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Lab 10
Lindsay Bingham
PHY101 – 18801
Electrical Components and Circuits
Purpose: The objective of this experiment was to analyze light and its relationship between energy
and color of the light producing that energy. We also were in charge of measuring the rate at which
evaporation occurs for rubbing alcohol depending on the different colored diodes.
* LEDs and circuits (from previous lab) * Pipette (or eyedropper) * Rubbing alcohol * Index card *
9–volt battery * Flashlight * Stopwatch * Small cardboard shoe box
1. Set up an Excel spreadsheet listing variables: evaporation time vs. frequency of LED. 2. Make a
three–sided enclosure from the cardboard box. This ... Show more content on ...
We were asked to look up the frequency of the different colored diodes and the results are presented
in a graph.
After plotting the graph to determine the relationship of evaporation rate and frequency of LED, it
seemed that the lower the frequency, the less time it took for the alcohol to evaporate. Although, the
green LED bulb was an outlier, the rest of the values (on average) met this relationship.
The theory behind this experiment was to use previous learning of light and frequency to determine
how fast alcohol evaporates when certain colored lights shine on it. The wavelength and frequency
of light are inversely proportional, and wavelength decreases from red to violet. The goal is to
investigate the relationship between the frequency of light (color) and the energy produced by
different colors of light. The relationship is proportional, as discovered by this activity, and the
larger the frequency (such as blue), the longer it takes for the alcohol to evaporate.
The results of the experiment produced known errors. Since we were told to make 10 trials, I
decided to do 12. Many of the times, the lights would flicker or not light up completely, especially
when working with the green. This is probably why my results produced varied numbers, and why
the green LED light was an outlier with the average evaporation time. Some of the times, I
accidentally dropped one–too–many drops of alcohol, but I started over and
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Description Of A Photo Journal Assignment
This photo journal assignment was very interesting and educational. It helped me look outside the
box and to really relate geography to my everyday life. My first relatable topic that I came in
contact with during this assignment was the process of evaporation. At Dry Creek park in Modesto,
CA, I witnessed evaporation taking place in the creek. I have been going to this park for quite some
time and in the summer, water levels decrease drastically. Evaporation is one of the four phases in
the hydrologic cycle (water cycle). According to our Geosystems Eighth Edition book,
Christopherson say, "Water travels endlessly through the hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and
biosphere. [...] Currents of water, vapor, ice and energy are flowing ... Show more content on ...
Cloud falls into is the precipitation category. "Water vapor, droplets of water suspended in the air,
builds up in the Earth 's atmosphere. Water vapor in the atmosphere is visible as clouds and fog"
( Precipitation the process when water is
released from clouds in different types such as rain, snow, hail or sleet.
My second relatable topic that I came into contact with were these beautiful stepping stones. These
large stepping stones are sedimentary rock which is one of the rock types in the rock cycle. The
word sedimentary means that the rocks was formed by organic minerals and different particles. This
rock forming process can take many years and it starts when rocks weather and erode. This specific
stepping stone that I encountered was known as "chert." So how is chert formed exactly? According
to Geoscience News and information (, "When microcrystals
of silicon dioxide grow within soft sediments that become limestone or chalk [...] when dissolved
silica is transported to the formation site by the movement of groundwater."
Global warming and the greenhouse effect were some of the negative topics that I researched. After
further research for each topic, I became aware how I contribute to global warming. On my way to
the park, I was driving my car and then it hit me. I remembered that for every gallon of gas used,
our cars are accounted for 24 pounds of
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Liquid And Solid Substances Into Pure Forms
Mixtures surround us in our daily environment but it is useful to be able to separate the substances
into pure forms. Sea salt is a good example of a pure form that we use in daily life that can be
separated from a solution.
A mixture is two or more substances that are not chemically bound together. You are able to separate
the components of a mixture if you take advantage of the different physical properties. Sand is a
solid substance because it is insoluble (does not dissolve) in water, whereas salt is soluble
(dissolves) in water and becomes a solution.
The techniques in this experiment are;
Filtration – this is the process of separating liquid and solid substances by using a medium that only
a solvent and a solute can pass though. A filter paper contains tiny holes that only allow the filtrate
to pass though and only the residue remains.
Evaporation – is the process of turning the water into a gaseous state by the means of increasing the
temperature to boiling.
Sand is insoluble and salt is soluble in water. A mixture of salt and sand can be separated by
dissolving, filtering and evaporating, to determine the quantitative composition.
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment see appendix 1
100cm3 Beaker
Bunsen Burner with rubber tubing and source of gas
Heatproof mat, tripod, wire gauze and clay piped triangle
Evaporating dish
Ring Stand, Utility clamp and iron ring
Safety Glasses and lab coat
Graduated cylinder
Wash bottle
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The Pros And Cons Of Evaporation
Evaporation is the process that changes liquids into gases. When a liquid is heated, it becomes a gas
and spreads into the atmosphere, or the surrounding air. Liquids becomes gases by adding thermal
energy to them. Thermal energy is the amount of energy any matter has because of the moving
particles, molecules and atoms, inside it. The lakes, rivers, and oceans evaporate when the sun
comes out and heats them up. The molecules from the bodies of water rise from Earth's surface into
the surrounding atmosphere. Even small puddles of water can evaporate when the sun comes out
and warms them. Let's explore heat and evaporation.
When you see a pot of water boiling on the stove, you see steam coming out of the pot and going
into the surrounding air. The steam is called water vapor, and it's created by the heating of the water.
The heat applied to the water gives the molecules in the water more energy, which makes the
molecules move around faster, and escape into the atmosphere.
When molecules of water evaporate, heat from the object they evaporated from goes with them into
the air. The heat is called latent heat, and it's inside the water molecules. This also lowers the
temperature of the object the heat came from. Evaporative cooling is when an object cools down
because of evaporation. When you exercise and it's hot outside, your body sweats. When your body
sweats, evaporation causes the water on your body, or the sweat, to eventually evaporate, or rise into
the air. This action
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The Effects Of Conventional Energy Sources And Increasing...
Depleting nature of the conventional energy sources and increasing cost of electrical energy are
forcing mankind to look for possible modifications in the existing systems towards lower energy
consumption without sacrificing the purpose for which it is used. The household refrigerator used
extensively all over the world for preserving various food products is one such system which
accounts for the substantial part of the house electricity bills. Refrigerator is a machine which lifts
up the heat from low evaporator temperature (pressure) and pumps it against the high condenser
temperatures (pressure).
Following were the objectives decided for achieving this aim:
1. To study the literature on domestic refrigerator with higher evaporator temperature in the
temperature range of 265K–270K.
2. To study existing domestic refrigerator including lower temperatures.
3. To design and fabricate a suitable capillary tube to be used with the modified refrigerator to
provide required evaporator temperature.
4. Redesigning the shape of the evaporator used in the refrigerator.
5. To evaluate the performance of the system using recommended test procedures in the literature.
6. To evaluate economic viability of the system for modifying the existing systems.
The reason behind selecting the temperature range 268K–272K for domestic refrigerator in the
evaporator is to study the effects of the this temperature range on stored products and to increase
coefficient of performance of the
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Liquid Evaporate The Fastest Essay
Research Paper
This paper is on our seventh grade science project about which liquid evaporate the quickest. We are
researching and testing which liquids evaporate the fastest. Liquids are used to keep you hydrated,
and can cause different climate in different areas. It depends on if you live close or if you're far
away from large bodies of water.. Precipitation and evaporation, are the two main parts of the
project and it is what this project is based off of because when liquids evaporate from the ocean and
the particles rise and are caught into the clouds and are saved until heavy enough to fall and turn
into rain, sleet, snow, or hail which is decided on temperature.
In this project the idea on which liquid would evaporate the quickest. The cooking oil should
evaporate the quickest because it is the lightest liquid coming in at 1.01 which has the least density
out of all of them. Density is the degree of compactness of a substance. The other liquids density
come close but are not the lightest. Water has the density it has because after evaporation comes
precipitation . How is evaporation helpful or dangerous to our society? Evaporation is great it gives
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For the project we are only going to to put only about an oz. for each liquid in each separate cup.
The way we will be testing these we are going to put them each in their own plastic cup and each of
them will get a second glass cup, and to see which will be the fastest to evaporate fully we will put
12 of the cups out at one time. The time we are going to give it to evaporate is about a week. If it
does not fully evaporate in a week will add more time. These liquids are not thick and will hopefully
evaporate in a week, and it should only take a week if the weather is right. They will be set outside
in full sun view so the temperature stays more humid throughout the whole time, also it won't take
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A Brief Look at Global Warming
So what actually is global warming? Obviously the name explains it; the globe becoming warmer.
But what does it mean "to become warmer"? The sun isn't getting hotter; the world isn't traveling
closer to the sun. Global warming is when rapid moving particles collide more and more with other
rapid moving particles and are trapped by the atmosphere's thick layer of gas molecules. As more
heat is trapped, particles that are in earth's atmosphere collide with each other. As more collisions
are present, the average kinetic energy which is the average speed at which the particles collide with
one another increases therefore the temperature increases which affects many aspects of life.
A predominant factor as to why global warming happens is more gas particles exposed in the air
because of an increase in gases produced by industries. Gases such as CO2 and SO2 are constantly
harming our environment by regularly adding more harmful gasses into our atmosphere. Due to
forest fires, industries, factories, and new found technology such as the car, many harmful gas
molecules are surrounding us. These harmful gas molecules collide with our healthy atmospheric
particles which make the amount of gas particles increase dreadfully. Since more collisions between
these different particles are occurring, the average kinetic energy is raised therefore the temperature
increases as well. As more particles are added into the atmosphere, it becomes denser and gasses are
getting trapped into our
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Does The Source Of Water Affect Its Evaporation Rate?
Peyton Brown
Does the Source of Water Affect its Evaporation Rate?
Evaporation happens when water molecules turn into gas. Many things can affect how quickly this
happens. For example, evaporation occurs faster in warm weather than in cold weather. This is
because heat increases the energy of water molecules. The more energy involved, the faster the
evaporation rate. Other factors can affect the speed of evaporation too. Anything that slows down
water molecules' movement will slow down the evaporation process. Anything that weakens their
bond will speed it up. Pollution can weaken the bond between water molecules, proving that dirtier
water should evaporate faster than cleaner water. ...
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When they bounce into each other, energy switches back and forth between them. Once a molecule
has enough energy, it breaks free, turning to gas. This is evaporation. Heat causes more energy
during this process, making the water molecules move faster and bounce into each other more often
and more powerfully. Just think of a pot of boiling water. You can see the molecules that have
broken free and turned to gas rising from the pot in the form of steam. Outside forces affect the
evaporation process.
Water molecules like to stick together. This habit of theirs is called "inter– molecular attraction"
When the bond between water molecules is very strong, it takes longer for them to break free and
turn to gas. Therefore, strong bonds make the evaporation When water molecules are kept from
sticking together, the liquid evaporates faster. Inside forces affect the evaporation process.
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Evaporation Lab
There are also some other common properties that are transitions from one state to another, such as
vaporization, this is the process by which a liquid or in some cases a solid that can change into a
gas. Evaporation is a similar form of vaporization. However, evaporation is defined as the process
by which particles escape from the surface of a non boiling liquid and enter the gas state. Some lab
experiments can be conducted to actually see the effects of evaporation. Like the liquid bromine lab
where you add a small amount of liquid bromine into a bottle, and within a few minutes, the air
above the liquid bromine will turn into a brownish–red color because some of the bromine
molecules escaped from the surface of the liquid. These molecules then became gas molecules, or
bromine ... Show more content on ...
The process of evaporation occurs because the particles of a liquid have different kinetic energies.
In some cases surface particles with higher than average energies can overcome the intermolecular
forces that bind them to the liquid. The particles can then transition into the gas state. Evaporation is
an essential process in nature. For example in nature evaporation removes fresh water from the
surface of a ocean, leaving behind a higher concentration of salts. In areas such as the tropics,
evaporation occurs at a higher rate,resulting in the surface water to be saltier. All water that falls to
Earth in the form of rain and snow has been previously evaporated from oceans, lakes, and rivers.
Evaporation of sweat plays an important role in keeping a human cool. Sweat, which is mostly
consisted of water, cools a human by absorbing body heat when it evaporates. Energy which is in
the form of heat is absorbed from the skin, causing the body to cool down. As a liquid is cooled its
viscosity normally increases, but viscosity also has a tendency to prevent
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What Affects the Rate of Evaporation in Different Liquids
What Affects the Rate of Evaporation?
* To find out if changes in temperature, draught and surface area of water open to air affects the rate
of evaporation through the water. * To safely check if these variables change the rate of evaporation
* To complete all the experiments in the short period given
* I believe that a raise in temperature will speed up the rate of evaporation in the water * I believe
that a larger surface area will speed up the rate of evaporation in the water * I believe that draught
will not affect the rate of evaporation, or at least the rate at which it does affect evaporation will not
be able to be measured in the short time available for each experiment
* Bunsen ... Show more content on ...
1ml is roughly equal to 1gram, so 100ml should be roughly 100grams. 9) Place one beaker on top of
a gauze on top of a tripod 10) Open the bunsen burner to a half open air hole at heat the beaker of
water to 40oC (use a thermometer in the water) 11) Once the water reaches 40oC start the stopwatch
12) At this point, the temperature of the water may go above 40oC. If this happens, take the beaker
of water off the flame and let it stabilise at 40oC again (try and maintain this temperature) 13) YOU
GOGGLES ARE ON!!! 14) After three minutes of keeping the water at 4oC, stop the stopwatch,
then remove the beaker and let it cool off in the open (DO NOT place in water, otherwise glass
beaker may crack). After the beaker and water has cooled down slightly in air, place the beaker in
cold water. We do this because when we heat the water, bubbles can collect (which change the mass
of the water) and the water expands, so we cannot accurately measure the volume. 15) Finally,
measure the mass of the beaker full of water, after it has cooled and see if the mass of the water is
less than before. 16) Record the results. 17) Repeat this test, but use the two remaining beakers
containing water you prepared earlier. However, this time, heat the water to 60oC in one beaker and
80oC in the
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Why Do Different Liquids Evaporate The Fastest
The question I would like to answer for my science project is what liquids evaporate the fastest.
This topic gets my attention because I would like to see how fast liquids evaporate in comparison to
other liquids. Another reason this topic sparks my attention is because I like how the water cycle
works in many different ways; for example, one minute we have water being evaporated into the
atmosphere and being changed into a gas and the next minute it comes back down in the form of
rain. For my experiment, I will be taking four liquids and putting half a cup of each liquid into
separate cups; then I will put them all in the same place so that they all will evaporate in the same
conditions. I will then monitor and take notes everyday to see ... Show more content on ...
Well, liquids with more density will evaporate slower because they have more attraction between
their molecules. This information came from:–help/why–do–some–
liquids–evaporate–easily–faster–than–319881 .
Also, why does evaporation go through a physical change? Evaporation goes through a physical
change because the liquid(s) get evaporated into the atmosphere and turn into a gas called water
vapor. Next, it gets turned back into a liquid and comes back down to the ground as rain. This
process is called the water cycle and it's a physical change because it can be changed into a new
substance but can be changed back to its original substance. This information came from what I
already knew from previous science classes. How do liquids evaporate in different conditions? Well,
water can evaporate in any conditions, but evaporation works best in warm conditions. I got this
information from: . How does the world use
evaporation? The world uses evaporation for the water cycle. The water cycle helps us in many
ways. It helps filter our water, but if the atmosphere is very polluted you could get something called
acid rain, and acid rain isn't a good thing for anything to digest or even
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Chemical Mixture, Using Filtration And Evaporation
The objective of this lab will be to proficiently separate a mixture, using filtration and evaporation.
In this lab, a homogeneous mixture will be created, along with a heterogeneous mixture.The two
mixtures will be mixed together, yet separated. Common substances will be mixed and then
separated using two of the techniques already listed; filtration and evaporation.
If the salt, sand, and water mixture is separated successfully through filtration and evaporation, then
the percent recovery of the salt and sand will be 100%.
Salt, sand, and water are each substances that are made up of 2 or more elements chemically
combined, or compounds. When mixing compounds, it can be either a homogeneous mixture or a
heterogeneous ... Show more content on ...
This will let the filtrate through but leave the sand behind. The filtrate is the liquid that passes
through the funnel during filtration. In this experiment, the saltwater solution is the filtrate. The
solution remaining in the beaker will then be heated over a Bunsen burner. As the solution is being
heated, the water in the saltwater solution will evaporate off until only the salt is remaining in the
beaker. Evaporation is a process where a soluble solid is separated from a liquid. The lab ends with
the sand on the filter paper, and the salt remaining in the beaker.
In order to successfully reach the objective of the lab, the amount of each substance that is being
separated must stay consistent from start to finish. The amount of each substance before it is added
to the mixture and after it has been separated needs to be recorded so that comparison and analysis
will be correct. All of the data will be used to calculate the percent recovery of the sand and the salt.
To find percent recovery, the following equation used will be:
% Recovery = Amount of the substance recovered Original amount of the substance x 100
The answer will then show if separating the mixture was successful, and in turn completing the lab
and objective.
150 mL beaker
250 mL beaker
Bunsen burner
Stirring rod
Wire gauze
Ring stand
Electronic balance
Iron ring
Sand (SiO2)
Filter paper
Salt (NaCl)
2 spoons
Ceramic fiber square
Clay triangle
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Water And Evaporation Rates
Why does my drink disappear faster than normal when go to play and I leave it out in the heat from
the sun for a long period of time ? This happens to my water and to my soda or whatever it just
disappears into thin air just like a magic trick? This has been bouncing around in my head fand kind
of bothering me for a while or a while so i was curious and I asked around and eventually found out
that it is evaporation and that this is the cause of my drink running away. It is actually evaporation is
taking the liquids up into the sky and creates moisture in the air and clouds. So then I thought like
soda and other substances like sugar maybe could weigh it down the evaporation rate of the and
evaporate slower than other things. This could also help with other places where water is scarce. To
see how much water will be left to drink for this place or even if the water is polluted it could affect
the evaporation rate. So this would be do all liquid solutions evaporate at the same rate of ... Show
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One of the reason that it could be evaporating at different rates is , this is kind of a guess is that the
substance that could weigh more could be the cause of this cause. Another reason that it may be
evaporating differently is like in soda's or juice the company puts sugar to make it sweet this does
not evaporate by itself but when it dissolves into the juice or substance it may weigh it down
causing it to not evaporating at its normal rate. What if the carnation from the soda keeping the soda
bubbly that it may have an effect of the rate at which the substances into thin air. In chemistry the
boiling points or all of the substance are different
This could affect the point which the substance would get hot enough to evaporate into the air.
These could all be very reasonable reasons that the liquid could be evaporating at different rates
than natural
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The Importance Of Industrial Percolation
fine, fine, and extra fine) [10]. The desired size in percolation in industrial level would be around
1.4–1.5 mm as referred to regular grinding in some text. The particle size will be also considered
after dehydration since it is important for solubility and other aspects.
3. Brewing
Brewing or sometimes referred to as percolation is the infusion of hot water in the ground coffee to
extract the aromatic and organic compounds from the coffee ground at approximately 100 °C and
101.3 kPa. Similar to the coffee maker at home, industrial percolation has larger quantity but also
performed at a slightly higher pressure and temperature sometimes. The reason that higher working
pressure and temperature would be because of the higher efficiency, and higher extraction
percentage of the desired compounds (solid content from 36–46 %). Cold brewing is also available
with slightly higher pressure (17 °C and 338 kPa). Higher yield of solid content could be reached by
percolation at 200 °C and 1500 kPa. The latter would be higher capital cost operation, but also
effective in extracting more volatile compounds [11].
a. Aroma recovery
Aroma recovery usually follows the percolation process, where heat exchangers are used to cooling
down the steam coming from the brewing process. It should be mentioned that the target is short
extraction time with low temperature to retain as much as possible of the aromatic and volatile
compounds such as 4–vinyl guaiacol, 4–ethylguaiacol, 2–ethyl–3,
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The Water You Drink Today Is The Same Water That Dinosaurs...
The Water Cycle
Water is continuously moving and changing states from liquid to gas (vapor) and solid (ice, snow,
and hail). The water cycle describes the movement of all water on Earth. The Earth's water is
constantly moving through this cycle, which has no beginning and no end.
Label the water cycle with the following items:
1) Precipitation
2) Condensation
3) Evaporation
4) Transpiration
Did you know...
that the water you drink today is the same water that dinosaurs slurped? Water is continuously being
"recycled" by the water cycle!
A watershed is a land area that drains rain and other water into creeks, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.
Rain and irrigation from lawns and gardens wash litter off the surfaces of streets and sidewalks into
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Thin Film Deposition Process
Thin film deposition is any technique for depositing a thin film of material onto a substrate or onto
previously deposited layers. "thin" is a relative term, but most deposition techniques allow layer
thickness to be controlled within a few nanometre and some (molecular beam epitaxy) allow single
layers of atoms to be deposited at time. it is useful in the manufacture of optics for refractive or anti
refractive coatings for instance), electronics (layers of insulators, semiconductors form integrated
circuits) and packaging (i.e. aluminium coated film).thin film can be prepared from a variety of
materials such as metals, semiconductors, insulators etc., and for this purpose various preparative
techniques have also been developed and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Thin film deposition process can be divided into three basic steps:
1. Creation of film forming material (atoms, molecules, clusters).
2. Transport of the particles from source to the substrate.
3. Adsorption of the particles on the substrate and ... Show more content on ...
The rate of condensation of the vapours (or the deposition rate) depends not only on the evaporation
rate but also on the source geometry, its position relative to the substrate, and condensation
coefficient. The spatial distribution of the vapours from different types of sources such as point,
wire, small surface, extended strip, cylinder, and ring has been calculated and discussed thoroughly
by Holland. For the ideal case of deposition from a clean, uniformly emitting point source onto a
planar substrate, the rate of deposition varies as cos θ/r2 (Knudsen's cosine law), where r is the
radial distance of the substrate from the source and θ is the angle between the radial vector and the
normal to the
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Evaporation Is A Fundamental For Human Life
Evaporation is eminently fundamental for the human life. Without evaporation, there would be no
crops, no rain, and the human body would overheat. When most people think about evaporation,
they usually associate it with the water cycle. All liquids can evaporate at room temperature,
including water, orange juice, rubbing alcohol, and nail polish remover, but do they all evaporate at
the same rate? Surprisingly, most people do not take into consideration that evaporation also occurs
in their own home.
Evaporation is one of the six stages of the water cycle, or hydrologic cycle. Evaporation is the
process in which a liquid surpasses a change to become a gaseous substance. Evaporation befalls
due to atoms or molecules escaping from a liquid ... Show more content on ...
The average energy can be low and the evaporation still continues." (United States Geological
Survey 2014) Not all molecules have the same energy, which is why evaporation can occur even if
the liquid isn't boiling. The rate of evaporation is increased with a decrease in the gas pressure
around a liquid. Once the gas pressure reaches a specific level, the rate of evaporation slows down.
The density of a liquid also has an impact on the rate of evaporation; the higher the density of a
liquid, the slower the rate of evaporation. The most important substance in the world is water,
without it there would be no world. Water is a molecule that is composed of two hydrogen atoms
and one oxygen atom, also known as H2O. Water is a polar molecule, making it able to dissolve
other polar molecules. Water is attracted to itself by cohesion. Cohesion is the attraction of one
substance to itself. Cohesion is possible for water due to its strong hydrogen bonds. Alone hydrogen
bonds are weak, but together they form one of the strongest bonds known. Water is an extremely
diverse substance that can be in solid form, liquid form, and gas form. The normal temperature of
water is 25oC, which produces its liquid form. When water reaches below 0oC, it freezes and
becomes solid. Above100oC is when water reaches its gaseous form and boiling point; that is more
than a 75o temperature change from liquid to gas. Studies show that the evaporation rate of a liquid
depends on the
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Speech On Life Without Water
I choose the water cycle because water is a basic necessity of life and every human in the world will
have an impact on it one way or the other. From the moments we wake up through the activities of
the day right to when we go to sleep, water plays a major role in all that we do. Imagining a life
without water is kind of unimaginable. Water has been around long before I was born so it's difficult
to imagine what life will be like without it. Since water is more of a public good, we tend to take it
for granted just like the air we breathe.
I use water for almost everything; I use water for brushing my teeth, taking my bath, washing the
plates, laundry, flushing the toilet, bathing my dog (Optimus), cooking and for my friends who
swim, without water they wouldn't get that privilege to dive into the pool.
This water which I get to use to do all these activities goes through a cycle before getting to me the
final consumer. From natural processes such as evaporation, sublimation, condensation and
precipitation. The water from the Ghana Water Company (which is the institution that treats and
distributes water to various homes) goes through various processes before flowing through the taps
in the kitchen and bathroom.
Each time I drive my father's car from the house without using public transport, I contribute to the
build–up of greenhouse gasses which the old car emits.
The electricity I use at home to charge my phone and laptop, to power the fridge, to iron my shirt, to
heat food in the microwave all comes from the electricity from the national dam which powers the
entire country. So anytime my use of electricity increases, more water is needed to meet the growing
load needed to meet demand.
Most items we buy from the markets and shopping centres are produced in factories where water is
used somewhere in the production line. The pollution from these factories and multimillion dollar
industries leaves a huge adverse impact on the water cycle such as the rain acid condition which
destroys plants and reduces their ability to aid in the evaporation process. Also toxic chemicals from
such factories finds their way into groundwater and other sources of water. The increase
consumerism which comes with modernity and
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Color Dye And Ethanol: Distillation Of Di
The Distillation of Color Dye and Ethanol Using a Hand Boiler
Objectives of this experiment included determining whether ethanol can be separated by distillation
leaving a concentrated dye powder behind, driven by the heat of your hand and learning the process
of distillation from the hand boiler.
The procedure of this experiment started out by taking a hand boiler and beginning to warm up the
bottom bulb with your hands, trying your best to transfer as much of the colored ethanol solution
into the larger bulb as possible. After, with the boiler inverted, place the smaller bulb into a cup of
ice water and let it sit for 10 – 20 minutes, allowing distillation to occur.
My observations in this experiment included the different colors of
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What Are The Different Rates Of Liquids Evaporate At The...
Do you think that all liquids evaporate at the same rate? Without any research an average person
would think that water and oil would evaporate at the same rate since they are both liquids. Through
research, science shows that due to their density oil will take longer to evaporate since it has more
mass. Does the amount of density in the liquids make them all evaporate at the same rate? All
liquids do not evaporate at the same rate because denser liquids take longer to evaporate. Why does
water evaporate? Evaporation is a very important part of the water cycle. Heat from the sun, or solar
energy, powers the evaporation process. How fast will different liquids evaporate? If liquids can
evaporate and have a rate when they do then nail polish
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Essay on Chm1046 Experiment 2: Intermolecular Forces
Experiment 2: Intermolecular Forces
Performed: 9/12/2011
Submitted: 9/20/2011
Chemistry 1046L
The purpose of partI in this experiment is to identify a variety of unknown substances' properties
using observations of the temperature changes that occur during evaporation. We know that
substances with weaker intermolecular forces, such as London dispersion, will have a faster
vaporization rate and thus a higher temperature difference compared to those with stronger
molecular bonds such as hydrogen and dipole–dipole forces. By measuring the average kinetic
energy (or the temperature) of the liquid left behind after some evaporation takes place, we can
determine its type of intermolecular ... Show more content on ...
Also, to familiarize students with Boyle's law to determine the pressure neededin order to determine
the unknown triplet point as well as calculating percent error to accurately publish our experimental
Dry ice was white, cylindrical shaped solid that smoked and sublimed when placed onto paper
towel. The solids were crushed into a fine grain and a few small chunks. While in the pipet, the dry
ice crystallized on outside bottom and inside some layer of "fog" and smoke was created. During
submersion into the cup of water, the dry ice observed began to liquefy (the triple point) and after
the first slight release of the pliers on the pipet, there was an explosion.
P1 V1 = P2 V2
Pressure of the room taken off the barometer: 10125 kPa
1015 kPa X 1 atm = 10.02 atm 101. 325 kPa
(10.02 atm)(5 mL) X (P2 )(3 mL)
P = 16.7 atm
% Error = 16.7 – 5.1X 100 = 233% 5.1
Conclusion: Based on the observations, it is concluded that unknown C is water because this
substance has the least decrease in temperature which correlates to high intermolecular forces. Out
of the five unknowns, water has the strongest intermolecular forces having hydrogen bonding. The
substance with the weakest
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The Evaporation Race
Leanna Lim
Mrs. Stout
P1 1/20/16
The Evaporation Race
When it rains, puddles of water are often left behind, but it starts to disappear after just a few hours.
What is happening? This is called evaporation. Evaporation is a very common natural process that
occurs all around the world, where a liquid changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state.
Evaporation occurs when enough heat energy is absorbed by the molecules in a liquid state to the
point where it starts to vaporize. Do other liquids react in the same way? The answer is yes, but in
this experiment, a heat source will be used to evaporate different liquids. The results will show if
certain liquids do, in fact, evaporate faster or slower than others depending on their ingredients.
How do liquids change from a liquid to a gas phase? A liquid is a primary state of matter that has no
specific shape. According to, "Liquids are more dense and less compressible
than gasses. Liquids have a definite volume, independent of the size and shape of their container.
The attractive forces are not strong enough, however, to keep neighboring molecules in a fixed
position and molecules are free to move past or slide ... Show more content on ...
How is the dependent variable, evaporation rate, affected by different liquids? As said on, "Heat (energy) is necessary for evaporation to occurs. Energy is used to break the
bonds that hold water molecules together, which is why water easily evaporates at the boiling point
(212˚ F, 100˚C)..." Water's boiling point is a known fact, but other liquids with lower boiling points
evaporate faster, and that is what will make the evaporation rate for each liquid vary. If energy is
added to a liquid, the molecules will react by vibrating faster and spreading apart, eventually
changing the liquid to a gaseous phase. With these facts in mind, one can resume with the topic of
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How Does Clear Liquid Affect The Rate Of Evaporation Rates
This is my research report on my science project. My topic is What Clear liquid affects the rate of
evaporation. I chose this topic because I wasn't able to choose a project I wanted to do. So I looked
through the list and saw this topic. Then suddenly I think back to a wet afternoon and very cold a
few years ago. That morning I saw a puddle of water and when I came back it was half way drained
down. So i thought back to that moment long ago which I still remember. And so not only I needed a
project, I also was a little interested into this topic. I was also interested into rates of evaporation
when I saw this question. The question i'd be answering is What clear liquid has a faster evaporation
For the independent Variable, we're changing one of the liquids to something different. We're
changing hydrogen peroxide to Nail Polish remover. we'll be keeping water, alcohol, ... Show more
content on ...
We'll measure how long each liquid evaporates at room temperature. So each liquid won't evaporate
faster just because of the temperature. Each liquid has a different evaporation rate. Evaporation
occurs when a liquid is sitting in a spot for too long. The evaporation rate of a liquid is affected of
what type of liquid it is. And the temperature of what the liquid is sitting in. Such as a puddle sitting
in 100 Degrees Fahrenheit. The puddle will evaporate faster because it is in a hot environment.
Evaporation can also happen when it's cold. However heat makes the liquid evaporate faster. I did a
lot of research, and based on a lot of sites. Some say Nail polish remover evaporates faster than
alcohol. While some say Alcohol is faster than nail polish remover. So i'll say nail polish remover is
going to be faster. If i leave nail polish out then it will evaporate the fastest. Because nail polish
contains acetone which makes its molecules evaporate faster to
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Science Fair Topics: Evaporation
My science fair topic is Evaporation. I chose Evaporation because we talk about evaporation but
most of us don't see it often at all. Evaporation is an interesting topic and and a piece of matter
people don't really put their interest in. Evaporation happens the Water cycle. An ocean like the
pacific evaporates into the clouds, condensates, and precipitates. It happens over and over again. I
bet that people put their drinks out and never cover it before going to sleep and a few hours later, It
has evaporated. science fair question is How can the type of clear liquid affect the rate of
An independent variable is an item in your project that you will be changing. It can the main part of
your project and can be found in a question. The liquids ... Show more content on ...
It's on the last part of your question. The rate of evaporation is whats changing. When a liquid sits in
one place and its molecules turn into a gas, Then it's called evaporation. No matter how cold or hot
it is, it can still evaporate. When matter has a high energy then the water molecules have a high
energy too and go through a change. Evaporation focuses on individual molecules and not on the
amount of energy. The energy can be low and still evaporate. Not all liquids are the same. There are
some that evaporate faster in wind. When liquid molecules move around, They bump into each
other. When they do bump into each other then one molecule gains energy and one loses energy. If
one molecule gains enough energy then the molecule can turn into a gas. In other words, it has
Independent Variables and Dependent Variables have a cause and effect relationship can be found in
any science fair project(Problem, Hypothesis) such as, Riley's Science Fair Project. If Riley egg
dropped in bubble wrap(Cause), then it will break less(Effect) than eggs wrapped in other materials
because bubble wrap adds more support. Here is Riley's Science Fair
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Lab6 latent heat Essay
Hoang Ngo
Lab 6 report
Anita Dey Thursday 8am
Abstract: We recently performed a liquid nitrogen experiment in finding the Latent heat of the
substance. We isolated two parts of the experiment in order to find out how much evaporation of the
liquid nitrogen was from the surroundings B and how much evaporation from the electricity G.
1. When a substance is undergoing a phase transition, more heat (energy) is being added to the
Substance but its temperature (a way of measuring its energy) is not changing. Where does this
Energy go if it does not go into heating up the substance? If a substance is changing from a
Solid to a liquid is it absorbing or emitting heat? How about from a gas to a liquid? (2 pt)
When a substance is undergoing a ... Show more content on ...
Another source of error could be that the resistor was touching the cup. Lastly a source of error
could've come from the evaporation from the resistor, the resistor could've been defective and we
wouldn't even know it. The timing was a big issue when we performed the experiment because
when the triple beam balance measured off back to the ticked line we had to mark the time but we
were a bit slow and missed it most times, and had to start over; a way to avoid this is to have a better
stop watch or person switching the weights and the other marking the times down. The resistor
touching the cup would affect how the liquid nitrogen boils and a way to fix that is to fix it towards
the middle.
6. Instead of using liquid nitrogen, suppose we used water for our lab. Would we be able to calculate
the rate of evaporation due to the room, and explain why or why not? Water's heat of vaporization is
2260 kJ/kg. How much power would you need to apply to water so that the evaporation rate was .25
g/s ? (1 pt)
Instead of liquid nitrogen we use water, we wouldn't be able to calculate the rate of evaporation due
to the room (B) because water boils at 373K and we would need a much hotter room to evaporate
the water. Water's heat of vaporization is 2260kJ/kg. Power we need to apply to water so the
evaporation rate was .25g/s is 565W. 2260*1000=2260000J then, (2260000)(.00025)= 565W based
on the E=mL, then P=E/t; 565/1=565W.
7. If you put a few drops of cologne on your hand,
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Water Essay : The Water Cycle
Water Essay
"Divided into two separate land areas, and bordered by four of the five Great Lakes, Michigan has
the longest shoreline in the continental U.S. – nearly 3,300 miles." [1] Michigan has a little bit of
everything; mountains, hills and flatlands, forests, swamps, rivers, and many lakes, which hold 20%
of the world's fresh surface water. Michigan experiences all four seasons, especially winter in the
Upper Peninsula. Water has shaped the state over thousands of years, making it what it is today, and
none of this would have been possible without the water cycle. There are three forms of water:
liquid, vapor, and ice. From an early age, we are taught about the water cycle. Although there are
many different stages to the water cycle, we are usually taught only three stages. The first thing to
know about the water cycle is that there is no definite starting point, and it works in a continuous
cycle. If there is a puddle, that puddle will soon be evaporated by the sun. This liquid water turns
into vapor in this evaporation process. This vapor returns to the atmosphere. The coolness of the
atmosphere causes the vapor to condense into clouds. Soon, the water will fall out of the sky in
liquid or frozen form. This is what we know as rain or snow. Once the water is back on the surface
of Earth, the water cycle starts again from evaporation. [2] The water cycle never stops.
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Assignment On People And The Environment
Baker Kosmac–Okwir
University of the People, 2017
Written Assignment
COURSE: ENVS 1301: Environmental Science
WEEK 4: 28 September – 4 October 2017
UNIT 4: People and the Environment
Professor Brian C. Steinberg (Instructor) ENVS 1301 – AY2018–T1
3 October 2017
Keywords: water. Environment, life.
Written Assignment
ENVS 1301: Environmental Science
In this paper, I have selected water, one of the material cycles studied. It is not conceivable of life
without water. Inquiry after inquiry to find another life on other planets is premised on the notion
that if scientists can find signs of water on any planet in our universe, then there is the possibility of
life, such as mars.
a.What are the most considerable impacts you make?
We know how the heat from the Sun leads to evaporation through rays on the oceans and seas.
When water evaporates to form clouds, these clouds will then in turn form into rain. The rain falls
and helps plants to grow and eventually to form more mists and clouds and rain, the cycle continues.
If water is not available, there is a draught. There will be less food grown; people will lose jobs and
people are forced to move causing a fiscal impact on the already distressed economies. Migration
flows from hard–hit drought areas has a tendency to cause insecurity in areas of either direction of
the flow. From the drought areas, the stronger individuals will acquire more land where are water
bases forcing weaker people to move looking
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The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Membrane Distillation
Chapter One
1.1 Introduction
The demand of clean water has always been a major universal concern and this issue is becoming
more urgent with the expectation of water deficiency to an alarming rate by the year 2025. Hence,
there are needs a new technologies for desalination and wastewater treatments, to meet the
requirement water demands with credible and affordable water sources. [Teoh and Chung, 2009] (1)
Desalination is a process in which saline water is separated into two parts using different forms of
energy. One that has a low con–centration of dissolved salts (fresh water), and the other which has a
much higher concentration of dissolved salts than the original feed water (brine concentrate).[ Shatat
et al., 2013]
1.2 Water ... Show more content on ...
Condense at the cold permeate side.
5. Diffuse into the bulk permeate.
Figure 1–1: Transport mechanism of membrane distillation
1.3 The advantages and disadvantages of membrane distillation
The membrane distillation process offers some benefits compared to other separation processes [
Pangarkar et al., 2011, Alcheikhhamdon et al., 2015](4):
1. Operating at lower temperature than the boiling point of feed solution.
2. Can be performed at lower operating pressure compared to pressure–driven separation processes,
resulting in reduced costs for the process and membrane.
3. Reduced vapor spaces.
4. Unlimited by high osmotic pressure and fouling.
5. Permits very high separation factor of non–volatile Solute.
6. Producing very high–purity water.
7. Can use any form of low –grade waste heat or coupled with solar energy systems which makes it
attractive for production of drinkable water from brackish water.
8. Minimization of corrosion troubles that could occur due to interactions between process solutions
and membranes.
9. Probability of combining membrane processes with other separation process (hybrid system).
10. Easy scale–up with no requirements of additives.
The main disadvantage of MD process is [Teoh and Chung, 2009, Alcheikhhamdon et al.,
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Lab6 latent heat Essay
Hoang Ngo
Lab 6 report
Anita Dey Thursday 8am
Abstract: We recently performed a liquid nitrogen experiment in finding the Latent heat of the
substance. We isolated two parts of the experiment in order to find out how much evaporation of the
liquid nitrogen was from the surroundings B and how much evaporation from the electricity G.
1. When a substance is undergoing a phase transition, more heat (energy) is being added to the
Substance but its temperature (a way of measuring its energy) is not changing. Where does this
Energy go if it does not go into heating up the substance? If a substance is changing from a
Solid to a liquid is it absorbing or emitting heat? How about from a gas to a liquid? (2 pt)
When a substance is undergoing a ... Show more content on ...
Another source of error could be that the resistor was touching the cup. Lastly a source of error
could've come from the evaporation from the resistor, the resistor could've been defective and we
wouldn't even know it. The timing was a big issue when we performed the experiment because
when the triple beam balance measured off back to the ticked line we had to mark the time but we
were a bit slow and missed it most times, and had to start over; a way to avoid this is to have a better
stop watch or person switching the weights and the other marking the times down. The resistor
touching the cup would affect how the liquid nitrogen boils and a way to fix that is to fix it towards
the middle.
6. Instead of using liquid nitrogen, suppose we used water for our lab. Would we be able to calculate
the rate of evaporation due to the room, and explain why or why not? Water's heat of vaporization is
2260 kJ/kg. How much power would you need to apply to water so that the evaporation rate was .25
g/s ? (1 pt)
Instead of liquid nitrogen we use water, we wouldn't be able to calculate the rate of evaporation due
to the room (B) because water boils at 373K and we would need a much hotter room to evaporate
the water. Water's heat of vaporization is 2260kJ/kg. Power we need to apply to water so the
evaporation rate was .25g/s is 565W. 2260*1000=2260000J then, (2260000)(.00025)= 565W based
on the E=mL, then P=E/t; 565/1=565W.
7. If you put a few drops of cologne on your hand,
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Water Is An Essential Part Of Human Lives
Water is an essential part of human lives. People not only need water for consumption, but also
utilize it daily in several ways; this includes bathing, washing, sewage/waste, watering outdoors, etc.
Water is essentially everywhere. Although access to water in the United States often seems so
simple and easy, water is not always in the form people see coming out of the faucet. There are a
variety of water sources on the Earth. Although from several sources, water has a distinguished
cycle on the planet. Examining the water cycle and the sources of water on the earth can help bring
a better understanding of water usage and available resources.
According to the NASA Earth Observation, over 75% of the Earth's surface is made up of water
(Graham, Parkinson, Chahine, 2010). The Earth's total water content is roughly 1.39 billion cubic
kilometers, or 331 million cubic miles (Graham et al., 2010). As seen in Figure 1, there are a variety
of categories the Earth's water can be broken up into. Over 96% of the Earth's water is made up of
the five oceans (Graham et al., 2010). When examining water simply in terms of freshwater, most of
the reservoir comes from glaciers and ice caps. By examining these percentages, a greater
knowledge of the Earth's total water supply can be gained. These percentages can also be factored
into the water cycle to better understand how water rotates through the Earth and the atmosphere.
The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle, describes
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Do Different Liquids Evaporate At Different Rates?
Blaine Williamson
Mrs. Kirkpatrick 4th
Do different liquids evaporate at different rates?
Table of Contents
Observations and Data
Sources of Error and Inaccuracies
I. Introduction:
When liquid is left open to the atmosphere, it can slowly transition into a gas phase and evaporate
leaving it's container empty. The molecules that have higher amounts of kinetic energy are better
able to escape into a gas phase. If some molecules come near the surface in a liquid, then that means
the molecules in the liquid do not have the same amounts of kinetic energy. There can be a small
amount of molecules which have obtained a certain amount of kinetic energy and are able to escape
into a gaseous phase. Do different liquids evaporate at different rates? That is my question for the
science fair. I will be testing all different kinds of liquids like water, milk, soda, etc. What I 've
learned from exploring this topic is that if the liquids do evaporate at different rates it may be
something to do with their boiling point. Different liquids have different boiling points because of
the molecular forces. At room temperature there is a certain amount of energy in the molecules in
the liquid, and depending on the liquid's boiling point, some of the molecules in the liquid might be
able to evaporate and become a gas. This means that different liquids might be able to evaporate at
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Conversion Of Alcohols To Alkyl Halides Lab Report
During this experiment, four methods were using in the conversion of alcohols to alkyl halides.
These steps were reflux, distillation, separation and drying.
This experiment consisted of four major steps: reflux, distillation, separation, and drying. A reflux
condenser has water flow from bottom to top with the top being connected to the flask being heated
and the bottom connected to an empty flask to collect distillate. Reflux is where the solution is
heated to boil and returns the condensing vapors into a flask without losing solution due to
evaporation. Reflux was used in this experiment to provide activation energy needed (heat) to obtain
and retain the products, which could not happen without being heated. Distillation is when a ...
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Deducing peak assignments of the NMR spectra for each product required understanding the
structure of the compound. The peaks represent different types of hydrogens and where the
hydrogens reside in a compound's structure. Also, when hydrogens are close to an electronegative
atom, this will cause the peak for those nearby hydrogens to be upfield on the NMR. Shape of the
peak is determined by the N+1 rule, where the number of neighboring non–equivalent hydrogens
plus one will determine the number of lines a peak will have, forming a shape. Then using the
integration number that is generated by a computer can help find the number of hydrogens are
present for each peak. Extra peaks that were found in the NMR spectra included a peak at zero that
represents the tetramethylsilane or TMS and is the accepted standard zero for NMR spectra. Other
peaks found in the NMR can represent impurities in the analyzed
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Evaporationin Our Daily Life
In a society based only on materialistic possessions, sometimes we overlook even the simplest of
things, and the most valuable to our survival as a human race and as a planet. Everywhere around us
people envy great architects and artists because of their remarkable creations. Though, we, as a
human race disregard the importance of less tangible commodities, developed by the greatest artist
ever, Mother Nature. She has given us the most magnificent and staggering artwork imaginable, our
environment. But only through the most convoluted processes have these masterpieces been created.
From humans to flowers and everything in between, a thorough process is behind everything.
Before birth, for example, human must grow and develop through their ... Show more content on ...
But aside from Temperature, many other factors are recognized as affecting the rate of evaporation.
The second factor, which we believe, plays a role in the rate at which evaporation occurs is surface
area. Surface area of a liquid could be defined as the area or amount of water which in constant
contact with the atmosphere. Surface area plays a large role in our weather systems, as shown by our
oceans. Our oceans our widely exposed to the atmosphere and have a large surface area. This in turn
allows them to produce most of the moisture in the air through evaporation.
The change in the rate of evaporation by surface area is evident for all eyes in the proceeding
experiments later in this report. The effect that surface area has on evaporation can be explained
using the example from the understanding concepts question #1 on page 535.
In this question it states that one litre of water is placed into each a pie plate and a jar. They were
both placed into the same room and were given time to evaporate. Our prediction is that the water in
the pie plate would evaporate quicker, assuming its opening was wider than the jar. This would be
because of the difference in surface area. In this case as in every other increase in evaporation due to
surface area increase, it can be explained by one simple fact. Allowing the two reactants (air and
water) to contact more of each other will increase the rate of reaction. This occurs because of the
increase in the number of
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How Does Clear Liquid Affect The Rate Of Evaporation Rates
This is my research report on my science project. My topic is What Clear liquid affects the rate of
evaporation. I chose this topic because I wasn't able to choose a project I wanted to do. So I looked
through the list and saw this topic. Then suddenly I think back to a wet afternoon and very cold a
few years ago. That morning I saw a puddle of water and when I came back it was half way drained
down. So i thought back to that moment long ago which I still remember. And so not only I needed a
project, I also was a little interested into this topic. I was also interested into rates of evaporation
when I saw this question. The question i'd be answering is What clear liquid has a faster evaporation
For the independent Variable, we're changing one of the liquids to something different. We're
changing hydrogen peroxide to Nail Polish remover. we'll be keeping water, alcohol, ... Show more
content on ...
We'll measure how long each liquid evaporates at room temperature. So each liquid won't evaporate
faster just because of the temperature. Each liquid has a different evaporation rate. Evaporation
occurs when a liquid is sitting in a spot for too long. The evaporation rate of a liquid is affected of
what type of liquid it is. And the temperature of what the liquid is sitting in. Such as a puddle sitting
in 100 Degrees Fahrenheit. The puddle will evaporate faster because it is in a hot environment.
Evaporation can also happen when it's cold. However heat makes the liquid evaporate faster. I did a
lot of research, and based on a lot of sites. Some say Nail polish remover evaporates faster than
alcohol. While some say Alcohol is faster than nail polish remover. So i'll say nail polish remover is
going to be faster. If i leave nail polish out then it will evaporate the fastest. Because nail polish
contains acetone which makes its molecules evaporate faster to
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Module 6 : Weather And Climate Changes
Module 6: Weather and Climate Changes Students are to understand the four major greenhouse
gasses in the atmosphere and perform two experiments to address the hydrologic, or water, cycle.
One experiment requires 20 ml of 60 °C put into a sealed canning jar with a petri dish filled with ice
on top; this experiment is used to visualize the water cycle. Then, for the second experiment,
students are to construct two identical plastic bags, each filled with 200 ml of room temperature
sand and 200 ml of room temperature water. One of these bags is to be exposed to sunlight for 12 hr
and the other to the shade for the same amount of time; this experiment is used to visualize water
infiltration and the hydrologic cycle.
Greenhouse Gases There ... Show more content on ...
When the water condenses enough to form larger droplets, these droplets overcame the water's
surface tension and dropped from the canning lid or flowed down the side of the jar in the form of
precipitation and runoff. This portion of the cycle continued until the experiment was concluded at
the 30–minute mark.
The heating of the water definitely expedited the evaporation process of the water though; this was
witnessed early in the experiment. Water droplets formed quickly when the water was hot, and near
the end of the experiment, when the water was cooler, there was not a noticeable change in
condensation. While witnessing this, it can be concluded that the cooler water will evaporate slower
and hotter water will evaporate quicker. This can easily be tested by using cold water instead of the
hot water that was required by the lab.
Without a soil base, plant fauna, and a large enough area infiltration, groundwater flow,
transpiration, and transportation were not witnessed in this experiment. To get a full spectrum of the
water cycle, a large enclosed environment filled with a portion of soil would be needed. On one side
of this container would have the soil and plants with a heat source above it. While on the other side,
a large pool of water is placed with a large rock in the center. Above this side is a large cooling
source. The water from the pool would infiltrate
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Minimum Value And Maximum Soil Moisture Value
1. The total precipitation value for the month of June 2011 was 35.31 mm and the total value for the
month of December 2011 was 44.704 mm. As the yearly precipitation value for Mississauga is 830
mm and precipitation is said to be generally evenly distributed, the average value for each month is
approximately 69.17 mm. Therefore, the values for both June and December were lower than the
average value. This indicates that these months were drier in general. However, December had
higher precipitation than June despite it being drier overall. 2. For June 2011, the maximum soil
moisture value was 0.2857 m3/m3, the minimum value was 0.0548 m3/m3, and the average soil
moisture value was 0.138763 m3/m3. As for December 2011, the maximum soil moisture value was
0.2894 m3/m3, the minimum value was 0.2284 m3/m3, and the average value was 0.240601
m3/m3. One potential explanation for the differences in the average values for the two months is the
amount of precipitation for those months. By analyzing Figure 1 and Figure 3, it is clear that the
month of December 2011 had received more precipitation and a more even distribution of it than the
month of June 2011. Due to the higher precipitation, the average soil moisture content for the month
of December would be higher as well. A second potential explanation would be the higher plant
productivity rate during summer. As plants use moisture in the soil as a source of water and then
lose large quantities of it through transpiration, the
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Area and Oasis Blocks
Internal Assesment – Task 2C
In this experiment I am investigating the relationship between surface area and the volume of a
model cactus and to determine whether this relationship affects the loss of water.
We used oasis blocks, an absorbant material used by florists as a substitute for a cactus, that would
soak up the water, and thus ideally show the percentage water loss by weighing the before and after
evaporation weights.
Independent Variable
The independent variable is the total surface area for each size of the blocks and I think this will
affect the dependent variable as larger blocks, I hypothesize, will have less water loss by
evaporation as there is less surface area for it, as opposed to the smaller (2cm x 2cm x 2cm) ... Show
more content on ...
It can be seen from my results that, apart from the anomaly of the second point, which could have
occurred for a number of reasons (see Evaluation), that the surface area does affect the percentage
loss of water. My results could be more reliable if the tests were repeated and errors were analyzed
after each experiment, however I believe that it is shown in my graph that the relationship between
the dependent and independent variable is obvious.
My conclusion, based on my graph, cannot be entirely correct, as my results were anomalous due to
a number of interferences with this experiment. Firstly, I think that by doing this
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Water Cycle: Water Circulates From The Ocean
The water cycle all starts from the ocean. It is a cycle that processes by which water circulates
between the earth's oceans, atmosphere, and land, involving precipitation consisting of rain or snow,
drainage in streams and rivers, and return to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration. But
while the water flows from the mountains or anywhere, with it plastic can flow into the drainage,
streams or rivers.
Aquifers– a body of permeable rock that can contain or transmit groundwater.
Solar Energy– Radiant energy emitted by the sun
Evaporation– The process of turning from liquid into vapor.
Clouds– a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, typically high above
the ground.
Precipitation– rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground.
Condensation– water that collects as droplets on a cold ... Show more content on ...
Percolation– Water moves downward through openings in the soil to replenish aquifers under the
(A brief explanation of the water cycle steps) As solar energy from the sun heats up water
molecules, the water starts to evaporate and turns into water vapor in the atmosphere. Water vapor
then turns into clouds (Condensation) at almost 20,000 feet (6,000 meters)! As the cloud keeps
getting heavier and heavier from the vapor, it lets it all out. This is when precipitation happens,
when water droplets become too heavy they fall to the ground, it could also transmit into a aquifer.
If it is cold enough in the atmosphere it could possibly snow. Then the water will either run off the
mountains, hills, valleys, etc... or it will percolate into the ground.
What are Aquifers?– Aquifers are a body of permeable rock that can contain or transmits
groundwater. Aquifers must be both permeable and porous and include such rock types as
sandstone, conglomerate, fractured limestone and unconsolidated sand and
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How Does Temperature Affect The Rate Of Evaporation
Research The first thing you need to know before doing this experiment is the process of
evaporation. This happens when either the liquids are cold or warm, but occurs more when liquids
are warmer. When matter has a higher temperature, the molecules will have a higher energy. When
the energy in the specific molecules reach a marked level, they might result in a phase change. In
evaporation,the thing that matters is the energy in molecules, not what the usual energy of a system
is. Although the energy might be low, the evaporation still continues. A lot can happen even though
the temperature is considerably low. In fact, ALL liquids can evaporate at normal air pressure and
room temperature. Evaporation happens when molecules/atoms escape from the liquid present and
turns into water vapor. Even though some molecules are in the same liquid, doesn 't mean they have
the same energy. For example, let 's say you have a body of water on a violently windy day; it can
cause a huge rate of evaporation although it 's chilly outside.
Energy Transfer When you measure the energy with a thermometer, that is actually the average
energy of all molecules in the system. The molecules vary: some with loads of energy, some with
little energy; this allows molecules to move around because there is space for all. When the atoms
bump into each other, energy is transferred to the other molecule, causing one atom to have
more/less then the other. Because there are so many atoms
... Get more on ...

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Lab 10

  • 1. Lab 10 Lindsay Bingham PHY101 – 18801 8/19/2013 Electrical Components and Circuits Purpose: The objective of this experiment was to analyze light and its relationship between energy and color of the light producing that energy. We also were in charge of measuring the rate at which evaporation occurs for rubbing alcohol depending on the different colored diodes. Materials: * LEDs and circuits (from previous lab) * Pipette (or eyedropper) * Rubbing alcohol * Index card * 9–volt battery * Flashlight * Stopwatch * Small cardboard shoe box Procedure: 1. Set up an Excel spreadsheet listing variables: evaporation time vs. frequency of LED. 2. Make a three–sided enclosure from the cardboard box. This ... Show more content on ... We were asked to look up the frequency of the different colored diodes and the results are presented in a graph. Results: After plotting the graph to determine the relationship of evaporation rate and frequency of LED, it seemed that the lower the frequency, the less time it took for the alcohol to evaporate. Although, the green LED bulb was an outlier, the rest of the values (on average) met this relationship. Conclusion: The theory behind this experiment was to use previous learning of light and frequency to determine how fast alcohol evaporates when certain colored lights shine on it. The wavelength and frequency of light are inversely proportional, and wavelength decreases from red to violet. The goal is to investigate the relationship between the frequency of light (color) and the energy produced by different colors of light. The relationship is proportional, as discovered by this activity, and the larger the frequency (such as blue), the longer it takes for the alcohol to evaporate. The results of the experiment produced known errors. Since we were told to make 10 trials, I decided to do 12. Many of the times, the lights would flicker or not light up completely, especially when working with the green. This is probably why my results produced varied numbers, and why the green LED light was an outlier with the average evaporation time. Some of the times, I accidentally dropped one–too–many drops of alcohol, but I started over and ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Description Of A Photo Journal Assignment This photo journal assignment was very interesting and educational. It helped me look outside the box and to really relate geography to my everyday life. My first relatable topic that I came in contact with during this assignment was the process of evaporation. At Dry Creek park in Modesto, CA, I witnessed evaporation taking place in the creek. I have been going to this park for quite some time and in the summer, water levels decrease drastically. Evaporation is one of the four phases in the hydrologic cycle (water cycle). According to our Geosystems Eighth Edition book, Christopherson say, "Water travels endlessly through the hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. [...] Currents of water, vapor, ice and energy are flowing ... Show more content on ... Cloud falls into is the precipitation category. "Water vapor, droplets of water suspended in the air, builds up in the Earth 's atmosphere. Water vapor in the atmosphere is visible as clouds and fog" ( Precipitation the process when water is released from clouds in different types such as rain, snow, hail or sleet. My second relatable topic that I came into contact with were these beautiful stepping stones. These large stepping stones are sedimentary rock which is one of the rock types in the rock cycle. The word sedimentary means that the rocks was formed by organic minerals and different particles. This rock forming process can take many years and it starts when rocks weather and erode. This specific stepping stone that I encountered was known as "chert." So how is chert formed exactly? According to Geoscience News and information (, "When microcrystals of silicon dioxide grow within soft sediments that become limestone or chalk [...] when dissolved silica is transported to the formation site by the movement of groundwater." Global warming and the greenhouse effect were some of the negative topics that I researched. After further research for each topic, I became aware how I contribute to global warming. On my way to the park, I was driving my car and then it hit me. I remembered that for every gallon of gas used, our cars are accounted for 24 pounds of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Liquid And Solid Substances Into Pure Forms Introduction Mixtures surround us in our daily environment but it is useful to be able to separate the substances into pure forms. Sea salt is a good example of a pure form that we use in daily life that can be separated from a solution. A mixture is two or more substances that are not chemically bound together. You are able to separate the components of a mixture if you take advantage of the different physical properties. Sand is a solid substance because it is insoluble (does not dissolve) in water, whereas salt is soluble (dissolves) in water and becomes a solution. The techniques in this experiment are; Filtration – this is the process of separating liquid and solid substances by using a medium that only a solvent and a solute can pass though. A filter paper contains tiny holes that only allow the filtrate to pass though and only the residue remains. Evaporation – is the process of turning the water into a gaseous state by the means of increasing the temperature to boiling. Aim Sand is insoluble and salt is soluble in water. A mixture of salt and sand can be separated by dissolving, filtering and evaporating, to determine the quantitative composition. Risk Assessment Risk Assessment see appendix 1 Materials 100cm3 Beaker Bunsen Burner with rubber tubing and source of gas Heatproof mat, tripod, wire gauze and clay piped triangle Evaporating dish
  • 4. Ring Stand, Utility clamp and iron ring Safety Glasses and lab coat Tongs Graduated cylinder Wash bottle ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Pros And Cons Of Evaporation Evaporation is the process that changes liquids into gases. When a liquid is heated, it becomes a gas and spreads into the atmosphere, or the surrounding air. Liquids becomes gases by adding thermal energy to them. Thermal energy is the amount of energy any matter has because of the moving particles, molecules and atoms, inside it. The lakes, rivers, and oceans evaporate when the sun comes out and heats them up. The molecules from the bodies of water rise from Earth's surface into the surrounding atmosphere. Even small puddles of water can evaporate when the sun comes out and warms them. Let's explore heat and evaporation. When you see a pot of water boiling on the stove, you see steam coming out of the pot and going into the surrounding air. The steam is called water vapor, and it's created by the heating of the water. The heat applied to the water gives the molecules in the water more energy, which makes the molecules move around faster, and escape into the atmosphere. When molecules of water evaporate, heat from the object they evaporated from goes with them into the air. The heat is called latent heat, and it's inside the water molecules. This also lowers the temperature of the object the heat came from. Evaporative cooling is when an object cools down because of evaporation. When you exercise and it's hot outside, your body sweats. When your body sweats, evaporation causes the water on your body, or the sweat, to eventually evaporate, or rise into the air. This action ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Effects Of Conventional Energy Sources And Increasing... Depleting nature of the conventional energy sources and increasing cost of electrical energy are forcing mankind to look for possible modifications in the existing systems towards lower energy consumption without sacrificing the purpose for which it is used. The household refrigerator used extensively all over the world for preserving various food products is one such system which accounts for the substantial part of the house electricity bills. Refrigerator is a machine which lifts up the heat from low evaporator temperature (pressure) and pumps it against the high condenser temperatures (pressure). Following were the objectives decided for achieving this aim: 1. To study the literature on domestic refrigerator with higher evaporator temperature in the temperature range of 265K–270K. 2. To study existing domestic refrigerator including lower temperatures. 3. To design and fabricate a suitable capillary tube to be used with the modified refrigerator to provide required evaporator temperature. 4. Redesigning the shape of the evaporator used in the refrigerator. 5. To evaluate the performance of the system using recommended test procedures in the literature. 6. To evaluate economic viability of the system for modifying the existing systems. The reason behind selecting the temperature range 268K–272K for domestic refrigerator in the evaporator is to study the effects of the this temperature range on stored products and to increase coefficient of performance of the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Liquid Evaporate The Fastest Essay Research Paper This paper is on our seventh grade science project about which liquid evaporate the quickest. We are researching and testing which liquids evaporate the fastest. Liquids are used to keep you hydrated, and can cause different climate in different areas. It depends on if you live close or if you're far away from large bodies of water.. Precipitation and evaporation, are the two main parts of the project and it is what this project is based off of because when liquids evaporate from the ocean and the particles rise and are caught into the clouds and are saved until heavy enough to fall and turn into rain, sleet, snow, or hail which is decided on temperature. In this project the idea on which liquid would evaporate the quickest. The cooking oil should evaporate the quickest because it is the lightest liquid coming in at 1.01 which has the least density out of all of them. Density is the degree of compactness of a substance. The other liquids density come close but are not the lightest. Water has the density it has because after evaporation comes precipitation . How is evaporation helpful or dangerous to our society? Evaporation is great it gives ... Show more content on ... For the project we are only going to to put only about an oz. for each liquid in each separate cup. The way we will be testing these we are going to put them each in their own plastic cup and each of them will get a second glass cup, and to see which will be the fastest to evaporate fully we will put 12 of the cups out at one time. The time we are going to give it to evaporate is about a week. If it does not fully evaporate in a week will add more time. These liquids are not thick and will hopefully evaporate in a week, and it should only take a week if the weather is right. They will be set outside in full sun view so the temperature stays more humid throughout the whole time, also it won't take as ... Get more on ...
  • 8. A Brief Look at Global Warming So what actually is global warming? Obviously the name explains it; the globe becoming warmer. But what does it mean "to become warmer"? The sun isn't getting hotter; the world isn't traveling closer to the sun. Global warming is when rapid moving particles collide more and more with other rapid moving particles and are trapped by the atmosphere's thick layer of gas molecules. As more heat is trapped, particles that are in earth's atmosphere collide with each other. As more collisions are present, the average kinetic energy which is the average speed at which the particles collide with one another increases therefore the temperature increases which affects many aspects of life. A predominant factor as to why global warming happens is more gas particles exposed in the air because of an increase in gases produced by industries. Gases such as CO2 and SO2 are constantly harming our environment by regularly adding more harmful gasses into our atmosphere. Due to forest fires, industries, factories, and new found technology such as the car, many harmful gas molecules are surrounding us. These harmful gas molecules collide with our healthy atmospheric particles which make the amount of gas particles increase dreadfully. Since more collisions between these different particles are occurring, the average kinetic energy is raised therefore the temperature increases as well. As more particles are added into the atmosphere, it becomes denser and gasses are getting trapped into our ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Does The Source Of Water Affect Its Evaporation Rate? Peyton Brown Does the Source of Water Affect its Evaporation Rate? Evaporation happens when water molecules turn into gas. Many things can affect how quickly this happens. For example, evaporation occurs faster in warm weather than in cold weather. This is because heat increases the energy of water molecules. The more energy involved, the faster the evaporation rate. Other factors can affect the speed of evaporation too. Anything that slows down water molecules' movement will slow down the evaporation process. Anything that weakens their bond will speed it up. Pollution can weaken the bond between water molecules, proving that dirtier water should evaporate faster than cleaner water. ... Show more content on ... When they bounce into each other, energy switches back and forth between them. Once a molecule has enough energy, it breaks free, turning to gas. This is evaporation. Heat causes more energy during this process, making the water molecules move faster and bounce into each other more often and more powerfully. Just think of a pot of boiling water. You can see the molecules that have broken free and turned to gas rising from the pot in the form of steam. Outside forces affect the evaporation process. Water molecules like to stick together. This habit of theirs is called "inter– molecular attraction" When the bond between water molecules is very strong, it takes longer for them to break free and turn to gas. Therefore, strong bonds make the evaporation When water molecules are kept from sticking together, the liquid evaporates faster. Inside forces affect the evaporation process. 2daysscience.blogspot ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Evaporation Lab There are also some other common properties that are transitions from one state to another, such as vaporization, this is the process by which a liquid or in some cases a solid that can change into a gas. Evaporation is a similar form of vaporization. However, evaporation is defined as the process by which particles escape from the surface of a non boiling liquid and enter the gas state. Some lab experiments can be conducted to actually see the effects of evaporation. Like the liquid bromine lab where you add a small amount of liquid bromine into a bottle, and within a few minutes, the air above the liquid bromine will turn into a brownish–red color because some of the bromine molecules escaped from the surface of the liquid. These molecules then became gas molecules, or bromine ... Show more content on ... The process of evaporation occurs because the particles of a liquid have different kinetic energies. In some cases surface particles with higher than average energies can overcome the intermolecular forces that bind them to the liquid. The particles can then transition into the gas state. Evaporation is an essential process in nature. For example in nature evaporation removes fresh water from the surface of a ocean, leaving behind a higher concentration of salts. In areas such as the tropics, evaporation occurs at a higher rate,resulting in the surface water to be saltier. All water that falls to Earth in the form of rain and snow has been previously evaporated from oceans, lakes, and rivers. Evaporation of sweat plays an important role in keeping a human cool. Sweat, which is mostly consisted of water, cools a human by absorbing body heat when it evaporates. Energy which is in the form of heat is absorbed from the skin, causing the body to cool down. As a liquid is cooled its viscosity normally increases, but viscosity also has a tendency to prevent ... Get more on ...
  • 11. What Affects the Rate of Evaporation in Different Liquids What Affects the Rate of Evaporation? Aim * To find out if changes in temperature, draught and surface area of water open to air affects the rate of evaporation through the water. * To safely check if these variables change the rate of evaporation * To complete all the experiments in the short period given Prediction * I believe that a raise in temperature will speed up the rate of evaporation in the water * I believe that a larger surface area will speed up the rate of evaporation in the water * I believe that draught will not affect the rate of evaporation, or at least the rate at which it does affect evaporation will not be able to be measured in the short time available for each experiment Temperature * Bunsen ... Show more content on ... 1ml is roughly equal to 1gram, so 100ml should be roughly 100grams. 9) Place one beaker on top of a gauze on top of a tripod 10) Open the bunsen burner to a half open air hole at heat the beaker of water to 40oC (use a thermometer in the water) 11) Once the water reaches 40oC start the stopwatch 12) At this point, the temperature of the water may go above 40oC. If this happens, take the beaker of water off the flame and let it stabilise at 40oC again (try and maintain this temperature) 13) YOU ARE USING BUNSEN BURNERS AND HOT WATER SO MAKE SURE YOUR GLOVES AND GOGGLES ARE ON!!! 14) After three minutes of keeping the water at 4oC, stop the stopwatch, then remove the beaker and let it cool off in the open (DO NOT place in water, otherwise glass beaker may crack). After the beaker and water has cooled down slightly in air, place the beaker in cold water. We do this because when we heat the water, bubbles can collect (which change the mass of the water) and the water expands, so we cannot accurately measure the volume. 15) Finally, measure the mass of the beaker full of water, after it has cooled and see if the mass of the water is less than before. 16) Record the results. 17) Repeat this test, but use the two remaining beakers containing water you prepared earlier. However, this time, heat the water to 60oC in one beaker and 80oC in the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Why Do Different Liquids Evaporate The Fastest The question I would like to answer for my science project is what liquids evaporate the fastest. This topic gets my attention because I would like to see how fast liquids evaporate in comparison to other liquids. Another reason this topic sparks my attention is because I like how the water cycle works in many different ways; for example, one minute we have water being evaporated into the atmosphere and being changed into a gas and the next minute it comes back down in the form of rain. For my experiment, I will be taking four liquids and putting half a cup of each liquid into separate cups; then I will put them all in the same place so that they all will evaporate in the same conditions. I will then monitor and take notes everyday to see ... Show more content on ... Well, liquids with more density will evaporate slower because they have more attraction between their molecules. This information came from:–help/why–do–some– liquids–evaporate–easily–faster–than–319881 . Also, why does evaporation go through a physical change? Evaporation goes through a physical change because the liquid(s) get evaporated into the atmosphere and turn into a gas called water vapor. Next, it gets turned back into a liquid and comes back down to the ground as rain. This process is called the water cycle and it's a physical change because it can be changed into a new substance but can be changed back to its original substance. This information came from what I already knew from previous science classes. How do liquids evaporate in different conditions? Well, water can evaporate in any conditions, but evaporation works best in warm conditions. I got this information from: . How does the world use evaporation? The world uses evaporation for the water cycle. The water cycle helps us in many ways. It helps filter our water, but if the atmosphere is very polluted you could get something called acid rain, and acid rain isn't a good thing for anything to digest or even ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Chemical Mixture, Using Filtration And Evaporation Introduction The objective of this lab will be to proficiently separate a mixture, using filtration and evaporation. In this lab, a homogeneous mixture will be created, along with a heterogeneous mixture.The two mixtures will be mixed together, yet separated. Common substances will be mixed and then separated using two of the techniques already listed; filtration and evaporation. Theory If the salt, sand, and water mixture is separated successfully through filtration and evaporation, then the percent recovery of the salt and sand will be 100%. Salt, sand, and water are each substances that are made up of 2 or more elements chemically combined, or compounds. When mixing compounds, it can be either a homogeneous mixture or a heterogeneous ... Show more content on ... This will let the filtrate through but leave the sand behind. The filtrate is the liquid that passes through the funnel during filtration. In this experiment, the saltwater solution is the filtrate. The solution remaining in the beaker will then be heated over a Bunsen burner. As the solution is being heated, the water in the saltwater solution will evaporate off until only the salt is remaining in the beaker. Evaporation is a process where a soluble solid is separated from a liquid. The lab ends with the sand on the filter paper, and the salt remaining in the beaker. In order to successfully reach the objective of the lab, the amount of each substance that is being separated must stay consistent from start to finish. The amount of each substance before it is added to the mixture and after it has been separated needs to be recorded so that comparison and analysis will be correct. All of the data will be used to calculate the percent recovery of the sand and the salt. To find percent recovery, the following equation used will be: % Recovery = Amount of the substance recovered Original amount of the substance x 100 The answer will then show if separating the mixture was successful, and in turn completing the lab and objective. Materials 150 mL beaker Oven 250 mL beaker
  • 14. Bunsen burner Stirring rod Wire gauze Ring stand Electronic balance Iron ring Sand (SiO2) Filter paper Salt (NaCl) 2 spoons Ceramic fiber square Funnel Clay triangle ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Water And Evaporation Rates Why does my drink disappear faster than normal when go to play and I leave it out in the heat from the sun for a long period of time ? This happens to my water and to my soda or whatever it just disappears into thin air just like a magic trick? This has been bouncing around in my head fand kind of bothering me for a while or a while so i was curious and I asked around and eventually found out that it is evaporation and that this is the cause of my drink running away. It is actually evaporation is taking the liquids up into the sky and creates moisture in the air and clouds. So then I thought like soda and other substances like sugar maybe could weigh it down the evaporation rate of the and evaporate slower than other things. This could also help with other places where water is scarce. To see how much water will be left to drink for this place or even if the water is polluted it could affect the evaporation rate. So this would be do all liquid solutions evaporate at the same rate of ... Show more content on ... One of the reason that it could be evaporating at different rates is , this is kind of a guess is that the substance that could weigh more could be the cause of this cause. Another reason that it may be evaporating differently is like in soda's or juice the company puts sugar to make it sweet this does not evaporate by itself but when it dissolves into the juice or substance it may weigh it down causing it to not evaporating at its normal rate. What if the carnation from the soda keeping the soda bubbly that it may have an effect of the rate at which the substances into thin air. In chemistry the boiling points or all of the substance are different This could affect the point which the substance would get hot enough to evaporate into the air. These could all be very reasonable reasons that the liquid could be evaporating at different rates than natural ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Importance Of Industrial Percolation fine, fine, and extra fine) [10]. The desired size in percolation in industrial level would be around 1.4–1.5 mm as referred to regular grinding in some text. The particle size will be also considered after dehydration since it is important for solubility and other aspects. 3. Brewing Brewing or sometimes referred to as percolation is the infusion of hot water in the ground coffee to extract the aromatic and organic compounds from the coffee ground at approximately 100 °C and 101.3 kPa. Similar to the coffee maker at home, industrial percolation has larger quantity but also performed at a slightly higher pressure and temperature sometimes. The reason that higher working pressure and temperature would be because of the higher efficiency, and higher extraction percentage of the desired compounds (solid content from 36–46 %). Cold brewing is also available with slightly higher pressure (17 °C and 338 kPa). Higher yield of solid content could be reached by percolation at 200 °C and 1500 kPa. The latter would be higher capital cost operation, but also effective in extracting more volatile compounds [11]. a. Aroma recovery Aroma recovery usually follows the percolation process, where heat exchangers are used to cooling down the steam coming from the brewing process. It should be mentioned that the target is short extraction time with low temperature to retain as much as possible of the aromatic and volatile compounds such as 4–vinyl guaiacol, 4–ethylguaiacol, 2–ethyl–3, ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Water You Drink Today Is The Same Water That Dinosaurs... The Water Cycle Water is continuously moving and changing states from liquid to gas (vapor) and solid (ice, snow, and hail). The water cycle describes the movement of all water on Earth. The Earth's water is constantly moving through this cycle, which has no beginning and no end. Label the water cycle with the following items: 1) Precipitation 2) Condensation 3) Evaporation 4) Transpiration Did you know... that the water you drink today is the same water that dinosaurs slurped? Water is continuously being "recycled" by the water cycle! A watershed is a land area that drains rain and other water into creeks, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc. Rain and irrigation from lawns and gardens wash litter off the surfaces of streets and sidewalks into ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Thin Film Deposition Process Thin film deposition is any technique for depositing a thin film of material onto a substrate or onto previously deposited layers. "thin" is a relative term, but most deposition techniques allow layer thickness to be controlled within a few nanometre and some (molecular beam epitaxy) allow single layers of atoms to be deposited at time. it is useful in the manufacture of optics for refractive or anti refractive coatings for instance), electronics (layers of insulators, semiconductors form integrated circuits) and packaging (i.e. aluminium coated film).thin film can be prepared from a variety of materials such as metals, semiconductors, insulators etc., and for this purpose various preparative techniques have also been developed and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Thin film deposition process can be divided into three basic steps: 1. Creation of film forming material (atoms, molecules, clusters). 2. Transport of the particles from source to the substrate. 3. Adsorption of the particles on the substrate and ... Show more content on ... The rate of condensation of the vapours (or the deposition rate) depends not only on the evaporation rate but also on the source geometry, its position relative to the substrate, and condensation coefficient. The spatial distribution of the vapours from different types of sources such as point, wire, small surface, extended strip, cylinder, and ring has been calculated and discussed thoroughly by Holland. For the ideal case of deposition from a clean, uniformly emitting point source onto a planar substrate, the rate of deposition varies as cos θ/r2 (Knudsen's cosine law), where r is the radial distance of the substrate from the source and θ is the angle between the radial vector and the normal to the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Evaporation Is A Fundamental For Human Life Evaporation is eminently fundamental for the human life. Without evaporation, there would be no crops, no rain, and the human body would overheat. When most people think about evaporation, they usually associate it with the water cycle. All liquids can evaporate at room temperature, including water, orange juice, rubbing alcohol, and nail polish remover, but do they all evaporate at the same rate? Surprisingly, most people do not take into consideration that evaporation also occurs in their own home. Evaporation is one of the six stages of the water cycle, or hydrologic cycle. Evaporation is the process in which a liquid surpasses a change to become a gaseous substance. Evaporation befalls due to atoms or molecules escaping from a liquid ... Show more content on ... The average energy can be low and the evaporation still continues." (United States Geological Survey 2014) Not all molecules have the same energy, which is why evaporation can occur even if the liquid isn't boiling. The rate of evaporation is increased with a decrease in the gas pressure around a liquid. Once the gas pressure reaches a specific level, the rate of evaporation slows down. The density of a liquid also has an impact on the rate of evaporation; the higher the density of a liquid, the slower the rate of evaporation. The most important substance in the world is water, without it there would be no world. Water is a molecule that is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, also known as H2O. Water is a polar molecule, making it able to dissolve other polar molecules. Water is attracted to itself by cohesion. Cohesion is the attraction of one substance to itself. Cohesion is possible for water due to its strong hydrogen bonds. Alone hydrogen bonds are weak, but together they form one of the strongest bonds known. Water is an extremely diverse substance that can be in solid form, liquid form, and gas form. The normal temperature of water is 25oC, which produces its liquid form. When water reaches below 0oC, it freezes and becomes solid. Above100oC is when water reaches its gaseous form and boiling point; that is more than a 75o temperature change from liquid to gas. Studies show that the evaporation rate of a liquid depends on the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Speech On Life Without Water I choose the water cycle because water is a basic necessity of life and every human in the world will have an impact on it one way or the other. From the moments we wake up through the activities of the day right to when we go to sleep, water plays a major role in all that we do. Imagining a life without water is kind of unimaginable. Water has been around long before I was born so it's difficult to imagine what life will be like without it. Since water is more of a public good, we tend to take it for granted just like the air we breathe. I use water for almost everything; I use water for brushing my teeth, taking my bath, washing the plates, laundry, flushing the toilet, bathing my dog (Optimus), cooking and for my friends who swim, without water they wouldn't get that privilege to dive into the pool. This water which I get to use to do all these activities goes through a cycle before getting to me the final consumer. From natural processes such as evaporation, sublimation, condensation and precipitation. The water from the Ghana Water Company (which is the institution that treats and distributes water to various homes) goes through various processes before flowing through the taps in the kitchen and bathroom. Each time I drive my father's car from the house without using public transport, I contribute to the build–up of greenhouse gasses which the old car emits. The electricity I use at home to charge my phone and laptop, to power the fridge, to iron my shirt, to heat food in the microwave all comes from the electricity from the national dam which powers the entire country. So anytime my use of electricity increases, more water is needed to meet the growing load needed to meet demand. Most items we buy from the markets and shopping centres are produced in factories where water is used somewhere in the production line. The pollution from these factories and multimillion dollar industries leaves a huge adverse impact on the water cycle such as the rain acid condition which destroys plants and reduces their ability to aid in the evaporation process. Also toxic chemicals from such factories finds their way into groundwater and other sources of water. The increase consumerism which comes with modernity and ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Color Dye And Ethanol: Distillation Of Di The Distillation of Color Dye and Ethanol Using a Hand Boiler Objectives of this experiment included determining whether ethanol can be separated by distillation leaving a concentrated dye powder behind, driven by the heat of your hand and learning the process of distillation from the hand boiler. The procedure of this experiment started out by taking a hand boiler and beginning to warm up the bottom bulb with your hands, trying your best to transfer as much of the colored ethanol solution into the larger bulb as possible. After, with the boiler inverted, place the smaller bulb into a cup of ice water and let it sit for 10 – 20 minutes, allowing distillation to occur. My observations in this experiment included the different colors of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. What Are The Different Rates Of Liquids Evaporate At The... Do you think that all liquids evaporate at the same rate? Without any research an average person would think that water and oil would evaporate at the same rate since they are both liquids. Through research, science shows that due to their density oil will take longer to evaporate since it has more mass. Does the amount of density in the liquids make them all evaporate at the same rate? All liquids do not evaporate at the same rate because denser liquids take longer to evaporate. Why does water evaporate? Evaporation is a very important part of the water cycle. Heat from the sun, or solar energy, powers the evaporation process. How fast will different liquids evaporate? If liquids can evaporate and have a rate when they do then nail polish ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Essay on Chm1046 Experiment 2: Intermolecular Forces Experiment 2: Intermolecular Forces Performed: 9/12/2011 Submitted: 9/20/2011 Chemistry 1046L PART I: Purpose: The purpose of partI in this experiment is to identify a variety of unknown substances' properties using observations of the temperature changes that occur during evaporation. We know that substances with weaker intermolecular forces, such as London dispersion, will have a faster vaporization rate and thus a higher temperature difference compared to those with stronger molecular bonds such as hydrogen and dipole–dipole forces. By measuring the average kinetic energy (or the temperature) of the liquid left behind after some evaporation takes place, we can determine its type of intermolecular ... Show more content on ... Also, to familiarize students with Boyle's law to determine the pressure neededin order to determine the unknown triplet point as well as calculating percent error to accurately publish our experimental data. Data: Observations: Dry ice was white, cylindrical shaped solid that smoked and sublimed when placed onto paper towel. The solids were crushed into a fine grain and a few small chunks. While in the pipet, the dry ice crystallized on outside bottom and inside some layer of "fog" and smoke was created. During submersion into the cup of water, the dry ice observed began to liquefy (the triple point) and after the first slight release of the pliers on the pipet, there was an explosion. Calculations: P1 V1 = P2 V2 Pressure of the room taken off the barometer: 10125 kPa 1015 kPa X 1 atm = 10.02 atm 101. 325 kPa (10.02 atm)(5 mL) X (P2 )(3 mL) P = 16.7 atm % Error = 16.7 – 5.1X 100 = 233% 5.1 Conclusion: Based on the observations, it is concluded that unknown C is water because this
  • 24. substance has the least decrease in temperature which correlates to high intermolecular forces. Out of the five unknowns, water has the strongest intermolecular forces having hydrogen bonding. The substance with the weakest ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Evaporation Race Leanna Lim Mrs. Stout P1 1/20/16 The Evaporation Race When it rains, puddles of water are often left behind, but it starts to disappear after just a few hours. What is happening? This is called evaporation. Evaporation is a very common natural process that occurs all around the world, where a liquid changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state. Evaporation occurs when enough heat energy is absorbed by the molecules in a liquid state to the point where it starts to vaporize. Do other liquids react in the same way? The answer is yes, but in this experiment, a heat source will be used to evaporate different liquids. The results will show if certain liquids do, in fact, evaporate faster or slower than others depending on their ingredients. How do liquids change from a liquid to a gas phase? A liquid is a primary state of matter that has no specific shape. According to, "Liquids are more dense and less compressible than gasses. Liquids have a definite volume, independent of the size and shape of their container. The attractive forces are not strong enough, however, to keep neighboring molecules in a fixed position and molecules are free to move past or slide ... Show more content on ... How is the dependent variable, evaporation rate, affected by different liquids? As said on, "Heat (energy) is necessary for evaporation to occurs. Energy is used to break the bonds that hold water molecules together, which is why water easily evaporates at the boiling point (212˚ F, 100˚C)..." Water's boiling point is a known fact, but other liquids with lower boiling points evaporate faster, and that is what will make the evaporation rate for each liquid vary. If energy is added to a liquid, the molecules will react by vibrating faster and spreading apart, eventually changing the liquid to a gaseous phase. With these facts in mind, one can resume with the topic of this ... Get more on ...
  • 26. How Does Clear Liquid Affect The Rate Of Evaporation Rates This is my research report on my science project. My topic is What Clear liquid affects the rate of evaporation. I chose this topic because I wasn't able to choose a project I wanted to do. So I looked through the list and saw this topic. Then suddenly I think back to a wet afternoon and very cold a few years ago. That morning I saw a puddle of water and when I came back it was half way drained down. So i thought back to that moment long ago which I still remember. And so not only I needed a project, I also was a little interested into this topic. I was also interested into rates of evaporation when I saw this question. The question i'd be answering is What clear liquid has a faster evaporation rate. For the independent Variable, we're changing one of the liquids to something different. We're changing hydrogen peroxide to Nail Polish remover. we'll be keeping water, alcohol, ... Show more content on ... We'll measure how long each liquid evaporates at room temperature. So each liquid won't evaporate faster just because of the temperature. Each liquid has a different evaporation rate. Evaporation occurs when a liquid is sitting in a spot for too long. The evaporation rate of a liquid is affected of what type of liquid it is. And the temperature of what the liquid is sitting in. Such as a puddle sitting in 100 Degrees Fahrenheit. The puddle will evaporate faster because it is in a hot environment. Evaporation can also happen when it's cold. However heat makes the liquid evaporate faster. I did a lot of research, and based on a lot of sites. Some say Nail polish remover evaporates faster than alcohol. While some say Alcohol is faster than nail polish remover. So i'll say nail polish remover is going to be faster. If i leave nail polish out then it will evaporate the fastest. Because nail polish contains acetone which makes its molecules evaporate faster to ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Science Fair Topics: Evaporation My science fair topic is Evaporation. I chose Evaporation because we talk about evaporation but most of us don't see it often at all. Evaporation is an interesting topic and and a piece of matter people don't really put their interest in. Evaporation happens the Water cycle. An ocean like the pacific evaporates into the clouds, condensates, and precipitates. It happens over and over again. I bet that people put their drinks out and never cover it before going to sleep and a few hours later, It has evaporated. science fair question is How can the type of clear liquid affect the rate of evaporation? An independent variable is an item in your project that you will be changing. It can the main part of your project and can be found in a question. The liquids ... Show more content on ... It's on the last part of your question. The rate of evaporation is whats changing. When a liquid sits in one place and its molecules turn into a gas, Then it's called evaporation. No matter how cold or hot it is, it can still evaporate. When matter has a high energy then the water molecules have a high energy too and go through a change. Evaporation focuses on individual molecules and not on the amount of energy. The energy can be low and still evaporate. Not all liquids are the same. There are some that evaporate faster in wind. When liquid molecules move around, They bump into each other. When they do bump into each other then one molecule gains energy and one loses energy. If one molecule gains enough energy then the molecule can turn into a gas. In other words, it has evaporated. Independent Variables and Dependent Variables have a cause and effect relationship can be found in any science fair project(Problem, Hypothesis) such as, Riley's Science Fair Project. If Riley egg dropped in bubble wrap(Cause), then it will break less(Effect) than eggs wrapped in other materials because bubble wrap adds more support. Here is Riley's Science Fair ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Lab6 latent heat Essay Hoang Ngo Lab 6 report Anita Dey Thursday 8am Abstract: We recently performed a liquid nitrogen experiment in finding the Latent heat of the substance. We isolated two parts of the experiment in order to find out how much evaporation of the liquid nitrogen was from the surroundings B and how much evaporation from the electricity G. 1. When a substance is undergoing a phase transition, more heat (energy) is being added to the Substance but its temperature (a way of measuring its energy) is not changing. Where does this Energy go if it does not go into heating up the substance? If a substance is changing from a Solid to a liquid is it absorbing or emitting heat? How about from a gas to a liquid? (2 pt) When a substance is undergoing a ... Show more content on ... Another source of error could be that the resistor was touching the cup. Lastly a source of error could've come from the evaporation from the resistor, the resistor could've been defective and we wouldn't even know it. The timing was a big issue when we performed the experiment because when the triple beam balance measured off back to the ticked line we had to mark the time but we were a bit slow and missed it most times, and had to start over; a way to avoid this is to have a better stop watch or person switching the weights and the other marking the times down. The resistor touching the cup would affect how the liquid nitrogen boils and a way to fix that is to fix it towards the middle. 6. Instead of using liquid nitrogen, suppose we used water for our lab. Would we be able to calculate the rate of evaporation due to the room, and explain why or why not? Water's heat of vaporization is 2260 kJ/kg. How much power would you need to apply to water so that the evaporation rate was .25 g/s ? (1 pt) Instead of liquid nitrogen we use water, we wouldn't be able to calculate the rate of evaporation due to the room (B) because water boils at 373K and we would need a much hotter room to evaporate the water. Water's heat of vaporization is 2260kJ/kg. Power we need to apply to water so the evaporation rate was .25g/s is 565W. 2260*1000=2260000J then, (2260000)(.00025)= 565W based on the E=mL, then P=E/t; 565/1=565W. 7. If you put a few drops of cologne on your hand, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Water Essay : The Water Cycle Water Essay "Divided into two separate land areas, and bordered by four of the five Great Lakes, Michigan has the longest shoreline in the continental U.S. – nearly 3,300 miles." [1] Michigan has a little bit of everything; mountains, hills and flatlands, forests, swamps, rivers, and many lakes, which hold 20% of the world's fresh surface water. Michigan experiences all four seasons, especially winter in the Upper Peninsula. Water has shaped the state over thousands of years, making it what it is today, and none of this would have been possible without the water cycle. There are three forms of water: liquid, vapor, and ice. From an early age, we are taught about the water cycle. Although there are many different stages to the water cycle, we are usually taught only three stages. The first thing to know about the water cycle is that there is no definite starting point, and it works in a continuous cycle. If there is a puddle, that puddle will soon be evaporated by the sun. This liquid water turns into vapor in this evaporation process. This vapor returns to the atmosphere. The coolness of the atmosphere causes the vapor to condense into clouds. Soon, the water will fall out of the sky in liquid or frozen form. This is what we know as rain or snow. Once the water is back on the surface of Earth, the water cycle starts again from evaporation. [2] The water cycle never stops. ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Assignment On People And The Environment Baker Kosmac–Okwir University of the People, 2017 Written Assignment COURSE: ENVS 1301: Environmental Science WEEK 4: 28 September – 4 October 2017 UNIT 4: People and the Environment Professor Brian C. Steinberg (Instructor) ENVS 1301 – AY2018–T1 3 October 2017 Keywords: water. Environment, life. Written Assignment ENVS 1301: Environmental Science Introduction In this paper, I have selected water, one of the material cycles studied. It is not conceivable of life without water. Inquiry after inquiry to find another life on other planets is premised on the notion that if scientists can find signs of water on any planet in our universe, then there is the possibility of life, such as mars. a.What are the most considerable impacts you make? We know how the heat from the Sun leads to evaporation through rays on the oceans and seas. When water evaporates to form clouds, these clouds will then in turn form into rain. The rain falls and helps plants to grow and eventually to form more mists and clouds and rain, the cycle continues. If water is not available, there is a draught. There will be less food grown; people will lose jobs and people are forced to move causing a fiscal impact on the already distressed economies. Migration flows from hard–hit drought areas has a tendency to cause insecurity in areas of either direction of the flow. From the drought areas, the stronger individuals will acquire more land where are water bases forcing weaker people to move looking ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Membrane Distillation Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Introduction The demand of clean water has always been a major universal concern and this issue is becoming more urgent with the expectation of water deficiency to an alarming rate by the year 2025. Hence, there are needs a new technologies for desalination and wastewater treatments, to meet the requirement water demands with credible and affordable water sources. [Teoh and Chung, 2009] (1) Desalination is a process in which saline water is separated into two parts using different forms of energy. One that has a low con–centration of dissolved salts (fresh water), and the other which has a much higher concentration of dissolved salts than the original feed water (brine concentrate).[ Shatat et al., 2013] 1.2 Water ... Show more content on ... Condense at the cold permeate side. 5. Diffuse into the bulk permeate. Figure 1–1: Transport mechanism of membrane distillation 1.3 The advantages and disadvantages of membrane distillation The membrane distillation process offers some benefits compared to other separation processes [ Pangarkar et al., 2011, Alcheikhhamdon et al., 2015](4): 1. Operating at lower temperature than the boiling point of feed solution. 2. Can be performed at lower operating pressure compared to pressure–driven separation processes, resulting in reduced costs for the process and membrane. 3. Reduced vapor spaces. 4. Unlimited by high osmotic pressure and fouling. 5. Permits very high separation factor of non–volatile Solute. 6. Producing very high–purity water. 7. Can use any form of low –grade waste heat or coupled with solar energy systems which makes it attractive for production of drinkable water from brackish water. 8. Minimization of corrosion troubles that could occur due to interactions between process solutions and membranes. 9. Probability of combining membrane processes with other separation process (hybrid system). 10. Easy scale–up with no requirements of additives.
  • 32. The main disadvantage of MD process is [Teoh and Chung, 2009, Alcheikhhamdon et al., ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Lab6 latent heat Essay Hoang Ngo Lab 6 report Anita Dey Thursday 8am Abstract: We recently performed a liquid nitrogen experiment in finding the Latent heat of the substance. We isolated two parts of the experiment in order to find out how much evaporation of the liquid nitrogen was from the surroundings B and how much evaporation from the electricity G. 1. When a substance is undergoing a phase transition, more heat (energy) is being added to the Substance but its temperature (a way of measuring its energy) is not changing. Where does this Energy go if it does not go into heating up the substance? If a substance is changing from a Solid to a liquid is it absorbing or emitting heat? How about from a gas to a liquid? (2 pt) When a substance is undergoing a ... Show more content on ... Another source of error could be that the resistor was touching the cup. Lastly a source of error could've come from the evaporation from the resistor, the resistor could've been defective and we wouldn't even know it. The timing was a big issue when we performed the experiment because when the triple beam balance measured off back to the ticked line we had to mark the time but we were a bit slow and missed it most times, and had to start over; a way to avoid this is to have a better stop watch or person switching the weights and the other marking the times down. The resistor touching the cup would affect how the liquid nitrogen boils and a way to fix that is to fix it towards the middle. 6. Instead of using liquid nitrogen, suppose we used water for our lab. Would we be able to calculate the rate of evaporation due to the room, and explain why or why not? Water's heat of vaporization is 2260 kJ/kg. How much power would you need to apply to water so that the evaporation rate was .25 g/s ? (1 pt) Instead of liquid nitrogen we use water, we wouldn't be able to calculate the rate of evaporation due to the room (B) because water boils at 373K and we would need a much hotter room to evaporate the water. Water's heat of vaporization is 2260kJ/kg. Power we need to apply to water so the evaporation rate was .25g/s is 565W. 2260*1000=2260000J then, (2260000)(.00025)= 565W based on the E=mL, then P=E/t; 565/1=565W. 7. If you put a few drops of cologne on your hand, ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Water Is An Essential Part Of Human Lives Water is an essential part of human lives. People not only need water for consumption, but also utilize it daily in several ways; this includes bathing, washing, sewage/waste, watering outdoors, etc. Water is essentially everywhere. Although access to water in the United States often seems so simple and easy, water is not always in the form people see coming out of the faucet. There are a variety of water sources on the Earth. Although from several sources, water has a distinguished cycle on the planet. Examining the water cycle and the sources of water on the earth can help bring a better understanding of water usage and available resources. According to the NASA Earth Observation, over 75% of the Earth's surface is made up of water (Graham, Parkinson, Chahine, 2010). The Earth's total water content is roughly 1.39 billion cubic kilometers, or 331 million cubic miles (Graham et al., 2010). As seen in Figure 1, there are a variety of categories the Earth's water can be broken up into. Over 96% of the Earth's water is made up of the five oceans (Graham et al., 2010). When examining water simply in terms of freshwater, most of the reservoir comes from glaciers and ice caps. By examining these percentages, a greater knowledge of the Earth's total water supply can be gained. These percentages can also be factored into the water cycle to better understand how water rotates through the Earth and the atmosphere. The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle, describes ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Do Different Liquids Evaporate At Different Rates? Blaine Williamson Mrs. Kirkpatrick 4th Do different liquids evaporate at different rates? Table of Contents Introduction Materials Procedure Observations and Data Calculations Analysis Conclusion Sources of Error and Inaccuracies Application Improvement Bibliography I. Introduction: When liquid is left open to the atmosphere, it can slowly transition into a gas phase and evaporate leaving it's container empty. The molecules that have higher amounts of kinetic energy are better able to escape into a gas phase. If some molecules come near the surface in a liquid, then that means the molecules in the liquid do not have the same amounts of kinetic energy. There can be a small amount of molecules which have obtained a certain amount of kinetic energy and are able to escape into a gaseous phase. Do different liquids evaporate at different rates? That is my question for the science fair. I will be testing all different kinds of liquids like water, milk, soda, etc. What I 've learned from exploring this topic is that if the liquids do evaporate at different rates it may be something to do with their boiling point. Different liquids have different boiling points because of the molecular forces. At room temperature there is a certain amount of energy in the molecules in the liquid, and depending on the liquid's boiling point, some of the molecules in the liquid might be able to evaporate and become a gas. This means that different liquids might be able to evaporate at ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Conversion Of Alcohols To Alkyl Halides Lab Report During this experiment, four methods were using in the conversion of alcohols to alkyl halides. These steps were reflux, distillation, separation and drying. This experiment consisted of four major steps: reflux, distillation, separation, and drying. A reflux condenser has water flow from bottom to top with the top being connected to the flask being heated and the bottom connected to an empty flask to collect distillate. Reflux is where the solution is heated to boil and returns the condensing vapors into a flask without losing solution due to evaporation. Reflux was used in this experiment to provide activation energy needed (heat) to obtain and retain the products, which could not happen without being heated. Distillation is when a ... Show more content on ... Deducing peak assignments of the NMR spectra for each product required understanding the structure of the compound. The peaks represent different types of hydrogens and where the hydrogens reside in a compound's structure. Also, when hydrogens are close to an electronegative atom, this will cause the peak for those nearby hydrogens to be upfield on the NMR. Shape of the peak is determined by the N+1 rule, where the number of neighboring non–equivalent hydrogens plus one will determine the number of lines a peak will have, forming a shape. Then using the integration number that is generated by a computer can help find the number of hydrogens are present for each peak. Extra peaks that were found in the NMR spectra included a peak at zero that represents the tetramethylsilane or TMS and is the accepted standard zero for NMR spectra. Other peaks found in the NMR can represent impurities in the analyzed ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Evaporationin Our Daily Life In a society based only on materialistic possessions, sometimes we overlook even the simplest of things, and the most valuable to our survival as a human race and as a planet. Everywhere around us people envy great architects and artists because of their remarkable creations. Though, we, as a human race disregard the importance of less tangible commodities, developed by the greatest artist ever, Mother Nature. She has given us the most magnificent and staggering artwork imaginable, our environment. But only through the most convoluted processes have these masterpieces been created. From humans to flowers and everything in between, a thorough process is behind everything. Before birth, for example, human must grow and develop through their ... Show more content on ... But aside from Temperature, many other factors are recognized as affecting the rate of evaporation. The second factor, which we believe, plays a role in the rate at which evaporation occurs is surface area. Surface area of a liquid could be defined as the area or amount of water which in constant contact with the atmosphere. Surface area plays a large role in our weather systems, as shown by our oceans. Our oceans our widely exposed to the atmosphere and have a large surface area. This in turn allows them to produce most of the moisture in the air through evaporation. The change in the rate of evaporation by surface area is evident for all eyes in the proceeding experiments later in this report. The effect that surface area has on evaporation can be explained using the example from the understanding concepts question #1 on page 535. In this question it states that one litre of water is placed into each a pie plate and a jar. They were both placed into the same room and were given time to evaporate. Our prediction is that the water in the pie plate would evaporate quicker, assuming its opening was wider than the jar. This would be because of the difference in surface area. In this case as in every other increase in evaporation due to surface area increase, it can be explained by one simple fact. Allowing the two reactants (air and water) to contact more of each other will increase the rate of reaction. This occurs because of the increase in the number of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. How Does Clear Liquid Affect The Rate Of Evaporation Rates This is my research report on my science project. My topic is What Clear liquid affects the rate of evaporation. I chose this topic because I wasn't able to choose a project I wanted to do. So I looked through the list and saw this topic. Then suddenly I think back to a wet afternoon and very cold a few years ago. That morning I saw a puddle of water and when I came back it was half way drained down. So i thought back to that moment long ago which I still remember. And so not only I needed a project, I also was a little interested into this topic. I was also interested into rates of evaporation when I saw this question. The question i'd be answering is What clear liquid has a faster evaporation rate. For the independent Variable, we're changing one of the liquids to something different. We're changing hydrogen peroxide to Nail Polish remover. we'll be keeping water, alcohol, ... Show more content on ... We'll measure how long each liquid evaporates at room temperature. So each liquid won't evaporate faster just because of the temperature. Each liquid has a different evaporation rate. Evaporation occurs when a liquid is sitting in a spot for too long. The evaporation rate of a liquid is affected of what type of liquid it is. And the temperature of what the liquid is sitting in. Such as a puddle sitting in 100 Degrees Fahrenheit. The puddle will evaporate faster because it is in a hot environment. Evaporation can also happen when it's cold. However heat makes the liquid evaporate faster. I did a lot of research, and based on a lot of sites. Some say Nail polish remover evaporates faster than alcohol. While some say Alcohol is faster than nail polish remover. So i'll say nail polish remover is going to be faster. If i leave nail polish out then it will evaporate the fastest. Because nail polish contains acetone which makes its molecules evaporate faster to ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Module 6 : Weather And Climate Changes Module 6: Weather and Climate Changes Students are to understand the four major greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and perform two experiments to address the hydrologic, or water, cycle. One experiment requires 20 ml of 60 °C put into a sealed canning jar with a petri dish filled with ice on top; this experiment is used to visualize the water cycle. Then, for the second experiment, students are to construct two identical plastic bags, each filled with 200 ml of room temperature sand and 200 ml of room temperature water. One of these bags is to be exposed to sunlight for 12 hr and the other to the shade for the same amount of time; this experiment is used to visualize water infiltration and the hydrologic cycle. Greenhouse Gases There ... Show more content on ... When the water condenses enough to form larger droplets, these droplets overcame the water's surface tension and dropped from the canning lid or flowed down the side of the jar in the form of precipitation and runoff. This portion of the cycle continued until the experiment was concluded at the 30–minute mark. The heating of the water definitely expedited the evaporation process of the water though; this was witnessed early in the experiment. Water droplets formed quickly when the water was hot, and near the end of the experiment, when the water was cooler, there was not a noticeable change in condensation. While witnessing this, it can be concluded that the cooler water will evaporate slower and hotter water will evaporate quicker. This can easily be tested by using cold water instead of the hot water that was required by the lab. Without a soil base, plant fauna, and a large enough area infiltration, groundwater flow, transpiration, and transportation were not witnessed in this experiment. To get a full spectrum of the water cycle, a large enclosed environment filled with a portion of soil would be needed. On one side of this container would have the soil and plants with a heat source above it. While on the other side, a large pool of water is placed with a large rock in the center. Above this side is a large cooling source. The water from the pool would infiltrate ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Minimum Value And Maximum Soil Moisture Value 1. The total precipitation value for the month of June 2011 was 35.31 mm and the total value for the month of December 2011 was 44.704 mm. As the yearly precipitation value for Mississauga is 830 mm and precipitation is said to be generally evenly distributed, the average value for each month is approximately 69.17 mm. Therefore, the values for both June and December were lower than the average value. This indicates that these months were drier in general. However, December had higher precipitation than June despite it being drier overall. 2. For June 2011, the maximum soil moisture value was 0.2857 m3/m3, the minimum value was 0.0548 m3/m3, and the average soil moisture value was 0.138763 m3/m3. As for December 2011, the maximum soil moisture value was 0.2894 m3/m3, the minimum value was 0.2284 m3/m3, and the average value was 0.240601 m3/m3. One potential explanation for the differences in the average values for the two months is the amount of precipitation for those months. By analyzing Figure 1 and Figure 3, it is clear that the month of December 2011 had received more precipitation and a more even distribution of it than the month of June 2011. Due to the higher precipitation, the average soil moisture content for the month of December would be higher as well. A second potential explanation would be the higher plant productivity rate during summer. As plants use moisture in the soil as a source of water and then lose large quantities of it through transpiration, the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Area and Oasis Blocks Internal Assesment – Task 2C In this experiment I am investigating the relationship between surface area and the volume of a model cactus and to determine whether this relationship affects the loss of water. We used oasis blocks, an absorbant material used by florists as a substitute for a cactus, that would soak up the water, and thus ideally show the percentage water loss by weighing the before and after evaporation weights. Independent Variable The independent variable is the total surface area for each size of the blocks and I think this will affect the dependent variable as larger blocks, I hypothesize, will have less water loss by evaporation as there is less surface area for it, as opposed to the smaller (2cm x 2cm x 2cm) ... Show more content on ... It can be seen from my results that, apart from the anomaly of the second point, which could have occurred for a number of reasons (see Evaluation), that the surface area does affect the percentage loss of water. My results could be more reliable if the tests were repeated and errors were analyzed after each experiment, however I believe that it is shown in my graph that the relationship between the dependent and independent variable is obvious. Evaluation My conclusion, based on my graph, cannot be entirely correct, as my results were anomalous due to a number of interferences with this experiment. Firstly, I think that by doing this ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Water Cycle: Water Circulates From The Ocean The water cycle all starts from the ocean. It is a cycle that processes by which water circulates between the earth's oceans, atmosphere, and land, involving precipitation consisting of rain or snow, drainage in streams and rivers, and return to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration. But while the water flows from the mountains or anywhere, with it plastic can flow into the drainage, streams or rivers. Aquifers– a body of permeable rock that can contain or transmit groundwater. Solar Energy– Radiant energy emitted by the sun Evaporation– The process of turning from liquid into vapor. Clouds– a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the ground. Precipitation– rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground. Condensation– water that collects as droplets on a cold ... Show more content on ... Percolation– Water moves downward through openings in the soil to replenish aquifers under the ground. (A brief explanation of the water cycle steps) As solar energy from the sun heats up water molecules, the water starts to evaporate and turns into water vapor in the atmosphere. Water vapor then turns into clouds (Condensation) at almost 20,000 feet (6,000 meters)! As the cloud keeps getting heavier and heavier from the vapor, it lets it all out. This is when precipitation happens, when water droplets become too heavy they fall to the ground, it could also transmit into a aquifer. If it is cold enough in the atmosphere it could possibly snow. Then the water will either run off the mountains, hills, valleys, etc... or it will percolate into the ground. What are Aquifers?– Aquifers are a body of permeable rock that can contain or transmits groundwater. Aquifers must be both permeable and porous and include such rock types as sandstone, conglomerate, fractured limestone and unconsolidated sand and ... Get more on ...
  • 43. How Does Temperature Affect The Rate Of Evaporation Research The first thing you need to know before doing this experiment is the process of evaporation. This happens when either the liquids are cold or warm, but occurs more when liquids are warmer. When matter has a higher temperature, the molecules will have a higher energy. When the energy in the specific molecules reach a marked level, they might result in a phase change. In evaporation,the thing that matters is the energy in molecules, not what the usual energy of a system is. Although the energy might be low, the evaporation still continues. A lot can happen even though the temperature is considerably low. In fact, ALL liquids can evaporate at normal air pressure and room temperature. Evaporation happens when molecules/atoms escape from the liquid present and turns into water vapor. Even though some molecules are in the same liquid, doesn 't mean they have the same energy. For example, let 's say you have a body of water on a violently windy day; it can cause a huge rate of evaporation although it 's chilly outside. Energy Transfer When you measure the energy with a thermometer, that is actually the average energy of all molecules in the system. The molecules vary: some with loads of energy, some with little energy; this allows molecules to move around because there is space for all. When the atoms bump into each other, energy is transferred to the other molecule, causing one atom to have more/less then the other. Because there are so many atoms ... Get more on ...