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Animals and Their
1. Snake
Binatang dan
7. It barks
2. Bee
3. Bird
4. Bat
5. Gecko/Lizard
6. Cat
7. Dog
8. Horse
2. It stings
3. It flies
4. It flies
5. It crawls
6. It sleeps
1. It bites
8. It runs
9. Turtle
10. Lion/Tiger
11. Buffalo
12. Rabbit
13. Butterfly
14. Fish
15. Frog
16. Kangooro
9. It swims
10. It roars
11. It eats grass
12. It eats carrot
13. It flies
14. It swims
15. It jumps
16. It jumps
No Animal Activities
1 Snake It bites
2 Bee It stings, sucks nectar
3 Bird It flies, perches on tree, sings
4 Bat It flies, hangs on tree
5 Gecko/Lizard It crawls, eats mosquitos
6 Cat It sleeps, eats fish
7 Dog It barks
Animals and Their Habits/Activities
(Binatang dan Kebiasannya)
No Animal activities
9 Turtle It swims
10 Lion/Tiger It roars, attacks preys, eats meat
11 Buffalo It eats grass
12 Rabbit It eats carrot
13 Buttterfly It flies, sucks nectar
14 Fish It swims
15 Frog It jumps
16 Kangaroo It jumps
Animals and Their Habits/Activities
(Binatang dan Kebiasannya)
No Animal Activities
1 Snake It bites
2 Bee It stings,
3 Bird It flies, sings
4 Bat It flies, hangs on tree
5 Gecko/Lizard It crawls, eats mosquitos
6 Cat It sleeps, eats fish
7 Dog It barks
8 Horse It runs, gallops
Bahasa Indonesiakan
No Animal activities
8 Kura Kura Itu berenang
9 Singa/Macan Itu mengaum
10 Kerbau Itu makan rumput
11 Kelinci Itu makan wortel
12 Kupu-kupu Itu terbang
13 Ikan Itu berenang
14 Katak Itu melompat
15 Kanguru Itu melompat
Bahasa Inggriskan
1. Tidur = sleep
2. Makan = eat
3. Minum = drink
4. Menulis = write
5. Membaca = read
6. Menonton = watch
7. Menggambar = draw
8. Menggosok = brush
9. Mandi = take a bath
10. Membersihkan = clean
11. Mencuci = wash
12. Pergi = go
13. Melakukan atau mengerjakan = do
14. Mengetik = type
15. Menyapu = sweep
16. Mengepel = mop
17. Menghapus = erase
18. Meniup = blow
19. Mengelap = wipe
20. Mengendarai = ride
21. Menyetir = drive
22. Bersepeda = bike
23. Menerbangkan = fly
24. Menanam = plant
25. Menyiram = water
26. Memasak = cook
27. Belajar = study
28. Mencontek = cheat
29. Mentraktir = treat
30. Berhenti = stop
31. Melihat = see
32. Bernyanyi = sing
33. Menari = dance
34. Mengantar = deliver
35. Meminjam = borrow
36. Memperbaiki = repair
37. Menyetrika = iron
38. Menyisir = comb
39. Memberikan = give
40. Memakai = wear
41. Menggunakan = use
42. Menendang = kick
43. Memotong = cut
44. Melukis = paint
45. Mengambil = take
46. Menggigit = bite
47. Memegang = hold
48. Mencampur = mix
49. Membawa = bring
50. Menjual = sell
51. Membeli=buy
52. Membawa=bring
53. Mengambil=take
54. Berdoa/sembahyang=pray
55. Berpakaian=get dressed
56. Makan=eat meals/have meals
57. Berjalan=walk
58. Berdiri=stand up
59. Duduk=sit on
60. Membaca=read
1. Tidur = ……..
2. Makan = ………
3. Minum = ……..
4. Menulis = ……..
5. Membaca = ………..
6. Menonton = ………..
7. Menggambar = ………..
8. Menggosok = ……….
9. Mandi = ……………….
10. Membersihkan = ………..
11. Mencuci = …………
12. Pergi = …………..
13. Melakukan atau mengerjakan = ……
14. Mengetik = ……..
15. Menyapu = ………
16. Mengepel = ………
17. Menghapus = ………..
18. Meniup = …………
19. Mengelap = ………..
20. Mengendarai = ………….
Simple present adalah ungkapan atau kalimat untuk menyatakan
1. kebiasaan/kegiatan kita sehari-hari, misal saya selalu
bangun jam 4.30 pagi. (I always get up at 4.30 a.m)
2. Fakta/keadaan yang tidak bisa diubah, misalnya saya
manusia ( I am a human), matahari terbit dari timur (the sun
rises in the east)
3. Jadwal, misal saya masuk sekolah jam 7.00 (I start the
class at 7.00 a.m.)
Ada beberapa hal yang harus diingat ketika
mengungkapkan kalimat simple present
1. Ada 2 bentuk simple present:
a. verba: go, sleep, run, etc
b.Nomina: is, am, are
2. Ada 4 bentuk kata kerja bentuk 1,2,3,dan
ing, misalnya write, wrote, written, writing
simple present selalu menggunakan kata
kerja bentuk 1 yaitu write
3. Kata kerja bentuk 1 harus disesuaikan
dengan subjek/kata ganti orang. Ada 7 kata
ganti: I, you, we, they, he, she, it.
- I, you, we, they + write
- He, she, it + writes (ada –s nya)
4. Untuk nomina is, am, are
- I untuk am
- You, we, they untuk are
- He, she, it untuk is
5. Ada 3 jenis bentuk kalimat yaitu
pernyataan/positif (+), negative (-), dan
bertanya (?).
6. Untuk verba dipakai do dan does dalam
kalimat negative dan bertanya:
- I know (+) She knows (+)
- I do not now (-) She does not know (-)
- Do I know? (?) Does she know?
7. Untuk nomina tinggal ditambahkan
not setelah to be (is, am, are) nya dalam
kalimat negative.. Examples/contoh:
saya - I am a doctor (+)
- I am not a doctor (-)
- Am I a doctor? (?)
Dia - She is a doctor (+)
- She is not a doctor (-)
- Is She a doctor? (?)
8. Penanda kalimat present tense
biasanya digunakan kata keterangan
waktu yaitu
a. Adverb of frequency
(Kata keterangan sering/inse)
- Always (selalu)
- Usually, generally (biasanya)
- Normally (biasanya, umumnya)
- Often, Frequency (sering)
- Sometime, Occasionally (kadang-
- Seldom, Rarely (jarang)
- Never (tidak pernah)
- Ever (pernah)
Every (setiap)
Every morning (setiap pagi)
Every afternoon (setiap siang/sore)
Every evening (setiap petang)
Every night (setiap malam)
Every second (setiap detik)
Every minute (setiap menit)
Every hour (setiap jam)
Every day (setiap hari)
Every week (setip minggu)
Every month (setiap bulan)
Every year (setiap tahun)
Every century (setiap abad)
Once (sekali)
Once a year (sekali setahun)
Once a month (sekali sebulan)
Once a week (sekali seminggu)
Once a day (sekali sehari
Twice (dua kali)
Three time (tiga kali)
Four time (empat kali)
At noon (pada siang hari)
At Midnight (pada tengah malam)
At night (pada malam hari)
On Monday (pada hari senin)
In the evening (dipetang hari)
In the afternoon (disiang hari)
In the morning (dipagi hari)
From Monday to Saturday, I usually wake up at 5
o’clock in the morning. I need to prepare myself to
school. There are many activities I have to do before
going to school.
First of all, I do my bed until it is very tidy. After
that, I sweep the floor. I love to see my room neat and
clean. When I still feel sleepy, I walk around my house.
Also, I do some physical movements to stretch my body.
Then, I prepare some books based on schedule. I do
not want to leave any book at home. I wash my face,
brush my teeth, then have a shower. Finally, I eat
breakfast after wearing my school uniform. Before
going to school I hug my parents. I enjoy learning time
at school. I like to play with my friends too.
The school finishes at 1 p.m. After school, I change
my uniform then have lunch. I usually help parents to
cook for our dinner then help to wash dishes after
eating. After watching TV for one hour, I study and do
my homework. At the end, I go to sleep at 9 p.m.
Kosa Kata
 wake up = bangun tidur
 prepare my self = mempersiapkan
 do my bed = merapikan tempat
 sweep the floor = menyapu lantai
 walk around my house = berjalan di
sekitar rumahku
 do some physical movements =
melakukan beberapa gerakan fisik
 have a shower = mandi
 after wearing my school uniform =
setelah memakai seragam sekolah
 enjoy learning time = menikmati
waktu belajar
 wash dishes after eating = mencuci
alat dapur setelah makan
Contoh 2
Every school day, I get up very early in the morning.
Sometimes my younger sister, Erna, wakes me up. She is a
diligent girl. We share a room. But we sleep on different
I like to study in the morning at 4 o’clock. I study some
lessons based on schedule. Sometimes, I check my
homework, also prepare books. At 5.30 Erna and I clean our
room. Then, we take a bath in turn. While waiting, I help
mother to prepare our breakfast.
Then, I take a bath and prepare myself for school. After
eating breakfast, we go to school together. We go to school
on foot because my school is near our house. School ends at
2 o’clock. I join an extracurricular activity after school, like
English, music, dancing, etc.
I go home at 3 o’clock. Then, I go to rice field to help my
father. Sometimes I swim with my friends in a river near the
rice field. Go home in the evening, have lunch and do
homework. I sleep at about 10 p.m.
Kosa Kata
 get up very early = bangun tidur
sangat pagi
 a diligent girl = seorang anak
perempuan rajin
 on different beds = di tempat
tidur berbeda
 based on schedule = sesuai
dengan jadwal
 take a bath in turn = mandi
secara bergiliran
 go to school on foot = pergi ke
sekolah dengan jalan kaki
 near our house = dekat rumah
 join an extracurricular
activity = mengikuti kegiatan
 go to rice field = pergi ke sawah
Contoh 3
The alarm clock goes off at 5.30 a.m. I wake up in the
morning then drink 2 glasses of water. I feel very fresh
after drinking water. I wash my face so I do not feel sleepy.
I do some physical exercises. I keep my body fit and healthy.
Also, I keep my room neat and clean.
I have prepared my books at previous night. In the
morning, I need to check books in my bag. After that, I
prepare myself to school, have breakfast at 6.45 in the
morning. I go to school at 7 o’clock. My school is far from my
house. My father rides me to school and pick me up at 1 p.m.
After school, I help mother to sell goods in our shop. I
also study there. At 6 o’clock I go home, take a bath and
pray. After that, I play computer games for one hour then
review some lessons. Finally, at 10 p.m. I go to sleep.
Kosa Kata
•feel very fresh = merasa sangat
•I do not feel sleepy = saya tidak
merasa ngantuk
•keep my body fit and healthy =
menjaga tubuh saya tetep kuat dan
•at previous night = malam
sebelumnya alias kemarin malam
•check books in my bad = memeriksa
buku-buku di dalam tas saya
•far from my house = jauh dari
rumah saya
•ride me to school and pick me up =
mengantar ke sekolah dan
menjemput saya
•sell goods in our shop = menjual
barang-barang di toko kami
•review some lessons = mengulang
beberapa pelajaran
I stay with some friends in a boarding house. I
usually wake up earlier than all friends. I wake up at 5
o’clock in the morning. I wash my face and do jogging
on road near the house. Sometimes one of my friends
does jogging with me. I like jogging because I can
meet other friends. Besides, jogging makes my body
After jogging, I buy food and drink for my
breakfast. I usually buy one pack of yellow rice with
vegetable and meat inside. In the boarding house, I
eat yellow rice as my breakfast. After having
breakfast, I clean my room and take a bath.
When I have morning class, I go to campus and
study in the class. I often wait for a next class in the
campus. I occasionally have my lunch at canteen in my
I join some student organizations in the campus. I
spend my free time to do some activities related to
organizations. We have monthly meetings to discuss
some events. At home, I finish all tasks as soon as
possible so I can sleep early. I usually go to sleep at 10
p.m. after brushing my teeth.
 in a boarding house = dalam rumah
sewaan atau kosan
 wake up earlier than all friends = bangun
lebih awal dari semua teman
 on road near the house = di jalan raya
dekat rumah
 jogging makes my body healthy = jogging
membuat tubuh saya sehat.
 one pack of yellow rice = sebungkus nasi
 often wait for a next class = sering kali
menunggu kelas selanjutnya
 occasionally = terkadang
 some student organizations = beberapa
organisasi mahasiswa
 some activities related to
organizations = beberapa kegiatan
berhubungan dengan organisasi
 finish all tasks as soon as possible =
menyelesaikan semua tugas secepat
Contoh 5
In the morning, I usually wake up at 6 o’clock. I
do physical exercise for 5 minutes so I don’t feel
sleepy. When I have morning class, I have a
shower immediately.
Then, I go to campus by motorcycle.
Sometimes, I pick up my friend then we go
together. On the way to campus, we buy and eat
breakfast at one food stand near campus. We chat
along the way about many things. We love talking
about funny things. We laugh and feel really happy.
While waiting for a next class, I go to my
friend’s house. Sometimes, I wait in campus while
doing some tasks. Joining some organizations at
campus makes me quite busy but still happy. I need
to manage my time very well so I can set up
I always try to finish all tasks before due
date. I usually go home at 3 o’clock and take a
rest. I hang out with my friends in the evening
then have dinner together. Finally, I go to bed at
11 to 12 p.m. when all tasks are finished.
Kosa Kata
 I don’t feel sleepy = saya tidak merasa
 have a shower immediately = mandi segera
 pick up my friend = menjemput teman saya
 on the way to campus = dalam perjalanan
ke kampus
 talking about funny things = berbicara
tentang hal-hal lucu
 while waiting for a next class = saat
menunggu kelas berikutnya
 do some tasks = menyelesaikan beberapa
 quite busy but still happy = cukup sibuk
tapi tetap senang
 manage my time very well so I can set up
priority = mengatur waktu saya dengan
baik sehingga saya bisa menentukan
 finish all tasks before due date =
menyelesaikan tugas sebelum batasnya
Contoh 6
On the working day, I usually wake up at 6
o’clock in the morning. I clean my room and prepare
breakfast. I take a bath at 7 p.m. then prepare my
self to work. When I have morning schedule, I go to
work at 8 o’clock.
Sometimes I get afternoon schedule so I work
at 2 p.m. My job as a waiter in one restaurant gives
me a schedule that is not always same every week.
It keeps changing but I am still happy with that.
After 5 days working, I have two days off. My
holidays are not always Saturday and Sunday. I
work 9 hours a day including an hour break.
After working, I do yoga for 30 minutes, then
clean my self. After that, I get ready for dinner
with my special friend. Before sleeping, I chat with
my friend or read a book. Sometimes, I go to the
cinema with some friends or listening to music. I go
to bed at 11 to 12 p.m.
Kosa Kata
•clean my room and prepare
breakfast = membersihkan kamar saya
dan menyiapkan sarapan
•morning schedule / afternoon
schedule = jadwal pagid an jadwal
•a schedule that is not always same
every week = sebuah jadwal yang tidak
selalu sama setiap minggu
•my holidays are not always Saturday
and Sunday = Hari libur saya tidak
selalu Sabtu dan Minggu
•including an hour break = termasuk
satu jam istirahat
•dinner with my special friend = makan
malam dengan teman istimewa
•go to the cinema = pergi ke bioskop
Contoh 7
I work during 5 days then get 2 days off. On
working days, I wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning.
Then, I do my bed and clean my room. I wash my face,
brush my teeth, prepare breakfast for 30 minutes.
After that, I do yoga for about 20 to 30 minutes.
At 6 o’clock I prepare my uniform and working stuff. I
have a shower then prepare my self to work. Before
going to work, I pray for a while to thank God about
everything. Then, I go to work by bus at 6.40. I walk to
a bus stop and wait for a bus. I usually arrive at my
office at 7.15 and start working at 7.30.
I love my job as an accountant in one national
company. I always finish all tasks punctually so I don’t
bring any task home. At 5.00 I go home by bus or
sometimes with my friend. Her house is near my house
so we often go home together by her car.
Sometimes I hang out with friends until 7 o’clock.
At 7 o’clock I take a bath, then I eat dinner. Before go
to bed, I usually spend time for reading a book,
watching a movie or listening to music. Finally, I sleep
at 11 p.m.
Kosa Kata
•do my bed and clean my room =
merapikan tempat tidur dan
membersihkan kamar saya
•wash my face, brush my teeth,
prepare breakfast = mencuci wajah,
menggosok gigi, menyiapkan sarapan
•prepare my uniform and working
stuff = mempersiapkan seragam dan
perlengkapan kerja saya
•have a shower then prepare my self to
work = mandi lalu menyiapkan diri untuk
•go to work by bus = pergi bekerja
dengan bus
•finish all tasks punctually =
menyelesaikan semua tugas tepat waktu
•her house is near my house = rumahnya
dekat dengan rumah saya
•hang out with friends = jalan-jalan
bersama teman-teman
Contoh 8
This is my daily activities at home on Sunday. I am
very excited because all family members are at home on
Sunday. In the morning, my father, mother, sister,
brother and I work together to clean our house. Each of
us has different job.
First, we clean our own room. Then, parents clean the
bathroom and kitchen. My sister, brother and I clean the
living room and terrace. After that, we do gardening
together. Also we clean the pond by changing water.
When we do gardening, my mother cooks for all of us.
At 10 o’clock we clean ourselves then eat meals. After
eating, all children study. At 1 o’clock we gather in our
living room. We watch a movie with our parents.
In the afternoon we go for a walk. Sometimes we go to a
beach, go to a zoo or visit our grandparents or other
families. At 6 o’clock we go home, have a shower and pray
Then we listen to our father’s story. Our father is a
great story teller. Sometimes he reads a story book for
us. Finally, we prepare school books for Monday at 9 p.m.
and then go to sleep.
Kosa Kata
•I am very excited = saya sangat
•clean our house = membersihkan rumah
•each of us has different job = masing-
masing kami memiliki pekerjaan yang
•do gardening together = berkebun
•clean the pond by changing water =
membersihkan kolam dengan mengganti
•gather in our living room = berkumpul
di ruang tamu
•go for a walk = pergi jalan-jalan
•beach = pantai, Zoo = kebun binatang
•visit our grandparents or other
families = mengunjungi kakek nenek
atau keluarga lain
•our father is a great story teller =
ayah kami adalah seorang pendongeng
yang hebat
Adalah kalimat atau ungkapan untuk
menyatakan hal yang sedang
berlangsung atau sedang dikerjakan.
Misalnya saya sedang menulis surat =
I am writing a letter.
Ada beberapa hal yang harus diingat
untuk kalimat present continuous
1. Kata kerja yang di gunakan yaitu kata
kerja bentuk ke 4 bentuk verb ing,
misalnya singing, writing, dan reading
2. Digunakan pula to be (is, am, are)
I dengan am
You, we, they, dengan are
He, she, it dengan is
3. Contoh kalimat positif, negative
dan bertanya:
+I am studying English (saya
sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris)
- I am not studying English (saya
tidak sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris)
? Am I studying English? (apakah
saya sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris?)
(Verb1) Arti Kata Kerja Bentuk ing
arrive tiba, sampai arriving
bake memanggang baking
breathe bernapas breathing
come datang coming
create mencipta creating
dance menari dancing
drive mengemudi driving
erase menghapus erasing
give memberi giving
hide menyembunyikan hiding
imagine berfantasi imagining
Contoh kata kerja bentuk ing
leave meninggalkan leaving
live tinggal, hidup living
love mencintai loving
make membuat making
manage mengatur managing
move berpindah moving
ride mengendarai riding
save menyimpan saving
take mengambil taking
use menggunakan using
write menulis writing
(Verb1) Arti Kata Kerja Bentuk ing
Ketika kita mebandingkan 2 hal atau lebih dalam bahasa inggris ada
Misalnya kita membandingan antara 3 orang, ari dani, dan eko. Ari
gemuk. Dani lebih gemuk. Eko paling gemuk.
Ari is fat. Dani is fatter. Eko is the fattest.
Membandingkan 2 Hal/Lebih
Ada beberapa hal yang harus diingat dalam perbandingan ini
1. Membandingakan 2/3 hal yang sama menggunakan as…as. (yang artinya se..
atau sama) Misalnya. Dena secantik Asri. Dena is as beautiful as asri.
2. Untuk lebih dan paling ditambahkan kata –er dan –est atau more dan most
di kata sifat
3. -er dan –est untuk kata sifat dengan suku kata pendek, misalnya
besar-lebih besar-paling besar big--bigger --biggest
pintar-lebih pintar-paling pintar smart—smarter—smartest
4. More dan most untuk kata sifat dengan suku kata panjang, misalnya
Tampan—lebih tampan—paling tampan handsome—more handsome –
most handsome
List of word examples (Contoh daftar kata)
Adjective Comparative (lebih) Superlative (paling)
Lucky (beruntung) Luckier (lebih beruntung) The luckiest (paling beruntung)
Pretty (cantik) Prettier The prettiest
Tidy (rapi) Tidier The tidiest
Adjective Comparative (lebih) Superlative (paling)
Worried (khawatir) More worried The most worried
Boring (membosankan) More boring The most boring
Careful (hati-hati) More careful The most careful
Dangerous (berbahaya) More dangerous The most dangerous
Adjective Comparative (lebih) Superlative (paling)
Good (baik) Better The best
Bad (buruk) Worse The worst
Far (jauh) Farther/further The farthest/furthest
Kata yang ditambah –er dan est
Kata yang ditambah –more dan most
Kata yang ditambah –more dan most
List of word examples (Contoh daftar kata)
Adjective Comparative (lebih) Superlative (paling)
Adjective Comparative (lebih) Superlative (paling)
Adjective Comparative (lebih) Superlative (paling)
Kata yang ditambah –er dan est
Kata yang ditambah –more dan most
Kata yang ditambah –more dan most
The ant is smaller
than the hippo.
Semut lebih kecil
dari pada hippo
Contoh dalam kalimat
The elephant is
fatter than the
The girl is happier
than the duck.
The butterfly is more
beautiful than the
The elephant is
the heaviest.
The first turtle is as big
as the second turtle
List of word examples (Contoh daftar kata)
1 Small Smaller The smallest Kecil
2 Strong Stronger The strongest Kuat
3 Big Bigger The biggest Besar
4 Weak Weaker The Weakest Lemah
5 Tall Taller The tallest Tinggi
6 Short Shorter The shorter Pendek
7 Thin Thinner The thinnest Tipis/Kurus
8 High Higher The highest Tinggi
9 Low Lower The lowest Rendah
10 Light Lighter The lightest Ringan
11 Young Younger The youngest Muda
12 Old Older The oldest Tua
13 Long Longer The longest panjang
14 Fast Faster The fastest Cepat
15 Slow Slower The slowest Lambat
16 Wide Wider The widest Lebar
17 Large Larger The largest Luas/besar
18 Poor Poorer The poorest Miskin
19 Rich Richer The richest Kaya
20 Cheap Cheaper The cheapest Kaya
List of word examples (Contoh daftar kata)
21 Hard Harder The hardest Keras
22 Soft Softer The softest Lembut
23 Sweet Sweeter The sweetest Manis
24 Cold Colder The coldest Dingin
25 Hot Hotter The hottest Panas
26 Clean Cleaner The cleanest Bersih
27 Dark Darker The darkest Gelap
28 Safe Safer The safest Aman
29 Slim Slimmer The slimmest Langsing
30 Thick Thicker The thickest Tebal
31 Fat Fatter The fattest Gemuk
32 Clear Clearer The clearest Jelas
33 Wise Wiser The Wisest Bijaksana
34 Smart Smarter The smartest Cerdas,
35 Great Greater The greatest Agung,
36 Deep Deeper The deepest Dalam
37 Heavy Heavier The heaviest Berat
38 Pretty Prettier The prettiest Cantik
39 Near Nearer The nearest Dekat
40 Lazy Lazier The laziest Malas
List of word examples (Contoh daftar kata)
41 Crazy Crazier The craziest Gila
42 Handsome more most handsome
43 Tidy Tidier The tidiest Rapi
44 Happy Happier The happiest Bahagia,
45 Stupid More stupid The most stupid
46 Clever Cleverer The cleverest Pandai,
47 Famous More famous The most
famous Terkenal
48 Tasty Tastier The tastiest Enak
49 Polite More polite The most polite
50 Careless More careless The most
careless Ceroboh
51 Simple Simpler The simplest
52 Easy Easier The easiest Mudah
53 Dirty Dirtier The dirtiest Kotor
54 Friendly More friendly The most
friendly Ramah
List of word examples (Contoh daftar kata)
55 Interesting More interesting The
most interesting Menarik
56 Diligent More diligent The most
diligent Rajin
57 Difficult More difficult The most
difficult Sulit
58 Beautiful More beautiful The most
beautiful Cantik
59 Expensive More expensive The most
expensive Mahal
60 Careful More careful The most
careful Berhati-hati
61 Powerful More powerful The most
powerful Bertenaga/kuat
62 Powerless More powerless The most
powerless Lemah
63 Comfortable More comfortbale The
most comfortable Nyaman
64 Inteligent More inteligent The most
inteligent Pandai, cerdik
65 Popular More popular The most
popular Terkenal, ternama
List of word examples (Contoh daftar kata)
66 Dangerous More dangerous The most
dangerous Berbahaya
67 Poisonuous More poisonous The most
poisonous Beracun
68 Challenging More challenging The
most challenging Menantang
69 Natural More natural The most
natural Alami
70 Complicated More complicated The
most complicated Sulit
71 Good looking More good looking The
most good looking Ganteng
Bentuknya tidak beraturan
72 Good Better The best Baik, bagus
73 Bad Worse The worst Buruk, jelek
74 Much/Many More The most Banyak
75 Little Less The least Sedikit
76. Far Farther/further The
farthest/furthest Jauh/lanjut/rinci
Past Tense adalah ungkapan atau kalimat yang menyatakan kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan
di waktu tertentu di masa lalu.
Ada beberapa halyang perlu diingat untuk past tense:
1. Menggunakan kata kerja bentuk kedua. Ada 4 jenis kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris:
verb 1, verb 2, verb 3 dan verb ing. Misalnya kata go.
Go (verb 1), went (verb 2), gone (verb 3) dan going (verb ing)
untuk past tense digunakan bentuk kata kerja kedua (verb 2) yaitu went
Contoh: I went to Jakarta yesterday (saya pergi ke Jakarta kemarin)
2. Untuk to be (is am are) menggunakan bentuk kedua yaitu is dan am jadi was dan are
jadi were. Contoh I was sad last night (tadi malam saya sedih) They were sad last
night (mereka sedih tadi malam).
3. Dalam kalimat negative dan bertanya digunakan did dan apabila sudah ada did
kata kerjanya kembali menjadi bentuk 1 lagi. Contoh went kembali jadi go
4. Kata kerja bentuk 2 yang digunakan ada 2 jenis beraturan dan tidak beraturan
I went to Jakarta yesterday (+)
I did not go to Jakarta yesterday (-)
Did I go to Jakarta yesterday? (?)
untuk to be tinggal langsung ditambah not
contoh: I was sad last night (+)
I was not sad last night (-)
Was I sad last night?
Stay -stayed--stayed
Cause ---caused —caused
Kata kerja bentuk 2 dan 3 nya bisa
diprediksi, tinggal tambah akhiran d atau ed
Tidak beraturan
Go ---went--gone
Take ---took---taken
Bentuk kata kerja ke 2 dan ke 3 nya
tidak bisa diprediksi harus dihafal
Verb (Kata Kerja)
1. Kata Kerja Beraturan (regular verbs)
Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya
 Achieve – Achieved – Achieved = mencapai
 Answer – Anwered – Answered = menjawab
 Ask – Asked – Asked = bertanya, meminta
 Burn – Burned – Burned = membakar
 Call – Called – Called = memanggil, menelepon
 Cause – Caused – Caused = menyebabkan
 Change – Changed – Changed = berubah
 Close – Closed – Closed = menutup
 Clean – Cleaned – Cleaned = membersihkan
Verb (Kata Kerja)
1. Kata Kerja Beraturan (regular verbs)
Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya
Cook – Cooked – Cooked = memasak
Copy – Copied – Copied = menyalin, meniru
Dance – Danced – Danced = menari
Decide – Decided – Decided = memutuskan
Enjoy – Enjoyed – Enjoyed = menikmati
Employ – Employed – Employed = mempekerjakan
Explain – Explained – Explained = menjelaskan
Happen – Happened – Happened = terjadi
Help – Helped – Helped = membantu
Verb (Kata Kerja)
1. Kata Kerja Beraturan (regular verbs)
Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya
Jump – Jumped – Jumped = melompat
Laugh – Laughed – Laughed = tertawa
Listen – Listened – Listened = mendengarkan
Like – Liked – Liked = menyukai
Live – Lived – Lived = tinggal, hidup
Look – Looked – Looked = melihat
Love – Loved – Loved = mencintai, menyayangi
Move – Moved – Moved = berpindah
Need – Needed – Needed = membutuhkan
Verb (Kata Kerja)
1. Kata Kerja Beraturan (regular verbs)
Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya
Paint – Painted – Painted = mengecat
Play – Played – Played = bermain
Pull – Pulled – Pulled = menarik
Push – Pushed – Pushed = mendorong
Repair – Repaired – Repaired = memperbaiki
Say – Said – Said = berkata
Smile – Smiled – Smiled = tersenyum
Start – Started – Started = memulai
Study – Studied – Studied = belajar
Talk – Talked – Talked = berbicara
Verb (Kata Kerja)
1. Kata Kerja Beraturan (regular verbs)
Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya
Try – Tried – Tried = berusaha
Visit – Visited – Visited = mengunjungi
Walk – Walked – Walked = berjalan
Want – Wanted – Wanted = ingin
Wash – Washed – Washed = mencuci
Watch – Watched – Watched = menonton
Water – Watered – Watered = menyirami
Work – Worked – Worked = bekerja
Verb (Kata Kerja)
1. Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan (irregular verbs)
Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya
Begin – Began – Begun = memulai
Buy – Bought – Bought = membeli
Catch – Caught – Caught = menangkap
Come – Came – Come = datang
Cut – Cut – Cut = memotong
Do – Did – Done = melakukan
Drink – Drank – Drunk = minum
Eat – Ate – Eaten = makan
Feed – Fed – Fed = memberi makan
Verb (Kata Kerja)
1. Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan (irregular verbs)
Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya
Feel – Felt – Felt = merasakan
Find – Found – Found = menemukan
Forget – Forgot – Forgotten = melupakan
Get – Got – Gotten = mendapatkan
Go – Went – Gone = pergi
Give – Gave – Given = memberi
Hear – Heard – Heard = mendengar
Hurt – Hurt – Hurt = menyakiti
Keep – Kept – Kept = menjaga
Verb (Kata Kerja)
1. Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan (irregularl verbs)
Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya
Know – Knew – Known = tahu, mengetahui
Leave – Left – Left = meninggalkan
Lend – Lent – Lent = meminjamkan
Make – Made – Made = membuat
Meet – Met – Met = bertemu
Put – Put – Put = meletakkan
Quit – Quit – Quit = berhenti
Read – Read – Read = membaca
Verb (Kata Kerja)
1. Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan (irregular verbs)
Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya
Run – Ran – Run = berlari
Send – Sent – Sent = mengirim
Sit – Sat – Sat = duduk
Sing – Sang – Sung = bernyanyi
See – Saw – Seen = melihat
Sleep – Slept – Slept = tidur
Swim – Swam – Swum = berenang
Teach – Taught – Taught = mengajar
Verb (Kata Kerja)
1. Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan (irregular verbs)
Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya
Tell – Told – Told = menceritakan
Think – Thought – Thought = berpikir
Understand – Understood – Understood = mengerti
Wake – Woke – Woken = bangun
Wear – Wore – Worn = memakai
Write – Wrote – Written = menulis
Examples/contoh cerita memakai past tense
Last week, my father went to Bali for a business. He asked us to enjoy staying in the
hotel and playing on the beach while he was having his business meeting. We stayed in a
hotel near a beach. When we arrived in the hotel, my father talked to the receptionist
to get a room. The clerk at the receptionist desk gave my father the key of my room
and porter carried our bag along the corridor to our room.
We got a big room on the third floor. The room over looked the sea. From our room
we could see waves breaking over the rocks. The beach was not crowded at that time.
We saw children digging in the sand looking for the sea-shells. Some boys were kicking a
ball. Some groups of people were sitting in the desk chairs, lying on the sand under
brightly colored umbrella.
We didn’t waste much time in our room. We went to the beach to swim to play ball,
to dig in sand to look for sea-shell, and to lie under the sun. we really enjoyed the
Notice/warning berarti peringatan. Biasanya kita temukan di berbagai
tempat agar orang-orang menjadi tahu, mengikuti aturan dan berhati hati.
 No Trespassing (Dilarang Melintas)
 Caution Wet Floor (Hati-hati Lantai Basah)
 Beware of The Dog (Waspada Terhadap Anjing)
 For Staff Only (Hanya Untuk Staf)
 Out of Order (Habis Terjual)
Contoh notice:
Short Message (Pesan Singkat)
Short Message adalah jenis teks yang berupa informasi tertulis atau lisan
yang biasanya dikirim seseorang atau ditinggalkan pada saat yang bersangkutan
berhalangan atau tidak bisa bertemu dengan orang yang dimaksud.
Contoh Short Message:
 The monthly meeting is postponed due to the technical reason. Further
information will be conveyed soon. Call him, when you’ve been back.
(Pertemuan bulanan ditunda karena alasan teknis. Informasi lebih lanjut akan
disampaikan segera. Hubungi nya, ketika Anda sudah kembali)
 We will arrive at 3pm. Please pick up Tina.
(Kami akan tiba jam 15:00. Tolong jemput Tina)

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  • 1. Animals and Their Habits 1. Snake Binatang dan Kebiasannya 7. It barks 2. Bee 3. Bird 4. Bat 5. Gecko/Lizard 6. Cat 7. Dog 8. Horse 2. It stings 3. It flies 4. It flies 5. It crawls 6. It sleeps 1. It bites 8. It runs 9. Turtle 10. Lion/Tiger 11. Buffalo 12. Rabbit 13. Butterfly 14. Fish 15. Frog 16. Kangooro 9. It swims 10. It roars 11. It eats grass 12. It eats carrot 13. It flies 14. It swims 15. It jumps 16. It jumps
  • 3. No Animal Activities 1 Snake It bites 2 Bee It stings, sucks nectar 3 Bird It flies, perches on tree, sings 4 Bat It flies, hangs on tree 5 Gecko/Lizard It crawls, eats mosquitos 6 Cat It sleeps, eats fish 7 Dog It barks Animals and Their Habits/Activities (Binatang dan Kebiasannya)
  • 4. No Animal activities 9 Turtle It swims 10 Lion/Tiger It roars, attacks preys, eats meat 11 Buffalo It eats grass 12 Rabbit It eats carrot 13 Buttterfly It flies, sucks nectar 14 Fish It swims 15 Frog It jumps 16 Kangaroo It jumps Animals and Their Habits/Activities (Binatang dan Kebiasannya)
  • 5. No Animal Activities 1 Snake It bites 2 Bee It stings, 3 Bird It flies, sings 4 Bat It flies, hangs on tree 5 Gecko/Lizard It crawls, eats mosquitos 6 Cat It sleeps, eats fish 7 Dog It barks 8 Horse It runs, gallops Bahasa Indonesiakan
  • 6. No Animal activities 8 Kura Kura Itu berenang 9 Singa/Macan Itu mengaum 10 Kerbau Itu makan rumput 11 Kelinci Itu makan wortel 12 Kupu-kupu Itu terbang 13 Ikan Itu berenang 14 Katak Itu melompat 15 Kanguru Itu melompat Bahasa Inggriskan
  • 8. CONTOH KATA KERJA SEHARI-HARI 1. Tidur = sleep 2. Makan = eat 3. Minum = drink 4. Menulis = write 5. Membaca = read 6. Menonton = watch 7. Menggambar = draw 8. Menggosok = brush 9. Mandi = take a bath 10. Membersihkan = clean 11. Mencuci = wash 12. Pergi = go 13. Melakukan atau mengerjakan = do 14. Mengetik = type 15. Menyapu = sweep 16. Mengepel = mop 17. Menghapus = erase 18. Meniup = blow 19. Mengelap = wipe 20. Mengendarai = ride
  • 9. CONTOH KATA KERJA SEHARI-HARI 21. Menyetir = drive 22. Bersepeda = bike 23. Menerbangkan = fly 24. Menanam = plant 25. Menyiram = water 26. Memasak = cook 27. Belajar = study 28. Mencontek = cheat 29. Mentraktir = treat 30. Berhenti = stop 31. Melihat = see 32. Bernyanyi = sing 33. Menari = dance 34. Mengantar = deliver 35. Meminjam = borrow 36. Memperbaiki = repair 37. Menyetrika = iron 38. Menyisir = comb 39. Memberikan = give 40. Memakai = wear
  • 11. CONTOH KATA KERJA SEHARI-HARI 41. Menggunakan = use 42. Menendang = kick 43. Memotong = cut 44. Melukis = paint 45. Mengambil = take 46. Menggigit = bite 47. Memegang = hold 48. Mencampur = mix 49. Membawa = bring 50. Menjual = sell 51. Membeli=buy 52. Membawa=bring 53. Mengambil=take 54. Berdoa/sembahyang=pray 55. Berpakaian=get dressed 56. Makan=eat meals/have meals 57. Berjalan=walk 58. Berdiri=stand up 59. Duduk=sit on 60. Membaca=read
  • 12. CONTOH KATA KERJA SEHARI-HARI 1. Tidur = …….. 2. Makan = ……… 3. Minum = …….. 4. Menulis = …….. 5. Membaca = ……….. 6. Menonton = ……….. 7. Menggambar = ……….. 8. Menggosok = ………. 9. Mandi = ………………. 10. Membersihkan = ……….. 11. Mencuci = ………… 12. Pergi = ………….. 13. Melakukan atau mengerjakan = …… 14. Mengetik = …….. 15. Menyapu = ……… 16. Mengepel = ……… 17. Menghapus = ……….. 18. Meniup = ………… 19. Mengelap = ……….. 20. Mengendarai = ………….
  • 13. SIMPLE PRESENT Simple present adalah ungkapan atau kalimat untuk menyatakan 1. kebiasaan/kegiatan kita sehari-hari, misal saya selalu bangun jam 4.30 pagi. (I always get up at 4.30 a.m) 2. Fakta/keadaan yang tidak bisa diubah, misalnya saya manusia ( I am a human), matahari terbit dari timur (the sun rises in the east) 3. Jadwal, misal saya masuk sekolah jam 7.00 (I start the class at 7.00 a.m.)
  • 14. SIMPLE PRESENT Ada beberapa hal yang harus diingat ketika mengungkapkan kalimat simple present 1. Ada 2 bentuk simple present: a. verba: go, sleep, run, etc b.Nomina: is, am, are 2. Ada 4 bentuk kata kerja bentuk 1,2,3,dan ing, misalnya write, wrote, written, writing simple present selalu menggunakan kata kerja bentuk 1 yaitu write 3. Kata kerja bentuk 1 harus disesuaikan dengan subjek/kata ganti orang. Ada 7 kata ganti: I, you, we, they, he, she, it. - I, you, we, they + write - He, she, it + writes (ada –s nya) 4. Untuk nomina is, am, are - I untuk am - You, we, they untuk are - He, she, it untuk is 5. Ada 3 jenis bentuk kalimat yaitu pernyataan/positif (+), negative (-), dan bertanya (?). 6. Untuk verba dipakai do dan does dalam kalimat negative dan bertanya: - I know (+) She knows (+) - I do not now (-) She does not know (-) - Do I know? (?) Does she know?
  • 15. 7. Untuk nomina tinggal ditambahkan not setelah to be (is, am, are) nya dalam kalimat negative.. Examples/contoh: saya - I am a doctor (+) - I am not a doctor (-) - Am I a doctor? (?) Dia - She is a doctor (+) - She is not a doctor (-) - Is She a doctor? (?) 8. Penanda kalimat present tense biasanya digunakan kata keterangan waktu yaitu a. Adverb of frequency (Kata keterangan sering/inse) - Always (selalu) - Usually, generally (biasanya) - Normally (biasanya, umumnya) - Often, Frequency (sering) - Sometime, Occasionally (kadang- kadang) - Seldom, Rarely (jarang) - Never (tidak pernah) - Ever (pernah)
  • 16. Every (setiap) Every morning (setiap pagi) Every afternoon (setiap siang/sore) Every evening (setiap petang) Every night (setiap malam) Every second (setiap detik) Every minute (setiap menit) Every hour (setiap jam) Every day (setiap hari) Every week (setip minggu) Every month (setiap bulan) Every year (setiap tahun) Every century (setiap abad) Once (sekali) Once a year (sekali setahun) Once a month (sekali sebulan) Once a week (sekali seminggu) Once a day (sekali sehari Twice (dua kali) Three time (tiga kali) Four time (empat kali) At noon (pada siang hari) At Midnight (pada tengah malam) At night (pada malam hari) On Monday (pada hari senin) In the evening (dipetang hari) In the afternoon (disiang hari) In the morning (dipagi hari)
  • 17. DAILY ACTIVITIES (KEGIATAN SEHARI-HARI) CONTOH 1 From Monday to Saturday, I usually wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. I need to prepare myself to school. There are many activities I have to do before going to school. First of all, I do my bed until it is very tidy. After that, I sweep the floor. I love to see my room neat and clean. When I still feel sleepy, I walk around my house. Also, I do some physical movements to stretch my body. Then, I prepare some books based on schedule. I do not want to leave any book at home. I wash my face, brush my teeth, then have a shower. Finally, I eat breakfast after wearing my school uniform. Before going to school I hug my parents. I enjoy learning time at school. I like to play with my friends too. The school finishes at 1 p.m. After school, I change my uniform then have lunch. I usually help parents to cook for our dinner then help to wash dishes after eating. After watching TV for one hour, I study and do my homework. At the end, I go to sleep at 9 p.m. Kosa Kata  wake up = bangun tidur  prepare my self = mempersiapkan diri  do my bed = merapikan tempat tidur  sweep the floor = menyapu lantai  walk around my house = berjalan di sekitar rumahku  do some physical movements = melakukan beberapa gerakan fisik  have a shower = mandi  after wearing my school uniform = setelah memakai seragam sekolah  enjoy learning time = menikmati waktu belajar  wash dishes after eating = mencuci alat dapur setelah makan
  • 18. Contoh 2 Every school day, I get up very early in the morning. Sometimes my younger sister, Erna, wakes me up. She is a diligent girl. We share a room. But we sleep on different beds. I like to study in the morning at 4 o’clock. I study some lessons based on schedule. Sometimes, I check my homework, also prepare books. At 5.30 Erna and I clean our room. Then, we take a bath in turn. While waiting, I help mother to prepare our breakfast. Then, I take a bath and prepare myself for school. After eating breakfast, we go to school together. We go to school on foot because my school is near our house. School ends at 2 o’clock. I join an extracurricular activity after school, like English, music, dancing, etc. I go home at 3 o’clock. Then, I go to rice field to help my father. Sometimes I swim with my friends in a river near the rice field. Go home in the evening, have lunch and do homework. I sleep at about 10 p.m. Kosa Kata  get up very early = bangun tidur sangat pagi  a diligent girl = seorang anak perempuan rajin  on different beds = di tempat tidur berbeda  based on schedule = sesuai dengan jadwal  take a bath in turn = mandi secara bergiliran  go to school on foot = pergi ke sekolah dengan jalan kaki  near our house = dekat rumah kami  join an extracurricular activity = mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler  go to rice field = pergi ke sawah
  • 19. Contoh 3 The alarm clock goes off at 5.30 a.m. I wake up in the morning then drink 2 glasses of water. I feel very fresh after drinking water. I wash my face so I do not feel sleepy. I do some physical exercises. I keep my body fit and healthy. Also, I keep my room neat and clean. I have prepared my books at previous night. In the morning, I need to check books in my bag. After that, I prepare myself to school, have breakfast at 6.45 in the morning. I go to school at 7 o’clock. My school is far from my house. My father rides me to school and pick me up at 1 p.m. After school, I help mother to sell goods in our shop. I also study there. At 6 o’clock I go home, take a bath and pray. After that, I play computer games for one hour then review some lessons. Finally, at 10 p.m. I go to sleep. Kosa Kata •feel very fresh = merasa sangat segar •I do not feel sleepy = saya tidak merasa ngantuk •keep my body fit and healthy = menjaga tubuh saya tetep kuat dan sehat •at previous night = malam sebelumnya alias kemarin malam •check books in my bad = memeriksa buku-buku di dalam tas saya •far from my house = jauh dari rumah saya •ride me to school and pick me up = mengantar ke sekolah dan menjemput saya •sell goods in our shop = menjual barang-barang di toko kami •review some lessons = mengulang beberapa pelajaran
  • 20. I stay with some friends in a boarding house. I usually wake up earlier than all friends. I wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. I wash my face and do jogging on road near the house. Sometimes one of my friends does jogging with me. I like jogging because I can meet other friends. Besides, jogging makes my body healthy. After jogging, I buy food and drink for my breakfast. I usually buy one pack of yellow rice with vegetable and meat inside. In the boarding house, I eat yellow rice as my breakfast. After having breakfast, I clean my room and take a bath. When I have morning class, I go to campus and study in the class. I often wait for a next class in the campus. I occasionally have my lunch at canteen in my campus. I join some student organizations in the campus. I spend my free time to do some activities related to organizations. We have monthly meetings to discuss some events. At home, I finish all tasks as soon as possible so I can sleep early. I usually go to sleep at 10 p.m. after brushing my teeth.  in a boarding house = dalam rumah sewaan atau kosan  wake up earlier than all friends = bangun lebih awal dari semua teman  on road near the house = di jalan raya dekat rumah  jogging makes my body healthy = jogging membuat tubuh saya sehat.  one pack of yellow rice = sebungkus nasi kuring  often wait for a next class = sering kali menunggu kelas selanjutnya  occasionally = terkadang  some student organizations = beberapa organisasi mahasiswa  some activities related to organizations = beberapa kegiatan berhubungan dengan organisasi  finish all tasks as soon as possible = menyelesaikan semua tugas secepat mungkin
  • 21. Contoh 5 In the morning, I usually wake up at 6 o’clock. I do physical exercise for 5 minutes so I don’t feel sleepy. When I have morning class, I have a shower immediately. Then, I go to campus by motorcycle. Sometimes, I pick up my friend then we go together. On the way to campus, we buy and eat breakfast at one food stand near campus. We chat along the way about many things. We love talking about funny things. We laugh and feel really happy. While waiting for a next class, I go to my friend’s house. Sometimes, I wait in campus while doing some tasks. Joining some organizations at campus makes me quite busy but still happy. I need to manage my time very well so I can set up priority. I always try to finish all tasks before due date. I usually go home at 3 o’clock and take a rest. I hang out with my friends in the evening then have dinner together. Finally, I go to bed at 11 to 12 p.m. when all tasks are finished. Kosa Kata  I don’t feel sleepy = saya tidak merasa ngantuk  have a shower immediately = mandi segera  pick up my friend = menjemput teman saya  on the way to campus = dalam perjalanan ke kampus  talking about funny things = berbicara tentang hal-hal lucu  while waiting for a next class = saat menunggu kelas berikutnya  do some tasks = menyelesaikan beberapa tugas  quite busy but still happy = cukup sibuk tapi tetap senang  manage my time very well so I can set up priority = mengatur waktu saya dengan baik sehingga saya bisa menentukan prioritas  finish all tasks before due date = menyelesaikan tugas sebelum batasnya
  • 22. Contoh 6 On the working day, I usually wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning. I clean my room and prepare breakfast. I take a bath at 7 p.m. then prepare my self to work. When I have morning schedule, I go to work at 8 o’clock. Sometimes I get afternoon schedule so I work at 2 p.m. My job as a waiter in one restaurant gives me a schedule that is not always same every week. It keeps changing but I am still happy with that. After 5 days working, I have two days off. My holidays are not always Saturday and Sunday. I work 9 hours a day including an hour break. After working, I do yoga for 30 minutes, then clean my self. After that, I get ready for dinner with my special friend. Before sleeping, I chat with my friend or read a book. Sometimes, I go to the cinema with some friends or listening to music. I go to bed at 11 to 12 p.m. Kosa Kata •clean my room and prepare breakfast = membersihkan kamar saya dan menyiapkan sarapan •morning schedule / afternoon schedule = jadwal pagid an jadwal siang •a schedule that is not always same every week = sebuah jadwal yang tidak selalu sama setiap minggu •my holidays are not always Saturday and Sunday = Hari libur saya tidak selalu Sabtu dan Minggu •including an hour break = termasuk satu jam istirahat •dinner with my special friend = makan malam dengan teman istimewa •go to the cinema = pergi ke bioskop
  • 23. Contoh 7 I work during 5 days then get 2 days off. On working days, I wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. Then, I do my bed and clean my room. I wash my face, brush my teeth, prepare breakfast for 30 minutes. After that, I do yoga for about 20 to 30 minutes. At 6 o’clock I prepare my uniform and working stuff. I have a shower then prepare my self to work. Before going to work, I pray for a while to thank God about everything. Then, I go to work by bus at 6.40. I walk to a bus stop and wait for a bus. I usually arrive at my office at 7.15 and start working at 7.30. I love my job as an accountant in one national company. I always finish all tasks punctually so I don’t bring any task home. At 5.00 I go home by bus or sometimes with my friend. Her house is near my house so we often go home together by her car. Sometimes I hang out with friends until 7 o’clock. At 7 o’clock I take a bath, then I eat dinner. Before go to bed, I usually spend time for reading a book, watching a movie or listening to music. Finally, I sleep at 11 p.m. Kosa Kata •do my bed and clean my room = merapikan tempat tidur dan membersihkan kamar saya •wash my face, brush my teeth, prepare breakfast = mencuci wajah, menggosok gigi, menyiapkan sarapan •prepare my uniform and working stuff = mempersiapkan seragam dan perlengkapan kerja saya •have a shower then prepare my self to work = mandi lalu menyiapkan diri untuk bekerja •go to work by bus = pergi bekerja dengan bus •finish all tasks punctually = menyelesaikan semua tugas tepat waktu •her house is near my house = rumahnya dekat dengan rumah saya •hang out with friends = jalan-jalan bersama teman-teman
  • 24. Contoh 8 This is my daily activities at home on Sunday. I am very excited because all family members are at home on Sunday. In the morning, my father, mother, sister, brother and I work together to clean our house. Each of us has different job. First, we clean our own room. Then, parents clean the bathroom and kitchen. My sister, brother and I clean the living room and terrace. After that, we do gardening together. Also we clean the pond by changing water. When we do gardening, my mother cooks for all of us. At 10 o’clock we clean ourselves then eat meals. After eating, all children study. At 1 o’clock we gather in our living room. We watch a movie with our parents. In the afternoon we go for a walk. Sometimes we go to a beach, go to a zoo or visit our grandparents or other families. At 6 o’clock we go home, have a shower and pray together. Then we listen to our father’s story. Our father is a great story teller. Sometimes he reads a story book for us. Finally, we prepare school books for Monday at 9 p.m. and then go to sleep. Kosa Kata •I am very excited = saya sangat bersemangat •clean our house = membersihkan rumah kami •each of us has different job = masing- masing kami memiliki pekerjaan yang berbeda •do gardening together = berkebun bersama-sama •clean the pond by changing water = membersihkan kolam dengan mengganti airnya •gather in our living room = berkumpul di ruang tamu •go for a walk = pergi jalan-jalan •beach = pantai, Zoo = kebun binatang •visit our grandparents or other families = mengunjungi kakek nenek atau keluarga lain •our father is a great story teller = ayah kami adalah seorang pendongeng yang hebat
  • 25. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Adalah kalimat atau ungkapan untuk menyatakan hal yang sedang berlangsung atau sedang dikerjakan. Misalnya saya sedang menulis surat = I am writing a letter. Ada beberapa hal yang harus diingat untuk kalimat present continuous tense: 1. Kata kerja yang di gunakan yaitu kata kerja bentuk ke 4 bentuk verb ing, misalnya singing, writing, dan reading 2. Digunakan pula to be (is, am, are) I dengan am You, we, they, dengan are He, she, it dengan is 3. Contoh kalimat positif, negative dan bertanya: +I am studying English (saya sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris) - I am not studying English (saya tidak sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris) ? Am I studying English? (apakah saya sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris?)
  • 26. (Verb1) Arti Kata Kerja Bentuk ing arrive tiba, sampai arriving bake memanggang baking breathe bernapas breathing come datang coming create mencipta creating dance menari dancing drive mengemudi driving erase menghapus erasing give memberi giving hide menyembunyikan hiding imagine berfantasi imagining Contoh kata kerja bentuk ing leave meninggalkan leaving live tinggal, hidup living love mencintai loving make membuat making manage mengatur managing move berpindah moving ride mengendarai riding save menyimpan saving take mengambil taking use menggunakan using write menulis writing (Verb1) Arti Kata Kerja Bentuk ing
  • 28. Ketika kita mebandingkan 2 hal atau lebih dalam bahasa inggris ada ketentuannya. Misalnya kita membandingan antara 3 orang, ari dani, dan eko. Ari gemuk. Dani lebih gemuk. Eko paling gemuk. Ari is fat. Dani is fatter. Eko is the fattest. Membandingkan 2 Hal/Lebih Ada beberapa hal yang harus diingat dalam perbandingan ini 1. Membandingakan 2/3 hal yang sama menggunakan as…as. (yang artinya se.. atau sama) Misalnya. Dena secantik Asri. Dena is as beautiful as asri. 2. Untuk lebih dan paling ditambahkan kata –er dan –est atau more dan most di kata sifat 3. -er dan –est untuk kata sifat dengan suku kata pendek, misalnya besar-lebih besar-paling besar big--bigger --biggest pintar-lebih pintar-paling pintar smart—smarter—smartest 4. More dan most untuk kata sifat dengan suku kata panjang, misalnya Tampan—lebih tampan—paling tampan handsome—more handsome – most handsome
  • 29. List of word examples (Contoh daftar kata) Adjective Comparative (lebih) Superlative (paling) Lucky (beruntung) Luckier (lebih beruntung) The luckiest (paling beruntung) Pretty (cantik) Prettier The prettiest Tidy (rapi) Tidier The tidiest Adjective Comparative (lebih) Superlative (paling) Worried (khawatir) More worried The most worried Boring (membosankan) More boring The most boring Careful (hati-hati) More careful The most careful Dangerous (berbahaya) More dangerous The most dangerous Adjective Comparative (lebih) Superlative (paling) Good (baik) Better The best Bad (buruk) Worse The worst Far (jauh) Farther/further The farthest/furthest Kata yang ditambah –er dan est Kata yang ditambah –more dan most Kata yang ditambah –more dan most
  • 30. List of word examples (Contoh daftar kata) Adjective Comparative (lebih) Superlative (paling) Lucky Pretty Tidy Adjective Comparative (lebih) Superlative (paling) Worried Boring Careful Dangerous Adjective Comparative (lebih) Superlative (paling) Good Bad Far Kata yang ditambah –er dan est Kata yang ditambah –more dan most Kata yang ditambah –more dan most
  • 31. The ant is smaller than the hippo. Semut lebih kecil dari pada hippo Contoh dalam kalimat The elephant is fatter than the giraffe. The girl is happier than the duck. The butterfly is more beautiful than the frog. The elephant is the heaviest. The first turtle is as big as the second turtle
  • 32. List of word examples (Contoh daftar kata) 1 Small Smaller The smallest Kecil 2 Strong Stronger The strongest Kuat 3 Big Bigger The biggest Besar 4 Weak Weaker The Weakest Lemah 5 Tall Taller The tallest Tinggi 6 Short Shorter The shorter Pendek 7 Thin Thinner The thinnest Tipis/Kurus 8 High Higher The highest Tinggi 9 Low Lower The lowest Rendah 10 Light Lighter The lightest Ringan 11 Young Younger The youngest Muda 12 Old Older The oldest Tua 13 Long Longer The longest panjang 14 Fast Faster The fastest Cepat 15 Slow Slower The slowest Lambat 16 Wide Wider The widest Lebar 17 Large Larger The largest Luas/besar 18 Poor Poorer The poorest Miskin 19 Rich Richer The richest Kaya 20 Cheap Cheaper The cheapest Kaya
  • 33. List of word examples (Contoh daftar kata) 21 Hard Harder The hardest Keras 22 Soft Softer The softest Lembut 23 Sweet Sweeter The sweetest Manis 24 Cold Colder The coldest Dingin 25 Hot Hotter The hottest Panas 26 Clean Cleaner The cleanest Bersih 27 Dark Darker The darkest Gelap 28 Safe Safer The safest Aman 29 Slim Slimmer The slimmest Langsing 30 Thick Thicker The thickest Tebal 31 Fat Fatter The fattest Gemuk 32 Clear Clearer The clearest Jelas 33 Wise Wiser The Wisest Bijaksana 34 Smart Smarter The smartest Cerdas, 35 Great Greater The greatest Agung, 36 Deep Deeper The deepest Dalam 37 Heavy Heavier The heaviest Berat 38 Pretty Prettier The prettiest Cantik 39 Near Nearer The nearest Dekat 40 Lazy Lazier The laziest Malas
  • 34. List of word examples (Contoh daftar kata) 41 Crazy Crazier The craziest Gila 42 Handsome more most handsome 43 Tidy Tidier The tidiest Rapi 44 Happy Happier The happiest Bahagia, 45 Stupid More stupid The most stupid Bodoh 46 Clever Cleverer The cleverest Pandai, pintar 47 Famous More famous The most famous Terkenal 48 Tasty Tastier The tastiest Enak 49 Polite More polite The most polite Sopan 50 Careless More careless The most careless Ceroboh 51 Simple Simpler The simplest Sederhana 52 Easy Easier The easiest Mudah 53 Dirty Dirtier The dirtiest Kotor 54 Friendly More friendly The most friendly Ramah
  • 35. List of word examples (Contoh daftar kata) 55 Interesting More interesting The most interesting Menarik 56 Diligent More diligent The most diligent Rajin 57 Difficult More difficult The most difficult Sulit 58 Beautiful More beautiful The most beautiful Cantik 59 Expensive More expensive The most expensive Mahal 60 Careful More careful The most careful Berhati-hati 61 Powerful More powerful The most powerful Bertenaga/kuat 62 Powerless More powerless The most powerless Lemah 63 Comfortable More comfortbale The most comfortable Nyaman 64 Inteligent More inteligent The most inteligent Pandai, cerdik 65 Popular More popular The most popular Terkenal, ternama
  • 36. List of word examples (Contoh daftar kata) 66 Dangerous More dangerous The most dangerous Berbahaya 67 Poisonuous More poisonous The most poisonous Beracun 68 Challenging More challenging The most challenging Menantang 69 Natural More natural The most natural Alami 70 Complicated More complicated The most complicated Sulit 71 Good looking More good looking The most good looking Ganteng Bentuknya tidak beraturan 72 Good Better The best Baik, bagus 73 Bad Worse The worst Buruk, jelek 74 Much/Many More The most Banyak 75 Little Less The least Sedikit 76. Far Farther/further The farthest/furthest Jauh/lanjut/rinci
  • 38. PAST TENSE Past Tense adalah ungkapan atau kalimat yang menyatakan kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan di waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Ada beberapa halyang perlu diingat untuk past tense: 1. Menggunakan kata kerja bentuk kedua. Ada 4 jenis kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris: verb 1, verb 2, verb 3 dan verb ing. Misalnya kata go. Go (verb 1), went (verb 2), gone (verb 3) dan going (verb ing) untuk past tense digunakan bentuk kata kerja kedua (verb 2) yaitu went Contoh: I went to Jakarta yesterday (saya pergi ke Jakarta kemarin) 2. Untuk to be (is am are) menggunakan bentuk kedua yaitu is dan am jadi was dan are jadi were. Contoh I was sad last night (tadi malam saya sedih) They were sad last night (mereka sedih tadi malam).
  • 39. 3. Dalam kalimat negative dan bertanya digunakan did dan apabila sudah ada did kata kerjanya kembali menjadi bentuk 1 lagi. Contoh went kembali jadi go 4. Kata kerja bentuk 2 yang digunakan ada 2 jenis beraturan dan tidak beraturan contoh: I went to Jakarta yesterday (+) I did not go to Jakarta yesterday (-) Did I go to Jakarta yesterday? (?) untuk to be tinggal langsung ditambah not contoh: I was sad last night (+) I was not sad last night (-) Was I sad last night? Beraturan Stay -stayed--stayed Cause ---caused —caused Kata kerja bentuk 2 dan 3 nya bisa diprediksi, tinggal tambah akhiran d atau ed Tidak beraturan Go ---went--gone Take ---took---taken Bentuk kata kerja ke 2 dan ke 3 nya tidak bisa diprediksi harus dihafal
  • 40. Verb (Kata Kerja) 1. Kata Kerja Beraturan (regular verbs) Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya  Achieve – Achieved – Achieved = mencapai  Answer – Anwered – Answered = menjawab  Ask – Asked – Asked = bertanya, meminta  Burn – Burned – Burned = membakar  Call – Called – Called = memanggil, menelepon  Cause – Caused – Caused = menyebabkan  Change – Changed – Changed = berubah  Close – Closed – Closed = menutup  Clean – Cleaned – Cleaned = membersihkan
  • 41. Verb (Kata Kerja) 1. Kata Kerja Beraturan (regular verbs) Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya Cook – Cooked – Cooked = memasak Copy – Copied – Copied = menyalin, meniru Dance – Danced – Danced = menari Decide – Decided – Decided = memutuskan Enjoy – Enjoyed – Enjoyed = menikmati Employ – Employed – Employed = mempekerjakan Explain – Explained – Explained = menjelaskan Happen – Happened – Happened = terjadi Help – Helped – Helped = membantu
  • 42. Verb (Kata Kerja) 1. Kata Kerja Beraturan (regular verbs) Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya Jump – Jumped – Jumped = melompat Laugh – Laughed – Laughed = tertawa Listen – Listened – Listened = mendengarkan Like – Liked – Liked = menyukai Live – Lived – Lived = tinggal, hidup Look – Looked – Looked = melihat Love – Loved – Loved = mencintai, menyayangi Move – Moved – Moved = berpindah Need – Needed – Needed = membutuhkan
  • 43. Verb (Kata Kerja) 1. Kata Kerja Beraturan (regular verbs) Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya Paint – Painted – Painted = mengecat Play – Played – Played = bermain Pull – Pulled – Pulled = menarik Push – Pushed – Pushed = mendorong Repair – Repaired – Repaired = memperbaiki Say – Said – Said = berkata Smile – Smiled – Smiled = tersenyum Start – Started – Started = memulai Study – Studied – Studied = belajar Talk – Talked – Talked = berbicara
  • 44. Verb (Kata Kerja) 1. Kata Kerja Beraturan (regular verbs) Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya Try – Tried – Tried = berusaha Visit – Visited – Visited = mengunjungi Walk – Walked – Walked = berjalan Want – Wanted – Wanted = ingin Wash – Washed – Washed = mencuci Watch – Watched – Watched = menonton Water – Watered – Watered = menyirami Work – Worked – Worked = bekerja
  • 45. Verb (Kata Kerja) 1. Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan (irregular verbs) Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya Begin – Began – Begun = memulai Buy – Bought – Bought = membeli Catch – Caught – Caught = menangkap Come – Came – Come = datang Cut – Cut – Cut = memotong Do – Did – Done = melakukan Drink – Drank – Drunk = minum Eat – Ate – Eaten = makan Feed – Fed – Fed = memberi makan
  • 46. Verb (Kata Kerja) 1. Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan (irregular verbs) Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya Feel – Felt – Felt = merasakan Find – Found – Found = menemukan Forget – Forgot – Forgotten = melupakan Get – Got – Gotten = mendapatkan Go – Went – Gone = pergi Give – Gave – Given = memberi Hear – Heard – Heard = mendengar Hurt – Hurt – Hurt = menyakiti Keep – Kept – Kept = menjaga
  • 47. Verb (Kata Kerja) 1. Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan (irregularl verbs) Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya Know – Knew – Known = tahu, mengetahui Leave – Left – Left = meninggalkan Lend – Lent – Lent = meminjamkan Make – Made – Made = membuat Meet – Met – Met = bertemu Put – Put – Put = meletakkan Quit – Quit – Quit = berhenti Read – Read – Read = membaca
  • 48. Verb (Kata Kerja) 1. Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan (irregular verbs) Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya Run – Ran – Run = berlari Send – Sent – Sent = mengirim Sit – Sat – Sat = duduk Sing – Sang – Sung = bernyanyi See – Saw – Seen = melihat Sleep – Slept – Slept = tidur Swim – Swam – Swum = berenang Teach – Taught – Taught = mengajar
  • 49. Verb (Kata Kerja) 1. Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan (irregular verbs) Verb 1-verb 2-verb 3-Artinya Tell – Told – Told = menceritakan Think – Thought – Thought = berpikir Understand – Understood – Understood = mengerti Wake – Woke – Woken = bangun Wear – Wore – Worn = memakai Write – Wrote – Written = menulis
  • 50. Examples/contoh cerita memakai past tense Last week, my father went to Bali for a business. He asked us to enjoy staying in the hotel and playing on the beach while he was having his business meeting. We stayed in a hotel near a beach. When we arrived in the hotel, my father talked to the receptionist to get a room. The clerk at the receptionist desk gave my father the key of my room and porter carried our bag along the corridor to our room. We got a big room on the third floor. The room over looked the sea. From our room we could see waves breaking over the rocks. The beach was not crowded at that time. We saw children digging in the sand looking for the sea-shells. Some boys were kicking a ball. Some groups of people were sitting in the desk chairs, lying on the sand under brightly colored umbrella. We didn’t waste much time in our room. We went to the beach to swim to play ball, to dig in sand to look for sea-shell, and to lie under the sun. we really enjoyed the
  • 51. Notice/Warning Notice/warning berarti peringatan. Biasanya kita temukan di berbagai tempat agar orang-orang menjadi tahu, mengikuti aturan dan berhati hati.  No Trespassing (Dilarang Melintas)  Caution Wet Floor (Hati-hati Lantai Basah)  Beware of The Dog (Waspada Terhadap Anjing)  For Staff Only (Hanya Untuk Staf)  Out of Order (Habis Terjual) Contoh notice:
  • 52. Short Message (Pesan Singkat) Short Message adalah jenis teks yang berupa informasi tertulis atau lisan yang biasanya dikirim seseorang atau ditinggalkan pada saat yang bersangkutan berhalangan atau tidak bisa bertemu dengan orang yang dimaksud. Contoh Short Message:  The monthly meeting is postponed due to the technical reason. Further information will be conveyed soon. Call him, when you’ve been back. (Pertemuan bulanan ditunda karena alasan teknis. Informasi lebih lanjut akan disampaikan segera. Hubungi nya, ketika Anda sudah kembali)  We will arrive at 3pm. Please pick up Tina. (Kami akan tiba jam 15:00. Tolong jemput Tina)