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Columbian Exchange Outline
Columbian Exchange
a. New crops transformed environments and changed diets
b. No immunity to old diseases, suffered the greatest population catastrophe in history
c. Africa soon found itself involved in system of trade and migration – Vast majority of 10 million
that crossed from old to new world were African slaves
d. For europeans, the emergence of new world brought more enjoyment to life says Adam Smith –
For natives, and Africans "every sort of injustice"
e. Millions of people were able to make it in America but at the misfortune of millions of others
f. Much more diversity, groups of people more intertwined in America
2. The First Americans
a. The Settling of the Americas – Indians settled in a new world about 15000 & 60000 years ago
b. Indian Societies of the Americas – North and South American societies built roads, trade networks,
and irrigation systems – Societies in Mexico and south were grander in scale ~ Indians north of
Mexico lacked literacy, tools, and knowledge for long distance traveling
c. Mound Builders of the Miss River Valley– 3500 yrs ago Poverty Point was trading center for
Miss and Ohio R valleys – Cahokia present day St. Louis flourished with population of 30K
d. Western Indians– Hopi and Zuni in AZ and NM built large planned towns and traded as far as
Miss R and Mexico
e. Indians of Eastern North America – Diet of corn,
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Essay On The Columbian Exchange
The Columbian Exchange The discovery of the New world or America in the year 1492, and The
Columbian Exchange it played a significant role on bring resources to various parts of the world. It
brought the exchange of various resources like plants, animals, and diseases across the world. The
year was 1492 is when Christopher set sail and put in motion The Columbian Exchange or also
known as The Great Exchange. The Columbian Exchange affected the geographic location with the
trading routes with Afro–Eurasia to the Americas. Also, The Exchange affected the economic with
various countries with the trading. Finally, it affected the social change that made us the county we
are to this day. With this exchange set forth the trading of more content...
Trading with other countries was efficient because it got rid of any unnecessary or too much
products for other products they needed or wanted to have. The Exchange opened new opportunities
for other countries it offered them to grow and expand to make other products. An example would be
is, "European settlers brought with them cattle, pigs, horses, wheat, and... that became the
foundation for modern food and agriculture in the Western Hemisphere" ( Grennes 1). With this new
trading with various countries the countries could develop or invent new products. Europe or Asia is
also sending products that is developed in European or Asian countries and sending it to the New
world or America to make money. An example would be, "Europeans brought technology that
included iron tools and wheels." (Grennes 2). With the technology advancing and trading the
technology to different countries to make money, and it brings in profit to other countries. It is a
win–win solution for the two or more countries that are trading with each other one of countries is
making money to selling the product or selling the technology. The traded revolutionized how
various countries are making money and still the trading still goes on toady but with more effective
and modernized technology. The social changes that came with The Columbian Exchange is that
different countries communicated with other countries to trade with. Some of countries
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Columbian Exchange Essay
The Columbian Exchange is about exchanging goods from the "New World" to the "Old World"
and vise versa. During the Columbian Exchange, Europeans brought food, animals, technology,
and also diseases to the New World. The New World had many great qualities such as farming land
for crops and large vast of land for animals to roam freely and also to reproduce.
The diseases that were brought over to the "New World", includes Syphilis, Polio, Hepatitis,
Encephalitis, and many other types of illnesses brought by the European. This had a great effect on
the Indian population, the Indians started to contract the disease that the European had brought over
and it was easily spreadable because of the air that they breathe and also by touching one another more content...
When the Columbian Exchange didn't happen yet many of the Native Americans had to do all of
the labor by themselves without any use of animals. After the Columbian Exchange, Columbus
brought over horses, dogs, cattle, goats, and chicken and it provided the Natives with a new
source of labor and also with a new source of food. Many of these animals carried diseases and
humans were dying. Those diseases that the animals carried with them came to the New World.
Cattle were very profitable because you could eat their meat and also use their hides as a blanket.
The cattle hides were then shipped back to Europe to be sold as well as the meat. Cattle have a
downfall because they were destroying Native American crops by eating them or by just simply
stepping on them. Black rats carried bubonic plague and typhus; the black rats came from the Old
World to the New World and that plague spread to the colonist. The plague also killed off some of
the smaller animals that belong to the Native Americans. Horses also land a great impact in the
new world for Europeans; they used horses to scare the Native Americans because the natives
didn't know what a horse was and what they do. Horses have lots of power and compared to the
other animals the horses are much faster and have a bolder look and that is why the Natives are so
frightened of
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Significance Of The Columbian Exchange
What was the significance of the Columbian Exchange? The significance of the Colombian
Exchange was the Europeans bringing over their crops, animals, and diseases. First, crops are a
direct way for population growth in humans. The Columbian Exchange brought new crops to the
New World such as maize, white potatoes, sweet potatoes and manioc. These are all crops that
are essential to our diets today. Our ability to grow and harvest plants is amazing in itself but to
travel to uncharted land and thrive is truly greatness. Animals were affected by the Colombian
Exchange too. Cattle and horses were brought ashore in the early 1600s and found the perfect
climate in the New World. On a negative note, the Europeans brought over their diseases which
almost eliminated a whole population of people. Small Pox was the culprit for most of the Native
American deaths. The Native Americans did not have the immune system built for these kind of
diseases and most of them died. The Columbian Exchange changed the entire demographic of the
world. What was the significance of King Philips War? The significance of King Philips War was
the last effort of the Native Americans to drive out the European settlers. This was their last chance
to take back their land and the Native Americans failed. This is significant because this gave the
Europeans control over all of the American land. The war destroyed twelve towns and lasted for a
little over a year. The Native Americans were subject
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Columbian Exchange Essay
The Columbian Exchange has been called the "greatest human intervention in nature since the
invention of agriculture" (Grennes 2007). The exchange of diseases, plants, and animals lead to a
global cultural and economic shift throughout the Old and New Worlds following Christopher
Columbus' 'discovery' of the Americas in 1492. The Eastern Hemisphere saw an influx of raw
materials, new staple crops, and the income from and production of growing crops that were too
resource intensive for Europe and Asia. The Western Hemisphere saw large scalepopulation shifts,
massive devastation accompanying colonization, and a significant change in the ecosystem with the
introduction of new, sometimes invasive, plants and animals. This 'exchange' had more
Knowledge of circular current wind patterns made sailing long distances substantially easier and
less labor intensive. The Old World began to travel farther and farther by the ocean. In this sense, it
was inevitable that the Old World and theNew World should collide. Columbus took advantage of
this sea–ward gaze and the Spanish desire to exercise their power, acquire resources, and extend the
reach of Christianity. In hindsight, Columbus' original intention to sail to India an obvious and
major miscalculation but the mere action of crossing the Atlantic turned "a barrier into a bridge"
(Horan). Upon Columbus' arrival, the European advantage became evident: gunpowder weaponry,
use of horses for military and transportation, and iron weapons, tools, and armor.
While European advantage was evident, the consequences of the transmittal of plants, animals, and
diseases could not have been forseen. The Spanish conquistador CortГ©s advised the King of Spain
to send all ships with plants and animals (Grennes 2007). This recommendation comes from the
large quantities of land suitable for farming crops that were in demand in Europe, such as sugar.
Crops of the New World required different soil composition, weather and growing season demands,
and cultivation techniques than Old World crops. Growth of crops from the Old and New World (in
many, but not all cases) complemented rather than competed with each other. This is due to the large
North/South span of both
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Columbian Exchange Essay
On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus departed from Palos, Spain to begin his journey across
the Atlantic Ocean. This was the first of many voyages that allowed him to explore a New World
where he was able to discover plants, animals, cultures and resources that Europeans had never seen
before. The sharing of these resources and combination of the Old and New World has come to be
known as the Columbian Exchange. During these explorations, the Europeans brought diseases such
as malaria, yellow fever, typhoid and bubonic plague to the New World, wiping out entire Indian
populations. There were also many other populations wiped out due to complications that came from
this exchange. Were these explorations and the wiping out of more content...
To get to his destination, Columbus used instruments such as celestial navigation, astrolabe,
quadrant and dead reckoning. He spotted land in October of 1492 and decided to explore. When
the very first settlers arrived to the New World, they brought many changes, which had a large
impact on the physical areas of the new world. The Europeans needed labor, which led to the
import of slaves from Africa. As the explorers came to the New World and began to make changes,
the Native American population began to drastically decline while the European population in the
New World began to increase. More and more people began to move to cities instead of staying in
rural areas, which created more urbanized living. Before Columbus crossed the Atlantic, different
parts of the world had been developing on their own. The Eastern and Western hemispheres were
completely separate and they had no way of trading or communication. The people were all
completely different, having been brought up in completely different cultures. They each had their
own set of diseases, plants, animals and crops. However, this was all about to change with the
exploration of the New World by Columbus and the other Europeans. When the Europeans first
arrived, some of the Native Americans thought they might be Gods while others thought of them as
invaders. However, they began to communicate, and they began to learn about what the other culture
had to offer.
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Effects of Columbian Exchange Essay
The Effects of the Columbian Exchange It was the year 1492, and a man by the name of
Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain where he then landed in the present day Americas,
sparking one of the most important events in the world, the Columbian exchange. The Columbian
exchange has shaped the world to what it is today with the exchange of goods from the Old World to
the New World, and vice versa. The Columbian exchange caused numerous short and long–term
effects in the Americas and many other parts of the world. The short–term effects of the Columbian
exchange included the outbreak of disease, which led to a sudden drop in the population of the
indigenous peoples. In the beginning of the sixteenth century Spanish and more
The foods that were brought back to the Old World such as, potatoes and corn proved a vital and
necessary resource to the Europeans. Another short–term effect of the Columbian exchange was the
migration of African slaves to the Americas. The majority of the Africans that were enslaved
were caught in village raids or were war captives. They were caught by other Africans and sold to
the European slave traders for money and other prized possessions. For slaves, the voyage known
as the Middle Passage was a terrifying and perilous journey, with a death rate potentially as high as
50%. The long–term effects of the Columbian exchange included the swap of food, crops, and
animals between the New World and Old World, and the start of the transoceanic trade. In order to
produce a profit, Portuguese explorers were the first to established sugar cane plantations in Brazil.
They then sold this crop to the Old World where it was a popular commodity because it provided
Europeans with a sweetener for foods. In addition, European produce was brought to the New World,
including "...wheat, vines, horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, and chickens... Where they sharply
increased supplies of food and animal energy." This fusion of crops between the Old and New World
became fundamental in enhancing the diets and food of both populations.
The trading routes, created by the desire from both the New and Old World for exotic foods and
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Columbian Exchange Imperialism
The transition from the Old World to the New World, commonly classified as the Columbian
Exchange, was the basis of European expansionism and imperialism. In reference to previous and
future endeavors in history involving expansionism and imperialism, were notoriously implemented
in inhumane ways. Evidently, the Columbian Exchange, named after the founder of the New World,
Christopher Columbus, was the introduction of numerous things such as: technologies, plants,
animals, diseases, and cultures. As the Columbian Exchange is a significant event is history, despite
the demise of numerous Native American tribes and Europeans, the Columbian Exchange is the
beginning of modernization in terms of socio–economics in the Western hemisphere.
The new plants and technologies included in the Columbian Exchange were crucial between the
Native Americans and the Europeans, the Spanish in particular, more content...
It is estimated that 60% to 90% of Native American tribes had died from new diseases brought from
the Columbian Exchange from the Europeans. Numerous diseases such as the infamous smallpox
were introduced to the Native Americans and were degrading to the population as the Europeans
grew a type of immunity from the diseases unlike the Native Americans. Conflict between the
Spanish and the Native Americans brought war which encourages diseases to spread through hand to
hand combat. Cultures and tribes were on the brink of extinction, as European expansionism and
imperialism succeeded in claiming land that was formerly the Native Americans. The mass genocide
and epidemic of various diseases towards the Native Americans reach to new heights due to the
Columbian Exchange as Europeans militants strived for land and gold at the cost of the Native
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Columbian Exchange Essay
Columbian Exchange: A transfer of plants, germs and animals across the Atlantic. This forever
changed the ecosystem and culture of the world.Europeans were introduced to many new crops
such as corn, tobacco and potato. Also inventions such as the canoe and new farming techniques.
Europeans also introduced the Native Americans to disease and crops such as wheat. Anne
Hutchinson: First woman to openly question the doctrines of Puritan leaders. Believed in
antinomianism, which is the belief that faith alone is necessary for salvation. She was banished
from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and founded the Portsmouth colony along with a group of
followers. Roger Williams: A Puritan minister who was banished from the Bay Colony and headed
south. He founded the unique settlement of Providence in 1636. He recognized the rights of
Native Americans as he paid them to use their land and allowed all faiths to be practiced in this
settlement. In 1644 he was allowed to join Portsmouth and Providence into the colony of Rhode
Island. John Rolfe: An explorer who went to Jamestown to discover the New World. He discovered
the cash crop of tobacco which became wildly popular in Europe. Also he married Native American
Pocahontas. Pocahontas: Daughter of Native American chief and sparred John Smith's life when he
was captured by Native Americans. This act created an open line of communication between the
colonists and Native Americans. She married Englishman John Rolfe which merged colonist and
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Columbian Exchange Thesis
The Columbian Exchange
The Columbian Exchange took cultural diversities and made America. It introduced biological,
economic and cultural impact with drastic consequences. It is considered too had changed years of
The Columbian Exchange is the movement of goods or products and people. It was introduced in
the time of Columbus voyages. It put plants, animals and cultures together. Europe introduced
technology, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, peanuts, tobacco and cotton. The Old world then introduced
wheat, rice, sugarcane, horses, cattle, pigs and sheep. One downfall of this transaction was that
Europeans brought with them germs. Demographically during this time there was an estimation of
fifty to ninety million people in the Americas.
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What Was The Columbian Exchange? Essay
In 1492 the explorer Columbus set out on his first voyage for Spain in search of a direct water route
across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe to Asia. Instead though, he found the Americas. Once in the
New World Columbus ran into a native people and decided to name them Indians. This accidental
finding of the Americas ignited the first contact ever between the Western and Eastern hemisphere.
The result of this was The Columbian Exchange in which there was a large trade of animals, plants,
technology, culture, slaves, diseases, and even new religions. This exchange effected the way
Europeans, Americans, Asians, and Africans lived their daily lives. The Columbian exchange was
by far one of the most paramount events in the history of world technology, agriculture, culture, and
ecology. In this research paper the following will be answered:
What is the Columbian Exchange?
Plants and animals transported to the New World and their impact.
Vegetables transported to the Old World and their impact.
Long term effects of the Columbian Exchange.
The Columbian Exchange
Millions of years ago according to scientist the whole world was one large mass called Pangea.
When this mass began to split, it divided the Americas from the Eastern World along with the people
on it. This resulted in tens of thousands years apart from one another which led to different
developments on each continent. After all these years though a man named Columbus's discovers
the Americas in 1492. As soon as he took
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Essay on The Columbian Exchange
The Colombian Exchange was an extensive exchange between the eastern and western hemispheres
as knows as the Old World and New World. The Colombian exchange greatly affects almost every
society. It prompted both voluntary and forced migration of millions of human beings. There are
both positive and negative effects that you can see from the Colombian Exchange. The Colombian
Exchange explorers created contact between Europe and the Americas. The interaction with Native
Americans began the exchange of animals, plants, disease, and weapons. The most significant effects
that the Colombian Exchange had on the Old World andNew World were its changes in agriculture,
disease, culture, and its effects on ecology. The immediate cause of more content...
In the new world, Europeans encountered indigenous plant foods cultivated by Native Americas.
These plants were potatoes, beans, corn, tobacco, and cocoa. The potato is especially important
because it's known for one of the main foods for Ireland. The European's influenced oats and
barley etc. Domesticated animals as pigs, chickens, sheep, and ox were also brought to the
Americas. Horses were also brought to the new world which was a new tool for hunting and used
for military. There is also a huge spread of diseases brought between the new world and old world.
The old world brought over cholera, influenza, malaria, measles, and smallpox. The Europeans
considered illness as a consequence of sin. The Indians whom were non–Christian were often
considered sinners because they constantly getting sick. Those who were ill often were punished.
The Native Americans had no natural resistance to the diseases and the population declined over
centuries. The Inca Empire decreased by millions in 1600s. This caused for Europeans to look to
Africa and began importing African slaves to the Americas. Once the African slaves began coming
to the American they brought over malaria The Portuguese traded with Africa War weapons in order
to get gold, ivory, and jewels. They later began getting slaves produced by inter–African warfare. At
first the slave trade was controlled by Africans. These Africans were knows as the Bakongo whom
welcomed the Portuguese and the
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Columbian Exchange Thesis
Columbian Exchange Essay
The Columbian Exchange was a major event in history that helped shape our world today. It was
named after Christopher Columbus, who sailed from Europe looking for India, but instead found
the Americas. The Exchange had many positive results like the spread of food, ideas, and
technologies. Populations all over the world were able to grow. However, the Columbian Exchange
also came with numerous negative results, such as the spread of invasive species, devastating
diseases, and slavery.
First, sand fleas, also known as chiggers, made their way from the New World to the Old World
during the Columbian Exchange. According to the "Consequences of the Columbian Exchange"
reading, sand fleas are insects that penetrate human
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Columbian Exchange Research Paper
Columbian Exchange
The columbian exchange opened new doors for trade between the New World (America), the Old
(Europe) and Africa. The exchange included the transfer of food, slaves, alcohol, raw materials, and
processed goods.
The Puritans were a group of English Protestants who were seeking to maintain the church the way it
was and to get rid of roman catholic practices. mercantilism
A country needs to export more than import in order to maintain a good working economy. Wealth
and power equal more export than import in a country's trading system
joint–stock company
A company that sells stocks to people in order to invest in to the company and make those stocks
profitable and more expensive. Quaker
The more content...
Sugar Act
Taxes were placed on the colonists sugar, molasses, rum .
Tea Party
When the British government put a tax on tea, the colonists got angered and they dumped millions
of dollars worth of tea on the Boston harbor.
Declaration of
The 13 colonies of the United States declared themselves independent from the British empire and
saw themselves as a new country independent from the British.
The Loyalists were colonists who felt close to their country and didn't want to declare independence
from the British..
patriots felt distant from the British and believed in declaring independence from the British and
creating their own country
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris was signed by King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the United
States of America to end the American Revolutionary War.
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was an explorer that wanted to reach the East Indies but instead reached an
island in the Caribbean which opened new doors in the future for trade and many
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Essay On The Columbian Exchange
The Columbian Exchange began after Christopher Columbus' discovery of the Americas in 1492.
This introduced a lot of things to the new world such as crops, diseases, and the technological
advances the europeans made. The Europeans took this opportunity to move to the Americas to gain
in wealth. While people moved to the new world to start a new life and pay off debts.The new world
was a gain for the countries that took advantage of the opportunity to move in, but when they moved
in they kicked others out. The natives to the lands were enslaved and forced to convert to
christianity by the Spaniards and they were forced to do work on the farmlands for the englishmen.
The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of many goods between the colonies in America to
their motherland in Europe. The motherland wanted to be self sufficient and only have to rely on
themselves for things that they needed. So they went to the new world and they claimed land and
traded with their colonies that they founded. They did this because they use to think that the world
had a limited amount of wealth and they wanted more no matter how they had to get it. Companies
came as well so that they could share stocks, this allowed for money to go up in. The Companies
did this to make more money so that they would become wealthier and grow in power. This
increased more content...
The Europeans came into somebody else's land and took it from the natives. The natives were
forced to do work on the farms and convert to christianity. The natives couldn't fight back because
they didn't have the technological advances like the europeans had, natives had bows and arrows
while the englishmen had muskets and gunpowder. The Native Americans were killed and forced to
move into uncharted territory and when we were done torching the Native Americans we traded for
African slaves. These people were at the bottom of social chart which is just
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Columbian Exchange Essay
In 1492, Christopher Columbus, an ambitious voyager seeking new land for King Ferdinand and
Spain, landed in the Caribbean where he found natives growing crops such as tobacco, peanuts, and
sweet potatoes. Columbus and his men traded wheat, barley, and rice with the natives for these
goods and thus created the Columbian Exchange.The Columbian Exchange was a widespread
transfer of plants ,ideas, human populations,and cultures during the 15th and 16th century that
brought together the eastern and western hemispheres in trade. The nations that were involved in the
columbian exchange was the new world that consisted of native americans and the old world that
consisted of europeans. The Columbian exchange was very significant because it
more content...
( Although the new world contracted multiple devastating illnesses, they
arguably benefited more from the exchange than the europeans. One of the major items native
americans and the new world received was advanced technology to help them with hunting, and
farming. One example of a technology was the plow. The plow helped many natives and europeans
cultivate large amounts of land which made it easier to grow lots of crops. Because of the plow
there was a greater number of crop fields and crop outputs that lead to establishment of towns and
better economic growth. The final developed item were the weapons. Advanced weapons from
europeans helped natives hunt and fish more conveniently. Weapons include, Firearms,Steel and iron
knives, spears, and hatchets. The guns made it easier to kill larger animals, and one article states,
"Weapons had such a profound impact on the Native American culture that they soon became the
most widely traded goods between Europeans and Natives"( Weapons
benefited the native americans because it allowed tribes to hunt easier using stronger weapons to
kill animals quicker and more efficiently. This shows that technology given from the europeans
helped the New world greatly because it made it easier to gain access to food which would increase
life expectancy, and would also increase economic growth because the large
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Essay On The Columbian Exchange
Celena Campiglia Jarrett Phipps AMH2010 20 September 2017 Test 1 Essay 1, The Columbian
Exchange The Columbian Exchange was a period of times with cultural and biological exchanges
between the old and new world. The Columbian Exchange was mostly about the exchanges of plants,
disease, animals, technology. They had to adjust to the 9European and Native American way of life.
The beginning after Columbus adventure in the 1492 the exchanged lasted throughout the years
expanding the lands and discovering. The Columbus exchanged impacted the social and cultural
make– up of the Atlantic tremendously. The plants and animals of the two worlds impacted them
with growing food, and being able to eat, they also differed more than just the people and the way
they lived, many of the Europeans never encountered half of the aniamls nor had the Native
Americans. The exchange of plant life within the Western Hemisphere and Europe and Africa
completely transformed the diets of all the regions. Before Columbus voyage in Europe corn,
potatoes, beans, were unknown. Potatoes were commonly called Irish it was native from South
America explorers bright it back to Europe and that's where it progressed. All the new fruits and
vegetables that were a huge hit to the American's the food plants were more complementary than
competitive. With corn thriving almost everywhere, many new food crops transferred from the
America's to help spur the increase in the European population. Many young people
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Essay On Columbian Exchange
Colombian Exchange Essay
The age of Post–Colombian exploration and settlement was revolutionary in the lives of the
American, European, and African peoples. Occurring throughout the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries,
the Columbian Exchange provided an avenue through which everything from slavery, widespread
disease, and new Euro–Native cultures and relationships would come to fruition.
Certainly the best known and typically thought of location of the Colombian Exchange, the Americas
were by far the most affected by the influx of Europeans and Africans. Beginning as soon on as
the early 1500s, recurring plagues of European diseases such as measles and smallpox would
ravage Indian communities for centuries. While the original native population at the time of
Colombus' arrival is fairly disputed, it is widely accepted to have been somewhere around a
median of 50 million. Much less disputed however is the massive depopulation caused by disease,
with some tribes and areas suffering a 90% death toll. In addition to the more indirect attacks on
Indians, European and the Colombian Exchange was also responsible for the more
Though more specifically involved in the Triangular Trade aspect of the exchange, Africa played the
role of supplying cheap and easy labor for use by the assorted plantations and mines in the Americas.
Previously a vast network of thriving tribes, kingdoms, and communities, the population of Western
Africa was hurt severely by the taking of men by slavers and Europeans. Even worse, because more
men were taken than women, many communities throughout the area would experience severe
demographic problems, having multiple women for every man. One consolation however were the
new crops brought in from the Americas. Although a number of plants were transferred, Cassava,
Corn, and Sweet Potatoes would prove to be among the most successful and helped to increase the
unbalanced population at least in
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Columbian Exchange Dbq Essay
After the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus in 1492, this sparked the interests of
the Columbian Exchange. This was a global network that allowed for the transfer of ideas, plants,
animals, and diseases between America and the Old World. Although hindering the developments of
societies around the world with diseases, the Columbian Exchange mostly aided these advancements
with its trade of crops and silver and technological advances.
The Columbian Exchange helped the advancements of societies internationally with the exchange of
food. Food like maize and potatoes coming from America became staple crops throughout Europe.
(Document 1) Europeans vastly depended on these foods so much that the Great Famine resulted
in the failure of the potato crop in Ireland. Other traded items like sugar, tobacco, coffee and
various spices benefitted both sides of the world. The New World gained new types of crops and
the rest of the world like Europe and Asia obtained money from trade.
Throughout the widespread of cultural diffusion, silver discovered in Mesoamerica was obtained
and imported to Europe leading to economies based on money allowing more trade to be available.
The New World produced around 85% of the world's silver. more content...
After the discovery of the New World, explorers expanded their knowledge of tools helping them
measure longitude and latitude, and improved the compass. European architecture helped build
new homes and ships in the New World leading to villages and towns. Ports and ships were
constructed allowing more trade to be conducted. Bernal Diaz once wrote, "When we saw all those
cities and villages built in the water, and other great towns on dry land... these great towns and cues
seemed like an enchanted vision." (Diaz, Document 5) The busy city of Tenochtitlan has become a
great urban center in the heart of Mexico after the events of the Columbian
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The Columbian Exchange Essay example
The Columbian Exchange is the exchange of plants, animals, food, and diseases between Europe and
the Americas. In 1492, when Christopher Columbus came to America, he saw plants and animals he
had never seen before so he took them back with him to Europe. Columbus began the trade routes
which had never been established between Europe and the Americas so his voyages initiated the
interchange of plants between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, which doubled the food crop
resources available to people on both sides of the Atlantic. When the Europeans explored the
Americas, they were introduced to new plants, foods, and animals, as well as riches and land. Foods
such as corn, white and sweet potatoes, beans, tomatoes, cacao, fruits, more content...
Grains such as wheat, rye, barley, oats and rice were shared. Citrus fruits, grapes, onions, cabbage,
turnips, cotton, coffee, sugarcane, as well as spices and herbs, were among the many other foods
and plants introduced to Native American culture. Also introduced were European religion and
culture, new tools for agriculture, and new weaponry such as knives and firearms. One
consequence of the exchange was mass death. In the search for new routes for trade, people of
Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas came in contact with each other, causing the spread of
disease. Columbus's colonization brought a host of new diseases to the populations of the Americas.
Europeans exported their diseases such as influenza, tuberculosis and smallpox. In return, European
traders and colonizers returned the Europe with syphilis and typhus from the Americas. The slave
trade caused the spread of malaria and yellow fever from Africa to the Caribbean and North America,
and yellow fever to Europe. While trying to adapt Native Americans to European customs,
Columbus and his followers took advantage of the Indians. The Spanish burned the Natives sacred
objects and would not allow them to practice their own religions. They also abused the Natives,
enslaving them, taking land from them, and raping their women. Because of the conquistadors quest
for gold and other riches,
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Columbian Exchange Essay

  • 1. Columbian Exchange Outline Columbian Exchange a. New crops transformed environments and changed diets b. No immunity to old diseases, suffered the greatest population catastrophe in history c. Africa soon found itself involved in system of trade and migration – Vast majority of 10 million that crossed from old to new world were African slaves d. For europeans, the emergence of new world brought more enjoyment to life says Adam Smith – For natives, and Africans "every sort of injustice" e. Millions of people were able to make it in America but at the misfortune of millions of others f. Much more diversity, groups of people more intertwined in America 2. The First Americans a. The Settling of the Americas – Indians settled in a new world about 15000 & 60000 years ago b. Indian Societies of the Americas – North and South American societies built roads, trade networks, and irrigation systems – Societies in Mexico and south were grander in scale ~ Indians north of Mexico lacked literacy, tools, and knowledge for long distance traveling c. Mound Builders of the Miss River Valley– 3500 yrs ago Poverty Point was trading center for Miss and Ohio R valleys – Cahokia present day St. Louis flourished with population of 30K d. Western Indians– Hopi and Zuni in AZ and NM built large planned towns and traded as far as Miss R and Mexico e. Indians of Eastern North America – Diet of corn, Get more content on
  • 2. Essay On The Columbian Exchange The Columbian Exchange The discovery of the New world or America in the year 1492, and The Columbian Exchange it played a significant role on bring resources to various parts of the world. It brought the exchange of various resources like plants, animals, and diseases across the world. The year was 1492 is when Christopher set sail and put in motion The Columbian Exchange or also known as The Great Exchange. The Columbian Exchange affected the geographic location with the trading routes with Afro–Eurasia to the Americas. Also, The Exchange affected the economic with various countries with the trading. Finally, it affected the social change that made us the county we are to this day. With this exchange set forth the trading of more content... Trading with other countries was efficient because it got rid of any unnecessary or too much products for other products they needed or wanted to have. The Exchange opened new opportunities for other countries it offered them to grow and expand to make other products. An example would be is, "European settlers brought with them cattle, pigs, horses, wheat, and... that became the foundation for modern food and agriculture in the Western Hemisphere" ( Grennes 1). With this new trading with various countries the countries could develop or invent new products. Europe or Asia is also sending products that is developed in European or Asian countries and sending it to the New world or America to make money. An example would be, "Europeans brought technology that included iron tools and wheels." (Grennes 2). With the technology advancing and trading the technology to different countries to make money, and it brings in profit to other countries. It is a win–win solution for the two or more countries that are trading with each other one of countries is making money to selling the product or selling the technology. The traded revolutionized how various countries are making money and still the trading still goes on toady but with more effective and modernized technology. The social changes that came with The Columbian Exchange is that different countries communicated with other countries to trade with. Some of countries Get more content on
  • 3. Columbian Exchange Essay The Columbian Exchange is about exchanging goods from the "New World" to the "Old World" and vise versa. During the Columbian Exchange, Europeans brought food, animals, technology, and also diseases to the New World. The New World had many great qualities such as farming land for crops and large vast of land for animals to roam freely and also to reproduce. The diseases that were brought over to the "New World", includes Syphilis, Polio, Hepatitis, Encephalitis, and many other types of illnesses brought by the European. This had a great effect on the Indian population, the Indians started to contract the disease that the European had brought over and it was easily spreadable because of the air that they breathe and also by touching one another more content... When the Columbian Exchange didn't happen yet many of the Native Americans had to do all of the labor by themselves without any use of animals. After the Columbian Exchange, Columbus brought over horses, dogs, cattle, goats, and chicken and it provided the Natives with a new source of labor and also with a new source of food. Many of these animals carried diseases and humans were dying. Those diseases that the animals carried with them came to the New World. Cattle were very profitable because you could eat their meat and also use their hides as a blanket. The cattle hides were then shipped back to Europe to be sold as well as the meat. Cattle have a downfall because they were destroying Native American crops by eating them or by just simply stepping on them. Black rats carried bubonic plague and typhus; the black rats came from the Old World to the New World and that plague spread to the colonist. The plague also killed off some of the smaller animals that belong to the Native Americans. Horses also land a great impact in the new world for Europeans; they used horses to scare the Native Americans because the natives didn't know what a horse was and what they do. Horses have lots of power and compared to the other animals the horses are much faster and have a bolder look and that is why the Natives are so frightened of Get more content on
  • 4. Significance Of The Columbian Exchange What was the significance of the Columbian Exchange? The significance of the Colombian Exchange was the Europeans bringing over their crops, animals, and diseases. First, crops are a direct way for population growth in humans. The Columbian Exchange brought new crops to the New World such as maize, white potatoes, sweet potatoes and manioc. These are all crops that are essential to our diets today. Our ability to grow and harvest plants is amazing in itself but to travel to uncharted land and thrive is truly greatness. Animals were affected by the Colombian Exchange too. Cattle and horses were brought ashore in the early 1600s and found the perfect climate in the New World. On a negative note, the Europeans brought over their diseases which almost eliminated a whole population of people. Small Pox was the culprit for most of the Native American deaths. The Native Americans did not have the immune system built for these kind of diseases and most of them died. The Columbian Exchange changed the entire demographic of the world. What was the significance of King Philips War? The significance of King Philips War was the last effort of the Native Americans to drive out the European settlers. This was their last chance to take back their land and the Native Americans failed. This is significant because this gave the Europeans control over all of the American land. The war destroyed twelve towns and lasted for a little over a year. The Native Americans were subject Get more content on
  • 5. Columbian Exchange Essay The Columbian Exchange has been called the "greatest human intervention in nature since the invention of agriculture" (Grennes 2007). The exchange of diseases, plants, and animals lead to a global cultural and economic shift throughout the Old and New Worlds following Christopher Columbus' 'discovery' of the Americas in 1492. The Eastern Hemisphere saw an influx of raw materials, new staple crops, and the income from and production of growing crops that were too resource intensive for Europe and Asia. The Western Hemisphere saw large scalepopulation shifts, massive devastation accompanying colonization, and a significant change in the ecosystem with the introduction of new, sometimes invasive, plants and animals. This 'exchange' had more content... Knowledge of circular current wind patterns made sailing long distances substantially easier and less labor intensive. The Old World began to travel farther and farther by the ocean. In this sense, it was inevitable that the Old World and theNew World should collide. Columbus took advantage of this sea–ward gaze and the Spanish desire to exercise their power, acquire resources, and extend the reach of Christianity. In hindsight, Columbus' original intention to sail to India an obvious and major miscalculation but the mere action of crossing the Atlantic turned "a barrier into a bridge" (Horan). Upon Columbus' arrival, the European advantage became evident: gunpowder weaponry, use of horses for military and transportation, and iron weapons, tools, and armor. While European advantage was evident, the consequences of the transmittal of plants, animals, and diseases could not have been forseen. The Spanish conquistador CortГ©s advised the King of Spain to send all ships with plants and animals (Grennes 2007). This recommendation comes from the large quantities of land suitable for farming crops that were in demand in Europe, such as sugar. Crops of the New World required different soil composition, weather and growing season demands, and cultivation techniques than Old World crops. Growth of crops from the Old and New World (in many, but not all cases) complemented rather than competed with each other. This is due to the large North/South span of both Get more content on
  • 6. Columbian Exchange Essay On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus departed from Palos, Spain to begin his journey across the Atlantic Ocean. This was the first of many voyages that allowed him to explore a New World where he was able to discover plants, animals, cultures and resources that Europeans had never seen before. The sharing of these resources and combination of the Old and New World has come to be known as the Columbian Exchange. During these explorations, the Europeans brought diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, typhoid and bubonic plague to the New World, wiping out entire Indian populations. There were also many other populations wiped out due to complications that came from this exchange. Were these explorations and the wiping out of more content... To get to his destination, Columbus used instruments such as celestial navigation, astrolabe, quadrant and dead reckoning. He spotted land in October of 1492 and decided to explore. When the very first settlers arrived to the New World, they brought many changes, which had a large impact on the physical areas of the new world. The Europeans needed labor, which led to the import of slaves from Africa. As the explorers came to the New World and began to make changes, the Native American population began to drastically decline while the European population in the New World began to increase. More and more people began to move to cities instead of staying in rural areas, which created more urbanized living. Before Columbus crossed the Atlantic, different parts of the world had been developing on their own. The Eastern and Western hemispheres were completely separate and they had no way of trading or communication. The people were all completely different, having been brought up in completely different cultures. They each had their own set of diseases, plants, animals and crops. However, this was all about to change with the exploration of the New World by Columbus and the other Europeans. When the Europeans first arrived, some of the Native Americans thought they might be Gods while others thought of them as invaders. However, they began to communicate, and they began to learn about what the other culture had to offer. Positive Get more content on
  • 7. Effects of Columbian Exchange Essay The Effects of the Columbian Exchange It was the year 1492, and a man by the name of Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain where he then landed in the present day Americas, sparking one of the most important events in the world, the Columbian exchange. The Columbian exchange has shaped the world to what it is today with the exchange of goods from the Old World to the New World, and vice versa. The Columbian exchange caused numerous short and long–term effects in the Americas and many other parts of the world. The short–term effects of the Columbian exchange included the outbreak of disease, which led to a sudden drop in the population of the indigenous peoples. In the beginning of the sixteenth century Spanish and more content... The foods that were brought back to the Old World such as, potatoes and corn proved a vital and necessary resource to the Europeans. Another short–term effect of the Columbian exchange was the migration of African slaves to the Americas. The majority of the Africans that were enslaved were caught in village raids or were war captives. They were caught by other Africans and sold to the European slave traders for money and other prized possessions. For slaves, the voyage known as the Middle Passage was a terrifying and perilous journey, with a death rate potentially as high as 50%. The long–term effects of the Columbian exchange included the swap of food, crops, and animals between the New World and Old World, and the start of the transoceanic trade. In order to produce a profit, Portuguese explorers were the first to established sugar cane plantations in Brazil. They then sold this crop to the Old World where it was a popular commodity because it provided Europeans with a sweetener for foods. In addition, European produce was brought to the New World, including "...wheat, vines, horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, and chickens... Where they sharply increased supplies of food and animal energy." This fusion of crops between the Old and New World became fundamental in enhancing the diets and food of both populations. The trading routes, created by the desire from both the New and Old World for exotic foods and animals, Get more content on
  • 8. Columbian Exchange Imperialism The transition from the Old World to the New World, commonly classified as the Columbian Exchange, was the basis of European expansionism and imperialism. In reference to previous and future endeavors in history involving expansionism and imperialism, were notoriously implemented in inhumane ways. Evidently, the Columbian Exchange, named after the founder of the New World, Christopher Columbus, was the introduction of numerous things such as: technologies, plants, animals, diseases, and cultures. As the Columbian Exchange is a significant event is history, despite the demise of numerous Native American tribes and Europeans, the Columbian Exchange is the beginning of modernization in terms of socio–economics in the Western hemisphere. The new plants and technologies included in the Columbian Exchange were crucial between the Native Americans and the Europeans, the Spanish in particular, more content... It is estimated that 60% to 90% of Native American tribes had died from new diseases brought from the Columbian Exchange from the Europeans. Numerous diseases such as the infamous smallpox were introduced to the Native Americans and were degrading to the population as the Europeans grew a type of immunity from the diseases unlike the Native Americans. Conflict between the Spanish and the Native Americans brought war which encourages diseases to spread through hand to hand combat. Cultures and tribes were on the brink of extinction, as European expansionism and imperialism succeeded in claiming land that was formerly the Native Americans. The mass genocide and epidemic of various diseases towards the Native Americans reach to new heights due to the Columbian Exchange as Europeans militants strived for land and gold at the cost of the Native American's Get more content on
  • 9. Columbian Exchange Essay Columbian Exchange: A transfer of plants, germs and animals across the Atlantic. This forever changed the ecosystem and culture of the world.Europeans were introduced to many new crops such as corn, tobacco and potato. Also inventions such as the canoe and new farming techniques. Europeans also introduced the Native Americans to disease and crops such as wheat. Anne Hutchinson: First woman to openly question the doctrines of Puritan leaders. Believed in antinomianism, which is the belief that faith alone is necessary for salvation. She was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and founded the Portsmouth colony along with a group of followers. Roger Williams: A Puritan minister who was banished from the Bay Colony and headed south. He founded the unique settlement of Providence in 1636. He recognized the rights of Native Americans as he paid them to use their land and allowed all faiths to be practiced in this settlement. In 1644 he was allowed to join Portsmouth and Providence into the colony of Rhode Island. John Rolfe: An explorer who went to Jamestown to discover the New World. He discovered the cash crop of tobacco which became wildly popular in Europe. Also he married Native American Pocahontas. Pocahontas: Daughter of Native American chief and sparred John Smith's life when he was captured by Native Americans. This act created an open line of communication between the colonists and Native Americans. She married Englishman John Rolfe which merged colonist and Get more content on
  • 10. Columbian Exchange Thesis The Columbian Exchange The Columbian Exchange took cultural diversities and made America. It introduced biological, economic and cultural impact with drastic consequences. It is considered too had changed years of evolution. The Columbian Exchange is the movement of goods or products and people. It was introduced in the time of Columbus voyages. It put plants, animals and cultures together. Europe introduced technology, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, peanuts, tobacco and cotton. The Old world then introduced wheat, rice, sugarcane, horses, cattle, pigs and sheep. One downfall of this transaction was that Europeans brought with them germs. Demographically during this time there was an estimation of fifty to ninety million people in the Americas. Get more content on
  • 11. What Was The Columbian Exchange? Essay In 1492 the explorer Columbus set out on his first voyage for Spain in search of a direct water route across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe to Asia. Instead though, he found the Americas. Once in the New World Columbus ran into a native people and decided to name them Indians. This accidental finding of the Americas ignited the first contact ever between the Western and Eastern hemisphere. The result of this was The Columbian Exchange in which there was a large trade of animals, plants, technology, culture, slaves, diseases, and even new religions. This exchange effected the way Europeans, Americans, Asians, and Africans lived their daily lives. The Columbian exchange was by far one of the most paramount events in the history of world technology, agriculture, culture, and ecology. In this research paper the following will be answered: What is the Columbian Exchange? Plants and animals transported to the New World and their impact. Vegetables transported to the Old World and their impact. Long term effects of the Columbian Exchange. The Columbian Exchange Millions of years ago according to scientist the whole world was one large mass called Pangea. When this mass began to split, it divided the Americas from the Eastern World along with the people on it. This resulted in tens of thousands years apart from one another which led to different developments on each continent. After all these years though a man named Columbus's discovers the Americas in 1492. As soon as he took Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on The Columbian Exchange The Colombian Exchange was an extensive exchange between the eastern and western hemispheres as knows as the Old World and New World. The Colombian exchange greatly affects almost every society. It prompted both voluntary and forced migration of millions of human beings. There are both positive and negative effects that you can see from the Colombian Exchange. The Colombian Exchange explorers created contact between Europe and the Americas. The interaction with Native Americans began the exchange of animals, plants, disease, and weapons. The most significant effects that the Colombian Exchange had on the Old World andNew World were its changes in agriculture, disease, culture, and its effects on ecology. The immediate cause of more content... In the new world, Europeans encountered indigenous plant foods cultivated by Native Americas. These plants were potatoes, beans, corn, tobacco, and cocoa. The potato is especially important because it's known for one of the main foods for Ireland. The European's influenced oats and barley etc. Domesticated animals as pigs, chickens, sheep, and ox were also brought to the Americas. Horses were also brought to the new world which was a new tool for hunting and used for military. There is also a huge spread of diseases brought between the new world and old world. The old world brought over cholera, influenza, malaria, measles, and smallpox. The Europeans considered illness as a consequence of sin. The Indians whom were non–Christian were often considered sinners because they constantly getting sick. Those who were ill often were punished. The Native Americans had no natural resistance to the diseases and the population declined over centuries. The Inca Empire decreased by millions in 1600s. This caused for Europeans to look to Africa and began importing African slaves to the Americas. Once the African slaves began coming to the American they brought over malaria The Portuguese traded with Africa War weapons in order to get gold, ivory, and jewels. They later began getting slaves produced by inter–African warfare. At first the slave trade was controlled by Africans. These Africans were knows as the Bakongo whom welcomed the Portuguese and the Get more content on
  • 13. Columbian Exchange Thesis Columbian Exchange Essay The Columbian Exchange was a major event in history that helped shape our world today. It was named after Christopher Columbus, who sailed from Europe looking for India, but instead found the Americas. The Exchange had many positive results like the spread of food, ideas, and technologies. Populations all over the world were able to grow. However, the Columbian Exchange also came with numerous negative results, such as the spread of invasive species, devastating diseases, and slavery. First, sand fleas, also known as chiggers, made their way from the New World to the Old World during the Columbian Exchange. According to the "Consequences of the Columbian Exchange" reading, sand fleas are insects that penetrate human Get more content on
  • 14. Columbian Exchange Research Paper Columbian Exchange The columbian exchange opened new doors for trade between the New World (America), the Old (Europe) and Africa. The exchange included the transfer of food, slaves, alcohol, raw materials, and processed goods. Puritan The Puritans were a group of English Protestants who were seeking to maintain the church the way it was and to get rid of roman catholic practices. mercantilism A country needs to export more than import in order to maintain a good working economy. Wealth and power equal more export than import in a country's trading system joint–stock company A company that sells stocks to people in order to invest in to the company and make those stocks profitable and more expensive. Quaker The more content... Sugar Act Taxes were placed on the colonists sugar, molasses, rum . Tea Party When the British government put a tax on tea, the colonists got angered and they dumped millions of dollars worth of tea on the Boston harbor. Declaration of The 13 colonies of the United States declared themselves independent from the British empire and saw themselves as a new country independent from the British. Loyalist The Loyalists were colonists who felt close to their country and didn't want to declare independence from the British.. Patriot patriots felt distant from the British and believed in declaring independence from the British and creating their own country Treaty of Paris The Treaty of Paris was signed by King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the United States of America to end the American Revolutionary War. Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus was an explorer that wanted to reach the East Indies but instead reached an island in the Caribbean which opened new doors in the future for trade and many Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On The Columbian Exchange The Columbian Exchange began after Christopher Columbus' discovery of the Americas in 1492. This introduced a lot of things to the new world such as crops, diseases, and the technological advances the europeans made. The Europeans took this opportunity to move to the Americas to gain in wealth. While people moved to the new world to start a new life and pay off debts.The new world was a gain for the countries that took advantage of the opportunity to move in, but when they moved in they kicked others out. The natives to the lands were enslaved and forced to convert to christianity by the Spaniards and they were forced to do work on the farmlands for the englishmen. The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of many goods between the colonies in America to their motherland in Europe. The motherland wanted to be self sufficient and only have to rely on themselves for things that they needed. So they went to the new world and they claimed land and traded with their colonies that they founded. They did this because they use to think that the world had a limited amount of wealth and they wanted more no matter how they had to get it. Companies came as well so that they could share stocks, this allowed for money to go up in. The Companies did this to make more money so that they would become wealthier and grow in power. This increased more content... The Europeans came into somebody else's land and took it from the natives. The natives were forced to do work on the farms and convert to christianity. The natives couldn't fight back because they didn't have the technological advances like the europeans had, natives had bows and arrows while the englishmen had muskets and gunpowder. The Native Americans were killed and forced to move into uncharted territory and when we were done torching the Native Americans we traded for African slaves. These people were at the bottom of social chart which is just Get more content on
  • 16. Columbian Exchange Essay In 1492, Christopher Columbus, an ambitious voyager seeking new land for King Ferdinand and Spain, landed in the Caribbean where he found natives growing crops such as tobacco, peanuts, and sweet potatoes. Columbus and his men traded wheat, barley, and rice with the natives for these goods and thus created the Columbian Exchange.The Columbian Exchange was a widespread transfer of plants ,ideas, human populations,and cultures during the 15th and 16th century that brought together the eastern and western hemispheres in trade. The nations that were involved in the columbian exchange was the new world that consisted of native americans and the old world that consisted of europeans. The Columbian exchange was very significant because it more content... ( Although the new world contracted multiple devastating illnesses, they arguably benefited more from the exchange than the europeans. One of the major items native americans and the new world received was advanced technology to help them with hunting, and farming. One example of a technology was the plow. The plow helped many natives and europeans cultivate large amounts of land which made it easier to grow lots of crops. Because of the plow there was a greater number of crop fields and crop outputs that lead to establishment of towns and better economic growth. The final developed item were the weapons. Advanced weapons from europeans helped natives hunt and fish more conveniently. Weapons include, Firearms,Steel and iron knives, spears, and hatchets. The guns made it easier to kill larger animals, and one article states, "Weapons had such a profound impact on the Native American culture that they soon became the most widely traded goods between Europeans and Natives"( Weapons benefited the native americans because it allowed tribes to hunt easier using stronger weapons to kill animals quicker and more efficiently. This shows that technology given from the europeans helped the New world greatly because it made it easier to gain access to food which would increase life expectancy, and would also increase economic growth because the large Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On The Columbian Exchange Celena Campiglia Jarrett Phipps AMH2010 20 September 2017 Test 1 Essay 1, The Columbian Exchange The Columbian Exchange was a period of times with cultural and biological exchanges between the old and new world. The Columbian Exchange was mostly about the exchanges of plants, disease, animals, technology. They had to adjust to the 9European and Native American way of life. The beginning after Columbus adventure in the 1492 the exchanged lasted throughout the years expanding the lands and discovering. The Columbus exchanged impacted the social and cultural make– up of the Atlantic tremendously. The plants and animals of the two worlds impacted them with growing food, and being able to eat, they also differed more than just the people and the way they lived, many of the Europeans never encountered half of the aniamls nor had the Native Americans. The exchange of plant life within the Western Hemisphere and Europe and Africa completely transformed the diets of all the regions. Before Columbus voyage in Europe corn, potatoes, beans, were unknown. Potatoes were commonly called Irish it was native from South America explorers bright it back to Europe and that's where it progressed. All the new fruits and vegetables that were a huge hit to the American's the food plants were more complementary than competitive. With corn thriving almost everywhere, many new food crops transferred from the America's to help spur the increase in the European population. Many young people Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Columbian Exchange Colombian Exchange Essay The age of Post–Colombian exploration and settlement was revolutionary in the lives of the American, European, and African peoples. Occurring throughout the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries, the Columbian Exchange provided an avenue through which everything from slavery, widespread disease, and new Euro–Native cultures and relationships would come to fruition. Certainly the best known and typically thought of location of the Colombian Exchange, the Americas were by far the most affected by the influx of Europeans and Africans. Beginning as soon on as the early 1500s, recurring plagues of European diseases such as measles and smallpox would ravage Indian communities for centuries. While the original native population at the time of Colombus' arrival is fairly disputed, it is widely accepted to have been somewhere around a median of 50 million. Much less disputed however is the massive depopulation caused by disease, with some tribes and areas suffering a 90% death toll. In addition to the more indirect attacks on Indians, European and the Colombian Exchange was also responsible for the more content... Though more specifically involved in the Triangular Trade aspect of the exchange, Africa played the role of supplying cheap and easy labor for use by the assorted plantations and mines in the Americas. Previously a vast network of thriving tribes, kingdoms, and communities, the population of Western Africa was hurt severely by the taking of men by slavers and Europeans. Even worse, because more men were taken than women, many communities throughout the area would experience severe demographic problems, having multiple women for every man. One consolation however were the new crops brought in from the Americas. Although a number of plants were transferred, Cassava, Corn, and Sweet Potatoes would prove to be among the most successful and helped to increase the unbalanced population at least in Get more content on
  • 19. Columbian Exchange Dbq Essay After the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus in 1492, this sparked the interests of the Columbian Exchange. This was a global network that allowed for the transfer of ideas, plants, animals, and diseases between America and the Old World. Although hindering the developments of societies around the world with diseases, the Columbian Exchange mostly aided these advancements with its trade of crops and silver and technological advances. The Columbian Exchange helped the advancements of societies internationally with the exchange of food. Food like maize and potatoes coming from America became staple crops throughout Europe. (Document 1) Europeans vastly depended on these foods so much that the Great Famine resulted in the failure of the potato crop in Ireland. Other traded items like sugar, tobacco, coffee and various spices benefitted both sides of the world. The New World gained new types of crops and the rest of the world like Europe and Asia obtained money from trade. Throughout the widespread of cultural diffusion, silver discovered in Mesoamerica was obtained and imported to Europe leading to economies based on money allowing more trade to be available. The New World produced around 85% of the world's silver. more content... After the discovery of the New World, explorers expanded their knowledge of tools helping them measure longitude and latitude, and improved the compass. European architecture helped build new homes and ships in the New World leading to villages and towns. Ports and ships were constructed allowing more trade to be conducted. Bernal Diaz once wrote, "When we saw all those cities and villages built in the water, and other great towns on dry land... these great towns and cues seemed like an enchanted vision." (Diaz, Document 5) The busy city of Tenochtitlan has become a great urban center in the heart of Mexico after the events of the Columbian Get more content on
  • 20. The Columbian Exchange Essay example The Columbian Exchange is the exchange of plants, animals, food, and diseases between Europe and the Americas. In 1492, when Christopher Columbus came to America, he saw plants and animals he had never seen before so he took them back with him to Europe. Columbus began the trade routes which had never been established between Europe and the Americas so his voyages initiated the interchange of plants between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, which doubled the food crop resources available to people on both sides of the Atlantic. When the Europeans explored the Americas, they were introduced to new plants, foods, and animals, as well as riches and land. Foods such as corn, white and sweet potatoes, beans, tomatoes, cacao, fruits, more content... Grains such as wheat, rye, barley, oats and rice were shared. Citrus fruits, grapes, onions, cabbage, turnips, cotton, coffee, sugarcane, as well as spices and herbs, were among the many other foods and plants introduced to Native American culture. Also introduced were European religion and culture, new tools for agriculture, and new weaponry such as knives and firearms. One consequence of the exchange was mass death. In the search for new routes for trade, people of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas came in contact with each other, causing the spread of disease. Columbus's colonization brought a host of new diseases to the populations of the Americas. Europeans exported their diseases such as influenza, tuberculosis and smallpox. In return, European traders and colonizers returned the Europe with syphilis and typhus from the Americas. The slave trade caused the spread of malaria and yellow fever from Africa to the Caribbean and North America, and yellow fever to Europe. While trying to adapt Native Americans to European customs, Columbus and his followers took advantage of the Indians. The Spanish burned the Natives sacred objects and would not allow them to practice their own religions. They also abused the Natives, enslaving them, taking land from them, and raping their women. Because of the conquistadors quest for gold and other riches, Get more content on