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signs talent
are faltering
kelly Global workforce index ™

Dhirendra shantilal

Australia, China, India, Indonesia,
Malaysia, New Zealand,
Singapore & Thailand
Talent retention declines as opportunity grows in APAC

Over the past three years, something entirely counter-     are seeking to move from one opportunity to the next
intuitive has occurred regarding employee retention        to maximise their potential and expand their skill and
across the Asia-Pacific region. Despite unprecedented      experience base.
global economic turmoil over this period, the proportion
of employees intending to leave their current job has      For the most part, employees have created a new

increased. In uncertain times, employers generally         career template for themselves that doesn’t include one

expect to see an upswing in loyalty, yet the opposite      employer for long periods of time. This poses a great

has occurred.                                              challenge for HR professionals, recruiters and hiring
                                                           managers across the region, and indeed the world. How
Why?                                                       do you hold on to talent when talent has already decided
                                                           to keep moving?
In our latest survey of some 35,000 people across the
region, one thing is clear: employees are taking their     Here, we explore the results of the latest Kelly Global
careers into their own hands. They’re not waiting for      Workforce Index in an attempt to provide some insights,
the employment market to improve, for employers to         a reality check, and some tangible ways forward.
promote them, nor increase their salaries. Instead, they

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                         2
1 / Voluntary attrition increases
Most employees are looking to move organisations, and despite
ongoing economic turmoil, loyalty has not increased.

Employees in the Asia-Pacific region have seen a
                                                                  job switching
slight increase in voluntary, planned exits from current         Job Switching APAC
                                                                  Do you intend to look for a job with another organization within the next year? (% Yes, by region)
employers over the past three years.                       100
                                                                        66%           58%              61%             71%             58%             68%               57%        65%
Six in ten workers in the region say they intend to look    90

for a job with another organization, and employees in
Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand lead this trend.
Significantly fewer employees in China and Malaysia say     70
they intend to move jobs in the next 12 months (both
58%) but still well above half the workforce in these       60


It appears that employees plan to move organizations        40
as part of a broader career strategy—perhaps in
response to decreasing career prospects in their current    30

roles, increased opportunity externally, and the need to
acquire new skills in a rapidly evolving market.


                                                                      Australia       China           India         Indonesia        Malaysia      New Zealand         Singapore   Thailand

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                                 3
2 / Exits are now well-planned, strategic decisions
While voluntary attrition plans are on the rise, unplanned
exits driven by personal frustration are low.

The responses from employees in Asia-Pacific reveal
                                                                    “I quit!”
that relatively few feel the “I quit” urge despite having         I Quit! APAC
                                                                    Do you frequently think about quitting your current job and leaving your employer? (% Yes, by region)
already planned their exits from their current employers.   100
Many employees are seeking greater opportunities                         33%            40%             30%             56%             41%            30%             37%        43%

to develop and excel in their field, and the chance to       90

use their existing skills and experience. They want a
challenge and few feel that their current employer can
offer it.                                                    70

Around four in ten respondents in the region (39%)           60

say they frequently think about quitting their job. This
is highest in Indonesia (56%) and Thailand (43%), and
lowest in India and New Zealand (both 30%). In fact,         40

Indonesia and Thailand present a significant counter
trend in the region—both report higher than average
intent to quit, yet higher than average satisfaction with    20
employers. This could well be an indicator that a large
proportion of what’s driving turnover is about the new
opportunities that are opening up in these markets.

                                                                       Australia        China           India        Indonesia        Malaysia     New Zealand       Singapore   Thailand

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                               4
3 / Few employees feel their role is ‘meaningful’
A sense of meaning and achievement is critical to retention—without it
employees are looking elsewhere in spite of economic uncertainty.

Just half of employees (49%) feel that they have a sense
                                                                   job fulfillment
of ‘meaning’ in their work across Asia-Pacific. While            Job Fulfillment APAC
                                                                   Does your current employment provide you with a sense of “meaning”? (% Yes, by region)
both Australia, China, New Zealand, Singapore and          100
Malaysia report lower levels of ‘meaning’ in their work                 41%            44%            48%            80%            46%            40%         41%        71%

than the global average, more than eight in ten (80%) in    90

Indonesia and seven in ten (70%) in Thailand feel they
have genuine job fulfilment.








                                                                      Australia        China         India         Indonesia      Malaysia     New Zealand   Singapore   Thailand

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                       5
4 / They believe having multiple employers is an advantage
While some still believe its possible to have one employer for life,
most see multiple employers is a career asset.

While four in ten employees in India still believe in the
                                                                    one employer for life
concept of ‘one employer for life’ (41%), which is well           One Employer for Life APAC
                                                                    To what degree do you agree or disagree that a “career-for-life” with one employer is relevant? (Total ‘agree’)
ahead of those who still hold this view in Indonesia        100
and Thailand (20% and 28% respectively), it seems it is                  32%               34%           41%             20%             31%             29%              29%          28%

becoming less and less likely in reality. Most employees     90

now believe that staying with a single employer is a
limitation on their career prospects.
In APAC, some 70% of workers feel that gaining
experience with multiple employers is an asset to their      60

careers. This is highest in some rapidly developing
markets in the region such as Indonesia (81%), Thailand
(81%), although India has the lowest rate of believing       40

that multiple employers is an advantage (61%). Many of
the developed markets in the region are somewhere in
the middle on this count: Australia (65%), New Zealand       20
(66%) and Singapore (68%).


                                                                       Australia          China          India         Indonesia       Malaysia      New Zealand       Singapore      Thailand

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                                    6
5 / Counter offers are unlikely to change their minds
Few employees are keen to have an open dialogue with their employers about their
desire to move on, which signals their minds are already made up.

People in APAC align with the global trend of not
                                                                     likely to share quitting plans
intending to share their quitting plans with their
                                                                     How likely are you to share your potential plans to move to another organization with your employer, with
employers—just 29% say they would do so. However,                  Likely to share quitting plans APAC
                                                                     the thought that this may result in changes that may motivate you to stay? (Total ‘likely’, by region)
employees in China are significant outliers on this          100
                                                                         29%             42%             32%             19%            29%             30%             26%        21%
count. Four in ten (42%) say they would share their
intentions with their employer in the hope that it will
result in changes or counter-offers that will enable them     80

to stay put.

While there are large differences across the region, a
large number of employees seem set on their plans
to move organizations regardless of their managers’           50
response to their resignation. Given that most counter
offers are usually just a rise in pay, employees are again
indicating that financial incentives are not the only kind    30
of change they’re looking for.



                                                                       Australia        China            India        Indonesia        Malaysia     New Zealand       Singapore   Thailand

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                                7
6 / Employees feel under-valued
and under-utilised

Just half of employees in Asia-Pacific (51%) feel
                                                                     realising potential
valued by their current employer. This is the highest              Realising potential APAC
                                                                     Do you feel that our current employer is realising the full benefits of your potential? (% Yes, by region)
proportion in the world, and significantly ahead of those    100
in Europe, yet still represents a less-than-ideal picture                 29%                 29%          46%             69%              38%             29%              30%       62%

for employers.                                                90

The sense of being valued is lowest in Singapore (41%)
with similar results in Australia (43%) and New Zealand       70
(43%). Yet, Thailand and Indonesia represent major
outliers on this count. The majority of employees in          60

these countries say they feel valued, and this is partly
explained by the fact that they report far higher rates of
feeling fully utilised in their roles.                        40

While just 29% of employees in Australia, New Zealand         30

and China report that their full potential is being
realised by their current employer, this figure is 62% in
Thailand and higher again in Indonesia (69%)—both             10

exceptionally high by world standards.

                                                                        Australia             China       India          Indonesia        Malaysia      New Zealand       Singapore   Thailand

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                                    8
7 / They are looking for personal
advancement first and foremost
What really keeps employees engaged— enjoyable and challenging
work—is often difficult for managers to respond to.

Personal growth and advancement is the number one
                                                           Factors that drive job choice
                                                             factors that drive            job choice
factor in deciding whether to accept a role. The two
                                                                   Which of the following factors would drive your decision to accept one job/position over another? (By region)
issues of personal fulfilment and personal growth/
advancement account for around three-quarters (75%)
of all responses across Asia-Pacific, signalling again
that rapid development and promotion is the key to
retention in the region.

When compared with financial incentives, personal
advancement far outweighs pay as a driver of job          60

acceptance in every country across the region.



                                                                       Australia        China           India        Indonesia       Malaysia      New Zealand      Singapore      Thailand

                                                                      Personal fulfillment/growth/advancement       Compensation/benefits

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                                 9
8 / Their desire for reward is personal
They expect a reward, but don’t assume it’s all about more money.

Compared to the global average, more people in the
                                                             Rewarding Performance
                                                               rewarding performance
Asia-Pacific region say they expect some formal reward
                                                                 What is your preferred way of being rewarded for good performance at work (By region)
for a job well done. However, there are vast differences
across the region. In Australia and New Zealand, around
one-in-five people say they don’t expect any reward
for high performance (20% and 17% respectively), yet
across every other country this is very low—down to just
1% in China. So, for the most part, employees expect
something. But promotion is high on their agenda and
a very close second to financial reward.

The significant differences across all countries and
regions points to the fact that rewards and incentives      40

are very personal. Having a one-size-fits-all approach
is likely to miss the mark, as none of the suggested
performance rewards can claim to meet the desires of        20
the majority of any worker population.


                                                                    Australia         China             India    Indonesia       Malaysia     New Zealand   Singapore   Thailand

                                                                    Financial Bonus           None required

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                      10

A global pattern has emerged in talent retention. Most        finding ways to demonstrate the ways in which each role            Ensuring that managers and HR departments have a clear
people are planning to switch jobs this year, and they        contributes to overall outcomes is key to retention and            view of the skills that each employee has, and making
have clear strategic reasons for doing so. Few employees      productivity. Team recognition is fine, but individuals            internal movement opportunities and project teams more
across Asia-Pacific feel that their full potential is being   (particularly highly talented ones) want to see how                flexible will help both employer and employee access the
utilised and many are seeing greater opportunities in their   they impact results too, and this means finding ways to            full spectrum of talent and skills available.
local markets. This inevitably throws up a negative cycle     measure and report on it.
                                                                                                                                 TIP #5 / Find ways to move employees internally:
for employers: one employee leaves to pursue their goals                                                                         allowing employees to choose projects and make a
                                                              TIP #3 / Think like a contingent worker: even in markets
elsewhere, another arrives in their place with the same                                                                          case for being part of them, as well encouraging other
                                                              such as Thailand and Indonesia where employees are more
goal. Instead of being locked into an endless, vicious                                                                           departments/managers and teams to seek skills internally,
                                                              satisfied with their current employer, movement intentions
cycle, HR professionals, and managers must:                                                                                      will increase development and growth opportunities for
                                                              are still high and are driven by the perception that new
TIP #1 / Keep an eye on the competitive landscape:            employers bring new opportunities. Therefore, employers            internal talent.
greater employment opportunities in Asia are driving          in the region need to consider ways to offer the benefits          TIP #6 / Ask how they want to be rewarded: pay and
decreasing retention despite improvements in pay and          of contingent work to permanent employees. A growing               benefits are clearly important to workers in the region,
other employment conditions. Understanding the market,        proportion of workers around the world are moving to               yet each employee is different. Consider how you might
including specific skills shortages, will assist employers    the free agent work-style, and around one-third of most            provide employees with access to other projects, skills and
to offer a competitive overall package to employees           workforces are now made up of contingent labour, so new            responsibilities when they reach their performance targets.
seeking rapid promotion and skill development in the fast-    retention strategies need to consider ways to increase the         If we know employee movement is driven by the desire to
developing markets.                                           engagement and motivation of these employees too.                  access new skills, finding ways is critical to retention.
TIP # 2 / Focus on ways to demonstrate the outcomes           TIP #4 / Commit resources to document and track skills:
and contribution of each employee’s role: meaning             if employees feel their skills are being fully utilised in their
at work is critical to engagement and satisfaction, so        role, they are more likely to feel valued by their employer.

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                                11
This ebook is extracted out of the report Acquisition
                                and Retention in the War for Talent.

                                      Download your
                                      FREE copy today.

About the Author
With over 30 years of experience in the recruitment industry, DHIRENdra shantilal oversees the entire
operations of Kelly Services for Asia Pacific across 12 countries and territories – Australia, China, Hong Kong,
India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand. Previously
a co-founder of Business Trends, he led the strategic integration of Business Trends with Kelly Services in the
year 2000. Dhiren holds an MBA from the University of Durham (UK) and a Diploma in Marketing awarded by
the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).

The Kelly Global Workforce Index was open to respondents around the globe and took the form of a questionnaire on the Kelly
Services website. Data was collated and analyzed by RDA Group. A number of questions have remained consistent over the course
of the survey and allow time-series analysis.

About Kelly
Kelly Services, Inc. (NASDAQ: KELYA, KELYB) is a leader in providing workforce solutions. Kelly® offers a comprehensive array of
outsourcing and consulting services as well as world-class staffing on a temporary, temporary-to-hire and direct-hire basis. Serving
clients around the globe, Kelly provides employment to more than 550,000 employees annually. Revenue in 2011 was $5.6 billion.
Visit and connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, & Twitter.

Kelly Global Workforce Index™

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  • 1. 8 signs talent retention strategies are faltering kelly Global workforce index ™ Dhirendra shantilal Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore & Thailand
  • 2. Talent retention declines as opportunity grows in APAC Over the past three years, something entirely counter- are seeking to move from one opportunity to the next intuitive has occurred regarding employee retention to maximise their potential and expand their skill and across the Asia-Pacific region. Despite unprecedented experience base. global economic turmoil over this period, the proportion of employees intending to leave their current job has For the most part, employees have created a new increased. In uncertain times, employers generally career template for themselves that doesn’t include one expect to see an upswing in loyalty, yet the opposite employer for long periods of time. This poses a great has occurred. challenge for HR professionals, recruiters and hiring managers across the region, and indeed the world. How Why? do you hold on to talent when talent has already decided to keep moving? In our latest survey of some 35,000 people across the region, one thing is clear: employees are taking their Here, we explore the results of the latest Kelly Global careers into their own hands. They’re not waiting for Workforce Index in an attempt to provide some insights, the employment market to improve, for employers to a reality check, and some tangible ways forward. promote them, nor increase their salaries. Instead, they Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 2
  • 3. 1 / Voluntary attrition increases Most employees are looking to move organisations, and despite ongoing economic turmoil, loyalty has not increased. Employees in the Asia-Pacific region have seen a job switching slight increase in voluntary, planned exits from current Job Switching APAC Do you intend to look for a job with another organization within the next year? (% Yes, by region) employers over the past three years. 100 66% 58% 61% 71% 58% 68% 57% 65% Six in ten workers in the region say they intend to look 90 for a job with another organization, and employees in 80 Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand lead this trend. Significantly fewer employees in China and Malaysia say 70 they intend to move jobs in the next 12 months (both 58%) but still well above half the workforce in these 60 countries. 50 It appears that employees plan to move organizations 40 as part of a broader career strategy—perhaps in response to decreasing career prospects in their current 30 roles, increased opportunity externally, and the need to 20 acquire new skills in a rapidly evolving market. 10 0 Australia China India Indonesia Malaysia New Zealand Singapore Thailand Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 3
  • 4. 2 / Exits are now well-planned, strategic decisions While voluntary attrition plans are on the rise, unplanned exits driven by personal frustration are low. The responses from employees in Asia-Pacific reveal “I quit!” that relatively few feel the “I quit” urge despite having I Quit! APAC Do you frequently think about quitting your current job and leaving your employer? (% Yes, by region) already planned their exits from their current employers. 100 Many employees are seeking greater opportunities 33% 40% 30% 56% 41% 30% 37% 43% to develop and excel in their field, and the chance to 90 use their existing skills and experience. They want a 80 challenge and few feel that their current employer can offer it. 70 Around four in ten respondents in the region (39%) 60 say they frequently think about quitting their job. This 50 is highest in Indonesia (56%) and Thailand (43%), and lowest in India and New Zealand (both 30%). In fact, 40 Indonesia and Thailand present a significant counter 30 trend in the region—both report higher than average intent to quit, yet higher than average satisfaction with 20 employers. This could well be an indicator that a large 10 proportion of what’s driving turnover is about the new opportunities that are opening up in these markets. 0 Australia China India Indonesia Malaysia New Zealand Singapore Thailand Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 4
  • 5. 3 / Few employees feel their role is ‘meaningful’ A sense of meaning and achievement is critical to retention—without it employees are looking elsewhere in spite of economic uncertainty. Just half of employees (49%) feel that they have a sense job fulfillment of ‘meaning’ in their work across Asia-Pacific. While Job Fulfillment APAC Does your current employment provide you with a sense of “meaning”? (% Yes, by region) both Australia, China, New Zealand, Singapore and 100 Malaysia report lower levels of ‘meaning’ in their work 41% 44% 48% 80% 46% 40% 41% 71% than the global average, more than eight in ten (80%) in 90 Indonesia and seven in ten (70%) in Thailand feel they 80 have genuine job fulfilment. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Australia China India Indonesia Malaysia New Zealand Singapore Thailand Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 5
  • 6. 4 / They believe having multiple employers is an advantage While some still believe its possible to have one employer for life, most see multiple employers is a career asset. While four in ten employees in India still believe in the one employer for life concept of ‘one employer for life’ (41%), which is well One Employer for Life APAC To what degree do you agree or disagree that a “career-for-life” with one employer is relevant? (Total ‘agree’) ahead of those who still hold this view in Indonesia 100 and Thailand (20% and 28% respectively), it seems it is 32% 34% 41% 20% 31% 29% 29% 28% becoming less and less likely in reality. Most employees 90 now believe that staying with a single employer is a 80 limitation on their career prospects. 70 In APAC, some 70% of workers feel that gaining experience with multiple employers is an asset to their 60 careers. This is highest in some rapidly developing 50 markets in the region such as Indonesia (81%), Thailand (81%), although India has the lowest rate of believing 40 that multiple employers is an advantage (61%). Many of 30 the developed markets in the region are somewhere in the middle on this count: Australia (65%), New Zealand 20 (66%) and Singapore (68%). 10 0 Australia China India Indonesia Malaysia New Zealand Singapore Thailand Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 6
  • 7. 5 / Counter offers are unlikely to change their minds Few employees are keen to have an open dialogue with their employers about their desire to move on, which signals their minds are already made up. People in APAC align with the global trend of not likely to share quitting plans intending to share their quitting plans with their How likely are you to share your potential plans to move to another organization with your employer, with employers—just 29% say they would do so. However, Likely to share quitting plans APAC the thought that this may result in changes that may motivate you to stay? (Total ‘likely’, by region) employees in China are significant outliers on this 100 29% 42% 32% 19% 29% 30% 26% 21% count. Four in ten (42%) say they would share their 90 intentions with their employer in the hope that it will result in changes or counter-offers that will enable them 80 to stay put. 70 While there are large differences across the region, a 60 large number of employees seem set on their plans to move organizations regardless of their managers’ 50 response to their resignation. Given that most counter 40 offers are usually just a rise in pay, employees are again indicating that financial incentives are not the only kind 30 of change they’re looking for. 20 10 0 Australia China India Indonesia Malaysia New Zealand Singapore Thailand Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 7
  • 8. 6 / Employees feel under-valued and under-utilised Just half of employees in Asia-Pacific (51%) feel realising potential valued by their current employer. This is the highest Realising potential APAC Do you feel that our current employer is realising the full benefits of your potential? (% Yes, by region) proportion in the world, and significantly ahead of those 100 in Europe, yet still represents a less-than-ideal picture 29% 29% 46% 69% 38% 29% 30% 62% for employers. 90 80 The sense of being valued is lowest in Singapore (41%) with similar results in Australia (43%) and New Zealand 70 (43%). Yet, Thailand and Indonesia represent major outliers on this count. The majority of employees in 60 these countries say they feel valued, and this is partly 50 explained by the fact that they report far higher rates of feeling fully utilised in their roles. 40 While just 29% of employees in Australia, New Zealand 30 and China report that their full potential is being 20 realised by their current employer, this figure is 62% in Thailand and higher again in Indonesia (69%)—both 10 exceptionally high by world standards. 0 Australia China India Indonesia Malaysia New Zealand Singapore Thailand Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 8
  • 9. 7 / They are looking for personal advancement first and foremost What really keeps employees engaged— enjoyable and challenging work—is often difficult for managers to respond to. Personal growth and advancement is the number one Factors that drive job choice factors that drive job choice factor in deciding whether to accept a role. The two Which of the following factors would drive your decision to accept one job/position over another? (By region) issues of personal fulfilment and personal growth/ 100 advancement account for around three-quarters (75%) of all responses across Asia-Pacific, signalling again that rapid development and promotion is the key to 80 retention in the region. When compared with financial incentives, personal advancement far outweighs pay as a driver of job 60 acceptance in every country across the region. 40 20 0 Australia China India Indonesia Malaysia New Zealand Singapore Thailand Personal fulfillment/growth/advancement Compensation/benefits Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 9
  • 10. 8 / Their desire for reward is personal They expect a reward, but don’t assume it’s all about more money. Compared to the global average, more people in the Rewarding Performance rewarding performance Asia-Pacific region say they expect some formal reward What is your preferred way of being rewarded for good performance at work (By region) for a job well done. However, there are vast differences 100 across the region. In Australia and New Zealand, around one-in-five people say they don’t expect any reward for high performance (20% and 17% respectively), yet 80 across every other country this is very low—down to just 1% in China. So, for the most part, employees expect something. But promotion is high on their agenda and 60 a very close second to financial reward. The significant differences across all countries and regions points to the fact that rewards and incentives 40 are very personal. Having a one-size-fits-all approach is likely to miss the mark, as none of the suggested performance rewards can claim to meet the desires of 20 the majority of any worker population. 0 Australia China India Indonesia Malaysia New Zealand Singapore Thailand Financial Bonus None required Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 10
  • 11. conclusion A global pattern has emerged in talent retention. Most finding ways to demonstrate the ways in which each role Ensuring that managers and HR departments have a clear people are planning to switch jobs this year, and they contributes to overall outcomes is key to retention and view of the skills that each employee has, and making have clear strategic reasons for doing so. Few employees productivity. Team recognition is fine, but individuals internal movement opportunities and project teams more across Asia-Pacific feel that their full potential is being (particularly highly talented ones) want to see how flexible will help both employer and employee access the utilised and many are seeing greater opportunities in their they impact results too, and this means finding ways to full spectrum of talent and skills available. local markets. This inevitably throws up a negative cycle measure and report on it. TIP #5 / Find ways to move employees internally: for employers: one employee leaves to pursue their goals allowing employees to choose projects and make a TIP #3 / Think like a contingent worker: even in markets elsewhere, another arrives in their place with the same case for being part of them, as well encouraging other such as Thailand and Indonesia where employees are more goal. Instead of being locked into an endless, vicious departments/managers and teams to seek skills internally, satisfied with their current employer, movement intentions cycle, HR professionals, and managers must: will increase development and growth opportunities for are still high and are driven by the perception that new TIP #1 / Keep an eye on the competitive landscape: employers bring new opportunities. Therefore, employers internal talent. greater employment opportunities in Asia are driving in the region need to consider ways to offer the benefits TIP #6 / Ask how they want to be rewarded: pay and decreasing retention despite improvements in pay and of contingent work to permanent employees. A growing benefits are clearly important to workers in the region, other employment conditions. Understanding the market, proportion of workers around the world are moving to yet each employee is different. Consider how you might including specific skills shortages, will assist employers the free agent work-style, and around one-third of most provide employees with access to other projects, skills and to offer a competitive overall package to employees workforces are now made up of contingent labour, so new responsibilities when they reach their performance targets. seeking rapid promotion and skill development in the fast- retention strategies need to consider ways to increase the If we know employee movement is driven by the desire to developing markets. engagement and motivation of these employees too. access new skills, finding ways is critical to retention. TIP # 2 / Focus on ways to demonstrate the outcomes TIP #4 / Commit resources to document and track skills: and contribution of each employee’s role: meaning if employees feel their skills are being fully utilised in their at work is critical to engagement and satisfaction, so role, they are more likely to feel valued by their employer. Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 11
  • 12. This ebook is extracted out of the report Acquisition and Retention in the War for Talent. Download your FREE copy today. About the Author With over 30 years of experience in the recruitment industry, DHIRENdra shantilal oversees the entire operations of Kelly Services for Asia Pacific across 12 countries and territories – Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand. Previously a co-founder of Business Trends, he led the strategic integration of Business Trends with Kelly Services in the year 2000. Dhiren holds an MBA from the University of Durham (UK) and a Diploma in Marketing awarded by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). Methodology The Kelly Global Workforce Index was open to respondents around the globe and took the form of a questionnaire on the Kelly Services website. Data was collated and analyzed by RDA Group. A number of questions have remained consistent over the course of the survey and allow time-series analysis. About Kelly Kelly Services, Inc. (NASDAQ: KELYA, KELYB) is a leader in providing workforce solutions. Kelly® offers a comprehensive array of outsourcing and consulting services as well as world-class staffing on a temporary, temporary-to-hire and direct-hire basis. Serving clients around the globe, Kelly provides employment to more than 550,000 employees annually. Revenue in 2011 was $5.6 billion. Visit and connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, & Twitter. EXIT Kelly Global Workforce Index™