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Limerick KUG - February 2019
© Instil Software 2018
Kotlin - The Whole Damn Family
About Instil
We’ve bought into Kotlin in a big way
About Instil
We held a workshop at the conference
•  React Web App with Kotlin on
Server & Browser
About Instil
Excellent interoperability
•  Call legacy Java code easily
•  Make calls into Kotlin from Java
Really clear, yet concise syntax
•  Reduces your codebase by 1/3+
Beloved by frameworks
•  First class language on Android
•  Mainstream language for Spring via
the Spring Initializr and Spring Fu
•  New language for the Gradle DSL
•  Kotlin specific frameworks emerging
•  Notably Arrow and Ktor
Why Kotlin? Null	Safety	
String	Templates	
Default	parameters	
Free	Functions	
Single	Expression	
Reified	generics	
Data	classes	and	
Type	Inference	
Smart	Casts	
Visual	Basic	
Objective	C	
Java is a legacy language!
But in Java 11…
Kotlin has it today!!
Scala had it
years ago!!
No one gives
a **** about
Kotlin was originally for the desktop and server
•  As JetBrains own internal language
Then it exploded amongst the Android community
•  This is still where it is most commonly found
Now its going further
•  Kotlin Native builds apps to run outside the VM
•  Kotlin JS is transpiled to run inside the browser
Kotlin On Other Platforms
Let the buyer beware!
•  Everything you see is the
result of my own hacking
•  I am very much still in the
learning stages myself…
A Warning…
© Instil Software 2018
•  Building Native Applications
Part 1a
Kotlin Native compiles Kotlin code to native binaries
•  It produces executables that run without a virtual machine
The binary output is not portable, but the source is
•  The compiler can compile the same source to multiple outputs
•  The source can be placed into a multiplatform project
Introducing Kotlin Native
Kotlin	Native	
Supported platforms include,
•  iOS (arm32, arm64, emulator x86_64)
•  MacOS (x86_64)
•  Android (arm32, arm64)
•  Windows (mingw x86_64)
•  Linux (x86_64, arm32, MIPS, MIPS little endian)
•  WebAssembly (wasm32)
There is interop with C, Objective-C and Swift
•  Kotlin code can call into any of these and vice versa
•  Tools like ‘cinterop’ generate Kotlin declarations
based on C declarations found in header files
Introducing Kotlin Native
Common things such as aren’t available
You can use POSIX and interop to achieve functionality or
use other multiplatform libraries
Introducing Kotlin Native
import	kotlinx.cinterop.*	
import	platform.posix.*	
Let’s Get Crazy
Anyone Ever Heard of Pthreads?
From the main thread we wish to start two Pthreads
•  With the names ‘Thread No1’ and ‘Thread No2’
•  This can be accomplished via ‘pthread_create’
Each thread will print out twenty messages
•  In turn each message will be divided into three parts
We want the parts of each message to be atomic
•  We do this by creating a mutex and passing it to the threads
•  Each thread will:
•  Acquire the mutex via ‘pthread_mutex_lock’
•  Print the three parts of the message and releases it
•  Release the mutex via ‘pthread_mutex_unlock’
The main thread will waits for the Pthreads
•  This can be accomplished via ‘pthread_join’
A Demo of Pthreads
A Demo of Pthreads
Pthread	Thread	No1	message	1	part	A	
Pthread	Thread	No1	message	1	part	B	
Pthread	Thread	No1	message	1	part	C	
Pthread	Thread	No2	message	1	part	A	
Pthread	Thread	No2	message	1	part	B	
Pthread	Thread	No2	message	1	part	C	
Pthread	Thread	No1	message	2	part	A	
Pthread	Thread	No1	message	2	part	B	
Pthread	Thread	No1	message	2	part	C	
Pthread	Thread	No2	message	2	part	A	
Pthread	Thread	No2	message	2	part	B	
Pthread	Thread	No2	message	2	part	C	
Pthread	Thread	No1	message	3	part	A	
Pthread	Thread	No1	message	3	part	B	
Pthread	Thread	No1	message	3	part	C	
Pthread	Thread	No2	message	3	part	A	
Pthread	Thread	No2	message	3	part	B	
Pthread	Thread	No2	message	3	part	C	
Thread 1 holding mutex
Thread 2 holding mutex
Thread 1 holding mutex
Thread 2 holding mutex
Thread 1 holding mutex
Thread 2 holding mutex
Creating a Project in Clion (with Kotlin Native Plugin)
plugins	{	
				kotlin("multiplatform")	version	"1.3.21"	
repositories	{	
kotlin	{	
				macosX64("KotlinNativePThreads")	{	
								binaries	{	
												executable("KotlinNativePThreadsApp")	{	
																entryPoint	=	"limerick.kug.main"	
The Gradle Build File
All	tasks	runnable	from	root	project	
Build	tasks	
assemble	-	Assembles	the	outputs	of	this	project.	
build	-	Assembles	and	tests	this	project.	
buildDependents	-	Assembles	and	tests	this	project	and	all	projects	that	depend	on	it.	
buildNeeded	-	Assembles	and	tests	this	project	and	all	projects	it	depends	on.	
clean	-	Deletes	the	build	directory.	
Run	tasks	
runKotlinNativePThreadsAppDebugExecutableKotlinNativePThreads	-	Executes	Kotlin/Native	
executable	KotlinNativePThreadsAppDebugExecutable	for	target	KotlinNativePThreads	
runKotlinNativePThreadsAppReleaseExecutableKotlinNativePThreads	-	Executes	Kotlin/Native	
executable	KotlinNativePThreadsAppReleaseExecutable	for	target	KotlinNativePThreads	
Verification	tasks	
check	-	Runs	all	checks.	
KotlinNativePThreadsTest	-	Executes	Kotlin/Native	unit	tests	for	target	
Some Tasks Available via the Build File
package	limerick.kug	
import	kotlinx.cinterop.*	
import	platform.posix.*	
fun	napTime(microseconds:	Int=250)		
															=	usleep(microseconds.toUInt()	*	1000.toUInt())	
fun	foobar(input:	COpaquePointer?):	COpaquePointer?	{	
fun	main()	{	
The Demo Code
Code	to	run	in	Pthread	goes	here…	
Code	to	launch	Pthreads	goes	here…
fun	foobar(input:	COpaquePointer?):	COpaquePointer?	{	
				memScoped	{	
								val	data	=	input?.asStableRef<Pair<CPointer<ByteVar>,		
								val	name	=	data?.get()?.first?.toKString()	?:	"No	Name"	
								val	dummy	=	alloc<pthread_mutex_t>()	
								val	mutex	=	data?.get()?.second	?:	dummy	
								for	(x	in	1..20)	{	
												doWork(mutex,	name,	x)	
				return	StableRef.create(0).asCPointer()	
The Demo Code
private	fun	doWork(mutex:	pthread_mutex_t,	name:	String,	x:	Int)	{	
				print("Pthread	$name	message	$x	part	An")	
				print("Pthread	$name	message	$x	part	Bn")	
				print("Pthread	$name	message	$x	part	Cn")	
The Demo Code
fun	main()	{	
				memScoped	{	
								val	mutex	=	alloc<pthread_mutex_t>()	
								val	threadHandle1	=	alloc<pthread_tVar>()	
								val	threadHandle2	=	alloc<pthread_tVar>()	
								val	attrs	=	null	
								val	data1	=	StableRef.create("Thread	No1".cstr.ptr	to	mutex)	
								val	data2	=	StableRef.create("Thread	No2".cstr.ptr	to	mutex)	
The Demo Code
								val	result	=	null	
								pthread_join(threadHandle1.value,	result)	
								pthread_join(threadHandle2.value,	result)	
				println("End	of	main...n")	
The Demo Code
Wait a Minute…
Let’s look at some function signatures…
Comparing Signatures for ‘pthread_create’
int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread,
const pthread_attr_t *attr,
void *(*start_routine)(void*),
void *arg);
public fun pthread_create(
arg0: CValuesRef<pthread_tVar>?,
arg1: CValuesRef<pthread_attr_t>?,
arg2: Cpointer<CFunction<(COpaquePointer?) -> COpaquePointer? >>?,
arg3: CValuesRef<*>?
): kotlin.Int
Comparing Signatures for ‘pthread_join’
int pthread_join(pthread_t thread,
void **retval);
public fun pthread_join(
arg0: pthread_t?,
arg1: CValuesRef<COpaquePointerVar>?
): kotlin.Int
Comparing Signatures for Mutex functions
int pthread_mutex_init(
pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr
int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
public fun pthread_mutex_init(
arg0: CValuesRef<pthread_mutex_t >?,
arg1: CValuesRef<pthread_mutexattr_t >?
): kotlin.Int
public fun pthread_mutex_destroy(
arg0: CValuesRef<pthread_mutex_t>?
): kotlin.Int
The ‘cinterop’ tool generates Kotlin types from C types
•  For structures the Kotlin name is the same as the C name
•  For other types (e.g. opaque types) it is ‘${type}Var’
A void pointer is represented by the ‘COpaquePointer’ type
•  An in-memory instance is represented by ‘COpaquePointerVar’
Pointers are represented in two ways:
•  For variables use ‘CPointer<T>’ and ‘CPointerVar<T>’
•  For parameters use ‘CValuesRef<T>’
What Have We Learned
Now lets look back at the code…
Memory is allocated via ‘alloc’ functions
•  There are versions for single types, arrays, pointers etc…
The memory allocated must be freed
•  This can be managed for you via ‘memScoped { … }’
Null in Kotlin is translated into NULL in C
•  I.e. the address denoted by zero where nothing lives
•  NB Pthreads uses NULL to mean ‘go with the defaults’
Explaining the Demo Code
val mutex = alloc<pthread_mutex_t>()
val threadHandle1 = alloc<pthread_tVar>()
val threadHandle2 = alloc<pthread_tVar>()
Kotlin strings are interoperable with C Strings
•  The compiler converts between Strings and ‘const	char	*’
Manual conversion methods are available
•  Calling ‘cstr’ on a String returns ‘CValuesRef<ByteVar>’
•  You can call ‘toKString’ on a ‘CPointer<ByteVar>’
The ‘StableRef’ type is used to pass values through C
•  This typically happens when you are writing a function in Kotlin
which will be called at a later date from C with cached data
•  The Pthreads library is a good example of where this is useful
Explaining the Demo Code
val data1 = StableRef.create("Thread No1".cstr.ptr to mutex)
val data2 = StableRef.create("Thread No2".cstr.ptr to mutex)
When working with generated types
•  Use ‘ptr’ to get the address in memory of a value
•  Use ‘value’ to get the value from an address in memory
Standard Kotlin functions can be used as C callbacks
•  As long as you convert the reference via ‘staticCFunction’
•  Within the function you must call ‘initRuntimeIfNeeded()’
Explaining the Demo Code
In the code below we:
•  Convert the opaque pointer to a StableRef of a Pair of values
•  Convert the first value in the pair from a byte pointer to a String
•  Specify default values for either item if it is missing
•  Run the job of work to be done asynchronously
Explaining the Demo Code
val data = input?.asStableRef<Pair<CPointer<ByteVar>, pthread_mutex_t>>()
val name = data?.get()?.first?.toKString() ?: "No Name”
val dummy = alloc<pthread_mutex_t>()
val mutex = data?.get()?.second ?: dummy
for (x in 1..20) {
doWork(mutex, name, x)
Let Us Return To Normality
Let’s return to the normal world of sane people…
Kotlin Native has its own concurrency model
•  Possible as JetBrains now has control of the underlying runtime
The main abstraction is a ‘Worker’
•  Workers are similar to Actors in frameworks like Akka
You pass data and jobs to a worker via its ‘execute’ method
•  The producer lambda returns a graph of objects whose
ownership will now be transferred to the target worker
•  The calling thread won’t be able to access those objects
The Kotlin Native Concurrency Model
fun	<T1,	T2>	execute(mode:	TransferMode,		
	producer:	()	->	T1,		
	job:	(T1)	->	T2):	Future<T2>
Objects in Kotlin Native can be frozen
•  This is an operation that is performed at runtime
•  All objects in a graph are marked as immutable
•  Any writes result in an ‘InvalidMutabilityException’
Frozen objects can safely be shared between Workers
•  Kotlin Native does not allow Workers to share mutable state
There are multiple ways to freeze an object:
•  Singleton objects and enums are automatically frozen
•  Arbitrary objects can be frozen via the ‘freeze’ method
•  Global variables can be marked with ‘SharedImmutable’
Global variables can also be marked with ‘@ThreadLocal’
•  In which case each Worker gets its own copy of the data
The Kotlin Native Concurrency Model
package	native.workers	
import	kotlin.native.concurrent.TransferMode	
import	kotlin.native.concurrent.Worker	
fun	main()	{	
				fun	job(name:	String):	String	{	
						for(x	in	1..20)	{	
								print("$name	message	$xn")	
						return	"$name	Done!"	
				val	w1	=	Worker.start()	
				val	w2	=	Worker.start()	
				val	future1	=	w1.execute(TransferMode.SAFE,	{"Worker	No1"},	::job)	
				val	future2	=	w2.execute(TransferMode.SAFE,	{"Worker	No2"},	::job)	
Using Kotlin Native Workers
Using Kotlin Native Workers
Worker	No1	message	1	
Worker	No2	message	1	
Worker	No1	message	2	
Worker	No2	message	2	
Worker	No2	message	3	
Worker	No1	message	3	
Worker	No2	message	4	
Worker	No1	message	4	
Worker	No2	message	5	
Worker	No1	message	5	
Worker	No2	message	6	
Worker	No1	message	6	
Worker	No2	message	7	
Worker	No1	message	7	
Worker	No2	message	8	
Worker	No1	message	8	
Worker	No2	message	9	
Worker	No1	message	9	
Worker	No2	message	10	
Worker	No1	message	10	
Worker	No2	message	11	
Worker	No1	message	11	
Worker	No2	message	12	
Worker	No1	message	12	
Worker	No1	message	13	
Worker	No2	message	13	
Worker	No1	message	14	
Worker	No2	message	14	
Worker	No1	message	15	
Worker	No2	message	15	
Worker	No1	message	16	
Worker	No2	message	16	
Worker	No1	message	17	
Worker	No2	message	17	
Worker	No1	message	18	
Worker	No2	message	18	
Worker	No1	message	19	
Worker	No2	message	19	
Worker	No1	message	20	
Worker	No2	message	20	
Worker	No1	Done!	
Worker	No2	Done!
© Instil Software 2018
•  Multiplatform Projects
Part 1b
Multiplatform Libraries
Kotlin	/	JVM	
Kotlin	/	JS	
Kotlin	/	Native	
Multiplatform Libraries
Multiplatform Libraries - Compatability
© Instil Software 2018
•  Building Web Applications
Part 2
Imagine a Developer Was Frozen in the 1990’s
What Would They Expect?
What Do We Have Instead?
What Do We Have Instead?
The Myth Of The Full Stack Developer…
But Salvation Is At Hand!!!
But Salvation Is At Hand!!!
React 101
<Ticker name=“Fred”/>
class	Ticker	extends	React.Component	{	
				constructor(props)	{	
								this.state	=	{secondsElapsed:	0};	
				componentDidMount()	{	
								this.interval	=	setInterval(()	=>	this.tick(),	1000);		
				componentWillUnmount()	{	
				tick()	{	
								this.setState({secondsElapsed:	this.state.secondsElapsed	+	1});	
				render()	{	
								return	(	
																<h1>Hello,	{}!</h1>	
																<p>Page	open	{this.state.secondsElapsed}	seconds.</p>	
class	Ticker	extends	React.Component	{	
				constructor(props)	{	
								this.state	=	{secondsElapsed:	0};	
				componentDidMount()	{	
								this.interval	=	setInterval(()	=>	this.tick(),	1000);		
				componentWillUnmount()	{	
				tick()	{	
								this.setState({secondsElapsed:	this.state.secondsElapsed	+	1});	
				render()	{	
								return	(	
																<h1>Hello,	{}!</h1>	
																<p>Page	open	{this.state.secondsElapsed}	seconds.</p>	
Initial State
Changing state marks component as dirty
Rendering uses embedded JSX templating language
Kotlin.js Support in IntelliJ
Kotlin.js React Support
Kotlin Wrappers Repo
The ‘create-react-kotlin-app’ script
NPM Issues….
class	WidgetDisplay	extends	React.Component	{	
class	WidgetDisplay(props:	WidgetDisplayProps)		
	:	RComponent<WidgetDisplayProps,	
																 	WidgetDisplayState>(props)	{	
//Properties	are	strongly	typed	
class	WidgetProps(var	foo:	String,	
																		var	bar:	Int)	:	RProps	
//State	is	also	strongly	typed	
interface	WidgetState:	RState	{	
				var	widgets:	List<Widget>	
React Components in JS and Kotlin
class	WidgetDisplay	extends	React.Component	{					
			render()	{	
								return	(	
																<h1>Hello,	{}!</h1>	
class	WidgetDisplay(props:	WidgetDisplayProps)		
	:	RComponent<WidgetDisplayProps,	
																 	WidgetDisplayState>(props)	{	
				override	fun	RBuilder.render()	{	
								div	{	
					h1	{	}	
React Components in JS and Kotlin
class	WidgetDisplay	extends	React.Component	{					
				render:	function	()	{	
								return	<div>	
												<button	onClick={this.eventHandlerFunc}>	
class	WidgetDisplay(props:	WidgetDisplayProps)		
								:	RComponent<WidgetDisplayProps,WidgetDisplayState>(props)	{	
				override	fun	RBuilder.render()	{	
								div	{	
												button	{		
																attrs	{	onClickFunction	=	::eventHandlerFunc	}	
React Components in JS and Kotlin
We Need Services and a Data Source
Having defined the problem, the first step
towards a solution is the acquisition of data.
The Neo4J Desktop and Movies DB
The Two Projects
interface	MovieRepository	:	Neo4jRepository<Movie,	Long>	{	
				MATCH	(a:Actor)-[:ACTS_IN]->(m:Movie)	
				WITH	a,	collect(m)	AS	filmograpy	
				WHERE	size(filmograpy)	>=	{0}	
				RETURN	a	
				fun	findActorsByFilmography(minMovies:	Long):	List<Actor>	
				MATCH	(m:Movie)<-[:ACTS_IN]-(a:Actor)	
				RETURN	m	SKIP	{1}	LIMIT	{2}	
				fun	findByActorName(actorName:	String,		
	skip:	Long,		
	limit:	Long):	List<Movie>	
A Spring Data Repo to Talk to Neo4J
class	Neo4JMoviesService(val	repo:	MovieRepository)	{	
				fun	byActorId(@PathVariable("minMovies")	minMovies:	Long):	Flux<Actor>	{	
								return	Flux.fromIterable(repo.findActorsByFilmography(minMovies))	
				fun	byActorName(	
								@PathVariable("name")	name:	String,	
								@PathVariable("skip")	skip:	Long,	
								@PathVariable("limit")	limit:	Long	
				):	Flux<Movie>	{	
								return	Flux.fromIterable(repo.findByActorName(name,	skip,	limit))	
A RESTful Service Written in WebFlux
The Movies SPA
class	MovieTableProps(var	movies:	List<Movie>,	
																						var	selectedHandler:	(Movie)	->	Unit)	:	Rprops	
interface	MovieTableState:	RState	{	
				var	movies:	List<Movie>	
A Sample Component
class	MovieTable(props:	MovieTableProps)	:		
	RComponent<MovieTableProps,	MovieTableState>(props)	{	
				init	{	
								state.movies	=	props.movies	
				override	fun	componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps:	MovieTableProps)	{	
								state.movies	=	nextProps.movies	
				private	fun	sortMovies(selector:	(Movie)	->	String)	{	
								val	sortedMovies	=	state.movies.sortedBy(selector)	
								setState	{	movies	=	sortedMovies	}	
				private	fun	sortByTitle(e:	Event)	=	sortMovies	{	it.title	}	
				private	fun	sortByGenre(e:	Event)	=	sortMovies	{	it.genre	}
A Sample Component
override fun RBuilder.render() {
table(classes = "table table-striped table-bordered") {	
													thead {	
																	tr {
th {
span(classes="fas fa-sort ml-2") {}
attrs { onClickFunction = ::sortByTitle }
																						th {
span(classes="fas fa-sort ml-2") {}
attrs { onClickFunction = ::sortByGenre }
th { +"Tagline" }
A Sample Component
tbody { { movie ->
tr {
td { +movie.title }
td { +movie.genre }
td { +movie.tagline }
attrs {
onClickFunction = {
A Sample Component
© Instil Software 2018
•  Some Conclusions
Part 3
Summing Up
Any Questions?

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