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(The Science of Life)
✔ Ayurveda is considered as one of the oldest traditional systems of
medicine (TSMs) accepted worldwide.
✔ Ayurveda, or ayurvedic medicine, is a healthy-lifestyle system that people
in India have used for more than 5,000 years since 2nd
century BC.
✔ Emphasizes on Good health, prevention and treatment of illness through
lifestyle practices (such as massage, meditation, yoga, and dietary changes)
and the use of herbal remedies.
✔ Holistic: Body and mind as a whole
✔ Changes lifestyle practices to help maintain or improve health.
✔ The Nyāya ( inferences and perceptions that should be obtained about a
patient's pathological condition for treatment)–vaiśeṣika (one should have
an extensive knowledge of the patient's condition, and the disease
condition before proceeding for treatment) school, in the later years
✔ The Hindu system of healing is believed to be based on four
eminent compilations of knowledge (Vedas) called as Yajur
Veda, Rig Veda, Sama Veda, and Atharvana Veda.
✔ Charaka Samhita describes all aspects of Ayurvedic medicine
and Sushruta Samhita describes the Science of Surgery
Air + Ether
Counterpart: Kinetic energy
Earth + Water
Counterpart: Potential energy
Counterpart: Thermal energy
Balanced: All three doshas are present
in their natural proportions; also
referred to as “equilibrium.”
Increased: A particular dosha is present
in a greater-than-normal proportion;
also referred to as an “aggravated” or
“excess state.”
Decreased: A particular dosha is
present in a less-than-normal
proportion; also referred to as a
“reduced” or “depleted state.”
VATA: Grounding, Warming,
PITTA: Cooling, Calming,
KAPHA: Drying, Stimulating,
and Expression
Tri Malas:
3 types of waste products formed in the body due to metabolic
and digestive functions of the body: Mutra (urine), Purisa (faeces), and
Sveda (sweat).
Pancha karma consists of 3 steps
Poorva karma (preparatory process
of the body for the therapy)
Pradhan karma (the main process of
Paschat karma
(consisting of regimens to be followed
to restore digestive and other
absorptive procedures of the body,
back to the normal state).Pancha karma can be prepared from medicated oils or
decoction of herbs like sesame or anise.
Medical emesis
Äshtanga Ayurveda (eight disciplines)1. Kayachikitsa (internal medicine treatment)
2. Bhootavidya (treatment of psychological disorders)
3. Kaumar Bhritya (pediatric treatment)
4. Rasayana (study of geriatrics)
5. Vajikarana (treatment through aphrodisiacs and eugen
6. Shalya (surgical treatment)
7. Shalakya (otorhinolaryngological and ophthalmologic
What is
ACNE✔ Acne is one of a common skin problems. It usually
occurs when the hair follicles become plugged with
oil and dead cells of the skin.
✔ Acne mostly appears on the face, chest, back, neck
and shoulders as well.
✔ Effective treatments are generally available for more
serious problem, but it can be persistent. While, the
pimples and bumps heal slowly by its own. But it is
seen, that when one begins to go away, then at the
same time, other pimples crop up.
✔ It is one of the most common problems among
teenagers. Younger children are at higher risk of
getting acne.
✔ This skin problem may cause emotional stress and
scar the skin as well. But it depends on its severity.
So it is advisable to treat the condition as early as
✔ Excess oil production
✔ Hair follicles clogged by oil and dead skin cells (Whitehead & Blackheads)
✔ Bacteria
✔ Excess activity of a type of hormone (androgens)
✔ Diet
✔ Genetic factors
✔ Stress
✔ Make-up
✔ Consumption of fatty and fried food and excess starch intake
✔ Inadequate water intake
✔ Unbalanced eating hours
✔ Nutritional deficiencies
✔ Use of steroids
✔ Chronic constipation
✔ Inactivity
✔ Improper skin cleansing
✔ Inadequate sleep
✔ Alcoholism
✔ Tobacco intake
What are the Causes of
The symptoms or types of the acne depend
on the severity of the condition and the
common among them are listed below:
✔ Whiteheads that remain under the skin
and are very small.
✔ Blackheads – clearly visible, they are black
and appear on the surface of the skin.
Remember that a blackhead is not caused
by dirt. Scrubbing your face vigorously
when you see blackheads will not help.
✔ Papules which are visible on the surface of
the skin and are small bumps, usually pink.
✔ Pustules that are red at their base and
have pus at the top.
✔ Nodules – are large and solid pimples.
They are painful and are embedded deep
in the skin.
✔ Cysts are painful, and are filled with pus
and these can easily cause scars.
What are the Symptoms
of Acne?
Ayurvedic approach
to acneAccording to Ayurvedic concepts, bad food habits are the main cause of Yuvana
Pidaka or Acne vulgaris.This includes:
•Adhyashana – Consuming food at short intervals, due to which new food enters the body when the previous food is not
•Virudhashana – Consuming incompatible foods together such as fish and milk together, curds and milk together etc
•Vishamashana – Consuming food with disregard to the bodily cravings, such as eating when not hungry or fasting when
1. On analysis of dosha involvement of Yuvana pidaka, Vatha and Kapha dosha are found to be the causes. A
pathological increase of Raktha or Blood and Meda or Fat dhatu can also cause yuvana pitaka.
2. Kapha blocks the normal excretory function of skin and the waste material stagnates inside, producing symptoms
like itching, pustules and nodules formation.
3. Raktha also gets stagnated and produces multiple eruptions, redness, raised local temperature, thick bloody
discharge from the boils and abscess formation.
4. Irritation, blackish discoloration and ugly scar formation are later contributed by Vatha. Here the vitiated Doshas
gets stagnated in the Srothas or Subtle channels of the body.
procedures for
Permanent cure
This procedure is not advised during inflammatory stages. It is useful in removal of blockage of subtle
channels or srothas.
1. It Cleanses Your Skin Thoroughly
2. It Boosts Circulation
3. It Hydrates The Skin
4. It Improves The Permeability Of Your Skin
5. It Boosts Collagen Development
6. It Helps You Relax
3 ways to do steaming:
1. Using A Bowl (Only face) + Essential oils
2. Using a towel (whole body) + Essential oils
3. Using a steamer + Essential oils
How often to do the steaming:
1. For normal/combination skin type: Once a week for 12
2. For dry skin: Twice a week for 10 minutes
3. For oily skin: Twice a week for 12 minutes
4. For sensitive skin: Consult your dermatologist to know if
your skin can tolerate steaming or not.
✔ As it is best procedure to subside the kaphaja abnormality.
✔ In Mukhdooshika (Acne), the mainly vitiated dosha is Kapha.
✔ Doshas which involved in this disease other then kapha are, Vata and
✔ Rakta is Pitta Vargiya Dravya (Category of Pitta) and Vamana Purifies
the Pitta also at some extent and thus it purifies the Rakta.
✔ In Mukhdooshika, Shrotorodha (Obstruction of body channels) is seen
in Swedavahasrotasa (Channels carrying sweat).
✔ Vamana drug with its Ushna (Warm), Tikshna (Sharp), Sukshma (Fine),
Vyavyi & Vikasi (forms protective film) properties enters the large &
small Srotas of the body and clears the Srotavarodha, which helps in
breaking the chain of Samprapti (Formation of disease).
✔ It is a cleansing method (Purification of blood), performed by
giving bitter, astringent and sweet herbal purgatives which
bring down abnormally increased Pitha principle and Raktha or
blood dhathu.
✔ This procedure is beneficial in stages of inflammatory changes.
✔ Virechana expels aggravated Pitta dosha through rectum.
✔ Nasal administration of suitable medicine is beneficial in chronic
clinical conditions of Acne.
✔ Dosha should be eliminated from the nearest path.
✔ Mukhdooshika is Urdhvajatrugata Vyadhi (Upper body disease) and
Nasya expels the Dosha from Urdhwajatru-Pradesh (Upper body parts).
✔ As a result of which the sebum and oil secretion of face are kept in
control and Acne cured and also its recurrence is prevented, by its
Srotoshodhan and Pancha-Gyanedriya Vardhan of Urdhva
Jatrugatavyvava property
✔ Leech application, Prachaana and Sira vyadha are the Para surgical methods for
Rakthamokshana described by Sushruta.
✔ Leech sucks deoxygenated blood which contains a harmful toxins and allow to
purify the blood in the Acne area, ultimately it helps in preventing its
✔ The affected tissue remains congested with the stasis of blood and blood letting
improves microcirculation to tissues by removing this stagnated and vitiated
✔ Leeches secrete saliva which contain 60 different proteins serve as
anticoagulant, platelet aggregation inhibitors, vasodilator and proteinase
inhibitors, it is also said that leech saliva contains an anesthetic agent hence
leech bite is not painful and it is also having anti inflammatory property.
✔ Shalmali (Bombax malabaricum),
✔ Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa),
✔ Kushta (Saussurea lappa),
✔ Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia),
✔ Turmeric (Curcuma longa),
✔ Vacha (Acorus calamus),
✔ Chandana (Santalum album)
✔ Saariba (Hemidesmus indicus) are beneficial in
✔ Local application of Khas-Khas (Veteveria
zizanoides) and Jathiphal (Myristica fragrans) are
believed to give very good results.
✔ Other blood purifiers like Neem (Azadirachta
✔ Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) are also useful for
No Factors Ayurveda Allopathy
1 Overall health &
Yes, Panchakarma is a
Detoxification method
which cleanses the whole
No, the treatment
is localized.
Doctor prescribes
OTC drugs
2 Ways used to go to the
root of the health
Several methods are used
for the treatment which
cleanses the whole body
Treatment is
3 Individualized treatment
Yes, Ayurveda believes in
treatment of Acne in
individualized manner
No, it’s just the
same treatment
for every
4 Negative side effects Very few: dryness, itching,
irritation, and redness.
Stomach upset,
High BP,
Depression etc
5 Approach for prevention Various effective methods Prescribes OTC
Client experiences for Acne treatment
through Ayurveda
•Previously it was known as
reflex zone therapy.
•It’s knowledge is known in
India ,China for over 5,000
•In Egyptian culture it was
known since 2330 B.C.
•Traces of this therapy were
also found in Japan and
Ancient Peru.
•Reflexology is a systematic practice in which applying some pressure
to any particular points on the feet and hands give impacts on the
health of related parts of the body (Embong, 2015).
•It is believed that life force of individuals circulates between organs of
•Its is not a massage
•Areas containing replicas of body are Generally found on feet, hands,
ears, face, scalp, and back of head.
Benefits of reflexology
Cleansing- eliminates toxins from body
Improves circulation and nerve path ways.
Homeostasis- Balances dynamic state of body.
Increases energy- by activating glands and organs of body.
Prevention- it serves to prevent blockages and congestions that can lead to serious health problems
It is non invasive
Effective-body, spirit, mind, emotions.
Simple but powerful (Emborg, 2015).
Hormonal imbalance
•Hormonal balance is essential for physical and mental health.
•Hormonal imbalance occurs due to under production or over
production of hormones in our body.
• Cortisol– body's main stress hormone
• Adrenaline- Fight or flight action
• Norepinephrine- ‘similar to adrenaline
• Released from adrenal glands.
• Cortisol regulates how carbohydrates, fats
and proteins absortption
• Keeps inflammation down
• Regulates blood pressure
Hormone Deficiency Excessive production
1. Thyroid stimulating
• Stunned physical and mental
development in children.
• Build up of subcutaneous fat,
rough skin and lack of energy.
• Results in goiter
• Increased metabolic rate, heart
rate and restlessness.
2. Insulin • Diabetes mellites with symptom
of high blood pressure level and
sugar in urine.
• Abnormal lower level of
sugar(hypoglycemia) which
could lead to shock and coma
3. Growth hormone (G.H) • Results in dwarfism • Gigantism and acromegaly
4.Testosteron 400-600 ng/dL • Deters the development of male
sex characters in adults.
• Loss of bone density
• Weight gain
• osteoporosis
• Excessive male characteristics
and early puberty.
• Men tend to drink more alcohol
and smoking
• Risk taking behaviour
• Hypertension
• Infertility
5.Oestrogen normal –(15-350
post menopausal women- lower
then 10 pg/mL
• Deters development of
secondary sexual characters in
• Depression
• Trouble in concentrating
• Mood swings
• Irregular or absecnce of periods
• Excessive female characteristics
and early puberty
• Irregular periods
• Heavy bleeding
• Severe symptoms of
premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
6. progesterone • abortion of embryo
• Headaches and migraines
• Mood changes
• Irregular mensural cycle
• Failure the delivery at the
correct time.
• Ovarian cysts
• Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
• Adrenal cancer
• Ovarian cancer
7. Anti diuretic hormone • Diabetes insipidus
• Excessive water intake
• Cystic fibrosis
• Emphysema
• Epilepsy
• Guillian barrie syndrome
• Multiple sclerosis
Reflexology treatment for
hormonal imbalance
•It works directly on reducing stress levels and therefore correcting
the cortisol levels in the body, improving circulation, eliminating
harmful toxins from the body.
•In reflexology focal point is foot, as thousands of nerve endings are
found in feet and massaging that part of body will give greater
relaxation and soothing effects to the whole body.
•In this process, hormones are signalled to eliminate excessive cortisol
Reflexology techniques
• –stress release
• – headache and
Allopathic treatment for
hormonal imbalance
• Thyroid stimulating hormone- hypo thyroidism-synthetic thyroid
hormone- levothyroxine
hyper thyroidism-radioactive iodine, anti-thyroid
surgery- thyroidectomy.
• Insulin: deficiency-rapidacting, short acting, intermediate acting and
long acting insulins.
• Hyperinsulinimia- develops insulin resistance, treatment similar to DM2
Testosteron- low is treated by testosterone boosters.
• high- glucocorticoids
• Metformin
• spiranolactones
•Estrogen- lower levels can be treated by- hormonal replacement
high levels can be treated by changing food habits, taking
mushrooms, red grapes, flax seeds, wholegrains.
Factors Reflexology allopathy
Overall health and well being Majority of patients feel they are
happy with treatment
Adverse effects with treatment are
Identifying and solving problem By signs and symptoms of patients
Treatment is done on the basis of
reflex points
By laboratory results
Treatment depends on laboratory
Individualised treatment yes No, generalised treatments for all
Negative effects No Yes
Level of treatments Keeps reflex points in mind and
treats accordingly
Treats for specified hormonal
Client satisfaction Satisfied clients with no complaints Clients with complaints
⚫■Low Back Pain
⚫■An estimation of 80% of adults will suffer at least one
incidence of LBP in their lives (Fonseca et al, 2009) .
⚫■Why Aquatic PT benefits patients with low back pain:
⚫■decreases the load on the spine
⚫■decreases pain
⚫■increases blood f low and circulation
⚫■warm temperature helps to loosen muscles and help to
increase ROM.
⚫■Patient must have no open wounds and/or incisions that
have not healed fully.
⚫■Patient should be comfortable in the water
Benefits of Aquatic PT cont..
Properties of water
⚫■“Buoyancy: when water counteracts with gravity to help
support the weight of the patient.
⚫■Viscosity: water provides resistance by means of gentle
⚫■Hydrostatic pressure: there are powerful effects produced by
hydrostatic pressure that improve heart and lung function.
This pressure effect also aids in improving muscle blood f low”
⚫■(Cole, MD & Becker, MD, MS, 2013)
•Hydrotherapy procedure
•Uses of hydrotherapy
•Hydrotherapy on knee pain.
• Hydrotherapy is the use of water in the treatment of different conditions,
including arthritis and related rheumatic complaints. Hydrotherapy differs
from swimming because it involves special exercises that you do in a
warm-water pool. The water temperature is usually 33–36ºC, which is
warmer than a typical swimming pool.
• hydrotherapy treatment is performed within a hospital’s physiotherapy
department. The focus of the exercises can be adjusted to help your range
of movement or strength, depending on your symptoms.
• Hydrotherapy tends to be different to aquarobics, which can be quite
strenuous, as it’s generally more focused on slow, controlled movements
and relaxation.
Hydrotherapy is great for treating an array of some Arthritis problems
such as -
•Osteoarthritis (OA)
•Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
•Juvenile arthritis
•Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)
Uses of Hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy can help you in a number of different ways:
•The warmth of the water allows your muscles to relax and eases the
pain in your joints, helping you to exercise.
•The water supports your weight, which helps to relieve pain and
increase the range of movement of your joints.
•The water can be used to provide resistance to moving your joints. By
pushing your arms and legs against the water, you can also improve
your muscle strength.
Exercises performed in hydrotherapy for
hip or knee pain
•Knee bends
•Knee pushes
•Knee extension exercises
•Leg raise
•Squats under water
•Water cycling
•Under water treadmill
•Aqua aerobics
Hydrotherapy Exercises for Knee
What you need: For deep-water walking, a flotation belt keeps you
upright and floating at about shoulder height.
How it works: You’ll stand about waist- to chest-deep in water, unless
you’re deep-water walking. “You walk through the water the same way
you would on the ground,” .Try walking backward and sideways to tone
other muscles.
Video Showing different
Hydrotherapic Exercises
⚫■3 laps across pool forwards
⚫■3 laps across pool backwards
⚫■3 laps across pool side step
⚫■HS/Quad stretch using noodle as an aid
⚫■Shoulder f lexion/extension, while standing with core tight
⚫■Shoulder abduction/adduction, while standing with core
⚫■Mini squat with core tight
⚫■Spinal traction while f loating with noodle
⚫■3 laps across pool forwards
⚫■3 laps across pool backwards
⚫■3 laps across pool side step
⚫■3 laps across pool marching
⚫■HS/Quad stretch using noodle as an aid
⚫■Balance while sitting on noodle going front to back
⚫■Balance while sitting on noodle, performing alternating knee
f lexion/extension
⚫■Balance while sitting on noodle, performing alternating shoulder
f lexion/extension
⚫■Standing hip f lexion/extension, abduction/adduction
⚫■Spinal traction with noodle
⚫■3 laps across pool forwards
⚫■3 laps across pool backwards
⚫■3 laps across pool side step
⚫■3 laps across pool marching
⚫■3 laps across pool military
⚫■HS/Quad stretch using noodle as an aid
⚫■Balance while sitting on noodle going left to right
⚫■Balance while sitting on noodle, performing alternating knee
f lexion/extension
⚫■Balance while sitting on noodle, performing alternating shoulder
f lexion/extension
⚫■Standing hip f lexion/extension, abduction/adduction
⚫■Spinal traction with noodle
Uses of Hydrotherapy
Treatment of Wounds
Enhanced Environment for exercise
Health maintenance /disease prevention.
What is Homeopathy?
•It is a form of treatment that believes in capacity of the body
to cure by itself.
•Generally, the homeopaths use small amounts of naturally
derived substances that stimulate healing process.
•The ingredients are weakened by adding water/alcohol and
shake the mixture which is termed as “potentization.”
•The often believe that the power of the medicine increases
with lowering the dose, so most of the remedies no more
contain molecules of original substance.
•They are available in various forms like sugar pellets, liquid
drops, creams, gels & tablets.
•Any irregularities in the occurrence of normal menstrual cycle
results in menstrual disorders.
•Some of them are:
oPre-Menstrual Syndrome(PMS)
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome(PMS):
▪It is an unpleasant/uncomfortable symptom during the cycle
that disturbs normal functioning. The intensity may vary in
different individuals.
▪Pre-menstrual Dysphoric Disorder(PMDD) is the most severe
form in PMS that affects 3-8% of reproductive women.
▪According to the American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists, nearly 85% of women experience at least one
•Psychological, gastro-intestinal, headache, acne, fainting,
muscle spasms, hot flashes, change in appetite, heart
palpitations, infections, allergies, etc.
•It is the absence of menstrual period for more than three
menstrual cycles.
•Ovulation abnormality
•Birth defects
•Thyroid disorder
•Excessive/strenuous exercise, etc.
•It is characterized by the severe and frequent menstrual cramps
and pain during menstruation.
1. Primary: Due to abnormal uterine contraction from a
chemical imbalance in body.
2. Secondary: Due to medical conditions like endometriosis or
others like uterine fibroids, abnormal pregnancy,
infections/tumors/polyps in pelvic cavity, etc.
Symptoms: Cramping/pain in lower abdomen, low back pain
radiating to legs, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, weakness,
fainting, headaches.
•It is characterized by heavy and prolonged menstrual
bleeding. It is the most common type of abnormal uterine
Symptoms: Heavy bleeding during menstruation longing
more than a week, spotting/bleeding during menstruation and
Causes: Hormonal imbalance, Pelvic Inflammatory
Disease(PID), Bleeding/Platelet disorders, High levels of
Prostaglandins & Endothelin, Liver, Kidney/thyroid disorders,
Abnormal pregnancy, etc.
❖ Nux vomica: It is derived from the nut, Strychnos nux vomica. It helps with
symptoms like - back pain before periods, cramping abdominal pains and
raging temper.
❖ Sepia: It is derived from the ink of cuttle fish, Sepia officinalis. Helps with
weariness and irritability before periods, desire to be alone, low backache.
❖ Sabina: Heavy bleeding with party fluid & clotted blood.
❖ Ferrum Metallicum: Watery character bleeding.
❖ Millifolium and Ipecac: Bright Red, Heavy Bleeding.
❖ Cyclamen, Crocus and Hamamelis: Dark Heavy Bleeding.
❖ Thalaspi and Trillium Pendulum: Heavy Bleeding in Fibroid
Tumours of Uterus.
❖ Sabina, Ustilago, China and Trillium: Excessive Bleeding
during Menopause.
❖ Cimicifuga Racemosa, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Murex Purpurea,
Secale Cornutum. These are all considered excellent choices for
irregular menstruation.
❖ Each of them are prescribed accordingly with the symptoms
related to the patient.
1 Overall Health & Wellbeing Yes, treats by dealing each
symptom and targets whole
No, localized treatment
focusing on hormone
suppression drugs.
2 Individualized treatment Yes, each patient is
questioned regarding the
problem and medicine is
prescribed accordingly
considering each concern.
No, the drugs are not
specific to individual. They
are same for all.
3 Negative side effects Mild- Nausea, headache, etc.
Very few may contain heavy
Immune suppression, drug
addiction, liver damage
due to pain suppressors.
4 Level of Treatment Whole body Localized
5 Client Satisfaction Yes Satisfied for that instant
not after the reoccurrence
of the problem.
Customer Reviews
Life style modification by ayurveda, reflexology, hydrotherapy, homeopathy.pptx
Life style modification by ayurveda, reflexology, hydrotherapy, homeopathy.pptx

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  • 2. ✔ Ayurveda is considered as one of the oldest traditional systems of medicine (TSMs) accepted worldwide. ✔ Ayurveda, or ayurvedic medicine, is a healthy-lifestyle system that people in India have used for more than 5,000 years since 2nd century BC. ✔ Emphasizes on Good health, prevention and treatment of illness through lifestyle practices (such as massage, meditation, yoga, and dietary changes) and the use of herbal remedies. ✔ Holistic: Body and mind as a whole ✔ Changes lifestyle practices to help maintain or improve health. ✔ The Nyāya ( inferences and perceptions that should be obtained about a patient's pathological condition for treatment)–vaiśeṣika (one should have an extensive knowledge of the patient's condition, and the disease condition before proceeding for treatment) school, in the later years
  • 3. ✔ The Hindu system of healing is believed to be based on four eminent compilations of knowledge (Vedas) called as Yajur Veda, Rig Veda, Sama Veda, and Atharvana Veda. ✔ Charaka Samhita describes all aspects of Ayurvedic medicine and Sushruta Samhita describes the Science of Surgery
  • 4. Air + Ether Counterpart: Kinetic energy Earth + Water Counterpart: Potential energy Fire Counterpart: Thermal energy Balanced: All three doshas are present in their natural proportions; also referred to as “equilibrium.” Increased: A particular dosha is present in a greater-than-normal proportion; also referred to as an “aggravated” or “excess state.” Decreased: A particular dosha is present in a less-than-normal proportion; also referred to as a “reduced” or “depleted state.” VATA: Grounding, Warming, Routine PITTA: Cooling, Calming, Moderation KAPHA: Drying, Stimulating, and Expression
  • 6. Tri Malas: 3 types of waste products formed in the body due to metabolic and digestive functions of the body: Mutra (urine), Purisa (faeces), and Sveda (sweat).
  • 7. Pancha karma consists of 3 steps Poorva karma (preparatory process of the body for the therapy) Pradhan karma (the main process of therapy) Paschat karma (consisting of regimens to be followed to restore digestive and other absorptive procedures of the body, back to the normal state).Pancha karma can be prepared from medicated oils or decoction of herbs like sesame or anise.
  • 9. Äshtanga Ayurveda (eight disciplines)1. Kayachikitsa (internal medicine treatment) 2. Bhootavidya (treatment of psychological disorders) 3. Kaumar Bhritya (pediatric treatment) 4. Rasayana (study of geriatrics) 5. Vajikarana (treatment through aphrodisiacs and eugen 6. Shalya (surgical treatment) 7. Shalakya (otorhinolaryngological and ophthalmologic treatment)
  • 10. ACN E
  • 11. What is ACNE✔ Acne is one of a common skin problems. It usually occurs when the hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead cells of the skin. ✔ Acne mostly appears on the face, chest, back, neck and shoulders as well. ✔ Effective treatments are generally available for more serious problem, but it can be persistent. While, the pimples and bumps heal slowly by its own. But it is seen, that when one begins to go away, then at the same time, other pimples crop up. ✔ It is one of the most common problems among teenagers. Younger children are at higher risk of getting acne. ✔ This skin problem may cause emotional stress and scar the skin as well. But it depends on its severity. So it is advisable to treat the condition as early as
  • 12. ✔ Excess oil production ✔ Hair follicles clogged by oil and dead skin cells (Whitehead & Blackheads) ✔ Bacteria ✔ Excess activity of a type of hormone (androgens) ✔ Diet ✔ Genetic factors ✔ Stress ✔ Make-up ✔ Consumption of fatty and fried food and excess starch intake ✔ Inadequate water intake ✔ Unbalanced eating hours ✔ Nutritional deficiencies ✔ Use of steroids ✔ Chronic constipation ✔ Inactivity ✔ Improper skin cleansing ✔ Inadequate sleep ✔ Alcoholism ✔ Tobacco intake What are the Causes of Acne?
  • 13. The symptoms or types of the acne depend on the severity of the condition and the common among them are listed below: ✔ Whiteheads that remain under the skin and are very small. ✔ Blackheads – clearly visible, they are black and appear on the surface of the skin. Remember that a blackhead is not caused by dirt. Scrubbing your face vigorously when you see blackheads will not help. ✔ Papules which are visible on the surface of the skin and are small bumps, usually pink. ✔ Pustules that are red at their base and have pus at the top. ✔ Nodules – are large and solid pimples. They are painful and are embedded deep in the skin. ✔ Cysts are painful, and are filled with pus and these can easily cause scars. What are the Symptoms of Acne?
  • 14. Ayurvedic approach to acneAccording to Ayurvedic concepts, bad food habits are the main cause of Yuvana Pidaka or Acne vulgaris.This includes: •Adhyashana – Consuming food at short intervals, due to which new food enters the body when the previous food is not digested •Virudhashana – Consuming incompatible foods together such as fish and milk together, curds and milk together etc •Vishamashana – Consuming food with disregard to the bodily cravings, such as eating when not hungry or fasting when hungry 1. On analysis of dosha involvement of Yuvana pidaka, Vatha and Kapha dosha are found to be the causes. A pathological increase of Raktha or Blood and Meda or Fat dhatu can also cause yuvana pitaka. 2. Kapha blocks the normal excretory function of skin and the waste material stagnates inside, producing symptoms like itching, pustules and nodules formation. 3. Raktha also gets stagnated and produces multiple eruptions, redness, raised local temperature, thick bloody discharge from the boils and abscess formation. 4. Irritation, blackish discoloration and ugly scar formation are later contributed by Vatha. Here the vitiated Doshas gets stagnated in the Srothas or Subtle channels of the body.
  • 16. This procedure is not advised during inflammatory stages. It is useful in removal of blockage of subtle channels or srothas. Steaming Benefits: 1. It Cleanses Your Skin Thoroughly 2. It Boosts Circulation 3. It Hydrates The Skin 4. It Improves The Permeability Of Your Skin 5. It Boosts Collagen Development 6. It Helps You Relax 3 ways to do steaming: 1. Using A Bowl (Only face) + Essential oils 2. Using a towel (whole body) + Essential oils 3. Using a steamer + Essential oils How often to do the steaming: 1. For normal/combination skin type: Once a week for 12 minutes 2. For dry skin: Twice a week for 10 minutes 3. For oily skin: Twice a week for 12 minutes 4. For sensitive skin: Consult your dermatologist to know if your skin can tolerate steaming or not.
  • 17. Vamana ✔ As it is best procedure to subside the kaphaja abnormality. ✔ In Mukhdooshika (Acne), the mainly vitiated dosha is Kapha. ✔ Doshas which involved in this disease other then kapha are, Vata and Rakta. ✔ Rakta is Pitta Vargiya Dravya (Category of Pitta) and Vamana Purifies the Pitta also at some extent and thus it purifies the Rakta. ✔ In Mukhdooshika, Shrotorodha (Obstruction of body channels) is seen in Swedavahasrotasa (Channels carrying sweat). ✔ Vamana drug with its Ushna (Warm), Tikshna (Sharp), Sukshma (Fine), Vyavyi & Vikasi (forms protective film) properties enters the large & small Srotas of the body and clears the Srotavarodha, which helps in breaking the chain of Samprapti (Formation of disease).
  • 18. ✔ It is a cleansing method (Purification of blood), performed by giving bitter, astringent and sweet herbal purgatives which bring down abnormally increased Pitha principle and Raktha or blood dhathu. ✔ This procedure is beneficial in stages of inflammatory changes. ✔ Virechana expels aggravated Pitta dosha through rectum. Virechan a
  • 19. ✔ Nasal administration of suitable medicine is beneficial in chronic clinical conditions of Acne. ✔ Dosha should be eliminated from the nearest path. ✔ Mukhdooshika is Urdhvajatrugata Vyadhi (Upper body disease) and Nasya expels the Dosha from Urdhwajatru-Pradesh (Upper body parts). ✔ As a result of which the sebum and oil secretion of face are kept in control and Acne cured and also its recurrence is prevented, by its Srotoshodhan and Pancha-Gyanedriya Vardhan of Urdhva Jatrugatavyvava property Nasya
  • 20. ✔ Leech application, Prachaana and Sira vyadha are the Para surgical methods for Rakthamokshana described by Sushruta. ✔ Leech sucks deoxygenated blood which contains a harmful toxins and allow to purify the blood in the Acne area, ultimately it helps in preventing its formation. ✔ The affected tissue remains congested with the stasis of blood and blood letting improves microcirculation to tissues by removing this stagnated and vitiated blood. ✔ Leeches secrete saliva which contain 60 different proteins serve as anticoagulant, platelet aggregation inhibitors, vasodilator and proteinase inhibitors, it is also said that leech saliva contains an anesthetic agent hence leech bite is not painful and it is also having anti inflammatory property. Raktamoshana/Leech therapy
  • 21. ✔ Shalmali (Bombax malabaricum), ✔ Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), ✔ Kushta (Saussurea lappa), ✔ Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), ✔ Turmeric (Curcuma longa), ✔ Vacha (Acorus calamus), ✔ Chandana (Santalum album) ✔ Saariba (Hemidesmus indicus) are beneficial in acne. ✔ Local application of Khas-Khas (Veteveria zizanoides) and Jathiphal (Myristica fragrans) are believed to give very good results. ✔ Other blood purifiers like Neem (Azadirachta indica), ✔ Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) are also useful for Useful Herbs
  • 22. No Factors Ayurveda Allopathy 1 Overall health & Wellbeing Yes, Panchakarma is a Detoxification method which cleanses the whole body. No, the treatment is localized. Doctor prescribes OTC drugs 2 Ways used to go to the root of the health problem Several methods are used for the treatment which cleanses the whole body Treatment is localized 3 Individualized treatment (Yes/No) Yes, Ayurveda believes in treatment of Acne in individualized manner No, it’s just the same treatment for every individual 4 Negative side effects Very few: dryness, itching, irritation, and redness. Stomach upset, High BP, Depression etc 5 Approach for prevention Various effective methods Prescribes OTC drugs
  • 23.
  • 26. •Previously it was known as reflex zone therapy. •It’s knowledge is known in India ,China for over 5,000 years. •In Egyptian culture it was known since 2330 B.C. •Traces of this therapy were also found in Japan and Ancient Peru. History
  • 27. •Reflexology is a systematic practice in which applying some pressure to any particular points on the feet and hands give impacts on the health of related parts of the body (Embong, 2015). •It is believed that life force of individuals circulates between organs of body. •Its is not a massage •Areas containing replicas of body are Generally found on feet, hands, ears, face, scalp, and back of head.
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  • 31. Benefits of reflexology Cleansing- eliminates toxins from body Improves circulation and nerve path ways. Homeostasis- Balances dynamic state of body. Increases energy- by activating glands and organs of body. Prevention- it serves to prevent blockages and congestions that can lead to serious health problems It is non invasive Effective-body, spirit, mind, emotions. Simple but powerful (Emborg, 2015).
  • 32. Hormonal imbalance •Hormonal balance is essential for physical and mental health. •Hormonal imbalance occurs due to under production or over production of hormones in our body.
  • 33. • Cortisol– body's main stress hormone • Adrenaline- Fight or flight action • Norepinephrine- ‘similar to adrenaline • Released from adrenal glands. • Cortisol regulates how carbohydrates, fats and proteins absortption • Keeps inflammation down • Regulates blood pressure
  • 34.
  • 35. Hormone Deficiency Excessive production 1. Thyroid stimulating hormone->thyroxine • Stunned physical and mental development in children. • Build up of subcutaneous fat, rough skin and lack of energy. • Results in goiter • Increased metabolic rate, heart rate and restlessness. 2. Insulin • Diabetes mellites with symptom of high blood pressure level and sugar in urine. • Abnormal lower level of sugar(hypoglycemia) which could lead to shock and coma 3. Growth hormone (G.H) • Results in dwarfism • Gigantism and acromegaly 4.Testosteron 400-600 ng/dL • Deters the development of male sex characters in adults. • Loss of bone density • Weight gain • osteoporosis • Excessive male characteristics and early puberty. • Men tend to drink more alcohol and smoking • Risk taking behaviour (aggression) • Hypertension • Infertility
  • 36. 5.Oestrogen normal –(15-350 pg/mL). post menopausal women- lower then 10 pg/mL • Deters development of secondary sexual characters in female. • Depression • Trouble in concentrating • Mood swings • Irregular or absecnce of periods • Excessive female characteristics and early puberty • Irregular periods • Heavy bleeding • Severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) 6. progesterone • abortion of embryo • Headaches and migraines • Mood changes • Irregular mensural cycle • Failure the delivery at the correct time. • Ovarian cysts • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia • Adrenal cancer • Ovarian cancer 7. Anti diuretic hormone • Diabetes insipidus • Excessive water intake • Cystic fibrosis • Emphysema • Epilepsy • Guillian barrie syndrome • Multiple sclerosis
  • 37. Reflexology treatment for hormonal imbalance •It works directly on reducing stress levels and therefore correcting the cortisol levels in the body, improving circulation, eliminating harmful toxins from the body. •In reflexology focal point is foot, as thousands of nerve endings are found in feet and massaging that part of body will give greater relaxation and soothing effects to the whole body. •In this process, hormones are signalled to eliminate excessive cortisol hormone.
  • 38. Reflexology techniques • –stress release • – headache and migrane
  • 39. Allopathic treatment for hormonal imbalance • Thyroid stimulating hormone- hypo thyroidism-synthetic thyroid hormone- levothyroxine hyper thyroidism-radioactive iodine, anti-thyroid medications-methimazole. surgery- thyroidectomy. • Insulin: deficiency-rapidacting, short acting, intermediate acting and long acting insulins. • Hyperinsulinimia- develops insulin resistance, treatment similar to DM2 Testosteron- low is treated by testosterone boosters. • high- glucocorticoids • Metformin • spiranolactones
  • 40. •Estrogen- lower levels can be treated by- hormonal replacement therapy high levels can be treated by changing food habits, taking mushrooms, red grapes, flax seeds, wholegrains.
  • 41. Factors Reflexology allopathy Overall health and well being Majority of patients feel they are happy with treatment Adverse effects with treatment are observed Identifying and solving problem By signs and symptoms of patients Treatment is done on the basis of reflex points By laboratory results Treatment depends on laboratory findings Individualised treatment yes No, generalised treatments for all Negative effects No Yes Level of treatments Keeps reflex points in mind and treats accordingly Treats for specified hormonal regulation Client satisfaction Satisfied clients with no complaints Clients with complaints
  • 43. Pathology ⚫■Low Back Pain ⚫■An estimation of 80% of adults will suffer at least one incidence of LBP in their lives (Fonseca et al, 2009) . ⚫■Why Aquatic PT benefits patients with low back pain: ⚫■decreases the load on the spine ⚫■decreases pain ⚫■increases blood f low and circulation ⚫■warm temperature helps to loosen muscles and help to increase ROM. ⚫■Patient must have no open wounds and/or incisions that have not healed fully. ⚫■Patient should be comfortable in the water
  • 44. Benefits of Aquatic PT cont.. Properties of water ⚫■“Buoyancy: when water counteracts with gravity to help support the weight of the patient. ⚫■Viscosity: water provides resistance by means of gentle friction ⚫■Hydrostatic pressure: there are powerful effects produced by hydrostatic pressure that improve heart and lung function. This pressure effect also aids in improving muscle blood f low” ⚫■(Cole, MD & Becker, MD, MS, 2013)
  • 45. Hydrotherapy •Hydrotherapy procedure •Uses of hydrotherapy •Hydrotherapy on knee pain.
  • 46. Hydrotherapy • Hydrotherapy is the use of water in the treatment of different conditions, including arthritis and related rheumatic complaints. Hydrotherapy differs from swimming because it involves special exercises that you do in a warm-water pool. The water temperature is usually 33–36ºC, which is warmer than a typical swimming pool. • hydrotherapy treatment is performed within a hospital’s physiotherapy department. The focus of the exercises can be adjusted to help your range of movement or strength, depending on your symptoms. • Hydrotherapy tends to be different to aquarobics, which can be quite strenuous, as it’s generally more focused on slow, controlled movements and relaxation.
  • 47. Hydrotherapy is great for treating an array of some Arthritis problems such as - •Osteoarthritis (OA) •Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) •Juvenile arthritis •Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)
  • 48. Uses of Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy can help you in a number of different ways: •The warmth of the water allows your muscles to relax and eases the pain in your joints, helping you to exercise. •The water supports your weight, which helps to relieve pain and increase the range of movement of your joints. •The water can be used to provide resistance to moving your joints. By pushing your arms and legs against the water, you can also improve your muscle strength.
  • 49. Exercises performed in hydrotherapy for hip or knee pain •Walking •Knee bends •Knee pushes •Knee extension exercises •Leg raise •Squats under water •Water cycling •Under water treadmill •Aqua aerobics
  • 50. Hydrotherapy Exercises for Knee Pain What you need: For deep-water walking, a flotation belt keeps you upright and floating at about shoulder height. How it works: You’ll stand about waist- to chest-deep in water, unless you’re deep-water walking. “You walk through the water the same way you would on the ground,” .Try walking backward and sideways to tone other muscles.
  • 51. Video Showing different Hydrotherapic Exercises
  • 52. Beginner ⚫■Warm-up ⚫■3 laps across pool forwards ⚫■3 laps across pool backwards ⚫■3 laps across pool side step ⚫■Exercises ⚫■HS/Quad stretch using noodle as an aid ⚫■Shoulder f lexion/extension, while standing with core tight ⚫■Shoulder abduction/adduction, while standing with core tight ⚫■Mini squat with core tight ⚫■Spinal traction while f loating with noodle
  • 53. Intermediate ⚫■Warm-up ⚫■3 laps across pool forwards ⚫■3 laps across pool backwards ⚫■3 laps across pool side step ⚫■3 laps across pool marching ⚫■Exercises ⚫■HS/Quad stretch using noodle as an aid ⚫■Balance while sitting on noodle going front to back ⚫■Balance while sitting on noodle, performing alternating knee f lexion/extension ⚫■Balance while sitting on noodle, performing alternating shoulder f lexion/extension ⚫■Standing hip f lexion/extension, abduction/adduction ⚫■Spinal traction with noodle
  • 54. Advanced ⚫■Warm-up ⚫■3 laps across pool forwards ⚫■3 laps across pool backwards ⚫■3 laps across pool side step ⚫■3 laps across pool marching ⚫■3 laps across pool military ⚫■Exercises ⚫■HS/Quad stretch using noodle as an aid ⚫■Balance while sitting on noodle going left to right ⚫■Balance while sitting on noodle, performing alternating knee f lexion/extension ⚫■Balance while sitting on noodle, performing alternating shoulder f lexion/extension ⚫■Standing hip f lexion/extension, abduction/adduction ⚫■Spinal traction with noodle
  • 55. Uses of Hydrotherapy Treatment of Wounds Enhanced Environment for exercise Pain Edema Health maintenance /disease prevention.
  • 56.
  • 58. What is Homeopathy? •It is a form of treatment that believes in capacity of the body to cure by itself. •Generally, the homeopaths use small amounts of naturally derived substances that stimulate healing process. •The ingredients are weakened by adding water/alcohol and shake the mixture which is termed as “potentization.” •The often believe that the power of the medicine increases with lowering the dose, so most of the remedies no more contain molecules of original substance. •They are available in various forms like sugar pellets, liquid drops, creams, gels & tablets.
  • 60. MENSTRUAL PROBLEMS: •Any irregularities in the occurrence of normal menstrual cycle results in menstrual disorders. •Some of them are: oPre-Menstrual Syndrome(PMS) oAmenorrhea oDysmenorrhea oMenorrhagia
  • 61. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome(PMS): ▪It is an unpleasant/uncomfortable symptom during the cycle that disturbs normal functioning. The intensity may vary in different individuals. ▪Pre-menstrual Dysphoric Disorder(PMDD) is the most severe form in PMS that affects 3-8% of reproductive women. ▪According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, nearly 85% of women experience at least one symptom.
  • 62. Symptoms: •Psychological, gastro-intestinal, headache, acne, fainting, muscle spasms, hot flashes, change in appetite, heart palpitations, infections, allergies, etc.
  • 63. AMENORRHEA: •It is the absence of menstrual period for more than three menstrual cycles. Causes: •Ovulation abnormality •Birth defects •Obesity •Thyroid disorder •Excessive/strenuous exercise, etc.
  • 64. DYSMENORRHEA: •It is characterized by the severe and frequent menstrual cramps and pain during menstruation. 1. Primary: Due to abnormal uterine contraction from a chemical imbalance in body. 2. Secondary: Due to medical conditions like endometriosis or others like uterine fibroids, abnormal pregnancy, infections/tumors/polyps in pelvic cavity, etc. Symptoms: Cramping/pain in lower abdomen, low back pain radiating to legs, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, weakness, fainting, headaches.
  • 65. MENORRHAGIA: •It is characterized by heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding. It is the most common type of abnormal uterine bleeding. Symptoms: Heavy bleeding during menstruation longing more than a week, spotting/bleeding during menstruation and pregnancy. Causes: Hormonal imbalance, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease(PID), Bleeding/Platelet disorders, High levels of Prostaglandins & Endothelin, Liver, Kidney/thyroid disorders, Abnormal pregnancy, etc.
  • 66. HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE: PMS: ❖ Nux vomica: It is derived from the nut, Strychnos nux vomica. It helps with symptoms like - back pain before periods, cramping abdominal pains and raging temper. ❖ Sepia: It is derived from the ink of cuttle fish, Sepia officinalis. Helps with weariness and irritability before periods, desire to be alone, low backache.
  • 67. MENORRHAGIA: ❖ Sabina: Heavy bleeding with party fluid & clotted blood. ❖ Ferrum Metallicum: Watery character bleeding. ❖ Millifolium and Ipecac: Bright Red, Heavy Bleeding. ❖ Cyclamen, Crocus and Hamamelis: Dark Heavy Bleeding. ❖ Thalaspi and Trillium Pendulum: Heavy Bleeding in Fibroid Tumours of Uterus. ❖ Sabina, Ustilago, China and Trillium: Excessive Bleeding during Menopause.
  • 68. IRREGULAR PERIODS: ❖ Cimicifuga Racemosa, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Murex Purpurea, Secale Cornutum. These are all considered excellent choices for irregular menstruation. ❖ Each of them are prescribed accordingly with the symptoms related to the patient.
  • 69. No. FACTORS HOMEOPATHY ALLOPATHY 1 Overall Health & Wellbeing Yes, treats by dealing each symptom and targets whole body. No, localized treatment focusing on hormone suppression drugs. 2 Individualized treatment Yes, each patient is questioned regarding the problem and medicine is prescribed accordingly considering each concern. No, the drugs are not specific to individual. They are same for all. 3 Negative side effects Mild- Nausea, headache, etc. Very few may contain heavy metals. Immune suppression, drug addiction, liver damage due to pain suppressors. 4 Level of Treatment Whole body Localized 5 Client Satisfaction Yes Satisfied for that instant not after the reoccurrence of the problem.
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