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Assessment for Learning Essay
It is widely recognized that the form and content of student assessment strongly influence students'
attitudes to study and quality of learning (Ramsden, 1997; Shepard, 2000). For most students,
assessment requirements literally define the curriculum. Current research suggests it is assessment
used in the right way, as part of teaching to support and enhance learning that has the most significant
impact on learning (Elwood and Klenowski, 2002). James and his colleagues (2002) argue that
carefully designed assessment is therefore a powerful tool for educators and caution that equally,
"poorly designed assessment has the potential to hinder learning or stifle curriculum development".
New forms of assessment The realization of more content...
Taras outlines three conditions that must be met for effective formative feedback to take place: 1.a
knowledge of standards – students must have access to the tutors' knowledge and assumptions 2.the
necessity to compare these standards to one's own work – met through practice on the part of the
student and guidance from the tutor 3.taking action to close the gap – requires learners to use this
new information at the same time as producing. Black and William (1998) reviewed 250 research
articles on teachers' assessment practices, from pre–schools to colleges, and found that there is
strong evidence to show that improving formative assessment produces significant and often
substantial learning gains. However, they suggest that the current practice of formative assessment
could be improved and identified five key ways to enhance formative assessment: to any
student should relate to the qualities of the work with advice on what the student can do to improve
and should avoid comparisons with other students 2.students should be trained in self–assessment so
that they can understand the main purposes of their learning and thereby grasp what they need to do
to achieve 3.opportunities for students to express their understanding should be designed into any
piece of teaching, for this will initiate the interaction whereby formative assessment aids learning
4.the dialogue between students and a teacher should be thoughtful, reflective
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The Learning Process Essay
The Learning Process
One can learn from experiences of pain ending up seeing life in different way. Learning is a process
of gaining knowledge through experiences. In the learning process pain is often necessary when it
helps people to build strong personalities. In "Discovery," Liann Sumner realized she took
everything in her environment for granted without realizing how effective they are until she visited
her home country, India. Sometimes one has to be in painful situation to learn the lesson. Dick
Gregory in "Shame" did not know the meaning of a word shame until the classroom incident where a
teacher humiliated him in front of his classmates. Many learn by experiencing pain where as others
learns by seeing someone's more content...
"All my life, I had been blind to luxuries that I had taken for granted" (283). She was exposed to
the cultural shock that surroundings did not comfort the citizens. As she learned how to appreciate
neglected objects through out the journey, many can feel lucky to belong to a nation that took
good care of citizens and ran things efficiently. Another way to sense precious messages can be
done by seeing others' pain. Sometimes, understanding parents' grief inspires their children. One
would gradually benefit by hearing his/her parents' experiences with places where s/he has never
been. One can gain knowledge of a place by studying books, but that will only provide structural
information about it. Lee learns and senses many things about China by listening his mother and
grandmother's songs. They sing about their homeland where they are not allowed to go back. "Both
women begun to cry. But neither stops her song" (279). They want him to remember his heritage by
listening them singing. People sing to release sorrow inside and express their feeling towards they
are longing. By paying attention to one's grief indirectly demonstrates a lesson. The last way to teach
new truths can be done by experiencing pain with or without knowing at the time of an event. One
can be taught lessons from shameful situation s/he was in, and it can strength his/her personality and
encourage him/her to help someone who is in need. As a
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Concept of Learning Essays
Kaplan University
Professor Missy Madden–Schlegel
September 26, 2010
Learning is defined as an experience that produces lasting change in the mind of the person receiving
the knowledge. Learning can be conscious as in memorizing scriptures from the bible and
unconscious as in something happening without any deliberate efforts (Schacter et. al., 2009). From
an education standpoint, learning can also involve helping people by giving information that they
can use in life. For the purposes of psychology, learning is considered a change in behavior. In the
case of Adam and Teri as described in the text, their learning occurred on the day their daughter
turned one; September 11, 2001. more content...
It was not necessary for Margie to touch the stove because she saw that it was the wrong thing to
do. She observed the negative impact it had on her brother when he touched it. If the results had
been favorable for Rodney, I believe Margie would have imitated whatever her brother did. In
looking at how observational learning occurs in regards to the Bobo experiment, I see that after
observing the adult model behave aggressively with the Bobo doll, the children behaved in like
manner. They too were very aggressive with the doll – kicking it, punching and jumping on it. This
was the result of no direct reinforcement from anyone. Bandura's idea that for observational learning
to occur one must give attention to the behavior, retain the observation of the behavior, have the
motor skills to carry it out and also have the motivation to do so is true. Give Attention: In order to
learn something it is necessary to pay attention to what is going on. It is important for the observer
to identify with some characteristics of the observed as I mentioned earlier – it makes it easier to pay
attention and to retain the behavior. Retain Observation: It is also important to retain what is
observed so it can be remember at some later time; especially if not allowed to repeat the behavior
right away. Have Motor Skills: The key here is that the
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Learning Behavior Essays
Learning Behavior
Psychologists have preformed many studies and proposed many theories regarding learning.
Learning can be defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior that is due to past experience.
John B. Watson was an early psychologist that didn't agree with many other psychologist's ideas
about learning only relating to consciousness and thought processes. As the founder of behaviorism,
Watson studied learning in a behavioral perspective, an approach that emphasizes the relationship
between outwardly observable behaviors and environmental events, rather than mental processes.
Classical conditioning is a process of learning associations between stimuli used by Ivan Pavlov, a
Russian physiologist. more content...
Skinner believed that classical conditioning was limited to behaviors that are reflexively elicited. An
operant describes behaviors that are "operate upon the environment to generate consequences."
Reinforcement follows an operant and increases the likelihood of the operant being repeated. There
are two forms of reinforcement: positive and negative reinforcement. When an event occurs
producing a positive effect, it is considered positive reinforcement. Negative reinforcement involves
the removal of a stimulus increasing the likelihood of a positive effect. An example of this would be
to take two aspirins to remove the pain from a headache. Punishment is a process that decreases the
likelihood of a behavior to occur again. This is not to be confused with negative reinforcement
because it doesn't increase the likelihood of an occurrence. There are drawbacks to punishment. It
doesn't teach an appropriate behavior to replace an inappropriate one. Also, intense punishment can
lead to results such as passivity, fear, anxiety, or hostility. Finally, effects of punishment are
sometimes temporary. An alternative to punishment is trying to change the behavior of others. First,
stop reinforcing the problem behavior by identifying the reinforcer and eliminating it. When it is not
possible to eliminate the reinforcement, remove the opportunity to obtain positive reinforcement. An
example of this would be time–out for a child because he or she is no longer
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Learning Languages Essay
Effects of learning Languages
Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning
another way to think about things. A bilingual person is more than one person. Whenever we are
learning a new language, it means that we have started a new life with a different vision. If we
learn a language, we understand much about culture or life of a country. If we know one language
we are one person, if we know two languages, we are two people. As an instance; if there is a job
vacancy that requires two people knowing two languages and you know two languages, then you are
qualified for that job. Learning a new language seems like we are starting a new journey toward our
future life. I am always passionate about learning a new language, and when I start learning a new
language everything is changed.
Firstly, I was the only one in my family who started learning a new language in early ages. Without
knowing Dari, which in my native language, I had started learning Urdu. When I was living in
Pakistan, I was having to learn Urdu to go to school. My first journey headed more
When I was learning English, I used to watch lots of English movies, and Korean dramas. When I
completed upper–intermediate levels in English, I started teaching in a language academy in
Kabul. During my teaching experience at that academy, there was a colleague of mine who was
also too interested in Korean language. Korean language was certainly totally different from
English and Urdu, but somehow we are able to communicate with each other in Urdu. The funny
thing was that the others were not able to understand us, when we told jokes in Korean. Since I
knew Korean a bit, I was invited to the Korean Embassy to study a one–month Korean language
course for free. I went there to study Korean and later the Embassy employed me for an organization
named Central Statistics organization
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Essay on Lifelong Learning
Lifelong learning
Lifelong learning is the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the life of an
individual. The first characteristic of lifelong learning is that it encompasses both formal and
non–formal/informal types of education and training. Formal learning includes the hierarchically
structured school system that runs from primary school through the university and organized
school–like programs created in business for technical and professional training. Whereas informal
learning describes a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and
knowledge from daily experience and the educational influences and resources in his or her
environment, from family and neighbors, from work and play, more content...
The computer industry is a growing field that will never stay the same as it was when it started.
We will always need additional learning to be able to keep our jobs or move up on the corporate
ladder. We can learn about these changes by going back to school, going to workshops, or on the
job training if it is available. These opportunities are tools that will help you learn more about your
job. The skills that you learn at one job will help you advance in that position or get you another
position with that company or another company. For example,
If you we are tired of being at that same died end job make that change and go back to school to get
that additional education to pursue your dream that you have. Working a job and having a career
are two different things. After spend some years in the work force I decided to further my
education. I wanted a career that I can advance in and learn more.
The process of designing a lifelong learning plan begins with putting it in writing. This plan,
sometimes called a learning contract, must be a dynamic process intended to provide structure in an
unstructured environment – known as everyday life.
Lifelong learning exists within this world, allowing learners the freedom to enroll in formal
continuing education programs or self–directed learning such as learning how to garden or play an
instrument, as examples. A personal learning plan or learning contract should focus on the following
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Essay on English Language Learner
Schools in the United States of America (USA) are facing many challenges, because of the
increasing numbers of the English Language Learner (ELL) students. School administrators are
trying hard to provide an equal opportunity education to their students. Furthermore, educators are
looking forward in providing several methods and technique to help their students to succeed in their
academic learning skills. There are many factors that need to focus on and it can be the fundamental
when trying to build powerful resolutions, such as parents and community resources, social
influences, native language, etc.
ELL Families and Schools
Teaching is a call, where teachers need to have an understanding about each individual student's more content...
By allowing the ELL students to use their native and their second language in reading, and writing it
will make them move along this new process. Reading and writing experience should be context
related and meaningful in order for them to be effective in their learning, even though, they can
transfer the literacy skills that they have obtained in their native language towards their second
language while they are exposed to more learning experiences.
Many challenges are faced by the ELL students and their families by being in a new environment,
such as a new language, school, food, beliefs, life style, etc., where they feel that they need to deviate
from their home language and their culture, absolutely not, they need to be conceited, revered,
treasured. In this matter, our role as educators is to be prepared to work effectively with families
(Katz & Bauch, n.d., p. 189), in providing the effective support, and assistant with the full
understanding of the new changes in their new environments. On the other hand, social cultural
pressure could be increased if students do not have another native individual to relate to; students
need to have a teacher who will assist and guide them in learning new a language; without allowing
them to lose their cultural identity.
Fund of Knowledge for Teaching (FKT) created for teachers, anthropologists, and teacher educators
to gain more knowledge about their students' community experiences, and curricula
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Different Learning Styles Essay
Different Learning Styles
Students have different ways to learn. Some people are hands on learners or visual learners. Teachers
try to adapt the way they teach; to the way their students learn the best. The information that is being
taught should be made fun so that the students remember the information. Schools are also using new
technology to help students learn. Different learning styles have different effects on people.
Different learning styles are the talk of many school districts from near and far. The study of
different learning styles has gone back since the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. We all know
that people have different ways of learning, so teachers try to teach the way more
Prediction of educational psychology course grades by age and learning style scores did a study to
show how different learning styles effect test and course grades. They use 105 college students who
took four tests. ?The best predictions of the course grade were the students? ages and two Inventory
of Learning Processing and Fact Retention. The Deep Processing scale measures high–order type of
items which include analyses, evaluations, and comparisons of information; whereas, the Fact
Retention scale measures low–order type of items which include factual information and memory
recall.? (Gadzella,2002) The ILP (Inventory of Learning Processing) is assessed by
behavioral–process orientation and used to study actual classroom behaviors. Deep processing
scale assesses to what extent to which ?subjects critically evaluate, analyze, organize, and compare
and contrast information.? (Gadzella, 2002) Fact Retention scale assesses ?how effectively
specific factual information is retrieved from one?s memory.? (Gadzella, 2002) After doing these
studies for many years it has been said that ILP is very reliable and valid. ?In 1983, Lockhart and
Schmeck studied the validity of the four ILP scales with the different components of a course and
demonstrated how these scales can be useful to instructors who would like to ?conceptualize and
account for students' individual scores?
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Essay on Action Learning
What is Action Learning?
Action Learning is an accelerated learning tool which can be applied to any number of different
workplace (and personal) issues and challenges. In Action Learning groups or 'sets' we meet
regularly with others in order to explore solutions to real problems and decide on the action we wish
to take. When doing this in the set, the stages include:
1. Describing the problem as we see it
2. Receiving contributions from others in the form of questions
3. Reflecting on our discussion and deciding what action to take
4. Reporting back on what happened when we took action
5. Reflecting on the problem–solving process and how well it is working
Action learning was described and promoted by Reg Revans, who was more content...
Depending on Set size, meetings may be from half a day to one day duration. The life of the Set
varies and some Sets meet for a limited time, say, once a month for 6 sessions. Other Sets meet for
a year or more, depending on the type of work they are doing.
There are also online Sets and Sets which 'meet' using teleconferencing and other virtual media.
Who uses action learning?
Sets have proved their value and become established in many different organisations and settings.
Within organisations Action Learning Sets are widely used in the UK National Health Service, in
local and national government departments, in community and voluntary organisations, in
universities and colleges and in businesses of various kinds.
Sets are also widely used externally, for example, freelance learning and development professionals
working on marketing; HR managers wanting to develop and share best practice; business owners in
the tourism industry meeting to address a variety of business issues.
An ambitious action learning programme of recent times aimed to help managers from different
organisations in the UK not–for–profit sector develop skills and gain support.
What is the theory of Action Learning?
The пїЅcycle of learningпїЅ describes how we learn as a continuous process of action and reflection.
According to Reg Revans, learning is the product of knowledge (i.e. taught information) PLUS
questioning and
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What Is Learning Essay
What is Learning
Learning is commonly defined as the process that groups together cognitive, emotional &
environmental influences & experiences for acquiring & enhancing personal knowledge,
skills & values etc. (Ormorod, 1995; IIIeris, 2000). It is knowledge acquired by study. A
Learner wishes to gain & commit to memory new skills, to be taught, to find out & acquire
knowledge. Learning is simply not just to listen but to build on prior knowledge & transform
information into intellectual activity.
Some people learn by "Having a go." They try something out sooner rather than later then reflect on it
later either alone or in discussion with others, Retrospective reflection.
Other learners are more kinetic more content...
(Rogers 2003).
Formalized & Acquisition learning contrasting as they are can appear in the same context as
both are present in families & schools so the mix of the two can be thought of as forming a
Incidental Learning or unintentional, accidental learning events occur continuously throughout our
lives. We learn through acquisition methods which happen during the course of some other activity,
be it experimental or life related even though the focus is still on another task.
Facilitative learning (developed by Rogers & others) with the educator acting as a facilitator by
creating an atmosphere in which learners are comfortable, consider new ideas & not threatened
by external factors. (Laird 1985)
Learners are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning & provide much of the
input for the learning through their experiences & insights.
Experimental learning has a four stage process as set out by Kolb & can begin at any stage it
is continuous & has no limits to the number of cycles you can make in a learning situation. (Mc
Gill & Beatty 1995).
So what is learning? Learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour with behaviour including
observation, thinking, attitude & emotions. (Burns 1995.)
My own conclusion
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Essay on My Learning Journey so Far
Learning in a Changing World has brought on a number of positive learning experiences. The
knowledge I have gained and theory I have completed through assessments and in class discussions
and tasks has broadened my understanding of learning. It is evident through this text that the
theoretical perspectives focused on in this subject have had a place in the process of my learning
journey throughout the semester. Whether this learning has been learning a new skill for an
assessment, observing learning and assisting teaching on placement or collaborative learning in the
tutorials, it is clear a number of theories tie into these learning experiences.
As I began my journey of learning a new skill which was how to play a song on the piano, I was more content...
I was lucky enough to be placed at Thornbury Primary School for my first week of placement. On
many occasions throughout the five days I assisted students with their work, from small group
work to working one on one with students. At times it was difficult helping student as some
needed more motivation than others, some learnt at a slower rate than others and at times I
needed to come up with strategies to tackle challenges I faced. One challenge was assisting a boy
in the class who had special needs. The class began with their Reading Workshop and first off
everyone was required to read a chapter of their book to a class mate or Pre Service Teacher.
Although the boy I was working with refused to read to me, I began to use a number of strategies
to motivate him to complete the task at hand. Mooney (2013) expresses Vygotsky's concept, The
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), it has been articulated in this text that this ZPD is the space
among what someone is capable of without assistance and what someone is capable of with
assistance from a peer or teacher. I implemented this theory with the student, begging with observing
the situation and determining where he was at in his learning process and what he was able to
achieve. I began to think that maybe he was not too confidant to
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psychology and learning Essay
There are many different kinds of ways that people and animals learn. People can adjust the way they
learn to the different situations in which they are learning and what they have to learn. One form of
learning is known as conditioning. Conditioning emphasises the relationship between stimuli and
responses. The two types of conditioning found are Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning.
Learning may occur in different ways. Psychologists have distinguished between different types of
learning, these being Observational Learning and Insight Learning.
     Classical conditioning refers to a simple form of learning,
which occurs through the repeated association of two or more different stimuli. Learning
more content...
And example of operant conditioning is the training of rats to press a lever in order to obtain a food
reward. The pressing of the lever (conditioned response) is associated with the food reward
(unconditioned stimulus). After a training period, the rat will show the conditioned response of
pressing the lever even without the presence of the unconditioned stimulus of the food.
     Observational learning occurs when a person or an animal uses
observation of another's actions and their consequences to guide their own future actions. The person
being observed is referred to as a model. For this reason observational learning is also referred to as
modeling. Observational learning involves four stages, attention, retention, reproduction and
motivation–reinforcement. Attention is when the learner observers the actions of the model (The
higher the status of the model the more attention the learner will pay and the closer their imitations
will be to the models actions). Retention is when the learner retains in their memory what they have
just observed. Reproduction is when the learner will reproduce or imitate the actions of the model
that they have just observed. Reproduction is when the learner reproduces or imitates what they
have just observed. Motivation–reinforcement can come in various ways. External reinforcement,
through praise for doing something well, self–reinforcement, through the
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E- Learning Essay
E– Learning in training has tremendous influence and foothold all over the world including in India
and pushing them toward success. Innovative technology is the key that develops the human
resource base to improving people's lives. Rapid innovation in ICT is transforming the way
employees work, the way they interact, and the way they learn and apply in their day to day work.
Centred on information technologies and the power that they increasingly wield within the global
economy, it can be asserted that e–learning has drivers that previous learning technologies lacked.
E–learning is a result of both rapid technological change and a response to the changes happening in
culture and society itself. This provides opinion to a wide range more content...
India is trying to address this gap by employing various strategies and methods and there is still
massive scope for improvement in this field. Comparing India with other countries, it cannot
precisely be done due to the type of problems and diversities that it has. Diversity of geographical
regions is a huge challenge and on of the main issues that needs to assist. Compared to present
world standards, is still definitely deficient. When Indian economy was growing at a rate of 3.5 %,
it had a surplus manpower. Even today about 6.5 lakh people go out of India every year. But now
when Indian economy had started growing at 8–9 %, there is shortage. Currently economy becoming
globally linked, manufacturing practices, technology, etc. has started becoming a little old–fashioned
comparing to global standard (Asim Choudhury 2005). Need for e–learning The need for
advancement has been increasing and there would never be adequate amount of skilled labour
available in the labour market; in addition to it, the number and range of skills required of the
average employee is increasing. Skills required are changing so quickly that they're outdated within a
few months of introduction along with technologies and business practices. E–learning acts as a
training tool that provides flexibility, accessibility to the user.
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Learning Essays

  • 1. Assessment for Learning Essay It is widely recognized that the form and content of student assessment strongly influence students' attitudes to study and quality of learning (Ramsden, 1997; Shepard, 2000). For most students, assessment requirements literally define the curriculum. Current research suggests it is assessment used in the right way, as part of teaching to support and enhance learning that has the most significant impact on learning (Elwood and Klenowski, 2002). James and his colleagues (2002) argue that carefully designed assessment is therefore a powerful tool for educators and caution that equally, "poorly designed assessment has the potential to hinder learning or stifle curriculum development". New forms of assessment The realization of more content... Taras outlines three conditions that must be met for effective formative feedback to take place: 1.a knowledge of standards – students must have access to the tutors' knowledge and assumptions 2.the necessity to compare these standards to one's own work – met through practice on the part of the student and guidance from the tutor 3.taking action to close the gap – requires learners to use this new information at the same time as producing. Black and William (1998) reviewed 250 research articles on teachers' assessment practices, from pre–schools to colleges, and found that there is strong evidence to show that improving formative assessment produces significant and often substantial learning gains. However, they suggest that the current practice of formative assessment could be improved and identified five key ways to enhance formative assessment: to any student should relate to the qualities of the work with advice on what the student can do to improve and should avoid comparisons with other students 2.students should be trained in self–assessment so that they can understand the main purposes of their learning and thereby grasp what they need to do to achieve 3.opportunities for students to express their understanding should be designed into any piece of teaching, for this will initiate the interaction whereby formative assessment aids learning 4.the dialogue between students and a teacher should be thoughtful, reflective Get more content on
  • 2. The Learning Process Essay The Learning Process One can learn from experiences of pain ending up seeing life in different way. Learning is a process of gaining knowledge through experiences. In the learning process pain is often necessary when it helps people to build strong personalities. In "Discovery," Liann Sumner realized she took everything in her environment for granted without realizing how effective they are until she visited her home country, India. Sometimes one has to be in painful situation to learn the lesson. Dick Gregory in "Shame" did not know the meaning of a word shame until the classroom incident where a teacher humiliated him in front of his classmates. Many learn by experiencing pain where as others learns by seeing someone's more content... "All my life, I had been blind to luxuries that I had taken for granted" (283). She was exposed to the cultural shock that surroundings did not comfort the citizens. As she learned how to appreciate neglected objects through out the journey, many can feel lucky to belong to a nation that took good care of citizens and ran things efficiently. Another way to sense precious messages can be done by seeing others' pain. Sometimes, understanding parents' grief inspires their children. One would gradually benefit by hearing his/her parents' experiences with places where s/he has never been. One can gain knowledge of a place by studying books, but that will only provide structural information about it. Lee learns and senses many things about China by listening his mother and grandmother's songs. They sing about their homeland where they are not allowed to go back. "Both women begun to cry. But neither stops her song" (279). They want him to remember his heritage by listening them singing. People sing to release sorrow inside and express their feeling towards they are longing. By paying attention to one's grief indirectly demonstrates a lesson. The last way to teach new truths can be done by experiencing pain with or without knowing at the time of an event. One can be taught lessons from shameful situation s/he was in, and it can strength his/her personality and encourage him/her to help someone who is in need. As a Get more content on
  • 3. Concept of Learning Essays THE CONCEPT OF LEARNING Kaplan University SS124–29 Professor Missy Madden–Schlegel September 26, 2010 Learning is defined as an experience that produces lasting change in the mind of the person receiving the knowledge. Learning can be conscious as in memorizing scriptures from the bible and unconscious as in something happening without any deliberate efforts (Schacter et. al., 2009). From an education standpoint, learning can also involve helping people by giving information that they can use in life. For the purposes of psychology, learning is considered a change in behavior. In the case of Adam and Teri as described in the text, their learning occurred on the day their daughter turned one; September 11, 2001. more content... It was not necessary for Margie to touch the stove because she saw that it was the wrong thing to do. She observed the negative impact it had on her brother when he touched it. If the results had been favorable for Rodney, I believe Margie would have imitated whatever her brother did. In looking at how observational learning occurs in regards to the Bobo experiment, I see that after observing the adult model behave aggressively with the Bobo doll, the children behaved in like manner. They too were very aggressive with the doll – kicking it, punching and jumping on it. This was the result of no direct reinforcement from anyone. Bandura's idea that for observational learning to occur one must give attention to the behavior, retain the observation of the behavior, have the motor skills to carry it out and also have the motivation to do so is true. Give Attention: In order to learn something it is necessary to pay attention to what is going on. It is important for the observer to identify with some characteristics of the observed as I mentioned earlier – it makes it easier to pay attention and to retain the behavior. Retain Observation: It is also important to retain what is observed so it can be remember at some later time; especially if not allowed to repeat the behavior right away. Have Motor Skills: The key here is that the Get more content on
  • 4. Learning Behavior Essays Learning Behavior Psychologists have preformed many studies and proposed many theories regarding learning. Learning can be defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior that is due to past experience. John B. Watson was an early psychologist that didn't agree with many other psychologist's ideas about learning only relating to consciousness and thought processes. As the founder of behaviorism, Watson studied learning in a behavioral perspective, an approach that emphasizes the relationship between outwardly observable behaviors and environmental events, rather than mental processes. Classical conditioning is a process of learning associations between stimuli used by Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist. more content... Skinner believed that classical conditioning was limited to behaviors that are reflexively elicited. An operant describes behaviors that are "operate upon the environment to generate consequences." Reinforcement follows an operant and increases the likelihood of the operant being repeated. There are two forms of reinforcement: positive and negative reinforcement. When an event occurs producing a positive effect, it is considered positive reinforcement. Negative reinforcement involves the removal of a stimulus increasing the likelihood of a positive effect. An example of this would be to take two aspirins to remove the pain from a headache. Punishment is a process that decreases the likelihood of a behavior to occur again. This is not to be confused with negative reinforcement because it doesn't increase the likelihood of an occurrence. There are drawbacks to punishment. It doesn't teach an appropriate behavior to replace an inappropriate one. Also, intense punishment can lead to results such as passivity, fear, anxiety, or hostility. Finally, effects of punishment are sometimes temporary. An alternative to punishment is trying to change the behavior of others. First, stop reinforcing the problem behavior by identifying the reinforcer and eliminating it. When it is not possible to eliminate the reinforcement, remove the opportunity to obtain positive reinforcement. An example of this would be time–out for a child because he or she is no longer Get more content on
  • 5. Learning Languages Essay Effects of learning Languages Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things. A bilingual person is more than one person. Whenever we are learning a new language, it means that we have started a new life with a different vision. If we learn a language, we understand much about culture or life of a country. If we know one language we are one person, if we know two languages, we are two people. As an instance; if there is a job vacancy that requires two people knowing two languages and you know two languages, then you are qualified for that job. Learning a new language seems like we are starting a new journey toward our future life. I am always passionate about learning a new language, and when I start learning a new language everything is changed. Firstly, I was the only one in my family who started learning a new language in early ages. Without knowing Dari, which in my native language, I had started learning Urdu. When I was living in Pakistan, I was having to learn Urdu to go to school. My first journey headed more content... When I was learning English, I used to watch lots of English movies, and Korean dramas. When I completed upper–intermediate levels in English, I started teaching in a language academy in Kabul. During my teaching experience at that academy, there was a colleague of mine who was also too interested in Korean language. Korean language was certainly totally different from English and Urdu, but somehow we are able to communicate with each other in Urdu. The funny thing was that the others were not able to understand us, when we told jokes in Korean. Since I knew Korean a bit, I was invited to the Korean Embassy to study a one–month Korean language course for free. I went there to study Korean and later the Embassy employed me for an organization named Central Statistics organization Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Lifelong Learning Lifelong learning Lifelong learning is the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the life of an individual. The first characteristic of lifelong learning is that it encompasses both formal and non–formal/informal types of education and training. Formal learning includes the hierarchically structured school system that runs from primary school through the university and organized school–like programs created in business for technical and professional training. Whereas informal learning describes a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educational influences and resources in his or her environment, from family and neighbors, from work and play, more content... The computer industry is a growing field that will never stay the same as it was when it started. We will always need additional learning to be able to keep our jobs or move up on the corporate ladder. We can learn about these changes by going back to school, going to workshops, or on the job training if it is available. These opportunities are tools that will help you learn more about your job. The skills that you learn at one job will help you advance in that position or get you another position with that company or another company. For example, If you we are tired of being at that same died end job make that change and go back to school to get that additional education to pursue your dream that you have. Working a job and having a career are two different things. After spend some years in the work force I decided to further my education. I wanted a career that I can advance in and learn more. The process of designing a lifelong learning plan begins with putting it in writing. This plan, sometimes called a learning contract, must be a dynamic process intended to provide structure in an unstructured environment – known as everyday life. Lifelong learning exists within this world, allowing learners the freedom to enroll in formal continuing education programs or self–directed learning such as learning how to garden or play an instrument, as examples. A personal learning plan or learning contract should focus on the following four Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on English Language Learner Schools in the United States of America (USA) are facing many challenges, because of the increasing numbers of the English Language Learner (ELL) students. School administrators are trying hard to provide an equal opportunity education to their students. Furthermore, educators are looking forward in providing several methods and technique to help their students to succeed in their academic learning skills. There are many factors that need to focus on and it can be the fundamental when trying to build powerful resolutions, such as parents and community resources, social influences, native language, etc. ELL Families and Schools Teaching is a call, where teachers need to have an understanding about each individual student's more content... By allowing the ELL students to use their native and their second language in reading, and writing it will make them move along this new process. Reading and writing experience should be context related and meaningful in order for them to be effective in their learning, even though, they can transfer the literacy skills that they have obtained in their native language towards their second language while they are exposed to more learning experiences. Many challenges are faced by the ELL students and their families by being in a new environment, such as a new language, school, food, beliefs, life style, etc., where they feel that they need to deviate from their home language and their culture, absolutely not, they need to be conceited, revered, treasured. In this matter, our role as educators is to be prepared to work effectively with families (Katz & Bauch, n.d., p. 189), in providing the effective support, and assistant with the full understanding of the new changes in their new environments. On the other hand, social cultural pressure could be increased if students do not have another native individual to relate to; students need to have a teacher who will assist and guide them in learning new a language; without allowing them to lose their cultural identity. Fund of Knowledge for Teaching (FKT) created for teachers, anthropologists, and teacher educators to gain more knowledge about their students' community experiences, and curricula Get more content on
  • 8. Different Learning Styles Essay Different Learning Styles Students have different ways to learn. Some people are hands on learners or visual learners. Teachers try to adapt the way they teach; to the way their students learn the best. The information that is being taught should be made fun so that the students remember the information. Schools are also using new technology to help students learn. Different learning styles have different effects on people. Different learning styles are the talk of many school districts from near and far. The study of different learning styles has gone back since the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. We all know that people have different ways of learning, so teachers try to teach the way more content... Prediction of educational psychology course grades by age and learning style scores did a study to show how different learning styles effect test and course grades. They use 105 college students who took four tests. ?The best predictions of the course grade were the students? ages and two Inventory of Learning Processing and Fact Retention. The Deep Processing scale measures high–order type of items which include analyses, evaluations, and comparisons of information; whereas, the Fact Retention scale measures low–order type of items which include factual information and memory recall.? (Gadzella,2002) The ILP (Inventory of Learning Processing) is assessed by behavioral–process orientation and used to study actual classroom behaviors. Deep processing scale assesses to what extent to which ?subjects critically evaluate, analyze, organize, and compare and contrast information.? (Gadzella, 2002) Fact Retention scale assesses ?how effectively specific factual information is retrieved from one?s memory.? (Gadzella, 2002) After doing these studies for many years it has been said that ILP is very reliable and valid. ?In 1983, Lockhart and Schmeck studied the validity of the four ILP scales with the different components of a course and demonstrated how these scales can be useful to instructors who would like to ?conceptualize and account for students' individual scores? Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Action Learning What is Action Learning? Action Learning is an accelerated learning tool which can be applied to any number of different workplace (and personal) issues and challenges. In Action Learning groups or 'sets' we meet regularly with others in order to explore solutions to real problems and decide on the action we wish to take. When doing this in the set, the stages include: 1. Describing the problem as we see it 2. Receiving contributions from others in the form of questions 3. Reflecting on our discussion and deciding what action to take 4. Reporting back on what happened when we took action 5. Reflecting on the problem–solving process and how well it is working Action learning was described and promoted by Reg Revans, who was more content... Depending on Set size, meetings may be from half a day to one day duration. The life of the Set varies and some Sets meet for a limited time, say, once a month for 6 sessions. Other Sets meet for a year or more, depending on the type of work they are doing. There are also online Sets and Sets which 'meet' using teleconferencing and other virtual media. Who uses action learning? Sets have proved their value and become established in many different organisations and settings. Within organisations Action Learning Sets are widely used in the UK National Health Service, in local and national government departments, in community and voluntary organisations, in universities and colleges and in businesses of various kinds. Sets are also widely used externally, for example, freelance learning and development professionals working on marketing; HR managers wanting to develop and share best practice; business owners in the tourism industry meeting to address a variety of business issues. An ambitious action learning programme of recent times aimed to help managers from different organisations in the UK not–for–profit sector develop skills and gain support. What is the theory of Action Learning? The пїЅcycle of learningпїЅ describes how we learn as a continuous process of action and reflection. According to Reg Revans, learning is the product of knowledge (i.e. taught information) PLUS questioning and Get more content on
  • 10. What Is Learning Essay What is Learning Learning is commonly defined as the process that groups together cognitive, emotional & environmental influences & experiences for acquiring & enhancing personal knowledge, skills & values etc. (Ormorod, 1995; IIIeris, 2000). It is knowledge acquired by study. A Learner wishes to gain & commit to memory new skills, to be taught, to find out & acquire knowledge. Learning is simply not just to listen but to build on prior knowledge & transform information into intellectual activity. Some people learn by "Having a go." They try something out sooner rather than later then reflect on it later either alone or in discussion with others, Retrospective reflection. Other learners are more kinetic more content... (Rogers 2003). Formalized & Acquisition learning contrasting as they are can appear in the same context as both are present in families & schools so the mix of the two can be thought of as forming a continuum. Incidental Learning or unintentional, accidental learning events occur continuously throughout our lives. We learn through acquisition methods which happen during the course of some other activity, be it experimental or life related even though the focus is still on another task. Facilitative learning (developed by Rogers & others) with the educator acting as a facilitator by creating an atmosphere in which learners are comfortable, consider new ideas & not threatened by external factors. (Laird 1985) Learners are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning & provide much of the input for the learning through their experiences & insights. Experimental learning has a four stage process as set out by Kolb & can begin at any stage it is continuous & has no limits to the number of cycles you can make in a learning situation. (Mc Gill & Beatty 1995). So what is learning? Learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour with behaviour including observation, thinking, attitude & emotions. (Burns 1995.) My own conclusion Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on My Learning Journey so Far Learning in a Changing World has brought on a number of positive learning experiences. The knowledge I have gained and theory I have completed through assessments and in class discussions and tasks has broadened my understanding of learning. It is evident through this text that the theoretical perspectives focused on in this subject have had a place in the process of my learning journey throughout the semester. Whether this learning has been learning a new skill for an assessment, observing learning and assisting teaching on placement or collaborative learning in the tutorials, it is clear a number of theories tie into these learning experiences. As I began my journey of learning a new skill which was how to play a song on the piano, I was more content... I was lucky enough to be placed at Thornbury Primary School for my first week of placement. On many occasions throughout the five days I assisted students with their work, from small group work to working one on one with students. At times it was difficult helping student as some needed more motivation than others, some learnt at a slower rate than others and at times I needed to come up with strategies to tackle challenges I faced. One challenge was assisting a boy in the class who had special needs. The class began with their Reading Workshop and first off everyone was required to read a chapter of their book to a class mate or Pre Service Teacher. Although the boy I was working with refused to read to me, I began to use a number of strategies to motivate him to complete the task at hand. Mooney (2013) expresses Vygotsky's concept, The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), it has been articulated in this text that this ZPD is the space among what someone is capable of without assistance and what someone is capable of with assistance from a peer or teacher. I implemented this theory with the student, begging with observing the situation and determining where he was at in his learning process and what he was able to achieve. I began to think that maybe he was not too confidant to Get more content on
  • 12. psychology and learning Essay There are many different kinds of ways that people and animals learn. People can adjust the way they learn to the different situations in which they are learning and what they have to learn. One form of learning is known as conditioning. Conditioning emphasises the relationship between stimuli and responses. The two types of conditioning found are Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning. Learning may occur in different ways. Psychologists have distinguished between different types of learning, these being Observational Learning and Insight Learning.      Classical conditioning refers to a simple form of learning, which occurs through the repeated association of two or more different stimuli. Learning more content... And example of operant conditioning is the training of rats to press a lever in order to obtain a food reward. The pressing of the lever (conditioned response) is associated with the food reward (unconditioned stimulus). After a training period, the rat will show the conditioned response of pressing the lever even without the presence of the unconditioned stimulus of the food.      Observational learning occurs when a person or an animal uses observation of another's actions and their consequences to guide their own future actions. The person being observed is referred to as a model. For this reason observational learning is also referred to as modeling. Observational learning involves four stages, attention, retention, reproduction and motivation–reinforcement. Attention is when the learner observers the actions of the model (The higher the status of the model the more attention the learner will pay and the closer their imitations will be to the models actions). Retention is when the learner retains in their memory what they have just observed. Reproduction is when the learner will reproduce or imitate the actions of the model that they have just observed. Reproduction is when the learner reproduces or imitates what they have just observed. Motivation–reinforcement can come in various ways. External reinforcement, through praise for doing something well, self–reinforcement, through the Get more content on
  • 13. E- Learning Essay E– Learning in training has tremendous influence and foothold all over the world including in India and pushing them toward success. Innovative technology is the key that develops the human resource base to improving people's lives. Rapid innovation in ICT is transforming the way employees work, the way they interact, and the way they learn and apply in their day to day work. Centred on information technologies and the power that they increasingly wield within the global economy, it can be asserted that e–learning has drivers that previous learning technologies lacked. E–learning is a result of both rapid technological change and a response to the changes happening in culture and society itself. This provides opinion to a wide range more content... India is trying to address this gap by employing various strategies and methods and there is still massive scope for improvement in this field. Comparing India with other countries, it cannot precisely be done due to the type of problems and diversities that it has. Diversity of geographical regions is a huge challenge and on of the main issues that needs to assist. Compared to present world standards, is still definitely deficient. When Indian economy was growing at a rate of 3.5 %, it had a surplus manpower. Even today about 6.5 lakh people go out of India every year. But now when Indian economy had started growing at 8–9 %, there is shortage. Currently economy becoming globally linked, manufacturing practices, technology, etc. has started becoming a little old–fashioned comparing to global standard (Asim Choudhury 2005). Need for e–learning The need for advancement has been increasing and there would never be adequate amount of skilled labour available in the labour market; in addition to it, the number and range of skills required of the average employee is increasing. Skills required are changing so quickly that they're outdated within a few months of introduction along with technologies and business practices. E–learning acts as a training tool that provides flexibility, accessibility to the user. Get more content on