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Week 5- Final Film Critique
Week 5 – Final Film Critique
Byron Phillips
ENG 225 Introduction to Film
Instructor Hayes
11 May 2015
There's no doubt that Star Wars is one of the most impactful films of all time, having changed the
movie–making game ever since it premiered in 1977. It quickly became a global phenomenon and
has accumulated some of the most passionate fans in the universe. Star Wars: Episode IV– A New
Hope is a great example to use in order to illustrate the properties discussed throughout the course.
In this paper, I will analyze the entire movie. To begin, I will start by giving some basic information
about the motion picture, such as the director and type of film. Next, I will provide a brief summary
of the more content...
Science fiction is broadly defined as a film about the future or alternate realities, often but not always
set in space, and frequently incorporating horror elements, science–fiction movies are wildly popular
among fans (Goodykoontz, 2014). As a subgenre of fantasy, science fiction enables viewers to
relate to themes from an idealized alternative version of reality (Edwards, 2014). Star Wars: Episode
IV – A New Hope is a feature–length film that fits this genre perfectly. Star Wars: Episode IV– A
New Hope unfolds as princess named Leia is held hostage by the evil Imperial forces in their effort
to quell the rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Luke Skywalker and a smuggler named Han Solo
team together with the lovable droid duo, R2–D2 and C–3PO, to rescue the beautiful princess and
restore justice in the galaxy.
MP 3. – Aesthetic Choices – In this area, you will assess the efficacy of specific techniques and
design elements employed in the film as they apply to the overarching narrative and theme of the
film. These elements include: science fiction films can often be seen as allegories for things that
society may not want to be discussing. These alternative realities allow for the use of allegory in
referencing both current events and history, whereas stories set in contemporary
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Critique Of The Film Titanic
Critique paper The film Titanic which was made in 1997, by the famous cinema director James
Cameron and whose principal protagonists are Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. This film
tells an exciting story of love between two young people from different social classes who will
meet each other when they get aboard of this extravagant boat (Stewart). I think this movie was very
successful because of the acting, the incredible scenery, and the exciting love story that is told.
Titanic tells a true story which happened on April 14, 1912, where the ship sailed the transatlantic
on a voyage to New York. The director mounts the scene of this story in all detail, carrying out
extensive research on what happened the night the ship crashed against an iceberg, he also spent a
large amount of money to recreate every detail. A wonderful love story between two young people
who were forbidden to be together because of their different social classes. Rose (Kate Winslet) is an
upper–class young woman who is forced by her mother to get marry Caledon Hockley, a prominent
businessman with whom Rose's family was to maintain high–class status. During this trip Rose
meets a young painter (Jack Dawson) who lived with very little in his pockets, he is a free soul who
travels and knows the world thanks to his talent with painting. This boy managed to captivate the
young girl, because in him, she found a way out, something different from what she used to live
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Film Music Critique Essay
Mus 355
Music Critique of film Score
Action, suspense, love, and drama are all the makings for a great film. None of these key features
to a film could have any substance or feeling without the help of music. Composers play a big role
for setting the tone of the movie, developing characters, moving along or supporting action, and
depicting the time and place the movie is taking place. In the movie Heat, Elliot Goldenthal does just
that. Goldenthal was born in NY in 1954 and studied music under John Corigliano and Aaron
Copeland. His partner is Julie Taymor and he won an Oscar for the movie Frida which Julie
directed. Goldenthal has composed for several films as well as concert halls, theater and dance. He
also has written an more content...
This distinguishes his character of the hero, from the other two villain characters. At the end of the
movie Robert De Niro's character is trying to escape the country with the girl while Al Pacino's
character is right on his tail. There is a moment when De Niro realizes he cannot make it out with
the girl and in and unspoken stare he leaves. The music matches the feeling of the moment using
long drown out chords creating that sense a wanting and loss. As Pacino chases De Niro through
a field the music stops to intensify the action and set up the final scene. The music fades back in
shortly before Pacino shoots De Niro. The music carries into a high key riff that is repeated with
strings playing four tones slowly behind the keys. The music grows louder adding more instruments
such as large cymbals and carries into the credits. Goldenthal's score was replaced in the final scene
with Moby's "God Moving Over the Face of the Water." Director Michael Mann felt that Moby's
music better represented a feeling of relief, that it was over, that Pacino finally got his guy. At the
same time the music related the two characters. Opposite from the beginning where the music
separated the two, here it connects them demonstrating how they were not that different and had
respect and admiration for each
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Movie Review
Movie Critique for The King's Speech
I watched The King's Speech for my movie critique at home. This film tells the story of Prince
Albert, the Duke of York, and how he overcame a life–long speech impediment with the help of
Lionel Logue, a speech therapist from Australia.
The movie begins with Prince Albert (Colin Firth) attempting to deliver a speech written by his
father at the closing ceremony of the Empire Exhibition. We find out that the king has already
spoken, as well as Prince Albert's older brother, the Prince of Wales, and now theDuke of Yorkmust
speak. As he begins the speech, it becomes clear that he has a debilitating stutter.
The scene following shows what I assume is one of many failed treatments by a specialist
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There is a montage of Prince Albert and Lionel Logue going through vocal training and we see
Prince Albert slowly starting to improve and gain confidence.
King George V (Michael Gambon) dies shortly after Prince Albert has commenced treatment, and
Albert's brother is placed on the throne as King Edward VIII. The new king is intent on continuing
his relationship with the American divorcГ©e Wallis Simpson (Eve Best), against the wishes of the
government. When forced to choose between Mrs. Simpson and retaining his position on the throne,
King Edward chooses to abdicate, which elevates Prince Albert to the position of king. The new
king realizes he needs the assistance of Lionel Logue now more than ever.
In September of 1939, England declares that they are entering war with Nazi Germany, and King
George VI (formerly Prince Albert) must address the people of Britain and the Empire. To help
himself get through the speech, King George acts as if he's delivering the speech to Lionel and not
the millions of people hearing the speech via radio. The speech is viewed as a great success. We are
told that Lionel Logue continued to support King George during his speeches throughout World War
II. (The King's Speech)
One of the principals of verbal communication I observed in this movie is Politeness and Gender
(DeVito 106). Although the book gives examples of women being more likely to be polite and for
men to be indirect, in the movie, the roles are reversed and the Duchess of
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Movie Analysis of Grease Essay
Movie Analysis of Grease In this paper I am going to write about the movie "Grease." Specifically,
on the two main characters Sandy and Danny. I will be describing and analyzing their interpersonal
communication, but mainly on the conflict of their communication. At the beginning they Sandy &
Danny start off with a great relationship. They meet at the beach during summer break. Thinking
they would never see each other again they went their separate ways. But Sandy ends up moving
and goes to the same high school as Danny. They don't know that the other is at the same school
until Rizzo, one of the "pink ladies" introduces them to on another at the football pep rally. This is
when all the conflict starts. Danny and Sandy are more content...
Danny attempts to impress Sandy by jumping over hurdles but he trips and falls, but Sandy runs
to his aide to check to see if Danny is ok. He asks her about having a date for the "big dance" but
she states "No". At this point Danny takes the opportunity to ask her to go with him and she
accepts, but states that she did not appreciate the way he treated her the other night. They decide
to go to the local restaurant, but before they go in Danny states that he does not want to go in
because he does not want people to bother them. And so he says that he would rather go to a place
where they could have some privacy. Before they have a chance to leave friends see Danny and
Sandy outside and they come out to see them. Sandy asks he Danny would like to come and have
tea with her and her family, but Danny replies he don't like tea. And moments later the two of them
leave. The two go to the dance together and are getting along great, until one of Danny's
ex–girlfriend's arrives with one of his buddies. Sandy asks how he knows this girl and he states it's
"a friend of the family." Next, Sandy is whisked away from Danny and this ex–girlfriend begins to
dance with him. Sandy being visually upset runs out of the gym and leaves. Danny realizing what
has happened but continues to dance. Sandy and Danny decide to go and see a movie, and he tells
her he is sorry about what happened at the dance. She states she still thinks that
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I Am Legend Film Analysis Essay
Jessica Wang
English 106
10 April 2008
Robert Neville is the last normal living man in the world. The all of New York City is in ruins. How
long can Robert Neville survive alone with his dog in a world of vampires and how long do you
think you can live in this case?
The film, I Am Legend is a post–apocalyptic science fiction film directed by Francis Lawrence and
starring Will Smith. It was released on December 14th, 2007. This film is actually the third
adaptation of Richard Matheson's novel of the same name from 1954. Smith plays virologist Robert
Neville, who lives in New York City in 2012, which is inhabited by animalistic victims of the virus.
He is immune to a vicious man–made virus originally created to cure cancer and works
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It tells us that technology sometimes is dangerous and vital if we cannot gain power over it.
Later in the movie, Dr. Neville takes Anna to the lab, Anna is amazed to see the zombies lying on
the bed, and simply sighed" Oh my god", Dr. Neville just said calmly "God didn't do this; we did".
Again, Dr. Neville uncovered the truth that all the faults actually are made by ourselves though new
technology does help us in some cases. However, human begins should be responsible for what they
have done to the whole world in the near future, meanwhile, it also teaches us a lesson that never
rush to create new technology at the cost of the whole world and all the living things in the world.
There is an alternate ending which is totally different from the original one we have seen in the
movie, which amazed me a lot. In the original one, it is a pity that Dr. Neville died in the end with
the self–explored; according to many reviews, the majority of the audiences do not like this ending.
The alternate ending is that Robert finally brushes up against a zombie next to him and comes in
contact with him; he never gets that close to any of them in the movie and seeing that gives me a
chill. In this ending, it leaves me the normal human feelings, which makes Dr. Neville more like a
legend. However, the original one is
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Critique Of The Movie Gasland
Gasland: A Movie Critique The documentary Gasland, directed by Josh Fox provides insight on
the effects of living in a natural gas driven society. The film features Josh Fox's search to discover
how natural gas companies operate and the unseen consequences people have to live with as a
result of corporate greed. Fox becomes curious about the gas industry in 2009 when he receives a
letter from government regulators asking if he will relinquish his property for one hundred thousand
dollars because it is located on the Marcellus shale, commonly known as the middle east of the
United States. He fears that signing his property over will contaminate the Delaware River water
supply. The Pennsylvania EPA informs the public that their water is still clean even though entire
neighborhoods have seen their water fizzle because it is contaminated with natural gases. This
prompts him to go on a journey to see how other communities have more content...
Furthermore, it is subjective because Josh Fox's reasoning behind creating the film was solely
because he experienced the negative outcomes due to fracking in his hometown, and most likely
would not have created this work if it were not for his negative experience. Fox strengthens his
argument by interviewing normal citizens all across the United States. These are accurate and real
instances of how the general public has been taken advantage of by the natural gas industry. By
interviewing regular people, such as the man who loved lighting his water on fire, Fox captures
their personalities allowing the audience to genuinely relate and feel for these people. He also
interviews a man by the name of Westin Wilson, an EPA regulator, and even though he works for the
natural gas industry he believes the industry is unjust and operates
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Cinematography Essay examples
Today, the movie industry has become a huge moneymaker in the entertainment business. You
cannot turn on the television without seeing advertisements for the next big blockbuster film.
While most of the films these days entertain with amazing special effects or raunchy comedy,
there are still films that thrive because of great acting, directing, and editing. Three films that I
believe would be great examples of the way these aspects can cause a film to excel are ?Any
Given Sunday?, ?The Cell?, and ?Almost Famous?. ?Any Given Sunday? shows how, by using
editing, a movie can portray an intense situation realistically. In ?The Cell?, color is used to
differentiate between how we see things in reality and more content...
Panning shots of cheering fans and screaming coaches along with occasional shots of the game being
broadcast on a television with commentators giving their take on the action send the viewer back to
the reality that they are only watching the action and not participating in it. While watching this
movie you truly feel like you are in the game.
?The Cell?, instead of focusing on accurately portraying reality, takes you to the dream world.
Catherine Deane, played by Jennifer Lopez, is a child psychologist involved in an experimental
project that allows her to travel inside the mind of coma victims to try to draw them away from
their fears and thus out of their coma. This movie portrays the journey inside the mind much like
you would depict a dream. When Deane is inside a young child, whose main concern seems to be
a fear of the ?boogie man?, the world she enters is a beautiful desert scene where the sky is bright
blue with puffy white clouds. She is always dressed in bright white dresses and seems to glow.
This depicts that she has earned the child?s trust. All color is brighter in this dreamlike world.
Even though these experiments had not been successful bringing the child out of the coma, Dean
was able to learn a lot about the child. This caused a couple of detectives to approach her about
entering the mind of a serial killer who had slipped into a coma with the goal of discovering the
location of his most recent captive.
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Final Film Critique Essay
Final Film Critique
Richard Hogan
ENG 225: Introduction to Film
October 25, 2011
Final Film Critique
The movie, The Shawshank Redemption (1994), is based on a character Andy Dufresne. Andy is
a young and successful banker who is sent to Shawshank Prison for murdering his wife and her
secret lover. His life is changed drastically upon being convicted and being sent to prison. He is sent
to prison to serve a life term. Over the 20–years in prison, Andy retains optimism and eventually
earns the respect of his fellow inmates. He becomes friends with Red, and they both comfort and
empathize with each other while in prison. The story has a strong message of hope, spirit,
determination, courage, and more content...
In the film's final scene the two meet up and are free from their life of isolation, law, hate, and
racism. The film has some additional storytelling that I would like to discuss. The Shawshank
Redemption is done in chronological order, but there are some parts when the characters flash
back to earlier times in their live so you can understand what is happening in the film. This is
done so the viewer still has an easy way to follow the movie. The characters of the film face both
internal and external conflict. The internal conflict is should I continue this life when I know I
am innocent, and the external conflict is from the prison, the prisoners, and the prison staff. The
film does contain symbolism. An example of the symbolism is when the warden learns of his
fate and his last judgment by reading the morning newspaper of himself and the prison being
corrupt. Additionally, symbolism is used with the holy bible the warden reads; when he finds the
hammer that Andy uses to dig out of the prison. There is a passage from Exodus that is used to
symbolize the warden's salvation and Andy's escape. Also, there is a metaphor that I remember
and it happens when the librarian (Brooks Hatlen) is freed from jail and he takes his own life. At
the same time he hangs himself his bird (Jake) fly's away and is freed. The metaphor is that the
librarian is free of his lifelong nightmare of being told what
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Movie Critique Essay

  • 1. Week 5- Final Film Critique Week 5 – Final Film Critique Byron Phillips ENG 225 Introduction to Film Instructor Hayes 11 May 2015 FINAL FILM CRITIQUE There's no doubt that Star Wars is one of the most impactful films of all time, having changed the movie–making game ever since it premiered in 1977. It quickly became a global phenomenon and has accumulated some of the most passionate fans in the universe. Star Wars: Episode IV– A New Hope is a great example to use in order to illustrate the properties discussed throughout the course. In this paper, I will analyze the entire movie. To begin, I will start by giving some basic information about the motion picture, such as the director and type of film. Next, I will provide a brief summary of the more content... Science fiction is broadly defined as a film about the future or alternate realities, often but not always set in space, and frequently incorporating horror elements, science–fiction movies are wildly popular among fans (Goodykoontz, 2014). As a subgenre of fantasy, science fiction enables viewers to relate to themes from an idealized alternative version of reality (Edwards, 2014). Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope is a feature–length film that fits this genre perfectly. Star Wars: Episode IV– A New Hope unfolds as princess named Leia is held hostage by the evil Imperial forces in their effort to quell the rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Luke Skywalker and a smuggler named Han Solo team together with the lovable droid duo, R2–D2 and C–3PO, to rescue the beautiful princess and restore justice in the galaxy. MP 3. – Aesthetic Choices – In this area, you will assess the efficacy of specific techniques and design elements employed in the film as they apply to the overarching narrative and theme of the film. These elements include: science fiction films can often be seen as allegories for things that society may not want to be discussing. These alternative realities allow for the use of allegory in referencing both current events and history, whereas stories set in contemporary Get more content on
  • 2. Critique Of The Film Titanic Critique paper The film Titanic which was made in 1997, by the famous cinema director James Cameron and whose principal protagonists are Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. This film tells an exciting story of love between two young people from different social classes who will meet each other when they get aboard of this extravagant boat (Stewart). I think this movie was very successful because of the acting, the incredible scenery, and the exciting love story that is told. Titanic tells a true story which happened on April 14, 1912, where the ship sailed the transatlantic on a voyage to New York. The director mounts the scene of this story in all detail, carrying out extensive research on what happened the night the ship crashed against an iceberg, he also spent a large amount of money to recreate every detail. A wonderful love story between two young people who were forbidden to be together because of their different social classes. Rose (Kate Winslet) is an upper–class young woman who is forced by her mother to get marry Caledon Hockley, a prominent businessman with whom Rose's family was to maintain high–class status. During this trip Rose meets a young painter (Jack Dawson) who lived with very little in his pockets, he is a free soul who travels and knows the world thanks to his talent with painting. This boy managed to captivate the young girl, because in him, she found a way out, something different from what she used to live Get more content on
  • 3. Film Music Critique Essay Mus 355 Music Critique of film Score Action, suspense, love, and drama are all the makings for a great film. None of these key features to a film could have any substance or feeling without the help of music. Composers play a big role for setting the tone of the movie, developing characters, moving along or supporting action, and depicting the time and place the movie is taking place. In the movie Heat, Elliot Goldenthal does just that. Goldenthal was born in NY in 1954 and studied music under John Corigliano and Aaron Copeland. His partner is Julie Taymor and he won an Oscar for the movie Frida which Julie directed. Goldenthal has composed for several films as well as concert halls, theater and dance. He also has written an more content... This distinguishes his character of the hero, from the other two villain characters. At the end of the movie Robert De Niro's character is trying to escape the country with the girl while Al Pacino's character is right on his tail. There is a moment when De Niro realizes he cannot make it out with the girl and in and unspoken stare he leaves. The music matches the feeling of the moment using long drown out chords creating that sense a wanting and loss. As Pacino chases De Niro through a field the music stops to intensify the action and set up the final scene. The music fades back in shortly before Pacino shoots De Niro. The music carries into a high key riff that is repeated with strings playing four tones slowly behind the keys. The music grows louder adding more instruments such as large cymbals and carries into the credits. Goldenthal's score was replaced in the final scene with Moby's "God Moving Over the Face of the Water." Director Michael Mann felt that Moby's music better represented a feeling of relief, that it was over, that Pacino finally got his guy. At the same time the music related the two characters. Opposite from the beginning where the music separated the two, here it connects them demonstrating how they were not that different and had respect and admiration for each Get more content on
  • 4. Movie Review Movie Critique for The King's Speech I watched The King's Speech for my movie critique at home. This film tells the story of Prince Albert, the Duke of York, and how he overcame a life–long speech impediment with the help of Lionel Logue, a speech therapist from Australia. The movie begins with Prince Albert (Colin Firth) attempting to deliver a speech written by his father at the closing ceremony of the Empire Exhibition. We find out that the king has already spoken, as well as Prince Albert's older brother, the Prince of Wales, and now theDuke of Yorkmust speak. As he begins the speech, it becomes clear that he has a debilitating stutter. The scene following shows what I assume is one of many failed treatments by a specialist more content... There is a montage of Prince Albert and Lionel Logue going through vocal training and we see Prince Albert slowly starting to improve and gain confidence. King George V (Michael Gambon) dies shortly after Prince Albert has commenced treatment, and Albert's brother is placed on the throne as King Edward VIII. The new king is intent on continuing his relationship with the American divorcГ©e Wallis Simpson (Eve Best), against the wishes of the government. When forced to choose between Mrs. Simpson and retaining his position on the throne, King Edward chooses to abdicate, which elevates Prince Albert to the position of king. The new king realizes he needs the assistance of Lionel Logue now more than ever. In September of 1939, England declares that they are entering war with Nazi Germany, and King George VI (formerly Prince Albert) must address the people of Britain and the Empire. To help himself get through the speech, King George acts as if he's delivering the speech to Lionel and not the millions of people hearing the speech via radio. The speech is viewed as a great success. We are told that Lionel Logue continued to support King George during his speeches throughout World War II. (The King's Speech) One of the principals of verbal communication I observed in this movie is Politeness and Gender (DeVito 106). Although the book gives examples of women being more likely to be polite and for men to be indirect, in the movie, the roles are reversed and the Duchess of Get more content on
  • 5. Movie Analysis of Grease Essay Movie Analysis of Grease In this paper I am going to write about the movie "Grease." Specifically, on the two main characters Sandy and Danny. I will be describing and analyzing their interpersonal communication, but mainly on the conflict of their communication. At the beginning they Sandy & Danny start off with a great relationship. They meet at the beach during summer break. Thinking they would never see each other again they went their separate ways. But Sandy ends up moving and goes to the same high school as Danny. They don't know that the other is at the same school until Rizzo, one of the "pink ladies" introduces them to on another at the football pep rally. This is when all the conflict starts. Danny and Sandy are more content... Danny attempts to impress Sandy by jumping over hurdles but he trips and falls, but Sandy runs to his aide to check to see if Danny is ok. He asks her about having a date for the "big dance" but she states "No". At this point Danny takes the opportunity to ask her to go with him and she accepts, but states that she did not appreciate the way he treated her the other night. They decide to go to the local restaurant, but before they go in Danny states that he does not want to go in because he does not want people to bother them. And so he says that he would rather go to a place where they could have some privacy. Before they have a chance to leave friends see Danny and Sandy outside and they come out to see them. Sandy asks he Danny would like to come and have tea with her and her family, but Danny replies he don't like tea. And moments later the two of them leave. The two go to the dance together and are getting along great, until one of Danny's ex–girlfriend's arrives with one of his buddies. Sandy asks how he knows this girl and he states it's "a friend of the family." Next, Sandy is whisked away from Danny and this ex–girlfriend begins to dance with him. Sandy being visually upset runs out of the gym and leaves. Danny realizing what has happened but continues to dance. Sandy and Danny decide to go and see a movie, and he tells her he is sorry about what happened at the dance. She states she still thinks that Get more content on
  • 6. I Am Legend Film Analysis Essay Jessica Wang English 106 10 April 2008 Robert Neville is the last normal living man in the world. The all of New York City is in ruins. How long can Robert Neville survive alone with his dog in a world of vampires and how long do you think you can live in this case? The film, I Am Legend is a post–apocalyptic science fiction film directed by Francis Lawrence and starring Will Smith. It was released on December 14th, 2007. This film is actually the third adaptation of Richard Matheson's novel of the same name from 1954. Smith plays virologist Robert Neville, who lives in New York City in 2012, which is inhabited by animalistic victims of the virus. He is immune to a vicious man–made virus originally created to cure cancer and works more content... It tells us that technology sometimes is dangerous and vital if we cannot gain power over it. Later in the movie, Dr. Neville takes Anna to the lab, Anna is amazed to see the zombies lying on the bed, and simply sighed" Oh my god", Dr. Neville just said calmly "God didn't do this; we did". Again, Dr. Neville uncovered the truth that all the faults actually are made by ourselves though new technology does help us in some cases. However, human begins should be responsible for what they have done to the whole world in the near future, meanwhile, it also teaches us a lesson that never rush to create new technology at the cost of the whole world and all the living things in the world. There is an alternate ending which is totally different from the original one we have seen in the movie, which amazed me a lot. In the original one, it is a pity that Dr. Neville died in the end with the self–explored; according to many reviews, the majority of the audiences do not like this ending. The alternate ending is that Robert finally brushes up against a zombie next to him and comes in contact with him; he never gets that close to any of them in the movie and seeing that gives me a chill. In this ending, it leaves me the normal human feelings, which makes Dr. Neville more like a legend. However, the original one is Get more content on
  • 7. Critique Of The Movie Gasland Gasland: A Movie Critique The documentary Gasland, directed by Josh Fox provides insight on the effects of living in a natural gas driven society. The film features Josh Fox's search to discover how natural gas companies operate and the unseen consequences people have to live with as a result of corporate greed. Fox becomes curious about the gas industry in 2009 when he receives a letter from government regulators asking if he will relinquish his property for one hundred thousand dollars because it is located on the Marcellus shale, commonly known as the middle east of the United States. He fears that signing his property over will contaminate the Delaware River water supply. The Pennsylvania EPA informs the public that their water is still clean even though entire neighborhoods have seen their water fizzle because it is contaminated with natural gases. This prompts him to go on a journey to see how other communities have more content... Furthermore, it is subjective because Josh Fox's reasoning behind creating the film was solely because he experienced the negative outcomes due to fracking in his hometown, and most likely would not have created this work if it were not for his negative experience. Fox strengthens his argument by interviewing normal citizens all across the United States. These are accurate and real instances of how the general public has been taken advantage of by the natural gas industry. By interviewing regular people, such as the man who loved lighting his water on fire, Fox captures their personalities allowing the audience to genuinely relate and feel for these people. He also interviews a man by the name of Westin Wilson, an EPA regulator, and even though he works for the natural gas industry he believes the industry is unjust and operates Get more content on
  • 8. Cinematography Essay examples Today, the movie industry has become a huge moneymaker in the entertainment business. You cannot turn on the television without seeing advertisements for the next big blockbuster film. While most of the films these days entertain with amazing special effects or raunchy comedy, there are still films that thrive because of great acting, directing, and editing. Three films that I believe would be great examples of the way these aspects can cause a film to excel are ?Any Given Sunday?, ?The Cell?, and ?Almost Famous?. ?Any Given Sunday? shows how, by using editing, a movie can portray an intense situation realistically. In ?The Cell?, color is used to differentiate between how we see things in reality and more content... Panning shots of cheering fans and screaming coaches along with occasional shots of the game being broadcast on a television with commentators giving their take on the action send the viewer back to the reality that they are only watching the action and not participating in it. While watching this movie you truly feel like you are in the game. ?The Cell?, instead of focusing on accurately portraying reality, takes you to the dream world. Catherine Deane, played by Jennifer Lopez, is a child psychologist involved in an experimental project that allows her to travel inside the mind of coma victims to try to draw them away from their fears and thus out of their coma. This movie portrays the journey inside the mind much like you would depict a dream. When Deane is inside a young child, whose main concern seems to be a fear of the ?boogie man?, the world she enters is a beautiful desert scene where the sky is bright blue with puffy white clouds. She is always dressed in bright white dresses and seems to glow. This depicts that she has earned the child?s trust. All color is brighter in this dreamlike world. Even though these experiments had not been successful bringing the child out of the coma, Dean was able to learn a lot about the child. This caused a couple of detectives to approach her about entering the mind of a serial killer who had slipped into a coma with the goal of discovering the location of his most recent captive. Get more content on
  • 9. Final Film Critique Essay Final Film Critique Richard Hogan ENG 225: Introduction to Film October 25, 2011 Final Film Critique Introduction The movie, The Shawshank Redemption (1994), is based on a character Andy Dufresne. Andy is a young and successful banker who is sent to Shawshank Prison for murdering his wife and her secret lover. His life is changed drastically upon being convicted and being sent to prison. He is sent to prison to serve a life term. Over the 20–years in prison, Andy retains optimism and eventually earns the respect of his fellow inmates. He becomes friends with Red, and they both comfort and empathize with each other while in prison. The story has a strong message of hope, spirit, determination, courage, and more content... In the film's final scene the two meet up and are free from their life of isolation, law, hate, and racism. The film has some additional storytelling that I would like to discuss. The Shawshank Redemption is done in chronological order, but there are some parts when the characters flash back to earlier times in their live so you can understand what is happening in the film. This is done so the viewer still has an easy way to follow the movie. The characters of the film face both internal and external conflict. The internal conflict is should I continue this life when I know I am innocent, and the external conflict is from the prison, the prisoners, and the prison staff. The film does contain symbolism. An example of the symbolism is when the warden learns of his fate and his last judgment by reading the morning newspaper of himself and the prison being corrupt. Additionally, symbolism is used with the holy bible the warden reads; when he finds the hammer that Andy uses to dig out of the prison. There is a passage from Exodus that is used to symbolize the warden's salvation and Andy's escape. Also, there is a metaphor that I remember and it happens when the librarian (Brooks Hatlen) is freed from jail and he takes his own life. At the same time he hangs himself his bird (Jake) fly's away and is freed. The metaphor is that the librarian is free of his lifelong nightmare of being told what Get more content on