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Legalizing Marijuana Essays
Crafting an essay on the topic of legalizing marijuana poses numerous challenges. First and
foremost, the subject is highly polarizing, stirring intense debate and conflicting viewpoints.
Navigating through the myriad of arguments, both for and against legalization, requires a
comprehensive understanding of various socio-political, economic, and medical perspectives.
Moreover, the topic demands meticulous research to grasp the historical context, legislative
intricacies, and societal implications associated with marijuana legalization. Analyzing statistical
data, scientific research findings, and legal frameworks adds complexity to the writing process,
requiring careful synthesis and interpretation of information.
Addressing the ethical considerations surrounding marijuana legalization further complicates the
task. Delving into issues such as individual liberties, public health concerns, criminal justice
reform, and the impact on vulnerable populations necessitates a nuanced approach that
acknowledges the multifaceted nature of the debate.
Additionally, crafting a coherent and persuasive argument requires the ability to anticipate
counterarguments and effectively rebut opposing viewpoints. Balancing empathy and rationality
while presenting a compelling case for or against legalization demands critical thinking and
persuasive writing skills.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of legalizing marijuana is a challenging endeavor that
requires comprehensive research, analytical thinking, and effective communication skills.
However, by engaging with diverse perspectives and presenting well-supported arguments, it is
possible to contribute meaningfully to the discourse surrounding this complex issue.
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Legalizing Marijuana EssaysLegalizing Marijuana Essays
What Are The Major Implementation Details On The
In the following subsections, major implementation details on the software
architecture of the SPS are provided.
A. Hybrid Sensing Network
To develop all the HSN components, as well as for integrated 6LRR nodes, the
XM1000 sensor board from Advanticsys [25] has been used. Specifically, the 6LRR
has been implemented by interconnecting the Sensor ID Discovery Gate UHF [26]
reader to the XM1000 sensor board via the UART interface.
Furthermore, in order to develop a scalable solution, easily extensible in a complex
Smart City architecture, the REST Request/Response paradigm, piggybacked on
CoAP messages, has been exploited. CoAP design is similar to that of HTTP since it
provides a request/response ... Show more content on ...
Such implementation has been adapted to our hardware. Specifically, in the proposed
solution, 6LR node embeds a light sensor used to monitor the occupancy state of
parking lot. If its value fits outside a specified range, it might indicate the car s
presence. The use of conditional observation methods allows client applications to be
notified only when critical thresholds are violated. Let us observe that, the aim of this
paper is to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed architecture, while finding the
best cars detection method is outside the scope of this work.
B. Smart Gateway
The Smart Gateway represents an important element of the designed architecture. It
works as a bridge between the HSN and the cloud platform. It has been realized by
connecting a Rasperry Pi 2 Model B board [28], equipped with the Raspian operating
system, to the 6LowPAN Border Router. The gateway has been also equipped with a
GPRS module, a GPS module, and the SCM SCL3711 13.56 MHz NFC contactless
reader [29]. Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized computer powered by the Broadcom
BCM2836 system on a chip (SoC). This SoC includes a quad core ARM Cortex A7
CPU, clocked at 900 MHz. It is equipped with 1 GB of RAM and powered by a 5 V
micro USB AC charger. From a functional point of view, it is mainly
Analysis Of Robert Harrison s The Song Of Roland
For this assignment, I will be covering Robert Harrison s book, The Song of
Roland. The setting of this tale evolved around the Middle Ages during a tragic time
marked by religious upheaval in Europe. Islam and Christianity were two new
religions coming to power. With the
Roman Catholic Church becoming the dominant religious force in most of the
western world, they eventually became corrupt. The uproar started due to the
blasphemy of the Saracens similar Trinity to the one of the Catholic faith. Their
trinity is composed of Mohammed, Termagant, and Apollo, who the Christians see
as nasty and ridiculous little idols. In result, the Oxford Manuscript was produced
during this time of intense xenophobia towards Muslims. These evil acts of violence
and war are part of life, and as God fought for the good, the Devil fought for the bad.
The theme of good vs. evil played a major role throughout the Middle Ages. People
had the opportunity to choose between both religions, and this just created
problems. The Christians strong belief that God was the creator of earth made
them bias towards others who believed differently. In my overall opinion about the
epic, we can see the implications of loyalty between a lord to his vassal, and
between good vs. evil in the Middle Ages. Believing that God is the benevolent, or
God is all good, the tale s characters assume that he will intervene. By following the
Commandments and the things God expects from us, he will lead us in the right
Research On Information Metering And Measurement
Information Metering and Measurement
Study in information metering and measurement can be classified into smart
metering, and smart monitoring and measurement. In the following, this
classification in point.
a)Smart Metering: Smart metering is the mainly important mechanism used in the
Smart Grid for obtaining information from end users devices and appliances, while
also controlling the performance of the devices. Automatic metering infrastructure
(AMI) systems, which are themselves built upon automatic meter reading (AMR)
systems, are broadly regarded as a sound strategy to realize Smart Grid. AMR is the
technology of routinely collecting analytical, expenditure, and status data from
energy metering devices and transferring that data to a central database for billing,
troubleshooting, and analyzing. AMI differs from traditional AMR in that it enables
two way communications with the meter. So almost all of this information is
available in real time and on demand, allowing for better system operations and
customer power demand organization.
b) Smart meters, which carry two way communications amid the meter and the
central system, are like in many aspects to
AMI meters, or occasionally are regarded as part of the AMI.
A smart meter is typically an electrical meter that records use in intervals of an hour
or less and sends that information at least every day back to the utility for monitoring
and billing purposes. Also, a smart meter has the capability to
disconnect reconnect
Native American And African Slaves
As the Native American population had been decimated by genocide and war,
England looked to African slaves to provide them with the necessary labor to harvest
tobacco. Although African slaves had the same status as that of an indentured
servant, African slaves began to become more and more restricted, losing all human
and civil rights. These restrictions were placed on African slaves to protect the rights
of the indentured Englishmen, and developed a social/political system based of
segregation and discrimination, ultimately leading to the modern ideology of the
world, racism. Native Americans were not spared from the stupidity of racial
superiority, and like Africans, were forced into slavery. Native American slavery
though predominately in the Spanish colonies was used in North America. Though
unlike the Mesoamerican slaves, the North American slaves were also the slavers.
The colonists of North America lured Native Americans to capture other Native
Americans in exchange for trade goods and alliances, forcing Native Americans to
choose between being the slaver or the slaved, much like some African tribes. In
South America, the Spaniards enticed nearly 100,000 under false promises of riches,
and instead enslaved them, forcing them to harvest guano (bird excrements), an
export from Peru that had a value of fifteen billion dollars. As slavery spread
throughout the New World, much of the African, Chinese, and indigenous culture
began to mix together, resulting in a unique
Trey Monologue
The story of trey, the football player. Trey thrives off the feeling of winning a
football game, he trains until he can t train anymore and even when he can t he
never stops. It all has to do with the passion and love of the game football itself,
losing is never an option in his eyes but when losing a game does occur he deals
with it humbly and uses it as a learning experience and comes back stronger for his
next game. Lately trey has gotten an offer to participate for a well known football
team that is loved and supported by many, but to grab this opportunity he is
required to travel 3 and a half hours from his hometown, away from his parents,
siblings and everyone else trey values in his life. This offer determines the rest of his
life, this... Show more content on ...
The game has started whether trey is ready or not , defending , tackling and
running for his team , cheers from the crowd instantly takes treys mind off his own
thoughts , analysing the ball and where it is he realises it is now coming his way ,
with confidence he catches it and runs the furthest he can . realising he is closer to
the try line than he was before and realising he has not been touched once , the
adrenaline running through his veins makes him run faster than he even thought
he could , the cheers and screams coming from the crowd and his own team are
what has gotten him to get a try , getting grabbed from each player on his team as
he s being praised for getting the team in the lead , after the small celebration its
time to defend , making sure he is filling up a space leaving no opportunity open
for the opposite team to run through . The ball is now in the hands of the player
closest to trey and trey didn t hesitate to go in for the tackle , collision being harder
than trey thought they both end up on the floor , trey witnesses the other player get
back onto his feet and when trey goes to do the same he realises that he is not able
to , laying there lifeless with no feeling what so
Examples Of Perception And Philosophical Problems With...
Title: Perception philosophical problems with Perception
Name: Shubham Patle
Roll: 13110118
Word count: 2054
Perception philosophical problems with Perception
First of all, let us know that what this perception is? In general, perception is the
process by which we acquire the information about the world around us and inside
us, using our senses. For example If I feel that a red car is going by the road and a
women is sitting on it, drinking coffee, then first of all I should have sense that what
is car, roads, red, coffee etc. These all perceptions require possession of concepts, but
there exists another class of perception that does not require any possession to
perceive them. Let take example of a busy bus stand, ... Show more content on ...
Two things always try to defend all the theory of relating perception and reality are
illusion and hallucination. Many scenarios we have seen where these two things are
really making ourselves to scratch our heads. Let s look something on illusion.
Illusion is nothing but distortion of our senses. It is shared sometimes that illusion
distort reality, but that is not the case, it is just a thought of some peoples. As we
discussed above also that reality is nothing but, a commonly experienced perception.
Some illusions are due to the general assumptions made by our brain during
perception. These generalizations are made on a theory of human perception, which
is called gestalt theory. But the major question comes to my mind is that why do I see
illusion or how any visual illusion is able to fool my
Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird
In the book To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the theme is destroying
innocence. In this novel, it describes how the main characters Jem, Atticus, Dill,
Tom, and Mr. Raymond are known mockingbirds because of the innocents they ve
changed of their own or destroyed of someone else s. There are multiple events
that support my opinion of the theme. In chapter two, Scout says I would be
starting school in a week. I never looked forward more to anything in my life, (Lee
24) but her first day didn t go very well. Her teacher, Miss. Caroline discourages her
because she reads better than the other students. Miss. Caroline also discourages
Scout by saying her father is a horrible teacher Your father does not know how to
teach. You can... Show more content on ...
He was sent away to school. He came home when his town made his family take him
home. Boo wasn t allowed to leave the house for twenty five years straight because
of the rumors that went around about what really happened after he came back
from school Every night sound I heard from my cot on the back porch was
magnified three fold; every every scratch of feet on the gravel was Boo Radley
seeking revenge (Lee 55). Another way of showing the destruction of innocence is
when Scout realizes that Boo Radley was not crazy, but has given them gifts in the
knot hole in the tree, blankets on cold nights and folded their clothes on a fence
Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair
of good luck pennies, and our lives (Lee 171). Dill s innocence was when he starts
growing up and maturing. His best friend told his father how he thought about
running away to a different country You can t run three hundred miles without your
mother knowin (Lee 14). He did what was right and ruined the innocence of trying to
escape his childhood. The theme of To Kill A Mockingbirdwas the destruction of
innocence and these are the reasons I believe
Katherine Desai s The Solace And Serenity
Her husband fails to understand her. His intellectual deliberation does not give her
full safety. But Maya s intellectual upbringing finds solutions. The solace and serenity
seeks to be found.
The shamelessness of woman living in the neighborhood has made her feel. The
culture is something expected from the surroundings. Maya s expectations remained
unsatisfied Her conception about marital love is still elusive. The novel presents the
tale of a young sensitive girl obsessed by a childhood prophecy of disaster. Her
extreme sensitivity is explained in terms of unfathomable loneliness. Maya cries for
love and understanding in her loveless marriage with Gautama.
Women writers of all ages have a natural preference for writing about women
characters. Anita Desai is no exception in so far as she has written by women
characters. Most of her novels move around women characters. She is preoccupied
with the theme of incompatible marital couples. We come across different kinds of
women characters in her novels. Many critics have addressed the theme of broken
marriages and unmatched couples in her novels. She represents women s mind and
psyche in its varied moods. In one extreme there are sensitive characters, on the other
hand the thick skinned women with a sensibility. In her first novel, Cry the peacock
we find examples of the two types of women characters. Cry, the peacock is a novel
mainly concerned with the theme of disharmony between husband and wife. Here
Anita Desai has
JPMorgan Chase Paper
JPMorgan Chase Leg 100 Buss Law 1 Aug 11, 2013 In the summer of 2012,
JPMorgan Chase, the largest leading U.S. bank, announced trading losses from
investment decisions made by its Chief Investment Office (CIO) of $5.8 billion. The
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was provided falsified first quarter
reports that hidden this massive loss. Discuss how administrative agencies like the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Commodities Futures Trading
Commission (CFTC) take action in order to be effective in preventing high risk
gambles in securities / banking, a foundation of the economy. In the summer of 2012,
JPMorgan Chase, the largest leading U.S. bank, make known... Show more content on ...
The leader of CFTC, Gary Gensler, give an opinion that JPMorgan s losses are
worth looking into, because as a U.S. bank, it is an entity with direct admission to
the Federal Reserve s discount window and federal deposit insurance (CNN
Money). Determine the elements of a valid contract, and discuss how consumers
and banks each have a duty of good faith and fair dealing in the banking
relationship. A contract is a legally obligatory promise or set of promises (Bagley,
C. 2013). If this promise is broken, either party involved can be legally responsible
and take the other party to court. There are four basic elements in the creation of a
valid contract. The first consist of an agreement between the parties involved, by an
presented offer and acceptance. The second states that the parties promises must be
supported by something of worth, known as consideration. The third advises both
parties must have the ability to enter into a contract. The fourth element states the
contract must have a legal purpose (Bagley, C 2013). The duty of good faith and
good dealing is implied in every contract. In recent years the mortgage industry has
been seen as a prime example of how consumers and banks need to better understand
and adhere to duty of good faith and good dealings. Consumers had the responsibility
Greece In The 1920s Research Paper
Cultural Factors
Economic Factors The Greek population in the U.S. started to grow in the 1900s to
1920s. The Greek population boom was mostly young males, who desired to make a
fortune and then return back to Greece (Waves of Greek Immigration , n.d.). There
were poor economic conditions in Greece during the 1900s caused the increase in
Greek immigrates (Waves of Greek Immigration , n.d.). The U.S. economy allowed
for unskilled city jobs to open up, which attracted the Greeks. Immigration of Greeks
still continues today but at a much lower rate (Waves of Greek Immigration , n.d.).
During the 20th century, most Greek immigrants had emigrated from Laconia
(Waves of Greek Immigration , n.d.). Since then immigration has expanded
throughout all ... Show more content on ...
These two different worlds of conflict are between family devotion and self
realization. There is a strong pressure to obey their parent s rules, remain a part of
the community and to marry well off and bear children. Male Greeks have more
freedom then girls. Women remain close to their mothers before and even after
marriage (Jugrens, n.d.). Education and a career comes second, and is at times
viewed unwomanly. Man are to pursue a higher education. Actually, The 1990 Census
reports that twice as many Greek men as women received university degrees, with
significantly proportion of men going on to receive advanced degrees (Jugrens,
Barriers Of Communication In Communication
A business setting requires that the people concerned communicate effectively with
each other in order to reduce negative consequences that would be as a result of
misunderstanding or damaged relationship. There are many barriers that would
hinder any business communication process. These includes clichГ©, jargon, slang,
sexist and racist language, euphemism, double speak. This essay briefly described
these barriers to communicationin a business setting.
ClichГ© is a barrier of communication because it entails the use of once clever word
or phrase that has lost its impact through overuse (McLean, 2010, p.58). An example
of a clichГ© would be this is just but the wars of cats and dogs . In a business
setting, the use of a clichГ© would undermined the seriousness with which the
meeting at hand is handled. When it is used carelessly, the quorum may find it silly
or boring and that may cause the listeners to ignore the message they are intended to
pass. When this happens, then a clichГ© becomes an obstacle to the effectiveness of
Jargon on the other hand is the use of words which may not be familiar to everyone
but to only those who frequently use it for instance the people in the same
profession. An example of this would be Ceasar Pass to mean a kind of pass in
soccer. Assuming that jargons are used in a business setting to audience who do not
understand their specific meanings, do you think the message will be passed
effectively? It may be irritating when someone
The Sapphires Analysis
Analyse how the use of film features shaped your response to one or more themes in
the film. Wayne Blair, director of The Sapphires used a combination of
cinematography, dialogue, flashbacks and voiceover throughout the film. These film
techniques developed my understanding of the extent of prejudice and the
consequence prejudice can have. The director used these techniques to show the
prejudice by White Australians, Aborigines faced in Australia. The pub scene in the
Australian Outback helped me understand the consequences of prejudice through the
combination of dialogue and cinematography. These film features shows the unfair
treatment that Aborigines endured because of their race. The mid shots showed how
the white Australian audience at the pub Talent Quest ignore the two Aborigine
sisters as they began to sin. A panning shot showed the audience s disapproving and
disgusted looks as they avoided eye contact with the sisters. Clearly contrasting with
the warm and enthusiastic cheers given to the white Australian performers before
them, as also shown in a panning shot. Noticing the coldness of the crowd, Gail says,
Thanks for the half heart applause. The dialogue and camera shots clearly outlined
the difference in treatment between Aborigines and White Australians in Australia.
This clearly shows the inequality between the two races, as Aborigines were clearly
mistreated based on their appearance. At the end of the Talent Quest, after the White
Australian performer
Analysis Of Peasant Woman Cooking By A Fire Place
Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fire Place by Vincent Van Gogh is a brilliant piece
of artwork. If the audience truly ponders on this piece of art, it has a deep and
serious meaning. The artworks meaning goes far past the viewing of the eye. A
peasant woman is pictured cooking over an open fire. She is surrounded by darkness,
in a messy setting with an unpleasant face. In PeasantWoman Cooking by Fire Place,
Vincent Van Goghstrived to show the challenging and indigent life of peasants and
lower class through value, facial expression and space.
In Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fire Place, there is a great amount of value. For
example, there is darkness around her nose and cheeks. This darkness symbolizes
a dark cloud hanging over her, like she has shame and wretchedness sticking with
her. Another example is the darkness around the edges of the painting. This
darkness is like an arch around the peasant woman. By creating this distribution of
value, Van Gogh creates a murky feeling. Van Gogh s main purpose for this
distribution of value was to create an overall feeling for the audience, a feeling that
would have the audience sense the challenging and depressing moments of peasants
and lower class. The richness of the darkness helps the audience deeply feel the
emotions of the peasant. There is also a hint of lightness in this artwork. The fire she
is cooking on acts as the main light in the peasants living area. The fire lights up her
face and hands, as well as behind the sitting
Pt1420 Unit 3 Assignment
a.47.5605В° N, 52.7128В° W
In 1996 the largest population consisted of people aged 30 50, there were not as
many people in the dependency load. In 2011, there were more people aged 40 65,
who are getting close to retirement. There are not as many babies being born today as
previous years because people are choosing to not have as many children. The baby
boomers are getting older and there will soon be more people in the dependency load
as the workforce. In 2011 there were more people ages 85 and up because nowadays
people have been able to live longer.
c.Many people have immigrated to St. johns because they work for the provincial
government. People move there for the fishing, which is a major industry in St.
Johns. 1.9% ... Show more content on ...
The Taiga Shield Ecozone is made up of wetlands, shrublands, meadows and open
forests. This Ecozone is a subarctic region therefore, the cold temperatures make it
hard for vegetation to grow. There are trees, such as the coniferous species black
and white spruce, tamarack, and dwarf pines. Most of them are stunted and do not
reach full growth because of the climate. The tree line is at the northern edge of the
Taiga Shield Ecozone and beyond the tree line is where the arctic tundra is. The
soils found in this Ecozone are very thin and highly leached. The Taiga Shield has
igneous, metamorphic and, sedimentary rock. These types of rocks are located in the
Taiga Shield because of the volcanoes that formed it originally and the
Alfred J Prufrock
The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock by T. S. Eliot is an excellent short poem about
a man reflecting back on his life and realizing that he is alone and might possibly
die alone. Eliot uses a variety of symbols, metaphors, and great diction to convey
that Prufrock is unsatisfied with his life, especially his love life. Eliot depicts
Prufrock as an older man reflecting back on his life, metaphorically, going through a
midlife crisis. I grow old... I grow old.../I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers
rolled, by this Eliot is getting the reader to visualize as a person grows older, they
grow shorter (120 121). Along with growing shorter Eliot also describes the
significant balding of an old man With a bald spot in the middle of my hair / (they
will say: How his hair is growing thin! ) (40 41). These two lines alone are showing
that Prufrock is very insecure and self conscious with how he looks. Prufrock even
goes as far as asking himself, Shall I part my hair behind? (122) Eliot is trying to
show the reader that Prufrock wants to look his best for the intelligent ladies by
wearing My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin,/My necktie rich
and modest, but asserted by a simple pin and combing what hair he does have over
his balding scalp (42 43). He is dressing to impress the women that come and go
/Talking of Michelangelo, the intelligent ladies that he believes will judge him
harshly, not the prostitutes that love his company (35 36). Looking back
Prelude And Fugue Essay
Prelude and Fugue in G Minor, BWV 861 (Book I) Johann Sebastian Bach (1685
1750) Bach completed the first volume of the Well Tempered Clavier in 1722 at
the age of 37. The aim of the book was to write a prelude and fugue in all keys
which are arranged in in an ascending chromatic scale in pairs of major and minor
scales, for example, C major, C minor, C sharp major, C sharp minor etcetera, for
those who wished to learn. Only seven of the 96 pieces have an explicit tempo
marking, but BWV 861 is not one of them. Though written in a minor, the piece is by
no means stately or solemn in tone. The prelude opens with a dream like trill in the
right hand with comes back later when the subject is absent. At such moments... Show
more content on ...
Each section is subdivided into more sections. The first section introduces the
motif which includes fast, slightly detached and energetic chords. The motif comes
back slightly modified within a couple of bars time. The second section modulates
to the key of B major which is divided into two more subsections which is
extremely different from the loud, energetic and almost violent start. However,
here too the key changes momentarily in D sharp minor. The final section that
closes the piece echoes the first section which then ends in its tonic key. Prelude in
G Major, Opus 32, No. 5 Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873 1943) Unlike any of his
predecessors like Bach or Scriabin, Rachmaninoff s Preludes have not been
arranged in any particular order. This prelude is from a set of thirteen preludes
written in the year 1910, written in a span of barely nineteen days. He managed to
write three of them in a single day. Written in the height of his career, the prelude
reflects spring and has arppeggiated quintuplets in the left hand. Opening in G major,
the prelude moves to G minor to provide a sense of contrast unlike his other works
where he provides a sustainable middle section. During the recapitulation, the melody
ascends higher than before but returns to G major, allowing for a very gradual,
What Are Barriers to Entry
Q. Using suitable examples define barriers to entry. Explain how barriers to entry
affect our firm s profits. Before a firm can compete in a market, it has to be able to
enter it. Many markets have at least some impediments that make it more difficult for
a firm to enter a market. A debate over how to define the term barriers to entrybegan
decades ago, however, and it has yet to be won. Some scholars have argued, for
example, that an obstacle is not an entry barrier if incumbent firms faced it when they
entered the market. Others contend that an entry barrier is anything that hinders entry
and has the effect of reducing or limiting competition. A number of other definitions
have been proposed, but none of them has emerged as a clear ... Show more content
on ...
Examples include Capital inputs that are specific to a
particular industry and which have little or no resale value; money spent on
advertising / marketing / research which cannot be carried forward into another
market or industry. When sunk costs are high, a market becomes less contestable.
High sunk costs (including exit costs) act as a barrier to entry of new firms (they
risk making huge losses if they decide to leave a market). A good example of
substantial sunk costs occurred in 2001 when British Telecom announced it was
scrapping its lossmaking joint venture with US telecoms firm AT T. The closure
was estimated to lead to the loss of 2,300 jobs almost 40% of Concert s workforce.
And, it will cost BT $2bn in impairment charges and restructuring costs, and AT T
$5.3bn. Profits and losses signal the existence of excess supply or demand (Mueller,
1986; Stigler, 1963).1 When firms are free to respond to these signals, they enter and
exit markets until risk adjusted returns are equalized across markets. However,
because of entry barriers, this normalization may not obtain, at least in the short run.
For this reason, barriers to entry directly impact a firm s current and future
profitability. Moreover, the over time effect of barriers to entry on profitability
impacts the assumptions incorporated into forecasting and valuation models. In
analysing firm profitability, it is
Rhetorical Analysis Of The Novel
The use of irony in the novel also contributes to its postmodernism. Many
postmodernists treat serious subjects jovially to distance themselves from the
difficult subject. They evoke black humor and different types of irony to offer
critics of society and to display how society should not fear dark and somber things.
DeLillo sprinkles irony all throughout his story using it even at the most serious of
times. He uses it to show how the characters should not feardeath and how the
characters ignore danger when the smoke alarm went off in the hallway upstairs,
either to let us know the battery had just died or because the house was on fire (8)
and they did nothing about the possible imminent danger. DeLillo also uses irony
to mock certain characters and expose the ridiculousness of certain beliefs and
customs. When Jack s boss advises him to change his name and appearance to gain
more prestige, the change they make is pretentious as it is the same name only
without one letter, we finally agreed that I should event an extra initial and call
myself J.A.K Gladney (16). DeLillo continues to ridicule society and its principles
by exposing absurdity such as Jack not knowing German despite being the founder
of Hitler studies and his college requiring all Hitler majors to understand some of
the language, I had long tried to conceal the fact that I did not know German (31).
The use of irony not only gives the novel a lighter tone, but also exposes DeLillo s
critique of society
Medical Quality Hospital Case Study
The change process that was implemented using the Kurt Lewin Change theory. The
Kurt Lewin change theory implements the three step method of unfreeze, change, and
freeze. A summary of the change theory allows the manager or change agent an idea
of what implementing change means when dealing with people. The model provides
guidance on how to go about getting people to change: a manager will implement
new processes and re assign tasks, but change will only be effective if the people
involved embrace it and help putting it into practice it. Prior to implementing the
change process at the Medical Quality Hospital had 1,000 medical errors and 100
deaths related to medical errors which cost the hospital $1.2 million dollars. The name
of the change... Show more content on ...
The incentives are free pizza on the unit, a bonus check, gift card to fine dining
restaurants, and a 5 day cruise all expenses paid to show appreciation to the staff
for their hard work and dedication. The goal and objective for Quality Change is to
decrease the incidence of medical errors and adverse events in MQH hospital by
the end of 2017. The advantages of implementing the change process in MQH
hospital are less medical errors, more hospital income and better budgeting Higher
patient satisfaction scores, less attorney fees and lawsuits, improvements on audits
and inspections done by Joint Commission, and positive and safer work and
hospital environment. The disadvantages of not implementing the change process
in MQH hospital are Low patient satisfaction scores, less hospital visits by patients,
increase in attorney fees and more lawsuit, and decrease in hospital income and
profits. 90% class attendance on a monthly basis. The outcome and evaluation of
the change process was a decrease in the amount of medical errors, 50 medical errors
and 5 deaths occurred and in the year of
Copeland s Advertisements Analysis
Same as Michaela DePrince, a war orphan from Sierra Leone who became a
famous ballerina (Deprince, 2014), Misty Copeland, a child raised in a motel
room, involved in a custody battle, who became principal dancer at ABT, has a
dramatic unlikely story to tell (Copeland, 2014). Both black ballerinas have been
in the spotlights of the news media the last years. In addition to her dance career
Misty Copeland toured with Prince, performed on Broadway and appears regularly
on reality television shows. She is featured in many advertisements and has
received numerous awards. She is a highly demanded spokesperson and public
speaker. In 2015, she was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world
by Time, appearing on its cover.
Yankee Stadium Economics
The rise in popularity of professional sports over the last century has brought
financial gain and stability to many facets of the economy. Whether it is a new
franchise, stadium, or the signing of a big name player, these activities bring
attention to a region or group and influence often comes as a result of that attention.
Money brought into an area from ticket revenue, hotel bookings, merchandise sales,
and other businesses are impacted financially when a stadiumis built. The economic
influence a stadium brings to a local economy is a positive one. Many factors come
into play when anticipating the construction of a new stadium. Will the franchise be
successful in the market? How will the stadium impact traffic flow? How long will
the project take? What is the total projected cost of the project? All of these facts are
greatly considered, and the pros and cons are assessed. After the initial planning...
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Over the last 15 years, sixty four new major league facilities were built... One high
profile construction deal is Yankee Stadium, which was originally built in 1923 for
$2 million (Sanderson). Two million dollars in 1923 adjusted for inflation is
$29,228,452.38. In 2005, the New York Yankees announced plans to build a new
stadium. The construction cost is expected to be around $1.3 billion, which the
Yankees will pay for. New York City is projected to spend $220 million on
infrastructure and various other improvements across the area (Robertson). On top of
the spending for the physical stadium, the city of New York spent about $220 million
on infrastructure and other improvements (Robertson). This extra spending is the
type of costs that investors like to argue is the reason for the subsidies. Since the
money is being spent on increasing the quality of the public space around the stadium
and for the taxpayers, should they not help
Free Will And Determinism In Groundhog Day
In the award winning movie Groundhog Day, we are presented with a peculiar
situation where Phil (Bill Murray) relives the same day over and over. As the film
progresses Phil is fathomed by the events occurring and lives out each day as he
pleases. Correspondingly, there are zero consequences for his actions. Death, crime
nor love has the ability to change the never ending DГ©jГ vu that Phil relives every
day. At the same time; Phil has no free will in reliving Groundhog day, but does he
have free will on his actions and how he spends his time on that day? Or is each
action pre determined? These are interesting concepts that will bring us to the issues
that will be discussed throughout this paper. Do we truly have free will on our
actions or are they previously determined for us? Free will and Determinism offer us
different views on how we can perceive the ultimate course of our actions and life....
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Free will is the philosophical idea that we have the power to think, choose and act
voluntary without any external factors. To believe in free will one believes that
we are agents who are capable of making decisions that can alter our course of
action regardless of external factors and antecedent conditions. Do not confuse free
will with political freedom, which is called liberty. In 1924, two Chicago
teenagers, Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold kidnapped and murdered a boy
named Bobby Franks. Loeb and Leopold were two bright college graduates with
what looked like very promising futures. With this in mind; why would two bright
young men commit such an act? When asked their response was just to prove they
could . To prove that they could ;indeed, do any action they aspired to do on their
own free will. To defend the young men their parents hired Clarence Darrow; which
at the time, was one of the most famous and well known lawyers. Darrow once said
to a group of inmates
Ping Bikes
If you ever have a moment of glowing pride when someone compliments your ping
pong prowess, immediately halt your happiness and inform the complimenting
bigot that you are in fact worse than an amateur. Recreational and professional ping
pong are leagues apart. Not only can recreational players not utilize the same
techniques as professional players, the equipment used is completely different.
Every piece of equipment bought at your local Dick s Sporting Goods or Modell s is
completely worthless equipment regardless of the price. Balls sold for three dollars a
pop are only worth a dime and are not used at all on a professional level. Those pitiful
consumers who choose to buy equipment in retail and wholesale scores are being
deceived by big... Show more content on ...
Similar to sponges, blades can control dwell time and rebound on the paddle. They
also affect the consistency and speed of your strokes. Blades are required to be
85% wood but the materials can still vary, causing many different effects. There
are many types of wood that have different attributes such as softness and
springiness. Besides wood, many synthetic materials have been used in ping pong
paddles, including aralyte, zylon, and most popularly, carbon. These materials can
cause differences in spinning, receiving, and attacking the ball. The weight and
shape of the blade much also be held into consideration. Lighter materials and more
aerodynamic shapes can increase the speed of your swing dramatically but heavier
materials can increase the impact against the ball by utilizing gravity. Most of
these materials are limited to professional paddles while recreational paddles are
stuck with cheap pine lumber. Also to be considered is the thickness of the blade.
The blade is created using pressure to bind many sheets of material in a process not
unlike producing plywood. Professional blades can have as little as five ply to as
many as thirteen ply. Recreation blades, on the other hand, commonly have three
ply which gives the paddle barely any weight and leaves it prone to breakage.
Professional blades can heighten the players ability to perform certain techniques
based on specification whereas recreational paddles do not enable the players to
perform the same
Company Background Of Wal Mart
Company Background Founder of Wal Mart, Sam Walton graduated in 1940 with a
degree in economics and started his career as a management trainee with J.C Penney
Company. Three years later Sam used all of his savings to open a Ben Franklin
variety store in Newport, Arkansas. After he lost the lease of the Newport location,
Sam and his brother J.L Walton opened up another store in Bentonville. By the early
1960 s Sam felt that he had enough experience and knowledge from studying mass
merchandising techniques to start a new journey in the retail industry. From traveling
around the country managing the Ben Franklin stores, Sam learned that small town
populations would have many uses for large discount shopping stores and therefore
make them... Show more content on ...
The following year the company had incorporated as Wal Mart Stores, Inc.. The
success of Wal Mart was quite unheard of during this time and this success helped
them to stay ahead of the competition for many years to come. In order to cut costs
Mr. Walton decided to build Wal Marts own warehouses so it could buy in volume
and store the merchandise. In 1970 Wal Mart went public and by 1975 there were
125 stores in operation with sales of $340.3 million and 7,500 associates. This
success earned Wal Marts number one spot in Forbes in 1977, based on return on
equity, capital, sales growth, and earnings. In 1978 Wal Mart opened its own
pharmacy, auto service center and jewelry divisions. By 1979, not only were there
276 stores in 11 states but they also became the fastest company to reach the $1
billion mark. In the 1980 s the company opened up its first three Sam s Wholesale
Clubs, and by 1987 they had opened 18 Sam s Clubs. In 1988 the Walton s had
opened up the first Supercenter in Washington, Missouri which featured a large
selection of merchandise and a wide variety of grocery sections. Not only did Wal
Mart excel within the business aspect of things but they also made sure they did right
by the community as well. The company awarded $1,000 scholarships to high school
students in each community Wal Mart served. By 1990 Wal Mart was the number
one retailer in the United
Peyton Manning Case Study
Peyton Manning hangs up his cleats and will go down as one of the greatest
players to ever play in the NFL, if not the greatest. The sheriff revolutionized the
quarterback position and will always be remembered for his great work on and off
the field. Here is the first part of the 15 things we will miss about Peyton Manning.
Number 15 Beating the Patriots Though Tom Brady have an 11 and 6 all time
record against Peyton Manning, the fact remains that the sheriff beat him when it
mattered most. In their final three playoff matchups, Manning sent home Brady
and the Pats every time. sorry Patriots fans but most of America rejoice seeing the
sheriff outdueled Pats. Number 14 Peyton Manning and Marketing Peyton
Manning had great ways of marketing. Following his Super Bowl 50 victory, he said
he would drink lots of Budweiser. His way of promoting Papa John s off the field
was also great. He just found ways to endorse products. And the best part, he
probably improvised it all.... Show more content on ...
As much as we hated to see him lose or throw an interception it still was funny the
way he reacted. The Manning face was one of the funniest things to see in sports. If
you re going to lose, why not provide some form of humor to your fans? Number 12
In the Manning
The Importance Of No Motion In Baseball
Baseball is a sport that has been around since the 18th century. Baseball is referred
to as America s pastime because of all the history and tradition behind the game.
Alexander Cartwright developed the basic rules of the game as we now know it
today. On September 23, 1845, he organized the Knickerbocker BaseballClub of New
York. The first game was played in Hoboken, New Jersey. Baseball is a great sport to
watch and play however many athletes who play this game become very injury
prone. No motion in baseball is very natural. The baseball throwing motion, where
players bring your arm all the way behind your body and whip it forward, can put a
lot of strain on a player s arm and elbow. A pitcherin particular is someone who
throws a ball sometimes more than a hundred times a game.
Although many strength and conditioning programs have been developed to help
player strength their arms to reduce the risk of injury many players still get hurt.
These strength and ... Show more content on ...
So right off the bat you can already tell that these two articles contradict each other.
Studies from the Henry Ford Health System show that pitchers are less likely to
reach even their pre surgery performance level, no less exceed them. Vasilios (Bill)
Moutzouros, M.D., a Henry Ford orthopedic surgeon and the study s senior author
Tommy John surgery is an effective surgery and most pitchers get back to pitching
after surgery. But it s not going to improve their level of performance,There s been
a perception that the surgery will make you better. Our findings debunk that
perception. Eighty to 90 percent of major league pitchers will get back to pitching at
the major league level but they just won t be as effective as they were before injury
Doctors conducting this study actually found a link between the surgery and decline
in player performance
Market Wage Essay
Market analysts Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez have built wage measurements
in view of IRS information that backpedal to 1913 to give a long haul point of view
on patterns in the centralization of wage inside the main 10 percent of the circulation.
Since they have no immediate information on non filers and on the grounds that in
any year just around 10 to 15 percent of potential assessment units needed to record a
pay government form before World War II, Piketty and Saez concentrate on the offer
of pay got at the highest point of the dispersion.
Their wage idea is showcase salary before singular wage charges. Market wage is
characterized as the total of all pay sources provided details regarding expense forms
including acknowledged ... Show more content on ...
They likewise don t represent government money exchanges or for open and private
non money advantages, for example, government wellbeing and sustenance help
advantages and boss paid medical coverage benefits.
The offer of individual pay originating from people in general and private non
money benefits that are absent from the Piketty Saez salary measure has expanded
throughout the years. Subsequently, add up to salary as registered by Piketty and
Saez has represented a diminishing offer of individual pay in the national pay and
item accounts after some time. This could contort their appraisals of what offer of
the development of aggregate salary has come at the highest point of the circulation.
For instance, business supported medical coverage benefits are undoubtedly a
significantly littler part of pay for the main 1 percent than for by far most of center
pay charge units; excluding them could downplay wage development amidst the
conveyance in respect to development at the best.
Since every individual wellspring of promptly accessible information on pay
dispersion has distinctive points of interest and constraints, no single source
delineates the greater part of the significant patterns in disparity in the course of
recent decades or something like that. In a perfect world, we would take a gander at
an extensive measure of pay
t With underlying themes of revenge, incest, and suicide, William Shakespeare s
Hamlet was remembered by many Elizabethan Era viewers as both a philosophical
and oft debated masterpiece (Dickson). These controversial themes attracted viewers
everywhere, enticing them to see the play. One scene in particular from the original
text of the play where this proves true is act IV, scene iv, lines 31 65, in which the
titular character Hamletdecides that the time for revenge is at hand in an insightful
soliloquy. The audiencewould have been attracted to the scene because they would
receive a moral insight into Hamlet s mind, revealing his true thoughts. It also would
have expanded on the theme of revenge, and how this theme would affect the... Show
more content on ...
Within his thoughts, Hamlet also provides the audience with meaningful questions,
whose answers affect both the viewers and his own life. One of these questions
occurs when Hamlet asks himself: How stand I then, That have a father killed, a
mother stained, Excitement of my reason and my blood, And let all sleep. (IV, iv, 55
Although the question is rhetorical, the audience still feels a need to answer. They
feel connected to both the play and Hamlet s character, and feel obligated to help
out the character in his time of need. Spectators are able to see the turmoil and
confusion occurring in the young man s mind and heart, and can easily relate the
pain to similar aspects of their own lives. Therefore, the use of a soliloquy by
Shakespeare connects the audience to the play by allowing them to see deeper into
Hamlet s conscience.
Another way Hamlet s soliloquy targets the audience is through his in depth
examination of the theme of revenge. The speech not only informs the audience of
Hamlet s desire for revenge, but also how this theme will affect the concluding
scenes of the play. As the prince s speech comes to an end, he decides that, Oh, from
this time forth,/ My thoughts be bloody, or be worth nothing! (IV. iv. 64 65). It
appears his decision is certain; his revenge is imminent. However, Hamlet has
questioned his own intentions
Precambrian Era Essay
The Precambrian is the name given for the first super eon of Earth s history (Mary
Bagley, Accessed: 20th Aug 2016). This era itself has been recorded to be about
seven eighths of the entire earth s history. This era stretches across from 4 Billion
years ago up until only 543 Million years ago (Mya) which shows how large and
substantial this era was.
Precambrian itself refers to the time before the Cambrian period. It also refers to the
entire period of time before the formation of the oldest rocks with recognisable
fossils. Lately, however, it has been seen that some hard to distinguish fossils from in
the Precambrian times have been found. The Precambrian Era can be split into three
eras: The Hadean, the Archean and also the Proterozoic. ... Show more content on ...
Life on earth began in the early Archean and fossilized organisms became far more
abundant through the entirety of the Precambrian time.
Three billion years ago there was no traces of oxygen in the atmosphere, this
caused no life to be able to live on earth. At around 2.4 billion years, oxygen was
beginning to be released in the oceans as photosynthesis began in cyanobacteria.
This process caused the gas levels to slowly grow and eventually made up 1% of
the earth s atmosphere at around 2 Bya. By 800 Mya, oxygen levels reached around
20% which let organisms to slowly breathe to life. This spike in oxygen also caused
the earth s surface to be shielded from solar radiation. This was the start of the first
unicellular organisms.
The first multicelled animals started appearing in the records of fossils around 600
million years ago. Fossils found at this time were known as Ediacarans and showed a
very important time of evolution for earth. Ediacara fauna was specifically named
after the Ediacara hills in South Australia in which they were discovered in the early
1900 s. These organisms even predate the explosion of life forms at the beginning of
the Cambrian
Air Quality Monitoring Of Memphis And Surrounding
Air Quality Monitoring in Memphis and Surrounding Areas in 2014, Analyzed by
Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) By Ebtsam Seteh Abstract
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere have been determined to be a
human risk factor in urban, suburban, and industrial environments. This study aims
to characterize the distribution and concentrations of ambient air toxics in
Memphis and identify major sources of VOCs. During four seasons in 2014, about
530 ambient air samples have been collected in various locations in Memphis and
surrounding areas for the analysis of VOCs with the TO 15 method. GC MS was
used with a preconcentrator outfitted with a glass bead trap and a Tenax trap in
cryogenic mode to analyze the... Show more content on ...
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Ambient air in urban, rural, and industrial areas
contains an array of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). They spread in the air as
gases from some solids or liquid materials. Society and environment are directly
healthy affected in short and long term by VOCs at trace level concentrations (2).
Air pollutants toxic are class of chemicals that may consider health problems in a
significant way. There are many chemical pollutants released into the ambient air
from various sources, such as power plants, and spraying pesticides. There are two
types of air pollutants that are primary pollutants, which are emitted directly into the
air from pollution sources, and secondary pollutants, which are from primary
pollutants, but after they passing from many of the chemical changes in the
atmosphere (12). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has compiled a list of
187 hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). There are 30 HAPs threaten health
dramatically in metropolitan areas, such as benzene, 1,3 dichloropropene, 1,3
butadiene, and chloroform that are classified as toxins (3). In accordance with the
2007 Environmental Pollution, VOCs affect adversely on health and cause many
diseases, such as immune and neurological damage, cardiovascular diseases, and
reproductive and endocrine disorders (8). Several methods have developed for the
How Did Pancho Villa Change During The Mexican
Pancho Villa was a top military general of the Mexican Revolution. Pancho Villa
was born Doroteo Arange on June 5, 1878, in San Juan del Rio Durango. Villa spent
much of his youth helping around his parents farm. After his father s death when
Villa was only 15 years old, he became head of the household.
With his new role as protector of his new household, he shot a man who was
harassing one of his sisters in 1894. He fled, spending 6 years on the run in the
mountains. While there, he joined a group of fugitives and became a bandit.
Although the specifics of what occurred in Villa s life during this time are unknown,
it s confirmed that he changed his name while on the run to avoid getting caught by
the authorities. In the late 1890s, he worked ... Show more content on
government then turned against Madero as well, fearing that the new president
was too conciliatory to the rebel group and concerned about the threat that civil
war in Mexico was posing to American business interests there. Tension reached a
peak when yet another faction of rebel force, led by Felix Diaz (the former dictator
s nephew), clashed with federal troops in Mexico City under the command of
Victoriano Huerta. On February 18th, 1913, after the ninth day of that melee
(known as La Decena Tragica, or the ten tragic days ), Huerta and Diaz met in the
office of U.S. Ambassador Henry Lane Wilson and signed the so called Pact of the
Embassy, in which they agreed to conspire against Madero and to install Huerta as
president. Huerta assumed the presidency the following day, after arresting Madero,
who was assassinated a few days
Alcoholin Cyst Research Paper
A Bartholin cyst is a fluid filled sac that forms on a Bartholin gland. Bartholin
glands are small glands located within the folds of skin (labia) along the sides of the
lower opening of the vagina. These glands produce a fluid to moisten the outside of
the vagina during sexual intercourse.
A Bartholin cyst causes a bulge on the side of the vagina. A cyst that is not large or
infected may not cause symptoms or problems. However, if the fluid within the cyst
becomes infected, the cyst can turn into an abscess. An abscess may cause discomfort
or pain.
A Bartholin cyst may develop when the duct of the gland becomes blocked. In many
cases, the cause of this is not known. Various kinds of bacteria can cause the cyst to
become infected and lead to an abscess.
You may be at an increased risk of ... Show more content on ...
An incision is made in the cyst or abscess so that the fluid drains out. A catheter
may be placed inside the cyst so it does not close and fill back up with fluid. The
catheter will be removed after following up with a specialist (gynecologist).
в—‹ Marsupialization. The cyst or abscess is opened and kept open by stitching the
edges of the skin to the walls of the cyst or abscess. This allows it to continue to
drain and not fill up with fluid again.
If you have cysts or abscesses that keep returning and have required incision and
drainage multiple times, your health care provider may talk to you about surgery to
remove the Bartholin gland.
Take medicines only as directed by your health care provider.
If you were prescribed an antibiotic medicine, finish it all even if you start to feel
Apply warm wet compresses to the area or take warm, shallow baths that cover your
pelvic region (sitz baths) several times a day or as directed by your health care
Do not squeeze or apply heavy pressure to the cyst.
Do not have sexual intercourse until the cyst has gone
Descriptive Essay About Lost Or Abandoned
Lost or Abandoned?
Have you ever gotten lost? I have. Or maybe I was abandoned? I don t know. I was
at Space Academy, at The Space and Rocket Center in Alabama, attending an
activity with other campers. In my group, there were three girls. I saw them all day
and night because I was in the same dorm as them. We got along pretty well, until I
got lost. Or maybe my group abandoned me... But let me step back a bit...
It was an ordinary day at Space Camp: wake up at 7, go brush my teeth, get dressed,
and li ne up. I went to the rides I usually go on with my group. We had fun, but then
it got really hot so we had to go inside. We went to a movie then we went to lunch. I
had an ordinarily fantastic lunch (like everyday), and my friends each had a
couple cans of Nos. Nos is a drink that has 260 grams of caffeine, which is a lot. (I
mean like 20 cups of coffee a lot) I didn t have any, and they all became inordinately
giddy. They were all laughing and jumping and their eyes became extremely dilated. I
laughed harder than my brain could handle.
Then we went to an indoor ride I put my stuff down and got on, it was a lot of fun!
Then it happened.
The counselor told us to get our stuff and I looked down to grab my stuff. I had lost
something so I looked around. And when I couldn t find it, I finally looked up.
Everyone was gone...
I was terrified...
I kept calm and went to find someone who could help me. I found someone who
worked there and I said, I got separated from my group. My group
Color In The Great Gatsby Essay
Colors have a remarkable ability to affect mood and emotions in everyday life.
Usage of colors helps to convey certain feelings without any spoken words needed.
Color is used throughout literature to communicate with the reader and to develop an
atmosphere. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald utilizes colors to symbolize
specific characters and to inject a sense of emotion into scenes. There is an array of
colors used throughout the novel, but the most prominent colors are white, black, and
blue. White as used in The Great Gatsbyis a symbol for purity, innocence, and status.
White is the colortypically surrounding Daisy Buchanan. For instance, when Nick
visits Daisy s house he notes, Their house was even more elaborate than I expected, a
cheerful redand white Georgian Colonial mansion, overlooking the bay (Fitzgerald
6). Using white here not only shows Daisy s purity in the choice of color, but the
way she contrasts from her husband Tom. Tom being the red portion of the house...
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Daisy is seen as a higher being in Gatsby s eyes but he not on only wants to obtain
Daisy, he wants to be seen at her level of status. To illustrate, High in a white palace
the king s daughter, the golden girl (Fitzgerald 120). By mentioning Daisy in a
white palace this shows that Daisy is unobtainable to someone like Gatsby. Gatsby
has new money and will never be seen in the same way that Daisy is. This also
foreshadows the fact that Daisy will never leave Tom because she is secure in her
palace and being with Gatsby could jeopardize her status. White is a status symbol
for Tom as well, considering he sees white people as the dominant race. Tom thinks
that minorities or black people are rising up too much in society. This showcases
Tom s unlikable personality and fear of being upstaged by a lower class. White to
Tom means old money and Tom shows little respect to people who actually have to
work for
Dose Response Relationship Between Physical Activity And...
Hamer, M., Dr. Dose response Relationship between Physical Activity and Mental
Health: The Scottish Health Survey Br J Sports Med (2008): 1111 114. 10 Apr. 2008.
Web. 14 Mar. 2017.
Dr. Hamer, a graduate from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and
worker in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College
London, writes Dose response Relationship between Physical Activity and Mental
Health: The Scottish Health Survey to find the optimal time to spend in a physical
activity to create the healthiest mental state. Although the study only looked at
Scottish people, the audience is for any person desiring to better their mental health
by exercising but also other researchers looking into the trend of ... Show more
content on ...
Although extremely detailed and informational, I will have to be careful about
including information provided by this source as exercising and plainly going
outside more, the focus of my claim, are not the same but can overlap in various
ways; for example. people outside are usually exercising in some ways and this
source can show the benefits of gaining exercise closer to the ideal time to be
Hunt, A., et al. Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: A Pilot to
Develop an Indicator of Visits to the Natural Environment by Children. Rep. No.
NECR208. Natural England, 10 Feb. 2016. Web. 13 Mar. 2017.
Natural England, an organization partnered with Public Health England, the English
Department for Food and Rural Affairs, King s College London, and Historic
England, assembled a team of three researchers, A. Hunt, D. Stewart, J. Burt, and J.
Dillion to measure the rate of which adolescents are going outdoors and why the same
adolescents are visiting nature. Although not explicitly stated, the audience of the
report is the English government as well as other organizations looking to encourage
ties between the youth and nature. The report reflects on the significant trends that
indicate the likeliness of an adolescent going outside, transforms the data into visual
charts to be analyzed, and develops
A Dungeon Deep
A Prisoner in a Dungeon Deep, by Anne Bronte, describes the situation of an
incarcerated man. In the beginning of this piece, we are introduced to the main
character. The poet first describes the man s position. From the text, we know that
he is in a deep dungeon. The poet may be suggesting that the man had committed a
grievous crime in the past, and as punishment, he was put in a deep dungeon
instead of a regular one. After Bronte uses the words musing silently to describe
what the man is doing, she describes his physical position: His head was resting on
his hand, His elbow on his knee. The description of the man s gloomy, somber
position evokes dreary and despairing feelings within... Show more content on ...
The fierce Marseilles sun shining in through the door covered them with a flood of
light. At first they saw nothing around them; their overwhelming happiness isolated
them from the rest of the world. (Dumas 12). The Count of Monte Cristo, by
Alexandre Dumas, illustrates situations of various love relationships. However,
many say that the characters involved did not experience real love. Love is not real
when one person s affections for another person are driven by greed, the desire for a
certain reputation, or another non amorous desire. Real love is defined by feelings of
authentic devotion, affection and compassion between figures. In The Count of
Monte Cristo, many characters experience real love. Love develops over time and
varies from person to person.The love between Dantes and Mercedes, Maximilian and
Valentine s demonstration of love, and the Count s transformation through Haydee all
prove the truth of the idea that true love is absolutely manifested between
Roberto Benigni s Film Life Is Beautiful
Roberto Benigni captures a tragic event and portrays it in the simplest and most
optimistic way in his film, Life is Beautiful. Guido, played by Benigni himself,
allows the audience to focus on the positives in the events that occur. As the main
character, his words and actions affect the other roles in the movie. Therefore, it is
safe to say that Guido s humorous personality lightens up the mood of Benigni s
touching film. Life is Beautiful, released in 1998 and directed by Roberto Benigni,
illustrates an important event in history the Holocaust. The film keeps its viewers
at a general state of happiness; while including scenes of romance, drama, and
comedy. Guido (Roberto Benigni) falls in love with the character, Dora (Nicoletta
Braschi) after having several encounters with her. Together, they continue their lives
and start a family with their young son, Joshua (Giorgio Cantarini). Unexpectedly,
Guido, Joshua, and Uncle Leo (Giustino Durano) board a train to another world a
concentration camp. To keep the story positive, Benigni creates a unique way for
Guido to explain the frightening place to his five year old son. He introduces what
s going on in their lives as a game, in which case the first person to obtain a... Show
more content on ...
She gives up her future to be with her family, even when she knows the worst is to
come. This specific action of hers tells viewers that family is important, regardless
of the situation. As the German soldier, or Nazi, sends the railroad car off, she
strictly demands for her to board it. During this chapter of the movie, the genres of
romance and drama are presented. Dora is so passionate about her family that she
risks this decision to be with them. At the same time, the scene shows drama because
the audience can generally anticipate what occurs next. The film brings unexpected
twists to retell the event of the
Essay on Comparing the Defective Rulers in Henry IV and...
Defective Rulers in Henry IV and Richard II
It has been shown again and again throughout history and literature that if there is a
perfect human he is not also the perfect ruler. Those traits which we hold as good,
such as the following of some sort of moral code, interfere with the necessity of
detachment in a ruler. In both Henry IV and Richard II, Shakespeare explores what
properties must be present in a good ruler. Those who are imperfect morally, who
take into account only self interest and not honor or what is appropriate, rise to rule,
and stay in power.
Throughout Richard II, Bolingbroke is up against King Richard. Richard is, to a
considerable degree, the morally void opportunist: he does after ... Show more content
on ...
My Lord of Westminster, be it your charge
To keep him safely till his day of trial.
May it please you, lords, to grant the Commons suit?
Bolingbroke: Fetch hither Richard, that in common view
He may surrender; so we shall proceed
Without suspicion.
while he remains blameless and pure. Bolingbroke is the superior ruler because he
combines Richard s total lack of morality with deception.
The slip that nearly costs Bolingbroke ( Henry ) his crown in Henry IV is a
violation of the principle that got Henry the crown. For a moment the king is
angered by Hotspur s prancing about his denied prisoners, and lets Hotspur know
the reason for his ignoring Mortimer s capture. Henry openly tells Hotspur and the
crown of nobles present that he does not ever intend to pay Mortimer s ransom,
and calls Hotspur an enemy to the crown for expecting his brother s ransom. In a
moment of anger, Henry has openly displayed his total lack of sympathy for the
separated brothers, and called both threats to his kingship. And he walks away!
Henry could easily have maintained control here by simply matching Hotspur s
appearances and eloquence, and promising and delaying Mortimer s ransom. Instead
he lays open his Machiavellian intentions and walks off after laying down a threat.
His anger here is in some ways a virtue,
Factors Of Building A New Data Center
3Available Options
Option 1 (Building a new facility)Option 2(Maintenance of the current existing
With the current view of maintenance, we consider factors of building a new data
This process will bridge the gap in operational inefficiency and customer complaint
caused by the current breakdown experienced within South African Airways (ACSA).
That may not be the main problems but rather the issues of cost involved that needs
to be reviewed.
The plan of acquiring a new warehouse within the organization will look at factors
relating to site selection, equipment, financial cost and other factors that will help in
the analysis and placing the practicality of carrying out such project into positivity
closure.Currently ... Show more content on ...
The ability to get coverage may be impacted by building a data center in potential
lucrative and growing markets, which may have a higher risk profile, than a nearby
country that has viable communications bandwidth into the target market space.
3.1.3Global Risk Issues
Given the recent and more frequent catastrophic weather related events affecting
highly developed areas, we all need to review and perhaps re evaluate our basic
assumptions. While we are still in a very stable zone in SA and not been exposed
to harsh weather risk that other countries face. The evaluation of any potential data
center or other critical infrastructure site is not a cut and dried exercise. Geographic
diversity for replicated or back up sites is no longer an option; it is a necessity in
issues of floods and other disasters.
3.1.4Availability and Cost of Power
Picking a site location that is physically secure and has reliable access to power,
water and communications is an important first step. Since energy is the most
significant operating cost of a data center, focus your attention on the cost of
power and its long term impact. Energy costs are highly location dependent and are
based on local or purchased power generation costs (related to fuel types or
sustainable sources such as, hydro, wind or solar). If the site is relatively remote
and needs to be newly developed, ensure to factor in the cost of bringing in new high
What Is Your Favorite Walk Essay
Your favorite walk
Have you ever thought to yourself that you need a break and want to discover
something new?That you re sick of your lives and want to experience something
blissful.Well, I have just the place for you! I have traveled over the world to 20
different countries but the one which was the most amazing was a place in India.It s
the crown jewel of India known for its high rise buildings and businesses.But there
is an underlying beauty in all these buildings.There is a gift of nature bestowed upon
it in several places across this metropolitan city and I was lucky enough to experience
it.I will take you through my journey in Mumbai and how its a place for everyone and
where everyone has a place.
I stayed on marine drive where the water would stretch for miles and the beaches
would dare the waters.But there was something an aspect of this place which very
few people noticed.How it would look in the mornings.I have stayed here for just a
week and it feels like home already ... Show more content on ...
The food there is just out of this world.They have the best nachos and onion rings
and their sizzling brownie is just a class apart!It has to be the best Italian and
Mexican food I ve ever had.Just across Cream center is the water sports facilities
that include jet skiing and paragliding and family boating.These are just the
adventure you need to top off a good evening.And then after that, you can come with
your family and make sandcastles at the bustling Chowpatti beach and play with the
water and have the famous Chowpatti live hot corn sales.You can also shop for
merchandise at the beach and I buy many toys for your
Types Of Contingencies, Designing A Contingency, And
According to Gunhan and Arditi (2007), there were three types of contingencies,
namely designer s contingency, contractor s contingency, and owner s contingency.
They claimed that the best method to predict contingency was to use previous
experiences. They mentioned that a detailed study of four factors, namely site
conditions, schedule constraints, project scope, and constructability issues could play
an important role either in preventing the CO or reducing the chances of needing a
big contingency money. Smith et al. (1999) stated that the wise decision on the
amount of contingency used while bidding could have effects on whether wining of
the contract. They interviewed 12 contractors on the contingency calculation method
and found that among these contractors, nobody was aware of any kind of estimation
method for the contingency amount. Whenever, these contractors used contingency,
they simply followed the traditional approach of adding some percentages to the
base cost as contingencies. Mac and Picken (2000) conducted a study on two types of
projects, namely estimating using risk analysis (ERA) and non ERA projects. They
made comparison between 45 ERA projects with 287 non ERA projects and found
that ERA method helped to reduce the unnecessary risk allowances in projects.
According to the authors, Hong Kong government was implementing this ERA
technique in public construction projects. In the ERA method, they described that the
cost determined for fixed and variable
West Point Crew Team Case Study
Faced with an unfamiliar problem, Coach P, of the West Point Crew team, had a JV
boat that was consistently outperforming the Varsity team on different measures.
Upon preliminary analysis, it appears that the problem is simple: the selection of the
varsity team was flawed and many of the athletes were misjudged and subsequently
misplaced. However, the coach analyzed this possible flaw through seat races and
even decided to demote varsity rowers to the JV team and JV rowers to the varsity
team; the unlikely outcome was that the JV boat would win by even more, meaning
that the demoted rower actually made the JV boat faster. This unlikely outcome
revealed a deeper flaw within the Varsity team s attitudes and motivations that sharply
contrasted with those of the Junior Varsity team.... Show more content on ...
Varsity rowers attributed their failures to external factors, while underestimating the
contribution of internal factors; rowers would not only blame each other, but blame
the coach for making them race against the JV team so often. Though the Varsity
team had the most physically capable rowers, their motivation and group cohesion
was virtually non existent. Though Coach P tried to create group cohesion through
the email initiative, he did not try to fix the problems at its core. There are many
possible solutions, however, it is clear that switching rowers and boats altogether
would be detrimental to the entire team, especially so late into the season. Only by
analyzing motivational concepts and incorporating them into a solution, can the
Varsity team unlock its true
Mount Saint Helens and Ecological Succession
Throughout history, great importance has been placed on the existence of God. Every
civilization through time has sought some sort of reassurance that their is a higher
being the watches over humanity. The evidence of this belief can be seen in the
tombs of the Egyptians, in the sculptures of the Greeks and in the customs of the
African tribes, among many other cultures. It seems that the existence of a deity is
something that every culture comes to accept at some time or another. In Would
Tarzan Believe in God? , the authors say that, ...many cognitive scientists see the
universality and pervasiveness of religious belief as suggesting that it is a natural
feature of evolved human psychology. (Banjeree, pg. 1) There are none who would...
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In his argument, Craig says he will not treat the New Testament as an inspired text,
but as a historical Greek text to prove the point from an outside view. (Craig pg.
22) Now, Jesus was an important historical figure who had a huge influence on the
world, even to this day, therefore it makes sense that He should be brought into the
discussion regarding the existence of God. Craig establishes that of what we
know of Jesus, he was crucified and died, buried and then came back to life and
appeared to his followers. Since God raising him from the dead is the best
explanation of these facts, God must therefore exist. (Craig pg. 25) The fifth and
final argument of Craig s is that God can be immediately known and experience,
which he states is not so much a proof as it is an escape from proof. (Craig Pg. 26)
For those willing to cast aside the arguments, God can be known outside of them
according to Craig. For those who have religious experiences, they claim to know
God and have experienced him and this is what is known as properly basic beliefs.
These beliefs cannot be proven, yet they remain solid beliefs because they are similar
to other basic beliefs that could never be proven. For example, how can we prove that
we are not simply a brain floating in chemicals being stimulated by electrodes?
(Craig pg. 26) We can t, yet we believe that we are not and this is what a basic belief
is. There is reassurance in
Buryats Research Paper
The largest ethnic minority in Siberia, Russia, numbering around 350,000 in
population, are the Buryats. The Buryats are a sub grouping of Mongols that
reminded after the empire of Genghis Khan broke up in the 17th century. They
retained their culture and beliefs through this break up of the empire. Later on in the
Buryatshistory the prince repealed Russiafor protection and although they had
different political rulers than Russia they were still not annexed from Russia. That
did not happen until the 20th century when Buryatiabecame a part of the Soviet
Union in order to have protection from larger ethnic groups. It was at this time that
the Buryats were most exposed to globalization. Globalization affected the Buryats
negatively when they were forced from their rural ways of life to becoming
educated modern Russians, the Buryat elites were abolished, and the conversion of
languages was implemented. The Buryat Republic (Buryatia) is located near Lake
Baikal by the border of Mongolia and Russia. There is evidence of individuals living
in Siberia, Russia going back 300,000 years. These individuals were defined as
Mongolian in... Show more content on ...
Due to Stalin, communism and racism their way of life was altered. They were
forced to become settled down, civilized Russians and had to abandon their
nomadic lifestyle. Thousands of Buryats were killed or put into labour camps for
their ethnicity and they way they looked. Their language was changed so many
times that they were focused to convert to Russian so they could read. Due to Stalin
s control over the Buryats they had to lose part of their identity as Buryats to
become civilized Russian citizens. Stalin s beliefs and actions changed a struggling
nation, they are now fighting to recover from the devastation. They are slowly
becoming more westernized and growing as an
Shmups Skill Test Essay
My bullet dodge ability and building dodge skills could use some work, but at least
my judging ability is sound and my coolness very high. At least that s what
Shmups Skill Test, from Triangle Service and Degica tells me. It also informed me
that my Gamer Age is 33 years, which I guess isn t too bad, at least not compared to
what I ve been told by the Brain Training games and Wii Fit. Shmups Skill Test
arrived at this conclusion after, as the name suggests, it threw a bunch of quick
mini games at me to test my proficiency. It is a title that can, depending on your
skill level with the genre, provide a nice ego boost or a reality check. If Shmups Skill
Test sounds familiar it is because it was originally part of the Japanese arcade game,
Shooting Love 2007. The compilation eventually made its way to Xbox 360 in
North America and Europe as Shooting Love 200X, and now PC gamers can join
in on the fun. Don t worry as the other games in the collection, MINUS ZERO,
TRIZEAL Remix and EXZEAL will also see PC releases as individual titles. Given
its age and relatively simplicity Shmups Skill Test is... Show more content on ...
The game features a myriad of challenges that are thrown at you in rapid succession,
giving it an almost Wariorware style feel. The game doesn t waste a lot of time on
explaining exactly what you have to do either, but thankfully most of the tasks are
relatively straightforward. Whether it is protecting earth from incoming meteors,
trying to shoot spinning cans into a trash bin, blasting tanks, dodging buildings or
trying to grab the correct power ups, the games are all quick, challenging, and
entertaining. The mini games are also over quite quickly, but you are given a random
selection each time you play.
All of the mini games focus on skills that you really need to do well in the shmup
genre, so with a young gamer age in this game you should be able to do well in

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  • 1. Legalizing Marijuana Essays Crafting an essay on the topic of legalizing marijuana poses numerous challenges. First and foremost, the subject is highly polarizing, stirring intense debate and conflicting viewpoints. Navigating through the myriad of arguments, both for and against legalization, requires a comprehensive understanding of various socio-political, economic, and medical perspectives. Moreover, the topic demands meticulous research to grasp the historical context, legislative intricacies, and societal implications associated with marijuana legalization. Analyzing statistical data, scientific research findings, and legal frameworks adds complexity to the writing process, requiring careful synthesis and interpretation of information. Addressing the ethical considerations surrounding marijuana legalization further complicates the task. Delving into issues such as individual liberties, public health concerns, criminal justice reform, and the impact on vulnerable populations necessitates a nuanced approach that acknowledges the multifaceted nature of the debate. Additionally, crafting a coherent and persuasive argument requires the ability to anticipate counterarguments and effectively rebut opposing viewpoints. Balancing empathy and rationality while presenting a compelling case for or against legalization demands critical thinking and persuasive writing skills. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of legalizing marijuana is a challenging endeavor that requires comprehensive research, analytical thinking, and effective communication skills. However, by engaging with diverse perspectives and presenting well-supported arguments, it is possible to contribute meaningfully to the discourse surrounding this complex issue. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Legalizing Marijuana EssaysLegalizing Marijuana Essays
  • 2. What Are The Major Implementation Details On The Software... In the following subsections, major implementation details on the software architecture of the SPS are provided. A. Hybrid Sensing Network To develop all the HSN components, as well as for integrated 6LRR nodes, the XM1000 sensor board from Advanticsys [25] has been used. Specifically, the 6LRR has been implemented by interconnecting the Sensor ID Discovery Gate UHF [26] reader to the XM1000 sensor board via the UART interface. Furthermore, in order to develop a scalable solution, easily extensible in a complex Smart City architecture, the REST Request/Response paradigm, piggybacked on CoAP messages, has been exploited. CoAP design is similar to that of HTTP since it provides a request/response ... Show more content on ... Such implementation has been adapted to our hardware. Specifically, in the proposed solution, 6LR node embeds a light sensor used to monitor the occupancy state of parking lot. If its value fits outside a specified range, it might indicate the car s presence. The use of conditional observation methods allows client applications to be notified only when critical thresholds are violated. Let us observe that, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed architecture, while finding the best cars detection method is outside the scope of this work. B. Smart Gateway The Smart Gateway represents an important element of the designed architecture. It works as a bridge between the HSN and the cloud platform. It has been realized by connecting a Rasperry Pi 2 Model B board [28], equipped with the Raspian operating system, to the 6LowPAN Border Router. The gateway has been also equipped with a GPRS module, a GPS module, and the SCM SCL3711 13.56 MHz NFC contactless reader [29]. Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized computer powered by the Broadcom BCM2836 system on a chip (SoC). This SoC includes a quad core ARM Cortex A7 CPU, clocked at 900 MHz. It is equipped with 1 GB of RAM and powered by a 5 V micro USB AC charger. From a functional point of view, it is mainly
  • 3. Analysis Of Robert Harrison s The Song Of Roland For this assignment, I will be covering Robert Harrison s book, The Song of Roland. The setting of this tale evolved around the Middle Ages during a tragic time marked by religious upheaval in Europe. Islam and Christianity were two new religions coming to power. With the Roman Catholic Church becoming the dominant religious force in most of the western world, they eventually became corrupt. The uproar started due to the blasphemy of the Saracens similar Trinity to the one of the Catholic faith. Their trinity is composed of Mohammed, Termagant, and Apollo, who the Christians see as nasty and ridiculous little idols. In result, the Oxford Manuscript was produced during this time of intense xenophobia towards Muslims. These evil acts of violence and war are part of life, and as God fought for the good, the Devil fought for the bad. The theme of good vs. evil played a major role throughout the Middle Ages. People had the opportunity to choose between both religions, and this just created problems. The Christians strong belief that God was the creator of earth made them bias towards others who believed differently. In my overall opinion about the epic, we can see the implications of loyalty between a lord to his vassal, and between good vs. evil in the Middle Ages. Believing that God is the benevolent, or God is all good, the tale s characters assume that he will intervene. By following the Commandments and the things God expects from us, he will lead us in the right direction.
  • 4. Research On Information Metering And Measurement Information Metering and Measurement Study in information metering and measurement can be classified into smart metering, and smart monitoring and measurement. In the following, this classification in point. a)Smart Metering: Smart metering is the mainly important mechanism used in the Smart Grid for obtaining information from end users devices and appliances, while also controlling the performance of the devices. Automatic metering infrastructure (AMI) systems, which are themselves built upon automatic meter reading (AMR) systems, are broadly regarded as a sound strategy to realize Smart Grid. AMR is the technology of routinely collecting analytical, expenditure, and status data from energy metering devices and transferring that data to a central database for billing, troubleshooting, and analyzing. AMI differs from traditional AMR in that it enables two way communications with the meter. So almost all of this information is available in real time and on demand, allowing for better system operations and customer power demand organization. b) Smart meters, which carry two way communications amid the meter and the central system, are like in many aspects to AMI meters, or occasionally are regarded as part of the AMI. A smart meter is typically an electrical meter that records use in intervals of an hour or less and sends that information at least every day back to the utility for monitoring and billing purposes. Also, a smart meter has the capability to disconnect reconnect
  • 5. Native American And African Slaves As the Native American population had been decimated by genocide and war, England looked to African slaves to provide them with the necessary labor to harvest tobacco. Although African slaves had the same status as that of an indentured servant, African slaves began to become more and more restricted, losing all human and civil rights. These restrictions were placed on African slaves to protect the rights of the indentured Englishmen, and developed a social/political system based of segregation and discrimination, ultimately leading to the modern ideology of the world, racism. Native Americans were not spared from the stupidity of racial superiority, and like Africans, were forced into slavery. Native American slavery though predominately in the Spanish colonies was used in North America. Though unlike the Mesoamerican slaves, the North American slaves were also the slavers. The colonists of North America lured Native Americans to capture other Native Americans in exchange for trade goods and alliances, forcing Native Americans to choose between being the slaver or the slaved, much like some African tribes. In South America, the Spaniards enticed nearly 100,000 under false promises of riches, and instead enslaved them, forcing them to harvest guano (bird excrements), an export from Peru that had a value of fifteen billion dollars. As slavery spread throughout the New World, much of the African, Chinese, and indigenous culture began to mix together, resulting in a unique
  • 6. Trey Monologue The story of trey, the football player. Trey thrives off the feeling of winning a football game, he trains until he can t train anymore and even when he can t he never stops. It all has to do with the passion and love of the game football itself, losing is never an option in his eyes but when losing a game does occur he deals with it humbly and uses it as a learning experience and comes back stronger for his next game. Lately trey has gotten an offer to participate for a well known football team that is loved and supported by many, but to grab this opportunity he is required to travel 3 and a half hours from his hometown, away from his parents, siblings and everyone else trey values in his life. This offer determines the rest of his life, this... Show more content on ... The game has started whether trey is ready or not , defending , tackling and running for his team , cheers from the crowd instantly takes treys mind off his own thoughts , analysing the ball and where it is he realises it is now coming his way , with confidence he catches it and runs the furthest he can . realising he is closer to the try line than he was before and realising he has not been touched once , the adrenaline running through his veins makes him run faster than he even thought he could , the cheers and screams coming from the crowd and his own team are what has gotten him to get a try , getting grabbed from each player on his team as he s being praised for getting the team in the lead , after the small celebration its time to defend , making sure he is filling up a space leaving no opportunity open for the opposite team to run through . The ball is now in the hands of the player closest to trey and trey didn t hesitate to go in for the tackle , collision being harder than trey thought they both end up on the floor , trey witnesses the other player get back onto his feet and when trey goes to do the same he realises that he is not able to , laying there lifeless with no feeling what so
  • 7. Examples Of Perception And Philosophical Problems With... Title: Perception philosophical problems with Perception Name: Shubham Patle Roll: 13110118 Word count: 2054 Perception philosophical problems with Perception First of all, let us know that what this perception is? In general, perception is the process by which we acquire the information about the world around us and inside us, using our senses. For example If I feel that a red car is going by the road and a women is sitting on it, drinking coffee, then first of all I should have sense that what is car, roads, red, coffee etc. These all perceptions require possession of concepts, but there exists another class of perception that does not require any possession to perceive them. Let take example of a busy bus stand, ... Show more content on ... Two things always try to defend all the theory of relating perception and reality are illusion and hallucination. Many scenarios we have seen where these two things are really making ourselves to scratch our heads. Let s look something on illusion. Illusion is nothing but distortion of our senses. It is shared sometimes that illusion distort reality, but that is not the case, it is just a thought of some peoples. As we discussed above also that reality is nothing but, a commonly experienced perception. Some illusions are due to the general assumptions made by our brain during perception. These generalizations are made on a theory of human perception, which is called gestalt theory. But the major question comes to my mind is that why do I see illusion or how any visual illusion is able to fool my
  • 8. Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird In the book To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the theme is destroying innocence. In this novel, it describes how the main characters Jem, Atticus, Dill, Tom, and Mr. Raymond are known mockingbirds because of the innocents they ve changed of their own or destroyed of someone else s. There are multiple events that support my opinion of the theme. In chapter two, Scout says I would be starting school in a week. I never looked forward more to anything in my life, (Lee 24) but her first day didn t go very well. Her teacher, Miss. Caroline discourages her because she reads better than the other students. Miss. Caroline also discourages Scout by saying her father is a horrible teacher Your father does not know how to teach. You can... Show more content on ... He was sent away to school. He came home when his town made his family take him home. Boo wasn t allowed to leave the house for twenty five years straight because of the rumors that went around about what really happened after he came back from school Every night sound I heard from my cot on the back porch was magnified three fold; every every scratch of feet on the gravel was Boo Radley seeking revenge (Lee 55). Another way of showing the destruction of innocence is when Scout realizes that Boo Radley was not crazy, but has given them gifts in the knot hole in the tree, blankets on cold nights and folded their clothes on a fence Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good luck pennies, and our lives (Lee 171). Dill s innocence was when he starts growing up and maturing. His best friend told his father how he thought about running away to a different country You can t run three hundred miles without your mother knowin (Lee 14). He did what was right and ruined the innocence of trying to escape his childhood. The theme of To Kill A Mockingbirdwas the destruction of innocence and these are the reasons I believe
  • 9. Katherine Desai s The Solace And Serenity Her husband fails to understand her. His intellectual deliberation does not give her full safety. But Maya s intellectual upbringing finds solutions. The solace and serenity seeks to be found. The shamelessness of woman living in the neighborhood has made her feel. The culture is something expected from the surroundings. Maya s expectations remained unsatisfied Her conception about marital love is still elusive. The novel presents the tale of a young sensitive girl obsessed by a childhood prophecy of disaster. Her extreme sensitivity is explained in terms of unfathomable loneliness. Maya cries for love and understanding in her loveless marriage with Gautama. Women writers of all ages have a natural preference for writing about women characters. Anita Desai is no exception in so far as she has written by women characters. Most of her novels move around women characters. She is preoccupied with the theme of incompatible marital couples. We come across different kinds of women characters in her novels. Many critics have addressed the theme of broken marriages and unmatched couples in her novels. She represents women s mind and psyche in its varied moods. In one extreme there are sensitive characters, on the other hand the thick skinned women with a sensibility. In her first novel, Cry the peacock we find examples of the two types of women characters. Cry, the peacock is a novel mainly concerned with the theme of disharmony between husband and wife. Here Anita Desai has
  • 10. JPMorgan Chase Paper JPMorgan Chase Leg 100 Buss Law 1 Aug 11, 2013 In the summer of 2012, JPMorgan Chase, the largest leading U.S. bank, announced trading losses from investment decisions made by its Chief Investment Office (CIO) of $5.8 billion. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was provided falsified first quarter reports that hidden this massive loss. Discuss how administrative agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) take action in order to be effective in preventing high risk gambles in securities / banking, a foundation of the economy. In the summer of 2012, JPMorgan Chase, the largest leading U.S. bank, make known... Show more content on ... The leader of CFTC, Gary Gensler, give an opinion that JPMorgan s losses are worth looking into, because as a U.S. bank, it is an entity with direct admission to the Federal Reserve s discount window and federal deposit insurance (CNN Money). Determine the elements of a valid contract, and discuss how consumers and banks each have a duty of good faith and fair dealing in the banking relationship. A contract is a legally obligatory promise or set of promises (Bagley, C. 2013). If this promise is broken, either party involved can be legally responsible and take the other party to court. There are four basic elements in the creation of a valid contract. The first consist of an agreement between the parties involved, by an presented offer and acceptance. The second states that the parties promises must be supported by something of worth, known as consideration. The third advises both parties must have the ability to enter into a contract. The fourth element states the contract must have a legal purpose (Bagley, C 2013). The duty of good faith and good dealing is implied in every contract. In recent years the mortgage industry has been seen as a prime example of how consumers and banks need to better understand and adhere to duty of good faith and good dealings. Consumers had the responsibility of
  • 11. Greece In The 1920s Research Paper Cultural Factors Economic Factors The Greek population in the U.S. started to grow in the 1900s to 1920s. The Greek population boom was mostly young males, who desired to make a fortune and then return back to Greece (Waves of Greek Immigration , n.d.). There were poor economic conditions in Greece during the 1900s caused the increase in Greek immigrates (Waves of Greek Immigration , n.d.). The U.S. economy allowed for unskilled city jobs to open up, which attracted the Greeks. Immigration of Greeks still continues today but at a much lower rate (Waves of Greek Immigration , n.d.). During the 20th century, most Greek immigrants had emigrated from Laconia (Waves of Greek Immigration , n.d.). Since then immigration has expanded throughout all ... Show more content on ... These two different worlds of conflict are between family devotion and self realization. There is a strong pressure to obey their parent s rules, remain a part of the community and to marry well off and bear children. Male Greeks have more freedom then girls. Women remain close to their mothers before and even after marriage (Jugrens, n.d.). Education and a career comes second, and is at times viewed unwomanly. Man are to pursue a higher education. Actually, The 1990 Census reports that twice as many Greek men as women received university degrees, with significantly proportion of men going on to receive advanced degrees (Jugrens,
  • 12. Barriers Of Communication In Communication A business setting requires that the people concerned communicate effectively with each other in order to reduce negative consequences that would be as a result of misunderstanding or damaged relationship. There are many barriers that would hinder any business communication process. These includes clichГ©, jargon, slang, sexist and racist language, euphemism, double speak. This essay briefly described these barriers to communicationin a business setting. ClichГ© is a barrier of communication because it entails the use of once clever word or phrase that has lost its impact through overuse (McLean, 2010, p.58). An example of a clichГ© would be this is just but the wars of cats and dogs . In a business setting, the use of a clichГ© would undermined the seriousness with which the meeting at hand is handled. When it is used carelessly, the quorum may find it silly or boring and that may cause the listeners to ignore the message they are intended to pass. When this happens, then a clichГ© becomes an obstacle to the effectiveness of communication. Jargon on the other hand is the use of words which may not be familiar to everyone but to only those who frequently use it for instance the people in the same profession. An example of this would be Ceasar Pass to mean a kind of pass in soccer. Assuming that jargons are used in a business setting to audience who do not understand their specific meanings, do you think the message will be passed effectively? It may be irritating when someone
  • 13. The Sapphires Analysis Analyse how the use of film features shaped your response to one or more themes in the film. Wayne Blair, director of The Sapphires used a combination of cinematography, dialogue, flashbacks and voiceover throughout the film. These film techniques developed my understanding of the extent of prejudice and the consequence prejudice can have. The director used these techniques to show the prejudice by White Australians, Aborigines faced in Australia. The pub scene in the Australian Outback helped me understand the consequences of prejudice through the combination of dialogue and cinematography. These film features shows the unfair treatment that Aborigines endured because of their race. The mid shots showed how the white Australian audience at the pub Talent Quest ignore the two Aborigine sisters as they began to sin. A panning shot showed the audience s disapproving and disgusted looks as they avoided eye contact with the sisters. Clearly contrasting with the warm and enthusiastic cheers given to the white Australian performers before them, as also shown in a panning shot. Noticing the coldness of the crowd, Gail says, Thanks for the half heart applause. The dialogue and camera shots clearly outlined the difference in treatment between Aborigines and White Australians in Australia. This clearly shows the inequality between the two races, as Aborigines were clearly mistreated based on their appearance. At the end of the Talent Quest, after the White Australian performer
  • 14. Analysis Of Peasant Woman Cooking By A Fire Place Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fire Place by Vincent Van Gogh is a brilliant piece of artwork. If the audience truly ponders on this piece of art, it has a deep and serious meaning. The artworks meaning goes far past the viewing of the eye. A peasant woman is pictured cooking over an open fire. She is surrounded by darkness, in a messy setting with an unpleasant face. In PeasantWoman Cooking by Fire Place, Vincent Van Goghstrived to show the challenging and indigent life of peasants and lower class through value, facial expression and space. In Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fire Place, there is a great amount of value. For example, there is darkness around her nose and cheeks. This darkness symbolizes a dark cloud hanging over her, like she has shame and wretchedness sticking with her. Another example is the darkness around the edges of the painting. This darkness is like an arch around the peasant woman. By creating this distribution of value, Van Gogh creates a murky feeling. Van Gogh s main purpose for this distribution of value was to create an overall feeling for the audience, a feeling that would have the audience sense the challenging and depressing moments of peasants and lower class. The richness of the darkness helps the audience deeply feel the emotions of the peasant. There is also a hint of lightness in this artwork. The fire she is cooking on acts as the main light in the peasants living area. The fire lights up her face and hands, as well as behind the sitting
  • 15. Pt1420 Unit 3 Assignment a.47.5605В° N, 52.7128В° W b. In 1996 the largest population consisted of people aged 30 50, there were not as many people in the dependency load. In 2011, there were more people aged 40 65, who are getting close to retirement. There are not as many babies being born today as previous years because people are choosing to not have as many children. The baby boomers are getting older and there will soon be more people in the dependency load as the workforce. In 2011 there were more people ages 85 and up because nowadays people have been able to live longer. c.Many people have immigrated to St. johns because they work for the provincial government. People move there for the fishing, which is a major industry in St. Johns. 1.9% ... Show more content on ... The Taiga Shield Ecozone is made up of wetlands, shrublands, meadows and open forests. This Ecozone is a subarctic region therefore, the cold temperatures make it hard for vegetation to grow. There are trees, such as the coniferous species black and white spruce, tamarack, and dwarf pines. Most of them are stunted and do not reach full growth because of the climate. The tree line is at the northern edge of the Taiga Shield Ecozone and beyond the tree line is where the arctic tundra is. The soils found in this Ecozone are very thin and highly leached. The Taiga Shield has igneous, metamorphic and, sedimentary rock. These types of rocks are located in the Taiga Shield because of the volcanoes that formed it originally and the
  • 16. Alfred J Prufrock The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock by T. S. Eliot is an excellent short poem about a man reflecting back on his life and realizing that he is alone and might possibly die alone. Eliot uses a variety of symbols, metaphors, and great diction to convey that Prufrock is unsatisfied with his life, especially his love life. Eliot depicts Prufrock as an older man reflecting back on his life, metaphorically, going through a midlife crisis. I grow old... I grow old.../I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled, by this Eliot is getting the reader to visualize as a person grows older, they grow shorter (120 121). Along with growing shorter Eliot also describes the significant balding of an old man With a bald spot in the middle of my hair / (they will say: How his hair is growing thin! ) (40 41). These two lines alone are showing that Prufrock is very insecure and self conscious with how he looks. Prufrock even goes as far as asking himself, Shall I part my hair behind? (122) Eliot is trying to show the reader that Prufrock wants to look his best for the intelligent ladies by wearing My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin,/My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin and combing what hair he does have over his balding scalp (42 43). He is dressing to impress the women that come and go /Talking of Michelangelo, the intelligent ladies that he believes will judge him harshly, not the prostitutes that love his company (35 36). Looking back
  • 17. Prelude And Fugue Essay Prelude and Fugue in G Minor, BWV 861 (Book I) Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 1750) Bach completed the first volume of the Well Tempered Clavier in 1722 at the age of 37. The aim of the book was to write a prelude and fugue in all keys which are arranged in in an ascending chromatic scale in pairs of major and minor scales, for example, C major, C minor, C sharp major, C sharp minor etcetera, for those who wished to learn. Only seven of the 96 pieces have an explicit tempo marking, but BWV 861 is not one of them. Though written in a minor, the piece is by no means stately or solemn in tone. The prelude opens with a dream like trill in the right hand with comes back later when the subject is absent. At such moments... Show more content on ... Each section is subdivided into more sections. The first section introduces the motif which includes fast, slightly detached and energetic chords. The motif comes back slightly modified within a couple of bars time. The second section modulates to the key of B major which is divided into two more subsections which is extremely different from the loud, energetic and almost violent start. However, here too the key changes momentarily in D sharp minor. The final section that closes the piece echoes the first section which then ends in its tonic key. Prelude in G Major, Opus 32, No. 5 Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873 1943) Unlike any of his predecessors like Bach or Scriabin, Rachmaninoff s Preludes have not been arranged in any particular order. This prelude is from a set of thirteen preludes written in the year 1910, written in a span of barely nineteen days. He managed to write three of them in a single day. Written in the height of his career, the prelude reflects spring and has arppeggiated quintuplets in the left hand. Opening in G major, the prelude moves to G minor to provide a sense of contrast unlike his other works where he provides a sustainable middle section. During the recapitulation, the melody ascends higher than before but returns to G major, allowing for a very gradual,
  • 18. What Are Barriers to Entry 1 Q. Using suitable examples define barriers to entry. Explain how barriers to entry affect our firm s profits. Before a firm can compete in a market, it has to be able to enter it. Many markets have at least some impediments that make it more difficult for a firm to enter a market. A debate over how to define the term barriers to entrybegan decades ago, however, and it has yet to be won. Some scholars have argued, for example, that an obstacle is not an entry barrier if incumbent firms faced it when they entered the market. Others contend that an entry barrier is anything that hinders entry and has the effect of reducing or limiting competition. A number of other definitions have been proposed, but none of them has emerged as a clear ... Show more content on ... Examples include Capital inputs that are specific to a 3 particular industry and which have little or no resale value; money spent on advertising / marketing / research which cannot be carried forward into another market or industry. When sunk costs are high, a market becomes less contestable. High sunk costs (including exit costs) act as a barrier to entry of new firms (they risk making huge losses if they decide to leave a market). A good example of substantial sunk costs occurred in 2001 when British Telecom announced it was scrapping its lossmaking joint venture with US telecoms firm AT T. The closure was estimated to lead to the loss of 2,300 jobs almost 40% of Concert s workforce. And, it will cost BT $2bn in impairment charges and restructuring costs, and AT T $5.3bn. Profits and losses signal the existence of excess supply or demand (Mueller, 1986; Stigler, 1963).1 When firms are free to respond to these signals, they enter and exit markets until risk adjusted returns are equalized across markets. However, because of entry barriers, this normalization may not obtain, at least in the short run. For this reason, barriers to entry directly impact a firm s current and future profitability. Moreover, the over time effect of barriers to entry on profitability impacts the assumptions incorporated into forecasting and valuation models. In analysing firm profitability, it is
  • 19. Rhetorical Analysis Of The Novel The use of irony in the novel also contributes to its postmodernism. Many postmodernists treat serious subjects jovially to distance themselves from the difficult subject. They evoke black humor and different types of irony to offer critics of society and to display how society should not fear dark and somber things. DeLillo sprinkles irony all throughout his story using it even at the most serious of times. He uses it to show how the characters should not feardeath and how the characters ignore danger when the smoke alarm went off in the hallway upstairs, either to let us know the battery had just died or because the house was on fire (8) and they did nothing about the possible imminent danger. DeLillo also uses irony to mock certain characters and expose the ridiculousness of certain beliefs and customs. When Jack s boss advises him to change his name and appearance to gain more prestige, the change they make is pretentious as it is the same name only without one letter, we finally agreed that I should event an extra initial and call myself J.A.K Gladney (16). DeLillo continues to ridicule society and its principles by exposing absurdity such as Jack not knowing German despite being the founder of Hitler studies and his college requiring all Hitler majors to understand some of the language, I had long tried to conceal the fact that I did not know German (31). The use of irony not only gives the novel a lighter tone, but also exposes DeLillo s critique of society
  • 20. Medical Quality Hospital Case Study The change process that was implemented using the Kurt Lewin Change theory. The Kurt Lewin change theory implements the three step method of unfreeze, change, and freeze. A summary of the change theory allows the manager or change agent an idea of what implementing change means when dealing with people. The model provides guidance on how to go about getting people to change: a manager will implement new processes and re assign tasks, but change will only be effective if the people involved embrace it and help putting it into practice it. Prior to implementing the change process at the Medical Quality Hospital had 1,000 medical errors and 100 deaths related to medical errors which cost the hospital $1.2 million dollars. The name of the change... Show more content on ... The incentives are free pizza on the unit, a bonus check, gift card to fine dining restaurants, and a 5 day cruise all expenses paid to show appreciation to the staff for their hard work and dedication. The goal and objective for Quality Change is to decrease the incidence of medical errors and adverse events in MQH hospital by the end of 2017. The advantages of implementing the change process in MQH hospital are less medical errors, more hospital income and better budgeting Higher patient satisfaction scores, less attorney fees and lawsuits, improvements on audits and inspections done by Joint Commission, and positive and safer work and hospital environment. The disadvantages of not implementing the change process in MQH hospital are Low patient satisfaction scores, less hospital visits by patients, increase in attorney fees and more lawsuit, and decrease in hospital income and profits. 90% class attendance on a monthly basis. The outcome and evaluation of the change process was a decrease in the amount of medical errors, 50 medical errors and 5 deaths occurred and in the year of
  • 21. Copeland s Advertisements Analysis Same as Michaela DePrince, a war orphan from Sierra Leone who became a famous ballerina (Deprince, 2014), Misty Copeland, a child raised in a motel room, involved in a custody battle, who became principal dancer at ABT, has a dramatic unlikely story to tell (Copeland, 2014). Both black ballerinas have been in the spotlights of the news media the last years. In addition to her dance career Misty Copeland toured with Prince, performed on Broadway and appears regularly on reality television shows. She is featured in many advertisements and has received numerous awards. She is a highly demanded spokesperson and public speaker. In 2015, she was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time, appearing on its cover.
  • 22. Yankee Stadium Economics The rise in popularity of professional sports over the last century has brought financial gain and stability to many facets of the economy. Whether it is a new franchise, stadium, or the signing of a big name player, these activities bring attention to a region or group and influence often comes as a result of that attention. Money brought into an area from ticket revenue, hotel bookings, merchandise sales, and other businesses are impacted financially when a stadiumis built. The economic influence a stadium brings to a local economy is a positive one. Many factors come into play when anticipating the construction of a new stadium. Will the franchise be successful in the market? How will the stadium impact traffic flow? How long will the project take? What is the total projected cost of the project? All of these facts are greatly considered, and the pros and cons are assessed. After the initial planning... Show more content on ... Over the last 15 years, sixty four new major league facilities were built... One high profile construction deal is Yankee Stadium, which was originally built in 1923 for $2 million (Sanderson). Two million dollars in 1923 adjusted for inflation is $29,228,452.38. In 2005, the New York Yankees announced plans to build a new stadium. The construction cost is expected to be around $1.3 billion, which the Yankees will pay for. New York City is projected to spend $220 million on infrastructure and various other improvements across the area (Robertson). On top of the spending for the physical stadium, the city of New York spent about $220 million on infrastructure and other improvements (Robertson). This extra spending is the type of costs that investors like to argue is the reason for the subsidies. Since the money is being spent on increasing the quality of the public space around the stadium and for the taxpayers, should they not help
  • 23. Free Will And Determinism In Groundhog Day In the award winning movie Groundhog Day, we are presented with a peculiar situation where Phil (Bill Murray) relives the same day over and over. As the film progresses Phil is fathomed by the events occurring and lives out each day as he pleases. Correspondingly, there are zero consequences for his actions. Death, crime nor love has the ability to change the never ending DГ©jГ vu that Phil relives every day. At the same time; Phil has no free will in reliving Groundhog day, but does he have free will on his actions and how he spends his time on that day? Or is each action pre determined? These are interesting concepts that will bring us to the issues that will be discussed throughout this paper. Do we truly have free will on our actions or are they previously determined for us? Free will and Determinism offer us different views on how we can perceive the ultimate course of our actions and life.... Show more content on ... Free will is the philosophical idea that we have the power to think, choose and act voluntary without any external factors. To believe in free will one believes that we are agents who are capable of making decisions that can alter our course of action regardless of external factors and antecedent conditions. Do not confuse free will with political freedom, which is called liberty. In 1924, two Chicago teenagers, Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold kidnapped and murdered a boy named Bobby Franks. Loeb and Leopold were two bright college graduates with what looked like very promising futures. With this in mind; why would two bright young men commit such an act? When asked their response was just to prove they could . To prove that they could ;indeed, do any action they aspired to do on their own free will. To defend the young men their parents hired Clarence Darrow; which at the time, was one of the most famous and well known lawyers. Darrow once said to a group of inmates
  • 24. Ping Bikes If you ever have a moment of glowing pride when someone compliments your ping pong prowess, immediately halt your happiness and inform the complimenting bigot that you are in fact worse than an amateur. Recreational and professional ping pong are leagues apart. Not only can recreational players not utilize the same techniques as professional players, the equipment used is completely different. Every piece of equipment bought at your local Dick s Sporting Goods or Modell s is completely worthless equipment regardless of the price. Balls sold for three dollars a pop are only worth a dime and are not used at all on a professional level. Those pitiful consumers who choose to buy equipment in retail and wholesale scores are being deceived by big... Show more content on ... Similar to sponges, blades can control dwell time and rebound on the paddle. They also affect the consistency and speed of your strokes. Blades are required to be 85% wood but the materials can still vary, causing many different effects. There are many types of wood that have different attributes such as softness and springiness. Besides wood, many synthetic materials have been used in ping pong paddles, including aralyte, zylon, and most popularly, carbon. These materials can cause differences in spinning, receiving, and attacking the ball. The weight and shape of the blade much also be held into consideration. Lighter materials and more aerodynamic shapes can increase the speed of your swing dramatically but heavier materials can increase the impact against the ball by utilizing gravity. Most of these materials are limited to professional paddles while recreational paddles are stuck with cheap pine lumber. Also to be considered is the thickness of the blade. The blade is created using pressure to bind many sheets of material in a process not unlike producing plywood. Professional blades can have as little as five ply to as many as thirteen ply. Recreation blades, on the other hand, commonly have three ply which gives the paddle barely any weight and leaves it prone to breakage. Professional blades can heighten the players ability to perform certain techniques based on specification whereas recreational paddles do not enable the players to perform the same
  • 25. Company Background Of Wal Mart Company Background Founder of Wal Mart, Sam Walton graduated in 1940 with a degree in economics and started his career as a management trainee with J.C Penney Company. Three years later Sam used all of his savings to open a Ben Franklin variety store in Newport, Arkansas. After he lost the lease of the Newport location, Sam and his brother J.L Walton opened up another store in Bentonville. By the early 1960 s Sam felt that he had enough experience and knowledge from studying mass merchandising techniques to start a new journey in the retail industry. From traveling around the country managing the Ben Franklin stores, Sam learned that small town populations would have many uses for large discount shopping stores and therefore make them... Show more content on ... The following year the company had incorporated as Wal Mart Stores, Inc.. The success of Wal Mart was quite unheard of during this time and this success helped them to stay ahead of the competition for many years to come. In order to cut costs Mr. Walton decided to build Wal Marts own warehouses so it could buy in volume and store the merchandise. In 1970 Wal Mart went public and by 1975 there were 125 stores in operation with sales of $340.3 million and 7,500 associates. This success earned Wal Marts number one spot in Forbes in 1977, based on return on equity, capital, sales growth, and earnings. In 1978 Wal Mart opened its own pharmacy, auto service center and jewelry divisions. By 1979, not only were there 276 stores in 11 states but they also became the fastest company to reach the $1 billion mark. In the 1980 s the company opened up its first three Sam s Wholesale Clubs, and by 1987 they had opened 18 Sam s Clubs. In 1988 the Walton s had opened up the first Supercenter in Washington, Missouri which featured a large selection of merchandise and a wide variety of grocery sections. Not only did Wal Mart excel within the business aspect of things but they also made sure they did right by the community as well. The company awarded $1,000 scholarships to high school students in each community Wal Mart served. By 1990 Wal Mart was the number one retailer in the United
  • 26. Peyton Manning Case Study Peyton Manning hangs up his cleats and will go down as one of the greatest players to ever play in the NFL, if not the greatest. The sheriff revolutionized the quarterback position and will always be remembered for his great work on and off the field. Here is the first part of the 15 things we will miss about Peyton Manning. Number 15 Beating the Patriots Though Tom Brady have an 11 and 6 all time record against Peyton Manning, the fact remains that the sheriff beat him when it mattered most. In their final three playoff matchups, Manning sent home Brady and the Pats every time. sorry Patriots fans but most of America rejoice seeing the sheriff outdueled Pats. Number 14 Peyton Manning and Marketing Peyton Manning had great ways of marketing. Following his Super Bowl 50 victory, he said he would drink lots of Budweiser. His way of promoting Papa John s off the field was also great. He just found ways to endorse products. And the best part, he probably improvised it all.... Show more content on ... As much as we hated to see him lose or throw an interception it still was funny the way he reacted. The Manning face was one of the funniest things to see in sports. If you re going to lose, why not provide some form of humor to your fans? Number 12 In the Manning
  • 27. The Importance Of No Motion In Baseball Baseball is a sport that has been around since the 18th century. Baseball is referred to as America s pastime because of all the history and tradition behind the game. Alexander Cartwright developed the basic rules of the game as we now know it today. On September 23, 1845, he organized the Knickerbocker BaseballClub of New York. The first game was played in Hoboken, New Jersey. Baseball is a great sport to watch and play however many athletes who play this game become very injury prone. No motion in baseball is very natural. The baseball throwing motion, where players bring your arm all the way behind your body and whip it forward, can put a lot of strain on a player s arm and elbow. A pitcherin particular is someone who throws a ball sometimes more than a hundred times a game. Although many strength and conditioning programs have been developed to help player strength their arms to reduce the risk of injury many players still get hurt. These strength and ... Show more content on ... So right off the bat you can already tell that these two articles contradict each other. Studies from the Henry Ford Health System show that pitchers are less likely to reach even their pre surgery performance level, no less exceed them. Vasilios (Bill) Moutzouros, M.D., a Henry Ford orthopedic surgeon and the study s senior author said, Tommy John surgery is an effective surgery and most pitchers get back to pitching after surgery. But it s not going to improve their level of performance,There s been a perception that the surgery will make you better. Our findings debunk that perception. Eighty to 90 percent of major league pitchers will get back to pitching at the major league level but they just won t be as effective as they were before injury Doctors conducting this study actually found a link between the surgery and decline in player performance
  • 28. Market Wage Essay Market analysts Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez have built wage measurements in view of IRS information that backpedal to 1913 to give a long haul point of view on patterns in the centralization of wage inside the main 10 percent of the circulation. Since they have no immediate information on non filers and on the grounds that in any year just around 10 to 15 percent of potential assessment units needed to record a pay government form before World War II, Piketty and Saez concentrate on the offer of pay got at the highest point of the dispersion. Their wage idea is showcase salary before singular wage charges. Market wage is characterized as the total of all pay sources provided details regarding expense forms including acknowledged ... Show more content on ... They likewise don t represent government money exchanges or for open and private non money advantages, for example, government wellbeing and sustenance help advantages and boss paid medical coverage benefits. The offer of individual pay originating from people in general and private non money benefits that are absent from the Piketty Saez salary measure has expanded throughout the years. Subsequently, add up to salary as registered by Piketty and Saez has represented a diminishing offer of individual pay in the national pay and item accounts after some time. This could contort their appraisals of what offer of the development of aggregate salary has come at the highest point of the circulation. For instance, business supported medical coverage benefits are undoubtedly a significantly littler part of pay for the main 1 percent than for by far most of center pay charge units; excluding them could downplay wage development amidst the conveyance in respect to development at the best. Since every individual wellspring of promptly accessible information on pay dispersion has distinctive points of interest and constraints, no single source delineates the greater part of the significant patterns in disparity in the course of recent decades or something like that. In a perfect world, we would take a gander at an extensive measure of pay
  • 29. Hamlet t With underlying themes of revenge, incest, and suicide, William Shakespeare s Hamlet was remembered by many Elizabethan Era viewers as both a philosophical and oft debated masterpiece (Dickson). These controversial themes attracted viewers everywhere, enticing them to see the play. One scene in particular from the original text of the play where this proves true is act IV, scene iv, lines 31 65, in which the titular character Hamletdecides that the time for revenge is at hand in an insightful soliloquy. The audiencewould have been attracted to the scene because they would receive a moral insight into Hamlet s mind, revealing his true thoughts. It also would have expanded on the theme of revenge, and how this theme would affect the... Show more content on ... Within his thoughts, Hamlet also provides the audience with meaningful questions, whose answers affect both the viewers and his own life. One of these questions occurs when Hamlet asks himself: How stand I then, That have a father killed, a mother stained, Excitement of my reason and my blood, And let all sleep. (IV, iv, 55 58) Although the question is rhetorical, the audience still feels a need to answer. They feel connected to both the play and Hamlet s character, and feel obligated to help out the character in his time of need. Spectators are able to see the turmoil and confusion occurring in the young man s mind and heart, and can easily relate the pain to similar aspects of their own lives. Therefore, the use of a soliloquy by Shakespeare connects the audience to the play by allowing them to see deeper into Hamlet s conscience. Another way Hamlet s soliloquy targets the audience is through his in depth examination of the theme of revenge. The speech not only informs the audience of Hamlet s desire for revenge, but also how this theme will affect the concluding scenes of the play. As the prince s speech comes to an end, he decides that, Oh, from this time forth,/ My thoughts be bloody, or be worth nothing! (IV. iv. 64 65). It appears his decision is certain; his revenge is imminent. However, Hamlet has questioned his own intentions
  • 30. Precambrian Era Essay The Precambrian is the name given for the first super eon of Earth s history (Mary Bagley, Accessed: 20th Aug 2016). This era itself has been recorded to be about seven eighths of the entire earth s history. This era stretches across from 4 Billion years ago up until only 543 Million years ago (Mya) which shows how large and substantial this era was. Precambrian itself refers to the time before the Cambrian period. It also refers to the entire period of time before the formation of the oldest rocks with recognisable fossils. Lately, however, it has been seen that some hard to distinguish fossils from in the Precambrian times have been found. The Precambrian Era can be split into three eras: The Hadean, the Archean and also the Proterozoic. ... Show more content on ... Life on earth began in the early Archean and fossilized organisms became far more abundant through the entirety of the Precambrian time. Three billion years ago there was no traces of oxygen in the atmosphere, this caused no life to be able to live on earth. At around 2.4 billion years, oxygen was beginning to be released in the oceans as photosynthesis began in cyanobacteria. This process caused the gas levels to slowly grow and eventually made up 1% of the earth s atmosphere at around 2 Bya. By 800 Mya, oxygen levels reached around 20% which let organisms to slowly breathe to life. This spike in oxygen also caused the earth s surface to be shielded from solar radiation. This was the start of the first unicellular organisms. The first multicelled animals started appearing in the records of fossils around 600 million years ago. Fossils found at this time were known as Ediacarans and showed a very important time of evolution for earth. Ediacara fauna was specifically named after the Ediacara hills in South Australia in which they were discovered in the early 1900 s. These organisms even predate the explosion of life forms at the beginning of the Cambrian
  • 31. Air Quality Monitoring Of Memphis And Surrounding Areas Air Quality Monitoring in Memphis and Surrounding Areas in 2014, Analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) By Ebtsam Seteh Abstract Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere have been determined to be a human risk factor in urban, suburban, and industrial environments. This study aims to characterize the distribution and concentrations of ambient air toxics in Memphis and identify major sources of VOCs. During four seasons in 2014, about 530 ambient air samples have been collected in various locations in Memphis and surrounding areas for the analysis of VOCs with the TO 15 method. GC MS was used with a preconcentrator outfitted with a glass bead trap and a Tenax trap in cryogenic mode to analyze the... Show more content on ... CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Ambient air in urban, rural, and industrial areas contains an array of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). They spread in the air as gases from some solids or liquid materials. Society and environment are directly healthy affected in short and long term by VOCs at trace level concentrations (2). Air pollutants toxic are class of chemicals that may consider health problems in a significant way. There are many chemical pollutants released into the ambient air from various sources, such as power plants, and spraying pesticides. There are two types of air pollutants that are primary pollutants, which are emitted directly into the air from pollution sources, and secondary pollutants, which are from primary pollutants, but after they passing from many of the chemical changes in the atmosphere (12). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has compiled a list of 187 hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). There are 30 HAPs threaten health dramatically in metropolitan areas, such as benzene, 1,3 dichloropropene, 1,3 butadiene, and chloroform that are classified as toxins (3). In accordance with the 2007 Environmental Pollution, VOCs affect adversely on health and cause many diseases, such as immune and neurological damage, cardiovascular diseases, and reproductive and endocrine disorders (8). Several methods have developed for the
  • 32. How Did Pancho Villa Change During The Mexican Revolution Pancho Villa was a top military general of the Mexican Revolution. Pancho Villa was born Doroteo Arange on June 5, 1878, in San Juan del Rio Durango. Villa spent much of his youth helping around his parents farm. After his father s death when Villa was only 15 years old, he became head of the household. With his new role as protector of his new household, he shot a man who was harassing one of his sisters in 1894. He fled, spending 6 years on the run in the mountains. While there, he joined a group of fugitives and became a bandit. Although the specifics of what occurred in Villa s life during this time are unknown, it s confirmed that he changed his name while on the run to avoid getting caught by the authorities. In the late 1890s, he worked ... Show more content on ... government then turned against Madero as well, fearing that the new president was too conciliatory to the rebel group and concerned about the threat that civil war in Mexico was posing to American business interests there. Tension reached a peak when yet another faction of rebel force, led by Felix Diaz (the former dictator s nephew), clashed with federal troops in Mexico City under the command of Victoriano Huerta. On February 18th, 1913, after the ninth day of that melee (known as La Decena Tragica, or the ten tragic days ), Huerta and Diaz met in the office of U.S. Ambassador Henry Lane Wilson and signed the so called Pact of the Embassy, in which they agreed to conspire against Madero and to install Huerta as president. Huerta assumed the presidency the following day, after arresting Madero, who was assassinated a few days
  • 33. Alcoholin Cyst Research Paper A Bartholin cyst is a fluid filled sac that forms on a Bartholin gland. Bartholin glands are small glands located within the folds of skin (labia) along the sides of the lower opening of the vagina. These glands produce a fluid to moisten the outside of the vagina during sexual intercourse. A Bartholin cyst causes a bulge on the side of the vagina. A cyst that is not large or infected may not cause symptoms or problems. However, if the fluid within the cyst becomes infected, the cyst can turn into an abscess. An abscess may cause discomfort or pain. CAUSES A Bartholin cyst may develop when the duct of the gland becomes blocked. In many cases, the cause of this is not known. Various kinds of bacteria can cause the cyst to become infected and lead to an abscess. RISK FACTORS You may be at an increased risk of ... Show more content on ... An incision is made in the cyst or abscess so that the fluid drains out. A catheter may be placed inside the cyst so it does not close and fill back up with fluid. The catheter will be removed after following up with a specialist (gynecologist). в—‹ Marsupialization. The cyst or abscess is opened and kept open by stitching the edges of the skin to the walls of the cyst or abscess. This allows it to continue to drain and not fill up with fluid again. If you have cysts or abscesses that keep returning and have required incision and drainage multiple times, your health care provider may talk to you about surgery to remove the Bartholin gland. HOME CARE INSTRUCTIONS Take medicines only as directed by your health care provider. If you were prescribed an antibiotic medicine, finish it all even if you start to feel better. Apply warm wet compresses to the area or take warm, shallow baths that cover your pelvic region (sitz baths) several times a day or as directed by your health care provider. Do not squeeze or apply heavy pressure to the cyst. Do not have sexual intercourse until the cyst has gone
  • 34. Descriptive Essay About Lost Or Abandoned Lost or Abandoned? Have you ever gotten lost? I have. Or maybe I was abandoned? I don t know. I was at Space Academy, at The Space and Rocket Center in Alabama, attending an activity with other campers. In my group, there were three girls. I saw them all day and night because I was in the same dorm as them. We got along pretty well, until I got lost. Or maybe my group abandoned me... But let me step back a bit... It was an ordinary day at Space Camp: wake up at 7, go brush my teeth, get dressed, and li ne up. I went to the rides I usually go on with my group. We had fun, but then it got really hot so we had to go inside. We went to a movie then we went to lunch. I had an ordinarily fantastic lunch (like everyday), and my friends each had a couple cans of Nos. Nos is a drink that has 260 grams of caffeine, which is a lot. (I mean like 20 cups of coffee a lot) I didn t have any, and they all became inordinately giddy. They were all laughing and jumping and their eyes became extremely dilated. I laughed harder than my brain could handle. Then we went to an indoor ride I put my stuff down and got on, it was a lot of fun! Then it happened. The counselor told us to get our stuff and I looked down to grab my stuff. I had lost something so I looked around. And when I couldn t find it, I finally looked up. Everyone was gone... I was terrified... I kept calm and went to find someone who could help me. I found someone who worked there and I said, I got separated from my group. My group
  • 35. Color In The Great Gatsby Essay Colors have a remarkable ability to affect mood and emotions in everyday life. Usage of colors helps to convey certain feelings without any spoken words needed. Color is used throughout literature to communicate with the reader and to develop an atmosphere. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald utilizes colors to symbolize specific characters and to inject a sense of emotion into scenes. There is an array of colors used throughout the novel, but the most prominent colors are white, black, and blue. White as used in The Great Gatsbyis a symbol for purity, innocence, and status. White is the colortypically surrounding Daisy Buchanan. For instance, when Nick visits Daisy s house he notes, Their house was even more elaborate than I expected, a cheerful redand white Georgian Colonial mansion, overlooking the bay (Fitzgerald 6). Using white here not only shows Daisy s purity in the choice of color, but the way she contrasts from her husband Tom. Tom being the red portion of the house... Show more content on ... Daisy is seen as a higher being in Gatsby s eyes but he not on only wants to obtain Daisy, he wants to be seen at her level of status. To illustrate, High in a white palace the king s daughter, the golden girl (Fitzgerald 120). By mentioning Daisy in a white palace this shows that Daisy is unobtainable to someone like Gatsby. Gatsby has new money and will never be seen in the same way that Daisy is. This also foreshadows the fact that Daisy will never leave Tom because she is secure in her palace and being with Gatsby could jeopardize her status. White is a status symbol for Tom as well, considering he sees white people as the dominant race. Tom thinks that minorities or black people are rising up too much in society. This showcases Tom s unlikable personality and fear of being upstaged by a lower class. White to Tom means old money and Tom shows little respect to people who actually have to work for
  • 36. Dose Response Relationship Between Physical Activity And... Hamer, M., Dr. Dose response Relationship between Physical Activity and Mental Health: The Scottish Health Survey Br J Sports Med (2008): 1111 114. 10 Apr. 2008. Web. 14 Mar. 2017. Dr. Hamer, a graduate from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and worker in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London, writes Dose response Relationship between Physical Activity and Mental Health: The Scottish Health Survey to find the optimal time to spend in a physical activity to create the healthiest mental state. Although the study only looked at Scottish people, the audience is for any person desiring to better their mental health by exercising but also other researchers looking into the trend of ... Show more content on ... Although extremely detailed and informational, I will have to be careful about including information provided by this source as exercising and plainly going outside more, the focus of my claim, are not the same but can overlap in various ways; for example. people outside are usually exercising in some ways and this source can show the benefits of gaining exercise closer to the ideal time to be exercising. Hunt, A., et al. Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment: A Pilot to Develop an Indicator of Visits to the Natural Environment by Children. Rep. No. NECR208. Natural England, 10 Feb. 2016. Web. 13 Mar. 2017. Natural England, an organization partnered with Public Health England, the English Department for Food and Rural Affairs, King s College London, and Historic England, assembled a team of three researchers, A. Hunt, D. Stewart, J. Burt, and J. Dillion to measure the rate of which adolescents are going outdoors and why the same adolescents are visiting nature. Although not explicitly stated, the audience of the report is the English government as well as other organizations looking to encourage ties between the youth and nature. The report reflects on the significant trends that indicate the likeliness of an adolescent going outside, transforms the data into visual charts to be analyzed, and develops
  • 37. A Dungeon Deep A Prisoner in a Dungeon Deep, by Anne Bronte, describes the situation of an incarcerated man. In the beginning of this piece, we are introduced to the main character. The poet first describes the man s position. From the text, we know that he is in a deep dungeon. The poet may be suggesting that the man had committed a grievous crime in the past, and as punishment, he was put in a deep dungeon instead of a regular one. After Bronte uses the words musing silently to describe what the man is doing, she describes his physical position: His head was resting on his hand, His elbow on his knee. The description of the man s gloomy, somber position evokes dreary and despairing feelings within... Show more content on ... The fierce Marseilles sun shining in through the door covered them with a flood of light. At first they saw nothing around them; their overwhelming happiness isolated them from the rest of the world. (Dumas 12). The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas, illustrates situations of various love relationships. However, many say that the characters involved did not experience real love. Love is not real when one person s affections for another person are driven by greed, the desire for a certain reputation, or another non amorous desire. Real love is defined by feelings of authentic devotion, affection and compassion between figures. In The Count of Monte Cristo, many characters experience real love. Love develops over time and varies from person to person.The love between Dantes and Mercedes, Maximilian and Valentine s demonstration of love, and the Count s transformation through Haydee all prove the truth of the idea that true love is absolutely manifested between
  • 38. Roberto Benigni s Film Life Is Beautiful Roberto Benigni captures a tragic event and portrays it in the simplest and most optimistic way in his film, Life is Beautiful. Guido, played by Benigni himself, allows the audience to focus on the positives in the events that occur. As the main character, his words and actions affect the other roles in the movie. Therefore, it is safe to say that Guido s humorous personality lightens up the mood of Benigni s touching film. Life is Beautiful, released in 1998 and directed by Roberto Benigni, illustrates an important event in history the Holocaust. The film keeps its viewers at a general state of happiness; while including scenes of romance, drama, and comedy. Guido (Roberto Benigni) falls in love with the character, Dora (Nicoletta Braschi) after having several encounters with her. Together, they continue their lives and start a family with their young son, Joshua (Giorgio Cantarini). Unexpectedly, Guido, Joshua, and Uncle Leo (Giustino Durano) board a train to another world a concentration camp. To keep the story positive, Benigni creates a unique way for Guido to explain the frightening place to his five year old son. He introduces what s going on in their lives as a game, in which case the first person to obtain a... Show more content on ... She gives up her future to be with her family, even when she knows the worst is to come. This specific action of hers tells viewers that family is important, regardless of the situation. As the German soldier, or Nazi, sends the railroad car off, she strictly demands for her to board it. During this chapter of the movie, the genres of romance and drama are presented. Dora is so passionate about her family that she risks this decision to be with them. At the same time, the scene shows drama because the audience can generally anticipate what occurs next. The film brings unexpected twists to retell the event of the
  • 39. Essay on Comparing the Defective Rulers in Henry IV and... Defective Rulers in Henry IV and Richard II It has been shown again and again throughout history and literature that if there is a perfect human he is not also the perfect ruler. Those traits which we hold as good, such as the following of some sort of moral code, interfere with the necessity of detachment in a ruler. In both Henry IV and Richard II, Shakespeare explores what properties must be present in a good ruler. Those who are imperfect morally, who take into account only self interest and not honor or what is appropriate, rise to rule, and stay in power. Throughout Richard II, Bolingbroke is up against King Richard. Richard is, to a considerable degree, the morally void opportunist: he does after ... Show more content on ... My Lord of Westminster, be it your charge To keep him safely till his day of trial. May it please you, lords, to grant the Commons suit? Bolingbroke: Fetch hither Richard, that in common view He may surrender; so we shall proceed Without suspicion. while he remains blameless and pure. Bolingbroke is the superior ruler because he combines Richard s total lack of morality with deception. The slip that nearly costs Bolingbroke ( Henry ) his crown in Henry IV is a violation of the principle that got Henry the crown. For a moment the king is angered by Hotspur s prancing about his denied prisoners, and lets Hotspur know the reason for his ignoring Mortimer s capture. Henry openly tells Hotspur and the crown of nobles present that he does not ever intend to pay Mortimer s ransom, and calls Hotspur an enemy to the crown for expecting his brother s ransom. In a moment of anger, Henry has openly displayed his total lack of sympathy for the separated brothers, and called both threats to his kingship. And he walks away! Henry could easily have maintained control here by simply matching Hotspur s appearances and eloquence, and promising and delaying Mortimer s ransom. Instead he lays open his Machiavellian intentions and walks off after laying down a threat. His anger here is in some ways a virtue,
  • 40. Factors Of Building A New Data Center 3Available Options Option 1 (Building a new facility)Option 2(Maintenance of the current existing facility) With the current view of maintenance, we consider factors of building a new data center. This process will bridge the gap in operational inefficiency and customer complaint caused by the current breakdown experienced within South African Airways (ACSA). That may not be the main problems but rather the issues of cost involved that needs to be reviewed. The plan of acquiring a new warehouse within the organization will look at factors relating to site selection, equipment, financial cost and other factors that will help in the analysis and placing the practicality of carrying out such project into positivity closure.Currently ... Show more content on ... The ability to get coverage may be impacted by building a data center in potential lucrative and growing markets, which may have a higher risk profile, than a nearby country that has viable communications bandwidth into the target market space. 3.1.3Global Risk Issues Given the recent and more frequent catastrophic weather related events affecting highly developed areas, we all need to review and perhaps re evaluate our basic assumptions. While we are still in a very stable zone in SA and not been exposed to harsh weather risk that other countries face. The evaluation of any potential data center or other critical infrastructure site is not a cut and dried exercise. Geographic diversity for replicated or back up sites is no longer an option; it is a necessity in issues of floods and other disasters. 3.1.4Availability and Cost of Power Picking a site location that is physically secure and has reliable access to power, water and communications is an important first step. Since energy is the most significant operating cost of a data center, focus your attention on the cost of power and its long term impact. Energy costs are highly location dependent and are based on local or purchased power generation costs (related to fuel types or sustainable sources such as, hydro, wind or solar). If the site is relatively remote and needs to be newly developed, ensure to factor in the cost of bringing in new high voltage
  • 41. What Is Your Favorite Walk Essay Your favorite walk Have you ever thought to yourself that you need a break and want to discover something new?That you re sick of your lives and want to experience something blissful.Well, I have just the place for you! I have traveled over the world to 20 different countries but the one which was the most amazing was a place in India.It s the crown jewel of India known for its high rise buildings and businesses.But there is an underlying beauty in all these buildings.There is a gift of nature bestowed upon it in several places across this metropolitan city and I was lucky enough to experience it.I will take you through my journey in Mumbai and how its a place for everyone and where everyone has a place. I stayed on marine drive where the water would stretch for miles and the beaches would dare the waters.But there was something an aspect of this place which very few people noticed.How it would look in the mornings.I have stayed here for just a week and it feels like home already ... Show more content on ... The food there is just out of this world.They have the best nachos and onion rings and their sizzling brownie is just a class apart!It has to be the best Italian and Mexican food I ve ever had.Just across Cream center is the water sports facilities that include jet skiing and paragliding and family boating.These are just the adventure you need to top off a good evening.And then after that, you can come with your family and make sandcastles at the bustling Chowpatti beach and play with the water and have the famous Chowpatti live hot corn sales.You can also shop for merchandise at the beach and I buy many toys for your
  • 42. Types Of Contingencies, Designing A Contingency, And Owner... According to Gunhan and Arditi (2007), there were three types of contingencies, namely designer s contingency, contractor s contingency, and owner s contingency. They claimed that the best method to predict contingency was to use previous experiences. They mentioned that a detailed study of four factors, namely site conditions, schedule constraints, project scope, and constructability issues could play an important role either in preventing the CO or reducing the chances of needing a big contingency money. Smith et al. (1999) stated that the wise decision on the amount of contingency used while bidding could have effects on whether wining of the contract. They interviewed 12 contractors on the contingency calculation method and found that among these contractors, nobody was aware of any kind of estimation method for the contingency amount. Whenever, these contractors used contingency, they simply followed the traditional approach of adding some percentages to the base cost as contingencies. Mac and Picken (2000) conducted a study on two types of projects, namely estimating using risk analysis (ERA) and non ERA projects. They made comparison between 45 ERA projects with 287 non ERA projects and found that ERA method helped to reduce the unnecessary risk allowances in projects. According to the authors, Hong Kong government was implementing this ERA technique in public construction projects. In the ERA method, they described that the cost determined for fixed and variable
  • 43. West Point Crew Team Case Study Faced with an unfamiliar problem, Coach P, of the West Point Crew team, had a JV boat that was consistently outperforming the Varsity team on different measures. Upon preliminary analysis, it appears that the problem is simple: the selection of the varsity team was flawed and many of the athletes were misjudged and subsequently misplaced. However, the coach analyzed this possible flaw through seat races and even decided to demote varsity rowers to the JV team and JV rowers to the varsity team; the unlikely outcome was that the JV boat would win by even more, meaning that the demoted rower actually made the JV boat faster. This unlikely outcome revealed a deeper flaw within the Varsity team s attitudes and motivations that sharply contrasted with those of the Junior Varsity team.... Show more content on ... Varsity rowers attributed their failures to external factors, while underestimating the contribution of internal factors; rowers would not only blame each other, but blame the coach for making them race against the JV team so often. Though the Varsity team had the most physically capable rowers, their motivation and group cohesion was virtually non existent. Though Coach P tried to create group cohesion through the email initiative, he did not try to fix the problems at its core. There are many possible solutions, however, it is clear that switching rowers and boats altogether would be detrimental to the entire team, especially so late into the season. Only by analyzing motivational concepts and incorporating them into a solution, can the Varsity team unlock its true
  • 44. Mount Saint Helens and Ecological Succession Throughout history, great importance has been placed on the existence of God. Every civilization through time has sought some sort of reassurance that their is a higher being the watches over humanity. The evidence of this belief can be seen in the tombs of the Egyptians, in the sculptures of the Greeks and in the customs of the African tribes, among many other cultures. It seems that the existence of a deity is something that every culture comes to accept at some time or another. In Would Tarzan Believe in God? , the authors say that, ...many cognitive scientists see the universality and pervasiveness of religious belief as suggesting that it is a natural feature of evolved human psychology. (Banjeree, pg. 1) There are none who would... Show more content on ... In his argument, Craig says he will not treat the New Testament as an inspired text, but as a historical Greek text to prove the point from an outside view. (Craig pg. 22) Now, Jesus was an important historical figure who had a huge influence on the world, even to this day, therefore it makes sense that He should be brought into the discussion regarding the existence of God. Craig establishes that of what we know of Jesus, he was crucified and died, buried and then came back to life and appeared to his followers. Since God raising him from the dead is the best explanation of these facts, God must therefore exist. (Craig pg. 25) The fifth and final argument of Craig s is that God can be immediately known and experience, which he states is not so much a proof as it is an escape from proof. (Craig Pg. 26) For those willing to cast aside the arguments, God can be known outside of them according to Craig. For those who have religious experiences, they claim to know God and have experienced him and this is what is known as properly basic beliefs. These beliefs cannot be proven, yet they remain solid beliefs because they are similar to other basic beliefs that could never be proven. For example, how can we prove that we are not simply a brain floating in chemicals being stimulated by electrodes? (Craig pg. 26) We can t, yet we believe that we are not and this is what a basic belief is. There is reassurance in
  • 45. Buryats Research Paper The largest ethnic minority in Siberia, Russia, numbering around 350,000 in population, are the Buryats. The Buryats are a sub grouping of Mongols that reminded after the empire of Genghis Khan broke up in the 17th century. They retained their culture and beliefs through this break up of the empire. Later on in the Buryatshistory the prince repealed Russiafor protection and although they had different political rulers than Russia they were still not annexed from Russia. That did not happen until the 20th century when Buryatiabecame a part of the Soviet Union in order to have protection from larger ethnic groups. It was at this time that the Buryats were most exposed to globalization. Globalization affected the Buryats negatively when they were forced from their rural ways of life to becoming educated modern Russians, the Buryat elites were abolished, and the conversion of languages was implemented. The Buryat Republic (Buryatia) is located near Lake Baikal by the border of Mongolia and Russia. There is evidence of individuals living in Siberia, Russia going back 300,000 years. These individuals were defined as Mongolian in... Show more content on ... Due to Stalin, communism and racism their way of life was altered. They were forced to become settled down, civilized Russians and had to abandon their nomadic lifestyle. Thousands of Buryats were killed or put into labour camps for their ethnicity and they way they looked. Their language was changed so many times that they were focused to convert to Russian so they could read. Due to Stalin s control over the Buryats they had to lose part of their identity as Buryats to become civilized Russian citizens. Stalin s beliefs and actions changed a struggling nation, they are now fighting to recover from the devastation. They are slowly becoming more westernized and growing as an
  • 46. Shmups Skill Test Essay My bullet dodge ability and building dodge skills could use some work, but at least my judging ability is sound and my coolness very high. At least that s what Shmups Skill Test, from Triangle Service and Degica tells me. It also informed me that my Gamer Age is 33 years, which I guess isn t too bad, at least not compared to what I ve been told by the Brain Training games and Wii Fit. Shmups Skill Test arrived at this conclusion after, as the name suggests, it threw a bunch of quick mini games at me to test my proficiency. It is a title that can, depending on your skill level with the genre, provide a nice ego boost or a reality check. If Shmups Skill Test sounds familiar it is because it was originally part of the Japanese arcade game, Shooting Love 2007. The compilation eventually made its way to Xbox 360 in North America and Europe as Shooting Love 200X, and now PC gamers can join in on the fun. Don t worry as the other games in the collection, MINUS ZERO, TRIZEAL Remix and EXZEAL will also see PC releases as individual titles. Given its age and relatively simplicity Shmups Skill Test is... Show more content on ... The game features a myriad of challenges that are thrown at you in rapid succession, giving it an almost Wariorware style feel. The game doesn t waste a lot of time on explaining exactly what you have to do either, but thankfully most of the tasks are relatively straightforward. Whether it is protecting earth from incoming meteors, trying to shoot spinning cans into a trash bin, blasting tanks, dodging buildings or trying to grab the correct power ups, the games are all quick, challenging, and entertaining. The mini games are also over quite quickly, but you are given a random selection each time you play. All of the mini games focus on skills that you really need to do well in the shmup genre, so with a young gamer age in this game you should be able to do well in