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Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric Surgery
• Responsible for the treatment and
prevention of surgical conditions in fetus 28
weeks of gestation to adolescent at puberty
excluding cardiac and orthopedic lesions.
• Children are not little adults
Pediatric Surgery
• They differ in anatomy, physiology,,
pathology, pharmacology from adults
• You must understand these differences and
appreciate them to properly assess, plan,
and deliver surgical care.
Anatomy, Physiology
Anatomy, Physiology
Body Surface Area is more for weight.
– Head is large compared to the adult
• Often in newborns it exceeds the
circumference of the chest
– Arms and legs are shorted and
underdeveloped at birth
– Urinary bladder is intraperitoneal
• Musculoskeletal system
– Bone growth occurs at different rates
throughout the body
• This affects anatomical landmarks
– In the neonate, the imaginary line joining
the iliac crests occurs at S1
– Sacrum is not fused normally at birth
– At birth spinal column has only the
anterior curvature
– Cervical and lumbar curvature begin with
holding head up and walking
Anatomy, Physiology
Anatomy, Physiology
• Central Nervous System
– Higher function are underdeveloped.
– The brain at birth is 1/10 the body weight
– Only ¼ of the neuronal cells that exist in adults
are present in the newborn
– Neuronal development finishes as age 12
– Myelination is not complete until age 3
• Primitive reflexes (Moro, grasp) disappear with
Anatomy, Physiology
• Central Nervous System
– Autonomic nervous system is developed at
birth, though immature
– Parasympathetic system is intact and fully
– Lower end of the cord is at L3 at birth
• Receeds to L1 by 1 year of age
– Dural sac shortens from S3 to S1 by 1 y/o
Anatomy, Physiology
• Cardiovascular System
– Many profound changes after birth
• SVR doubles after first breath
• Pulmonary vasculature dilates, decreasing
• Foramen ovale closes as left atrial pressure
becomes higher than right atrial pressure
• Flow reverses in the ductus arteriosis,
preventing flow between the pulmonary
artery and the aorta
Anatomy, Physiology
• Myocardium
– Stroke volume of an infant is relatively fixed
• “they live for (or better yet, by) heart rate”
• To increase CO, you must increase HR
• Myocardium is relatively stiff
• Increasing preload will not increase CO
• Cardiac reserve is limited
• Small changes in end diastolic volume yield large
changes in end diastolic pressure
• Heart rate in infants is higher and decreases
gradually over the first 5 years of life to
near adult levels
Anatomy, Physiology
• Respiratory System
– Pediatric airway
• Obligate nose breathers because of the
close proximity of the epiglottis to the
soft palate
• Mouth breathing occurs only during
• Obligate nose breathing is vital for
respiration during feeding.
• Respiration is mainly diaphragmatic.
Anatomy, Physiology
• Respiratory System
– Incompletely developed, new alveoli continue
to form up to 8 years of age.
– Reduced production of surfactant
– Small diameter airways are prone to get
– Normal respiratory rate 40-60 breaths /minute
– Even Oxygen may lead to retrolental fibrosis.
• Burns: Estimate of body surface burnt.
• For adults Rule of 9
• For child Head is larger, LL is less
• At birth Head 20% LL 10%
Temperature control
Temperature control
• Large Body Surface Area.
• More prone to hypothermia.
• Large energy expenditure for maintaining
normal body temperature.
• Keep warm in ward and OT
• Give warmed iv fluids.
Anatomy, Physiology
Anatomy, Physiology
• Renal System
– Full term infants have the same number of
nephrons as adults
– Glomeruli are much smaller than in adults
– GFR in the newborn is 30% that of the adult
– Tubular immaturity leads to a relative inability
to concentrate urine
Anatomy, Physiology
• Renal System
– Fluid turnover is 7 times greater than that of an
– Altered fluid balance can have catastrophic
– Organ perfusion and metabolism count on
adequate hydration
– Infants and children are at a much higher risk
for developing dehydration
Anatomy, Physiology
• Hepatic System
– Neonatal liver is large
– Enzyme systems exist but have not been
sensitized or induced
– Neonates rely on limited supply of stored fats
– Gluconeogensis is deficient
– Plasma proteins are lower, greater levels of free
drug exist
Anatomy, Physiology
• GI System
– Gastroesophageal reflux is common until 5
months of age
• Due to inability to coordinate breathing and
swallowing until then
– Gastric pH is alkaline at delivery
– Gastric pH and volume are close to adult range
by 2nd day of life
Anatomy, Physiology
• Immunological status
– No own immunoglobins
– No antigenic experience
– Deficient complement factor
Thus he is a immunocompromised host
Fluid and Electrolyte
Fluid and Electrolyte
• Premature-150ml/kg/d
• Term 100ml/kg/d for 1st 10kg.
50ml/kg/d for 2nd 10kg
20ml/kg/d for > 20kg
Fluid and Electrolyte
• Sodium 2-4 mEq/kg./d
• Chloride 2-4 mEq/kg./d
• Potassium 1-2mEq/kg./d
• Energy 124 kcal/kg./d at birth to 100
kcl/kg./d at 12 years.
Ideal iv fluid D5% with N/5Saline with 20 mEq/l
The Premature infant
The Premature infant
• Respiratory Surfactant def.> atelectasis
• Temperature regulation immature
• Apnoea, bradycardia
• Hepatic immaturity > hyperbilirubinemia
• Enteral nutrition
The Small for age infant
The Small for age infant
• Placental insufficiency/in utero infection
• Inadequate nutritional stores
• Physiological stress factors hypoglycemia,
hemorrhage,congenital infections and
congenital anomalies.
Pharmacologic considerations
Pharmacologic considerations
• Pharmacologic considerations
– Uptake
• Route of administration affects uptake
– IV – fastest
– Oral and rectal routes slowest
– Transdermal faster than adults, due to relatively thin skin
– Pathological conditions of the liver and heart can
significantly effect uptake
– Distribution
• 55-70% of body weight is water in infants and
• Large ECF leads to large Vol. of distribution
– In adults, ECF accounts for 20% of body weight
– In children, ECF accounts for up to 40% of body weight
• The concentration and effects of water-soluble
agents are affected greatly by the larger Volume of
Pharmacologic considerations
Pharmacologic considerations
Pharmacologic considerations
– Plasma protein binding
• Lower levels of serum albumin yield higher levels
of free drug
• Plasma protein levels are even lower in certain
disease states, like nephrotic syndrome or
• Endogenous molecules, like bilirubin, can be
displaced by protein bound drugs
Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric Surgery
• Pharmacologic considerations
– Metabolism
• Soundness and maturity of the liver affect
• Glucuronidation is underdeveloped in neonates
• Maternal use of drugs may affect enzyme induction
• Medications, like phenobarbital, induce enzymes
Pediatric Surgery
• Pharmacologic considerations
– Excretion
• Drugs dependent on renal excretion, like
Pancuronium and Digoxin, can be markedly affected
by immature kidney function
Pediatric Surgery
• Pharmacologic considerations
– ONLY body weight or BSA should be used to
calculate and determine correct pediatric drug
– Body weight is used in premature infants
– As always, titrate to effect
Pediatric Surgery
• Routes of administration
– Oral
• Sometimes it is difficult to gain cooperation
• Liquid forms have greater absorption
– Intramuscular
• Gluteus medius muscle over age 2
• Vastus lataralus under 2
Pediatric Surgery
• Routes of fluid administration
– Intravenous
– Intraosseous.
Pediatric Surgery
• Pharmacologic considerations
• Intravenous agents
– Typically pediatric patients require a larger kg
dose than adults
Pediatric Surgery
• Pharmacologic considerations
– Pediatric patients can be very sensitive to the
respiratory depressant effects of narcotics
– Careful titration is vital
Pediatric Anesthesia
Pediatric Anesthesia
• Mainly endotracheal controlled inhalational
• Spinal/ Epidural/Caudal with sedation
• No locoregional
– Difficult airway
Surgical Principles
Surgical Principles
• Transverse incisions
• Single layer anastomosis.
• Laparotomy closure by absorbable sutures.
• Scars are worse than adults.
Pediatric Surgical disorders
Pediatric Surgical disorders
• Congenital Malformations
• Trauma
• Malignancies
• Miscellaneous
Congenital Abnormality
Congenital Abnormality
• Defects in the abdominal wall (diaphragmatic
hernia, gastroschisis, omphalocele)
• Neurological system(brain, spinal cord, etc.)
• Cardiovascular and pulmonary abnormality
• Malformation of digestive system
• Malformation of urological and reproductive
• Limbs and vertebra abnormality
Congenital Posterolateral Diaphragmatic
Hernia (CDH)
Congenital Posterolateral Diaphragmatic
Hernia (CDH)
JOne of most severe conditions of
JDefect in diaphragm during early
fetal development
J left side most commonly affected
Jcontent of the hernia:
small bowel
liver, kidney, tail of pancreatic
week8~9 : division of coelomic cavity into the pleural
and peritoneal cavity by the diaphragm; a triangular area
in the posterolateral site was left open.
week10~12 :herniation occur through this opening into
the pleural cavity at the return of midgut
1、Hypoplasia of the lung
Pulmonary weight (ipsilateral+contralateral)↓
Alveoli number↓
Hypertrophy of the media of pulmonary arteriole
Resistance of the vessels↑
2、Pulmonary hypertension
Abdominal viscera into the thoracic cavity → compression of the
lung, PaO2↓PaCO2↑→ acidosis, hypoxemia(PH<7.30)
→pulmonary vessels spasm →vessel resistance↑, right to left
shunting through patent ductus arteries and foramen
ovale↑→aggravate acidosis and hypoxemia in the body
circulation (fetal circulation syndrome)
diaphragmatic hernia
diaphragmatic hernia
Clinical manifestations:
1,Severe respiratory distress,cyanosis, vomit
2,Breath sounds: diminished on the side of hernia
3,Heart sounds: deviated to the contralateral
4,Scaphoid abdomen
【 diagnosis 】
【 diagnosis 】
Prenatal diagnosis
ultrasound: abdominal organ visible in the
fetal chest
diagnosis after birth
diagnosis after birth
X-ray film:
•Typical air-filled stomach and
bowels in the chest, which
continues into the abdominal
•Diaphram can not be seen at the
affected side.
•Absence or scarcity of intestine
in the abdominal cavity
• Before delivery: cortisone could induce the
maturation of pulmonary tissue
• Preoperative preparation:
(1)mechanical ventilation with pure oxygen
(2)nasogastric tube to decompress
stomach and intestine
(3)semi-supine and inclined to
the ipsilateral side, keep warm
(4) i.v. fuild, correction of acidosis
(5)surgical repair
Congenital Esophageal Atresia
Tracheoesophageal Fistula
Congenital Esophageal Atresia
Tracheoesophageal Fistula
 Incidence: 1/3000
 associated anomalies common
 Impediment of recanalization and
interruption of septation of trachea
and esophagus
Congenital esophageal atresia
Congenital esophageal atresia
Ⅰ6%, Ⅱ2% ,Ⅲ85%, Ⅳ 1% 。Ⅴ 6%
【 clinical finding
【 clinical findings】
1、drooling saliva, unable to swallow
2、cough and choke and may become cyanotic
after feeding
3、chemical and aspiration pneumonia
4、abdominal distention or scaphoid abdomen
【 diagnosis 】
【 diagnosis 】
1、prenatal diagnosis
2、nasogastric tube can
not reach stomach.
3、 X-ray film show the
coiling of the tube in the
upper mediastinum
Preoperative preparation
Preoperative preparation
 supine and elevated to 30~40º
 Catheter was put at the blind end of the
esophagus for continuous drainage
 oxygen inhalation, incubator
 i.v. fluid and broad-spectrum antibiotics
 surgical repair
4 Prognosis: 98%~100% survival rate for
the last decade (aboard), all of the 60+
cases survived since 2002 (our hospital) .
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
1、olive shaped mass:
length 2~3.5cm,
thickness 0.4~0.6cm,
pale in color with
consistency of cartilage
2、Muscular hypertrophy of
all the layers of the
pylorus , most significant
in the circular layer,
causing the stenosis
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
1、 projectile vomiting: onset:2-3 weeks after birth and
progressive with time; vomitus: non-bilious milk and milk
2、 jaundice :deficiency in liver enzyme and compression
of the biliary tract
3、 overall condition: dehydration, weight lose, hypo-
chloride metabolic alkalosis, oliguria
4、abdominal examination: distention of epigastrium,
visible gastric waves, presence of a palpable pyloric
tumor (unique physical sign)
1、typical vomiting and mass in the epigastrium
2、ultrsound: muscular thickness≥0.4cm,
3、GI for cases with difficulty in diagnosis:
①distention of the stomach
②strong gastric waves
③elongated and narrow
pyloric channel
④delay in stomach emptying
Surgery ———— pyloromyotomy
Intestinal Obstruction
in the Neonate
【 Etiology 】
【 Etiology 】
1、Malrotation of midgut around the axis of superior
mesenteric artery
2、Intestinal recanalization anomaly
3、Compromise of intestinal blood supply
4、Arrest of the migration of neuroblast derived from
neural crest of epiderm
5、Viscosity of meconium : cystic fibrosis
6、Maternal factors: infection, diabetes, pharmaceuticals
【 Pathophysiology】
【 Pathophysiology】
1、Loss of fluid from emesis: dehydration,
electrolyte disturbance, acid-base imbalance
2、Aspiration and abdominal distention:
chemical and bacterial pneumonia, apnea
3、Dissemination of enterobacterium: ischemia,
necrosis, perforation and sepsis
【Clinical manifestation】
【Clinical manifestation】
Characters of neonate ileus:
Bilious vomiting
Abdominal distention
Failure to pass meconium
General condition:drowsy、hypomyotonia、
【Neonatal Peritonitis】
【Neonatal Peritonitis】
1、abdominal distention, abdominal wall
2、tenderness manifested as crying, flexing
3、guarding reflex not obvious
4、abdominocentesis as shifting dullness unobvious
5、diminished gurgling sound:enteroparalysis
6、abdominal mass:necrotizing intestinal loop、
General condition:
drowsiness, dyspnea
Common causes of neonate intestinal
Common causes of neonate intestinal
Mechanic obstruction
Extrinsic : Intrinsic:
•intestinal atresia meconium peritonitis
and stenosis 40%
•annular pancreas milk curds obstrution
•Malrotation 10~15% meconium plug
•intestinal duplication
• meconium peritonitis(adhesion)
•internal hernia, incarcerated external hernia
Functional obstruction
Functional obstruction
Hirschsprung’s disease 25~30%
Necrotizaing enterocolitis
Left microcolon syndrome
Intestinal Atresia
and Stenosis
【Clinical findings】
【Clinical findings】
onset: from first time of feeding
to a few days after birth
vomitus: bilious or feculent
2、abdominal distention
high: confined to epigastrium
low: full abdomen distention
3、failure to pass meconium:
normally meconium was passed within the first 24hrs
of life and cleared in 2-3 days.
4、General condition
【 Diagnosis 】
【 Diagnosis 】
1、prenatal ultrasound
2、Clinical findings:
bilious vomiting 24-48hrs after birth
abdominal distention
failure to pass meconium
duodenal atresia--Double bubble sign
jejunal atresia--triple bubble sign
low intestinal atresia--multiple air-fluid level
【 Treatment 】
【 Treatment 】
The only option is surgery:
intestinal septum excision
Intestine resection and anastomosis
Malrotation of Intestine
Malrotation is the term used to define the group of
congenital anomalies resulting from aberrant intestinal
rotation and fixation
Week 6~8: Herniation of midgut into the umbilical
cord with a 180 degree of counterclockwise rotation
along the axis of superior mesenteric artery
Week 10: Return to the abdominal cavity with a
final 90 degree of rotation to complete the 270-degree
counterclockwise rotation
【 Pathology 】
【 Pathology 】
Nonrotation and Incomplete rotation: abnormal
positioning of the proximal small bowel and the cecum
Duodenum compressed by abnormal peritoneal
band(Ladd’s band): high incomplete extrinsic obstruction
Midgut volvulus: torsion of the narrow mesenteric pedicle
produces an acute closed-loop intestinal obstruction and
vascular insufficiency.
Proximal jejunum fused to the ascending colon by
anomalous peritoneal attachments
 Pathology:
Compression of duodenum
Kinked and foreshortened proximal jejunum by
peritoneal band
Midgut volvulus
【Clinical manifestations】
【Clinical manifestations】
Emesis:bilious, intermittent,occur at 3-5 days after
birth or asymptomatic
Abdominal distention: confined in epigastrium, diffuse to
the full abdomen in bowel necrosis
Stool: normal meconium, bloody stool suggests volvulus
and necrosis
Newborn: normal meconium,intermittent vomiting after
3-5 days of birth,no abdominal distention, hard stool
Children and infant:asymptomatic since birth,
intermittent onset or sudden onset of volvulus
Clinical manifestations
Clinical manifestations
 Symptoms of volvulus: bloody vomitus
and stool, abdominal tenderness
【X-ray film】
【X-ray film】
1、Plain X-ray film:
double-bubble sign
2、barium enema: cecum
in the upper or left
3、GI: incomplete
duodenal obstruction;
ligament of Treitz not to
the left of the midline;
abnormal position of the
proximal jejunal loops to
the right of the midline
Asymptomatic malrotation
most recommend surgical treatment
some believe operation only necessary in young children
High intestinal obstruction
operated on promptly, but not necessarily emergently
Volulus with sign of bowel necrosis
immediate operation
Ladds operation
• All volvulus is clockwise so the small bowel must
be rotated in a counterclockwise fashion
• Expose duodenum by division of the Ladd’s bands
• Dissection additional peritoneal bands to convert
the mesenteric pedicle to a wide plane
• Alignment of small bowel to the right and colon to
the left of the abdominal cavity
Hirschsprung’s Disea
Hirschsprung’s Disea
1、distended segment: proxiaml
colon enlarged with muscular
2、stenosis segment:distal colon
3、transitional segment:between
distal and proximal segments
1、lack of ganglion cell in the neural plexus of
the affected segment of intestine
2、hypertrophied nerve trunk stain positive
for acetylcholinesterase
3、Disarray of adrenergic fibers
Arrest of cranial to caudal migration of neuroblasts
derived from neural crest precursors along the
intestinal tract with vagal nerve fiber at 6-12 weeks of
gestation, which results in aganglionosis of the distal
1、spasm of affected segment
no normal peristalsis
2、internal sphincter spasm
no normal defecation reflex
3、proximal bowel distended with histologic evidence
of muscular hypertrophy
【clinical findings】
【clinical findings】
1、emesis:bilious or feculent
2、abdominal distention
3、delayed passage of meconium
4、rectal examination:tightness of internal
sphincter,rectal emptiness,withdraw brings out meconium
and gas
5、after bowel irrigation, temporary subsiding of the
Children and infant:
1、History of neonate constipation
2、Malnutrition , anemia
3、Chronic abdominal distention
Barium enema
Demonstration of a spasmodic distal
intestinal segment with dilated proximal
Failure to evacuate barium from
colon within 24hours
simplicity of the method
accuracy in neonate 80%
not suitable for short segment type
Anorectal Manometry
Anorectal Manometry
•Aid diagnosis through identification of the rectoanal
inhibitory reflex which is absent in the vast majority of
children with Hirschsprung’s disease
•Drawbacks: false-positive in older children due to
masking of the relaxation response by contraction of the
external sphincter
Rectal biopsy (Definitive diagnosis )
Rectal biopsy (Definitive diagnosis )
Suction biopsy
 Biopsy taken at 1-2cm above the dentate line
 looking for the presence or absence of ganglion cells and
hypertrophied nerve trunks
 simplicity, accuracy, absence of complications
 False-negative (age, mucosal edema, tissue quality,
experience )
Histologic staining of mucosa
Histologic staining of mucosa
Increased AChE content in the nerve fibers of the
lamina propria and muscularis mucosae
Full-thickness Rectal Biopsy
Complexity and complications, possible effect on future definitive
Most frequently encountered and life-
from constipation to diarrhea
peritonitis and sepsis
fever and abdominal distention
digital exam:massive amount of odorant stool
Cecum peforation
Bowel necrosis and perforation
1、Colon irrigations:
isotonic fluid
one to two times a day
#Do not use tape water
3、Surgical options
Soave Neonatal surgery
Transanal pullthrough
Anorectal Malformations
Anorectal Malformations
 One of the most frequently encountered
digestive tract abnormality
 Frequency is slightly higher in males
compared with females
 Associated anomaly: urogenital,another gastrointestinal
anomaly, cardiovascular, vertebra
 Arrest of the caudal descent of the urorectal septum
toward the cloacal membrane during the fourth week and
ending by the eighth week of gestation.
ARM classification
ARM classification
Wingspread classification :
according to the relative position of retal
end to the elevater ani:
high:above elevater ani
intermediate:within elevater ani
low:pass through elevater ani
Further classification according to the fistula
PC line: pubococcygeal line
I line: ischial line
ARM treatment
Aim:Rebuilt an anus with well functioning
anal sphincte
 High and intermediate imperforated anus
– colostomy at birth
– definitive surgery at 6-12months of age
 Low imperforated anus
– Trans- perineal anoplasty after birth
– For female with fistula,Dilatation of fistula,
anoplasty at 6-8 months
(Ureteropelvic junction obstruction)
•abdominal mass
• haematuria
•abdominal pain
•urinary tract infection
• others
• sonograph
• isotope renograph
• others:CT、MRU
Surgical Principles
Surgical Principles
• Always consider pyleoplasty , be very prudent to
do nephrectomy
• For bilateral hydronephrosis, pyleoplasty for both
sides could be carried out at the same operation
due to a high success rate nowadays
• Index for nephrectomy:
– Complete loss of function,
– parenchymal thickness <3mm
– sever cases of renal abscess
Fetal Surgical Procedures
Fetal Surgical Procedures
Focus is on defects which can
be accurately identified
antenatally and which cause
progressive and permanent
damage to the fetus if not
Fetal Surgery
Fetal Surgery
• Open procedures are investigational -
performed only at a few centers
• Most data on open fetal surgery comes
from UCSF and CHOP, where the
majority of these procedures have
been performed
• Some less invasive procedures are
more commonly performed
Examples of malformations that may
benefit from in utero surgical
Examples of malformations that may
benefit from in utero surgical
• Bladder outlet obstruction (posterior urethral
• Diaphragmatic hernia
• Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation (CAM)
• Sacrococcygeal Teratoma
• Tracheal atresia/stenosis
• Neural tube defects
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Lecture ped. surg.basics.pptx

  • 1. Tips on using my ppt. 1. You can freely download, edit, modify and put your name etc. 2. Don’t be concerned about number of slides. Half the slides are blanks except for the title. 3. First show the blank slides (eg. Aetiology ) > Ask students what they already know about ethology of today's topic. > Then show next slide which enumerates aetiologies. 4. At the end rerun the show – show blank> ask questions > show next slide. 5. This will be an ACTIVE LEARNING SESSION x three revisions. 6. Good for self study also. 7. See notes for bibliography.
  • 3. Pediatric Surgery • Responsible for the treatment and prevention of surgical conditions in fetus 28 weeks of gestation to adolescent at puberty excluding cardiac and orthopedic lesions.
  • 4. • Children are not little adults
  • 5. Pediatric Surgery • They differ in anatomy, physiology,, pathology, pharmacology from adults • You must understand these differences and appreciate them to properly assess, plan, and deliver surgical care.
  • 7. Anatomy, Physiology Body Surface Area is more for weight. – Head is large compared to the adult • Often in newborns it exceeds the circumference of the chest – Arms and legs are shorted and underdeveloped at birth – Urinary bladder is intraperitoneal
  • 9. Anatomy • Musculoskeletal system – Bone growth occurs at different rates throughout the body • This affects anatomical landmarks – In the neonate, the imaginary line joining the iliac crests occurs at S1 – Sacrum is not fused normally at birth – At birth spinal column has only the anterior curvature – Cervical and lumbar curvature begin with holding head up and walking
  • 11. Anatomy, Physiology • Central Nervous System – Higher function are underdeveloped. – The brain at birth is 1/10 the body weight – Only ¼ of the neuronal cells that exist in adults are present in the newborn – Neuronal development finishes as age 12 – Myelination is not complete until age 3 • Primitive reflexes (Moro, grasp) disappear with myelination
  • 12. Anatomy, Physiology • Central Nervous System – Autonomic nervous system is developed at birth, though immature – Parasympathetic system is intact and fully functional – Lower end of the cord is at L3 at birth • Receeds to L1 by 1 year of age – Dural sac shortens from S3 to S1 by 1 y/o
  • 13. Anatomy, Physiology • Cardiovascular System – Many profound changes after birth • SVR doubles after first breath • Pulmonary vasculature dilates, decreasing PVR • Foramen ovale closes as left atrial pressure becomes higher than right atrial pressure • Flow reverses in the ductus arteriosis, preventing flow between the pulmonary artery and the aorta
  • 14. Anatomy, Physiology • Myocardium – Stroke volume of an infant is relatively fixed • “they live for (or better yet, by) heart rate” • To increase CO, you must increase HR • Myocardium is relatively stiff • Increasing preload will not increase CO • Cardiac reserve is limited • Small changes in end diastolic volume yield large changes in end diastolic pressure
  • 15. Physiology • Heart rate in infants is higher and decreases gradually over the first 5 years of life to near adult levels
  • 16. Anatomy, Physiology • Respiratory System – Pediatric airway • Obligate nose breathers because of the close proximity of the epiglottis to the soft palate • Mouth breathing occurs only during crying • Obligate nose breathing is vital for respiration during feeding. • Respiration is mainly diaphragmatic.
  • 17. Anatomy, Physiology • Respiratory System – Incompletely developed, new alveoli continue to form up to 8 years of age. – Reduced production of surfactant – Small diameter airways are prone to get blocked. – Normal respiratory rate 40-60 breaths /minute – Even Oxygen may lead to retrolental fibrosis.
  • 18. Anatomy • Burns: Estimate of body surface burnt. • For adults Rule of 9 • For child Head is larger, LL is less • At birth Head 20% LL 10%
  • 20. Temperature control • Large Body Surface Area. • More prone to hypothermia. • Large energy expenditure for maintaining normal body temperature. • Keep warm in ward and OT • Give warmed iv fluids.
  • 22. Anatomy, Physiology • Renal System – Full term infants have the same number of nephrons as adults – Glomeruli are much smaller than in adults – GFR in the newborn is 30% that of the adult – Tubular immaturity leads to a relative inability to concentrate urine
  • 23. Anatomy, Physiology • Renal System – Fluid turnover is 7 times greater than that of an adult – Altered fluid balance can have catastrophic consequences – Organ perfusion and metabolism count on adequate hydration – Infants and children are at a much higher risk for developing dehydration
  • 24. Anatomy, Physiology • Hepatic System – Neonatal liver is large – Enzyme systems exist but have not been sensitized or induced – Neonates rely on limited supply of stored fats – Gluconeogensis is deficient – Plasma proteins are lower, greater levels of free drug exist
  • 25. Anatomy, Physiology • GI System – Gastroesophageal reflux is common until 5 months of age • Due to inability to coordinate breathing and swallowing until then – Gastric pH is alkaline at delivery – Gastric pH and volume are close to adult range by 2nd day of life
  • 26. Anatomy, Physiology • Immunological status – No own immunoglobins – No antigenic experience – Deficient complement factor Thus he is a immunocompromised host
  • 28. Fluid and Electrolyte Requirement • Premature-150ml/kg/d • Term 100ml/kg/d for 1st 10kg. 50ml/kg/d for 2nd 10kg 20ml/kg/d for > 20kg
  • 29. Fluid and Electrolyte Requirement • Sodium 2-4 mEq/kg./d • Chloride 2-4 mEq/kg./d • Potassium 1-2mEq/kg./d • Energy 124 kcal/kg./d at birth to 100 kcl/kg./d at 12 years. Ideal iv fluid D5% with N/5Saline with 20 mEq/l potassium
  • 31. The Premature infant • Respiratory Surfactant def.> atelectasis • Temperature regulation immature • Apnoea, bradycardia • Hepatic immaturity > hyperbilirubinemia • Enteral nutrition
  • 32. The Small for age infant
  • 33. The Small for age infant • Placental insufficiency/in utero infection • Inadequate nutritional stores • Physiological stress factors hypoglycemia, polycythemia,pneumothorax,intracranial hemorrhage,congenital infections and congenital anomalies.
  • 35. Pharmacologic considerations • Pharmacologic considerations – Uptake • Route of administration affects uptake – IV – fastest – Oral and rectal routes slowest – Transdermal faster than adults, due to relatively thin skin layers – Pathological conditions of the liver and heart can significantly effect uptake
  • 36. – Distribution • 55-70% of body weight is water in infants and children • Large ECF leads to large Vol. of distribution – In adults, ECF accounts for 20% of body weight – In children, ECF accounts for up to 40% of body weight • The concentration and effects of water-soluble agents are affected greatly by the larger Volume of Distribution Pharmacologic considerations
  • 38. Pharmacologic considerations – Plasma protein binding • Lower levels of serum albumin yield higher levels of free drug • Plasma protein levels are even lower in certain disease states, like nephrotic syndrome or malnutrition • Endogenous molecules, like bilirubin, can be displaced by protein bound drugs
  • 40. Pediatric Surgery • Pharmacologic considerations – Metabolism • Soundness and maturity of the liver affect metabolism • Glucuronidation is underdeveloped in neonates • Maternal use of drugs may affect enzyme induction • Medications, like phenobarbital, induce enzymes rapidly
  • 41. Pediatric Surgery • Pharmacologic considerations – Excretion • Drugs dependent on renal excretion, like Pancuronium and Digoxin, can be markedly affected by immature kidney function
  • 42. Pediatric Surgery • Pharmacologic considerations – ONLY body weight or BSA should be used to calculate and determine correct pediatric drug dosages – Body weight is used in premature infants – As always, titrate to effect
  • 43. Pediatric Surgery • Routes of administration – Oral • Sometimes it is difficult to gain cooperation • Liquid forms have greater absorption – Intramuscular • Gluteus medius muscle over age 2 • Vastus lataralus under 2
  • 44. Pediatric Surgery • Routes of fluid administration – Intravenous – Intraosseous.
  • 45. Pediatric Surgery • Pharmacologic considerations • Intravenous agents – Typically pediatric patients require a larger kg dose than adults
  • 46. Pediatric Surgery • Pharmacologic considerations – Pediatric patients can be very sensitive to the respiratory depressant effects of narcotics – Careful titration is vital
  • 48. Pediatric Anesthesia • Mainly endotracheal controlled inhalational anesthesia • Spinal/ Epidural/Caudal with sedation • No locoregional – Difficult airway
  • 50. Surgical Principles • Transverse incisions • Single layer anastomosis. • Laparotomy closure by absorbable sutures. • Scars are worse than adults.
  • 52. Pediatric Surgical disorders • Congenital Malformations • Trauma • Malignancies • Miscellaneous
  • 54. Congenital Abnormality • Defects in the abdominal wall (diaphragmatic hernia, gastroschisis, omphalocele) • Neurological system(brain, spinal cord, etc.) • Cardiovascular and pulmonary abnormality • Malformation of digestive system • Malformation of urological and reproductive system • Limbs and vertebra abnormality
  • 56. Congenital Posterolateral Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) JOne of most severe conditions of neonate JDefect in diaphragm during early fetal development J left side most commonly affected Jcontent of the hernia: small bowel colon spleen stomach liver, kidney, tail of pancreatic
  • 58. 【Embryology】 week8~9 : division of coelomic cavity into the pleural and peritoneal cavity by the diaphragm; a triangular area in the posterolateral site was left open. week10~12 :herniation occur through this opening into the pleural cavity at the return of midgut
  • 60. 【pathophysiology】 1、Hypoplasia of the lung Pulmonary weight (ipsilateral+contralateral)↓ Alveoli number↓ Hypertrophy of the media of pulmonary arteriole Resistance of the vessels↑ 2、Pulmonary hypertension Abdominal viscera into the thoracic cavity → compression of the lung, PaO2↓PaCO2↑→ acidosis, hypoxemia(PH<7.30) →pulmonary vessels spasm →vessel resistance↑, right to left shunting through patent ductus arteries and foramen ovale↑→aggravate acidosis and hypoxemia in the body circulation (fetal circulation syndrome)
  • 62. diaphragmatic hernia Clinical manifestations: 1,Severe respiratory distress,cyanosis, vomit 2,Breath sounds: diminished on the side of hernia 3,Heart sounds: deviated to the contralateral chest 4,Scaphoid abdomen
  • 64. 【 diagnosis 】 Prenatal diagnosis ultrasound: abdominal organ visible in the fetal chest
  • 66. diagnosis after birth X-ray film: •Typical air-filled stomach and bowels in the chest, which continues into the abdominal cavity. •Diaphram can not be seen at the affected side. •Absence or scarcity of intestine in the abdominal cavity
  • 68. Treatment • Before delivery: cortisone could induce the maturation of pulmonary tissue • Preoperative preparation: (1)mechanical ventilation with pure oxygen (2)nasogastric tube to decompress stomach and intestine (3)semi-supine and inclined to the ipsilateral side, keep warm (4) i.v. fuild, correction of acidosis (5)surgical repair
  • 70. Congenital Esophageal Atresia Tracheoesophageal Fistula  Incidence: 1/3000  associated anomalies common  Impediment of recanalization and interruption of septation of trachea and esophagus
  • 72. Congenital esophageal atresia Classification Ⅰ6%, Ⅱ2% ,Ⅲ85%, Ⅳ 1% 。Ⅴ 6%
  • 74. 【 clinical findings】 1、drooling saliva, unable to swallow 2、cough and choke and may become cyanotic after feeding 3、chemical and aspiration pneumonia 4、abdominal distention or scaphoid abdomen
  • 76. 【 diagnosis 】 1、prenatal diagnosis 2、nasogastric tube can not reach stomach. 3、 X-ray film show the coiling of the tube in the upper mediastinum
  • 78. Preoperative preparation  supine and elevated to 30~40º  Catheter was put at the blind end of the esophagus for continuous drainage  oxygen inhalation, incubator  i.v. fluid and broad-spectrum antibiotics  surgical repair 4 Prognosis: 98%~100% survival rate for the last decade (aboard), all of the 60+ cases survived since 2002 (our hospital) .
  • 80. Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis 【pathophsiology 】 1、olive shaped mass: length 2~3.5cm, thickness 0.4~0.6cm, pale in color with consistency of cartilage 2、Muscular hypertrophy of all the layers of the pylorus , most significant in the circular layer, causing the stenosis
  • 82. Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis 【symptoms】 1、 projectile vomiting: onset:2-3 weeks after birth and progressive with time; vomitus: non-bilious milk and milk curds 2、 jaundice :deficiency in liver enzyme and compression of the biliary tract 3、 overall condition: dehydration, weight lose, hypo- chloride metabolic alkalosis, oliguria 4、abdominal examination: distention of epigastrium, visible gastric waves, presence of a palpable pyloric tumor (unique physical sign)
  • 84. 【Diagnosis】 1、typical vomiting and mass in the epigastrium 2、ultrsound: muscular thickness≥0.4cm, SD=thickness×2/diameter≥50% 3、GI for cases with difficulty in diagnosis: ①distention of the stomach ②strong gastric waves ③elongated and narrow pyloric channel ④delay in stomach emptying
  • 89. 【 Etiology 】 1、Malrotation of midgut around the axis of superior mesenteric artery 2、Intestinal recanalization anomaly 3、Compromise of intestinal blood supply 4、Arrest of the migration of neuroblast derived from neural crest of epiderm 5、Viscosity of meconium : cystic fibrosis 6、Maternal factors: infection, diabetes, pharmaceuticals
  • 91. 【 Pathophysiology】 1、Loss of fluid from emesis: dehydration, electrolyte disturbance, acid-base imbalance 2、Aspiration and abdominal distention: chemical and bacterial pneumonia, apnea 3、Dissemination of enterobacterium: ischemia, necrosis, perforation and sepsis
  • 93. 【Clinical manifestation】 Characters of neonate ileus: Bilious vomiting Abdominal distention Failure to pass meconium General condition:drowsy、hypomyotonia、 tachypnea
  • 95. 【Neonatal Peritonitis】 1、abdominal distention, abdominal wall erythema 2、tenderness manifested as crying, flexing legs,grimace 3、guarding reflex not obvious
  • 96. 4、abdominocentesis as shifting dullness unobvious 5、diminished gurgling sound:enteroparalysis 6、abdominal mass:necrotizing intestinal loop、 calcification、infection General condition: drowsiness, dyspnea hypomyotonia,oliguria
  • 97. Common causes of neonate intestinal obstruction
  • 98. Common causes of neonate intestinal obstruction Mechanic obstruction Extrinsic : Intrinsic: •intestinal atresia meconium peritonitis and stenosis 40% •annular pancreas milk curds obstrution •Malrotation 10~15% meconium plug •intestinal duplication • meconium peritonitis(adhesion) •internal hernia, incarcerated external hernia •intussuception
  • 100. Functional obstruction Hirschsprung’s disease 25~30% Necrotizaing enterocolitis Left microcolon syndrome Infection Metabolic
  • 103. 【Clinical findings】 1、vomiting onset: from first time of feeding to a few days after birth vomitus: bilious or feculent 2、abdominal distention high: confined to epigastrium low: full abdomen distention 3、failure to pass meconium: normally meconium was passed within the first 24hrs of life and cleared in 2-3 days. 4、General condition
  • 105. 【 Diagnosis 】 1、prenatal ultrasound 2、Clinical findings: bilious vomiting 24-48hrs after birth abdominal distention failure to pass meconium 3、X-ray: duodenal atresia--Double bubble sign jejunal atresia--triple bubble sign low intestinal atresia--multiple air-fluid level
  • 107. 【 Treatment 】 The only option is surgery: intestinal septum excision Intestine resection and anastomosis
  • 110. 【Definition】 Malrotation is the term used to define the group of congenital anomalies resulting from aberrant intestinal rotation and fixation 【Embryology】 Week 6~8: Herniation of midgut into the umbilical cord with a 180 degree of counterclockwise rotation along the axis of superior mesenteric artery Week 10: Return to the abdominal cavity with a final 90 degree of rotation to complete the 270-degree counterclockwise rotation
  • 112. 【 Pathology 】 Nonrotation and Incomplete rotation: abnormal positioning of the proximal small bowel and the cecum Duodenum compressed by abnormal peritoneal band(Ladd’s band): high incomplete extrinsic obstruction Midgut volvulus: torsion of the narrow mesenteric pedicle produces an acute closed-loop intestinal obstruction and vascular insufficiency. Proximal jejunum fused to the ascending colon by anomalous peritoneal attachments
  • 114. Malrotation  Pathology: Compression of duodenum Kinked and foreshortened proximal jejunum by peritoneal band Midgut volvulus
  • 116. 【Clinical manifestations】 Emesis:bilious, intermittent,occur at 3-5 days after birth or asymptomatic Abdominal distention: confined in epigastrium, diffuse to the full abdomen in bowel necrosis Stool: normal meconium, bloody stool suggests volvulus and necrosis Newborn: normal meconium,intermittent vomiting after 3-5 days of birth,no abdominal distention, hard stool Children and infant:asymptomatic since birth, intermittent onset or sudden onset of volvulus
  • 118. Clinical manifestations  Symptoms of volvulus: bloody vomitus and stool, abdominal tenderness
  • 120. 【X-ray film】 1、Plain X-ray film: double-bubble sign 2、barium enema: cecum in the upper or left abdomen 3、GI: incomplete duodenal obstruction; ligament of Treitz not to the left of the midline; abnormal position of the proximal jejunal loops to the right of the midline
  • 122. Treatment Principles: Asymptomatic malrotation most recommend surgical treatment some believe operation only necessary in young children High intestinal obstruction operated on promptly, but not necessarily emergently Volulus with sign of bowel necrosis immediate operation
  • 123. Treatment Ladds operation • All volvulus is clockwise so the small bowel must be rotated in a counterclockwise fashion • Expose duodenum by division of the Ladd’s bands • Dissection additional peritoneal bands to convert the mesenteric pedicle to a wide plane • Alignment of small bowel to the right and colon to the left of the abdominal cavity
  • 125. Hirschsprung’s Disea Anatomy 1、distended segment: proxiaml colon enlarged with muscular hypertrophy 2、stenosis segment:distal colon spasm 3、transitional segment:between distal and proximal segments
  • 127. Histology 1、lack of ganglion cell in the neural plexus of the affected segment of intestine 2、hypertrophied nerve trunk stain positive for acetylcholinesterase 3、Disarray of adrenergic fibers
  • 129. 【Pathophysiology】 Arrest of cranial to caudal migration of neuroblasts derived from neural crest precursors along the intestinal tract with vagal nerve fiber at 6-12 weeks of gestation, which results in aganglionosis of the distal bowel. 1、spasm of affected segment no normal peristalsis 2、internal sphincter spasm no normal defecation reflex 3、proximal bowel distended with histologic evidence of muscular hypertrophy
  • 131. 【clinical findings】 Neonate: 1、emesis:bilious or feculent 2、abdominal distention 3、delayed passage of meconium 4、rectal examination:tightness of internal sphincter,rectal emptiness,withdraw brings out meconium and gas 5、after bowel irrigation, temporary subsiding of the symptoms Children and infant: 1、History of neonate constipation 2、Malnutrition , anemia 3、Chronic abdominal distention
  • 133. 【Diagnosis】 Barium enema Demonstration of a spasmodic distal intestinal segment with dilated proximal bowel Failure to evacuate barium from colon within 24hours simplicity of the method accuracy in neonate 80% not suitable for short segment type
  • 135. Anorectal Manometry •Aid diagnosis through identification of the rectoanal inhibitory reflex which is absent in the vast majority of children with Hirschsprung’s disease •Drawbacks: false-positive in older children due to masking of the relaxation response by contraction of the external sphincter
  • 137. Rectal biopsy (Definitive diagnosis ) Suction biopsy  Biopsy taken at 1-2cm above the dentate line  looking for the presence or absence of ganglion cells and hypertrophied nerve trunks  simplicity, accuracy, absence of complications  False-negative (age, mucosal edema, tissue quality, experience )
  • 139. Histologic staining of mucosa Increased AChE content in the nerve fibers of the lamina propria and muscularis mucosae Full-thickness Rectal Biopsy Complexity and complications, possible effect on future definitive surgery
  • 141. 【Complications】 1、Enterocolitis Most frequently encountered and life- threatening: from constipation to diarrhea peritonitis and sepsis fever and abdominal distention digital exam:massive amount of odorant stool 2、Perforation: Cecum peforation Bowel necrosis and perforation
  • 143. 【Treatment】 1、Colon irrigations: isotonic fluid one to two times a day #Do not use tape water 2、Colostomy: 3、Surgical options Swenson Duhamal Rehbein Soave Neonatal surgery Laparoscope's Transanal pullthrough
  • 145. Anorectal Malformations (ARMs)  One of the most frequently encountered digestive tract abnormality  Frequency is slightly higher in males compared with females  Associated anomaly: urogenital,another gastrointestinal anomaly, cardiovascular, vertebra  Arrest of the caudal descent of the urorectal septum toward the cloacal membrane during the fourth week and ending by the eighth week of gestation.
  • 147. ARM classification Wingspread classification : according to the relative position of retal end to the elevater ani: high:above elevater ani intermediate:within elevater ani low:pass through elevater ani Further classification according to the fistula
  • 148. PC line: pubococcygeal line I line: ischial line
  • 149. ARM treatment Aim:Rebuilt an anus with well functioning anal sphincte  High and intermediate imperforated anus – colostomy at birth – definitive surgery at 6-12months of age  Low imperforated anus – Trans- perineal anoplasty after birth – For female with fistula,Dilatation of fistula, anoplasty at 6-8 months
  • 151. symptoms •abdominal mass • haematuria •abdominal pain •urinary tract infection • others Diagnosis • sonograph • IVP • isotope renograph • others:CT、MRU
  • 153. Surgical Principles • Always consider pyleoplasty , be very prudent to do nephrectomy • For bilateral hydronephrosis, pyleoplasty for both sides could be carried out at the same operation due to a high success rate nowadays • Index for nephrectomy: – Complete loss of function, – parenchymal thickness <3mm – sever cases of renal abscess
  • 155. Fetal Surgical Procedures Focus is on defects which can be accurately identified antenatally and which cause progressive and permanent damage to the fetus if not corrected.
  • 157. Fetal Surgery • Open procedures are investigational - performed only at a few centers • Most data on open fetal surgery comes from UCSF and CHOP, where the majority of these procedures have been performed • Some less invasive procedures are more commonly performed
  • 158. Examples of malformations that may benefit from in utero surgical correction
  • 159. Examples of malformations that may benefit from in utero surgical correction • Bladder outlet obstruction (posterior urethral valves) • Diaphragmatic hernia • Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation (CAM) • Sacrococcygeal Teratoma • Tracheal atresia/stenosis • Neural tube defects
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