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Períodode Práctica: Nivel Inicial
InstituciónEducativa:JardìnInfantil Krakeyen
Sala/ Grado / Año - sección:salade 5 años
Cantidadde alumnos:17 alumnos
Nivel lingüísticodel curso:Beginners
Tipode Planificación:PPP
UnidadTemática:People atSchool
Clase Nº:1
Fecha:Martes 12 de Mayo de 2015
Hora: 9:30hs a 10:00hs
Duraciónde laclase:30mins
Fechade primeraentrega:Lunes4 de Mayo
Teaching points:People atschool ( busdriver,gatekeeper,gymteacher,janitor,music
Aims or goals: Duringthislesson,learnerswill be able to…
• Identifyandname the differentpeopleatschool.
• Developtheirlisteningskills bylisteningtoasong.
• To deepentheirunderstandingof commands/Instructionswhile developingtheir
gross motorskillsaswell.
Language focus:
Look at the
Pay attention
Stand /æ/
Pay attention
NEW Bus driver,
gym teacher,
people at
Thisis the
The gym
Gym /ʤ/
JollyGiraffe / ʤ/
Teaching approach: The lessonisbasedonthe Natural Approach,andorganizedthroughthe
Integration of skills:Studentswill be encouragedtodevelop their listeningandspeaking
macro skills throughactivitiesthatinvolvebodymovementandthe use of theirsenses.
Materialsand resources:picture cards,class audioCd,puppet,poster.
Pedagogical use of ICT inclass or at home: Studentswill listentoasongand watch a flicker
presentationinwhichthe newvocabularyispresented.
Seatingarrangement: Studentswillbe seatedinacircle as itletsstudentsinteractwiththeir
matesand withthe teacher.
Possible problems/ difficultiesandtheirpossible solutionsduringthe class: Studentsmay
not have a clearideaaboutwhat people atschool means,sostudentswill workwithpictures
that will helpthemrecognize eachkindergartenmember.
Classroom managementstrategies: The teacherwill invite studentstorepeatthe new words,
to identifythe vocabularythroughthe use of picturesandto singanddance a songthat will
helpstudentsassimilatethe newvocabularyincontext.
Potential problemsstudentsmay have with the language: The pronunciationof the new
wordswill be learntandpracticedthroughoutthe lessonbydrillingandbylisteningtoa song.
Thisway Studentswill notonlylistentothe teacher’svoice andpronunciationbutalso toa
songin whichthe vocabularyisalsomentioned.
Assessment:whatwill be assessedandhow.Studentswillbe expectedtorecognize the
vocabularythroughbodymovement(pointto...) andmiming.
Stages in the lesson
Routine:5 mins.
Purpose:togreetthe ss and openthe lesson.
I’ll introduce studentsbysaying“Hello!,How are youtoday?,I’mteacherLorenaand thisis
JollyGiraffe!SayHellotoJollyGiraffe!”AndI’ll encourage all the childrentowelcome Jollythe
Giraffe whowill be withusupto the endof my lessons.
JollyGiraffe willsayhellotoeachssand she will askthemtheirnamesandage.”Hello,I’mJolly
Giraffe!What’syourname?How oldare you?” Possible answer:“Hello!I’mMartina!I’m5”.
Transition:Now,let’slistentothe teacher!She hasimportantnews!
Warm up: 5 mins.
Purpose:toprepare the ss forthe followingactivitiesbyactivatingpreviousknowledgeand
presentingacontextforthe newtopicbeingdealt.
The T will bringaposterof a school and will askssto tell herthe parts of theirkindergarten,
where theyeat,where theyplay,wheretheyhave lessonsandwhere the principal is.The
namesof each memberof the school will be highlightedandrepeatedwiththe helpof picture
cards. Jollygiraffe will name eachpicture andwill encourage sstoreapeatafterher“This isthe
Transition:Let’slearnabit more aboutthe school staff!
Purpose:topresentthe newvocabulary.
Ss will be invitedtowatcha flickerpresentationinwhichtheywill see imagesthatrepresent
each memberof the school.JollyGiraffe willsay:“Let’smake silence please,raise yourhand
those whoare insilence!Now,let’swatchapresentation!”
While sswatch the presentation,the Twill saythe membersof the school’snamesand
encourage ssto repeat.The T will stopthe presentationwhensome explanationorexamples
can be givenaboutthe pictures.
Transition:The T will say,‘Boysandgirls!JollyGiraffe hasasong to show you!Let’slisten,
dance and sing!’
Activity: 10 mins
Purpose:toencourage ssto practice the new vocabulary.
The T will take the posterof the school again.Ss will remainonthe floorina circle.
The T will explaintothe ssthat theywill listentoa song that talksabout the people atschool.
The firsttime ss listentothe complete songandthe T pointsto the pictures.The secondtime
Ss will listenandpointtothe membersof the school pictures. The thirdtime,the T will assign
the membersof the school to the ss,each ss will have a picture card of one member,each
time theylistentothe name of one memberhe/she will come tothe centre of the circle and
showthe picture to the restof the ss.
SONG: classaudiocd, track A3.
I see many people
When I go to school!
They say hello.
I say hello.
(spoken) Hello! How are you?
Bus driver, gym teacher,
They work at school.
Principal, secretary,
Music teacher…
They work at school.
English teacher,
Janitor, cashier…
They work at school.
They say hello.
I say hello.
(spoken) Hello! How are you?
Transition:Fantastic!You’re greatsingersanddancers!Let’sdosome role play.
Closure:5 mins.
Purpose:toroundup the lesson.
Ss will have the same picture cardsthat the T assignedtothemin the earlieractivity.Sswill be
invitedtopresentamemberof the school.The T will model the activitywithJollyGiraffe;they
will say:“Hello,I’mJollyGiraffeandthisisthe busdriver!”and the T will show ssthe picture of
the bus driver.All sswill workwithamate and will performthe same activity.
Períodode Práctica: Nivel Inicial
InstituciónEducativa:JardìnInfantil Krakeyen
Sala/ Grado / Año - sección:salade 5 años
Cantidadde alumnos:17 alumnos
Nivel lingüísticodel curso:Beginners
Tipode Planificación:PPP
UnidadTemática:Placesat School
Clase Nº:2
Fecha:Jueves14 de Mayo de 2015
Hora: 9:30hs a 10:00hs
Duraciónde laclase:30mins
Fechade primeraentrega:Lunes4 de Mayo
Teaching points: Name placesatschool (bathroom, classroom, playground,musicroom,
Aims or goals: Duringthislesson,learnerswill be able to…
• Identifyandname the differentplacesatschool.
• Describe locationusingprepositionsof place.
• Developtheirlisteningskillsbylisteningtoasong.
• To deepentheirunderstandingof commands/Instructions while developingtheir
gross motorskillsaswell.
Language focus:
Bus driver,
people at
Look at the
Is thisthe
Who isthis?
The teacher!
Gym /ʤ/
JollyGiraffe / ʤ/
NEW Bathroom,
snack shop,
placesat school
and describing
What place is
Where isthe
-room/ u:/
Teaching approach: The lessonisbasedonthe Natural Approach,andorganizedthroughthe
Integration of skills:Studentswill be encouragedtopractice theirmacroskillsaslisteningand
speakingthroughactivitiesthatinvolve bodymovementandthe use of theirsenses.
Materialsand resources:picture cards,class audioCd,puppet,poster.
Pedagogical use of ICT inclass or at home: Studentswill listentoasongand watch a videoin
whichthe newvocabularyispresented.
Seatingarrangement: Studentswillsitina circle as itletsstudentsinteractwiththeirmates
and withthe teacher.
Possible problems/ difficultiesandtheirpossible solutionsduringthe class: Studentsmay
not have a clearideaaboutthe namesof the placesat school,so studentswillworkwith
picturesthatwill helpthemrecognizeeachplace inthe kindergarten.
Classroom managementstrategies:The teacherwill invite studentstorepeatthe new words,
to identifythe vocabularythroughthe use of picturesandto singanddance a songthat will
helpstudentsassimilatethe newvocabularyincontext.
Potential problemsstudentsmay have with the language:The pronunciationof the new
wordswill be learntandpracticedthroughoutthe lessonbydrillingandbylisteningtoa song.
Thisway Studentswill notonlylistentothe teacher’svoice andpronunciationbutalsotoa
songin whichthe vocabularyisalsomentioned.
Assessment:whatwill be assessedandhow.Studentswillbe expectedtorecognize the
vocabularythroughbodymovement(pointto...) andmiming.
Stages in the lesson:
Routine:5 mins.
Purpose:togreetthe ss and introduce the lesson.
I will greetthe studentsandaskthemif theyrememberwhomyfriendis. Iwill pointtoJolly
Giraffe andask the children,“Who’sthis?Doyouremember?”possible answer:“It’sJolly
Giraffe!”,andJollyGiraffe will answer: “Hellokids!How are youtoday?,are yousad? Happy?
Angry? Or bored?“I will helpJollyGiraffe withbodymovementssothatss understandeach
feeling. JollyGiraffewill trytoask eachss how theyfeel thatday.Finally,the Twill show ss
picturesof happy,sad,boredand angry faces,andss will vote whichisthe picture that
representshow theyare feelingthatday. The T will paste the picture onthe board.
Transition:JollyGiraffe willsay:“Today,the teacherhasmore greatnewsforyou!!Let’slisten
to her.”
Warm up: 5 mins.
Purpose:topresentthe contextforssto learnthe new vocabularyTocontextualize new
The T will askssif theyknowwhotheirprincipal is,whotheirmusicteacheris,whotheirgym
teacheris,whothe janitorsare,and whothe busdriveris.If one ss answerscorrectlyhe/she
will have tostandup and lookforthe picture card thatrepresentsthe wordandstickit on the
board.The picture cards will be facingdownonthe floor.
Once all the membersof the school are identified,the Twill askssto take a lookat the book’s
posterof the school.Sswill have topointto the locationinwhichthe membersof the school
are.The T will tryto elicitthe necessaryvocabularyfromss(upstairs,downstairs,outside,in,
on);althoughthe answerscouldbe deliveredinL1.Inthat case, the T will presentthe
Transition:The T will say:let’swatcha funnyvideothatwill helpuswiththese words.
Presentation:5 mins.
Purpose:tointroduce the new itemsof vocabulary.
Ss will be invitedtositonthe floorina circle because theyare goingto watch a video.If the
groupbecomesnoisy,Iwill saya rhyme andencourage ssto clap withme,thustryingto calm
ss downso thatto make silence andgetreadyfor the video.
Once ss are ready,I will playavideoinwhichthe prepositionsupanddownupstairsand
downstairsare representedinaveryfunnyway.
VIDEO: Sesame Street:Upstairs,Downstairs
(Iwill playthe videofortwominutesonlyasitis verylong.)
Once ss finishwatchingthe video,Iwill askss if theycan lookat the posteragain andtell me
where the teacher,the janitor,the musicteacherandthe secretaryare.Finally,Iwill askssto
guesswhere the gymteacherandthe cashierare.Possible answer:outside!InL1.I will give
the equivalentwordinL2.
Transition:Now,getreadytosingand dance!
Activity: 10 mins.
Purpose: topractice the newvocabulary.Ina meaningful context
The T will take the posterof the school again.Ss will remainonthe floorina circle.
The T will explainto the ssthat theywill listentoa songthat talksaboutthe placesof the
school.The firsttime sslistentothe complete songandthe T pointstothe pictures.The
secondtime Sswill listenandpointtothe differentpartsof the school. The thirdtime,the T
will askssto take theirhands,while theylistentothe songtheywill turnthe circle aroundand
theywill mime the actions.
SONG:class audiocd, track A6.
Upstairs, downstairs, where can it be?
Inside, outside, can you help me?
I can hear the other children
Jumping, one, two, three
Tell me where to find the playground, please.
Upstairs, downstairs, where can it be?
Inside, outside, can you help me?
I can see the other children
And they’re eating ice cream
Tell me where to find the snack shop, please.
Upstairs, downstairs… hear the other children
Singing DO RE ME
Tell me where to find the music room, please
Upstairs, downstairs… hear the other children
Chanting A, B, C
Tell me where to find my classroom please.
Closure:5 mins.
Purpose:toroundup the lesson.
I will mime the actionshelpedbyJollyGiraffeandthe school poster.Iwill locate JollyGiraffe in
a certainplace and ss will have totell me where jollyis.Then,one sswill take JollyGiraffe and
do the same for theirmatestoanswer.
Períodode Práctica: Nivel Inicial
InstituciónEducativa:JardìnInfantil Krakeyen
Sala/ Grado / Año - sección:salade 5 años
Cantidadde alumnos:17 alumnos
Nivel lingüísticodel curso:Beginners
Tipode Planificación:PPP
UnidadTemática:Recognize initialsounds
Clase Nº:3
Fecha:Martes 19 de Mayo de 2015
Hora: 9:30hs a 10:00hs
Duraciónde laclase: 30mins
Fechade primeraentrega:Lunes4 de Mayo
Teaching points: recognize initial sounds/f/,/l/,/m/,and/s/.
Aims or goals: Duringthislesson,learnerswill be able to…
• Recognize itemsthatbeginwith/f/,/l/,/m/,/s/sounds
• Identifysmall andcapital letters.inameaningful context.
• Developtheirlisteningskillsbylisteningtoasong.
• To deepentheirunderstandingof commands/Instructionswhile developingtheir
gross motorskillsaswell.
Language focus:
initial sounds.
the simple
Look at the
What isit? Is a
Is ita lollipop?
Initial sounds/f/,
NEW Hop, jump,
run, sing,
Letter/ s/
Teaching approach: The lessonisbasedonthe Natural Approach,andorganizedthroughthe
Integration of skills: listeningandspeakingthroughactivitiesthatinvolvebodymovement
and the use of theirsenses.
Materialsand resources:picture cards,class audiocd,puppet,storytelling.
Pedagogical use of ICT inclass or at home: Studentswill listentoasongin whichthe new
Seatingarrangement: Studentswillsitina circle as itletsstudentsinteractwiththeirmates
and withthe teacher.
Possible problems/ difficultiesandtheirpossible solutionsduringthe class: Studentsmay
finddifficulttorelate all the wordswithacontext,sostudentswill workwithpicturesthatwill
helpthemrecognize the vocabularyand,theywill listentoastory thatwill presentthe
frameworkforthe vocabularytowork with.
Classroom managementstrategies: The teacherwill invite studentstorepeatthe new words,
to identifythe vocabularythroughthe use of picturesandto singanddance a songthat will
helpstudentsassimilatethe newvocabularyincontext.
Potential problemsstudentsmay have with the language: The pronunciationof the new
wordswill be learntandpracticedthroughoutthe lessonbydrillingandbylisteningtoa song.
Thisway Studentswill notonlylistentothe teacher’svoice andpronunciationbutalsotoa
songin whichthe vocabularyisalsomentioned.
Assessment:whatwill be assessedandhow.Studentswillbe expectedtorecognize the
vocabularythroughbodymovement(pointto...) andmiming.
Stages in the lesson:
Purpose:togreetthe ss and openthe lesson.
I will greetthe ss saying‘Helloeveryone,how are youtoday?Oh!Look! Overthere!Isee
somethingyellow,mmIsee somethingbrown…mmIsee something...It’sJollyGiraffe!.Jolly
Giraffe will say'shshshI’msleeping!'Then,Iwill say'But Jolly!Wake up!Here are your
friends!’All the ss:‘Wake upJollyGiraffe!’
Once JollyGiraffe wakesup,she will askss:‘Helloeveryone!How are youtoday?Are yousad?
Happy?Bored?Angry?And eachss will tell JollyGiraffe how theyfeelthatday.Finally,the ss
will choose which feelinggoesbetterthatdayand stickthe picture card onthe board.
Transition:JollyGiraffe willsay,’Youknow what?!The Thas some fantasticnewsforyou
Warm up: 5 mins.
Purpose:topresentthe context Tocontextualise inwhichthe new topicwill be dealt.
I will askssif they’ve everhada veryreal dream.All the dreamswill be heard,andI will tell
themthat lastnighta read a veryinterestingbookthatwasaboutA FARMER, A LION,A
MONKEY, A SEAL and A FISH.While a saythese words, I will show the picture cards.Inthe case
I don't findthe picture cards,I will draw the animalsonthe board andI will dothe mimicsthat
representeachanimal,whichwill helpssgessguess the namesof the animals.Inthatcase, ss
will have tosit on theirchairsso that to llok lookat the board.
Transition:Iwill sayto the students'Sonow,pay attentionandmake silence because Iwill tell
youwhat happenedtome lastlightnight!'.
Presentation:5 mins.
Purpose:topresentthe vocabularythat ss will be workingwith.
I will tell ssthatlastnightI had a wonderful dream.Mydreamwascalled:
My Way Home
Once upon a time, there was an old farmer in the middle of the woods looking for a stick he
lost. He said to himself that once he finds the stick, he will find his way home.
After looking for the stick under the light of the sun for a while, he found it! So he was so
happy that he started thinking of a big very very big sandwich that he will eat when he gets
When he began to walk, he found four animals! The first one was a monkey
And the monkey said, ‘Hello farmer, can you help me find my way home?’
‘Yes, I can ! Come with me ‘
After a while, the farmer and the monkey found a seal.
And the seal said, ‘Hello farmer, hello monkey; can you help me find my way home?’
‘Yes we can! Come with us! ‘
An hour later, the farmer, the monkey and the seal found a lion!
And the lion said, ‘Rrooooaaarrrr! Hello farmer, hello monkey, hello seal; can you help me
find my way home?
‘yes we can! Come with us!’
And when the moon shone, the farmer, the monkey, the seal and the lion found a fish!
And the fishsaid, ‘hellofarmer,hellomonkey,helloseal,hellolion!Canyou help me find my
way home?
‘Yes we can! Come with us!
The night went dark, and….suddenly!!!!! splash!!! I realized I was dreaming !
Takenfrom: myown production.
While Itell the dream,I will performthe differentvoicesforeachcharacterand I will show the
picture cards foreach wordthat ss will be workingwith.
Transition:JollyGiraffe willsay:‘woow!!!!Whatadream!';and, I will say:'Didyoulike my
Activities:10 mins.
Purpose:topractice the recognitionandpronunciationof the itemspresented.
I will askssif theyrememberwhichwordswere mentionedinthe story.JollyGiraffe will
remindssthat if theywantto speak,theyneedtoraise theirhandsand waitfortheirturn to
I will showssone picture card persound/l/,/m/,/f/,/s/;and I will encourage sstorepeat
afterme.Then,I will askss whatotherwordstheyheardwiththe same sounds.I will draw
fourbig circlesonthe board withcolourmarkers,eachwitha symbol thatrepresentsthe
sound.Fourss will be askedtoput the imagesunderthe correctcircle,one eachtime.
The groupwill be dividedintofour,eachgroupwill be one animal andwillperformanaction:
monkeyshop(ashort jumponone foot),lionsjump,sealsdance,andfishsing.If ssdon’tknow
the meaningof these actions,Iwill mime the actionsforeachword. I will encourage ssto
dance and not to run as there islittle space inthe classroomtorun.I will alsouse musicsothat
the activityismore entertaining;thus,eachtime Istopthe music,Iwill saythe name of an
animal andss will have toperformthe actions.
First,I will checkif sshave understoodthe activityandthe actionseachgroup of 'animals'
have to perform.Then,once ssare sure enoughtoplay,theywill startthe game,the group
that makesa mistake loosesapointandthe teacherwinsone.Iwill write atable on the board
underthe initialsSs/T.
Transition:Iwill countthe pointsandthe whole groupwill findoutwhichgroupisthe winner.I
will say:‘andthe winneris…..the lions!.Now let’smake acircle again.’
Closure:5 mins.
Purpose:toroundup the lesson.
I will tell ssthatthey’re goingtosingand dance a song thattheyalreadyknow (ssare working
withthe bookactivitiesonadailybaseswiththeirteacher,thatiswhytheyalreadyknow the
song),the one theydidthe day before.Butthistime theywill have toperformall the actions
theyhearin the song.
SONG: classaudiocd, track A10.
/l/ lion!
/l/ lion!
/l/ lollipop and lamp!
Good! Now turn around
And jump, jump, jump!
/m/ milk!
/m/ monkey and moon!
Good! Now turn around
And march, march,march!
/f/ fish!
/f/ fish!
/F/farmer and four!
Good! Now turn around
And dance, dance, dance!
/s/ sun!
/s/ sun!
/s/ sandwich and seal!
Good! Now turn around
And clap, clap, clap!
And now, let’s all sit down!
If the cd doesn'twork,I will have the musicina pendrive.Besides,the cdmusichasalready
beendownloadedtothe classroomcomputers
Períodode Práctica: Nivel Inicial
InstituciónEducativa:JardìnInfantil Krakeyen
Sala/ Grado / Año - sección:salade 5 años
Cantidadde alumnos:17 alumnos
Nivel lingüísticodel curso:Beginners
Tipode Planificación:PPP
Clase Nº:4
Fecha:Martes 21 de Mayo de 2015
Hora: 9:30hs a 10:00hs
Duraciónde laclase:30mins
Fechade primeraentrega:Lunes4 de Mayo
Teaching points: learna value:Cleanup..
Aims or goals: Duringthislesson,learnerswill be able to…
• Recognize school objects.inmeaninigful context
• Developtheirlisteningskillsbylisteningtoasong.
• Developtheirspeakingskillsbytalkingaboutvalues.
• To deepentheirunderstandingof commands/ Instructionswhile developingtheir
gross motorskillsaswell.
Language focus:
Crayon, pair of
school objects.
Wh questions
inthe simple
It’sa book.
What are
Glue /u:/
NEW Cleanup,clean
up time,clean
up the
cleanup the
put the
crayon inits
Clean/ i:/
Teaching approach: The lessonisbasedonthe Total Physical Approach,andorganizedthrough
the PPPteachingprocedure.
Integration of skills:Studentswill be encouragedtopractice theirmacroskillsaslisteningand
speakingthroughactivitiesthatinvolve bodymovementandthe use of theirsenses.
Materialsand resources:picture cards,video,puppet,storytelling,flickerpresentation.
Pedagogical use of ICT inclass or at home: Studentswill listentoasongin whichthe new
Seatingarrangement: Studentswillsitina circle as itletsstudentsinteractwiththeirmates
and withthe teacher.
Possible problems/ difficultiesandtheirpossible solutions duringthe class: Studentsmay
finddifficulttorelate all the wordswithacontext, so studentswill workwithpicturesthatwill
helpthemrecognize the vocabularyand,theywill listentoastory thatwill presentthe
frameworkforthe vocabularyto work with.Besides,sswill be encouragedtoperformthe
actionsrequiredbythe teachersothat to realize the meaningof the valuestheywill be
Classroom managementstrategies: The teacherwill invite studentstorepeatthe new words,
to identifythe vocabularythroughthe use of picturesandto singanddance a songthat will
helpstudentsassimilatethe newvocabularyincontext.
Potential problemsstudentsmay have with the language: The pronunciationof the new
wordswill be learntandpracticedthroughoutthe lessonbydrillingandbylisteningtoa song.
Thisway Studentswill notonlylistentothe teacher’svoice andpronunciationbutalsotoa
songin whichthe vocabularyisalsomentioned.
Assessment:whatwill be assessedandhow.Studentswillbe expectedtorecognize the
vocabularythroughbodymovement(pointto...) andmiming.
Stages in the lesson:
Purpose:togreetss and openthe lesson.
I will greetthe ssand say:‘Helloboysandgirls!How are youtoday? SayhellotoJollyGiraffe!’
and JollyGiraffe will say:‘Hello!Howare you?Are you angry?sad? Happy?Or bored?’all ss
will be encouragedtoanswerandstickthe picture face on the board.
JollyGiraffe willbe uncomfortable,likehavingproblemstositdownproperlyandtopay
attention.All the Teacher’sschool objectswill be thrownoverthe table andonthe floor.The T
will askJollyGiraffe:‘JollyGiraffewhatishappeningtoyoutoday?Are you ok?’‘JG: ‘mmmmI
don`t know,there’ssomethingthatIdon’tlike here.’
Transition:Iwill say:mmmwhat coulditbe?Do you know ?
Warm up: 5 mins.
Purpose:topresentthe contextforthe followingactivities.
The T will lookaroundherandask the ss whatcould be happeningtoJG.Ss possible answer:
teacheryourthingsare a mess!. J Giraffe will tellthe Tthat she doesn’tlike how the Tthrows
herschool objectsall aroundthe classroom, ‘The classroomisa mess!’.Andthe T will feel
embarrassed.The sstogetherwithJGwill identifyandcountall the T’sschool objects.Then,
the T will askSS:‘What can I do?’.Ss possible answer:‘Cleanyourthings!’inL1 or L2. And the
T will askthemhowcan she cleanupall her things.
There will be fourboxeslabelledwiththe school objects’namesall aroundthe classroom.Ss
will have tohelpthe T pickup herthingsand put theminthe correct boxes.
Transition:Iwill say;oh!Thisis whatbothersJG so much!I’m so sorryJG! And JG will be very
Purpose:tointroduce the newvocabularythatwill be workedthroughthe lesson.
The T will askssto sit onthe flooragainand payattention.If ssmisbehave,the Twill singa
songfor ss to sitdownand make silence.
The T will invitesstowatch a flickerpresentationinwhichtheywill have topayspecial
attentiontothe picturestheywill see.
The presentationwillshowmessyclassroomandcleanclassrooms;and,sswhoare cleaning
the classrooms.Ss will have todifferentiatethe classrooms,the Twill askwhichisthe best
place to have lessons,inwhichof the classroomssswill feel better,whatwouldhappenif they
workedina messyclassroom,andwhathappensif theyworkina cleanclassroom.Then,the T
will make emphasisontwopicturesinwhichsscanbe seencleaningthe classroom;sswill be
askedwhattheythinkaboutthe children,if theydothe same at school and at home.Atthis
stage,the T will elicitfromthe ss the actionsneededtocleanup‘ it’scleanup time’,’let’s
cleanup the classroom’,‘putthe crayonin itsplace’,‘pickupyourschool objects’,‘putthe
booksinthe box’.The T will showsssome wordcards withthese phrasesandwill askssto
stickthemon the board. JG will askss whatisgood and whatisbad from whattheysee,and
whatwouldtheydoif theyfindtheirclassroomasa mess.
Transition:Iwill sayto the ss that theyare right,‘we have to cleanup our classroomsothat we
can work better!
Activities:8 mins.
The T will askss to tell herwhere theyputall theirthings.Sswill make amini tourinthe
classroomto showthe messyT where theyputall theirthings.If there issomethingthati is
not inthe correct place,ss will cleanitup.
JollyGiraffe willtell ssastoryabout a girl whodidn`tcleanher room.
Every single day Emma’s mum and
dad told her to clean her bedroom and every single day she ignored them. It
was a mess! She could hardly open the door because there were so many toys,
dirty clothes, and books lying on the carpet.
One morning, as Emma was lying on her bed, her mum stuck her head in the
door and said, "Emma! I can hardly stick my head in. Look at this mess. You
need to clean your room. We’re taking Ryan to the zoo today. Now that we have
a pram, we thought it would be a good day to try it out. Clean your room! We’re
leaving after lunch." Her mum had to squeeze her head between the door and
the wall to pull it out.
Emma looked at the mess on her floor. "It’s too messy. I don’t know where to
start. I’ll just leave it and clean it after we get home from the zoo," she said.
"Emma, it’s time for lunch," her mum called.
Emma, being much smaller than her mum, squeezed through the door quite
easily and ran into the kitchen. "What are we having today, Mum?" she asked.
"Bacon and tomato sandwiches and some potato crisps. Can’t you smell the
bacon?" her mum answered.
"It smells delicious. Can we take some old bread to the zoo to feed the animals?
I know that Ryan will enjoy that, or at least watching us feed them," Emma said.
Ryan was sitting in his high chair looking around the room.
"We’ll stop by the bakery and pick some day old bread up, if you’d like. Now
hurry and eat and then we’ll go. It’s going to be a lovely day. Gran is coming
with us. She’ll be here any minute," Mum said. "Go and get your shoes on and
then we’ll go."
Emma ate her lunch and then ran into her room to get her shoes. The problem
is that she could only find one of them. She looked under her bed, but all she
could see were dirty towels and pants. She moved some of her toys out of the
way, but still couldn’t find her shoe. After she’d checked everywhere she could
in her room, she squeezed through her door and ran into the kitchen. "Hi Gran,"
she called to her grandma, who had just arrived. "Mum, I can’t find my shoe.
Will you wait while I look for it?" she asked.
Her mum thought about how many times she’d told Emma to clean her room up. She
whispered something to Gran and then said to Emma, "You will have to stay home.
Your dad and I will take Ryan to the zoo. Gran will stay here with you."
"No, Mum. Please wait for me. I want to go to the zoo," Emma cried.
"I’m sorry, Emma. I’ve told you a dozen times to clean your room and you
ignored me. You can’t find your shoe now. It’s your own fault for not doing as I
asked. You will stay home with Gran."
Emma ran into her bedroom, sobbing. Her mum came to the door. "Emma,
clean that room of yours before I get home. I’ve told Gran not to give you any
sweets until you are finished." She went out to the car with Ryan and Emma’s
dad and then they drove away.
Emma sat on her bed and cried for a long time. Gran stayed in the living room
and did some knitting. "I guess I’d better clean my room," she pouted, wiping
the tears from her eyes. It took Emma two hours to clean her room. She put all
the dirty washing into the clothes hamper. She put all her toys back in the right
boxes and then stacked them nicely in her closet. She hung up all of her clean
clothes and put the rubbish into a plastic garbage bag. She made her bed and
put the doll clothes in the doll box. "I did it!" she said proudly. She even found
her missing shoe. She ran into the living room. "Gran! Come and see. I cleaned
my room and found my shoe."
Gran put her knitting down and looked in Emma’s room. "The door actually
opens. This looks very nice, Emma. If you kept it this way, you’d not lose your
shoes. Come and have a sweetie now," she said.
Emma and Gran were sitting at the table eating a bowl of trifle with cream when
her mum, dad, and Ryan came home. "Well, look at Emma’s room," her dad
said. "It’s clean."
"Your room can look that good every day, Emma. All you need to do is put your
wash in the clothes hamper every night and pick your toys up when you are
finished playing with them," her mum said.
"How was the zoo? Did Ryan have fun? I wish I could have gone," Emma
"I see you found your shoe! We’ll go again and if you keep your room clean, we
may go and do some other fun things too," her mum added.
From then on, Emma tried her hardest to keep her room clean. Every night,
after she changed into her pajamas, she put her clothes in the hamper. She put
her shoes in the closet and always cleaned up her toys. A week later, her mum
took her to the zoo and they had so much fun.
Taken from:
The story will be accompaniedbypicturesthatillustratethe events.
Once JG finishesreadingthe story,the T will asksswhat theythinkaboutit.
Transition:Iwill say;‘nowthatwe know how importantisto keepourroomsclean,let’sclean
our classroom!’
Closure:5 mins.
Purpose:toroundup the lesson.
Ss will be invitedtowatcha videoof a cleaningupsong.
SONG:CleanUp Song forChildren| Kindergarten|Preschool |byELF Learning
While sslistentothe song,theycleanupthe classroom.
Períodode Práctica: Nivel Inicial
InstituciónEducativa:JardìnInfantil Krakeyen
Sala/ Grado / Año - sección:salade 5 años
Cantidadde alumnos:17 alumnos
Nivel lingüísticodel curso:Beginners
Tipode Planificación:PPP
Clase Nº:5
Fecha:Martes 28 de Mayo de 2015
Hora: 9:30hs a 10:00hs
Duraciónde laclase:30mins
Fechade primeraentrega:Lunes4 de Mayo
Teaching points: assessmentof the conceptsandlanguage learntinthe unit.
Aims or goals: Duringthislesson,learnerswill be able to…
• Recognize school objects,people atschool,placesatschool andactivities.
• Developtheirlisteningskillsbylisteningtoasong.
• Developtheirspeakingskillsbytalkingaboutvalues.
• To deepentheirunderstandingof commands/Instructionswhile developingtheir
gross motorskillsaswell.
Language focus:
snack shop,
school objects,
people at
Wh questions
inthe simple
It’sa book.
What are
In the
Who cleans?
The janitor!
these sounds
Glue /u:/
Gym / d͡ʒ/
Janitor/ d͡ʒ/
cleanup the
Teaching approach: The lessonisbasedonthe Natural Approach,andorganizedthroughthe
Integration of skills:Studentswill be encouragedtodeveloptheirlisteningandspeaking
macro skillsthroughactivitiesthatinvolve bodymovementandthe use of theirsenses.
Materialsand resources:picture cards,posters,classaudiocd, pendrive withaudiotracks,
game withboxes.
Pedagogical use of ICT inclass or at home: Studentswill listentosongsinwhichthe
Seatingarrangement: Studentswillsitina circle tointeractwiththeirmatesand withthe
Possible problems/ difficultiesandtheirpossible solutionsduringthe class: Studentsmay
finditdifficulttorelate all the wordswithacontext,sostudentswill workwithpicturesand
postersthatwill helpthemrecognizethe vocabulary.Besides,sswill be encouragedto
performthe actionsrequiredbythe teachersothat to realize the meaningof the valuesand
words theywill be workingwith.
Classroom managementstrategies: The teacherwill invite studentstorepeatthe new words,
to identifythe vocabularythroughthe use of picturesandto singanddance songsthat will
helpstudentsacquire the vocabularyincontext.
Potential problemsstudentsmay have with the language: The pronunciationof the new
wordswill be learntandpracticedthroughoutthe lessonbydrillingandbylisteningtosongs.
Thisway Studentswill notonlylistentothe teacher’svoice andpronunciationbutalsotoa
songin whichthe vocabularyisalsomentioned.
Assessment:whatwill be assessedandhow.Studentswillbe expectedtorecognize the
vocabularythroughbodymovement(pointto...) andmiming.
Stages in the lesson:
Purpose:togreetthe ss and openthe lesson.
I will greetthe ssand say:‘Helloboysandgirls!How are youtoday? SayhellotoJollyGiraffe!’
and JollyGiraffe will say:‘Hello!Howare you?Are you angry?sad? Happy?Or bored?’all ss
will be encouragedtoanswerandstickthe picture face on the board.
The T will askif there isany birthdaythatday,if there isn’tshe will tell ssthatthat dayis Jolly
Giraffe’sbirthday; the Twill say: "Anyhappy birthday today? Yes?No?Whose?" Ss PA:"YEs!
Martina! " "No".The T will say: "Todayis JollyGiraffe'sHappy Birthday!".JollyGiraffewillbe
sleepingyetinsome place of the classroom, soall ss will walkaroundandlookforher.To
come back to the greetingcircle,the T will explainthatthey will have tocountto10, when
theyfinishtheywillhave tobe sittingonthe floorwiththe T. This will helpss get organized
and able to sit down again.
Once ss findJG, theyall togetherwill singthe happybirthdaysongtoJollyGiraffe,whowillbe
veryhappyfor the surprise. JG will say "Ohthank you boys and girls!I'm so happy!".
Transition:the T will askJG howoldshe is "How oldare youJollyGiraffe?",andJGwill askss to
guess" Guess!".
Warm up: 5mins
Purpose:toprepare the ss forthe followingactivitiesbyactivatingpreviousknowledgeand
presentingacontextforthe newtopicbeingdealt.
The ss will be askedtostand upand sit ontheirchairsso that theyworkwiththe T on the
Once ss guessJG's age,she will askss how oldtheyare,ss will show the numberwiththeir
fingers. (Thenone sswill be invited to count how many girlsthere are inthe classroom, and
another ss will be invitedto count how many boys there are. After that, ss will count
altogetherhow many they are in the classroom,helpedby the teacher who will encourage
them to point to the flashcard numbers,whichwill be stuck on the board. Once they finish,
one ss will come to the front of the class, choose the numberthat representsthe quantity of
ss, and leave only that number on the board. Togetherwith the T, he/she will take all the
other numberflashcards away from the board.) Not included.
(Once ss know how many theyare),
JG will alsoexplainthatitisher lastday withthemtoo,so theywill review everythingtheydid
The T will asksswhat thingstheylearntwithherand JG; the T will say: "Whatdid we
practice? I helpyou. Do you rememberpeople atschool? the Janotor, the teacher...Who
else?" SsPA:" gym teacher,janitor, principal!" Teacher'sPA:"Perfect!ANdwhat about the
placesat school?I helpyou: The play ground,the kitchen..." SsPA: "office!toilet!" Teacher`s
PA "Excellent!andwhat about the classroom? What do we have to do inthe classroom? It is
important to....(the T will mime the actions for ss to understand) clean!" Ss PA: " clean up!" .
The Teacher will say "Verygood boys and girls you remembereverything!". The sswill
participate raisingtheirhandsandwaitingfortheirmomenttospeak. The T will encourage
them to rememberall the vocabulary through miming and gestures.Afterall the ss'ideasare
mentioned,the sswill describethe posterof the school namingall the placesandpeople at
school. To do so, the T will poitn to the differentplacesand people at school in the poster
and wait for ss to answer. (Whena ss answerscorrectly, he/she will stick the people
flashcards on the board nextto the poster).Notincluded.
Transition:The T will say;‘wow!Youremembereverything!!Let'scontinue withthe revision,
but thistime ina funnierway!'
Activity 1: 7 mins.
Purpose:topresentthe vocabularythatwill be revisedinthe lesson.
The group will be dividedintotwogroups,sswill counthow manytheyare in eachgroup and
choose a name for theirgroup.Afterthat,JG will explainall the ssthattheyare goingto play
"Charades"or "Dìgalocon Mìmica", JG will say: "Let'splay Charades!". The T will explainto
the ss that one ss pergroup will have topickone flashcardandmime the actionso that the
restof the group guesses; the T will say: "one of you takes a picture (she will mime the
actions at the same time),and mimesthe action without sayingthe word. The rest of you
will guess!".Each groupwill playinturns;whenthe othergroup plays,the restmustremainin
The namesof the groupswill be writtenonthe boardand two sswill write the points,one
studentforeach group. (The winnerwill be givena happy face for themto stick on the board
each time they behave well in the classroom) not included. The winnergroupwill receive
some gifts,whichatthe endof the lessonall sswill receive sothatall of themare happywith
the gifts.
Transition:Iwill say;‘Well done!Now let’s (playsome gamesto) practice what we know!
Activity 2: 8 mins.
Purpose:topractice all the vocabularylearntinthe unitwhithinameaningful context.
The T will explainthatJGlikesplayinggamesatbirthdayparties.
JollyGiraffe willexplainssthe rulesof the game:
Ss will continue playingingroups,the picture cardsandrealiawill be inabig box (bag).The T
will place three labelledboxes(schoolobjects,placesatschool,peopleatschool,eachbox
witha drawingrepresentigthe words) aroundthe classroom.The groupthatputs more
objectsinthe correct box in 2 minuteswins.Twosswill write the pointsunderthe namesfor
each group. The T will explainas follows"One group will play first. One ss of the group will
take one objectof the bag and put it in a box.The groyp withmore objectswins!".
All ss shouldhave the chance to playat leastonce.One groupplaysfirst,thenthe other.
Afterplaying,all sscountand name the objects.The winnerwillbe givenaspecial gift ( a
sweetwith the face of a membero school).Notincluded.
Transition:JollyGiraffe willsay;"Aandthe winneris….theblue bears(asanexample)!!!"
Closure:5 mins.
Purpose:toroundup the lesson.
Once ss receive theirgifts,the T will invite sstocolourthe objectstheylearntthroughall the
lessons.The Twill say "Nowsit down on your chairs please.Let'scolour the objectswe
know!" Therefore,the Twill give one drawingtoeachss to colour.Oce /oncetheyfinishthe
drawingswill be stickedonawall paperwiththe headings"people atschool","school objects",
and ( "animals") placesat school. Asan example:
JollyGiraffe andthe teacherwill give outsouvenirsforthe ssas a closure of the lessons. They
will say to the ss: "This is a gift for you! thank you for beingso nice!".
Kindergarten Lesson Plans

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Kindergarten Lesson Plans

  • 1. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNORESIDENTE:Naiman Lorena Períodode Práctica: Nivel Inicial InstituciónEducativa:JardìnInfantil Krakeyen Dirección:Independencia519,Ushuaia Sala/ Grado / Año - sección:salade 5 años Cantidadde alumnos:17 alumnos Nivel lingüísticodel curso:Beginners Tipode Planificación:PPP UnidadTemática:People atSchool Clase Nº:1 Fecha:Martes 12 de Mayo de 2015 Hora: 9:30hs a 10:00hs Duraciónde laclase:30mins Fechade primeraentrega:Lunes4 de Mayo Teaching points:People atschool ( busdriver,gatekeeper,gymteacher,janitor,music teacher). Aims or goals: Duringthislesson,learnerswill be able to… • Identifyandname the differentpeopleatschool. • Developtheirlisteningskills bylisteningtoasong. • To deepentheirunderstandingof commands/Instructionswhile developingtheir gross motorskillsaswell. Language focus: LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Look! Listen! Standup. Sitdown, please. Giving commandsor instructions. Look at the poster… Pay attention here,please. Imperatives Stand /æ/
  • 2. Pointto…. Pay attention NEW Bus driver, cashier, gatekeeper, gym teacher, janitor,music teacher, principal, secretary. Talkingabout people at school. Thisis the gatekeeper. Hello, gatekeeper. Who’sthis? The gym teacher! Present simple Gym /ʤ/ Janitor/ʤ/ JollyGiraffe / ʤ/ Teaching approach: The lessonisbasedonthe Natural Approach,andorganizedthroughthe PPPteachingprocedure. Integration of skills:Studentswill be encouragedtodevelop their listeningandspeaking macro skills throughactivitiesthatinvolvebodymovementandthe use of theirsenses. Materialsand resources:picture cards,class audioCd,puppet,poster. Pedagogical use of ICT inclass or at home: Studentswill listentoasongand watch a flicker presentationinwhichthe newvocabularyispresented. Seatingarrangement: Studentswillbe seatedinacircle as itletsstudentsinteractwiththeir matesand withthe teacher. Possible problems/ difficultiesandtheirpossible solutionsduringthe class: Studentsmay not have a clearideaaboutwhat people atschool means,sostudentswill workwithpictures that will helpthemrecognize eachkindergartenmember. Classroom managementstrategies: The teacherwill invite studentstorepeatthe new words, to identifythe vocabularythroughthe use of picturesandto singanddance a songthat will helpstudentsassimilatethe newvocabularyincontext. Potential problemsstudentsmay have with the language: The pronunciationof the new wordswill be learntandpracticedthroughoutthe lessonbydrillingandbylisteningtoa song. Thisway Studentswill notonlylistentothe teacher’svoice andpronunciationbutalso toa songin whichthe vocabularyisalsomentioned. Assessment:whatwill be assessedandhow.Studentswillbe expectedtorecognize the vocabularythroughbodymovement(pointto...) andmiming. Stages in the lesson Routine:5 mins.
  • 3. Purpose:togreetthe ss and openthe lesson. I’ll introduce studentsbysaying“Hello!,How are youtoday?,I’mteacherLorenaand thisis JollyGiraffe!SayHellotoJollyGiraffe!”AndI’ll encourage all the childrentowelcome Jollythe Giraffe whowill be withusupto the endof my lessons. JollyGiraffe willsayhellotoeachssand she will askthemtheirnamesandage.”Hello,I’mJolly Giraffe!What’syourname?How oldare you?” Possible answer:“Hello!I’mMartina!I’m5”. Transition:Now,let’slistentothe teacher!She hasimportantnews! Warm up: 5 mins. Purpose:toprepare the ss forthe followingactivitiesbyactivatingpreviousknowledgeand presentingacontextforthe newtopicbeingdealt. The T will bringaposterof a school and will askssto tell herthe parts of theirkindergarten, where theyeat,where theyplay,wheretheyhave lessonsandwhere the principal is.The namesof each memberof the school will be highlightedandrepeatedwiththe helpof picture cards. Jollygiraffe will name eachpicture andwill encourage sstoreapeatafterher“This isthe musicteacher.Altogether,hello!Musicteacher!”. Transition:Let’slearnabit more aboutthe school staff! Presentation:5mins. Purpose:topresentthe newvocabulary. Ss will be invitedtowatcha flickerpresentationinwhichtheywill see imagesthatrepresent each memberof the school.JollyGiraffe willsay:“Let’smake silence please,raise yourhand those whoare insilence!Now,let’swatchapresentation!” FLICKER PRESENTATION: While sswatch the presentation,the Twill saythe membersof the school’snamesand encourage ssto repeat.The T will stopthe presentationwhensome explanationorexamples can be givenaboutthe pictures. Transition:The T will say,‘Boysandgirls!JollyGiraffe hasasong to show you!Let’slisten, dance and sing!’ Activity: 10 mins Purpose:toencourage ssto practice the new vocabulary. The T will take the posterof the school again.Ss will remainonthe floorina circle. The T will explaintothe ssthat theywill listentoa song that talksabout the people atschool. The firsttime ss listentothe complete songandthe T pointsto the pictures.The secondtime Ss will listenandpointtothe membersof the school pictures. The thirdtime,the T will assign
  • 4. the membersof the school to the ss,each ss will have a picture card of one member,each time theylistentothe name of one memberhe/she will come tothe centre of the circle and showthe picture to the restof the ss. SONG: classaudiocd, track A3. PEOPLE AT SCHOOL I see many people When I go to school! They say hello. I say hello. (spoken) Hello! How are you? Bus driver, gym teacher, Gatekeeper… They work at school. Principal, secretary, Music teacher… They work at school. English teacher, Janitor, cashier… They work at school. They say hello. I say hello. (spoken) Hello! How are you? Transition:Fantastic!You’re greatsingersanddancers!Let’sdosome role play. Closure:5 mins. Purpose:toroundup the lesson. Ss will have the same picture cardsthat the T assignedtothemin the earlieractivity.Sswill be invitedtopresentamemberof the school.The T will model the activitywithJollyGiraffe;they will say:“Hello,I’mJollyGiraffeandthisisthe busdriver!”and the T will show ssthe picture of the bus driver.All sswill workwithamate and will performthe same activity.
  • 5. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNORESIDENTE:Naiman Lorena Períodode Práctica: Nivel Inicial InstituciónEducativa:JardìnInfantil Krakeyen Dirección:Independencia519,Ushuaia Sala/ Grado / Año - sección:salade 5 años Cantidadde alumnos:17 alumnos Nivel lingüísticodel curso:Beginners Tipode Planificación:PPP UnidadTemática:Placesat School Clase Nº:2 Fecha:Jueves14 de Mayo de 2015 Hora: 9:30hs a 10:00hs Duraciónde laclase:30mins Fechade primeraentrega:Lunes4 de Mayo Teaching points: Name placesatschool (bathroom, classroom, playground,musicroom, office) Aims or goals: Duringthislesson,learnerswill be able to… • Identifyandname the differentplacesatschool. • Describe locationusingprepositionsof place. • Developtheirlisteningskillsbylisteningtoasong. • To deepentheirunderstandingof commands/Instructions while developingtheir gross motorskillsaswell.
  • 6. Language focus: LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Bus driver, principal, cashier,music teacher,gym teacher, janitor. Identifyingthe people at school. Look at the poster… Is thisthe janitor?No, it’sthe principal. Who isthis? The teacher! Gym /ʤ/ Janitor/ʤ/ JollyGiraffe / ʤ/ NEW Bathroom, snack shop, classroom, playground, musicroom; upstairs, downstairs, outside,in,on. Identifying placesat school and describing location. What place is this?The playground! Where isthe classroom? Upstairs! -room/ u:/ -stairs/steər/ Teaching approach: The lessonisbasedonthe Natural Approach,andorganizedthroughthe PPPteachingprocedure. Integration of skills:Studentswill be encouragedtopractice theirmacroskillsaslisteningand speakingthroughactivitiesthatinvolve bodymovementandthe use of theirsenses. Materialsand resources:picture cards,class audioCd,puppet,poster. Pedagogical use of ICT inclass or at home: Studentswill listentoasongand watch a videoin whichthe newvocabularyispresented. Seatingarrangement: Studentswillsitina circle as itletsstudentsinteractwiththeirmates and withthe teacher. Possible problems/ difficultiesandtheirpossible solutionsduringthe class: Studentsmay not have a clearideaaboutthe namesof the placesat school,so studentswillworkwith picturesthatwill helpthemrecognizeeachplace inthe kindergarten. Classroom managementstrategies:The teacherwill invite studentstorepeatthe new words, to identifythe vocabularythroughthe use of picturesandto singanddance a songthat will helpstudentsassimilatethe newvocabularyincontext.
  • 7. Potential problemsstudentsmay have with the language:The pronunciationof the new wordswill be learntandpracticedthroughoutthe lessonbydrillingandbylisteningtoa song. Thisway Studentswill notonlylistentothe teacher’svoice andpronunciationbutalsotoa songin whichthe vocabularyisalsomentioned. Assessment:whatwill be assessedandhow.Studentswillbe expectedtorecognize the vocabularythroughbodymovement(pointto...) andmiming. Stages in the lesson: Routine:5 mins. Purpose:togreetthe ss and introduce the lesson. I will greetthe studentsandaskthemif theyrememberwhomyfriendis. Iwill pointtoJolly Giraffe andask the children,“Who’sthis?Doyouremember?”possible answer:“It’sJolly Giraffe!”,andJollyGiraffe will answer: “Hellokids!How are youtoday?,are yousad? Happy? Angry? Or bored?“I will helpJollyGiraffe withbodymovementssothatss understandeach feeling. JollyGiraffewill trytoask eachss how theyfeel thatday.Finally,the Twill show ss picturesof happy,sad,boredand angry faces,andss will vote whichisthe picture that representshow theyare feelingthatday. The T will paste the picture onthe board. Transition:JollyGiraffe willsay:“Today,the teacherhasmore greatnewsforyou!!Let’slisten to her.” Warm up: 5 mins. Purpose:topresentthe contextforssto learnthe new vocabularyTocontextualize new vocabulary. The T will askssif theyknowwhotheirprincipal is,whotheirmusicteacheris,whotheirgym teacheris,whothe janitorsare,and whothe busdriveris.If one ss answerscorrectlyhe/she will have tostandup and lookforthe picture card thatrepresentsthe wordandstickit on the board.The picture cards will be facingdownonthe floor. Once all the membersof the school are identified,the Twill askssto take a lookat the book’s posterof the school.Sswill have topointto the locationinwhichthe membersof the school are.The T will tryto elicitthe necessaryvocabularyfromss(upstairs,downstairs,outside,in,
  • 8. on);althoughthe answerscouldbe deliveredinL1.Inthat case, the T will presentthe equivalentwordinL2. Transition:The T will say:let’swatcha funnyvideothatwill helpuswiththese words. Presentation:5 mins. Purpose:tointroduce the new itemsof vocabulary. Ss will be invitedtositonthe floorina circle because theyare goingto watch a video.If the groupbecomesnoisy,Iwill saya rhyme andencourage ssto clap withme,thustryingto calm ss downso thatto make silence andgetreadyfor the video. Once ss are ready,I will playavideoinwhichthe prepositionsupanddownupstairsand downstairsare representedinaveryfunnyway. VIDEO: Sesame Street:Upstairs,Downstairs (Iwill playthe videofortwominutesonlyasitis verylong.) Once ss finishwatchingthe video,Iwill askss if theycan lookat the posteragain andtell me where the teacher,the janitor,the musicteacherandthe secretaryare.Finally,Iwill askssto guesswhere the gymteacherandthe cashierare.Possible answer:outside!InL1.I will give the equivalentwordinL2. Transition:Now,getreadytosingand dance! Activity: 10 mins. Purpose: topractice the newvocabulary.Ina meaningful context The T will take the posterof the school again.Ss will remainonthe floorina circle. The T will explainto the ssthat theywill listentoa songthat talksaboutthe placesof the school.The firsttime sslistentothe complete songandthe T pointstothe pictures.The secondtime Sswill listenandpointtothe differentpartsof the school. The thirdtime,the T will askssto take theirhands,while theylistentothe songtheywill turnthe circle aroundand theywill mime the actions. SONG:class audiocd, track A6. WHERE CAN IT BE? Upstairs, downstairs, where can it be? Inside, outside, can you help me? I can hear the other children Jumping, one, two, three Tell me where to find the playground, please. Upstairs, downstairs, where can it be? Inside, outside, can you help me?
  • 9. I can see the other children And they’re eating ice cream Tell me where to find the snack shop, please. Upstairs, downstairs… hear the other children Singing DO RE ME Tell me where to find the music room, please Upstairs, downstairs… hear the other children Chanting A, B, C Tell me where to find my classroom please. Closure:5 mins. Purpose:toroundup the lesson. I will mime the actionshelpedbyJollyGiraffeandthe school poster.Iwill locate JollyGiraffe in a certainplace and ss will have totell me where jollyis.Then,one sswill take JollyGiraffe and do the same for theirmatestoanswer. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNORESIDENTE:Naiman Lorena Períodode Práctica: Nivel Inicial InstituciónEducativa:JardìnInfantil Krakeyen Dirección:Independencia519,Ushuaia Sala/ Grado / Año - sección:salade 5 años Cantidadde alumnos:17 alumnos Nivel lingüísticodel curso:Beginners
  • 10. Tipode Planificación:PPP UnidadTemática:Recognize initialsounds Clase Nº:3 Fecha:Martes 19 de Mayo de 2015 Hora: 9:30hs a 10:00hs Duraciónde laclase: 30mins Fechade primeraentrega:Lunes4 de Mayo Teaching points: recognize initial sounds/f/,/l/,/m/,and/s/. Aims or goals: Duringthislesson,learnerswill be able to… • Recognize itemsthatbeginwith/f/,/l/,/m/,/s/sounds • Identifysmall andcapital letters.inameaningful context. • Developtheirlisteningskillsbylisteningtoasong. • To deepentheirunderstandingof commands/Instructionswhile developingtheir gross motorskillsaswell. Language focus: LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Lion,lollipop, lamp,milk, monkey, moon,farmer, fish,four,sun, seal,sandwich, stick. Identifyingthe initial sounds. Imperative sentencesand questionsin the simple present Look at the picture… What isit? Is a sandwich? yes/no! Is ita lollipop? Yes/no!. Initial sounds/f/, /m/,/s/,/l/. NEW Hop, jump, run, sing, dance,clap, march. Performing actions. Following instructions. Sentencesin the imperative mood Letter/l/ jump! ?
  • 11. Letter/ s/ run! Teaching approach: The lessonisbasedonthe Natural Approach,andorganizedthroughthe PPPteachingprocedure. Integration of skills: listeningandspeakingthroughactivitiesthatinvolvebodymovement and the use of theirsenses. Materialsand resources:picture cards,class audiocd,puppet,storytelling. Pedagogical use of ICT inclass or at home: Studentswill listentoasongin whichthe new vocabularyispracticed. Seatingarrangement: Studentswillsitina circle as itletsstudentsinteractwiththeirmates and withthe teacher. Possible problems/ difficultiesandtheirpossible solutionsduringthe class: Studentsmay finddifficulttorelate all the wordswithacontext,sostudentswill workwithpicturesthatwill helpthemrecognize the vocabularyand,theywill listentoastory thatwill presentthe frameworkforthe vocabularytowork with. Classroom managementstrategies: The teacherwill invite studentstorepeatthe new words, to identifythe vocabularythroughthe use of picturesandto singanddance a songthat will helpstudentsassimilatethe newvocabularyincontext. Potential problemsstudentsmay have with the language: The pronunciationof the new wordswill be learntandpracticedthroughoutthe lessonbydrillingandbylisteningtoa song. Thisway Studentswill notonlylistentothe teacher’svoice andpronunciationbutalsotoa songin whichthe vocabularyisalsomentioned. Assessment:whatwill be assessedandhow.Studentswillbe expectedtorecognize the vocabularythroughbodymovement(pointto...) andmiming. Stages in the lesson: Routine:5mins. Purpose:togreetthe ss and openthe lesson. I will greetthe ss saying‘Helloeveryone,how are youtoday?Oh!Look! Overthere!Isee somethingyellow,mmIsee somethingbrown…mmIsee something...It’sJollyGiraffe!.Jolly Giraffe will say'shshshI’msleeping!'Then,Iwill say'But Jolly!Wake up!Here are your friends!’All the ss:‘Wake upJollyGiraffe!’
  • 12. Once JollyGiraffe wakesup,she will askss:‘Helloeveryone!How are youtoday?Are yousad? Happy?Bored?Angry?And eachss will tell JollyGiraffe how theyfeelthatday.Finally,the ss will choose which feelinggoesbetterthatdayand stickthe picture card onthe board. Transition:JollyGiraffe willsay,’Youknow what?!The Thas some fantasticnewsforyou today!’ Warm up: 5 mins. Purpose:topresentthe context Tocontextualise inwhichthe new topicwill be dealt. I will askssif they’ve everhada veryreal dream.All the dreamswill be heard,andI will tell themthat lastnighta read a veryinterestingbookthatwasaboutA FARMER, A LION,A MONKEY, A SEAL and A FISH.While a saythese words, I will show the picture cards.Inthe case I don't findthe picture cards,I will draw the animalsonthe board andI will dothe mimicsthat representeachanimal,whichwill helpssgessguess the namesof the animals.Inthatcase, ss will have tosit on theirchairsso that to llok lookat the board. Transition:Iwill sayto the students'Sonow,pay attentionandmake silence because Iwill tell youwhat happenedtome lastlightnight!'. Presentation:5 mins. Purpose:topresentthe vocabularythat ss will be workingwith. I will tell ssthatlastnightI had a wonderful dream.Mydreamwascalled: My Way Home Once upon a time, there was an old farmer in the middle of the woods looking for a stick he lost. He said to himself that once he finds the stick, he will find his way home. After looking for the stick under the light of the sun for a while, he found it! So he was so happy that he started thinking of a big very very big sandwich that he will eat when he gets home. When he began to walk, he found four animals! The first one was a monkey And the monkey said, ‘Hello farmer, can you help me find my way home?’ ‘Yes, I can ! Come with me ‘ After a while, the farmer and the monkey found a seal. And the seal said, ‘Hello farmer, hello monkey; can you help me find my way home?’ ‘Yes we can! Come with us! ‘ An hour later, the farmer, the monkey and the seal found a lion! And the lion said, ‘Rrooooaaarrrr! Hello farmer, hello monkey, hello seal; can you help me find my way home? ‘yes we can! Come with us!’ And when the moon shone, the farmer, the monkey, the seal and the lion found a fish! And the fishsaid, ‘hellofarmer,hellomonkey,helloseal,hellolion!Canyou help me find my way home? ‘Yes we can! Come with us! The night went dark, and….suddenly!!!!! splash!!! I realized I was dreaming ! Takenfrom: myown production.
  • 13. While Itell the dream,I will performthe differentvoicesforeachcharacterand I will show the picture cards foreach wordthat ss will be workingwith. Transition:JollyGiraffe willsay:‘woow!!!!Whatadream!';and, I will say:'Didyoulike my dream?!’ Activities:10 mins. Purpose:topractice the recognitionandpronunciationof the itemspresented. I will askssif theyrememberwhichwordswere mentionedinthe story.JollyGiraffe will remindssthat if theywantto speak,theyneedtoraise theirhandsand waitfortheirturn to speak. I will showssone picture card persound/l/,/m/,/f/,/s/;and I will encourage sstorepeat afterme.Then,I will askss whatotherwordstheyheardwiththe same sounds.I will draw fourbig circlesonthe board withcolourmarkers,eachwitha symbol thatrepresentsthe sound.Fourss will be askedtoput the imagesunderthe correctcircle,one eachtime. The groupwill be dividedintofour,eachgroupwill be one animal andwillperformanaction: monkeyshop(ashort jumponone foot),lionsjump,sealsdance,andfishsing.If ssdon’tknow the meaningof these actions,Iwill mime the actionsforeachword. I will encourage ssto dance and not to run as there islittle space inthe classroomtorun.I will alsouse musicsothat the activityismore entertaining;thus,eachtime Istopthe music,Iwill saythe name of an animal andss will have toperformthe actions. First,I will checkif sshave understoodthe activityandthe actionseachgroup of 'animals' have to perform.Then,once ssare sure enoughtoplay,theywill startthe game,the group that makesa mistake loosesapointandthe teacherwinsone.Iwill write atable on the board underthe initialsSs/T. Transition:Iwill countthe pointsandthe whole groupwill findoutwhichgroupisthe winner.I will say:‘andthe winneris…..the lions!.Now let’smake acircle again.’ Closure:5 mins. Purpose:toroundup the lesson.
  • 14. I will tell ssthatthey’re goingtosingand dance a song thattheyalreadyknow (ssare working withthe bookactivitiesonadailybaseswiththeirteacher,thatiswhytheyalreadyknow the song),the one theydidthe day before.Butthistime theywill have toperformall the actions theyhearin the song. SONG: classaudiocd, track A10. LION, LION /l/ lion! /l/ lion! /l/ lollipop and lamp! Good! Now turn around And jump, jump, jump! /m/ milk! /m/milk! /m/ monkey and moon! Good! Now turn around And march, march,march! /f/ fish! /f/ fish! /F/farmer and four! Good! Now turn around And dance, dance, dance! /s/ sun! /s/ sun! /s/ sandwich and seal! Good! Now turn around And clap, clap, clap! And now, let’s all sit down! If the cd doesn'twork,I will have the musicina pendrive.Besides,the cdmusichasalready beendownloadedtothe classroomcomputers .
  • 15. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNORESIDENTE:Naiman Lorena Períodode Práctica: Nivel Inicial InstituciónEducativa:JardìnInfantil Krakeyen Dirección:Independencia519,Ushuaia Sala/ Grado / Año - sección:salade 5 años Cantidadde alumnos:17 alumnos Nivel lingüísticodel curso:Beginners Tipode Planificación:PPP UnidadTemática:Values Clase Nº:4 Fecha:Martes 21 de Mayo de 2015 Hora: 9:30hs a 10:00hs Duraciónde laclase:30mins Fechade primeraentrega:Lunes4 de Mayo Teaching points: learna value:Cleanup.. Aims or goals: Duringthislesson,learnerswill be able to… • Recognize school objects.inmeaninigful context • Developtheirlisteningskillsbylisteningtoasong. • Developtheirspeakingskillsbytalkingaboutvalues. • To deepentheirunderstandingof commands/ Instructionswhile developingtheir gross motorskillsaswell. Language focus: LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION
  • 16. REVISION Crayon, pair of scissors, paper,books, glue. Recognizing school objects. Wh questions inthe simple present What’sthis? It’sa book. What are these? They’re scissors. Books/u:/ Glue /u:/ NEW Cleanup,clean up time,clean up the classroom. Performing actions. Following instructions. it’scleanup time,let’s cleanup the classroom, put the crayon inits place. Clean/ i:/ Teaching approach: The lessonisbasedonthe Total Physical Approach,andorganizedthrough the PPPteachingprocedure. Integration of skills:Studentswill be encouragedtopractice theirmacroskillsaslisteningand speakingthroughactivitiesthatinvolve bodymovementandthe use of theirsenses. Materialsand resources:picture cards,video,puppet,storytelling,flickerpresentation. Pedagogical use of ICT inclass or at home: Studentswill listentoasongin whichthe new vocabularyispracticed. Seatingarrangement: Studentswillsitina circle as itletsstudentsinteractwiththeirmates and withthe teacher. Possible problems/ difficultiesandtheirpossible solutions duringthe class: Studentsmay finddifficulttorelate all the wordswithacontext, so studentswill workwithpicturesthatwill helpthemrecognize the vocabularyand,theywill listentoastory thatwill presentthe frameworkforthe vocabularyto work with.Besides,sswill be encouragedtoperformthe actionsrequiredbythe teachersothat to realize the meaningof the valuestheywill be workingwith. Classroom managementstrategies: The teacherwill invite studentstorepeatthe new words, to identifythe vocabularythroughthe use of picturesandto singanddance a songthat will helpstudentsassimilatethe newvocabularyincontext. Potential problemsstudentsmay have with the language: The pronunciationof the new wordswill be learntandpracticedthroughoutthe lessonbydrillingandbylisteningtoa song.
  • 17. Thisway Studentswill notonlylistentothe teacher’svoice andpronunciationbutalsotoa songin whichthe vocabularyisalsomentioned. Assessment:whatwill be assessedandhow.Studentswillbe expectedtorecognize the vocabularythroughbodymovement(pointto...) andmiming. Stages in the lesson: Routine:5mins. Purpose:togreetss and openthe lesson. I will greetthe ssand say:‘Helloboysandgirls!How are youtoday? SayhellotoJollyGiraffe!’ and JollyGiraffe will say:‘Hello!Howare you?Are you angry?sad? Happy?Or bored?’all ss will be encouragedtoanswerandstickthe picture face on the board. JollyGiraffe willbe uncomfortable,likehavingproblemstositdownproperlyandtopay attention.All the Teacher’sschool objectswill be thrownoverthe table andonthe floor.The T will askJollyGiraffe:‘JollyGiraffewhatishappeningtoyoutoday?Are you ok?’‘JG: ‘mmmmI don`t know,there’ssomethingthatIdon’tlike here.’ Transition:Iwill say:mmmwhat coulditbe?Do you know ? Warm up: 5 mins. Purpose:topresentthe contextforthe followingactivities. The T will lookaroundherandask the ss whatcould be happeningtoJG.Ss possible answer: teacheryourthingsare a mess!. J Giraffe will tellthe Tthat she doesn’tlike how the Tthrows herschool objectsall aroundthe classroom, ‘The classroomisa mess!’.Andthe T will feel embarrassed.The sstogetherwithJGwill identifyandcountall the T’sschool objects.Then, the T will askSS:‘What can I do?’.Ss possible answer:‘Cleanyourthings!’inL1 or L2. And the T will askthemhowcan she cleanupall her things. There will be fourboxeslabelledwiththe school objects’namesall aroundthe classroom.Ss will have tohelpthe T pickup herthingsand put theminthe correct boxes. Transition:Iwill say;oh!Thisis whatbothersJG so much!I’m so sorryJG! And JG will be very annoyed. Presentation:7mins. Purpose:tointroduce the newvocabularythatwill be workedthroughthe lesson. The T will askssto sit onthe flooragainand payattention.If ssmisbehave,the Twill singa songfor ss to sitdownand make silence. The T will invitesstowatch a flickerpresentationinwhichtheywill have topayspecial attentiontothe picturestheywill see.
  • 18. FLICKER: The presentationwillshowmessyclassroomandcleanclassrooms;and,sswhoare cleaning the classrooms.Ss will have todifferentiatethe classrooms,the Twill askwhichisthe best place to have lessons,inwhichof the classroomssswill feel better,whatwouldhappenif they workedina messyclassroom,andwhathappensif theyworkina cleanclassroom.Then,the T will make emphasisontwopicturesinwhichsscanbe seencleaningthe classroom;sswill be askedwhattheythinkaboutthe children,if theydothe same at school and at home.Atthis stage,the T will elicitfromthe ss the actionsneededtocleanup‘ it’scleanup time’,’let’s cleanup the classroom’,‘putthe crayonin itsplace’,‘pickupyourschool objects’,‘putthe booksinthe box’.The T will showsssome wordcards withthese phrasesandwill askssto stickthemon the board. JG will askss whatisgood and whatisbad from whattheysee,and whatwouldtheydoif theyfindtheirclassroomasa mess. Transition:Iwill sayto the ss that theyare right,‘we have to cleanup our classroomsothat we can work better! Activities:8 mins. The T will askss to tell herwhere theyputall theirthings.Sswill make amini tourinthe classroomto showthe messyT where theyputall theirthings.If there issomethingthati is not inthe correct place,ss will cleanitup. JollyGiraffe willtell ssastoryabout a girl whodidn`tcleanher room. STORY: THE MESSY ROOM
  • 19. Every single day Emma’s mum and dad told her to clean her bedroom and every single day she ignored them. It was a mess! She could hardly open the door because there were so many toys, dirty clothes, and books lying on the carpet. One morning, as Emma was lying on her bed, her mum stuck her head in the door and said, "Emma! I can hardly stick my head in. Look at this mess. You need to clean your room. We’re taking Ryan to the zoo today. Now that we have a pram, we thought it would be a good day to try it out. Clean your room! We’re leaving after lunch." Her mum had to squeeze her head between the door and the wall to pull it out. Emma looked at the mess on her floor. "It’s too messy. I don’t know where to start. I’ll just leave it and clean it after we get home from the zoo," she said. "Emma, it’s time for lunch," her mum called. Emma, being much smaller than her mum, squeezed through the door quite easily and ran into the kitchen. "What are we having today, Mum?" she asked. "Bacon and tomato sandwiches and some potato crisps. Can’t you smell the bacon?" her mum answered. "It smells delicious. Can we take some old bread to the zoo to feed the animals? I know that Ryan will enjoy that, or at least watching us feed them," Emma said. Ryan was sitting in his high chair looking around the room. "We’ll stop by the bakery and pick some day old bread up, if you’d like. Now hurry and eat and then we’ll go. It’s going to be a lovely day. Gran is coming with us. She’ll be here any minute," Mum said. "Go and get your shoes on and then we’ll go."
  • 20. Emma ate her lunch and then ran into her room to get her shoes. The problem is that she could only find one of them. She looked under her bed, but all she could see were dirty towels and pants. She moved some of her toys out of the way, but still couldn’t find her shoe. After she’d checked everywhere she could in her room, she squeezed through her door and ran into the kitchen. "Hi Gran," she called to her grandma, who had just arrived. "Mum, I can’t find my shoe. Will you wait while I look for it?" she asked. Her mum thought about how many times she’d told Emma to clean her room up. She whispered something to Gran and then said to Emma, "You will have to stay home. Your dad and I will take Ryan to the zoo. Gran will stay here with you." "No, Mum. Please wait for me. I want to go to the zoo," Emma cried. "I’m sorry, Emma. I’ve told you a dozen times to clean your room and you ignored me. You can’t find your shoe now. It’s your own fault for not doing as I asked. You will stay home with Gran." Emma ran into her bedroom, sobbing. Her mum came to the door. "Emma, clean that room of yours before I get home. I’ve told Gran not to give you any sweets until you are finished." She went out to the car with Ryan and Emma’s dad and then they drove away. Emma sat on her bed and cried for a long time. Gran stayed in the living room and did some knitting. "I guess I’d better clean my room," she pouted, wiping the tears from her eyes. It took Emma two hours to clean her room. She put all the dirty washing into the clothes hamper. She put all her toys back in the right boxes and then stacked them nicely in her closet. She hung up all of her clean clothes and put the rubbish into a plastic garbage bag. She made her bed and put the doll clothes in the doll box. "I did it!" she said proudly. She even found her missing shoe. She ran into the living room. "Gran! Come and see. I cleaned my room and found my shoe." Gran put her knitting down and looked in Emma’s room. "The door actually opens. This looks very nice, Emma. If you kept it this way, you’d not lose your shoes. Come and have a sweetie now," she said. Emma and Gran were sitting at the table eating a bowl of trifle with cream when her mum, dad, and Ryan came home. "Well, look at Emma’s room," her dad said. "It’s clean." "Your room can look that good every day, Emma. All you need to do is put your wash in the clothes hamper every night and pick your toys up when you are finished playing with them," her mum said. "How was the zoo? Did Ryan have fun? I wish I could have gone," Emma frowned. "I see you found your shoe! We’ll go again and if you keep your room clean, we may go and do some other fun things too," her mum added. From then on, Emma tried her hardest to keep her room clean. Every night, after she changed into her pajamas, she put her clothes in the hamper. She put her shoes in the closet and always cleaned up her toys. A week later, her mum took her to the zoo and they had so much fun. Taken from:
  • 21. The story will be accompaniedbypicturesthatillustratethe events.
  • 22.
  • 23. Once JG finishesreadingthe story,the T will asksswhat theythinkaboutit.
  • 24. Transition:Iwill say;‘nowthatwe know how importantisto keepourroomsclean,let’sclean our classroom!’ Closure:5 mins. Purpose:toroundup the lesson. Ss will be invitedtowatcha videoof a cleaningupsong. SONG:CleanUp Song forChildren| Kindergarten|Preschool |byELF Learning While sslistentothe song,theycleanupthe classroom. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNORESIDENTE:Naiman Lorena Períodode Práctica: Nivel Inicial InstituciónEducativa:JardìnInfantil Krakeyen Dirección:Independencia519,Ushuaia Sala/ Grado / Año - sección:salade 5 años Cantidadde alumnos:17 alumnos Nivel lingüísticodel curso:Beginners Tipode Planificación:PPP UnidadTemática:Assessment
  • 25. Clase Nº:5 Fecha:Martes 28 de Mayo de 2015 Hora: 9:30hs a 10:00hs Duraciónde laclase:30mins Fechade primeraentrega:Lunes4 de Mayo Teaching points: assessmentof the conceptsandlanguage learntinthe unit. Aims or goals: Duringthislesson,learnerswill be able to… • Recognize school objects,people atschool,placesatschool andactivities. • Developtheirlisteningskillsbylisteningtoasong. • Developtheirspeakingskillsbytalkingaboutvalues. • To deepentheirunderstandingof commands/Instructionswhile developingtheir gross motorskillsaswell. Language focus: LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION REVISION Crayon, scissors,paper, books,glue, principal, secretary,gate keeper,bus driver,gym teacher, cashier,music teacher, janitor; bathroom, snack shop, classroom, playground, musicroom, office; Upstairs, downstairs,in, on,under; cleanup!,let's Recognizing school objects, people at school,placesat school, activities. Wh questions inthe simple present What’sthis? It’sa book. What are these? They’re scissors. Where’sthe playground? Upstairs! Where’sthe teacher? In the classroom! Who cleans? The janitor! Cleanupthe classroom, please! Recognitionand productionof these sounds Books/u:/ Glue /u:/ Gym / d͡ʒ/ Janitor/ d͡ʒ/ -stairs/steər/
  • 26. cleanup the classroom!. NEW Teaching approach: The lessonisbasedonthe Natural Approach,andorganizedthroughthe PPPteachingprocedure. Integration of skills:Studentswill be encouragedtodeveloptheirlisteningandspeaking macro skillsthroughactivitiesthatinvolve bodymovementandthe use of theirsenses. Materialsand resources:picture cards,posters,classaudiocd, pendrive withaudiotracks, game withboxes. Pedagogical use of ICT inclass or at home: Studentswill listentosongsinwhichthe vocabularyispracticed. Seatingarrangement: Studentswillsitina circle tointeractwiththeirmatesand withthe teacher. Possible problems/ difficultiesandtheirpossible solutionsduringthe class: Studentsmay finditdifficulttorelate all the wordswithacontext,sostudentswill workwithpicturesand postersthatwill helpthemrecognizethe vocabulary.Besides,sswill be encouragedto performthe actionsrequiredbythe teachersothat to realize the meaningof the valuesand words theywill be workingwith. Classroom managementstrategies: The teacherwill invite studentstorepeatthe new words, to identifythe vocabularythroughthe use of picturesandto singanddance songsthat will helpstudentsacquire the vocabularyincontext. Potential problemsstudentsmay have with the language: The pronunciationof the new wordswill be learntandpracticedthroughoutthe lessonbydrillingandbylisteningtosongs. Thisway Studentswill notonlylistentothe teacher’svoice andpronunciationbutalsotoa songin whichthe vocabularyisalsomentioned. Assessment:whatwill be assessedandhow.Studentswillbe expectedtorecognize the vocabularythroughbodymovement(pointto...) andmiming. Stages in the lesson: Routine:5mins. Purpose:togreetthe ss and openthe lesson.
  • 27. I will greetthe ssand say:‘Helloboysandgirls!How are youtoday? SayhellotoJollyGiraffe!’ and JollyGiraffe will say:‘Hello!Howare you?Are you angry?sad? Happy?Or bored?’all ss will be encouragedtoanswerandstickthe picture face on the board. The T will askif there isany birthdaythatday,if there isn’tshe will tell ssthatthat dayis Jolly Giraffe’sbirthday; the Twill say: "Anyhappy birthday today? Yes?No?Whose?" Ss PA:"YEs! Martina! " "No".The T will say: "Todayis JollyGiraffe'sHappy Birthday!".JollyGiraffewillbe sleepingyetinsome place of the classroom, soall ss will walkaroundandlookforher.To come back to the greetingcircle,the T will explainthatthey will have tocountto10, when theyfinishtheywillhave tobe sittingonthe floorwiththe T. This will helpss get organized and able to sit down again. Once ss findJG, theyall togetherwill singthe happybirthdaysongtoJollyGiraffe,whowillbe veryhappyfor the surprise. JG will say "Ohthank you boys and girls!I'm so happy!". Transition:the T will askJG howoldshe is "How oldare youJollyGiraffe?",andJGwill askss to guess" Guess!". Warm up: 5mins Purpose:toprepare the ss forthe followingactivitiesbyactivatingpreviousknowledgeand presentingacontextforthe newtopicbeingdealt. The ss will be askedtostand upand sit ontheirchairsso that theyworkwiththe T on the board. Once ss guessJG's age,she will askss how oldtheyare,ss will show the numberwiththeir fingers. (Thenone sswill be invited to count how many girlsthere are inthe classroom, and another ss will be invitedto count how many boys there are. After that, ss will count altogetherhow many they are in the classroom,helpedby the teacher who will encourage them to point to the flashcard numbers,whichwill be stuck on the board. Once they finish, one ss will come to the front of the class, choose the numberthat representsthe quantity of ss, and leave only that number on the board. Togetherwith the T, he/she will take all the other numberflashcards away from the board.) Not included. (Once ss know how many theyare), JG will alsoexplainthatitisher lastday withthemtoo,so theywill review everythingtheydid together. The T will asksswhat thingstheylearntwithherand JG; the T will say: "Whatdid we practice? I helpyou. Do you rememberpeople atschool? the Janotor, the teacher...Who else?" SsPA:" gym teacher,janitor, principal!" Teacher'sPA:"Perfect!ANdwhat about the placesat school?I helpyou: The play ground,the kitchen..." SsPA: "office!toilet!" Teacher`s PA "Excellent!andwhat about the classroom? What do we have to do inthe classroom? It is important to....(the T will mime the actions for ss to understand) clean!" Ss PA: " clean up!" . The Teacher will say "Verygood boys and girls you remembereverything!". The sswill
  • 28. participate raisingtheirhandsandwaitingfortheirmomenttospeak. The T will encourage them to rememberall the vocabulary through miming and gestures.Afterall the ss'ideasare mentioned,the sswill describethe posterof the school namingall the placesandpeople at school. To do so, the T will poitn to the differentplacesand people at school in the poster and wait for ss to answer. (Whena ss answerscorrectly, he/she will stick the people flashcards on the board nextto the poster).Notincluded. Transition:The T will say;‘wow!Youremembereverything!!Let'scontinue withthe revision, but thistime ina funnierway!' Activity 1: 7 mins. Purpose:topresentthe vocabularythatwill be revisedinthe lesson. The group will be dividedintotwogroups,sswill counthow manytheyare in eachgroup and choose a name for theirgroup.Afterthat,JG will explainall the ssthattheyare goingto play "Charades"or "Dìgalocon Mìmica", JG will say: "Let'splay Charades!". The T will explainto the ss that one ss pergroup will have topickone flashcardandmime the actionso that the restof the group guesses; the T will say: "one of you takes a picture (she will mime the actions at the same time),and mimesthe action without sayingthe word. The rest of you will guess!".Each groupwill playinturns;whenthe othergroup plays,the restmustremainin silence. The namesof the groupswill be writtenonthe boardand two sswill write the points,one studentforeach group. (The winnerwill be givena happy face for themto stick on the board each time they behave well in the classroom) not included. The winnergroupwill receive some gifts,whichatthe endof the lessonall sswill receive sothatall of themare happywith the gifts. Transition:Iwill say;‘Well done!Now let’s (playsome gamesto) practice what we know! Activity 2: 8 mins. Purpose:topractice all the vocabularylearntinthe unitwhithinameaningful context. The T will explainthatJGlikesplayinggamesatbirthdayparties. JollyGiraffe willexplainssthe rulesof the game: Ss will continue playingingroups,the picture cardsandrealiawill be inabig box (bag).The T will place three labelledboxes(schoolobjects,placesatschool,peopleatschool,eachbox witha drawingrepresentigthe words) aroundthe classroom.The groupthatputs more objectsinthe correct box in 2 minuteswins.Twosswill write the pointsunderthe namesfor each group. The T will explainas follows"One group will play first. One ss of the group will take one objectof the bag and put it in a box.The groyp withmore objectswins!". All ss shouldhave the chance to playat leastonce.One groupplaysfirst,thenthe other. Afterplaying,all sscountand name the objects.The winnerwillbe givenaspecial gift ( a sweetwith the face of a membero school).Notincluded.
  • 29. Transition:JollyGiraffe willsay;"Aandthe winneris….theblue bears(asanexample)!!!" Closure:5 mins. Purpose:toroundup the lesson. Once ss receive theirgifts,the T will invite sstocolourthe objectstheylearntthroughall the lessons.The Twill say "Nowsit down on your chairs please.Let'scolour the objectswe know!" Therefore,the Twill give one drawingtoeachss to colour.Oce /oncetheyfinishthe drawingswill be stickedonawall paperwiththe headings"people atschool","school objects", and ( "animals") placesat school. Asan example: JANITOR SECRETARY
  • 30. MUSIC TEACHER BUS DRIVER JollyGiraffe andthe teacherwill give outsouvenirsforthe ssas a closure of the lessons. They will say to the ss: "This is a gift for you! thank you for beingso nice!". MODEL: