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Клас 5А
Тема уроку: Світ навколо тебе.
(World around you)
- практична: розвивати уміння вести бесіду у зв'язку з ситуацією;
удосконалювати вміння аудіювати текст;
активізувати мовні навики і вміння на основі засвоєних структур і лексичних
розвивати граматичні навички
- розвиваюча: розвивати швидку мовленому реакцію;
вміння переносити знання та навички в нову мовну ситуацію, пізнавальні інтереси
прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення іноземних мов, зокрема англійської
- виховна: виховувати шанобливе ставлення до світу тварин
- загальноосвітня: розширювати знання учнів про світ тварин;
допомагати оволодіти іноземною мовою, як новим засобом висловлення думки.
НМК: DVD програвач, раздатковий матеріал, підручник Карп'юкО.Д. 5кл., фотографії диких
Хід уроку
І. Початок уроку
1. Організаційний момент (Greeting. Introduction to the lesson)
2. Мовленнєва розрядка (Worming-up)
T.: Look at this picture (slides) and guess where I was.
Ps.: I think you were in the zoo.
T.: You are right. What animals did I see?
Ps.: You saw .................
T.: Have you ever been to the zoo?
Ps.: Yes, we have.
T.: What animals did you see/like there?
Ps.: We saw/liked....
T.: The topic of our today's lesson is "World around you". By the end of the lesson you
should be able:
- to talk about animals, using your active vocabulary;
- to ask each other according to the topic;
- to work in pairs and groups;
- to watch the video to find the specific information;
- to write down different tasks, using active vocabulary.
You have the stickers on your desks. For every right answer stick this one in your
copybook. Be honest. To make it easier to speak English let's train our tongues. This tongue-twister
will help us
Rhino crocodile
zebra red panda
Green crocodile Greg drinks river water at midday.
Основна частина уроку:
3. Перевірка домашнього завдання (projects - stick them to the blackboard)
4. Аудіювання (Listening) Video "Top show: animals"
I. Pre-listening activities:
1) What wild animals do you know?
2) Let's divide into four groups with help of counters.
Find 12 names of animals among these scrambled letters (див. додаток №1)
3) Now you'll watch the video about National Park near Oxford. Which of these animals
will you see, you think? Three of them.
Ps.: I think we'll see...
4) Семантизація Л0
shy - сором'язливий
meerkat- мангуст
II. While - listening activity: fill information in the tables you've given (див. додаток
III. Post - listening activity: share your information and complete the table; tell about
5. Робота на дошці: Ex. 1, p. 68 (WB) Complete the table
6. Розвиток мовлення (робота у великій групі) Find a person who... (див. додаток №3)
7. Робота в парах (Pair work):
1) Writing (grammar): put the words in the right order to make the question (див.
додаток №4)
2) Jigsaw reading (див. додаток №5)
3) Make up own dialogues about different animals (rhino, polar bear, penguin, wallaby,
zebra, camel, owl, meerkat)
8. Розвиток мовлення:
Т.: You know that there are dangerous animals. What are they?
Ps.: They are panda, comodo dragons, falcons and others.
Т.: What can we do to help them?
Ps.: We can take care of plants and animals; keep gardens. Yards and
park clean; make bird-houses; plant trees; teach a young brother or
sister to love nature.
Т.: Do you know what is WWF?
Ps.: Worldwide Fund for Nature.
Т.: Yes, you are right. They help animals in danger. Their symbol is a panda. Would you
like to help them?
Ps.: Yes, we would.
Т.: You should fill in a form to be a member of WWF.
9. Writing (form) (див. додаток №6)
III. Заключна частина:
10. Д/з (- Ex. З, p. 71 прочитати текст і заповнити таблицю
- розповісти про тварину в небезпеці)
11. Підсумки.
Put the words in the correct order to make up questions:
1. Hey / see / you / that / do / animal?
2. pandas / do / in / live / jungle / the?
3. they / do / eat / what?
4. bamboo plants / pandas / do / get / how?
5. do / why / like / you / pandas?
- Hey, do you see that animal?
- I know what it is. It's a panda. It's the symbol of the WWF.
- Do pandas live in the jungle?
- No, they live in bamboo forests in China.
- What do they eat?
- They eat young bamboo plants?
- How do pandas get them?
- They can climb the trees very well.
- Pandas are very funny. Do you like them?
- Yes, I do. They are my favourite animals.
Do you...? Are you...? Did you...? Is your...?
rhino zebra
polar bear camel
penguin owl
wallaby meerkat
A member of WWF (Worldwide Fund for Nature)
First name
Find a persone who...
has a cat as a pet.
likes visiting zoos.
is afraid of spiders.
saw an elephant in the zoo.
5 whose favourite animals is a
Клас 9А
Тема уроку: At the restaurant (В ресторані)
- практична: розвивати уміння вести бесіду у зв'язку з ситуацією при
роботі в парах;
удосконалювати навички та вміння ставити запитання загального вжитку;
розвивати вміння вести групову бесіду; удосконалити вміння та навички аудіювання;
- розвиваюча: розвивати в учнів швидку мовленому реакцію;
вміння переносити знання та навички в нову мовну ситуацію, пізнавальні інтереси
прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення іноземних мов, зокрема англійської;
- виховна:виховувати почуття ввічливості, культуру поведінки за столом
- загальноосвітня: розширювати знання про роботу ресторанів;
допомагати оволодіти іноземною мовою, як новим засобом висловлення думки.
НМК: DVD програвач, раздатковий матеріал, підручник Карп'юк О.Д. 9кл.,
фотографії столових приборів.
Хід уроку
І. Початок уроку:
1. Організаційний момент (Greeting. Introduction to the lesson)
2. Мовленнєва розрядка (Worming-up)
T.: Look at me! What do you see in my hand?
Ps.: Sushi sticks.
T.: When do we use them?
Ps.: When we have meal at Japanese restaurant.
T.: Do you like to eat out?
Ps.: Yes, we do.
T.: The topic of our today's lesson is "At the restaurant". By the end of the lesson you should
be able:
- to order meals;
- to extend active and passive knowledge of vocabulary;
- to work in pairs and groups;
- to watch the video to find the specific information;
- to talk and to behave appropriately at the table.
To make it easier to speak English let's train our tongues. This jazz- chant will help us
Like steak
coffee care
black came
How do you like your coffee?
- Black, black.
How do you like your tea?
- With lemon, please.
How do you like your steak?
- Medium rare.
How do you like your eggs?
- I don't care.
Soft-boiled, hard-boiled?
- I don't care.
How about the omelette?
- I don't care.
Come on, tell me, this isn't fair.
- I told you the truth. I really don't care.
Т.: How do you like your coffee (tea, steak, eggs, mineral water, bread)?
Ps.: I like...
I prefer...
Т.: All of you like different dishes. So the motto of our lesson is "Tastes differ. Respect all,
including yourselves."
Основна частина уроку:
3. Перевірка домашнього завдання (the home - task was to make an ad of the restaurant)
4. Аудіювання (Listening) Video "Ken's kitchen".
I. Pre-listening activities:
1) Are you a good cook?
What can you cook?
We are going to watch TV-show "Ken's kitchen". A famous chef teaches people to cook
different plain and tastydishes. Today two persons compete to be the best cook of this show.
What do you think they're going to cook?
2) Семантизація ЛО
food processor-кухонний комбайн
marshmallow - зефір
IV. While - listening activities (диференційовані завдання): write down:
- ingredients;
- verbs for cooking;
- decorations;
- name
V. Post - listening activity (in groups): write a recipe
5. Робота у великій групі (Place settings)
T.: Now imagine that you are waiters and lay the table (учні накривають стіл -
прикріплюють фотографії столових приборів на дошку за допомогою магнітів)
Find a person who... (див. додаток №3)
6. Writing (grammar):
Т.: Put the words in correct order to make sentences or question.
e.g. Would you like some coffee? (див. додаток №1)
7. Matching reading: Now use these sentences and questions to complete the
conversation between the waiter and two consumers, Linda and George (див. додаток №1)
9. Робота в парах (pair work): Make up a dialogue "At the restaurant" using the menu
of Ex. 19, p. 139.
10. Робота у великій групі: "Bingo" (див. додаток №2)
III. Заключна частина:
11. Д/з (- Ех. 26, р. 140 доповнити діалог
8. Робота з підручником (pair work): Open your books Ex. 19, p. 139 and fill in the table on
the blackboard.
Starters Main courses Vegetables Drink Desserts
... ... ... ... ...
- приготувати за рецептом із "Ken's kitchen")
12. Підсумки.
T61 I Put the words in the correct order to make
sentences or questions. Then use them to complete the conversation between the waiter and
two customers, Linda and George.
Waiter Good evening, sir. Good evening, madam.
George Good evening, (a)___________
________ , please.
Waiter Certainly. Is this table all right?
George That's fine, (b)____ _________
___ . please?
Waiter Certainly. The soup of the day is French onion soup. ♦ ♦ ♦
Waiter Are you ready to order?
George Yes. (c) ___
Linda And for me the prawn cocktail.
Waiter Yes, madam.
George And then (d) ____
Linda Yes. Can I see the wine list? A bottle of French red.
George And some mineral water, please.
Waiter (h) ______________________ ?
Still, please.
That was delicious!
Thank you very much, (i)
_____ ?
Linda Yes. Black, please.
George And (j) _______
Waiter Of course.
(k) _______________________
No, it isn't, sir.
George Can I pay by
credit card?
Waiter Yes,
that's fine.
i coffee you like some Would
order to wine you like some Would
I water Fizzy still mineral or
table two a We'd for like
bill have can the we
6 menu have we the Could
f included service the Is
First pâté I'd like the
like How you steak would the
ye lamb course the the I'd chops for main
H vegetables you What would like
Linda And I'd
like a steak. Waiter (e) _
Medium, please.
Waiter That's fine, (f)
Linda Potatoes and
cauliflower, please. Waiter (g) ____
Вчитель: Базарова A.B.
Клас: 8А
Тема уроку: Environmental problems and ways of their solving.
(Шляхи виходу з екологічної кризи)
Тип уроку:
практична: активізувати мовні навички і вміння на основі засвоєних структур і
лексичних одиниць;
удосконалити граматичні навички і навички аудіювання; розвивати навички
ситуативного діалогічного мовлення, читання, письма; розвивати вміння вести групову
розвиваюча:розвити в учнів швидку мовленєвуреакцію, вміння переносити знання та
навички в нову мовну ситуацію, пізнавальні інтереси учнів і прищеплювати інтерес до
вивчення іноземних мов, зокрема англійської,
виховна: прищеплювати любов до природи, екологічне виховання,
загальноосвітня: сприяти формуванню в учнів екологічного мислення; допомагати
оволодіти іноземною мовою, як новим засобом висловлювання думки.
НМК: магнітофон; малюнки, що ілюструють проблеми екології; роздатковий
матеріал; фотографії тварин, підручник Карп юк О.Д. 8кл.
Хід уроку.
I. Початок уроку:
1. Організаційний момент (Greeting. Introduction to the lesson).
2. Мовленева зарядка (Warming up).
Т.: To make it easier to speak English let`s train our tongue. These two sounds will help us:
[O] [ ]
Earth with
breath breathe
health other
thousand themselves
Now look at the blackboard and name environmental problems you know.
Environmental Problems
(Students make a word-map using the pictures)
Т.: I`d like to draw your attention to this quotation:"A journey of a thousand miles must
begin with a single step." I think this Chinese proverb can be a motto of our lesson. Let`s try to prove
it. How do you understand these words? Canreally every of us help nature? How. (Students exchange
their opinions using the expressions:
I think...
No doubt that...
I share your opinion.. .,etc.)
II. Основна частина уроку:
3. Перевірка домашнього завдання (the hometask was to make a leaflet " A friend of
the Earth".)
4. Аудіювання (Listening): Ex. 8p.l 19
5. I. Pre-listening activity:
1) So today we speak about problems of the environment. If you take part in the ecological
conference what questions will you ask to the ecologist.
2) Сематизація JIO.
to be green - to take care of nature
green shopper - a person who buys only nature-friendly product
While-listening activity: make a list of the problems Alison mentions.
II Post-listening activity:
Answer the questions: Ex.8 b p.l 19
5. Робота в парах (Pair work).
Т.: Imagine you are interviewed about the ecological problems. Make up a dialogue "How
green you are." Take one end of a ribbon and find your partner.
6. Writing (grammar):
Т.: Alison was interviewed about the ecological problems. Now she should write a letter to
Green Peace about the ecology. Her teachers says that she should change some sentences from her
letter into the Passive Voice, because she writes a formal letter. Lets help Alison. Use prepositions of
cause in brackets.
1. Automobile pollution has lowered the air quality in most major cities.(as a result of).
2. Air pollution is threatening the health of people in mega cities, (by).
3. The acid rain is damaging forests and life in rivers and lakes (due to)., etc.
7. Speaking (true / false)
Т.: Now 1,11read you the sentences connected with our topic. Your task is to agree or
disagree with me. If you agree raise + , if disagree - and prove your opinion.
+ 1. Air pollution has become a global problem.
- 2. Smoking a cigarette can.t cause air pollution.
+ 3. Rain forests are lungs of our planet.
- 4. Acid rain is not dangerous for people.
- 5. Acid rain always fall on the country which produces the pollution.
+ 6. All of us are quilty of deforestation.
- 7. The most urgent problem of people is economic crises.
8. Робота у великій групі ( merry-go-round - карусель ) див. додаток №1.
9. Crossword : див. додаток №2.
10. Writing :
Т.: Let`s make a nature contract and you must do everything you promised.
Nature contract.
I promise to :
date signature
Додаток №1
Jelly-fish has four ribbon - like arms. With them it catches its food.
Dragon-flies are insects of prey - they kill flies, mosquitoes and other insects.
The polar bear is three meters long, and it weighs 450 kilos. It can stand up on its back legs
because it has very wide feet. It can use its front legs like arms.
The kiwi weighs only a little over two kilos, it has a very good appetite. It can eat three
hundred worms a day.
The wild life of Yellowstone is very rich with bisons, elks, deer and bears and a great
number of smaller animals and birds.
Disappearing animals. When people move into new land the plants and animals that live
there can become endangered and begin to disappear. Some even become extinct.
Cheetah. It is the fastest animal on land, but it is very timid and shy by nature. It can run at
speed of 115 km per an hour. It is active in day, but sometimes at moonlit night.
Jelly-fish. It is interesting to know that the food of this soft jelly-fish is crabs and other
hard-shelled animals.
Dragon-flies do not live only in dry places. They need water for living.
The polar bear can swim very well. It catches fish and sea animals for food. It goes into the
sea when it is afraid.
The kiwi has no tail, almost no wings, and its nostrils are situated near the end of its bill
which is used to find food.
Two and a half million people visit Yellowstone each year. Park rangers take care of the
park. They tell visitors not to pick the flowers and not to feed or hunt the animals.
Disappearing animals. Forests are cut down, and wild areas are filled with houses and
Cheetah. Lions don,t like them because they hunt for the same kind of animals. But they can
defend themselves against lions because they are so fast.
Some species of jelly-fish are very dangerous. They are so poisonous that can kill even a
Dragon-flies live in all parts of the Earth. A lot of dragon-flies live in tropical countries.
11. Jazz-chant " What we really want to see " ( ex. 2 p. 115)
III. Заключна частина:
12. Д/з (написати твір на тему "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single
step ")
13. Підсумки:
T.: At home you made placards, let`s have a green demonstration, your placards don`t need
People kill the polar bear for its beautiful white coat. The government of Canada, the United
States, and Russia say that no one can kill the polar bear now. They do not want all of these beautiful
animal to die.
The kiwi is a very unusual bird found only in some parts of New Zealand. This bird is a
national emblem of New Zealand.
Yellowtone National Park covers an area of 3,472 square miles. Yellowstone is a world in
itself. It was born of volcanic fire and later moulded by glaciers.
Disappearing animals. Every day there are more and more people living on the Earth. All
these people need room to live. So they move into places that are already homes for plants and
Cheetah. There is only one animal they cannot defend themselves against. Us! Future
generations may see them only in photographs unless we do something to save them now.
Jelly-fish. Sometimes on the seashore we can see jelly-like masses on the sand. They are
called jelly-fishes because their body is like jelly or the white of an egg.
In autumn dragon-flies lay eggs into water or on water plants. After that dragon-flies die.
The polar bear is a verybig white bear. We call it the polar bear because it lives at the North
The male kiwi hatch the egg out for seventy-five days and loses one-third of his normal
weight. The kiwi lives in thick forests and prefers to spend its time in the dark.
Yellowstone National Park is the world`s largest park. It is situated in America. It covers
parts of the states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. It became a national park in 1872.
Disappearing animals. Elephants, zebras, salmons, cobras, eagles, panthers, bees or other
animals will be extinct too if we are not careful let`s keep the Earth green and healthy and full of
millions of wonderful creatures.
Cheetahs are easily tamed. They are in many world`s zoos. A cheetah has 3 or 5 cubs. They
are born blind and helpless. They are with mother for 6 month.
Jelly-fish. They are not fishes, thought like fishes they live in water. A jelly-fish is round
and looks like an umbrella.
Dragon-flies live all summer hunting for insects.
The polar bear lives in the snow and ice. There is not any land at the NorthPole. You cannot
see the polar bear in the snow because its coat is yellow-white.
The female kiwi lays only one egg, but it is a very large egg: it is about one fifth of her own
weight. After laying it, she loses all interest and leaves her husband to hatch the egg out.
Yellowstone is famous for its geysers. There are about two hundred geysers in the park. It
has high mountains and cliffs, waterfalls and hotsprings.
Disappearing animals. We enjoy pictures and stories about the dinosaurs who lived on the
Earth many millions of years ago. They are extinct now.
Cheetah. There were many of them in India and some parts of Africa, but now they are
almost extinct. Men have been proud of hunting them for a long time.
Додаток №2
If you guess all the words of this crossword you`ll know the name of the most dangerous
bird. It has powerful legs and knifelike claws. A kick of the bird can cripple or even kill a person.
1. Many scientists say that it is changing. It is becoming warmer.
2. A place where things are produced.
3. Many aerosol ... destroy the atmosphere.
4. It is the most dangerous fish.
5. It is a thick, black liquid that comes from the ground.
6. All the things that plants dump into rivers.
7. An animal, a symbol of Green Peace.
8. We have to find ways to ... pollution.
9. When rubbish is not thrown away but is put through a special process so that it can be
used again.
If you guess all the words of this crossword you`ll know the name of the biggest fish. It may
weigh more than 14 tons. The fish is harmless to people. It eats tiny aquatic organisms.
1. Trees protect the soil from the...
2. The place and natural conditions that plants and animals live best in.
3. Rain that is harmful to trees and building, because it contains pollution from factories.
4. The special type of oxygen around the Earth is important because it stops ... radiation.
5. Animals or plants that are in danger of dying out completely, often because of
exploitation by humans.
6. A class of plants or animals.
7. Many people in cities now have ... problems.
8. Oil, coal, wood, air and water are all natural ...
Saint Valentine's Day
-Dear ladies and gentlemen! I am very glad that you have come to the party,
dedicated to the most wonderful holiday of the year-St. Valentine's Day.
-In all English-speaking countries, February 14,h is a special day for people in love.
It's a holiday, but it's a very good day for flower shops, chocolate shops and card
But where does the holiday come from?
(Сценка "Valentine's Story" ).
- No one really knows the actual origin of Saint Valentine's Day. Many
historians connect it with the ancient Roman festival called Luperalia.
-Other experts connect it with tow saints of the early Christian church.
- Some people link the celebrating of Saint Valentine's Day with an old English
belief that birds choose their mates on February 141".
-But whatever the origin, Valentine's Day is celebrated in many parts of the world
today and is a holiday for both young and old.
- So, we think it's the time to celebrate this merry holiday in our school too, and
we invite the participants and I also must to introduce our honourable jury who will judge
today's contests.
- Well, we have few young couples and they are going to introduce themselves to
( My name is .... I'm fond of....)
Contest 1. Compliments.
-Let's go back to our boys. Their next task will be to make as many compliments to
their girls as possible, the more, the better.
One step means one compliment.
Making a step towards his girls, every boy is to pay a compliment. For example,
"You are so charming'1 and so on.
But remember, you mustn't repeat or use other boys' compliments.
-Oh, well done job! How experienced our ladies are!
Contest 2 Recite a poem.
-Another contest is to recite a piece of love lyrics by heart, which is dedicated to the
subject of our gathering.
-Our boys had to prepare a poetic declaration of love, they had to learn some poems
about this feeling.
Contest 3 Make up a similar poems.
-Our next contest is to make up a similar poems, you have to change some words to
make up a funny one.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet
And I love you.
-Well, are you fans on their seats? So, let`s encourage our poets with a good song
Contest 4. Drawing.
-And what about our boys? Their task will be to draw a large heart and to use it to
make a happy valentine face, adding small hearts for eyes, ears, lips and noses.
-Good luck, boys, in making their valentine faces, and their admires are going to
encourage them singing love song (Titanic).
-It was pretty good, wasn`t it?
-Let`s have a look what faces our charming boys are made. Oh, what a surprise! They
are really something to be seen!
-So, it`s up to you, judges, to evaluate their work.
Contest 5. Sing a song.
-Let`s go back to our couples. Their next task will be to sing few lines of a song
about love.
-So, it`s up to you, judges, to evaluate their work.
-Love singing was worth listening to. Everyone was trying to do their best.
-Dear judges, we hope that singing couples will receive your good rating.
Contest 6. Declaration of love.
-And now how about giving and receiving presents?
-It's high time for one more contest. Our boys should think a little of a nice present
for every girl. Here on the table there are some wonderful presents.
-What present to choose, what words to say on this occasion? That depends on you,
dear fellows.
(The boys are choosing the gifts thinking over their presentation).
Contest 7. How will you know your sweethearts?
-For this contest we have prepared a piece of paper and a pen for every couple.
-Now you have to answer some questions. If the boy answer orally, the girl should
write her answer and vice versa. If the answer coincide, the couple will get one point. So let's
-Questions for boys:
1) What's her mother's name?
2) What's her favourite season?
3) What's her favourite flower?
4) What's her hobby?
5) What's her favourite film?
-Questions for girls:
1) What's his father's name?
2) What's his favourite dish?
3) What's his favourite number?
4) What's his hobby?
5) What's his favourite subject?
-I would like to ask our jury to tell us the results of this contest.
Contest 8. I understand my darling by the gesture.
-The girls receive the envelopes with some tasks:
1. I want to dance.
2. Present me flowers.
3. I'd like an ice-cream.
4. I'd like to go to the cinema.
5. I'd like to go for a walk.
-Girls, you must show this task with the help of gesture and the boys will have to
guess. Every correct answer-one point.
-Well, our party is coming to an end and soon we'll find which couple is the best,
which will become our Valentine of the year of 2010.
-Let's support our participants with a good song (I just called).
-Attention please! The jury will tell us the results of the game.
(The judges declare the results of the contest. The couple gets a diploma in the shape
of the heart. The boy who has won gets the nomination : "The gentleman of the new time",
and the title "The knight of the girls' heart". The girl gets the nomination " The princes of the
new time" and the title "The girl who breaks the hearts").
-Our party is over. But remember- Love is one of the best feeling. It is unique and
eternal as our life. It rules the world, it makes the world go round. It beyond the age and time.
-So let's love and be loved by others. And the Earth becomes more beautiful and
Party on Thanksgiving
The class is decorated with posters devoted to the holiday. There are nature gifts on the table-
vegetable, fruit. On the blackboard one can see drawings- symbols of Thanksgiving Day- a turkey, corn,
pumpkin pie.
PI: Dear teachers, pupils and our guests, you are welcome to our party. People all over the world like
holidays, so do we, 'Ukrainians. So do people in America Thanksgiving Day is a very important holiday for all
Americans. This holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November to recall the goodness of God in
blessing the Pilgrims with their good harvest.
12 pupils appear with the letters in their hands:
T- is for turkey steaming golden on each table,
H - is for harvest gathered into bат and stable,
A- is for autumn hues wemarvel at each year,
N- is for neighbour, friend and families we hold dear,
K- is for kindness and blessing that weknow,
S - is for smile that greet us everywhere we go,
G - is for the golden grain and pumpkins in the fields
I - is for Indians what shared the Pilgrims yield,
V- is for vision of aland of lіbеrtу,
I - is for immigrants who made the dream reality,
N - is for all natural wonders - sky and birds and flowers,
G - is gratitude for all thebounty, that is ours,
D - is for deer, dogs and ducks - gift of creation,
A— is for all of each and everyone,
Y- is for you and our families and friends and for everything we have been given.
P2: The Pilgrims
The Pilgrims came across the sea,
And never thought of you and me;
We think of them on Thanksgiving Day.
We tell their story, old and true,
Of how they sailed across the blue,
And found anew land tobe free,
And built their homes quite near the sea.
Every child knows well the tale,
Of how they bravely turned the sail,
And journeyed many at day and night,
To worship god as they thought right.
The people think that they were sad,
And grave; I'm sure that they were glad-
They made Thanksgiving Day - that 's fun –
We thanks thePilgrims, everyone.
breed turkey, I shall show you which of the plants has medicinal power. We, Indians, will teach you
how toplant, tofish, to hunt and how to survive in America.
grandson: Did you get a good harvest?
granny: Yes, we gathered a rich harvest and invited Indians to thank them, About ninety Indians
came; they brought five deer, as gift for the feast. It was agreat festivity. Truly the food melted away that day.
Later on our guests came and we wrestled, ran races, sang, danced and played games.
P2: That was atrue story about the first Thanksgiving. Nowadays it has become a family holiday.
Families come together from near and far.
It'stime to play games. They are devoted to this holiday.This game catted"Pass the Turkey". Sit in a
circle, givea pretend (a stuffed animal or a picture of a turkey) to one of the children. Recite this poem passing
the turkey around the circle as you speak:
Pass the turkey round the table,
Eat it all if you able,
I see Aunt and Uncle Lurky.
They will eat up all the turkey!
The child, who is holding the turkey when the poem ends, moves back out of the circle and waits for
the game to begin again. The last child left in circle is the winner!

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  • 1. Клас 5А Тема уроку: Світ навколо тебе. (World around you) Мета: - практична: розвивати уміння вести бесіду у зв'язку з ситуацією; удосконалювати вміння аудіювати текст; активізувати мовні навики і вміння на основі засвоєних структур і лексичних одиниць; розвивати граматичні навички - розвиваюча: розвивати швидку мовленому реакцію; вміння переносити знання та навички в нову мовну ситуацію, пізнавальні інтереси учня; прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення іноземних мов, зокрема англійської - виховна: виховувати шанобливе ставлення до світу тварин - загальноосвітня: розширювати знання учнів про світ тварин; допомагати оволодіти іноземною мовою, як новим засобом висловлення думки. НМК: DVD програвач, раздатковий матеріал, підручник Карп'юкО.Д. 5кл., фотографії диких тварин. Хід уроку І. Початок уроку 1. Організаційний момент (Greeting. Introduction to the lesson) 2. Мовленнєва розрядка (Worming-up) T.: Look at this picture (slides) and guess where I was. Ps.: I think you were in the zoo. T.: You are right. What animals did I see? Ps.: You saw ................. T.: Have you ever been to the zoo? Ps.: Yes, we have. T.: What animals did you see/like there? Ps.: We saw/liked.... T.: The topic of our today's lesson is "World around you". By the end of the lesson you should be able: - to talk about animals, using your active vocabulary; - to ask each other according to the topic; - to work in pairs and groups; - to watch the video to find the specific information; - to write down different tasks, using active vocabulary. You have the stickers on your desks. For every right answer stick this one in your copybook. Be honest. To make it easier to speak English let's train our tongues. This tongue-twister will help us [r] Rhino crocodile zebra red panda Green crocodile Greg drinks river water at midday. Основна частина уроку: 3. Перевірка домашнього завдання (projects - stick them to the blackboard) 4. Аудіювання (Listening) Video "Top show: animals" I. Pre-listening activities: 1) What wild animals do you know? 2) Let's divide into four groups with help of counters. Find 12 names of animals among these scrambled letters (див. додаток №1)
  • 2. 3) Now you'll watch the video about National Park near Oxford. Which of these animals will you see, you think? Three of them. Ps.: I think we'll see... 4) Семантизація Л0 shy - сором'язливий meerkat- мангуст II. While - listening activity: fill information in the tables you've given (див. додаток №2) III. Post - listening activity: share your information and complete the table; tell about animals. 5. Робота на дошці: Ex. 1, p. 68 (WB) Complete the table 6. Розвиток мовлення (робота у великій групі) Find a person who... (див. додаток №3) 7. Робота в парах (Pair work): 1) Writing (grammar): put the words in the right order to make the question (див. додаток №4) 2) Jigsaw reading (див. додаток №5) 3) Make up own dialogues about different animals (rhino, polar bear, penguin, wallaby, zebra, camel, owl, meerkat) 8. Розвиток мовлення: Т.: You know that there are dangerous animals. What are they? Ps.: They are panda, comodo dragons, falcons and others. Т.: What can we do to help them? Ps.: We can take care of plants and animals; keep gardens. Yards and park clean; make bird-houses; plant trees; teach a young brother or sister to love nature. Т.: Do you know what is WWF? Ps.: Worldwide Fund for Nature. Т.: Yes, you are right. They help animals in danger. Their symbol is a panda. Would you like to help them? Ps.: Yes, we would. Т.: You should fill in a form to be a member of WWF. 9. Writing (form) (див. додаток №6) III. Заключна частина: 10. Д/з (- Ex. З, p. 71 прочитати текст і заповнити таблицю - розповісти про тварину в небезпеці) 11. Підсумки.
  • 3. Put the words in the correct order to make up questions: 1. Hey / see / you / that / do / animal? 2. pandas / do / in / live / jungle / the? 3. they / do / eat / what? 4. bamboo plants / pandas / do / get / how? 5. do / why / like / you / pandas? - Hey, do you see that animal? - I know what it is. It's a panda. It's the symbol of the WWF. - Do pandas live in the jungle? - No, they live in bamboo forests in China. - What do they eat? - They eat young bamboo plants? - How do pandas get them? - They can climb the trees very well. - Pandas are very funny. Do you like them? - Yes, I do. They are my favourite animals. Do you...? Are you...? Did you...? Is your...? rhino zebra polar bear camel penguin owl wallaby meerkat A member of WWF (Worldwide Fund for Nature) Surname First name Boy/girl Age Street City Country Find a persone who... 1 . has a cat as a pet. 2 . likes visiting zoos. 3 . is afraid of spiders. 4 . saw an elephant in the zoo. 5 whose favourite animals is a dolphin.
  • 4. Клас 9А Тема уроку: At the restaurant (В ресторані) Мета: - практична: розвивати уміння вести бесіду у зв'язку з ситуацією при роботі в парах; удосконалювати навички та вміння ставити запитання загального вжитку; розвивати вміння вести групову бесіду; удосконалити вміння та навички аудіювання; - розвиваюча: розвивати в учнів швидку мовленому реакцію; вміння переносити знання та навички в нову мовну ситуацію, пізнавальні інтереси учня; прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення іноземних мов, зокрема англійської; - виховна:виховувати почуття ввічливості, культуру поведінки за столом - загальноосвітня: розширювати знання про роботу ресторанів; допомагати оволодіти іноземною мовою, як новим засобом висловлення думки. НМК: DVD програвач, раздатковий матеріал, підручник Карп'юк О.Д. 9кл., фотографії столових приборів. Хід уроку І. Початок уроку: 1. Організаційний момент (Greeting. Introduction to the lesson) 2. Мовленнєва розрядка (Worming-up) T.: Look at me! What do you see in my hand? Ps.: Sushi sticks. T.: When do we use them? Ps.: When we have meal at Japanese restaurant. T.: Do you like to eat out? Ps.: Yes, we do. T.: The topic of our today's lesson is "At the restaurant". By the end of the lesson you should be able: - to order meals; - to extend active and passive knowledge of vocabulary; - to work in pairs and groups; - to watch the video to find the specific information; - to talk and to behave appropriately at the table. To make it easier to speak English let's train our tongues. This jazz- chant will help us [k] Like steak coffee care black came How do you like your coffee? - Black, black. How do you like your tea? - With lemon, please. How do you like your steak? - Medium rare. How do you like your eggs? - I don't care. Soft-boiled, hard-boiled? - I don't care. How about the omelette? - I don't care. Come on, tell me, this isn't fair.
  • 5. - I told you the truth. I really don't care. Т.: How do you like your coffee (tea, steak, eggs, mineral water, bread)? Ps.: I like... I prefer... Т.: All of you like different dishes. So the motto of our lesson is "Tastes differ. Respect all, including yourselves." Основна частина уроку: 3. Перевірка домашнього завдання (the home - task was to make an ad of the restaurant) 4. Аудіювання (Listening) Video "Ken's kitchen". I. Pre-listening activities: 1) Are you a good cook? What can you cook? We are going to watch TV-show "Ken's kitchen". A famous chef teaches people to cook different plain and tastydishes. Today two persons compete to be the best cook of this show. What do you think they're going to cook? 2) Семантизація ЛО food processor-кухонний комбайн marshmallow - зефір IV. While - listening activities (диференційовані завдання): write down: - ingredients; - verbs for cooking; - decorations; - name V. Post - listening activity (in groups): write a recipe 5. Робота у великій групі (Place settings) T.: Now imagine that you are waiters and lay the table (учні накривають стіл - прикріплюють фотографії столових приборів на дошку за допомогою магнітів) Find a person who... (див. додаток №3) 6. Writing (grammar): Т.: Put the words in correct order to make sentences or question. e.g. Would you like some coffee? (див. додаток №1) 7. Matching reading: Now use these sentences and questions to complete the conversation between the waiter and two consumers, Linda and George (див. додаток №1) 9. Робота в парах (pair work): Make up a dialogue "At the restaurant" using the menu of Ex. 19, p. 139. 10. Робота у великій групі: "Bingo" (див. додаток №2) III. Заключна частина: 11. Д/з (- Ех. 26, р. 140 доповнити діалог 8. Робота з підручником (pair work): Open your books Ex. 19, p. 139 and fill in the table on the blackboard. Starters Main courses Vegetables Drink Desserts ... ... ... ... ...
  • 6. - приготувати за рецептом із "Ken's kitchen") 12. Підсумки.
  • 7. 50 T61 I Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions. Then use them to complete the conversation between the waiter and two customers, Linda and George. Waiter Good evening, sir. Good evening, madam. George Good evening, (a)___________ ________ , please. Waiter Certainly. Is this table all right? George That's fine, (b)____ _________ ___ . please? Waiter Certainly. The soup of the day is French onion soup. ♦ ♦ ♦ Waiter Are you ready to order? George Yes. (c) ___ Linda And for me the prawn cocktail. Waiter Yes, madam. George And then (d) ____ Linda Yes. Can I see the wine list? A bottle of French red. George And some mineral water, please. Waiter (h) ______________________ ? George Still, please.
  • 8. 50 That was delicious! Thank you very much, (i) _____ ? Linda Yes. Black, please. George And (j) _______ Waiter Of course. George (k) _______________________ Waiter No, it isn't, sir. George Can I pay by credit card? Waiter Yes, that's fine. i coffee you like some Would J j order to wine you like some Would I water Fizzy still mineral or table two a We'd for like , f bill have can the we 6 menu have we the Could f included service the Is First pâté I'd like the < ? like How you steak would the ye lamb course the the I'd chops for main like H vegetables you What would like Linda And I'd like a steak. Waiter (e) _ Linda Medium, please. Waiter That's fine, (f) Linda Potatoes and cauliflower, please. Waiter (g) ____
  • 9. Вчитель: Базарова A.B. Клас: 8А Тема уроку: Environmental problems and ways of their solving. (Шляхи виходу з екологічної кризи) Тип уроку: Мета: практична: активізувати мовні навички і вміння на основі засвоєних структур і лексичних одиниць; удосконалити граматичні навички і навички аудіювання; розвивати навички ситуативного діалогічного мовлення, читання, письма; розвивати вміння вести групову бесіду; розвиваюча:розвити в учнів швидку мовленєвуреакцію, вміння переносити знання та навички в нову мовну ситуацію, пізнавальні інтереси учнів і прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення іноземних мов, зокрема англійської, виховна: прищеплювати любов до природи, екологічне виховання, загальноосвітня: сприяти формуванню в учнів екологічного мислення; допомагати оволодіти іноземною мовою, як новим засобом висловлювання думки. НМК: магнітофон; малюнки, що ілюструють проблеми екології; роздатковий матеріал; фотографії тварин, підручник Карп юк О.Д. 8кл. Хід уроку. I. Початок уроку: 1. Організаційний момент (Greeting. Introduction to the lesson). 2. Мовленева зарядка (Warming up). Т.: To make it easier to speak English let`s train our tongue. These two sounds will help us: [O] [ ] Earth with breath breathe health other thousand themselves
  • 10. Now look at the blackboard and name environmental problems you know. Environmental Problems (Students make a word-map using the pictures) Т.: I`d like to draw your attention to this quotation:"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." I think this Chinese proverb can be a motto of our lesson. Let`s try to prove it. How do you understand these words? Canreally every of us help nature? How. (Students exchange their opinions using the expressions: I think... No doubt that... I share your opinion.. .,etc.) II. Основна частина уроку: 3. Перевірка домашнього завдання (the hometask was to make a leaflet " A friend of the Earth".) 4. Аудіювання (Listening): Ex. 8p.l 19 5. I. Pre-listening activity: 1) So today we speak about problems of the environment. If you take part in the ecological conference what questions will you ask to the ecologist. 2) Сематизація JIO. to be green - to take care of nature green shopper - a person who buys only nature-friendly product
  • 11. While-listening activity: make a list of the problems Alison mentions. II Post-listening activity: Answer the questions: Ex.8 b p.l 19 5. Робота в парах (Pair work). Т.: Imagine you are interviewed about the ecological problems. Make up a dialogue "How green you are." Take one end of a ribbon and find your partner. 6. Writing (grammar): Т.: Alison was interviewed about the ecological problems. Now she should write a letter to Green Peace about the ecology. Her teachers says that she should change some sentences from her letter into the Passive Voice, because she writes a formal letter. Lets help Alison. Use prepositions of cause in brackets. 1. Automobile pollution has lowered the air quality in most major cities.(as a result of). 2. Air pollution is threatening the health of people in mega cities, (by). 3. The acid rain is damaging forests and life in rivers and lakes (due to)., etc. 7. Speaking (true / false) Т.: Now 1,11read you the sentences connected with our topic. Your task is to agree or disagree with me. If you agree raise + , if disagree - and prove your opinion. + 1. Air pollution has become a global problem. - 2. Smoking a cigarette can.t cause air pollution. + 3. Rain forests are lungs of our planet. - 4. Acid rain is not dangerous for people. - 5. Acid rain always fall on the country which produces the pollution. + 6. All of us are quilty of deforestation. - 7. The most urgent problem of people is economic crises. 8. Робота у великій групі ( merry-go-round - карусель ) див. додаток №1. 9. Crossword : див. додаток №2. 10. Writing : Т.: Let`s make a nature contract and you must do everything you promised. Nature contract. I promise to : 1. 2. 3. 4. date signature Додаток №1 Jelly-fish has four ribbon - like arms. With them it catches its food. Dragon-flies are insects of prey - they kill flies, mosquitoes and other insects. The polar bear is three meters long, and it weighs 450 kilos. It can stand up on its back legs because it has very wide feet. It can use its front legs like arms. The kiwi weighs only a little over two kilos, it has a very good appetite. It can eat three hundred worms a day. The wild life of Yellowstone is very rich with bisons, elks, deer and bears and a great number of smaller animals and birds. Disappearing animals. When people move into new land the plants and animals that live there can become endangered and begin to disappear. Some even become extinct. Cheetah. It is the fastest animal on land, but it is very timid and shy by nature. It can run at speed of 115 km per an hour. It is active in day, but sometimes at moonlit night. Jelly-fish. It is interesting to know that the food of this soft jelly-fish is crabs and other hard-shelled animals. Dragon-flies do not live only in dry places. They need water for living.
  • 12. The polar bear can swim very well. It catches fish and sea animals for food. It goes into the sea when it is afraid. The kiwi has no tail, almost no wings, and its nostrils are situated near the end of its bill which is used to find food. Two and a half million people visit Yellowstone each year. Park rangers take care of the park. They tell visitors not to pick the flowers and not to feed or hunt the animals. Disappearing animals. Forests are cut down, and wild areas are filled with houses and shops. Cheetah. Lions don,t like them because they hunt for the same kind of animals. But they can defend themselves against lions because they are so fast. Some species of jelly-fish are very dangerous. They are so poisonous that can kill even a human. Dragon-flies live in all parts of the Earth. A lot of dragon-flies live in tropical countries. 11. Jazz-chant " What we really want to see " ( ex. 2 p. 115) III. Заключна частина: 12. Д/з (написати твір на тему "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step ") 13. Підсумки: T.: At home you made placards, let`s have a green demonstration, your placards don`t need words.
  • 13. People kill the polar bear for its beautiful white coat. The government of Canada, the United States, and Russia say that no one can kill the polar bear now. They do not want all of these beautiful animal to die. The kiwi is a very unusual bird found only in some parts of New Zealand. This bird is a national emblem of New Zealand. Yellowtone National Park covers an area of 3,472 square miles. Yellowstone is a world in itself. It was born of volcanic fire and later moulded by glaciers. Disappearing animals. Every day there are more and more people living on the Earth. All these people need room to live. So they move into places that are already homes for plants and animals. Cheetah. There is only one animal they cannot defend themselves against. Us! Future generations may see them only in photographs unless we do something to save them now. Jelly-fish. Sometimes on the seashore we can see jelly-like masses on the sand. They are called jelly-fishes because their body is like jelly or the white of an egg. In autumn dragon-flies lay eggs into water or on water plants. After that dragon-flies die. The polar bear is a verybig white bear. We call it the polar bear because it lives at the North Pole. The male kiwi hatch the egg out for seventy-five days and loses one-third of his normal weight. The kiwi lives in thick forests and prefers to spend its time in the dark. Yellowstone National Park is the world`s largest park. It is situated in America. It covers parts of the states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. It became a national park in 1872. Disappearing animals. Elephants, zebras, salmons, cobras, eagles, panthers, bees or other animals will be extinct too if we are not careful let`s keep the Earth green and healthy and full of millions of wonderful creatures. Cheetahs are easily tamed. They are in many world`s zoos. A cheetah has 3 or 5 cubs. They are born blind and helpless. They are with mother for 6 month. Jelly-fish. They are not fishes, thought like fishes they live in water. A jelly-fish is round and looks like an umbrella. Dragon-flies live all summer hunting for insects. The polar bear lives in the snow and ice. There is not any land at the NorthPole. You cannot see the polar bear in the snow because its coat is yellow-white. The female kiwi lays only one egg, but it is a very large egg: it is about one fifth of her own weight. After laying it, she loses all interest and leaves her husband to hatch the egg out. Yellowstone is famous for its geysers. There are about two hundred geysers in the park. It has high mountains and cliffs, waterfalls and hotsprings. Disappearing animals. We enjoy pictures and stories about the dinosaurs who lived on the Earth many millions of years ago. They are extinct now. Cheetah. There were many of them in India and some parts of Africa, but now they are almost extinct. Men have been proud of hunting them for a long time.
  • 14. Додаток №2 I. If you guess all the words of this crossword you`ll know the name of the most dangerous bird. It has powerful legs and knifelike claws. A kick of the bird can cripple or even kill a person. 1. Many scientists say that it is changing. It is becoming warmer. 2. A place where things are produced. 3. Many aerosol ... destroy the atmosphere. 4. It is the most dangerous fish. 5. It is a thick, black liquid that comes from the ground. 6. All the things that plants dump into rivers. 7. An animal, a symbol of Green Peace. 8. We have to find ways to ... pollution. 9. When rubbish is not thrown away but is put through a special process so that it can be used again.
  • 15. II If you guess all the words of this crossword you`ll know the name of the biggest fish. It may weigh more than 14 tons. The fish is harmless to people. It eats tiny aquatic organisms. 1. Trees protect the soil from the... 2. The place and natural conditions that plants and animals live best in. 3. Rain that is harmful to trees and building, because it contains pollution from factories. 4. The special type of oxygen around the Earth is important because it stops ... radiation. 5. Animals or plants that are in danger of dying out completely, often because of exploitation by humans. 6. A class of plants or animals. 7. Many people in cities now have ... problems. 8. Oil, coal, wood, air and water are all natural ...
  • 16. Saint Valentine's Day -Dear ladies and gentlemen! I am very glad that you have come to the party, dedicated to the most wonderful holiday of the year-St. Valentine's Day. -In all English-speaking countries, February 14,h is a special day for people in love. It's a holiday, but it's a very good day for flower shops, chocolate shops and card shops. But where does the holiday come from? (Сценка "Valentine's Story" ). - No one really knows the actual origin of Saint Valentine's Day. Many historians connect it with the ancient Roman festival called Luperalia. -Other experts connect it with tow saints of the early Christian church. - Some people link the celebrating of Saint Valentine's Day with an old English belief that birds choose their mates on February 141". -But whatever the origin, Valentine's Day is celebrated in many parts of the world today and is a holiday for both young and old. - So, we think it's the time to celebrate this merry holiday in our school too, and we invite the participants and I also must to introduce our honourable jury who will judge today's contests. - Well, we have few young couples and they are going to introduce themselves to you. ( My name is .... I'm fond of....)
  • 17. Contest 1. Compliments. -Let's go back to our boys. Their next task will be to make as many compliments to their girls as possible, the more, the better. One step means one compliment. Making a step towards his girls, every boy is to pay a compliment. For example, "You are so charming'1 and so on. But remember, you mustn't repeat or use other boys' compliments. -Oh, well done job! How experienced our ladies are! Contest 2 Recite a poem. -Another contest is to recite a piece of love lyrics by heart, which is dedicated to the subject of our gathering. -Our boys had to prepare a poetic declaration of love, they had to learn some poems about this feeling.
  • 18. Contest 3 Make up a similar poems. -Our next contest is to make up a similar poems, you have to change some words to make up a funny one. Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet And I love you. -Well, are you fans on their seats? So, let`s encourage our poets with a good song (Yesterday). Contest 4. Drawing. -And what about our boys? Their task will be to draw a large heart and to use it to make a happy valentine face, adding small hearts for eyes, ears, lips and noses. -Good luck, boys, in making their valentine faces, and their admires are going to encourage them singing love song (Titanic). -It was pretty good, wasn`t it? -Let`s have a look what faces our charming boys are made. Oh, what a surprise! They are really something to be seen! -So, it`s up to you, judges, to evaluate their work. Contest 5. Sing a song. -Let`s go back to our couples. Their next task will be to sing few lines of a song about love. -So, it`s up to you, judges, to evaluate their work. -Love singing was worth listening to. Everyone was trying to do their best. -Dear judges, we hope that singing couples will receive your good rating. Contest 6. Declaration of love. -And now how about giving and receiving presents? -It's high time for one more contest. Our boys should think a little of a nice present for every girl. Here on the table there are some wonderful presents. -What present to choose, what words to say on this occasion? That depends on you, dear fellows. (The boys are choosing the gifts thinking over their presentation). Contest 7. How will you know your sweethearts? -For this contest we have prepared a piece of paper and a pen for every couple. -Now you have to answer some questions. If the boy answer orally, the girl should write her answer and vice versa. If the answer coincide, the couple will get one point. So let's start. -Questions for boys: 1) What's her mother's name? 2) What's her favourite season?
  • 19. 3) What's her favourite flower? 4) What's her hobby? 5) What's her favourite film? -Questions for girls: 1) What's his father's name? 2) What's his favourite dish? 3) What's his favourite number? 4) What's his hobby? 5) What's his favourite subject? -I would like to ask our jury to tell us the results of this contest. Contest 8. I understand my darling by the gesture. -The girls receive the envelopes with some tasks: 1. I want to dance. 2. Present me flowers. 3. I'd like an ice-cream. 4. I'd like to go to the cinema. 5. I'd like to go for a walk. -Girls, you must show this task with the help of gesture and the boys will have to guess. Every correct answer-one point. -Well, our party is coming to an end and soon we'll find which couple is the best, which will become our Valentine of the year of 2010. -Let's support our participants with a good song (I just called). -Attention please! The jury will tell us the results of the game. (The judges declare the results of the contest. The couple gets a diploma in the shape of the heart. The boy who has won gets the nomination : "The gentleman of the new time", and the title "The knight of the girls' heart". The girl gets the nomination " The princes of the new time" and the title "The girl who breaks the hearts"). -Our party is over. But remember- Love is one of the best feeling. It is unique and eternal as our life. It rules the world, it makes the world go round. It beyond the age and time. -So let's love and be loved by others. And the Earth becomes more beautiful and kinder.
  • 20. Party on Thanksgiving The class is decorated with posters devoted to the holiday. There are nature gifts on the table- vegetable, fruit. On the blackboard one can see drawings- symbols of Thanksgiving Day- a turkey, corn, pumpkin pie. PI: Dear teachers, pupils and our guests, you are welcome to our party. People all over the world like holidays, so do we, 'Ukrainians. So do people in America Thanksgiving Day is a very important holiday for all Americans. This holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November to recall the goodness of God in blessing the Pilgrims with their good harvest. 12 pupils appear with the letters in their hands: T- is for turkey steaming golden on each table, H - is for harvest gathered into bат and stable, A- is for autumn hues wemarvel at each year, N- is for neighbour, friend and families we hold dear, K- is for kindness and blessing that weknow, S - is for smile that greet us everywhere we go, G - is for the golden grain and pumpkins in the fields I - is for Indians what shared the Pilgrims yield, V- is for vision of aland of lіbеrtу, I - is for immigrants who made the dream reality, N - is for all natural wonders - sky and birds and flowers, G - is gratitude for all thebounty, that is ours, D - is for deer, dogs and ducks - gift of creation, A— is for all of each and everyone, Y- is for you and our families and friends and for everything we have been given. P2: The Pilgrims The Pilgrims came across the sea, And never thought of you and me; We think of them on Thanksgiving Day. We tell their story, old and true, Of how they sailed across the blue, And found anew land tobe free, And built their homes quite near the sea. Every child knows well the tale, Of how they bravely turned the sail, And journeyed many at day and night, To worship god as they thought right. The people think that they were sad, And grave; I'm sure that they were glad- They made Thanksgiving Day - that 's fun – We thanks thePilgrims, everyone. breed turkey, I shall show you which of the plants has medicinal power. We, Indians, will teach you how toplant, tofish, to hunt and how to survive in America. Music grandson: Did you get a good harvest?
  • 21. granny: Yes, we gathered a rich harvest and invited Indians to thank them, About ninety Indians came; they brought five deer, as gift for the feast. It was agreat festivity. Truly the food melted away that day. Later on our guests came and we wrestled, ran races, sang, danced and played games. Mother: P2: That was atrue story about the first Thanksgiving. Nowadays it has become a family holiday. Families come together from near and far. It'stime to play games. They are devoted to this holiday.This game catted"Pass the Turkey". Sit in a circle, givea pretend (a stuffed animal or a picture of a turkey) to one of the children. Recite this poem passing the turkey around the circle as you speak: Pass the turkey round the table, Eat it all if you able, I see Aunt and Uncle Lurky. They will eat up all the turkey! The child, who is holding the turkey when the poem ends, moves back out of the circle and waits for the game to begin again. The last child left in circle is the winner!