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KI – Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge graphs for
knowing more and knowing for sure
Steffen Staab
provides an international forum for presentation and
discussion of research on information and knowledge
management, as well as recent advances on data and
knowledge bases.
Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
Rather: Conference on Large Language Models?
Let’s explore the role of knowledge bases/graphs!
1. What is a Knowledge Graph?
2. Some Applications of Knowledge Graphs
3. Knowledge Graphs for Knowing for Sure
4. Knowledge Graphs for Knowing More
5. Large Language Models as Knowledge Bases
6. Large Language Models as AI Assistants
Plan for my talk
1 What is a
Knowledge Graph?
What is a Knowledge Graph?
A model for knowledge structures with
„liver tumor“ / „PhValue 7.5“
Labels / Values
• Scalability to
billions of facts
• Answering with
• facts
• predictions
• recommendations
What does a knowledge graph do for us?
What are the difficulties?
Example from medical project:
• Foundational Model of Anatomy:
75.000 concepts, 120.000 labels,
> 2 Mio facts
• Not even patient data yet!
Ontologies & Facts
• How to develop and integrate
• How to provide facts?
• Reasoning?
• Learning?
• Guarantees?
What does a knowledge graph do for us?
What are the difficulties?
Example from medical project:
• Foundational Model of Anatomy
• RadLex
• ICD-10
Ontologies & Facts
What can be represented?
• Provenance
• Uncertainty
• Time
• …
What does a knowledge graph do for us?
What are the difficulties?
Example from medical project:
• Patient history
• patient measurements
2 Some Applications
of Knowledge
Steffen Staab, Universität Stuttgart, @ststaab, 10
Knowledge Graph
Steffen Staab, Universität Stuttgart, @ststaab, 11
Wonderful ressource
– but not representative
Application 1: Bosch Semantic Stack
Kalaycı, Elem Güzel, et al. "Semantic integration of Bosch manufacturing data using virtual knowledge graphs." ISWC 2020: 19th International
Semantic Web Conference, Springer, 2020.
Application 2: KG for Circular Factory
Knowledge Graph contains knowledge about design, production and product
including plans, sensor measurements and intra-logistics
Application 3: Architecture, Engineering, Construction
[CAAD Futures 2023] Collaboration with architects Happold, London
customer requirements
acoustic engineering
electrical engineering
fire containment
many stakeholders
many tools
work in parallel, no waterfall
mutual dependencies
many stakeholders
many tools
work in parallel, no waterfall
mutual dependencies
code as agent
• Updates and deletions with dependencies [EKAW18],
also at the ontological level [KR2020]
• Federation [WWW08]
• Lacking views with deletions and updates
• Transaction locking [ESWC2013]
• Lacking recent standards (SHACL) and optimistic schemes
• Uncertainties
• Managing identities
(„does re-designed column preserve its identity?“)
• ...
Applications Imply Wealth of Requirements
Encyclopedic KGs
• Facts are reported often
• Who is Douglas Adams?
• What is the capital of France?
• Head of distribution of world
knowledge on the Web
• Answers with high precision
retrieval desired
Engineering KGs
• Point facts exist once
• w3476 instOf AngleGrinder
• faceGear4223
maxDeviation 0.3mm
• Processes are important
• Answers must be correct
Sliding scale of knowledge graph requirements
Currently fashionable
“we build a system”
A lot of research in Knowledge Graphs builds on the
assumption that we want to query encyclopedias
but we have many other requirements in industry.
Observation 1
3 Knowing for Sure
KG 1 KG 2 KG 3
App A App B App C
Scenario in Architecture, Engineering, Construction
SOLID Project
• people store their data
securely in decentralized
data stores - Pods
• people control access to
the data in their Pod
• standard, open, and
interoperable data
formats and protocols
authentication &
KG 1 KG 2 KG 3
App A App B App C
Can my app B work on my KG2?
Example: How old are the students?
Query for all students, access age
Query fails during evaluation
let students = query { SELECT ?x WHERE {?x a Student. } }
for student in students do
printfn „%A“ (student.age)
alice 𝑏1
211... "Bob"
matrNr name
25 "Alice"
age name
Example: How old are the students?
let students = query { SELECT ?x WHERE {?x a Student. } }
for student in students do
printfn „%A“ (student.age)
Should we use this relation on this signifier?
Depends on:
1. Conceptualization of data source
2. Querying of data source
3. Software code
alice 𝑏1
211... "Bob"
matrNr name
25 "Alice"
age name
Closed-world conceptualization of classes and relations
SHACL – SHApes Constraint Language
• SHACL shapes are integrity constraints
• Namespaces omitted for brevity
:StudentShape a :NodeShape;
:targetClass :Student;
:class :Person;
:property [
:path :studiesAt;
:minCount 1;
:class :University;
:PersonShape a :NodeShape;
:targetClass :Person;
:property [
:path :name;
:minCount 1;
:datatype xsd:string;
Closed-world conceptualization of code (1)
Type checking discovers (potential) run-time errors
let students = query { SELECT ?x WHERE {?x a Student. } }
for student in students do
printfn „%A“ (student.age)
Set of all students (StudentShape)
One value of
Not allowed since
StudentShape ⊈ ≥𝟏age.⊤
when considering
all conceptually possible RDF graphs
Closed-world conceptualization of code (2)
• Access: matrNr
• No error during evaluation
• Unsafe: Rejected by type checking,
conceptualization not guaranteed
let students = query { SELECT ?x WHERE {?x a Student. } }
for student in students do
printfn „%A“ (student.matrNr)
alice 𝑏1
211... "Bob"
matrNr name
25 "Alice"
age name
Closed-world conceptualization of code (3)
• Query for: matrNr
• Type safe access:
matrNr inferred to be given for all values of student
let students = query { SELECT ?x WHERE {?x matrNr ?y. } }
for student in students do
printfn „%A“ (student.matrNr)
alice 𝑏1
211... "Bob"
matrNr name
25 "Alice"
age name
1. Use available SHACL constraints
2. Infer additional SHACL constraints from queries
3. Type check using inference
Determine type safety
let students = query { SELECT ?x WHERE {?x a Student. } }
for student in students do
printfn „%A“ (
Query shape(2) including StudentShape (1)
One value of
StudentShape ⊆ PersonShape and
PersonShape ⊆ ≥1name. ⊤ in all possible graphs
Inference (3)
KG 1 KG 2 KG 3
App A App B App C
Scenario: Can my app B work on my view of KG1?
Shapes to Shapes
KG 1 KG 2
App B
Input Shape
Sin = { :Person ⊑ :Agent
Input query defining view
?x a :Person .
?y a :Agent
?x a :Person .
?y a :Agent
“Every Person
is an Agent” Output Shapes
“Which data can App B expect?”
s2s(Sin, q) → Sout
Tracing Query Concepts (and Relations)
Sin = { :Person1 ⊑
:Agent }
?x a :Person3 .
?y a :Agent
?x a :Person2 .
?y a :Agent
Sout = { :Person3 ⊑
:Agent }
Are concepts
the same?
Tracing Query Concepts (and Relations)
Sin = { :Person1 ⊑ :Agent
?x a :Person3 .
?y a :Agent
?x a :Person2 .
?x a :Teacher .
?y a :Agent
Sout = { :Person3 ⊑ :Agent
Are concepts
still the same?
Hard problem even for restricted
query and constraint languages
KG problems occur at ontological and at fact level.
Knowledge Graph technologies lack crucial capabilities
for guaranteeing results.
Observation 2
4 Knowing More
• Ontological reasoning: description logics/OWL,
EL++, DL-lite
• Rule reasoning
• Rule learning and reasoning: AnyBurl, AMIE
• Knowledge Graph factorizations and embeddings:
Rescal, TransE
Similarity reasoning
• Similarities of entities, attributes, relations, ….
• Analogical reasoning
Knowing More than What is Stated in a Knowledge Graph
• represent entities and relation names: 𝒉, 𝒓, 𝒕 ∈ ℝ𝑘
• embed triples (𝒉, 𝒓, 𝒕) ∈ ℝ𝑘 × ℝ𝑘 × ℝ𝑘 such that 𝒉 + 𝒓 ≈ 𝒕
• minimize error 𝒉 + 𝒓 − 𝒕
• regularize to avoid
trivial solutions
• Design modifications
geometric spaces, geometric operators, loss, regularizers…
TransE (Bordes et al 2013)
Finding and Exploiting Patterns of Similarity & Analogy
prediction impossible prediction possible
Correct [2013]:
“TransE significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in link
prediction on two knowledge bases.”
“Our work focuses on modeling multi-relational data from KBs
(Wordnet [9] and Freebase [1] in this paper), with the goal of
providing an efficient tool to complete them by automatically
adding new facts, without requiring extra knowledge.”
A. Bordes et al. [TransE 2013]
Knowing More than What is Stated in a Knowledge Graph
Geometric Reasoning with EL Ontology A-Box
Concept assertion 𝐶(𝑎)
Geometric membership
Geometric Reasoning with EL Ontology T-Box
Box affine
Box entailment Box intersection
Box disjointedness
Geometric Reasoning with EL Ontology A-Box
Concept assertion 𝐶(𝑎)
r(𝑎, 𝑏)
Role assertion
Geometric membership
Affine transformation
between two points
Geometric Reasoning with Fact Attributions in ShrinkE
• Modeling primal triple as a spatial spanning (from a point to a box)
• Modeling qualifiers as a spatial (monotonically) shrinking of the box
• Qualifier implication and exclusion are geometrically modeled as
box containment and disjointedness
Check out
Geometric Reasoning with Fact Attributions in ShrinkE
• Box embedding
• Box shrinking is a box-to-box transform that monotonically shrinks the size
• WD50k: excerpt from Wikidata
• JF17K: excerpt from Freebase
• WikiPeople: excerpt from Wikidata
• FB15k-237: excerpt from Freebase
• …
Datasets for evaluating knowledge graph embeddings
Many datasets, but all biased in the same direction
PhD thesis in preparation by Fabian Sasse, KIT 47
Selecting manufacturing measurement technology
in immature production processes
Ontological Case-based Reasoning using
Knowledge Graph Embeddings
PhD thesis in preparation by Fabian Sasse, KIT
Knowledge Graph embedding techniques
do not complete knowledge graphs,
they perform similarity and analogical reasoning.
Evaluations of Knowledge Graph embedding methods
remain biased towards encyclopedic knowledge.
Observation 3
5 Large Language
Models as
Knowledge Bases
ChatGPT on Frequently Observed Facts
Wikidata on Frequently Observed Facts
ChatGPT on Point Facts
Wikidata on Point Facts
One highly ranked result of Google search
Statistically frequent knowledge
• Commonsense knowledge:
• “cows eat grass”
• “apples fall towards earth if
• Commonsense expert
• “halting problem is undecidable”
• “3SAT is NP-complete”
“Point knowledge”
• Steffen Staab is a professor
at University of Stuttgart
Knowledge in text
• Smoothing a data set: create an approximating function that
preserves patterns in the data, while leaving out noise or fine-
scale structures. [Shortened from Wikipedia]
• Laplacian smoothing for Naïve Bayes:
argmax𝑐 𝑃 𝑐 𝑥1, … , 𝑥𝑛 ≈ argmax𝑐𝑃 𝑐 𝑃 𝑥1 𝑐 ⋯ 𝑃 𝑥𝑛 𝑐
• Smoothing for language models [ACL14]
𝑃 𝑤𝑛 𝑤𝑛−𝑘 ⋯ 𝑤𝑛−1
must not be 0 for unobserved 𝑤𝑛−𝑘 ⋯ 𝑤𝑛−1 𝑤𝑛
Language models smoothen probability distributions
must not be 0
• What other terms could appear in a masked position?
• High “temperature” → diversity of answers
• Varying answers for “Write a poem about <your name>”
Smoothing is the core task of Large Language Models
Sampling diverse decisions towards preferred answers
5 different answers:
Language models are not fact repositories
but they are good representing commonly occurring facts.
Observation 4
6 Large Language
Models as
AI Assistants
Integrating Knowledge Graph Embeddings and
Pre-trained Language Models in Hypercomplex Spaces
ex:AstonVilla ex:endedWinlessStreakAgainst
ex:WestHamUnited ;
ex:hasConsecutiveHomeVictories 11 ;
ex:hasMatch [
ex:hasScorer ex:DouglasLuiz,
ex:hasScorer ex:OllieWatkins,
ex:hasScorer ex:LeonBailey
] .
ex:DouglasLuiz a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Douglas Luiz" ;
ex:scoresFor "sixth league game running" ;
ex:scoresPenalty true ;
ex:doubledTally true .
ex:OllieWatkins a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Ollie Watkins" ;
ex:scoredForEngland true ;
ex:pulledShotWide true .
ex:WestHamUnited a ex:FootballClub .
ex:JarrodBowen a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Jarrod Bowen" ;
ex:deflectedShot true .
ex:JohnMcGinn a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "John McGinn" ;
ex:providesAssist true .
ex:KurtZouma a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Kurt Zouma" ;
ex:disrupted true .
ex:MichailAntonio a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Michail Antonio" ;
ex:shotOnTarget true .
ex:EmiMartinez a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Emi Martinez" ;
ex:makesSmartStop true .
ex:LucasPaqueta a foaf:Person ;
Knowledge engineering by LLM translation
@prefix vfb: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
vfb:VfB rdf:type vfb:SoccerClub; vfb:hasName "VfB"; vfb:hasNickname "Brustring".
vfb:SechsterErfolgInSerie rdf:type vfb:MatchResult; vfb:againstTeam vfb:UnionBerlin; vfb:withScore
vfb:UnionBerlin rdf:type vfb:SoccerClub; vfb:hasName "1. FC Union Berlin".
vfb:MaxiMittelstaedt rdf:type vfb:Player; vfb:hasName "Maxi Mittelstädt".
vfb:DanAxelZagadou rdf:type vfb:Player; vfb:hasName "Dan-Axel Zagadou". vfb:PascalStenzel rdf:type
vfb:Player; vfb:hasName "Pascal Stenzel". vfb:HirokiIto rdf:type vfb:Player; vfb:hasName "Hiroki Ito".
vfb:SerhouGuirassy rdf:type vfb:Player; vfb:hasName "Serhou Guirassy"; vfb:hasGoals "1";
vfb:hasAssists "0". vfb:DenizUndav rdf:type vfb:Player; vfb:hasName "Deniz Undav"; vfb:hasGoals "1";
Knowledge engineering by LLM translation
Few shot in context learning on KB question answering
Tianle Li, Xueguang Ma, Alex Zhuang, Yu Gu, Yu Su,
and Wenhu Chen. 2023. Few-shot In-context Learning
on Knowledge Base Question Answering. In ACL-2023
Integration of knowledge graphs
language model
Language models may be our translators and interfaces for
assisting the entering and retrieval of facts.
Observation 5
7 Conclusion
Knowing for Sure
• Research required for
dealing with federated,
overlapping KGs with
multiple authorities
Knowing More
• Know what you get and
evaluate not only with
encyclopedic KGs
LLMs as knowledge bases
• Commonsense knowledge
• Frequently observed
LLMs as AI assistants
• entering and retrieving
“point knowledge”
Do not (always) go with the flow
Thank you!
Universität Stuttgart
KI – Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Universitätsstraße 32, 70569 Stuttgart
Steffen Staab
Analytic Computing, KI
Many thanks go to my
PhD students, PostDocs and
collaborators who made the work
possible portrayed in this talk
check out references!
I hire
PostDoc & PhD student
for circular factory project!
1. [Potyka23] Nico Potyka, Yuqicheng Zhu, Evgeny Kharlamov and Steffen Staab.
Uncertainty-aware Knowledge Extraction from Large Language Models using
Social Choice Theory. TechReport.
2. [ISWC2022] B. Xiong, N. Potyka, T.-K. Tran, M. Nayyeri, S. Staab. For “Faithful
Embeddings for EL++ Knowledge Bases”. In: 21st International Semantic Web
Conference (ISWC2022)
3. [SIGIR23] J. Lu, J. Shen, B. Xiong, W. Ma, S. Staab, C. Yang. HiPrompt: Few-
Shot Biomedical Knowledge Fusion via Hierarchy-Oriented Prompting. In:
Proceedings of ACM SIGIR-2023, Taipei, Taiwan, July 23-27, 2023.
4. [ISWC2023] M. Nayyeri, Z. Wang, M. M. Akter, M. Mohtashim, Md R. Al Hasan
Rony, J. Lehmann, S. Staab. Integrating Knowledge Graph Embeddings and Pre-
trained Language Models in Hypercomplex Spaces. In: 22nd Int. Semantic Web
Conference (ISWC2023), Athens, GR, November 6-10, 2023.
5. [TransE 2013] Bordes, Antoine, et al. "Translating embeddings for modeling
multi-relational data." Advances in neural information processing systems 26
References related to Knowing More
1. [ISWC19] M. Leinberger, P. Seifer, C. Schon, R. Lämmel, S. Staab. Type Checking Program Code using SHACL. In: Proc.
of Int. Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2019). Auckland, New Zealand, October 2019.
2. [Seifer2023] Philipp Seifer, Daniel Hernández, Ralf Lämmel, Steffen Staab. From Shapes to Shapes: Inferring SHACL
Shapes for Results of SPARQL CONSTRUCT Queries. TechReport.
3. [ESOP17] M. Leinberger, R. Lämmel, S. Staab. The essence of functional programming on semantic data. In 26th
European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2017), Uppsala, SE, 22 - 29 Apr 2017, pp. 750-776.
4. [CAAD Futures 2023] D. Elshani, D. Hernandez, A. Lombardi, L. Siriwardena, T. Schwinn, A. Fisher, S. Staab, A. Menges,
T. Wortmann. Building Information Validation and Reasoning Using Semantic Web Technologies. In: Computer-Aided
Architectural Design. CAAD Futures 2023. Springer, Cham, 2023.
5. [KR2020] T. Rienstra, C. Schon, S. Staab. Concept Contraction in the Description Logic EL. In: Principles of Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference, KR 2020, pp. 723-732.
6. [EKAW18] C. Schon, S. Staab, P. Kügler, P. Kestel, B. Schleich, S. Wartzack. Metaproperty-guided Deletion from the
Instance-Level of a Knowledge Base. In: Proc. of EKAW 2018, 21st International Conference on Knowledge Engineering
and Knowledge Management, November 12-16, 2018, Nancy, France, Springer 2018.
7. [ESWC2013] S. Scheglmann, S. Staab, M. Thimm, G. Gröner. Locking for Concurrent Transactions on Ontologies. In: 10th
Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2013), Montpellier, France, May 26-30, 2013.
8. [WWW08] S. Schenk, S. Staab. Networked Graphs: A Declarative Mechanism for SPARQL Rules, SPARQL Views and RDF
Data Integration on the Web. In: Proc. of WWW-2008, 17th Int. World Wide Web Conference, Bejing, China, April 21-25,
2008, pp. 585-594.
References related to Knowing for Sure
[ACL14] R. Pickhardt, T. Gottron, M. Körner, P. G. Wagner, T. Speicher, S. Staab. A Generalized Language Model as the
Combination of Skipped n-grams and Modified Kneser Ney Smoothing. In: Proc. of ACL-2014 - The 52nd Annual Meeting of the
Association for Computational Linguistics. Baltimore, June 22-27, 2014.
Steffen Staab, Universität Stuttgart, @ststaab, 71

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Knowledge graphs for knowing more and knowing for sure

  • 1. KI – Institute for Artificial Intelligence Knowledge graphs for knowing more and knowing for sure Steffen Staab @ststaab
  • 2. provides an international forum for presentation and discussion of research on information and knowledge management, as well as recent advances on data and knowledge bases. 2 Conference on Information and Knowledge Management Rather: Conference on Large Language Models? Let’s explore the role of knowledge bases/graphs!
  • 3. 1. What is a Knowledge Graph? 2. Some Applications of Knowledge Graphs 3. Knowledge Graphs for Knowing for Sure 4. Knowledge Graphs for Knowing More 5. Large Language Models as Knowledge Bases 6. Large Language Models as AI Assistants 3 Plan for my talk
  • 4. 1 What is a Knowledge Graph?
  • 5. What is a Knowledge Graph? A model for knowledge structures with 5 C22.0 Patient2342 treatedBy „liver tumor“ / „PhValue 7.5“ Concepts Entities Relations Labels / Values
  • 6. Queries • Scalability to billions of facts • Answering with • facts • predictions • recommendations 6 What does a knowledge graph do for us? What are the difficulties? Example from medical project: • Foundational Model of Anatomy: 75.000 concepts, 120.000 labels, > 2 Mio facts • Not even patient data yet!
  • 7. Queries Ontologies & Facts • How to develop and integrate ontologies? • How to provide facts? • Reasoning? • Learning? • Guarantees? 7 What does a knowledge graph do for us? What are the difficulties? Example from medical project: • Foundational Model of Anatomy • RadLex • ICD-10
  • 8. Queries Ontologies & Facts What can be represented? • Provenance • Uncertainty • Time • … 8 What does a knowledge graph do for us? What are the difficulties? Example from medical project: • Patient history • patient measurements
  • 9. 2 Some Applications of Knowledge Graphs
  • 10. 02.11.2020 Steffen Staab, Universität Stuttgart, @ststaab, 10 Encyclopedic Knowledge Graph
  • 11. 02.11.2020 Steffen Staab, Universität Stuttgart, @ststaab, 11 Wonderful ressource – but not representative
  • 12. 12 Application 1: Bosch Semantic Stack © Kalaycı, Elem Güzel, et al. "Semantic integration of Bosch manufacturing data using virtual knowledge graphs." ISWC 2020: 19th International Semantic Web Conference, Springer, 2020.
  • 13. Application 2: KG for Circular Factory Product Production Co- Design Knowledge Graph contains knowledge about design, production and product including plans, sensor measurements and intra-logistics
  • 14. 14 Application 3: Architecture, Engineering, Construction [CAAD Futures 2023] Collaboration with architects Happold, London
  • 15. KG-S Simul structural engineering KG-A Design architectural design KG-C Constr construction customer requirements acoustic engineering electrical engineering ventilation fire containment plumbing …. many stakeholders many tools work in parallel, no waterfall mutual dependencies
  • 16. KG-A Design architectural design many stakeholders many tools work in parallel, no waterfall mutual dependencies code as agent
  • 17. • Updates and deletions with dependencies [EKAW18], also at the ontological level [KR2020] • Federation [WWW08] • Lacking views with deletions and updates • Transaction locking [ESWC2013] • Lacking recent standards (SHACL) and optimistic schemes • Uncertainties • Managing identities („does re-designed column preserve its identity?“) • ... 17 Applications Imply Wealth of Requirements rudimentary available research
  • 18. Encyclopedic KGs • Facts are reported often • Who is Douglas Adams? • What is the capital of France? • Head of distribution of world knowledge on the Web • Answers with high precision retrieval desired Engineering KGs • Point facts exist once • w3476 instOf AngleGrinder • faceGear4223 maxDeviation 0.3mm • Processes are important • Answers must be correct 18 Sliding scale of knowledge graph requirements Currently fashionable research “we build a system” under-researched
  • 19. A lot of research in Knowledge Graphs builds on the assumption that we want to query encyclopedias but we have many other requirements in industry. 19 Observation 1
  • 21. KG 1 KG 2 KG 3 App A App B App C Scenario in Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC)
  • 22. 22 SOLID Project • people store their data securely in decentralized data stores - Pods • people control access to the data in their Pod • standard, open, and interoperable data formats and protocols Focus: authentication & authorization
  • 23. KG 1 KG 2 KG 3 App A App B App C Can my app B work on my KG2?
  • 24. Example: How old are the students? Query for all students, access age Query fails during evaluation let students = query { SELECT ?x WHERE {?x a Student. } } for student in students do printfn „%A“ (student.age) bob alice 𝑏1 Student University subClass type studiesAt type 211... "Bob" matrNr name 25 "Alice" age name Person [ESOP17,ISWC19]
  • 25. Example: How old are the students? let students = query { SELECT ?x WHERE {?x a Student. } } for student in students do printfn „%A“ (student.age) Should we use this relation on this signifier? Depends on: 1. Conceptualization of data source 2. Querying of data source 3. Software code bob alice 𝑏1 Student University subClass type studiesAt type 211... "Bob" matrNr name 25 "Alice" age name Person
  • 26. Closed-world conceptualization of classes and relations SHACL – SHApes Constraint Language • SHACL shapes are integrity constraints • Namespaces omitted for brevity :StudentShape a :NodeShape; :targetClass :Student; :class :Person; :property [ :path :studiesAt; :minCount 1; :class :University; ]. :PersonShape a :NodeShape; :targetClass :Person; :property [ :path :name; :minCount 1; :datatype xsd:string; ].
  • 27. Closed-world conceptualization of code (1) Type checking discovers (potential) run-time errors let students = query { SELECT ?x WHERE {?x a Student. } } for student in students do printfn „%A“ (student.age) Set of all students (StudentShape) One value of StudentShape set Not allowed since StudentShape ⊈ ≥𝟏age.⊤ when considering all conceptually possible RDF graphs
  • 28. Closed-world conceptualization of code (2) • Access: matrNr • No error during evaluation • Unsafe: Rejected by type checking, conceptualization not guaranteed let students = query { SELECT ?x WHERE {?x a Student. } } for student in students do printfn „%A“ (student.matrNr) bob alice 𝑏1 Student University subClass type studiesAt type 211... "Bob" matrNr name 25 "Alice" age name Person
  • 29. Closed-world conceptualization of code (3) • Query for: matrNr • Type safe access: matrNr inferred to be given for all values of student let students = query { SELECT ?x WHERE {?x matrNr ?y. } } for student in students do printfn „%A“ (student.matrNr) bob alice 𝑏1 Student University subClass type studiesAt type 211... "Bob" matrNr name 25 "Alice" age name Person [ESOP17,ISWC19]
  • 30. 1. Use available SHACL constraints 2. Infer additional SHACL constraints from queries 3. Type check using inference Determine type safety let students = query { SELECT ?x WHERE {?x a Student. } } for student in students do printfn „%A“ ( Query shape(2) including StudentShape (1) One value of StudentShape set StudentShape ⊆ PersonShape and PersonShape ⊆ ≥1name. ⊤ in all possible graphs Inference (3) [ESOP17,ISWC19]
  • 31. KG 1 KG 2 KG 3 App A App B App C Scenario: Can my app B work on my view of KG1?
  • 32. 32 Shapes to Shapes KG 1 KG 2 App B Input Shape Sin = { :Person ⊑ :Agent } Input query defining view q = CONSTRUCT { ?x a :Person . ?y a :Agent } WHERE { ?x a :Person . ?y a :Agent “Every Person is an Agent” Output Shapes “Which data can App B expect?” s2s(Sin, q) → Sout view [Seifer2023]
  • 33. Tracing Query Concepts (and Relations) Sin = { :Person1 ⊑ :Agent } q = CONSTRUCT { ?x a :Person3 . ?y a :Agent } WHERE { ?x a :Person2 . ?y a :Agent } Sout = { :Person3 ⊑ :Agent } Are concepts :Person1 :Person2 :Person3 the same? 33 Yes! [Seifer2023]
  • 34. Tracing Query Concepts (and Relations) Sin = { :Person1 ⊑ :Agent } q = CONSTRUCT { ?x a :Person3 . ?y a :Agent } WHERE { ?x a :Person2 . ?x a :Teacher . ?y a :Agent } Sout = { :Person3 ⊑ :Agent } Are concepts :Person1 :Person2 :Person3 still the same? 34 NO! [Seifer2023] Hard problem even for restricted query and constraint languages
  • 35. KG problems occur at ontological and at fact level. Knowledge Graph technologies lack crucial capabilities for guaranteeing results. 35 Observation 2
  • 37. Deduction • Ontological reasoning: description logics/OWL, EL++, DL-lite • Rule reasoning Induction • Rule learning and reasoning: AnyBurl, AMIE • Knowledge Graph factorizations and embeddings: Rescal, TransE Similarity reasoning • Similarities of entities, attributes, relations, …. • Analogical reasoning Knowing More than What is Stated in a Knowledge Graph These paradigms overlap
  • 38. • represent entities and relation names: 𝒉, 𝒓, 𝒕 ∈ ℝ𝑘 • embed triples (𝒉, 𝒓, 𝒕) ∈ ℝ𝑘 × ℝ𝑘 × ℝ𝑘 such that 𝒉 + 𝒓 ≈ 𝒕 • minimize error 𝒉 + 𝒓 − 𝒕 • regularize to avoid trivial solutions • Design modifications geometric spaces, geometric operators, loss, regularizers… 38 TransE (Bordes et al 2013) 𝒆𝟏 𝒆𝟐 𝒆𝟑 𝒆𝟒 𝒓𝟏 𝒓𝟏 𝒓𝟐 𝒓𝟐
  • 39. 39 Finding and Exploiting Patterns of Similarity & Analogy Stuttgart Area worksFor locatedIn Koblenz Area Wolv. Area Steffen Frank Ingo birthdate livesIn prediction impossible prediction possible
  • 40. Correct [2013]: “TransE significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in link prediction on two knowledge bases.” Misleading: “Our work focuses on modeling multi-relational data from KBs (Wordnet [9] and Freebase [1] in this paper), with the goal of providing an efficient tool to complete them by automatically adding new facts, without requiring extra knowledge.” A. Bordes et al. [TransE 2013] Knowing More than What is Stated in a Knowledge Graph
  • 41. Geometric Reasoning with EL Ontology A-Box Concept assertion 𝐶(𝑎) 𝑎 𝐶 Geometric membership [ISWC2022]
  • 42. 42 Geometric Reasoning with EL Ontology T-Box Box affine transformation Box entailment Box intersection Box disjointedness [ISWC2022]
  • 43. Geometric Reasoning with EL Ontology A-Box 4 3 Concept assertion 𝐶(𝑎) 𝑎 𝐶 r(𝑎, 𝑏) 𝑇𝑟 𝑏 𝑎 Role assertion Geometric membership Affine transformation between two points [ISWC2022]
  • 44. 44 Geometric Reasoning with Fact Attributions in ShrinkE • Modeling primal triple as a spatial spanning (from a point to a box) • Modeling qualifiers as a spatial (monotonically) shrinking of the box • Qualifier implication and exclusion are geometrically modeled as box containment and disjointedness [ACL2023] Check out
  • 45. 45 Geometric Reasoning with Fact Attributions in ShrinkE [ACL2023] • Box embedding • Box shrinking is a box-to-box transform that monotonically shrinks the size
  • 46. • WD50k: excerpt from Wikidata • JF17K: excerpt from Freebase • WikiPeople: excerpt from Wikidata • FB15k-237: excerpt from Freebase • … Datasets for evaluating knowledge graph embeddings Many datasets, but all biased in the same direction
  • 47. 02.11.2020 PhD thesis in preparation by Fabian Sasse, KIT 47 Selecting manufacturing measurement technology in immature production processes
  • 48. 48 Ontological Case-based Reasoning using Knowledge Graph Embeddings PhD thesis in preparation by Fabian Sasse, KIT
  • 49. Knowledge Graph embedding techniques do not complete knowledge graphs, they perform similarity and analogical reasoning. Evaluations of Knowledge Graph embedding methods remain biased towards encyclopedic knowledge. 49 Observation 3
  • 50. 5 Large Language Models as Knowledge Bases
  • 51. 51 ChatGPT on Frequently Observed Facts Wikidata on Frequently Observed Facts
  • 52. 52 ChatGPT on Point Facts Wikidata on Point Facts 2023-10-24 2023-10-22
  • 53. 53 One highly ranked result of Google search
  • 54. Statistically frequent knowledge • Commonsense knowledge: • “cows eat grass” • “apples fall towards earth if unsupported” • Commonsense expert knowledge • “halting problem is undecidable” • “3SAT is NP-complete” “Point knowledge” • Steffen Staab is a professor at University of Stuttgart 54 Knowledge in text
  • 55. • Smoothing a data set: create an approximating function that preserves patterns in the data, while leaving out noise or fine- scale structures. [Shortened from Wikipedia] • Laplacian smoothing for Naïve Bayes: argmax𝑐 𝑃 𝑐 𝑥1, … , 𝑥𝑛 ≈ argmax𝑐𝑃 𝑐 𝑃 𝑥1 𝑐 ⋯ 𝑃 𝑥𝑛 𝑐 • Smoothing for language models [ACL14] 𝑃 𝑤𝑛 𝑤𝑛−𝑘 ⋯ 𝑤𝑛−1 must not be 0 for unobserved 𝑤𝑛−𝑘 ⋯ 𝑤𝑛−1 𝑤𝑛 55 Language models smoothen probability distributions must not be 0
  • 56. • What other terms could appear in a masked position? • High “temperature” → diversity of answers • Varying answers for “Write a poem about <your name>” 56 Smoothing is the core task of Large Language Models
  • 57. 57 Sampling diverse decisions towards preferred answers 5 different answers: [Potyka23]
  • 58. Language models are not fact repositories but they are good representing commonly occurring facts. 58 Observation 4
  • 59. 6 Large Language Models as AI Assistants
  • 60. 60 Integrating Knowledge Graph Embeddings and Pre-trained Language Models in Hypercomplex Spaces [ISWC2023]
  • 61. ex:AstonVilla ex:endedWinlessStreakAgainst ex:WestHamUnited ; ex:hasConsecutiveHomeVictories 11 ; ex:hasMatch [ ex:hasScorer ex:DouglasLuiz, ex:hasScorer ex:OllieWatkins, ex:hasScorer ex:LeonBailey ] . ex:DouglasLuiz a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Douglas Luiz" ; ex:scoresFor "sixth league game running" ; ex:scoresPenalty true ; ex:doubledTally true . ex:OllieWatkins a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Ollie Watkins" ; ex:scoredForEngland true ; ex:pulledShotWide true . ex:WestHamUnited a ex:FootballClub . ex:JarrodBowen a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Jarrod Bowen" ; ex:deflectedShot true . ex:JohnMcGinn a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "John McGinn" ; ex:providesAssist true . ex:KurtZouma a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Kurt Zouma" ; ex:disrupted true . ex:MichailAntonio a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Michail Antonio" ; ex:shotOnTarget true . ex:EmiMartinez a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Emi Martinez" ; ex:makesSmartStop true . ex:LucasPaqueta a foaf:Person ; 61 Knowledge engineering by LLM translation
  • 62. @prefix vfb: <>. @prefix rdf: <>. @prefix rdfs: <>. @prefix xsd: <>. vfb:VfB rdf:type vfb:SoccerClub; vfb:hasName "VfB"; vfb:hasNickname "Brustring". vfb:SechsterErfolgInSerie rdf:type vfb:MatchResult; vfb:againstTeam vfb:UnionBerlin; vfb:withScore "3:0”. vfb:UnionBerlin rdf:type vfb:SoccerClub; vfb:hasName "1. FC Union Berlin". vfb:MaxiMittelstaedt rdf:type vfb:Player; vfb:hasName "Maxi Mittelstädt". vfb:DanAxelZagadou rdf:type vfb:Player; vfb:hasName "Dan-Axel Zagadou". vfb:PascalStenzel rdf:type vfb:Player; vfb:hasName "Pascal Stenzel". vfb:HirokiIto rdf:type vfb:Player; vfb:hasName "Hiroki Ito". vfb:SerhouGuirassy rdf:type vfb:Player; vfb:hasName "Serhou Guirassy"; vfb:hasGoals "1"; vfb:hasAssists "0". vfb:DenizUndav rdf:type vfb:Player; vfb:hasName "Deniz Undav"; vfb:hasGoals "1"; 62 Knowledge engineering by LLM translation
  • 63. 63 Few shot in context learning on KB question answering Tianle Li, Xueguang Ma, Alex Zhuang, Yu Gu, Yu Su, and Wenhu Chen. 2023. Few-shot In-context Learning on Knowledge Base Question Answering. In ACL-2023
  • 64. 64 Integration of knowledge graphs by language model [SIGIR23]
  • 65. Language models may be our translators and interfaces for assisting the entering and retrieval of facts. 65 Observation 5
  • 67. Knowing for Sure • Research required for dealing with federated, overlapping KGs with multiple authorities Knowing More • Know what you get and evaluate not only with encyclopedic KGs LLMs as knowledge bases • Commonsense knowledge • Frequently observed knowledge LLMs as AI assistants • entering and retrieving “point knowledge” Do not (always) go with the flow
  • 68. Thank you! E-Mail www. Universität Stuttgart KI – Institute for Artificial Intelligence Universitätsstraße 32, 70569 Stuttgart Steffen Staab Analytic Computing, KI Many thanks go to my PhD students, PostDocs and collaborators who made the work possible portrayed in this talk check out references! I hire PostDoc & PhD student for circular factory project!
  • 69. 1. [Potyka23] Nico Potyka, Yuqicheng Zhu, Evgeny Kharlamov and Steffen Staab. Uncertainty-aware Knowledge Extraction from Large Language Models using Social Choice Theory. TechReport. 2. [ISWC2022] B. Xiong, N. Potyka, T.-K. Tran, M. Nayyeri, S. Staab. For “Faithful Embeddings for EL++ Knowledge Bases”. In: 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2022) 3. [SIGIR23] J. Lu, J. Shen, B. Xiong, W. Ma, S. Staab, C. Yang. HiPrompt: Few- Shot Biomedical Knowledge Fusion via Hierarchy-Oriented Prompting. In: Proceedings of ACM SIGIR-2023, Taipei, Taiwan, July 23-27, 2023. 4. [ISWC2023] M. Nayyeri, Z. Wang, M. M. Akter, M. Mohtashim, Md R. Al Hasan Rony, J. Lehmann, S. Staab. Integrating Knowledge Graph Embeddings and Pre- trained Language Models in Hypercomplex Spaces. In: 22nd Int. Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2023), Athens, GR, November 6-10, 2023. 5. [TransE 2013] Bordes, Antoine, et al. "Translating embeddings for modeling multi-relational data." Advances in neural information processing systems 26 (2013). References related to Knowing More
  • 70. 1. [ISWC19] M. Leinberger, P. Seifer, C. Schon, R. Lämmel, S. Staab. Type Checking Program Code using SHACL. In: Proc. of Int. Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2019). Auckland, New Zealand, October 2019. 2. [Seifer2023] Philipp Seifer, Daniel Hernández, Ralf Lämmel, Steffen Staab. From Shapes to Shapes: Inferring SHACL Shapes for Results of SPARQL CONSTRUCT Queries. TechReport. 3. [ESOP17] M. Leinberger, R. Lämmel, S. Staab. The essence of functional programming on semantic data. In 26th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2017), Uppsala, SE, 22 - 29 Apr 2017, pp. 750-776. 4. [CAAD Futures 2023] D. Elshani, D. Hernandez, A. Lombardi, L. Siriwardena, T. Schwinn, A. Fisher, S. Staab, A. Menges, T. Wortmann. Building Information Validation and Reasoning Using Semantic Web Technologies. In: Computer-Aided Architectural Design. CAAD Futures 2023. Springer, Cham, 2023. 5. [KR2020] T. Rienstra, C. Schon, S. Staab. Concept Contraction in the Description Logic EL. In: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference, KR 2020, pp. 723-732. 6. [EKAW18] C. Schon, S. Staab, P. Kügler, P. Kestel, B. Schleich, S. Wartzack. Metaproperty-guided Deletion from the Instance-Level of a Knowledge Base. In: Proc. of EKAW 2018, 21st International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, November 12-16, 2018, Nancy, France, Springer 2018. 7. [ESWC2013] S. Scheglmann, S. Staab, M. Thimm, G. Gröner. Locking for Concurrent Transactions on Ontologies. In: 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2013), Montpellier, France, May 26-30, 2013. 8. [WWW08] S. Schenk, S. Staab. Networked Graphs: A Declarative Mechanism for SPARQL Rules, SPARQL Views and RDF Data Integration on the Web. In: Proc. of WWW-2008, 17th Int. World Wide Web Conference, Bejing, China, April 21-25, 2008, pp. 585-594. References related to Knowing for Sure
  • 71. [ACL14] R. Pickhardt, T. Gottron, M. Körner, P. G. Wagner, T. Speicher, S. Staab. A Generalized Language Model as the Combination of Skipped n-grams and Modified Kneser Ney Smoothing. In: Proc. of ACL-2014 - The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Baltimore, June 22-27, 2014. 02.11.2020 Steffen Staab, Universität Stuttgart, @ststaab, 71 Others

Editor's Notes

  1. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it just may be a duck. Huey, Dewey, and Louie live in Duckburg
  2. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it just may be a duck. Huey, Dewey, and Louie live in Duckburg
  3. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it just may be a duck. Huey, Dewey, and Louie live in Duckburg
  4. 750 million triples, fast growing, not easy to manage
  5. status: proposal for funding by 20 PIs, mostly engineering, mostly from KIT
  6. 7 year excellence cluster at Uni Stuttgart
  7. medical knowledge graphs and applications may be found on either side
  8. Now I am gonna to present those geometric interpretations and the corresponding loss term for each axiom. In Abox, we have two types of axioms: Concept assertion and Role assertion r(a, b). For concept assertion, the geometric interpretation is that the point of instance a should be inside the box of the class C. That means that our loss should enforce every dimension of the point a to be between the low-left corner of box C and upper-right corner of box C. We also have role assertion r(a, b) saying that a has a relation r with b, the geometric interpretation is that the point a, after a affine transformation of r, should be near the point of b. The corresponding loss term can be defined by minimizing the L2 distance between the transformed point of a and the point b. We proved that our terms satisfy the soundness guarantees that means our loss terms are zero if and only if the corresponding geometric interpretations are satisfied.
  9. Now I am gonna to present those geometric interpretations and the corresponding loss term for each axiom. In Abox, we have two types of axioms: Concept assertion and Role assertion r(a, b). For concept assertion, the geometric interpretation is that the point of instance a should be inside the box of the class C. That means that our loss should enforce every dimension of the point a to be between the low-left corner of box C and upper-right corner of box C. We also have role assertion r(a, b) saying that a has a relation r with b, the geometric interpretation is that the point a, after a affine transformation of r, should be near the point of b. The corresponding loss term can be defined by minimizing the L2 distance between the transformed point of a and the point b. We proved that our terms satisfy the soundness guarantees that means our loss terms are zero if and only if the corresponding geometric interpretations are satisfied.
  10. [Hypertext2008]
  11. Yulan talked in her keynote about voting in order to improve confidence – though I also have observed non-i.i.d. behaviour and then voting may be bad
  12. usefulness may be an issue
  13. In the following I will give you webpage content about a soccer club. Represent the facts that you find in this text in RDF turtle notation. Effizienter VfB siegt bei Union Berlin Die Siegesserie des VfB geht weiter. Beim 1. FC Union Berlin setzt sich die Mannschaft mit dem Brustring mit 3:0 durch. Es ist der sechste Erfolg in Serie und der erste gegen Union in der Bundesliga. Der Spielverlauf: Der VfB ging mit einer auf zwei Positionen veränderten Startformation in das Duell beim 1. FC Union Berlin. Maxi Mittelstädt und Dan-Axel Zagadou begannen für Pascal Stenzel sowie Hiroki Ito (beide Bank). Die Mannschaft mit dem an diesem Tag schwarzen Brustring startete selbstbewusst in die Partie und hatte in der Anfangsviertelstunde deutlich mehr Ballbesitz. Die höheren Spielanteile münzte der VfB schnell in die verdiente Führung um. Wer sonst als Serhou Guirassy hätte der Torschütze zum 1:0 sein können (siehe „Die Tore“). Die Jungs aus Cannstatt kontrollierten die Partie auch in der Folge, musste nach knapp einer halben Stunde aber schon wechseln. Serhou Guirassy verließ den Platz angeschlagen mit muskulären Problemen im hinteren linken Oberschenkel, Deniz Undav kam für ihn in die Partie. Der VfB war dennoch bis zum Pausenpfiff das tonangebende Team. Silas und Deniz Undav sorgen für die Entscheidung Nach dem Wiederanpfiff entwickelte sich eine umkämpfte Partie mit vielen Situationen zwischen den Strafräumen. Klare Torchancen konnte sich zunächst keines der Teams erspielen. In der 60. Minute hatte Jamie Leweling jedoch die große Chance, auf 2:0 zu erhöhen. Der 22-Jährige scheiterte in aussichtsreicher Position frei vor dem Tor an Unions Torhüter Frederik Rönnow. In der 77. Minute war Alexander Nübel auf der Gegenseite hellwach und klärte die Situation gegen den heranstürmenden Kevin Behrens. Kurz darauf sorgte der VfB mit einem Konter für das beruhigende 2:0. Der eingewechselte Silas war mit seinem dritten Saisontor erfolgreich. Den Endstand zum 3:0 stellte Deniz Undav mit einem Kopfball her. Der VfB siegte am Ende verdient, weil er seine Chancen konsequent nutzte und über die gesamte Spielzeit hinweg kaum Chancen des Gegners zuließ. Den gesamten Spielverlauf im VfB-Liveticker nachlesen. Die Tore: 16. Minute: Serhou Guirassy köpft nach einer Flanke von Anthony Rouault zum 1:0 ein. Es ist das 14. Saisontor des VfB-Stürmers. 81. Minute: Silas kommt über Karazor und Millot an den Ball, setzt sich gegen die aufgerückten Union-Verteidiger durch und schließt überlegt zum 2:0 ab. 88. Minute: Der VfB erobert in Höhe des gegnerischen Strafraums den Ball, Wooyeong Jeong flankt von rechts auf Deniz Undav, der zentral zum 3:0 einköpft. Die Stimmen: VfB-Cheftrainer Sebastian Hoeneß: „Es war eine reife Leistung von uns. Wir haben sehr erwachsen gespielt. Die Druckphasen des Gegners waren nie so sehr ausgeprägt. Dass wir das Spiel am Ende so klar auf unsere Seite ziehen, macht mich stolz. Wir haben aktuell einen Lauf und den wollen wir so lange wie möglich mitnehmen.“ Chris Führich: „Es war eine Riesenteamleistung von uns. Wir wussten, wie schwierig es ist, hier zu gewinnen. Wir haben von der ersten bis zur letzten Minute unsere Taktik durchgezogen. Es ist auch sehr wichtig gegen die lange Bälle und wuchtigen Spieler von Union gut zu stehen. Das ist uns gut gelungen und wir haben letztlich auch verdient gewonnen.“ Maxi Mittelstädt: „Es ist ein schönes Gefühl, dass wir gewonnen haben. Wir haben eine reife Leistung gezeigt und wenig anbrennen lassen. Natürlich gab es auch Phasen, die wir überstehen mussten. Wir haben einen breiten und starken Kader. Auch heute war wichtig, welche Impulse die Einwechselspieler in die Partie gebracht haben. Das Kollektiv macht uns aktuell stark. Manchmal muss man sich angesichts der Siegesserie kneifen, aber wir haben uns das auch über die vergangenen Monate und Wochen erarbeitet. Ich freue mich auf die kommenden Herausforderungen.“ Die Besonderheiten: Der gebürtige Berliner Maximilian Mittelstädt gab sein Startelfdebüt für den VfB. Neu-Nationalspieler Chris Führich machte an diesem Samstag sein 75. Pflichtspiel im Trikot mit dem roten Brustring. Der ehemalige VfBler Rani Khedira gab auf Seiten der Berliner gegen den Club aus Cannstatt sein Comeback nach einer längeren Wadenverletzung. Der Schiedsrichter der Partie Bastian Dankert und seine Assistenz René Rohde leiteten ihr jeweils 150. Bundesligaspiel. 21 Punkte nach acht Spieltagen hat der VfB in seiner Vereinshistorie noch nie auf dem Konto gehabt. Die nächsten Spiele: Am kommenden Samstag empfängt der VfB die TSG Hoffenheim in der MHPArena. Dieses Spiel ist bereits ausverkauft, ebenso wie die Heimpartie gegen Borussia Dortmund am 11. November. Der Mitgliedervorverkauf für das Pokal-Heimspiel gegen den 1. FC Union Berlin am Dienstagabend, 31. Oktober, 18 Uhr läuft, genauso wie für die Heimbegegnung gegen den SV Werder Bremen am Samstag, 2. Dezember, 18:30 Uhr. Zum VfB-Onlineshop.
  14. emory university and google