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SCHOOL: Thulisa Primary School Grade : 6
TEACHER : Mondlane.J Week-ending :
1.TOPIC: Health and environmental responsibility No. learners:
Study area : PSW, PE,PA and VA
2.CONTENT: Basic first aid in different situations
Knowledge –concepts- cuts and gazes, burns, scalds and sunburn, stings and bites, bruises, poisoning, bleeding, choking
RESOURCES: Textbook, Basic First Aid kit
Teacher activity
Introduce topic of basic first aid in different situations
starting by asking learners questions of different example
injuries, accidents happen all the time and people get
injured. Very often, the injuries are not serious and you
can treat them by using first aid. Always wash your own
hands with soap and water before you do first aid and
wear disposable latex gloves before you touch blood.
Give learners matching column class work on Basic
first aid in different situations: cuts and gazes,
burns, scalds and sunburn, stings and bites, bruises,
poisoning, bleeding, choking
Learner: Activity 1 PSW
Basic first aid in different situations: cuts and gazes, burns,
scalds and sunburn, stings and bites, bruises, poisoning,
bleeding, choking
Column A Column B
1. Bleeding A. Cover with a bandage or sticking plaster
2. Cuts and grazes B. Do not bend the head backwards or let the
person’s lie down
3. Nosebleed C. If the person inhales the poisonous
substance,get theminto fresh air as quickly
as you can.
4. Sunburn D. Do not press on a wound with glass, etc
5. Bruise E. Cool the injured part using lots of cold
6. Bee sting F. Stand behind the person who is choking
7. Burns and scalds G. Try to remove the stinger with tweezers as
quick as possible
8. Poisoning H. Use Arnica cream or pills
9. Choking I. Drink plenty of water
Writing Memo
Allow learners to read basic first aid in different
situations such cuts and gazes, burns, scalds and
sunburn, stings and bites, bruises, poisoning,
bleeding, choking
Activity 2 PSW
Reading skills: reading with understanding and fluency
1. Benita has scalded her hand with steam from the kettle.
Choose the correct first aid from the following
a. Wrap her hand in a cloth.
b. Spread Vaseline on her hand.
c. Hold her hand under cold water
2. Your baby sister has grazed her leg. Choose the correct
first aid from the following:
a. Put a plaster on the graze.
b. Wrap her leg in a cloth.
c. Clean the graze and then put a plaster on it
Teacher activity take learners outside the classroom
to do practical education in refined sequences
emphasizing changes of shape, speed and direction
or swimming activities
Activity 3 PE
1. Participation in refined sequences emphasising changes of
shape, speed and direction or swimming activities
2. Safety measures relating to sequenced movement activities.
Practical Rubric
Teacher activity give learner class work on basic
first aid to ready scenario and give appropriate basic
first aid to treat injured person.
Activity - PSW
Reading about basic first aid: interpret/explain and relate
what has been studied
3. For each of these situations explain the first aid steps you would
take in point form.
3.1 Your friend Alfonso has been stung by a bee. The sting site is red
and itchy.
3.2 Your baby brother has poured bleach on his foot.
3.3 Your mother has bumped into a chair and has a nasty bruise on
her leg.
3.4 Your sister has a nosebleed.
Writing Memo
Activity 5 – Performing Arts
Warm up and play
1. Kneel on all fours.
2. Arch your back as high as you can (like a cat)
3. Drop your spine and stick out your buttocks and lift your head,
so that your back is hollow.
4. Arch your back upwards again and drop your head and your
5. Repeat the arching and dropping of your back eight times
6. Make sure your movements are smooth and not jerky.
Practical Rubric
Activity 6 – Visual Arts
Visual literacy
1. Explain what the term architect
2. Name three things architect need to consider before do
3. How many different buildings can you name that a
community needs?
4. What features do all buildings have in common?
Exclusivity Reflection
SCHOOL: Thulisa Primary School Grade : 6
TEACHER : Mondlane.J Week-ending :
1.TOPIC: Health and environmental responsibility No. learners:
Study area : PSW, PE,PA and VA
Knowledge –concepts-
RESOURCES: cuts and gazes, burns, scalds and sunburn, stings and bites, bruises, poisoning, bleeding, choking
Teacher activity
Introduce topic of food hygiene is about the ingredients in
food and how carefully we store and prepare food. Example of
processed food is packaged tinned and most processed food
contain severalingredients such as added salt or sugar ,
preservatives, colourant and flavourants, added vitamins and
Colourant, flavourant and preservatives are harmful because
they can cause allergies like asthma or cause children to be
Give learners works on safe and harmful ingredient
By bringing food labels of breakfast cereal
Learner : Activity 1 PSW
Food hygiene: Safe and harmful ingredients
1. List five ingredient that processed food has {5}
2. Name three ingredient that are harmful {3}
3. Write down three added ingredient that are safe {3}
4. Bring food labels of processed food at home of
breakfast porridge and identify the following:
a. Identify the food
b. List the safe ingredients
c. List the ingredients that you think could be harmful.
Writing Memo
Here are a few points to remember when it comes to preparing food.
Don't handle food if you have stomach problems, such as diarrhoea
or vomiting, or if you're sneezing or coughing regularly.
Check food labels before you decide what to use.Shop-bought foods
may come with two dates:a use-by date and a best before date.
Don’t use any foods that have passed their use-by date, even if you
think they look fine, as they may not be safe to eat.
Keep anything that should be refrigerated out of the fridge for as
short a time as possible,especially if the temperature is high or the
Activity 2 PSW
Food preparation
To prepare food in a hygienic way.
1. Discuss six hygienic rules to prepare food that you have
Writing Memo
room is very warm.
Always use different chopping boards and utensils to prepare raw
meat or chicken or fish. This is because they contain harmful
bacteria that can spread to anything they touch,so it’s important to
keep these away from other foods.
Allow learner to Participate in refined sequences emphasizing changes
of shape,speed and direction or swimming activities
Activity 3 - PE
1. Learner participate in basic games, swimming and
refined sequences emphasizing changes of shape,
speed and direction or swimming activities
2. Safety measures relating to sequenced movement
Practical Rubric
Teachers’ notes read and teach the learner the safe storage instructions
on food. If you store food in the wrong place or at the wrong
temperature, it can lead to the growth of bacteria. Proper storage of food
reduces the risk of food poisoning. Follow these tips to ensure your food
is safe to eat.
Always check labels for guidance on where to store food.
Store fresh and frozen food in the fridge or freezer as soon as
possible after you buy it. This is especially important in hot weather.
Keep raw meat and seafood separate from other foods.
Store raw meat in an airtight container at the bottomof the fridge to
prevent juices or blood dripping onto otherfood.
Defrost frozen foods in the fridge. Place them on a plate or in a
container as they defrost,so they don't drip onto or contaminate
other foods.
Don't store opened tins of food in the fridge – transfer the contents
to a suitable airtight container instead.
If you’re keeping cooked leftovers, allow them to cool to room
temperature before you store them in the fridge. Make sure you use
up any leftovers within two days.
Throw away any food that has passed its use-by date.
Store food such as bread or biscuits in an airtight containerto slow
down the growth of bacteria or mould.
Activity 4 -PSW
Food storage
If we store food properly, it can last a long time.
1. Discuss six guidelines for storing food.{6}
Class work
Demonstrate to the learners how to make puppet hand bag
for birthday present.
Activity 5 – perform arts
Improvise and create
1. Make a hand bag puppet for your sister birthday
present and draw anything you like on it.
Practical Rubric
Give learners work to design and draw a building to fit into a
space of exercise book.
Activity 5 – Visual arts
Create in 2-D
Imagine that you are an architect and that you have
been asked to design a tall, narrow building to fit into a
tall, narrow, vertical space.
1. Design and draw a building to fit into a space of
exercise book.
2. Use black felt- tipped pens to explore the element
of tone, line and texture in drawing the features of
your building. Starting drawing from the bottom of
your format.
Class work
Exclusivity Reflection
SCHOOL: Thulisa Primary School Grade : 6
TEACHER : Mondlane.J Week-ending :
1.TOPIC: Health and environmental responsibility No. learners:
Study area : PSW, PE,PA and VA
2. CONTENT: food borne is disease that is carried in the food. The food contains tiny organisms called bacteria that spoil the food.
Knowledge –concepts- Bacteria ,disease, symptoms, food-bone and poison
RESOURCES: Materials: 2/3B pencils, charcoal, coloured inks, oil pastels, dry pastels, tempera paint
Teacher notes introduce food-borne disease
What is a food-borne disease?
A food-borne disease is an infection or irritation of any part of the digestive
tract that is caused by food or drinks that contain harmful bacteria, parasites,
viruses,or chemicals.
Most food-borne diseases happen suddenly and last a short time. The medical
word for this is an ‘acute’ illness.
Who can get a food-borne disease?
Anyone can get a food-borne disease.However, infants and children, pregnant
women and their unborn children, older adults and people with low immune
systems are at greater risk of developing severe symptoms or complications
from food-borne diseases.
What are the symptoms of food-borne disease?
Symptoms of food-borne disease depend on the type of microorganism that has
caused the food poisoning.However, many food-borne diseases share common
symptoms including:
Vomiting Diarrhoea or bloody diarrhoea
Abdominal pain
How are food-borne diseases prevented?
Food-borne diseases can be prevented by properly storing,cooking, cleaning,
and handling foods.
Learner Activity 1 PSW
Food-borne diseases
1. Explain what is food borne diseases is {2}
2. List the symptoms of food-borne diseases {4}
3. Who can get a food-borne disease {3}
4. How food –borne diseases can be preventing?
Writing Memo
Read the following case study.
The Snugro family lives in Pretoria. In summer, the
days can get very hot and today was one of those days.
At about 2 o’clock, Mrs Snugro decided that the
family should have a braai so that she did not have to
stand in the kitchen and cook in such hot weather.
She checked the fridge to see what food she had for
the braai. She found some tomatoes, cucumber and a
lettuce that she had bought about two weeks before.
One or two of the tomatoes had a bit of furry stuff
around the top and the lettuce was a bit limp. Nothing smelt funny so she
thought it would be okay to use the ingredients in a salad. She took out a
chopping board and cut the ingredients.Then, she put them into a salad bowl
and put the salad on the patio table. She checked the freezer and found some
steak and chicken for the braai. She removed both packets of meat and placed
them in a dish on the sunny patio table so that they could defrost.
She opened a tin of baked beans and some sweet corn. She put half of each tin
into some serving bowls and stored the tins in the fridge – the children could
have the rest for lunch the following day.
Mrs Snugro then remembered that there was no charcoal for the braai. She
hopped into her car and went to the shop.While she was there, she also bought
some milk, eggs and bread.
When she got home, she took the bread and charcoal inside with her but decided
to fetch the milk and eggs later. She called Mr Snugro, who had been working
in the garden, to help her with preparing for the braai. When he came in, he
wiped his hands on his pants and started to slice the bread and butterit. He put
the bread onto a plate and put it on the patio table along with the other food.
The steak and chicken were defrosted, so he took them to his wife in the
kitchen. She poured the water lying in the bottomof the dish into the sink and
then used the vegetable knife to chop the steakand chicken into smaller
portions.She put the pieces back into the bowl and gave the meat to her
husband to cook on the braai.
When the meat was ready, Mrs Snugro called the children, who had been
playing with the dog, to the patio table to eat. The children wanted something to
drink. Mrs Snugro sent her husband to fetch the milk from the car and she then
poured a glass of milk for each of the children.
The Snugro family enjoyed a lovely braai.
Later on that evening, the children complained that they had stomach ache. Mrs
Snugro didn’t feel too well either and her husband seemed to have diarrhoea.
She couldn’t understand why everyone was feeling sick.
Activity 2 PSW
Reading skills: reading with understanding and
Reading about food hygiene: interpret/explain
and relate what has been studied
Work in groups of 2-3. Complete the
following activity.
Draw up a table on an A4 sheet of paper. The left
hand side of the table should list four ways in
which the Snugro family did not follow the rules
of safe food storage and preparation. The right
hand side should list the rule they should have
followed. Give your poster a suitable title and
write your group members’ names at the bottom
of the poster.
Writing Memo
Activity 3 PE
1. Participation in refined sequences
emphasising changes of shape, speed and
direction or swimming activities
2. Safety measures relating to sequenced
movement activities.
Practical Rubric
Activity - 4 Performing Arts
Read, interpret and perform
1. Discuss the following after you have seen or
experienced a ritual: Forms of worship in
church (baptism), wedding, funerals,
coronations and graduation.
2. Who was involved in the ritual?
3. Where did the ritual take place?
4. What is the purpose of this ritual?
5. Get into a group of six.
6. Create your own ritual by using the elements
Practical Rubric
Activity 5- Visual Arts
Make a graffiti lettering design of the letters
of your name
Graffiti is the name we use for lettering or
images that are painted, drawn or scratched on
the walls of buildings.
1. In this activity you will make a graffiti
lettering design of the letters of your name
within an irregular shape.
Written Memo
Exclusivity Reflection
SCHOOL: Thulisa Primary School Grade : 6
TEACHER : Mondlane.J Week-ending :
1.TOPIC: Health and environmental responsibility No. learners:
Study area : PSW, PE,PA and VA
Knowledge –concepts- chicken pox, symptoms, prevention,
RESOURCES: Text book, health information resources
Teacher notes
Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
Chicken Pox Cause
Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus.
The infection has three stages. It starts out with the
appearance of little, itchy bumps. Those bumps turn into
blisters filled with fluid. The final stage is when scabs
form over of the bumps. In addition to the itchy bumps
and scabs,Chickenpox can cause fever,headache,dry
cough or loss of appetite.
Avoid people who are infected with the Chickenpox
virus. Wash your hands regularly.
Get immunized with a Chickenpox vaccine.
Learner Activity 1 PSW
Communicable diseases such as mumps, tuberculosis, common
colds, chickenpox, athletes’ foot, etc.
Causes of communicable diseases
1. Discuss about above diseases what are the cause of
communicable disease
a. Symptoms
b. Prevention
Writing Memo
Activity 2 PSW
Signs and symptoms of communicable diseases
1. Choose one of the communicable diseases
2. Write down sign symptoms of communicable diseases
3. How to prevent the disease
4. Treatment of the disease
Writing Memo
Mumps is a disease caused by a virus. It can infect many parts
of the body but it usually infects the glands that produce saliva
for the mouth. Mumps is spread by droplets of saliva or
mucous from the mouth, nose, or throat of an infected person,
usually when the person coughs,sneezes,or talks.
Swollen, painful salivary glands on one or both sides of your
face, Fever, Headache, Weakness and fatigue, Loss of appetite,
Pain while chewing or swallowing.
Avoid people who are infected with the Mumps virus.
Wear a surgical mask if you are in the same area as an infected
Get immunized with a Mumps vaccine.
Activity 3 PE
1. Learner participate on track athletics or swimming
activities .
Writing Memo
Activity 4 - Performing Arts
Warm up and play – bouncing
1. Bend your knees slightly
2. Take a deep breath and jump upright raising your arms
above your head.
3. Land on the balls of your feet
4. Bounce on the balls of your feet.
5. Bounce lightly from foot to foot, forward, backward,
Practical Rubric
Activity 5 - Visual literacy
1. Work in group makes a list all the buildings in your
2. Decide which one each of you will make.
3. Discuss the architectural features you can use to make your
building more interesting.
Practical Rubric
Exclusivity Reflection
SCHOOL: Thulisa Primary School Grade : 6
TEACHER : Mondlane.J Week-ending :
1.TOPIC: No. learners:
Study area : PSW, PE,PA and VA
Knowledge –concepts-
RESOURCES: Text book, health information resources
Teacher notes
AIDS is not a disease – it is a condition. AIDS stand for
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. In medical
language, the word ‘syndrome’ describes a group of
illnesses. So, it is actually not HIV or AIDS that causes
an infected person to die – it is other diseases such as
tuberculosis, pneumonia, measles, etc.
Learner Activity 1 PSW
Reading about communicable diseases: interpret/explain and
relate what has been studied
HIV Aids and Aids Education
Fill in the missing words for each of the following. Write the entire
sentence out and underline the words that you have filled in.
1. The acronym AIDS stand for __________
2. The HIV stand for _________
3. You ______________ get infected with HIV through a
mosquito bite.
4. It is important to use _____________ or ______________ gloves
to prevent direct contact with the blood of a person who is HIV
Writing Memo
A person with HIV might not show any symptoms for up
to 10 years. Since HIV affects each person
differently, many people with HIV can look and feel
healthy for years. The only sure way to know is to
Activity 2 PSW
Reading skills: reading with understanding and fluency
Reading about communicable diseases: interpret/explain and
relate what has been studied
Writing Memo
get tested.
Antiretroviral drugs can control the virus for a
while. In fact, some people don’t show signs of
being ill for many years. But, the drugs are not a
cure and eventually the virus destroys the body’s
immune system and the infected person gets AIDS.
1. Choose one of the communicable diseases
2. Write down sign symptoms of communicable diseases
3. How to prevent the disease
4. Treatment of the disease
Decide whether each statement is a Myth or a Fact. Write
Myth or Fact
1. AIDS is not one disease – it is a condition where a person can get
many diseases. _____________
2. Antiretroviral drugs can cure HIV and AIDS. __________
3. A person can be HIV positive for 10 years without anybody
realising that the person is infected. ____________
Activity 3 PE
3. Learner participates on track athletics or swimming
Writing Memo
Activity - Performing art
Voice warm up: singing
1. Sing the song your teacher provides in two parts
2. Do dances while you singing?
Practical Rubric
Exclusivity Reflection
SCHOOL: Thulisa Primary School Grade : 6
TEACHER : Mondlane.J Week-ending :
1.TOPIC: No. learners:
Study area : PSW, PE,PA and VA
Knowledge –concepts-
RESOURCES: Materials: 2/3B pencils, charcoal, coloured inks, oil pastels, dry pastels, tempera paint
Teacher activity
Caring for people with AIDS
HIV/AIDS is a serious disease that affects millions of
South Africans. People who are infected with HIV need
care and support from their friends, families and the
community, especially when they are ill.
Friends and family members
sometimes worry that they might
get infected when caring for a
person with HIV. HIV cannot be
passed on by touching, hugging,
coughing, or sharing eating
It is possible for people who are infected with HIV to live
long healthy lives. You can help those who are infected by:
showing love, respect and support.
knowing the facts about HIV/AIDS and talking openly
about the disease.
helping to reduce stress and stressfulsituations.
helping to provide balanced and nutritious meals.
encouraging them to get treatment if they are sick. Most
Learner Activity 1 PSW
HIV and AIDS education: myths and realities about HIV and
AIDS including risks and perceptions about HIV and AIDS
Caring for people with AIDS
Write True or False
1. You can get HIV and AIDS by sharing cups, forks, food or
2. You cannot get HIV by playing with someone who has HIV
3. You can get HIV and AIDS by touching door handles, toilet
4. You can get HIV and AIDS by swimming pools or baths
5. You cannot get HIV by kissing or hugging someone with HIV
6. You can get HIV by mosquito and insect bite
7. Only white only can get HIV
8. Only cursed people can get HIV
Writing Memo
infections are easily treated and cured, even if a person
is HIV positive.
There may be situations where you need to clean up body
fluids or blood from someone infected with HIV. It is
important to use rubber or plastic gloves or other barriers
such as plastic bags or a thick cloth to prevent direct
contact. Make sure that you have these easily available at
all times.
Activity 2 PSW
Reading skills: reading with understanding and fluency
Reading about caring for people with AIDS: interpret/explain and
relate what has been studied
1. What causes the following communicable diseases:
a. Mumps and chickenpox
b. HIV
c. TB
2. What treatment would you use for:
a. Fever
b. An itch rash
c. A sore throat
3. Describe a suitable breakfast for a person ill with AIDS
Writing Memo
Activity 3 PE
5. Learner participates on track athletics or swimming
Writing Memo
Activity : Performing art- Warm up and play
The human knot
1. Stand in a circle hand in hand.
2. Nobody is allowed to let go or loosen the grip of the hand they
are holding
3. One learner starts to move forward, pulling the others from
the circle with him/her.
4. Move slowly. Do not pull each other violently.
Practical Rubric
5. Move over or under the hands of the other learners, as if tying
a knot.
Activity 5
Arrange an art exhibition
1. Select work of art or graffiti drawing you have make it
and display in classroom
Practical Rubric
Exclusivity Reflection

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  • 1. LIFE SKILLS LESSON PLAN INTERMEDIATE PHASE SCHOOL: Thulisa Primary School Grade : 6 TEACHER : Mondlane.J Week-ending : 1.TOPIC: Health and environmental responsibility No. learners: Study area : PSW, PE,PA and VA 2.CONTENT: Basic first aid in different situations Knowledge –concepts- cuts and gazes, burns, scalds and sunburn, stings and bites, bruises, poisoning, bleeding, choking 1. FORMAL SBA RESOURCES: Textbook, Basic First Aid kit Teacher activity Introduce topic of basic first aid in different situations starting by asking learners questions of different example injuries, accidents happen all the time and people get injured. Very often, the injuries are not serious and you can treat them by using first aid. Always wash your own hands with soap and water before you do first aid and wear disposable latex gloves before you touch blood. Give learners matching column class work on Basic first aid in different situations: cuts and gazes, burns, scalds and sunburn, stings and bites, bruises, poisoning, bleeding, choking Learner: Activity 1 PSW Basic first aid in different situations: cuts and gazes, burns, scalds and sunburn, stings and bites, bruises, poisoning, bleeding, choking Column A Column B 1. Bleeding A. Cover with a bandage or sticking plaster 2. Cuts and grazes B. Do not bend the head backwards or let the person’s lie down 3. Nosebleed C. If the person inhales the poisonous substance,get theminto fresh air as quickly as you can. 4. Sunburn D. Do not press on a wound with glass, etc 5. Bruise E. Cool the injured part using lots of cold water 6. Bee sting F. Stand behind the person who is choking 7. Burns and scalds G. Try to remove the stinger with tweezers as quick as possible 8. Poisoning H. Use Arnica cream or pills 9. Choking I. Drink plenty of water ASSESSMENT FORM METHOD TOOL Informal activity Writing Memo Allow learners to read basic first aid in different situations such cuts and gazes, burns, scalds and sunburn, stings and bites, bruises, poisoning, bleeding, choking Activity 2 PSW Reading skills: reading with understanding and fluency 1. Benita has scalded her hand with steam from the kettle. Choose the correct first aid from the following
  • 2. a. Wrap her hand in a cloth. b. Spread Vaseline on her hand. c. Hold her hand under cold water 2. Your baby sister has grazed her leg. Choose the correct first aid from the following: a. Put a plaster on the graze. b. Wrap her leg in a cloth. c. Clean the graze and then put a plaster on it Teacher activity take learners outside the classroom to do practical education in refined sequences emphasizing changes of shape, speed and direction or swimming activities Activity 3 PE 1. Participation in refined sequences emphasising changes of shape, speed and direction or swimming activities 2. Safety measures relating to sequenced movement activities. Informal activity Practical Rubric Teacher activity give learner class work on basic first aid to ready scenario and give appropriate basic first aid to treat injured person. Activity - PSW Reading about basic first aid: interpret/explain and relate what has been studied 3. For each of these situations explain the first aid steps you would take in point form. 3.1 Your friend Alfonso has been stung by a bee. The sting site is red and itchy. 3.2 Your baby brother has poured bleach on his foot. 3.3 Your mother has bumped into a chair and has a nasty bruise on her leg. 3.4 Your sister has a nosebleed. Informal Activity Writing Memo Activity 5 – Performing Arts Warm up and play 1. Kneel on all fours. 2. Arch your back as high as you can (like a cat) 3. Drop your spine and stick out your buttocks and lift your head, so that your back is hollow. 4. Arch your back upwards again and drop your head and your buttocks. 5. Repeat the arching and dropping of your back eight times 6. Make sure your movements are smooth and not jerky. Informal Activity Practical Rubric
  • 3. Activity 6 – Visual Arts Visual literacy 1. Explain what the term architect 2. Name three things architect need to consider before do construction. 3. How many different buildings can you name that a community needs? 4. What features do all buildings have in common? Informal Activity Written work Memo Exclusivity Reflection
  • 4. LIFE SKILLS LESSON PLAN INTERMEDIATE PHASE SCHOOL: Thulisa Primary School Grade : 6 TEACHER : Mondlane.J Week-ending : 1.TOPIC: Health and environmental responsibility No. learners: Study area : PSW, PE,PA and VA 2.CONTENT: Knowledge –concepts- 2. FORMAL SBA RESOURCES: cuts and gazes, burns, scalds and sunburn, stings and bites, bruises, poisoning, bleeding, choking Teacher activity Introduce topic of food hygiene is about the ingredients in food and how carefully we store and prepare food. Example of processed food is packaged tinned and most processed food contain severalingredients such as added salt or sugar , preservatives, colourant and flavourants, added vitamins and minerals. Colourant, flavourant and preservatives are harmful because they can cause allergies like asthma or cause children to be overactive. Give learners works on safe and harmful ingredient By bringing food labels of breakfast cereal Learner : Activity 1 PSW Food hygiene: Safe and harmful ingredients 1. List five ingredient that processed food has {5} 2. Name three ingredient that are harmful {3} 3. Write down three added ingredient that are safe {3} 4. Bring food labels of processed food at home of breakfast porridge and identify the following: a. Identify the food b. List the safe ingredients c. List the ingredients that you think could be harmful. ASSESSMENT FORM METHOD TOOL Informal activity Writing Memo Preparing Here are a few points to remember when it comes to preparing food. Don't handle food if you have stomach problems, such as diarrhoea or vomiting, or if you're sneezing or coughing regularly. Check food labels before you decide what to use.Shop-bought foods may come with two dates:a use-by date and a best before date. Don’t use any foods that have passed their use-by date, even if you think they look fine, as they may not be safe to eat. Keep anything that should be refrigerated out of the fridge for as short a time as possible,especially if the temperature is high or the Activity 2 PSW Food preparation To prepare food in a hygienic way. 1. Discuss six hygienic rules to prepare food that you have learnt. Informal activity Writing Memo
  • 5. room is very warm. Always use different chopping boards and utensils to prepare raw meat or chicken or fish. This is because they contain harmful bacteria that can spread to anything they touch,so it’s important to keep these away from other foods. Allow learner to Participate in refined sequences emphasizing changes of shape,speed and direction or swimming activities Activity 3 - PE 1. Learner participate in basic games, swimming and refined sequences emphasizing changes of shape, speed and direction or swimming activities 2. Safety measures relating to sequenced movement activities. Informal Activity Practical Rubric Teachers’ notes read and teach the learner the safe storage instructions on food. If you store food in the wrong place or at the wrong temperature, it can lead to the growth of bacteria. Proper storage of food reduces the risk of food poisoning. Follow these tips to ensure your food is safe to eat. Always check labels for guidance on where to store food. Store fresh and frozen food in the fridge or freezer as soon as possible after you buy it. This is especially important in hot weather. Keep raw meat and seafood separate from other foods. Store raw meat in an airtight container at the bottomof the fridge to prevent juices or blood dripping onto otherfood. Defrost frozen foods in the fridge. Place them on a plate or in a container as they defrost,so they don't drip onto or contaminate other foods. Don't store opened tins of food in the fridge – transfer the contents to a suitable airtight container instead. If you’re keeping cooked leftovers, allow them to cool to room temperature before you store them in the fridge. Make sure you use up any leftovers within two days. Throw away any food that has passed its use-by date. Store food such as bread or biscuits in an airtight containerto slow down the growth of bacteria or mould. Activity 4 -PSW Food storage If we store food properly, it can last a long time. 1. Discuss six guidelines for storing food.{6} Informal Activity Written Class work Memo
  • 6. Demonstrate to the learners how to make puppet hand bag for birthday present. Activity 5 – perform arts Improvise and create 1. Make a hand bag puppet for your sister birthday present and draw anything you like on it. Informal Activity Practical Rubric Give learners work to design and draw a building to fit into a space of exercise book. Activity 5 – Visual arts Create in 2-D Imagine that you are an architect and that you have been asked to design a tall, narrow building to fit into a tall, narrow, vertical space. 1. Design and draw a building to fit into a space of exercise book. 2. Use black felt- tipped pens to explore the element of tone, line and texture in drawing the features of your building. Starting drawing from the bottom of your format. Informal Activity Written Class work Memo Exclusivity Reflection
  • 7. LIFE SKILLS LESSON PLAN INTERMEDIATE PHASE SCHOOL: Thulisa Primary School Grade : 6 TEACHER : Mondlane.J Week-ending : 1.TOPIC: Health and environmental responsibility No. learners: Study area : PSW, PE,PA and VA 2. CONTENT: food borne is disease that is carried in the food. The food contains tiny organisms called bacteria that spoil the food. Knowledge –concepts- Bacteria ,disease, symptoms, food-bone and poison 3. FORMAL SBA RESOURCES: Materials: 2/3B pencils, charcoal, coloured inks, oil pastels, dry pastels, tempera paint Teacher notes introduce food-borne disease What is a food-borne disease? A food-borne disease is an infection or irritation of any part of the digestive tract that is caused by food or drinks that contain harmful bacteria, parasites, viruses,or chemicals. Most food-borne diseases happen suddenly and last a short time. The medical word for this is an ‘acute’ illness. Who can get a food-borne disease? Anyone can get a food-borne disease.However, infants and children, pregnant women and their unborn children, older adults and people with low immune systems are at greater risk of developing severe symptoms or complications from food-borne diseases. What are the symptoms of food-borne disease? Symptoms of food-borne disease depend on the type of microorganism that has caused the food poisoning.However, many food-borne diseases share common symptoms including: Vomiting Diarrhoea or bloody diarrhoea Abdominal pain Fever Chills How are food-borne diseases prevented? Food-borne diseases can be prevented by properly storing,cooking, cleaning, and handling foods. Learner Activity 1 PSW Food-borne diseases 1. Explain what is food borne diseases is {2} 2. List the symptoms of food-borne diseases {4} 3. Who can get a food-borne disease {3} 4. How food –borne diseases can be preventing? {4} ASSESSMENT FORM METHOD TOOL Informal activity Writing Memo
  • 8. Read the following case study. The Snugro family lives in Pretoria. In summer, the days can get very hot and today was one of those days. At about 2 o’clock, Mrs Snugro decided that the family should have a braai so that she did not have to stand in the kitchen and cook in such hot weather. She checked the fridge to see what food she had for the braai. She found some tomatoes, cucumber and a lettuce that she had bought about two weeks before. One or two of the tomatoes had a bit of furry stuff around the top and the lettuce was a bit limp. Nothing smelt funny so she thought it would be okay to use the ingredients in a salad. She took out a chopping board and cut the ingredients.Then, she put them into a salad bowl and put the salad on the patio table. She checked the freezer and found some steak and chicken for the braai. She removed both packets of meat and placed them in a dish on the sunny patio table so that they could defrost. She opened a tin of baked beans and some sweet corn. She put half of each tin into some serving bowls and stored the tins in the fridge – the children could have the rest for lunch the following day. Mrs Snugro then remembered that there was no charcoal for the braai. She hopped into her car and went to the shop.While she was there, she also bought some milk, eggs and bread. When she got home, she took the bread and charcoal inside with her but decided to fetch the milk and eggs later. She called Mr Snugro, who had been working in the garden, to help her with preparing for the braai. When he came in, he wiped his hands on his pants and started to slice the bread and butterit. He put the bread onto a plate and put it on the patio table along with the other food. The steak and chicken were defrosted, so he took them to his wife in the kitchen. She poured the water lying in the bottomof the dish into the sink and then used the vegetable knife to chop the steakand chicken into smaller portions.She put the pieces back into the bowl and gave the meat to her husband to cook on the braai. When the meat was ready, Mrs Snugro called the children, who had been playing with the dog, to the patio table to eat. The children wanted something to drink. Mrs Snugro sent her husband to fetch the milk from the car and she then poured a glass of milk for each of the children. The Snugro family enjoyed a lovely braai. Later on that evening, the children complained that they had stomach ache. Mrs Snugro didn’t feel too well either and her husband seemed to have diarrhoea. She couldn’t understand why everyone was feeling sick. Activity 2 PSW Reading skills: reading with understanding and fluency Reading about food hygiene: interpret/explain and relate what has been studied Work in groups of 2-3. Complete the following activity. Draw up a table on an A4 sheet of paper. The left hand side of the table should list four ways in which the Snugro family did not follow the rules of safe food storage and preparation. The right hand side should list the rule they should have followed. Give your poster a suitable title and write your group members’ names at the bottom of the poster. Informal activity Writing Memo Activity 3 PE 1. Participation in refined sequences emphasising changes of shape, speed and direction or swimming activities 2. Safety measures relating to sequenced movement activities. Informal Activity Practical Rubric Activity - 4 Performing Arts Read, interpret and perform 1. Discuss the following after you have seen or experienced a ritual: Forms of worship in church (baptism), wedding, funerals, coronations and graduation. 2. Who was involved in the ritual? 3. Where did the ritual take place? 4. What is the purpose of this ritual? 5. Get into a group of six. 6. Create your own ritual by using the elements Informal Activity Practical Rubric
  • 9. Activity 5- Visual Arts Make a graffiti lettering design of the letters of your name Graffiti is the name we use for lettering or images that are painted, drawn or scratched on the walls of buildings. 1. In this activity you will make a graffiti lettering design of the letters of your name within an irregular shape. Informal Activity Written Memo Exclusivity Reflection
  • 10. LIFE SKILLS LESSON PLAN INTERMEDIATE PHASE SCHOOL: Thulisa Primary School Grade : 6 TEACHER : Mondlane.J Week-ending : 1.TOPIC: Health and environmental responsibility No. learners: Study area : PSW, PE,PA and VA 2.CONTENT: Knowledge –concepts- chicken pox, symptoms, prevention, 4. FORMAL SBA RESOURCES: Text book, health information resources Teacher notes Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention Chicken Pox Cause Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Symptoms The infection has three stages. It starts out with the appearance of little, itchy bumps. Those bumps turn into blisters filled with fluid. The final stage is when scabs form over of the bumps. In addition to the itchy bumps and scabs,Chickenpox can cause fever,headache,dry cough or loss of appetite. Prevention Avoid people who are infected with the Chickenpox virus. Wash your hands regularly. Get immunized with a Chickenpox vaccine. Learner Activity 1 PSW Communicable diseases such as mumps, tuberculosis, common colds, chickenpox, athletes’ foot, etc. Causes of communicable diseases 1. Discuss about above diseases what are the cause of communicable disease a. Symptoms b. Prevention ASSESSMENT FORM METHOD TOOL Informal activity Writing Memo Activity 2 PSW Signs and symptoms of communicable diseases 1. Choose one of the communicable diseases 2. Write down sign symptoms of communicable diseases 3. How to prevent the disease 4. Treatment of the disease Informal activity Writing Memo
  • 11. Mumps Cause Mumps is a disease caused by a virus. It can infect many parts of the body but it usually infects the glands that produce saliva for the mouth. Mumps is spread by droplets of saliva or mucous from the mouth, nose, or throat of an infected person, usually when the person coughs,sneezes,or talks. Symptoms Swollen, painful salivary glands on one or both sides of your face, Fever, Headache, Weakness and fatigue, Loss of appetite, Pain while chewing or swallowing. Prevention Avoid people who are infected with the Mumps virus. Wear a surgical mask if you are in the same area as an infected person. Get immunized with a Mumps vaccine. Activity 3 PE 1. Learner participate on track athletics or swimming activities . Informal activity Writing Memo Activity 4 - Performing Arts Warm up and play – bouncing 1. Bend your knees slightly 2. Take a deep breath and jump upright raising your arms above your head. 3. Land on the balls of your feet 4. Bounce on the balls of your feet. 5. Bounce lightly from foot to foot, forward, backward, sideways. Informal Activity Practical Rubric Activity 5 - Visual literacy 1. Work in group makes a list all the buildings in your community. 2. Decide which one each of you will make. 3. Discuss the architectural features you can use to make your building more interesting. Informal Activity Practical Rubric Exclusivity Reflection
  • 12. LIFE SKILLS LESSON PLAN INTERMEDIATE PHASE SCHOOL: Thulisa Primary School Grade : 6 TEACHER : Mondlane.J Week-ending : 1.TOPIC: No. learners: Study area : PSW, PE,PA and VA 2.CONTENT: Knowledge –concepts- 2. FORMAL SBA RESOURCES: Text book, health information resources Teacher notes AIDS is not a disease – it is a condition. AIDS stand for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. In medical language, the word ‘syndrome’ describes a group of illnesses. So, it is actually not HIV or AIDS that causes an infected person to die – it is other diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, measles, etc. Learner Activity 1 PSW Reading about communicable diseases: interpret/explain and relate what has been studied HIV Aids and Aids Education Fill in the missing words for each of the following. Write the entire sentence out and underline the words that you have filled in. 1. The acronym AIDS stand for __________ 2. The HIV stand for _________ 3. You ______________ get infected with HIV through a mosquito bite. 4. It is important to use _____________ or ______________ gloves to prevent direct contact with the blood of a person who is HIV positive. ASSESSMENT FORM METHOD TOOL Informal activity Writing Memo Fact A person with HIV might not show any symptoms for up to 10 years. Since HIV affects each person differently, many people with HIV can look and feel healthy for years. The only sure way to know is to Activity 2 PSW Reading skills: reading with understanding and fluency Reading about communicable diseases: interpret/explain and relate what has been studied Informal activity Writing Memo
  • 13. get tested. Antiretroviral drugs can control the virus for a while. In fact, some people don’t show signs of being ill for many years. But, the drugs are not a cure and eventually the virus destroys the body’s immune system and the infected person gets AIDS. 1. Choose one of the communicable diseases 2. Write down sign symptoms of communicable diseases 3. How to prevent the disease 4. Treatment of the disease Decide whether each statement is a Myth or a Fact. Write Myth or Fact 1. AIDS is not one disease – it is a condition where a person can get many diseases. _____________ 2. Antiretroviral drugs can cure HIV and AIDS. __________ 3. A person can be HIV positive for 10 years without anybody realising that the person is infected. ____________ Activity 3 PE 3. Learner participates on track athletics or swimming activities. 1. Informal activity Writing Memo Activity - Performing art Voice warm up: singing 1. Sing the song your teacher provides in two parts 2. Do dances while you singing? Informal Activity Practical Rubric Exclusivity Reflection
  • 14. LIFE SKILLS LESSON PLAN INTERMEDIATE PHASE SCHOOL: Thulisa Primary School Grade : 6 TEACHER : Mondlane.J Week-ending : 1.TOPIC: No. learners: Study area : PSW, PE,PA and VA 2.CONTENT: Knowledge –concepts- 4. FORMAL SBA RESOURCES: Materials: 2/3B pencils, charcoal, coloured inks, oil pastels, dry pastels, tempera paint Teacher activity Caring for people with AIDS HIV/AIDS is a serious disease that affects millions of South Africans. People who are infected with HIV need care and support from their friends, families and the community, especially when they are ill. Friends and family members sometimes worry that they might get infected when caring for a person with HIV. HIV cannot be passed on by touching, hugging, coughing, or sharing eating utensils. It is possible for people who are infected with HIV to live long healthy lives. You can help those who are infected by: showing love, respect and support. knowing the facts about HIV/AIDS and talking openly about the disease. helping to reduce stress and stressfulsituations. helping to provide balanced and nutritious meals. encouraging them to get treatment if they are sick. Most Learner Activity 1 PSW HIV and AIDS education: myths and realities about HIV and AIDS including risks and perceptions about HIV and AIDS Caring for people with AIDS Write True or False 1. You can get HIV and AIDS by sharing cups, forks, food or drinks. 2. You cannot get HIV by playing with someone who has HIV positive. 3. You can get HIV and AIDS by touching door handles, toilet seat. 4. You can get HIV and AIDS by swimming pools or baths 5. You cannot get HIV by kissing or hugging someone with HIV 6. You can get HIV by mosquito and insect bite 7. Only white only can get HIV 8. Only cursed people can get HIV ASSESSMENT FORM METHOD TOOL Informal activity Writing Memo
  • 15. infections are easily treated and cured, even if a person is HIV positive. There may be situations where you need to clean up body fluids or blood from someone infected with HIV. It is important to use rubber or plastic gloves or other barriers such as plastic bags or a thick cloth to prevent direct contact. Make sure that you have these easily available at all times. Activity 2 PSW Reading skills: reading with understanding and fluency Reading about caring for people with AIDS: interpret/explain and relate what has been studied 1. What causes the following communicable diseases: a. Mumps and chickenpox b. HIV c. TB 2. What treatment would you use for: a. Fever b. An itch rash c. A sore throat 3. Describe a suitable breakfast for a person ill with AIDS Informal activity Writing Memo Activity 3 PE 5. Learner participates on track athletics or swimming activities. 1. Informal activity Writing Memo Activity : Performing art- Warm up and play The human knot 1. Stand in a circle hand in hand. 2. Nobody is allowed to let go or loosen the grip of the hand they are holding 3. One learner starts to move forward, pulling the others from the circle with him/her. 4. Move slowly. Do not pull each other violently. Informal Activity Practical Rubric
  • 16. 5. Move over or under the hands of the other learners, as if tying a knot. Activity 5 Arrange an art exhibition 1. Select work of art or graffiti drawing you have make it and display in classroom Informal Activity Practical Rubric Exclusivity Reflection