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signs talent
are faltering
kelly Global workforce index ™

Leif AgnéuS

Europe: Denmark, france,
germany, hungary,
italy, norway, poland,
portugal, russia, sweden,
switzerland, UK
Talent retention suffers a blow in EMEA

Over the past three years, employees’ intentions to          They want meaning in their work, they want to feel valued
leave their current jobs in the EMEA region have             and they want to be challenged. Few organizations
plateaued. Despite ongoing economic turmoil and many         appear to be meeting the mark on these fronts, and
employers assuming that their people will seek security      employees are realistic about their ability to influence
over new opportunities, talent retention efforts appear      for this change within their current roles. Instead, they’re
to have stalled.                                             carefully planning their next career move with an eye to
                                                             attaining new skills and broader experience, which they
Now, it seems employees are taking their careers             hope will shore up their future employment prospects.
into their own hands. They’re reporting high levels
of dissatisfaction, but it’s not the trivial kind. Rather,   While there are significant differences between
they appear to be searching for organizations that will      employees in particular countries throughout EMEA, the
embrace their potential, provide them with consistent        broad pattern is remarkably similar. Here, we offer some
challenges, and this—far more than higher salaries or        food-for-thought for HR professionals and senior leaders
better benefits—is the reward they are seeking in spite of   to help turn it around.
economic uncertainty.

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                               2
1 / Voluntary attrition has plateaued
Most employees are looking to move organizations, and despite
ongoing economic turmoil, loyalty has not increased.

The idea that poor economic conditions encourages
                                                                  job switching
loyalty from employees is not holding up. Instead of a           Job Switching EMEA
                                                                  Do you intend to look for a job with another organization within the next year? (% Yes, by region)
decrease in the number of people intending to move
organizations and roles over the next 12 months, the                 76%        74%      54%        61%        76%       65%        70%        78%       54%           66%   63%       75%

proportion has remained unchanged since 2009. Across        90
the EMEA region, more than six in every 10 employees
are seeking alternative employers this year.

Workers in Portugal, Denmark, France, Italy and the UK
lead this trend, all with around three-quarters of their    60
workforces looking to change organizations. Russia and
Germany both significantly buck this trend, with only
around half the workforce seeking new opportunities         40
this year.
It’s highly likely that employees’ movement plans are
part of a broader career strategy to acquire new skills
and maintain a competitive edge in a less secure
market. Employees are seeking differentiation in their
resumes, and few organizations seem able to offer it to      0
                                                                   Denmark     France   Germany   Hungary      Italy    Norway     Poland    Portugal    Russia   Sweden Switzerland   UK
their internal candidates.

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                                3
2 / They are making planned exits
Exits from employers appear to be planned rather than rash
decisions made in response to trivial dissatisfactions.

With the exception of employees in Poland, Hungary
                                                                    “I quit!”
and Germany, most exits seem to be driven more by a               I Quit! EMEA
                                                                    Do you frequently think about quitting your current job and leaving your employer? (% Yes, by region)
clear career strategy, as opposed to deep dissatisfaction   100
and frustration.                                                      38%        32%       54%       56%        49%       41%        59%       37%        44%       41%       43%       41%

While more than half the workforce in both Poland and
Germany say they regularly feel the urge to quit, most
employees in other parts of EMEA do not. Instead, they       70
are looking to move in a more planned manner, usually
to access new experiences and skills. Rather than a rash     60

decision, their desires to leave are being driven with
broader, longer-term goals in mind.
That said, frustration levels are at their highest in
the EMEA region (43% say the frequently want to quit),       30

compared with just 28% in the Americas and 39%
in APAC.


                                                                    Denmark      France   Germany   Hungary     Italy    Norway     Poland    Portugal   Russia    Sweden Switzerland   UK

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                                 4
3 / Many lack a sense of ‘meaning’ at work
Happiness at work comes from a sense of meaning and achievement—
without it employees are looking elsewhere in spite of economic uncertainty.

Across the EMEA region, fewer than half of employees
                                                                 job fulfillment
(46%) feel that they have a sense of ‘meaning’ in their         Job Fulfillment EMEA
                                                                 Does your current employment provide you with a sense of “meaning”? (% Yes, by region)
work. The UK and Germany report the lowest levels         100
of job fulfillment with only around one-third of their              39%        49%      37%       48%      43%       47%       40%        42%       56%      41%       51%       35%

workforces saying that they have a sense of meaning        90

in their job.

When asked what provides the greatest sense of             70
meaning at work, most workers say they seek the
“ability to excel and develop” in their field. The         60

ability to excel draws the highest proportion of votes
in Portugal and Sweden (81% and 78% respectively)
and the lowest in Italy and Hungary (both 61%). While      40

other issues such as connection with coworkers and
the organization’s alignment with employees’ personal
values also rates highly, the desire to excel wins out     20
as the key issue for employees across the region, and
indeed the world.


                                                                  Denmark     France   Germany   Hungary   Italy    Norway    Poland    Portugal   Russia   Sweden Switzerland   UK

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                          5
4 / They believe varied employment is a competitive edge
While some still believe its possible to have one employer
for life, most see multiple employers is a career asset.

While four in ten workers in Portugal still believe in the
                                                                         one employer for life
concept of one employer for life (42%), far fewer people               One Employer for Life EMEA
                                                                         To what degree do you agree or disagree that a “career-for-life” with one employer is relevant? (Total ‘agree’)
in almost every other part of EMEA agree.                        100
                                                                           13%         16%          26%    11%        13%        28%        23%       42%        12%        19%        20%     31%
In Hungary, Russia, Italy and Denmark, the idea of a              90

career for life appears to have the least relevance, with
only around one in ten employees saying they feel it is
still relevant. A career for life is slightly more acceptable     70
in Poland (23%), Germany (26%), Norway (28%) and
the UK (32%).                                                     60

Almost two-thirds of workers in the UK (65%) believe
that gaining experience with multiple employers is an             40
asset to their careers. While this is high, it’s the lowest of
the larger EMEA countries. This figure is 73% in Poland,          30

74% in Italy, 75% in Switzerland, 76% in France and
Portugal, and slightly higher in Germany and Norway
(both 77%) and Russia (78%).                                      10


                                                                         Denmark      France    Germany   Hungary     Italy    Norway     Poland    Portugal    Russia    Sweden Switzerland   UK

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                                        6
5 / They’re not looking for a counter offer
Few employees are keen to have an open dialogue with their employers about
their desire to move on, which signals their minds are already made up.

Less than three in ten employees across the EMEA
                                                                 likely to share quitting plans
region say they would share their quitting plans with
                                                                 How likely are you to share your potential plans to move to another organization with your employer, with
their employers in the hope that a counter offer               Likely to share quitting plans EMEA
                                                                 the thought that this may result in changes that may motivate you to stay? (Total ‘likely’, by region)
might be made.                                           100
                                                                   17%       28%        22%       18%        16%       28%        30%       22%        18%        35%        28%     26%
This is lowest in Italy (16%), Demark (17%) and Russia
and Hungary (both 18%), and highest in Poland and
Sweden (30% and 35% respectively). This suggests
that most employees are set on their plans to move        70

organizations regardless of their managers’ response
to their resignation, and are doing so because they
don’t believe their current organization has anything     50
further to offer them.





                                                                Denmark     France    Germany   Hungary      Italy    Norway     Poland    Portugal   Russia    Sweden Switzerland   UK

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                              7
6 / They feel the least valued &
utilized of all employees globally

Just 39% of employees in the EMEA region say they
                                                                       realising potential
feel valued by their current employer—significantly                  Realising potential EMEA
                                                                       Do you feel that our current employer is realising the full benefits of your potential? (% Yes, by region)
behind employees in the Americas (45%) and                     100
APAC (51%).                                                              26%          28%        22%       20%       29%        30%        13%        26%        23%        27%      33%       24%

Perhaps more concerning is the low level of employees
who report that they are being fully utilized in their
current role. Only around three in ten employees in             70
the region say they are using their skills sufficiently, and
if job movement is tied to employees’ ability to use            60

their skills and excel, the outlook for talent retention
across the region is poor. Employees in Poland rate
their employers well below the rest of the region on            40

this count, with little more than one in ten employees
feeling their employers are realizing their full potential.



                                                                       Denmark      France      Germany   Hungary    Italy    Norway      Poland    Portugal    Russia    Sweden Switzerland   UK

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                                        8
7 / They want personal fulfillment and to be challenged
What really keeps employees engaged— enjoyable and
challenging work—is no easy task to respond to.

When asked about what drives the decision to accept
                                                             Factors that drive job choice
                                                               factors that drive        job choice
one role over another, personal fulfillment and personal
                                                                 Which of the following factors would drive your decision to accept one job/position over another? (By region)
growth/advancement accounts for around seven in
every ten responses across the EMEA region. The
starkest contrast on these counts is found among            90

employees in Denmark, the UK, Switzerland and
Germany—in these countries an exceptionally small
proportion of people feel that compensation and             70
benefits drives their choice to accept one role over
another. Yet, in Hungary compensation is a major driver
of job choice, with almost four in ten employees feeling
it is a key consideration.

Similarly, when asked which factor makes them feel
more committed and engaged with their current job,
‘more challenging and interesting work’, and ‘more
meaningful responsibility’ accounted for the majority of
responses—well ahead of higher salaries and benefits.       10


                                                                  Denmark     France     Germany   Hungary    Italy    Norway    Poland    Portugal    Russia   Sweden Switzerland   UK

                                                                    Personal fulfillment/growth/advancement       Compensation/benefits

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                             9
8 / Their desire for reward is personal
Don’t just assume all employees are looking for a pay rise
—it’s more complicated than that.

More employees across the EMEA prefer to be
                                                            Rewarding Performance
                                                              rewarding performance
rewarded via a financial bonus than those in other
                                                                What is your preferred way of being rewarded for good performance at work (By region)
regions. However, in most cases this type of reward is
the preferred option for fewer than half of the working
population. Only Germany and Russia stand out as the       90

countries where most workers prefer and expect this
kind of reward.
A significant proportion of people say they do not
require any form of reward at all for a job well done.     60

This is highest in Denmark where almost one-quarter
say no reward is required, followed by Portugal and the
United Kingdom with almost one in five (19%) agreeing.     40

This compares with just 5% in Germany and Hungary,
4% Italy and 2% in Russia.

The significant differences across all countries and
regions points to the fact that rewards and incentives     10

are very personal. Having a one-size-fits-all approach
is likely to miss the mark, as none of the suggested
                                                                 Denmark    France   Germany   Hungary     Italy   Norway     Poland   Portugal   Russia   Sweden Switzerland   UK
performance rewards can claim to meet the desires of
the majority of any worker population.                             Financial Bonus       None required

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                        10

A strong, global pattern has emerged in talent retention,     •	 Give employees a voice in how they’re rewarded:                   on managers. Allowing employees to choose projects
and employees across the EMEA region are no exception.          don’t assume a bonus will always be top of the list.               and make a case for being part of them, as well
Declining satisfaction and meaning at work is reaching a        Consider other projects, skills and responsibilities that          encouraging other departments/managers and teams
natural crescendo—and it’s hardly assisted by ongoing           staff can be exposed to should they reach their high-              to seek skills internally, will increase development and
market turmoil and the quickening pace of change. Most          performance target. After all, large numbers of people             growth opportunities for internal talent.
people are planning to switch organizations within the          say that challenging work helps to keep them engaged
                                                                                                                                 •	 Focus on ways to demonstrate the outcomes and
next year, and they have clear, strategic reasons why           in their job.
                                                                                                                                   contribution of each employee’s role: meaning
they’re doing so.
                                                              •	 Commit resources to documenting and keeping                       at work is critical to engagement and satisfaction,
                                                                track of employees’ skills: few employees feel their               so finding ways to demonstrate the ways in which
Few feel that their current organization is accessing their
                                                                full potential is being utilized in their role. This is a          each role contributes to overall outcomes is key to
potential, which inevitably throws up a negative cycle
                                                                poor outcome for both employee and employer. Some                  retention and productivity. Team recognition is fine, but
in the talent retention stakes: as one employee leaves
                                                                of this is simply that managers and HR departments                 individuals want to see how they impact results too, and
to pursue their potential, another arrives in their place
                                                                do not always have a clear view of the skills that                 this means finding ways to measure and report on it.
with the same goal. It seems both will get what they
                                                                each employee has, and as a result they fail to be
seek for the short term and then the cycle will repeat,                                                                          •	 Make the most of contingent workers: around
                                                                proactive about helping employees use these as new
leaving HR and hiring managers to pick up the pieces and                                                                           one-third of most workforces are now made up of
                                                                opportunities arise.
consistently plug skills gaps in a tightening market.                                                                              contingent labor, and these workers need to be kept
                                                              •	 Find ways to move employees internally: for most                  engaged, motivated and rewarded too. This highly
Instead of being locked into an endless, vicious cycle, HR      employees, the idea of an employer for life is outdated            skilled group offers a wealth of potential, but if it’s
professionals, hiring managers and senior leaders in the        and instead they actively seek new employers to                    not being used, they’re more likely than others to
region should look to:                                          access and develop new skills. This can be provided                move quickly.
                                                                internally, but is likely to fail if the entire process relies

Kelly Global Workforce Index™                                                                                                                                                                 11
This whitepaper is extracted out of the report
                                Acquisition and Retention in the War for Talent.

                                      Download your
                                      FREE copy today.

About the Author
Leif Agnéus is senior vice president and general manager, Europe, Middle East, and Africa for Kelly Services
and oversees our operations across 16 countries and territories in the EMEA region. Leif holds
a master’s degree from the Ecole Hotelière de Lausanne with majors in finance and service delivery. He is a
board member of Eurociett and a member of the Swiss American Chamber of Commerce.

The Kelly Global Workforce Index was open to respondents around the globe and took the form of a questionnaire on the
Kelly Services website. Data was collated and analyzed by RDA Group. A number of questions have remained consistent over
the course of the survey and allow time-series analysis.

About Kelly
Kelly Services, Inc. (NASDAQ: KELYA, KELYB) is a leader in providing workforce solutions. Kelly® offers a comprehensive array of
outsourcing and consulting services as well as world-class staffing on a temporary, temporary-to-hire and direct-hire basis. Serving
clients around the globe, Kelly provides employment to more than 550,000 employees annually. Revenue in 2011 was $5.6 billion.
Visit and connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, & Twitter.

Kelly Global Workforce Index™

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EUROPE: 8 signs talent retention strategies are faltering

  • 1. 8 signs talent retention strategies are faltering kelly Global workforce index ™ Leif AgnéuS Europe: Denmark, france, germany, hungary, italy, norway, poland, portugal, russia, sweden, switzerland, UK
  • 2. Talent retention suffers a blow in EMEA Over the past three years, employees’ intentions to They want meaning in their work, they want to feel valued leave their current jobs in the EMEA region have and they want to be challenged. Few organizations plateaued. Despite ongoing economic turmoil and many appear to be meeting the mark on these fronts, and employers assuming that their people will seek security employees are realistic about their ability to influence over new opportunities, talent retention efforts appear for this change within their current roles. Instead, they’re to have stalled. carefully planning their next career move with an eye to attaining new skills and broader experience, which they Now, it seems employees are taking their careers hope will shore up their future employment prospects. into their own hands. They’re reporting high levels of dissatisfaction, but it’s not the trivial kind. Rather, While there are significant differences between they appear to be searching for organizations that will employees in particular countries throughout EMEA, the embrace their potential, provide them with consistent broad pattern is remarkably similar. Here, we offer some challenges, and this—far more than higher salaries or food-for-thought for HR professionals and senior leaders better benefits—is the reward they are seeking in spite of to help turn it around. economic uncertainty. Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 2
  • 3. 1 / Voluntary attrition has plateaued Most employees are looking to move organizations, and despite ongoing economic turmoil, loyalty has not increased. The idea that poor economic conditions encourages job switching loyalty from employees is not holding up. Instead of a Job Switching EMEA Do you intend to look for a job with another organization within the next year? (% Yes, by region) decrease in the number of people intending to move 100 organizations and roles over the next 12 months, the 76% 74% 54% 61% 76% 65% 70% 78% 54% 66% 63% 75% proportion has remained unchanged since 2009. Across 90 the EMEA region, more than six in every 10 employees 80 are seeking alternative employers this year. 70 Workers in Portugal, Denmark, France, Italy and the UK lead this trend, all with around three-quarters of their 60 workforces looking to change organizations. Russia and 50 Germany both significantly buck this trend, with only around half the workforce seeking new opportunities 40 this year. 30 It’s highly likely that employees’ movement plans are 20 part of a broader career strategy to acquire new skills and maintain a competitive edge in a less secure 10 market. Employees are seeking differentiation in their resumes, and few organizations seem able to offer it to 0 Denmark France Germany Hungary Italy Norway Poland Portugal Russia Sweden Switzerland UK their internal candidates. Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 3
  • 4. 2 / They are making planned exits Exits from employers appear to be planned rather than rash decisions made in response to trivial dissatisfactions. With the exception of employees in Poland, Hungary “I quit!” and Germany, most exits seem to be driven more by a I Quit! EMEA Do you frequently think about quitting your current job and leaving your employer? (% Yes, by region) clear career strategy, as opposed to deep dissatisfaction 100 and frustration. 38% 32% 54% 56% 49% 41% 59% 37% 44% 41% 43% 41% 90 While more than half the workforce in both Poland and 80 Germany say they regularly feel the urge to quit, most employees in other parts of EMEA do not. Instead, they 70 are looking to move in a more planned manner, usually to access new experiences and skills. Rather than a rash 60 decision, their desires to leave are being driven with 50 broader, longer-term goals in mind. 40 That said, frustration levels are at their highest in the EMEA region (43% say the frequently want to quit), 30 compared with just 28% in the Americas and 39% 20 in APAC. 10 0 Denmark France Germany Hungary Italy Norway Poland Portugal Russia Sweden Switzerland UK Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 4
  • 5. 3 / Many lack a sense of ‘meaning’ at work Happiness at work comes from a sense of meaning and achievement— without it employees are looking elsewhere in spite of economic uncertainty. Across the EMEA region, fewer than half of employees job fulfillment (46%) feel that they have a sense of ‘meaning’ in their Job Fulfillment EMEA Does your current employment provide you with a sense of “meaning”? (% Yes, by region) work. The UK and Germany report the lowest levels 100 of job fulfillment with only around one-third of their 39% 49% 37% 48% 43% 47% 40% 42% 56% 41% 51% 35% workforces saying that they have a sense of meaning 90 in their job. 80 When asked what provides the greatest sense of 70 meaning at work, most workers say they seek the “ability to excel and develop” in their field. The 60 ability to excel draws the highest proportion of votes 50 in Portugal and Sweden (81% and 78% respectively) and the lowest in Italy and Hungary (both 61%). While 40 other issues such as connection with coworkers and 30 the organization’s alignment with employees’ personal values also rates highly, the desire to excel wins out 20 as the key issue for employees across the region, and 10 indeed the world. 0 Denmark France Germany Hungary Italy Norway Poland Portugal Russia Sweden Switzerland UK Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 5
  • 6. 4 / They believe varied employment is a competitive edge While some still believe its possible to have one employer for life, most see multiple employers is a career asset. While four in ten workers in Portugal still believe in the one employer for life concept of one employer for life (42%), far fewer people One Employer for Life EMEA To what degree do you agree or disagree that a “career-for-life” with one employer is relevant? (Total ‘agree’) in almost every other part of EMEA agree. 100 13% 16% 26% 11% 13% 28% 23% 42% 12% 19% 20% 31% In Hungary, Russia, Italy and Denmark, the idea of a 90 career for life appears to have the least relevance, with 80 only around one in ten employees saying they feel it is still relevant. A career for life is slightly more acceptable 70 in Poland (23%), Germany (26%), Norway (28%) and the UK (32%). 60 50 Almost two-thirds of workers in the UK (65%) believe that gaining experience with multiple employers is an 40 asset to their careers. While this is high, it’s the lowest of the larger EMEA countries. This figure is 73% in Poland, 30 74% in Italy, 75% in Switzerland, 76% in France and 20 Portugal, and slightly higher in Germany and Norway (both 77%) and Russia (78%). 10 0 Denmark France Germany Hungary Italy Norway Poland Portugal Russia Sweden Switzerland UK Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 6
  • 7. 5 / They’re not looking for a counter offer Few employees are keen to have an open dialogue with their employers about their desire to move on, which signals their minds are already made up. Less than three in ten employees across the EMEA likely to share quitting plans region say they would share their quitting plans with How likely are you to share your potential plans to move to another organization with your employer, with their employers in the hope that a counter offer Likely to share quitting plans EMEA the thought that this may result in changes that may motivate you to stay? (Total ‘likely’, by region) might be made. 100 17% 28% 22% 18% 16% 28% 30% 22% 18% 35% 28% 26% 90 This is lowest in Italy (16%), Demark (17%) and Russia and Hungary (both 18%), and highest in Poland and 80 Sweden (30% and 35% respectively). This suggests that most employees are set on their plans to move 70 organizations regardless of their managers’ response 60 to their resignation, and are doing so because they don’t believe their current organization has anything 50 further to offer them. 40 30 20 10 0 Denmark France Germany Hungary Italy Norway Poland Portugal Russia Sweden Switzerland UK Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 7
  • 8. 6 / They feel the least valued & utilized of all employees globally Just 39% of employees in the EMEA region say they realising potential feel valued by their current employer—significantly Realising potential EMEA Do you feel that our current employer is realising the full benefits of your potential? (% Yes, by region) behind employees in the Americas (45%) and 100 APAC (51%). 26% 28% 22% 20% 29% 30% 13% 26% 23% 27% 33% 24% 90 Perhaps more concerning is the low level of employees 80 who report that they are being fully utilized in their current role. Only around three in ten employees in 70 the region say they are using their skills sufficiently, and if job movement is tied to employees’ ability to use 60 their skills and excel, the outlook for talent retention 50 across the region is poor. Employees in Poland rate their employers well below the rest of the region on 40 this count, with little more than one in ten employees 30 feeling their employers are realizing their full potential. 20 10 0 Denmark France Germany Hungary Italy Norway Poland Portugal Russia Sweden Switzerland UK Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 8
  • 9. 7 / They want personal fulfillment and to be challenged What really keeps employees engaged— enjoyable and challenging work—is no easy task to respond to. When asked about what drives the decision to accept Factors that drive job choice factors that drive job choice one role over another, personal fulfillment and personal Which of the following factors would drive your decision to accept one job/position over another? (By region) growth/advancement accounts for around seven in 100 every ten responses across the EMEA region. The starkest contrast on these counts is found among 90 employees in Denmark, the UK, Switzerland and 80 Germany—in these countries an exceptionally small proportion of people feel that compensation and 70 benefits drives their choice to accept one role over 60 another. Yet, in Hungary compensation is a major driver of job choice, with almost four in ten employees feeling 50 it is a key consideration. 40 Similarly, when asked which factor makes them feel 30 more committed and engaged with their current job, ‘more challenging and interesting work’, and ‘more 20 meaningful responsibility’ accounted for the majority of responses—well ahead of higher salaries and benefits. 10 0 Denmark France Germany Hungary Italy Norway Poland Portugal Russia Sweden Switzerland UK Personal fulfillment/growth/advancement Compensation/benefits Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 9
  • 10. 8 / Their desire for reward is personal Don’t just assume all employees are looking for a pay rise —it’s more complicated than that. More employees across the EMEA prefer to be Rewarding Performance rewarding performance rewarded via a financial bonus than those in other What is your preferred way of being rewarded for good performance at work (By region) regions. However, in most cases this type of reward is 100 the preferred option for fewer than half of the working population. Only Germany and Russia stand out as the 90 countries where most workers prefer and expect this 80 kind of reward. 70 A significant proportion of people say they do not require any form of reward at all for a job well done. 60 This is highest in Denmark where almost one-quarter 50 say no reward is required, followed by Portugal and the United Kingdom with almost one in five (19%) agreeing. 40 This compares with just 5% in Germany and Hungary, 30 4% Italy and 2% in Russia. 20 The significant differences across all countries and regions points to the fact that rewards and incentives 10 are very personal. Having a one-size-fits-all approach 0 is likely to miss the mark, as none of the suggested Denmark France Germany Hungary Italy Norway Poland Portugal Russia Sweden Switzerland UK performance rewards can claim to meet the desires of the majority of any worker population. Financial Bonus None required Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 10
  • 11. conclusion A strong, global pattern has emerged in talent retention, • Give employees a voice in how they’re rewarded: on managers. Allowing employees to choose projects and employees across the EMEA region are no exception. don’t assume a bonus will always be top of the list. and make a case for being part of them, as well Declining satisfaction and meaning at work is reaching a Consider other projects, skills and responsibilities that encouraging other departments/managers and teams natural crescendo—and it’s hardly assisted by ongoing staff can be exposed to should they reach their high- to seek skills internally, will increase development and market turmoil and the quickening pace of change. Most performance target. After all, large numbers of people growth opportunities for internal talent. people are planning to switch organizations within the say that challenging work helps to keep them engaged • Focus on ways to demonstrate the outcomes and next year, and they have clear, strategic reasons why in their job. contribution of each employee’s role: meaning they’re doing so. • Commit resources to documenting and keeping at work is critical to engagement and satisfaction, track of employees’ skills: few employees feel their so finding ways to demonstrate the ways in which Few feel that their current organization is accessing their full potential is being utilized in their role. This is a each role contributes to overall outcomes is key to potential, which inevitably throws up a negative cycle poor outcome for both employee and employer. Some retention and productivity. Team recognition is fine, but in the talent retention stakes: as one employee leaves of this is simply that managers and HR departments individuals want to see how they impact results too, and to pursue their potential, another arrives in their place do not always have a clear view of the skills that this means finding ways to measure and report on it. with the same goal. It seems both will get what they each employee has, and as a result they fail to be seek for the short term and then the cycle will repeat, • Make the most of contingent workers: around proactive about helping employees use these as new leaving HR and hiring managers to pick up the pieces and one-third of most workforces are now made up of opportunities arise. consistently plug skills gaps in a tightening market. contingent labor, and these workers need to be kept • Find ways to move employees internally: for most engaged, motivated and rewarded too. This highly Instead of being locked into an endless, vicious cycle, HR employees, the idea of an employer for life is outdated skilled group offers a wealth of potential, but if it’s professionals, hiring managers and senior leaders in the and instead they actively seek new employers to not being used, they’re more likely than others to region should look to: access and develop new skills. This can be provided move quickly. internally, but is likely to fail if the entire process relies Kelly Global Workforce Index™ 11
  • 12. This whitepaper is extracted out of the report Acquisition and Retention in the War for Talent. Download your FREE copy today. About the Author Leif Agnéus is senior vice president and general manager, Europe, Middle East, and Africa for Kelly Services and oversees our operations across 16 countries and territories in the EMEA region. Leif holds a master’s degree from the Ecole Hotelière de Lausanne with majors in finance and service delivery. He is a board member of Eurociett and a member of the Swiss American Chamber of Commerce. Methodology The Kelly Global Workforce Index was open to respondents around the globe and took the form of a questionnaire on the Kelly Services website. Data was collated and analyzed by RDA Group. A number of questions have remained consistent over the course of the survey and allow time-series analysis. About Kelly Kelly Services, Inc. (NASDAQ: KELYA, KELYB) is a leader in providing workforce solutions. Kelly® offers a comprehensive array of outsourcing and consulting services as well as world-class staffing on a temporary, temporary-to-hire and direct-hire basis. Serving clients around the globe, Kelly provides employment to more than 550,000 employees annually. Revenue in 2011 was $5.6 billion. Visit and connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, & Twitter. EXIT Kelly Global Workforce Index™