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Alumna residente: Paula Ezpeleta
Institución Educativa: Escuela Primaria N° 35
Dirección: Km 803, RN3 –Pedro Luro-
Cantidad de alumnos: 17
Edad: 6 años
Unidad Temática: ‘My Lunch Box’
Clase Nº: 3
Fecha: 11/10/18
Hora: 11: 25 hs.
Duración de la clase: 35 minutos.
Fecha de entrega de la planificación: 09/10/18
Learning aims:
During this lesson, learners will be able to:
• Identify foods: What’s this? A sandwich through the puppet
interacting with flashcards.
• Express preferences: I like bananas? Do you like bananas?
Yes through puppet questions and a worksheet activity.
• Respond to commands through the ‘Feed the Monster’
• Revise the food vocabulary through the ‘Feed the Monster’
activity and the thematic song of the unit.
Learning focus:
Students will be introduced to likes and dislikes.
Revision and consolidation of the vocabulary presented in
classes N° 1 and 2 related to food and drinks: sandwich,
yogurt, biscuits, water, juice, apple, banana, orange and
lunch box.
Children will make meaning of the vocabulary and new language
structures by play-based activities and multimodal tasks such as
interacting with a puppet and feeding a monster. Furthermore,
Comentario [CZ1]: Can you clarify
this idea?
children will match their preferences using a worksheet. Finally,
learners will sing a song to revise the vocabulary and enjoy
themselves. All activities aim at fostering children’s creative and
imaginative skills and enrich their learning experience.
Integration of skills:
Linguistic skills such as listening and speaking as well the
development of creativity through play, songs, puppets and
multimodal modes of expressions such as singing, responding to
commands and moving to feed a monster and listening to a
puppet telling them about his likes and dislikes. Children will also
develop fine motor skills by circling some the food items they like in
a worksheet.
The linguistic skills will be embedded within the three pillars of the
‘imaginative approach’: play, creativity and multimodality.
Multiple intelligences:
1) Musical-rhythmic by listening to songs and singing along.
2) Verbal-linguistic by learning and using the new vocabulary
and recycled language to identify foods and drinks and express
3) Bodily-kinaesthetic by feeding a monster and dancing songs.
4) Interpersonal by learning different food preferences about
their peers and interacting with the puppet.
5) Intrapersonal by expressing their food preferences.
Materials and resources:
• Netbook.
• Speaker.
• Songs. *See lyrics and sources in the development of
• Monkey puppet introduced in Class 1.
Comentario [CZ2]: L2
Comentario [CZ3]: 😊
• Handmade laminated b
poster, cardboard, and butterfly pins.
• 20 laminated
included in the pupil’s book
sandwich, biscuits, bananas, apple or
carrots to feed the monste
Handmade laminated big monster made of a printed
poster, cardboard, and butterfly pins.
laminated cut-outs of all food items and drinks
included in the pupil’s book: juice, yogurt, milk,
sandwich, biscuits, bananas, apple orange and
carrots to feed the monster.
made of a printed
of all food items and drinks
: juice, yogurt, milk,
nge and
Comentario [CZ4]: Wow! They will
love it!
Wow! They will
• Stick puppet e
child and teacher.
• Food and drink flashcards: biscuits, orange juice,
sandwich, water, yogurt, milk,
and orange. *
added to elicit I don’t like.
emojis of likes and dislikes. One pair for
child and teacher.
Food and drink flashcards: biscuits, orange juice,
sandwich, water, yogurt, milk, carrot, banana, apple
*Tomato and spinach flashcards will be
added to elicit I don’t like. (Both are transparent words).
. One pair for
Food and drink flashcards: biscuits, orange juice,
banana, apple
omato and spinach flashcards will be
(Both are transparent words).
handmade flashcards from 1 to 5 hanging on a string
the wall for the 5 lessons.
Flashcards of colours stuck on the wall for the 5 lessons.
hanging on a string
for the 5 lessons.
• Worksheet page 3
which the teacher of English asked me to include in my
• Lunch Box to
Possible contingencies:
Misbehavior issues.
teacher will sing a short chant
shhh…shhh. If this does not work, teacher will
to calm down in
Lack of comprehension
different way or hel
reinforcing scaffolding strategies
Children’s distraction or lack of interest
attention by using different tones of voice
Worksheet page 39 from the students’ book ‘TOY BOX’
which the teacher of English asked me to include in my
to place the sticky cut-outs to feed the
Possible contingencies:
Misbehavior issues. In case children misbehave the
sing a short chant or ask for silence
If this does not work, teacher will ask
in L1.
Lack of comprehension. Repeat instructions in a
different way or help learners with difficulties
reinforcing scaffolding strategies.
Children’s distraction or lack of interest. Catch pupil’s
using different tones of voice, clapping
from the students’ book ‘TOY BOX’
which the teacher of English asked me to include in my
outs to feed the
sbehave the
ask for silence
ask pupils
Repeat instructions in a
learners with difficulties by
atch pupil’s
, clapping
Comentario [CZ5]: Before the
starts, you might explain in Spanish
what the lesson will include, and tell
them that you will need their
cooperation and help for a successful
Before the lesson
ight explain in Spanish
what the lesson will include, and tell
them that you will need their
cooperation and help for a successful
hands or asking to finish their work to play a funny
Timing. Learners spend much time with each activity
due to their age in general and misbehavior in some
particular cases.
Technological issues. There is an ICT assistant who may
deal with these problems in case it is necessary.
Classroom management strategies (adapted from the
Lesson Planning Diagnoses)
I. Building confidence: As we are dealing with VYL we must
create a safe and friendly classroom environment so that
children feel confident to take part in the different
activities and games proposed. It is vital that children feel
secure and emotionally supported by adults to participate
and minimize misbehaviour. We must be aware of their
feelings such as embarrassment or unwillingness to
participate and respect their times and choices.
II. Following routines: As we have studied in the literature, it is
of utmost importance for children to follow routines. For this
reason we must structure well staged lessons with different
activities and stick to them every lesson. In this way, kids
feel secure knowing how the class will develop every time.
Besides, we will make transition comment to link the
III. Organization habits: We can try singing a short song asking
for silence or we can also ask them to pay attention
because we really need their help to solve a problem.
Another essential organization habit is related to ‘following
instructions’. For that reason, we have to use very clear
and short instructions for each activity. By promoting
organizational skills we are helping children to develop
their autonomy. Another simple but helpful strategies
could be:
● Misbehaviour: talk to children in a corner of the
classroom asking them in a low voice to calm down
and try to enjoy the class showing him/her as much as
empathy and affection as possible.
● Call their attention: the puppet can be used to ask
children to do the activities.
● Invite them to sit down: sometimes we can sing a short
chant ‘Shhh... be quiet, please sit down, please sit
● Put away things: for this, teacher can rap or chant ‘Put
everything away, put everything away, quick, quick,
quick please!’ while putting teacher own stuff away
(tidiness habits).
Assessment: collecting information and reporting your
Observation of the class dynamics and interaction between
students and myself.
Record an audio recording on my mobile phone right after
leaving the school explaining which tasks children enjoyed
the most and which they find difficult or boring.
Upload in my Practicum Journal my reflections about my third
Share experiences with my cyber classmates about our
Write down commentaries about individual students who
experienced some cognitive difficulties understanding the
tasks or those who misbehave during the class.
Purpose: to begin the class with a song in order to create a joyful
environment where children feel comfortable and happy. This will
create a positive attitude towards learning a second language.
Timing: 2-3 minutes
• Greet children with the ‘Hello Song’ as they come in and
wave your hands as done in the previous lessons.
Lyrics: Song length 33 seconds.
Source: ‘Storyline Starter A’. Pearson Education. Second
Edition, 2015.
• Encourage children to move and sing along. Repeat the
song once more time. Stop the music and ask them Sit down
• Say Hello children! and ask them How are you? Say I’m very
happy to be with you again (while pointing to your smile and
then, to the children).
Transition comment: say We have a visit today! Monkey missed you
very much and wanted to be with you again. But you have to
behave well!
Purpose: to introduce likes and dislikes using the Monkey puppet
children already know and love to contextualize the new structures
and revise the food and drinks vocabulary.
Timing: 6 minutes.
• Tell kids that Monkey want to tell them about what food he
likes and what he doesn’t like.
• First, using the puppet, hold up some flashcards and ask
children What’s this? A banana/ A carrot/ Milk. Mouth the
word if they do not remember. Say Look at my mouth!
• Show the sandwich flashcard and using Monkey say I like
banana! Make a yummy face and say Mmmm…yummy! Do
the same with the sandwich flashcard. Then, show the carrot
flashcard and using the puppet say I don’t like carrot! Make a
yuk face and say Yuk! Do the same with the tomato
• Finally, monkey asks children Do you like sandwich? Yes while
the teacher makes a yummy face and Monkey says Yummy I
like sandwich. Touch your belly to reinforce children’s
understanding and hold your thumb up. Do you like tomato?
while teacher makes a yuk face and Monkey says Yuk I don’t
like tomato. Hold your thumb down.
Transition comment: say Monkey wants to know what food do you
like and he will hand your books.
Development of the sequence of activities
Purpose: to express personal preferences about food and drinks by
developing fine-motor skills,
Timing: 8 minutes.
• Show page 39 of the Activity Book and ask children to open
their books at that page.
• Stick the worksheet on the whiteboard to guide children and
minimize time as children tend to stand and ask what they
have to do many times.
• Name the food items on the page and ask students to point
to them Point to the lunchbox, apple, milk, etc.
• Say You need a pencil (red, blue or green), Ready? Yes.
• Tell the children to circle the foods they like Do you like
biscuits? Yes. Circle the biscuits.
Comentario [CZ6]: bananas
Comentario [CZ7]: carrots
Comentario [CZ8]: sandwiches
Comentario [CZ9]: sandwhiches
Comentario [CZ10]: Remember to
demonstrate, and check understanding
of istruccions.
• Tell the class Draw a line from the food and drinks to the
lunchbox by circling one or two items on the sheet stuck on
the board. Demonstrating is an effective scaffolding strategy
for worksheet activities.
Transition comment: tell children that Monkey has brought a
present for each one of them to play a game
Purpose: to express personal preferences about food and drinks by
interacting with stick emojis.
Timing: 5-7 minutes.
• Distribute one pair of emojis per child.
• Hold up a flashcard and tell the class I like apples! Hold up
your like emoji.
• Ask children Do you like biscuits? by showing the flashcard
and tell them to hold up their like or dislike emojis to respond.
Repeat the same procedure with sandwich, milk, orange,
tomato and spinach.
Transition comment: well, today Monkey has come with one of his
friends called Franky the monster, though Monkey is a bit scary of
Purpose: to respond to commands by feeding the monster and
revise the thematic vocabulary while having fun. This activity is
introduced at the end to avoid children getting overexcited during
the whole class. They will be free to stand up and move to do the
Timing: 8 minutes
• Show the monster and move around the class greeting
children using a monster-like voice. Say I’m hungry and I’m
angry, I want food children, I like all foods and drinks. Make
gestures and facial expressions of feeling angry and hungry.
• Stick the monster and say Children you have to feed the
monster. Mime eating.
• Explain in L1 that you will call children to come forward
calmly in groups (there are 4 groups) to feed Franky. Say
Comentario [CZ11]: 😊
Quickly, Franky is hungry and angry please!
• Show children the monster’s menu. It will be sticky cut-outs
placed on the lunchbox.
• Give commands to each child imitating the monster voice
Santino give me a sandwich, Amanda give me milk, Eluney
give me a carrot, NOW!!! GRRRR!!!
Transition comment: tell children that they will sing the song
previously introduced in class 2 imitating the monster’s voice.
Purpose: to sing the thematic song in order to build confidence to
revise the target language. As songs tend to be repetitive and
rhythmic they reinforce the intake of vocabulary and language
structures in a fun and motivating way.
Timing: 2 minutes
• Play the song and ask students to sing along imitating Franky
the monster.
• Repeat the song one more time and praise children.
Lyrics: song length 1minute 43 seconds.
Source: ‘Toybox Preschool by Diane JONES’. SM Editorial.
Comentario [CZ12]: Careful!One
might take all of them. Perhaps you’d
better deliver them yourself.
Transition comment: Say children that it’s time to say goodbye until
next week.
Purpose: to say goodbye in a cheerful way so that children leave
the classroom happily.
Timing: 2 minutes.
• Say it’s time to say good-bye and play the ‘Goodbye Song’
while children pack their bags to have lunch at the school.
• Ask children to join the song.
Lyrics: song length 30 seconds
Source: ‘Storyline Starter A’. Pearson Education. Second
Edition, 2015.
Each activity must be described in terms of the following
Activity description and instructions as they will be said
to students (include direct speech)
Scaffolding strategies
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the
next one
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
Stages and
Observations Beware of classroom management during the monster activity, Pau!
The lesson plan is well devised and coherent with the approaches you mentioned
regarding EAL to very young learners.
Have a great class!

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  • 1. 1 I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE Alumna residente: Paula Ezpeleta Institución Educativa: Escuela Primaria N° 35 Dirección: Km 803, RN3 –Pedro Luro- Cantidad de alumnos: 17 Edad: 6 años Unidad Temática: ‘My Lunch Box’ Clase Nº: 3 Fecha: 11/10/18 Hora: 11: 25 hs. Duración de la clase: 35 minutos. Fecha de entrega de la planificación: 09/10/18 Learning aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to: • Identify foods: What’s this? A sandwich through the puppet interacting with flashcards. • Express preferences: I like bananas? Do you like bananas? Yes through puppet questions and a worksheet activity. • Respond to commands through the ‘Feed the Monster’ activity • Revise the food vocabulary through the ‘Feed the Monster’ activity and the thematic song of the unit. Learning focus: Students will be introduced to likes and dislikes. Revision and consolidation of the vocabulary presented in classes N° 1 and 2 related to food and drinks: sandwich, yogurt, biscuits, water, juice, apple, banana, orange and lunch box. Children will make meaning of the vocabulary and new language structures by play-based activities and multimodal tasks such as interacting with a puppet and feeding a monster. Furthermore, Comentario [CZ1]: Can you clarify this idea?
  • 2. 2 children will match their preferences using a worksheet. Finally, learners will sing a song to revise the vocabulary and enjoy themselves. All activities aim at fostering children’s creative and imaginative skills and enrich their learning experience. Integration of skills: Linguistic skills such as listening and speaking as well the development of creativity through play, songs, puppets and multimodal modes of expressions such as singing, responding to commands and moving to feed a monster and listening to a puppet telling them about his likes and dislikes. Children will also develop fine motor skills by circling some the food items they like in a worksheet. The linguistic skills will be embedded within the three pillars of the ‘imaginative approach’: play, creativity and multimodality. Multiple intelligences: 1) Musical-rhythmic by listening to songs and singing along. 2) Verbal-linguistic by learning and using the new vocabulary and recycled language to identify foods and drinks and express preferences. 3) Bodily-kinaesthetic by feeding a monster and dancing songs. 4) Interpersonal by learning different food preferences about their peers and interacting with the puppet. 5) Intrapersonal by expressing their food preferences. Materials and resources: • Netbook. • Speaker. • Songs. *See lyrics and sources in the development of activities. • Monkey puppet introduced in Class 1. Comentario [CZ2]: L2 Comentario [CZ3]: 😊
  • 3. • Handmade laminated b poster, cardboard, and butterfly pins. • 20 laminated included in the pupil’s book sandwich, biscuits, bananas, apple or carrots to feed the monste 3 Handmade laminated big monster made of a printed poster, cardboard, and butterfly pins. laminated cut-outs of all food items and drinks included in the pupil’s book: juice, yogurt, milk, sandwich, biscuits, bananas, apple orange and carrots to feed the monster. made of a printed of all food items and drinks : juice, yogurt, milk, nge and Comentario [CZ4]: Wow! They will love it! Wow! They will
  • 4. • Stick puppet e child and teacher. • Food and drink flashcards: biscuits, orange juice, sandwich, water, yogurt, milk, and orange. * added to elicit I don’t like. 4 emojis of likes and dislikes. One pair for child and teacher. Food and drink flashcards: biscuits, orange juice, sandwich, water, yogurt, milk, carrot, banana, apple *Tomato and spinach flashcards will be added to elicit I don’t like. (Both are transparent words). . One pair for Food and drink flashcards: biscuits, orange juice, banana, apple omato and spinach flashcards will be (Both are transparent words).
  • 5. handmade flashcards from 1 to 5 hanging on a string the wall for the 5 lessons. Flashcards of colours stuck on the wall for the 5 lessons. hanging on a string for the 5 lessons.
  • 6. • Worksheet page 3 which the teacher of English asked me to include in my planning. • Lunch Box to monster. Possible contingencies: Misbehavior issues. teacher will sing a short chant shhh…shhh. If this does not work, teacher will to calm down in Lack of comprehension different way or hel reinforcing scaffolding strategies Children’s distraction or lack of interest attention by using different tones of voice 6 Worksheet page 39 from the students’ book ‘TOY BOX’ which the teacher of English asked me to include in my to place the sticky cut-outs to feed the Possible contingencies: Misbehavior issues. In case children misbehave the sing a short chant or ask for silence If this does not work, teacher will ask in L1. Lack of comprehension. Repeat instructions in a different way or help learners with difficulties reinforcing scaffolding strategies. Children’s distraction or lack of interest. Catch pupil’s using different tones of voice, clapping from the students’ book ‘TOY BOX’ which the teacher of English asked me to include in my outs to feed the sbehave the ask for silence ask pupils Repeat instructions in a learners with difficulties by atch pupil’s , clapping Comentario [CZ5]: Before the starts, you might explain in Spanish what the lesson will include, and tell them that you will need their cooperation and help for a successful class. Before the lesson ight explain in Spanish what the lesson will include, and tell them that you will need their cooperation and help for a successful
  • 7. 7 hands or asking to finish their work to play a funny game. Timing. Learners spend much time with each activity due to their age in general and misbehavior in some particular cases. Technological issues. There is an ICT assistant who may deal with these problems in case it is necessary. Classroom management strategies (adapted from the Lesson Planning Diagnoses) I. Building confidence: As we are dealing with VYL we must create a safe and friendly classroom environment so that children feel confident to take part in the different activities and games proposed. It is vital that children feel secure and emotionally supported by adults to participate and minimize misbehaviour. We must be aware of their feelings such as embarrassment or unwillingness to participate and respect their times and choices. II. Following routines: As we have studied in the literature, it is of utmost importance for children to follow routines. For this reason we must structure well staged lessons with different activities and stick to them every lesson. In this way, kids feel secure knowing how the class will develop every time. Besides, we will make transition comment to link the activities. III. Organization habits: We can try singing a short song asking for silence or we can also ask them to pay attention because we really need their help to solve a problem. Another essential organization habit is related to ‘following instructions’. For that reason, we have to use very clear and short instructions for each activity. By promoting organizational skills we are helping children to develop their autonomy. Another simple but helpful strategies could be: ● Misbehaviour: talk to children in a corner of the classroom asking them in a low voice to calm down and try to enjoy the class showing him/her as much as empathy and affection as possible.
  • 8. 8 ● Call their attention: the puppet can be used to ask children to do the activities. ● Invite them to sit down: sometimes we can sing a short chant ‘Shhh... be quiet, please sit down, please sit down’. ● Put away things: for this, teacher can rap or chant ‘Put everything away, put everything away, quick, quick, quick please!’ while putting teacher own stuff away (tidiness habits). Assessment: collecting information and reporting your findings Observation of the class dynamics and interaction between students and myself. Record an audio recording on my mobile phone right after leaving the school explaining which tasks children enjoyed the most and which they find difficult or boring. Upload in my Practicum Journal my reflections about my third lesson. Share experiences with my cyber classmates about our experiences. Write down commentaries about individual students who experienced some cognitive difficulties understanding the tasks or those who misbehave during the class. LESSON STAGES: Routine Lead-in Purpose: to begin the class with a song in order to create a joyful environment where children feel comfortable and happy. This will create a positive attitude towards learning a second language. NOTE: I HAVE INCLUDED THE SCAFFOLDING STRATEGIES WITHIN THE INSTRUCTIONS ACTIVITIES AS WE DID IN THE DIAGNOSES SINCE I FIND IT SIMPLER AND IT ALLOWS ME TO FOCUS ON EACH SCAFFOLDING STRATEGY FOR EACH STAGE OF THE ACTIVITIES.
  • 9. 9 Timing: 2-3 minutes • Greet children with the ‘Hello Song’ as they come in and wave your hands as done in the previous lessons. Lyrics: Song length 33 seconds. Source: ‘Storyline Starter A’. Pearson Education. Second Edition, 2015. • Encourage children to move and sing along. Repeat the song once more time. Stop the music and ask them Sit down please. • Say Hello children! and ask them How are you? Say I’m very happy to be with you again (while pointing to your smile and then, to the children). Transition comment: say We have a visit today! Monkey missed you very much and wanted to be with you again. But you have to behave well! Presentation Purpose: to introduce likes and dislikes using the Monkey puppet children already know and love to contextualize the new structures and revise the food and drinks vocabulary. Timing: 6 minutes. MONMONMONMONKEY &KEY &KEY &KEY & FLASHCARDS:FLASHCARDS:FLASHCARDS:FLASHCARDS: I LIKEI LIKEI LIKEI LIKE BANANABANANABANANABANANA!!!! • Tell kids that Monkey want to tell them about what food he likes and what he doesn’t like. HELLO BOYS! HELLO GIRLS! HELLO CLASS! HELLO TO YOU! HELLO TO YOU!
  • 10. 10 • First, using the puppet, hold up some flashcards and ask children What’s this? A banana/ A carrot/ Milk. Mouth the word if they do not remember. Say Look at my mouth! • Show the sandwich flashcard and using Monkey say I like banana! Make a yummy face and say Mmmm…yummy! Do the same with the sandwich flashcard. Then, show the carrot flashcard and using the puppet say I don’t like carrot! Make a yuk face and say Yuk! Do the same with the tomato flashcard. • Finally, monkey asks children Do you like sandwich? Yes while the teacher makes a yummy face and Monkey says Yummy I like sandwich. Touch your belly to reinforce children’s understanding and hold your thumb up. Do you like tomato? while teacher makes a yuk face and Monkey says Yuk I don’t like tomato. Hold your thumb down. Transition comment: say Monkey wants to know what food do you like and he will hand your books. Development of the sequence of activities ACTIVITY 1: WORKSHEETWORKSHEETWORKSHEETWORKSHEET: LOOK AND MATCH: LOOK AND MATCH: LOOK AND MATCH: LOOK AND MATCH Purpose: to express personal preferences about food and drinks by developing fine-motor skills, Timing: 8 minutes. • Show page 39 of the Activity Book and ask children to open their books at that page. • Stick the worksheet on the whiteboard to guide children and minimize time as children tend to stand and ask what they have to do many times. • Name the food items on the page and ask students to point to them Point to the lunchbox, apple, milk, etc. • Say You need a pencil (red, blue or green), Ready? Yes. • Tell the children to circle the foods they like Do you like biscuits? Yes. Circle the biscuits. Comentario [CZ6]: bananas Comentario [CZ7]: carrots Comentario [CZ8]: sandwiches Comentario [CZ9]: sandwhiches Comentario [CZ10]: Remember to demonstrate, and check understanding of istruccions.
  • 11. 11 • Tell the class Draw a line from the food and drinks to the lunchbox by circling one or two items on the sheet stuck on the board. Demonstrating is an effective scaffolding strategy for worksheet activities. Transition comment: tell children that Monkey has brought a present for each one of them to play a game ACTIVITY 2: GAME WITH STICK EMOJISGAME WITH STICK EMOJISGAME WITH STICK EMOJISGAME WITH STICK EMOJIS Purpose: to express personal preferences about food and drinks by interacting with stick emojis. Timing: 5-7 minutes. • Distribute one pair of emojis per child. • Hold up a flashcard and tell the class I like apples! Hold up your like emoji. • Ask children Do you like biscuits? by showing the flashcard and tell them to hold up their like or dislike emojis to respond. Repeat the same procedure with sandwich, milk, orange, tomato and spinach. Transition comment: well, today Monkey has come with one of his friends called Franky the monster, though Monkey is a bit scary of Franky. ACTIVITY 3: ‘FEED THE HUNGRY MONSTER’‘FEED THE HUNGRY MONSTER’‘FEED THE HUNGRY MONSTER’‘FEED THE HUNGRY MONSTER’ Purpose: to respond to commands by feeding the monster and revise the thematic vocabulary while having fun. This activity is introduced at the end to avoid children getting overexcited during the whole class. They will be free to stand up and move to do the activity. Timing: 8 minutes • Show the monster and move around the class greeting children using a monster-like voice. Say I’m hungry and I’m angry, I want food children, I like all foods and drinks. Make gestures and facial expressions of feeling angry and hungry. • Stick the monster and say Children you have to feed the monster. Mime eating. • Explain in L1 that you will call children to come forward calmly in groups (there are 4 groups) to feed Franky. Say Comentario [CZ11]: 😊
  • 12. 12 Quickly, Franky is hungry and angry please! • Show children the monster’s menu. It will be sticky cut-outs placed on the lunchbox. • Give commands to each child imitating the monster voice Santino give me a sandwich, Amanda give me milk, Eluney give me a carrot, NOW!!! GRRRR!!! Transition comment: tell children that they will sing the song previously introduced in class 2 imitating the monster’s voice. (EXTRA) ACTIVITY 4: SONG: ‘WE’LL BE EATINGSONG: ‘WE’LL BE EATINGSONG: ‘WE’LL BE EATINGSONG: ‘WE’LL BE EATING Purpose: to sing the thematic song in order to build confidence to revise the target language. As songs tend to be repetitive and rhythmic they reinforce the intake of vocabulary and language structures in a fun and motivating way. Timing: 2 minutes • Play the song and ask students to sing along imitating Franky the monster. • Repeat the song one more time and praise children. Lyrics: song length 1minute 43 seconds. Source: ‘Toybox Preschool by Diane JONES’. SM Editorial. WE’LL BE EATING FROM OUR LUNCHBOX VERY SOON. WE’LL BE EATING FROM OUR LUNCHBOX VERY SOON. WE’LL BE EATING FROM OUR LUNCHBOX, WE’LL BE EATING FROM OUR LUNCHBOX, WE’LL BE EATING FROM OUR LUNCHBOX VERY SOON! WE’LL BE EATING A BANANA VERY SOON... WE’LL BE DRINKING ORANGE JUICE VERY SOON... Comentario [CZ12]: Careful!One might take all of them. Perhaps you’d better deliver them yourself.
  • 13. 13 Argentina. Transition comment: Say children that it’s time to say goodbye until next week. Closure Purpose: to say goodbye in a cheerful way so that children leave the classroom happily. Timing: 2 minutes. • Say it’s time to say good-bye and play the ‘Goodbye Song’ while children pack their bags to have lunch at the school. • Ask children to join the song. Lyrics: song length 30 seconds Source: ‘Storyline Starter A’. Pearson Education. Second Edition, 2015. END OF LESSON PLANNING 3 Each activity must be described in terms of the following components: Purpose Timing Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech) Scaffolding strategies GOODBYE BOYS! GOODBYE GIRLS! GOODBYE CLASS! GOODBYE TO YOU! GOODBYE TO YOU!
  • 14. 14 Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needs improvement 1 Visual organization x Coherence and sequencing x Variety of resources x Stages and activities x Scaffolding strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Beware of classroom management during the monster activity, Pau! The lesson plan is well devised and coherent with the approaches you mentioned regarding EAL to very young learners. Have a great class! Ceci