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Keep this in Mind
Adjacent possible
The S-curve
The Law of Diffusion of Innovation
Arrogance of the Present
The Disruption of Innovation Theory
The Resources, Processes and Values Theory
The Liquid Network
History of Computers
History can help us explain many things
We can use our laws and theories to explain
Computers are relatively recent and their
development is fairly fast
“I can assure you on the highest authority that the data processing is
a fad and won’t last out the year.”
Editor-in-charge of business books, Prentice-Hall 1957
“I	think	there	is	a	world	market	for	maybe	five	
-	Thomas	Watson,	chairman	of	IBM,	1943	
72 years ago
“There	is	no	reason	for	any	individual	to	have	a	
computer	in	their	home.”	
-	Kenneth	Olsen,	president	and	founder	of	Digital	
Equipment	Corp.,	1977	
41 years ago
How many computers do you have in your household?
Think about this
Computing is time consuming and error prone
Demands for computation were increasing with more
organised societies
Industrial revolution and the Napoleonic reforms
Impetus came from Government: Taxing and Defence
Efforts to speed calculations started early
Use of logarithmic tables and trigonometry to speed calculations
The Counting Business
The Slide Rule by William Oughtred in 1625
Built using logarithms, multiplication of two numbers could
be done easier
a*b = 10^(log(a)+log(b))
Much quicker than manual calculation
The Counting Business
Wilhelm Schickard (1592 -1635)
German professor of Hebrew and Astronomy
University of Tüblingen, Germany
Built a calculating machine in 1620s
Documented in letters to Johannes Kepler
Early Machines
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
French mathematician, physicist, and 

religious philosopher
Built an adding machine in1642-44
Tried to commercialize the machine but
labor was too cheap
Early Machines
Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716)
German mathematician and
Built a machine, the Leibniz Wheel that
could multiply and divide
Early Machines
Workmanship for building complex machines lacked
In late eighteenth century demand for calculation was growing
Calculations were done by hand
Tedious, slow and error-prone and tables of logarithms were
riddled with errors
Think about this
How long does it take to compute
707 decimal places of PI?
Think about this
The idea of calculating with steam was to many
impossible - machines could never take over this
human activity
Yet it did. Can you think of a task done today that
will be taken over by machine in the future?
Sometimes called Inventor of 

the Computer
Wanted to remove the inevitable

human errors from computing
Believed that machines could 

replace laborious and 

error-prone calculations
Charles Babbage
(1791 – 1871)
Machine to compute polynomials
Got grants but efforts were slow
Lack of workmanship of the time 

delayed the project
Worked stopped 1833
Difference Engine
Babbage started on a new machine in 1834
First industrial revolution
Programmable machine – with 

primitive programming language
Input was in punched cards
Run by steam
Analytical engine
A Programmable Machine - 

General purpose computer

mill to calculate, 

store to keep data, 

and formulas
The first programmer
Augusta Ada (1815-1852)
Countess of Lovelace
The Cash Register
One of the first calculating machines
Developed by James Ritty in 1879 in response to thefts by staff
“The Incorruptible Cashier”
National Cash Register Company – NCR
One of the salesman was Tomas Watson, Sr.
Watson later left for CTR – 

Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company
Cash Register
Tabulating Machines
In the US need for data processing was growing
One application was census taking
US population grew from 

17 million in 1840 to 

50 million in 1880
It took 1.495 clerks 7 years to 

produce the 1880 census
Tabulating Machines
Source:	Tabulating	machine

Herman	Hollerith	
Tabulating Machine Company – TMC
US Census Bureau awarded Herman Hollerith a contract to produce the
1890 census
Tabulating Machines with punched cards
Successfully finished in 2,5 years

with one-third less cost (claimed)
Tabulating Machines
Source:	Tabulating	machine

Herman	Hollerith	
Used punched cards
Hollerith cards were in use until 1960s
Tabulating Machines
The Business of Data Processing
Even with the growing need for data processing around 1900,
the market for tabulating machines was limited
CRT and TMC merged and would later change the name to
International Business Machines – IBM
Tabulating Machines
▪ Early machines could not compete with manual labor	 

– The cost was not low enough to disrupt

▪ Workmanship was lacking

▪ Energy to power machines was not available

▪ Computing requirement were modest until 18th century

▪ Babbage failed to build machines despite the resources

▪ Babbage (or rather Ada), had all the ideas for modern computer
Lessons: Early Computing Machines
▪ First practical calculating device was a Cash Register

– Designed due to another problem: theft

– Specialised problem instead of a generic one

▪ Tabulating machines appear with the electricity

▪ First buyers of tabulating machines were governments

– Centralised
Lessons: Early Computing Machines
Electronic Brains
“I think there is a market for about five computers”
- Tomas Watson, Sr.
Foundation of electric computing was laid early
Mechanical computers were not considered practical
Electricity was spreading fast in the beginning of the 20th century
Threat of war is looming in the 1930s
Governments turn to computing for ballistic computations and
Electric Computing
Although electricity had entered the equation, it
had done so only as an alternative method of
powering mechanical equipment
Source:	Engines	that	Move	Markets
The Prevailing Technology Trap
Konrad Zuse (1910-1995)
German Engineer
Built primitive machines, Z1-Z4 based 

on relay switches in 1936 – 1944
Used binary system
Designed his own language, Plankalkül
Never received any official support from

war-time Germany unlike the Allies
P2 max (V0[:8.0],V1[:8.0]) => R0[:8.0]
V0[:8.0] => Z1[:8.0]
(Z1[:8.0] < V1[:8.0]) -> V1[:8.0] => Z1[:8.0]
Z1[:8.0] => R0[:8.0]
Source:	Konrad	Zuse
Early Work
Location of top-secret code-breaking team
Code-breaking the German coding machine ENIGMA
Bletchley Park
Source:	Alan	Turing,	COLOSSUS,	Enigma
English mathematician, logician, and cryptographer
Headed the team at Bletchley Park
Worked on the algorithms to break

the ENIGMA code
Bombe Computer based on heuristics
Lead to COLOSSUS – one of the first

electronic computer
Publishes paper in 1936: On Computable Numbers
Alan Turing
Built in England’s Bletchley Park and used by British code
breakers to read encrypted German ENIGMA messages
during World War II
Designed by Alan Turing
Winston Churchill specifically ordered 

the destruction of most of the Colossus 

machines into 'pieces no bigger than a

man's hand‘
War Machines
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
Built by the U.S. Army for the purpose of calculating ballistic firing tables
Used 18.000 vacuum tubes
Designed by John Mauchly and 

J. Presper Eckert
The machine was unveiled in 1946 and
was in operation until 1955
Source:	EINIAC
War Machines
John	von	Neumann,	Von	Neumann	architecture
Hungarian mathematician
Worked on the Manhattan project and became
involved in Moore’s School ENIAC and EDVAC
Publishes paper - or a memo, 

On computer design, 1945
Came to be know as 

Von Neumann architecture
John von Neumann
Copyright	©	2011	Ólafur	Andri	Ragnarsson
Based on vacuum tubes
War Machines
Source:	Model	of	UNIVAC	I,	c.	1954.

Picture	from	Smithsonian	Institution	Source:	UNIVAC	I	
Commercial Computer
5,200 vacuum tubes, weighed 13 tons, consumed 125 kW, and could
perform about 1,905 operations per second running on a 2.25 MHz
Occupied more than 35.5 m²

of floor space
The addition time was 525 

United States presidential election of 1952
Eisenhower vs. Stevenson
Transistor Era
Transistor was invented by William Shockley, 

John Bardeen and Walter Brattain in 1948
Device use to amplify or switch electronic signals
Huge performance improvement
Less energy
More robust
Copyright	©	2011	Ólafur	Andri	Ragnarsson
Computers became

faster, larger and more powerful
Source:	Tyranny	of	Numbers,	Transistor	Computer	
Computer Engineers have much more flexibility with transistors
Problem was that as the number of components 

increased, wiring them together became a problem
Tyranny of Numbers
The Integrated circuit
Source:	Integrated	circuit	
Introduced in 1958 by two inventors
Robert Noyce at Fairchild Semiconductor and Jack Kilby at
Texas Instruments
Transistors could be wired 

together in practical way
Mass manufacturing of ICs
The Invention of the Integrated Circuit
Adjacent possible
Two inventors at the same time invented the IC
All the enabling technologies are ready and
there is research pressure to solve the tyranny
of numbers
Competition Emerges
The Computer Market is born
The main application is data processing, business
applications like payroll, inventory and so on
IBM enters the computer business
Tomas Watson, Jr. launched 

IBM System/360 in 1964
Systematically replaced 

data processing machines

with mainframe computers
Automation – Computers begin to disrupt jobs in 1950
Start to replace jobs
Banks and insurance companies were early adopters
Handling paycheques, payroll that used to require many
clerks to compute
Source:	Desk	Set	(from	IMDB)
Hollywood took notice
Desk Set from 1957 with 

Spencer Tracey and

Katherine Hepburn
▪ Electricity was key to computers

– Switching technologies

▪ First electric computers were primitive and fragile

– Low performance

▪ Centralisation

– First computers were in centers

– Expensive, large, run by experts – Priests
Lessons: Early Computing Machines
▪ Giant “Brains”

– Association with human thought

▪ Automation – Disruption

– Companies need fewer clerks to compute 

– Tedious jobs eliminated

– Big debate – computer executive had to defend the existence of their

▪ Abstractions few

– Programs were wired in
Lessons: Early Computing Machines
Computers in the 1970s
The Disruptive Innovation Theory
Resources, Processes and Values Theory
Think About This!
IBM	704
IBM	System/360
Large computers in data centres
Batch operations
Critical applications
Financial transaction processing
Computers were expensive to purchase and maintain
To make it efficient required 

multiple users and large data centres
Utility Computing
Time-sharing of expensive equipment
Moore’s Law
Cost of computers went down
Computers became faster and smaller
Normal economics did not apply
Cost for new entrants in the computer business was
prohibitive in the 60s
Market for those that did not need complete solution but
could benefit
from using computes
Birth of the Minicomputers
The academic community embraced the
opportunity of minicomputers
Militaries were also early users of minicomputers
Digital Equipment Corporation
Founded in 1957 by Ken Olsen
Launched PDP-1 in 1960
The PDP-8 was the first successful 

commercial minicomputer – 1965
Used integrated circuits
Time-sharing allowed multiple 

users to use the machines at the 

same time
The Disruptive Innovation Theory
Digital used relatively simple,
convenient, low-cost innovation to
create growth and disrupt IBM
The Resources, Processes and Values Theory
IBM Was a mainframe company, their
customers wanted mainframes, not
low-performance mini computers
▪ IBM, industry’s first leader, sold mainframe computers to the
central accounting and data processing departments of large

▪ The emergence of the minicomputer represented disruptive
technology to IBM and competitors

▪ Their customers had no use for it: it promised lower, not higher

▪ As a result the mainframe makers ignored it for years
Clayton	M.	Christensen:	The	Innovator’s	Dilemma
Lessons: Early Computing Machines
▪ This allowed new entrants: DEC, Data General, Prime, Wang
and Nixdorf – to create and dominate the minicomputer market

▪ IBM entered the minicomputer market when it was
performance competitive to the needs of their customers

▪ The history repeated itself
Clayton	M.	Christensen:	The	Innovator’s	Dilemma
Lessons: Early Computing Machines
May 25, 1961
Mainframe era, mini computer early days
Transistor era, integrated circuits just invented
Programming languages new
The World in 1961
“The space program badly needed the things the
integrated circuit could provide.”
- Jack St. Clair Kilby
Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore founded Intel
Semiconductor company
Initial focus was on memory chips
There was still enormous potential market for calculations
The vision of Charles Babbage was still not realised but the
mainframe market met the needs of governments and large
Semiconductor Industry is Born
Intel introduced the first microprocessor 4004 in 1971
8008 in 1972, 8080 in 1974 and 8088 in 1979
The beginning of the Personal Computer, the PC
The Microprocessor
Intel was really reluctant to go into the microchip business
No market existed
No demand at the time
Intel created 4004 for another company
They would not market chips, but built them when ordered
The company cancelled the order and Intel was forced to offer
them for sale
The Microprocessor
The Calculator
Advances in technology introduced the 

desktop calculator
The market grew fast
With advances, the calculators became more powerful and smaller
Pocket calculators
Became widespread in the 70s
Replaced the slide rule after 374 years
The Calculator
Many companies start to make Calculators
Casio, Sharp, Canon, HP, MITS and more
In Europe, Aristo, Denner & Pape, a slide rule manufacturer
since 1872, also entered the market in 1972
Price dropped fast: $400 in 1972, $200, $100 and $50 in 1974
Companies like MITS need to find new ways of revenues
The Calculator
Think about this!
All mini-computer companies had

what it would take to go into small

scale products – they even had

people proposing the idea, but they

did not!
The Personal Computer
MITS marketed Altair in 1975
Came with Intel 8080
Users needed to assemble the machine themselves
No keyboard, no screen, no printer
256 byte of RAM, programmed with switches
Included BASIC interpreter from Microsoft
Written by Bill Gates and Paul Allen
Cost of $397 appealed to computer enthusiasts
The Personal Computer
Bill Gates and Paul Allen
Wrote a BASIC interpreter

for the Altair
Founded a company they called

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
Show the Apple I in the Palo Alto 

Homebrew Computer Club in 1976
Apple II was marketed 1977 and became a huge
success - “Apple growth”
Hewlett-Packard had turned 

Wozniak down – no market
“The	Personal	Computer	will	fall	flat	on	its	face	in	business.”	
-	Ken	Olsen
Existing computer companies were not interested in PCs
DEC, HP, IBM, and Control Data did not see a business model
HP rejected a proposal from Steve Wozniak
DEC rejected a proposal from David Ahl
Support for machines like this was considered impossible
The development of the PC had to begin with hobbyists
Computer Companies
The Liquid Network
Think about this
The early computers were all
about building the right
hardware – this ignored what
important element?
L14 From the Internet to Blockchain
The Internet was a primitive network owned by no one,
based on the TCP/IP standard, and at the same time big
companies where promoting their networks
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Nýsköpun - Leiðin til framfara
Nýjast tækni og framtíðin
Nýjast tækni og framtíðinNýjast tækni og framtíðin
Nýjast tækni og framtíðin
New Technology Summer 2020 Course Introduction
New Technology Summer 2020 Course IntroductionNew Technology Summer 2020 Course Introduction
New Technology Summer 2020 Course Introduction
L01 Introduction
L01 IntroductionL01 Introduction
L01 Introduction
L23 Robotics and Drones
L23 Robotics and Drones L23 Robotics and Drones
L23 Robotics and Drones
L22 Augmented and Virtual Reality
L22 Augmented and Virtual RealityL22 Augmented and Virtual Reality
L22 Augmented and Virtual Reality
L20 Personalised World
L20 Personalised WorldL20 Personalised World
L20 Personalised World
L19 Network Platforms
L19 Network PlatformsL19 Network Platforms
L19 Network Platforms
L18 Big Data and Analytics
L18 Big Data and AnalyticsL18 Big Data and Analytics
L18 Big Data and Analytics
L16 Internet of Things
L16 Internet of ThingsL16 Internet of Things
L16 Internet of Things
L12 digital transformation
L12 digital transformationL12 digital transformation
L12 digital transformation
L10 The Innovator's Dilemma
L10 The Innovator's DilemmaL10 The Innovator's Dilemma
L10 The Innovator's Dilemma
L09 Disruptive Technology
L09 Disruptive TechnologyL09 Disruptive Technology
L09 Disruptive Technology
L09 Technological Revolutions
L09 Technological RevolutionsL09 Technological Revolutions
L09 Technological Revolutions
L07 Becoming Invisible
L07 Becoming InvisibleL07 Becoming Invisible
L07 Becoming Invisible
L06 Diffusion of Innovation
L06 Diffusion of InnovationL06 Diffusion of Innovation
L06 Diffusion of Innovation
L05 Innovation
L05 InnovationL05 Innovation
L05 Innovation
L04 Adjacent Possible
L04 Adjacent PossibleL04 Adjacent Possible
L04 Adjacent Possible
L03 Exponential World
L03 Exponential WorldL03 Exponential World
L03 Exponential World
L02 Evolution of Technology
L02 Evolution of TechnologyL02 Evolution of Technology
L02 Evolution of Technology

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L13 The Rise of the Machine

  • 2. Keep this in Mind Adjacent possible The S-curve The Law of Diffusion of Innovation Arrogance of the Present The Disruption of Innovation Theory The Resources, Processes and Values Theory The Liquid Network
  • 3. History of Computers History can help us explain many things We can use our laws and theories to explain events Computers are relatively recent and their development is fairly fast
  • 4. “I can assure you on the highest authority that the data processing is a fad and won’t last out the year.” Editor-in-charge of business books, Prentice-Hall 1957
  • 5.
  • 9. How many computers do you have in your household? Think about this
  • 10. History Computing is time consuming and error prone Demands for computation were increasing with more organised societies Industrial revolution and the Napoleonic reforms Impetus came from Government: Taxing and Defence
  • 11. Efforts to speed calculations started early Use of logarithmic tables and trigonometry to speed calculations The Counting Business
  • 12. The Slide Rule by William Oughtred in 1625 Built using logarithms, multiplication of two numbers could be done easier a*b = 10^(log(a)+log(b)) Much quicker than manual calculation The Counting Business
  • 13. Wilhelm Schickard (1592 -1635) German professor of Hebrew and Astronomy University of Tüblingen, Germany Built a calculating machine in 1620s Documented in letters to Johannes Kepler 1623-24 Early Machines
  • 14. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) French mathematician, physicist, and 
 religious philosopher Built an adding machine in1642-44 Tried to commercialize the machine but labor was too cheap Early Machines
  • 15. Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716) German mathematician and philosopher Built a machine, the Leibniz Wheel that could multiply and divide Early Machines
  • 16. Workmanship for building complex machines lacked In late eighteenth century demand for calculation was growing Calculations were done by hand Tedious, slow and error-prone and tables of logarithms were riddled with errors History
  • 17. Think about this How long does it take to compute 707 decimal places of PI? 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862 089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811 174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461284756482337 867831652712019091456485669234603486104543266482133936072602491412737245870066 063155881748815209209628292540917153643678925903600113305305488204665213841469 519415116094330572703657595919530921861173819326117931051185480744623799627495 673518857527248912279381830119491298336733624406566430860213949463952247371907 021798609437027705392171762931767523846748184676694051320005681271452635608277 85771342757789609173637178721468440901224953430146549585371050792279689258923
  • 18.
  • 19. Think about this The idea of calculating with steam was to many impossible - machines could never take over this human activity Yet it did. Can you think of a task done today that will be taken over by machine in the future?
  • 20. Sometimes called Inventor of 
 the Computer Wanted to remove the inevitable
 human errors from computing Believed that machines could 
 replace laborious and 
 error-prone calculations Charles Babbage (1791 – 1871)
  • 21. Machine to compute polynomials Got grants but efforts were slow Lack of workmanship of the time 
 delayed the project Worked stopped 1833 Difference Engine
  • 22. Babbage started on a new machine in 1834 First industrial revolution Programmable machine – with 
 primitive programming language Input was in punched cards Run by steam Analytical engine
  • 23. A Programmable Machine - 
 General purpose computer Contained 
 mill to calculate, 
 store to keep data, 
 and formulas The first programmer Augusta Ada (1815-1852) Countess of Lovelace
  • 25. One of the first calculating machines Developed by James Ritty in 1879 in response to thefts by staff “The Incorruptible Cashier” National Cash Register Company – NCR One of the salesman was Tomas Watson, Sr. Watson later left for CTR – 
 Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company Cash Register
  • 27. In the US need for data processing was growing One application was census taking US population grew from 
 17 million in 1840 to 
 50 million in 1880 It took 1.495 clerks 7 years to 
 produce the 1880 census Tabulating Machines
  • 28. Source: Tabulating machine
 Herman Hollerith Tabulating Machine Company – TMC US Census Bureau awarded Herman Hollerith a contract to produce the 1890 census Tabulating Machines with punched cards Successfully finished in 2,5 years
 with one-third less cost (claimed) Tabulating Machines
  • 29. Source: Tabulating machine
 Herman Hollerith Used punched cards Hollerith cards were in use until 1960s Tabulating Machines
  • 30. The Business of Data Processing Even with the growing need for data processing around 1900, the market for tabulating machines was limited CRT and TMC merged and would later change the name to International Business Machines – IBM Tabulating Machines
  • 31. ▪ Early machines could not compete with manual labor – The cost was not low enough to disrupt ▪ Workmanship was lacking ▪ Energy to power machines was not available ▪ Computing requirement were modest until 18th century ▪ Babbage failed to build machines despite the resources ▪ Babbage (or rather Ada), had all the ideas for modern computer Lessons: Early Computing Machines
  • 32. ▪ First practical calculating device was a Cash Register – Designed due to another problem: theft – Specialised problem instead of a generic one ▪ Tabulating machines appear with the electricity ▪ First buyers of tabulating machines were governments – Centralised Lessons: Early Computing Machines
  • 34. “I think there is a market for about five computers” - Tomas Watson, Sr.
  • 35. Foundation of electric computing was laid early Mechanical computers were not considered practical Electricity was spreading fast in the beginning of the 20th century Threat of war is looming in the 1930s Governments turn to computing for ballistic computations and code-breaking Electric Computing
  • 36. Although electricity had entered the equation, it had done so only as an alternative method of powering mechanical equipment Source: Engines that Move Markets The Prevailing Technology Trap
  • 37.
  • 38. Konrad Zuse (1910-1995) German Engineer Built primitive machines, Z1-Z4 based 
 on relay switches in 1936 – 1944 Used binary system Designed his own language, Plankalkül Never received any official support from
 war-time Germany unlike the Allies P2 max (V0[:8.0],V1[:8.0]) => R0[:8.0] V0[:8.0] => Z1[:8.0] (Z1[:8.0] < V1[:8.0]) -> V1[:8.0] => Z1[:8.0] Z1[:8.0] => R0[:8.0] END Source: Konrad Zuse Early Work
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41. Location of top-secret code-breaking team Code-breaking the German coding machine ENIGMA Bletchley Park
  • 42.
  • 43. Source: Alan Turing, COLOSSUS, Enigma English mathematician, logician, and cryptographer Headed the team at Bletchley Park Worked on the algorithms to break
 the ENIGMA code Bombe Computer based on heuristics Lead to COLOSSUS – one of the first
 electronic computer Publishes paper in 1936: On Computable Numbers Alan Turing
  • 44. Source: COLOSSUS COLOSSUS Built in England’s Bletchley Park and used by British code breakers to read encrypted German ENIGMA messages during World War II Designed by Alan Turing Winston Churchill specifically ordered 
 the destruction of most of the Colossus 
 machines into 'pieces no bigger than a
 man's hand‘ War Machines
  • 45. ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer Built by the U.S. Army for the purpose of calculating ballistic firing tables Used 18.000 vacuum tubes Designed by John Mauchly and 
 J. Presper Eckert The machine was unveiled in 1946 and was in operation until 1955 Source: EINIAC War Machines
  • 46.
  • 47. John von Neumann, Von Neumann architecture Hungarian mathematician Worked on the Manhattan project and became involved in Moore’s School ENIAC and EDVAC projects Publishes paper - or a memo, 
 On computer design, 1945 Came to be know as 
 Von Neumann architecture John von Neumann
  • 49. Source: Model of UNIVAC I, c. 1954.
 Picture from Smithsonian Institution Source: UNIVAC I Commercial Computer 5,200 vacuum tubes, weighed 13 tons, consumed 125 kW, and could perform about 1,905 operations per second running on a 2.25 MHz clock Occupied more than 35.5 m²
 of floor space The addition time was 525 
 microseconds UNIVAC I
  • 50. United States presidential election of 1952 Eisenhower vs. Stevenson
  • 51.
  • 53. Transistor was invented by William Shockley, 
 John Bardeen and Walter Brattain in 1948
  • 54. Device use to amplify or switch electronic signals Huge performance improvement Smaller Less energy More robust Faster Transistor
  • 56.
  • 57. Source: Tyranny of Numbers, Transistor Computer Computer Engineers have much more flexibility with transistors Problem was that as the number of components 
 increased, wiring them together became a problem Tyranny of Numbers
  • 59. Source: Integrated circuit Introduced in 1958 by two inventors Robert Noyce at Fairchild Semiconductor and Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments Transistors could be wired 
 together in practical way Mass manufacturing of ICs The Invention of the Integrated Circuit
  • 60. Adjacent possible Two inventors at the same time invented the IC All the enabling technologies are ready and there is research pressure to solve the tyranny of numbers
  • 61. Competition Emerges The Computer Market is born The main application is data processing, business applications like payroll, inventory and so on IBM enters the computer business Tomas Watson, Jr. launched 
 IBM System/360 in 1964 Systematically replaced 
 data processing machines
 with mainframe computers
  • 63. Automation – Computers begin to disrupt jobs in 1950 Start to replace jobs Banks and insurance companies were early adopters Handling paycheques, payroll that used to require many clerks to compute Automation
  • 64. Source: Desk Set (from IMDB) Hollywood took notice Desk Set from 1957 with 
 Spencer Tracey and
 Katherine Hepburn Automation
  • 65.
  • 66. ▪ Electricity was key to computers – Switching technologies ▪ First electric computers were primitive and fragile – Low performance ▪ Centralisation – First computers were in centers – Expensive, large, run by experts – Priests Lessons: Early Computing Machines
  • 67. ▪ Giant “Brains” – Association with human thought ▪ Automation – Disruption – Companies need fewer clerks to compute – Tedious jobs eliminated – Big debate – computer executive had to defend the existence of their machines ▪ Abstractions few – Programs were wired in Lessons: Early Computing Machines
  • 69. The Disruptive Innovation Theory Resources, Processes and Values Theory Think About This!
  • 70. IBM 704 IBM System/360 Large computers in data centres Batch operations Critical applications Financial transaction processing Mainframes
  • 71. Computers were expensive to purchase and maintain To make it efficient required 
 multiple users and large data centres Utility Computing Time-sharing of expensive equipment Time-sharing
  • 72. Moore’s Law Cost of computers went down Computers became faster and smaller Normal economics did not apply
  • 73. Cost for new entrants in the computer business was prohibitive in the 60s Market for those that did not need complete solution but could benefit from using computes Birth of the Minicomputers Minicomputers
  • 74. The academic community embraced the opportunity of minicomputers Militaries were also early users of minicomputers Minicomputers
  • 75. Digital Equipment Corporation Founded in 1957 by Ken Olsen Launched PDP-1 in 1960 The PDP-8 was the first successful 
 commercial minicomputer – 1965 Used integrated circuits Time-sharing allowed multiple 
 users to use the machines at the 
 same time Minicomputers
  • 76. The Disruptive Innovation Theory Digital used relatively simple, convenient, low-cost innovation to create growth and disrupt IBM
  • 77. The Resources, Processes and Values Theory IBM Was a mainframe company, their customers wanted mainframes, not low-performance mini computers
  • 78. ▪ IBM, industry’s first leader, sold mainframe computers to the central accounting and data processing departments of large organizations ▪ The emergence of the minicomputer represented disruptive technology to IBM and competitors ▪ Their customers had no use for it: it promised lower, not higher margins ▪ As a result the mainframe makers ignored it for years Clayton M. Christensen: The Innovator’s Dilemma Lessons: Early Computing Machines
  • 79. ▪ This allowed new entrants: DEC, Data General, Prime, Wang and Nixdorf – to create and dominate the minicomputer market ▪ IBM entered the minicomputer market when it was performance competitive to the needs of their customers ▪ The history repeated itself Clayton M. Christensen: The Innovator’s Dilemma Lessons: Early Computing Machines
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 82. May 25, 1961 Status: Mainframe era, mini computer early days Transistor era, integrated circuits just invented Programming languages new The World in 1961
  • 83. “The space program badly needed the things the integrated circuit could provide.” - Jack St. Clair Kilby
  • 84. Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore founded Intel Semiconductor company Initial focus was on memory chips There was still enormous potential market for calculations The vision of Charles Babbage was still not realised but the mainframe market met the needs of governments and large organisations Semiconductor Industry is Born
  • 85. Intel introduced the first microprocessor 4004 in 1971 8008 in 1972, 8080 in 1974 and 8088 in 1979 The beginning of the Personal Computer, the PC The Microprocessor
  • 86. Intel was really reluctant to go into the microchip business No market existed No demand at the time Intel created 4004 for another company They would not market chips, but built them when ordered The company cancelled the order and Intel was forced to offer them for sale The Microprocessor
  • 88. Advances in technology introduced the 
 desktop calculator The market grew fast With advances, the calculators became more powerful and smaller Pocket calculators Became widespread in the 70s Replaced the slide rule after 374 years The Calculator
  • 89. Many companies start to make Calculators Casio, Sharp, Canon, HP, MITS and more In Europe, Aristo, Denner & Pape, a slide rule manufacturer since 1872, also entered the market in 1972 Price dropped fast: $400 in 1972, $200, $100 and $50 in 1974 Companies like MITS need to find new ways of revenues The Calculator
  • 90. Think about this! All mini-computer companies had
 what it would take to go into small
 scale products – they even had
 people proposing the idea, but they
 did not!
  • 92. MITS marketed Altair in 1975 Came with Intel 8080 Users needed to assemble the machine themselves No keyboard, no screen, no printer 256 byte of RAM, programmed with switches Included BASIC interpreter from Microsoft Written by Bill Gates and Paul Allen Cost of $397 appealed to computer enthusiasts The Personal Computer
  • 93. Bill Gates and Paul Allen Wrote a BASIC interpreter
 for the Altair Founded a company they called
 Micro-Soft Mircosoft
  • 94. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak Show the Apple I in the Palo Alto 
 Homebrew Computer Club in 1976 Apple II was marketed 1977 and became a huge success - “Apple growth” Hewlett-Packard had turned 
 Wozniak down – no market Apple
  • 96. Existing computer companies were not interested in PCs DEC, HP, IBM, and Control Data did not see a business model HP rejected a proposal from Steve Wozniak DEC rejected a proposal from David Ahl Support for machines like this was considered impossible Consequence: The development of the PC had to begin with hobbyists Computer Companies
  • 97.
  • 99. The early computers were all about building the right hardware – this ignored what important element?
  • 101. L14 From the Internet to Blockchain The Internet was a primitive network owned by no one, based on the TCP/IP standard, and at the same time big companies where promoting their networks Yet the Internet won… Next