in the great chain of being as less than human by giving them semean like features which is
pictured in the cartoon, "Contrasted Faces". The WASPs ... Show more content on
A race labeled as "weak", "feminine", and carrier of diseases. Many WASPs blamed the presence of
these diseases on the Chinese immigrants because of their living conditions. The WASPs benefited
from this through several legislation laws meant to cripple the Chinese. In California, the Foreign
Miner's law was passed in 1852 which This tax required a payment of three dollars each month at a
time when Chinese miners were making approximately six dollars a month. While in 1882, the
Chinese Exclusion Act was passed nationally to prevent the Chinese from entering the
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Chapter 3 discusses the background of the Italians who...
Chapter 3 discusses the background of the Italians who came to the United States. Italy had free
elections in the South, but the corruption from criminal organizations and nobles influenced politics.
Southern Italy had a large part of the population until the late twentieth century and peasants worked
in agriculture. The central government was weak and ineffective. Italians had strong family bonds
and children started working in fields at very young ages. Family is one of the key defining aspects
of the Italians with household that usually had a father or husband. When they came to the United
States they migrated largely within New York and a large percentage were men. Typically residing
in Little Italy neighborhoods, and having low ... Show more content on ...
They work for their families and have low divorce rates and crime rates that are similar to white
rates. Many Latino men come to America to work and send money home and continue today to have
similar work patterns. Latinos will continue to backlash from politicians within America as the
unemployment is high and the number of illegal immigrants is also high and taking away from jobs
of Americans. In the long run I do not think the issues will persist, and they will become intertwined
within American culture as well. Personally I can connect more with Latinos immigration to
America because I went to Guatemala during Centre Term and have learned more about their
education systems. While I was in Guatemala I made friends with a group of teenagers whose
relatives work among the government and all of them had all attended college in America. They
could not clearly describe to me what their job occupation was and seemed as if they were just
floating through life. While on the other hand I met children who went to private high schools in a
city called Tecpan and their homework assignments were to literally copy questions down and not to
expand or use any critical thinking at all. I believe that the difference in education systems among
these nation states are not valued as they do not promote or
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Italian Immigrants in America Essay
Italian Immigrants in America
Ever since the United States was founded, immigrants have been arriving on its soil. The first white
inhabitants of the U.S. were immigrants from Europe. They came for many reasons, such as religion
and opportunity. As the country grew and became more prosperous, it became more enticing to
foreigners looking for opportunity. This continued into the 20th century and finally during the
1920's, the United States began to restrict immigrants from coming to their country, mostly for
cultural and economic reasons. Even the immigrants that were allowed in during the 20's faced
many hardships such as religious persecution, racism, and xenia phobia. One of the major groups of
immigrants during that ... Show more content on ...
The old stock Americans weren't used to the immigrants and for this reason they thought less of
them and oppressed them. The Italians and other immigrants were blamed for many of the nations
problems. For example, the government led raids on immigrants' houses because they feared the
immigrants were communists. This was evidenced in the Sacco and Vanzetti trial, when two Italian
immigrants were convicted for murder and the prosecution had no real substantial evidence. They
were convicted mainly because of their beliefs, not their actions. Religious beliefs also brought the
immigrants problems. The KKK was openly anti–Catholic and most of the Italians were catholic.
The immigrants and Italians also helped to bring on prohibition. The Americans didn't approve of
their drinking habits; therefore the prohibition amendment was made for this and other reasons. Job
competition was also a major reason for the racist feelings of the Americans. Native white workers
saw the immigrants as competitors for the jobs that they felt they should have. A good example of
this competition was "birds of passage." These were Italian workers who came to work in the U.S.
but later returned to Italy with the money they earned in the U.S. From 1899–1924 3.8 million
Italians came to the United States, but 2.1 million left to return to Italy during the same
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Italian Immigration Research Paper
Abby Bentley Mr. Roaldi U.S. History 19 September 2014 Italian Immigration Many Italians made
the United States their home, but getting to the Land of the Free was not easy for them. Many things
made the Italians move from their country, and many things brought them to the United States. They
faced many hardships while in the country. They all managed to find work in different areas, and in
different time periods. They also left important legacies. The things that drove Italians out of Italy
and to the United States was the poverty in Italy, the new and unstable government, and their
struggling economy. Northern Italy had a history of wealth. While the South was very poor.
Seventy–five percent of all the Italian immigrants came from ... Show more content on ...
The Pope was very powerful. There were few people who did not listen to the Pope. The lack of the
churches support made the government very weak. The North 's economy was becoming very
successful. It became Europe's biggest supplier of silk. It seemed as the North and the South were
living two different lives. With no obvious chance of progress, the Italians simply left. Between
1876 to 1924, 4.5 million immigrants arrived in the United States and 2 million immigrants came
between 1901–1910. The things that brought the Italians to the United States were job opportunities,
freedom, safety, and the hope to build a better life. Southern Italy was very poor, with little job
opportunities. When the Italians came to America they could work in different areas that fit them
best. Some found work on the coast working as fishermen and stevedores. In the mountain regions,
the Italians went to work in mines and pits digging for coal and ore. The skilled stonemasons could
work in the quarries of New England and Indiana. During and after the fall of Italy's first prime
minister Giovanni Giolitti, the Italians did not feel safe and free in their country. It was said that
Giolitti bribed and manipulated government officials. Corruption was a big problem, even before
Giolitti came into power. Many Italians left the country and came to America for the democracy and
the organized government
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Why Is Italian Immigration To The New World
Italian Immigration to the New World
Italians immigrated to the United States for many reasons. That could include being refugees,
gaining freedom, because of war, later on the great depression, ect. That all contributes in the
beginning of the 1800's where the immigrants came by boat and was welcomed to the U.S. in Ellis
Island. Overall it is who made their journey here, where part of Italy are they coming from.
In the beginning of the 1900's is when a majority of the Italians came over. The reason was because
of how they were being treated, disasters and much more. When they were welcome here they were
starting fresh and did not know what they were getting into. Although the boat was not as exciting as
it would seem. It was very unhealthy
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Essay On Italian Immigrants In Philadelphia
In a discussion in class, we talked about how we would investigate why certain groups of people or
located in certain sections of the city. As a class we made city maps, my map shared many sections
of the city. However, what I noticed is that my map was empty in certain places that I do not identify
with. One section in particular was South Philadelphia, as Italian and Irish people mainly live there.
I hardly visit that part of the city and had my first steak this year. This intrigued my interest to
investigate Italians in Philadelphia. I will investigate the history of how the Italian immigrants made
it to my city. Italians have been a part of the view in Philadelphia since colonial times. In 1665, a
group of Italian Protestants came to New Sweden seeking religious asylum. Philadelphia and
Delaware were all part of the same New Sweden. It is assumed that many from the original group of
150 came to live in Philadelphia when the English took over Philadelphia. William Penn believed in
religious freedom and had visited Italy as a Quakers. Many early Italians were able to pray with
French and other European Catholics later when the Establishment of Old St. Joseph's Church in
1733 was built. In 1758, the first Italian was christened at Old St. Joseph's. The First Italian Catholic
Church was held in the basement was the meeting place for ... Show more content on ...
During this time, Italian American were looking to separate themselves from African American. The
main priority was to separate themselves from the "Turks" in America. America differentiated
people by color and this opportunity led the children to follow suit of the separation. Many were
able to reclaim the citizenship of their parents who had been native here a generation before the
1960s. In the 1970's, the Italian population risen to over 600,000 people. Representing one third of
the city' population. Frank Rizzo became the first Italian American
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Italian Immigrants
Labelled as enemy aliens due to Canada's loyalties in the Second World War, Italian Canadians are
amid some of the primitive Europeans to have visited and settled in Canada. In this paper, I will
uncover the history of immigration of Italians to Canada through examining three large mass
immigration periods; 1870–1914, 1920–1930, and 1950–1970. In addition, I will touch upon the
diverse social, political, and economic reasons for these record number mass immigrations. The
paper will also examine the hardships and challenges new semi–skilled Italian immigrants faced
when they entered the new country such as language barriers and job opportunities. As well, the
paper will dive into important Canadian legislation that greatly affected immigration
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Italian Immigrants Essays
Immigration began late for the Italian population. With the main period of immigration coming in
the late 19th century, Italians were already several steps behind the Irish, German, and French
immigrants (Nelli 38). This proved to be detrimental to the Italians as the previous immigrants had
already stitched themselves to the flag producing a resolute hatred for incoming immigrants, one of
which was Salvatore Rossi. Having fled Italy in 1897 due to economic hardship, he pursued the
"American Dream" in New York, by obtaining an education and landing an uncommon job within
the U.S. Government. Italian immigrants in this period of time suffered extreme racial prejudice and
experienced numerous obstacles in their process of immigration and ... Show more content on ...
These policies affected Salvatore and the Rossi family dearly. Salvatore, only sixteen years of age,
and his father, Franco, did much of the grunt work on the family farm with Maria, Salvatore's
mother, caring for his little brother, Angelo. With the new taxes implemented, the Rossi family farm
was required to give up 35% of their meager gains from the farm. This implementation harmed the
family much more than anticipated. These taxes and discriminatory policies toward southern Italians
entirety made the decision to immigrate to the United States much more appealing. Salvatore and his
Father were the first to voyage across the Atlantic, leaving Maria and Angelo home until Salvatore
and Franco had amassed enough funds to bring them over as well. This course of action was
common for Italian immigrants at the time as they often arrived in America with less than $25 in
their pockets. The travel over the Atlantic was anything but inviting. Salvatore and Franco were just
two of over 200,000 that had emigrated to the U.S. from Italy in 1897 (Thernstrom 157). Franco,
similar to many other Italian immigrants had no knowledge of the English language; Salvatore
learned what little he knew from a seasoned missionary that had accompanied him on the ship. The
voyage lasted a week due to the advancements in steam–powered vessels
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Essay On Irish Immigration To America
America has become a melting pot for people of many different countries of origin. People of these
origins all had to take the chance to leave their home behind and were cast into a new life. Within
this new life, many challenges were faced, such as discrimination, language barriers, and
persecution. Italians, Irish, Germans, and Ecuadorians are among the many groups of people that
had to go through these new life changes. New life for the people of Ireland began in the 17th
century, when they first immigrated to the New World. Ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 people,
they departed Ireland on boats as rebels, indentured servants, or prisoners . Many of the population
that immigrated to America at the time were Presbyterians or Protestants. After the 18th century,
immigrants came in larger numbers and the majority of Irish immigrants to the U.S. were Catholic .
First and foremost, many of the people who immigrated to America did not wish to leave Ireland.
They conjectured that America being "The Promise Land" was not entirely true; however in the end
they left Ireland to evade British oppression . Once coming to America, the Irish immigrants
predominantly settled in New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois. After ... Show more content on ...
It was very grueling to get a job and the immigrants lack in English did not help their chances in
finding one. Also, many Americans did not want immigrants to work under them because they were
Catholic and Irish. So, there were generally signs on work doors saying "No Irish need to apply" .
Even if Irish immigrants were able to find work, their employers treated them very harshly and
made attacks on their country. By the Civil War, the opinions of Irish Immigrants changed
drastically . Many Irish immigrants fought in the Civil War, so Americans developed respect for
them and acceptance for these
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Japanese Internment Camps In Canada
The Internment of Japanese and Italian Canadians Canada is presently known for welcoming many
racial groups into the country. However, the Canadian government is not always giving out warm
welcomes to different ethnicities. During World War Two, the country rejects many Japanese and
Italians who are already Canadian. The treatment of the Japanese and Italians in the Second World
War is very unjust. The two groups face being put into internment camps against their own will, the
government separates families and force men to work on farms with little pay. The government of
Canada also mistreat the Japanese and Italian Canadians because they are full of fear and
The Japanese and Italian Canadians are forced to live in internment ... Show more content on ...
They work in farms to fill labor shortages, are packed into small trains and sent to internment
camps. Most Italians work in the trades sector but are forced to work in farms. In 1942, V.G.
McGulgan, president of the Kent County Federation of Agriculture suggested that, "Italian war
prisoners and Canadian–Japanese be employed in farm labor camps as means of filling the acute
labor shortage." This shows that the Japanese and Italians were sent to internment camps to work in
farms to fill in labor shortages. Sending them to work in camps to satisfy employment deficiency is
unjust considering that the Japanese and Italian Canadian have to work all day with a small amount
of pay.
Subsequently, to get to the camps, families were packed into small trains where they had to ride on
for hours to get to their destination. Men and women were separated once they reached their camps.
Most men stayed at Camp Petawawa and Camp Ripples, whereas, women stayed at the Kingston
Penitentiary. The men and women were separated from their loved ones as a punishment and for the
different types of labor each gender may have had. Being divided from their own families may have
been a traumatizing experience as they would not know the next time they will see them again,
especially for
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Essay on American Immigration
American Immigration
During the early 1900's a vast amount of people both immigrated and migrated to the United States
in search of money, better jobs, new lives, etc. Yet, the people who immigrated and migrated to the
United States were each a part of different cultures: from Italian to German, French to Jewish, Irish
to African American (American Cities/New York/African American/Intergroup Relations/Color
Lines). New York City was a prime location for the immigrants and migrants of the time to create
their new lives. They joked that "The Jews own New York, the Irish run it and the Negroes enjoy it"
(American Cities/New York/African American/Intergroup Relations/Color Lines). The single line
clearly shows how each group, Jewish, ... Show more content on ...
Once they settled into the new location of their old village, they "attempted to reproduce the pace
and patterns of its homeland setting" (American Cities/New York/Italians/ Community/social
institutions/A Hodge–Podge Collection of Small Village Clusters). Since the merchants, doctors,
lawyers and manufacturers from the old villages traveled together to America, the Italians and Jews
were provided the necessities they had in their old village, "from Italian cheese to soda–water
flavored Neapolitan style" (American Cities/New York/Italians/ Interactions/ Americanization/Little
Italy in War Time). Being able to reproduce the settings of the old villages and live within a
community of similar backgrounds, Italians and Jews were not as harshly discriminated against as
African Americans. It appeared as though smaller ethnic communities dodged a fair amount of
discrimination from American citizens due to their larger numbers and sense of identity.
For a majority of the immigrants and migrants who came to America, after forming a community,
the development of organizations within their community was essential. Religion played a key role
in the lives of African Americans, Jews and Italians. It was said "the immigrant who loses his
religion is worse than the religionless American because his early standards are dropped along with
his fate" (American Cities/New York/Eastern European Jews/ Interaction/Intergroup Relations/The
Race Line). For
... Get more on ...
How To Evaluate The College Education System
The purpose of this comparison is to evaluate the college education system of the united states
compared to the italian one. In today's global time it is important to choose carefully what kind of
education did a person must choose and where. Out of the many differences of the two systems, this
research will focus about some key aspects that define their overall value. I have selected as terms of
camparison 5 attributes that comprehend: The expenses of the governments on the education,the
cost of tuition and living,the education methods used , how the colleges prepare you to attend your
future jobs and in the end the opportunities that you have once you complete your degree.
To simplify this complex matter I decided to use average ... Show more content on
The classroom atmosphere is usually very dynamic. The professors often invite the students to
participate actively to lessons. They expext that astudent share his opinions, arguehis point and
participate in class discussion. This aspect is somewhat surprising when compared to Italian lessons.
The lessons usually are similar of the one of the Italian highschool where the professors give you
weekly or daily homework and they expext that the student will keep up with their program. It is
also a common practice of them to put midterm exams. Each course is worth a certain number of
credits or credit hours. This number is roughly the same as the number of hours a student spends in
class for that course each week, and in order to graduate a student must fulfill a certain amount
... Get more on ...

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Lighting In The Italian Job

  • 1. Lighting In The Italian Job Director Federico Fellini once said, "Light is everything. It expresses ideology, emotion, colour, depth, style. It can efface, narrate, describe. With the right lighting, the ugliest face, the most idiotic expression can radiate with beauty or intelligence." Some might say that lighting is key to all of cinema. Lighting is not only used for simple illumination. It can create textures and shape, highlights and shadows. Light can be altered to guide our attention to certain areas and add to the overall narrative of a film (Bordwell & Thompson, 2013). Lighting is crucial to every film, and it is certainly pivotal in dramatic–crime–thrillers, The Italian Job and The Bank Job. These two films fall under the same genre and are both successful at ... Show more content on ... Immediately, the film commences with a series of speedboat chase scenes. The chase is during the broad daylight, and everything is visible due to frontal and top lighting (see visual 1). In this sequence of scenes, the viewer can hear the non–digetic fast paced soundtrack playing behind the digetic sounds of speedboat engines roaring and the Venetian gang members shouting in anger. Cutting in between the chase scenes, there is an underwater scene where the characters try to unlock the safe. It is in this scene that shadows are first used to make the scene look and feel like a reality (see visual 2). The only light being produced is the light coming from the characters sleds, as well as some backlighting, which allows for the blue coloring to be seen, making clear that they are in fact underwater. During this underwater scene, there is no soundtrack, only the faint sound of breathing from the oxygen tanks. The film cuts back and forth from underwater to the speedboat chase, and the fast paced soundtrack and loud digetic sound effects prove to contrast the muted and seemingly peaceful scene ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Holes: The Italian Job Comparison Essay The Italian job comparison The Italian job and its remake have almost nothing to do with each other but they have something alike and say this is because both of the movies are about heisting gold. The problem is that the first one is more Italian oriented than the newer version. First I will talk about the first movie and then the remake. All right the first now that is somewhat more planning than actually doing. The plot is the main character Charlie Croker played by Michael Caine is just getting out of prison for stealing cars. But when he was in prison he made friends with an inmate who was very rich and powerful and had a lot of connections with people. And Charlie Croker used to be very close with the mafia but now the word ... Show more content on ... Now the characters are the same except the new Charlie Croker is way smarter than the old one. Also the new one did not get out of prison like the old one. Also this is a little off the plot from the first movie the new one is about deception and greed one of the people that were in on the job was a traitor named Steve and tricked them in to helping him steal the gold. But after he got what he wanted he tried to kill his partners but they had jumped in the water to escape from him but one of them he shot and killed. So now they are out for revenge the good part is he thinks that his partners are dead. But with the help of the murdered guy's daughter they plan on getting the gold from Steve's safe and now he moved to New York. The problem is he has it in almost impossible to break into safe so that is where the murdered mans daughter comes in to play. And sense Steve had never really met her before so she goes in under cover to see where the gold is and how they can get it out. But once her cover is blown Steve moves the gold out by three different vans and the only choice they have left is to pull the heist off once more except in daylight with Steve watching over the van that has the gold. Then Charlie with all his smarts blows a hole In the middle of the road and then moves the gold under ground. But then they get a little side tracked and it turns out that Steve had switched to a different safe than ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Essay about Analysis of Media Devices in The Italian Job Analysis of Media Devices in The Italian Job Both films show an insight into technology; the modern version is more technologically advanced. All this is due to the availability of technology in the two eras. Donald Sutherland known as John Bridger in the later version of the film uses a mobile phone and whilst carrying out the mission the use of infer–red devices, laptops and other technology is also significantly used. In contrast to this the 1969 version Michael Cain gets the main idea from the slideshow left by Beckerman. Also whilst Seth Green hacks into the traffic network system in the 2003 version the tapes are manually switched in the previous edition. The technology element is effective ... Show more content on ... In spite of the brilliant use of music and sound effects, spectator's debate there was a lot of stereotyping in the two films. In the Italian Job 2003, Mark Wahlberg starring as Charlie the leading character, who plans a mission without the use of a gun is typical stereotyping, John Bridger pulls out of retirement "for one last job" and in addition to this Stella a beautiful blond woman who ran a legal business is suddenly talked into helping avenge her father's death by coming in on the revenge heist. This same norm is used in the 1969 Italian Job but in different ways, all the blonde girls as bimbos falling at the feet of Cain. The effectiveness is genuinely moral but it seems unrealistic especially in the modern era because the similar releases contain a lot of stereotyping i.e. Oceans Eleven carry out a robbery with no gun in three biggest casinos in Los Angels. In contrast to stereotyping the editing was a major media device of the film. The editing links up quite well with pace, an excellent example is when in the contemporary Italian Job there's a speedboat chase, and the scenes keeps alternating between the cracking of the safe in a calm, quiet environment underwater and on the other hand a mirror reflection were the Italian Mafiosi are shouting and ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Rudolph Valentino And Al Jolson Are Immigrants From Europe During the lecture, Prof Kuntz mentioned how both Rudolph Valentino and Al Jolson are immigrants from Europe. And because of that, Valentino has trouble finding jobs at first so he started acting as villains; Al Jolson invested his early career in Burlesque and Vaudeville, which greatly affected his acting style in the movie, The Jazz Singer (1927). The brief acknowledgement got me interested in more research on what effect immigration played on both stars' paths to stardom. After examining the childhood and diverse background of both Al Jolson and Rudolph Valentino, I reached the conclusion that immigrants brought innovative expressions to American Film Industry in the 1920s because of their different upbringings and their early non–ideal jobs, which provided them with a non–mainstream approach to acting, along with their diverse ethnicities. First of all, the Italian immigrant, Rudolph Valentino, marched his way into ... Show more content on ... Penniless, Rudolph Valentino arrived in New York at the age of 18. He had trouble finding jobs at first until he started working as a gardener on grand estates. If it weren't for his immigrant status and financial situation, he would not have gotten the opportunity to observe and emulate the rich and elegant. Soon enough, talented as a dancer, the handsome boy found a job as a taxi dancer, in which the service of a gigolo is often implied. Rodolfo met Bonnie Glass and finally advanced to the ranks of exhibition dancer, a job far more suitable to a gentleman than taxi–dancing, according to a dissertation by Villalobos (154).1 Exhibition dancers are embraced by high society, lauded for their taste and culture, and regularly featured on Vaudeville. The new excitement came with endless self– doubt until ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Italian Immigration And New Immigration From 1890 onward became a part of what is known as "New Immigration," which became known as the third and largest wave of immigration to America from Europe. This wave consisted of Slavs, Jews, and Italians. Three million Italians, which was the largest new immigrants, immigrated to America. These immigrants represented all regions of Italy most of them being from Southern Italy. Italian immigrants were driven from their homelands for the many hardships they faced and hoped that America would benefit to their cause only to find that they were faced with new struggles. Many Italians were often referred to as "birds of passage" because they had only planned on staying in the United States temporarily just until they could gain enough money to support their life back in Italy. Poverty, overpopulation, politics, and natural disasters have had Italians packing but only temporarily. Poverty was the main reason that Italians felt the need to leave. With northern Italians in control of the government high taxes and protective tariffs on northern industries hurt southern Italians. Along with that, roughly eighty percent of Italians lived off of agriculture. Many farming tools were inefficient due to the lack of modern technology, which did not allow for improvement. Farmers often lived in a one–room house with no plumbing or even privacy which were harsh conditions in comparison to others. These people were isolated being that there were no roads, making it extremely hard to make ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Italian Americans: La Famigli Documentary Analysis Italian Immigration The documentary "The Italian Americans: La Famiglia" explains the circumstances that led to early Italians migrating to America. In the mid–1800s, the people who lived in the southern part of what would become Italy were living in abject poverty. The citizens there could not prosper because they did not own their own land and they were mistreated by the rich (Maggio, 2014). However, there appeared to be hope for the southern Italians, in the 1860s, when Garibaldi fought for Italy to become a nation. Sadly, once that happened the peasants were then forced to pay taxes that they already could not afford. So, after 1870, many of the poor fled to America in the hopes of finding jobs. And fortunately, due to the end of the Civil ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. How Immigration Changed America Grace MacCallum Period A–FAA USH Mr Picillo Gilded Age Research How Immigration Changed America Post Civil War During the late 1800s, inhabitants from all parts of the world made the decision to leave their jobs and homes to immigrate to the United States. They fled rising taxes, famine, crop failure, land and job shortages, to come to the United States. Perceived to be one of the greater countries for economic opportunity, many sought freedom from religious and political persecution. Around twelve million immigrants arrived in the United States between 1870 and 1900. Before the Civil War, the majority of immigrants were from Germany, Ireland, and England. There would be a drastic change in the next three decades. After the Civil War, immigrants ... Show more content on ... Economically, they filled a significant need for cheap labor in booming American industries. The large numbers of immigrants helped keep labor cost down for Big Business and different groups were often put against each other in competition for the cheapest workers. Politically, different immigrant groups became active members of various labor organizations and unions, pushing to change pro–business laws and establish regulations governing working conditions and wages. And socially, American culture as it is known now was formed by this influx of immigrants. People from all over the planet brought with them not only their labor but also their cultures, helping to contribute to the mosaic that is the American way of life. These immigrants, as shown by the prejudice and discrimination directed towards them, were not always welcome. In economic hard times, immigrants were blamed for job shortages and family hardships, used as scapegoats for larger problems. Nativist movements were directed against the Chinese, Japanese, Italians, and others, especially during the 1880s and 90s. As evidenced by the Chinese Exclusion Act and later legislation that limited immigration from Japan and other regions, this anti–immigrant sentiment went as high up as the nation's capital. This history was simply a repeat of the nativism and hatred directed against the Irish and Germans of the 1840s and 1850s and is similar to that experienced in America today by immigrants from Mexico and Latin America. In the area of immigration, history repeats ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Integration Of Italians Into American Culture Italian–American culture has been immortalized in movies, literature, and songs. One of the movies that shows the integration of Italians into American culture comes from the 20th century and was well acclaimed for its acting and cinematography. The 1955 film Marty accurately portrays Italian– American lifestyles and stigmas, specifically males, in that time period and demonstrates how the Italian people assimilated into American culture. Getting married was one of the most important things that an Italian man can do. At 35 years old, Marty has yet to marry or have children, and is living with his mother in his childhood home. In this time period, it was critical to marry someone who was also Italian. This custom was practiced more before the time period of Marty but it was still an important factor to consider when picking a bride. The viewer sees how important this is to Marty's mother, as she asks questions of Clara before church. Mrs. Pilletti: "She 's more than twenty–nine years old, Marty. That 's what she tells you...She looked thirty–five, forty years old. She do not look like an Italian girl...What family she comes from? I do not know. Something about her I–I do not like...The first time you meet the girl, she comes to your empty house alone. These college girls. They 're only one step from the street." Marty:" What are ya talkin ' about? She 's a nice girl." Mrs. Pilletti: "She do not look Italian to me. I do not like her...Do not bring her up to the house no ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Italian Immigrants Essay Italian immigrants were not welcomed with open arms into the land of opportunity. They had to adapt to the new lifestyle without forgetting theirs. Throughout the years, American citizens would be accustomed to having foreigners living in their neighborhoods. The Italian immigrants established communities where they managed to keep la via vecchia alive. The American population viewed the Italian immigrants as an inferior race. People who made rude comments about Italians specifically directed it to them and made sure they knew. They still regard Italian Americans as racially inferior "dagos", "wops," "guineas," and "greasers." 1 Like most immigrants that migrated to the Land of Liberty at the time, Italian immigrants were seen as foreigners to those that were born and raised in America. Particularly, Italian immigrants were placed at the lowest level of the economy and social class. The American population viewed them as uneducated people who were destined to be laborers. There were people that despise the idea of immigrants coming to the United States and there is no space for them. "America for Americans should be the motto of every citizen." 2 They were not needed because they were unskilled and uneducated. Thus, the American population never sought to treat foreigners with respect. First, second, and third generations had to live with discrimination and horrible working and living conditions. Most Italian immigrants had to live in tenements which were crowded and small ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Breaking Away Reflection The movie Breaking Away, by Steve Tesich, is a story of a nineteen year old boy, Dave Stoller, who lives in Bloomington, Indiana. After graduating high school, Dave is struggling with his identity. Instead of going to college or getting a job, he spends his time trying to become a Cinzano Italian biker. However, Dave's father is very against Dave pretending he is Italian and not becoming an adult, yet Dave ignores him and continues to be just like the the Cinzano's. Specifically, Dave does not want to go to college because if he is worried to leave his friends. Additionally, he can't get a job in Bloomington because many of the jobs are closing down. His solution is to give himself a good life by pretending to be Italian. Later in the movie, Dave finds out that the Cinzano's bikers cheat and he realizes that does not need to be just like them to be happy, so he decides to go to college. Dave's life choices are impacted throughout the story by his point of view on his identity. In the beginning of the film, from Dave's point of view, identity is when you try to be someone else who you wish you were, but in reality you are not. Dave is trying to create his own identity for himself by living his life as an Italian biker. Dave's point of view is influenced by the Italian culture. He wants to be just like the Italian bike racers because he thinks they are absolutely perfect and the only way he will be satisfied is by being just like them. Therefore he does the same things as ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Italian Immigrants In America Since it declared independence from Great Britain in 1776, the United States has been called a land of opportunity for immigrants. Predating the founding of the nation itself, Italians have been drawn to the new world. Starting in 1492 with Christopher Columbus, and even leading up to the American Civil War, Italians have come to this country in search of a new life. However, it was not until the 20th century that Italians, similar to other Europeans and Asians, began to arrive in the United States in waves, and social impact the nation. After the Italians had left economically unstable and famine– ridden Italy, they arrived in America hoping to find a prosperous land. Yet, their idea of life in America got derailed by the way people socially ... Show more content on ... These forms of entertainment consist of everything from the arts to sporting events. The Italians dominated the arts in both Europe and America. The Italian language itself has been known as the language of music for centuries since all musical terms are written in the Italian language. When Italians immigrated to the United States, they brought along with them their love and talent for the arts. This naturally included the opera, which has been widely associated with a popular outing for people of the upper class. Yet, the opera doesn't have to be viewed in this way, for the opera is for everybody and tells stories through music. In fact, famous plays and songs are turned opera including that of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Art is another thing that comes with the Italian heritage, and Florence is regarded as the birthplace of the Renaissance and the resurgence of art. It was these works of the time that inspired many other Americans of Italian descent to create their own artwork such as Ralph Fasanella. Many musicians are regarding as being Italian. One musician, Frank Sinatra, has been known for his music career and is widely regarded as a popular musician. However, according to sources Sinatra has been viewed as a mafia member by many people who were prejudice towards the Italian race. This ethnic prejudice can largely be associated with the novel and film The Godfather. The 1969 ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Italianamerican American Culture Analysis Documentaries are a form of realistic cinema that is often used to deliver emotional messages based upon the elements of truth and genuineness as opposed to beauty through manipulation. Italianamerican, a traditional film directed by Martin Scorsese, aims to depict the lives of his parents as they grew up in their neighborhood on Elizabeth Street through a series of questions answered by Catherine and Charlie Scorsese themselves. From these personal recounts, sociological and ethnological issues such as the struggles of Italian immigration and assimilation to American soil along with the similarities and differences between second–generation Italian–Americans and their immigrant parents are gradually revealed. The discussed traditions and customs ... Show more content on ... While reminiscing their honeymoon trip to Italy, Scorseses's parents described Sicily as a beautiful place with delicious foods. Despite this however, economic conditions in the southern countryside where they resided were extremely unstable. Scorsese's mother mentions how movement in society was very stagnant regardless of one's level of skill or talent. As a result of limited jobs and unsteady income, many families, including Scorseses's parents', yearned to move to America. Writers Edvige Giunta and Kathleen Zamboni McCormick wholly support Catherine Scorsese's explanation of how terrible the quality of life was in the Old Country in their article, "The Italian American Immigrant Experience." Most Italians who left for America did not consider themselves as Italians. "Their cultural identities were tied to the villages and towns from which they came." (Giunta & McCormick, 5) This statement is evident as references of places in the elder Scorseses' dialogues are made to specific regions of Sicily, never to Italy as a whole. Unlike Sicily, America's economy was growing at a rapid rate in part of the industrialism that was taking place at the time. Thus, in the eyes of many immigrants, America was seen as a promising place with greater ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Irish Stereotypes Throughout the years of American history there has been an abundance of groups that have decided to immigrate to the United States from other countries. The Irish people, Italian and Jewish groups moved over and experienced a numerous amounts of stereotypes, discrimination, and then assimilated into American culture. The Irish people came to the United States to attempt to start a new life and attempt to succeed. Once arrived, the Irish lived in ethnic enclaves that contained a lot of Irish individuals because they could continue to practice their culture and be amongst individuals whom were also from Ireland. Based of their culture, the Irish experienced many stereotypes. The Irish were called immoral, lazy, and uneducated. They were immoral ... Show more content on ... Currently, the Jews are assimilated into American culture because of reforming their religion, embracing their opportunities, moving from "blue to white collar", and political impacts. The Jews having different beliefs about religion led them to be discriminated against with jobs, housing, and public facilities. When The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was published, it led to massive discrimination for the Jewish people. This publication included lies about Jews wanting to take over the world and destroying Western Civilization. Henry Ford circulated the book in his factory and led to immigrants reading this piece. The immigrants would read the book and develop major stereotypes against the Jews that would lead to more discrimination versus them. Today, Jewish Americans are assimilated into American society through reforming their religion. Reformed Judaism meant that Jews would abandon visible and customary aspects of their life, and not be pointed out as easily. Jewish American would embrace their opportunities by willing to work in unskilled jobs in order to move up to more skilled jobs, they earned citizenship, and would work hard to pursue a higher education. The Jewish people moved from "blue to white collar" because of their strong work ethic, major support in the enclave, and they would chase more schooling. Lastly, the Jews participated in the Students for a Democratic ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Essay about Italian Immigration After experiencing hardships like poverty, a series of natural disasters, civil war and oppression from Northern Italy the Southern Italians started coming to America in flocks between 1876 and 1976. The most concentrated migrations of Italians happened between 1880 and 1920. Italians came to America not to escape these hardships, but to work and send money home to Italy in order to get their families out of poverty. Seventy percent of Italian immigrants were men and less than ten percent of them worked in agriculture, a sign that their stay in America was a temporary one. While here they worked in factories, construction and opened businesses. Coming to America, Italians were faced with racism, poverty, discrimination, corrupt ... Show more content on ... Like seventy–five percent of Italian men who would come to the United States of America, Angelo left his fiancé and family behind thinking that he would find limitless opportunities and return home after a few short years. He showed up in 1900 in Boston, Massachusetts with some Italian coins equal to about $2.50, some food, two changes of clothes and an optimistic attitude. The average Southern–Italian came to America with about $8.67 in their pocket. This was a big difference compared to the $17.10 that the average Irish person brought or the $23.53 that the average Northern–Italian brought. Most Italians worked in construction or in factories and the unskilled laborers worked on the railways and other tedious jobs that no one else would do such as shoe shinning, rag picking and sewer cleaning. Italians typically took low paying jobs and worked their way up the ladder. It was that willingness to do these jobs for less that other white Americans resented because they said that the Italians were stealing jobs from them. Angelo took a job at a shoe factory. Even though he was not illiterate, he was at a disadvantage because he had not learned English before arriving in America. Angelo lived at first with some roommates he had met on the boat ride over to the "New Country" in a two room Apartment in Malden, Massachusetts. They saved money to send home by carrying on their ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Italian Culture and Society Essays As the world evolves so do the people within it, but without much surprise some things do not change that drastically and one of those things is the culture in which a person was born and raised. Even though ones culture or way of life may progress in some ways, it does not totally change. The topic of discussion for this paper will be that of the Italian culture. Who are they really? What types of challenges do they face? Many other topics will be discussed about the Italian society, but first we begin with the basic facts as to who they were. The first few questions that must be answered in order to understand the Italian culture entirely is who they are, where they are located, how they live their everyday lives, and how they are ... Show more content on ... People of the Italian culture are very proud of their way of life and do not see any need to change it. Certain traditions that Italians have lived by for hundreds of years are still maintained with provincial pride due to the fact that this community is so closely knit to their ancestors and the way life was lived before them. There is basis on which the Italian culture can be viewed as a single group of people. That basis would be there diverse ways of living from all other cultures and their patriotism for their country. Some aspects of Italian culture may pertain to other cultures but the uniqueness of this exact culture give it its own ability to strive as just one group. With closely knit communities, families, old loyalties to hometowns, and a striving economy people of the Italian culture are a single group of people that have survived using the same techniques as their cultural ancestors before them. On the other hand this culture does face challenges and prospects as a community and that is to be discussed next. No one community is perfect, each as their ups and downs. The Italian community suffers severally from sexism and it affects this society tremendously. In this type of society it is not unnatural for women to be a housewife or to have a job, but if a woman does have a job they do risk the chance of ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Analysis Of 97 Orchard By Jane Ziegelman The United States is made up of two different types of immigrants: those who are born on U.S. soil and those who travel to settle here. However, despite whether one is born in the United States or not for most their lineage runs back to other countries. It is evident that a majority of the U.S. first immigration wave was around the late 1800's to the 1920's. This was a time in which many immigrants where leaving their countries due to different reasons and finding prosperity in the U.S. In the book 97 Orchards: An Edible History of Five Immigrant Families in One New York Tenement (97 Orchard) by Jane Ziegelman she explores and paints the history of five different immigrant families. The book goes into great detail sharing stories of daily ... Show more content on ... This lead to an increase in imports from Italy and many finding jobs selling these items. As people found jobs selling imports there grew to be tiny shops on the streets to which became Little Italy. An important staple within the community was bread. When reviewing the Baldizzi's meals each one consisted of bread. Often times the Italians would make a stew of some sorts and would dip their bread in it completing their meal. Bread for the Italians is like tortillas for Latinos, it is a common reliable food that enhances their meal. There is a proverb by Mary Taylor Simeti that states "If I had a saucepan, water and salt, I'd make a bread stew–if I had bread." The Italians viewed bread as gold where one might say "good as gold" the Italian phrase would be "good as bread". The basic mercy of life would be a loaf of bread to the extent that if a piece fell to the ground it was to be kissed as if a child hurt themselves. This shows the significant relationship they hold to this particular item. During this specific time many immigrant families including the Baldizzi's had a difficult time supplying food weekly. Although it was considered a walk of shame they went down each week to the food shelter. Bread was a holy staple food due to its reliability and accessibility. This was something that paired easily with other foods and was able to give a sense of ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Italian Neo Realism During World War II Introduction Italian Neo–Realism is a movement and trend in Italian film based on the changed social and economic realities forced upon Italy by WWII. It is a style of film characterized by stories set amongst the poor and working class, filmed on location, frequently using nonprofessional actors. Italian Neo–Realism relates closely to the war realities in Italy at the end of World War II and after World War II. "Italian neorealist films mostly contend with the difficult economical and moral conditions of post–World War II Italy, reflecting the changes in the Italian psyche and the conditions of everyday life: poverty and desperation. The neorealist movement began in Italy at the end of World War II as an urgent response to the political ... Show more content on ... (Film making techniques used to reflect the reality), The harsh reality of war torn Italy is presented in the texts Rome, Open City and Bicycle Thieves through specific film techniques that the directors of the non–professional films and actors have chosen. The main techniques used were Non diegetic sound: Music is used throughout the film to transition the mood and atmosphere. "Cinematography is used through the choices of shots in the film to influence the meaning through showing the harsh postwar realities in Italy after the world war. Shot sizes influences the meaning to the audience. Close up shots/extreme close ups shots and long shots. "4 In Bicycle Thieves non–diegetic sound: Slow music was used to show that there was a sad mood and atmosphere in the movie when Antonio gets his bike stolen and while they walk with the crowd at the end of the movie. Upbeat, happy music was used to show there was a good mood and atmosphere in the film when Antonio received the job, when he got his new bike and was working. Close up shots are taken of Antonio during tough times when he is trying to find his bike, it helps the audience gain access to the mind and thought process of him when he figures out he will never find his bike in the end, lose his job and have no family income. Long shot is taken at the start of the film when mass crowds of people were trying to get jobs to feed and provide for their families. These camera shots play an important role in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Challenges Of Immigrants In The 19th Century The United State of America has been a place of opportunities where one can easily achieve his or her dreams. Critiques have shown that even a few who are brought up from a poor family have to turn out becoming great people on earth. It is a country that was built by immigrants. It is well known that "America's first European settlers were America's first immigrants. These first citizens were welcome by Native Americans, and they were seen as a threat. By the 19th century, the pattern had been repeated many times, with each new wave of immigrants encountering mixed reactions from already established Americans." Turner, Laura Leddy. "Challenges Faced by Immigrants in the 19th Century." Synonym. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 June 2017. After the British took over the land from the Native American and started to develop the land, there were other European countries who also migrated to seek greener pastures. They were not accepted easily but had to be screened in order for them to be welcome into the system. The early settlers were so threatened after they were able to get rid of the natives of the land "The German, Irish and Italian immigrants who arrived in America during the 1800s often faced prejudice and mistrust. Many had to overcome language barriers. Others discovered that the challenges they had fled from, such as poverty or religious persecution, were to be encountered in America as well. A mass migration of Germans began in the mid–1830s and continued into the 1880s when ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay on Film Analysis of the Italian Job Our analysis is on the film The Italian Job. While we view the movie and determine the various norms, behaviors, roles and interaction between group members, as well as individuals the examination within the realm of film can present many of the same components. Thus, our group selected this movie to analyze based on its formation of a cohesive problem–solving group full of unforgettable characters. The Italian Job portray many different theories and aspects of small group communication. This analysis will examine the following elements. First we will establish the group background by describing the development of the characters and major plot lines in The Italian Job. Second, we will describe the techniques/methods our group used to ... Show more content on ... Thus, our group selected this movie to analyze based on its formation of a cohesive problem– solving group full of unforgettable characters. The Italian Job portray many different theories and aspects of small group communication. This analysis will examine the following elements. First we will establish the group background by describing the development of the characters and major plot lines in The Italian Job. Second, we will describe the techniques/methods our group used to analyze the film to provide the reader with insight into the development of this analysis. The major focus of this analysis examines five major areas of small group communication. Specifically we will identify a) the various group roles that develop throughout the duration of the movie and the relevance they have to the development of the group, b) the gender differences that exist between the members of the Italian Job and impact they have on member role and leadership emergence, c) the verbal and nonverbal interaction between members and the impact the various elements have on the development of first impressions of the group members, d) the development of the group as they progress through the primary and secondary tensions, and e) the problem solving techniques used by the group to accomplish their tasks. In addition, we will also compare the Italian Job to our own small ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Essay about The Italian Immigrants of Post-1880 "Between 1880 and 1920 more than 4.1 million Italians were recorded as entering the United States" (Daniels, p. 188). The Italian immigrants of post–1880 were different from other immigrant groups by these topics of religion, labor, family orientation, politics, and education. The 1880s brought a change not only in the amount of Italian immigrants but also the characteristic of them as a group. This group of immigrants was incredibly male dominated, in comparison to the other immigrants of this time, most settling in New York and Chicago. The living conditions that these Italians encountered were not pleasant. It was common for them to live in very crowded four bedroom apartments. Compared to other immigrants, they had one of the worsts ... Show more content on ... The padrone system faded out as family networks grew. The relationships of their family were essentially the only connection they had. They did not rely on politics or get involved in public office. They tended to only associate with family or fellow Italians in the area. For this reason, mafias emerged in America because of the strong devotion to family and eventually family business. The Italians were mostly Catholic with the belief that "priests were agents of the pope and bishops" (Daniels, p. 197). As more Italians arrived, they began to form distinct enclaves in neighborhoods first settled by earlier immigrants. Interestingly the issue of diet among immigrant workers received attention during this time. Italian Laborers, Padrones, and Pernicious Pasta reads, "In the process, Italian foods were redefined as a "problem" for the fitness, health, and future prosperity of the Italian worker and therefore a threat to workplace efficiency and productivity" (Slideshow 7: Additional Links). The padrone system became concerned with the foods their workers ate because it could affect the way they worked and essentially the way the padroni was paid. In 1890, Jacob Riis, a Danish immigrant and police reporter published How the Other Half Lives where he wrote about a mixed impression from the Italian immigrants in New York City. In the excerpt regarding Italians, Riis judged them on their unsanitary living conditions and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Problems Faced By French Migration To North America The French were an important old immigrant group. The French immigrated to North America during a religious movement known as the Reformation. The Reformation created problems throughout Europe, which divided the church into Catholics and Protestants. French immigrants also typically came to the United States as families seeking change or opportunity. These immigrants typically went to the areas where these opportunities were likely to be found. France faced problems in taking in large numbers of immigrants from different cultures. The Seven Years' War (French and Indian War), also affected immigration to North America. This war was fought in 1763 between France and England. France lost the war and gave up to England's control over the colonies ... Show more content on ... This act decreased the restrictions on non–European immigration. It increased the ethnic makeup of immigrants entering America, and it resulted in an increase in total immigration. It added an overall limit to the number of immigrants that were admitted. This lead to discrimination because only a certain percent of immigrants from each country were allowed in America, so it wasn't completely fair to everyone wanting to immigrate. This act affected the French, Chinese, and Italian immigrants because not all of them would be able to enter America, so they wouldn't all get economic opportunities and new jobs. They also wouldn't get to be able to do the same things as the immigrants that were allowed into America could ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Italian Immigration To California Essay Drawn by the prospects of job opportunities, agriculture, land, and gold Italians began immigrating to California in the mid 19th century. At this time many Italians had settled on the east coast, causing "California [to be free] from the threat of large–scale immigration, because few Italian peasants were able to afford the additional travel expenses" (Giovinco 198). However, the Italians coming to California were mostly from the northern parts of Italy, while those that settled on the east coast were from the southern parts of Italy. Once arriving in California, the Italians settled in the North Beach area of San Francisco, Monterey, and southern California between the cities of Los Angeles and San Diego. The immigration of Italians to California came in three main waves with the first wave arriving between "the mid–19th century until shortly before World War II, and were driven by poverty and struggle," (Yollin) while the second wave, arriving during the period just before the war until 1970, "were mainly middle–class Italians who wanted to join their relatives or escape postwar ruins" (Yollin). The final ... Show more content on ... This northern California winescape is "dotted with Italian surnames that suggest traditional roots of pioneering viticulturists" (Helzer 49). For Italians, they adapted their "old–world winemaking traditions to new lands" (Helzer 49), and their success can be partially attributed to the "similarities in landscape, ecology, and climate between California and the rolling countryside of northwestern Italy" (Vaught 885). Furthermore, the success of these immigrants can be attributed to their plethora of access to social capital listed ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Impact Of Atlantic Crossing Immigrants On U.s. Education Impact of Atlantic Crossing Immigrants on U.S. Education From the 19th century to present many immigrants have come to the United States seeking a better life. These immigrants have had a profound impact on the United States. The school system was especially affected by these immigrants and was faced with the difficulty of integrating the influx of immigrants into the educational system. The effects of integrating these immigrants such as the Irish, German and Italian immigrants has had a profound and far reaching impact on education, even up to the present day. Their experiences in coming to the United States helped us to develop private Catholic schools and establish kindergarten classrooms, In the early 19th century many Irish people immigrated to the United States. There were several reasons why Irish people came to live in America. During the American Industrial Revolution, many immigrants from all over, including Ireland, came to The New World to find new opportunities. There were also great religious opportunities from the largely Roman Catholic influence in Irish culture to the various Protestant religions here. All was well and good as Americans and immigrants worked together to expand the railroad and canals in the New England States, primarily New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York (Irish American Journey). In 1819, 43 percent of immigrants to America were Irish (Immigration). In Ireland at the time, most people were farmers and lived off potato crops for ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Italian Immigration In The Late 1800s Italian immigration became very prevalent during the time of 1880 to 1899 as 900,000 immigrants fled to America because Italy suffered from overpopulation, poverty and natural disasters. In the 1870s, "Italian birthrates rose and death rates fell" (Digital History). In the poor southern provinces of Italy, over population became severe. By the late 1890s, the illiteracy rate in southern Italy raised to 70 percent, which was ten times the rate in England, France, or Germany. "The Italian government was dominated by northerners, and southerners were hurt by high taxes and high protective tariffs on northern industrial goods. Southerners also suffered from a scarcity of cultivable land, soil erosion and deforestation, and a lack of coal and iron ... Show more content on ... Many Italian immigrants were known as birds of passage because they came to the United States seeking temporary work without any intention of living permanently. Because the economy was suffering in Italy, the Italians were "unable to earn a livelihood in their home countries" (Digital History). Most of the laborers who came to the United States were young men in their teens and twenties, who left behind their parents, wives, and children to work and save money. Before 1900, an estimated 78 percent of Italian immigrants were men. "Many of them traveled to America in the early spring, worked until late fall, and then returned to the warmer climates of their southern European homes winter" (Digital History). Because the Italians were looking for high wages and not long term residency, they migrated to the cities where wages were relatively high despite the poor living conditions. The Italians "lived as inexpensively as possible under conditions that native–born families considered intolerable" (Digital History). The immigrants took heavy construction jobs such as digging tunnels, laying railroad tracks, constructing bridges and roads, and erecting skyscrapers. "As early as 1890, 90 percent of New York City's public works employees and 99 percent of Chicago's street workers were Italian" (Digital History). The Italians played a major role in the development of big United States cities as they were the labor force of the construction jobs. While the Italians migrated to these large cities together, they formed ethnic enclaves and left Italian culture in these ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Comparing the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (1969)... Comparing the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (1969) and the Opening Sequence of The Italian Job (2003) In this essay I will be comparing the opening sequences of 'The Italian Job (1969) and its modern– day remake 'The Italian Job' (2003). The original was directed by Peter Collinson and starred famous actors such as Michael Caine. It was a huge success and gained a massive cult following. The remake in 2003 was directed by Gary Gray and stared Mark Wahlberg and Seth Green. Again this was a huge success and introduced the film to a new generation. The opening sequence is a very important one as it gives the viewer a feel for the movie and what's to be expected from the film. Keep in mind that the ... Show more content on ... One minor flaw is the amount of damage actually done to the car, all the paint work seems to be in immaculate condition with some light body damage– not what you would expect from a massive explosion. You then see Charlie Crocker getting released from prison. This immediately gives you ideas on this person's personality as he has been in jail. In the 2003 version the action is quite different; as the credits are rolling, fast paced orchestral music is playing in the back ground with shots of plans of what you presume are for some type of crime. The music builds up to a climax before stopping and going into the movie. A man in his mid sixties walks out of the shop on the phone to his daughter as they talk about where he is and if his Parole Officer knows about it. Within the first few sentences you can tell that the man has something to do with the plot as he talks about breaking out of prison which makes the viewer feel suspicious about his past. He informs you that he's in Venice and the cameras pan towards the trademark features such as the gondolas and Rialto Bridge. He meets up with work colleagues and they begin to initiate their plan. All of this creates a sense of anticipation, you are expecting something to happen shortly. During the boat chase scene, there is a dramatic difference in the music. Loud and fast paced music is being ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Immigration to the Land of Opportunity Essay examples Immigration to America is often a decision made in order to discover a better life for a family or individual. America's founding ideals are usually what compel foreigners to move to the US. The stories of America being the "Land of Opportunity" have continued to persuade people to immigrate. Although immigration in the 20th century is much different from recent immigration, the underlying reasons for moving to the US are usually quite similar. Anna Romano was 24 years old when she, her husband Gino, and her expected daughter moved from Ponza, Italy to the United States in 1971. Her sister–in–law was the first of her relatives to move to the United States, in hopes of finding opportunity for her family. After hearing great things about ... Show more content on ... Although they had exceedingly high expectations for life in America, these expectations were met when they arrived. The lifestyle changes that came along with the transition from the small island of Ponza to the city of Boston were quite drastic. When they first arrived in America, Anna and Gino lived with Gino's sister and her husband. Shortly after their arrival, Anna gave birth to her first daughter. Seeing as Anna and Gino did not know any English, it was difficult for them to adjust to the American culture and lifestyle. Fortunately, Gino quickly found a job that had many Italian employees, so he was able to communicate with them without difficulty. Anna, on the other hand, did not have similar luck. In Ponza, most women did not work. Therefore, she did not have any experience or specific skill in addition to speaking only Italian. This made it incredibly difficult for Anna to find work. However, she came across a job as a housekeeper, and did this for several years. In Ponza, employment was much different than it is in America. Fishing and owning small shops were most of what the jobs consisted of on the small island. These jobs did not pay much. In America, Anna and Gino were paid weekly and consistently, which was a huge benefit for them despite the fact that they were not paid very much. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Rise Of Benito Mussolini And Adolf Hitler "There was no contemporary politician Hitler venerated more than Benito Mussolini, Italy's Fascist dictator" – Wolfgang Schieder. The period following World War I (WWI) saw the rise of two dictators in Europe, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. Hitler's Nazi beliefs were entirely based off of Mussolini's fascists ideologies in both domestic and foreign policies, through collectivism and expansion. As Hitler admired Mussolini's style of leadership in Italy, he strove to achieve the same style of government in Germany. These two dictators would eventually form a strong alliance, the Pact of Steel, because of their similar ideologies. It was after observing how Mussolini rose to power and ran his Fascist government that Hitler learned how he should run his own. As traditionalist historian Wolfgang Schieder stated in Fatal Attraction: The German Right and Italian Fascism, a section in Hans Mommsen's The Third Reich between Vision and Reality: New Perspectives on German History, 1918–1945, "Hitler's rise to power would not have occurred so easily without Mussolini's precedent". In terms of domestic policies, one principle that Mussolini focussed on was collectivism. As such, Mussolini got all Italians working for the state so that more could be achieved in less time, as the citizens are no longer divided by individual interests. In doing so, Mussolini also brought Italians closer together and began to abolish regionalism and shift towards intense nationalism that the country ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Racially Inferior Character Analysis From the mid–1800s to the mid–1900s, several immigrant group had their eyes turned to America. These group included the Germans, Irish, and the Southern Italians. The lack of economic opportunities, overpopulation, and political struggle in their respective countries, they immigrated to America in search of a better life. To be accepted by the White–Anglo Saxon Protestants (WASPs), four factor of success needed to be passed. This included coming in small number, being widely spread out, having money, and displaying positive stereotypes. As a result of failing in these criterias, the WASPs implemented the "Racially Inferior" stereotype to portray these immigrant groups in order to protect their economic and political influence in their country. In the 1500s, the English invaded Ireland. During the colonization, the English exploited the Irish by seizing their lands and exporting majority of the cultivated crops. As a result, famine and mass unemployment arose. The Irish left their country to come to America in order to support their families. In the United States (US), the WASPs illustrated the Irish as "Racially Inferior". This particular stereotype placed the Irish in the great chain of being as less than human by giving them semean like features which is pictured in the cartoon, "Contrasted Faces". The WASPs ... Show more content on ... A race labeled as "weak", "feminine", and carrier of diseases. Many WASPs blamed the presence of these diseases on the Chinese immigrants because of their living conditions. The WASPs benefited from this through several legislation laws meant to cripple the Chinese. In California, the Foreign Miner's law was passed in 1852 which This tax required a payment of three dollars each month at a time when Chinese miners were making approximately six dollars a month. While in 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed nationally to prevent the Chinese from entering the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Chapter 3 discusses the background of the Italians who... Chapter 3 discusses the background of the Italians who came to the United States. Italy had free elections in the South, but the corruption from criminal organizations and nobles influenced politics. Southern Italy had a large part of the population until the late twentieth century and peasants worked in agriculture. The central government was weak and ineffective. Italians had strong family bonds and children started working in fields at very young ages. Family is one of the key defining aspects of the Italians with household that usually had a father or husband. When they came to the United States they migrated largely within New York and a large percentage were men. Typically residing in Little Italy neighborhoods, and having low ... Show more content on ... They work for their families and have low divorce rates and crime rates that are similar to white rates. Many Latino men come to America to work and send money home and continue today to have similar work patterns. Latinos will continue to backlash from politicians within America as the unemployment is high and the number of illegal immigrants is also high and taking away from jobs of Americans. In the long run I do not think the issues will persist, and they will become intertwined within American culture as well. Personally I can connect more with Latinos immigration to America because I went to Guatemala during Centre Term and have learned more about their education systems. While I was in Guatemala I made friends with a group of teenagers whose relatives work among the government and all of them had all attended college in America. They could not clearly describe to me what their job occupation was and seemed as if they were just floating through life. While on the other hand I met children who went to private high schools in a city called Tecpan and their homework assignments were to literally copy questions down and not to expand or use any critical thinking at all. I believe that the difference in education systems among these nation states are not valued as they do not promote or ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Italian Immigrants in America Essay Italian Immigrants in America Ever since the United States was founded, immigrants have been arriving on its soil. The first white inhabitants of the U.S. were immigrants from Europe. They came for many reasons, such as religion and opportunity. As the country grew and became more prosperous, it became more enticing to foreigners looking for opportunity. This continued into the 20th century and finally during the 1920's, the United States began to restrict immigrants from coming to their country, mostly for cultural and economic reasons. Even the immigrants that were allowed in during the 20's faced many hardships such as religious persecution, racism, and xenia phobia. One of the major groups of immigrants during that ... Show more content on ... The old stock Americans weren't used to the immigrants and for this reason they thought less of them and oppressed them. The Italians and other immigrants were blamed for many of the nations problems. For example, the government led raids on immigrants' houses because they feared the immigrants were communists. This was evidenced in the Sacco and Vanzetti trial, when two Italian immigrants were convicted for murder and the prosecution had no real substantial evidence. They were convicted mainly because of their beliefs, not their actions. Religious beliefs also brought the immigrants problems. The KKK was openly anti–Catholic and most of the Italians were catholic. The immigrants and Italians also helped to bring on prohibition. The Americans didn't approve of their drinking habits; therefore the prohibition amendment was made for this and other reasons. Job competition was also a major reason for the racist feelings of the Americans. Native white workers saw the immigrants as competitors for the jobs that they felt they should have. A good example of this competition was "birds of passage." These were Italian workers who came to work in the U.S. but later returned to Italy with the money they earned in the U.S. From 1899–1924 3.8 million Italians came to the United States, but 2.1 million left to return to Italy during the same ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Italian Immigration Research Paper Abby Bentley Mr. Roaldi U.S. History 19 September 2014 Italian Immigration Many Italians made the United States their home, but getting to the Land of the Free was not easy for them. Many things made the Italians move from their country, and many things brought them to the United States. They faced many hardships while in the country. They all managed to find work in different areas, and in different time periods. They also left important legacies. The things that drove Italians out of Italy and to the United States was the poverty in Italy, the new and unstable government, and their struggling economy. Northern Italy had a history of wealth. While the South was very poor. Seventy–five percent of all the Italian immigrants came from ... Show more content on ... The Pope was very powerful. There were few people who did not listen to the Pope. The lack of the churches support made the government very weak. The North 's economy was becoming very successful. It became Europe's biggest supplier of silk. It seemed as the North and the South were living two different lives. With no obvious chance of progress, the Italians simply left. Between 1876 to 1924, 4.5 million immigrants arrived in the United States and 2 million immigrants came between 1901–1910. The things that brought the Italians to the United States were job opportunities, freedom, safety, and the hope to build a better life. Southern Italy was very poor, with little job opportunities. When the Italians came to America they could work in different areas that fit them best. Some found work on the coast working as fishermen and stevedores. In the mountain regions, the Italians went to work in mines and pits digging for coal and ore. The skilled stonemasons could work in the quarries of New England and Indiana. During and after the fall of Italy's first prime minister Giovanni Giolitti, the Italians did not feel safe and free in their country. It was said that Giolitti bribed and manipulated government officials. Corruption was a big problem, even before Giolitti came into power. Many Italians left the country and came to America for the democracy and the organized government ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Why Is Italian Immigration To The New World Italian Immigration to the New World Italians immigrated to the United States for many reasons. That could include being refugees, gaining freedom, because of war, later on the great depression, ect. That all contributes in the beginning of the 1800's where the immigrants came by boat and was welcomed to the U.S. in Ellis Island. Overall it is who made their journey here, where part of Italy are they coming from. In the beginning of the 1900's is when a majority of the Italians came over. The reason was because of how they were being treated, disasters and much more. When they were welcome here they were starting fresh and did not know what they were getting into. Although the boat was not as exciting as it would seem. It was very unhealthy ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Essay On Italian Immigrants In Philadelphia In a discussion in class, we talked about how we would investigate why certain groups of people or located in certain sections of the city. As a class we made city maps, my map shared many sections of the city. However, what I noticed is that my map was empty in certain places that I do not identify with. One section in particular was South Philadelphia, as Italian and Irish people mainly live there. I hardly visit that part of the city and had my first steak this year. This intrigued my interest to investigate Italians in Philadelphia. I will investigate the history of how the Italian immigrants made it to my city. Italians have been a part of the view in Philadelphia since colonial times. In 1665, a group of Italian Protestants came to New Sweden seeking religious asylum. Philadelphia and Delaware were all part of the same New Sweden. It is assumed that many from the original group of 150 came to live in Philadelphia when the English took over Philadelphia. William Penn believed in religious freedom and had visited Italy as a Quakers. Many early Italians were able to pray with French and other European Catholics later when the Establishment of Old St. Joseph's Church in 1733 was built. In 1758, the first Italian was christened at Old St. Joseph's. The First Italian Catholic Church was held in the basement was the meeting place for ... Show more content on ... During this time, Italian American were looking to separate themselves from African American. The main priority was to separate themselves from the "Turks" in America. America differentiated people by color and this opportunity led the children to follow suit of the separation. Many were able to reclaim the citizenship of their parents who had been native here a generation before the 1960s. In the 1970's, the Italian population risen to over 600,000 people. Representing one third of the city' population. Frank Rizzo became the first Italian American ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Italian Immigrants Labelled as enemy aliens due to Canada's loyalties in the Second World War, Italian Canadians are amid some of the primitive Europeans to have visited and settled in Canada. In this paper, I will uncover the history of immigration of Italians to Canada through examining three large mass immigration periods; 1870–1914, 1920–1930, and 1950–1970. In addition, I will touch upon the diverse social, political, and economic reasons for these record number mass immigrations. The paper will also examine the hardships and challenges new semi–skilled Italian immigrants faced when they entered the new country such as language barriers and job opportunities. As well, the paper will dive into important Canadian legislation that greatly affected immigration ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Italian Immigrants Essays Immigration began late for the Italian population. With the main period of immigration coming in the late 19th century, Italians were already several steps behind the Irish, German, and French immigrants (Nelli 38). This proved to be detrimental to the Italians as the previous immigrants had already stitched themselves to the flag producing a resolute hatred for incoming immigrants, one of which was Salvatore Rossi. Having fled Italy in 1897 due to economic hardship, he pursued the "American Dream" in New York, by obtaining an education and landing an uncommon job within the U.S. Government. Italian immigrants in this period of time suffered extreme racial prejudice and experienced numerous obstacles in their process of immigration and ... Show more content on ... These policies affected Salvatore and the Rossi family dearly. Salvatore, only sixteen years of age, and his father, Franco, did much of the grunt work on the family farm with Maria, Salvatore's mother, caring for his little brother, Angelo. With the new taxes implemented, the Rossi family farm was required to give up 35% of their meager gains from the farm. This implementation harmed the family much more than anticipated. These taxes and discriminatory policies toward southern Italians entirety made the decision to immigrate to the United States much more appealing. Salvatore and his Father were the first to voyage across the Atlantic, leaving Maria and Angelo home until Salvatore and Franco had amassed enough funds to bring them over as well. This course of action was common for Italian immigrants at the time as they often arrived in America with less than $25 in their pockets. The travel over the Atlantic was anything but inviting. Salvatore and Franco were just two of over 200,000 that had emigrated to the U.S. from Italy in 1897 (Thernstrom 157). Franco, similar to many other Italian immigrants had no knowledge of the English language; Salvatore learned what little he knew from a seasoned missionary that had accompanied him on the ship. The voyage lasted a week due to the advancements in steam–powered vessels ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Essay On Irish Immigration To America America has become a melting pot for people of many different countries of origin. People of these origins all had to take the chance to leave their home behind and were cast into a new life. Within this new life, many challenges were faced, such as discrimination, language barriers, and persecution. Italians, Irish, Germans, and Ecuadorians are among the many groups of people that had to go through these new life changes. New life for the people of Ireland began in the 17th century, when they first immigrated to the New World. Ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 people, they departed Ireland on boats as rebels, indentured servants, or prisoners . Many of the population that immigrated to America at the time were Presbyterians or Protestants. After the 18th century, immigrants came in larger numbers and the majority of Irish immigrants to the U.S. were Catholic . First and foremost, many of the people who immigrated to America did not wish to leave Ireland. They conjectured that America being "The Promise Land" was not entirely true; however in the end they left Ireland to evade British oppression . Once coming to America, the Irish immigrants predominantly settled in New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois. After ... Show more content on ... It was very grueling to get a job and the immigrants lack in English did not help their chances in finding one. Also, many Americans did not want immigrants to work under them because they were Catholic and Irish. So, there were generally signs on work doors saying "No Irish need to apply" . Even if Irish immigrants were able to find work, their employers treated them very harshly and made attacks on their country. By the Civil War, the opinions of Irish Immigrants changed drastically . Many Irish immigrants fought in the Civil War, so Americans developed respect for them and acceptance for these ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Japanese Internment Camps In Canada The Internment of Japanese and Italian Canadians Canada is presently known for welcoming many racial groups into the country. However, the Canadian government is not always giving out warm welcomes to different ethnicities. During World War Two, the country rejects many Japanese and Italians who are already Canadian. The treatment of the Japanese and Italians in the Second World War is very unjust. The two groups face being put into internment camps against their own will, the government separates families and force men to work on farms with little pay. The government of Canada also mistreat the Japanese and Italian Canadians because they are full of fear and superstition. The Japanese and Italian Canadians are forced to live in internment ... Show more content on ... They work in farms to fill labor shortages, are packed into small trains and sent to internment camps. Most Italians work in the trades sector but are forced to work in farms. In 1942, V.G. McGulgan, president of the Kent County Federation of Agriculture suggested that, "Italian war prisoners and Canadian–Japanese be employed in farm labor camps as means of filling the acute labor shortage." This shows that the Japanese and Italians were sent to internment camps to work in farms to fill in labor shortages. Sending them to work in camps to satisfy employment deficiency is unjust considering that the Japanese and Italian Canadian have to work all day with a small amount of pay. Subsequently, to get to the camps, families were packed into small trains where they had to ride on for hours to get to their destination. Men and women were separated once they reached their camps. Most men stayed at Camp Petawawa and Camp Ripples, whereas, women stayed at the Kingston Penitentiary. The men and women were separated from their loved ones as a punishment and for the different types of labor each gender may have had. Being divided from their own families may have been a traumatizing experience as they would not know the next time they will see them again, especially for ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Essay on American Immigration American Immigration During the early 1900's a vast amount of people both immigrated and migrated to the United States in search of money, better jobs, new lives, etc. Yet, the people who immigrated and migrated to the United States were each a part of different cultures: from Italian to German, French to Jewish, Irish to African American (American Cities/New York/African American/Intergroup Relations/Color Lines). New York City was a prime location for the immigrants and migrants of the time to create their new lives. They joked that "The Jews own New York, the Irish run it and the Negroes enjoy it" (American Cities/New York/African American/Intergroup Relations/Color Lines). The single line clearly shows how each group, Jewish, ... Show more content on ... Once they settled into the new location of their old village, they "attempted to reproduce the pace and patterns of its homeland setting" (American Cities/New York/Italians/ Community/social institutions/A Hodge–Podge Collection of Small Village Clusters). Since the merchants, doctors, lawyers and manufacturers from the old villages traveled together to America, the Italians and Jews were provided the necessities they had in their old village, "from Italian cheese to soda–water flavored Neapolitan style" (American Cities/New York/Italians/ Interactions/ Americanization/Little Italy in War Time). Being able to reproduce the settings of the old villages and live within a community of similar backgrounds, Italians and Jews were not as harshly discriminated against as African Americans. It appeared as though smaller ethnic communities dodged a fair amount of discrimination from American citizens due to their larger numbers and sense of identity. For a majority of the immigrants and migrants who came to America, after forming a community, the development of organizations within their community was essential. Religion played a key role in the lives of African Americans, Jews and Italians. It was said "the immigrant who loses his religion is worse than the religionless American because his early standards are dropped along with his fate" (American Cities/New York/Eastern European Jews/ Interaction/Intergroup Relations/The Race Line). For ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. How To Evaluate The College Education System The purpose of this comparison is to evaluate the college education system of the united states compared to the italian one. In today's global time it is important to choose carefully what kind of education did a person must choose and where. Out of the many differences of the two systems, this research will focus about some key aspects that define their overall value. I have selected as terms of camparison 5 attributes that comprehend: The expenses of the governments on the education,the cost of tuition and living,the education methods used , how the colleges prepare you to attend your future jobs and in the end the opportunities that you have once you complete your degree. Features: To simplify this complex matter I decided to use average ... Show more content on ... The classroom atmosphere is usually very dynamic. The professors often invite the students to participate actively to lessons. They expext that astudent share his opinions, arguehis point and participate in class discussion. This aspect is somewhat surprising when compared to Italian lessons. The lessons usually are similar of the one of the Italian highschool where the professors give you weekly or daily homework and they expext that the student will keep up with their program. It is also a common practice of them to put midterm exams. Each course is worth a certain number of credits or credit hours. This number is roughly the same as the number of hours a student spends in class for that course each week, and in order to graduate a student must fulfill a certain amount every ... Get more on ...