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L3 Creative Media
Production & Technology
Year Two Evaluation Template
Evaluation Overview
This evaluation form is designed to assist you in the evaluation of your projects.
When using this form, it is good practice to:
• Use appropriate terminology.
• Stay concise and focus on key points.
• Evaluate and analyze your statements.
• Focus on judgements about work rather than telling a story of how It was made.
Delete this slide when done!
Please find the grading matrix here to help you assess you are working at the right level.
Level 3 Extended Diploma Grading Matrix -
Project Overview
In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an
overview of the activates you undertook to complete It.
What was the theme of your project and what
attracted you to it?
The MOA magazine I have created had consisted originally involved of four themes but then in the final piece was only three themes that were
Y2K or can be called the early 2000s, the euphoria from HBO tv Euphoria and lastly the Cottage core but fourth concept was cancelled out in
the end was streetwear. The overall theme to the magazine was to showcase the versatility in fashion with the different fashion concept and
express the impact of each fashion concepts on the youth as this magazine will be targeted towards to the ages 16-21, as that is a section of
the youth and more of a push to the young adults but for the young adults the magazine will be more visually appealing for the nostalgia for
when they were younger. Creating the MOA magazine was something I had spent this year working towards as this last year In media for was
to Improve my editing skills and just my overall experience on graphic design and with this project I was able to bring back my photography
skills that I haven’t used In a year so In preparation for my FMP.
What research did you undertake and how did It help develop your project?
The first initial section of research I had done for this project in preparation for creating my magazine was researching about the evolution of
women’s fashion and how the fashion had progressed over the decades, I just thought it was important for research and write out about the
history of women’s as I was originally creating women’s fashion magazine but later evolved to magazine that’s included femininity as I thought
that more fitting to what I wanted present to my magazine. I started researching about women’s dating back to the 1900s and stating the 20th
century fashion on how in 1900s fashion consisted of corset and creating this ‘S’ bend body shape to fit the body standards placed onto them
which getting this body type and also the use of corset was harmful to the bodies of women as they use boned corsets that would affect their
movement and their backs. And I wrote all the decades of fashion all the way to the early 2000s fashion which the information that mattered
the most in this research was the early 2000s fashion as I’ve planning to have one of the themes for my magazine that’s contains early 2000s
fashion, as looking at the work that I had written for the fashion of the early 2000s wasn’t enough knowledge as to comparison to other
decades I has wrote about but either way I was able to research or get more information about the early 2000s fashion while I was doing my
article writing for my two arrive for the Y2K fashion so not all was lost or wasted time for my research on the evolution of women’s fashion.
Another way I was doing research for developing my project was looking at the existing products of well known fashion magazines, as I
researched 3 fashion magazine brands which were Vogue, Elle and I-D magazine. The reasoning of choosing the three magazines was due to
fact that as my original idea for FMP was to rebrand the Vogue magazine and different themes and contents together and researching about
the Vogue magazine was needed to see the history of Vogue magazine and the purpose of why Vogue magazine was made and how did they
success and become the well-known sophisticated fashion brand that it is today. Researching the Vogue magazine visually too what aspects
of Vogue that I liked and see what I could about the Vogue magazine into something more interesting because the overall theme of Vogue Is
sophisticated fashion, where there Isn’t too much going with magazine, the editing style and colour palettes were quite plain which with my
rebrand of Vogue the purpose was to make the possible overall of Vogue could a lot more Interesting. Then I next researched about Elle
magazine that Is also another luxurious sophisticated fashion magazine, I was researching for the Elle magazine I was able to find out the
purpose of the magazine, where the magazine originated with purpose to uplift women coming out of the Second World War Not make It
depend on themselves And live a successful life without a Man In their life and can get a full time education and can wear whatever they want
without a man’s opinion which was nice meaning why Elle magazine was made. Aside from that the Elle magazine, visual aspect of magazine
was along the same lines as to Vogue magazine with having the sophisticated and simplistic look to magazine which it was gaining more
knowledge to fashion magazines, on how a lot of the well known fashion magazine brands usually go down ‘sleek’, ‘high class's and
‘sophisticated’ theme overall to the magazine which their target audience would more meant of older women In the upper class but only to the
upper class women just older women In general. Which these magazines wouldn’t meet target young women or teenagers as I was creating a
fashion magazine that target to younger audiences and with themes I was having the magazine was going targeted towards a younger
anyway. I-D magazine and was the magazine that I visually take Inspiration from and researched visually but I write about the history of this
magazine, as this magazine goes down the different of how a magazine looks as the magazines steps away from the ‘clean’ look to the
magazine. The style form the magazine I-D go down Is using typography and having punk essence In their work such the photos they took
and also their articles written were presented a lot more different than other magazines. After researching the three magazines was gain more
of visual content on how I could adapt and change but also create my own magazine by looking at the existing magazines what areas of their
work I like I could Interpret In my work and see what areas of the work I would change/ do differently In own my work.
How did you develop and improve your ideas
throughout the project?
With my initial idea for FMP it was to rebrand a fashion magazine that I decided on Vogue to be the fashion magazine that I would rebrand but the whole
magazine, my initial was to rebrand a section of the magazine and also rebrand Vogue magazine website as I thought was achievable for me to do in this
project and as I was planning and forming the magazine first but with planning and forming my magazine I soon realised that creating/ rebranding a
magazine and website was going to be too much of a work overload for that and I think I realised to late into production which was hard for as that the
planning I had done for the magazine website was really just a waste of my time and I could’ve that adding more towards the magazine as that was my
end product for FMP. But even with my magazine the whole to rebrand the Vogue started to deteriorate as I was going further into production as I started
to realise that my magazine will have any connotations to the Vogue, looking at my magazine and looking at the Vogue magazine there’s no similarity
and It better now for me to just call my magazine something I made from scratch and say that I used vogue as an Inspiration more the rebrand statement.
So overall my Initial Idea and final end product Is very different and not fitting towards what I had I made when going into FMP, but my feelings towards
my whole not going to plan is negative I actually quite like my overall magazine I have created and I was able to make an gallery of photos I had for the
magazine but they are unedited so there Is a glimpse of the behind the scenes of my magazine. I do like the fact that I was able to do most of the theme I
has planned In the beginning of this project It was only the streetwear concept that I was able to achieve but also that doesn’t upset me that much since I
was to do majority of the concepts I had In mind Initially.
What was the outcome of the project/task?
The outcome of this project for FMP was really showcase what I had spent these two years of media doing, and also
to test myself and the skills I could perform in this project. As I've spent the two years experimenting in various areas
of media such as film, animation, photography and graphic design, with that I was able to dabble into different of
media and see what I liked and disliked in media and what I could focus on in my final year In media. Although my
final product didn’t match to what I had firstly planned, but my overall outcome of making the fashion magazine and
the outcome to create something that I was happy about and proud for myself being media but to create a fashion
magazine towards young people with Interesting and Intriguing aspects/ themes of fashion with Interesting
discussion of topics/ themes Involved In the magazine.
Personal Response
This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the
experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal
feelings may have Impacted the final outcome.
How did you feel about the project before you
When starting my FMP project and I was really excited to start planning and develop my idea but mainly I was
excited to start creating the fashion magazine and get back int taking as that something I haven’t in a while so this
idea to have a fashion magazine that include my own images that I would’ve taken make more ecstatic about this
project. When planning for the magazine and deciding on what themes and concepts I was going to include in
there, and deciding on the Y2K, Euphoria and Cottage Core In the final product but with the addition having the
Idea Involving the streetwear In magazine but not actually ending up In the magazine. When originally thinking of
those four themes to in my magazine it did really excite me on being able experiment on various themes that were
slightly or just completely different themes, having these themes/Ideas first addressed and made In the beginning
of FMP made me feel very content In my Initial plan for FMP.
What do you think about your project development
and how did It help you to refine your Idea?
I definitely think looking back on my project development there could’ve been a lot more in detail on time management on creating the
magazine and wanting to create a magazine website as I wasn’t able to I create the website and I spent a lot of my time on the
magazine but reasoning that I wasn’t able to finish the work photoshoot in time as I only was able to do two out of four themes/
concepts and eventually decided to get rid the fourth concept the streetwear as I didn’t have enough to edit the pages for the
magazine have them uploaded In time as that would take time over In my evaluation and creating my presentation for my magazine. I
think that on my part I was I had too many expectations to create the magazine and the magazine website, and I don’t think I really
planned In detail on specific dates and specific tasks do to for each product I was making and I didn’t think much about what could go
wrong and how to resolve the Issues that could occur when going Into production so that affected my project development and my
final product.
Did you collaborate on your project or engage
contributors, etc.?
For the magazine I had one contributor involved as the model and if it wasn’t for having her as model in my magazine, the magazine
wouldn’t be the same or be at level that it is without her. I am delighted I was able to have someone who was so versatile in her
modelling and being to fit and form into the different concepts that I was able to capture amazing photographs used in the magazine
and although making a website, the Intentions I had with the magazine was to showcase the Images a lot more that were unedited or
edited a lot less and I wasn’t able to I do that but I resolved this Issue but creating a section on my FMP website a gallery that
contained unseen and unedited photos of the model to really showcase her talents as a model but also to showcase my photography
How did you feel when the project was completed
and why?
The honest reaction to my project being done was relief, as in the beginning of the project I was ecstatic to begin creating
content for my product but although progressively into the project I started to get drained in stress of things not going in plan
and having to change and adjust my ideas to resolve issues of my doing was too much stress placed onto but I was to get by
and create at least some idea that I had when I first planned for this project. The process of creating my product has been
very inconsistent of where some days I was happy and excited to create my magazine but some days I felt like giving it all up.
But I think it’s all my doing as I didn’t write and over see any deeper towards of things that could go when actually creating
the products I was just thinking about creating them and having the final products done, I didn’t prioritise planning Is essential
or as just as Important as the final product which caused an Imbalance or an Inconsistency in my work overall looking at it
and that honestly has me upset in myself but I wouldn’t had enough time to edit and fix everything to make It at the same
level as I would want It to be but I’m just glad that I was able to finish and create the magazine In general even though there
was so much more I could’ve done but I didn’t I’m just glad It Is just finished.
Evaluating the project
In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The
evaluation may include some similar information, but it will also include critical comment.
An evaluation must Include Information about the good and bad points of the project and It
Is Important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of
the success of the project
What were the good points about the project/task and
what did you learn from them? [try and think of at least 3,
more If possible]
The good points of this project was my ability to change my idea not too drastic like I had done previously as my plan to rebrand
Vogue didn't go through I was able to find a solution that didn’t have restarting the whole FMP project again. This issue arise when I
was in the middle of Production and I was already creating pages and realized that I wouldn’t had time to create the website and also
rebrand the magazine as this magazine was looking so different to Vogue that there wasn’t really a point of saying that I was
rebranding it and I was struggling with logo ideas for when rebranding Vogue but when I decided to make it my own I was able to call
the magazine something that represented me in the magazine as I think that was another good point in this project/magazine. As I
thought the double meaning to my logo is such good point of my magazine as that something definitely different to most magazines
out there.
What challenges did you face and how did you
respond to them? Try and think of at least 3...
The first thing I would point out as a challenge in this project while in production period of creating my magazine was the fact that I
had half of my content ready to be edited for the magazine, as knowing and arrange times with my model over the holidays to take
photos and I really had the hope that we would’ve been to get all photos shot for all themes on the date we planned to take photos
but sadly and also gratefully was able to get 2 of themes done before I went back to college. It was sad and disappointing for me as I
had higher hopes of getting photos done ready and I could really focus finishing the magazine early and I would have time to focus on
magazine website with time left and also fix and alter my planning better to hopefully raise my grade higher, but that wasn’t care for
me. Going back to college and having half of the magazine done was great but having to arrange another time for the model and I to
finish the other two concepts/ themes was another difficultly/ challenge as I was trying to focus a lot of my attention onto editing my
magazine I was experiencing paranoia that I would be able to finish my magazine on time and that’s paranoia was taking a toll on my
work ethic towards the project as I progressively started to lose Interest In finishing this magazine and the whole project for FMP as
whole, I got lazy with my work. I lost motivation and drive to finish my magazine, but luckily on one the days after college the model
and I were able to do one more on the themes which was the Y2K and I decided In the arrange for the Y2K photoshoot to get rid of
the Streetwear concept/ theme In magazine as whole and also get rid the Idea of creating a magazine website as too much time had
gone and water of me doing not much because half of my content wasn’t captured or edited and that would go up on the website, I
realised there won’t time to create and finish the website so to overcome this challenge I decided to take out the concept.
What were the negative points about the experience,
and what could you have done to Improve them?
The negative point I was experienced in this project was my state of mind in the production period of creating the MOA magazine, as I
was just losing a lot hope in my end product as I just thought I was going even create the magazine the way I had envisioned. I was
looking at this project negatively and didn’t want to continue on and I was just ready to give up, this is really affected my mental health
and also massively affected my final product I made I genuinely think I could’ve a lot more in so many areas of project and I feel
disappointed looking at my planning and my. magazine and looking at the areas I could’ve done so much more but really there is
nothing I can change about It but for sure this was the biggest negative point In this project, mi not sure If I really overcame the
struggle or negative mentality I had for this project all I wanted to do was to finish this project. But one thing I would Improve I
could’ve about this in the moment was to put less stress on myself about it and push and work to the best I can or just little to working
and not take an overload work at do It one go so that I don’t receive any burnout after doing one huge task, my time management
was needed to Improve and I think my work and my state of mind would have been better at end of It all.
How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines
of poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating]
I would rate my work at the level poor in between the level of satisfactory as I think in some area of my work meet the levels of satisfactory such as my
front page as I think it is really good front cover for a magazine it definitely has more of an interesting turn a usual magazine front cover, but I do have say
that the front cover of magazine in my personal can give off the look of a poster more than a magazine cover which not I was not intent with the front
cover but I can’t help to view in that way and that Is something I will taken knowledge not to do In my future project. But overall my work and final product
I personally jump in between of being poor level and satisfactory due to the fact there is clearly inconsistencies as some of my work is very detailed or
well edited and then In some areas It’s not written well or edited better than It could be and it’s a disappointment to say for myself with my end product
but I don’t think It exceeds to the level to good In any way.
How did you design appeal to your target audience?
The overall design of my work I think in the three concepts that are there in my magazine to match and target my audience as creating a magazine that
contained more than one themes in there, there is more expansion of the target audience such people who like the concepts and wear this concepts in
the day to day lives will the specific theme I had done the in magazine but the expansion is to target audience is people who fit to one specific theme/
concepts or aesthetic will enjoy my magazine as there is much more variety to the magazine. I think when you first take a glance at my magazine if you
are apart of my target audience is that if they really like the important early 2000s/ the Y2K fashion, the front cover will be most interesting and intriguing
magazine as it will fit the theme of what they like In their personal Interests In early 2000s fashion. The magazine would also be interesting to them as the
over saturation of pink all over the front cover would be something that Is interesting to the target audience that do enjoy the Y2K aesthetic as it will be
fitting to how magazine and poster were in the early 2000s. I also think that with use text I used for the logo and for talking about the model photo are
very fitting to the Y2K aesthetic that I had In mind about other people of that target would enjoy, as the text that says “Featuring Sadie White” Is very
similar to the jewellery text used for pendant necklaces that were usually worn In the 2000s but now have come back Into trends I think that It would
make more Interesting to audience that do enjoy the Y2K aesthetic.
In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make
sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how
your decisions Informed the project development and the success of the
In what ways was the overall project a success?
The project was an overall success in the fact I was able to take photos to majority of all photos for the three themes left in
magazine although I did have to remove on the themes I think it was success that I was able to most of the concepts and
theme I had in idea for the magazine. It think it was also a success in this project that I was able to have everything finally
finished when I had the longest time In the production period thought I wasn’t going to even finish my magazine, I think that
was. a massive success that I was able I have finish off my magazine when at one point I didn’t have the urge or even the
Intentions to.
How did your skills develop during the portfolio?
[remember, skills aren't just technical, remember things
like organization, time management, communication]
Initially I thought time management and organisation skills were improving and I was doing the best I’ve done in the two years of media and I was really
motivated to do well and have everything done on time and well done, as I thought my time management was working the beginning having the
photoshoot for planned over the holidays and have all my photos taken before I went back to college and going into my second week on production and
being finish off my articles in the first week of production, it seemed very likely that the project was going to work in favour and was going to be happy
with the final end product but due to my lack of detail for potential issues and my solution to those issues was my downfall in my process of making the
magazine. Which I think my time management skills affected my organisation skills as I was starting problems and faults In my work having fix my work
and alter my work was affected massively and my end product Isn’t at the best It could be which upsets me a lot because I had high hopes and
expectations for this project. But I definitely my communication skills in this project improved a lot more with organising the photoshoot and having the
two conversations about arranging for the first photoshoot and then rearranging again for the second half of the concepts photoshoots, but I was also to
express my opinions or thoughts on what the models could pose like In the photos due to me having Inspiration Pinterest boards/ mood boards for what I
envisioned for each concept photos to look like so I think my communication skills Improved and benefitted me having the my photos the way I would
want them to.
What meaning and messages did you want
to convey and were you successful?
The messages and meanings I had showcased in my magazine was show versatility in fashion with the inclusion of three different themes/ concepts, as I
was able to coney different themes in the colour schemes such as the three concepts had very different colour schemes that contrasted with each other
and the art styles I went in creating with the pages/ articles of each concept so I think was able to showcase and convey the differences in trends/
aesthetics that my target audience enjoy. With the articles I wrote for the magazine was to the audience to them insight to how these fashion trends
apprise and become popular as fashion always stems from somewhere and I think It Is Important to take notice and address where the fashion originated
from and especially if it comes from people’s cultures, and minority groups as sometimes in the media, peoples cultures and items in culture can stolen
and treated like there are something new and credit Is given to the people who stole and that Is very harmful those of groups of where culture originated
from. So to talk about where certain fashion originated was Important to me to address my work and I think that this was successful In my work
What feedback did you get from your peers and viewings?
“Amazing! The magazine is really creative, I live that you have different concepts and alternating colour schemes for each. Even though there’s different
topics I think it still flows really well and is visually appealing. I love that layout of website home page and I think it brings together all the different themes
really well, the gallery is beautiful, and the photos capture the feeling of what cottage core is about.”
“I think the layout of the magazine is extremely professional and reminds me of a popular magazine you would see older teenagers reading. The spin on
the name adds a simplicity but is also rememberable as it's unique and rolls of the tongue well. I love the way the euphoria concept is portrayed and
gives really essence of the TV series and how the design changes throughout to fit the theme. It really sets the mood for the page. If there was any
improvements to be made I would either condense or break up the text on some of the pages as readers may lose interest in reading a whole block of
text, rather they would stay interested if it were in shorter paragraphs. Overall, I think the image quality is fantastic and the versatility of the model fits well
with each theme, the editing helps to enhance this and throws you into the aesthetic. I think if published, this could be a successful fashion magazine in
inspiring older teenagers to try different aesthetics.”
- The feedback I have gotten comes from two people that apart of the target age that I made this magazine for and looking at the
feedback it seems to me that they really enjoy the look of the magazine and especially the different themes and aesthetics which that
was my intentions with making this magazine, and the things I could improve isn’t too drastic where my magazine would change, from
the feedback I have received shows that they really like the overall look to my magazine which makes me feel proud that although my
initial of this magazine didn’t go to plan at least still the end product still very liked in general but also the target audience I had
What would you do differently in the future and why?
I think what I would do differently in this project was manage my time better and also have realistic and achievable goals and plans
for my project, as this was something that took a massive affect on my work in the process of making the magazine. As I think the
overall look of my pages in the magazine could have been a lot more better looking if I had the time to really edit them the way I
could’ve done and wanted to, I believe that my editing skills weren’t at their greatest potential due to me not managing my time well
on what areas of the magazine I was going to be working on. With the lack of detail In planning also had an effect on my final
products so I wish focused to put more detail in my planning about what my process I was going to through In my production time for
the magazine.
Action Plan
This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and
Identify ways you could develop.
What personal attributes could you develop to
ensure you are working at a professional level?
With the last project for this course and the material I used to enhance my skills with editing the magazine was again material
uploaded on YouTube by other graphic designers and creators but especially helped me in my process throughout this project and
other project in media and this also helped me when I had to experiment with different types on photo editing and also introduced me
into experimenting with typography. As I think the video I watched on creating a sphere like text or text goes in circle that I thought
this was a really eye opener to what could do in my magazine but I sadly wasn’t able to do it due my lack of time management I was
able to infiltrate that certain effects into my work which was disappointing to me as I was never able to showcase any of the
experiments I had gone through in my FMP process in my actual work but that is my doing. but I guess in my in my case that I was
able to gain more knowledge about photo editing and typography as the photo editing helped me be able to alter the Images to create
a certain look or an affect to the image if I can’t get the real authentic image and with the typography I was able to just learn
something new that I could make a amazing effect on a magazine or just a poster If I ever plan to make one in the near future it will
be better for me to have already known knowledge about typography and photo editing. And defiantly again going into future project
will be these sources such YouTube as an area I would develop my skills ensure that I could work on professional level as I would
gaining more information how to create effects if I don’t know initially and I will be building more skills and be able to have more skills
under my belt and will be able be more appealing and more of a professional to clients.

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L3 CMPT Y2 Evaluation

  • 1. L3 Creative Media Production & Technology Year Two Evaluation Template
  • 2. Evaluation Overview This evaluation form is designed to assist you in the evaluation of your projects. When using this form, it is good practice to: • Use appropriate terminology. • Stay concise and focus on key points. • Evaluate and analyze your statements. • Focus on judgements about work rather than telling a story of how It was made. Delete this slide when done! Please find the grading matrix here to help you assess you are working at the right level. Level 3 Extended Diploma Grading Matrix -
  • 3. Project Overview In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an overview of the activates you undertook to complete It.
  • 4. What was the theme of your project and what attracted you to it? The MOA magazine I have created had consisted originally involved of four themes but then in the final piece was only three themes that were Y2K or can be called the early 2000s, the euphoria from HBO tv Euphoria and lastly the Cottage core but fourth concept was cancelled out in the end was streetwear. The overall theme to the magazine was to showcase the versatility in fashion with the different fashion concept and express the impact of each fashion concepts on the youth as this magazine will be targeted towards to the ages 16-21, as that is a section of the youth and more of a push to the young adults but for the young adults the magazine will be more visually appealing for the nostalgia for when they were younger. Creating the MOA magazine was something I had spent this year working towards as this last year In media for was to Improve my editing skills and just my overall experience on graphic design and with this project I was able to bring back my photography skills that I haven’t used In a year so In preparation for my FMP.
  • 5. What research did you undertake and how did It help develop your project? The first initial section of research I had done for this project in preparation for creating my magazine was researching about the evolution of women’s fashion and how the fashion had progressed over the decades, I just thought it was important for research and write out about the history of women’s as I was originally creating women’s fashion magazine but later evolved to magazine that’s included femininity as I thought that more fitting to what I wanted present to my magazine. I started researching about women’s dating back to the 1900s and stating the 20th century fashion on how in 1900s fashion consisted of corset and creating this ‘S’ bend body shape to fit the body standards placed onto them which getting this body type and also the use of corset was harmful to the bodies of women as they use boned corsets that would affect their movement and their backs. And I wrote all the decades of fashion all the way to the early 2000s fashion which the information that mattered the most in this research was the early 2000s fashion as I’ve planning to have one of the themes for my magazine that’s contains early 2000s fashion, as looking at the work that I had written for the fashion of the early 2000s wasn’t enough knowledge as to comparison to other decades I has wrote about but either way I was able to research or get more information about the early 2000s fashion while I was doing my article writing for my two arrive for the Y2K fashion so not all was lost or wasted time for my research on the evolution of women’s fashion. Another way I was doing research for developing my project was looking at the existing products of well known fashion magazines, as I researched 3 fashion magazine brands which were Vogue, Elle and I-D magazine. The reasoning of choosing the three magazines was due to fact that as my original idea for FMP was to rebrand the Vogue magazine and different themes and contents together and researching about the Vogue magazine was needed to see the history of Vogue magazine and the purpose of why Vogue magazine was made and how did they success and become the well-known sophisticated fashion brand that it is today. Researching the Vogue magazine visually too what aspects of Vogue that I liked and see what I could about the Vogue magazine into something more interesting because the overall theme of Vogue Is sophisticated fashion, where there Isn’t too much going with magazine, the editing style and colour palettes were quite plain which with my rebrand of Vogue the purpose was to make the possible overall of Vogue could a lot more Interesting. Then I next researched about Elle magazine that Is also another luxurious sophisticated fashion magazine, I was researching for the Elle magazine I was able to find out the purpose of the magazine, where the magazine originated with purpose to uplift women coming out of the Second World War Not make It depend on themselves And live a successful life without a Man In their life and can get a full time education and can wear whatever they want without a man’s opinion which was nice meaning why Elle magazine was made. Aside from that the Elle magazine, visual aspect of magazine was along the same lines as to Vogue magazine with having the sophisticated and simplistic look to magazine which it was gaining more knowledge to fashion magazines, on how a lot of the well known fashion magazine brands usually go down ‘sleek’, ‘high class's and ‘sophisticated’ theme overall to the magazine which their target audience would more meant of older women In the upper class but only to the upper class women just older women In general. Which these magazines wouldn’t meet target young women or teenagers as I was creating a fashion magazine that target to younger audiences and with themes I was having the magazine was going targeted towards a younger anyway. I-D magazine and was the magazine that I visually take Inspiration from and researched visually but I write about the history of this magazine, as this magazine goes down the different of how a magazine looks as the magazines steps away from the ‘clean’ look to the magazine. The style form the magazine I-D go down Is using typography and having punk essence In their work such the photos they took and also their articles written were presented a lot more different than other magazines. After researching the three magazines was gain more of visual content on how I could adapt and change but also create my own magazine by looking at the existing magazines what areas of their work I like I could Interpret In my work and see what areas of the work I would change/ do differently In own my work.
  • 6. How did you develop and improve your ideas throughout the project? With my initial idea for FMP it was to rebrand a fashion magazine that I decided on Vogue to be the fashion magazine that I would rebrand but the whole magazine, my initial was to rebrand a section of the magazine and also rebrand Vogue magazine website as I thought was achievable for me to do in this project and as I was planning and forming the magazine first but with planning and forming my magazine I soon realised that creating/ rebranding a magazine and website was going to be too much of a work overload for that and I think I realised to late into production which was hard for as that the planning I had done for the magazine website was really just a waste of my time and I could’ve that adding more towards the magazine as that was my end product for FMP. But even with my magazine the whole to rebrand the Vogue started to deteriorate as I was going further into production as I started to realise that my magazine will have any connotations to the Vogue, looking at my magazine and looking at the Vogue magazine there’s no similarity and It better now for me to just call my magazine something I made from scratch and say that I used vogue as an Inspiration more the rebrand statement. So overall my Initial Idea and final end product Is very different and not fitting towards what I had I made when going into FMP, but my feelings towards my whole not going to plan is negative I actually quite like my overall magazine I have created and I was able to make an gallery of photos I had for the magazine but they are unedited so there Is a glimpse of the behind the scenes of my magazine. I do like the fact that I was able to do most of the theme I has planned In the beginning of this project It was only the streetwear concept that I was able to achieve but also that doesn’t upset me that much since I was to do majority of the concepts I had In mind Initially.
  • 7. What was the outcome of the project/task? The outcome of this project for FMP was really showcase what I had spent these two years of media doing, and also to test myself and the skills I could perform in this project. As I've spent the two years experimenting in various areas of media such as film, animation, photography and graphic design, with that I was able to dabble into different of media and see what I liked and disliked in media and what I could focus on in my final year In media. Although my final product didn’t match to what I had firstly planned, but my overall outcome of making the fashion magazine and the outcome to create something that I was happy about and proud for myself being media but to create a fashion magazine towards young people with Interesting and Intriguing aspects/ themes of fashion with Interesting discussion of topics/ themes Involved In the magazine.
  • 8. Personal Response This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal feelings may have Impacted the final outcome.
  • 9. How did you feel about the project before you started? When starting my FMP project and I was really excited to start planning and develop my idea but mainly I was excited to start creating the fashion magazine and get back int taking as that something I haven’t in a while so this idea to have a fashion magazine that include my own images that I would’ve taken make more ecstatic about this project. When planning for the magazine and deciding on what themes and concepts I was going to include in there, and deciding on the Y2K, Euphoria and Cottage Core In the final product but with the addition having the Idea Involving the streetwear In magazine but not actually ending up In the magazine. When originally thinking of those four themes to in my magazine it did really excite me on being able experiment on various themes that were slightly or just completely different themes, having these themes/Ideas first addressed and made In the beginning of FMP made me feel very content In my Initial plan for FMP.
  • 10. What do you think about your project development and how did It help you to refine your Idea? I definitely think looking back on my project development there could’ve been a lot more in detail on time management on creating the magazine and wanting to create a magazine website as I wasn’t able to I create the website and I spent a lot of my time on the magazine but reasoning that I wasn’t able to finish the work photoshoot in time as I only was able to do two out of four themes/ concepts and eventually decided to get rid the fourth concept the streetwear as I didn’t have enough to edit the pages for the magazine have them uploaded In time as that would take time over In my evaluation and creating my presentation for my magazine. I think that on my part I was I had too many expectations to create the magazine and the magazine website, and I don’t think I really planned In detail on specific dates and specific tasks do to for each product I was making and I didn’t think much about what could go wrong and how to resolve the Issues that could occur when going Into production so that affected my project development and my final product.
  • 11. Did you collaborate on your project or engage contributors, etc.? For the magazine I had one contributor involved as the model and if it wasn’t for having her as model in my magazine, the magazine wouldn’t be the same or be at level that it is without her. I am delighted I was able to have someone who was so versatile in her modelling and being to fit and form into the different concepts that I was able to capture amazing photographs used in the magazine and although making a website, the Intentions I had with the magazine was to showcase the Images a lot more that were unedited or edited a lot less and I wasn’t able to I do that but I resolved this Issue but creating a section on my FMP website a gallery that contained unseen and unedited photos of the model to really showcase her talents as a model but also to showcase my photography skills.
  • 12. How did you feel when the project was completed and why? The honest reaction to my project being done was relief, as in the beginning of the project I was ecstatic to begin creating content for my product but although progressively into the project I started to get drained in stress of things not going in plan and having to change and adjust my ideas to resolve issues of my doing was too much stress placed onto but I was to get by and create at least some idea that I had when I first planned for this project. The process of creating my product has been very inconsistent of where some days I was happy and excited to create my magazine but some days I felt like giving it all up. But I think it’s all my doing as I didn’t write and over see any deeper towards of things that could go when actually creating the products I was just thinking about creating them and having the final products done, I didn’t prioritise planning Is essential or as just as Important as the final product which caused an Imbalance or an Inconsistency in my work overall looking at it and that honestly has me upset in myself but I wouldn’t had enough time to edit and fix everything to make It at the same level as I would want It to be but I’m just glad that I was able to finish and create the magazine In general even though there was so much more I could’ve done but I didn’t I’m just glad It Is just finished.
  • 13. Evaluating the project In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The evaluation may include some similar information, but it will also include critical comment. An evaluation must Include Information about the good and bad points of the project and It Is Important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of the success of the project
  • 14. What were the good points about the project/task and what did you learn from them? [try and think of at least 3, more If possible] The good points of this project was my ability to change my idea not too drastic like I had done previously as my plan to rebrand Vogue didn't go through I was able to find a solution that didn’t have restarting the whole FMP project again. This issue arise when I was in the middle of Production and I was already creating pages and realized that I wouldn’t had time to create the website and also rebrand the magazine as this magazine was looking so different to Vogue that there wasn’t really a point of saying that I was rebranding it and I was struggling with logo ideas for when rebranding Vogue but when I decided to make it my own I was able to call the magazine something that represented me in the magazine as I think that was another good point in this project/magazine. As I thought the double meaning to my logo is such good point of my magazine as that something definitely different to most magazines out there.
  • 15. What challenges did you face and how did you respond to them? Try and think of at least 3... The first thing I would point out as a challenge in this project while in production period of creating my magazine was the fact that I had half of my content ready to be edited for the magazine, as knowing and arrange times with my model over the holidays to take photos and I really had the hope that we would’ve been to get all photos shot for all themes on the date we planned to take photos but sadly and also gratefully was able to get 2 of themes done before I went back to college. It was sad and disappointing for me as I had higher hopes of getting photos done ready and I could really focus finishing the magazine early and I would have time to focus on magazine website with time left and also fix and alter my planning better to hopefully raise my grade higher, but that wasn’t care for me. Going back to college and having half of the magazine done was great but having to arrange another time for the model and I to finish the other two concepts/ themes was another difficultly/ challenge as I was trying to focus a lot of my attention onto editing my magazine I was experiencing paranoia that I would be able to finish my magazine on time and that’s paranoia was taking a toll on my work ethic towards the project as I progressively started to lose Interest In finishing this magazine and the whole project for FMP as whole, I got lazy with my work. I lost motivation and drive to finish my magazine, but luckily on one the days after college the model and I were able to do one more on the themes which was the Y2K and I decided In the arrange for the Y2K photoshoot to get rid of the Streetwear concept/ theme In magazine as whole and also get rid the Idea of creating a magazine website as too much time had gone and water of me doing not much because half of my content wasn’t captured or edited and that would go up on the website, I realised there won’t time to create and finish the website so to overcome this challenge I decided to take out the concept.
  • 16. What were the negative points about the experience, and what could you have done to Improve them? The negative point I was experienced in this project was my state of mind in the production period of creating the MOA magazine, as I was just losing a lot hope in my end product as I just thought I was going even create the magazine the way I had envisioned. I was looking at this project negatively and didn’t want to continue on and I was just ready to give up, this is really affected my mental health and also massively affected my final product I made I genuinely think I could’ve a lot more in so many areas of project and I feel disappointed looking at my planning and my. magazine and looking at the areas I could’ve done so much more but really there is nothing I can change about It but for sure this was the biggest negative point In this project, mi not sure If I really overcame the struggle or negative mentality I had for this project all I wanted to do was to finish this project. But one thing I would Improve I could’ve about this in the moment was to put less stress on myself about it and push and work to the best I can or just little to working and not take an overload work at do It one go so that I don’t receive any burnout after doing one huge task, my time management was needed to Improve and I think my work and my state of mind would have been better at end of It all.
  • 17. How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines of poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating] I would rate my work at the level poor in between the level of satisfactory as I think in some area of my work meet the levels of satisfactory such as my front page as I think it is really good front cover for a magazine it definitely has more of an interesting turn a usual magazine front cover, but I do have say that the front cover of magazine in my personal can give off the look of a poster more than a magazine cover which not I was not intent with the front cover but I can’t help to view in that way and that Is something I will taken knowledge not to do In my future project. But overall my work and final product I personally jump in between of being poor level and satisfactory due to the fact there is clearly inconsistencies as some of my work is very detailed or well edited and then In some areas It’s not written well or edited better than It could be and it’s a disappointment to say for myself with my end product but I don’t think It exceeds to the level to good In any way.
  • 18. How did you design appeal to your target audience? The overall design of my work I think in the three concepts that are there in my magazine to match and target my audience as creating a magazine that contained more than one themes in there, there is more expansion of the target audience such people who like the concepts and wear this concepts in the day to day lives will the specific theme I had done the in magazine but the expansion is to target audience is people who fit to one specific theme/ concepts or aesthetic will enjoy my magazine as there is much more variety to the magazine. I think when you first take a glance at my magazine if you are apart of my target audience is that if they really like the important early 2000s/ the Y2K fashion, the front cover will be most interesting and intriguing magazine as it will fit the theme of what they like In their personal Interests In early 2000s fashion. The magazine would also be interesting to them as the over saturation of pink all over the front cover would be something that Is interesting to the target audience that do enjoy the Y2K aesthetic as it will be fitting to how magazine and poster were in the early 2000s. I also think that with use text I used for the logo and for talking about the model photo are very fitting to the Y2K aesthetic that I had In mind about other people of that target would enjoy, as the text that says “Featuring Sadie White” Is very similar to the jewellery text used for pendant necklaces that were usually worn In the 2000s but now have come back Into trends I think that It would make more Interesting to audience that do enjoy the Y2K aesthetic.
  • 19. Analysis In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how your decisions Informed the project development and the success of the outcome.
  • 20. In what ways was the overall project a success? The project was an overall success in the fact I was able to take photos to majority of all photos for the three themes left in magazine although I did have to remove on the themes I think it was success that I was able to most of the concepts and theme I had in idea for the magazine. It think it was also a success in this project that I was able to have everything finally finished when I had the longest time In the production period thought I wasn’t going to even finish my magazine, I think that was. a massive success that I was able I have finish off my magazine when at one point I didn’t have the urge or even the Intentions to.
  • 21. How did your skills develop during the portfolio? [remember, skills aren't just technical, remember things like organization, time management, communication] Initially I thought time management and organisation skills were improving and I was doing the best I’ve done in the two years of media and I was really motivated to do well and have everything done on time and well done, as I thought my time management was working the beginning having the photoshoot for planned over the holidays and have all my photos taken before I went back to college and going into my second week on production and being finish off my articles in the first week of production, it seemed very likely that the project was going to work in favour and was going to be happy with the final end product but due to my lack of detail for potential issues and my solution to those issues was my downfall in my process of making the magazine. Which I think my time management skills affected my organisation skills as I was starting problems and faults In my work having fix my work and alter my work was affected massively and my end product Isn’t at the best It could be which upsets me a lot because I had high hopes and expectations for this project. But I definitely my communication skills in this project improved a lot more with organising the photoshoot and having the two conversations about arranging for the first photoshoot and then rearranging again for the second half of the concepts photoshoots, but I was also to express my opinions or thoughts on what the models could pose like In the photos due to me having Inspiration Pinterest boards/ mood boards for what I envisioned for each concept photos to look like so I think my communication skills Improved and benefitted me having the my photos the way I would want them to.
  • 22. What meaning and messages did you want to convey and were you successful? The messages and meanings I had showcased in my magazine was show versatility in fashion with the inclusion of three different themes/ concepts, as I was able to coney different themes in the colour schemes such as the three concepts had very different colour schemes that contrasted with each other and the art styles I went in creating with the pages/ articles of each concept so I think was able to showcase and convey the differences in trends/ aesthetics that my target audience enjoy. With the articles I wrote for the magazine was to the audience to them insight to how these fashion trends apprise and become popular as fashion always stems from somewhere and I think It Is Important to take notice and address where the fashion originated from and especially if it comes from people’s cultures, and minority groups as sometimes in the media, peoples cultures and items in culture can stolen and treated like there are something new and credit Is given to the people who stole and that Is very harmful those of groups of where culture originated from. So to talk about where certain fashion originated was Important to me to address my work and I think that this was successful In my work
  • 23. What feedback did you get from your peers and viewings? “Amazing! The magazine is really creative, I live that you have different concepts and alternating colour schemes for each. Even though there’s different topics I think it still flows really well and is visually appealing. I love that layout of website home page and I think it brings together all the different themes really well, the gallery is beautiful, and the photos capture the feeling of what cottage core is about.” “I think the layout of the magazine is extremely professional and reminds me of a popular magazine you would see older teenagers reading. The spin on the name adds a simplicity but is also rememberable as it's unique and rolls of the tongue well. I love the way the euphoria concept is portrayed and gives really essence of the TV series and how the design changes throughout to fit the theme. It really sets the mood for the page. If there was any improvements to be made I would either condense or break up the text on some of the pages as readers may lose interest in reading a whole block of text, rather they would stay interested if it were in shorter paragraphs. Overall, I think the image quality is fantastic and the versatility of the model fits well with each theme, the editing helps to enhance this and throws you into the aesthetic. I think if published, this could be a successful fashion magazine in inspiring older teenagers to try different aesthetics.” - The feedback I have gotten comes from two people that apart of the target age that I made this magazine for and looking at the feedback it seems to me that they really enjoy the look of the magazine and especially the different themes and aesthetics which that was my intentions with making this magazine, and the things I could improve isn’t too drastic where my magazine would change, from the feedback I have received shows that they really like the overall look to my magazine which makes me feel proud that although my initial of this magazine didn’t go to plan at least still the end product still very liked in general but also the target audience I had decided.
  • 24. What would you do differently in the future and why? I think what I would do differently in this project was manage my time better and also have realistic and achievable goals and plans for my project, as this was something that took a massive affect on my work in the process of making the magazine. As I think the overall look of my pages in the magazine could have been a lot more better looking if I had the time to really edit them the way I could’ve done and wanted to, I believe that my editing skills weren’t at their greatest potential due to me not managing my time well on what areas of the magazine I was going to be working on. With the lack of detail In planning also had an effect on my final products so I wish focused to put more detail in my planning about what my process I was going to through In my production time for the magazine.
  • 25. Action Plan This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and Identify ways you could develop.
  • 26. What personal attributes could you develop to ensure you are working at a professional level? With the last project for this course and the material I used to enhance my skills with editing the magazine was again material uploaded on YouTube by other graphic designers and creators but especially helped me in my process throughout this project and other project in media and this also helped me when I had to experiment with different types on photo editing and also introduced me into experimenting with typography. As I think the video I watched on creating a sphere like text or text goes in circle that I thought this was a really eye opener to what could do in my magazine but I sadly wasn’t able to do it due my lack of time management I was able to infiltrate that certain effects into my work which was disappointing to me as I was never able to showcase any of the experiments I had gone through in my FMP process in my actual work but that is my doing. but I guess in my in my case that I was able to gain more knowledge about photo editing and typography as the photo editing helped me be able to alter the Images to create a certain look or an affect to the image if I can’t get the real authentic image and with the typography I was able to just learn something new that I could make a amazing effect on a magazine or just a poster If I ever plan to make one in the near future it will be better for me to have already known knowledge about typography and photo editing. And defiantly again going into future project will be these sources such YouTube as an area I would develop my skills ensure that I could work on professional level as I would gaining more information how to create effects if I don’t know initially and I will be building more skills and be able to have more skills under my belt and will be able be more appealing and more of a professional to clients.