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La médecine du futur
Philippe COUCKE, Prof. Dr.
Université de Liège
50 – 42 – 10 - 5
changer ?
The ultimate goal for health care is better health for all
The evidence suggests we live in a world where our existing models of
healthcare are both financially unsustainable and inequitable.
Hersch, Meeting the healthcare challenges of the 21st Century
Dr Fred Hersch, Chief Medical Officer of Telenor Health based in
Problèmes des données :
Pas d’obligation de données minimales et structurées.
Dispersion des données : absence de dossier unique.
Manque de données essentielles
Qualité des données enregistrées
Validité des données (interne versus externe)
Selon DeRosnay:
Il y a plus de données sur « facebook » que dans le DMP
(P pour perdu) !
Peuvent être remis en question très sérieusement
Doctors prescribe medicine
Of which they know little
To cure diseases of which they know less
In human beings of which they know nothing
François-Marie Arouet Voltaire
21/11/1694 – 30/05/1778Data !
Mesures de paramètres physiologiques
This U.S. Company Is Offering to Put Microchips in Their Employees July 27th
Verily's goal: Make our bodies produce as much data as our cars
By Jonah Comstock October 03, 2017
“If you do the math, there is basically ten orders of magnitude difference between
the amount of data your car creates versus you,” Otis said. “And ostensibly, as
people, our bodies are more important than cars.”
It’s called the Baseline Study, and it’s a four year
study of 10,000 subjects all over the United States
utilizing both smartphone-based devices and old-
fashioned in-clinic medical tests.
Spire's discreet wearable turns any clothes into
continuous health monitors
November 16, 2017
The Spire Health Tag is sold in packs of three ($99), eight ($199), and 15 ($299), and
is intended to be attached to multiple articles of clothing. Each device can run for
nearly two years without needing to recharge and, according to Spire, is durable
enough to survive regular wear and cleaning.
Much like its previous clip-on wearable, the Health Tag primarily focuses on a user’s
breathing to continuously record stress and tension and activity. But along with its
out of sight, out of mind design approach, Palley said that the new device’s sensors
have also been improved to include sleep and heart rate tracking, as well as more
advanced analyses of respiratory health.
BITalino Body Monitoring Project Kit Gets
Cloud Software Upgrade
BITalino is a set of hardware and software ingredients that allow just about anyone to
build their own body monitoring devices. 
The software, which previously required stand-alone computers to run, is now
available in a cloud-based version. It makes it easy to go from assembling a kit to
using the gathered data, as there’s no software to install or a computer to manage.
Moreover, BITalino is beginning to provide plugins for the software that are designed
to process specific kinds of data in a proper way.
Mesure de Paramètres Biologiques
Athelas Device Provides Accurate CBC Testing –
Abbott’s i-STAT
Alinity Bedside
Blood Testing
System Approved
for Sale in Europe
myLab Box expands at-home
testing kit with 6 new STD tests
February 14th
, 2017
USB Stick Measures HIV
Levels Within Half Hour
MinION Data from Human Gene
Sequencing Released.
January 24th
Portable DNA Sequencer MinION
Helps Build the Internet of Living
Posted 17 Mar 2016
Are We One Breath Away From the Perfect
Healthcare Hack?
Clifton Leaf Feb 01, 2017 Fortune
None other than the great Linus Pauling—master chemist, elucidator of the chemical
bond, 70-time nominee for the Nobel Prize and recipient of the award in 1954—
proposed and tested the idea of diagnosing disease via the VOCs in human breath.
Hossam Haick says his group created a device that combines an array of carbon
nanotubes and tiny gold particles that is able to sense electrochemical signals from tell-
tale chemicals (known as volatile organic compounds, or VOCs) in human breath—and
that when those signals are analyzed with the help of artificial intelligence, they reveal
the unique signatures of more than a dozen diseases.
Small, Cheap, Disposable Sensors for
Detecting Organic Volatile Compounds in
MAY 19TH, 2017 WWW.MEDGADGET.COMAt the University of Illinois, researchers have developed small, extremely
sensitive detectors of volatile organic compounds, seemingly capable of sensing
such chemicals at concentrations even our noses can’t detect. While there are a
lot of applications for such technology in medicine and other fields, the
researchers chose to detect ammonia in exhaled breath, a biomarker for kindey
disease, as a proof of concept for the sensors.
The tech giant, 
IBM is teaming its Watson AI supercomputer with academic researchers to try to
predict from speech patterns whether patients are likely to develop a psychotic
disorder. Even the US Army got interested! In May, 2016 it launched a partnership
 with MIT researchers with the goal of developing an FDA-approved device to
detect brain injury.
Vocal Biomarkers: New Opportunities in Prevention
January 9th
2017 The Medical Futurist
Soon, You Could Have Your Genome Sequenced in 60 Minutes for $100 January 11th
23andMe gets FDA's go-ahead
to sell genetic health risk tests,
opening the door for faster
approval for future tests
By Heather Mack April 07, 2017
Viome raises $15M to manage the
microbiome with machine learning
By Bernie Monegain August 07, 2017
A Chinese Province Is Sequencing One Million of Its Residents’ Genomes November 8th
A project out of China's National
Health and Medicine Big Data
Nanjing Center will sequence one
million Chinese genomes. This project
is an effort to identify population trends
and the genetic basis of health
Genetics loads
the gun,
lifestyle pulls the
Paramètres provenant de l’imagerie
In Lung Cancer, Training
Computers to Be Pathologists
Alexander M. Castellino, PhD August 16, 2016
Now a report published online August 16 in Nature
Communications indicates that computers can be
trained to analyze –hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)–
stained whole slide histopathologic images of
patients with lung cancer with a higher degree of
accuracy than trained pathologists.
Two highly skilled
pathologists assessing
the same slide will agree
only about 60 percent of
the time.
This approach replaces this
subjectivity with
sophisticated, quantitative
measurements that we feel
are likely to improve patient
Google AI detects breast cancer
better than pathologists
March 6, 2017 PharmaForum
In a study carried out by researchers taking part in
Google’s Brain Residency Program – a 12-month
educational course in machine and deep learning – an
algorithm was trained to detect breast cancer tumours in a
dataset of digitised pathology slides provided.After
‘training’ the algorithm, researchers were able to achieve a
92% sensitivity in picking out tumour cells from the slides –
significantly higher than the 73% achieved by trained
pathologists with no time constraint.
Will not using image analysis in pathology be perceived as irresponsible?
Posted on 06/22/2017 by Simon Häger Digital Pathology
As digital pathology is adopted, it enables the use of algorithms to support
pathologists’ review, thereby reducing variability. Although there are not enough
clinical studies to prove its current value, many early adopters are reporting
significant improvements in precision and quality by using image analysis
applications. It is my firm belief that we will soon reach a point when, from a patient
care perspective, it will be perceived as irresponsible to not take advantage of the
efficient use of image analysis made possible through digital pathology.
Time to speed up adoption of digital pathology
Early adoption of image analytical tools and artificial intelligence are crucial if
health systems across Europe are to see the full potential of digital pathology,
according to a leading expert. September 2017
“When you see the huge advances in artificial
intelligence applied to pathology in the last 1-2
last years, you realize there is no going back from
that progress. It will definitely come, but the
question is when and how fast?
“We have seen from other parts of medicine - like
diagnosing a melanoma from a photograph of a
skin lesion or looking at the diabetic changes in
the fundus of the eye – that the algorithms have
reached expert levels of performance, so that
means the same will of happen in pathology.
Prof Lundin Helsinki & Stockholm
Artificial Intelligence Reads Mammograms With 99% Accuracy
September 25th
A team from the Houston Methodist
Research Institute says they have
developed artificial intelligence software
capable of analyzing mammograms for
breast cancer with 99 percent accuracy.
The technique involves scanning patient
charts and cross-checking them with
results from mammogram X-rays and
clinical reports.
“We figured out you can mine a clinical
report for additional information,” said lead
researcher Stephen Wong
The Future of Radiology and Artificial Intelligence
The Medical Futurist July 3rd
Rather than pushing off machine
intelligence as being a threat to their job,
instead, radiologists should engage it,
because it’s something that can really help
I’m sure it will dramatically change what
radiologist do over the next ten years, but
you should also keep in mind that
eventually, radiology ten years ago was
nothing like what it is today.
A 'Blowout Year' for AI in Radiology
November 17, 2017 Medscape Oncology
Artificial intelligence, deep learning, and radionomics — quantitative features that
enable the mining of data from images — will be in the spotlight here at the
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2017 Annual Meeting.
Among the more than 100 sessions on
artificial intelligence and deep learning
will be a presentation by Keith Dreyer,
DO, PhD, director of the Center for
Clinical Data Science at Massachusetts
General Hospital in Boston, entitled
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence.
And Richard Ehman, MD, from the Mayo
Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, in his
presentation, will ask: Is it Time to
Reinvent Radiology?
Teenage team develops AI system to screen for diabetic retinopathy
By Jeff Lagasse August 08, 2017 
According to the IEEE Spectrum, Kopparapu, her 15-year-
old brother Neeyanth and her classmate Justin Zhang 
trained an artificial intelligence system to scan photos of 
eyes and detect, and diagnose, signs of diabetic 
retinopathy. She unveiled the technology at the O’Reilly 
Artificial Intelligence conference in New York City in July.
One hospital has already tested the technology, fitting a 3D-
printed lens onto a smartphone and training the phone’s 
flash to illuminate the retinas of five different patients. 
Tested against opthalmologists, the system went five for five 
on diagnoses.
Kopparapu’s invention still needs lots of tests and additional 
data to prove its efficacy before it sees widespread clinical 
adoption, but so far, it’s off to a pretty good start.
The Algorithm Will See You Now: Artificial Intelligence May Transform
Retinal Screening
September 18, 2017
In the United States, universal adoption
of photographic DR screening would
require evaluation of an estimated 32
million images annually.
The advantages of applying automated
algorithms to DR screening include
consistency of grading, cost-
effectiveness, and a processing capacity
of 260 million images per day
Other questions also remain; these
include liability and the evolution of the
physician role as AI penetrates deeper
into the delivery of daily clinical care.
Deep learning algorithm does as well as dermatologists in identifying skin cancer
In hopes of creating better access to medical care, Stanford researchers have trained an
algorithm to diagnose skin cancer.
January 25th
2017 Stanford News
Universal access to health care was on the minds of
computer scientists at Stanford when they set out to
create an artificially intelligent diagnosis algorithm for
skin cancer. They made a database of nearly 130,000
skin disease images and trained their algorithm to
visually diagnose potential cancer. From the very first
test, it performed with inspiring accuracy.
VisualDx app to debut with Apple iOS 11, helping non-dermatologist doctors
diagnose skin conditions
By Jeff Lagasse August 29, 2017 
With the upcoming iOS 11 launch, a new 
VisualDx app, enabled with Apple Core ML, will 
help doctors provide quick and accurate 
diagnoses of lesions, rashes, and other skin 
Billed as a clinical decision support system for 
physicians and frontline healthcare 
professionals, Rochester, New York-based 
VisualDx developed the technology to help non-
dermatology health practitioners identify and 
treat a wide range of skin conditions, many of 
which were previously difficult to diagnose 
without referral to a specialist.
The technology analyzes a photo taken by a clinician and automatically classifies the photo in 
less than a second on the iPhone itself. The clinician views and confirms the classification of 
the lesion type, body location and skin type and then can immediately review accurate 
diagnostic possibilities and treatment options.
Amazing Technologies Changing The Future of Dermatology September 2017
1. Telemedicine
2. Big data
3. Robotics
4. AI
5. 3DP
6. Regeneration
7. Social networks
8. Sensors
9. Nanoparticles
Qualité des données
Quantité des données
Vie privée
Il faut un nouvel écosystème
Drivers of Accelerated and Disruptive
innovation in Healthcare.
Radically changing the ecosystem
Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
Big data
Artificial intelligence
Internet of medical things
Big data
Artificial intelligence
Smarter healthcare in smart cities
December 19th
 , 2016 Orange Business Insider
The goal of smart cities is to improve urban infrastructure while reducing costs, to 
foster innovation in various sectors and to enhance the quality of life of citizens. 
This includes smart healthcare, which Frost & Sullivan predicts will make up 
almost 15 percent of all smart city business by 2020.
Smart healthcare uses the latest mobile and 
digital technologies to make advances in 
eHealth and mHealth systems while also 
driving the growth of intelligent and 
connected medical devices.
E-Health or m-health ?
Internet of medical things
Big data
Artificial intelligence
Examples of “Big Data” in Health Care
• Medical sensor data
• Data in hospital information
• Image data
• Ultrasound data
• Medical publications
• Clinical studies
• Human genome data (“omics”
in general)
• Cancer registries
• Exposome
What are the problems with MD’s ?
• Most physicians practice in:
– Virtually data-free environment
– Devoid of feedback on the correctness of their practice
• Physicians rely heavily on the « art » of medicine,
practicing not according to solid evidence but rather:
– How they were trained
– The culture of their own practice environment
– Their own experience with their patients
• Explosive growth in medical research and knowledge
– Physicians are not following the evidence (if available).
Data !
Data !
Data !
Doctors prescribe medicine
Of which they know little
To cure diseases of which they know less
In human beings of which they know nothing
François-Marie Arouet Voltaire
21/11/1694 – 30/05/1778Data !
It’s high time for a data driven
ecosystem !
We urgently need “Big Data” in healthcare.
The dark side of information exchange - inbox overload
By Joseph Conn | March 16, 2016
A new problem has emerged — inbox overload. And that burden is causing
physician burnout, patient-safety issues and the need for new innovation.
Internet of medical things
Big data
Artificial intelligence
Big data in medicine
Deep Machine Learning
Neuronal Networks
Discovery of
(not even imagined)
Detection of presumed
Turning our back on the natural
scientific principle
Establishing a theory and proving it
with experiments
New technology
Ageing population (affordable care)
Data / Machine
Learning / Domain
Anomaly detection
Intelligent features
Intelligent search
Predictive analytics
What is the opinion of visionary
leaders on AI in general ?
Obama: Synthetic Intelligence Will
Totally Transform Our Future
October 13th
My general observation is that it has been
seeping into our lives in all sorts of ways,
and we just don’t notice …
We’ve been seeing specialized AI in every
aspect of our lives, from medicine and
transportation to how electricity is
distributed, and it promises to create a
vastly more productive and efficient
If properly harnessed, it can generate
enormous prosperity and opportunity.
But it also has some downsides… It could
increase inequality. It could suppress
IBM Chief: Computers Will Soon be Smarter Than Humans January 18th
Over the next three decades, that amount of
data we encounter daily is expected to rise to
over four zetabytes according to Northwester
University psychology professor Paul Reber.
Rob High, IBM Watson's vice president chief
technology officer, believes that cognitive
computing is the answer to this increase in data
– and IBM is already working on it.
“If you’re a doctor and you’re trying to figure out
the best way to treat your patient, you don’t have
the time to go read the latest literature and apply
that knowledge to that decision,” High explained.
“In any scenario, we can’t possibly find and
remember everything.”
Un robot réussit le concours de médecine
21 Novembre 2017 Le spécialiste
En Chine, Xiao Yi est le premier robot
à réussir avec succès l'épreuve écrite
du concours national de médecine. Il
a étudié en 18 mois 53.000 ouvrages,
deux millions de dossiers et 400.000
rapports médicaux selon plusieurs
«Il peut aider au diagnostic en
fournissant des suggestions et en
croisant plus rapidement des
probabilités face aux différents
éléments mis en avant par
l’anamnèse du patient par le
Artificial Intelligence in 2016: Are You Ready for What It Will Bring?
By Jennifer Zaino / January 14, 2016
• Those that are not yet investing in AI
are already falling behind, and will be
scrambling to catch up over the next
year or two.
• For pretty much every company, one
such advantage likely lies in adopting
Cognitive Computing technologies to
deal with the massive growth of
unstructured and streaming data.
• [We] are going to experience the most
disruptive technological shock …
IBM Watson Artificial Intelligence Improves Cancer Treatment
Jupiter Medical Center implements IBM Watson for Oncology to help physicians
care for patients with evidence-based treatment.
February 1st
2017 Value Based Care Summit
Babylon Health partners with UK’s NHS to replace
telephone helpline with AI-powered chatbot
Posted Jan 4, 2017
L’assistant virtuel au service des patients atteints
de maladies chroniques
Par Guillaume Renouard 11 février 2016
Artificial Intelligence is the Stethoscope of the 21st Century
The Medical Futurist July 2017. Bertalan Mesko
Why artificial intelligence is
different from previous technology
The AI ecosystem just might be
resilient enough to live up to
the hype.
By Robbie Allen June 29th
, 2017
Two key factors
for technology
•The first factor is the barrier to
entry for a single developer to
create something useful.
•The second factor is
whether development on the core
platform is centralized or
A technology with a low
barrier to entry and
decentralized platform
development has the
greatest potential for
future impact. None of the
IBM Chief: Computers Will
Soon be Smarter Than
Humans January 18th
Kurzweil Claims That the
Singularity Will Happen
by 2029 March 16th
Bill Gates Says We Shouldn’t Panic About Artificial Intelligence September 26th
In the end, it’s not so much AI itself that we should watch out for. It’s how human
beings use it. The enemy here is not technology. It’s recklessness.
To fear or not to fear ?
When artificial intelligence meets human stupidity
WEF 29-08-2017 
There is a rough agreement among many AI experts that the technological
singularity - the moment when machine intelligence supersedes human intelligence,
and life as we know it changes unrecognizably - will take place soon after 2030. 
Should we be worried at the prospect of the singularity? Excited? Afraid?
Surprised? Or lost in this scientific jargon?
Or should we be more worried
about merging artificially
intelligent machines (AIM) not with
human intelligence,
but with human stupidity ?
Internet of medical things
Big data
Artificial intelligence
Quelle structure nous faut-il ?  PLATEFORM SOLUTIONS
Revolutionize healthcare information management with BLOCKCHAIN technology….
Discussions ongoing between FDA and IBM
Systèmes intégrés
Acquisition des données dans des formats standards
Stockage des données
Echange des données
Analyse des données
Sécurité et sauvegarde de la vie privée
Internet of medical things
Big data
Artificial intelligence
Every field of human activity will be
concerned by BLOCKCHAIN
The system of Blockchain has been quietly growing since its inception in 
2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym for the suspected group of individuals
who co-created Bitcoin.
Blockchain Will
Change Far
More Than How
Your Money Is
March 9th
• No central authority required
•Network consensus used for validation
•Data ownership stays with the provider of the data
• Connection of data silos
•Direct data transfer between network participants
•Simple process integration of external partners
•Security provided via cryptography
•Transparency through history of transactions
•Tamper-proof through distributed network design
•Easy network participation
•Advanced interoperability between partners
•Reduced risk of data loss through shared ledger
This technology could provide a
new model for health information
exchanges (HIE) by making
electronic medical records.
How can blockchain be used in
healthcare? 2017
Drug Traceability where each transaction between
drug manufacturers, wholesalers, pharmacists and patients
can be tracked to verify and secure drug product information
important for tackling issues such as counterfeit drugs. 
Improvement and authentication of health
records and protocols on record sharing.
Smart contracts where certain rule-based methods are
created for patient data access. Here, permissions can be
granted to selected health organisations. 
Clinical trials where altering or modifying data from
clinical trials fraudulently can be eradicated. 
Precision medicine where patients, researchers and
providers can collaborate to develop individualised care. 
Genomics research via access to genetic data secured
on blockchain 
Electronic health records (EHRs) 
Nationwide interoperability 
The CDC Wants to Use Blockchain as a Weapon Against Deadly Epidemics October 11th
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating how they
might use the blockchain to share medical data between organizations across the
United States. This could have a profound effect on the CDC's ability to respond to
IBM Watson, FDA to explore blockchain for secure
patient data exchange
The initial focus for blockchain will be oncology-related
data exchange
Computerworld January 11th
IBM's Watson Health artificial intelligence unit
has signed a two-year joint-development
agreement with the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) to explore using
blockchain technology to securely share
patient data for medical research and other
IBM Watson Health and the FDA will explore
the exchange of patient-level data from
several sources, including electronic medical
records (EMRs), clinical trials, genomic data,
and health data from mobile devices,
wearables and the "Internet of Things." The
initial focus will be on oncology-related
Internet of medical things
Big data
Artificial intelligence
In 10 years, says one stakeholder, expect a completely patient-centric experience,
as well as the question, “How did we ever do without this?”.
The healthcare sector may have been
slow to embrace the possibilities of
new IT, but now that it has, look out!
Why Amazon invested in this cancer-testing startup founded by a Google exec
Amazon invested in a company called Grail back in March. It wasn't clear why.
The answer? It's all about the cloud.
July 26th
A health start-up called Grail is developing
one of the most ambitious technologies in
Silicon Valley.
And Amazon wants a piece of it. 
According to two sources familiar, Amazon
invested in Grail as a very special kind of
future customer for its cloud business.
This Former Google Exec Is
On A Mission To Develop A
Blood Test For Cancer
A personal tragedy was one
of the motivations for Jeff
Huber to seek out his new
role as CEO of Illumina
spinout Grail.
02-10-2016 FastCompany
As David Loshin, president of Knowledge Integrity
Inc., a Big Data and Business Intelligence
consulting, training and development services
company noted recently, “aside from the
potential cost benefits of transitioning IT such as
data warehousing, business intelligence and
analytics environments to the cloud, there are four
factors that make cloud an attractive option
for CIOs:
the ability to renovate and modernize their system
as the capabilities are moved to the cloud platform;
access to virtualized systems that are deployable
on the latest and greatest hardware platforms, thus
reducing the potential for hardware obsolescence;
the growing menu of services provided by the
cloud hosts;
and the ability to offload system management and
maintenance to the cloud provider.”
Le nouvel écosystème
AMA President: Digital innovations need to fight, not add to, physician
By Dave Muoio October 30, 2017
“We listen to what physicians around this
country say and they’re telling us loud and clear
that in many cases technology isn’t working for
them, and in many cases they are feeling
burned out because of the stresses of the
current environment of practices,”
Dr Barbe (President of AMA) called on the
digital health community to keep the flagging
physician in mind when designing new
Paradigm changes
 DIY medicine:
 The pre-primary care model
 Tele-medecine
 Homecare
“The term ‘primary care’ is a misnomer.
The first thing citizens and patients do is think what they can do for themselves,
the second is to seek advice from friends and family, and in the last twenty years,
the internet …
Then they seek professional help.” 
Pre-Primary Care: An Untapped Global Health Opportunity
By Jonathon Carr-Brown and Matteo Berlucchi
Professor Sir Muir Gray CBE 
Honorary Professor 
Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health 
Sciences, University of Oxford
From “consult station” to
home …
H4D & telemedecine
H4D en international
OslerMD Rapid 6 Vital Sign Measurement System for Home and
The device is yet to be available, and
the firm is currently raising round A
funding to have the money necessary
to get through the FDA’s class 2 device
clinical trial. So far the company
performed an in-house trial similar to
what the FDA would require, and has
been satisfied with the accuracy of the
The final cost is expected to be
between $200 and $250.
Doctors’ offices can use the system during check-ins and to make things transparent, the data
can be routed to the default electronic medical records (EMR) used by the physician group.
Because other device can be tied into the OslerMD, the company is thinking of eventually
producing a health kiosk based on its device that can be integrated into various health facilitie
By 2030, Hospitals May Be a Thing of the Past
November 14th
Predictions from the co-chair of the
World Economic Forum’s Future
Council, Melanie Walker, say we'll
soon enter a post-hospital world
due to advances in personalized
medicine, health monitoring, and
The lynchpin of Walker’s predictions
is the increasing adoption of new
healthcare technologies, not just in
hospitals but in homes. In fact, she
says the rise of personalized
medicine means we’re moving from
hospitals to “home-spitals.”
Home-based connected health to overtake hospital-based by 2019
October 14th 2014
“The growing adoption of telemedicine services
is expected to significantly impact larger markets
such as healthcare, health insurance, home
care, telecommunications (telecom), networking,
disease management, e-health, and healthcare
UK NHS to spend nearly 6 billion$ to go digital including remote care &
health apps
February 12th 2016
One of the NHS’ goals is to have 25%
of chronic conditions like hypertension
and diabetes monitoring their health
remotely by 2020
NHS to offer free devices and apps to help people
manage illnesses
June 17th
2016 The Guardian
Millions of people will receive devices
and apps free on the NHS to help them
manage conditions such as diabetes
and heart disease in an major drive to
use technology to reduce patient
I am exhausted and you ?
Transforming Health:
Toward decentralized and
connected care
16-09-2014 MaRS
Report: With today's technology, digital health could save US $7 billion
By Jonah Comstock November 07, 2017
Existing digital health products, if
deployed comprehensively across the
country, could save the US $7 billion a
year in healthcare spending, according
to a new report from IQVIA, which until
yesterday was known as Quintiles/IMS
“Diabetes prevention, diabetes care, asthma, cardiac rehabilitation, and pulmonary
rehabilitation — in each of those five areas we took the results from published research and
modeled that to estimate that if these available apps today were used by all patients who
could benefit from them, the US healthcare system could save $7 billion per year. So that’s
just for five areas. If that level of savings was achievable across all disease areas, we’re
looking at annual savings of something like $46 billion.”
Qualcomm: 5G will power the push toward outcome-based care
By Dave Muoio October 27, 2017
A newly released report from
Qualcomm and the University of
California, Berkeley suggests that the
technology will become a “substantial
enabler” of the future’s personalized
health care ecosystem, and within
healthcare alone will have a sales
enabling effect of more than $1.1
Kraft: Healthcare data-flow of the future will be fluid, proactive, and
By Jonah Comstock September 21, 2017
The individual parts of the healthcare system of the future are here, but it will take
forward-thinking innovators to bring those pieces together into a new paradigm.
New technologies are transforming health, but culture lags behind
By Dave Muoio September 19, 2017
Healthcare is becoming more decentralized every day thanks to
new technologies and a growing emphasis on consumer-
focused services, according to presentations at the Patient
Engagement and Experience Summit in Boston today.
But even as telehealth, wearables, virtual reality, and other
technologies disrupt familiar models of health care delivery, a
greater shift in culture and policy will be necessary to transform
“Innovation really has to be in the DNA of an organization,” 
Standing is the fastest way
of going backwards
Andy Lilli
It’s not a question of
should business embrace
digital transformation ?
But rather:
how will they if they
haven’t already! ?
Andy lilli

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La Médecine du futur !

  • 1. La médecine du futur Philippe COUCKE, Prof. Dr. Université de Liège
  • 2. 50 – 42 – 10 - 5 Pourquoi changer ?
  • 3. The ultimate goal for health care is better health for all The evidence suggests we live in a world where our existing models of healthcare are both financially unsustainable and inequitable. Hersch, Meeting the healthcare challenges of the 21st Century Dr Fred Hersch, Chief Medical Officer of Telenor Health based in Bangladesh
  • 4.
  • 5. Problèmes des données : Pas d’obligation de données minimales et structurées. Dispersion des données : absence de dossier unique. Manque de données essentielles Qualité des données enregistrées Validité des données (interne versus externe) Selon DeRosnay: Il y a plus de données sur « facebook » que dans le DMP (P pour perdu) ! Peuvent être remis en question très sérieusement
  • 6. Doctors prescribe medicine Of which they know little To cure diseases of which they know less In human beings of which they know nothing François-Marie Arouet Voltaire 21/11/1694 – 30/05/1778Data !
  • 7. Mesures de paramètres physiologiques
  • 8. This U.S. Company Is Offering to Put Microchips in Their Employees July 27th 2017
  • 9. Verily's goal: Make our bodies produce as much data as our cars By Jonah Comstock October 03, 2017 “If you do the math, there is basically ten orders of magnitude difference between the amount of data your car creates versus you,” Otis said. “And ostensibly, as people, our bodies are more important than cars.” It’s called the Baseline Study, and it’s a four year study of 10,000 subjects all over the United States utilizing both smartphone-based devices and old- fashioned in-clinic medical tests.
  • 10. Spire's discreet wearable turns any clothes into continuous health monitors November 16, 2017 The Spire Health Tag is sold in packs of three ($99), eight ($199), and 15 ($299), and is intended to be attached to multiple articles of clothing. Each device can run for nearly two years without needing to recharge and, according to Spire, is durable enough to survive regular wear and cleaning. Much like its previous clip-on wearable, the Health Tag primarily focuses on a user’s breathing to continuously record stress and tension and activity. But along with its out of sight, out of mind design approach, Palley said that the new device’s sensors have also been improved to include sleep and heart rate tracking, as well as more advanced analyses of respiratory health. BITalino Body Monitoring Project Kit Gets Cloud Software Upgrade NOVEMBER 9TH, 2017 WWW.MEDGADGET.COM BITalino is a set of hardware and software ingredients that allow just about anyone to build their own body monitoring devices.  The software, which previously required stand-alone computers to run, is now available in a cloud-based version. It makes it easy to go from assembling a kit to using the gathered data, as there’s no software to install or a computer to manage. Moreover, BITalino is beginning to provide plugins for the software that are designed to process specific kinds of data in a proper way.
  • 11. Mesure de Paramètres Biologiques Athelas Device Provides Accurate CBC Testing – From Home SEPTEMBER 6TH, 2017 WWW.FUTURISM.COM Abbott’s i-STAT Alinity Bedside Blood Testing System Approved for Sale in Europe DECEMBER 1ST, 2016 MEDGADGET
  • 12. myLab Box expands at-home testing kit with 6 new STD tests February 14th , 2017 USB Stick Measures HIV Levels Within Half Hour NOVEMBER 17TH, 2016 MEDGADGET.COM
  • 13. MinION Data from Human Gene Sequencing Released. January 24th 2015 Portable DNA Sequencer MinION Helps Build the Internet of Living Things Posted 17 Mar 2016
  • 14. Are We One Breath Away From the Perfect Healthcare Hack? Clifton Leaf Feb 01, 2017 Fortune None other than the great Linus Pauling—master chemist, elucidator of the chemical bond, 70-time nominee for the Nobel Prize and recipient of the award in 1954— proposed and tested the idea of diagnosing disease via the VOCs in human breath. Hossam Haick says his group created a device that combines an array of carbon nanotubes and tiny gold particles that is able to sense electrochemical signals from tell- tale chemicals (known as volatile organic compounds, or VOCs) in human breath—and that when those signals are analyzed with the help of artificial intelligence, they reveal the unique signatures of more than a dozen diseases. Small, Cheap, Disposable Sensors for Detecting Organic Volatile Compounds in Breath MAY 19TH, 2017 WWW.MEDGADGET.COMAt the University of Illinois, researchers have developed small, extremely sensitive detectors of volatile organic compounds, seemingly capable of sensing such chemicals at concentrations even our noses can’t detect. While there are a lot of applications for such technology in medicine and other fields, the researchers chose to detect ammonia in exhaled breath, a biomarker for kindey disease, as a proof of concept for the sensors.
  • 15. The tech giant,  IBM is teaming its Watson AI supercomputer with academic researchers to try to predict from speech patterns whether patients are likely to develop a psychotic disorder. Even the US Army got interested! In May, 2016 it launched a partnership  with MIT researchers with the goal of developing an FDA-approved device to detect brain injury. Vocal Biomarkers: New Opportunities in Prevention January 9th 2017 The Medical Futurist
  • 16. Soon, You Could Have Your Genome Sequenced in 60 Minutes for $100 January 11th 2017 23andMe gets FDA's go-ahead to sell genetic health risk tests, opening the door for faster approval for future tests By Heather Mack April 07, 2017 Viome raises $15M to manage the microbiome with machine learning By Bernie Monegain August 07, 2017
  • 17.
  • 18. A Chinese Province Is Sequencing One Million of Its Residents’ Genomes November 8th 2017 A project out of China's National Health and Medicine Big Data Nanjing Center will sequence one million Chinese genomes. This project is an effort to identify population trends and the genetic basis of health disorders.
  • 21. Paramètres provenant de l’imagerie
  • 22. In Lung Cancer, Training Computers to Be Pathologists Alexander M. Castellino, PhD August 16, 2016 Now a report published online August 16 in Nature Communications indicates that computers can be trained to analyze –hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)– stained whole slide histopathologic images of patients with lung cancer with a higher degree of accuracy than trained pathologists. Two highly skilled pathologists assessing the same slide will agree only about 60 percent of the time. This approach replaces this subjectivity with sophisticated, quantitative measurements that we feel are likely to improve patient outcomes Google AI detects breast cancer better than pathologists March 6, 2017 PharmaForum In a study carried out by researchers taking part in Google’s Brain Residency Program – a 12-month educational course in machine and deep learning – an algorithm was trained to detect breast cancer tumours in a dataset of digitised pathology slides provided.After ‘training’ the algorithm, researchers were able to achieve a 92% sensitivity in picking out tumour cells from the slides – significantly higher than the 73% achieved by trained pathologists with no time constraint.
  • 23. Will not using image analysis in pathology be perceived as irresponsible? Posted on 06/22/2017 by Simon Häger Digital Pathology As digital pathology is adopted, it enables the use of algorithms to support pathologists’ review, thereby reducing variability. Although there are not enough clinical studies to prove its current value, many early adopters are reporting significant improvements in precision and quality by using image analysis applications. It is my firm belief that we will soon reach a point when, from a patient care perspective, it will be perceived as irresponsible to not take advantage of the efficient use of image analysis made possible through digital pathology.
  • 24. Time to speed up adoption of digital pathology Early adoption of image analytical tools and artificial intelligence are crucial if health systems across Europe are to see the full potential of digital pathology, according to a leading expert. September 2017 “When you see the huge advances in artificial intelligence applied to pathology in the last 1-2 last years, you realize there is no going back from that progress. It will definitely come, but the question is when and how fast? “We have seen from other parts of medicine - like diagnosing a melanoma from a photograph of a skin lesion or looking at the diabetic changes in the fundus of the eye – that the algorithms have reached expert levels of performance, so that means the same will of happen in pathology. Prof Lundin Helsinki & Stockholm
  • 25. Artificial Intelligence Reads Mammograms With 99% Accuracy September 25th 2016 FUTURISM A team from the Houston Methodist Research Institute says they have developed artificial intelligence software capable of analyzing mammograms for breast cancer with 99 percent accuracy. The technique involves scanning patient charts and cross-checking them with results from mammogram X-rays and clinical reports. “We figured out you can mine a clinical report for additional information,” said lead researcher Stephen Wong
  • 26. The Future of Radiology and Artificial Intelligence The Medical Futurist July 3rd 2017 Rather than pushing off machine intelligence as being a threat to their job, instead, radiologists should engage it, because it’s something that can really help patients.  I’m sure it will dramatically change what radiologist do over the next ten years, but you should also keep in mind that eventually, radiology ten years ago was nothing like what it is today.
  • 27. A 'Blowout Year' for AI in Radiology November 17, 2017 Medscape Oncology Artificial intelligence, deep learning, and radionomics — quantitative features that enable the mining of data from images — will be in the spotlight here at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2017 Annual Meeting. Among the more than 100 sessions on artificial intelligence and deep learning will be a presentation by Keith Dreyer, DO, PhD, director of the Center for Clinical Data Science at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, entitled Harnessing Artificial Intelligence. And Richard Ehman, MD, from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, in his presentation, will ask: Is it Time to Reinvent Radiology?
  • 28. Teenage team develops AI system to screen for diabetic retinopathy By Jeff Lagasse August 08, 2017  According to the IEEE Spectrum, Kopparapu, her 15-year- old brother Neeyanth and her classmate Justin Zhang  trained an artificial intelligence system to scan photos of  eyes and detect, and diagnose, signs of diabetic  retinopathy. She unveiled the technology at the O’Reilly  Artificial Intelligence conference in New York City in July. One hospital has already tested the technology, fitting a 3D- printed lens onto a smartphone and training the phone’s  flash to illuminate the retinas of five different patients.  Tested against opthalmologists, the system went five for five  on diagnoses.   Kopparapu’s invention still needs lots of tests and additional  data to prove its efficacy before it sees widespread clinical  adoption, but so far, it’s off to a pretty good start.
  • 29. The Algorithm Will See You Now: Artificial Intelligence May Transform Retinal Screening September 18, 2017 In the United States, universal adoption of photographic DR screening would require evaluation of an estimated 32 million images annually. The advantages of applying automated algorithms to DR screening include consistency of grading, cost- effectiveness, and a processing capacity of 260 million images per day Other questions also remain; these include liability and the evolution of the physician role as AI penetrates deeper into the delivery of daily clinical care.
  • 30. Deep learning algorithm does as well as dermatologists in identifying skin cancer In hopes of creating better access to medical care, Stanford researchers have trained an algorithm to diagnose skin cancer. January 25th 2017 Stanford News Universal access to health care was on the minds of computer scientists at Stanford when they set out to create an artificially intelligent diagnosis algorithm for skin cancer. They made a database of nearly 130,000 skin disease images and trained their algorithm to visually diagnose potential cancer. From the very first test, it performed with inspiring accuracy.
  • 31. VisualDx app to debut with Apple iOS 11, helping non-dermatologist doctors diagnose skin conditions By Jeff Lagasse August 29, 2017  With the upcoming iOS 11 launch, a new  VisualDx app, enabled with Apple Core ML, will  help doctors provide quick and accurate  diagnoses of lesions, rashes, and other skin  conditions. Billed as a clinical decision support system for  physicians and frontline healthcare  professionals, Rochester, New York-based  VisualDx developed the technology to help non- dermatology health practitioners identify and  treat a wide range of skin conditions, many of  which were previously difficult to diagnose  without referral to a specialist. The technology analyzes a photo taken by a clinician and automatically classifies the photo in  less than a second on the iPhone itself. The clinician views and confirms the classification of  the lesion type, body location and skin type and then can immediately review accurate  diagnostic possibilities and treatment options.
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  • 35. Drivers of Accelerated and Disruptive innovation in Healthcare. Radically changing the ecosystem Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Big data Artificial intelligence Platform-solutions Blockchain Cloud
  • 36. Internet of medical things Big data Artificial intelligence Platform-solutions Blockchain Cloud
  • 37. Smarter healthcare in smart cities December 19th  , 2016 Orange Business Insider The goal of smart cities is to improve urban infrastructure while reducing costs, to  foster innovation in various sectors and to enhance the quality of life of citizens.  This includes smart healthcare, which Frost & Sullivan predicts will make up  almost 15 percent of all smart city business by 2020. Smart healthcare uses the latest mobile and  digital technologies to make advances in  eHealth and mHealth systems while also  driving the growth of intelligent and  connected medical devices. E-Health or m-health ?
  • 38. Internet of medical things Big data Artificial intelligence Platform-solutions Blockchain Cloud
  • 39. Examples of “Big Data” in Health Care • Medical sensor data • Data in hospital information systems • Image data • Ultrasound data • Medical publications • Clinical studies • Human genome data (“omics” in general) • Cancer registries • Exposome
  • 40.
  • 41. What are the problems with MD’s ? • Most physicians practice in: – Virtually data-free environment – Devoid of feedback on the correctness of their practice • Physicians rely heavily on the « art » of medicine, practicing not according to solid evidence but rather: – How they were trained – The culture of their own practice environment – Their own experience with their patients • Explosive growth in medical research and knowledge – Physicians are not following the evidence (if available). Data ! Data ! Data !
  • 42. Doctors prescribe medicine Of which they know little To cure diseases of which they know less In human beings of which they know nothing François-Marie Arouet Voltaire 21/11/1694 – 30/05/1778Data !
  • 43. It’s high time for a data driven ecosystem ! We urgently need “Big Data” in healthcare.
  • 44. The dark side of information exchange - inbox overload By Joseph Conn | March 16, 2016 A new problem has emerged — inbox overload. And that burden is causing physician burnout, patient-safety issues and the need for new innovation.
  • 45. Internet of medical things Big data Artificial intelligence Platform-solutions Blockchain Cloud
  • 46. Big data in medicine
  • 47. Deep Machine Learning Neuronal Networks Discovery of Connections (not even imagined) Detection of presumed links Turning our back on the natural scientific principle i.e. Establishing a theory and proving it with experiments DRIVERS ? New technology Ageing population (affordable care) SYSTEMS MEDICINE APPROACH
  • 48. Data / Machine Learning / Domain Model Regression Anomaly detection Clustering Classification Intelligent features Recommendation Intelligent search Predictive analytics Bots
  • 49. What is the opinion of visionary leaders on AI in general ?
  • 50. Obama: Synthetic Intelligence Will Totally Transform Our Future October 13th 2016 My general observation is that it has been seeping into our lives in all sorts of ways, and we just don’t notice … We’ve been seeing specialized AI in every aspect of our lives, from medicine and transportation to how electricity is distributed, and it promises to create a vastly more productive and efficient economy. If properly harnessed, it can generate enormous prosperity and opportunity. But it also has some downsides… It could increase inequality. It could suppress wages.
  • 51. IBM Chief: Computers Will Soon be Smarter Than Humans January 18th 2017 Over the next three decades, that amount of data we encounter daily is expected to rise to over four zetabytes according to Northwester University psychology professor Paul Reber. Rob High, IBM Watson's vice president chief technology officer, believes that cognitive computing is the answer to this increase in data – and IBM is already working on it. “If you’re a doctor and you’re trying to figure out the best way to treat your patient, you don’t have the time to go read the latest literature and apply that knowledge to that decision,” High explained. “In any scenario, we can’t possibly find and remember everything.”
  • 52. Un robot réussit le concours de médecine 21 Novembre 2017 Le spécialiste En Chine, Xiao Yi est le premier robot à réussir avec succès l'épreuve écrite du concours national de médecine. Il a étudié en 18 mois 53.000 ouvrages, deux millions de dossiers et 400.000 rapports médicaux selon plusieurs médias. «Il peut aider au diagnostic en fournissant des suggestions et en croisant plus rapidement des probabilités face aux différents éléments mis en avant par l’anamnèse du patient par le
  • 53. Artificial Intelligence in 2016: Are You Ready for What It Will Bring? By Jennifer Zaino / January 14, 2016 • Those that are not yet investing in AI are already falling behind, and will be scrambling to catch up over the next year or two. • For pretty much every company, one such advantage likely lies in adopting Cognitive Computing technologies to deal with the massive growth of unstructured and streaming data. • [We] are going to experience the most disruptive technological shock …
  • 54. IBM Watson Artificial Intelligence Improves Cancer Treatment Jupiter Medical Center implements IBM Watson for Oncology to help physicians care for patients with evidence-based treatment. February 1st 2017 Value Based Care Summit
  • 55.
  • 56. Babylon Health partners with UK’s NHS to replace telephone helpline with AI-powered chatbot Posted Jan 4, 2017 L’assistant virtuel au service des patients atteints de maladies chroniques Par Guillaume Renouard 11 février 2016
  • 57. Artificial Intelligence is the Stethoscope of the 21st Century The Medical Futurist July 2017. Bertalan Mesko
  • 58. Why artificial intelligence is different from previous technology waves The AI ecosystem just might be resilient enough to live up to the hype. By Robbie Allen June 29th , 2017 Two key factors for technology potential: •The first factor is the barrier to entry for a single developer to create something useful. •The second factor is whether development on the core platform is centralized or decentralized. A technology with a low barrier to entry and decentralized platform development has the greatest potential for future impact. None of the
  • 59.
  • 60. IBM Chief: Computers Will Soon be Smarter Than Humans January 18th 2017 Kurzweil Claims That the Singularity Will Happen by 2029 March 16th 2017
  • 61. Bill Gates Says We Shouldn’t Panic About Artificial Intelligence September 26th 2017 In the end, it’s not so much AI itself that we should watch out for. It’s how human beings use it. The enemy here is not technology. It’s recklessness. To fear or not to fear ?
  • 62. When artificial intelligence meets human stupidity WEF 29-08-2017  There is a rough agreement among many AI experts that the technological singularity - the moment when machine intelligence supersedes human intelligence, and life as we know it changes unrecognizably - will take place soon after 2030.  Should we be worried at the prospect of the singularity? Excited? Afraid? Surprised? Or lost in this scientific jargon? Or should we be more worried about merging artificially intelligent machines (AIM) not with human intelligence, but with human stupidity ?
  • 63. Internet of medical things Big data Artificial intelligence Platform-solutions Blockchain Cloud
  • 64.
  • 65. Quelle structure nous faut-il ?  PLATEFORM SOLUTIONS Revolutionize healthcare information management with BLOCKCHAIN technology…. Discussions ongoing between FDA and IBM Caractéristiques: Systèmes intégrés Acquisition des données dans des formats standards Stockage des données Echange des données Analyse des données Sécurité et sauvegarde de la vie privée
  • 66. Internet of medical things Big data Artificial intelligence Platform-solutions Blockchain Cloud
  • 67. Every field of human activity will be concerned by BLOCKCHAIN The system of Blockchain has been quietly growing since its inception in  2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym for the suspected group of individuals who co-created Bitcoin. Blockchain Will Change Far More Than How Your Money Is Managed. WWW.FUTURISM.COM March 9th 2017
  • 68. DISTRIBUTED NETWORK AUTHORITY • No central authority required •Network consensus used for validation •Data ownership stays with the provider of the data EFFICIENCY • Connection of data silos •Direct data transfer between network participants •Simple process integration of external partners SECURITY •Security provided via cryptography •Transparency through history of transactions •Tamper-proof through distributed network design AVAILABILITY •Easy network participation •Advanced interoperability between partners •Reduced risk of data loss through shared ledger Security Trust Transparency This technology could provide a new model for health information exchanges (HIE) by making electronic medical records.
  • 69. How can blockchain be used in healthcare? 2017 Drug Traceability where each transaction between drug manufacturers, wholesalers, pharmacists and patients can be tracked to verify and secure drug product information important for tackling issues such as counterfeit drugs.  Improvement and authentication of health records and protocols on record sharing. Smart contracts where certain rule-based methods are created for patient data access. Here, permissions can be granted to selected health organisations.  Clinical trials where altering or modifying data from clinical trials fraudulently can be eradicated.  Precision medicine where patients, researchers and providers can collaborate to develop individualised care.  Genomics research via access to genetic data secured on blockchain  Electronic health records (EHRs)  Nationwide interoperability 
  • 70. The CDC Wants to Use Blockchain as a Weapon Against Deadly Epidemics October 11th 2017 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating how they might use the blockchain to share medical data between organizations across the United States. This could have a profound effect on the CDC's ability to respond to epidemics.
  • 71. IBM Watson, FDA to explore blockchain for secure patient data exchange The initial focus for blockchain will be oncology-related data exchange Computerworld January 11th 2017 IBM's Watson Health artificial intelligence unit has signed a two-year joint-development agreement with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to explore using blockchain technology to securely share patient data for medical research and other purposes. IBM Watson Health and the FDA will explore the exchange of patient-level data from several sources, including electronic medical records (EMRs), clinical trials, genomic data, and health data from mobile devices, wearables and the "Internet of Things." The initial focus will be on oncology-related information.
  • 72. Internet of medical things Big data Artificial intelligence Platform-solutions Blockchain Cloud
  • 73. THE CLOUD IS ONLY BEGINNING TO CHANGE HEALTHCARE JULY 20TH 2017 CLOUD DECISION CENTER In 10 years, says one stakeholder, expect a completely patient-centric experience, as well as the question, “How did we ever do without this?”. The healthcare sector may have been slow to embrace the possibilities of new IT, but now that it has, look out!
  • 74. Why Amazon invested in this cancer-testing startup founded by a Google exec Amazon invested in a company called Grail back in March. It wasn't clear why. The answer? It's all about the cloud. July 26th 2017 A health start-up called Grail is developing one of the most ambitious technologies in Silicon Valley. And Amazon wants a piece of it.  According to two sources familiar, Amazon invested in Grail as a very special kind of future customer for its cloud business. This Former Google Exec Is On A Mission To Develop A Blood Test For Cancer A personal tragedy was one of the motivations for Jeff Huber to seek out his new role as CEO of Illumina spinout Grail. 02-10-2016 FastCompany
  • 75. SOUND CLOUD ECONOMICS STILL KEY TO SUCCESSFUL HEALTH ORG TRANSITION OCTOBER 30RD 2017 CLOUD DECISION CENTER As David Loshin, president of Knowledge Integrity Inc., a Big Data and Business Intelligence consulting, training and development services company noted recently, “aside from the potential cost benefits of transitioning IT such as data warehousing, business intelligence and analytics environments to the cloud, there are four factors that make cloud an attractive option for CIOs: the ability to renovate and modernize their system as the capabilities are moved to the cloud platform; access to virtualized systems that are deployable on the latest and greatest hardware platforms, thus reducing the potential for hardware obsolescence; the growing menu of services provided by the cloud hosts; and the ability to offload system management and maintenance to the cloud provider.”
  • 78. AMA President: Digital innovations need to fight, not add to, physician burnout By Dave Muoio October 30, 2017 “We listen to what physicians around this country say and they’re telling us loud and clear that in many cases technology isn’t working for them, and in many cases they are feeling burned out because of the stresses of the current environment of practices,” Dr Barbe (President of AMA) called on the digital health community to keep the flagging physician in mind when designing new solutions.
  • 79. Paradigm changes  DIY medicine:  The pre-primary care model  Tele-medecine  Homecare
  • 80. “The term ‘primary care’ is a misnomer. The first thing citizens and patients do is think what they can do for themselves, the second is to seek advice from friends and family, and in the last twenty years, the internet … Then they seek professional help.”  Pre-Primary Care: An Untapped Global Health Opportunity By Jonathon Carr-Brown and Matteo Berlucchi Professor Sir Muir Gray CBE  Honorary Professor  Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health  Sciences, University of Oxford
  • 84. OslerMD Rapid 6 Vital Sign Measurement System for Home and Clinic NOVEMBER 22ND, 2016 MEDGADGET The device is yet to be available, and the firm is currently raising round A funding to have the money necessary to get through the FDA’s class 2 device clinical trial. So far the company performed an in-house trial similar to what the FDA would require, and has been satisfied with the accuracy of the OslerMD. The final cost is expected to be between $200 and $250. Doctors’ offices can use the system during check-ins and to make things transparent, the data can be routed to the default electronic medical records (EMR) used by the physician group. Because other device can be tied into the OslerMD, the company is thinking of eventually producing a health kiosk based on its device that can be integrated into various health facilitie
  • 85. By 2030, Hospitals May Be a Thing of the Past November 14th 2016 FUTURISM.COM Predictions from the co-chair of the World Economic Forum’s Future Council, Melanie Walker, say we'll soon enter a post-hospital world due to advances in personalized medicine, health monitoring, and nanotechnology. The lynchpin of Walker’s predictions is the increasing adoption of new healthcare technologies, not just in hospitals but in homes. In fact, she says the rise of personalized medicine means we’re moving from hospitals to “home-spitals.”
  • 86. Home-based connected health to overtake hospital-based by 2019 October 14th 2014 “The growing adoption of telemedicine services is expected to significantly impact larger markets such as healthcare, health insurance, home care, telecommunications (telecom), networking, disease management, e-health, and healthcare IT.”
  • 87. UK NHS to spend nearly 6 billion$ to go digital including remote care & health apps February 12th 2016 One of the NHS’ goals is to have 25% of chronic conditions like hypertension and diabetes monitoring their health remotely by 2020 NHS to offer free devices and apps to help people manage illnesses June 17th 2016 The Guardian Millions of people will receive devices and apps free on the NHS to help them manage conditions such as diabetes and heart disease in an major drive to use technology to reduce patient deaths.
  • 89. Transforming Health: Toward decentralized and connected care 16-09-2014 MaRS New ecosystem
  • 90. Report: With today's technology, digital health could save US $7 billion By Jonah Comstock November 07, 2017 Existing digital health products, if deployed comprehensively across the country, could save the US $7 billion a year in healthcare spending, according to a new report from IQVIA, which until yesterday was known as Quintiles/IMS Health. “Diabetes prevention, diabetes care, asthma, cardiac rehabilitation, and pulmonary rehabilitation — in each of those five areas we took the results from published research and modeled that to estimate that if these available apps today were used by all patients who could benefit from them, the US healthcare system could save $7 billion per year. So that’s just for five areas. If that level of savings was achievable across all disease areas, we’re looking at annual savings of something like $46 billion.”
  • 91. Qualcomm: 5G will power the push toward outcome-based care By Dave Muoio October 27, 2017 A newly released report from Qualcomm and the University of California, Berkeley suggests that the technology will become a “substantial enabler” of the future’s personalized health care ecosystem, and within healthcare alone will have a sales enabling effect of more than $1.1 trillion.
  • 92. Kraft: Healthcare data-flow of the future will be fluid, proactive, and personalized By Jonah Comstock September 21, 2017 The individual parts of the healthcare system of the future are here, but it will take forward-thinking innovators to bring those pieces together into a new paradigm.
  • 93. New technologies are transforming health, but culture lags behind By Dave Muoio September 19, 2017 Healthcare is becoming more decentralized every day thanks to new technologies and a growing emphasis on consumer- focused services, according to presentations at the Patient Engagement and Experience Summit in Boston today. But even as telehealth, wearables, virtual reality, and other technologies disrupt familiar models of health care delivery, a greater shift in culture and policy will be necessary to transform care. “Innovation really has to be in the DNA of an organization,” 
  • 94. Standing is the fastest way of going backwards Andy Lilli It’s not a question of should business embrace digital transformation ? But rather: how will they if they haven’t already! ? Andy lilli